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Kitchen rules: how to stop a cat from climbing on the table. How to stop a kitten from climbing on tables: practical ways to educate Why does a cat climb on tables?

A) remove cat B) remove table

IN) train the cat G) train owners

Which answer seems to be the most appropriate in solving this problem? Surely many will choose answer B, but this test does not imply only one correct answer. All options provided are correct. And moreover, not four, but ten ways weaning a cat from table climbing: we will consider, prove, justify.

We’ll talk about solving the problem a little later, because if there is a problem, then it somehow appeared first, and only then required a solution. Therefore, it is first necessary to determine the cause of this very problem.

Why do cats love tables so much? Probably because they are so pleasant to sleep on? Surely, to satisfy such needs, the cat will prefer something more natural, for example, a chair. But the table is still a free treat for your pet, because it’s so nice to eat something other than your own cup and not according to the usual routine.

The second reason for the cat to visit the table is good view above. For example, if the table is located near the window, the pet will want to admire the beauty of heights, because cats love heights.

The third reason is due to the fact that the cat simply loves to sleep on the table. Without any explanation, she liked this place and that’s it.

A cause-and-effect relationship has been established. Let's start fixing the problem itself.

Remove cat

If you don't have time to deal with the reasons and decide this problem, then simply prevent it by removing the animal from the table location during your absence. Simply close the door to the kitchen, leaving the cat outside. Having an obstacle in the form of a massive door, the pet will not be able to climb onto the table in any way. Do this every time you leave the kitchen. If you often walk back and forth, and there is no way to track whether the cat has come out or not, then simply do not let the animal into the kitchen at all. At first, he may begin to resist, but over time he will get used to the idea that he is not allowed there and will abandon all attempts to penetrate.

Delete table

The expression “Delete a table” means removing what is a table in the cat’s understanding. If for him the table is a snack bar, then when leaving the kitchen, remove everything edible from the table. If for your pet the table is the object of view from the windows, then move it away from the window and provide the cat with a replacement, it can be a shelf, as tall as the table or higher.

Water procedures

Cats don't really like unexpected douches. Place a tray on the table (this could be an oven tray), and the cat will jump into the bath. She is unlikely to want to repeat this procedure.

Loud sounds

Cats avoid loud and especially harsh sounds. If you burst several times in front of an animal balloon, then at the sight of another one, the pet will have an unpleasant association, and the cat will begin to avoid such objects. Having accustomed the cat to an unpleasant attitude towards balloons, place several directly on the table, so that the pet can see them from the floor. Seeing this unpleasant object from below, the animal will not want to meet it and will postpone going to the table. If the balls are on the table the pet will watch long time, then the desire to visit this surface will completely disappear.

It's not just balls that can make loud noises. You can also use various objects, jumping on which the cat will drop them on the floor. For example, pot lids. If you place them along the edge of the table, the cat will jump and fall, followed by a lid from above. Cats are usually not attracted to such a fall, and they will not want to repeat it.

Strong smell

Anything that is inedible for a cat and emits a scent, literally or figuratively, repels the animal. If you rub a few drops of essential oil on the table, the cat, having jumped there, will climb back down without thinking twice. Absolutely any broadcast will do. In the absence of aromatic oils, you can use regular table vinegar, orange peels or something like that. There are many.

Sticky surface

This option will be more problematic for the owners, but as an option itself it is no exception. Place double-sided tape on the surface of the table. Cats don't like sticky soil under their paws and won't stay in this kind of interior.

Electric mat

You won't find anything in pet stores. There is even a special electric mat. It is not intended to execute the offending animal, but to scare it away. By jumping onto the table, the cat will receive a weak electric shock, which will not cause him harm, but the unpleasant sensations will definitely remain.

Replacing the table

If you have the opportunity and desire to change the interior, then you can simply replace the table your pet is accustomed to with a new one. The cat will be curious, but he will not immediately understand that this is a table. And if you don’t leave food on it, your pet won’t really like the new piece of furniture.

The totality of all methods

If you have tried several options and have not achieved results, then combine several methods at the same time. Just imagine the reaction of a cat if, after jumping onto the table, he feels that his paws are stuck, an unpleasant pungent odor emanates from the surface, when he moves to the side he receives an electric shock, and, trying to jump off the table, he touches the lid and it falls together with him, creating loud noise. If you were the cat, would you return to this table?

