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Excessive appetite causes. Increased appetite: reasons for how to reduce appetite at home

The weight loss portal “Lose Weight Without Problems” writes every day about how to follow a diet. And many women claim that a strict diet only causes a feeling constant hunger. Today we’ll talk about the reasons for increased appetite in women. Moreover, in some situations this can be a serious problem. You may have to reconsider your diet or undergo an examination.

Thyroid hormones

Increased appetite may indicate an excess of hormones thyroid gland. Let's figure it out. Thyroid important for human body, because it produces hormones that control the speed of all metabolic processes.

When the amount of thyroid hormones changes, a person’s mood worsens, weight changes, the woman feels bad, she literally awakens.

Main danger in this case – suspicion of DTZ, or diffuse toxic goiter. In this condition, hormones are produced in greater quantities than necessary. And because of this, increased appetite occurs. And plus to this:

  • increased heart rate,
  • constant sweating,
  • feeling tired
  • increase in temperature,
  • trembling in the hands.

A characteristic feature is that although a person has an increased appetite and a woman eats too much, her weight does not increase. Because an excess of thyroid hormones leads to an acceleration of metabolic processes and energy consumption.

Someone proudly remarks: “I eat and don’t get fat,” “Yes, I’m a witch.” But we need to think about the reasons for such a woman’s increased appetite. This is not something to be proud of.

The reason is constant stress

Another reason that a woman experiences increased appetite is chronic stress. In order to understand these mechanisms, you need to dig not just into the processes occurring in the body, but a little further, into the depths of centuries. Now it will become clearer.

Living beings have a self-preservation system. And when danger threatens, this system is activated. With a surge of stress hormones, a woman, and a man, tends to more actively fight threatening circumstances or flee from danger. For example, all this worked perfectly at the dawn of civilization, it helped to survive. Now the activation of the self-preservation system occurs under stress, and due to high concentrations Due to stress hormones, the body is forced to store energy. Hence the increased appetite.

What other signs may indicate that the reasons for a woman’s increased appetite are due to chronic stress? Immunity is undermined. Women get sick more often. It is worth reconsidering life, eliminating all the experiences that provoke such an insatiable and constant...

Another reason is sadness

Eating food helps increase the concentration of serotonin in the body. And he is responsible for the mood. This is why some people involuntarily experience an increased appetite when they feel sad.

But food only improves your mood by short term. If you have been feeling irritable for several weeks, it may be depression. You should not disrupt your usual eating pattern, do not exceed portions, and do not overuse “harmful” foods. All this will also lead to weight gain, and this will definitely not have a good effect on your mood. But with high probability will affect health and family relationships.

Check your body's glucose levels

Some diseases are fraught with the fact that despite increased amount glucose in the blood, body tissues are not able to use it, so the woman constantly feels a lack of energy. Often doing this on your own at home is classified as diabetes. But there is not just one reason for this condition, there may be several. The mechanisms of development also differ, and in accordance with them, the measures of therapy. We will not talk about this in detail now, since better than a doctor no one can make an accurate diagnosis.

The main conclusion from this can be drawn as follows. If, in addition to increased hunger, a person experiences constant thirst, frequent urination, then this may indicate diabetes, and you should go to the doctor.

Now we have briefly looked at what happens when glucose concentrations are too high. But it also happens reverse side» medals when your blood sugar is low. Because of this, there is also an increased appetite, also due to the fact that the tissues do not receive enough sugar.

This state cannot be started. If you do not seek professional help in time medical care to increase the concentration of glucose, confusion, sticky sweat will occur, the person will suffer from dizziness and experience constant feeling fear.


Another reason is pregnancy. And this is due not only to the fact that the child is developing and needs more energy. And also female body creates a reserve of energy that will be required for feeding after birth.

It is important here not to increase the portions too much. That is, there is no need to “eat for two.” It is worth adding, according to the advice of gynecologists, no more than 500 grams per week for 2-3 trimesters. But this does not count weight problems that a woman might have had before conception. Then - no more than 300 gr.


