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Instructions for use of Erespal (Sinekoda): dosage, contraindications and side effects. Cheap analogs of Erespal: list of structural and similar substitutes

Elena asks:

Hello, my daughter (she is 3 years old) has been coughing for 2 months. It all started with SARS. They drank Lazolvan and Erespal - the cough became wet, but soon became dry and paroxysmal again. The runny nose and cold have been gone for a long time, but my daughter keeps coughing. not so often, but still. I started giving codelac phyto-4 days. The cough did not become wet! Then she started drinking Stoptussin-phyto for 4 days and again it became worse - again attacks of dry cough, more often in horizontal position. I think it's because of stoptussin. what to do next??? stop taking it? Should the cough after codelac become wet (as written in the instructions)? and if it doesn’t become moist, maybe you don’t need to give expectorants, but switch to sinecode? maybe there is no phlegm there and better cough suppress? Erespal didn't help. I rub it with badger fat. useless! The child is suffering! help me please!!!

Stop prescribing pills to your child yourself, it is unsafe (taking Sinecode is especially undesirable in your situation). Consult your pediatrician. Get rid of residual effects Physiotherapeutic procedures and home inhalations will help with colds.

Anonymous asks:

thanks for the answer! we do not self-medicate. I am writing you all the doctors’ prescriptions! and inhalations can cause bronchospasm... but we are already better. Lazolvan helped, we have been drinking the cat for 10 days.

From your question, the medical college doctor concluded that this treatment You prescribed it to your child yourself. The fact is that the drug codelac does not promote the removal of phlegm, but has a suppressive effect on the cough center, thereby making it difficult to remove phlegm. Moreover, the simultaneous use of expectorants (Stoptussin phyto) and antitussive drugs (Codelac) is contraindicated. The drugs Codelac and Sinecode belong to the same group - their mechanism of action is the same. These drugs suppress cough and therefore prevent mucus production. To determine the presence or absence of sputum as the cause of cough, it is necessary for the pediatrician to auscultate the lungs (listen to the lungs). If there is wheezing in the lungs when breathing, then the cause of the cough is phlegm.

Victoria asks:

Hello, my daughter is 3 and 7 months dry, with periods barking cough. We had an appointment and made an appointment. Flavamed syrup, antibiotic flemoxin, antiviral groprinosin, dissolve faringosept and tonsilotren, drinking plenty of fluids, it is possible from herbal infusions. But the child coughs so much, especially during sleep, to the point of vomiting. What can be done to alleviate this condition? Is it possible that she doesn’t need to take expectorants? Just reading about our diagnosis, I'm at a loss. Since it turns out she probably needs the opposite, not expectorants, but something like Erespal. Please clear my doubts. Can she be given mucaltin to soften her cough? (it helps me personally, but is it possible for a child)?

If the child’s condition does not improve during treatment, it is recommended to re-consult with a pediatrician to assess the child’s condition and correct the treatment, as well as, if necessary, additional examination: general analysis blood, x-ray chest. Mucaltin can be used in childhood, after dissolving 1/2 tablet in a small amount of water, 2-3 times a day. Read more about the causes of cough and treatment methods in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Cough.

Milana asks:

Hello. The child is 9 months old. This is counting 4 bronchitis in a year. From March 19 to March 24, we were treated in the hospital for obstructive bronchitis. After discharge, the cough remained infrequent and dry. The recommendations were given: Lazolvan - 3 times a day. 5 days. Genferon suppositories -1 time, 10 days. lacidophil, 2 times, 10 days. Flunol, 1 drop, 1 time, 3 days, fenistil, 5 drops, 2 times, 5 days. There is no improvement. Maybe I should have insisted on physical treatment.

If the cough still persists despite treatment, I recommend that you personally consult with a physiotherapist to receive a course of physiotherapeutic treatment. You can obtain additional information on the issue you are interested in in the appropriate section of our website by clicking on the following link: Obstructive bronchitis in children. Additional information You can also get it in the following section of our website:

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead healthy image life and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid heavy physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing your hands and face, clearing your respiratory tract).

  • It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, Gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, and be in nature and fresh air as often as possible. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations, treat lung diseases initial stages much simpler than in a neglected form. Avoid emotional and physical overload; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by specialists such as a therapist and a pulmonologist; you need to take radical measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and make contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immune system, spend time in the fresh air as often as possible. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural ones. natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

  • There is no need to treat a physiological cough; it goes away on its own when the cause that caused it disappears.

    However, it happens that it provokes inflammation in respiratory tract and here you can’t do without treatment. If your cough is causing problems with sleep and in the usual way life, accompanied by a sore or sore throat or chest, fever or shortness of breath, it cannot be ignored.

    In this case, you need to consult a doctor who will find out the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment. There are many cough medications, but doctors often prescribe Erespal or Sinekod. How do they work, who can take them and, most importantly, do they combine with each other?


    The main active ingredient of the drug is fenspiride hydrochloride, and licorice extract acts as an auxiliary ingredient. Initially, fenspiride was used in the treatment bronchial asthma, as a means to help relieve swelling of the mucous membrane during an attack. However, then doctors appreciated its anti-inflammatory properties and began to use it in the treatment of many other respiratory diseases.

