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Varieties of Pugs: Different Species or Crossbreeds of Different Breeds? Pug breed standard Pug puppy weight by month

It is impossible to pass by a dog like a pug. The description of the breed should begin with the history of its breeding, which is so rich that legends and myths still surround these animals. Images of short-faced dogs with bulging eyes, carved in jade stone, are found at the birth of Eastern Buddhist civilization.

Characteristics of the breed

The pug, perhaps, has a special role next to a person. Despite the confidential, pitying look, such a dog is not an empty toy. In addition to decorative functions, the breed has exceptional advantages as a helper, friend and companion.

But still, the secret of such high popularity of these animals lies in their extraordinary appearance. Smart and dark shiny eyes hidden in expressive folds, a crochet ponytail, short legs- It’s impossible not to love a pug. Walking with him is an endless source of positivity and pleasure. The dog certainly becomes the center of everyone's attention; ordinary passers-by cannot help but smile at the sight of such a wonderful creature; it is important to have a “leading” owner on a leash.

The breed began to have a modern appearance thanks to the British. After the dogs arrived in the country with the Dutch sailors, the breeders of Foggy Albion slightly “conjured” their appearance. The pug, whose price has increased sharply due to selection, has become blunt-nosed, short-legged, with a square forehead. Their Chinese counterparts have a more graceful physique, and the muzzle itself is sharper.

Despite the positive appearance, you can’t treat pugs solely as a toy. This breed can become loyal and show true affection. If the owner is in even the slightest danger, they will fearlessly enter the fight and defend him to the last. Openness, friendliness, and the ability to get along not only with humans, but also with other animals, help the dog become a full-fledged member of the family. Pug puppies, when they get into the house, invariably interfere in all matters, get underfoot, and notify everyone of their presence with a ringing bark.

As a remark, it is worth noting that in China, pugs were used as hunting and guard dogs. Already at that time, the wayward life position of these animals was evident - pugs, like the emperor, were delivered to the hunting grounds on stretchers. But such a historical fact does not speak of the laziness and impudence of dogs - it reveals to us their innate sense of self-worth.

All of the above traits are harmoniously combined in a small, square and funny pug. The description of the breed can be continued endlessly. By the way, the sharp increase in the popularity of such dogs in Russia is associated with the release of the film “Men in Black,” where the clumsy and cute dog played the role of a superspy. Daria Dontsova’s novels also played their role.


A pug is an unintelligent dog; it is not very smart. Representatives of the breed are just satellites, companions. They don’t need training, and pugs don’t like all this wisdom - they have too stubborn a disposition. Nevertheless, pets are ready to perform simple tasks assigned by their beloved owner.


Representatives of the breed are kind and sociable, but with a penchant for shocking behavior and pranks. They value the attention of all family members and achieve it in different ways. Pug puppies immediately begin to show care and courage towards their new owner, gradually becoming house watchmen. Every suspicious rustle at the door will definitely be followed by a reaction.

A brighter temperament is observed in black dogs. Light apricot shades indicate that this is a calmer pug. The description of the breed allows us to note that, regardless of temperament, all pets get along well even with the smallest children.

Purebred dog standard

The current standard was approved by the FCI five years ago. A purebred pug is always a stocky, small dog with a “square” compact shape. The dog has harmonious proportions and developed muscles.

What kind of real pugs are they? Characteristics of a purebred individual:

  • weight - from 6 to 8 kg;
  • height at the withers - from 30 to 35 cm;
  • color: yellowish-fawn, apricot, black and silver are allowed;
  • smooth coat;
  • head: large, round, without depressions on the skull, with a clear indication of the transition from the forehead to the nose; the muzzle is short, blunt, square in shape;
  • ears: soft, small, thin, velvety to the touch. They can be in the form of roses and buttons. In the second option, the ear holes are not visible, and the roses have a crease in the middle, which slightly opens the inside;
  • eyes: round, large, dark, with a gentle look. In a healthy dog ​​they shine brightly when the dog is excited by games or happy - full of fire;
  • nose: short, not snub. The lobe is black, the nostrils are well developed;
  • overbite: usually called an underbite, since the lower teeth protrude slightly beyond the upper ones;
  • The breed's chest is wide, the ribs are well curved;
  • The back is short, the top line is level. Depressions or bulges are a defect in the breed;
  • Forepaws: The limbs are strong, of moderate length, always straight, set parallel, correctly positioned under the body. The fingers are separated, the claws are black;
  • Hind legs: very strong, of moderate length, parallel in stance. The toes are well separated, with black claws. A pug whose legs are excessively short or elongated is not a purebred;
  • The tail is high-set, tightly curled, and rests on the hip. A special feature purebred is a double curl.

Features of color

If the dog is light in color, the markings should be as dark as possible. They are present on the ears, like a mask on the muzzle, on the cheekbones, like a spot on the forehead (in the form of a diamond or a “fingerprint”). A purebred dog has a distinct straight line of dark color on its back.

Black individuals

Black pugs are considered rare representatives of the breed. On the canvases of Brekelenkam, dated 1653, dogs of this color are found, however, this species was only able to be bred for breeding in 1886. Before this period, such individuals were rejected as non-standard litter. The difference from relatives is manifested not only in the color of the coat, but also in a brighter temperament.

Dog care

Taking care of your pet should include regular care of the dog's coat and skin. It’s good if the owner uses special cosmetics. At least once a week, all the pet’s folds are thoroughly wiped, the ears are cleaned and the claws are trimmed. The coat can be brushed every day using a simple rubber brush - dogs love this very much.

General principles of content

1. Physical activity and walks. These dogs boast a well-developed muscular system, so they love walks, including long ones. It is advisable to go outside with your pet every day. In the cold season, pugs freeze very quickly - a walk should not exceed 15 minutes if the dog is not dressed.