This is another reason. And one of the signs premenstrual syndrome– increased appetite. Plus fatigue and irritability. It's worth switching to healthy eating and exercise in doses during the cycle. This will significantly improve the quality of life. If this does not help, then you need to seek recommendations from a gynecologist.

What other reasons could there be?

Sometimes the reasons are as follows:

  • reception medicines– sedatives, sleeping pills, antidepressants, they can increase the feeling of hunger;
  • malignant tumors - with them, corticosteroids and glucose increase in the blood.

Don’t be scared and immediately diagnose yourself severe conditions. But you need to see a doctor if they don’t help you various ways decreased appetite.

Constant overeating leads to only one thing - a distended stomach and excess weight. If the stomach is stretched, then it will be quite difficult to get rid of the habit of eating a lot, because the body requires a sufficient amount of food to be full. Cause of increased appetite not at all due to lack of willpower or intemperance or bad habit eat at night. All this, of course, plays a role, but the real reasons are more serious and it is they that require treatment, and not overeating. What diseases make women eat more than they need at breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Lack of sleep

According to the latest medical data, one of reasons for increased appetite lies in lack of sleep. It is not only the number of hours allocated to sleep that is important, but also the quality of sleep. Sleep should not be restless, abrupt, or superficial. Two hormones are responsible for the feeling of hunger in the body: leptin and ghrelin. Leptin suppresses the feeling of hunger, the second one causes a brutal appetite. With lack of sleep, the production of “bad” hormone increases and the “good” hormone decreases. For a person who has not had enough sleep, a light snack before lunch with yogurt or fruit is not enough; he needs fatty, carbohydrate, and heavy foods.

How to fight

Needs to be eliminated cause of increased appetite, having taught the body. You need to sleep 8-9 hours a day, with about 6-7 hours falling on night sleep. For those young ladies who don’t get enough sleep out of habit, it won’t be difficult to rebuild their body:

2. You need to go to bed early.

3. Don't eat a lot before bed.

At serious disorders sleep will come to the rescue modern drugs from insomnia. But you can try to resort to natural remedies, For example, chamomile tea for the night. During the period of restoration of your “sleepy” mode, it is important to reduce the amount of food consumed. They will help the following techniques decreased appetite:

1. At each meal, you should only put half of your food on your plate. normal rate. If after half an hour the feeling of hunger does not go away, then you can add a supplement.

2. In the morning and for lunch you need to eat lean meat, which helps reduce appetite.

3. Food should be chewed thoroughly and not swallowed. This helps you stop on time when you feel full.

4. Physical activity will help reduce your appetite. Burning calories also helps normalize sleep. It is best to resort to non-intense, but long-term exercise: running, walking, swimming, cycling.


Nutritionists have concluded that women who are often exposed to stress are 2 times more susceptible to increased appetite and excess weight. Depression, Howcause of increased appetite, may be related to overweight. Dialing excess weight leads to a decrease in physical activity. The woman begins to reproach herself for the next piece of cake she eats. Guilt leads to stress, and stress leads to prolonged depression. Fat people are often subject to public criticism, which reduces self-esteem. To avoid feeling constantly depressed, fat women start eating more sweets. As you know, sweet foods produce the happiness hormone.

How to fight

Get rid of extra pounds It is possible if you overcome depression. You can resort to the help of a professional psychotherapist, pills, or a combination of several methods. You just need to prepare that treatment may take about six months. After normalizing your appetite, you can start losing weight: sit down and do fitness. Dietary recommendations for women with increased appetite:

1. To overcome addiction to sweets, you need to set aside a certain amount of sweets for yourself. It is advisable to eat one type of sweet product, for example, a spoonful of sugar a day, sweet cheese or cottage cheese.

2. You can completely give up sweets in one day. But the effect will only be if you last for about 1 month. During this time, the body will undergo restructuring.

