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Increased intestinal motility. Intestinal motility: concept, norm and pathology, treatment of disorders

Increasingly, people living in developed countries are developing diseases associated with disruption of the stomach and intestines. And the health of the whole organism depends on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is no coincidence that ancient healers advised changing lifestyle and diet to combat illnesses.

If the intestines work smoothly and there is no disturbance, then the person feels healthy, strong, and his performance increases. How to improve intestinal motility using food... Any disruption in the functioning of the stomach or intestines will certainly affect your well-being, reducing immunity, causing the development of pathologies. The work of the intestines depends on the contraction of its walls, called peristalsis.

What is peristalsis?

Peristalsis is understood as muscular contraction of walls lined with muscle fibers. The intestinal muscles contract and push digested food away from upper sections to the lower ones.

The main process involves smooth muscles, which are located in the walls of the organ in a double layer. The first layer is represented by longitudinal muscles, the second - circular. Their coordinated action creates the contraction system itself, which varies in degree in the small and large intestines.

In the thin section, muscle work can be slow or, on the contrary, rapid, which depends on different situations.

This is important to know... The most important situation that contributes to hard work The gastrointestinal tract is filling digestive tract dietary fiber. It is the filling with dietary fiber (coarse fiber that is not digested, but only swells) that helps stretch the walls, puts the muscles into action, causing them to contract and move food.

And in the large intestine, where a dense lump is already formed from the remains of food masses, the movement is only slow.

The contractions are reflex and the intestines begin their work as soon as food appears in it. The frequency of contractions is not the same in different departments, as follows:

  • colon, contracts 3-4 times per minute,
  • thin - up to 10 times,
  • duodenum, also up to 10 times.

What causes the violation?

There are the following factors influencing the functioning of the organ:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • low level of physical activity;
  • organs were subjected to surgery;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • depression and stress;
  • elderly age;
  • side effect from taking medications.

But the main factor is nutrition. Frequent snacking, abuse of fast food, coffee and alcohol, fatty and spicy foods - all this leads to serious disorders over time. After 35 years, the intestines are already clogged with deposits, which, when moving, damage the mucous membrane. As a result, hemorrhoids, blood stagnation in the pelvic area, polyps, adhesions and tumors develop. A person should eat vegetables and fruits, dairy products, porridge.

Lifestyle plays an important role in improving the functioning of all organs and systems, including the digestive organs. The cause of many problems lies in the lack of movement. Sedentary work, traveling by car and in public transport, lack of time for sports. All these factors indirectly affect the functioning of organs.

In old age, problems arise due to muscle atrophy, hormonal changes, concomitant diseases. Constipation caused by tissue hypoxia occurs more often.

Main symptoms

When a malfunction of the intestines occurs, a person experiences the following symptoms:

Severe pain in lower section abdomen, the intensity of which varies in different time days (subsides at night, intensifies after breakfast). There is a cramping nature of the pain.

Increased gas formation and bloating complicate a person’s life. Accompanied by cutting pain.

Unstable stool. Constipation followed by diarrhea may occur. Subsequently, patency worsens, constipation becomes chronic. There is a need to use laxatives and perform enemas.

Due to a malfunction of the intestinal muscles, the processes of digestion and absorption are disrupted, which leads to weight gain.

Intoxication of the whole body is observed, and this, in turn, is reflected in the structure of hair and nails, the skin becomes dry, and allergic-type irritations appear.

Insomnia, bad feeling, sudden changes in mood become the main companions.

If these symptoms occur, you should not wait for the situation to worsen. It is better to seek help from a specialist and help your intestines.

Diagnostic tests

It should immediately be noted that the noted symptoms are found in the characteristics of other diseases of the digestive system and nervous system. Therefore, patient complaints alone will not be enough and a number of laboratory and instrumental studies will be required.

Feces are checked for the presence of red blood cells in it, dysbacteriosis is detected or excluded. Colonoscopy plays an important role, which can only be prescribed after 40 years. During this procedure, material is collected from additional research. Endoscopy and irrigoscopy are possible. Such studies are required to study the organ for the presence of tumors, diverticulum and polyps.

As a result of the examination, the cause of the malfunction in the intestines can be determined. Next, conservative treatment will be prescribed.

How to improve intestinal motility

Better results in treatment can be achieved using A complex approach. Good effect achieved using means traditional medicine. A mandatory diet is expected and physical exercise.

Treatment with drugs

Traditional medicine offers various drugs that improve and activate the intestines for accelerated activity. With their help you can stabilize intestinal function. As a result, muscle tone increases and motor skills and contractions are enhanced. But you should not self-medicate - the prescription is made by a doctor who controls the entire process.

