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What is more effective: tablets or injections? Heptral - indications for use. Injections to treat pneumonia at different stages

Why are some medications produced and prescribed by doctors in the form of tablets, while others are only given as injections?
Where to stop if the medicine is produced in different forms?
Is it necessary for better effect Should I give injections or can I get by with pills?
In order for the medicine to reach its target without losing medicinal properties, many techniques and methods have been developed. That is why such diversity is created dosage forms.
But which remedy is appropriate in these circumstances and for this disease?
The main task of any treatment is to achieve the desired result: to eliminate or at least weaken the cause of pain and illness, and at the same time not to harm the body as a whole or individual organs.
Injections, tablets, suppositories, patches, and aerosols help us cope with ailments.
Of course, the most The best decision- follow the recommendations of your doctor. But, after all, sometimes it happens that it is not possible to turn to doctors, but help is needed immediately.
It seems that it would not hurt any person to know at least the basic methods and methods of using various dosage forms that can be found in pharmacies.

To begin with, we note that there are more than ten ways of introducing drugs into the body. But all of them can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • drugs for the so-called enteral route of administration, that is, through digestive tract;
  • and - parenteral, that is, bypassing the gastrointestinal system.

Ate and order!

The easiest and most convenient way to administer drugs, and therefore the most common, is through the mouth. At the same time, no special conditions sterility. The drug supplied in this way is partially absorbed in the stomach, but mainly in small intestine. Penetrating into the blood, the medicine first of all enters the liver, where part of it, and sometimes a significant one, changes. Some drugs are partially destroyed in the liver, while others, on the contrary, only after some transformations in the liver become pharmacologically active. It is clear that how the liver works will determine how the medicine will act on a person.
For example, in people suffering from cirrhosis of the liver, liver function is sharply reduced, while drugs are destroyed in the liver much less than in healthy person, so the dose for such patients is reduced.
The function of other organs also affects the effect of drugs. For example, when increased peristalsis intestines and diarrhea (diarrhea), the absorption of the drug from the gastrointestinal tract is greatly reduced and less of it enters the blood. Count on good and quick effect In this case, you can’t stop taking the pill.

But it also happens that it is necessary to protect the medicinal substance- mainly from the metamorphoses that happen to it in the stomach and duodenum. The fact is that under the influence of gastric and pancreatic juice, as well as bile, the medicine can be destroyed or greatly modified. To prevent this from happening, a number of drugs are specially produced in capsules - the tablet is hidden in a shell that dissolves only in the intestines. Sometimes a certain concentration of a drug needs to be maintained in the blood for quite a long time, but it happens that to get rid of pain you need a powerful, but short-term effect. Depending on this, there are drugs with different rates of release of drugs.


Other, no less convenient way taking medications, is to hold it behind the cheek or under the tongue until it is completely absorbed. The advantage of this method is that the medicine, due to the good blood supply to the oral cavity, begins to act very quickly. At the same time, it is not affected gastric juice and digestive enzymes and is not destroyed in the liver.
Therefore, this method is often used to provide urgent help at home.
People suffering from heart disease or hypertension using validol, nitroglycerin, nifedipine. In addition, once the effect is achieved, you can simply spit out the tablet, and its effect will stop.
But this method also has disadvantages: irritation of the oral mucosa with regular use and excessive saliva production.
Do not forget about the possibility of introducing medicines through the rectum in the form of rectal suppositories or enemas. With this method of drug administration, all drugs are absorbed very quickly and are not destroyed in the liver. This method is very convenient for treating young children. For example, to reduce body temperature they are released rectal suppositories with paracetamol.
This method is also useful for vomiting, seasickness, diseases accompanied by swallowing disorders. It was used back in the 2nd century BC.

If necessary, I’ll inject myself!

Parenteral route of drug administration, that is, bypassing gastrointestinal tract- the most common method of treatment in a hospital setting. Most often, medications are administered intravenously (drip or stream) or intramuscularly using injections.
Intravenous administration of drugs ensures rapid, almost immediate delivery of the active substance to the organs and tissues of the body, and therefore the effect occurs within a few seconds, which is called “at the tip of the needle.” If side effects occur, administration of the drug can be stopped immediately.
The disadvantages of this method are clear: it is necessary to comply with sterile conditions, the help of a qualified medical personnel, vascular trauma.

