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Symptoms before menstruation in women. PMS during puberty. Increased amount of saliva

Every girl worries once a month discomfort related to menstruation. It is important to remember that premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and painful sensations during menstruation - a priori.

During menstruation, a large number of changes occur that most representatives of the fair sex do not notice. The exception is bleeding from the vagina for 4-6 days. It is worth paying attention to the fact that about half of women experience pain and discomfort during menstruation.

About one in ten women who suffer from discomfort during their periods suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Diet during menstruation will help relieve the unpleasant symptoms that accompany this period.

Unpleasant syndromes before and during menstruation? Need to lose weight

In Western countries overweight women more than men, and it's not hard to see why. Although men have their problems, sometimes it seems that female characteristics, such as menstruation, make the path to slimness very difficult.

From adolescence to late middle age, women are forced to endure physiological fluctuations monthly cycle associated with the presence of menstruation, most experience pregnancy and lactation and all go through menopause. All of these events can affect a woman's ability to maintain a stable weight. Hormonal changes, especially during menstruation, affect mood, and this, in turn, causes problems with nutrition.

It is also true that in most families the woman creates the menu, buys groceries, and prepares the food. So the relationship with food is more complex for women—perhaps by necessity—than for men. Today we will try to answer some of your questions that most often interest women. Even if for one reason or another you dialed several extra pounds- don’t despair - everything is in your hands. Please read the material to the end and if you do not find the answer to the question you are interested in, ask our specialist nutritionist and we will be happy to answer it.
No matter how hard I try to lose weight, every time before my period I gain almost 2 kg. How to avoid this?

This pre-period weight gain is based on fluid, not fat. Fluid accumulates before menstruation as a result of changes in the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. You may notice that in the days leading up to your period, before your period starts, you don't go to the toilet as often as usual. Some of this pre-period weight gain may also be due to constipation - a common problem - during this period, which occurs because hormones relax the colon muscles and the colon is not cleansed as efficiently. You may also have a bloated belly due to excess gas in your intestines, again hormonal culprits.

When the cycle, menstruation, ends, the fluid is excreted in the urine, constipation and gas disappear and, I hope, everything returns to normal, including weight. But these fluctuations are insignificant.

However, if you eat more than your body needs for nutrition in the days leading up to your period, you may gain weight over time.

Women trying to lose weight should not weigh themselves in the week before their period, as gaining weight can ruin your mood, even if you know it's not fat.

The ideal solution is to step on the scale no more than once a month, say on the last day of your cycle.

Then you will get the right idea about progress towards your cherished weight loss goal.

Before my period, and sometimes at other times, I really crave sweets, especially chocolate. Why does this happen and what can be done about it?

The reason that many women crave sweets before the start of their cycle is a lack of the hormone estrogen in the blood. Estrogen is a female “stimulant” hormone that promotes the production of serotonin, norepinephrine and endorphins (natural pain relievers and stimulants). Have a good mood). The maximum amount of estrogen in the body occurs during ovulation (in the middle of the cycle), and it is at this time that women are often happy and feel good.

After ovulation, estrogen levels quickly decrease and by the time menstruation begins, they are at a minimum level, which is why many women suffer from premenstrual syndrome. This can cause cravings for sweet foods - perhaps the body's way of replacing substances like serotonin to make you feel better.

This is one explanation, but there may be others, and the reasons are often different for different women. The production of insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar, can also be affected by fluctuations in female sex hormones, further adding to the chaos.

Only one thing is certain - once you give in to this craving for sweets, it will be very difficult to control or stop it!

This is because blood sugar levels can fluctuate. We, together with gynecologists, for PMS (premenstrual syndrome) recommend eating little and often, taking foods with low glycemic index and plenty of fiber about a week before the start of the cycle, and this good way control cravings for sweets at such times. Here are examples of some snacks: an apple and dark rye crispbread, a glass of natural bio-yogurt and some dried apricots, a pear and a few spoons of baked beans. The advantage of such snacks is that they contain natural sugar - fructose. Never allow yourself to get hungry during this period of time.

During menstruation, I crave carbohydrates, in particular bread. Why?

During the premenstrual period, some women crave very sweet foods, others prefer very large "doses" of bread, potatoes or other starchy carbohydrates, and some eat both.

Read the previous question. In addition, fluctuations in progesterone levels may also play a role.

After ovulation, progesterone levels rise for several days until the body is sure that there is no pregnancy, then the level of this hormone decreases rapidly, before the start of the cycle, the levels of both progesterone and estrogen are at their lowest.

Progesterone is a “calming” hormone, as opposed to a “stimulating” estrogen, and before your cycle begins, your body signals to your brain that it needs an alternative source of “calming.”

Starch gives this effect best of all products.

Your doctor may recommend therapy to help ease premenstrual hormonal shocks and food cravings.

In the premenstrual phase, try to avoid alcohol and coffee, as they increase all symptoms, and also consume carbohydrates only from “whole” foods (grains, beans and root vegetables), and not from refined ones.

A few days before my period, I feel hungrier and eat more. Is the cause and treatment known?

Answering the previous two questions will help you understand why you may crave carbohydrate-containing foods. However, many women, regardless of this, feel more hungry before the start of their cycle and eat large portions of regular meals, and then worry that this may cause weight gain, or stop weight loss if they are trying to lose weight.

For this there is physiological reasons- metabolism in women accelerates after ovulation and before menstruation. This means you are burning more calories and your body is telling you that you need more energy to meet this extra energy requirement. You can tell that your metabolism is speeding up because you will feel warmer more after ovulation (i.e., getting dressed more easily or turning down the heater). On average, energy expenditure increases by 250 calories per day, but many women may experience more.

So don't feel bad about yourself if you find yourself eating more before your period. Keeping yourself in check won't interfere with your diet or make you fatter, so there's no need for a "cure."

Follow the advice given in the answers to the previous few questions about what and when to eat.

Before the start of my period, I often feel depressed, and because of this I feel the urge to eat something delicious. What can be done about this?

Healthy diet(all the time, not just in the days leading up to your period) will help you with PMS, including depression. This diet includes a lot complex carbohydrates, foods rich in vitamin B complex such as unrefined grains, lean meats, fish, nuts, seeds, lentils and vegetables. In particular, vitamin B6 helps relieve PMS, and in large quantities in fish, poultry, fortified breakfast grains and nuts. There is some evidence that a diet rich in essential fatty acids (vegetable oils, fatty fish) and magnesium (present in many of the products already listed) helps reduce the symptoms of PMS, including depression.

The diet also helps regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the physical need for “tasty foods.” It may not hurt you in other ways - for example, taking birth control pills can relieve PMS and depression, as they change hormonal balance.

Before every period I swell due to fluid retention and it makes me feel fat and miserable. What to do about it?

And again, all this happens because female hormones. Estrogen promotes salt retention in the body, which in turn means water retention. (At any point in the month, if you eat a lot of salt, your body retains more water because it is literally trying to dissolve the excess salt to maintain balance). A deficiency of B6 and/or magnesium, which are important for maintaining fluid balance, can cause premenstrual fluid retention.