    Today fenspiride is under commercial name Erespal exists in two dosage forms:

    • Tablets for adults and children over 14 years old, containing 80 mg active substance.
    • A syrup that contains 2 mg of fenspiride in 1 ml and can be given to babies from birth.

    Despite the fact that Erespal is rightfully considered one of the most safe drugs For the treatment of problems associated with the respiratory system, it is dispensed with a doctor's prescription. It should not be used without a prescription.

    How does it work?

    The uniqueness of Erespal lies in its pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It is not inferior in strength to that of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and glucocorticoids. But this is far from the only effect. The action of fenspiride is based on three mechanisms:

    • Blocking H1 - histamine receptors, which, when inflamed, provoke swelling of the mucous membrane and the occurrence of spasm of the respiratory tract.
    • Influence on the formation and release of specific mediators, such as cytokines, prostaglandins or leukotrienes, which cause pain, inflammation and the development of shortness of breath.
    • Blocking alpha-adrenergic receptors, which are involved in the formation of thick, viscous mucus, thereby complicating the processes of cleansing the bronchi and lungs.

    Thanks to this complex effect, Erespal not only effectively fights inflammation, but also has an antispasmodic and antitussive effect.

    Indications and contraindications

    Due to the mechanism triple action, Erespal has a slightly different list of indications. If conventional antitussives are used only in case of dry cough, and expectorants only for cough with sputum formation. Then Erespal can be prescribed:

    • For coughing, hoarseness or soreness associated with inflammation of the respiratory tract, regardless of its type and cause, including whooping cough, influenza or measles.
    • For bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
    • For inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, especially with sinusitis or sinusitis, as well as with rhinopharyngitis.

    Erespal has very few contraindications. You should not use it if you are allergic to the components included in the composition, especially to the dyes included in the syrup.

    During pregnancy, it is sometimes possible for a doctor to prescribe the drug, but only if the benefits of its use significantly outweigh the risks. But during lactation, Erespal should not be used, or during treatment the mother will need to transfer the baby to artificial nutrition.


    The drug contains citrate in butamirate and is classified as an antitussive. In other words, it does not have an expectorant effect and does not help the discharge of sputum, but, on the contrary, suppresses cough. Sinekod is available in two versions:

    • In syrup containing 1.5 mg of butamirate per 1 ml, for use in adults and children over three years of age.
    • In drops containing 5 mg per 1 ml and used in children from two months.

    Unlike Erespal, Sinekod has one pronounced effect - the ability to suppress cough due to a direct effect on the cough center located in the brain.

    How does it work?

    With a dry cough, there is no bacteria, virus or substance that irritates the receptors. The cause is the inflamed and swollen mucous membrane itself. It is to this that the cough center reacts, constantly sending signals in an attempt to remove a non-existent irritant. In the end it turns out vicious circle, in which inflammation provokes a cough, and the cough, in turn, provokes more greater development inflammation. It is this circle that Sinekod breaks.

    Butamirate blocks the passage of impulses from the cough center to the respiratory tract and thereby turns off the cough reflex. At the same time, until the effect of the drug wears off, no new irritants can provoke a cough.

    In addition to the main action, Sinekod also has the ability to expand the lumen in the bronchi. Thanks to this effect, breathing becomes easier; more oxygen enters the blood, and therefore the organs and tissues.

    Thus, Sinekod can alleviate a person’s condition when oxygen starvation, which often complicates respiratory tract diseases.

    Indications and contraindications

    There is only one indication for the use of Sinekod - a debilitating, dry cough, regardless of what caused it. It is used not only for infections, but also to suppress cough before or after operations, for whooping cough or cough that occurs in smokers.

    The main contraindication is cough with sputum. With such a symptom, the use of Sinecode is not only not justified, but can become dangerous.

    Sputum, which accumulates in the respiratory tract, for example, during bronchitis, is an almost ideal breeding ground for many bacteria. By suppressing a wet cough and thereby preventing its passage, you can cause the development of serious complications.

    It is simply impossible to determine on your own at home whether sputum has accumulated in your bronchi and lungs or not. Therefore, you should not take Sinekod without consulting a doctor.

    In addition, Sinecode cannot be used:

    • In children under two months of age.
    • In the first three months of pregnancy.
    • During lactation
    • If you are allergic to the components included in the drug, both main and auxiliary.

    In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, doctors can prescribe Sinekod, but only as a last resort.

    What's better?

    Both Sinekod and Erespal are effective cough treatments. But which one will be better? And can they be used together?

    If you look at the instructions for both drugs, then in the case of Erespal there is no data on its combination with other drugs. The same is written in the instructions for Sinecode. That is, there are no contraindications to their compatibility.

    However, you should not take them at the same time. Erespal and Sinekod help with dry cough, but their combined use can cause unwanted side effects.

