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Symptoms characteristic of glomerulonephritis. Glomerulonephritis: symptoms and treatment of the disease. Classification of the disease and clinical picture of its forms

– an infectious-allergic disease belonging to the group of acquired kidney diseases. Various forms of glomerulonephritis differ in etiology, manifestations, course of the disease and its outcome. Most often it is characterized by immune inflammation of the renal glomeruli, as well as further, secondary inflammation of the kidney tubules And interstitium .

Distinguish acute glomerulonephritis , fast-acting form of the disease , And chronic glomerulonephritis . The acute form of the disease can most often be caused by a previous streptococcal infection - poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis . According to etiology they distinguish primary glomerulonephritis and secondary , which arise when systemic diseases– systemic lupus erythematosus , periarteritis nodosa and others.

The development of glomerulonephritis occurs against the background of reactions of cellular and humoral immunity. As a rule, a previous infectious disease causes in the body immune reaction, immune complexes are formed. Those produced for this purpose are carried by the bloodstream throughout all systems, affecting organs sensitive to them. This may be the heart muscle, it occurs rheumatic disease hearts, joints - rheumatism, or in this case the glomeruli of the kidneys - acute glomerulonephritis.

In children, the disease leads to kidney failure and, as a result, disability. Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis Unlike other forms of the disease, it is more common in children aged 5-12 years, and the development of the disease is also observed in adolescents and young adults. The acute form of the disease can develop at any age; the disease is less common after 40 years.

Symptoms of glomerulonephritis

The disease develops no later than three weeks after a streptococcal infection, for example, pyoderma , affecting both kidneys. The onset of the disease is characterized by general symptoms: weakness, chills, nausea, lower back pain, high fever. Acute glomerulonephritis causes swelling of the eyelids, pallor, and decreased urine output.

The clinical picture of the disease is ambiguous. The course of the disease can take place in a cyclical form with rapid development and many symptoms, or maybe in a latent, that is, erased hidden form. Often, the diagnosis of glomerulonephritis in the latent form of the disease occurs untimely, which makes it possible for the disease to become chronic.

Characteristic clinical symptoms glomerulonephritis is the presence of blood during urination and swelling on the face. Hematuria may be insignificant and this symptom can only be detected using a urine test. But more often the urine has a red-brown color. Puffiness is also not always noticeable; it is either bags under the eyes and noticeable narrowing of the eyes, or sharp increase body weight by 3-4 kilograms.

Decreased urine output, so-called oliguria can last up to 5 days, then urine output returns to normal, but decreased urine density is observed. Acute glomerulonephritis is also characterized by increased blood pressure which can last for several weeks.

With a positive prognosis, the main symptoms of glomerulonephritis disappear during the first month, and recovery occurs in 2-2.5. In cases of late diagnosis, or if the disease cannot be treated within a year, the disease becomes severely chronic.

Glomerulonephritis in children often develops in an acute form. Older preschool and younger children are more susceptible to the disease school age. Infants practically do not suffer from glomerulonephritis. The course of the disease is extremely rapid with critical increases in body temperature.

Chronic glomerulonephritis is divided into four clinical forms. Any flow is characterized by periods remission , which are replaced by exacerbations similar to the acute form of the disease. Exacerbations can be seasonal, as well as occurring during re-infection infectious diseases streptococcal nature.

Necrotizing form of glomerulonephritis characterized by generalized edema, possibly developing up to ascites And anasarca . Laboratory tests reveal an increase in protein in the urine and a decrease in protein in the blood. At the same time, the level increases lipids And globulins , the level decreases albumin .

Hypertensive form the disease does not include such bright severe symptoms glomerulonephritis as necrotic , this form is characterized hypertension . A mixed form of chronic glomerulonephritis is also possible. In this case, symptoms of both forms are present simultaneously.

Just like acute glomerulonephritis, chronic glomerulonephritis can be practically asymptomatic. The latent form is characterized by only a slight disturbance in urine output.

Diagnosis of glomerulonephritis

Suspicion of acute glomerulonephritis is caused by a triad of symptoms: swelling , hematuria , arterial hypertension . In the latent form of the disease, indications for further diagnosis are the history of the previous disease and the determination of antistreptococcal antibodies and their concentration in .

