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Eufillin analogues and prices. Description and instructions of Eufillin. It's time to sound the alarm! In your case, the likelihood of getting bronchitis is huge

Main pharmachologic effect drug – decrease in calcium concentration in cells. Due to this, it is used to relax smooth muscles, in particular the bronchi. Prescribed for obstructive respiratory diseases. To relieve acute attacks, it is available in injection form.

Dosage form

The drug is available in the form of tablets and solution for intravenous administration. Both dosage forms are used for the same conditions, but are slightly different in composition.

Description and composition

The main active component of Euphyllin tablets is aminophylline in a dosage of 150 mg. Chemically, this substance is a theophylline salt. The addition of an amino group made it possible to administer the drug in oral form, increasing its solubility and level of absorption.

In the ampoule solution, the main active ingredient is theophylline itself, which is a xanthine derivative. 1 ml of solution contains 20 mg of theophylline. The mechanism of action is based on blocking adenosine receptors, reducing the concentration of intracellular calcium and increasing cAMP. This leads to the following clinical effects:

  1. Bronchodilator.
  2. Antispasmodic.
  3. Vasodilator.

Thanks to them, Eufillin found its use in medicine, namely, in pulmonology. By influencing the smooth muscles of the bronchi, it causes their relaxation, which is especially pronounced during the initial constriction. In addition to its bronchodilator effect, theophylline’s ability to increase mucociliary clearance, inhibit the release of mediators of allergy and inflammation, and also stabilize mast cell membranes is important.

In addition, Theophylline has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, skeletal muscles and myocardium, and also has a weak and short-lived diuretic effect. By stimulating the release of adrenaline, Theophylline has an indirect effect on adenine receptors in some tissues.

Eufillin stimulates the respiratory center, enhances the work of the left ventricle of the heart, increases the stroke volume of the blood and its oxygen saturation, and reduces the concentration of carbon dioxide. After taking the drug, blood flow in peripheral tissues increases, and cerebral circulation may decrease slightly. By enhancing renal circulation, a diuretic effect is achieved.

Less important clinical effects that still need to be taken into account include:

  1. Reducing thrombosis.
  2. Improving the rheological properties of blood.
  3. Tocolytic action.
  4. Increased acidity of gastric juice.
  5. Epileptogenic effect (manifests in high doses).
  6. Expansion of extrahepatic bile ducts.

In smokers, the pharmacodynamics of Eufillin changes and the rate of its elimination increases.

Pharmacological group

A drug for systemic use in obstructive respiratory diseases. A xanthine derivative.

Indications for use

for adults

Eufillin is prescribed for the treatment of:

  1. Broncho-obstructive syndrome in bronchial asthma.
  2. Emphysema.
  3. Breathing disorders, in particular with sleep apnea.
  4. Pulmonary heart.
  5. Hypertension of the pulmonary circulation.
  6. Cerebrovascular accidents (for parenteral form).
  7. Left ventricular failure with bronchospasm (for parenteral form).

Included complex therapy the drug can be used for:

  1. Edema syndrome of renal origin.
  2. Heart failure of acute and chronic course.

for children

The most common indications for use are neonatal apnea and broncho-obstructive syndrome. However, Euphyllin can be prescribed for other conditions, at the discretion of the doctor.

In tablet form, the drug can only be used by children over 3 years of age. In the form of a solution for intravenous administration, in some cases the drug can be prescribed to children from the very beginning. early age after a careful assessment by the doctor of the benefit/risk ratio.

for pregnant women and during lactation

The drug passes into breast milk, so if treatment with Eufillin is necessary breast-feeding will have to stop. It is also contraindicated during pregnancy, as it can be found in dangerous concentrations in the blood of a newborn. If a pregnant woman was prescribed Eufillin, then after birth the child requires careful monitoring.


Eufillin should not be used under the following conditions:

  1. Hypersensitivity to xanthine derivatives (including caffeine).
  2. Acute heart failure.
  3. Angina pectoris.
  4. Acute heart attack.
  5. Extrasystole.
  6. Paroxysmal tachycardia.
  7. Severe atherosclerosis.
  8. Exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  9. Epilepsy or increased convulsive readiness.
  10. Irregularities at work.
  11. Hemorrhagic stroke or retinal hemorrhages.
  12. Pulmonary edema.
  13. Problems with the liver or kidneys.
  14. Sepsis.
  15. Porphyria.

Applications and dosages

for adults

After intravenous injection, the effect occurs within 5 minutes. The dosage regimen is selected individually in each specific case. This takes into account not only the nature of the disease, but also accompanying pathologies the patient, as well as his smoking history.

The injection takes place in a lying position with mandatory supervision blood pressure and heart rate. The solution is prepared immediately before administration after dilution with sodium chloride.

The average daily dose for adults is 10 mg/kg. The resulting amount is divided into three doses. If you experience dizziness or other side effects the drug should be administered by drip. The highest single dose is 250 mg, the daily dose is 500 mg.

for children

From the age of 14, the dose of Eufillin is 2-3 mg/kg. The maximum daily dose depends on the patient's age. From 3 to 9 years it is 24 mg/kg. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. Usually the course of treatment lasts several days, but it is not recommended to continue it for longer than 2 weeks.

Side effects

The action of Eufillin affects most organ systems, so the range of side effects can also be wide. Patients noted the following adverse reactions:

  1. Skin rashes, itching, anaphylactic shock, dermatitis.
  2. Insomnia, dizziness, tremors, convulsions, anxiety, changes in consciousness.
  3. Changes in heart rate, heart failure, collapse.
  4. Nausea, diarrhea, decreased appetite, intestinal atony, exacerbation of ulcers.
  5. Metabolic disorders.
  6. Feeling hot, increased temperature, increased sweating, weakness.

Interaction with other drugs

Possible interaction with the following medicinal substances:

  1. Ephedrine, beta-agonists and caffeine - enhance the action of Eufillin.
  2. Corticostroid hormones – increase the likelihood of their side effects.
  3. Phenobarbital - decreases the effectiveness of Eufillin.
  4. Sorbents. Antidiarrheal drugs weaken the effect of Eufillin.
  5. Antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone group – enhancing the effectiveness of the drug.
  6. Diuretics - enhancing their effect.
  7. Drugs affecting the nervous system – increased neurotoxicity.

special instructions

With caution and under more careful supervision, the drug is prescribed to patients with:

  1. Viral infection.
  2. Cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Prostatic hyperplasia.
  4. Glaucoma, as well as people over 60 years of age.

At accelerated elimination theophylline (for example, in smokers), an increase in the dose of the drug is required.

Drinking coffee and tea may increase pharmacological effects Eufillina.


Theophylline blood concentrations greater than 20 mg/kg may cause overdose symptoms:

  1. Facial hyperemia.
  2. Insomnia.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Hyperglycemia.
  5. Epileptic seizures.
  6. Intoxication.
  7. Tremor.
  8. Confusion.
  9. Arrhythmia.

When the first signs appear, it is necessary to discontinue the drug, monitor hemodynamic parameters and accelerate the elimination of theophylline from the body. When convulsions occur, they are stopped.

Storage conditions

The drug is stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.


Instead of Euphyllin, the following drugs can be used:

  1. Aminophylline-Eskom is a complete analogue of the drug Eufillin. The drug is produced in the form of a solution for administration into a vein. It can be used in children from 3 years of age. In cases where the benefit to the mother outweighs the harm to the child, the medication can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women.
  2. Teopek is a substitute for Eufillin in the therapeutic group. The drug is available in regular and extended-release tablets. The medicine can be prescribed to patients over 3 years of age, pregnant women and breastfeeding women.
  3. Theotard contains theophylline as an active ingredient. The medicine is produced in long-acting capsules, approved for children over 6 years of age. They should be taken with caution during pregnancy and lactation.
  4. Theostat is a substitute for Eufillin in the clinical and pharmacological group. It is produced in divisible, long-acting tablets, suitable for children from 3 years of age. According to strict indications, the drug can be used during pregnancy.
  5. Aerophyllin. Contains doxophylline as the main component. Its advantage is that it does not affect the transport of calcium ions and does not block adenosine receptors. This reduces the likelihood of side effects on the heart, kidneys, blood vessels and nervous system.
  6. Neophylline. Contains theophylline and is an analogue of Euphyllin.
  7. Theotard. It also contains theophylline, but is available in capsules that have a prolonged action.
  8. Puroxan. Available in syrup form, approved for use in children. The active ingredient is doxophylline, which has fewer side effects.

