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Belgian Shepherd. Belgian Shepherd photo

If there is a dog that is ready to accompany its owner on bicycle rides, hiking, jogging and even swimming, then it is the Belgian Shepherd. This dog is positioned as very active and energetic, strong and loyal. Originally there was one group called herding dogs. Later, four types emerged, which in some countries are recognized as separate breeds. So, today they distinguish between Malinois and Groenendael, Laekenois and Tervuren. Moreover, each name has its own specific meaning, and the representatives of the species themselves have their own description, which is determined by objective factors. But in order to understand what this species is, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with its history.

National dog

Adolf Riyul is a veterinarian who lived in Belgium, and in 1891 he set out to breed a dog whose breed would receive national status. To do this, Riyul used the genes of animals of the same type, which at the same time had average dimensions and erect ears. As for color and coat length, the dogs differed in these parameters, and among the “experimental” specimens there were individuals with medium coat length, long-haired and short-haired. Initially, it was the length of the coat that should have become distinctive characteristic animal. The first standard appeared in 1907. But the standard was not uniform, but included as many as four variations. Moreover, for some breeders all four types are one Belgian Shepherd breed, but for others they are different.

Dogs with a medium length coat should only be black in color, and today this type is known to us as the Groenendael (see photo).

Dogs with short hair and a tan or even charcoal color are called Malinois (see photo).

Shepherd dogs with long hair and an ash-gray color are called Laekenois (see photo).

And finally, the Belgian Shepherd with long hair and a red-charcoal color is called a Tervuren (see photo).

The Belgian Shepherd breed got its name because its representatives were bred in Belgium. As for the names of its varieties, then:

  • Groenendael is the name of the city where the breeder Nicholas Rose lived who bred this type;
  • Malinois is also the name of the city, which is better known to contemporaries as Malin or Mechelen;
  • Laekenois is the name of the royal castle, in which not only noble people lived, but also ordinary shepherds guarding the herds, accompanied by dogs with hard and very coarse hair. It must be admitted that Laekenois is probably the smallest species of “Belgian” and its price is the highest;
  • Tervuren is also the name of the city in which the creator of this subspecies lived.

Some breeders believe that these are different breeds; the Federation of Cynologists recognizes them all as species of one. And, despite the fact that the dogs are fundamentally different in appearance, as confirmed by the photographs posted above, they are all positioned as a single breed.

Features of each subspecies

The photo shows the difference between representatives of this breed, which primarily comes down to the length of the coat and color.

For example, the Groenendael is a long-haired black Belgian Shepherd that is distinguished by a luxurious, shiny “fur coat.” Looking at the photo, it seems that Groenendael is wearing a fur coat made of perfectly smooth material. The black color gives the animal mystery and a peculiar gothic quality. It is this feature in appearance that attracts fans all over the world and Groenendael puppies are always in demand. The price for babies is positioned in the middle segment.

If you look at the photo, you will notice that his colleague in appearance, the Tervuren, looks like a Groenendael. This Belgian Shepherd also has a long and smooth coat, but it is not black, but red-red. Bright reddish-red areas with black inclusions are somewhat reminiscent of the color of a wild deer and give the animal’s appearance a special piquancy. The price of the Tervuren is also in the middle segment.

The few Laekenois are dogs that have a hard coat and a fairly diverse range of colors. So representatives of the breed can be fawn or red and at the same time have black areas on the face and tail. Also, the standard of this subspecies allows for the presence of white spots on the toes and chest. Considering that the Laekenois is hardly a widespread species, puppies are more expensive than pups of other varieties. The Laekenois price belongs to the high segment.

And finally, the Malinois is also a Belgian Shepherd, but has short hair and a yellow-brown or reddish color. The photo clearly shows that the Malinois has dark areas at the tips of its short coat and a black mask on its face. The description of these animals indicates that Malinois are the most active and hardy among other Belgians, and they also have the most flexible character.

A little about character

To say that the Belgian Shepherd is a hardy dog ​​is an understatement. Both puppies and adults of this breed are capable of prolonged physical activity and even tolerate difficult conditions content. Although, why test your pet's strength, especially since neither his loyalty, nor his devotion, nor his intelligence needs proof. The nature of the animals is ideal, just like for a dog. That is, the Belgian Shepherd is very wary of strangers. But in relation to its owner and family members, it is an attentive, gentle and very sensitive creature.

With intelligence and ingenuity, everything turned out no less successfully for representatives of this species than with endurance, activity and energy. Belgian Shepherd he grasps everything on the fly and understands his master perfectly. Well, if we add to this excellent memory and genetic ability to analyze environment, then it becomes obvious that this is not just a beautiful dog, but also:

  • an excellent security guard;
  • excellent watchman;
  • funny playmate;
  • good companion;
  • and even in some places a quite good nanny-nurse (the animal’s character is suitable for this role).

True, in order for an animal to be just like that, it needs to be raised, as well as trained, with an eye on its character. The Belgian Shepherd does not tolerate shouting, violence and other manifestations of rudeness from the owner. Moreover, as a rule, there is simply no reason to be angry with this beauty.

Parameters and features

The breed standard exists both in the appearance of individuals and in their psycho-emotional state. The character of an animal also has a certain standard that it must meet.

