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Intestinal peristalsis: problem solving. Increased intestinal motility

Normally, with constant accumulation of intestines, its wave-like contractions are always replaced by periods of rest. Entering the intestines, food irritates interoreceptors, resulting in increased peristalsis. Contractions of the walls move the contents (chyme) into the large intestine and relieve the small intestine from excessive irritation and distension. When there is no content in the intestines (for example, during complete fasting), peristalsis slows down or stops altogether.

However, in some cases, significant irritation of the intestinal mucosa is observed. Increased peristalsis is caused by reflexes involving the brain stem and autonomic nervous system, as well as reflex activation of the myenteric plexus in the digestive tube. The stool becomes more liquid because, with rapid movement, some of the contents do not have time to be absorbed into the blood. Painful condition, in which frequent and liquid feces appear, is called diarrhea (diarrhea).

Reasons for increased intestinal motility

Increased peristalsis is observed in some intestinal diseases, due to acute intestinal infections, with exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, with the digestive system, with intestinal dysbiosis. Reinforced fermentation processes lead to increased formation of gases and flatulence. Distension of the intestines causes colicky pain. In the lumen of the large intestine, when fatty acids combine with magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium salts, soaps are formed, which are present in the feces in the form of white lumps.

Diarrhea can develop even with completely healthy intestinal walls, occurring on nervous soil. In some cases, as a result of excessive anxiety or fear, mental (cortical) effects on the intestines increase its peristalsis and cause diarrhea (the so-called “bear disease”). Diarrhea also appears as a result of stimulation of intestinal peristalsis by coarse plant foods that produce a lot of undigested residues (fruits, vegetables, bread with bran), fatty, difficult-to-digest foods. Sometimes it is a protective-adaptive reaction, with the help of which products that are harmful to the body are eliminated.

Intestinal peristalsis may increase as a result of exposure to poorly digested food in the stomach. Such diarrhea is called gastrogenic. Increased peristalsis and increased frequency of stools (up to 6-8 times a day) leads to the loss of salts, liquid, and food breakdown products. Simple dyspeptic disorder must be distinguished from infectious diseases gastrointestinal tract. For this purpose, bacteriological and scatological studies are carried out.

Frequent stools caused by functional disorder intestines, called th. However, this same disease also has a more popularly known definition - diarrhea. Its causes are varied and generally it is not an independent disease.

Diarrhea occurs due to a violation of the motor, secretory and absorption functions of the intestine. His increased peristalsis(movement) does not allow food masses to be absorbed through the walls into the blood, because of this, bowel movements become liquid and frequent. These phenomena are contributed not only by intestinal disorders, but also by temporary conditions, such as anxiety, which cause the intestines to move faster.

If it is better to immediately stop eating (from one day to three days). It’s better not to limit yourself in water and replenish the body with lost nutrients with the help of fortified drinks. You should not self-treat diarrhea, since it is difficult to determine its cause based on the nature of your bowel movements. Meanwhile, the matter may be serious, requiring immediate medical attention.

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Well-established work intestines- this is not only a pledge wellness, but also the health of the whole body. Normal peristalsis depends on many factors: proper nutrition, regular cleansing, lack of bad habits. But if problems arise with the intestines, a number of measures should be taken to normalize its activity.

You will need

  • - dried apricots, prunes, hay grass, propolis tincture (20%), honey;
  • - rose hips, beets, orange peels, lemon, black currant, lingonberry, blueberry, cranberry, raisins, prunes, dried apricots, vegetable oil, salt, honey.


Carefully monitor your own daily diet. The intestines suffer greatly from toxins that are formed from undigested food debris. Minimize and also eliminate fatty and oil-fried foods, canned and smoked foods, baked goods, refined sugar, and carbonated drinks. Eat cereals, nuts, bran, rolled oats, greens, fruits, etc. daily. Make it a habit to drink a glass of kefir at night.

Probably in modern world The most common problem of the gastrointestinal tract is a disruption in the functioning of the intestine, that is, problems with its peristalsis, and both the small intestine and the large intestine are affected by disturbances.

The process of intestinal peristalsis is a wave-like contraction of its walls, which ensures the movement of the food bolus from the upper parts of the intestinal tract.

Inhibition of intestinal motility processes leads, firstly, to a slowdown in the absorption of all nutrients, and secondly, a slowdown in the elimination of waste residues from the body and, as a consequence, clogging of the body with waste and toxins. Increased intestinal peristalsis, on the contrary, is an accelerated contraction of the intestine and, as a result, increased bowel movements, while the stool is liquid, almost watery, and can be foamy.

Symptoms of bowel dysfunction

The intensity of abdominal pain can vary greatly - from a slightly noticeable malaise to severe cramps. Often these symptoms depend on the time of day, for example, at night the pain subsides, but during breakfast it returns with renewed vigor. Also, attacks of pain can be caused by nervous strain or physical exertion.

  • Intestinal bloating and increased gas production.
  • Excess weight caused by metabolic disorders.
  • The appearance of allergies, acne, pustules on the skin, provoked by general intoxication of the body.
  • Defecation disorders.

More often, disturbances in intestinal motility are accompanied by constipation, but sometimes, when it sharply increases, constipation can be replaced by severe diarrhea. If treatment is not carried out, the symptoms will become chronic, and only enemas or laxatives can help to empty the intestines. General deterioration in health – weakness, irritability, insomnia.

All these symptoms cannot be ignored; you should go to a gastroenterologist so that he can promptly prescribe treatment and prescribe the appropriate medications.


What most often causes intestinal dysfunction?

  • Chronic intestinal pathologies.
  • Excess of high-calorie foods in the diet.
  • Insufficient physical activity.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Neoplasms in the intestinal cavity.
  • Advanced age.
  • Abdominal surgeries.
  • Medicines that affect intestinal motility, taken for a long time.

Ways to improve intestinal motility

Very often, in order to improve the functioning of the digestive system and eliminate all unpleasant symptoms, there is no need to prescribe special treatment, it’s enough just to reconsider your lifestyle.