The truth is that we still don't know exactly what causes premenstrual fluid retention in women. The liquid is probably most noticeable in mammary glands and abdominal cavity and causes not only swelling and weight gain, but also pain, especially in the breasts (although not all premenstrual breast pain is caused by fluid retention).

You can reduce fluid retention with a diet containing reduced content salt, and avoiding foods containing refined starches and sugars, such as cakes and cookies, which also contribute to fluid retention (blotter syndrome). It would be wise to avoid all salty, sweet, refined foods and drinks anyway, as they are not rich in nutrients and, as we learned from the previous questions, such snacks can only increase your premenstrual suffering. High level insulin stimulated by sugar can cause the body to retain sodium, creating a vicious cycle.

But a diet rich in potassium will help remove fluid from the body. Most fruits and vegetables contain large amounts of potassium.

Foods rich in vitamin B6, magnesium, calcium, vitamin E and essential fatty acids should also help. In addition, you should drink plenty of water, as this will dissolve the salt - paradoxically, water will not increase fluid retention. Although coffee is a diuretic, it is wise to avoid it during this period of the month as it can aggravate symptoms of PMS, especially chest pain.

And finally, do not forget that within a day or two after the start of the cycle, the fluid level in your body will return to normal. Eating a healthy diet for one month will help relieve symptoms the next.

Premenstrual syndrome: causes. How to prevent and treat the disease using different methods?

PMS or premenstrual syndrome is an emotional and physiological “explosion” that brings the female body into conflict with itself and the world around it. How to avoid or minimize psychological and physical disruptions before your period approaches?

What is PMS in girls and women: explanation

The abbreviation PMS has recently appeared in the vocabulary of gynecologists, in the texts of popular articles about women’s health, and in everyday communication. Premenstrual syndrome or PMS characterizes changes in the psychological and physiological state of women and girls before the approach of their next period.

Unusual emotional manifestations of behavior, irritability, conflict situations that arise out of the blue, headaches, “tears” for no reason, increased fatigue and much more can be expected by the female sex before the start of the monthly physiological phenomenon - menstruation.

IMPORTANT: According to statistics, 90% of women around the world suffer from premenstrual syndrome in one form or another. Doctors have discovered 150 symptoms and signs of an illness such as PMS.

How many days before your period does PMS start?

A deterioration in psycho-emotional and physical well-being is observed in females approximately 2-10 days before the onset of menstruation. For all women, this period is individual due to physiological characteristics, different temperaments, living conditions, health and other factors.

Emotional disruption during PMS

Symptoms and signs of premenstrual syndrome

There are many symptoms and signs associated with PMS. Let's list the most important ones.

Psychological symptoms of PMS

  • Increased emotionality
  • Excessive irritability and mood swings
  • Excessive manifestation of conflict situations
  • Inability to control one's own behavior
  • Tearfulness
  • Anxious state
  • Premature fears
  • Difficulties in correct wording thoughts
  • Slow reaction

Low-grade fever with PMS

Physical signs of PMS

  • Headache
  • Pain and swelling of the mammary glands
  • Increased fatigue
  • Swelling of the face, legs, hands
  • The appearance of rashes on the face in the form of pimples and acne
  • Low-grade fever
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Nausea
  • Lack of appetite or increased interest in food
  • Intolerance to certain odors

Symptoms and signs of PMS, video

Headache, swelling during PMS

  • Headache or, in medical terms, cephalgia is one of the most significant manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. Headaches are usually accompanied by nausea, dizziness, lack of sleep, and rapid heartbeat. Many women have cephalgia during PMS time accompanied by a depressed mood, tearfulness, decreased reaction to what is happening
  • Swelling before menstruation is a common occurrence. Swelling is caused by fluid retention in the tissues. Most often the limbs and face swell. Swelling and pain of the mammary glands before menstruation cause concern to many women. During this period, accumulation of fluid in the body is possible, exceeding the volume of 500-700 ml

Estrogens are female sex hormones

Causes of premenstrual syndrome

In the 30s of the twentieth century female doctor Robert Frank defined the physiological ailment inherent in the female sex before the onset of cyclic menstrual bleeding as “premenstrual tension.” The scientist named the main cause of the malaise as a hormonal imbalance in the female body before the onset of menstruation.

Scientists are still trying to unravel the causes of premenstrual illness. Why do ladies who are quite balanced in everyday life suddenly turn into nervous vixens and grumpy furies?

Currently, there are several theories about the occurrence of PMS, but none of them can completely explain the causes of the disorder. women's health before menstruation.

Severe PMS symptoms should see a doctor

Hormonal imbalance theory

On certain days of the monthly cycle (usually the last 14 days menstrual period) a woman experiences a hormonal imbalance between female sex hormones: estrogen and progesterone.

Failure of hormonal levels leads to psycho-emotional disorders, problems in the functioning of the vegetative-vascular system, and metabolic and endocrine disorders.

Increased estrogen levels contribute to the retention of sodium and water ions in cells. As a result, swelling, pain and swelling of the mammary glands appear, as well as disruptions in the cardiovascular and excretory systems.

Nervousness, “wet” eyes, lethargy - all this is caused by hormonal imbalances.

The theory of "water intoxication"

According to this theory, the manifestations of physical and psychological ailments are associated with disorders water-salt balance in the female body. Fluid retention, swelling, increased sensitivity to certain odors, itchy skin- the result of neuroendocrine disorders in the body.

The accumulation of water before menstruation often causes an increase in a woman’s body weight by 3-5 kg. With the onset of menstruation, “water” kilograms disappear on their own.

Increased aggression during PMS

Theory of disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system

This concept of the occurrence of PMS is considered the most modern. It turns out that disruptions in mood and physical condition women before menstruation may be caused by functional disorders of the central nervous system.

Moreover, the older the woman, the more pronounced her symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are. Young women on the eve of menstruation have a pronounced tendency to depression, and teenage girls and young girls are aggressive, irritable and inconsistent in their behavior.

Scientists have studied risk factors that are directly related to the occurrence of PMS in women. Let's list the most current reasons associated with this pathology.

  • Generally, Caucasian women are more prone to PMS.
  • Mainly engaged in mental work and living in large cities
  • Frequent pregnancies or their absence, abortions and miscarriages
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system
  • Gynecological surgical interventions
  • Long-term candidiasis of the genital organs
  • Prolonged depression and stress
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Infectious diseases
  • Side effects of contraceptives
  • Malnutrition
  • Physical inactivity

Pregnancy or PMS?

How to distinguish premenstrual syndrome from pregnancy?

The signs of pregnancy and premenstrual syndrome are very similar. This includes a change in taste preferences, a change in mood, bad feeling, nausea, and many more coincidences.

Let's try to figure it out and find out some of the nuances by which you can understand: has pregnancy occurred or is this the threshold of the next period with PMS symptoms?

