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How are the first days in the maternity hospital after natural birth and cesarean section, when the baby is brought in? The postpartum period and all the most important things about this time

All this raises many questions regarding health, lifestyle, emotions, relationships that a young mother will have to solve for the first time.

In the maternity ward

Childbirth ends after the third stage of labor, that is, after the birth of the placenta. Following this, the uterus immediately decreases significantly in size, becomes spherical, its cavity is filled with blood clots; The bottom of the uterus at this moment is approximately halfway between the womb and the navel. Periodic cramping contractions of the muscles of the uterus persist for some time, mainly in the fundus. Immediately after birth, the doctor examines the birth canal and, if necessary, applies stitches to the tears.

During the first two hours after natural birth a woman must be in the maternity ward under control medical personnel. This period is called the early postpartum period and requires special attention to the patient, since it is during these two hours that there is a high probability of various complications (for example, bleeding, increased blood pressure or body temperature, etc.). You are not allowed to get up. Immediately after childbirth, to improve contraction of the uterus, a heating pad with ice is placed on the mother's lower abdomen. All women feel differently after giving birth. Some experience excitement, euphoria associated with the release of joy hormones - endorphins, a desire to call all loved ones, communicate, while others, on the contrary, feel fatigue, drowsiness, which is associated with great physical and psycho-emotional stress during childbirth.

Immediately, still in the delivery room, the newborn is usually put to the breast for the first time.
During the early postpartum period, the doctor and midwife periodically assess the patient's condition, measure blood pressure and pulse, and ask about general health, the presence of complaints, check the nature and amount of discharge from the genital tract, and also massage the uterus through the anterior abdominal wall.

2 hours after birth, the doctor checks the condition of the postpartum woman again, assesses the degree of uterine contraction and the amount of discharge from the genital tract, and, if the woman’s condition is satisfactory, the patient is taken on a gurney to the postpartum department.

Postpartum department

Recovery after childbirth. IN postpartum department It is recommended to lie on your stomach for 1-2 hours. This technique improves uterine contraction and promotes discharge from it. blood clots. After this, you are usually allowed to get up. Active mode (i.e. getting up early, moving around the ward, self-execution hygiene procedures, and when staying together with the baby - and caring for him) also contributes to more intense contractions of the uterus, improved blood circulation in the legs, normalization of intestinal function and Bladder and general recovery of the postpartum woman. You need to get out of bed smoothly, carefully, without sudden movements. If a stitch is placed on the perineum, then you cannot sit down; you need to carefully roll onto one hip and get up from this position. It is also recommended to sleep on your stomach.

Shared stay. If the maternity hospital practices shared stays, the baby can be brought into the ward immediately after the children's nurse has completed all the documents. Naturally, this is done only if the condition of the mother and baby is satisfactory. In some maternity hospitals, babies are first placed in children's department and brought to the mother’s room after a few hours or only the next day, giving the woman time to recover after childbirth.

If the child was transferred to the mother's ward, the children's sister comes to see them several times during the first day. She tells how to properly care for a baby, breastfeeding, and swaddling. In addition to the nurse, a neonatologist comes - this is a doctor who monitors newborns. He looks at how the child feels, checks his reflexes, temperature, skin condition and umbilical wound, talks about the baby’s health condition, asks about the mother’s consent to vaccinations, answers questions regarding child care. With the consent of the mother, the baby is vaccinated against hepatitis B on the first day. At first, the newborn baby can sleep almost all the time, waking up only to eat. If the baby is restless, constantly cries, and only falls asleep for a few minutes, you need to tell the doctor about this so that he can assess the child’s condition and check if anything hurts.

Hygiene after childbirth. In the first hours after transfer to the ward, you can take a shower. If a woman feels severe weakness, it is better if a nurse is nearby at this time. The genitals should be washed carefully with water without using soap. During the first 24 hours, it is advisable to wash yourself after each trip to the toilet. Abundant bloody issues from the vagina after childbirth are a good breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria, this can be dangerous in the postpartum period, especially if there are stitches in the perineum.

You need to wash from front to back so as not to spread infection from the anal area to the vagina. Don't be afraid to wash the seam area. If a woman in labor has stitches placed on her perineum, the midwife will treat them several times during the day with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) or a 1% solution of brilliant green (brilliant green).

As already mentioned, the discharge in the first day is very abundant, it may contain clots, so you need to be careful about the hygiene products you use. Currently, special postpartum pads and mesh disposable panties are on sale. The pads are distinguished by the fact that they are larger than usual in size and have good absorbency, do not have a rubber layer, therefore, do not interfere with air exchange, and the surface layers are soft, which is important if there are seams on the crotch. In some maternity hospitals, the use of pads is not allowed; patients are given diapers, since they are easier for the doctor to determine the amount of discharge. In any case, it is necessary to change the diaper or pad every time after visiting the toilet and washing.

During the first 24 hours, urination may be frequent, so the body gets rid of excess fluid. The main thing is not to restrain the urge, since a full bladder disrupts the processes of uterine contraction. Even if there is no urge, you need to empty your bladder at least every three hours.

On the first day there may be excessive sweating, this is also associated with the removal of fluid from the body and changes in the hormonal levels of the postpartum woman.