3. The level of carbohydrate food can be left in the same amount, but only waste the calories received completely. To do this you will have to do training.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

In particular, polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the causes of increased appetite. Due to a number of factors, including heredity, ovarian cells do not respond as well to insulin. As a result, cells do not receive the main nutrient - glucose. The brain receives a signal from the organs that they are hungry. As a result, the woman feels strong feeling hunger.

How to fight

Only an examination will help you get rid of increased appetite. When a diagnosis of insulin insensitivity is made, the doctor prescribes treatment. The correct cell response is produced by taking special medications. The course of treatment normalizes appetite. Taking dietary supplements and vitamins will also help solve the problem. You can combine the course of treatment with regular physical exercise. For polycystic disease it is recommended special diet, which involves limiting sweets, fatty foods, and including more vegetables and fruits in the diet. The last dinner should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime, otherwise hormonal disorders are only getting stronger.

Every person needs sufficient and balanced diet, systematic intake of different products into the body. And a healthy appetite is largely an indicator normal functioning all organs and systems. Lack of desire to eat something may indicate various violations requiring immediate correction. But increased appetite should not be ignored either. Let's talk on this page www.site about why increased appetite occurs, we'll look at the causes and treatment of such a disorder, and we'll also say whether there are herbs that reduce appetite and suppress hunger.

Appetite is a pleasant sensation that is associated with the body's need for food, as well as with physiological mechanisms responsible for regulating the intake of various nutrients. Thus, appetite includes several aspects - both psychological and physiological.

Causes of increased appetite

Excessive appetite can be explained by a number of different factors, which include a violation hormonal balance, disruptions in the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and illnesses digestive tract. Appetite may increase with depressive states and with apathy. In addition, such a violation sometimes indicates overwork, psychological shock or stress. It can be caused by insufficiently correct organization of the diet, lack of water in the body and lack of night rest.

In most cases, unhealthy increased appetite appears as a result of emotional discomfort. With this disorder, a person begins to eat not from hunger, but from anxiety, irritation, restlessness, resentment, disappointment and even boredom. Psychologists often talk about patients eating problems, sorrows and stress.

Increased appetite usually occurs when processes are disrupted carbohydrate metabolism. At the same time, a person feels the desire to eat foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates. And such food is represented primarily by bread, pizza, pasta, pies and a variety of sweets. Their consumption leads to sharp increase amount of glucose in the blood, but then the glucose level also drops sharply, as a result of which the body receives a signal about the need to consume a new portion of food.

In some cases, a brutal appetite appears in women in PMS period. Also, such a nuisance can be provoked by strong physical exertion, quitting smoking and banal gluttony, which causes distension of the stomach.

How to correct increased appetite, what treatment is effective?

To get rid of unmotivated feelings of hunger, you must first correct your diet. It is essential to reduce your consumption fatty foods, spicy dishes and sweets. Also, you should not eat processed foods and ready food from shops and fast food cafes. It has long been no secret that many manufacturers actively add various flavor enhancers to food, which can encourage consumers to purchase and eat these particular products in unlimited quantities. If consumed systematically, such food can lead to healthy food It will seem completely tasteless.

Also avoid overeating. Move the plate to the side in time, because you can easily finish the dish after an hour or two. Also, there is no need to rush during the meal; do not be distracted by reading, browsing the Internet or watching television programs.

Avoid drinking food, as it will be evacuated from the stomach very quickly, which will cause hunger in a short time.

Also, do not forget to systematically rest, because the body needs full recovery. Feed your body from time to time vitamin preparations, mineral particles. Also be sure to follow drinking regime.

If you suffer from problems on the personal front, stress, etc., learn to respond adequately to difficult life situations.

Herbs that reduce appetite and suppress hunger

A variety of things can help you cope with excessive appetite. medicinal herbs. They are safer than medicines, affecting the centers of hunger and satiety.

The use of flax seeds has a remarkable effect. So you can brew a tablespoon of this raw material with half a liter of boiling water and leave it overnight to infuse. Take the resulting product, without straining, one hundred grams about half an hour before meals, two or three times a day.