If you look at the pictures, the Belgian Shepherd is an animal whose weight does not exceed 35 kg and whose height is 62 cm. At the same time, elegant females can weigh only 28 kg and have a height of no more than 56 cm.

The standard does NOT allow the following characteristics:

  • aggressiveness or cowardice, which are considered not even innate qualities, but the result of improper upbringing and training;
  • presence of pigmentation on the ears, eyelids and nose;
  • weak shoulders;
  • excessively straight shoulders;
  • a tail that is carried too high;
  • loose limbs.

The breed standard also requires a black mask on the face, and does not allow color discrepancies. The main thing to remember is that this breed has four varieties and each of them has its own color standard.

Are there any problems?

Probably the most difficult thing in caring for, or rather maintaining, a Belgian is nutrition. That is, simplified nutrition is not suitable for the normal development of representatives of this species. Every day the animal should receive a new menu rich in vitamins and minerals. Belgian Shepherds: both puppies and adults love meat. But to ensure a normal diet, meat must be combined with other products, including vegetables, cereals and grains. Well, in order for an animal to grow up beautiful and, most importantly, healthy, first of all, the diet must be rich in protein, which is contained in:

  • fish;
  • dairy products;
  • meat;
  • eggs.

But your pet should receive carbohydrates along with buckwheat, pearl barley, rice and wheat porridge.

As for care, this is a breed, one of those few varieties that is not recommended to be bathed, even if the dog is preparing for an exhibition. And in order for your pet to be truly happy and feel comfortable, keeping him on a leash is out of the question.

Have you decided to buy a puppy and paid attention to the Belgian Shepherd breed? In this case, it's time to learn more about these wonderful representatives of the canine world. Just remember one thing - this is far from a “sofa ottoman”. A dog of this breed will become a wonderful friend and partner for athletic, energetic people who are not used to spending time at home and in fashionable clubs. But in the apartment the Belgian Shepherd feels very bad. Before getting such a pet, study the characteristics of your future furry friend, and also evaluate the possibilities of your housing, availability of free time and funds.

Breed Features

The Belgian Shepherd is extremely active dog which will become faithful companion on hikes, cycling routes, she will be happy to accompany you on your morning jog and is ready to move 24 hours a day. Please note this special attention, can you provide your pet with a sufficient level of exercise?

This breed is unique; it includes 4 types of dogs, differing in exterior characteristics. Many people are sure that they see representatives of different breeds, but no, Groenendael, Tervuren, Malinois, Laekenois - these are all Belgian shepherd dogs. Below we will look at the features of each type separately.

History of the breed

The Belgian Shepherd is considered a herding breed. The main feature of representatives of this group is excellent intelligence, the ability to independently make competent decisions in critical situations. The Belgian Shepherd fits these descriptions perfectly. When communicating with her, you forget that this is not a person in front of you.

Back in the 19th century, a certain type of herding dog was formed; they were all hardy, unpretentious, and highly trainable. Individual individuals became the ancestors of various breeds known in our time. The Belgian Shepherd was no exception. It appeared thanks to Adolf Riyul, a professor at the veterinary school. He was the first to begin purebred breeding of these dogs in 1891. After some time, shepherd dogs acquired the traits by which we recognize them today.

Breed characteristics

If you are looking for a reliable friend who has excellent protective qualities, elegant appearance and cheerful disposition, then you will definitely like the Belgian Shepherd. Photos of these charmers always delight both children and adults. These are loyal and hardy animals, very affectionate and sensitive. But with strangers they behave somewhat warily.

Shepherds are full of energy and must be on the move all the time. Dogs are very smart, they pick up commands on the fly, so there are no problems teaching them basic commands. The memory of these animals is simply fantastic.

Exhibitions held annually fully demonstrate what the Belgian Shepherd is like. Photos of champions give a clear understanding of what an ideal (from a breeding point of view) representative of this breed should be. The Belgian Shepherd is a fairly large, but at the same time very elegant dog. The height of males reaches 60-66 cm, females are slightly lower - within 56-62 cm. Moreover, the weight of the animal is relatively small, approximately 28-35 kilograms. By comparison, the short-legged Basset Hound sometimes weighs significantly more. The Belgians have a long head, the skull and muzzle have approximately the same structure. The nose is black with wide nostrils. The forehead is moderately convex, the eyes are almond-shaped, average size. The triangular ears are set high on the top of the head and stand erect. The body is powerful, but not overloaded, light. The chest is deep, dropped, not too wide. The croup is sloping and quite massive. The hind limbs are powerful, and the forelimbs have compact bones and strong muscles.


The first thing to note is the character. The Belgian Shepherd breed is the standard of courage and independence. If the situation requires it, your pet will not wait for a command, but will react instantly. At the same time, the dogs are very obedient and absorb any commands like a sponge. They get along well in the family and are the best “nannies” for growing children. Keep in mind that a dog is a mirror image of its owner, because he raises it with one month old. Character traits such as aggressiveness or shyness, despite their “humanity,” are passed on to your furry friends.


Certain shortcomings can be found in the exterior, especially if mating between different types of breed was allowed. These may be traces of pigmentation on the nose, eyelids, earlobes, as well as straight or weak shoulders, splayed paws, a high tail, the absence of a black mask on the face and other color deviations. Overly aggressive or fearful behavior is also not considered normal, but is more often the result of a lack of socialization and proper training.