Mom's nutrition. The diet of the postpartum mother should be changed immediately, since not everything that the mother likes is good for the baby. There are some dietary restrictions. First, all allergens must be excluded, most often honey, chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits, brightly colored berries (strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries), and tropical fruits. Secondly, products that increase gas formation are excluded, since their consumption can cause gas formation and abdominal pain in the baby. These are cabbage, legumes, black bread, grapes. You should also not drink strong tea and coffee, as they can have a stimulating effect on the child. Naturally, you should not drink alcohol.

Usually stool occurs within 2-3 days. If there are stitches on the perineum, it is very important to prevent constipation. To do this, the diet must contain dairy products, boiled beets, prunes, dried apricots, dried fruit compote, excluded fresh vegetables and fruits, wholemeal bread.

Menu after childbirth

  • Breakfast: oatmeal on water, yogurt 2.5?% fat without additives, dried fruit compote.
  • Second breakfast: cottage cheese with dried apricots and prunes.
  • Lunch: boiled beet salad with vegetable oil, vegetable soup, mashed potatoes, boiled meat, dried fruit compote.
  • Afternoon snack: dry cookies, kefir.
  • Dinner: lean beef stew, buckwheat, weak tea.
  • Late dinner: baked apple, Herb tea


It is very good if the newborn is applied to the breast immediately. The first drops of colostrum contain what the baby needs nutrients, vitamins, antibodies. In addition, early latching has a beneficial effect on establishing emotional contact between mother and baby and on the further development of lactation. On the first day, a small amount of colostrum is released. This is a thick yellowish liquid, high in calories and rich in protective antibodies, proteins, and vitamins. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately start putting the baby to the breast and do it on demand. There is no need to wash the mammary glands with soap before each feeding, as this dries out the skin and can lead to cracks. It is very important that during feeding both mother and baby are in comfortable positions. If a woman can sit, then it is more convenient to feed the baby while sitting or lying on her side. It is important from the very first day to ensure that the newborn grasps the breast correctly when feeding. The baby should grasp the nipple and areola, or most of it if the areola is large. In this case, the mouth should be wide open, and underlip completely inverted.

Complications after childbirth

During the first 24 hours, an obstetrician-gynecologist enters the postpartum woman’s room several times, monitoring her condition. At night, there is always a doctor on duty in the department who conducts rounds, and if problems arise, you need to contact him.

Pain in the lower abdomen. On the first day, the postpartum woman may experience tugging or cramping pain lower abdomen. They are associated with postpartum contractions of the uterus and intensify during breastfeeding. If the pain causes significant anxiety, it is better to consult a doctor, he will prescribe an antispasmodic.

Pain in the perineum. A woman may also be bothered in the perineal area discomfort, pain, numbness, even if there were no tears or cuts. This is due to the fact that the perineal tissues were subjected to severe stretching and pressure during childbirth. If there are no ruptures, the pain will go away in a couple of days; if stitches were placed on the perineum, the pain may persist for about a week. Your doctor may suggest an ice pack. It should be applied to the perineum for 10 minutes 3-4 times during the day. Cold relieves tissue swelling and, accordingly, reduces painful sensations. If you have stitches on the perineum, you must remember that you cannot sit for an average of 10 days after giving birth and you need to carefully handle the stitches. To relieve pressure on the stitches, it is recommended to lie down more.

Problems urinating. In the first hours and even days, the postpartum woman may have urination problems. This is due to a decrease in the tone of the bladder muscles and swelling of its wall due to compression by the baby’s head during childbirth. Urinary disorders are often of two types. In some cases, the postpartum woman feels the urge, but cannot empty her bladder on her own; in others, she does not even feel the urge to urinate. If you are unable to urinate on your own within the first 6 hours after birth, you should consult a doctor about this problem. In this case, the midwife will insert a urinary catheter.

If there is pain and tingling in the area of ​​the stitches when urinating, it is recommended to water the perineum warm water. Urine has an irritating effect on the wound surface, so when urinating in the area of ​​the sutures, a burning sensation and discomfort occur. By washing away the urine with water, a woman can relieve these symptoms.

Cracked nipples. Sometimes there are problems with the nipples. In the first day they may chafe and hurt. IN severe cases cracks appear on them. For nipples you can use ointments BEPANTEN, TRAUMEL S, and feed through silicone pads. If there is a breastfeeding specialist in the maternity hospital, it is better to seek his help in order to learn how to properly apply the baby to the breast.

Rash on face. After childbirth, a woman may notice the appearance of a pinpoint red rash on her face or hemorrhage in the sclera of the eyes. These are capillaries that burst during childbirth during pushing. Usually they do not cause any discomfort and go away on their own within 10–14 days.

Hemorrhoids. Quite pronounced anxiety can be caused by hemorrhoids, which sometimes appear during childbirth. A rising cool shower and applying cold to the perineal area helps to reduce pain. In case of severe anxiety, you should also consult a doctor, he will prescribe anti-hemorrhoidal rectal suppositories with analgesic components.

Discharge from the genital tract. It is imperative to contact the attending or duty obstetrician-gynecologist if a woman notes too much copious discharge from the genital tract (normally, on the first day, the pad is completely filled within about 1-2 hours), as well as in the event of large quantity clots, increased body temperature or sharp pain in a stomach.