Give a cat

Even if the most extreme measures If you haven’t taught your pet to climb on the table, then your case is special and your pet is unique. Give a unique gift to your friend by giving him a cat, and the problem will be solved by itself.

But seriously, all animal actions are based on reflexes. There are innate reflexes, and there are acquired ones. If you help an animal acquire the right reflex actions, then this pet will not cause problems. Think about the psychology of the animal when working with it, and not about your unsatisfied feelings, and you will succeed in difficult education.

The cat exhibition "InfoCat" presents a series of articles about pets.

Cats are very curious animals who love to climb higher, play with various objects, and are not at all opposed to “snatching” something tasty. What place meets such aspirations of a cat? You can't think of anything better than a table, especially a kitchen one. Although window sills and shelves are also very tempting for tailed animals.

How to solve the problem radically? That is, make sure that the cat does not climb on the table, shelves, windowsill even when you are not at home?
Output conditioned reflex - this is the most reliable way. Five simple tricks will help you wean your cat from walking in protected areas.
1. Make the cat uncomfortable: arrange objects on the table (window sill) so that the cat, jumping there, I definitely dropped something. Put down at least pot lids, aluminum cans or unnecessary books. Cats have a very developed sense of balance, so falling is extremely unpleasant for them. And if the fall is also accompanied by loud noise, then you will get double the effect.

2. Now we smoothly come to the second rule. Cats hate loud, sharp sounds. Therefore, when you are at home, accompany any creep of the cat into forbidden territory with various unpleasant sounds. For this you can use any children's musical instruments, squeaking toys, and even the same pot lids. If only the sound was unexpected and loud.

3. A cat’s sense of smell helps her in nature to track down prey, but for us it will help us keep her away from forbidden places. Cats can't stand strong odors. Vinegar can be found in every home - lubricate surfaces with vinegar, and the cat will avoid them with disgust. Citrus fruits also irritate cats' delicate sense of smell, but better than any orange peels will work aromatic oil orange or lemon. They are now sold in any pharmacy. By the way, you don’t have to focus on the smell of citrus fruits; almost any aroma oil is very unpleasant for cats, because The smell is very intense.

4. There is another one folk method, although it is simple, it is surprisingly effective. Make the surface of the table (window sill) sticky, unpleasant for the cat. The easiest way to do this is to use double-sided tape. Our favorite little predators are very clean, and the unpleasant sensations from sticky tape will not make them want to repeat the unpleasant experience.

5. And finally, extremely effective remedy- a regular spray bottle. Pussies are not fans of water procedures, there is nothing more disgusting for them than unexpected cold shower. The main thing is to make sure that the cat does not associate you with these unpleasant sensations, otherwise she will develop a negative reflex to your appearance. Therefore, spray the offender with water so that she does not suspect your participation.

If you apply at least some of these rules, then you will not have to mourn the remains of your favorite cup, from which it was so pleasant to drink coffee in the morning. And you won’t be surprised to learn one morning that you and your cat have been eating from the same plate for several years. Even such willful animals as cats can be trained.

Surely you know that cats have immense curiosity. They often jump onto the windowsill or onto the dining table. To prevent this curiosity from developing into a conflict, we will tell you how to wean a cat from climbing tables and recommend several training methods.

Reasons why cats do this

Our furry pets can climb onto the table for several reasons. Leaving candy wrappers or cellophane bags on the table, having noticed them, your pet will certainly take advantage of the opportunity and try to get the rustling object, and if you are lucky, try the treats left on the table.

The main reasons why cats climb on the kitchen table, window sills and all places of interest to them is excessive curiosity, manifestation of predatory instincts, dominance over other pets in the house, to show and prove their superiority.

The mustachioed friend is designed in such a way that on an instinctive level he must control everything that happens around him. To do this, he needs to constantly be on top. Window sills become the first places for fluffy ones to love. This way they can see all household members and the overall picture of what is happening.

If an unknown object appears in the room, the cat will immediately go to it to find out and sniff out what it is and how it can be used for personal purposes. Is it possible to play with it, can it be chewed and what danger does it pose?

Personally, our cat chewed everything that was metal. Put the wire cutters next to her, she immediately started gnawing on them metal part! If you left a metal rod next to her, she would start gnawing on that too. Curiosity or lack of iron in the body? Unclear.