In the summer, in hot, stuffy weather, it is better not to let your pet leave the house: representatives of this breed tolerate the heat very poorly and may feel unwell. Walking within the city is strictly on a leash, and the age of the pug in this case does not matter, since even little puppy must be taught to behave correctly. This is also important for the owner, because then the dog will not rush somewhere if frightened, will not get hurt by other dogs, etc. Dog walking is not recommended for children under 14 years of age, even if we're talking about about a little pug.

2. The next point in our story about caring for a dog like a pug is a description of the place in the apartment. A dog should have its own bed from childhood. When choosing a place for a puppy, you should position it so that it is away from the fireplace or radiator, since dry air makes breathing difficult, in addition, it is harmful to the coat. The pet loves to be around people, so you can arrange a home for it in the living room.

3. Vaccinations. It is enough to vaccinate an adult dog once a year. All vaccine marks are entered in the veterinary book. Breeders and veterinarians strongly recommend using the services of state veterinary hospitals. Puppies are vaccinated no later than two months of age. Small pugs are vaccinated again after changing their teeth, i.e. at about seven months of age.


Among all the representatives of the canine world, the real glutton and gourmand is the pug. The description of the breed is often supplemented by this fact. These are the dogs that are prone to overeating, so portions should be strictly dosed. The recommended feeding intensity is three times a day.

The owner must adequately evaluate nutrition and use specialized balanced feed. Porridges and soups will never contain the set of vitamins and microelements that a dog needs. But without balanced food you cannot count on strong bones, beautiful coat, healthy teeth. Feeding your pet from the table can have a detrimental effect on its health, because the pug's stomach is not adapted to digest boiled food. Dry mixtures and canned dog meat are the best option, but you can pamper your pug with fresh raw meat.

Do not forget that the dog should have its own clean bowl for water and a separate one for food. Water should always be available to the dog.

Knitting. Breeding

Breeding puppies is best done by specialists. Inexperienced breeders do not take into account the subtleties of crossing, which can lead to the birth of not entirely pleasant offspring. However, there are several recommendations, if followed, the owner can achieve success:

  • the bitch must be given antihistamines a month before mating;
  • the weight of the animal must be normal;
  • individuals no younger than 6-10 months are allowed to mate;
  • the bitch is able to become pregnant 10-13 days after the start of estrus;
  • animals must get used to each other. When pugs flirt, they are preparing to mate;
  • mating is repeated after three days, then the probability of success increases many times;
  • a pug bears offspring for 63 days.

How to choose a puppy from a litter?

Small pugs should be chosen intuitively. A potential owner, when examining the litter, can rely on his own emotional perception. A puppy who will become a beloved pet often takes a step towards it himself.

Experts recommend taking into account factors such as the breed of the dog, character, disadvantages and advantages of the breed itself. It is better to first consult with a breeder who will professionally select a suitable puppy.

If a dog is purchased to participate in various exhibition events or breeding, the choice should be as thorough as possible. The puppy must fully comply with the standard and have a good pedigree. You can involve a third-party, highly qualified dog handler in the selection. He will evaluate the “championship” prospects of a young dog with an experienced eye. When a pug is just a pet, such troubles are not so relevant; you can even take a puppy as a gift.

Who to choose: a boy or a girl?

Breeders and dog handlers advise using standard rule crossing. It says that a “girl” pug would suit the owner, and a “boy” would suit the owner. Moreover, the choice falls on the family member who will be entrusted with all the main responsibilities for

Collective portrait of puppies

The pug, the description of which can begin with such characteristics as dedication and courage, tirelessness and endurance, is certainly a boy. Many will enjoy the company of a male dog; his cheerfulness and activity are inspiring. Their breed type is more pronounced, they are “more elegant”, with wider bones, which means they are larger. However, the pug boy with early age stubborn, which requires the owner to take certain actions. The owner will definitely need to show his will and character. The dog must feel its place.

The female pug is more calm, lazy and friendly. She is obedient and always affectionate with her owners. Bitches are more intelligent, easily adapt to living conditions, and have higher intelligence. However, girls are very cunning and not so reliable. The girls' appearance is not so bright, which, however, does not detract from their cuteness.


If the dog is purebred, exhibitions can be very useful. Their advantages:

  • harmonious development of the pet;
  • participation of the pet in breeding activities;
  • Gives the dog self-confidence.

You can start your career from 4 months. Don't despair if your team fails the first time. Different exhibitions have different experts and opinions, so the result of the next exhibition may be different. Victory will be so delightful! Dogs with a pedigree are allowed to participate in exhibitions. Pugs whose characteristics do not meet the established standards may participate in the program without competition.

How much is such a treasure worth?

A pug without a pedigree can be purchased for 5-6 thousand rubles. A dog born in a litter from purebred parents, according to all breeding rules, will cost significantly more. Purebred representatives can be valued at 35 thousand rubles per puppy. A pug whose price is below 15 thousand rubles cannot have a pedigree - this is the practice both in the capital and in the regions.

How long will the pet stay with the family?

The average lifespan of a dog is 10-14 years. An age of six years allows the pet to be considered old. Light and black pugs have equal dog care, its proper nutrition- the basis of a pet’s longevity.

Instead of completion

A pug is a creature that can fill everyday life with bursts of joy and emotions, bursts of laughter. However, we must remember that the owner’s duty is to love and care for his dog, then this delightful look of big brown eyes will not go out for a long time.

Although Pugs are visually somewhat reminiscent of English Bulldogs, Boxers and the now extinct Bullenbeissers from Germany, their origins are actually to be found in the East. Moreover, you will have to dig deep, because the first images of short-faced dogs that have survived to this day on ancient artifacts and mentions of them in historical documents date back to the 6th–4th centuries BC. Famous ancient Chinese philosopher and political figure Confucius speaks of them as companions of the nobility traveling in chariots.