You can also use bearberry-based medicines. This plant will help you eliminate cravings for stressful food consumption and help cleanse the body. To prepare the medicine, you need to brew a dessert spoon of bearberry leaves with half a liter of boiling water and leave for six to seven hours. The prepared composition should be taken in a third of a glass several times a day.

For optimization metabolic processes It is worth paying attention to hawthorn. Brew a dessert spoon of the flowers of such a plant with a glass of boiling water and leave for twenty-five minutes to infuse. Take half a glass three times a day, a quarter of an hour before meals.

The use of medicine based on corn silk also produces a remarkable effect. Brew a teaspoon of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave until it cools completely. Strain the prepared medicine and take a third of a glass three times a day, about half an hour before meals.

The problem of weight loss has been studied for a long time. New and varied diets, training programs, courses and much more are constantly appearing. Much less attention is paid to this important issue like gaining weight. Thinness is not only aesthetic problem, but can also lead to poor health. By observing several simple rules You can put your body in order and start a new life.

The feeling of hunger is a signal from the body that it needs food. nutrients Oh. The hunger center, which is located in the hypothalamus, gives a signal about the lack of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and microelements. If a person loses their appetite, this can lead to nutritional imbalance.

If a person is not able to eat the amount of food that his body requires, then his appetite is impaired. There may be several reasons:

  • neuropsychic (somatic);
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • metabolic disease;
  • bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol);
  • avitaminosis.

Any chronic and acute diseases, infections, tumors can also lead to disruption and complete loss appetite.

Taking medications, in particular antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and pills to increase blood pressure, reduces appetite.

Among psychosomatic reasons: stress, habit, social phobias, anorexia, depression. Among the problems of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, dysbiosis, intestinal dyskinesia, problems with the production of enzymes, diseases of the pancreas or gall bladder.

Proven ways to improve appetite

There are three sports supplements for gaining weight:

  • (protein + carbohydrates).

Additional source useful substances may be amino acids and beta-alanine. These supplements are needed to increase energy during strength training, but do not affect the process of weight gain.

Whey protein is needed to speed up metabolism and muscle growth. Daily norm protein an athlete has 1.5-2.5 grams of protein per 1 kg of weight. Whey protein is absorbed in minutes, while regular food more than an hour. Protein is consumed not only on training days. 1 measuring spoon sports supplement equivalent to a serving of meat.

Creatine retains fluid in the muscles, which makes them appear larger. The substance is able to optimize energy processes in muscles, increase strength indicators, due to which muscles will grow faster.

Gainer consists of protein and carbohydrates. Carbohydrate is a source of energy and is necessary for recovery after exercise. The mixture is also quickly absorbed by the body. Taken on training and rest days as an additional source of nutrition.

Help of medicinal plants and herbal collections

Bitter herbs (bitters) are used to increase appetite. You can buy them at any pharmacy. Before taking it, it is recommended to consult with your doctor to rule out side effects. They irritate the gastric mucosa and cause reflex secretion gastric juice.

  • dandelion root;
  • centaury grass;
  • Montana;
  • belladonna;
  • wormwood.
  • Bitterness is present in the composition of the appetizing collection, in the preparations Vitaon and Aristochol, in stomach tablets with belladonna extract.

    The above herbs increase the feeling of hunger, have a choleretic effect, and relieve inflammation.

    Since bitterness causes the secretion of gastric juice, it is forbidden to take them for gastritis and ulcers.

    Additionally, you can take: juniper, barberry, black currant, anise seeds, caraway seeds, sea buckthorn. More strong effect Possessed by chicory, yellow gentian, and plantain.

    Honey, propolis and bee bread will help replenish the body essential minerals and vitamins, which will lead to proper operation Gastrointestinal tract.

    Dangerous ways to increase appetite

    If you abuse any of the methods of increasing appetite, it can be detrimental to your health.

    You should not take any medications without a doctor’s prescription, deviate from the instructions or increase the recommended course of treatment. The same applies to traditional medicine.

    Before you start taking measures, you need to undergo an examination with a doctor and identify the objective causes of disorders in the body.