    As for the answer to the question, which is better for treating dry cough, Sinecod or Erespal? The main selection criterion will be the presence or absence of inflammation of the respiratory tract. If it exists, then in this case Erespal will clearly help better and faster. Erespal is also the drug of choice when the cough is complicated by a runny nose or ear inflammation.

    It happens that these drugs are included in one treatment regimen, but they are not taken immediately, but in separate courses. Erespal combines well with drugs that have the ability to thin mucus and facilitate its removal, for example, with ACC or Fluimucil. At the same time, they also enhance each other’s effects. But it is better not to combine Sinekod with other cough medications.


    Description current as of 05/06/2014

    • Latin name: Eurespal
    • ATX code: R03DX03
    • Active ingredient: Fenspiride
    • Manufacturer: Les Laboratoires Servier (France)


    Release form

    Cough tablets are coated white, sold in packs of 30 pcs.

    The syrup is sold in 150 ml plastic bottles, this is orange clear liquid, in which sediment may form. When you shake the bottle it disappears. The bottle is placed in a cardboard box.

    The method of administration of the drug is oral.

    pharmachologic effect

    According to Wikipedia, the drug has antispasmodic, antihistamine, and anti-inflammatory effects.

    Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

    Erespal (Eurespal) prevents bronchoconstriction and slows down exudation. The anti-inflammatory effect that fenspiride has is due to inhibition of metabolism arachidonic acid. Antibronchoconstrictor effects are produced due to inhibition of the process of secretion of biologically active substances: histamine, serotonin, bradykinin. In addition, the drug blocks α-adrenergic receptors, upon stimulation of which there is an increase in the production of bronchial secretions.

    Prevents bronchospasm. If the drug is prescribed in large doses, it reduces the production of various inflammatory factors.

    The medicine is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Highest concentration active substance in blood plasma is observed approximately 2.5 hours after oral administration. The half-life is 12 hours.

    Approximately 90% of the drug is excreted through the kidneys, the remaining 10% is excreted through the intestines.

    Indications for use of Erespal

    Indications for the use of the drug are diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract of humans:

    Thus, the indications for the use of Erespal are diseases accompanied by cough and other symptoms of respiratory tract diseases. Indications for the use of syrup are the same as for the use of the drug in tablets. When prescribing a treatment complex, the doctor determines which form of the drug is preferable. What Erespal tablets are for can be found out in detail from the instructions included with the drug. It is also described in detail what the medicine helps with in the annotation for the syrup.


    Are celebrated the following contraindications to receive the drug:

    • high level of sensitivity to the active substance or other components;
    • children up to two years of age.

    The syrup is used with caution for the treatment of people who have fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption, diabetes, deficiency of sucrase or isomaltase, since the syrup contains sucrose.

    Side effects

    If Eurespal syrup or tablets cause any side effects, you should definitely consult a doctor and inform him in detail about what is happening.

    When treated with Erespal, the following side effects may occur:

    • In the functioning of the cardiovascular system: in in rare cases Tachycardia appears, which decreases with decreasing dose of the drug.
    • In the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: stomach and intestinal disorders are often observed, painful sensations in the epigastrium, nausea; Sometimes vomiting and diarrhea occur.
    • In the functioning of the central nervous system: drowsiness is rarely observed, dizziness is sometimes observed.
    • Asthenia and severe fatigue may occur.
    • Reactions skin: in rare cases, urticaria, erythema, rash are observed, and sometimes skin itching can be bothersome.
    • You may be sensitive to the dye contained in the product.

    Instructions for use of Erespal (Method and dosage)

    The drug in tablets is used only for the treatment of adult patients. During treatment, the instructions for use of tablets and syrup must be strictly followed.

    The instructions for Erespal tablets are as follows.

    The medicine should be taken before meals. per day for chronic inflammatory diseases It is recommended to take two 80 mg tablets - morning and evening. At acute course disease, the doctor may prescribe a course of treatment that involves taking three tablets - morning, afternoon and evening. The doctor can prescribe an individual plan for how to take the pills. also in individually The duration of therapy is determined.

    The instructions for Erespal cough syrup are as follows. The syrup can be taken by adults; it is also prescribed for children after the age of twelve. You can take from 3 to 6 tablespoons of the product (45–90 ml) per day. The course of treatment for children and adults lasts as many days as prescribed by the attending physician.

    The medicine in syrup form is not prescribed to children under 2 years of age.

    Erespal for children is prescribed taking into account how old the child is and how much he weighs. In this case, the dosage of the syrup is carried out so that the daily dose of cough suppressant is not exceeded. The instructions for syrup for children stipulate that the daily dose is divided into 2 or 3 doses. The syrup should be drunk before meals.

    The drug is not prescribed for children under 2 years of age. If treatment of respiratory diseases is required for children under one year of age, the doctor prescribes safe analogues for children of this age.

    Children weighing less than 10 kg are prescribed 2-4 teaspoons of the product per day (10–20 ml). Children weighing more than 10 kg are prescribed 2-4 tablespoons of the product per day (20–60 ml).

    How many days a child takes this remedy depends on the disease and the doctor’s recommendations. Reviews of the syrup indicate that an improvement in the condition is noted after 2-3 days of such treatment.