Drug price

Price medicine averages 29 rubles. Prices range from 9 to 99 rubles.

Feedback from site visitors - consumers - is presented of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Eufillin in their practice. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogs of Eufillin if available structural analogues. Use for the treatment of status asthmaticus and bronchial obstruction in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Eufillin is a bronchodilator, a xanthine derivative. Inhibits phosphodiesterase, increases the accumulation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in tissues, blocks adenosine (purine) receptors; reduces the flow of calcium ions through the channels of cell membranes, reduces the contractile activity of smooth muscles.

Relaxes the muscles of the bronchi, increases mucociliary clearance, stimulates contraction of the diaphragm, improves the function of the respiratory and intercostal muscles, stimulates the respiratory center, increases its sensitivity to carbon dioxide and improves alveolar ventilation which ultimately leads to a reduction in the severity and frequency of apnea episodes. By normalizing respiratory function, it helps saturate the blood with oxygen and reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide.

It has a stimulating effect on the activity of the heart, increases the strength and number of heart contractions, increases coronary blood flow and myocardial oxygen demand. Reduces tone blood vessels(mainly brain vessels, skin and kidneys). It has a peripheral venodilating effect, reduces pulmonary vascular resistance, and reduces pressure in the “lesser” circulation. Increases renal blood flow and has a moderate diuretic effect.

Expands extrahepatic bile ducts.

Inhibits platelet aggregation (suppresses platelet activating factor and PgE2 alpha), increases the resistance of red blood cells to deformation (improves the rheological properties of blood), reduces thrombus formation and normalizes microcirculation.

It has a tocolytic effect, increases the acidity of gastric juice.

When used in large doses has an enileptogenic effect.

In the body, aminophylline (the active ingredient of the drug Eufillin) is metabolized when physiological values pH with release of free theophylline. Bronchodilating properties appear at plasma theophylline concentrations of µg/ml. Concentrations above 20 mg/ml are toxic. The stimulating effect on the respiratory center is realized at a lower concentration of μg/ml. Penetrates the placental barrier (the concentration in the fetal blood serum is slightly higher than in the maternal serum). Excreted in breast milk. 10% is excreted unchanged in adults. In newborns, a significant portion is excreted in the form of caffeine (due to the immaturity of the pathways for its further metabolism), unchanged - 50%.

  • status asthmaticus ( additional therapy);
  • apnea of ​​newborns;
  • ischemic cerebrovascular accident (as part of combination therapy);
  • left ventricular failure with bronchospasm and Cheyne-Stokes type breathing disorder;
  • edematous syndrome of renal origin (as part of complex therapy);
  • acute and chronic heart failure (as part of combination therapy);
  • broncho-obstructive syndrome of various origins (incl. bronchial asthma, COPD, including emphysema, chronic obstructive bronchitis);
  • hypertension in the pulmonary circulation;
  • "pulmonary" heart;
  • night apnea.

Tablets 150 mg.

Solution for intravenous administration 24 mg/ml (injections in ampoules, in droppers).

Solution for intramuscular injection 240 mg/ml (injections in injection ampoules).

Instructions for use and dosage

Orally, adults should be prescribed 150 mg per dose 1-3 times a day after meals. Children should be prescribed orally at the rate of 7-10 mg/kg per day in 4 divided doses. The duration of the course of treatment is from several days to several months, depending on the course of the disease and tolerability of the drug.

Higher doses of aminophylline for adults orally: single - 0.5 g, daily - 1.5 g. Higher doses for children orally: single - 7 mg/kg, daily - 15 mg/kg.


Individual, depending on the indications, age, clinical situation, route and scheme of administration (intravenously, intramuscularly, through a drip), nicotine addiction.

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • excitation;
  • anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • tremor;
  • heartbeat;
  • tachycardia (including in the fetus when taken by a pregnant woman in the 3rd trimester);
  • chest pain;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • diarrhea;
  • decreased appetite;
  • skin rash;
  • fever;
  • feeling of flushing in the face;
  • hematuria;
  • increased diuresis;
  • increased sweating.
  • hypersensitivity (including to other xanthine derivatives: caffeine, pentoxifylline, theobromine);
  • epilepsy;
  • peptic ulcer and duodenum(in the acute stage);
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • severe arterial hyper- or hypotension;
  • tachyarrhythmias;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • retinal hemorrhage;
  • childhood(up to 3 years).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Be careful during pregnancy and lactation.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

It is necessary to refrain from driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially dangerous species activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Increases the likelihood of developing side effects of glucocorticosteroids, mineralocorticosteroids (hypernatremia), drugs for general anesthesia(increases the risk of ventricular arrhythmias), xanthines and drugs that excite the central nervous system (increases neurotoxicity), beta-agonists.

Antidiarrheal drugs and enterosorbents reduce the absorption of aminophylline.

Rifampicin, phenobarbital, phenytoin, isoniazid, carbamazepine, sulfinpyrazone, aminoglutethimide, oral estrogen-containing contraceptives and moracizine, being inducers of microsomal liver enzymes, increase the clearance of aminophylline, which may require an increase in its dose.

When used simultaneously with macrolide antibiotics, lincomycin, allopurinol, cimetidine, isoprenaline, enoxacin, in small doses ethanol (alcohol), disulfiram, fluoroquinolones, recombinant interferon-alpha, methotrexate, mexiletine, propafenone, thiabendazole, ticlopidine, verapamil and when vaccinated against influenza, the intensity of action of Eufillin may increase, which may require a reduction in its dose.

Enhances the effect of beta-adrenergic stimulants and diuretics (including by increasing glomerular filtration), reduces the effectiveness of lithium preparations and beta-blockers. Compatible with antispasmodics, do not use in combination with other xanthine derivatives.

Analogs medicinal product Eufillin

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Aminophylline;
  • Aminophylline-Eskom;
  • Eufillin-Darnitsa;
  • Eufillin solution for injection 2.4%;
  • Eufillin injection solution 24%.

how to replace aminophylline for bronchial asthma


Eufillin and edema during pregnancy - review from a cardiologist:

There is a fairly strong opinion on the Internet that if pregnant women have swelling of the legs, they should definitely start taking aminophylline.

I beg to differ with this.

Eufillin is a fairly serious drug, it has side effects that are not in good agreement with the interests of the mother and the unborn baby. For example, it causes an increase in heart rate (tachycardia), and during pregnancy the pulse is already increased, often to prohibitive levels. Therefore, aminophylline can lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the heart, including the blood supply to the placenta and, accordingly, the fetus.

Eufillin can only be prescribed by a doctor, and self-administration of aminophyllin for the treatment of edema remains entirely on the conscience of the expectant mother.

There is a certain substance that is equally loved by obstetricians-gynecologists and cardiologists; it helps reduce swelling in pregnant women, lower the heart rate and eliminate cramps. calf muscles, without having virtually any side effects.

This is Magnesium. That's why drug treatment swelling should begin (with the consent of obstetricians-gynecologists, of course) with magnesium preparations in a dose of at least 300 mg per day (this is, for example, Magne B6 FORTE (namely FORTE) 3 tablets per day or Natural Kalm 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening ).

Now about non-medicinal methods of combating edema. In the third trimester, simply due to the size of the uterus, venous drainage from lower limbs(the uterus presses the veins). This also contributes to swelling of the legs. To help the blood drain, it is a good idea to keep your legs horizontal or slightly elevated as soon as possible. Cheap, cheerful and without drugs. Help your veins!

And only if the described measures are ineffective, you can consult a gynecologist about the possibility of prescribing aminophylline.

Eufillin - instructions for use. The drug is a prescription, the information is intended only for healthcare professionals!