Belgian Shepherd Groenendael

This is a very bright representative of the breed. Graceful, luxurious dogs attract the attention of everyone without exception. The smooth, straight coat of exclusively black color adds to its charm. This creates a certain mystical aura and gives the image a mysterious, gothic look. Only a small white “tie” is allowed, as well as some white hair on the fingers. The Belgian Groenendael Shepherd was initially a candidate for recognition as a separate breed, but to this day is not separated from the general branch. In terms of working qualities, character and trainability, the animals do not differ from representatives of other types of this breed. But take into account the peculiarities of caring for long hair.

Belgian Malinois

At first glance, this dog looks like German Shepherd. The Malinois is a red, short-haired variety distinguished by its black mask. It is noteworthy that in America they are distinguished as a separate breed (Kennel Club). The Belgian Shepherd Malinois was first bred in the city of Malin. Photo of the first quadrupeds shows their absolute identity modern representatives. Despite the apparent resemblance to the Germans, these dogs are lighter and more elegant. The movements are also significantly different, the Malinois minces noticeably, and in the ring they should be allowed to trot to show off in all their glory.

Working dogs make up a special place in this group. In this case, breeders evaluate not exterior, but performance data. Consequently, the best of them participate in breeding, which makes it possible to improve the skills of security guard service with each generation. From the point of view of conformation experts, these dogs may have some faults (color, tail set, pigmentation). Therefore, separate exhibitions are held for them, where instead of gracefully parading in a circle, dogs go through an obstacle course and show how to act in a moment of danger. Historically, it is the Belgian Malinois dog that is used more than others for security and guard duty.

Features of the Tervuren type

At first glance, this is the same Groenendael. The same luxurious, straight coat, absolutely identical physique. The only difference is the color, but in this the Belgian Shepherd Tervuren has no equal. For all its grace and visual appeal, the Groenendael is a very distinctive dog due to its jet-black coat. In some cases, the shepherd has a fiery red color, which alternates with dark spots. Having met such a “little deer”, you will forget that just yesterday you liked the Belgian Malinois. A photo of your pet will become a real family pride.

There remains the last type distinguished within this breed. This is Laekenois, but it is very difficult to meet its representatives. Wire-haired Belgian Shepherds are practically not widespread in Europe. Russia has adopted this trend. The color of these dogs ranges from fawn to red with blackening on the muzzle.


Since this is a large and active dog, nutrition must be appropriate. Can be purchased ready-made feed(dry and canned) super premium or prepare your pet’s food yourself. The second option is somewhat cheaper, but takes more time. In general, if you have a busy schedule, you can immediately forget about this dog. She will demand to play with her constantly.

It is imperative to include protein in the diet, both plant and animal origin. Sources will include fish, dairy products and eggs. An energetic dog definitely needs a large amount of healthy carbohydrates, which contain various cereals: wheat, rice and buckwheat. Fats also play important role, since they are responsible for metabolic processes, wool quality and energy storage. Their source is butter and vegetable oil.

Do not forget about the need for vitamins and minerals, which are large quantities contain vegetables and fruits, fish oil, as well as specialized drugs. These elements are especially important when you have a Belgian Shepherd. Puppies are extremely sensitive to deficiency important microelements, this can cause serious developmental problems.

Dog care

The first thing this breed needs is regular long walks and exercise. It is unacceptable to keep a dog on a leash. Shepherd dogs are quite unpretentious, but their long hair requires the attention of the owner. It definitely needs to be combed out, this is especially important during the molting period. But bathing your pet is not recommended even before important exhibitions. On average, dogs live for about 15 years, during which the animals must constantly be busy with something, otherwise natural activity will lead to them starting to spoil things.

How to choose a puppy

Determine what you want from your dog. Do you dream of a stellar career at exhibitions, or do you want to find a reliable friend and protector? In this case, you need to pay attention to the parents, their differences, titles and skills. It is worth going to a kennel or a breeder, assessing the condition of the dogs and the conditions in which the puppies are raised, and reading the pedigree. The chosen baby should have shiny fur and clear eyes, have a cheerful and curious character, and be active. It is recommended to take the puppy home at 1.5-2 months.

Raising puppies and training

Socialization and training should begin from the day the Belgian Shepherd appears at your home. To do this, start going out to the area with other dogs and look for a club where a good trainer works.

Health and illness

In general, Belgian Shepherds are different good health, but this does not eliminate the need for vaccinations. The dog must have a vaccination card, in which the veterinarian will make all the necessary entries. Approximately once every 4-6 months you need to carry out a deworming procedure. In the summer, you should regularly treat your dog with products against ticks that carry piroplasmosis and other diseases. Proper nutrition and sufficient walking fresh air also contribute to long and happy life your pet. Remember, if your pet feels unwell and becomes ill, you must immediately contact a veterinarian without wasting precious time. Only a doctor can assess how serious his condition is.

The Belgian Shepherd is a strong, not large dog with universal working qualities. It was once a herding dog only, but today is used primarily as a service and family dog, companion and bodyguard.

Belgian Shepherds include four varieties that differ in the quality and length of their coat: Malinois, Tervuren, Groenendael and Laekenois. According to the FCI classification, they are all considered representatives of the same breed - the Belgian Shepherd. In the photo below you can see what it looks like malinois dog, the most popular variety, and the rest. In other organizations, types are distinguished separately or not recognized at all. For example, in the USA Groenendael; Tervuren and Malinois are registered separately and are considered different breeds, and Laekenois is not recognized at all.