  • Lack of menstruation indicates the beginning of pregnancy, but may also indicate a delay in the menstrual cycle for some reason
  • Change in taste preferences: with PMS, you crave sweet or salty foods; when you become pregnant, you want something inedible, and you become interested in unusual smells. Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, sauerkraut- the first signs of a “pregnant” state
  • Increased fatigue characteristic of both conditions: with PMS 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation, during pregnancy - from 4-5 weeks from conception
  • Mood swings. Emotional swings in mood, tearfulness, and a tendency to conflict are characteristic of PMS and during pregnancy
  • Swelling and pain in the mammary glands observed throughout pregnancy, but disappear after menstruation
  • Pain in the abdomen and back individual for each woman. Minor ones can manifest themselves both during PMS and during pregnancy, especially in the later stages
  • Toxicosis with nausea and vomiting typical for early pregnancy
  • Urge to urinate frequently occur during pregnancy due to pressure from the enlarged uterus on the bladder
  • Blood discharge may be present in the second week of pregnancy in the form of small spotting, reminiscent of the end of menstruation

Symptoms of pregnancy and PMS are similar

Diagnosing pregnancy in the early stages is difficult, and the symptoms are very similar to those of premenstrual syndrome.

IMPORTANT: A delay in menstruation and rapid testing to detect pregnancy with a positive result give reason to contact an antenatal clinic.

Signs of PMS, video

First signs of pregnancy, video

Diagnosis of premenstrual syndrome

PMS can be regarded as a disease if:

  • “painful” changes occur in your normal lifestyle
  • fragmentation and conflict situations appear in relationships with people around you: at work, at home, on the street
  • quality of life is lost
  • decreased performance and increased fatigue appear

Yoga will help with PMS

How to relieve premenstrual syndrome?

Many women perceive the approach of their monthly cycle differently. For some, this is a normal physiological process. For others, it is a difficult ordeal with physical pain and emotional changes that can be eliminated by resorting to medications and traditional medicine.

We offer some simple tips to improve a woman’s quality of life during PMS.

  1. Periodically occurring illnesses associated with PMS should be recorded in a calendar diary. These records will help the doctor prescribe the correct treatment and understand how serious the situation is.
  2. The diet should be adjusted. Remove spicy, salty and canned foods, causing delay fluids in the body. Reduce the amount of sweets, coffee, strong tea and alcoholic drinks. Uncontrolled consumption of these products increases agitation, irritability, and mood swings.
  3. Before you should limit your consumption of fats, meat, and baked goods. But you should “lean” on natural juices, herbal teas, vegetables and fruits containing sufficient fiber
  4. Drink about 2 liters of clean water during the day
  5. These days you should put aside time-consuming tasks and engage in enjoyable activities.
  6. Try to “restrain” yourself and not get nervous over trifles
  7. Short-lived hiking, meditation, yoga and light physical activity will help cope with premenstrual illness

Pathological manifestations of PMS require medical attention

If these tips do not bring relief, and the painful condition of PMS does not allow you to work normally, study, or simply live in your usual rhythm, you should seek medical help.

Treatment concomitant diseases And infectious processes female genital area, elimination of edema, stabilization of a woman’s psychogenic state contribute to the restoration of women’s health and the physiological course of the menstrual cycle.

Changes in diet and lifestyle, drug treatment, physiotherapy and massage help eliminate or alleviate a woman’s condition with pathological manifestations of PMS.

Drug treatment PMS

Treatment of premenstrual syndrome with drugs

Not every woman can independently cope with the painful manifestations of premenstrual syndrome physically and emotionally. In these cases, you should seek medical advice. Drug treatment is selected by the doctor, taking into account the individual condition of the patient, according to surveys and analyzes performed.

Correctly selected treatment medicinal drugs, is aimed at eliminating the painful manifestations of PMS in the psycho-emotional sphere and improving the quality of life of a woman.

Pills for premenstrual syndrome

The pathology of premenstrual syndrome is treated using drugs from different pharmacological groups.

Painkillers help cope with PMS pain

Painkillers and antispasmodics

For minor pain and cramping during PMS, over-the-counter pain relievers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antispasmodics are usually recommended.

IMPORTANT: Painkillers do not treat the root cause of pain, but only relieve pain symptoms for a while and alleviate the patient’s condition. Taking medications for severe PMS pathologies is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

To relieve mild to moderate pain, doctors recommend Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, and Acetylsalicylic acid.

No-shpa, Buscopan, Papaverine hydrochloride will help relieve spasms.

Combo combinations active ingredients enhance each other's action and eliminate pain and spasms for more a short time. Pentalgin, Solpadein, Spazmalgon, Tempalgin, Ibuklin, Brustan, Caffetin and other drugs are recommended to relieve pain due to PMS.

Herbal remedies with a sedative effect

Herbal medicines contain extracts and extracts of medicinal herbs and have a mild sedative and relaxing effect on the body. For PMS, it is recommended to use tincture of Valerian, Motherwort, Peony, combination drugs: Novopassit, Persen, Deprim Forte, homeopathic medicines: Mastodinon, Cyclodinone, Remens, etc.

Vitamin preparations

Vitamin complexes take part in physiological processes and improve quality of life. Vitamin B6 reduces increased aggressiveness and stressful conditions. Vitamins A, E, C affect tissue metabolism and oxidative processes. Microelements: Ca, Mg, Se, Zn, Cu control the appearance of toxic substances in tissue cells.

To suppress PMS symptoms, the following vitamin complexes are used: Decamevit, Complivit, Super Stress B with zinc, Magne B6, Duovit, Neurovitan, etc. A 5% solution of Pyridoxine hydrochloride is prescribed for intramuscular administration.


Diuretic tablets are prescribed by a doctor and used strictly according to indications. To relieve swelling during PMS, Veroshpiron, Furosemide and other diuretics are prescribed.

Tranquilizers for the treatment of PMS

Neuroleptics, nootropics and tranquilizers

Medicines in this group stimulate mental and mental activity, improve cerebral circulation, normalize a woman’s psycho-emotional state, eliminate insomnia and stabilize her mood.

To eliminate increased mental tension, doctors use drugs such as Glycine, Phenibut, Afobazol, prescription tranquilizers: Grandaxin, Diazepam


Hormonal medications help equalize the balance between sex hormones: estrogens and progesterone. Hormonal therapy is prescribed for insufficiency of the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

In this case, drugs containing progesterone (Duphaston) and estrogen-gestagen drugs are prescribed: ( hormonal contraceptive III generation) and Rigevidon (second generation hormonal contraceptive).

Hormonal medications are prescribed by a doctor, the dosage is selected individually for each patient.

Premenstrual syndrome and duphaston

  • A lack of progesterone and a “surge” of estrogen before menstruation manifests itself in a deterioration in the quality of life of many women. Correction of severe cases of premenstrual syndrome with Duphaston was found wide application in gynecological practice
  • The drug contains 10 mg of dydrogesterone in each tablet and is indicated for diseases caused by a lack of progesterone, a hormone corpus luteum ovaries and adrenal glands
  • Duphaston provides effective action in eliminating the pathology of premenstrual syndrome. The dosage and course of treatment are selected individually for each patient. Usually 1 tablet (10 mg) is prescribed 2 times a day from 11 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle.
  • As a result of the course of treatment, many ailments characteristic of PMS are relieved: irritability, acne, tearfulness, dizziness, pain, mood swings, breast engorgement, sexual disorders, etc. Duphaston is usually well tolerated and is suitable for all women age groups

Herbal teas to eliminate PMS

Treatment of premenstrual syndrome with folk remedies

The use of herbal extracts, infusions, decoctions and teas to suppress premenstrual illness is effective and has been proven by many years of practice. Plants contain a lot medicinal components influencing the restoration of women's health.