Movement is life

Insufficient physical activity leads to lethargy of the entire muscular system, including the abdominal muscles, which stimulate intestinal activity. That is why problems with it most often occur in people engaged in sedentary activities. Morning exercises and walks in the air are an excellent treatment for the current situation.

No cigarette

Tobacco smoke, of course, stimulates intestinal motility, but over time, one becomes accustomed to it, and the intestines cannot work without additional stimuli.

No need to be nervous

Unfortunately or fortunately, we cannot do without stress in our lives, but it would be good to learn not to get upset over trifles. Still, calmness and presence of mind in any situation is the cure for many diseases.

Add water

Dry food not only inhibits intestinal motility, but can also damage its delicate mucosa (both the small and large intestines can be affected), which can aggravate the symptoms of disorders and lead to the development of inflammatory processes, including ulcers. In the morning, on an empty stomach, you should drink a glass of any liquid, preferably kefir. Kefir, in addition to moisturizing the walls of the stomach and intestines, heals the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract with the help of bifidobacteria present in kefir.

You should also make sure you drink enough fluids throughout the day. If the situation is such that you need to stimulate the intestines, it is better to replace strong tea and coffee with juices - carrot, pumpkin, plum or beetroot. It is very beneficial for the intestines to drink a glass of any fermented milk drink at the end of the day, preferably without sugar or flavorings.

Healthy eating

This point is probably the most important of all listed. Due to poor nutrition, which modern life most often means the constant consumption of flour and butter; putrefactive and fermentation processes develop in the intestines. After some time, the large intestine becomes clogged with so-called “fecal stones,” which lead not only to damage to the intestinal mucosa and constipation, but also to stagnation of blood in the pelvis, which, in turn, leads to hemorrhoids and polyps.

Meals should be ordered, preferably four times a day. Breakfast and dinner are light, afternoon snack is quite filling, but not heavy, for lunch you should definitely eat a hot first course - soup, borscht, cabbage soup and so on. If you feel hungry during the break between meals, you don’t need to overdo yourself, you should have a little snack, but eat something healthy - a banana, yogurt, a piece of bread and butter. The menu must include foods rich in fiber and bread with bran, but there should be as little fried and smoked meats as possible.

Gymnastics to improve intestinal motility

In the mornings for nine days, without getting out of bed, press the navel with the index finger of your left hand until you begin to feel a rhythmic beating of the pulse. The well-known exercise “Bicycle” helps with intestinal problems.

Home remedies to improve intestinal motility

At the first symptoms of a digestive system disorder, it is not necessary to run to the pharmacy to purchase chemically synthesized medications. To get started, you can use homemade recipes.

Recipe 1: Grind 400 grams of dried apricots and prunes in a meat grinder, add a pack of dry senna herb (it’s sold at the pharmacy), add 200 grams of fresh liquid honey and 10 milliliters of 20% propolis. It turns out almost like jam. You need to eat it during evening tea, 1-2 teaspoons.

Recipe 2: Melt 100 grams of wax in a water bath, add 5-7 milliliters of propolis extract, wait until the mixture becomes homogeneous, cool slightly and form small candles from it. Place them in the refrigerator (not the freezer!) until they completely harden. You can also treat the intestines with the help of medical suppositories with propolis. You can buy them at the pharmacy, but it is quite possible to prepare such a drug at home.

Pharmacy drugs

Pharmacies offer a fairly wide selection of drugs to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, intestinal function is normalized by such drugs as dulcolax, guttalax, slakap, regulax, bisacodyl, proserin, vasopressin. However, we must not forget that only a doctor can decide what kind of treatment is required and recommend these and similar medications.

The main manifestation of intestinal atony is frequent, prolonged constipation, which is difficult to cope with with conventional laxatives.


Most often, intestinal atony develops against the background general weakness muscles and impulse conduction disturbances, under the influence of which the smooth muscles of the intestinal wall contract during a sedentary lifestyle, after abdominal operations, long-term bed rest.

Another common cause of atonic constipation is an unbalanced diet, especially a lack of fiber and other coarse fibers in the diet against the background of an excess of calories, as well as non-compliance with the water regime. The systematic lack of fluid intake is compensated by the active absorption of moisture, which leads to compaction of the stool. The formation of a large number of toxic compounds during the putrefactive decay of undigested food remains, in turn, prevents the perception of impulses by muscle cells. Sometimes the movement of feces is limited by mechanical obstacles: diverticula, additional pockets of the colon, adhesions, coprolites ( fecal stones), neoplasms, compression of the rectal wall by other organs, etc.

Also, a number of factors that influence the processes of neurohumoral regulation of gastrointestinal tract functions are involved in the development of intestinal atony:

  • laxative abuse;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • taking certain medications (painkillers, antacids, antidepressants, antiulcer and antiepileptic drugs, etc.);
  • prolonged stress;
  • diseases of the anorectal region, prompting the patient to postpone visiting the toilet;
  • bad habits: smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, use of morphine-type drugs;
  • obesity;
  • intestinal infections and changes in intestinal microbiocenosis;
  • helminthiases (the waste products of some helminths contain substances that inhibit peristalsis);
  • endocrine disorders and electrolyte imbalances;
  • traumatic injuries or degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine and spinal cord, as well as traumatic brain injuries;
  • pregnancy. Intestinal atony in pregnant women is a side effect of the relaxing effect of progesterone on smooth muscles.

Sometimes the tendency to atonic constipation is hereditary. Cases of intestinal atony in close relatives are a reason to think about prevention.


Depending on the degree of inhibition of the motor-evacuation function of the large intestine, complete and partial forms of intestinal atony are distinguished. The most common is partial intestinal atony - slowing and weakening of peristaltic movements, which leads to chronic constipation. Complete intestinal atony is characterized by an absolute absence of peristalsis and paralytic intestinal obstruction.

If, against the background of stool and gas retention, sharp pains in the abdomen, there is reason to suspect surgical pathology - diverticulosis, volvulus, intestinal infarction and other pathological conditions that threaten the patient’s life. The patient should be taken to a medical facility as soon as possible.