In the 19th century, in Belgium, emphasis was placed on breeding herding dogs. There were many breed groups, all of them very different in appearance and coat type.

In 1891, a group of enthusiasts led by A. Rele, a professor at the Kugerhem Veterinary Institute, decided to breed a breed that would unite best qualities. They can be called the discoverers of Belgian Shepherds and the first breeders of the breed. It was they who organized the Belgian Shepherd Lovers Club and the first exhibition, which took place in the fall of the same year. More than 100 dogs were presented at the dog show and the best representatives were selected for further breeding. Dog handlers drew up a breeding program and worked diligently on it for the next 6 years.

In 1901, the first Belgian Shepherds were included in the national “Breeders' Book”. Further work was aimed at unifying the type and eliminating unwanted defects. In 1910, a type and temperament was approved, which is common to the four varieties. However, in different countries their popularity varies. In Russia and the CIS countries, the Malinois is the most popular, which is why many consider it a separate breed of dog. Groenendael and Tervuren compete for second place, and Laekenois remains the smallest in number even in its homeland.

Over the years of the existence of Belgian Shepherds, heated debates and discussions have not subsided over obvious differences in appearance, but working qualities and temperament have not caused disagreement.

Video review about the Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) dog breed:

Appearance and standards

Outwardly, the Belgian Shepherd gives the impression of a strong working breed. She is harmoniously built, of correct proportions with a proud posture. Average normal height– 58-62 cm, and weight – up to 30 kg. Movements are free and direct. Shepherd dogs can move at a good gallop, but a calm walk or trot is more typical, in which the limbs are rearranged in parallel, the top line remains level.

Head and muzzle

The skull is equal to the length of the muzzle. The head is well defined and dry. The bridge of the nose is straight. The muzzle tapers evenly to a fully pigmented lobe with wide nostrils. Lips are dry and pigmented. Strong, white teeth, complete with correct bite. The stop is well expressed. The eyes are almond-shaped, medium in size, and set deep. The color is preferably brown. Eyelids dark. The ears are triangular, set high, erect.


The body is powerful, but without heaviness. The format is a bit stretched. The topline is straight and wide. The neck is slightly elongated, noticeably widening towards the shoulders. The limbs are strong, dry with well-developed muscles. The abdomen is moderately tucked. The croup is slightly sloping. Paws are oval. The claws are dark and large. The skin is elastic and fits tightly to the body.

Coat and color

All Belgians have a fairly thick, dense coat with good structure and a soft undercoat, which provides protection from adverse conditions.

Long-haired dogs are represented by the Groenendael and Tervuren types. They are distinguished by beautiful straight flowing outer hair. It is short on the head and lower part. On the neck and tail it is longer and forms feathering.
Smooth-haired (Malinois) – the coat is short throughout the body. The length of the hair increases only slightly on the neck, forming a collar, and also on the back of the hips.
Wirehaired (Laekenois) are characterized by hard, dry, coarse hair, the average length is 6 cm. On the muzzle, the hair covers the shape of the head. The tail is slightly pubescent.

Belgian Shepherd colors:
Malinois – fawn with mask; There may be a black pattern;
Groenendael – black solid color;
Tervuren – fawn and also gray mask. There may be a black design. The color should be saturated, not blurry;
Laekenois is fawn with light traces of black pattern and mask.

All varieties may have small white markings on the toes and chest. The Malinois and Tervuren's mask should be visible. "Black pattern" means that the ends of the hair may be black. This sets off the main color.

Crossing of representatives of different types is prohibited.

Photos of Belgian Shepherd dogs (Malinois, Tervuren, Groenendael and Laekenois):

Belgian Shepherd Groenendael

Belgian Shepherd Tervuren

Belgian Malinois

Belgian Shepherd Laekenois

Character and psychological portrait

Belgian Shepherds are balanced, calm, confident dogs in themselves and in their actions; they behave elegantly, with dignity, or even in an emphatically serious manner. When communicating with family members they are always affectionate and ready to make contact. They are very loyal, obedient, energetic and have excellent guard qualities. They get along well with children. They will walk tirelessly with an older child, treat kids with care, and understand their pranks.

Belgians are not aggressive, but will watch closely strangers, and everyone is treated with caution. Even without proper training, the Belgian Shepherd will defend family and property if necessary.

The Belgian Shepherd is the intelligence and independence of a shepherd, the vigilance and fearlessness of a watchman, the reliability and loyalty of a guard.

Accommodation with dogs depends on the character of your neighbors. Belgians, as a rule, are not against society and peaceful cohabitation. Domestic cats proper education They don’t touch them, they understand that they are also family members, but they will be happy to chase the neighbors around.


Belgian Shepherds are distinguished by high level intelligence. The title is a universal service breed, which means that they are highly amenable, grasp all commands “on tape”, remember them for a long time and carry them out without delay. Of course, all this is subject to regular training. It is better to undergo training for protection and security with an experienced trainer.

Belgians easily master OKD or ZKS. They also easily learn agility and other sports. They can be found in the service of the authorities, at customs and in the rescue and search service.