Intramuscular administration

When administered intramuscularly, the drug forms a depot and is absorbed within 10 to 30 minutes. At the same time, from different places drugs are absorbed from at different speeds. For example, blood flow in the arm muscles is more intense than in the gluteal muscles. Unfortunately, few patients can give themselves injections themselves. There is also a risk of developing abscesses with this method. Injections, for all their advantages, are, of course, not without their disadvantages. Injections are, after all, a painful procedure and in some cases, especially when intramuscular injection, may form painful lumps. Secondly, if unsterile equipment is used, there is a risk of transmitting various infections.
A large number of antibiotics, analgesics, and antispasmodics are administered in a similar manner.

other methods
There are many other, less common ways to administer drugs.
For example, subcutaneous administration. This is how insulin is administered, and, often, patients can easily cope with this procedure on their own.
To people suffering bronchial asthma, the inhalation route of administering various aerosol drugs is well known. In this case, the drug quickly enters the respiratory tract, exerting its effect there.
But this method is not applicable if there are a large number of mucus plugs in the respiratory tract and in the absence of consciousness in the patient, when he cannot take a breath.

Many medications are used topically. This various drops in the eyes, nose. In this case, the medicine has an effect only at the injection site, without affecting the general condition of the body.

IN last years More and more wide use also receives the transdermal route of drug administration, that is, through the skin using special patches (for example, “Deponit”, “Nitroderm”). They are glued to the skin, and a substance that acts for a long time is gradually absorbed from them.

Treatment rules

But it’s not enough to choose the right medicine, you also need to help it work effectively and on time. Of course, each dosage form requires special treatment.

  • So, be sure to study the instructions for the drug, even if the doctor has written down the dosage regimen in the prescription.
  • Please pay Special attention on the method of taking the medicine - as we said above, there are various shapes same drug, such as sublingual, buccal or regular tablets. It is important not to confuse them.
  • If you don’t know what to take with a particular medicine, take it with 100 milliliters of boiled water.
  • Do not take the tablets with milk, tea or coffee, unless specifically stated in the recipe or instructions.
  • Swallow any medications while sitting, if possible. A bedridden patient should raise his head during the appointment and leave him in this position for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • It is better to take the capsules while standing. At horizontal position body, the capsule can stick to the wall of the esophagus and cause inflammation, so after taking it it is advisable to stand or walk around.
  • Under no circumstances should coated tablets be crushed or chewed unless this is mentioned in the recipe.
  • Medicinal syrups are extra sugar, dyes, flavors. If exists similar drug in tablets, it is better to use them.
  • To comply correct dosage eye drops, before instillation, press the inner corner of the eye with your finger.
  • Apply the ointment in a minimally thin layer (this is exactly how much is needed for full therapeutic effect), otherwise most of it will be wasted.

If for some reason injections are not suitable for you, discuss with your doctor the possibility of using other dosage forms.

For most newcomers to the field of reception anabolic steroids taking the latter in the form of tablets will be a more acceptable option than taking them in the form of injections. For the most part, this is due to several factors. Firstly, most newcomers live with their parents and “God forbid” they see syringes at home! They will also think that their son is a drug addict... Secondly, taking pills takes much less time than daily injections (as is the case with testosterone propionate). However, injections have a number of advantages over tablets and, most importantly, injections have many times less impact on liver parameters. However, both tablets and injections are different, so to speak, injections are different.

How are injections or tablets different from each other?

Esters (nandrolones, trenbolones, etc.) have minimal impact on the liver. As for injections of testosterone esters, they have practically no effect on liver parameters at all. The so-called “eternal course” is carried out specifically on testosterone esters (propionate, sustanon, etc.). Even minimal dosages of oral medications significantly increase liver parameters (we are talking about ALT and ASD). Injectable forms of steroids have a elimination period of three days or more. That is why even taking nandrolone phenylpropionate can lead to the development of gynecomastia. Tablet forms of steroids (methandrostenolone, stanozolol, turinabol, primobolan). Absolutely all forms of oral steroids (whether methandrostenolone or stanozolol) are, on average, excreted by the kidneys within 24 hours. Thus, the occurrence of gynecomastia in this case is minimized.