Symptoms of intestinal atony

A specific sign of intestinal atony is chronic constipation, which are characterized by a long and persistent course. In some cases, “syndrome” develops lazy bowel", in which the patient is unable to defecate on his own.

In this case, constipation is considered not only a long-term retention of stool, in which there is no bowel movement for two or more days. Possible symptoms of intestinal atony with regular bowel movements are quite varied:

  • feeling of discomfort and straining during bowel movements;
  • insufficient bowel movement;
  • streaks of blood in the stool;
  • compaction and hardening of feces;
  • so-called sheep feces– release of a small amount of dense, dry excrement.

If there is no stool for more than three days, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine develops, preventing the absorption of nutrients. At the same time, the optimal balance is disrupted intestinal microflora: active proliferation of putrefactive bacteria inhibits vital activity beneficial microorganisms. As a result, signs of digestive disorders and general intoxication of the body caused by the absorption of toxic products of putrefaction of intestinal contents appear:

  • bloating;
  • weakness and apathy;
  • irritability and fatigue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • anemia;
  • frequent headaches;
  • pallor and/or yellowish complexion;
  • pain and feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, disappearing after defecation;
  • purulent rashes on the skin.

Features of the course of intestinal atony in the elderly and children

Intoxication of the body during prolonged constipation is especially pronounced in children and the elderly: body temperature may rise to 37 ° C or more, nausea and vomiting may occur. In older people, blood pressure rises sharply.

Intestinal atony is widespread in older age groups. The tendency towards muscle atrophy is one of the manifestations of aging; in addition, older people tend to lead a sedentary lifestyle, and the options for nutritional therapy for the elderly are limited. In particular, it is not recommended to increase your fiber intake without consulting your doctor, since in case of chronic constipation, eating large amounts of coarse fiber foods can worsen the patient's condition.

Atonic constipation, which first appeared in old age, is sometimes a consequence of pathological elongation sigmoid colon or sclerotic changes in the mesenteric arteries, which can lead to mesenteric thrombosis. To exclude surgical and vascular pathology in intestinal atony in older people, consultation with a phlebologist and proctologist is mandatory.

In young children, atonic constipation often occurs with a sharp change in diet during weaning, as well as on psychogenic grounds. In this case, intestinal atony must be differentiated from intestinal obstruction and congenital anomalies structure of the large intestine.

To prevent “lazy bowel syndrome,” laxatives and enemas should be prescribed to children with great caution and only as prescribed by a doctor. Irritants are contraindicated in young patients; osmotic drugs based on lactulose and glycerin suppositories, stimulating reflex bowel movement.


Intestinal atony is diagnosed by a therapist or gastroenterologist based on medical history, study of the patient’s diet and lifestyle, and clinical picture. To identify the causes of weakened tone of the intestinal walls and develop the most effective therapeutic strategy, a comprehensive examination of the intestine using instrumental and laboratory techniques is necessary.

The most informative method for studying the motor function of the large intestine is irrigoscopy - contrast radiography of the colon after a barium enema, which qualitatively visualizes hard-to-reach areas of the intestine that are inaccessible to colonoscopy (folds of the mucous membrane, bends of the colon and sigmoid colon, etc.). If perforation or obstruction of the colon is suspected, a water-soluble contrast agent is administered instead of barium suspension. After bowel movement, a study of the relief of the mucous membrane of the colon is carried out. If necessary for better visualization inner wall oxygen is pumped into the intestinal lumen.

Endoscopic examination of the colon with biopsy sampling is advisable for differential diagnosis with oncopathology, Crohn's disease and other diseases characterized by specific changes in the intestinal epithelium.

The first step to restoring normal intestinal motility should be nutritional correction. For atonic constipation, it is recommended to study the patient’s diet and lifestyle therapeutic diet No. 3: the basis of the diet is dairy-vegetable, while it is necessary to exclude astringent products that stimulate gas formation from the menu, and also reduce the calorie content of dishes. First of all, rich soups, smoked meat and fish and canned food, mushrooms, legumes, whole milk, hard-boiled eggs, strong tea and coffee, as well as some fruits and berries - dogwood, blueberries, pears, pomegranate, cabbage, radishes, etc. onion and garlic. To compensate for the deficiency of fiber and pectin substances, the menu includes wheat bran, wholemeal bread, buckwheat porridge, fresh fruits and vegetables, vegetable oils and melons. Apricots, plums, melons, apples, rhubarb and seaweed having a mild laxative effect.

In addition, you will have to seriously limit your consumption of instant carbohydrates - chocolate, white bread, baked goods and confectionery. It is recommended to replace sweet carbonated drinks and industrial juices with water, compote and fruit drinks; In this case, you should drink at least 1.5–2 liters of liquid per day. Normalization of peristalsis is also facilitated by a split diet with meals taken at the same time.

Increase motor activity will help to quickly establish stool in patients leading a sedentary lifestyle. Sports walking, swimming, dancing and yoga, as well as performing special exercises for muscles, have a good effect on intestinal atony. abdominal wall and abdominal massage.

Drug treatment of intestinal atony involves the use of only mild laxatives. Preference is given to drugs with osmotic and prokinetic action and choleretic drugs. According to indications, cholinesterase inhibitors may be included in the therapeutic regimen; for severe abdominal pain, antispasmodics are additionally prescribed. In order to prevent intestinal dysbiosis, the use of enemas for intestinal atony is not recommended; It is permissible to use oil suppositories and microenemas to facilitate the evacuation of feces.

At severe intoxication It is advisable to carry out detoxification therapy and deep intestinal lavage through colon hydrotherapy, subaqueous baths and intestinal irrigation. If intestinal obstruction, neoplasms and anatomical abnormalities of the intestine are detected, surgical intervention may be required.


Prevention of intestinal atony is not difficult. Enough to lead active image life, control body weight, give up bad habits, avoid stress if possible and monitor nutrition, avoiding deficiency of ballast substances, vitamins and minerals. At the same time, it is important to eat small portions 5-6 times a day, adhere to the optimal drinking regime and avoid long intervals between meals.