    You can only eat healthy food, don’t eat fast foods, don’t eat at night, consume only healthy glucose.

    Under no circumstances should you accept hormonal drugs without special indications.

    Physical exercise should also be in moderation increased fatigue will only lead to disruption of digestive processes.


    Anyone can increase their appetite healthy man, this should be done moderately and gradually, without counting on quick results. A set of measures will allow you to restore your body’s functioning, feel better and more confident.

    Be sure to read about it

    Three meals a day good nutrition can seem like a daunting task when you don't have a healthy appetite. A more motivating way to eat is to divide three main courses into five or six small portions.

    As your appetite improves, you can begin to increase the quantity of these meals or add more ingredients to consume more calories throughout the day. For example, if you are eating a sandwich with meat, also include some vegetables and cheese to add more calories and nutrients.

    Let's summarize:

    Eat five or six smaller meals a day instead of three large ones. As your appetite improves, you can begin to increase your portions and add more ingredients.

    2. Eat nutrient-rich foods

    People having poor appetite tend to consume empty calories such as candy, potato chips, ice cream and bakery products in order to gain weight. Although these types of foods may appear more appetizing and contain a large number of calories are a bad idea because they provide very little nutrition to the body.

    Instead of consuming such foods, focus on foods that provide you with calories and wide range nutrients such as proteins and healthy fats. For example, instead of ice cream for dessert, you can have 1 cup of plain Greek yogurt with the sweetness of berries and cinnamon. Likewise, if you're craving pizza, you can make it at home and add more vegetables and protein for extra nutrients.

    Let's summarize:

    Reduce your intake of empty calories. Instead, focus on consuming more nutritious foods containing proteins healthy fats and whole grains.

    3. Add more calories to your meals

    If you are concerned about how to increase your appetite, there is another way that will help increase your appetite and provide your body with enough nutrients throughout the day. You just need to add more calories to your diet.

    One way to do this is to cook with high-calorie ingredients such as butter, nut butters, olive oil or whole milk.

    For example:

    • Add 45 calories: Cook eggs with butter.
    • Add 80 calories: Cook oatmeal with whole milk instead of water.
    • Add 80 calories: add to salads olive oil and avocado.
    • Add 100 calories: spread a small amount of apple slices peanut butter and use as a snack.

    Simple supplements like these can further provide your body with healthier calories and increase your overall calorie intake.

    Let's summarize:

    When preparing various meals, add high-calorie ingredients to help you consume more calories throughout the day.

    4. Make mealtimes an enjoyable experience.

    How to increase your appetite easily and pleasantly? Cooking and dining with others can help stimulate your appetite more than eating alone. To make your food more appetizing, you can invite friends and family over for lunch/dinner. If they can't come and keep you company, try eating while watching TV.

    These strategies can help take your attention away from food. The study found that eating with friends can increase food consumption by 18%, and eating while watching TV can increase food consumption by 14%. Having lunches and meals together, combined with entertainment, can help you enjoy food more and improve poor appetite.

    Let's summarize:

    If you eat with friends and family or eat in front of the TV, you can distract yourself from the food you are eating, which will encourage you to eat more of it.

    5. Trick your brain with different plate sizes

    How to improve your appetite by tricking your brain? If you have a poor appetite, the sight of large portions can make you feel overwhelmed and reluctant. The way to avoid these negative feelings is to trick your brain into thinking that you are still eating a small portion. You can do this by serving the food on a large plate instead of a small one.

    Some studies have shown that increasing the size of your plate can make you eat larger portions of food. This happens even if you don't really like the food. In other words, you can eat more food if you serve it on a larger plate. This may increase daily consumption calories, especially if you eat high-calorie foods.

    Let's summarize:

    Eating with large plates may help you eat more.

    6. Eat on time

    Try planning out your daily eating schedule and setting a reminder for each meal to start eating regularly. A regular eating schedule is important to stimulate your appetite - this will help you consume enough calories and nutrients every day.

    Let's summarize:

    Scheduling and setting meal reminders can help you increase your appetite and keep track of your food intake.