Clinical and pharmacological group:

Bronchodilator - phosphodiesterase inhibitor


Description and instructions of Eufillin

Eufillin is a remedy for relieving bronchospasm. The active ingredient of this drug, aminophylline, regulates calcium metabolism, relaxes the spasmodic muscles of the respiratory tract, slightly dilates large blood vessels, reduces blood density, stimulates the respiratory center and heart. Thanks to this effect, Eufillin is used in monotherapy and complex treatment of various conditions associated with respiratory failure or arrest: for bronchial asthma various types, emphysema, breathing problems and so on. Also, the vasodilating and decongestant effects of this drug are used to improve renal blood flow and cerebral blood supply in atherosclerosis and ischemic stroke.

This drug is produced in the form of tablets, powders and solutions for intravenous or intramuscular administration. Basic information about the regimens of use and dosages is contained in the instructions for the drug. Treatment with Eufillin is not indicated in the presence of cardiac dysfunction, chronic or acute gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver or kidney dysfunction, infectious processes, neoplasms, reactions of individual intolerance to the components of the drug and in some other cases. During pregnancy, breastfeeding mothers, as well as children under fourteen years of age, the use of this drug is possible only after balancing the risks and the expected beneficial effects of Eufillin. When using this drug, side effects such as various digestive disorders, heart rate, headache, dizziness, the appearance of protein in the urine, allergic reactions. Very rarely, it is possible to develop seizures, a drop in blood sugar levels, and ulceration of the stomach or intestinal mucosa.


1) I read the instructions for the drug, there are no contraindications, I didn’t notice any side effects other than a “weak diuretic effect.”

2) I take it to prevent and relieve asthmatic attacks. they sometimes arise on their own (especially in the morning - you wake up from suffocation, brr!), more often - after jogging, carrying heavy objects, or fast walking uphill. prescribed by a local doctor (long ago, several years ago). It helps well, with 1-2 tablets relief comes within minutes; Without taking aminophylline, an attack can last for hours. evening reception practically guarantees the absence of a pre-dawn attack.

Euphiilin became addictive to me after a few years. I stopped drinking completely for a couple of years - half a tablet began to help where two did not help.

So you need a good pulmonologist.

(I'm not a doctor, I'm asthmatic 😉)

Eufillin can be greatly outplayed. So - see a pulmonologist.

And, by the way, it is used. As an ambulance. Systematically and thoughtlessly, through self-appointment - it’s not worth it.

Eufillin - solution, tablets

Prices in pharmacies for different forms and dosages *:

from 4.00 rub. up to 92.00 rub.

Find and buy the drug Euphyllin in Russian pharmacies

Indications for use of the drug Eufillin:

For parenteral administration: status asthmaticus (additional therapy), neonatal apnea, ischemic cerebrovascular accident (as part of combination therapy), left ventricular failure with bronchospasm and Cheyne-Stokes type breathing disorder, edematous syndrome of renal origin (as part of complex therapy) .

For oral administration: broncho-obstructive syndrome of any origin: bronchial asthma (drug of choice in patients with asthma of physical exertion and as an additional remedy for other forms), COPD (pulmonary emphysema, chronic obstructive bronchitis), hypertension in the “lesser” circulation, “pulmonary” heart, night apnea.

Possible substitutes for the drug Eufillin:

Attention: the use of substitutes must be agreed with the attending physician.

Active ingredient, group:

solution for intravenous administration, solution for intramuscular administration, tablets

Teopek or Eufillin, which is better: 7 indications during pregnancy and more

The drugs Teopek and Eufillin can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription. For obstructive respiratory diseases - asthma, all types of bronchitis, sleep apnea and pulmonary hypertension are prescribed special drugs to remove mucus. Medicines based on theophylline help strengthen the respiratory muscles and make breathing easier.

Neophylline: instructions for use of the medicine

The main active ingredient of the tablets is theophylline, which eliminates vasospasm, improves blood flow and saturates the blood with oxygen. Theophylline prevents the formation of blood clots and also has an antiallergic effect.

The drug Neophylline is indicated for people with diseases such as bronchial asthma, nocturnal apnea, pulmonary hypertension, and chronic obstructive bronchitis.

The drug is taken orally before a meal or 2 hours after it. It is allowed to take the tablet only with clean water. The dose of the drug is selected exclusively by the attending physician depending on age, body weight and metabolic characteristics.

The use of Neophylline during pregnancy is permitted if the benefit for pregnant women is higher than the expected risk for the baby. Only the gynecologist prescribes the dose of the drug! On latest dates Neophylline is dangerous; if absorbed into the blood, the active substance can cause harm - cause rapid heartbeat in the child and inhibit uterine contractions.

Before taking Neophylline, be sure to familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications of the drug.

While using Neophylline, you should not take medications that contain theophylline, caffeine, or theobromine. It is also recommended to exclude natural coffee, strong tea, dark chocolate and carbonated drinks from your diet. Drinking alcohol during treatment is strictly prohibited!

Eufillin tablets: what is the drug prescribed for?

For a dry cough, as a symptom of ARVI, influenza or measles, drugs are often prescribed - Ambroxol or Bromhexine, which help remove sputum. If the patient coughs for a long time, Eufillin may be prescribed.

  • Strengthening the respiratory muscles;
  • Helps fill the blood with oxygen;
  • Relaxes the muscle cells of the bronchial tree;
  • Relieves cerebral vascular crises;
  • Dilates heart vessels;
  • Has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects
  • Reduces intracranial pressure in ischemic stroke;
  • Improves renal blood flow.

Most often, Eufillin is prescribed for all types of bronchitis and work disorders respiratory system. Eufillin is available in tablets and ampoules with injection solution. The drug can be administered intravenously and into the muscle. As a rule, a small dose of Eufillin is prescribed for bronchitis, but treatment with this drug is only permissible under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital or a nurse when treating at home. To purchase the drug you need a prescription.

Contraindications to the use of the drug include severe headaches, blood in the stool, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. If the drug is intolerant, the drug must be changed - the doctor may prescribe Pentoxifylline as a similar drug.

During pregnancy, Eufillin is taken only in extreme cases. Vasospasm during gestosis can cause disruption of blood flow, so in rare cases the use of Eufillin is justified. In case of gestosis, severe swelling is relieved by a dropper with the drugs Eufillin and Magnesia. You should take Eufillin strictly as prescribed by your doctor and if side effects occur: nausea, dizziness, allergies, a sharp drop in blood pressure, convulsions, you should quickly notify your doctor and stop taking the drug.

How to take Eufillin for children with a cough: dosage of the drug

The instructions for use of the drug state that Eufillin tablets are approved for children from the age of 14 years. The standard dosage of the drug is 300 mg in the morning and evening before bed. At advanced disease The doctor may prescribe taking the drug three times a day or 500 mg of Euphyllin at night. You need to take the medicine after meals with enough water.

The initial dosage of the drug for patients weighing more than 60 kg is 200 mg at a time. The next day, if there are no side effects, the drug should be taken twice a day. Patients weighing up to 60 kg are recommended to take a reduced dose of 100 mg at a time.

You can find out the dosage of Eufillin for children by studying the instructions, which can be found in the package or on the Internet.

According to doctor's indications, Eufillin can be prescribed to children from 6 years of age. For chronic diseases, you can use the medicine on the recommendation of a doctor. The dosage and method of administration are determined only by an ENT specialist or a pediatrician.

The intravenous drug Eufillin is prescribed only in a hospital under the supervision of medical staff!

In case of asthma attacks or advanced bronchitis, a dropper with Eufillin may be needed, but it is prescribed to children over 14 years of age. The dosage of the drug is 2-3 mg per kilogram of the child’s weight. It is not advisable to prescribe injections and droppers of the drug before bedtime, the drug can cause overexcitation. If Eufillin is indicated in the evening, it should be combined with sleeping pills.

Analogues of Eufillin: patient reviews

Euphylline, the main active ingredient of which is theophylline, has modern analogues– Teopek, Neophylline, Theotard. They differ mainly in the dosage of theophylline and excipients.

Take at the same time similar drugs It is strictly prohibited - an overdose is possible, which can cause negative consequences.