Many herbs are rich in phytosterols, natural hormonal compounds. They regulate the female menstrual cycle, relieve inflammation and psycho-emotional stress. Such plants are capable of normalizing hormonal background in a gentle, natural way.

We offer several options for herbal teas that relieve PMS.

Dandelion root decoction for swelling

Steam a tablespoon of roots with a glass of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take 100 ml twice a day 10 days before your period. Dandelion roots relieve swelling, pain and tension in the chest.

Herbal soothing collection

Mix the herb of female mint (melissa), jasmine flowers, chamomile, valerian rhizome, peppermint leaf in the proportion: 3: 1: 2: 2: 3. Brew how Herb tea. 7 days before the start of menstruation, drink half a glass three times a day.

Infusion of cornflower flowers

Brew a tablespoon of flowers in a teapot and leave for half an hour. Drink like regular tea three times a day 10 days before your expected period. Cornflower tea relieves spasms, mild pain, stabilizes mood, and eliminates swelling.

IMPORTANT: The diagnosis of premenstrual syndrome directly depends on the woman’s attitude towards her well-being during this period.

You should not focus on mild signs of illness before your period approaches. Maybe you should change your attitude towards what is happening? PMS is a monthly event that occurs each time according to a similar scenario.

You can prepare and tune in to premenstrual syndrome in advance. It is necessary to remember that everything temporary passes, and life with its colors and daily unique events is quite an interesting “quest” that should be completed with your loved ones.

Video: Using essential oils for PMS

And this is an incomplete list. Doctors cannot unambiguously characterize these manifestations. Some call severe pain before menstruation, while others are supporters of the opinion that all these signs are nothing more than an individual physiological feature.

Breasts before menstruation

A few days before the start of menstruation, a woman’s breasts change and become very sensitive. Before menstruation, the nipples hurt, and the breasts increase in size. This is due to the fact that changes in breast tissue depend on female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, the level of production of which is different periods the monthly cycle changes. After ovulation, with the onset of the second phase of the menstrual cycle, there is a rush of blood to the mammary glands, so the breasts swell before menstruation. During this period, a woman may feel discomfort in the breast area, pain, and lumps. Before menstruation, nipples may show signs of irritation and hurt. In the body of a healthy woman, such symptoms before menstruation quickly pass and are mild.

I feel hungry before my period. Causes of increased appetite

Many women are seriously concerned about the possibility of gaining excess weight, and before menstruation occurs strong feeling hunger. Why does my appetite increase before my period? The reason is hormonal changes, after which a woman’s body experiences a lack of serotonin. To normalize the balance of substances, a lot of carbohydrates are required. This is where the desire to eat arises.

But how to avoid gaining excess weight? To do this, you need to listen to the advice of nutritionists and endocrinologists. Firstly, there is no need to endure the feeling of hunger, because these days the body, more than ever, needs to replenish its supply useful substances. Secondly, you should eat in small portions, but more often than usual. Thirdly, you need to drink more water and enrich your diet with vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

Why does nausea occur before menstruation?

Often women, fearing an unwanted pregnancy, perceive nausea before menstruation as a sign of pregnancy. They do a test before menstruation, but pregnancy is not detected.

Cause of nausea before starting menstrual flow there may be elevated hormone levels. This often happens when taking hormonal hormones. contraception. Therefore it is better to refuse this tool contraception and choose another method.

Sometimes you feel sick before menstruation if the uterus has a special structure. Before menstruation, the uterus, increasing in size and becoming heavier, can put pressure on nerve centers, evoking feelings nausea.

Nausea before the onset of menstruation can occur in women who are accustomed to heavy physical activity. It appears as a result of a violation of the monthly cycle.

The cervix dilates before menstruation, and the amount of mucus gradually decreases. Before menstruation, the cervix becomes denser and drops somewhat. During menstruation, the cervix softens and opens to facilitate the outflow of blood discharge, so it is during this period that the risk of infection increases.

The ovaries enlarge before menstruation and can cause pain. Ovarian pain is a result of cyclical changes female body. Due to a decrease in the level of estrogen and progesterone production, a small part of the endometrium may peel off and thereby provoke pain. The endometrium before menstruation becomes thinner than in the second half of the cycle. The thickness decreases from 1.5-2.0 to 1.2-1.7 centimeters.

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Menstruation is a sign of a woman's health. Usually, bleeding first begins at about 12-15, give or take a couple of years. Their approach is indicated by special signs of menstruation, which every girl should know.

Those who have not yet had a period should carefully monitor the changes that occur in the body. So, what signs can signal the approach of your first period?

First of all, it is physical and puberty: breast enlargement , their sensitivity and even pain, hip expansion – from girlish, almost boyish, they transform into feminine. Also indicates approaching menstruation pubic and armpit hair growth , which means the beginning of the functioning of the gonads. In addition, in most cases, the first signs of menstruation manifest themselves as light creamy discharge .

If you, as a teenager, noticed one or more of these symptoms, you need to inform your mother. There is nothing to be ashamed of, because this is a natural process of growing up. Read more about your first period

If you are an adult woman

It is not difficult for an experienced woman to determine the signs of menstruation in a week - this is when they appear. Usually this:

  • engorgement of the mammary glands - they increase in volume, become denser and more sensitive. Also, in some cases, there is soreness in the nipple area. Sometimes, along with breast enlargement, dry mouth appears;
  • In young girls, signs of the onset of menstruation are expressed in increased acne, localized on the forehead. Of course, if you are approaching the noble age of 45-50 years, then this symptom will most likely be absent. But according to statistics, up to 30-35 years of age it is observed in 99% of women;
  • Another pronounced sign before menstruation is nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Most often, they appear immediately before the onset of menstruation and accompany bleeding for 2-3 days. Similar feelings are complemented aching pain in the lower back.

Although these symptoms are considered normal, their intensification may be a sign of some kind of abnormality. Therefore, visit your gynecologist regularly and monitor your cycle using a calendar.

This annoying PMS

Some women mistakenly refer to normal period symptoms as premenstrual syndrome. After all, this is not just breast swelling, acne or abdominal pain, but a whole set of neuropsychic symptoms that signal endocrine disorders. Signs of PMS before menstruation are divided into 4 types, depending on the form of the syndrome.

  1. In the neuropsychic form of the disease, a woman becomes irritable, tearful or aggressive, feels weak to the point of nausea, and becomes depressed. Among the physiological signs of PMS of this form are flatulence.
  2. The edematous form of PMS manifests itself as acute pain in the breasts, swelling of the face, ankles, and hands. Patients also experience bloating, itchy skin, and increased sweating.
  3. The cephalgic form occurs accompanied by migraine, irritability, nausea and dizziness. Often these symptoms develop into pain in the heart area, numbness of the fingers and swelling.
  4. The most severe, crisis form of PMS is characterized by a jump blood pressure, weight in chest and manic fear of death.

Remember, premenstrual syndrome is not just a sign of menstruation. This is a complex condition that requires treatment.

Symptoms are present, but menstruation is late

Sometimes it happens that there are signs of menstruation, but no menstruation, and this worries any woman. If you have experienced all the stated symptoms and critical days are late, most likely this indicates pregnancy.

