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Vitamins for PMS to relieve premenstrual syndrome. Treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in women

Advised by obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, candidate medical sciences Olga Fedorovna Kusmartseva.

— Why does premenstrual syndrome occur and how does it most often manifest itself?

— There are a huge number of hypotheses and theories of the occurrence of PMS. However main reason changes in well-being before the onset of menstruation - cyclical changes in hormone levels. Exactly hormonal disorders lead to changes in mood and unpleasant sensations.

With the onset of menstruation, health returns to normal, and in the new cycle the situation repeats. This is the main difference between PMS and the usual deterioration in well-being and mood that a woman may periodically experience.

Reasons for violations hormonal balance a lot. It has been observed that premenstrual syndrome is more common in women aged 30 years and older. And also for those who experience emotional and mental stress, engage in mental work and spend many hours at the computer. In addition, the appearance of PMS is often influenced by smoking and excess weight.

Some researchers associate PMS with a lack of vitamins B6 and A, as well as the minerals magnesium and calcium in the second half menstrual cycle. In this case, the body becomes more vulnerable and the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome increase many times over.

- How often modern women suffer from a deficiency of these vitamins?

— Unfortunately, more and more often. The main reasons are modern lifestyle, frequent stress, poor nutrition. The diet is increasingly becoming unhealthy and moving away from nature’s needs.

To restore your reserves of vitamins and minerals, you need to carefully think through your diet and regularly include natural ingredients in your menu. herbal products. Unfortunately, not everyone does this.

Women's excessive desire to lose weight can also cause a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Strict diets, use of laxatives and diuretics often cause a lack of vital substances.

Unfortunately, today it is impossible to adequately provide all the needs of the female body only through traditional food.

— So, eliminating the deficiency of vitamins and minerals helps alleviate premenstrual syndrome?

— Taking vitamin-mineral complexes is an important part comprehensive PMS treatment. Scientific research have proven the effectiveness of this technique.

Wherein maximum effect achieved with one important condition- a combination of vitamins, minerals with natural plant components that normalize hormonal balance and have a calming and antispasmodic effect. All these points were taken into account when creating the Lady’s formula complex “ PMS premenstrual syndrome,” which has been familiar to Russian women for more than 15 years.

It contains magnesium, calcium, vitamin B6, “queen female herbs- Dong Quai, which helps normalize hormonal balance, evening primrose oil, which has a calming and analgesic effect, and a number of other herbal ingredients.

After a course of taking vitamins and minerals, women experience a decrease in irritability, aggressiveness, soreness and engorgement of the mammary glands. They are less bothered by feelings of fatigue, swelling, nervousness, mood swings, increased appetite, they do not gain weight.

— Will these vitamins be enough or are some other medications needed?

— Usually balanced vitamin-mineral complexes with natural plant components help normalize and tidy up the nervous system. However, the effect will be even more noticeable if you follow some recommendations.

It is advisable for women suffering from premenstrual syndrome to adhere to a clear daily routine, lead a measured lifestyle, and eat right. In the days before your period, you should try to reduce mental stress, especially strenuous work at the computer. Before " critical days“It’s better to reduce physical activity. You should not plan important meetings and negotiations during this period. Healthy and long sleep, a normal psychological environment in the family and at work soften the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

— But what if all these measures turn out to be ineffective?

- In these cases, examination and consultation with a doctor is required. The choice of treatment will depend on the results of the examination.

Causes of menstrual irregularities in women

Women are not called the weaker sex for nothing. Despite all their resilience, their body reacts extremely sensitively to external and internal stimuli. Long-term exposure to a combination of factors often affects menstruation. Most often, periods are simply delayed, and sometimes they can disappear completely for an indefinite period. However, there may also be other consequences, such as intense pain during menstruation, heavy bleeding, presence in menstrual blood large clots, change in its color, consistency and smell.