Belgian Shepherd puppies are resourceful and inquisitive by nature, but they learn basic rules and commands very quickly, especially if there is a good relationship between the owner and the animal. Early socialization is important; the baby must be introduced to other animals, people, sounds and environments. This will allow you to raise a balanced, confident dog.

Shepherd dogs are perfectly suited for living in a private yard. Naturally, the dog should have its own home, an insulated booth for the cold season and the opportunity to hide in the shade in hot weather. Enclosures can be considered as temporary shelter. Living in an apartment is not the best best option, even with regular walking. But if you want to have a Belgian on the 9th floor, then the most suitable option would be a Malinois. One of the conditions of detention is good physical and regular mental stress.

Caring for Belgians primarily involves taking care of the coat, regular brushing and removing dead undercoat, especially during the shedding period. Frequent bathing not recommended. Each type of coat requires a special approach, will require different frequency of treatments and suitable for type tool. The most undemanding in terms of grooming is the Malinois, in the photo below the Groenendael, together with the Tervuren, he will force the owner to wave the comb, especially during the molting period. Other mandatory points: regular inspection eyes, ears and teeth for contamination. Cleaning is carried out as necessary.


To feed your Belgian Shepherd, you can choose any of two types of food: dry industrial feed or natural. Drying is selected according to age and physiological condition (active, adults, pregnant, lactating). As a rule, ready-made diets are completely balanced and do not require the introduction of vitamins or mineral supplements. In the case of natural nutrition, the basis of the menu should be cereals, meat and offal with some vegetables and fruits. Periodically, the dog is given eggs and fermented milk products. Natural feeding involves the additional introduction of vitamin and mineral complexes into the diet.

Health, illness and life expectancy

Belgian Shepherds are strong, hardy dogs with strong immunity and excellent adaptability to different weather conditions. Of course, this does not mean that representatives of the breed do not need preventive measures, proper care and a healthy diet.
In addition to diseases caused by improper maintenance, the breed is characterized by several hereditary diseases and a predisposition to certain ailments:
Bloating of the stomach and intestines (with the possibility of subsequent volvulus)
Hip dysplasia, elbow joints;

The average life expectancy of Belgians is 10-12 years.

Choosing a puppy and the price of a Belgian Shepherd

It is better to buy a Belgian Shepherd puppy from a breeder who specializes in a particular breed and has managed to prove himself with positive side. Of course, the dog must also meet the requirements that will be presented to it in adulthood, and have the necessary working qualities and temperament. In order not to be disappointed in the character and talents of the baby, you should appreciate the merits of the parents. Most clubs can help conduct specific behavioral and temperament testing on puppies for preliminary assessment.

In Russia and the CIS countries, the most common varieties are Malinois and Groenendael, others are less popular and it is very difficult to find them, let alone buy them. Belgian Shepherds different types they cost about the same. The price of a Belgian Malinois, Groenendael or Tervuren with a good pedigree ranges from 500-1000 dollars. The price is mainly influenced by the geography of the nursery, the quality and merits of the parents, and the demand for the breed. If babies are born as a result of random or amateur matings, their price usually does not exceed 10-15 thousand rubles.


Photos of Belgian Shepherd puppies and dogs. The photographs clearly show how different varieties of Belgians look and differ: Groenendael, Tervuren, Malinois and Laekenois.

Brief characteristics of the dog

Other dog names: Groenendael, Malinois, Laekenois, Tervueren.
Adult height: male 60-66 cm, female 56-62 cm.
Belgian Shepherd weight: male 25-30 kg, female 20-25 kg.
Characteristic coat color and length: The Belgian Shepherd is divided into types:

  • Tervuren– long hair, black muzzle and brown-red color;
  • Malinois– short hair, black muzzle and fawn color;
  • Groenendael– long smooth wool black;
  • Laekenois– hard wool of medium length and red-red color.

Lifespan: 10-12 years old.
Advantages of the breed: sociable, smart and quick-witted, moderately flexible, an excellent watchman, gets along with children and other pets.
Difficulties of the breed: There may be mood swings, slightly fearful, and with a lack of upbringing, sometimes becomes aggressive.
How much does a Belgian Shepherd cost: The average price of Belgian Shepherd puppies is from $350 to $900.

History of the origin of the breed

The first Belgian Shepherd appeared by crossing other breeds in 1891, thanks to a Belgian veterinarian. His goal was to create an excellent herding breed that would become a national treasure. As a result, he managed to withdraw four type of this breed: Malinois, Groenendael, Tervuren and Laekenois.

They all have the same disposition and characteristics, but they differ only in the quality and color of the coat. These species received their names from various cities. Tervuren is the city where the first breeder of the species of the same name lived. The town of Mechelen or Malin gave its name to the Malinois species. Groenendael is named after the city of Groenendael, where it was bred.

And only the small and almost unrecognized Laekenois received its name from the castle of Laeken, in which, in addition to the nobility, lived shepherds-breeders of one of the breeds that participated in the selection.
In 1907, separate standards were officially adopted for each type of this breed.

Purpose of the breed

First of all, Belgian Shepherds – excellent shepherds and watchmen, in principle, this is what this breed was bred for. Thanks to their intelligence and endurance, representatives of this breed can often be found in the service of security or law enforcement agencies, as well as among rescue and search teams.