For a long time there was an opinion that another popular Chinese breed, the Pekingese, originated from pugs. However, genetic studies allow us to confidently say that family ties line up in reverse order: long-haired dogs appeared much earlier, their direct ancestors were the Lhasa Apso or Chemjo Apso, who guarded Tibetan monasteries, and pugs are either a cultivated natural mutation or the result of crossing with other short-haired breeds. Perhaps this is why Pekingese were considered exclusively imperial pets for centuries. But not everyone could afford to have pugs. This was the privilege of courtiers close to the ruler. The living conditions for the miniature dogs were truly royal, they ate much better than most ordinary subjects, often had their own chambers, servants for walking and personal security. For attempting to steal such a dog, severe punishment was imposed, including the death penalty.

Researchers suggest that the first European who had a chance to see the unusual pets of Chinese nobles was the Venetian merchant and traveler Marco Polo, who lived for seventeen years in a country exotic for a European. His “colleagues” from Holland and Portugal ended up in the Celestial Empire only two centuries later, during the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries. They brought home not only silk and spices, but also the charming Lo Chiang Tze, soon renamed to the easier-to-pronounce “pug.”

Strong fawn-colored creatures with touching faces and big eyes The aristocrats of the Old World immediately liked them. However, they played a special role in the fate of the Netherlands: the vigilance of the faithful Pompey helped William the Silent avoid death at the hands of an assassin at the height of the war for independence from Spain. Subsequently, the revolutionary leader of the Low Countries became the founder of the royal Orange dynasty, and the favorite accompanied the owner even after death - a sleeping dog was masterfully carved at the feet of the marble figure of the Dutch founding father on the lid of his sarcophagus. Pugs became a symbol and living mascot for William's heirs.

Through their efforts, the dogs came to Britain, where they quickly gained popularity among the local nobility, and subsequently dispersed to the royal courts of continental Europe. Queen Victoria, who doted on her pets, did especially much to revive interest in the breed among the British in the second half of the 19th century. Back then, “British” pugs were taller, leaner, with an elongated muzzle and had an exceptionally light color. But, as a result of the plunder of the Beijing Forbidden City during the Second Opium War by officers of the English and French armies, previously unknown black individuals came to the West. The latter are still quite rare and therefore more expensive. In general, pugs are an example of a breed whose popularity is fairly stable.

Video: Pug

Appearance of pugs

The ancient breed was recognized by international organizations of dog breeders at the end of the 19th century, and the official pug standard was approved only in 1987. Its main criteria are:

Weight and height

The normal weight range for an adult pug is 6.3 to 8.1 kg. The height in the standard is not clearly stated, but on average it is 25-30 cm for females and 30-33 cm for males.

General appearance

The Pug is a stocky dog ​​with square outlines (the length of the body is equal to the height at the withers). The muscles are well developed, giving the impression of compactness and proportionality.


Pugs have fawn (beige), apricot, silver or black colors. In the first three cases, a prerequisite is the clearest possible contrast between the main (light) color and the dark “mask” on the face and ears. The so-called “belt” is allowed - a dark strip of hair running along the spine from the occipital protuberance to the base of the tail, and the “diamond” - dark spot on the forehead.


The pug's coat is short, fine, close-lying, smooth and soft to the touch. Usually has the same length throughout the body, but can be somewhat shorter on the muzzle and slightly longer in the rear of the body. Black animals have coarser fur than beige and apricot dogs.


A textbook example of a brachycephalic skull. Large, massive, rounded, but not “apple-shaped”, has no pronounced protrusions and dents, the bones of the skull are invisible. The muzzle is square, short, blunt, but not upturned, with deep symmetrical wrinkles. The forehead does not protrude above the brow ridges.


Dark (no whites should be visible), large, round, fairly convex, but not bulging. Set wide.


The bridge of the nose is small but pronounced, straight, with shortened rather than curved nasal passages. The nose is dark, in line with the eyes and visually is the center of the muzzle.


The lower jaw is wide, the chin is well defined. For pugs, a tight overbite (no more than 3 mm) is the norm - the evenly spaced incisors of the lower jaw overlap the teeth of the upper jaw.


Strong, powerful, comb-shaped, slightly curved, length proportional to the body.


Pug ears are small in size in relation to the head, thin and very soft. Two forms are acceptable: laid forward, internal holes which are closed with the edges tightly pressed to the skull (“buttons”), or folded over the head, pulled back so that the inside remains open (“roses”). First preference is given.


Short and massive, with a wide chest and well-defined, arched, set-back ribs. The topline is straight.


Strong, straight, of moderate length, well set under the body. The feet are neither overly elongated nor distinctly rounded, the toes are clearly separated and the nails are black.

Hind limbs

Hind legs Pugs should be well developed, strong, straight, parallel to each other when viewed from behind, of moderate length. The stifle and hock joints have clearly defined angles. The shape of the paws is elongated, but not long. The toes are well separated at the top.


The pug's tail is short, thick, densely covered with hair, set high and pressed close to the body. Twisted into a ring, with a double turn being preferred.


Springy, free, elegant, confident. The pug's gait is characterized by slight rolling movements.

Possible defects

  • convex or “apple-shaped” skull;
  • protruding forehead or hollows between the eyes;
  • lack of bridge of nose;
  • upturned or downturned nose;
  • saggy jowls;
  • disharmonious fold above the nose;
  • lightened nose;
  • narrow nostrils;
  • close-set, light-colored, almond-shaped, slanted, too small, protruding or with the whites of the eyes showing;
  • a twisted mouth exposing teeth and tongue;
  • sagging or arched breasts;
  • disproportionately long or short neck;
  • long and/or fluffy coat;
  • straightened joint angles.

Photo of an adult pug

Pug character

As noted above, all pug owners describe them as friendly and sweet companions. Puppies are quite playful, but as they grow older, the need for active leisure time fades away, and the main joy in a pet’s life becomes quiet hours on the couch in the company of its owner.

Pugs are extremely attached to people, so it is not recommended to leave them alone for a long time, so as not to provoke stress. In case you are planning a vacation or another trip, feel free to trust pet concerns of neighbors or friends - these dogs easily make contact even with strangers who show interest and good feelings in them. The love of the “little tank” is enough even for children, but it is worth keeping an eye on their communication, since during play they can, through carelessness, seriously injure large and bulging eyes animal.