The character and temperament of cats and cats plays important role. In the course of upbringing, it could turn out that furry friend became a thief. He is interested in receiving a reward while no one is watching. This is a natural manifestation of predator instincts. All the reward that he was able to steal from the table is considered loot.

Comfort for the cat is also important. She is looking for a cozy and warm place, preferably where there is the smell of food. A bakery at a bakery factory or a hot shop at a sausage factory is an ideal place for furry inhabitants. But we are in the house.

The feeling of superiority is normal condition for a cat. She understands that besides her, no one sits in this place, sleeps, much less walks. This place is becoming a favorite. Take a nap here and stretch out in full height is great happiness. And it doesn’t matter that it’s the kitchen table where the whole family eats.

If there is one or more cats living in the house, then the obviousness of what is happening is obvious. Constant control of what is happening below gives the furry the advantage of dominance. Don’t be surprised if one of the cats, or maybe in turns, occupy high positions, including dining areas, cabinets with food and dishes, and chairs become a small obstacle that is a pleasure to overcome.

Stopping a cat from climbing on a table is not an easy task. Here there is a struggle with instincts, a struggle with the predator itself by nature. If there are several animals in the house, then work with overcoming fears, unity and friendship of pets.

If you live in a private house, you have often observed that your mustachioed friend is lying on the stove in a special niche where you can dry firewood, shoes, perhaps there is a warm fur coat (if it is a Russian stove). This is a favorite and warm place for a cat, especially in winter period when the doors to the hut are constantly opening and puffs of cold air creep across the floor.

If the kitchen table is located next to the windowsill and there are no flowers on it, it is not curtained with curtains or tulle, then you are not surprised that the pet often visits the table. He needs to get on the windowsill to look out the window what is happening on the street.

Our cat loves to sit on the window and watch what is happening. The window sill in the bedroom is her favorite place. We do not interfere with her at all, but on the contrary, we open the curtains so that she can enjoy watching the cats run through the snowdrifts. She is homemade and has never seen anything like this. All this is new and unexplored for her.

It’s good that it only sits on the windowsill and we didn’t have to wonder how to wean the cat from climbing on any surfaces. This problem has passed us by and we are very happy. But periodically she shows instincts and steals bread or candy from the table. The reason for this is curiosity.

We teach you not to climb on tables

To achieve goals and dominate a cat, people use various methods and means in this difficult battle. Some still don’t know how to stop a cat from climbing on the table and not stealing pieces of uneaten food? It's actually simple.

Method one

Shooting water at targets. The target will be a cat, and the shooting weapon will be a water pistol or a flower sprayer. You need to draw water and wait in the wings. As soon as the mustachioed pet jumps onto the table, immediately shoot a stream of water at it. He will get scared and immediately jump to the side and run away. If possible, catch your pet and spray him again!

Cats, by nature, are afraid of water. It's becoming effective method in dealing with such situations. If over time the cat does not perceive water procedures and continues to jump on the table, as soon as she does this, take her in your hands and carry out even more stringent water procedures.

You can put it in a bowl of water to wet its paws, or you can have a light shower in the bathroom. Then the pet will begin to distinguish between what is possible and what is not. Repeat until you stop walking on the table.

Method two

The smell of citrus in the struggle for a clean table. As an option, any citrus essential oil will do. It is sold in city pharmacies. It is usually inexpensive. According to the recommendations of our readers, grapefruit is more suitable.

Soak a small wooden bottle with essential oil and place it on the table. You can also soak a wine cork. It retains moisture for a long time, especially oily ones. You can also use paper napkins, but they will quickly lose the aroma of the essential oil.

This aroma is unpleasant for cats. As soon as the pet senses something is wrong, he will immediately stop visiting this noisy and smelly place. Most likely it will go to something else. If this happens, carry out similar procedure in a new place. But if there is no oil, then you can use lemon, orange and grapefruit peels.

Method three

Foil versus mustachioed. Another unusual way How to stop a cat from climbing tables involves using food foil. She has smooth surface, it rustles a lot, which cats don’t like and scares them off a lot.

If you have large leaf food foil, then you can lay it on the table instead of a tablecloth for a time while you are not at home or you are not using the table. It is advisable to secure the foil, otherwise the cat will quickly throw it off and take its place of honor. The treatment procedure with this method lasts about a week, and it will stop jumping onto the table completely.