Modern laxatives have proven themselves well. They are divided into groups, acting on certain parts of the intestine.

Epsom salt is a major laxative general action affecting the entire organ. The effect is observed within 2 hours. There is an improvement in contractions muscle fibers By reducing the absorption of fluid, the intestines are emptied.

Castor oil used for malfunctions thin section intestines. It facilitates the passage of feces and improves function. Emptying occurs within 3-6 hours.

Regulate colon function. Laxatives that affect the large intestine are divided into herbal and synthetic. The first ones are based on herbs. These can be licorice, buckthorn, rhubarb roots, and senna leaves. In the pharmacy they are found in the form of drops, suppositories, powders and tinctures.

They restore intestinal function and promote regular bowel movements. Tablets for plant based, which are modern drugs: Regulax, which contains hay, figs, plums and paraffin. With its help you can achieve relief.

Restoration of intestinal function is also practiced with a synthetic series. Among them are: Guttalax, Bisacodyl, Phenolphthalein. You can buy them in tablets, drops and suppositories. They have strong action, but they are addictive. When taking them, it is recommended to observe the body’s response, possible allergic reactions and manifestation of colitis.

  • Pancreatin, which increases the digestibility of foods in the body;
  • Espumisan, which reduces gas formation and bloating;
  • Cerucal - tablets to stimulate the intestines;
  • Amiridine, which improves the strength of muscle contractions of the intestinal walls.

If the cause of the failure is stress, then antipsychotic, antidepressant and tranquilizer medications are prescribed. The action is aimed at improving the functioning of the nervous system and relieving stress.

Nutrition as the main influencing factor

The main role in treatment is given to nutrition. The diet should be balanced. The intestines react sensitively to any product consumed. It, as an indicator, evaluates a person’s approach to choosing food. It is necessary to strictly separate products according to the degree of influence on peristalsis.
Watch the video: Super - food for the intestines.

Products that stimulate intestinal contractions

Properly selected food can improve the functioning of the digestive organs; it is necessary to consume foods that improve the contraction of the intestinal walls.


Depending on the season, radishes and turnips, radishes and beets are selected. Sauerkraut is in first place for improving the health of the body. A naturally fermented product is required, without the addition of vinegar.

It improves the movement of food through the intestines, promotes the release of harmful substances and toxins, saturates the body with vitamin C, cleanses blood vessels, and improves blood circulation. If you add vegetable oil before use, the effect will increase. Melons and melons help a lot, you should eat more watermelons and melons, tomatoes and cucumbers, onions and garlic.

Of particular note are beans containing coarse fiber. It promotes the formation of a bolus of food, which, when passing through the large intestine, irritates its walls and causes an improvement in peristalsis.


It energizes and gives nerve impulses to the intestinal muscles, causing them to wake up and become more active for the coming day. A cup of coffee enhances bowel function in just four minutes. The caffeine contained in drinks triggers the process; you can also drink other drinks containing this substance.

Fresh fruits and berries, compotes from them

Vitamin substitutes for lemonades and other store-bought drinks. You can mix pureed apple, sprouted wheat, oats in equal proportions, and flavor with honey. Use in any quantity.

I especially want to highlight orange, which helps soften stool. It consists of fiber; 100 g of this fruit contains 80 g of water, which is also great. Contains flavonoids, which cause the cells of the intestinal walls to release water, thereby helping to liquefy stool. They become elastic and soft, which makes the relief a pleasant procedure.

Vegetable oils

Adding sunflower or olive oil will have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Some people prefer to drink 2 tbsp on an empty stomach. l. oils If you do this daily, you can forget about constipation. This method is not suitable for everyone; there are people who find it difficult to swallow such an amount - it appears vomiting reflex. Corn and flaxseed oil are also recommended.

Bran and wheat bread

Not only recommended bran bread, but also the bran itself. If 1-2 tsp. wash it down with water, then increasing in volume, they will begin to irritate the intestinal neurons, which will trigger the work of the muscles and the easy passage of feces.

Dried fruits

It is advisable for everyone to use, regardless of the presence of intestinal problems. For those who do not like prunes and dried apricots, you can prepare a mixture of dried fruits. To do this, they are passed through a meat grinder; raisins and figs are added if desired. Take one spoon daily half an hour before meals as a medicine. Keep refrigerated.


Seaweed is beyond competition. Do not give preference to fish fatty varieties. Plays an important role drinking regime. Every day you need to consume up to 2 liters clean water. Drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach. This promotes better bowel movements and enhances peristalsis.