    If an overdose of the drug occurs, you should immediately contact medical assistance. After an overdose, there may be a feeling of drowsiness or agitation, sinus tachycardia, nausea and vomiting.

    In this condition, the patient undergoes gastric lavage and an ECG is constantly monitored. If necessary, life support is provided important functions body.


    The abstract indicates that a special study of the interaction of fenspiride with other medicines was not carried out. Due to the likelihood of increased sedation when taking histamine H1 receptor blockers, Erespal is not recommended to be taken together with sedatives.

    Terms of sale

    The sale of medicine is carried out according to a doctor's prescription.

    Storage conditions

    No need to comply special conditions when storing the product. Erespal must be stored at room temperature and kept away from children.

    Best before date

    The syrup can be stored for 3 years, tablets - 2 years.

    special instructions

    Often patients have a question about whether Erespal is an antibiotic or not. In fact, treatment with Erespal cannot replace antibiotic therapy. Therefore, if necessary, an additional antibiotic is prescribed.

    People with diabetes are prescribed the drug in tablets, since the syrup contains sucrose.

    Due to the presence of sunset yellow in syrup, people with intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid, as well as other NSAIDs, may develop bronchospasm.

    No studies have been conducted that would allow conclusions to be drawn about the effect of Erespal on the ability to drive vehicles and work with precision mechanisms. However, drowsiness may occur when using it, especially if the drug is combined with sedatives or with alcohol. It should be noted that such a combination may lead to a reaction disorder.

    Erespal's analogs

    IN pharmacy chains can be found similar drugs, which have the same. Analogues of Erespal syrup and tablets in terms of effects on the human body are Stoptussin, Fenspiride, Ascoril, Fluditek, Lazolvan, Ambrobene. The price of analogues can be either higher or lower. But, despite the desire to find cheaper analogues, you should ask your doctor about what you can replace 80 mg tablets or Erespal syrup with. In some cases, Erespal can be replaced with Bronchicum. It is used for bronchitis, both dry and wet cough.

    Which is better: Erespal or Sinekod?

    Sinecode is medicine, which is a direct-acting antitussive drug. Its active ingredient is butamirate. This remedy is used mainly for nonproductive cough. It is not recommended to take Erespal and Sinekod at the same time. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor.

    Which is better: Erespal or Lazolvan?

    Only a doctor should prescribe a drug for the treatment of an adult or child. Erespal more effectively reduces inflammatory processes, and Lazolvan promotes the liquefaction and removal of sputum. That is, Lazolvan is used for wet cough. Often patients are also interested in whether it is possible to take Erespal and Lazolvan at the same time. The compatibility of these drugs is acceptable. However, only a doctor can prescribe Lazolvan and Erespal together, since compliance with a special regimen for taking these drugs is required.

    Which is better: Erespal or Ambrobene?

    Patients also wonder whether Erespal and Ambrobene can be used together during treatment. The active ingredient of the drug Ambrobene, like Lazolvan, is Ambroxol hydrochloride. Therefore, the answer to the question of what to prefer, Erespal or Ambrobene, is similar.

    Which is better: Prospan or Erespal?

    Prospan is a drug with a mucolytic effect, the basis of which is a dry extract of ivy leaves. However, only a doctor can determine which drug should be used for a cough, runny nose, etc.

    Which is better: Erespal or Askoril?

    The drug Ascoril contains three active substances - salbutamol, bromhexine, guaifenesin. It acts on the body as a bronchodilator and mucolytic. Erespal and Ascoril are prescribed at the same time, only by a doctor according to indications. The patient also cannot independently answer which is better - Erespal or Ascolril, since the diagnosis and individual characteristics patient.

    People very often have questions about combining Erespal with other cough medicines. For example, can Erespal and Fluditec be taken together? Is cough treatment carried out in such a way that Erespal and ACC can be used together in one treatment regimen? Despite the fact that there are no strict instructions on the incompatibility of these drugs, you cannot combine any cough suppressants on your own, without consulting a doctor.

    Thus, before answering which cough to take this or that drug, you need to carefully study the instructions and consult with your doctor. For which cough a particular syrup or tablet is prescribed and drunk depends on its active substance and effect on the body.

    For children

    Erespal in the form of syrup is prescribed only to children who are already two years old. The medicine is not used for infants. A baby who has developed respiratory tract infections is prescribed other medications.

    With alcohol

    During pregnancy and lactation

    There are no or limited data on the use of fenspiride hydrochloride during pregnancy. But if pregnancy is detected during treatment with Erespal, there is no need to terminate it.

    There is no data regarding whether fenspiride penetrates into breast milk. Therefore, it is recommended not to take this remedy while breastfeeding. Infectious diseases of the respiratory tract should be treated with other means, for which the woman needs to see a doctor.

    Reviews about Erespal

    Reviews of Erespal tablets and syrup are both positive and negative. Positive reviews mainly left by those who took the drug or gave it to children after a doctor’s prescription. It is noted, in particular, fast action remedies, reducing the manifestations of the disease - cough, shortness of breath, improvement general well-being sick. Reviews from doctors about Erespal syrup are also mostly positive.