After caesarean section

After a cesarean section A woman's first day is different. Immediately after the operation, the patient is transferred to the ward intensive care for more careful monitoring of her condition. On the lower abdomen in the same way as for women who have given birth naturally, an ice pack must be placed for two hours to improve uterine contraction. On the first day, the postpartum woman must be given painkillers and antibiotics. If necessary (this is determined by the amount of blood loss during surgery and general condition women) produce intravenous administration saline solutions To restore blood volume, in some cases blood components are transfused.

Get up after operation allowed after 6-8 hours, while at first you can only sit a little and then stand near the bed, and after 10-12 hours you are usually allowed to walk. While walking to reduce pain and improve uterine contraction, it is recommended to wear a special postoperative bandage.

On the first day after operation You are allowed to drink only still water; you can add lemon juice to it, since acidified water quenches thirst better; eating is not allowed, since a full intestine prevents normal healing of the postoperative suture; in addition, during the first 24 hours, the absence of stool is necessary to prevent the sutures from diverging. Transfer to the postpartum department is possible 12-24 hours after surgery. The child is usually in the children's department at this time. After the mother is transferred to the ward, it is possible to stay with the baby and breastfeed. However, in the first days, the postpartum mother usually needs help caring for the newborn.

In this article:

After a successful birth, every mother feels happy. An extraordinary feeling of lightness and freedom seems to pass through your entire body. Everything is fine, and you have already seen your beautiful and healthy baby. However, soon the euphoria gives way to fatigue, you need good vacation along with sound and deep sleep.

On the first day after birth, the uterus begins to contract several times stronger, bleeding practically stops, as the vessels are closed with blood clots. At this time, the postpartum woman must be monitored by a doctor. In the following hours, the uterus begins to become smaller in size, its walls become thicker, and the lumen narrows.

Immediately after birth, a hand can pass through the pharynx into the uterus; after a day, only two fingers can be inserted; after another day, only one finger can be inserted. After three weeks, the pharynx closes completely.

Features of the postpartum period

Features of the postpartum period can be considered the fact that the inside of the uterus is similar to a wound, since in the first day after birth there is blood in it. It turns out that all protective barriers are completely destroyed. Lochia (discharge) has alkaline reaction, therefore, if no security measures are taken, they may appear serious consequences childbirth It could be inflammatory process, occurring in the genitals, or other equally unpleasant problems.

The consequences after childbirth are different for every woman. However, in everyone, the subsequent reverse development of the uterus occurs gradually, at a slow pace. It reaches its usual weight (80g) only after six weeks. The lochia also changes slowly. The first few days they are bloody, the next day they are brown, after the tenth day they become as they were before the birth or stop completely.

Another feature of the postpartum period can be considered a change in the functioning of work endocrine system. Quickly out female body are displayed steroid hormones, after which the pituitary gland begins to produce lactogenic hormone. Due to this effect, on the fourth day after the completion of labor, blood flow to the mammary glands increases. These processes are considered preparation for lactation.

The first days after childbirth, the intestines do not function so well. Its tone is significantly weakened, digestion becomes slower, complete absence chair. You will have to empty your bowels using an enema or laxatives. Also, for the first days you need to follow a special simple diet.

What changes after childbirth?

The female body undergoes many changes after childbirth. Most of them are associated not only with internal state, but also with the outside. During pregnancy, a large number of growth hormones are released, as a result of which hair and nails begin to grow faster. However, after childbirth, a completely different situation will be observed. Hair will begin to fall out in small amounts and will lose its shine. Nails will become more brittle and dry. Of course, after a few months, all processes in the body will return to normal, and hair and nails will gradually become the same as they were before pregnancy.

Another change after childbirth is stretch marks on the skin. This is an important problem that can only be solved with the use of additional tools or exercises. Stretch marks appear on the thighs and buttocks. It also happens that in some women in labor they disappear a short time after birth or become less obvious. You shouldn’t be upset about this, because life goes on, all the stretch marks that you have now will gradually disappear after childbirth, and you just need to deal with these problems.

Menstruation after childbirth

Most women are concerned about how and when it will be restored. menstrual cycle. For most mothers, it occurs 40 days after birth. Breastfeeding women do not have them for a long time(a few months). Here we cannot talk about the norm or the exact recovery time, since they will be individual for each woman.

This is due to lactation. The whole point is that after childbirth a woman’s body begins to produce prolactin. It suppresses the formation and functioning of hormones in the ovaries, so the egg does not mature in due date. If the baby is fully breastfed, the mother’s menstrual cycle will be restored only after the introduction of small complementary foods. In the event that the child is on mixed feeding, that is, there is an alternation of feeding with complementary foods and breast milk, then menstruation will be completely restored in two or three months. During only artificial feeding, menstruation returns within a few weeks after childbirth.

In general, recovery will be influenced by factors such as:

  • The course of pregnancy and how the birth went;
  • Age and condition of the mother;
  • Compliance correct mode day ( good sleep and nutrition);
  • Presence of chronic diseases;
  • Mental condition.

The process of restoring the genital organs

Immediately after childbirth, the vagina will be swollen. This is a normal situation that goes away after a few days. This natural process may be accompanied by small bloody discharge. You may feel pain and slight retraction. Many postpartum women note that the sensitivity of the vagina changes.

This manifests itself in the fact that the woman does not feel anything during intimacy. However, there is no need to panic about this. This is only a temporary phenomenon, which is caused by sagging walls of the intimate organs. Recovery will take a small amount of time, using and executing special exercises, it will be even faster.