Don't forget about fermented milk products

The body will respond well to drinking a glass of kefir at night. Yogurt, curdled milk and fermented baked milk will also be useful. Fruits and vegetables are best consumed raw or steamed. It is recommended to eat the food warm. Decoctions of herbs such as buckthorn or milk thistle have a beneficial effect.

Check out diet number 3 that kickstarts your recovery:

The diet is aimed at people suffering from constipation. And the products included in its composition cause the muscles of the intestinal walls to contract and work.

To do this, you need to create your own diet, including beetroot soup, borscht, and vegetarian soups. The soup can be flavored with herbs, seasonings (only permitted) and butter or vegetable oil. You can include vegetable salads, vinaigrettes and sea cabbage in your meals.

As for fruits, you are allowed to eat sweet apples and sweet grapes, pears and cherries, and plums.

For dessert, sweets are not prohibited, such as: jam and milk toffee, marshmallows and marshmallows, marmalade and honey.

Among cereals, preference is given to oatmeal and buckwheat; it is advisable to consume it once daily. But eggs - only once a week.

Fermented milk products will only bring benefits; you need to drink fermented baked milk and kefir, natural yogurt and skim milk, eat sour cream and cottage cheese, feta cheese.

We should not forget about fresh vegetable and fruit juices, fruit drinks and dried fruit compote, herbal tea, green tea.

Which power mode to choose

It is better to eat smaller portions and more often, up to 5 times a day, planning your day in this way: have breakfast at 8 - 8.30, the second time at 10.30, lunch at 13-14 o'clock, dinner at 18. And if hunger overcomes, then you can do a light meal snack at 20 pm, drinking a glass of kefir.

Products that reduce intestinal contractions:

Intestinal dysfunction causes fresh bread. It is better to use bread that was baked yesterday or replace it with lavash during treatment. And from this video you will learn which foods are harmful to the intestines:

Rice, whether porridge or pilaf, has astringent action. Do not get carried away with butter and eggs, meat dishes. Fruits such as quince, rowan and pear, as well as compotes made from them, will only aggravate the situation.

Frequent consumption of pureed soups and vegetable purees leads to intestinal laziness. Hot drinks reduce contractions and their strength, so it is better to drink them warm, pies and buns, muffins and cakes, chocolate.
It is required to exclude alcohol and smoking. Reduce or avoid eating fatty, smoked, salty and spicy foods. Canned and semi-finished products should be left aside during treatment.

It is advisable to spend more time on fresh air, walk and do exercises. Lack of physical activity negatively affects the functioning of the entire body. Morning exercises, including bending and squats, can improve bowel function.

The body requires a sensitive attitude towards itself, intestinal motility reacting to any external influence. Don't let the problem take its course. Remember that a timely visit to the doctor will help prevent the development of complications.


To clean and restore normal operation intestines, in medical institutions they use an enema or an Esmarch mug. Colon therapy is performed for the same purpose.

The main way to restore peristalsis is to organize the diet and correct mode nutrition. Try not to take long breaks in meals; the best regimen in your case would be 5-6 meals a day.

Try to eat less meat and fish soups, easily digestible varieties of fish and meat, white bread, soft cookies, cocoa, semolina porridge and rice, mashed potatoes. Products that contain a lot of fiber are especially useful for you - black bread, buckwheat, honey, vegetable soups, cucumbers, cabbage, beets, carrots, legumes, apples, plums and other fruits. Vegetables are best consumed raw, not chopped.

Plums and prunes, as well as juices from spinach and beets, have a strong laxative effect. If you eat several of these fruits or salads with beets every day, chewing them thoroughly, you will soon forget about the problem of stopping intestines. If the beetroot and spinach juice starts to get too strong, add to this mixture carrot juice.

Fermented milk products, especially yogurt, are good for restoring peristalsis. For drinks, give preference to freshly squeezed juices and mineral water, saturated carbon dioxide.

Try preparing the following mixture to improve peristalsis: a tablespoon of sprouted wheat grains, two tablespoons of raw oatmeal, a spoonful of honey, two tablespoons of water, two grated apples, a spoonful of chopped nuts and the juice of half a lemon. Stir and eat this mixture without restrictions, without adding anything else.

You can use a proven folk recipe: Take 15 g of buckthorn bark, brew it in half a liter of water and drink it like tea. Healers also advise drinking mild laxatives such as water in which plums or oats have been boiled, cabbage brine, radish juice and tea made from dried apples and cherries.