Method four

Balloon. This method involves playing with your ears. Cats have a highly developed hearing aid, which is not surprising for a predator. With his weapon we can wean the cat from climbing on the table. The idea is to develop a defensive reflex when you see the balls.

Buy a pack of balloons. Inflate about 20 of them and scatter them around the room. Let your furbaby get to know new things around the house. After a while, call the cat by taking one of the balls in your hands. The cat must see that you are taking the ball. Lift it up and burst it with a needle or other object. The cat must see and hear the balloon burst!

You need to do this every time she is about to approach the balls. She should be afraid of them. You need to develop fear. This is a defense mechanism. Next time the mustachioed friend will not dare to approach the balls.

After the protective reflex has been developed, you can place the balls in places where the cat likes to live. Of course, not in all of them, but only in those that belong to the dining table or kitchen set, where there should be no cats. The pet will move from the table along the farthest path. After all, popping balls are waiting for him on the table!

Method five

Double punch. Let's use water again. If you have an oven and a baking tray in it, then it can be used as an assistant in the fight against a domestic predator. I think you already guessed what we will do?

If the table is small and the size of the baking tray does not seem like a point on the table, then place it at approximately the same distance from the edges in the middle and fill it with water to the edges. It is advisable to dial cool water to achieve the best result.

As soon as four-legged friend decides to take advantage of the situation when we are away or sleeping, he will immediately find himself in an unpleasant situation and literally tarnish his reputation. Don’t forget to also remove nearby chairs and unnecessary items from the table.

Method six

Electricity. Another no less insidious way to stop a cat from climbing on the dining table and kitchen set. To implement this, we will need an electric massage mat, which must be placed on the table, having first plugged it into an outlet.

Be careful! Do not leave the mat on without your supervision to avoid short circuits and fires. Remove vases and teapots from the table so that the cat cannot knock them over onto the rug. From a small discharge and getting scared, a pet can reflexively destroy everything in its path.

When a mustachioed friend sets his sights on checking the remains of food on the table, when it hits the mat he will feel unpleasant electrical impulses - electrophoresis. For humans they are useful and harmless, but for a cat it will be unpleasant. She will jump to the floor and will not come near the table for a while. This is a very effective way to stop a cat from climbing on the table, but we recommend using it if the previous five did not work!

You should not hit, scare, yell at the cat, lock it in dark rooms or throw it outside. Be more humane and wiser. Use our methods, if something doesn’t work out, write in the comments and we’ll figure it out!

Now let’s take a quick look at some advice from experienced owners of furry pets. You can apply these tips based only on your situation and your experience in raising cats.

Today, almost every second house or apartment has pets. Some of them are cats. Not every person knows how to raise her correctly and gain mutual understanding. Common cause The conflict comes from climbing on various surfaces, including the tables where we eat.

To do this, we have prepared tips from owners with which you will learn how to stop a cat from climbing on tables and let him understand that there are much better places than the kitchen and kitchen utensils:

  • do not leave the cat hungry for a long time; food should always be in a bowl;
  • remodel and place the table away from the window sill;
  • there is a free window sill, focus the cat’s attention on it;
  • cats love warmth and comfort, so arrange a comfortable place where she can take a sweet nap without thinking about tables and warm places;
  • buy a cat house and place it above floor level;
  • drive your pet off the table with a cat-like hiss;
  • buy a vertical scratching post with a platform at the top, this will give a certain focus to both an adult cat and a kitten;
  • if you have a kitten, then a trickle of water will do to scare away;
  • if you have difficulties with how to wean a kitten from climbing tables, use forced focusing: as soon as it climbs onto the table, pick it up and begin to distract it playfully;
  • When leaving home, do not leave your laptop or computer on, system unit will be an excellent warmer for a furry prankster, in addition, it will also go to the toilet if the wall lid is open;
  • keep the table clean;
  • use strong odors to your advantage;
  • you can swear loudly at the cat when boundaries are violated or another dirty trick occurs, but not to the detriment of the household;
  • for cats with a good pedigree, it is better to buy special cat furniture;
  • instead of shouting at the cat, clap your hands until it gets off the table, then you can threaten index finger with strict intonation;
  • you can cut transparent tape and place it on the table around the treat with the sticky side up, as the hero did in the video, which you can watch just below on this page.