    7. Don't skip breakfast

    Consuming breakfast on a daily basis is important when you want to increase your appetite and gain weight.

    A review study found that skipping breakfast may cause you to eat less throughout the day, which has the opposite effect. Additionally, breakfast helps increase the body's thermogenesis effect, causing you to burn more calories throughout the day. It's good for your appetite.

    If you're trying to eat more, eating breakfast every day is just as important as eating regularly throughout the day.

    Let's summarize:

    Eating breakfast daily can increase your appetite and increase thermogenesis, which may encourage you to eat more.

    8. Eat less fiber

    A high-fiber diet has been shown to promote a feeling of fullness and reduce calorie intake - this is especially beneficial for those who want to lose weight, but just want to improve their appetite and possibly gain weight.

    Although high fiber foods are recommended in balanced diet, they can slow down digestion and keep you feeling full longer. Therefore, you may want to adjust your fiber intake if you are wondering how to improve poor appetite.

    To improve your appetite, increase your intake of low-fiber foods and slightly reduce your intake of high-fiber foods - this will help relieve the feeling of fullness and may help you eat more throughout the day.

    Let's summarize:

    Reducing the amount of fiber in your diet may reduce the feeling of fullness in your stomach and encourage your intake more food during the day.

    9. Drink your calories

    Chugging calories can be a more motivating way to increase your calorie intake than chewing food when you don't feel too hungry. Practical way Drinking your calories means replacing some of your meals with nutritious, high-calorie drinks.

    Smoothies, milkshakes and juices can be good drinks replacing some meals. Try making them with nutritious ingredients such as fruits and vegetables. You can also add good sources protein such as whole milk, yogurt or protein powder for extra calories and nutrients.

    Let's summarize:

    Drinking calorie-dense and nutritious drinks instead of some snacks throughout the day can help motivate you to consume your food.

    10. Include healthy snacks

    Eating large meals can be intimidating, while small, easy-to-eat snacks can be more convenient, making it less of an effort to increase your food intake. Snacks can also be helpful when you're on the go.

    However, appetizers are not intended to replace main courses, but rather to complement them. Therefore, avoid eating snacks before meals because they may worsen your appetite.

    Here are some examples of healthy snacks:

    • Fruits such as bananas, apples and oranges.
    • Protein bars or granola bars.
    • Greek yogurt or cottage cheese and fruit.
    • Olive oil and crackers.
    • Salty snacks such as popcorn or mixed dried fruits and nuts.

    Let's summarize:

    Eating small, healthy snacks throughout the day can help increase your calorie intake and increase your desire to eat.

    11. Eat more of your favorite foods

    How to increase your appetite - with what foods? When you have a dish in front of you that you know and love, you are probably much more inclined to eat it than a dish that you find unappealing. Research shows that if you can choose what you eat, you will be able to eat more and eat more often than if you don't have the opportunity to choose your foods.

    To help you consume more of these foods, it's important to take some time to plan and prepare them ahead of time so you can always use them. However, if your favorite foods are unhealthy (for example, from restaurants fast food), you can try making them yourself or serve them with healthier ingredients to make them more nutritious.

    Let's summarize:

    Eat more of the foods you love. This will help you eat normally and stimulate your appetite.

    12. Use herbs and spices

    Another remedy that improves appetite is herbs and spices. Some foods can slow digestion and produce gas, which can lead to a feeling of heaviness, bloating, and decreased appetite.

    A type of seasoning called carminative herbs and spices may help reduce bloating and flatulence, and improve appetite. They can also stimulate bile production to facilitate the digestion of fats.

    Here are some examples of carminative herbs and spices that are classified as appetite-increasing foods:

    • fennel
    • black pepper
    • coriander
    • cinnamon

    In addition to helping reduce the feeling of heaviness in your stomach, these herbs and spices can help make your meals more delicious and appealing. When your food smells and tastes good, it can create a good appetite.