Contribute to normal functioning intestines those sports that give the stomach a shake - running, walking, horse riding, swimming, tennis and other sports games.

Before your main meal, eat something salty. This simple technique stimulates the production gastric juice.

The herb is used not only for bathing, but also as an appetite stimulant. Prepare a decoction and take ½ cup half an hour before meals, before each meal.

Prepare a decoction of dandelion roots (as a rule, they are dug up in the fall or early). Pour two tablespoons of dandelion roots 0.5 l into a thermos. boiling water, leave overnight. Typically a single dose is 100 grams. During the day, before each meal, drink the decoction, and you will definitely feel better. appetite.

Video on the topic


  • no appetite after antibiotics

Violation of peristalsis causes constipation in the body with the release of dense feces in the form sheep feces or thin tape. This indicates stool dehydration due to a lack of water in the body. In order for the intestines to work smoothly, it is necessary to regulate water exchange. But it is necessary not only to drink enough water, it must be retained in the intestines so that peristalsis is normal.

You will need

  • To improve intestinal motility, you need to prepare the following components:
  • - bran;
  • - flaxseed;
  • - unrefined sunflower oil;
  • - milk thistle;
  • - plantain seeds.


To retain water in, which will effectively cleanse it, take 1 teaspoon of bran 3 times a day. Bran should be washed down with at least 250 ml of water. This amount of bran per day is enough to normalize stool and avoid dehydration.

To normalize the work, prepare the oil. Grind 100 grams to a powder, put it in a 600 gram glass jar and fill it up unrefined sunflower oil. Place the jar in a dark place for 2 weeks to infuse. Before use, stir the mixture until a suspension of flax seeds appears in the mixture. Take 1 tablespoon linseed oil, mixed with a glass of kefir, overnight. This composition normalizes intestinal motility, relieves and improves the liver.

Milk thistle seeds also perfectly normalize intestinal function. Take milk thistle and grind it in a coffee grinder. Take 1 teaspoon of crushed milk thistle seeds 3 times a day with food, you can add it to your meal or eat it with water.

Plantain seeds perfectly heal the gastrointestinal tract. Take plantain seeds and grind them in a coffee grinder. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals. Plantain seeds swell in the intestines and retain water well. Thanks to this, the formation of feces occurs, they move easily and are emptied.

Video on the topic


To normalize intestinal motility, it is necessary to put in order the teeth, which are the basis correct intake food.

Increased peristalsis intestines occurs for many reasons. According to statistics, every second inhabitant of our planet has problems with the digestive system. When exposed to provoking factors, it is the intestines that are the first to lose their functions, which contributes to the development metabolic disorders And chronic diseases. A person’s normal well-being and ability to work depend on work gastrointestinal tract. The slightest malfunction digestive system have a negative impact on general condition organism, create preconditions for weakening of the immune system.

What is peristalsis?

This term refers to the rhythmic contractions of the muscular walls of the intestine, which promote the movement of food masses from the thin to the thick section. This factor plays important role in the processes of assimilation nutrients and removal of waste products from the body.

Peristaltic contractions involve smooth muscle fibers that are present in the intestinal walls. One layer is located longitudinally, the other - transversely. Coordinated contractions contribute to the creation of waves, the frequency of which is different in different parts of the organ. Several types of contractile movements spread throughout the small intestine, which differ in speed. They can be slow, medium and fast. Often several types of waves appear simultaneously.

Food masses move slowly through the large intestine; peristaltic waves in this section have the lowest speed. 1–2 times a day, rapid contractions occur in the organ, promoting the movement of feces towards the anus. Peristalsis colon based on a reflex that occurs when food enters the stomach. Normal contraction frequency duodenum is 10 times per minute, thin - 9-12 and thick - 3-4. At the moment food moves towards the anus, the frequency indicator increases to 12.

Weak peristalsis slows down the absorption of nutrients and makes it difficult to move feces towards the rectum. Leftovers undigested food, feces and toxins are retained in the body, gradually poisoning it and creating ideal conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Impaired intestinal motility is the cause of most pathologies of the digestive system, characterized by constipation and diarrhea, abdominal pain, ulcers and benign neoplasms.

What causes peristalsis to be disrupted?

The causes of poor peristalsis may be:

  • poor nutrition with a predominance of high-calorie foods;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • benign and cancerous tumors intestines;
  • complications after abdominal surgery;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • elderly age;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • neurological disorders;
  • constant stress;
  • taking medications that impair intestinal motility.