These are the main and most effective ways How to wean a cat from such a bad manner. Raising a cat is complex and main period in her life. How she will behave in front of you or guests depends on her upbringing. Patience to you and safe education of your little predators!

Another example with tape. The method is really very effective! Be sure to take it into service!

More articles on this topic.

Agree, the two main questions that concern potential cat owners are: will they shit and will they climb on tables? Both questions relate to education, but while toilet training usually goes without problems, stealing food from the table is an almost invincible habit. As soon as the owner leaves the kitchen, the obedient pet goes after the prey. Let's figure out how to wean a cat from climbing tables without wasting unnecessary nerves.

What, or rather, who is the reason for the cat’s bad habits? To you! Yes, yes, it was you who gave in at some point in the upbringing and the ward decided that climbing on tables is normal, acceptable, or even good. When a kitten runs across the dinner table into your arms, it looks cute. When an adult cat runs across the table, grabbing a tasty treat along the way, this is a crime.

If you are persistent in your prohibitions, then the cat will not have to be punished or weaned off bad habits. However, philosophy and recommendations about what would have been good to do once upon a time aside. How to cope with the situation now that the cat is already climbing on the table?

Before taking any action towards your pet, think about where you are disrupting the order of things.

A cat can be encouraged to jump on a table by:

  • Your indifference to action.
  • Treats from the table.
  • Holding the cat while eating.

All these points need to be taken into account for yourself and eradicated from your own habits. When you eat, the cat should not be nearby. If your pet is in the same room with you and is looking intently at your mouth, distract him with a toy. The next step is to understand the pet's motivation for jumping on the table, and there aren't many options.

Search for food

The cat climbs onto the table to steal food- the most common option that many owners have encountered. It is very simple to eradicate this bad habit - do not leave food on the table, then there will be no motivation. Even if the pet jumps on the table, it will not find anything edible.

It is important to maintain stability here, because the cat will not give up the first time. She must come across an empty table again and again, that's the only way bad habit with time will pass. It is important not to leave food on the kitchen or other tables in the home, and from a technical point of view, this is not so difficult. You can leave the sandwich on the plate and step away for a minute. This time is enough for the pet to check the table and steal all the delicious things.

It is important to make sure that your cat is not stealing food due to hunger.. It’s interesting that owners of cats that are kept on farms often complain about theft from tables. industrial feed. Almost all of these cases, upon closer examination, contain the same factor. The food your cat receives contains a lot of carbohydrates and little protein. In this case, the pet will really experience a feeling constant hunger. Is it wise to punish or blame a cat for bad behavior when the behavior is related to its natural instinct to seek food? Of course not!

So, the conclusion is obvious - make sure that the cat gets balanced diet and does not celebrate being hungry.

The second point is strict control of order on the kitchen table, it should be empty while the behavior is being adjusted. Everything needs to be removed, even the napkin stand, souvenirs, salt shaker, etc.


An easier option for correction is jumping on the table out of curiosity. Cats, especially at a young age, want to know and control everything. Any new item in the slot will make them curious. If your pet is not weaned from jumping on the table, learning a new subject is very logical.

How to deal with this situation? There are two options. Let your pet get acquainted with the new thing by placing it on the floor. The cat will sniff the object, rub against it and after a while lose interest. While the pet is getting used to the new environment, its motivation is completely justified, and its intensity depends on you. If you notice that your pet is very interested in a vase on the shelf, remove it and let the cat sniff it. Don’t wait for your pet to rush off to adventures on tables and other furniture.

The second option is more problematic, but will most likely eliminate most pet's impulses. The cat feels more confident by inspecting its territory from above.

If you provide your pet with the opportunity to climb onto a cabinet or install a special complex with a high platform, this will solve two problems at once:

  • The pet will have somewhere to expend energy, and this will reduce the motivation for unwanted actions.
  • If cats are interested in examining something, she will do it.

There is only one downside: especially agile and active four-legged animals can use the hill as a jumping platform. That is, the pet will jump onto the table not from the floor, but from above. Provide such by-effect you can by observing your pet’s behavior at altitude.

Why does a cat need to be weaned from climbing on tables?

Many owners say something like: “Well, he walks around the table and okay, why wean him off?” Really, why? Well, sometimes a cat will steal a piece of sausage, but it’s not fatal. There is nothing fatal, but stealing food will not benefit the cat. You need to understand that your pet will most often steal away precisely those foods that are harmful to him but have a strong odor.