Doing the test before the delay is useless, since hCG level still too small. If, even after a long wait, the critical days still have not arrived, and the test is still negative, you need to urgently go to the gynecologist and have an ultrasound done.

A similar picture may indicate a tumor on the ovaries, hormonal imbalance, metabolic disorders or acute infection. The cause of amenorrhea (prolonged delay of menstruation) can be abortion, miscarriage, stress, overwork or a long absence of a sexual partner.

What should concern you

Usually the menstruation itself is preceded by light whitish discharge, this is normal. But if the spotting before your period becomes abundant or changes color, it is better to go to the doctor:

  • If thick, curdled flakes are discharged from the vagina, thrush may be suspected. It’s not scary and can be treated quickly, but you shouldn’t delay going to the clinic;
  • if you have recently given birth and your cycle is just recovering, your period may be preceded by black spotting;
  • pink discharge, reminiscent of ichor, warns of cervical erosion. This may also be a symptom of endocercevitis and other infectious diseases;
  • if it starts before your period brown daub, which is usually a harbinger of endometriosis and hormonal imbalance, it is necessary to get tested by a gynecologist;
  • The most dangerous thing is the thick mucous greenish-yellow discharge, signaling purulent cervicitis.

Of course, all these phenomena may be random and not pose a danger to women's health. But to make sure of this, you should visit a doctor and listen to his recommendations.


The menstrual cycle has certain periods - in each of them there is a manifestation typical symptoms. The cycle begins with the formation of a follicle - on the first day when your period arrives. An egg is released from the follicle after 11-14 days - this phase is called the ovulatory phase.

From the beginning of ovulation until the start of menstruation, the luteal phase lasts - the maturation of the corpus luteum. During menstruation, the corpus luteum separates and the follicle begins to mature again.

Symptoms of ovulation

The most striking symptoms before menstruation begin to appear in the ovulatory phase. Within a few days the following are observed:

  • Increased appetite;
  • Sudden change of mood;
  • Irritability;
  • Insomnia or drowsiness;
  • Craving for sweets;
  • Chills.

During the release of the egg, the release of hormones is activated, which is why the psycho-emotional state of the woman is unstable. Precursors of menstruation are also expressed in increased fearfulness, light sleep and nightmares. Women during and before menstruation feel anxious; the danger is the effect of estrogens released in large quantities.

PMS symptoms

Premenstrual syndrome is not considered a deviation, but in medicine is considered a clinical phenomenon. PMS begins from the end of ovulation and lasts until the start of menstruation.

Signs of PMS before menstruation include:

  • Aching, nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Tingling and nagging pain in the lower back;
  • Increased appetite - attacks of hunger can even wake a woman late at night;
  • Sensitivity, irritability;
  • Temperature rise to 37°C;
  • Increased fatigue, drowsiness.

Particular attention should be paid to the chest. A week before menstruation, the mammary glands become sensitive and painful. Wearing a bra brings discomfort, it becomes small. The breasts may increase in size and become painful when pressed lightly.

General symptoms

These symptoms may begin long before menstruation. Since they understand that menstruation will begin soon, mainly by discharge, first of all examine the pad.

When menstruation approaches, the discharge becomes white, sometimes brown, with a faint sour odor. They become somewhat richer than usual and have a curd-like consistency.

If white and brown discharge are abundant, itching or burning is felt - these are not signs of the onset of menstruation, but a symptom of a microflora disorder. Having noticed this, you need to immediately go to the gynecologist and take a smear for candidiasis.

Common menstrual symptoms also include fatigue, lethargy, mild nausea and dizziness. Feelings of fear and anxiety often appear, and the emotional state is very unstable.

Since the first process after the release of the egg begins the release of hormones, the main symptoms before menstruation should be looked for in mood, feelings of hunger or satiety, and ability to work.

During the week

7-11 days before the start of her period, the girl gets tired faster than usual and complains of lack of concentration and drowsiness. Many begin to believe that no one understands them, they worry, fuss and quickly get irritated over trifles.

The approach of menstruation is noted by increased sweating, a feeling of heat that quickly turns into chills. The breasts begin to swell and the halos around the nipples become sensitive even to underwear - friction can cause tingling, goosebumps, and aching pain.

How to find out when your period starts:

  • By feeling the breasts, pressing on the area of ​​the areola;
  • Tracing the color and abundance of discharge;
  • Watching for outbursts of irritation and fear.

Once these symptoms begin to appear, you can expect your period in 7-9 days.

For three days

In such a short period of time, the signs of approaching menstruation may become more intense and be replaced by others. This period is considered a crisis - premenstrual syndrome worsens and reaches its climax.

Some women, three days before menstruation, feel strong fear for their lives and safety, even to the point of paranoia - this is the work of hormonal levels, providing the body with complete preparation for pregnancy and protection of the fetus.

A sign of menstruation in three days is nightmares– women complain of light sleep and sudden awakening in a cold sweat. A frequent accompaniment of a crisis period is migraine, especially in the morning.

How to determine that there are 3-5 days left until your period:

  • Migraine, frequent increase in blood pressure;
  • Increased feeling of fear, anxiety;
  • Discharge of gray, white color;
  • Body temperature is possible within 37-37.5 ° C.

A girl's periods are accompanied by minor rashes on her face. Most often - on the cheeks and forehead, in the same area the oiliness of the skin increases. All these symptoms occur when you have your period.

Per day

A day before her period arrives, the girl feels a nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. When you stretch, you can feel pain and tingling that takes your breath away. The discharge right before menstruation becomes more abundant and becomes more dark color than before.

In young girls, itching may begin at the site of the skin rash, and sweating also increases significantly. Girls notice heat in their cheeks and ears. Nervousness begins to fade, lethargy, fatigue, and desire for sweets become more apparent.

Beginning of menstruation

The first signs of menstruation are marked by nausea and characteristic discharge. The menstruation on the pad is brown in the first two to three hours, then red and bloody. The discharge is accompanied by abdominal pain, some report simultaneous indigestion.

A woman is immediately overcome by weakness and fatigue, even if her period starts in the morning. Appetite disappears, body temperature rises slightly. Many people note discomfort, twitching of the internal hip muscles and oblique abdominal muscles.

Determining days before menstruation

Signs before menstruation can be deceptive: due to general fatigue, lack of sleep or irregular nutrition, girls feel similar symptoms, but menstruation has just ended or does not occur.

To understand approximately what time remains before the onset of menstruation, you can use a pharmacy test. 11-14 days after your last period began, buy an ovulation test at the pharmacy. It is advisable to buy several and start monitoring from the 11th day.

By performing the test according to the instructions, you can determine which days of the cycle ovulation occurs on. From the day on which the ovulation test was positive, it is enough to count two weeks - your period should arrive during this period.

Since preparation for menstruation in a woman’s body depends on many factors, you should not worry if your period is delayed by 3-5 days. Analyze the events in your life during the last cycle. Delays in menstruation are completely justified and safe if at that time there were:

  • Serious shocks, stress;
  • Fasting or strict diets;
  • Lack of sleep;
  • A sharp change in climate (for example, a trip to a warm resort in winter and returning);
  • The beginning of a new season - the turn of autumn and winter, winter and spring, etc.