In most cases, menstruation can be normalized thanks to proper nutrition, temporary refusal of intense physical activity, reduction in the volume of intellectual work, adherence to sleep and rest regimes. However, these measures help eliminate the problem only if the cause lies in the lifestyle and psycho-emotional sphere. The latter affects hormonal levels and can provoke a disruption in the production of the female sex hormone estrogen. If the cause is more serious, for example, pathology of the reproductive system, it is not easy to restore menstruation. This may take from six months to several years.

When choosing methods to normalize the menstrual cycle, it is important to take into account the woman’s age. For teenage girls in the first year of menstruation, a delay of 2-7 days is considered normal. IN this period is happening hormonal changes, so hormonal levels are constantly changing. Pain during menstruation depends on this. Even with stable cycle due to postponed viral infection, unbalanced diet, emotional and physical overload, periods may disappear for some time. They are adjusted by adjusting the diet and taking vitamins.

For women over 25 years of age, the list of reasons for menstrual irregularities is much wider. Among them:

  • Endometriosis is a disease in which endometrial cells (the inner lining of the uterus) grow outside of the uterus. With heavy periods, the suspicion of this disease increases.
  • Imbalance of sex hormones. The reason is genetic predisposition or external factors. Normally, in the fair sex, estrogen production exceeds testosterone production. A bias towards the second can reduce menstruation. The same disease is diagnosed with painful periods that occur with long (several months) breaks.
  • Polycystic syndrome is a change in the structure of ovarian tissue (a dense white shell). The influence of the disease extends not only to the condition of the ovaries, but also to the entire body. At the central level nervous system pathology affects the interaction between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland with the adrenal glands and ovaries.
  • Ovarian cyst. The disease makes itself felt as pronounced premenstrual syndrome ( painful sensations in the lower back, nagging pain lower abdomen, mood swings), and delays.
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland. The latter is responsible for all types of metabolic processes, so any violation leads to a set overweight or vice versa its loss. This increases estrogen production. Main symptom diseases of the reproductive system - heavy bleeding, including during the phases of the cycle.

The benefits of vitamins for the menstrual cycle

Vitamins for normalizing the menstrual cycle are designed to fill the deficiency nutrients. Many substances included in the complexes for women: vitamin D, group B, - reduce pain during menstruation. B vitamins and magnesium perform this function well, as they are involved in the transmission of impulses from nerve fibers to muscle fibers. Pain during menstruation is caused by spasm of the roots spinal cord. Added to these are increased contractile activity of the uterus, caused by the specific activity of hormones in this phase of the cycle. All together leads to vasospasm, increased pressure in the pelvic organs and pain.

Most women begin to feel this a few days before their period. To reduce pain, vitamins for PMS such as folic acid, tocopherol and magnesium are also indicated.

For long delays caused by stress, immune diseases and excessive physical activity, vitamin C will help induce menstruation. Ascorbic acid for menstruation is useful in that it improves the condition of the epithelium inside the uterus, thereby creating the prerequisites for the formation bloody discharge.

If the reason lies in a violation hormonal levels, some vitamins that, when menstruation is delayed, restore regular bleeding, not enough. You'll have to get help first hormonal medications, and only then cyclic vitamin therapy is prescribed (taking vitamins in courses of 10 days).

The most essential vitamins for regular menstruation

Name of vitamins for menstruation Daily norm Effect
Vitamin A 800 mcg
  • growth and development of mammary glands;
  • acceleration of estrogen synthesis;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • preventing the development of mastopathy (a disease of the mammary gland in which its tissue grows, pain appears, and sometimes pathological discharge)
Vitamin D 0.015 mg
  • participates in calcium metabolism, strengthening bones;
  • improves blood clotting, preventing the development internal bleeding;
  • reduces pain during critical days;
  • indicated for the regulation of prolonged menstruation
Vitamin E 10-13 mcg
  • protects against influence free radicals, preventing the appearance of tumors;
  • in the company of vitamin A improves the condition of skin, hair and nails;
  • reduces pain during menstruation
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 60 mg
  • strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance to viral diseases;
  • accelerates the proliferation of epithelial cells of the uterus, therefore it is indicated for normalizing the cycle with scanty, irregular discharge;
  • helps to quickly restore the body's reserves after any diseases and surgical interventions
Folic acid 0.2 mg
  • improves the condition of the central nervous system;
  • when planning a new addition to the family, creates the prerequisites for the normal development of the nervous system in the fetus;
  • accelerates the renewal of the uterine mucous epithelium

However, this list of vitamins alone may not be enough. Their effect must be supported by the action of minerals. For example, zinc helps get rid of foci of infection, so it is recommended for any inflammation.

Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, which is why it is prescribed for depression.

Iron prevents the development of anemia (anemia). It is shown at low blood pressure, intensive physical activity, scanty menstruation and long delays.

Vitamins for ovarian-menstrual cycle disorders should include lecithin and fatty acid Omega-3. Together they normalize estrogen production and help cleanse the female body of final products exchange (slags and toxins).

The right diet for women's health

Vitamins for inducing menstruation and normalizing the menstrual cycle can be obtained from natural sources by adjusting the diet:

Substance Product
Vitamin E
  • spinach, broccoli, egg yolks;
  • carrots, beets, rose hips;
  • peanut, pasta, beans
Vitamin A
B vitamins
Vitamin C
  • red peppers, tomatoes, lemons;
  • spinach, apples, beef and veal liver;
  • horseradish, parsley, radish, cauliflower
Vitamin D
  • quince, pineapple, pear, apricot;
  • tangerine, plum, banana
  • bananas, beans, peas, nuts;
  • seeds and all unrefined and unrefined grains
  • egg yolk, liver, peanuts;
  • whole grains, milk, soybeans
  • flax seeds and linseed oil, chia;
  • fatty sea fish (mackerel, anchovies, sardines, herring, tuna, haddock and trout);
  • fish oil, seafood, wild animal meat;
  • spinach, seaweed
  • liver, meat, poultry, fish;
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, semolina);
  • bread, egg yolk
A nicotinic acid
  • beef liver, yeast, broccoli;
  • carrots, cheese, corn flour, dandelion leaves;
  • dates, eggs, fish, milk, peanuts;
  • pork, potatoes, tomatoes, wheat sprouts;
  • whole grain products, rose hips;
  • sage, sorrel, parsley

Vitamin therapy by day of the cycle (what, when and how much is needed)

The regimen for taking vitamins depends on individual characteristics body, therefore it is signed by a doctor. However general recommendations can be used by most women (of course, only after doctor's approval).

The ratio of other substances is determined by the doctor based on the analysis data.

The benefits of vitamins in the fight against PMS

Vitamin complexes help overcome premenstrual syndrome, as they normalize hormonal levels.

Tocopherol is considered one of the most effective substances during this period. Thanks to him excess liquid is eliminated from the body faster, so that swelling and the feeling of bloating practically disappear. Tocopherol is also effective in reducing painful sensitivity of the mammary glands. All together this leads to stabilization emotional state.

Review of the best vitamin preparations for cycle disruptions

Doctors usually prescribe the following complexes:

  • “Cyclovita” Contains vitamins A, C, D, group B, E. There are 2 types of capsules intended for different phases of the cycle (their proportions of active ingredients are different).
  • Vision. Contains vitamins B, A, C, D, E, plant extracts and biologically active additives. Indicated not only for resumption of the cycle, but also for reducing painful sensations a few days before menstruation.
  • Time factor. In addition to vitamins, the tablets contain broccoli extract. The pack contains several types of capsules that are designed for different phases of the cycle.

Features of application

Usage patterns different substances are designed so that different components can provide more benefit at a certain phase. The speed of their absorption is affected by hormonal levels.

For example, it is better to take tocopherol during the second phase of the cycle (from the 15th day) one tablet per day. The total amount of the substance should not exceed 200 mg.

Vitamin C is not needed on a regular basis. The greatest benefit from it is in the first and last week cycle. During this period, it is taken 500 mg per day.