    Bitter tonics are another type of herbal preparation that can help increase appetite by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes. Here is an appetite-improving herb that is classified as a bitter tonic:

    • gentian
    • Blessed Knikus
    • centaury

    You can start supplementing with some of these herbs, spices, or bitter tonics by adding them to your meals or consuming them as teas or tinctures.

    Let's summarize:

    Some herbs, spices and bitter tonics are good for increasing your appetite, aiding digestion, reducing flatulence and making your food more palatable.

    13. Increase physical activity

    How to increase your appetite naturally without resorting to taking various herbs? During physical activity, your body burns calories to maintain energy levels. Physical activity can increase your appetite as your body needs to replenish the calories it burns.

    One study involved 12 people who were exposed to... physical activity. During this period, they burned an average of 835 extra calories per day. In addition, scientists observed increased cravings for food in the subjects, from which they were able to replenish 30% of the calories burned during exercise.

    You shouldn't expect to improve your appetite after your first workout, but if you are consistent and stick to a weekly workout schedule, your appetite will likely improve within just a few days.

    Besides, physical activity may affect several processes in your body that have been shown to stimulate hunger. These include an increase in metabolic rate and muscle mass, as well as changes in hormone production.

    Let's summarize:

    Physical activity can cause you to burn more calories and stimulate your appetite, increasing your metabolic rate and hormone production.

    14. Limit drinks during meals

    Drinking fluids before or during meals can negatively affect your appetite and cause you to eat less. Research has shown that drinking water before meals can reduce calorie intake and help with weight loss. This appears to affect older people more than younger people.

    In contrast, avoiding drinking water or drinks before meals can increase calorie intake by 8.7%. So try to drink water according to at least 30 minutes before meals and see if your appetite improves.

    Let's summarize:

    Drinking water or other liquids consumed before or with meals can affect your appetite and cause you to eat less.

    15. Some supplements may also help.

    Deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals can reduce your appetite. If you're wondering how to increase your appetite, consider including some of these supplements in your diet, which serve as appetite boosters when deficient:

    • Zinc: Lack of zinc in the diet can lead to loss of appetite and taste disturbances, which may contribute to a decreased desire to eat (see Zinc deficiency: symptoms in women and men).
    • Thiamine: Thiamine deficiency can lead to decreased appetite and increased energy expenditure during rest, leading to weight loss.
    • Fish fat: Some studies have shown that this natural preparation in the form of clear gelatin capsules, may help increase appetite and reduce the feeling of fullness in women after eating.
    • Echinacea: This is a plant used to stimulate immune system and disease control. Research has shown that echinacea also contains compounds called alkylamines, which can stimulate your appetite. Details about beneficial properties and the use of echinacea you can find out here - Echinacea: medicinal properties and contraindications, use of echinacea.

    Let's summarize:

    Deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals can cause poor appetite. Taking certain supplements can help increase your appetite.

    16. Keep a food diary

    Keeping a food diary will help you keep track of what you eat and make sure you're consuming enough calories throughout the day. Writing down each meal and your hunger levels can also help you understand how your appetite is improving. Aim to write down every food item, meal, and snack you eat, no matter how small. When your appetite is poor, counting each calorie gives you an idea of ​​how well you are achieving your daily goal.

    Let's summarize:

    Keeping a food diary will help you track your food intake and improve your eating habits and appetite.


    Many factors can affect your appetite, including physical illness, mental states, medications and vitamin or mineral deficiencies. However, small changes may have great importance. You can try to increase your appetite by inviting people over for meals and cooking new recipes, and using spices, herbs and high-calorie ingredients to make the food more appealing and nutritious.

    Try to limit your intake of water and drinks before and during meals, and moderate your intake of high-fiber foods, as these may worsen your appetite. If you find large meals challenging, motivating yourself to eat smaller meals more frequently can help increase your appetite.

    Another trick is to eat your largest portion when you are hungry. The rest of the time, you can include smoothies and high-calorie drinks in your diet, which are easier to consume. If you're having trouble eating, it's always a good idea to consult your doctor, who can give you advice on how to increase your hunger and gain healthy pounds.