How to get rid of PMS

We cannot regulate hormonal processes before menstruation on our own - they are natural and should occur. But it is possible to mitigate the symptoms that change throughout the month.

To calm and relieve irritability, you can take baths with essential oils of fir, Siberian pine or lavender. You need to add 5-6 drops to a bath of water.

Aromatherapy is useful - to fumigate a standard room of 9-15 m2 you will need 15 drops of essential oil of orange, bergamot, ylang-ylang. Sweet scents, such as vanilla, contribute to nausea and are not recommended.

If you can't overcome the feeling of fear, intrusive thoughts prevent you from falling asleep, it is better to limit yourself to unnecessary exits from the house and not to get close to dangerous household appliances.

How to relieve pain syndrome

Frequent airing of the room, especially before bed, will be useful. An hour before bedtime, you can drink a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey or hot chamomile tea.

Try to relieve menstrual pain with a minimum set of medications. Instead of pills, herbal compresses applied to the lower back can help. On bottom part Apply a compress soaked in a warm decoction of chamomile to the abdomen.

Take a bath during your period long time it is forbidden. You can stay in the water for no more than ten minutes, since during menstruation the genitals are very vulnerable. You can add a decoction of chamomile, coltsfoot, to the bath, after lying down and relaxing for a while.

Source: http://ClimaxPms.ru/mesyachnye/priznaki-simptomy.html

Precursors of menstruation in a few days: main symptoms

Before menstruation begins, significant hormonal changes occur in the body. At the same time, it is noted various signs menstruation. Often during this period, pain appears in the lower abdomen, swelling of the mammary glands and irritability are noted. Such symptoms are considered normal, but can sometimes indicate the development of a serious illness.

The norm of the second phase of the menstrual cycle

The second phase of the cycle begins on the first day of ovulation. At this moment, the egg is released from the ovarian follicle. Name the exact date transition to this phase is impossible. It directly depends on individual characteristics body, but normally the process occurs from the 7th to the 22nd day of the cycle.

At the time of egg release and after ovulation, women may experience the following symptoms:

  • slight bleeding;
  • general deterioration of health, fatigue;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Such unpleasant sensations before menstruation are considered normal and do not indicate the development of pathology. Once a woman's cycle is established, the second phase becomes completely predictable. It lasts between 13–15 days. The countdown begins from the moment of ovulation and ends when menstruation occurs.

Symptoms before menstruation, characteristic of the luteal (second) phase of the cycle:

  • nervousness, excessive emotionality, aggression and tearfulness;
  • weight gain;
  • the appearance of heaviness in the abdominal area;
  • constipation;
  • hunger;
  • the appearance of acne on the face;
  • breast swelling, accompanied by minor pain.

About a day before the onset of menstruation, pain appears in the back, legs and lower abdomen. Observed muscle weakness, lack of strength. Sometimes, within a few days, signs of the onset of menstruation appear, such as headache, dizziness, diarrhea and nausea. Women may even lose consciousness before their period begins.

All women experience symptoms of menstruation before they appear and are considered normal. These are normal signs of approaching menstruation and do not indicate illness, but only if vital functions are not significantly impaired.

PMS criteria

PMS syndrome is considered a disruption of the normal course of the second phase of the cycle. Unpleasant signs before menstruation indicate abnormalities in activity various systems and organs. The duration of PMS varies from two days to a couple of weeks.

The main criterion for diagnosing premenstrual syndrome is cyclicity. The pathology is periodic. Before the approaching menstruation, PMS appears and disappears only after its completion.

Signs that are taken into account during the diagnostic process:

  • depression or severe aggression;
  • disturbance of emotional state. The woman becomes irritable, whiny;
  • a feeling of complete hopelessness and melancholy;
  • feeling of fear and anxiety;
  • lack of interest in everything that happens around;
  • weakness and increased fatigue;
  • memory impairment and decreased attention;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • pain in muscles and joints occurs;
  • swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands.

If five of these symptoms or at least one of the first four are present, a diagnosis of PMS is made.

What are the symptoms before menstruation?

Women often think normal signs menstruation PMS syndrome.

In fact, this is not only swelling of the mammary glands, the appearance of pain in the abdomen and uterus, rashes, but a set of symptoms indicating problems in the functioning of the endocrine system.

There are several forms of premenstrual syndrome, characterized by certain symptoms - harbingers of the onset of menstruation:

  1. Neuropsychic. Many women complain of irritability, tearfulness, as well as aggressiveness and depressive state. There are also nausea, dizziness and flatulence.
  2. Edema. The mammary glands become excessively painful, and the arms, ankles and face swell. Before menstruation, women experience severe bloating abdomen, increased sweating and itching.
  3. Cephalgic. A week before menstruation, a migraine appears. The woman becomes irritable. Symptoms such as dizziness and nausea are observed. Pain in the heart area and swelling are possible.
  4. Krizovaya. The most difficult form of PMS. It is characterized by sharp jumps blood pressure, a feeling of heaviness in the chest and a strong (manic) fear of death.

Such sensations before menstruation are considered not just symptoms of approaching menstruation, but a complex condition that requires therapy.

Factors influencing well-being before menstruation

Signs of approaching menstruation appear in all representatives of the fairer sex, but the degree of their severity directly depends on a number of factors:

  1. Nutrition. Before the onset of menstruation, pathologies of the stomach and intestines worsen in women. Symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and flatulence are often observed. You need to properly organize your diet, introduce a sufficient amount of nutrients and eliminate junk food.
  2. Bad habits. Smoking and alcoholic drinks have a detrimental effect on all organs and systems.
  3. Emotional fatigue. Can be PMS symptoms in women who are under constant stress or nervous tension. An unfavorable environment at home or in the work team also affects well-being. Mental work contributes to the appearance of premenstrual syndrome. Clinical manifestations in this case they are much more pronounced.
  4. Sedentary work and lack of physical activity. Blood stagnation occurs in the pelvic organs, and the uterus can no longer quickly reject the endometrial layer, and as a result, pain appears and metabolic disorders are noted.
  5. Pathologies. All diseases that are in the anamnesis, before critical days are getting worse. Accordingly, the condition worsens.

It has been noted that women who are satisfied with their work and do not experience unpleasant emotions in the home atmosphere feel better before the onset of menstruation than the fair sex who experience financial difficulties or are under constant stress. Even minor troubles in life have a negative impact on the state of the body.

How to relieve pain

Treatment of painful periods includes the use of the following groups of drugs:

  • sedatives;
  • antispasmodics and analgesics;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • complexes of minerals and vitamins.

Deal effectively with pain syndrome Nimesil, No-shpa, Ketanov and Dexalgin, but taking them without a doctor’s prescription is not recommended.

Before starting therapy, you need to full diagnostics and identify the causes of PMS. Only in this way will it be possible to eliminate all unpleasant symptoms and prevent their reoccurrence.

Menstruation is normal phenomenon which every woman faces reproductive age. Preceded by bleeding very unpleasant symptoms. With proper organization of life, their manifestations can be reduced to a minimum.

Precursors of menstruation in a few days: main symptoms Link to main publication

Source: https://TopGinekolog.ru/menstruation/pms/predvestniki-mesyachnyh

What are the symptoms and signs before menstruation?