To prevent intestinal dysbiosis, you should not take antibiotics without consulting your doctor. It is advisable to teach children to go to the toilet at the same time and not suppress the urge to defecate out of false shame at school or kindergarten.

Consequences and complications

Constant constipation caused by intestinal atony seriously impairs the patient's quality of life. Patients become lethargic and apathetic, or, on the contrary, irritable and touchy, emotional lability the patient interferes with full communication and social life. The patient's appearance also leaves much to be desired: the complexion deteriorates, rashes appear on the skin and bad smell from the mouth, skin diseases may worsen.

Putrefactive processes caused by coprostasis disrupt the balance of intestinal microflora and inhibit immune system, provoke allergic and atopic conditions, and due to disruption of the absorption process in the intestine, people prone to atonic constipation often experience vitamin deficiencies and Iron-deficiency anemia. In the absence of adequate treatment against the background of intestinal atony, intestinal obstruction may develop, causing severe intoxication of the body.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Education: Rostov State medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

The information is generalized and is provided for informational purposes. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous to health!

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During operation, our brain expends an amount of energy equal to a 10-watt light bulb. So the image of a light bulb above your head at the moment an interesting thought arises is not so far from the truth.

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It was previously believed that yawning enriches the body with oxygen. However, this opinion has been refuted. Scientists have proven that yawning cools the brain and improves its performance.

Millions of bacteria are born, live and die in our intestines. They can only be seen under high magnification, but if they were put together, they would fit in a regular coffee cup.

According to WHO research, a daily half-hour conversation on mobile phone increases the likelihood of developing a brain tumor by 40%.

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The human brain weighs about 2% of the total body weight, but it consumes about 20% of the oxygen entering the blood. This fact makes the human brain extremely susceptible to damage caused by a lack of oxygen.

A person taking antidepressants will, in most cases, become depressed again. If a person has coped with depression on his own, he has every chance to forget about this condition forever.

74-year-old Australian resident James Harrison has donated blood about 1,000 times. Him rare group blood, whose antibodies help newborns with severe anemia survive. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.

Even if a person's heart does not beat, he can still live for a long period of time, as the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal demonstrated to us. His “engine” stopped for 4 hours after a fisherman got lost and fell asleep in the snow.

A sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition and constant stress, which are characteristic of most residents of megacities today, lead to the development of various diseases.

How to identify and treat intestinal atony

Constipation is a disease caused by intestinal atony. Many patients do not pay due attention to constipation, citing the fact that it can go away on its own, and are embarrassed to consult a doctor on such an “intimate” issue. In fact, fecal retention in the intestines can have a very negative impact on the general condition of the patient, leading to intoxication, the appearance of inflammatory processes, and even the need for surgery.

Intestinal atony - what is it?

Intestinal atony is a violation of the tone of the intestinal walls, as a result of which they cannot contract and relax normally to push feces to the rectum and subsequent exit. With atony, intestinal motility (the contractility of the muscles of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract) is disrupted, which leads to constipation in humans, difficulty or impossibility of excreting feces. In summary, atony is not constipation, but a dysfunction of intestinal motility, which leads to stagnation of feces.

Causes of intestinal atony in adults

Atony occurs as a consequence of one or more factors that adversely affect gastrointestinal motility. It can be an independent disease (for example, genetically determined), a side effect of another disease or taking pills (for example, intestinal infections, helminthiasis, taking antispasmodics), or an unhealthy lifestyle ( overuse alcohol, sedentary lifestyle). In Group increased risk development of atony are people who:

  • They experience constant stress that overloads the human central nervous system, which can lead to organ failures;
  • Poor diet (eating high-calorie foods with low fiber content);
  • Lead a sedentary lifestyle (as a result - a decrease in the innervation/impulse conductivity of the intestinal muscles, which forms peristalsis);
  • For a long time, in large doses take antispasmodics and painkillers/anesthesia containing morphine;
  • Suffer from intestinal dysbiosis (toxins produced during indigestion reduce peristalsis);
  • Suffer from intestinal infections;
  • Have a genetic predisposition to atony;
  • Have malignant tumors intestines (they release toxins that disrupt the functioning of nervous system);
  • Smoking, abusing alcohol (affect the functioning of the nervous system);
  • Use opiate drugs (reduce the tone of the hollow organs);
  • They suffer from helminthiasis (worms produce toxins that affect peristalsis);
  • Survived an unsuccessful caesarean section.

In children

Atony in a child may occur for the following reasons:

  1. Hereditary during pregnancy and lactation;
  2. Stress of various kinds;
  3. Change in the nature of nutrition (for example, as a result of weaning from food);
  4. Insufficient water consumption.

The appearance of childhood atony can be prevented proper massage belly. For treatment, glycerin suppositories are prescribed, which promote reflexive rejection of feces (placed 20 minutes after the first meal) and improve gastrointestinal motility.

In older people

Senile atony occurs:

  • due to a sedentary lifestyle;
  • as a side effect of operations.

Steps to treat and reduce the risk of intestinal atony in older people:

  • frequent walks, chamomile enemas;
  • introducing an abundance of vegetable and dairy foods into the diet,
  • eating grated, liquid and soft foods, as well as foods that have a laxative effect, improves gastrointestinal motility.

Symptoms of the disease

There are a number of symptoms by which a patient may suspect atony. If such signs are detected, you should consult a doctor, because... they indicate a disruption of intestinal motility, and this, without appropriate treatment, can lead to dangerous complications. Symptoms of atony are as follows:

  • Constipation (you should pay attention even when bowel movements occur less than once a day);
  • Bloating and gas;
  • Hard stool;
  • Weakness and poor sleep;
  • Pale complexion;
  • Anemia (anemia);
  • The skin takes on a marbled color.


If you suspect a disturbance in intestinal motility, including the presence of atony, you must consult a proctologist or gastroenterologist to establish an accurate diagnosis, determine the severity of the disease and the cause of its occurrence. Since self-medication can lead to worsening of the condition and atony!