Improper nutrition becomes the main cause of intestinal motility disorders. Modern people are accustomed to snacking on the go, refusing a full hot lunch. Excess starch, fat and sugar contribute to fermentation processes in the intestines.

Through the intestinal walls abdominal cavity toxins that poison the blood and internal organs. By the age of 35, the intestines become so clogged that the fecal stones formed in it injure the mucous membranes. The patient begins to feel that the intestines are not working. The lack of peristalsis leads to fecal retention, stagnation of blood in the abdominal cavity, the occurrence of hemorrhoids, the formation of benign and malignant tumors. For normal operation intestines and vital functions beneficial bacteria requires a slightly acidic environment and a large amount of fiber, which is found in fresh vegetables and fruits.

You need to start restoring intestinal motility with lifestyle changes. Most diseases of the digestive system develop against the background of physical inactivity, sedentary work and prolonged bed rest. Moderate physical exercise- the most effective stimulator of intestinal motility. To do this, you need to allocate at least 10–15 minutes to perform the exercises. Daily walks in the fresh air are especially beneficial.

Reason bad work intestines in old age are considered: development accompanying pathologies, hormonal disorders, muscle weakness and damage nerve endings, controlling the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Increased intestinal peristalsis is observed when chronic pathologies stomach, gall bladder and pancreas. Violation of organ functions can be caused by malignant neoplasms, stress, infectious diseases and poisoning. Strengthens peristalsis and long-term use some medications. However, the majority of digestive problems are caused by poor diet, consumption of fast food and processed foods. Increased peristalsis leads to flatulence, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. This is due to the course of decay processes.

How are peristalsis disorders manifested?

The main symptom of dyskinesia is pain of varying intensity and localization. Expressiveness discomfort ranges from minor discomfort to severe cramps. The pain disappears after defecation or release of gas. Their intensity decreases in the evening and at night. Are resuming unpleasant symptoms after the morning meal. Increased gas formation promotes the course of fermentation processes. Chronic constipation replaced by diarrhea. In the future, the intestine begins to empty only after taking a laxative or giving an enema. Weakened peristalsis promotes the formation of fatty deposits.

The patient’s well-being worsens: he experiences weakness, sleeps poorly, and becomes irritable. Symptoms of intoxication increase - skin rashes, acne, headache. At increased peristalsis intestines, body temperature often rises and persistent diarrhea appears. Absorption of insufficient nutrients contributes to weight loss. In such situations, you need to know exactly how to restore intestinal motility.

Treatment options

Restoring the digestive system requires an integrated approach. The therapeutic course includes taking medications, performing special exercises, compilation balanced diet. High efficiency have decoctions medicinal plants, which can increase intestinal motility. The stimulant drug should be prescribed by your doctor; you should not choose it yourself.

You can increase intestinal contractility using a laxative. Currently exists a large number of drugs that affect certain parts of the digestive system. Glauber's salt stimulates peristalsis of the entire intestine. This is the most effective and fast-acting drug. Taking it increases osmotic pressure, causing fluid absorption to slow down. Defecation occurs 1–2 hours after taking the tablet.

A laxative that increases contractions small intestine, facilitates the movement of digested food towards the anus. The effect is observed 5–6 hours after use medicine. Drugs that improve the functioning of the large intestine can be produced on the basis of plant and chemical components. They increase the tone of the organ and accelerate the excretion of feces. To treat dyskinesia in adults, antidepressants, tranquilizers and antipsychotics can be used. How to strengthen intestinal motility with diet?

All food products are divided into 2 groups: those that strengthen contractions, and those that weaken them. The latter include: chocolate, coffee, strong tea, baked goods, jelly, rice porridge, pears, apples, chicken eggs, butter. Acceleration of intestinal motility occurs when consuming berry fruit drinks, kvass, white wine, mineral water, kefir, fresh vegetables, dried fruits. You can normalize the functioning of the digestive system with the help of freshly squeezed juices of carrots, beets and cabbage. These same vegetables can be used to make salads. You need to eat as often as possible, portions should be small. It is necessary to exclude fatty and fried foods, sausages, canned food, and confectionery products from the diet. Drinking a glass of water before meals helps relieve constipation. You must consume at least 2 liters of fluid per day. The doctor will advise you on how to improve your bowel function using traditional methods.

Alternative medicine

To restore the functions of the digestive system, there is a recipe that increases peristalsis. To prepare you need to take 1 tbsp. l. sprouted wheat grains, 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, 2 medium apples, 1 small lemon and 1 tbsp. l. honey Apples are grated and mixed with the rest of the ingredients and warm water. The drug is used in any quantity throughout the week. A mixture of dried fruits has a laxative effect. 0.5 kg of prunes and dried apricots are passed through a meat grinder and mixed with 50 g of propolis, 200 g of senna and 200 ml of fresh honey. The medicine is taken 2 tsp. before going to bed with a glass of cool water.