But folic acid is indicated throughout the entire cycle, 1 mg. This amount is contained in 1-2 pills, depending on the manufacturer.

Contraindications and precautions

Any medications should be taken after consulting a doctor. The main contraindication is individual intolerance to the components, which a woman may not even be aware of.

You need to be very careful with hormonal drugs, since their overdose can lead to aggravation of the situation.

To avoid an overdose, each substance must be consumed in strict proportions according to the regimen suggested by the doctor.

Alternative methods of cycle recovery

ethnoscience is rich in recipes for restoring your cycle. You can turn to them if for some reason vitamins are unavailable or contraindicated.

To restart the cycle it is recommended hot foot baths twice a day for up to 20 minutes. The minimum water temperature is 45º C. To enhance the effect, add 2 tbsp of your choice. l. sea ​​salt, 2-3 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar or 1-2 tbsp. l. mustard powder.

Helps normalize emotional state chamomile tea. It is prepared like this: flax seeds are fried until coffee color. 2 tbsp. l. Chamomile seeds and flowers are poured into a liter of boiling water. The mixture is simmered over low heat in a covered pan for 10 minutes. After this, it needs to be cooled and strained. Drink 2 glasses a day with honey, lemon and cinnamon.

Another effective drink - wormwood root infusion. This is how it is done. Fresh or dried root is cut into small pieces, 0.5 liters of water are poured in, boiled for an hour, and then filtered. Drink half a glass 3-4 times a day for seven to ten days.

In addition to reception pharmacy vitamins A woman needs to constantly monitor her diet. At the same time, it is important not only to include certain foods in the diet, but also to prepare them correctly. For example, vitamin C does not tolerate heat treatment, so it is better to consume its sources raw.

In order for vitamins A and E to be absorbed normally, vegetable salads (vegetables are rich in these substances) need to be seasoned with a small amount of any vegetable oil.

You can learn more about menstrual cycle disruptions from the video below:

Sometimes gynecologists recommend treating minor menstrual irregularities (especially in teenage girls and young women) with vitamin therapy. Individual and minerals in large dosages, taken in courses on the days of the cycle, can induce menstruation, affect the production of hormones, and reduce pain during dysmenorrhea.

Vitamins are best for menstruation if the cycle is disrupted for the following reasons:

  • hypovitaminosis, exhaustion of the body,
  • excessive physical activity,
  • obesity, unhealthy diet,
  • stress,
  • bad habits.

For severe disorders, cyclic vitamin therapy is usually used as aid in combination with other treatment methods. Cycle disorders can also be treated with hormones and oral contraceptives. But when long-term use they call micronutrients and vitamins.


Classical standard scheme treatment of disorders menstrual cycle includes taking vitamins C, E and group B. Sometimes doctors additionally prescribe lipoic acid and some microelements.

Cyclic vitamin therapy for menstrual irregularities: scheme

Each gynecologist prescribes a treatment regimen individually, based on the woman’s problems, symptoms and tests. For example, vitamins C and E enhance each other’s positive effects and help fight low estradiol in the second phase of the cycle. Their dosages may vary depending on the specific causes of the disorder.

An example of a cyclic vitamin therapy regimen prescribed by a gynecologist

PHASE I (the first half of the cycle, or the first 14 days from the beginning of menstruation with a 28-day mc.)

  • Folic acid - 1 tablet 3 times a day
  • Glutamic acid - 1 tablet/3 r. per day
  • Lipoic acid - 1 tablet/3 rubles. in a day
  • Vitamin E - 1 capsule
  • Vitamin B1

PHASE II (second half of the cycle; can last 14 days, more or less if the blood flow is irregular)

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 300 mg 3 times a day
  • Vitamin E - 2 caps. in a day
  • Vitamin B6

Such vitamin therapy, as a rule, lasts at least 2–3 months. (As an alternative to individual tablets, the doctor may prescribe a complex.) If, after completing the course, the disorders remain and continue to bother the woman, reducing the quality of life, another treatment, usually hormonal, is prescribed.