Patients mostly give positive reviews about drugs based on theophylline. They provide good relief from night shortness of breath and respiratory arrest, and help with bronchitis. Eufillin injections cope well with asthma attacks and severe attacks cough.

Also good action provide inhalations based on Eufillin with saline solution or compresses with Eufillin and Dimexide.

Which is better for pregnant women: Teopek or Eufillin (video)

Side effects of theophylline-based drugs on the body include disorders of the digestive system, cardiac dysfunction, increased fatigue and nervousness, manifestations of an allergic reaction. If any undesirable sign occurs, you should contact qualified assistance and change treatment.

Eufillin analogues and prices

All analogues of Eufillin are selected according to the international drug classification system ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification).

Active ingredients: Theophylline

Analogues in composition







Analogues by indication and method of use



Theophedrine IC

Triphedrine IC

Analogues according to the ATC code of the 3rd level




















Amispiron ІС








Eufillin is a bronchodilator drug.

Aminophylline is a mixture of 80% theophylline (1,3-dimethylxanthine) and 20% ethylenediamine (1,2-ethylenediamine), which facilitates its solubility and improves absorption.

The drug inhibits phosphodiesterase and increases the accumulation of c-AMP in tissues, blocks adenosine receptors, and has the ability to inhibit the transport of calcium ions through cell membrane channels. Relaxes the muscles of the bronchi, relieves bronchospasm. Somewhat dilates the blood vessels of the heart, brain, kidneys, and is a peripheral vasodilator. Has a moderate diuretic effect. Inhibits platelet aggregation.

It has a stimulating effect on the respiratory center, increases the frequency and strength of heart contractions.

Chronic obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma (drug of choice in patients with exercise asthma and as an additional remedy for other forms), status asthmaticus (additional therapy), emphysema, neonatal apnea (a condition characterized by periods of lack of breathing for 15 seconds and accompanied by cyanosis and bradycardia), Cheyne-Stokes respiration.

Hypersensitivity, including to xanthine derivatives (caffeine, pentoxifylline, theobromine), arrhythmia, arterial hypertension, myocardial pathology, myocardial infarction, heart failure, acute and chronic (acute phase) gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, prostate adenoma, diarrhea, fibrocystic mastopathy, alcoholism, cor pulmonale, fever, hypoxemia, respiratory tract infections, liver dysfunction, hyperthyroidism, chronic and acute renal failure, edema syndrome, hypernatremia, rectal diseases, breastfeeding.

The dose of the drug is determined individually.

Orally, adults should take 0.15 g per dose 1-3 times a day after meals, children at the rate of 7-10 mg/kg per day in 4 divided doses.

If necessary, the dose of the drug can be increased at intervals of 2-3 days until the optimal therapeutic effect is achieved.

The duration of treatment ranges from several days to several months.

Intravenous administration of the drug should be carried out carefully and slowly, according to at least within 5 min. The dose of the drug is selected individually, taking into account the possibility of different rates of elimination in different patients.

Possible: lack of appetite, nausea, headache, tachycardia, anxiety, dizziness, vomiting, heart rhythm disturbances, albuminuria, hematuria, allergic reactions in the form of skin rash.

Rarely: convulsions, exacerbation of peptic ulcer, hypoglycemia.

The drug is prescribed with caution to patients with fever of unknown origin and the elderly.

Eufillin can increase the level uric acid in urine.

When prescribing the drug during pregnancy and lactation, it is necessary to compare the expected benefit to the mother and the potential risk to the fetus or newborn.

Use caution when consuming large amounts of caffeine-containing foods or drinks during treatment.

Before parenteral administration, the solution must be warmed to body temperature.

When used simultaneously with Eufillin, the bronchodilating effect of terbutaline and salbutamol is enhanced. Concomitant use of Eufillin with beta blockers can cause bronchospasm.

Cimetidine, erythromycin, influenza vaccine and oral contraceptives enhance the effect of Eufillin, increasing its concentration in the patient's blood plasma.

When administered simultaneously with carbamazepine, phenytoin, rifampicin, the concentration of Euphyllin in the blood plasma decreases. Nicotine activates the metabolism and excretion of Euphyllin.

With simultaneous use, Eufillin increases the excretion of lithium.

Storage conditions and periods

In a dry place, protected from light.

Shelf life of the tablet: - 5 years, solution for injection: - 3 years.

Features of the use of the drug Eufillin in ampoules and tablets

Eufillin, the instructions for use of which states that it is a powerful bronchodilator, is modern drug, with which you can get rid of many diseases of the bronchi and other respiratory organs. Today, Eufillin tablets are prescribed to patients according to the indications of a doctor, who will take into account the general state of health and determine the most optimal dose medicines. It is prohibited for children and adults to take Eufillin without a doctor’s indication, since incorrect dosage or untimely treatment with the drug can aggravate the course of bronchitis and cause swelling of the respiratory system. What is the use of the drug Eufillin, and can pregnant women and children take it to treat bronchial diseases?

Pharmacological properties of the drug

The drug Eufillin currently belongs to the group of xanthines, which can treat many diseases respiratory organs. The drug contains theophylline - the main active element medicinal composition, which has a positive effect on the body.

Eufillin for adults has a powerful dilating effect on the bronchial cavity, and also relieves their spasms and normalizes the condition of smooth muscles. Also, Eufillin for bronchial asthma and other diseases of the bronchi improves the functioning of the cilia located in the epithelial layer of the respiratory organs, and restores the contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm, between the ribs, and so on.

This drug can also provide other positive traits on the patient’s body, namely:

  • restores the state of the respiratory center, for which the medulla oblongata is responsible;
  • normalizes healthy ventilation of the lungs;
  • saturates the blood useful elements and oxygen;
  • reduces the percentage of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream.

In other words, Eufillin has a composition that normalizes the condition of the respiratory organs and their functions, which has a positive effect on the treatment of bronchial diseases.

How does the medicine work? The drug inhibits phosphodiesterase enzymes, causing large amounts of cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate) to accumulate in the tissues of the inflamed organ. Eufillin also reduces the penetration of calcium components into ionic cells (such elements are responsible for muscle contraction). This means that when the next attack develops, the drug will relax and normalize the tone of the bronchial muscles, which will significantly alleviate the person’s condition.

A correctly selected dose of the drug can:

  • normalize cardiac activity in the body;
  • reduce vascular tone;
  • increase the strength of the myocardium;
  • normalize the tone and functioning of the kidneys, brain and skin.

Eufillin, the indications for use of which state that the medicine can be used in the treatment of bronchial diseases, has a strong relaxing effect on the venous walls and also lowers the pressure in them. This has a beneficial effect during the treatment of bronchitis, since a person does not feel unwell during an attack due to increased pressure.

Eufillin, given intravenously, can make blood cells resistant to various types of damage. Thus, the medicine improves the general condition of the blood.

Consider Eufillin tablets: the instructions for use state that the drug has a beneficial effect on the condition of the uterus and increases the amount of gastric juice in the body. Thanks to wide range action of the medicine, it becomes clear that it is currently known, because treatment with Eufillin is prescribed to people quite often.

Each form of the drug is well absorbed by the body, since the drug is completely absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, we can safely say that the Eufillin group is 100% absorbed by the body, like other drugs belonging to this healing group. However, if you drink it with food, the absorption of theophylline in the body slows down.

Because such medicinal composition easily passes into breast milk; doctors do not recommend drinking Eufillin during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, taking Eufillin during pregnancy is prohibited because the medicine quickly enters many organs, which means it can enter the child’s body through the placenta.

The destruction of the drug composition is carried out in the liver, and theophylline leaves the body in the urine.

Release form

Several options are available today this drug, each of which has a powerful therapeutic effect on the patient's body.

Currently, doctors prescribe the following forms of medication to patients with lung diseases:

  • tablets containing 150 mg of the active ingredient;
  • ampoules with 2.4% and 24% solution.

A theophylline-based solution is actively used for inhalation with Euphyllin. This form of medication is also used when the patient needs a drip for asthma or bronchitis.

Eufillin for inhalation is actively used for irrigation and restoration of the bronchi, as well as all respiratory organs affected by bronchitis or asthma. This form of release is today widely used for intramuscular and intravenous administration, which also provides good and effective treatment diseases.