Buckthorn decoction has a pronounced laxative effect. 1 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, infused for 3 hours and consumed instead of tea. Plantain seeds increase in size after entering the intestines, which contributes to rapid elimination digestive products. Crushed seeds take 1 tsp before meals. Wheat bran is eaten with warm water. They are necessary for the formation of a sufficient amount of feces. Fruits and fruits have a mild laxative effect. vegetable juices, cabbage pickle, apple and cherry compote.

The course of treatment should be accompanied by an increase physical activity. You should not lie down immediately after eating; it is recommended to hiking or just walk around the house. Active species sports - swimming, running, aerobics - restore the functioning of the digestive system. Are useful light massage abdomen, hardening, special exercises. They are performed in a supine position. The legs are bent at the knees and raised, making circular movements. This increases the strength of the abdominal muscles, restores blood supply to organs, and improves peristalsis. Improved intestinal tone is the best prevention diseases of the digestive system.

Many people have probably encountered digestive problems. According to statistics, almost half of the population of well-developed countries suffers from gastrointestinal pathologies. The gastrointestinal tract organs are among the first to lose their functions, which is why various diseases and pathological conditions. Already in ancient times it was known how to improve intestinal motility. Then the doctors prescribed changes in lifestyle, diet and diet.

An ailment such as impaired peristalsis can affect both adults and children. The proper functioning of the body depends on normal functioning Gastrointestinal tract. Any disturbance in the functioning of the digestive system affects the general condition of a person and also causes a decrease in protective properties body and the appearance of unpleasant diseases. It is not difficult to normalize peristalsis, and both medications, folk remedies, and exercises will help with this.

What is meant by peristalsis?

Peristalsis is a wave-like contraction of the walls of the genital tubular organ, helping in the movement of food from the upper sections to the exit openings. IN this process Smooth muscle is involved, localized in two layers in the intestinal walls. Thanks to the coordinated work of the muscles, a peristaltic wave is created with different frequencies (depending on the part of the intestine).

Violation of the process of peristalsis is fraught with a slowdown in the absorption of nutrients, a deterioration in the movement of food and difficulty in removing residues and processed food that the body does not need. As a result, all accumulated food becomes a source of toxic substances, which are an ideal environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

As a result, various gastrointestinal diseases develop, in particular inflammation, constipation, and diarrhea.

As a rule, people wonder how to improve intestinal motility when a certain disease has already developed. To prevent the occurrence of disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to eat properly, maintain healthy image life. In addition, it is important to know what factors can provoke disruptions in intestinal function. This is the only way to prevent the disease.

Reasons for violation

Not a single person is immune from the occurrence of such a problem - neither an adult, nor an elderly person, nor a baby. Pregnant women often experience this phenomenon.

Weak peristalsis may be due to:

A person who is looking for ways to improve intestinal motility should first seek the help of a qualified specialist. There are many on the forums positive feedback for one remedy or another. However, it should be understood that you can take any medication, as well as treat an illness at home, only after a preliminary consultation with a doctor and undergoing a thorough examination.


Manifestations of impaired peristalsis can be very different. Moreover, in one person the symptoms will be mild, while in another it will be the opposite.

Often, the disease is accompanied by the following manifestations:

In addition, the disease may be accompanied by worsening general well-being, malaise, insomnia, irritability, allergic manifestations(appearance of pustules, rashes), flatulence, pallor skin, unpleasant smell from oral cavity, loss of appetite, headaches, dizziness.

If such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor, as only qualified specialist knows how to improve intestinal motility, what medications to take and how to eat.

Taking medications

The doctor will conduct a diagnosis before prescribing treatment. This is a very important point, since it is quite difficult to diagnose peristalsis disorders only on the basis of patient complaints. The symptoms of the disease are similar to those of other gastrointestinal pathologies, including diverticulitis, colitis, and tumors.

As a rule, the following is prescribed:

Only after a thorough examination can a doctor prescribe treatment for the disease. Therapy for pathologists should be comprehensive, involving the use of medications, lifestyle correction, diet and special exercises.

Good results can be achieved by using alternative medicine formulations prepared from natural ingredients. Thanks to the compositions from medicinal herbs You can not only enhance peristalsis, but also strengthen the immune system.