Unlike others ornamental breeds, Pugs are calm and balanced. They are not characterized by the “spoiled child” syndrome, which can often be encountered when interacting with “ladies’” dogs. If a pug wants your attention, he will simply come and sit next to you.

Pug owners will not have to listen to their neighbors' complaints about intrusive barking, which, of course, does not guarantee a regime of silence. Your pet will constantly sniffle loudly, wheeze and experience bouts of flatulence. Pugs are also the absolute champions of dog snoring, which you wouldn’t suspect given their modest size. However, many consider the latter to be more of a fun feature than a drawback.

Education and training

Despite their friendliness and sociability, pugs are quite stubborn, so training them seems to be a difficult task, without a guaranteed result. If you decide to teach your pet simple commands, be patient and... treats. The carrot and stick method is simply not applicable here. Completely non-aggressive dogs do not tolerate hostility towards themselves; they can only be trained with the help of rewards.

Caring for a pug will not require extra effort from the owner. The short and smooth coat does not require professional grooming; it is enough to comb it at home. During the molting period, which happens twice a year, it is recommended to do this daily, and the rest of the time - less often. By the way, the future owner should know that pugs shed surprisingly profusely and be prepared for frequent cleanings. But experts advise bathing your pet as rarely as possible so as not to disturb the natural protective barrier on its skin. The best option is considered bath procedures once a month.

Folds and wrinkles on the face require constant and close attention. They must be regularly and thoroughly cleaned of food particles and debris that gets there while being outside. This will avoid inflammatory processes and infections.

The duration of daily walks depends on their intensity. A leisurely walk can take up to an hour and a half, but a light jog should not exceed 10–15 minutes, since respiratory system your pet is not designed for marathon running. In addition, it is imperative to take into account the temperature and humidity of the air - for a pug, hypothermia or overheating can, without exaggeration, become fatal. A short coat without a strong undercoat does not protect him from low temperatures, therefore, in the cold season it is important not to forget about special clothing. The structural features of the muzzle do not allow excess heat to be effectively removed, and even with an increase in body temperature by 3-4 ºС, your pet may die. Therefore, in the summer it must be kept in an air-conditioned room.

Pug Health and Diseases

Unfortunately, we have to admit that pugs are far from the healthiest dogs. Throughout their lives, they have to deal with both congenital and acquired diseases. The most serious of the first category are encephalitis, the cause of which has not yet been fully elucidated by veterinarians, and epilepsy.

The most vulnerable places in the body of representatives of this breed are the eyes and respiratory system. Many pets become partially or completely blind as a result mechanical damage, infections and other diseases. Cases of seasonal or chronic allergies are common. But the most common problem of this breed is undoubtedly obesity due to excessive appetite and low physical activity. It is not fatal in itself, but it shortens life expectancy, exacerbating existing health problems.

How to choose a puppy

The main advice when choosing a pug is not new: contact kennels with an excellent reputation or experienced breeders, because animals purchased second-hand or through private advertisements may have not only external or disqualifying defects, but also significant health problems.

Before buying a pug, carefully study the pedigree of the parents, look at the living conditions of the animals, and get to know the puppy. A healthy baby, in addition to a correctly formed skeleton, normal color and the characteristics described in the breed standard, must have a lively, friendly disposition, not be afraid of people and not show aggression, and not be apathetic.

Photos of pug puppies

How much does a pug cost?

The price of a pug puppy depends on the reputation of the kennel, its pedigree, individual characteristics and color. Rare black and silver puppies are more expensive than fawn and apricot pugs. The cost may be lower due to more or less significant deviations from the breed standard. The average price of a pug puppy ranges from 8 to 35 thousand rubles.

One of the most charming and therefore popular medium sizes. As a rule, its owners do not have any special problems caring for their four-legged pet. And yet, the more you know about the animal you are going to place in your home, the more likely you are to make the right choice.

Description and photo of the breed

  • A country: China (patronage - UK).
  • Height (height at withers): for males - 30–35 cm, for females - 25–30 cm.
  • Weight: for males - 8–10 kg, for females - 6–8 kg.
  • Wool: short, smooth, soft and shiny (rough and long wool not allowed).
  • Colors: fawn (beige), silver fawn (silver), apricot (apricot), black (black). In all colors, the mask on the face should clearly contrast with the main color. Also, all markings on the pug’s body should be contrasting and as dark as possible - a “belt” on the spine, a diamond-shaped or oval spot on the forehead, warts on the cheeks. The claws are always black.
  • Lifespan: 12–15 .
  • Group: decorative (“toy”), companion dog.
  • Temperament: cheerful, cheerful, good-natured, but at the same time full of dignity and intelligence.
  • Litter: 4–5 puppies.

The Pug cannot be confused with any other dog. Well built muscular body on short strong paws, flattened square muzzle with characteristic folds on the cheeks, intelligent and warm look of huge dark eyes and a sea of ​​charm - this is perhaps the most succinct description of this breed.
But to meet the current standard, approved on June 24, 1987, the animal must meet the following characteristics:

  • The head is large, but not apple-shaped, like a Chihuahua's.
  • The skull is smooth, the muzzle is not upturned.
  • The eyes are round and shiny, very lively during periods of activity, and the gaze is gentle.
  • The ears are small and soft.
  • They can be open and slightly tilted back (the so-called “rose”) or, conversely, curled forward, pressing tightly to the forehead, with the tip towards the eyes (the so-called “button”). The second option is valued higher.
  • Jaws with moderate overshot (the lower jaw protrudes above the upper).

Important! The pug's mouth should not look lopsided; it is also considered a disadvantage if the dog's tongue sticks out or his teeth are visible when his mouth is closed.

  • The body is short, the chest is wide, the ribs are clearly visible.
  • The back is strictly straight.