What are the risks of increasing dosages?

Firstly, sensitivity to taking steroids is reduced several times. This is why many athletes often simply stop feeling the effects of steroids in practice. Secondly, after long courses of oral medications, athletes experience a chronic allergic reaction to many factors. For example, when eating certain types of fruit, redness may appear temporarily in the form of a mosquito bite. This is called hives. If you take oral medications for a long time (six months or more), urticaria can become irreversible and then an allergic reaction will manifest itself to literally everything: from drinking alcohol to walking in the cold or being in a bathhouse.

PS. Unfortunately, the appearance on the steroid market of injectable forms of methandrostenolone and stanozolol did not solve the above problem. It is not the tablet form of the drug that has an effect on the liver, but its active substance. However, there are those forms of oral medications that, like their injectable counterparts, have minimal impact on the liver. We are talking about oxandrolone and Primobolan tablets.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of injectable forms of steroids in itself suggests the possibility of the absence of oral forms of steroid consumption. The variety of forms of injectable steroids today ranges from 15-25 different names. Today there are no analogues to methandrostenolone, halotest, or turinabol! The thing is that the injectable forms of these drugs are not only produced “in an artisanal way”, but they also have to be administered almost daily (or even twice a day).

What condition will your buttocks be in after so many injections? Moreover, Methandrostenolone is one of the most powerful anabolic steroids in bodybuilding, since not only does it have a high anabolic index, it also has a high androgenic index (50 percent of 100 percent testosterone propionate). Due to its ability to aromatize, it is also the number 1 drug for mass gain.

As for the oral form of stanozolol, it is superior to the injection form, primarily in its safety! How many athletes were hospitalized with purulent formations after painful Winstrol injections? Can't count. Convenience Injections over time lead to either induration or thickening of the skin tissue at the injection sites. The oral form of taking steroids will take you no more than 10 seconds a day. Thus, the injectable form of steroid use over its oral form has the advantage primarily of having minimal impact on the liver. However, the injectable form can in some cases lead to the formation of scar tissue.


According to the author, it is the “GOLDEN MEAN” in joint reception injectable and oral forms of steroids can lead the athlete to desired result. To do this, steroids must be taken from a reliable supplier and allocate no more than 35 percent of the cycle oral medications(with an interval of their use every month). Injections must not only be given correctly, but you also need to learn how to place them in addition to the buttocks, also in the hamstrings, triceps, shoulders and quadriceps.

If you ask what is most important in people's lives, many will say that it is health. Of course, each age category has its own values, but adults and mature people understand that without health it is simply impossible to achieve any goal.

Throughout time, there have been people who considered it their calling to help the sick - sorcerers, healers, healers, alchemists. Their duty was not only to overcome illnesses, but also to produce medicines for many ailments. If most ailments in our time can be treated, then, unfortunately, new ones arise for which there is no panacea.

Today, the field of medicine is quite developed and you can get rid of almost any sore, but, as you know, new ones appear or old ones degenerate, which are difficult to cure. Therefore, each of us visited a doctor at least once in our lives and applied this or that treatment.

If a serious sore has stuck, then it’s clear that folk remedies will bring minimal benefit, so you should contact modern medicines which were prescribed by the doctor. But how should you take the drug to get relief from it quickly and positive impact on the body? After all, absolutely everyone knows that there are several ways to use medications, for example, creams and gels are applied to the desired area of ​​the body and rubbed into the skin, which does not bring pain. You can also use an enema and special suppositories, but these methods are less pleasant, since they are used through the anus (which makes you feel not entirely comfortable), but they are effective for high temperature in children.

But most often drugs are taken inside the body by ingestion. This includes drops, tablets, capsules. A certain amount of water is also used for them. In addition, they are also very effective intramuscular injections, which are popularly called injections.

The injections are given into soft cloth body with the help of a special device called a syringe, which, in turn, consists of a piston, a container and a syringe. The piston is dialed the right substance and inserted into the required place, and this is usually the “fifth point”.

Injections in medicine are divided into: subcutaneous, intramuscular and intravenous. Depending on the disease, the doctor prescribes the method of administration that will be most effective in the case of a particular disease.