Vitamins from the following list can be taken separately or in combination.

  1. Vitamin C and periods

Ascorbic acid has been proven to increase blood flow and microcirculation, which is especially important for smoking women, as well as in the presence of obesity. It is believed that large doses vitamin C are safe (up to 1500 mg per day can be taken if there is no intolerance) and can stimulate menstruation. Also vit. C naturally increases estrogen levels. It is especially useful to combine it with vitamin E, and taking ascorbic acid with iron increases the absorption of the latter, which is important for severe bleeding.

  1. Vitamin E in the second phase of the cycle and dysmenorrhea

Vitamin E is especially useful for primary dysmenorrhea (pain during menstruation). Studies have shown that its use at a dosage of 400-500 IU for two days before and three days after the onset of menstruation (only 5 days of use), it helps reduce the intensity of pelvic pain and even reduce blood loss. The course of taking vitamin E should last 2–4 months.

Vitamin E can also potentially reduce the hormone prolactin, an excessive amount of which can lead to cycle disorders, chest pain, and infertility.

  1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is not always included in the vitamin therapy regimen for menstrual irregularities. However, it is very important and beneficial for women, as it helps reduce weight in obesity and improves insulin sensitivity. is one of the main causes and cycle disorders. Vitamin D supplements and dosage should be prescribed by a doctor.

  1. Folic acid

Although a clear connection between folic acid and cycle regularity, duration and intensity of menstrual bleeding has not been established, vitamin B9 is included in almost every vitamin therapy regimen. It is prescribed before conception to avoid the appearance birth defects in a developing embryo, 400 mcg as an additive in addition to food sources of folic acid. Shortage folic acid occurs especially often with alcoholism and anemia.

Along with folic acid, myo-inositol can be added to the vitamin therapy regimen. This vitamin-like substance has no heavy side effects and in case of cycle disorders, it can be taken in a dose of up to 4 grams. Main positive action Inositol benefits include improving fertility and insulin sensitivity, lowering glucose and insulin levels, reducing weight and reducing symptoms. It also reduces testosterone and acne, especially when caused by high insulin.

A regular menstrual cycle is a sign of excellent women's health. Cycle disturbances are not always associated with a woman becoming pregnant. They are caused by stress, an unbalanced diet, hormonal imbalances and various pathologies.

In order to restore the cycle, it is not always necessary to resort to hormone-containing drugs. Good result in such cases, vitamin therapy provides. In this publication we will look at what vitamins you need to take to restore your cycle.

Between the lack of vitamins in female body and a disrupted menstrual cycle there is a direct connection. With their deficiency, not only immunity decreases, but everything slows down. metabolic processes. As a result, disruptions occur in the functioning of the entire body, including hormonal imbalance.

It leads to a deterioration in the health and emotional state of the female representative, and provokes many diseases and pathologies in the sexual sphere, including.

In order to restore the cycle in the body, a woman must have a sufficient amount of certain vitamins.

Vitamin A

Each group of vitamins is important in its own way.

Retinol plays one of the main roles in normalizing the cycle. It is necessary for the production of sex hormone, under the influence of which the second half of the cycle occurs.

A reduced level of this hormone provokes the development of hyperplastic processes in the uterus. As a result, the woman will have both irregular and heavy menstrual bleeding.

Retinol is needed for the growth of cells of the mucous membranes, including the organs of the reproductive system. It has a very strong antioxidant effect and therefore counteracts the formation of malignant tumors.

Retinol refers to effective immunomodulators. It can improve a lady's vision. There is a lot of it in carrots, broccoli, liver, and seaweed.

Vitamin E

In order to restore menstruation, you definitely need vitamin E. It affects the synthesis of progesterone, which not only provides the second half of the cycle, but also supports the normal course of pregnancy. Vitamin E is necessarily prescribed when there is a threat of miscarriage, as well as during the treatment of mastopathy.

During pregnancy, it affects the growth and intrauterine development of the child. Vitamin E is indispensable in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome. If it is deficient, women cannot get pregnant.