Characteristics of the Belgian Shepherd breed

Belgian Shepherds are distinguished by their sharp mind and good memory. They quite smart and can independently make decisions according to circumstances without the participation of the owner.
They seem friendly, but are wary of strangers. Therefore, it is better not to allow strangers to come close, much less pet them.

They are very loyal to their owners and, if necessary, will fiercely protect you and your home.
Their shepherd nature affects their relationships with children. They often make wonderful and patient nannies who will obey the child. But you won’t get much playfulness from them.

Since this is a working breed of dog, they require a lot of active physical activity. These dogs will be happy to accompany you on a bike ride or hike. With a lack of exercise, they may develop nervousness and imbalance.

If a dog is not given due attention and is not trained enough, very often they begin to show aggression even towards their owners. Therefore, this breed is not entirely suitable for novice dog breeders who do not have good experience in keeping and raising large dogs.

The Belgian Shepherd cannot tolerate even the slightest bit of rude attitude towards itself. Of all the species of this breed, the Groenendael is considered the calmest and most balanced. He most suitable as a companion.

On the contrary, the Malinois has more developed working and fighting qualities. Also, the Belgian Malinois has a more hot-tempered character. She is often cast in the role of a security guard and watchman. This species takes an active part in various competitions.

Dogs of this breed require maximum free space and more suitable for outdoor use. Moreover, having severe Belgian hardening, they can withstand any weather conditions. Although Belgian Shepherds love to chase cats, they are often neutral towards other pets.

Video review of the breed

Whomever would you choose as pet(Malinois, Groenendael, Tervuren and Laekenois), I recommend first watching the description of the Belgian Shepherd breed on video:

How to choose a puppy

Once you have decided on the type, gender and purpose of your future four-legged pet, you are faced with the problem of choosing a puppy. Of course, it is better to take a puppy from a specialized nursery or from trusted breeders. Puppies are separated from their mother and accustomed to new living conditions from the age of one month.

First of all, pay attention to the living conditions of the mother and puppies. This should be a dry and clean place. Also ask about the number of puppies in the litter. The fewer there are, the stronger the kids, since they can get enough nutrition from their mother.

Be sure to hold the puppy in your arms. He should not smell unpleasant and be moderately well-fed and well-groomed. Wool healthy puppy smooth and shiny, without any bald spots or bald spots.
Also pay attention to the flat, without sagging back, smooth, without enlarged tubercles on the joints of the paws, protruding ears, mischievous shining eyes of the same color and a moist, cold nose.

Observe their behavior for some time and ask the dog owner about it. He will be able to tell you more about their habits and the already emerging traits of their future character. Ask to provide documents for the mother and puppy records. And ask about possible hereditary problems with the puppy's behavior or health. Conscientious breeders who value their reputation will not hide anything from you.

Dog names

When registering newborn puppies, breeders, as a rule, already assign names to them, according to generally accepted rules. Officially, according to documents, the dog will always bear only this name. If this nickname does not suit you, then you have the right to name the dog whatever is convenient for you.

Often, before purchasing a puppy, future owners already know what they will call their puppy. little friend. But if you haven’t decided on this yet, then choose a nickname that emphasizes his peculiarity, intelligence or other qualities.

Example nicknames for boys: Bruno, Dantes, Raj, Marcel, etc.
The girls are called: Dana, Iris, Dakota, Shuma, Daisy, Jasper, Myrtle.
In any case, the last word remains with you.

If you stick to certain rules, then there is nothing complicated here. WITH puppy age You need to train your dog in a certain place, or better yet, outside the house. To do this, the puppy needs to be taken out as often as possible at first. An adult dog will need a good quality walk twice a day. If you keep a dog in an apartment, wash its paws and dirty parts of its body after every walk.

It is necessary to wipe your eyes daily with a cotton pad soaked in clean water. And also once a week, the ears, thereby preventing the appearance ear mite.
Belgians should be bathed no more often than once every two months, and special products should be used for this.

Depending on the type of Belgian Shepherd, coat care also differs. This is easiest with a Malinois. This is a short-haired species that requires virtually no grooming. Sometimes it is enough to walk over the dog’s body with a special glove or brush.

Tervuren and Groenendael are long-haired types and require special attention. They need to be combed well every day with a special comb to prevent the fur from matting. And also, if necessary, trim off excess hair between the fingertips.

Possible health problems

Overall Belgian Shepherd has excellent health. This is probably due to genetic hardening by the harsh Belgian climate. But sometimes there are some problems. These include:

  • front and posterior joints. Its presence can only be confirmed or refuted by taking an x-ray;
  • retinal disease (cataracts), which can lead to complete blindness;
  • rare cases of epilepsy, which can occur from overstimulation of the brain.

In any case, even if there are seemingly minor deviations in the pet’s behavior or condition, it is better to immediately show it to a veterinarian. This way you will prevent the possible onset of any serious problems with health.
And also do not forget to take preventive measures in a timely manner according to age.

Nutrition for puppy and adult dog

The daily diet of both and an adult dog must include in sufficient quantities protein products. These are fish, meat or offal, eggs and milk or its fermented milk variants.

Fish and meat must be taken low-fat varieties so that the dog does not have digestive disorders. As for chicken, it is extremely It is not advisable to give tubular bones. They can significantly damage the esophagus and stomach. And be careful with oatmeal, as it is a little weaker. It is better to mix it with other cereals.