Appointed X-ray contrast examination and a row laboratory tests to rule out the presence of other kidney diseases. Thus, differential diagnosis of glomerulonephritis should exclude exacerbations of nephritis, including hereditary form, kidney tuberculosis , nephrolithiasis . Diagnosis of glomerulonephritis also includes data from earlier past diseases, long-term monitoring of the patient’s condition, consultation with an ophthalmologist. With glomerulonephritis, changes in the fundus of the eye occur. In case of an extremely rapid course of the disease, tissue examination is carried out - kidney biotapta .

In laboratory tests of urine, the presence hematuria or cylindruria is a confirmation of the diagnosis. In the first days of the disease, they are detected in urine analysis. They are a reflection of the immune process in the glomeruli of the kidneys.

Blood test reveals neurophilic leukocytosis , anemia , increase . The data show decreased glomerular filtration and an increase in nitrogenous waste in the blood. Disturbances in the blood clotting system are detected. This is most often represented by degradation products fibrin , and fibrinogen in blood serum and urine.

Treatment of glomerulonephritis

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient should be hospitalized. Treatment of glomerulonephritis in a hospital requires bed rest; the patient requires rest and warmth, which helps normalize blood circulation in the kidneys and reduce blood pressure. Prescribed with dosed fluid intake to relieve swelling. In the first days, the diet is strictly controlled, the presence of salt in food is excluded, its consumption is gradually resumed after the swelling disappears. Also exclude dishes rich in potassium, extractives, and allergens.

Drug treatment of glomerulonephritis includes antibacterial therapy, most often prescribed penicillin series course 1.5-2 months. Subcutaneous administration is recommended for a course of 2-4 weeks. The drug prevents intravascular blood clotting. If symptoms of glomerulonephritis include arterial hypertension are appointed ACE inhibitors, intravenous infusions in glucose solution and subsequent infusion. Acceptable use methyldopa .

The prognosis for treatment of glomerulonephritis is most often favorable. 85-90% of patients recover completely; in the remaining patients, urine changes persist, which makes it impossible to talk about complete recovery. At long-term treatment the disease may become chronic with symptoms necrotic syndrome . Lethal outcome is rarely recorded, most often due to untimely detection of the latent form of the disease.

The doctors


Complications of glomerulonephritis

At the first stage of the disease development, the occurrence of severe complications, dangerous to the patient's life. Severe disease can cause renal eclampsia , acute renal and heart failure.

Renal eclampsia one of the most frequent complications acute glomerulonephritis. Eclampsia or angiopastic encephalopathy is a spasm of cerebral vessels, cerebral edema. Signs of complications are tonic-clonic seizures, followed by headache, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision. An attack of eclampsia resembles epileptic , is accompanied by a jump in blood pressure and can last several minutes. A series of seizures is also observed. Without timely relief of the attack, hemorrhage occurs in the brain.

In the hyperergic course of the acute form of the disease, acute renal failure develops. Complications of glomerulonephritis are caused by the rapid course of the disease. Acute renal failure is accompanied by a sudden cessation of urination. As a result of water retention in the body, waste products and potassium accumulate, thereby causing hyperhydration And . With further development of renal failure, symptoms of intoxication arise - anorrhea , nausea, repeated vomiting, . Join hemorrhagic syndrome , damage to the cardiovascular system and central nervous system. The patient may fall into uremic coma , most often causes complicated glomerulonephritis in children.

Less commonly, especially in children, complications of glomerulonephritis occur from the heart. Acute cardiovascular failure is characterized by such signs as liver enlargement, increasing peripheral edema and pulmonary edema. This is what most often causes fatal outcome without timely help.

Prevention of glomerulonephritis

Proper treatment of streptococcal diseases, compliance with the calendar of preventive vaccinations and sanitization of foci of infection in the body constitute the main preventive measures. Children who have suffered post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis should be under medical supervision for 5 years after treatment.

Preventive medical examinations and laboratory tests allow early detection of the disease and avoid complications. Self-medication, neglect general symptoms most often leads to severe forms of the disease.

Glomerulonephritis is an infectious-allergic disease that belongs to the group of acquired kidney diseases. Various forms of glomerulonephritis differ in etiology, manifestations, course of the disease and its outcome. Most often it is characterized by immune inflammation of the renal glomeruli, as well as further, secondary inflammation of the renal tubules and interstitium.

There are acute glomerulonephritis, a fast-acting form of the disease, and chronic glomerulonephritis. The acute form of the disease can most often be caused by a previous streptococcal infection - post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. According to etiology, primary glomerulonephritis is distinguished and secondary, which occurs in systemic diseases - systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatism, periarteritis nodosa and others.