  • The neck is strong and powerful, not too short, curved in the shape of a crest.
  • The limbs are very powerful and not too long. The front legs are straight and firmly planted on the ground, parallel to each other. Shoulders with good slope. The hind legs are also parallel (this is clearly visible when looking at the animal from behind), with clearly defined angles. When moving, both the front and rear legs should be pointed straight, without turning in or out. The front paws step with a wide swing, the hind paws should bend easily and freely at the knees. Often when pugs walk, the back of the body rolls slightly, this corresponds to the standard.
  • The tail is high, curled as much as possible (ideally in two curls) and pressed to the back.

Anything that does not meet the above specifications is a defect. However, this does not mean that the dog will be completely and irrevocably rejected. It all depends on the severity of the vice.

Most often, the expert simply points out the problem to the owner, so that when selecting a pair for mating, the deficiency can be corrected (for example, if a male pug has not ideal forelimbs, but a magnificent tail, he needs to try to select a bitch with paws that clearly correspond to the breed standard , while less strictness can be applied to the tail).

However, if the deficiency is a consequence of a hereditary disease (for example, this is what pronounced lameness may indicate in certain cases) or poses another danger to the preservation of the breed (for example, a dog exhibits signs inappropriate behavior, in particular, unmotivated), honest and conscientious breeders will not prevent such an animal from being disqualified and not allowed for breeding.

History of appearance

Pugs are a very ancient breed. It is known for certain that small snub-nosed dogs with a characteristically protruding lower jaw were very popular in Celestial Empire at least a thousand years before the birth of Christ (some researchers, however, are inclined to believe that the breed originally appeared in India, and not in China). Interestingly, there were two varieties of such dogs - with short and long hair.
It is not known whether these two breeds were related to each other, but there is no doubt that the first (they were called Ha Pa) are the ancestors of modern Pekingese, while the second, Lo Jie, are considered the ancestors of pugs. It is also worth noting that only representatives of the imperial family could keep Ha Pa, while “proto-pugs” were considered a not so prestigious breed, which less noble Chinese could afford.

Did you know? Fans of Feng Shui are well aware of the mythical creature called the Dog Fu (they were also called Buddha's heavenly lions, guardian lions, dog-lions) - a kind of “hybrid” of a dog and a lion, which has amazing guarding and protective powers. According to legend, it was from this fabulous creature that Ha Pa and Lo Jie, and therefore modern Pekingese and pugs, originated.

It is not surprising that the ancient Chinese cared for their pets in a way that their descendants today never dreamed of. To prevent the animal from getting tired, and to prevent onlookers from insulting it with their staring, the dogs were taken out for walks exclusively on covered stretchers. Often a separate servant was assigned to the house, whose duties included making sure that the dogs did not need anything.

It is known that the muzzles of ancient pugs were not as wrinkled as those of modern pugs, however, it was this feature that the Chinese aristocracy valued especially highly as a kind of “imperial sign”; accordingly, selection efforts were aimed at strengthening it, which led to a gradual change in appearance dogs.

Distribution of pugs across Europe began in Holland around the turn of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
They were especially loved by society beauties, however, representatives of the middle class also gladly acquired such unusual and valuable pets (especially since, unlike China, class differences here were not so strict).

Did you know? The real “pug mania” that swept Europe by the 17th-17th centuries can be judged at least from this story. When in 1738 Pope Clement XII, by a special decree, actually banned Masonic lodges (for membership in them a person was subject to excommunication from the Holy Church), the Masons went underground. For the purpose of secrecy, lodges began to be renamed, and one of them, founded in Bavaria, began to be called the “Order of the Pug.” Its members were known to wear collars, scratch at doors and bark loudly at each other. And to join the Order, the candidate had to kiss the symbolic figurine of a pug on the tail.

Unfortunately, such popularity eventually played a cruel joke on the breed. The point is that since brother Napoleon Bonaparte was a real fan of pugs, and the wife of the “little corporal” Josephine had a favorite dog, Fortuna, belonging to this breed (they say that she even dared to bite the emperor almost on his wedding night), after the deposition of the usurper, keeping such a dog began to be considered, so to speak , politically incorrect.

As a result, pugs ceased to be valued, no one monitored the purity of their blood, and the breed was on the verge of extinction.

Fortunately for pugs, in 1864 they were taken under the patronage not by anyone, but by the English Queen Victoria.

However, it was necessary to restore the breed by importing breeding material from the Middle Kingdom, since in Europe by this time purebred pugs had practically degenerated.

By the way, it was at this time that animals of black color began to be purposefully bred (the British called them “blackness of the night”), although Her Majesty liked the light (beige and apricot) dogs we were used to more; they were described as “the warmth of the sun.”

After only 19 years of painstaking work, accompanied by the creation of kennels, maintaining relevant records and observing other formalities inherent in elite dog breeding, a professional club of pug lovers appeared in England, and five years later the standard for this breed was first approved.

During the same period, pugs became known in Russia, but never became popular.

And the point here is not that the animals were not to their taste, just the bloody events that took place since the beginning of the twentieth century (coups, civil and world wars, red terror and dictatorship, devastation and long years of restoration, the Iron Curtain and other “delights” of the Soviet building) did not at all contribute to people being interested in dogs at all.

Only at sunset Soviet Union , around the 80s of the last century, pugs began to be imported into the country from the friendly German Democratic Republic.

But today these cute snub-nosed dogs live in a huge number of houses, giving their owners as much love as their little noble heart can extract from themselves.

How to choose and how much does a puppy cost?

Since the pug is a very common breed today, it would seem that you can buy a puppy anywhere. However, despite this, very often people travel thousands of kilometers for such a pet, without even stopping at the serious formalities associated with crossing a state border with a pet. Perhaps this behavior may seem strange and fanatical to some, but this is not entirely true.
Dog good blood- this is not only a matter of prestige. In the end, any documents, medals and titles can be faked or bought. But only an impeccable pedigree can guarantee the owner that his animal corresponds to the qualities that are declared for this breed (we are talking not only about external characteristics, but also about character and temperament).

Important! When purchasing a puppy at the poultry market, you run a much greater risk of encountering the dog’s manifestation of one or another hereditary defect after some time, which, as a result of painstaking culling carried out over more than one or two generations, is practically eliminated in purebred animals.