Manifestations of PMS are familiar to many women. It is not the bleeding itself that brings suffering, but rather the unsatisfactory condition before menstruation.

The reason is known to doctors - these are hormonal changes that affect work nervous system and some organs. Therefore, women become depressed, complain of headaches and become irritable.

Today we will tell you by what signs the premenstrual period is recognized.

Brief description of the menstrual cycle

To understand what happens in the body every month and where the discomfort comes from shortly before the start bloody discharge, a woman should study the characteristics of the menstrual cycle.

Menstruation lasts for several days, and during this time the inner lining of the uterus is shed due to lack of pregnancy. Endometrial particles leave the body along with the blood.

On average, bleeding lasts 3 – 7 days. If a woman is sick, her period may end faster or take longer. Also for diseases reproductive system the nature of the discharge changes.

The menstrual cycle (MC) is the time interval that separates the first days of consecutive bleeding. Occurs in three phases:

  1. Follicular - at this time the egg matures in the ovary.
  2. Ovulatory – the release of an egg ready for fertilization from the vesicular membrane.
  3. The luteal phase is the phase of the corpus luteum, which brings the unpleasant sensations of PMS.

Symptoms before menstruation begin to appear most clearly at the stage of ovulation. The phase lasts 1 – 2 days or just a few hours. At this time, the mood of the fair sex changes sharply, the appetite increases, insomnia overcomes, or vice versa, the ladies fall into sleepy state. Some girls feel chills, others are attracted by sweets.

An unstable psycho-emotional state is explained by the active release of hormones. Sometimes women are troubled by nightmares, fear, and anxiety. This is to blame increased amount estrogens. However, none of the doctors considers PMS to be a deviation. This is a clinical phenomenon that is expressed by poor health:

  • Aching, pulling pain occurs in the lower abdomen.
  • A tingling sensation is felt in the lumbar region.
  • Body temperature suddenly rises to 37°C.
  • Drowsiness sets in.
  • Nausea and dizziness appear.
  • Fatigue overcomes even from “doing nothing.”
  • The mammary glands swell and become sensitive.
  • Vaginal discharge becomes white and sour. Sometimes their color is brown.

If the discharge from the genital tract a few days before the expected period becomes too abundant and there is an itching or burning sensation inside, this indicates a violation of the microflora. Most likely, candidiasis, or thrush, is developing. A smear will help diagnose it.

How a woman feels before her period at different times

Let's consider how many days before menstruation signs of premenstrual syndrome appear.

A day before the bleeding begins, pain and tingling are felt in the abdomen and lower back. Sometimes pain and tingling bother me. Vaginal discharge becomes thicker, darker and more profuse. Teenagers and virgins experience skin rashes and hyperhidrosis. Girls feel tired and eat a lot of sweets.

A little earlier, for example, 3 days before the start of menstruation, signs of its approach may be more intense.

PMS worsens and instills in women (not all, of course) fear for own life and safety. Some people get paranoid, and this is normal when hormonal levels fluctuate.

The body was preparing for pregnancy, but conception did not occur. Now hormonal system is undergoing changes.

3 – 5 days before menstruation, women are concerned about the following symptoms:

  1. Migraine.
  2. Light sleep.
  3. Fear and anxiety.
  4. Changes in blood pressure and body temperature.

About 11 days or a week before your period, PMS manifests itself as drowsiness, fatigue, fussiness, and spoiling your mood over trifles. Girls note increased sweating and a feeling of heat, which quickly develops into chills. The breasts become enlarged and painful.

When your period begins, it is first brown, then red. On the first day, the temperature may rise slightly and work may be disrupted. digestive system. Most women notice twitching of the obliques and inner hip muscles.

Symptoms before menstruation in girls and women in menopause

Let's consider what symptoms occur before menstruation in teenage girls and adult women who are approaching menopause.

For girls

Girls begin their first menstruation between the ages of 10 and 14 years. Sometimes earlier, but sometimes later, because each organism is individual. In some cases, there are no specific symptoms before menarche, but the restructuring of the body is obvious.

A year and a half before the start of menstruation, girls will have the following symptoms:

  • Rapid body growth.
  • Shaping the figure.
  • Pubic and axillary hair growth.
  • Nipple pigmentation.
  • Growth of mammary glands.
  • Enlargement of the genital organs.

With the arrival of menarche, puberty continues. The cycle is established within 1.5 – 2 years. At first, your periods are irregular. A calendar will help the girl control the timeliness of their appearance.

When there are 3 to 4 months left before the first menstruation, translucent discharge comes from the genital tract. They are called leucorrhoea. Normal discharge is thin and moderately abundant. If the leucorrhoea has a pungent odor, and the daughter complains of itching and burning in the groin, she should be shown to a doctor.

Also, 3–4 months before menarche, the child may experience pain in the lower abdomen. PMS, as in adult girls and women, manifests itself in a teenager with lethargy, tearfulness, mood swings, dizziness, and aggression. Premenstrual syndrome worries girls 1 to 4 weeks before their period. Deadlines vary from person to person.

A teenage girl's skin and hair may react as menarche approaches. acne, dandruff and greasy strands. During this important period, it is very important to explain to your daughter what is happening in the body, how she should take care of herself and how to behave in relationships with the opposite sex.

In mature women

During premenopause, in women over 40–45 years of age, the concentration of sex hormones decreases, the functioning of the nervous system deteriorates, and menstruation begins to occur irregularly. The first signs of aging affect the severity of PMS and the situation worsens in adulthood.

Many women by the age of 50 complain of dizziness and headaches, depression and rapid heartbeat. The picture is complemented by mood swings and increased sweating.

Often, the symptoms of approaching menstruation in premenopausal women are so painful that doctors have to prescribe hormone therapy with the use of special drugs.

How to remove PMS

The problem of PMS does not bother women only during pregnancy and in exceptional cases when the body normally perceives hormonal fluctuations. But if you can’t bear the discomfort, you can take fragrant baths with drops of essential oils of lavender, fir or pine to calm your soul and body. 5 – 6 drops for the entire volume of water will be enough.

For aromatherapy with room fumigation, you can use essential oils of ylang-ylang, bergamot, and orange. It is not recommended to spread sweet smells indoors, as they provoke nausea. For processing an area of ​​9 - 15 square meters. I will need 15 drops of aromatic product.

If on the eve of your period you experience pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, as well as a migraine, you need to ventilate the room, work area, and bedroom before going to bed. In the evening, it is useful to drink hot chamomile tea or warm milk with honey (1 teaspoon per glass of drink).

It is better not to use pills to eliminate PMS symptoms. Compresses applied to the stomach or lower back can bring relief.

The bandage is soaked in warm chamomile infusion.

If discomfort continues during your period, you can soak in a warm bath for a short time (with a tampon for 10 minutes). For relaxation, add a decoction of chamomile or coltsfoot to the water.

If simple remedies do not help get rid of PMS, gynecologists prescribe antispasmodics and painkillers:

  1. Papazol.
  2. No-shpa.
  3. Papaverine.
  4. Drotaverine.
  5. Nimulid.
  6. Ibuprofen.
  7. Spasmalgon.
  8. Diclofenac.
  9. Spazgan.