What if the cat doesn’t steal food, but just jumps on tables? You must take into account all the points:

  • Pet safety– cats are naturally playful, they like to pull strings, roll balls and solve simple problems. Are you sure that every time your cat jumps on the table, it won’t find dangerous toys? For example, a skein of thread with a needle looks very attractive. Small parts from a children's construction set, a mug that can be pushed off the table, a delicious-smelling candy wrapper... all these are little things that can kill a pet.
  • Hygiene– cat owners almost combust when it comes to hygiene and cleanliness: “what could be dangerous about my cat, she sleeps with me and I’m healthy.” Nobody argues that close contact with a cat is pleasant, but not on the table.

Establishing habits - cats quickly become accustomed to a certain way of life and become nervous if the system changes. If the pet was not prohibited from jumping on the table, but a child appeared in the house (or another event occurred) and the rules changed, it will be very difficult to retrain the pet. The longer a habit is encouraged, the more futile it is to fight it. Try to anticipate your preferences in advance, since you will be punished adult cat for actions that she was never prohibited from, at least unreasonably.

Methods for correcting behavior

We have considered the theoretical component of the problem. Behavior modification techniques involve the fact that we're talking about about an adult animal that already has established habits. It is important to understand that all these methods will not work if the cat does not understand the hierarchy of the family, that is, it considers itself to be in charge or disadvantaged.

You need to start by making the tables sterile so that the cat is not motivated by the smell of food and curiosity. Don’t expect results immediately; it will take a month, or maybe more, for the cat to be convinced that there is nothing interesting waiting for her on the table.

The supporting success factors are the same for raising any cat, regardless of temperament and habits:

  • Act smart– the cat should not suspect that correction methods are somehow related to you. Understand that the cat, having figured out your plan, will act proactively; moreover, it may begin to take revenge, suspecting you of infringing on its hierarchy. You should not resort to “duplicity”, because the cat will behave in the same way, it will not jump on the table while you are nearby, but as soon as you leave the room...
  • Stop unwanted actions performed before your eyes - if a cat jumped on the table, hit it with your palm, hiss (like a cat), but do not scream or touch the pet itself. Your task is to achieve obedience from your pet without physical impact and loss of leader “status”.

Method 1 - Noise and Fall

Watch your pet to understand which side of the table is more convenient for him to jump on. If all the paths are free, they need to be occupied so that only one side is convenient for jumping. We place a light plastic tray on the edge of the free side or place a sheet of cardboard or thin board so that the edge protrudes.

The method can be improved if a plastic tray is used. It needs to be positioned in the same way, but the addition is water, which is poured in a thin layer. When the cat jumps on the tray, it falls down and "takes a shower." Most likely, one such shower is enough to make your pet forget about climbing onto the table.

Method 2 – smells

Cats' sense of smell is much more acute than that of humans. It is known that four-legged animals do not like the smell of eucalyptus and citrus fruits. You guessed it, to scare away a cat you need to rub an unpleasant odor on the table top.

You can use half a lemon or orange, but the smell will quickly disappear. More effective application essential oils, which are absorbed into the surface for a long time. If you don't want to scrub the table itself, you can soak a sheet with the scent and cover it with a lid.

Alternatively, the essential oil can be poured into an aroma lamp and left in the room. The cat will avoid the unpleasant smell and simply will not go to the table. This method only takes one minute – if it doesn’t help the first time, it won’t help anymore. When the cat's motivation is stronger than irritation, you will have to resort to other methods.

Method 3 – foil

This is not a joke, a cat can be weaned from jumping on the table using foil. As in the first method, you need to determine from which side the pet is jumping onto the table. It is important to limit the cat's ability to jump onto the table from above.

Usually, in order to jump onto the table, the cat pulls itself up on its front legs. The edges of the table are wrapped around the perimeter with foil and are not secured with anything. The flexible foil quickly takes the desired shape, but slides off as soon as the cat grabs the edge of the table. After preparation, you need to wait for the pet to act, or rather, for it to hit the floor. Unlike the first method, the foil method does not promise injuries to the cat. This method should not be used to raise a kitten, as it may fall unsuccessfully and hurt itself.

Method 4 – Adhesive Tape

The fastest and effective method behavior correction is carried out using tape. The downside is that there will be traces of the tape, but the table can be covered with paper or an unnecessary sheet.