If you don't want to be disappointed, you need to buy a puppy only from breeders professionally engaged in breeding a specific breed. It is here that you will receive complete and reliable information about animals, here they will help you make the right decision (a good breeder will never persuade you to buy a puppy from him and does not advertise the breed, as businessmen do with their product; rather, on the contrary, they will look closely at you and evaluate you, Are you ready to become the owner of a pug? Look for an enthusiast, not a salesman!
Another frequently asked question is whether it is necessary to take an animal with documents (this means pedigree, since an ordinary veterinary passport with vaccinations noted in it must necessarily accompany the puppy if we are talking about a bona fide breeder). Here, of course, everyone makes a decision for themselves.

If you do not want to engage in professional breeding of pugs and do not intend to participate in exhibitions, and, as buyers often explain, you are looking for a dog “just for yourself,” of course, you can save money: an animal without a pedigree is always cheaper, if only because the breeder did not bear the costs to comply with all formalities, including mandatory exhibitions, which in themselves are not cheap.

However, in this case, the risk of buying a defective and even sick puppy remains quite large, and the owner who ignored the above steps may not even realize that he is selling a defective puppy.
It is definitely necessary to look at the animal before making a purchase. However, it is no less important to “get to know his parents personally”, since even a professional expert cannot always spot minor deviations from the norm in a baby, while it is much easier to assess the “class” of the parents (however, if you are not at all confident in the integrity of the breeder hundred, it’s better to go to the “bride” with a professional).

One more hint. When ordering an animal in a foreign city via the Internet, do not rely on the photos attached by the author to the corresponding advertisement. Ask the seller to show you the baby in online mode (modern technologies provide such an opportunity).

At the same time, let the puppy be in natural state(plays with brothers, explores the house, eats). In this case, having paid a deposit and traveled a huge distance, you will not be faced with the fact that you ordered one thing, but are offered to buy something else.

Important! If possible, do not agree to have the puppy delivered by intermediaries, go get it yourself. Even meeting with the seller somewhere on neutral territory (for example, somewhere in the middle of the road) is not the best, although acceptable, option. It is always important to see for yourself that animals are raised with love, that they are provided with proper care, that they are healthy and active. A puppy separated from its mother and confined to a carrier for several hours will look frightened, unhappy and exhausted, and it will be difficult for you to assess whether its condition is the result of stress or some deeper problems.

Before purchasing a puppy, look into its eyes. This may seem strange to some, but usually the right choice is love at first sight. Any breeder has cases in his practice when a buyer reserved one puppy, and, having arrived to pick him up, suddenly chose another. This is not a sign of a frivolous relationship, this is chemistry and magic.

This is why many dog ​​owners are ardent opponents of giving four-legged pets to friends and family as gifts. Even if you know for sure that your loved one dreams of a pug, let her choose a puppy on her own, take her to a good nursery, organize and pay for the purchase, but let the dog future owner First they will look at each other, and only then they will reunite!

Important! Be sure to make sure that neither you nor your household are allergic to dog hair(make special tests if necessary).

And one last thing. When choosing a pet from advertisements, first ask how much a pug costs. Usually, the average price can fluctuate upward as desired (by the way, this does not guarantee that the animal is proportionally close to the ideal standard), but a price that is too low should definitely raise red flags.
Of course, the price is largely determined by the image of the nursery, the demand for the breed and other subjective things, but you need to clearly understand: the direct costs of raising a puppy ready for sale from purebred parents (exhibitions, experts, vaccines, vitamin supplements etc.) are quite high.

That is why a real purebred pug puppy, on whose health no one tried to save, physically cannot cost less $300 . If they offer you significantly less, there is something wrong here!

The best housing for a pet

Pugs are small and compact dogs, so they feel great both in a large country house and in a fairly budget city apartment.

Moreover, these animals, unlike hunting breeds, not only do not need regular exploration of “rough terrain”, but are poorly suited for such an extreme pastime. Therefore, it is believed that urban conditions are more preferable for this dog than the countryside (modern own house with all the amenities, of course, does not count).

Wherever you live with your pet, arrange your own corner for him. It is not necessary to purchase a special expensive house for the dog; it is enough to prepare a comfortable and soft mattress that can be washed if necessary (you can also sew removable covers for it).
Such a bed should be located in close proximity to the sofa or bed where you usually spend your rest time, since, being separated from the owners, the dog will feel unhappy and will still try to move closer. Also make sure that the dog’s “sleeping place” is not drafty, but also not overheated.

If your pet crawls up to your side at night, you shouldn’t scold him: this is the breed, if you don’t want to sleep with a dog, look for another option for a four-legged friend. And be prepared for the fact that this little creature sometimes snores like a drunken mover!

Features of care

Caring for a pug is generally not difficult, but before you bring a puppy into your home, learn the basic rules.

We look after the wool

Since we are dealing with a short-haired breed, it is enough to comb the animal periodically. This procedure is necessary because Pugs shed quite a lot. In this case, you need to use a hard one, which can be easily purchased at any pet store.

Ears, eyes, teeth, claws

Look into your pet's ears at least once every few days. If there is dirt, it must be carefully removed using ordinary cotton swab, But the main objective examination – timely detection of pathologies. These include an unpleasant odor, the presence of tumors, purulent discharge and other “mess”.

Important! Cleaning the ears of pugs should not be overused: the natural coating on the inside of them protects the dog from germs, temperature changes and pollution.

As a dog ages, his ears begin to get dirty more often. And, of course, a lot depends on whether your dog sits at home all day or runs around the dusty streets in a noisy company of his own kind.

Eye care involves removing lumps of mucus that have accumulated in the corners using a damp cloth. Usually pugs' eyes clear themselves, but if the dog constantly squints, the eyes are red, or yellow or green discharge oozes from them - this is a reason to show the animal to the doctor.
But pugs' teeth are a problem. To prevent the animal from losing them ahead of time, you should not pamper him with any chewing items (rabbit ears and other dried goodies for which some dogs are ready to sell their soul). To prevent tartar, you can use special bones and other toys designed for this purpose.