Doctors easily diagnose atony by asking the patient about the symptoms of the disease that are bothering him. It is much more difficult to establish the cause of the disease. For this, the following methods of treating atony are used:

  1. A survey to find out the patient’s lifestyle, the characteristics of his diet and hereditary predispositions to atony;
  2. Stool analysis and stool culture;
  3. Colonoscopy;
  4. X-ray (in some cases, X-ray images reveal areas of accumulation of stool, which helps identify places of possible adhesions or fecal blood clots in the intestines).

How to cure intestinal atony?

Treatment of intestinal atony should be comprehensive, aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and eliminating factors that negatively affect intestinal motility.

For atony, the following are used simultaneously:

  • drug treatment (homeopathic remedies that restore normal innervation of the muscular walls of the intestine, remove the effects of fecal stagnation, regulate fecal excretion, eliminate the underlying diseases);
  • treatment with a diet that helps normalize stool (liquid, laxative, plenty of fiber);
  • physical exercises (special gymnastics that help normalize the excretion of feces);
  • general normalization of lifestyle (fight against in a sedentary manner life, bad habits and stress).

By combining all of the above treatment methods, you can quickly achieve good result and prevent the recurrence of atony by improving gastrointestinal motility.

Treatment with drugs

When treating intestinal atony, medicine uses the following medications:

  • Laxatives (for example, Regulax);
  • Enzyme preparations aimed at improving food digestion (for example, pancreatin);
  • Anti-bloating medications (for example, espumisan);
  • Antiemetics and peristalsis enhancers (for example, cerucal, metoclopramide);
  • Drugs that improve impulse transmission to muscles (for example, amiridine). Use only under medical supervision;
  • Proserin (used on an outpatient basis if other medications have not led to an improvement in intestinal motility).

Special diet and nutrition regimen

When diagnosing “intestinal atony”, the patient needs to include in his menu products that facilitate the passage of feces through the colon:

  • Vegetable juices, fruit compotes, jelly;
  • Curdled milk, yoghurts, sour cream, kefir;
  • Stale bread, dry biscuits;
  • Vegetable soups, borscht, cabbage soup;
  • Lean meat, poultry, veal;
  • Sausages;
  • Cauliflower, zucchini, tomatoes, carrots;
  • Barley, millet and buckwheat cereals;
  • Pasta;
  • Sea kale, greens;
  • Baked apples;
  • Prunes, dried apricots;
  • Lingonberries, oranges, peaches;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Rhubarb.

It is advisable to eat in small portions - 5 times a day, at the same time, combine proper nutrition with walks and gymnastics. It is advisable to eat food not dry, cook or bake food, and not smoke or fry. By adhering to this treatment, you can improve gastrointestinal motility.

The absence of the following products in the diet also helps to normalize intestinal function and motility:

Folk remedies

Promote the treatment of atony with folk remedies, including in the diet the frequent use of mixtures made from products that have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility.

  1. Aloe mixtures: wash several aloe leaves, remove thorns, and chop. Heat one and a half glasses of honey in a saucepan (the temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees, otherwise honey may lose its beneficial properties), add aloe and leave for 24 hours. Reheat again, take 1 tbsp every day 1 hour before breakfast. within 7-10 days. After completing the treatment, take a week break and repeat the course again.
  2. Leaf tea powder: Grind loose leaf tea in a coffee grinder and take half a dessert spoon in powder form four times a day before meals.
  3. Roast pumpkin and beans: cut a quarter of the pumpkin into cubes, chop the onion, mix with the pumpkin and simmer in a frying pan in vegetable oil. When the pumpkin becomes soft, add boiled beans and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  4. Semolina porridge: cook semolina porridge without salt and sugar. Add a little honey (optional). Consume regularly.

Video: exercises for intestinal atony

The functioning of intestinal motility at home can be improved by doing physical exercises, as well as properly massaging the abdominal area. This will help the intestines move stool to the exit, normalize the process of emptying and cure atony.

Remember that all this is done only when the person does not experience critical complications due to fecal retention (bleeding, inflammatory processes, tears and perforations). In this case physical activity may aggravate the patient's condition with atony. Watch a video that will teach you how to properly perform exercises and abdominal massage to improve the functions of intestinal motility:

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Symptoms and treatment of intestinal motility disorders

1 Clinical picture of the disease

The main symptoms of impaired intestinal motility are:

  • regular constipation;
  • heaviness in the large intestine;
  • bloating;
  • fatigue and lethargy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • headache, in in rare cases dizziness;
  • bad breath;
  • weight gain;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • sudden change in mood;
  • pale complexion;
  • anemia.

2 Causes of pathology and diagnosis

The reasons for the deterioration of intestinal motility include:

  • dehydration, insufficient fluid intake;
  • long breaks between meals, overeating;
  • abuse of high-calorie foods late in the day, as a result of which, over many years, a fecal film has formed on the walls of the stomach, which was not digested in a timely manner;
  • a person has chronic liver or gallbladder disease;
  • cancer affecting the intestines;
  • surgical intervention in the abdominal organs;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • use of medications that change intestinal motility;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • presence of intestinal infection;
  • bad habits: drinking alcohol or drugs, smoking.

To identify changes in intestinal motility, it is necessary to conduct several studies, which include: scatology, endoscopy and irrigoscopy. With their help, the specialist determines from the stool whether the patient has dysbiosis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The measures taken to establish a diagnosis and identify the causes of changes in intestinal motility, the symptoms described by the patient, will help to correctly determine how to improve intestinal motility. Sometimes an x-ray is taken to detect accumulations of stool, which can be used to identify stool blood clots.

The most important thing that a person with deteriorating bowel function and irregular bowel movements needs is to take laxatives.

3 Treatments

One of the main ways to improve intestinal motility is to follow a strict diet. The patient’s diet needs to include foods that contain plant fibers, and avoid eating foods that contain starch and easily digestible carbohydrates. It is worth limiting your intake of coffee and black tea, eating chocolate less often, butter and chicken eggs.