Condition of the cardiovascular system

A woman’s health after childbirth is considered unstable, but it recovers over time. Changes are observed in absolutely everything, the same applies to the cardiovascular system. Go straight to feeling unwell and fatigue are added to by an increased volume of blood circulating throughout the body. It is not uncommon for heart rates to increase. Restoration of this system will occur within 3-4 weeks.

It is known that initially it goes heavy bleeding. For this reason, the coagulation system works intensively. Because of it, the number of platelets in the blood increases significantly in the first two weeks. No other changes in the cardiovascular system are observed.

Bladder and its activities

The postpartum condition of a woman cannot be called satisfactory; this even affects the urinary system. During pregnancy, it works as expected. After this, small changes occur that affect poor urination. This is usually very painful. This is explained by the fact that urine gets on abrasions and wounds formed during childbirth. Because of this, a strong burning sensation begins.

It often happens that a woman in labor cannot control her urination. She doesn't feel pressure or urge. The sensitivity of the bladder decreases. After a short period of time, as soon as all the cracks have healed, the functioning of the urinary system will return to normal.


In the first month after childbirth, constipation cannot be ruled out. As a rule, according to the method of occurrence, there are two types:

  1. The first type is atonic. During this, intestinal tone drops significantly. He becomes lethargic and unproductive. This type of constipation most often occurs due to muscle weakness, which appears after cesarean section. This reaction is considered a normal reaction to intervention. During atonic constipation, symptoms appear: aching pain in the abdominal area. There is a feeling that the intestines are full, nausea begins;
  2. Second type - spastic constipation. It occurs when intestinal tone is increased, and peristalsis becomes unproductive because of this. This form is caused by paroxysmal pain. Nausea, sheep feces and irritability are the main symptoms.

A woman’s condition immediately after childbirth can also be complicated by hemorrhoids. This disease is varicose veins veins located in the rectum, more precisely in its lower section. Its exacerbation after childbirth depends on the failure of the entire intestinal system, as well as on intestinal tone. It manifests itself in several forms: acute and chronic.

The first type develops quickly, and its symptoms include constant itching and a burning sensation. Because of this, stool retention begins. All symptoms develop almost imperceptibly for the postpartum woman, but they need to be dealt with at the very beginning. If this disease occurs, you must immediately consult a doctor for consultation and examination.

Breasts and their condition

During pregnancy, the body is completely rebuilt and changes. Women's breasts are no exception. After childbirth, it changes greatly in size: it begins to swell, becomes larger, and the nipples darken. Sometimes painful and unpleasant sensations appear. This is due to the beginning of the functioning of the mammary glands.

Women after childbirth are upset because the shape of their breasts changes. It sags, stretch marks and cracks appear on it. However, there is no need to worry, because most of these problems will disappear on their own after some time, and the remaining ones can be solved on your own.

Women's breasts become more sensitive and tender. For this reason, it is worth choosing special underwear for it, it is better to observe hygiene measures, and massage it often. This will help avoid its coarsening and hardening. All movements should be soft and smooth.

Postpartum discharge

After giving birth, a woman in labor begins to produce copious discharge from her genitals, which is called suckers. At first they have a reddish color, as they are secreted along with blood. After some time, their color changes, becomes white, and after eight weeks the discharge practically stops. During discharge you will need to use disposable pads and panties.

You can purchase them at a pharmacy or other specialty store. It is better to purchase pads and panties from well-known companies to be confident in the quality of the products. These hygiene products should be soft, comfortable, and also absorb well.

The postpartum period is considered to be the time from the end of childbirth until the complete completion of reverse restorative changes. At this time it is worth adhering to general recommendations. With their help, you can quickly recover, continue your normal life and lead complete care for the baby.

Most women wonder what to do after childbirth? After childbirth, you need to try to return your body to normal functioning as quickly as possible. This will help not only you, but also your child, as he needs constant care and attention.

For quick cleansing body:

  • Do not eat anything fatty or smoked after childbirth;
  • Starting from the second day you can use simple food homemade, exclude too fatty salads, fried or heavy foods;
  • Drink juices daily;
  • Monitor your stool daily.

If after childbirth there are cracks in the vagina, then you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not sit on a hard surface until they heal! If you need to sit down, you need to place a folded pillow under you;
  • After using the toilet, you must wash yourself using baby soap;
  • Using hydrogen peroxide, treat the perineum several times a day;
  • Three times a day, place a tampon pre-soaked in chamomile infusion into the vagina.

Life after childbirth and postpartum period are considered the most difficult in the life of every woman. For a quick recovery and return to normal, you will need to follow the recommendations described above. Taking them into account, you can speed up reverse process changes in the body, recover quickly. In case of even slight suspicions of bad condition You should consult a doctor immediately!

Useful video about what a woman looks like after childbirth

Once in the postpartum ward, during the first days after giving birth, many mothers do not know what can and even should be done and what should be avoided. They are embarrassed to ask a doctor. And there are a lot of questions. How to care for a baby? When to feed and should I express? And in general, how long will mom be in the maternity hospital?