In addition, vitamin E prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and slows down the aging process of women. The leaders in its content are vegetable oils and all types of nuts.

What do vitamin groups affect?

Vitamin D

It regulates cell development. Moreover, it improves growth healthy cells and slows down all processes in cancerous tumors. Therefore, it is prescribed both for the treatment and prevention of breast cancer, leukemia and dangerous disease– psoriasis. If skin peeling occurs, it is used externally.

The substance has big influence on the structure bone tissue, as well as what happens in it calcium metabolism. It has an impact on Bone marrow and the production of immune cells.

That's why, enough level vitamin in a woman’s body helps strengthen her immunity. Its greatest quantity is in fatty types fish (salmon, tuna and others), cod liver, egg yolks, butter and dairy products.

Vitamin C

Nutrition directly affects the menstrual cycle.

Ascorbic acid can cause menstruation. When you take 60 mg of ascorbic acid every day, the uterine mucosa begins to grow rapidly and this will lead to rapid menstrual bleeding. She eliminates cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Ascorbic acid improves the absorption of iron and promotes the conversion of folic acid into active form. If there is a sufficient amount of it in the body, the quality of the blood improves. Ladies suffering from anemia must be prescribed ascorbic acid. Moreover, she is the most powerful antioxidant. Very often, women have problems with their cycles due to stress.

The second common reason is weakened immunity after an illness or a strict diet. Taking ascorbic acid very effectively eliminates such problems and the cycle is restored.

Expert opinion

Alexandra Yurievna

Doctor general practice, associate professor, teacher of obstetrics, work experience 11 years.

In addition, its regular intake, both in the form of drugs and with food, allows you to fight stress and eliminate depressive state. The leaders in substance content are bell pepper, citrus fruits, black currants, kiwi and greens.

Group B

Restores the menstrual cycle B6, B9 and B12. Pyridoxine or B6 is needed for normal functioning glands of the reproductive system. Therefore, with its deficiency, problems begin with the arrival of menstruation. An insufficient amount of it leads to problems with thyroid gland, which is responsible for the lady’s immunity, and accordingly decreases immune defense body.

Pyridoxine prevents the increase in blood viscosity. Due to this, regular use substances are necessary for people with problems with the cardiovascular system.

Thus, it will be carried out effective prevention atherosclerosis. There is a lot of it in avocados, cereals and corn. In order for the body to have a sufficient amount of all B vitamins, it is necessary to regularly consume uncrushed cereals, pasta and wholemeal bread.

You can restore your cycle without vitamins.

B9 or folic acid is needed by all tissues that renew themselves quickly. These include the skin and mucous membranes, including. When there is a deficiency of folic acid in a woman’s body, hyperplastic processes in the uterine cavity may develop. This condition provokes delays in menstruation. It enters the body, including bananas and citrus fruits.

B12 is needed for normal hematopoiesis. It helps form the active form of retinol. The vitamin is necessary for carbon and protein metabolism, as well as the synthesis of amino acids and enzymes. Affects the functioning of a woman's immune system.

Helps reduce blood cholesterol levels. In addition, a lady in the body who has a sufficient amount of B12 can boast healthy and beautiful curls. To do this, you need to eat fatty fish and drink milk regularly.

Pharmacy complexes

When a woman experiences various disruptions in the menstrual cycle, the gynecologist, after a complete examination, prescribes pharmacy complex and gives recommendations on which foods rich in vitamins the body lacks to include in the diet.

We will consider the most popular complexes:

  1. Cyclovita is a complex that contains vitamin E, A, C, D, group B, as well as microelements.
    It is prescribed both for the treatment of menstrual irregularities and for their prevention. All tablets of the complex are divided into groups that differ in the substances they contain, and therefore are used in different phases cycle.
  2. Vision – the complex includes all the vitamins and extracts we reviewed medicinal plants and dietary supplements.
    The complex is intended not only to normalize the cycle, but to reduce the brightness of the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome and improve appearance women.
  3. Time factor - the complex contains the same vitamins, various microelements, as well as broccoli and vitex extracts.
    The package contains several types of capsules, which differ in their composition and are taken at different phases of the cycle.