So, you will need wide double-sided tape. You need to make a sticky frame around the perimeter of the table, 10–12 cm wide. When the cat jumps on the table, it will stick and be discouraged. In addition, sticky marks will remain on the cat’s fingers, which will have to be licked for a long time and thoroughly.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • It is not advisable to use for long-haired cats, since it is impossible to comb out the remaining adhesive tape from the fur, only cut it
  • Not recommended for use on kittens and shy cats, since the pet may be genuinely frightened, thinking that it has fallen into a trap.

Another disadvantage that should be foreseen in advance concerns brave, temperamental and curious cats. The fact is that the pet may not experience embarrassment, but, on the contrary, become excited and try to punish the attacker (grabbing). In this case, you risk finding your pet wrapped in sticky fly, but desperately fighting.

Method 5 - Spray

An effective method that requires constant presence. The downside is that this technique violates the rule of secrecy; the cat will know that you are doing harm to it. The method involves spraying the cat with a spray bottle while trying to jump onto the table.

Only warm water should be used. It is advisable to spray so that the water gets on the face. An adult cat will understand perfectly well that the threat is associated only with your presence and will jump on the table when you are not there. For this reason, the method is only effective if you do not leave food or valuable items on the table that the cat might drop.

Method 6 – Distraction and Praise

A sophisticated method that requires time and titanic patience. Your task is not to punish or scare the cat for bad behavior, but to stop it for good behavior. The algorithm is something like this:

  • You see that the cat is about to jump on the table.
  • Distract with a toy.
  • You are interested in the game.
  • Praise generously and give treats.

If there is no toy nearby, pick your cat up or distract him in some other way. IN as a last resort distract your pet with his own bowl, or rather, with a treat in it. Your task is to interrupt your pet’s desire to commit an unwanted act by replacing the motivation with a stronger one.

Perhaps the cat's constantly increasing attention to you will be a minus for you, but do not be annoyed because you are fundamentally wrong. Domestic cats are social and if a cat asks for companionship, it should get it. Jumping on the table is the least of the consequences that the owner of a neglected cat may face.

Method 7 - Electricity

The method is not entirely humane, but advanced cases works. In addition, to implement the plan, you will have to spend money on an eclectic contact mat (sold in large pet stores). The point of the device is that it gives a small discharge of current upon contact.

Keep in mind that your cat feels even a small electric shock more than you do. That is light prick for you, a noticeable click for your pet. The mat should only be used when you are at home. An alternative option is electric shock, ultrasonic, spray and other collars controlled by remote control.

Does the cat openly rule the kitchen? Does he like to jump on the kitchen table, look into your plate, or sit comfortably on the shelf with cereals or pickled vegetables? Besides, he behaves unceremoniously at his own meal? It's time to teach her good manners, otherwise this behavior will cause you a lot of trouble later.

Why the kitchen?

First of all, there is so much to do in the kitchen! Agree, where else can you see a real meat grinder, get acquainted with a seaming machine, meet plates with pieces of lunch carelessly left in the sink, see so many jars on the countertop that you can play with while the owners are busy with their own affairs?

In addition, it is in the kitchen that accumulates a large number of a wide variety of flavors - fish, meat, hot, sweet, spicy. And cats, as you know, have an excellent sense of smell, which, coupled with curiosity, makes them explore the kitchen far and wide.

It is also important that the cat most often eats itself in the kitchen, which means that it is always tempted to taste the host’s dishes, which lie appetizingly on plates or in salad bowls. Sometimes the owners themselves help her in this, who like to feed the purr from the table, thereby making it clear that she is openly welcome in the kitchen, and she is at her complete disposal day and night.

Further more

Pots, pans, bread bins, microwaves, sugar bowls, ovens - the cat is ready to stick its nose everywhere if it is not stopped. It seems she would have examined the refrigerator if it didn’t have a door! Or she would even settle in the area of ​​a trash can, which the owners sometimes forget to take out on time.

What can we say about the fact that some of the purrs willingly drink from the kitchen tap, instead of taking a couple of sips from their own bowl of water. But sometimes all these liberties began to appear even at a kitten’s age and looked simply like a harmless prank, which the owners perceived with a smile and did not take into account.

Alas, it later turned into a persistent pattern of behavior that the cat began to confidently follow.

Wean or accept?