It’s good if the dog has been trained since childhood to brush its teeth with a special paste (as people do). Periodically, tartar needs to be removed veterinary clinic. The procedure is unpleasant but tolerable, so there is no need for anesthesia.

Pugs' nails need to be trimmed. The fact is that animals of this breed do not move so actively that natural grinding of the claws occurs. As a result, deformation of the limb may occur, which is especially important for young (up to six months) animals.

How often should I bathe?

Contrary to popular belief, bathing is harmful for most dogs. For hygienic purposes, it is enough to wipe the animal’s body a washcloth soaked in warm water.
If the animal is very dirty or is preparing for an important event, such as an exhibition, you can bathe it, trying not to get its hair too wet and not using a hairdryer to dry the fur.

Important! No dog shampoos should be used when bathing pugs; these products are absolutely not suitable for their delicate skin! The maximum that can be used is baby soap.

You should also know that dogs should not be bathed before mating.

In any case, the frequency of bathing should not exceed once every 3–4 months (less often is possible, more often is extremely undesirable).

Another specific part of pug grooming is the folds. A lot of germs accumulate here, so they need to be cleaned at least weekly. To do this, the fold is raised, and its inner surface Gently wipe with a cotton pad soaked in baby lotion. At the end of the procedure, the folds under the nose can be carefully lubricated with Vaseline.

Walking and activity

Pugs are moderately active dogs. You need to walk them regularly, but you shouldn’t overtire the animals either.

Important! Pugs endure overheating and hypothermia very hard, so in hot weather, walks should be limited, and in severe frost, do not be shy about packing your pet in a warm jumpsuit; this is not so much a tribute to fashion as an objective necessity.

Food for pugs

In this case, there are two options - natural food or. According to this criterion, dog breeders are divided into two opposite camps, so everyone makes the choice for themselves.

In the first case in the diet must be included meat and plant foods: meat (beef, veal, poultry) and offal, fish (sea without bones), milk and dairy products, fruits and vegetables, herbs, cereals. It is enough to feed an adult dog twice a day.

Important! Pugs are very prone to overweight and at the same time have an excellent appetite. They beg for food so convincingly that it seems full feeling- The dog is dying of hunger. By overfeeding an animal, we cause irreparable harm to its health.

Pugs are contraindicated:

  • pasta;
  • semolina;
  • potato;
  • flour in any form;
  • sweets (sugar, candy, chocolate, etc.);
  • smoked and salted.

With ready-made food, everything is simpler, since it usually contains all the nutrients your pet needs. However, opponents of this diet argue that dogs who eat exclusively are more likely to develop liver problems.

In any case, be sure to ensure that with such a diet the dog always has fresh water readily available, and its daily norm twice as much as needed when feeding natural food.

Did you know? The owner managed to feed one pug to a weight of 21 kilograms (this is at maximum permissible norm at ten). The owner of the animal today happily posts photos of the dog online and is proud of the unique record that he managed to set (unofficially, though), however, looking at the unfortunate dog, no feelings arise other than disgust at such irresponsibility.

What can you teach the breed?

Of course, a pug is not a service dog, but this does not mean that it should not be raised.
The first thing you should do is vaccinate your puppy main rules of cleanliness. The dog must go to the toilet outside at the designated time. Many owners think that training a dog to wear a diaper solves the problem of mandatory daily walks, but most pug lovers do not share this opinion. If you don’t want to go for a walk, go for a walk!

You need to start training and upbringing as soon as the child comes into your home. Of course, at a young age the animal is very restless and active, not inclined to learn rules, but with age it will no longer want to change its acquired habits.

Determine the rules that you want the dog to follow (for example, no spoiling things, no climbing on the table, no barking at strangers), strictly monitor their compliance. Any violation should always be accompanied by a reprimand that is understandable to the animal (for example, the word “Ugh!” with the appropriate intonation), and compliance with encouragement.
In fact, the dog really wants the owner to be happy with it, it’s just that at first it will definitely try to feel how “serious everything is.” And if for the same offense (and the dog understands perfectly well that he broke a rule) one time the owner was displeased, and another time nothing happened, the dog will conclude: this is possible!

Important! Do not punish the dog long after the prank; the punishment must be timely. Don’t shout, and especially don’t hit the animal, just show that you are unhappy, show coldness, don’t play with the puppy for a while, turn away - they will understand you perfectly.

It is really possible to teach a pug:

  • do not run far from the owner on the street;
  • come immediately when called;
  • do not pick up foreign objects;
  • do not spoil things;
  • sleep in your nest, and not in bed with your owner;
  • eat what you’re supposed to and don’t beg for more;
  • humbly endure everything necessary;
  • behave calmly in society strangers and other animals;
  • execute certain commands.

Any pug is a very smart animal; he will quickly figure out what exactly you want from him, but for one reason or another he may not want to follow your instructions. Of course, a lot in this case depends on your patience, however, the individual characteristics of the dog cannot be discounted either.

Pugs, like people, differ from each other in temperament and character, give them the right to be themselves at least where it does not violate the boundaries of your peace of mind. The leader of the pack is certainly the owner, but the dog is its full member!

Pet health

Pugs are not a dog breed that can boast perfect health. Here two problems.

Firstly, the very specific structure of these animals predisposes them to certain diseases, and secondly, there are still certain hereditary defects that have not yet been completely eliminated through the selection process. The latter, in particular, includes the so-called Perthes disease- a nightmare for pug lovers.

Externally, the defect manifests itself as lameness, which is caused by destruction hip joint, gradually turning into “drying out” of the diseased limb (and sometimes two at once). The condition does not appear immediately, but by ten months, as a rule, it already becomes obvious. The only treatment option is surgery.
The second problem that affects pugs more often than other dogs is juvenile, the carrier of which is a specific one. It is safe for people, but in dogs it causes serious damage to the fur, up to and including complete baldness. It is possible to save a sick animal, but the sooner treatment is started, the better.