Your pets will benefit from eating a reasonable amount of butter or vegetable oils. As well as vegetables and fruits. And from time to time, give your pets age-appropriate vitamins.

Of course, you can also use dry ready-made food, but only verified manufacturers. And also select them depending on the dog’s needs. Such feeds, as a rule, already include all the necessary vitamins.

Without fail, regardless of the type of food, the dog must always have clean water.
Little puppy need to be fed 5-6 times a day. And as they grow older, gradually switch to feeding in the morning and evening. Try to regulate the amount of food and not overfeed your dog.

Belgian Shepherd dog training

The Belgian Shepherd (Malinois and other types) is quite intelligent and well trained, so it usually does not bring special difficulties. Here the main thing is to be patient and act firmly and clearly. If you doubt that you can do this yourself, it is better to seek help from experienced dog handlers.

Before training begins, you must have a good, trusting relationship in which you will be the dog’s unquestioning authority. Feeling the slightest weakness on your part, she will easily show you all the willfulness of her character. During training, you should not show the slightest bit of uncertainty, and, of course, do not forget about praise and treats.

AND remember that dogs of this breed become aggressive from improper or insufficiently qualified training. And by doing this you will endanger others and yourself first of all.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Belgian Shepherd impresses with its grace, intelligence and intelligence. This excellent companions and security guards. She quickly adapts to any conditions, and also faithfully and faithfully serves her owner. An active and temperamental dog who Not suitable for people who are accustomed to leading a more passive lifestyle.

The dog requires quality training and regular physical activity. With a lack of upbringing, she becomes aggressive and unbalanced.

Such types of Belgians as Tervuren and Groenendael, they shed a lot and demand daily care for wool.

If you need a universal dog, well trained, with excellent working qualities, then the Belgian Shepherd is the most ideal option. Being long time A herding breed, the Belgian has learned to be independent, collected and organized. And her high intelligence and ability to think helped her become excellent service dog, and then - a wonderful companion.

The first representative of the breed appeared as a result of the selection work of a Belgian veterinarian, this happened in 1891. He set himself a rather ambitious goal - to create an excellent herding breed that would become a national treasure.

As a result, 4 varieties of Belgian Shepherds were bred, which, with relatively similar characteristics, differed only in the length, quality and color of the coat.

As for the names, everything is simple here - the names of Belgian cities were taken as a basis. Tervurons were named after the hometown of the first breeder of this type"Belgian", Malinois originated from Mechelen or Malin.

Groenendael - named after the town of the same name, in which they were bred. And only the Laekenois, a small and unrecognized species, distinguished themselves. Their name is associated with Laeken Castle, on the territory of which lived the breeders of one of the breeds that was used in breeding work. At the beginning of the 20th century, standards appeared for each type of breed.

Description of the Belgian Shepherd breed

Individuals of all species have the same build and size, so you can focus on general description. These animals have a proportional build, a medium-sized body, powerful, but not devoid of elegance, with well-developed, prominent muscles.

Height males vary from 60 to 66 cm, females - within 56-62 cm, weigh representatives of the breed 25-30 kg. The standard offers the following appearance characteristics:

The Belgian Shepherd moves actively, not constrained, often at a calm trot.

Colors and coat

At home, 4 types of “Belgians” are representatives of the same breed, but in other countries they are either separated or not all of them are recognized. As already noted, shepherd dogs are distinguished by their coat and its coloring:


Even taking into account the similarity of Belgian Shepherd dogs, each species still has its own characteristics:

  • Groenendael– sensitive, unpretentious pets, can perform almost any job - from fun relay races to urgent, emergency rescue activities;
  • Tervuren– wonderful watchdogs, very self-possessed, never attack without reason; if there is a threat, they behave very confidently and fearlessly;
  • Malinois– with strong guard and bodyguard instincts; very passionate, with a pronounced dominant character;
  • Laekenois– in comparison with others, representatives of this species are distinguished by their good nature, obedience and flexible disposition.

Like everyone else herding dogs, “Belgians” are devoid of aggression, very energetic, balanced and active. The pet never loses its vigilance, protecting and guarding both the owner, family members, and property. Dogs of this breed have shown themselves to be excellent in guard and protective service.

People they know are greeted kindly, strangers are greeted with restraint, without aggression or fussiness. Cowardly individuals are disqualified, timidity and excessive excitability are considered disadvantages.

Shepherd dogs from Belgium are excellent trainees, carry out tasks with pleasure, trying to please their owner. The dog finds a common language with all household members, including small children. But he doesn’t like to communicate with kids, although he will obey.

Belgian Shepherds are not slackers! You don’t want your pet to get bored, but running aimlessly back and forth after a toy is not good for him either. Such a pet can be entrusted with carrying a bag from the store, guarding a stroller at the entrance, a bicycle, and the dog will approach this work with full responsibility. When going for a walk in a group, the owner can be sure that not a single comrade will be separated from the impromptu “herd” with such a “shepherd”.

Education and training

By purchasing a puppy of this breed, a person lets a real bundle of energy into his home. Kids are active and very inquisitive. Until he grows up a little, you shouldn’t leave your pet alone. And during any pampering, he should be distracted with toys. Gradually he will understand what he can have fun with and what he can’t.