The first days after childbirth: ward for mother and baby

The length of stay in the postpartum ward is 4–7 days (in some clinics - from 2 to 5), provided that the birth was natural, 7–10 days after a cesarean section.
This is where you are transferred 2 hours after birth. After going through the labor marathon, many mothers feel very tired and drowsy. If the birth was without complications, you will be placed in the ward with the baby. The baby does not require any special care during the first day. All necessary procedures(and subsequently daily toileting and bathing) in the first days after birth, your baby will be given care by a pediatric nurse. From her you will learn how to swaddle a baby and how often to change a diaper. You will begin to put the newborn to the breast when he calls. Did the baby cry? Offer him your breast. No pumping or massage of the mammary glands in the first days after birth!

The first days after childbirth: recovery by the hour

Today, mothers are advised not to overstay their welcome. After a normal birth, you can get up after 2 hours. Was the birth operative? You can sit up in bed after 6 hours, after 8–10 hours you can sit down with your legs down, after 10–12 hours you can stand up by the bed.

The first hygienic shower can be taken 2–6 hours after birth. Rinse the perineum very carefully, you can use liquid soap, but do not disinfectants! After a shower, just gently pat the perineal area with a towel. For the first two days, change the towel 2-3 times a day, and then every day as needed.

You can use it immediately after birth sanitary napkin. Please note that the discharge in the first 2–3 days will be more abundant than in critical days.

The first days after childbirth: what's on the thermometer?

You take your temperature twice a day. The norm is 37 °C. If you place a thermometer in the armpit during milk flow (2–4 days), the temperature may be elevated. What then?

Place the thermometer in the crease of your elbow or groin. Feed the baby, cover your chest with a diaper so that the thermometer comes into contact with armpit and a diaper. In this case, did the temperature on the thermometer rise above 37.6 °C? Tell your midwife or doctor!

The first days after childbirth: coping with pain

When getting out of bed, did you feel heaviness in the perineum and anus? Don't worry, everything will go away in 2-3 days. Do you periodically experience pain in the lower abdomen, similar to contractions? These are contractions of the uterus that increase during breastfeeding. Simultaneously with the contraction of the uterus, it is restored inner surface. When it contracts, the contents of its cavity, the lochia, are released. On the first day they are bloody, after 3–4 days they are bloody, then they turn white.

The first days after childbirth: water will find its way

On the first day you may not feel the urge to urinate, because there is practically no tone abdominal wall, and the neck of the bladder is swollen. Try urinating in the shower, directing the streams warm water on the crotch. Turn on the tap nearby and let the water flow. If there is no urination 5-6 hours after birth, call the midwife. She will remove the urine with a catheter, and then you will turn to the techniques mentioned above.

There may be no stool for 2-3 days. This is fine. Constipation cannot be ruled out. Your motor activity has decreased, and the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are overstretched and relaxed. You may feel the urge to defecate a day or two after giving birth. Still no chair? Report this to the staff. They have laxatives at their disposal. But you can help yourself, especially in the first days after giving birth, by eating right and also adding exercise (see below).

The first days after childbirth: milk comes in

After a hygienic shower, put on a nursing bra (made of natural fibers with a front clasp). On the 2nd–4th day after birth, you will feel that your breasts have begun to fill up and become heavier. Try to avoid severe engorgement of the mammary glands. From about the third postpartum day, limit fluid intake to 1000 ml per day, and apply the baby to the breast more often. At proper feeding In the baby, the engorgement of the glands disappears within 1–2 days. If this does not happen, seek help from a midwife or use a breast pump.

The first days after childbirth: gymnastics will help you

Do you want to strengthen your perineal muscles and improve your bowel function? Read our article “ Postpartum gymnastics recovery" .

Text: Natalia Samborskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist

What to do after childbirth

How to guide a woman after childbirth, how to take care of herself, what to eat after childbirth.

Postpartum period

Now that childbirth is over, the postpartum period begins - this is the time from the moment the placenta is expelled until the woman’s body fully recovers after childbirth, it lasts approximately 6-8 weeks. This period also has its difficulties for both mother and child. But the most important thing has already happened - the woman finally took her baby in her arms and put him to her chest.


Immediately after childbirth, a woman’s body is in a state of stress, however, it almost immediately begins to slowly but surely recover. This is a fairly long process; the body will once again have to completely rebuild itself.

First of all, excess fluid leaves the woman’s body, which accumulated in the tissues at the end of pregnancy and prepared them for childbirth (the tissues loosened and became more flexible to stretching). This “excess” fluid accumulates in the body from 4 to 6 liters, and this is certainly a heavy burden on the body. cardiovascular system. Gradually, the internal organs, which were compressed by the huge uterus, return to normal: the lungs, stomach, intestines, and liver are straightened. The kidneys begin to work at full capacity, excreting excess liquid from the body.

After childbirth, a woman in most cases has significant excess weight, which occurs not only due to fluid, but also due to fat accumulated throughout pregnancy (layers of fat are protection for the child). If at the same time a woman did not monitor her weight and ate a lot of sweets and fatty foods, then the fat reserves will be significant.

After childbirth, the body’s hormonal activity “freezes” for some time. The fact is that in the last months of pregnancy the main hormones were produced by the placenta, and after its removal only the pituitary gland began to show activity, releasing prolactin - a hormone that stimulates the production human milk. Therefore, in the first days and weeks, a woman experiences decreased hormonal background- this violates metabolic processes and contributes to the emergence mental disorders(For example, postpartum depression or psychosis).