It is important to know that it is advisable to take synthetic complexes only as prescribed by a doctor after an examination and blood tests.

The fact is that an overdose of vitamins can have unpleasant consequences for the functioning of the body as a whole. After all, vitamins tend to accumulate in the body, especially fat-soluble A and E.

Therapy by cycle phases

To regulate the menstrual cycle, you need to provide the body with the vitamins necessary for a specific phase. The following treatment regimen is especially popular:

From days 5 to 14 of the cycle, take once a day:

  • folic acid 400 mcg;
  • vitamin E 0.1 g;
  • B6 in the form of a 5% solution of 1 mg.

Three times a day you need to take 0.25 g of glutamic acid.

From days 16 to 25 of the cycle, take once throughout the day:

  • vitamin E 1 g;
  • ascorbic acid 1 g.

This course of treatment is carried out 3 times in a row, and then a break is taken for a month.

Here is another popular treatment regimen:

  1. From days 1 to 7, and then from days 21 to 28 of the menstrual cycle, take vitamin C at a dose of 500 mg per day.
  2. From days 15 to 28 of the cycle, take 200 mg of vitamin E. You can replace it with the AEvit vitamin complex, which contains vitamins A and E.
  3. Folic acid is taken throughout the cycle at a dose of 1 mg 2-3 times throughout the day.

Before starting therapy according to this or another regimen, you must visit a gynecologist and undergo full examination. If, for example, a cyst is detected, then none of the proposed schemes will help. The cycle will not be restored until the cause of the violation is eliminated.

Bottom line

Vitamins not only support general health female representatives, but are capable of eliminating. Vitamins to normalize the menstrual cycle should be prescribed by a gynecologist after examining the woman.

Ladies who want to take complexes to prevent problems should also consult with a specialist so as not to harm their body. We wish you good health!

What do you know about complexes for women's health?

The pharmaceutical industry has a sufficient amount various vitamins, intended to normalize a woman’s menstrual cycle, which occurs by restoring hormonal levels. A missed period is not always due to pregnancy. Sometimes this is due to stress, failure of hormone production and other pathologies.

general information

The complex of vitamins is prescribed by the attending physician and taken as a course, which is called cyclic vitamin therapy, used for 10 days. It is not recommended to purchase vitamins yourself.

For those who decide to take vitamins on their own, experts say to take one capsule of vitamin A and one folic acid in the morning, this is done for two weeks. Afterwards, the body needs rest, then you should continue to take vitamins for another two weeks, but replacing A with vitamin E and folic acid with ascorbic acid. If you continue to take vitamins, then the break should be increased to a week and then started over.

As for medications, in most cases it copes with this problem. oral contraceptive, necessary for normalizing the menstrual cycle.

A woman needs to know that reception medicines often causes the development of various side effects.

Essential vitamins

Vitamins that have positive influence on the formation and adjustment of the menstrual cycle are considered to be A, B, C, E and D.

A special role is played by one responsible for the full production of sex hormones, which supports reproductive system fine.

Vitamin C performs the function of protecting the body and is responsible for the absorption of iron present in the blood. It is involved in the processes of tissue regeneration, in the synthesis of collagen and steroid hormones.

B vitamins are responsible for metabolic processes, immunostimulation, detoxification.

Vitamin D helps maintain immune system fine.

Folic acid necessary for the normal development of the fetal nervous system.

Vitamin E is necessary to prepare the endometrium for egg implantation. Vitamin E in gynecology performs important role and during pregnancy, as it promotes conception and full gestation of the baby. He performs following functions in organism:

  1. Protection against early aging.
  2. Normalization of blood circulation.
  3. Prevents the formation of blood clots and fatty deposits that form on the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Improving cellular respiration.
  5. Stabilization of hormone levels.