Often, to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors prescribe the use of the following drugs:

  1. Proserina, Aceclidine, Vasopressin. These drugs have a stimulating effect and help increase the tone of the intestinal muscles.
  2. Laxative drugs acting on the entire intestine, in particular Epsom and Glauber's salts.
  3. Laxatives acting on small intestine, including castor oil.
  4. Laxative drugs acting on the large intestine: Regulax and other drugs based on natural ingredients.

The use of drugs that help enhance peristalsis and also relieve constipation is often prescribed: Guttalax, Phenolphthalein, Bisacodyl.

Stimulation of peristalsis in children and adults using different methods

Along with taking medications, in particular Proserin, doctors prescribe a diet and advise performing special exercises. It would not be amiss to use alternative medicine that helps stimulate the intestines.

Diet correction plays a huge role in normalizing peristalsis. Use the right products will help normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as cleanse the intestines of toxic substances and toxins.

It is not recommended to consume coffee, tea, chocolate, white bread, baking, berry jelly, porridge (rice, pearl barley, semolina), meat dishes, sausages, fatty, fried, spicy, salty, smoked dishes, butter, pears, quinces. These products inhibit peristalsis.

Experts recommend enriching your diet with foods that enhance peristalsis. These include greens, nuts, seafood, seaweed, wheat bran, vegetable oils, cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat), dried fruits, sour apples, ripe persimmons, plums, strawberries), vegetables with plant fibers (radish, radish, cabbage, beet, carrots), fermented milk products, berry and fruit juices.

Proper stimulation of the intestines should be ensured not only by the composition of the food, but also by the diet. You need to eat in small portions, at least five times a day. There should not be long intervals between meals. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the drinking regime. You need to drink at least one and a half liters of liquid per day.


Doing special exercises every day will help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to gymnastics, the abs will appear and the intestines will be properly stimulated.

  1. You need to lie on your back, and then raise your legs one by one.
  2. While in the starting position, you need to grab your legs bent at the knees, and then press them to your stomach. You need to stay in this position for five seconds.
  3. You need to lie on your back, then lift it off the floor and lower it back. You need to do twenty repetitions.
  4. Squatting is also useful. Moreover, the squat should be slow. You need to do twenty squats.
  5. While standing on your feet, you need to jump as high as possible.

The use of alternative medicine

In order to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular peristalsis, formulations made from natural ingredients can be used together with medications.

People in postoperative period, and also for paresis of the large intestine, it is recommended to carry out Ognev enemas, consisting of hydrogen peroxide, glycerin and soap solution. This procedure helps stimulate the intestines.

How to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in a child

Treatment for a child’s illness will depend on the cause. If peristalsis is impaired due to obstruction or pylorospasm, surgery is prescribed. If the cause of disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is dysbacteriosis, medication and diet are prescribed.

It is not difficult to normalize peristalsis. The main thing is to follow all the doctor’s recommendations - take medications, eat right, refuse bad habits and lead active image life.

The gastrointestinal tract is one of the first to lose its functions, which entails the development of all kinds of diseases and pathologies. The ancients advised: when you get sick, you need to change your lifestyle, and if this doesn’t help, change your diet. In men, the rectum is adjacent to the seminal glands, bladder, prostate gland. In women - to the walls of the vagina and uterus. If these organs begin to become inflamed, the disorders can spread to the rectum.

If you have not had a bowel movement for 32 hours, this can be explained as constipation (poor intestinal motility).

There are times when peristalsis does not work, and this creates the main causes of constipation:

  • bad breath;
  • coated tongue;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • attacks of headaches;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • isolation;
  • decreased appetite;
  • irritability.

One of the main reasons for the lack of peristalsis is high-calorie food taken in small volumes and with short breaks in time.
If you constantly start eating boiled and starchy foods ( flour products, potatoes, butter), refuse vitamins and minerals, a special “scale” appears on the walls of the stomach and intestines - a kind of fecal film.

In order to determine functional state intestinal mucous membranes, you need to drink two spoons beet juice. If the urine turns red, beetroot-colored, it means that something is wrong with the mucous lining of your intestines.

Often, by the age of forty, a person’s large intestine becomes very clogged fecal stones, which compress the walls of the colon, causing blood stagnation.

This gives rise to diseases such as:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • polyps;
  • phlebeurysm;

Sluggish peristalsis provokes the formation of frequent constipation.

It is necessary to consume more foods that improve peristalsis:

  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • nuts;

sprouted grain.

A person feels much better if he limits his diet to boiled (dead) food, and switches to natural products, necessary to maintain the microflora of the intestines and stomach. Don't forget to cleanse your internal organs.