After childbirth, the condition of the uterus is of great importance - it is a large open wound. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the postpartum period is not to introduce infections into this wound. The uterus is enlarged in volume, its walls are stretched, and postpartum discharge- lochia, which is a wound discharge formed in the wound at the site of separation of the placenta from the wall of the uterus. Lochia is a bloody discharge with pieces of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity and clots of mucus from the cervical canal. Gradually, the uterine cavity clears, and the lochia changes its color and composition. It is dangerous if the lochia acquires a yellow-green color and an unpleasant odor - this indicates purulent infection, which is very dangerous after childbirth.

After childbirth, recovery occurs and musculoskeletal system, which also functioned with increased load in the last months of pregnancy, and during childbirth, the bones and ligaments of the pelvis were especially stressed - they moved apart and stretched. During childbirth, damage occurs to the mucous membrane of the birth canal, and sometimes to the muscles of the perineum.


In the postpartum period, the first 2-3 hours after birth, which are called the early postpartum period, are especially important. The early postpartum period requires careful monitoring of the woman, since at this time there are possible various complications(for example, bleeding). Therefore, during this time, the woman should be in the delivery room under the constant supervision of a midwife.

Immediately after giving birth, she experiences a huge sense of relief and satisfaction, especially after the baby is placed on her stomach. And after half an hour you can even feed him. The uterus at this moment is greatly stretched, and there is a gaping hole in it. blood vessels, since the placenta, tightly fused to it, separated from its wall. The feeding process will benefit both mother and child: during feeding, the woman’s uterine muscles contract under the influence of hormones, which compress the blood vessels and help stop bleeding, and the child receives healthy, biologically rich active substances and antibodies colostrum.

The uterus contracts quite slowly and painfully; breastfeeding helps it well in this process. After childbirth, the fundus of the uterus with an empty bladder is 4-5 cm below the level of the navel; then the fundus of the uterus drops daily by approximately 1 cm and by the 10-12th day it is almost no longer palpable. The cervix gradually contracts, closing the birth canal. Large uterus often compresses the bladder, causing urinary retention. Urinary retention also occurs due to the fact that after childbirth all muscles relax internal organs, including the bladder. You need to pay attention to this: if you cannot empty the bladder on your own, then you need to seek help - the urine will be removed using a catheter.

Don’t worry if, after giving birth, your body temperature, blood pressure and pulse are measured daily (and sometimes several times a day) - this is always done in order to detect any changes in the body and prevent complications. Normally, a slight rise in temperature is observed 12 hours after birth - this is due to the absorption of the contents of the uterus into the blood. There is no need to worry here, everything will go away on its own, and if the process drags on, they will prescribe treatment - that is why the woman is in the maternity hospital for the first few days after giving birth. The uterus gradually contracts, this is especially noticeable while feeding the baby and is manifested by pain. If the pain is very severe, the doctor will prescribe painkillers that are safe while breastfeeding the baby.

In the first few days after childbirth, stool retention is also common, but this is even useful, as it prevents infection from entering the uterus. Still, this process should not be delayed: if there is no stool on the third day, then you need to do an enema. Another misfortune after childbirth is an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, because the woman pushed during childbirth, and this could not but affect the condition of the veins of the rectum. But with time will pass and this, you just need to have a bowel movement every day. For this purpose it is most convenient to use rectal suppositories, for example glycerin, as they are harmless to mother and child and quickly cause stool.


After childbirth, a woman needs to regain her strength and prevent infection from entering the birth canal. To do this you need:

Regularly ventilate the ward in the maternity hospital and the room in the house after discharge from the maternity hospital;

Provide the woman with high-calorie nutrition big amount vitamins; she must get food rich in proteins(otherwise what will milk be formed from?); This low-fat varieties meat, fish, dairy products. The menu should contain a lot of vegetables (preferably in heat-treated form) and fruits - a source of vitamins and minerals. The nutrition of a nursing mother is practically no different from the nutrition of a woman during pregnancy, with the only difference being that the amount of liquid is not limited; but you shouldn’t replace food with liquid either - this will affect the quality of the milk;

Cleanliness is the key to health. This applies directly to a woman after childbirth: the underwear must be clean, and when it gets dirty, it must be changed. To prevent all linen from getting dirty, place a small oilcloth covered with a diaper on top of the sheet - they can be replaced with disposable diapers;

The first two days after childbirth, the mother is toileted four times a day, and diapers are changed at the same time. From the third day until discharge, the same toilet is performed twice a day;

If the birth proceeded without complications, the woman will be advised to get out of bed on the second day. Don't be afraid to get up, today it is precisely established that what formerly a woman began to rise after childbirth, the faster her body’s recovery progressed.

On the 2-3rd day after giving birth, a woman begins to notice how her mammary glands become engorged and painful - this is milk coming in. To prevent abrasions and cracks on the nipples, through which infection can enter the mammary gland, the mammary glands must be properly cared for. They need to be washed daily with warm water when washing your face in the morning, do not forget to change your underwear more often, and wash your hands with soap before feeding the baby (the mammary glands and nipples are not washed before feeding, otherwise the skin in this area will be dry and cracked). To prevent the appearance of cracked nipples, you need to do air baths several times a day: expose your breasts for 15-20 minutes. The child's correct grasping of the breast, together with the surrounding areola - a circle of pigmented skin - will help to avoid abrasions and cracks.