To enhance intestinal motility, you should drink more berry and fruit juices, consume fermented milk products, dried fruits, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, season salads with olive or sunflower oil, bread only with bran. It is advisable to eat vegetables fresh. It is recommended to drink carrot and beet juice. Meals should be divided into 5 times a day. Smoked foods, spicy and fried foods should be excluded from the diet.

You should also drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Treatment includes the use of enemas, massage, herbs, and compresses on the abdomen. To eliminate all toxins, it is necessary to carry out internal cleansing.

To improve the contraction of the intestinal walls, the patient is prescribed laxatives, for example, Guttalax or Bisacodyl. They are presented in the form of tablets or drops, there are also rectal suppositories. Thanks to the use of these products, intestinal motility improves, they help get rid of constipation that occurred after surgery. However, it is worth remembering that when long-term use laxatives are addictive and a person may experience allergic reactions.

To normalize the functioning of the central nervous system, the specialist prescribes antipsychotics or antidepressants, depending on individual characteristics.

A popular drug is called Duphalac. It regulates the rhythm of colon emptying and is used for persistent constipation. This medication is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, galactosemia or who has intestinal obstruction. TO side effects include bloating, vomiting and nausea. If the patient has taken a high dose of the drug, diarrhea and abdominal pain are possible.

To improve the breakdown of heavy food, the doctor prescribes it. With their help, intestinal motility improves. These drugs include: Mezim, Festal and Creon. The course of treatment is 10 days.

In addition to the above, the specialist prescribes antiemetics, for example, Cerucal or Metoclopramide.

4 Traditional medicine methods

You can prepare a laxative at home. To do this you need to take 1 tbsp. l. grains of wheat, 2 apples, 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, 1 tbsp. l. honey, half a lemon and 1 tbsp. l. carefully chopped nuts. First you need to grate the apples, then add all the remaining ingredients to them, pour in 2 tablespoons of heated water, squeeze lemon juice. Afterwards you need to mix everything and consume it an unlimited number of times throughout the day.

It is useful to take prunes in combination with dried apricots. To prepare the mixture, you should take 400 g of prunes and the same amount of dried apricots, which do not have seeds. Grind both components using a meat grinder, then add 2 tbsp to the mixture. l. propolis tincture and the same amount of liquid honey. Then you need to mix everything and consume 2 tsp. before going to bed, drinking a small amount of warm water.

A decoction of buckthorn bark is effective in treating intestinal motility disorders. To prepare it you should take 1 tbsp. l. bark, pour 3 glasses of hot water, leave for 20 minutes, then drink.

Brines, for example, cabbage, radish juice, tea, to which dried apples or cherries are added, work well as laxatives.

Don’t forget that you need to lead an active lifestyle, walk more in the fresh air, go to the pool, choose certain type sports and practice them.

Aloe is an effective treatment. You need to wash a couple of leaves of the plant, remove all the thorns, and chop thoroughly. Place a saucepan containing 250 g of honey on low heat, then add aloe to it and leave for 24 hours. After the time has passed, you need to warm up the product again, drink it every morning 1 hour before meals for 1 week. After this, you need to take a break for 7 days, then repeat the course of aloe treatment.

A good remedy is flax seeds. You need to take 3 tbsp. l. seeds and pour 500 ml of boiling water over them, then put on low heat and cook for no more than 15 minutes. Then remove from heat, cover and leave for about 8 hours. After the time has passed, you need to strain the mixture and consume 150 ml 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals, possibly together with prunes.

Fresh beets are considered a common remedy. You need to peel it, take 500 g of this vegetable, put it in a pan with boiling water and leave it on the fire for a minute, then remove it from the stove and put it in a warm place for 4 hours. After the time has passed, you need to add 2 tbsp. l. sugar and 1 tsp. yeast. The drink will be ready in 24 hours. You can drink it instead of water or tea throughout the day.

To normalize intestinal motility, it is recommended to regularly massage the abdomen and temper the body with contrast shower in the morning, perform special exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles.

These include the following:

  1. You need to lie on your back and twist your legs, imitating riding a bicycle. With the help of this exercise, the abdominal muscles become toned and blood flow in the pelvis improves.
  2. Lying on your back, bend your knees and press them to your stomach, holding this position for seconds. Thus, gases pass away much faster, and intestinal activity is stimulated.
  3. You need to kneel, the main emphasis is on your elbows and hands, your head needs to be lowered. Then you should alternately squat on the right and then on the left buttock. This exercise restores peristalsis and reduces the amount of gas; it is called “Cat”. It must be repeated at least 30 times.
  4. It is useful to pump up your abs in the morning.
  5. Jumping in place stimulates intestinal activity.
  6. The final exercise of the complex is slow squats.

Elderly people who have frequent constipation, you need to spend more time in the fresh air, do enemas using chamomile, and introduce vegetables and dairy products into your diet. To improve gastric peristalsis, you should eat grated foods, liquid and soft foods. Meat should be consumed only with vegetables. Good to drink mineral water, but without gas. Food should be eaten by chewing thoroughly.

It is important to begin treatment immediately so that intestinal motility improves and serious consequences do not arise over time.

  • Symptoms and treatment of stomach ulcers

You can hear about intestinal motility disorders from your doctor when making many diagnoses related to this disease. This term is commonly used to describe disruptions in the functioning of various parts of the intestine.

Peristalsis refers to reflex actions.

The normal functioning of the intestine occurs as a systematic contraction of the muscles lining the walls of this organ. The contractions are wavy in nature.

They become possible due to the peculiar structure of muscle fibers in this area. Firstly, they have a double layer.

Secondly, the direction of the muscle fibers of the upper and lower layers does not coincide, but runs perpendicular to each other. The intensity of contractions varies depending on the section of the intestine.

The contractions occur either quite slowly or very rapidly, depending on the situation. But in the large intestine, contractions can only be slow, because a large bolus of food moves there. However, they are also systematic. Otherwise, the chyme would not have been able to reach anus. These contractions are commonly called peristalsis.