If we talk about which method of administering an injection is considered the most effective, then it is worth paying attention to the fact that any medicine begins to act immediately when it enters the blood. But taking subcutaneous injection, the product will not work very quickly, since there are very few blood vessels under the skin. As for the injection into a vein, it will act instantly, as it will go directly into the blood stream. Very common injections that are injected into the muscle, since the substance is immediately accepted by the body and acts quickly.

In order to choose the method of administering the injection, it is necessary to clarify exactly what effect is required. For example, let's take insulin, since for it to work, a syringe is inserted under the skin. This is due to the fact that the medicine must slowly enter the bloodstream. Since a fold of skin is needed to administer insulin, the abdomen, thigh, shoulder, and shoulder blade are excellent for this.

Almost all injections are administered intramuscularly: vitamins, antibiotics, painkillers, antipyretics, and so on. Usually the buttock is used for this type of injection, but it is also possible to inject into the shoulder blade and thigh.

In order for the results of the medicine to manifest itself as quickly as possible, the injection is administered directly into a vein. But there is one “BUT”: the medication is administered in this way very slowly, so most often this is done using a dropper.

In addition, the drug is injected into the skin in cases where the drug is tested for an allergic reaction, into the joints during their diseases, and into the spinal canal during certain diseases. But an injection into the nerve canal for pain relief may also be prescribed.

Of course, only in some cases do doctors resort to prescribing injections, since other treatment methods are more common.

Very often the patient is faced with the question: what injections are better or tablets? After all, sometimes this choice arises before the patient, but many people simply do not understand this issue. For example, in Japan, injections are practically not prescribed, and all treatment consists only of taking pills.

Today, almost all doctors in the world prefer tablets rather than injections, but this does not apply to those cases where a quick recovery result is needed.

Modern drugs are obtained through long and careful processing using the latest equipment, so it is not worth saying that absolutely all tablets have long lasting effect actions. If the drug is cheap, then you should not expect a quick positive result from it.

It is worth remembering the fact that absolutely all drugs have side effects, so you should be very careful when taking even the most “harmless” medicine. In addition, it is prohibited to combine several medications, as this can lead to serious problems with health.

Doctors urge you to be very careful when using antibiotics, because their endless use causes bacteria to become addicted, and they do not react in any way to the action of the tablets. In this case, only more can help strong drugs that have a negative impact on health.

In addition to all this, the use of antibiotics leads to changes in the microflora in the stomach and intestines, and this leads to various disorders in these organs. Therefore, together with antibacterial agents Other drugs that protect the gastrointestinal tract are also prescribed.

You need to remember that medications such as aspirin can irritate the gastric mucosa, which means that they should be taken only after eating food. In addition, more aggressive medications are taken in combination with those that can extinguish their effect.

If you use antibiotics for a very long time, especially aspirin, this can lead to gastritis and stomach ulcers. Therefore, it is not recommended to take such drugs with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Studies have shown that any kind of medication has a negative effect on the liver, so you need to take them only when they were prescribed, and not self-medicate.

Nowadays, almost all countries refuse injections, using only tablets, but it is not yet possible to completely get rid of injections, so doctors try to prescribe this method of using the drug only in the most extreme cases when you need quick results.

Medicines in tablet form have their own advantages, which have been scientifically proven by experts. Below we will describe the factors why you should make your choice in favor of tablets:

  • injections are considered a more expensive treatment option than tablets; in addition, it is necessary to find special personnel who will visit the patient and give injections;
  • there have been cases when the administration of injections resulted in infection with diseases such as hepatitis or AIDS, so special attention should be paid to maintaining sterility;
  • Only a physician should give injections, especially if we are talking about administering medicine into a vein;
  • an unpredictable tissue reaction to the drug is possible: burning, pain, allergies, and so on;
  • the body's reaction to the administered drug can be unexpected and deplorable, even fatal.

It is worth remembering that each injection should be prescribed by a doctor, and not thoughtlessly administered by someone for the purpose of self-medication.

It is best not to use injections at all and, if possible, purchase tablets. But if you need fast treatment, then in this case only injections can help. Also, preference should be given to injections if you suffer from diseases of the stomach and intestines. In addition, there are a number of tablets useful material which cannot penetrate the blood during swallowing, so only injections are suitable for this, because they immediately send the medicine into the blood. Another reason for prescribing injections is when the patient cannot swallow the medicine, for example, he is unconscious.