P.S. Remember that severe pain before menstruation and during bleeding signal the development of a tumor and inflammatory processes. Do not delay visiting your doctor if your PMS symptoms are severe.

Source: https://MenCikl.ru/simptomy-pered-mesyachnymi.html

Harbingers of menstruation

Symptoms before menstruation in most women are quite pronounced. During this period, a woman’s irritability increases, her mood often changes, which poisons the life of both her and those around her. It is almost impossible to cope with this disaster, since hormones are to blame for everything.

Significant symptoms appear before menstruation

What is PMS?

PMS - premenstrual syndrome, includes a number of physical and psycho-emotional changes that are cyclical in nature. This condition of the female body is considered one of the most mysterious, since doctors have not yet been able to reliably identify the reasons for its occurrence.

The essence of premenstrual syndrome

How many days before the start of your period do PMS symptoms appear? Nature of manifestation pathological conditions It varies among women, but most often, deterioration in well-being is observed 1–2 weeks before the onset of menstruation, reaching its peak 1–3 days.

Before the age of 30, PMS appears in 20% of girls, but at an older age, every second woman suffers from it.

First signs and symptoms of menstruation

Doctors were able to identify approximately 150 signs of PMS, but each woman has her own unique list of manifestations of this pathology. Normally, there should be no more than 4 of them; the average severity of the cyclic syndrome is indicated by the number of symptoms: 4–10; if there are more of them, they are diagnosed severe form PMS.

What happens in the body a week before critical days:

  1. Breasts hurt, increase in size, become painful, dense - this is one of the most obvious harbingers of PMS. At certain phases menstrual cycle The level of the hormone prolactin increases - the substance is responsible for the condition of the mammary glands.
  2. Severe swelling - occurs against the background of a violation of the water salt balance, the kidneys do not have time to cope with large amounts of sodium, fluid retention occurs in the body, which causes an increase in body weight by an average of 2 kg, and changes in the color of urine.
  3. Against the background of an increase in progesterone levels, sexual desire decreases, but immediately before menstruation there is sharp increase libido, the vaginal mucosa dries out or the amount of discharge increases. High levels of the hormone provoke the appearance of acne, most often on the nose and chin, a woman is drawn to sweet and salty foods, and is constantly thirsty.
  4. Diarrhea or constipation, flatulence - in the background hormonal changes the balance changes too intestinal microflora, which becomes the cause of the development of stool disorder.
  5. A pulling pain in the lower abdomen may radiate to the lower back - discomfort occurs due to the growth and thickening of the endometrium, and enlargement of the ovaries.
  6. Mood swings, tearfulness, psychosis, apathy - the functioning of the nervous system in women largely depends on the state of hormonal levels; with a decrease in serotonin, the psycho-emotional state will worsen.
  7. Hormones are also responsible for the condition of cardio-vascular system, so during PMS they often change arterial parameters– this manifests itself in the form of one-sided headache, attacks of dizziness, vomiting, heart rhythm disturbances, increased pulse, and tachycardia.
  8. Nausea and frequent bouts of vomiting can occur due to the wrong choice of medications oral contraception, heavy physical activity. Sometimes the reason for the appearance unpleasant symptoms is special structure uterus - before the onset of menstruation, it enlarges and compresses the endings of nerve fibers.

During PMS your chest starts to hurt

With PMS, women often complain of insomnia or constantly want to sleep, absent-mindedness, inattention, and a constant feeling of anxiety. Sometimes the temperature rises to 37–37.5 degrees, cough, runny nose, weakness and other cold symptoms, frequent or painful urination. The manifestation of discomfort is enhanced by deficiency of vitamin B6, magnesium, and smoking.

Symptoms before the first menstruation in girls

When hormonal levels change in girls, changes are observed in appearance, behavior, mood, periods begin at 11–15 years. PMS is not as pronounced as in women; for the first time, a girl may not understand what is causing her sudden aggression, anger, or strong emotional arousal.

What signs indicate the approach of the first menstruation in girls:

  • within 1–2 years, leucorrhoea begins to appear, which becomes more abundant before the onset of menstruation;
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen, sometimes cramps appear, painkillers and a warm heating pad will help cope with the discomfort;
  • The sensitivity of the nipples increases, the breasts become fuller;
  • the ovaries increase in size and may hurt a little;
  • severe hunger, cravings for food with a pronounced taste;
  • loss of strength, drowsiness, deterioration in academic performance due to decreased concentration;
  • headache, there is a general deterioration in health.

To decrease manifestation of PMS, you need to visit a doctor, you need to donate blood to determine hormone levels, urine, do an ECG, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, mammography, CT scan of the brain.

Girls appear before menstruation copious discharge from the vagina

How do menstruation pass before menopause?

Since menopause is a prolonged PMS, all the symptoms of cyclic syndrome before the onset of menopause are more pronounced.

Symptoms of PMS during menopause:

  1. Against the background of intense hormonal changes, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted - pronounced swelling of the face and limbs appears, the woman has a severe headache, migraines, palpitations, sweating increases, hypertension develops, and the level of sensitivity decreases.
  2. With the onset of menopause, the functioning of the adrenal glands, pancreas and thyroid glands deteriorates - with PMS this manifests itself in the form constant feeling hunger, increased fatigue, joint pain.
  3. Unstable hormonal levels lead to irritability, tearfulness, short temper, and sometimes there are attacks of unreasonable aggression.
  4. Since the risk of developing endometriosis increases with age, pain in the lower abdomen during cyclic syndrome is sharp and prolonged.

PMS during menopause is characterized by severe headaches

Menopause begins at 45–50 years of age, sometimes signs of menopause appear earlier. If after 50 years menstruation does not disappear and appears regularly, this may signal a dysfunction of the adrenal glands, the presence of a hormonally active tumor in the ovaries.

Sometimes after childbirth, cyclic syndrome occurs more easily, and over time it may disappear completely.

Menstruation or pregnancy - how to distinguish?

The manifestations of PMS and pregnancy are in many ways similar - swelling, unstable psycho-emotional state, increased appetite, cravings for sweet or salty foods, nausea, dizziness, poor health. Before the delay occurs, it is difficult to distinguish one condition from another, especially if the menstrual cycle is irregular.

What symptoms may indicate pregnancy:

  • the woman does not use any form of contraception;
  • signs of PMS have not appeared before, or premenstrual syndrome was accompanied by completely different symptoms;
  • PMS causes depression and depression, which are severe during pregnancy; mood swings;
  • During pregnancy, the stomach aches slightly, the pain is short-lived, and premenstrual syndrome the discomfort is severe and can last for several days;
  • indicators basal temperature before menstruation drop to 36.7 degrees, if this does not happen, conception can be assumed, or inflammatory process in the cervix;
  • on the background higher level progesterone in pregnant women appear thick vaginal discharge, which gradually acquire a watery consistency.

If fertilization has occurred, but menstruation does not occur, a slight red-brown smudge may be observed. If there is a delay, you need to do a test and make an appointment with a gynecologist.

PMS is not a disease, but simply a malaise that needs to be overcome.

All negative symptoms pass with the onset of menstruation. But if your health deteriorates significantly before the critical days, you need to visit a doctor; based on the diagnostic results, he will be able to select medications that will help correct hormonal levels.

Women Health