This is not so simple; some children have difficulty learning to latch onto the nipple correctly, but then, as a rule, there are no problems. Until the woman is allowed to get up, she feeds the baby while lying down, and then while sitting.


It is advisable to start the course at the same time therapeutic exercises, which will allow the woman to recover even faster. The first few days of the exercises are carried out lying down, and then you can do them in a different position. Basic exercises for recovery after childbirth:

Inhale deeply through your nose, exhale deeply through your half-open mouth, and at the same time spread your arms out to the sides and up;

To eliminate congestion in the pelvic area: alternately pull up the right and left legs without lifting your feet from the bed;

For muscles pelvic floor and perineum: lying on your back with your legs bent at an acute angle, when exhaling, lift your pelvis off the bed and squeeze your knees;

For the abdominal muscles: raise your head and shoulders from a lying position;

For the lateral muscles of the torso: alternate bending of the torso in different directions with the hand sliding along the thigh to the knee;

Starting from the 4th day, exercises can be done in a sitting position; from day 6, standing exercises can be included.

A woman will begin to be taught all the tricks of caring for a child and feeding him already in maternity hospital. Well, she won’t be left without help at home either: already on the second day after discharge, she will be visited by a local pediatrician and a local children’s nurse, who will answer all the questions that concern the young mother.

The content of the article:

The first days of life are the most difficult and important for a new mother and child. During the first 3 to 7 days they are in the maternity hospital under the supervision of medical staff. During this period, the baby adapts to the new environment, he learns to breathe, eat differently, and his body is populated with microorganisms. And in the first days after giving birth, the mother gets used to her new role and taking care of the baby.

Mother's condition after childbirth

In most cases, the first day is the most difficult for postpartum women, especially those who give birth for the first time. After a natural birth, a woman remains in the maternity ward for 2 hours. This is due to the possibility of early postpartum complications: uterine hemorrhage, increased blood pressure, etc. An ice compress is placed on the woman’s stomach to help the uterus contract better. During this period, doctors monitor her condition, measuring her blood pressure, pulse, and checking the nature and volume of discharge.

If after 2 hours no deviations are observed, then the woman is transferred to the postpartum ward. Before this, the nurse again measures the body temperature and blood pressure of the new mother.

In modern maternity hospitals, mother and child are in the same room, provided that their condition is satisfactory. Before being reunited with the mother, the baby is examined by a pediatric nurse. If everything is fine with the newborn and he has no contraindications, then he is transferred to his mother.

Some women feel drowsy during childbirth, while others, on the contrary, are too excited and cannot sleep. This is due to the great psycho-emotional and physical activity women.

In some cases, women in labor experience urinary retention due to spasm of the bladder sphincter or decreased tone of the pelvic organs (bladder, intestines). Sometimes a woman in labor feels the urge to urinate, but cannot empty herself, and in others she does not even feel the urge. 6 hours after birth, it is recommended to urinate; if the woman is unable to do this, then she needs to contact the midwife to insert a catheter.

If a woman has received stitches, she is not recommended to have bowel movements for 3 days. This is due to the fact that due to tension in the pelvic floor muscles, the likelihood of suture dehiscence or prolapse of the internal genital organs increases. Many women are interested in what to eat for mother in the first days. It is recommended to include in the diet fresh fruits, vegetables, freshly squeezed juices, bread made from rye flour and bran, etc. In addition, it is recommended to consume soups, cereals, and dairy products with a low fat content. Foods that cause gas formation and allergies should be excluded from the menu. Your doctor will advise you in more detail about your diet.

If the mother is in satisfactory health, it is recommended to be active, get up independently, and perform hygiene procedures. This is necessary for better contraction of the uterus, rapid restoration of bowel and bladder function. After each bowel and bladder emptying, you need to wash yourself and change the pad. With increasing volume uterine discharge you need to call a doctor.

Newborn in the first hours of life

After birth, the baby’s airways are cleared to make breathing easier, placed on the mother’s stomach, the umbilical cord is cut off, and a special bracket is put on the stump. Then the eyes are treated once with an antiseptic (2 drops of silver nitrate 1%) to prevent infection of the conjunctiva with gonococci during passage through the birth canal. Next, the blood type and Rh factor are determined and the baby is transferred to the children's department or to a ward with the mother. This is how the first day after giving birth in the maternity hospital goes.

Before the appointment, the nurse checks the text of the bracelets, notes the exact time of the appointment and the following parameters: scream activity, breathing, skin color, weight, body temperature. Then she treats the skin and swaddles the baby.

The neonatologist examines the baby daily, paying attention to the color of the skin, mucous membranes, motor activity, muscle tone, degree of expression of unconditioned reflexes. In addition, the child’s hearing is checked and the functionality of all body systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, etc.) is assessed. If there are problems, the doctor invites specialists of a narrower profile (ophthalmologist, surgeon, neurologist). If a central nervous system disease is suspected, the newborn undergoes an ultrasound scan of the brain through the large fontanel.

The pediatrician treats the umbilical remnant daily using ethyl alcohol(95%), and then with a solution of potassium permanganate (5%). At the same time, touching the skin is prohibited. If it dries out slowly, then at first the nurse bandages it, and during each swaddling, wipes it with a solution of potassium permanganate. The remainder of the navel can be removed 2 to 3 days after birth. If it falls off on its own, then the wound is wiped every day with hydrogen peroxide (3%), ethanol (95%), and a solution of potassium permanganate (1%), without touching the skin around the navel.