Peristalsis refers to reflex actions. It occurs immediately after the appearance of food in. The average frequency of contractions in different parts of the intestine is as follows:

  • duodenum - approximately 10 per minute;
  • small intestine – 9 – 10 / min;
  • large intestine – 3 – 4 / min;
  • rectum - up to 3.

If any reasons have affected the slowdown of peristalsis, negative influence The entire body is exposed to the consequences. Minerals and other beneficial substances are less easily absorbed, causing problems with bowel movements.

As a result, elements of chyme that are not removed in time decompose, leading to the spread of toxins throughout the body, contributing to the development of symptoms characteristic of intestinal dyskinesia.

Signs of peristalsis failure

Abdominal pain is a sign of intestinal motility failure.

The following signs indicate disruptions in intestinal motility:

  • Painful sensations in the abdomen, found in different places below the level of the navel. The pain may be slightly aching, or it may be cramping in nature. If they make themselves felt at night, the person will be completely deprived of the opportunity to get enough sleep. If you manage to empty your intestines and free them from accumulated bowels, then the pain subsides. However, in the morning after eating discomfort They'll start bothering you again. Drinks that contain caffeine can provoke pain. Anxiety, anxiety, and overwork have a detrimental effect on the condition.
  • Bloating caused by accumulated gases is another unpleasant symptom. Delays in the movement of chyme provoke increased gas formation.
  • Problems with . The most common symptom is constipation. Only in some patients constipation is replaced by diarrhea. Most are forced to resort to enemas and laxatives. Over time, the situation only worsens and the person is completely unable to empty his bowels on his own.
  • Digestive problems lead to weight gain, which causes frustration among patients. Against the background of the above symptoms, it worsens general state. Many experience weakness and apathy caused by insomnia. Some suffer from irritability.
  • Intoxication affects appearance. These include acne, deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, and excessive oiliness. Intensifying allergic manifestations. If disruptions in intestinal motility begin to produce unwanted “fruits,” you should make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible, who will be able to select the right treatment.

ABOUT best food for intestinal motility, watch the video:

Reasons for slower peristalsis

If bowel dysfunction occurs, surgery may be required.

Malfunctions in the intestines have their own causes. In order to completely normalize the situation, the doctor will first of all identify the reason that provoked the deterioration in well-being. In most cases there are several reasons:

  1. eating large amounts of high-calorie foods;
  2. chronic intestinal diseases;
  3. (malignant, benign);
  4. surgical intervention;
  5. taking medications that inhibit bowel function;
  6. old age;
  7. genetic predisposition.

Even with proper treatment of the underlying disease, it is impossible to regulate the functioning of the intestines without a balanced diet. Negatively influence flour products, dishes that contain a lot of starch and fats. Sugar is a product that enhances putrefactive processes in the digestive tract.

When peristalsis slows down, toxins are formed in large quantities and through the intestinal walls they enter other organs. In the intestine itself, the chyme that has not been released hardens over time, and “” is obtained. In order for them to come out naturally, the functionality of this organ must be completely restored.

It's quite difficult to push them out. After all, they are very dense and heavy. If they pass through the intestinal passages, the walls are destroyed, as a result of which dangerous diseases develop. Among them are cracks. Stagnation of blood in this organ leads to the appearance of polyps and hemorrhoids. Elderly patients have their own sequence of pathology development. Their hormonal levels change, muscle fibers become weaker and lethargic. And all existing chronic diseases progress.

Acceleration of peristalsis

Sometimes the functioning of the intestines follows an accelerated pattern. Wave-like contractions occur at a faster speed than normal. This condition can be caused by oncological pathology, disorder, development chronic diseases. Externally, increased peristalsis is expressed in attacks of diarrhea. Diarrhea is accompanied by pain, foamy discharge, and the stool is watery.

To normalize the situation, it is necessary to be examined to accurately determine the cause of this condition. After this, you can take action. Illiterate treatment can completely destabilize the condition. If serious problems cannot be identified, then the cause is poor nutrition. After following the diet, the condition should improve. To speed up recovery. You can take medications that slow down peristalsis. This is diara, and its analogue is loperamide.

Ways to improve peristalsis

If you have diarrhea, you should not eat jelly.

If there is insufficient peristalsis, you can take a number of simple steps to help restore normal bowel function.

  • Mandatory consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Among drinks, juices are preferable, especially freshly squeezed ones, not only from fruits, but also from vegetables. Carrot and beetroot are especially useful.
  • Cabbage. You should also drink mineral water without gas.
  • Sprouted grains, nuts, and flax seeds are included in the diet.
  • When eating meat, add vegetables.
  • Cook porridge from buckwheat, millet, oatmeal. Forget about rice and semolina for now.
  • should be in the diet constantly, including raisins, figs, prunes, dried apricots.
  • The correct drinking regime. Every morning drink a glass of water. The volume of water per day should be increased to 2 liters.
  • You should not eat foods that have a reputation for treating diarrhea. This is black tea boiled eggs, grenades. It is also better to avoid hot foods.
  • Kefir and other fermented milk products, drunk before going to bed, will help you empty your bowels naturally in the morning.
  • You need to eat in small portions.
  • Potatoes and baked goods should be excluded.
  • Drinks are best taken cool.
  • Spicy and hot seasonings stimulate the intestines.
  • Food should only be swallowed if it is well chewed.
  • Laxatives should not be abused.
  • The first urge to defecate should not be ignored. It can't be tolerated at all.
  • Sugar, carbonated drinks, smoked foods, coffee should be excluded.
  • Need to think about increasing physical activity, if it is missing.

Medications that improve peristalsis

The consequence of a decrease in intestinal tone and a failure of its normal functioning is discomfort, disruption of the digestion process and constant constipation. Intestinal atony is the main cause of this condition, and implies a decrease or complete cessation of peristalsis of the hollow walls of the small or large intestine. What role does peristalsis play for human body and what it is is a little-known concept, especially for people who do not specialize in medical matters.

Peristalsis is the process of contraction of the muscles of the hollow organs of the gastrointestinal tract, ensuring the movement of the food contained in them to the exit.