Vitamin E helps restore the functionality of the mammary glands. It is very important to follow the exact prescription of the specialist who prescribes a certain dosage.

An interesting fact is that gynecologists often prescribe complex therapy with the use of vitamin E in cases where women have had spontaneous miscarriages or there is a threat of termination of the current pregnancy.

When using vitamin preparations, it is necessary to take into account the day of the menstrual cycle. For example, vitamins B are used until the middle of the cycle, but from the tenth to the twentieth day they switch to vitamins E, during the second phase vitamin C is taken.

Natural vitamins

At irregular cycle The use of medications is not always necessary; in this situation, nutritional adjustments may well help, that is, the use of products that contain:

  1. Protein.
  2. Vitamin D.
  3. Omega-3 fatty acids.

It is necessary to eat foods such as fatty fish, but fish oil, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, is also suitable. But from flour products, made from premium flour, you should strongly refuse, the same applies to any sweets. You can eat dark chocolate, as it helps improve blood circulation, which leads to normalization of the menstrual cycle, but you should not abuse it.

In addition, nuts, cottage cheese and lean meat will be very beneficial for the body.

Interesting information about course vitamins

The Internet is full of different ways taking vitamins, but the most optimal and detailed one is given below.

Starting from the fifth day of the menstrual cycle, you must take:

  • 400 mcg of folic acid once daily for ten days.
  • 0.1 g of vitamin E over the same period of time.
  • 0.25 g of glutamic acid three times a day for the same amount of time.
  • 5% B6 solution 1.0 mg daily for ten days.

Starting from the sixteenth day they begin to take:

  • 1.0 g of ascorbic acid once a day - 10 days.
  • 1.0 g of vitamin E for ten days.

The course is carried out three times in a row, and then you should rest for a month.

A few more methods of taking vitamins

1. In order to normalize the menstrual cycle.

From the first day to the fifteenth:

  • ¾ vitamin E in the amount of 200 mg;
  • ¾ two Pentovit tablets three times a day.

From the fifteenth to menstruation:

  • ¾ vitamin E in the amount of 400 mg;
  • ¾ vitamin C 250 mg.

2. When there is a violation of the menstrual cycle, manifested in its irregularity, it is recommended:

  • ¾ throughout the cycle, one capsule twice a day, vitamin E;

From the sixth to the fifteenth day:

  • ¾ one folic acid tablet three times a day;
  • ¾ twice a day, 20 drops of ginseng herb tincture;
  • ¾ three times a day, 2 tablets of Pentovit.
  • ¾ three times a day, 250 mg of vitamin C.

3. The purpose of this technique is similar to the previous ones.

From the first day of the cycle to the fourteenth:

  • ¾ take B1 and B6 1.0 ml intramuscularly, but they should be taken alternately;
  • ¾ 0.001 folic acid three times a day.

From the fifteenth day until the period itself:

  • ¾ 0.1 three times a day retinol palmitate;
  • ¾ 0.1 similar to the previous tocopherol acetate;
  • ¾ 0.3 also three times a day ascorbic acid;
  • ¾ 0.02 routine three times a day;
  • ¾ 0.25 glutamic acid four times a day.

4. The purpose of this method is similar.

From the third to the thirteenth day:

  • ¾ one capsule of vitamin A;
  • ¾ one tablet of folic acid.

Take vitamin supplements only on an empty stomach morning time days, then you should take a break for three days.

From the seventeenth to twenty-sixth day of the cycle:

  • ¾ 1 capsule of vitamin E;
  • ¾ 250 mg vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Afterwards you should take a week break and start taking the vitamin course all over again.

What to do if the MC is violated

All proposed methods are designed to help normalize the regulation of the menstrual cycle, but they are prescribed by a specialist and used under his supervision. But it is important to eat a balanced diet and healthy image life, which will help normalize many processes in the body responsible for the production of healthy cells, for the restoration of damaged ones, for oxygen saturation of the entire organism as a whole.

Uncontrolled reception vitamin complexes can lead to the development of various pathologies.