It is believed that treatment with injections is more effective and efficient.

In cases where it is not possible to ask nurse visit you and give an injection, then you can ask someone from your environment to do this procedure. To do this, a person should wash their hands thoroughly before the procedure, unpack the syringe from the package and cut off the top of the ampoule. The next step is to draw liquid into the piston: you need to draw it slowly, pulling back the piston rod. When the medicine is drawn up, you need to make sure that there is no air in the piston, and if there is, then you should point the rod forward, squeezing the air through the needle. During this manipulation, a certain amount of liquid may leak out, but there is nothing wrong with that. The next step is to treat the body area with alcohol. At this stage, you just need to wipe the injection site with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.

The most important step is the insertion of a syringe needle into the tissue: if we are talking about the buttocks, then one of the two halves of the “fifth point” is divided into four parts, drawing one strip horizontally and the other vertically. The injection should be placed in the upper extreme corner. The needle must be inserted completely and the medicine must be injected slowly. After the injection has been made, you need to sharply pull out the needle and press the injection site with a cotton swab that was previously soaked in alcohol.

As you can see, you can do the injection yourself, but you should resort to this only in the most extreme cases. It is best for a specialist to do this, because then there will be no doubt about whether it was done correctly or not. Since the needle can get into the nerve, after the injection the patient may have strong pain and even inflammation.

In conclusion, let’s draw a conclusion and find out what is better: injections or tablets. If the result of treatment is visible faster from the use of injections, then does it make sense to use them in all cases of disease? In fact, there are only a few reasons to give preference to injections, and they are quite difficult to come across.

As for the tablets, their effect on the patient’s body is the same as the effect of injections. If we talk about the advantages, this includes low cost, safe use and convenience. Of course, only a doctor can prescribe in what form to take this or that medicine, but very often it is the patient who faces this choice.

Tablets and injections have the same effect on the patient’s body, but the first method of using medications is more convenient and has a low cost, since there is no need to spend money on equipment and medical personnel services.

The main disadvantage of injections is that there is huge probability get new diseases that are transmitted through blood. This can happen if an irresponsible worker did not sterilize the desired area of ​​skin for the injection or if he used a previously used needle in the procedure. Unfortunately, nowadays there are a huge number of cases where people in the hospital became infected incurable diseases in the hospital due to the lack of professionalism of medical workers.

If you do have to get an injection, you need to make sure that medical worker put on gloves, used a new syringe, which was unsealed in front of you, and thoroughly cleaned the future injection site with alcohol.

If you have the opportunity to choose between injections and tablets, then it is better to opt for the latter, as you will protect yourself from unnecessary injury and problems caused by infection.

Exist different ways the use of medications during treatment, but the main ones are ingestion, that is, tablets, and injections. How do you know which is better to take pills or injections? Each option is selected individually. Most are inclined to believe that injections are more effective than pill treatment. Therefore, when starting therapy, it is necessary to figure out which method will help cope with the disease better.

People who have opted for injection treatment argue that medications in the form of tablets negatively affect the full functioning of the stomach and digestive tract. The emphasis is also placed on the increased load on the liver and kidneys.

Special side effects appear when taking antibiotics. In this case, there may be dysbacteriosis, disruption of proper digestion and, subsequently, the entire functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Another disadvantage of most tablets is the unpleasant lingering aftertaste, so they can be difficult to swallow. This factor helps you decide on injections.

With injection treatment, there is no need to swallow tablets with an unpleasant taste and injure the mucous membrane of the stomach and the entire esophagus.

You should also take into account the fact that the injection method is favorable for a quick recovery. It is relevant for seriously ill patients who are immersed in a coma.

Negative points When administering injections, it is enough. First of all, it is necessary to overcome the fear of pain at the time of insertion. medicinal product.

Sometimes, dysbiosis and disorders after stool are easier to tolerate than the administered antibiotic. Another disadvantage is abscesses and unwanted lumps that can remain forever. The human microflora is no less affected, as with oral treatment.

The version that antibacterial substances do virtually no harm to the human body, is not completely true. This is argued by the fact that the drug is ultimately excreted through the liver and.

Blood injections may subsequently provoke severe allergic reactions, which will require parallel treatment. Many people have to overcome anaphylactic shock.