Pay attention to the exercise for intestinal motility:

every morning for nine days, while in bed, index finger right hand press on your navel until your finger feels the pulse beating in your navel. When your finger feels the rhythmic beating of the pulse, you need to stop the exercise.

After eating, the stomach begins to perform systolic movements of the pyloric region, the body of the stomach begins to shrink, and peristaltic contractions appear. The speed of the wave of intestinal peristalsis (about 1 centimeter per second) increases. The amplitude and pressure in the stomach increases, the pyloric sphincter opens and the contents of the chyme pass into the intestines.

In order to know how to improve intestinal motility:

  • you need to lead a correct and healthy lifestyle;
  • monitor your diet;
  • eat foods rich in fiber.

To improve intestinal motility, stool functioning, and to forget about constipation, use this recipe:

  • take four hundred grams of prunes and dried apricots;
  • grind raw materials in a convenient way(can be processed in a meat grinder);
  • add a packet of senna to the resulting mixture;
  • 10 ml propolis (20%); two hundred grams of liquid honey.

Use the resulting mixture 1-2 teaspoons during dinner, washed down with water or unsweetened tea.

Increased intestinal motility will be observed if you use medicinal suppositories with the addition of propolis. You can buy them in pharmacies, but you can also prepare them at home:

  • take 100 grams of wax;
  • melt it in a water bath;
  • add 5 ml of soft propolis extract;
  • form candles from wax;
  • put them in the refrigerator.

It is better to use the resulting candles at night. They help with:

  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • genitourinary “female” diseases;
  • prostate adenoma.

Restoration of intestinal motility can be achieved by drinking 15-20 drops of propolis tincture (15%) diluted in a glass of warm water an hour before breakfast. After about a week, weak peristalsis will improve significantly.

A good effect can be shown by:

  • carrot juice;
  • a mixture of carrot and cabbage juice;
  • salad of cabbage, beets and carrots.

How to improve intestinal motility? Follow a few of our tips:

  • To normalize bowel function, do not forget to use an enema;
  • watch your diet (the best option would be 5-6 meals a day);
  • use less easily digestible foods(semolina porridge, mashed potatoes, etc.);
  • try to eat foods with increased content fiber;
  • do not forget about the laxatives of plums, spinach, beets, figs;
  • Kefir and yogurt, fresh juices will help restore intestinal motility, mineral water with gas;
  • try a mixture of a tablespoon of sprouted grains of wheat, apple, two tablespoons of honey and water, chopped nuts, lemon juice, two tablespoons of raw oatmeal;
  • drink brewed buckthorn bark (brew 15 grams with a glass of water);
  • do physical exercises that shake your stomach (running, swimming, horse riding, etc.);
  • don't get carried away excessive consumption laxatives.

Increased intestinal motility requires limiting (or completely eliminating) foods with a laxative effect.

Reduced peristalsis is facilitated by:

  • hot drinks and food;
  • rice and semolina porridge;
  • jelly;
  • hard-boiled eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • strong tea.

Promotes the accumulation of gases in the intestines:

  • fresh bread;
  • pears;
  • whole milk;
  • legumes;
  • cabbage.

Active peristalsis leads to diarrhea (diarrhea) - emptying the intestines of liquid feces. Loose and frequent stools are a consequence of strong, accelerated intestinal motility.

A symptom of surgical chronic gastrointestinal diseases that appear during the difficult passage of a peristaltic wave can be visible peristalsis.

One type of peristalsis, caused by a feeling of fear, may be accompanied by increased nervous peristalsis. There is also reverse peristalsis (antiperistalsis) - a wave-like contraction of the walls of the intestines and stomach, in the direction opposite to the usual.

Intestinal motility disorders may have following reasons and risk factors:

  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • elderly age;
  • surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity and others.

Treatment of intestinal motility is often prescribed depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the type of disease. So, for diarrhea:

  • symptomatic therapy with intramuscular or intravenous administration of glucose-salt solutions;
  • sorbents are used that bind koalin and pectin;
  • Opiates are prescribed that reduce intestinal activity (diphenoxylate, loperamide).

For constipation, warm and cold compresses are prescribed. You need to start with warm:

  • soak the towel in warm water and apply to the stomach for three minutes;
  • then apply a cold towel to your stomach for one minute.

Drugs to improve intestinal motility:

  • hay leaves;
  • Dulcolax;
  • bisacodyl;
  • guttalax;
  • weakcap;
  • laxigal;
  • regulaks.