    However, on different resources there are also negative opinions about the drug. Patients report some side effects- weakness, insomnia, tachycardia, nausea, etc. Often negative opinions are left by those who started treatment with the drug on their own, without determining what cough this medicine is used for, whether it can be taken for a dry cough, how to take it - before or after meals. It should be borne in mind that Erespal is a potent medicine, so it should not be used based only on the statement of forum members that the drug was recommended by Dr. Komarovsky or another expert.

    Erespal price, where to buy

    The price of Erespal cough syrup 150 ml averages rubles. The price of Erespal in tablets is approximately rubles. for 30 tablets of 80 mg. The cost of tablets in Donetsk and other regions is approximately UAH. for 30 tablets.

    How much Erespal tablets or syrup cost in cities such as Odessa, Kharkov can be found out exactly at specific points of sale.

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    Pharmacy IFC




    Education: Graduated from Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from Vinnytsia State medical University them. M.I. Pirogov and internship at his base.

    Work experience: From 2003 to 2013 – worked as a pharmacist and manager pharmacy kiosk. She was awarded diplomas and decorations for many years of conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.

    A normal working drug if taken according to the regimen and indications. Anyone who complains about palpitations is apparently not familiar with bronchospasm. Other drugs like ascoril and theophylline make your heart jump out of your skin. However, bronchial obstruction is no big deal; you want to breathe, or you can endure it.

    After taking Erespal, I thought my heart would just jump out of my chest, a terrible tachycardia that just threw me up. beds, about sleep there was no talk anymore((((

    The doctor prescribed Erespal, on the third day of treatment the heart began to “jump out” at 120 beats per minute, weakness, but the blood pressure did not decrease, so she stopped taking it. Heart beats improved.

    I don’t recommend taking it, it affects cardiovascular system, although I had no problems with it before. The doctor prescribed the drug and I took it for 5 days. I thought I was weak after an acute respiratory viral infection, but I have never had such weakness in my life, I walk like I’m drunk - dizziness, coordination is impaired, insomnia, blood pressure dropped to 104/67, pulse 70, I almost fainted several times a day today .


    erespal (finsperide hydrochloride). The chemical formula C17H19NO3 is produced by the French on the basis of opium (morphine, papaverine) C15H20N2O2, compare with the formula of phenobarbital (composed of andipal, valocardine) C12H12N2O3. Erespal is a narcotic. It acts like codeine and papaverine hydrochloride. It has been researched for 30 years. It was recommended for use in Russia, Poland, Moldova, Romania. Stupid doctors generally understand little about physics and chemistry. This is their problem. The drug was studied on rats, horses, and volunteers from Great Britain, France, and Italy. The effect of it, like a drug, is stupidly relaxing with depression of the central nervous system, which leads to relaxation of the muscles and blood vessels of the bronchi. That's all. That's the whole stupid therapeutic effect. Learn chemistry and physics. Check medications on the Internet. It is necessary to relieve pressure and cardiac arrhythmia immediately

    Konstantin: What I liked about the drug Prostanorm: reasonable price, pronounced effect of taking it.

    Valentina: I, too, am all about diet and exercise. I hoped for loads, I thought that my healthy lifestyle.

    Nina: I was on pills for a year and a half, then somehow everything calmed down. Mostly climate fit.

    Elena: With the onset of menopause, the skin completely deteriorated and became dry. I saw a cream in an advertisement.

    All materials presented on the site are for reference and informational purposes only and cannot be considered a treatment method prescribed by a doctor or sufficient advice.

    Compatibility of Sinecode and Erespal

    On this moment There are many drugs that help in the fight against a painful cough that interferes with life. Sometimes, to speed up recovery, the doctor may prescribe several drugs at once, and then the question arises about their compatibility. Readers of this article will have to find out whether Erespal and Sinekod can be given together.

    But before you know about the compatibility of these two effective means, you need to find out which pharmacological group they belong to and what effect they have on the body.


    Erespal is a drug from the group of anti-inflammatory and antibronchoconstrictor drugs. Therapeutic effect carried out due to fenspiride hydrochloride.

    Erespal is available in the form of syrup, which is used to treat children. There is also a tablet form that is intended for the treatment of adults.

    The drug helps relieve inflammation and prevent bronchospasms. This drug is often combined with antibiotics. But is there compatibility between Sinecode and Erespal?

    The instructions indicate that special research on the compatibility of Erespal with other pharmacological groups was not carried out. But when used with sedatives, their effect may be enhanced. For the same reason, it is prohibited to take Erespal with alcoholic beverages.

    Indications and mechanism of action

    Erespal's indications include respiratory diseases that are accompanied by inflammation and cough:

    • Bronchitis;
    • Tracheitis;
    • Laryngitis and others;
    • Bronchial asthma as part of complex treatment.