The dog is focused on its family, but an ill-mannered animal can be a threat to strangers. Sensing something was wrong, he can begin to act - in fact, this is what he expected when grazing cattle. But today they demand something else from the shepherd - obedience and restraint; it is important that the dog protects the owner only after hearing the appropriate command.

The Belgian Shepherd needs constant interaction with people; if this does not happen, it can become stubborn or capricious. Cannot be used during training physical impact, rudeness, shouting, as “Belgians” are very sensitive. The maximum that is allowed is tugging on the leash. They also react to the atmosphere prevailing in the family, the mood of the owner. If the owner ignores the pet, the dog will suffer from similar neglect.

Dogs of this breed have very good memory, they quickly learn basic skills, and the owner will be able to avoid monotonous repetitions of the same thing. However, you will definitely have to go beyond the main program. If the dog is not a working dog, the owner better find something to do for it. For example, “Belgians” are successful in almost all sports competitions.

So that the dog is cheerful and maintains his physical fitness, he requires a daily 2-3-hour exercise. Socialization should be early and should be done after the pet is vaccinated. The puppy must be in the city, communicate with strangers, animals, learn to behave in crowded places and transport.

If the dog does not learn the rules of good manners, he may bark at cars, bite passers-by, or, conversely, hide cowardly. On initial stage When training, you can muzzle an overly active pet.


Belgian Shepherds require routine, simple care, including regular examinations. ears, eyes, oral cavity. Ears are cleaned of dirt, eyes are washed chamomile decoction If necessary, brush your teeth a couple of times a week.

Dogs who are not busy active work, it is necessary to trim the claws periodically. But how to care for the coat depends on the type of breed:

  1. Groenendaels and Tervurens They have long, thick hair that needs to be brushed every 2-3 days. And during molts, this procedure must be performed daily, especially if the pet lives in an apartment. Long-haired males change their coat once a year, females – 2 times. Representatives of this breed are not cut; it is enough to remove the growths between the toes.
  2. Malinois– even less troublesome, it is enough to treat their short hair with a special brush or mitten 2-3 times a month. When molting - 2-3 times a week.
  3. Laekenois– like most wire-haired dogs, they need regular trimming – removal of dead hairs. And they don’t need a haircut, since the hair grows very slowly.

With good care and proper nutrition, shepherd dogs live on average 12.5 years; there is a registered long-liver in this breed - 18 years 3 months.


“Belgies” are considered a fairly healthy, strong breed, but they are not immune to the development of the following diseases:

  • epilepsy;
  • volvulus;
  • dysplasia of large compositions;
  • cataracts;
  • stroke;
  • oncological diseases.

In addition, without proper exercise, shepherd dogs often develop obesity. And if the owner does not monitor the pet’s diet, the pet may suffer from food allergies.


Most often, Belgian Shepherds are fed natural food. In this case, the pet needs additional sources of vitamins and microelements. Puppies are given food 5 times a day. Gradually, by about six months, they are transferred to an adult 2-times-a-day feeding regimen.

The owner must make balanced diet, consisting primarily of meat and offal. Additional products include cereals, vegetables, herbs, fish, eggs, kefir, curdled milk, and fruits. It is recommended to cook porridge in water or broth, mix with meat, vegetables, and season with vegetable oil.

You should not give your Belgian Shepherd the following:

  • flour and confectionery products;
  • fatty meat;
  • dishes with hot spices and seasonings;
  • salted, smoked products.

If the owner does not have the opportunity to prepare food for the pet, then he can be switched to industrial diets. Only it must be a premium or super-premium quality product. Regardless of the type of feeding, the dog should be provided with 24-hour access to clean, drinking water.

You can have such a four-legged friend for both indoor and outdoor living. “Belgians” are unpretentious and can withstand both high and low temperatures. They are suitable for living in an enclosure, but it is worth considering that such a dog cannot be put on a chain.

The Belgian Shepherd is not for the lazy - you will have to walk your pet regularly and for a long time, and it doesn’t matter whether he is a street dog or a house dog.

Belgian Shepherd photo

Video about the Belgian Shepherd

Where is the best place to buy a puppy?

It is unlikely that you can buy a high-quality puppy with excellent characteristics, a stable psyche and pedigree from random sellers or at the poultry market. In this case, you will have to look for a nursery with a good reputation or an experienced breeder who cares about his reputation.

A pet-class puppy, not suitable for exhibitions and breeding, but otherwise a healthy, cheerful baby costs about 30,000-35,000 rubles. A pet that is accepted for mating, but does not reach championship titles, costs from 35,000 rubles, and for a handsome show-class pet, who is predicted to have an excellent exhibition career, you will have to pay 60,000 rubles or more.

In Moscow there is only one nursery, “Ot Solnik” http://solnik.ru/new/index.php, which breeds this breed.

The Belgian Shepherd is a rather rare breed in Russia, which is why interest in it is growing. But before purchasing a puppy, you should find out in advance about all its types, features and nuances, and only then go for a pet. This is not a couch potato and will require time, attention and serious training.

Belgian Shepherd is not decorative pet, she needs a firm hand and mandatory training. If the plans of the future owner do not include regular classes with four-legged friend, then it’s worth taking a closer look at less demanding representatives.