In order not to cause side effects of the drug, the use of the drug and its dose must be prescribed by a doctor, since improper inhalation or taking pills can cause swelling of the respiratory organs (or rather, the mucous membrane), and this is fraught negative consequences for the body of an already sick person.

Eufillin is administered intravenously only in medical institution under the strict supervision of a doctor. But 150 mg tablets can be taken at home, but also with a prescription prescribed by a doctor.

Eufillin injections are prescribed to seriously ill patients or to those patients who have digestive dysfunction, as a result of which the medicine will not be completely absorbed into the body. However, there are cases when an injection is necessary even without serious indications.

Indications for use and contraindications of the drug

What is the medicine used for today? The use of Eufillin in ampoules is prescribed to a patient with certain diseases.

What does the medicine help with:

  • eliminating attacks of bronchial asthma, as well as alleviating the condition of this disease;
  • angina pectoris – in this case, the mechanism of action of the drug eliminates congestion in the body;
  • pulmonary edema caused by activation of bronchial pathologies;
  • heart failure - the pharmacological action in this case is based on improving heart rhythm and restoring the functionality of all departments.

Eufillin can also be used to lower blood pressure during the development or course of a hypertensive crisis.

Eufillin has analogues, and the drug itself is actively used in the treatment of stroke and other pathological changes brain In addition, the medicine is allowed to be taken to eliminate apnea in infants and infants, but in this case the dose must be strictly observed. This medicinal composition is often prescribed for any pathologies of the bronchi, including signs of suffocation and swelling of the respiratory organs.

When treating any disease, the effect of Eufillin on the body is only positive - the only exception is an overdose of the drug, which leads to the development of symptoms unpleasant for the body.

Eufillin has contraindications, and as the instructions say, drinking the medicine is prohibited in the following cases:

  • intolerance to the components present in the medicinal composition;
  • course of acute myocardial infarction;
  • collapse;
  • tachycardia;
  • epilepsy;
  • extrasystole;
  • peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diarrhea;
  • impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • BPH.

If there are contraindications, you should ask your doctor what to replace Eufillin with so that the treatment is effective and does not cause harm to health.

Eufillin injection solution can be used by any patient, regardless of age. But the use of tablets at the age of less than 6 years is unacceptable, since their pharmacological effect will be too strong for an unformed organism - in this case, the child will need to be injected with Eufillin solution intramuscularly.

Eufillin: side effects

Before you find out the answer to the question of how much it costs to take a medicine, how it is used and when it starts to work, it is important to know the side effects and their effect on the patient’s body.

Judging by modern reviews, the drug can cause some undesirable effects, which include:

  • arrhythmia;
  • headaches;
  • tremor;
  • tachycardia;
  • insomnia;
  • dizziness;
  • hormonal “disease”;
  • development of allergies;
  • decrease in the amount of glucose in the patient’s blood;
  • changing tests;
  • increased sweating (this is especially common in children);
  • decrease in blood pressure (blood pressure).

Also, the use of the medicine is prohibited for a child who has a tendency to develop drug allergies. In addition, you cannot combine the drug and alcoholic drinks in any dosage, as this will negatively affect the condition of the body.

When found side effects you need to read the instructions again, and also assess your general health - if it is unsatisfactory, you should definitely consult a doctor who will re-diagnosis and make changes in the prescription or dosage of the medication.

Instructions for use of the medicinal composition

When reading the description of the instructions for use, you need to be especially careful before you start taking the medicine, since any mistake made can result in side effects for the patient, as well as worsening general condition. Eufillin 150 mg (dosage of one tablet) should be taken only as directed by a doctor, since in most cases this dose is slightly increased or decreased.

A solution with Eufillin is used for injection into a vein or muscle of a person - this is done only in the presence of emergency or emergency conditions: in other cases, the drug is taken in the form of tablets or inhalations. Dosage for intravenous solution is calculated by the doctor based on the patient’s weight, body characteristics and general well-being.

For an adult, the dose is calculated at the rate of 6 mg per kilogram of weight, after which the solution is mixed with saline and slowly introduced into the body over 5 minutes.

Injections based on the drug, where the main active ingredient is theophylline, should not be administered for more than 2 weeks:

  1. On average, a person should take mg of medication per day. When prescribing Eufillin, the doctor determines the method of application (since he must check its relationship to the patient’s body).
  2. In most cases, children are prescribed inhalations to treat bronchial diseases.

The pharmacological group of the drug allows relief of the patient’s condition during chronic diseases lungs - in this case, it is worth taking the medicine several times a day under the strict supervision of a doctor, who must constantly monitor the composition of the blood, which should contain the optimal amount of the medicine.

If the patient is allergic or people prone to developing one or more contraindications, the doctor can replace Eufillin with a more gentle drug.

The patient should take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, but this can only be done if there are no obvious contraindications and a severe course of the pathology. The proportions of medication and the time of treatment depend on the general condition of the patient, which is why it is important to constantly visit a doctor who will monitor the patient’s health and evaluate the quality of the treatment.

In children, depending on the severity of bronchial pathology, daily norm also adds up when taking into account weight - 6-15 mg per kilogram.

What is the best form of medication to treat? Fight with bronchial diseases is carried out using the means prescribed by the doctor, since the patient himself does not have the right to choose the form of the medicinal composition.

The annotation for the drug will indicate the timing of taking the drug, its description, as well as the properties of Eufillin related to a particular category of patients.

Eufillin during pregnancy: safety of the drug and instructions for use

Many expectant mothers suffer from swelling, especially in the third trimester. Excessive accumulation of fluid in tissues occurs due to problems with blood vessels and large amounts of salt consumed. Swelling does not always signal serious problems, but when later During pregnancy, blood pressure increases and kidney function is disrupted, so it’s time to talk about gestosis, which is dangerous for both mother and child. In this case, doctors prescribe Eufillin. The only problem is that this remedy has many limitations and side effects.

Action and composition of the drug

Eufillin is a popular drug, the pharmacological action of which is based on the work of aminophylline, the active component of the drug. This substance, in turn, is a mixture consisting of four parts theophylline and one part ethylenediamine.

Theophylline translated from Greek and Latin languages means tea leaf.

Theophylline is a natural alkaloid found in tea tree, Paraguayan holly, and cocoa fruit. When this substance enters the female body:

  • relaxes bronchial muscles;
  • improves lung ventilation through stimulation of diaphragm contractions, which ultimately leads to blood saturation with oxygen;
  • reduces the tone of blood vessels, increasing their lumen, resulting in:
    • blood circulation in the myocardium improves;
    • cardiac activity is stimulated;
    • blood pressure decreases;
  • relaxes the uterine muscles (has a tocolytic effect);
  • has a moderate diuretic effect due to the removal of sodium and chlorine ions, which retain fluids in the tissues.

The second component of aminophylline, ethylenediamine, promotes the rapid dissolution and absorption of theophylline, and also enhances the relaxation of smooth muscles.

Thus, Eufillin has a complex effect on the body of a pregnant woman, not only relieving edema, but also reducing high blood pressure, as well as improving heart function.

Is it possible for expectant mothers to take Eufillin?

Manufacturers in the annotation for the drug warn that the active substance can penetrate the placental barrier and accumulate in the child’s plasma. In addition, the use of aminophylline in late gestation often results in potentially harmful concentrations of theophylline in the blood of the newborn.

Many doctors are against prescribing Eufillin to pregnant women, considering it an outdated and potentially harmful drug. As an argument, they cite the fact that the diuretic effect of the drug can disrupt the water-salt balance, and this is just as dangerous for the expectant mother’s body as edema.

However, doctors of the “old school” continue to recommend the medication, citing many years of experience in its use in obstetric and gynecological practice. Indeed, with severe gestosis, Eufillin is able to quickly help a woman, eliminating the dangerous condition.

Thus, before prescribing the drug, the doctor evaluates everything possible risks and threats, takes into account the severity of symptoms, the trimester of pregnancy (the first trimester is prescribed extremely rarely), as well as the health status of the expectant mother and child.