    The drug also helps eliminate cough without affecting cough centers and other respiratory manifestations for diseases such as whooping cough and influenza. The drug prevents swelling of the bronchi, is an antagonist of substances that provoke allergic manifestations and inflammation. In addition, Erespal is able to relax muscles and blood vessels, thereby expanding the bronchi and preventing bronchospasms.

    Thanks to all these actions, the frequency of coughing is reduced and shortness of breath is eliminated. The drug helps in the fight against both dry and wet cough. Therefore, it is used without fear together with mucolytics and expectorants because, despite the elimination of cough, it does not impede the discharge of sputum.

    Contraindications for Erespal include allergies to the components of the drug, as well as children under 2 years of age (in some cases, the drug may be prescribed earlier).

    The following undesirable symptoms may occur while taking the drug:

    • Weakness and apathy;
    • Dizziness;
    • Increased heart rate;
    • Allergy;
    • Epigastric pain, stool disturbance;
    • Nausea, sometimes vomiting.

    These symptoms are a reason to visit a specialist who will adjust the dosage or replace the drug with an analogue.


    To find out whether Erespal and Sinecod can be taken at the same time, you need to find out the pharmacological identity of the second drug.

    Sinekod is an antitussive drug central action. The active substance is butamirate. The drug is released in the form of a syrup, where 1 ml of the drug contains 1.5 mg of the active substance. In addition to syrup, Sinekod is available in the form of drops for internal use, where per 1 ml there are 5 mg of butamirate.

    The drug has the following types effects on the body:

    • Antitussive - this action occurs through a direct effect on the cough center;
    • Moderate bronchodilator effect - relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi, thereby improving airway patency;
    • Has a slight anti-inflammatory effect.

    The main indications of the drug include dry cough with various diseases. Sinekod is also prescribed to eliminate cough before or after operations and bronchoscopy. Therefore, if a person is tormented by a dry cough, then the doctor, if the drug based on fenspiride is ineffective, can replace Erespal with Sinekod.

    Interaction with other drugs

    IN official instructions about drug interactions no information. It can be said that Sinekod, unlike Erespal, is not recommended for use for productive cough, as well as in combination with mucolytic and expectorant drugs. This is due to the fact that Sinekod affects the cough centers.

    As a result, sputum discharge will be difficult, and the disease may become complicated. This is due to the fact that sputum is a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, and if it is not allowed to pass away along with a cough, a more serious illness may occur.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Contraindications for the syrup include children under 3 years of age, and the drops are prohibited for babies under 2 months of age. It is also contraindicated to take Sinekod if you have an individual intolerance to any of the components included in its composition.

    Side effects of Sinecode include:

    If these side effects occur, you should consult your doctor to adjust the dosage or replace Sinecod.

    Comparison of drugs

    Only a doctor can determine which drug is better, based on the type of disease and the age of the patient. The effects on the human body when using these drugs are similar. Both drugs prevent the development of spasms and eliminate dry coughs, but the mechanism of action is completely different. Therefore, Erespal can be considered as a conditional analogue of Sinecode.

    In cases where the disease is accompanied severe inflammation with a wet cough, then Erespal will be the best. A drug based on fenspiride should also be chosen when, in addition to cough, there is sinusitis or otitis media. But it should be remembered that Erespal, unlike Sinecod, has a more extensive list of side effects and is not recommended for children under 2 years of age.

    In cases where a non-productive cough is tormented, for example, with whooping cough, the doctor will most likely prescribe Sinekod.

    In other words, Eerspal treats the cause of the disease, and Sinekod only eliminates such a symptom of the disease as a dry cough.

    Simultaneous use

    Since Sinekod acts more as an antitussive, and Erespal is anti-inflammatory, the doctor certain diseases can include them in one treatment regimen. Moreover, they are not drunk at the same time, but in courses. For example, after taking Erespal, they are prescribed to drink Sinekod. Taking medications at the same time is not recommended due to the increased risk of possible side effects.

    From all of the above, we can conclude that Sinekod and Erespal are two completely different medicines. Sinekod can be used only for non-productive coughs, and it is strictly prohibited to use it for sputum discharge. But Erespal is effective when various types cough. In addition, it relieves inflammation, which is why Erespal’s list of indications is much wider. In any case, taking any of these drugs on your own is strictly prohibited. After all, only a doctor can decide on an individual basis which drug is better and how to take it correctly.

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    If a drug such as Erespal is prescribed, the instructions for use indicate that it is effective for the treatment of organ diseases respiratory system(including the upper and lower respiratory tract) – Erespal (or its analog Sinekod) is effective for laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis.

    It is also advisable to take this medication for sinusitis and inflamed adenoids. It helps eliminate hoarseness, sore throat, and various infectious processes in the respiratory tract in children and adults. Only Erespal during pregnancy, breastfeeding and for children should not be taken in tablets, but drink syrup.

    The treatment agent has an active anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the formation excess phlegm. The course of treatment with Erespal (or Sinekod) is prescribed only by a doctor, as is the dosage and release form..jpg" alt="kashel" width="582" height="388" srcset="" data-srcset="//lechenienasmorka.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/kashel..jpg 300w" sizes="(max-width: 582px) 100vw, 582px">!}

    The key active element of the drug for adults and children is fenspiride.