There are several reasons why you need to wean your purring dog from running the kitchen. Firstly, we are talking about basic hygiene: even if your cat is extremely clean, she still should not walk among kitchen utensils or plates of food - cat hair should not get into them.

Secondly, you need to think about security. Electric (or gas) appliances, such as stoves, microwaves, mixers, food processors, can injure a curious cat when in working condition. What can we say about meat grinders or even worse - kitchen knives left unattended!

Thirdly, the cat must clearly understand that the kitchen is not a place for games. There are rooms, hallways for this...

And fourthly, if a cat should eat food in the kitchen, then only its own and exclusively from its own dishes! There is no need to pamper your animal with food from the table or, even worse, right on the table.

If we have convinced you, let’s move on to practice - “implementing” kitchen rules. How to wean a cat off the table - to jump on the tablecloth, steal food from plates, or just walk around the table as if on a boulevard?

Simple rules: tables are uncomfortable

If you decide to stop a kitten from climbing on the table or retrain an adult cat, you will have to make some efforts. By following these simple and sometimes original rules, you can “explain” to your cat that the kitchen is a special place in the house where you should behave exemplarily.

So, has your cat gotten into the habit of jumping on the countertop or kitchen window sill? Show your imagination and “force” them in a chaotic manner with various objects - iron jars, baking dishes, etc. - preferably quite heavy.

Firstly, on a “busy” tabletop it will be more difficult for a cat to maintain balance, and she will be afraid of falling, and secondly, she will probably touch iron containers, which, when landing on the floor, will make sounds that are not the most pleasant for her.

Scientifically speaking, this situation will serve as a negative reinforcement for the cat when it associates one with the other in its head.

How to stop a cat from climbing on a table - video example

In some cases, you can wean a cat from sitting on the table with the help of sharp and unpleasant odors. For example, in this video, a veterinarian combines lemon and wasabi.

Some people rub the countertop with other citrus fruits or place vinegar in small containers on it. The cat will not be able to ignore such a piercing aroma and will prefer to leave its familiar place.

But probably the most popular and effective method, how to stop a cat from climbing on tables - and any forum will confirm this - use tape. There are many videos on this topic - here are the most illustrative ones.

You can use regular tape or, to make it easier, double-sided tape. Cover the tabletop with strips or pieces of Velcro. Once again, jumping on it, the cat will “get stuck” and conclude that the countertop is not the most comfortable place in the kitchen. Purrs are very clean, and a feeling of disgust can work in your favor in this case.

Splashes as a “repellent”

If the mustachioed one prefers your plates to his own and especially likes to feast on dishes prepared for welcoming guests, you can try training him with a spray bottle. But you should splash it so that he does not see you, but only experiences discomfort due to the water falling on him.

Otherwise, the cat will avoid the owner (the one who splashed at her), and not the kitchen where everything happened, and especially the owner’s plates.

You can go even further and buy a special spray repeller at the pet store, which will help wean the cat from climbing on the table or teach it to avoid certain places in the apartment. Electronic device Equipped with a motion sensor that can detect a purr at a distance of up to 1 meter, and a customizable spray.

The creators of one of these gadgets show how it works in a promotional video.

Rules for hosts

Wanting to change behavior own cat, the owners themselves must change. It is important not to leave the mountains dirty dishes in the sink or on the table, do not accumulate waste in the trash can, make sure that the cat has food in its bowls, do not indulge the pet’s weaknesses and do not feed it from the common table.

If a cat puts on a whole show before eating: meows loudly, stands on hind legs and impatiently scratches the front kitchen furniture with its claws - do not encourage her behavior by giving her food at this moment.

Of course, there is a great temptation to quickly put the bowl on the floor so that the disgrace stops. But in this way you encourage the cat to behave this way and not otherwise. In the language of trainers, you give it positive reinforcement and thus firmly reinforce this habit.

Therefore, persistently ensure that the cat sits quietly while you put food in it, and put the bowl only when the animal is silent and quiet for at least a few seconds. Gradually, you can increase the time little by little and, with some patience, you can get your cat to behave calmly.

Retraining a pet is not the easiest task. But it's worth it, believe me. Try to tear yourself away from the monitor and spend time with your cat, who, very likely, is simply bored without your attention and is forced to while away the time in the kitchen, where, as we know, there are so many interesting things!

Anna Sanina

What canned food tastes best for cats?

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