If Eufillin was nevertheless prescribed, certain rules must be followed:

  • It is better to take medication treatment in a hospital, since it is necessary to regularly examine the woman and the fetus;
  • the drug cannot be used for a long time (usually expectant mothers are advised to symptomatic therapy swelling);
  • It is worth minimizing the dosage (as much as possible).

The American Food and Drug Administration has assigned aminophylline, the active substance of Euphyllin, category C. It follows that animal experiments have established Negative influence drug to the embryo. And yet, the likely benefits of using the medication for serious indications justify the numerous risks.

In what cases is medication prescribed?

In the annotation for the drug you can find both standard indications that apply to all categories of patients, and those relating only to the gestation period. Thus, the use of the drug is permissible when:

  • attacks of bronchial spasm;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • emphysema ( pathological expansion bronchioles, which is accompanied oxygen starvation lung tissue);
  • pulmonary obstruction;
  • increased blood pressure in the vessels of the pulmonary circulation;
  • impaired cerebral circulation;
  • gestosis (late toxicosis), accompanied by:
    • severe swelling;
    • high blood pressure;
    • high protein content in urine;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency.

There is no need to consider Eufillin a universal “drug for edema.” In most cases, they do not pose a serious danger to a woman. The drug is usually prescribed for late toxicosis that develops in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, when the upper half of the body swells, protein appears in the urine, and blood pressure rises.

Late toxicosis in expectant mothers - video

Contraindications and possible side effects

Eufillin is a serious medicine, which once again confirms the impressive list of restrictions and prohibitions. The medication has absolute and relative contraindications for use.

Eufillin: instructions for use, indications, reviews and analogues

Eufillin - pharmacological drug, belonging to the group of xanthines. All dosage forms contain active ingredient– aminophylline, which is a combination of theophylline and ethylenediamine.

The medication has a dilating effect on the bronchi, relaxing their smooth muscles and eliminating spasms. In addition, it improves the functioning of the cilia of the respiratory tract epithelium, improves the contractions of the diaphragmatic, intercostal and other respiratory muscles.

Eufillin stimulates the vasomotor and respiratory centers and improves/activates blood circulation. Additionally, the drug reduces the tone of blood vessels (mainly the vessels of the brain, skin and kidneys).

Euphyllin photo of tablets and ampoules (injections)

It has a peripheral venodilating effect, reduces pulmonary vascular resistance, and reduces pressure in the “lesser” circulation. Increases renal blood flow and has a moderate diuretic effect.

Eufillin has a tocolytic effect, which increases the acidity of gastric juice. In high concentrations it has an enileptogenic effect.

The active substance of aminophylline is theophylline. It is well and quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and has high bioavailability. Penetrates through the placental barrier into breast milk. Metabolized in the liver and excreted through the kidneys.

Indications for use of Eufillin

  • chronic obstructive bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma (prevention of bronchospasm, drug of choice for exercise-induced asthma, additional remedy for other forms of asthma);
  • emphysema;
  • paroxysmal night apnea (Pickwick syndrome);
  • chronic pulmonary heart disease.

Eufillin injections are prescribed intravenously for acute attacks bronchial asthma and strokes.

Eufillin tablets are a means of systemic use for the treatment of obstructive respiratory diseases.

Instructions for use of Eufillin, dosage

Intravenous injection of Eufillin - administered in a slow stream over 4-6 minutes at a dose of 0.12 - 0.24 g (5-10 ml of a 2.4% solution, which is pre-diluted in isotonic sodium chloride solution).

The drug is administered intravenously under the control of heart rate, respiration and blood pressure.

The injection of Eufillin gives a pronounced antispasmodic effect in case of hepatic colic, enhances the secretion of the pancreas, therefore, when various diseases digestive organs, accompanied by exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, as well as if the latter arose due to chronic pancreatitis, appoint intravenous injections 10 ml of 2.4% solution.

Intramuscular injection - 2–3 ml of 12% aminophylline solution or 1–1.5 ml of 24% aminophylline solution are administered. It is recommended to inject into the upper sector of the gluteal muscle at a dose of 100–500 mg per day.

If the patient has status asthmaticus, he is prescribed an infusion of the drug in the amount of 720 or 750 mg.

The duration of therapy with the injection form of the drug cannot be more than 14 days.

Take the medication orally - in tablets, 0.1–0.2 g 2–3 times a day after meals.

Adults and adolescents weighing more than 50 kg, depending on the clinical situation, are prescribed PMG (1-2 tablets) 3 times a day, severe cases 300 mg (2 tablets) 4 times a day with an interval of 6 hours. The average daily dose is mg or 4-8 tablets in 3-4 administrations.

If it is necessary to alleviate the condition of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in an acute state, it is recommended to start with a dose of the drug of 5-6 mg/kg. Eufillin must be taken carefully, constantly monitoring its amount in the blood.

The maximum daily dose for adults is mg/kg (0.4-0.5 ml/kg), for children aged 6-17 years - 13 mg/kg body weight (0.5 ml/kg), from 3 years to 6 years – mg/kg (0.8-0.9 ml/kg).

The amount of Eufillin prescribed to a child is determined by the doctor, taking into account the weight and age of the child, as well as the severity of the disease.

Prescription of Eufillin for patients with chronic cardiac and liver failure, pneumonia or viral infection, as well as elderly patients, requires caution and reduced doses of the drug.

During treatment with Eufillin, you should refrain from drinking alcohol.

It should be noted that the drug "Eufillin" can increase the level of uric acid in urine. During use of this medication Particular care should be taken when consuming large amounts of caffeine-containing foods and drinks at the same time.

During the period of therapy with Eufillin, it is necessary to refrain from driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions due to possible side effects.

Side effects and contraindications Eufillin

Dyspeptic disorders (digestive disorders), with intravenous administration, dizziness, hypotension (low blood pressure), headache, migraines, palpitations, convulsions, with rectal use, irritation of the rectal mucosa.

Reviews of Eufillin note that in case of an overdose of the drug, generalized convulsions, photophobia, sleep disorders, ventricular arrhythmias, tachycardia, facial hyperemia, tachypnea, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and anorexia are observed. If these symptoms develop, it is necessary to discontinue the drug and actively stimulate its elimination from the body.

  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • extrasystole;
  • heart failure;
  • paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • coronary insufficiency.

Intravenous administration to children under 14 years of age is contraindicated.

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of the drug is possible only for health reasons. The use of aminophylline during pregnancy may lead to the creation of potentially dangerous concentrations theophylline and caffeine in the blood plasma of a newborn. Newborns whose mothers received aminophylline during pregnancy (especially in the third trimester) require medical supervision to monitor possible symptoms of theophylline intoxication.

Analogues of Eufillin, list

Analogues of Eufillin include drugs (list):

It is important to understand that the given instructions for use of Eufillin, price and reviews do not apply to analogues of the drug and cannot be used as a guide for use, replacement or other actions. All therapeutic actions must be carried out by a specialist; when replacing Eufillin with an analogue, it may be necessary to adjust the dosage or the entire course of treatment.

The page contains instructions for use Eufillina. It is available in various dosage forms drug (tablets 150 mg, injections in ampoules for intravenous and intramuscular injections in solution), and also has a number of analogues. This abstract has been verified by experts. Leave your feedback on the use of Eufillin, which will help other site visitors. The drug is used for various diseases (bronchial obstruction, emphysema, bronchial asthma). The product has a number of side effects and interactions with other substances. Doses of the drug differ for adults and children. There are restrictions on the use of the medicine during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Treatment with Eufillin can only be prescribed by a qualified doctor. The duration of therapy may vary and depends on the specific disease.

Instructions for use and dosage


Orally, adults should be prescribed 150 mg per dose 1-3 times a day after meals. Children should be prescribed orally at the rate of 7-10 mg/kg per day in 4 divided doses. The duration of the course of treatment is from several days to several months, depending on the course of the disease and tolerability of the drug.

Higher doses of aminophylline for adults orally: single - 0.5 g, daily - 1.5 g. Higher doses for children orally: single - 7 mg/kg, daily - 15 mg/kg.