    This component helps cope with inflammation; it also takes part in metabolism by blocking histamine receptors.

    This necessitates the appointment of Erespal for coughs not only of cold or viral origin, but also for the treatment of coughs of allergic origin. Also active ingredient is an antispasmodic in its action.

    One tablet, which is coated with a protective coating, contains 80 milligrams of the active substance fenspiride hydrochloride. Additional components that the tablets also contain are:

    • calcium phosphate;
    • hypromellose;
    • povidone;
    • one of the varieties of silicon;
    • magnesium stearate;
    • titanium dioxide;
    • glycerol;
    • macrogoal

    Erespal syrup (Sinekod) contains slightly different substances. Syrup, 1 ml, contains 2 milligrams of fenspiride hydrochloride. Among the auxiliary elements are:

    • honey flavoring, identical to natural;
    • licorice root extract;
    • vanillin extract;
    • glycerol;
    • dyes and other substances.

    What problems does syrup help with?

    Erespal syrup or tablets (Sinekod) are prescribed to adults and children (the latter depending on the form of release) for various ailments organs of the respiratory system, as in acute form, and in chronic. Such ailments include:

    • bronchial asthma;
    • also medicine in tablets or other form is prescribed for bronchitis (even if it is accompanied by obstructive phenomena);
    • diseases of the mucous membrane and cavity of the nasopharynx, middle ear - with sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis, rhinitis, nasopharyngitis;
    • to reduce the symptoms of acute respiratory disease, in particular, syrup or tablets are prescribed for dry or wet cough, whooping cough and measles;
    • to eliminate the symptoms of rhinitis of allergic etiology.

    Also, Erespal syrup or tablets (analogous to Sinekod) help as an auxiliary medicine in the systemic therapy of bronchial asthma, with manifestations of respiratory disease - cough, hoarseness, tickling, measles, whooping cough and influenza.

    Also, Erespal syrup or tablets (Sinekod) help better with various ailments infectious routes that accompany cough (except for this drug, standard therapy is prescribed with antibacterial agents), with otitis and sinusitis of different origins.

    Syrup or tablets Erespal (Sinekod) helps to treat the following ailments of the respiratory system:

    • for laryngitis (in this case, additional drugs for treatment and inhalation will be required);
    • for tracheitis (for this disease you will also need to take additional medications, use solutions for inhalation, since Erespal is not suitable for inhalation);
    • in dry and wet, chest cough– for bronchitis or tracheitis, for tracheobronchitis;
    • medicine for bronchitis is used as a treatment normal cough, and for the treatment of cough against the background respiratory failure in chronic form;
    • for the treatment of bronchial asthma, including complicated pathogenesis;
    • the medicine should be taken in tablets or syrup as aid For complex therapy for laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, nasopharyngitis, sore throat.

    Also, medicine in tablets or other form of release should be taken to treat diseases of the respiratory system that are accompanied by infectious processes or purulent complications(for sore throat, bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, sinusitis, sinusitis). The course and method of treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor, since only a specialist can make a diagnosis and determine which better way should apply. In addition to medications in tablets, additional use of inhalations and warming procedures may be required.

    Also, the drug may have contraindications and side effects, this is also taken into account by the doctor when prescribing the medication.

    The dosage is prescribed depending on age, and the method of application and course depend on the patient’s condition and the severity of the disease. Alcohol should not be taken during therapy with Erespal in syrup or tablets. The medicine is not used for inhalation.

    How to take syrup: method and dosage

    Adults need to take the drug in tablets one dose three times a day, or drink 5 tablespoons of the drug in syrup form. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe an increase daily dose the drug Erespal (Sinekod) for the treatment of tracheitis, laryngitis, sore throat, bronchitis.

    After prescribing a medicine for a sore throat, it must be taken strictly according to the indicated dosage (so that an overdose does not occur or side effects occur due to improper administration). This drug not used for inhalation.

    In childhood, the drug Erespal (Sinekod) in tablets should not be taken; the doctor does not prescribe tablets (only if the syrup is not suitable in its composition, its Excipients cause allergic reactions). But if you need to prescribe this particular medicine in tablets, it should be taken only according to a clearly indicated course of treatment and with strict observance dosage. You also need to be careful when purchasing medicine, since counterfeit medicine will not only bring no benefit, but counterfeit medicine can be harmful to your health.

    Children need to drink syrup, depending on the child’s body weight. This is how it is calculated general dosage. For example, if the baby weighs up to 10 kilograms, this is up to a year old, you will need to drink no more than two teaspoons of medicine, morning and evening. For babies over a year old, the mass of which is more than 10 kilograms, you should drink no more than two tablespoons in the morning and evening (the medicine should be taken for tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis and other diseases only after a doctor’s prescription). For babies under two years of age, you can add the syrup directly to the bottle with formula or milk, so the child can drink the medicine without any problems. For inhalation, the medicine is not used for either adults or children.

    The drug in any form of release should be taken before meals. Before drinking the syrup, shake the bottle of liquid well.