The slightly bulging eyes of a pug sometimes create a particular problem for the dog: eyeball as if falling out of its orbit (this can happen as a result of injury or an insect bite). In this case, the animal must be urgently shown to a veterinarian, who will “straighten” the eye to its previous position. Possible vision problems also include glaucoma, keratitis and various traumatic injuries cornea (a dog can suffer even from a banal prick with a blade of grass).

In the folds of the skin of these dogs, with insufficient care, sometimes purulent inflammation, which is why it is so important to keep these areas clean and dry.

Overall, the pug is a very smart, cheerful and loyal dog. It is well suited for inexperienced owners, it does not require long walks and prolonged physical activity, so it will be a great fit for a moderately lazy owner.

However, the structural features of this breed that make it attractive require careful and thorough care. Do the simplest things regularly hygiene procedures, do not overfeed your pet, love him - and he will answer you with loyalty, devotion and true friendship!

Average pug weight standard sizes may be more than 6 kg, but should not exceed 8.5. With weight it is impossible to guess the size of an individual, dwarf pugs have a higher density compared to other breeds. The standards assume the same parameters for boys and girls, but in reality it is better when females weigh up to 9 kg, and males range from 9 to 11 kg.

When assessing height and weight, they look at the breed type, but in general the dog should have clearly defined characteristics of its gender. Large and massive representatives are selected for stud dogs, although evaluators call their structure coarse. The pursuit of small dogs forces breeders to artificially breed miniature representatives who look sickly and pitiful, and have weak gender commitment.

Owners often ask: How many should a pug weigh , are we overfeeding our pet? Taking into account weight alone is not serious; look at what the dog looks like, how it moves, whether shortness of breath appears when walking and playing. Get tested and consult with a veterinarian, if your dog has developed muscle mass, then even with 12 kilograms without fat deposits he will be great.

If according to the standards you see that pugs should not weigh more than 8 kg, look at what type of breed it is - American or European, the difference can be measured in several kilograms.

Pugs weight by month It is calculated very simply:

  • 1 month - 1 kg;
  • 2 months - 2 kg;
  • 3 months - 3 kg, etc.

At 8 weeks pug puppy weight reaches 2 kg, but there may be slight fluctuations. It is not recommended to adopt puppies before 2 months of age, otherwise you will have to independently adjust their nutrition and increase their volume if they are thin. The weight of puppies doubles in the 2nd month. Up to six months is the puppy stage of development, followed by young animals up to a year.

Drastic changes pug weight occur after 1.5 months, he is weaned from mother's milk and begins to try. Dogs may experience stress and digestive disorders, so patience and special care must be taken during this period. Change the diet smoothly, replacing the puppy’s usual food with new food.

Intensive growth and development will determine how much does a pug weigh by 9 months, when the musculoskeletal system and the entire skeletal system are formed.

Small puppies need to be weighed every day until 3 weeks of age; once a week is enough to control weight. For 4 months, starting from 2 , pug weight doubles again. From 6 to 12 months, weight gain is a quarter.

Little pugs are fed up to 5 times a day, because they grow rapidly and gain weight, and from 7 months the animals are switched to 2 meals a day and the weight becomes less rapid.

Weight is necessary to monitor the development and growth of the puppy; it is taken into account when calculating food products and the volume of portions, and a pair for producing offspring is selected by weight. Weight is monitored when a girl is pregnant - it should not be small, but too much weight is dangerous to health. At birth, pugs weigh up to 1 kg and this depends on the number of puppies.

Your Pug will grow quite quickly, his growth rate, especially in the first couple of months, will be the fastest and changes will occur almost daily. Let's look at the main stages your pet will go through from birth to adulthood.

Pugs reach their maximum or almost maximum weight at 9-12 months. But some of the younger dogs may continue to grow a little longer, up to 15-18 months of age.

Pug weight table by month

A healthy adult pug over 1 year of age will have weight from 6 to 9 kg and growth from 28 to 32 cm. Although according to the AKC (American Kennel Club) standard, the weight of adult pugs for girls and boys ranges from 5.9 to 8.1 kg. Therefore, if the dog weighs more than 9-10 kg, it should be checked for possible problems overweight.

Stages of Pug Maturation

Birth to 8 weeks (2 months)

Many owners don't notice it, but newborn pug puppies double or even triple their weight very quickly. Newborn puppies can sleep up to 22 hours a day. By the time they are 8 weeks old, puppies will sleep about 18 hours a day.

8 weeks (2 months)

The puppy is ready for his new home and owner. The puppy develops and grows very quickly.

3-4 months

The pug's baby teeth will begin to change to adult teeth, this will last several months.

4-6 months

At this time the pug passes puberty. Full-fledged females will have their first heat. In fact, a female at this age can already become pregnant, but breeding is recommended from the age of 1 year and older.

9 months

Growth will slow down significantly. Some of the puppies will stop growing by their 9-10th month. Some of them will still gain weight by the 12th month, but not more than 0.5 - 1.5 kg.

12 months - 1 year

At 1 year of age, a pug is considered a fully grown and mature dog, although it may still exhibit puppy-like behaviors.

1 year - 18 months (1.5 years)

By this time, all pugs have reached their maximum weight and height. They will fully develop their muscles. Additional weight gain from this point on may be considered unhealthy or unnecessary.

Factors affecting weight and height

Genetic or hereditary factors have the greatest influence on a pug's weight. The next most influential are environmental factors - puppies that are well fed breast milk in the first weeks of life are likely to grow and develop faster and become larger.

Photo of a pug puppy at 1 month (4 weeks)

Photo of a pug puppy at 2 months

Photo of a pug puppy at 3 months

Photo of a pug puppy at 4 months

Photo of a pug puppy at 5 months

Photo of a pug puppy at 6 months

Photo of a pug puppy at 7 months

Photo of a pug puppy at 12 months (1 year)

Video - pug development from 8 weeks to 1 year