Individual, depending on the indications, age, clinical situation, route and scheme of administration (intravenously, intramuscularly, through a drip), nicotine addiction.

Release forms

Tablets 150 mg.

Solution for intravenous administration 24 mg/ml (injections in ampoules, in droppers).

Solution for intramuscular administration 240 mg/ml (injections in injection ampoules).

Eufillin- bronchodilator, xanthine derivative. Inhibits phosphodiesterase, increases the accumulation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in tissues, blocks adenosine (purine) receptors; reduces the flow of calcium ions through the channels of cell membranes, reduces the contractile activity of smooth muscles.

Relaxes the bronchial muscles, increases mucociliary clearance, stimulates contraction of the diaphragm, improves the function of the respiratory and intercostal muscles, stimulates the respiratory center, increases its sensitivity to carbon dioxide and improves alveolar ventilation, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the severity and frequency of apnea episodes. By normalizing respiratory function, it helps saturate the blood with oxygen and reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide.

It has a stimulating effect on the activity of the heart, increases the strength and number of heart contractions, increases coronary blood flow and myocardial oxygen demand. Reduces the tone of blood vessels (mainly those of the brain, skin and kidneys). It has a peripheral venodilating effect, reduces pulmonary vascular resistance, and reduces pressure in the “lesser” circulation. Increases renal blood flow and has a moderate diuretic effect.

Expands extrahepatic bile ducts.

Inhibits platelet aggregation (suppresses platelet activating factor and PgE2 alpha), increases the resistance of red blood cells to deformation (improves the rheological properties of blood), reduces thrombus formation and normalizes microcirculation.

It has a tocolytic effect, increases the acidity of gastric juice.

When used in large doses, it has an enileptogenic effect.


In the body, aminophylline (the active substance of the drug Euphyllin) is metabolized at physiological pH values ​​with the release of free theophylline. Bronchodilating properties appear at plasma theophylline concentrations of 10-20 mcg/ml. Concentrations above 20 mg/ml are toxic. The stimulating effect on the respiratory center is realized at a lower concentration - 5-10 mcg/ml. Penetrates the placental barrier (the concentration in the fetal blood serum is slightly higher than in the maternal serum). Excreted in breast milk. 10% is excreted unchanged in adults. In newborns, a significant portion is excreted in the form of caffeine (due to the immaturity of the pathways for its further metabolism), unchanged - 50%.


  • status asthmaticus (additional therapy);
  • apnea of ​​newborns;
  • ischemic cerebrovascular accident (as part of combination therapy);
  • left ventricular failure with bronchospasm and Cheyne-Stokes type breathing disorder;
  • edematous syndrome of renal origin (as part of complex therapy);
  • acute and chronic heart failure (as part of combination therapy);
  • broncho-obstructive syndrome of various origins (including bronchial asthma, COPD, including pulmonary emphysema, chronic obstructive bronchitis);
  • hypertension in the pulmonary circulation;
  • "pulmonary" heart;
  • night apnea.


  • hypersensitivity (including to other xanthine derivatives: caffeine, pentoxifylline, theobromine);
  • epilepsy;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (in the acute stage);
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • severe arterial hyper- or hypotension;
  • tachyarrhythmias;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • retinal hemorrhage;
  • children's age (up to 3 years).

special instructions

Use caution when consuming large amounts of caffeine-containing foods or drinks during treatment.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

It is necessary to refrain from driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Side effect

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • excitation;
  • anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • tremor;
  • heartbeat;
  • tachycardia (including in the fetus when taken by a pregnant woman in the 3rd trimester);
  • chest pain;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • diarrhea;
  • decreased appetite;
  • skin rash;
  • fever;
  • feeling of flushing in the face;
  • hematuria;
  • increased diuresis;
  • increased sweating.

Drug interactions

Increases the likelihood of developing side effects of glucocorticosteroids, mineralocorticosteroids (hypernatremia), general anesthesia (increases the risk of ventricular arrhythmias), xanthines and drugs that excite the central nervous system (increases neurotoxicity), beta-agonists.

Antidiarrheal drugs and enterosorbents reduce the absorption of aminophylline.

Rifampicin, phenobarbital, phenytoin, isoniazid, carbamazepine, sulfinpyrazone, aminoglutethimide, oral estrogen-containing contraceptives and moracizine, being inducers of microsomal liver enzymes, increase the clearance of aminophylline, which may require an increase in its dose.

With the simultaneous use of macrolides with antibiotics, lincomicin, allopurinol, tsimetidine, isoprenaline, ennoxacin, small doses of ethanol (alcohol), disulfiram, fluoroquinolones, recombinant interferon-alpha, methotrexate, propaphenone, thiabendazol, sore thylopidisol, sore thylopidisol, sore thylopidisol, sore thylopidisol, sore thylopidisol Verapamil and when vaccinating against influenza the intensity of action of Eufillin may increase, which may require a reduction in its dose.

Enhances the effect of beta-adrenergic stimulants and diuretics (including by increasing glomerular filtration), reduces the effectiveness of lithium preparations and beta-blockers. Compatible with antispasmodics, do not use in combination with other xanthine derivatives.

Analogues of the drug Eufillin

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Aminophylline;
  • Aminophylline Eskom;
  • Eufillin Darnitsa;
  • Eufillin solution for injection 2.4%;
  • Eufillin injection solution 24%.

Use in children

Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Eufillin is a drug belonging to the group of bronchodilators used for the treatment of obstructive diseases of the pulmonary system.

What is the composition and release form of the drug Eufillin?

The active ingredient of the pharmaceutical drug Eufillin is represented by aminophylline, the amount of which is 150 milligrams per tablet. Auxiliary components: calcium stearate and potato starch.

The drug Eufillin is available in white round tablets, flat-cylindrical in shape. Supplied in packs of 30 and 10 pieces. In addition, the pharmaceutical industry produces a 24% solution of the drug, supplied in 1 milliliter ampoules. Sold by prescription.

What is the effect of Eufillin tablets/solution?

The active component of the drug is a xanthine derivative and has a pronounced bronchodilator effect. The effect of the drug is based on the suppression of phosphodiesterase activity, which entails blocking the entry of calcium into the cells of the smooth muscle fibers of the bronchial tree and increasing the lumen of these anatomical formations.

In addition to relaxing the muscles of the bronchi, the drug helps stimulate the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi, therefore, removes mucus, stimulates contraction of the diaphragm, improves the function of the intercostal skeletal muscles, and increases the activity of the respiratory center located in the brain.

Normalization respiratory function promotes oxygen saturation in the blood and reduces the percentage of carbon dioxide. In addition, it reduces the severity of episodes of apnea (short-term nocturnal cessation of breathing).

Normalization of metabolic processes contributes to improved performance of cardio-vascular system by increasing the strength of heart contractions, as well as increasing blood flow in the coronary system.

It should be noted that effects on smooth muscle may also affect peripheral blood vessels, which is a prerequisite for lowering blood pressure. To a greater extent, this process affects the arteries located in the central nervous system and kidneys.

The drug Eufillin, in addition to the above, has a slight diuretic effect, relaxes the biliary tract, inhibits platelet aggregation, and increases the production of gastric juice.

When taken orally, aminophylline is completely absorbed from the intestine, leading to the formation of a therapeutic concentration by the end of the first hour. Eating may reduce the bioavailability of the drug. Eufillin penetrates most tissue barriers.

Aminophylline is metabolized in the liver. Derivatives of the drug are excreted in the urine, and, which is very important, smoking contributes to a slight accumulation of drug metabolites.

What are the indications for use of the drug Eufillin?

The instructions for use allow taking the bronchodilator drug Eufillin in the following cases:

Bronchial asthma;

Asthmoid syndrome;


Obstructive bronchitis;

Pulmonary hypertension;

Sleep apnea.

Taking the pharmaceutical drug Eufillin is possible only after consultation with a specialist, since the effect of the drug can affect many systems and organs.

What are the contraindications for use of Eufillin?

The instructions for use prohibit the use of the drug Euphyllin in tablets and solution in the following cases:

Individual intolerance to aminophylline or its derivatives;

Severe atherosclerosis;

Stomach ulcer;

Hyperacid gastritis;

Arterial hypotension.