The baby is weighed every day, as this indicator is very important for him. High weight indicates the health of the baby, and low weight indicates various diseases. However, doctors say that the normal weight of the baby is in the range from 2.5 to 4 kg. And after 2 - 3 days, children lose from 100 to 300 g, but this normal phenomenon. This is due to the fact that the hydrophilicity of tissues (the ability to accumulate water) changes and the child is not able to absorb food normally. Closer to discharge, the baby’s weight normalizes and begins to increase.

Also in the maternity hospital they conduct tests for serious illnesses: phenylketonuria (disorder of amino acid metabolism) and hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones). They need to be diagnosed as early as possible, otherwise the likelihood of impaired mental and mental development increases.

Daily procedures

The mother takes care of the newborn with the help of medical staff. First of all, you need to pay attention to the temperature in the room; it should be in the range from 20 to 22°. Premature babies will be more comfortable at a temperature of 24 to 25°. The child's thermoregulation is imperfect, so it is better to avoid air baths.

Baby care includes the following items:

treatment of eyes and nasal passages;
treatment skin and nails;
treatment of the umbilical wound.

Wash the baby recommended after each bladder and bowel movement. This is due to the fact that his skin is very sensitive to urine and original feces (meconium) and the likelihood of irritation increases. It is recommended to use soap only after bowel movements.

Wash the baby under warm running water. A girl is washed from front to back, but a boy can be washed from back to front. After hygiene procedures, the inguinal folds are blotted with a clean, soft towel.

Eye treatment happens as follows:

A cotton pad is moistened in saline solution or boiled water.
Gently wipe one eye from the outer corner to the inner one.
Then they take a new disk, wet it and repeat the procedure.

Nose clean when dirty; usually, a single cleaning is sufficient. To do this, the cotton wool is twisted into a tight rope, moistened in saline solution or warm boiled water. Then the tourniquet is inserted into the nostril with a twisting motion to a depth of 1 - 1.5 cm and pulled out.

To wash the baby, just take a cotton pad and soak it in boiled water or saline solution. Squeeze out the liquid a little, wipe your forehead, cheeks, and skin around the mouth. Then dry your face using a soft, dry towel or a new cotton pad.

The baby's skin should not be overheated or moisturized, otherwise diaper rash will appear. Processed skin folds rarely. If necessary, wipe them with cotton swabs soaked in iodine solution (2%) or salicylic alcohol. 4 days after birth, Vaseline oil is used for this purpose.

Folds processed from top to bottom. Wipe skin folds behind the ears, on the neck, under the arms, elbows, knees and ankle folds.

Cut nails a newborn does not need it on the first day. This area is cared for after 4 days, then the skin around the nail is wiped alcohol solution iodine (2%). This way you will protect the baby from inflammation on the fingers and the appearance of hangnails. It is recommended to treat fingernails and toenails.

For 4 to 7 days after birth, it is necessary to care for the umbilical cord. After all, it is through it that an infection can enter the body. To process it they use cotton buds and alcohol. Before the residue dries, wipe it with alcohol from the cut and up. Then the skin around the residue is treated. Then it is wiped with a solution of potassium permanganate without touching the skin of the abdomen. Your doctor will advise you in more detail about this.


The baby is placed on the breast immediately after birth. He is placed on his mother's stomach, and while the obstetrician cuts off the umbilical cord, he sucks on his mother's breast. This is also necessary for the mother, since under the influence of sucking movements the uterus begins to actively contract and the placenta is born faster. It is very important to put him to the breast immediately after birth, since colostrum contains the necessary nutrients he needs. useful material(vitamins, minerals, antibodies). In addition, early feeding normalizes the baby's condition after childbirth.

For 2–3 days after birth, a small amount of colostrum is released from the breast. However, the baby still needs to be put to the breast, since even these drops are necessary for the baby. Sometimes it happens that there is no colostrum on the first day after birth, then you need to consult a doctor who will advise on this issue.

During breastfeeding hardens soft skin nipples, however, in the first days the likelihood of cracks increases. To prevent this painful phenomenon, you need to put the baby to the breast for 5 - 7 minutes in the first days, and then give the other breast for the same time. You should not rinse your breasts before each feeding, as the skin becomes dry and cracks appear on the nipples.

Feeding in the first days after birth carried out on demand (this also applies to night feedings). The baby is placed on a sterile diaper so that it does not touch the mother's bed.

During feeding, you need to choose the most comfortable position for the mother and newborn. The side-lying position is recommended for women who have received stitches. You can also sit down during feeding to keep your baby close to your breast for a long time. To lighten the load, you can place a pillow under the arm on which the baby will lie.

The baby should grasp not only the nipple, but also the areola. When latched correctly, your baby's mouth is wide open, the tongue is deep in the bottom of the mouth, and the lower lip is turned out.

It often happens that the child does not eat and sleeps all day. This is normal for the baby, so he rests after childbirth and adapts to new conditions. After regaining strength, the newborn becomes more active.

If there are no complications after childbirth, the baby’s umbilical cord has fallen off, the wound is in good condition, and the body weight is normal, then the mother and child are discharged. This usually happens 3 to 5 days after birth. Before discharge, the doctor will definitely advise you on home care.