Violation of peristalsis and the norms of contraction of the intestinal muscles lead to atony, disharmony in the gastrointestinal tract, and an increase in the time interval between bowel movements.

The prospect of weak muscle function threatens the appearance of frequent and painful constipation, which without proper treatment over time turns into a chronic condition.

Symptoms and signs of atony

Disruption of the digestive process, which is accompanied by a long and frequent delay in bowel movements, may signal the initial stage of intestinal atony.

Experts note that normally the process of defecation should occur at least three times a week and no more than three times a day.

With constipation and impaired peristalsis, stool is noted to have a hard consistency, and the patient’s condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Cramping pain in the abdominal area, combined with an ineffective urge to go to the toilet.
  • Impaired absorption of vitamins and nutrients, leading to the development of intestinal anemia (iron deficiency in the body).
  • Discomfort, feeling of heaviness and bloating.

Diagnosis of pathology

You can normalize intestinal function and improve peristalsis by adjusting your diet and lifestyle, medications, training and sports exercises. But before self-medicating, or even worse, ignoring the problem, you should consult a gastroenterologist.

If atony is suspected, the specialist makes a preliminary diagnosis based on the patient’s complaints and accompanying symptoms body.

Treatment of atony and improvement of intestinal motility will be effective only if the diagnosis is made correctly.

To confirm the examination, the doctor prescribes an additional laboratory examination: and a detailed analysis that allows you to assess the effectiveness of the digestive processes of the gastrointestinal tract -.

To rule out hypothyroidism, a test is prescribed to determine hormone levels. thyroid gland, because this pathological condition organism, may be one of the causes of intestinal atony.

To confirm the diagnosis, analysis for enterobiasis is of great importance, especially in children.

When prescribing treatment, based on the degree of advanced disease, the specialist gives recommendations on how to cope with constipation and how to improve peristalsis with the help of medications, diet and sports.

Traditional and folk methods of treatment

Atony brought to an advanced stage must be treated comprehensively: with medications that stimulate and normalize peristalsis, laxatives for primary bowel cleansing, cleansing enemas, and diet. For elderly patients, people leading a sedentary lifestyle and obese patients, special gymnastics and physical activity are relevant.

Diet for atony

A diet for atony, containing the right amount of fibrous substances, fiber, vitamins, and observed with the utmost rigor, in most cases helps restore impaired peristalsis and normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, without drug therapy or long-term treatment.

The patient should avoid eating confectionery, fatty and high-calorie foods; the process of heat treatment of foods is important; steamed, baked or boiled dishes would be ideal.

To improve digestion, eat small, frequent meals up to 5-6 times a day. “Eat breakfast yourself...”, a well-known proverb, speaks for itself; at the beginning of the day, enrich the body with the substances it needs, and in the evening, limit yourself to light meals and fermented milk products.

ProductsConsumption without restrictions (products that improve peristalsis)Moderate useTaboo
(products leading to impaired peristalsis, subsequently to atony)
MeatChicken, rabbit, low-fat varieties fishBeefLard, smoked meats, fatty pork, canned food
VegetablesBeets, pumpkin, zucchini, carrotsRadish, cabbageMushrooms, onions, garlic
FruitsApricots, oranges, peaches, plums, apples- Pomegranate, pear, quince
Fermented milk productsKefir, curdled milk, yogurtCottage cheese, sour cream-
Confectionery, dessertsDried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, figs)Galette cookiesChocolate, cream desserts, baked goods
CerealsBuckwheat, millet barley groatsPastaRice and semolina, legumes
BeveragesMineral water, juices with pulpTea, cocoaStrong coffee, alcohol
Flour productsWholemeal bread, diet breadUnfortunate pastriesWhite bread, loaf made from premium flour
Be sure to follow the drinking regime; a person should saturate the body with 1.5 - 2 liters per day clean water, not counting the drunk compotes, juices, and broths.


Medicines and drugs that enhance peristalsis, increase its tone and are aimed at combating intestinal atony are divided into stimulants and laxatives.

Laxatives are used initially therapeutic fight with atony, in order to normalize the process of defecation and cleanse the sections of the large intestine from feces.

The laxative medicine does not eliminate the causes of atony, does not stimulate the intestinal walls, so it is not recommended to take it constantly to avoid the addictive effect.

When using laxatives for constipation, the degree of cleansing effectiveness is taken into account.

Medicines are divided into several groups:

  • Products containing lactulose have soft action and safe bowel movement, applicable for constipation in pediatrics (, lactuvit, goodluck);
  • Medicines created on the basis of macrogol are not intended for long-term treatment and improvement of peristalsis, in most cases they are applicable in preparation for examination or surgery (,);
  • Irritant laxatives – medicines, irritating sensitive receptors of the intestinal walls, and thus stimulating peristalsis and motility of the gastrointestinal tract (senadex, laksatin);

You can combat atony by taking medications that increase wave-like contractions of the intestinal walls, aimed at restoring the normal digestive process.

  • Prozerin– enhances the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the secretion of gastrointestinal glands. The medicine will help speed up the healing process and improve intestinal motility.
  • Amiridine enhances the process of contraction of the muscles of the smooth walls of the colon, applicable only under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Metoclopramide is an active stimulator of digestive motility, improves peristalsis of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Folk remedies

Is it possible to fight atony with folk remedies and what effect do they have on improving intestinal motility? Herbal treatment, folk recipes will not harm you, but consult your doctor first; some prescriptions may not be combined with medications.

Eliminate constipation and improve digestive processes your body, taking vegetable oil inside will help

Prevention measures that improve peristalsis

Proper and balanced nutrition in combination with an active lifestyle will be an excellent prevention of the development of atony.

Take walks in the fresh air more often, spend some time 30 minutes a day for physical exercise, light gymnastics, drink more water - this will be the key to health, smooth bowel function, and the need for taking medications will fade into the background.

Timely seeking medical help will avoid serious consequences in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the transition of intestinal atony to the chronic stage. Give up bad habits: alcohol and smoking are not the best “friends” for peristalsis of hollow organs digestive tract, as for all body processes.