Relative contraindications: myocardial infarction, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, heart rhythm disturbances, intestinal bleeding, prostate adenoma, elderly and children, the need for anticoagulants.

What is the use and dosage of the medicine Eufillin?

Tablet forms of the drug are prescribed 1 tablet (150 mg) 1 to 3 times a day. Maximum daily dosage is half a gram. The duration of treatment is no more than a month. Children are prescribed depending on body weight and tolerability of the drug.

The choice of dosage of the Euphyllin drug solution, which we continue to talk about on this page www.site, is under the jurisdiction of the attending physician and depends on the diagnosis, age, body weight, availability relative contraindications and other factors.

Overdose from Eufillin

Symptoms of overdose: abdominal pain, vomiting, loss of appetite, intestinal bleeding, tachycardia, tremor of the fingertips, photophobia, epileptic seizures, confusion, and skeletal muscle damage.

Treatment: gastric lavage and administration activated carbon(if poisoning occurred from taking pills), forced diuresis, anticonvulsants, symptomatic treatment measures.

What are the side effects of Eufillin solution/tablets?

From the intestines: vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea, exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcers, diarrhea, heartburn, loss of appetite.

Other side effects: increased body temperature, heart rhythm disturbances, increased sweating, increased diuresis, exacerbation coronary disease heart disease, insomnia, as well as irritability and anxiety.

How to replace Eufillin, what analogues should I use?

Aminophylline-Eskom, Aminophylline, Eufillin for injection, Eufillin-Darnitsa, Eufillin tablets, Eufillin Avexima, and Eufillin-Eskom.


Effective treatment of obstructive pulmonary diseases is possible only if integrated approach: taking medications, complete failure from smoking, eliminating harmful production factors, physiotherapeutic treatment.

Eufillin is a bronchodilator, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. The active ingredient of the drug is theophylline.

When using Eufillin, the bronchial muscles relax and mucociliary clearance increases, which leads to contraction of the diaphragm and improved contraction of the intercostal and respiratory muscles.

The drug activates the respiratory center, increases its sensitivity to carbon dioxide and increases alveolar ventilation, thereby reducing the frequency and severity of apnea episodes.

Reduces airway hyperresponsiveness associated with the late phase response caused by inhaled allergens through an unknown mechanism that is not due to PDE inhibition or blockade of adenosine. There are reports that aminophylline increases the number and activity of T-suppressor cells in peripheral blood.

It has a stimulating effect on the activity of the heart, increases strength and heart rate, increases coronary blood flow and increases the myocardial oxygen demand. Reduces the tone of blood vessels (mainly those of the brain, skin and kidneys).

It has a peripheral venodilating effect, reduces pulmonary vascular resistance, and lowers pressure in the pulmonary circulation. Increases renal blood flow and has a moderate diuretic effect.

It has a tocolytic effect, increases the acidity of gastric juice. In high doses it has an epileptogenic effect

After administration, it is absorbed with a bioavailability of 90-100%. The rate of absorption decreases with food intake, but the value remains constant. The action of Eufillin is enhanced by Cimetidine, Erythromycin, oral contraceptives and influenza vaccine, which increases its concentration in the blood. The concentration decreases when taking nicotine, carbamazepine, phenytoin, and rifampicin simultaneously.

The bronchodilating effect of aminophylline manifests itself when its concentration in the blood is 10-20 mcg/ml. Concentrations above 20 mcg/ml are toxic. The stimulating effect on the respiratory center is realized when the concentration of aminophylline in the blood is 5-10 mcg/ml

Indications for use

What does Eufillin help with? The drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • Sleep apnea;
  • Renal blood flow disorders;
  • "Pulmonary" heart;
  • Cerebral vascular crises;
  • Ischemic stroke;
  • Pulmonary hypertension;
  • Chronic obstructive bronchitis;
  • Emphysema.

Instructions for use of Eufillin and dosage

Take orally after meals with a glass of water big amount liquids. The dose should be adjusted according to individual characteristics each patient, taking into account the clinical response and stable concentration of aminophylline in the blood serum. The dose is calculated based on ideal body weight (since the drug is not distributed into adipose tissue).

  • Orally, adults should be prescribed 150 mg 3-4 times a day after meals.
  • Children over 6 years of age should be prescribed orally at the rate of 7–10 mg/kg per day in 4 divided doses.
  • Higher doses of aminophylline for adults: single 500 mg; daily – 1500 mg.
  • Higher doses for children over 6 years of age: single – 7 mg/kg, daily – 15 mg/kg.

The duration of the course of treatment is from several days to several months, depending on the course of the disease and tolerability of the drug. To reduce toxic effects, it should be prescribed in minimal effective doses.

Instructions for injections of Eufillin

The solution is prepared immediately before use - for jet administration, a single dose of the drug is diluted in 10-20 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution; for intravenous drip administration, a single dose of the drug is pre-diluted in 100-150 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

It is administered intravenously as a stream slowly (over at least 5 minutes), intravenously as a drip - at a rate of 30-50 drops per minute.

When administering the drug, the dose is calculated per theophylline in milligrams, taking into account that 1 ml of the drug contains 20 mg of theophylline.

For adults, Euphylline injections are administered intravenously as a bolus at a daily dose of 10 mg/kg body weight (an average of 600–800 mg theophylline), distributed over 3 injections.

For cachexia and in individuals with initial low body weight daily dose reduce to 400–500 mg, while during the first administration no more than 200–250 mg are administered.

If increased heart rate, dizziness, or nausea occur, the rate of administration is reduced or switched to drip administration drug.

  • Children over 14 years of age: intravenous drip at a dose of 2–3 mg/kg body weight.
  • The maximum single dose for children over 14 years of age is 3 mg/kg body weight.
  • The maximum daily doses that can be used without monitoring the concentration of theophylline in plasma are children 14–16 years old – 18 mg/kg body weight, patients over 16 years old – 13 mg/kg body weight (or 900 mg).

The duration of treatment depends on the severity and course of the disease and tolerability of therapy, but should not exceed 14 days.

Eufillin may lead to increased levels of uric acid in the urine. During use, caution should be exercised when consuming significant amounts of caffeine-containing foods and beverages.

Side effects

The appointment of Eufillin may be accompanied by the following side effects:

  • dizziness,
  • anxiety, sleep disturbances,
  • tremors or convulsions,
  • heartbeat,
  • heart rhythm disturbance,
  • anorexia, nausea, vomiting,
  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • albuminuria, hematuria,
  • in some cases - hypoglycemia.

Particular caution must be observed when prescribing Eufillin to elderly patients, since their risk of side effects is significantly higher.


It is contraindicated to prescribe Eufillin in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to aminophylline and other methylxanthine derivatives;
  • myocardial infarction in the acute phase;
  • tachyarrhythmia;
  • hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase;
  • severe impairment of liver and/or kidney function;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • epilepsy;
  • taking ephedrine (in children);
  • children under 6 years of age.


Symptoms of overdose: insomnia, loss of appetite, diarrhea, gastralgia, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeding, tachycardia, tachypnea, photophobia, facial flushing, motor agitation, ventricular arrhythmias, anxiety, tremor, convulsions.

At severe poisoning epileptoid seizures, hypoxia, metabolic acidosis, decreased blood pressure, hyperglycemia, skeletal muscle necrosis, hypokalemia, renal failure with myoglobinuria, confusion.

Analogues of Eufillin, list of drugs

If necessary, you can replace Eufillin with an analogue active substance- these are drugs:

  1. Aminophylline.
  2. Eufillin-Darnitsa.
  3. Eufillin solution for injection 24%

Similar drugs:

  • Aminocardol,
  • Diaphylline,
  • Novofillin,
  • Syntophylline

When choosing analogues, it is important to understand that the instructions for use of Euphyllin, the price and reviews of drugs with similar effects do not apply. It is important to consult a doctor and not change the drug yourself.

The price in pharmacies ranges from 10 rubles for 150 mg tablets to 33 rubles for an injection solution.

Dispensed with a doctor's prescription. Shelf life – 36 months.