    It is not recommended to take the medicine yourself or give it to a child, as there may be some contraindications or side effects. Therefore, you should drink it only after a prescription from a specialist.

    You also need to remember that you should not drink alcohol after taking the medicine. How many days to take the medicine and what to use it for is determined only by the doctor. But the instructions say about how many days to take the medicine that the general course is up to 20 days, after which it is better to consult with a specialist about the advisability of further use of the medicine. The drug is not used for inhalation.

    Side effects from taking the drug

    After using the drug, it is better not to drink alcohol, as stated in the instructions for use. After taking the medicine Erespal, more specific reactions are possible various organs and body systems on the effects of active substances. Gastrointestinal tract may react with the following symptoms:

    • nausea;
    • vomiting;
    • feeling of discomfort in the stomach.

    The body may also react with the following symptoms:

    • allergic reaction;
    • the appearance of rashes on the skin;
    • Quincke's edema is a serious and dangerous reaction.

    Such reactions may occur more often after taking the syrup, since it contains hydroxybenzoate. Other side effects include increased drowsiness, moderate tachycardia and cardiac arrhythmia.

    If the latter occur after taking the drug, it is recommended to reduce the dosage or visit a doctor.

    Main contraindications

    There are certain contraindications to taking the medication. Among them are the following:

    • the tablet form is not prescribed to children under 18 years of age;
    • in syrup form, the drug is not prescribed to children under two years of age;
    • increased sensitivity of the body to any active substances of the drug.

    How to use the medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

    Since there are no sufficient laboratory research drug during pregnancy, doctors rarely prescribe this medication during pregnancy.

    During breastfeeding taking Erespal requires discontinuation breastfeeding for several days, for the period of therapy.

    This is necessary in order to protect the baby from the active substance entering breast milk. The product is not used for inhalation for tracheitis.

    Features of use and overdose

    To date, the combination of Erespal with other medications. It must be remembered that the use of this medicine is not a complete replacement for antibacterial agents. For those patients with a history of diabetes mellitus, syrup is not prescribed, since it contains sucrose. Erespal should not be taken in combination with alcohol.

    If an overdose occurs, the following symptoms are observed:

    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • nervous overexcitation;
    • tachycardia;
    • drowsiness.

    In case of overdose, the use of special antidotes is not required. If too much medication is taken, a measure such as gastric lavage is recommended. When appointing such dosage form release as syrup, it should be remembered that it contains sunset yellow, which can provoke the appearance of bronchospasm in those patients who cannot tolerate acetylsalicylic acid and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The medication is available by prescription. How long should Sinekod syrup be stored? 36 months, tablets – 24 months.

    Can I share my experience with you? We practically do not take medications, we are treated quickly (I am writing anonymously, I am always afraid of jinxing things). First Fresh air, ventilate the room all the time while the baby is not in the room, I change it every two days bed sheets. Now that you no longer have a fever, you can use mustard plasters and steam your feet, it helps better than any medicine, there is one thing, first carefully check for allergies (you can steam your feet for the first time in a small amount of mustard and watch the child). One day mustard plasters, the next - soar your feet, and then for about 15 minutes each, read the instructions for mustard plasters on how to place them correctly and on a cloth so as not to burn your child. Mustard really helps to clear your throat. If you have a child who “chokes”, especially at night, then this is most likely wet cough, and not dry, then you can’t drink sinecode at all. A large number of liquids. I have accustomed mine to all berries, so I drink water with viburnum, sea buckthorn, currants (not jam, grated with sugar or honey), and brew rose hips. If you take medicine to clear phlegm, take it right away big amount liquids (we drink ambrobene syrup, proven by generations effective medicine, but I don’t insist, it’s just that out of all the ones we’ve tried, this one helps us). Even in the evening before going to bed, I put on an aroma lamp with healthy oils for illnesses (again, if you don’t have allergies). For the first few days of illness, do not go outside, even if there is no fever, then, when you feel a little better, you should slowly start walking. Dietary nutrition.
    My baby always vomits when I have an acute respiratory infection, most likely because of phlegm (he can’t cough up, my adult aunt can also vomit if the mucus is thick and a lot). There is a lot of information about protorgol on the Internet, read it. We didn't risk it at all Mirastim - very strong medicine, do not overdo it. Rinsing our nose increases the duration of a runny nose by a week! We can instill vasoconstrictors if it sucks, but no more than three days. This is enough to get through the most difficult period.
    More about medications. Once two local police officers came to us, one in the evening, the other the next morning (they had some kind of problem there, we don’t call them at all, they sent an ambulance, I couldn’t bring down the temperature, so I called, earlier child I had a terrible temperature, up to 40+, but I learned to deal with that too). So, one prescribed antibiotics, the other prescribed antiviral drugs, needless to say, we didn’t drink either (the child was practically healthy after four or five days), she even wanted to write a statement to the manager, but quickly gave up.
    Only call the aunt from the clinic if you are worried about a cough, so that she can listen to you on the topic of bronchitis/pneumonia; as practice has shown, very few people can hear anything.