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In this article we will tell you in detail how to give an injection correctly to someone or yourself. Quite often as an element...

Which method of treatment will be more effective for the body? In this case, it is necessary to start from general condition the patient and the medications used.

For a patient who is able and can take care of himself without any problems, tablet treatment is more suitable.

This does not apply to injectable medications, such as insulin and its ability to be broken down in the stomach. In modern medicine, the opinion is interpreted that intramuscular injection no more effective than any other method.

The same injection can have different effects on the body. A large number of Medicines in tablets have the same percentage of effect as injections. For example: NSAIDs, myorexants, chondroprotectors.

Serious illnesses can be overcome through long courses. That's why injection treatment not very convenient for a sick person.

Most are inclined to believe that tablet treatment negatively affects the further functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but this is not entirely true.

In modern medicine, harmful to the mucous membranes are covered with a special coating that can prevent unpleasant consequences for the body in the future.

Injection-chronic diseases are not treated for a long time. The medicine, administered through a vein, completely leaves the body in a short period of time. And the current situation sometimes requires delaying the medicine for a longer period of time.

Intramuscular and intravenous injections administered to patients in unconscious. In such cases, an injection is a way out of this situation.

Chronic diseases It is most effective to support it with medications in the form of tablets.

Medicines in the form of injections are irreplaceable when the drug must be administered to a specific place. Injection therapy, in this case, creates a blockade on the diseased area of ​​the body, thereby helping to get rid of inflammatory process. Currently, this type of treatment is not relevant for modern medicine and are carried out extremely rarely.

Scientific experts have proven that injections are not always best choice for a complete recovery. Qualified doctors interpret the effectiveness of drugs by injection as nothing more than a myth.

The drug Actovegin is prescribed for the correction of cerebral circulatory disorders associated with problems of lack of oxygen and their consequences. This is a powerful antihypoxant that optimizes the absorption of oxygen and glucose, thereby reducing the need for these substances.

Actovegin is prescribed for a variety of vascular problems, disrupting the blood supply to the brain, even during the period of rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury. Due to its ability to accelerate tissue regeneration, this drug quickly brings relief from symptoms. oxygen starvation by normalizing blood flow and correcting the process of oxygen utilization in the blood.

Composition of Actovegin in tablets and injections

The basis of the drug Actovegin is a concentrated extract from calf blood, which has a powerful metabolic effect.

  • 80 mg of concentrate in ampoules with 2 ml of solution;
  • 200 mg of concentrate - for ampoules of 5 ml;
  • 400 mg - in ampoules of 10 ml.

As excipient water for injection is used.

The active ingredient in tablet form is Actovegin granulate, i.e. deproteinized extract from calf blood, supplemented with microcrystalline cellulose and povidone K-90. In addition, the tablet contains talc and magnesium stearate as auxiliary ingredients.

The coating, which protects the tablets from changing their properties and makes them easier to take, consists of glycolic wax, diethyl phthalate, talc, titanium dioxide, sucrose, acacia gum, povidone K-30, hypromellose phthalate, macrogol and yellow quinoline dye.

Differences in drug forms

Indications for taking Actovegin in tablets or in the form of a solution, according to the instructions for use, are almost identical. The main difference between the dosage forms is that the solution when administered intramuscularly, intravenously or drip administration enters the blood faster and in full, providing the body with a large dose of the active substance.

Tablets enter the bloodstream only during absorption in the intestines, i.e. before this they pass through the digestive tract. This means a delay in the delivery of the drug to the blood and its partial removal through natural excretory processes.

What is better - Actovegin tablets or injections?

There is no clear answer to this question. The doctor will prescribe Actovegin tablets or injections based on the following factors:

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  • diagnosis;
  • severity of the disease;
  • patient's condition;
  • individual conditions: allergies, sensitivity, intolerance to the components of the drug, fear or intolerance of injections/tablets.

For example, when nervous disorders caused by brain hypoxia due to impaired blood flow, tablets are better suited, because during their intake, the active substance accumulates in the body. If we're talking about about ischemia, complications diabetes mellitus and similar emergency situations, the choice will be made in favor of injections, because they ensure rapid delivery of the drug into the blood, which means we can hope for a quick therapeutic effect.