What it is?

Glomerulonephritis is a kidney disease characterized by damage to the glomeruli (glomeruli of the kidneys). This condition may present with isolated hematuria and/or proteinuria; or as nephritic syndrome, acute renal failure, or chronic renal failure.


Acute and chronic conditions can lead to the development of glomerulonephritis. infectious processes, provoked by pathogenic streptococcus and other microorganisms. These include:

  • streptoderma;
  • scarlet fever;
  • chicken pox;
  • angina;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • measles;
  • acute respiratory viral infections.

Also, the reasons that provoke the development of glomerulonephritis can be hypothermia and high humidity, which lead to impaired circulation. The main infectious pathogens that provoke the development of glomerulonephritis are:

  • Neisseria;
  • toxoplasma;
  • streptococcus;
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • viruses.

Most often, the development of glomerulonephritis is observed several days after the infection. The main causative agent is group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus.


The classification of glomerulonephritis is varied; there are several principles of division. According to the method of occurrence, the following types of glomerulonephritis are distinguished:

  1. Acute - manifests itself at the first deviations of the renal glomeruli, the onset of the disease is spontaneous. Amenable quick treatment, although in advanced cases becomes chronic.
  2. Chronic - protracted cyclic form of acute glomerular nephritis.
  3. Subacute - known as malignant (rapidly progressive). It is difficult to treat glomerulonephritis of this form, since the streptococcal virus reacts poorly to medicines. In this case, complications of glomerulonephritis are often observed, such as uremia, chronic renal failure, which can threaten the patient’s life.

Clinical forms of chronic glomerulonephritis are:

Nephrotic characterized severe swelling, the pressure in this case will most likely be normal.
Hematuric clinic appears in stock blood clots in urine, increasing the concentration of protein compounds during biochemical analysis. There is swelling, but it is small and unnoticeable. On later hypertension appears.
Mixed The reasons need to be considered in aggregate; it is difficult to determine the main symptom.
Latent with this type of diffuse glomerulonephritis, the patient does not feel any abnormalities in health. There is slight swelling and slight pressure fluctuations. This is where oliguria manifests itself - a decrease in the volume of fluid removed from the body. Kidney disease can be detected by testing laboratory research.
Hypertensive manifests itself as high blood pressure. In this case, the urge to urinate changes its regularity, and when examining urine, an increase in the amount of protein appears and blood discharge is present.

Classification of chronic glomerulonephritis:

  1. Primary - considered as a separate kidney disease.
  2. Secondary - the disease was the result of other abnormalities in the patient’s health. For example, arthritis, periarthritis nodosa, systemic lupus etc. Focal segmental rheumatoid glomerulonephritis can be caused by various pathologies, immunity is affected systemically.

A separate item considers acute mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis, which was caused by allergic streptococcus.

Symptoms of glomerulonephritis

Depending on the various forms glomerular lesions may be dominated by certain symptoms of glomerulonephritis.

  1. Blood in the urine - urine the color of “meat slop”;
  2. Swelling of the face (especially the eyelids), as well as the feet and legs;
  3. Increased blood pressure;
  4. Decreased urine output, thirst;
  5. Increased body temperature (rare);
  6. Lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, headache, weakness;
  7. Weight gain;
  8. Dyspnea.

Acute glomerulonephritis develops 6-12 days after an infection, usually streptococcal (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, scarlet fever), including skin infection (pyoderma, impetigo).

In the classic cyclic course, acute glomerulonephritis is characterized by changes in urine (red urine due to blood), edema, and a decrease in the amount of urine excreted.


In acute diffuse glomerulonephritis, the following complications may occur:

  1. Acute heart failure (in less than 3% of cases);
  2. Acute renal failure (in 1% of patients);
  3. Acute renal hypertensive encephalopathy (preeclampsia, eclampsia);
  4. Bleeding in the brain;
  5. Acute visual impairment (transient blindness);
  6. Transition to chronic diffuse glomerulonephritis.

One of the factors of chronicity inflammatory process in the kidneys there may be so-called hypoplastic dysplasia of the kidney, i.e. developmental delay renal tissue on the chronological age of the child.

With a progressive course, unresponsive to active immunosuppressive therapy, chronic diffuse glomerulonephritis passes into its final stage - a secondary wrinkled kidney.


Diagnosis of glomerulonephritis is made based on the results of studies that allow one to assess the degree and severity of renal dysfunction and identify the level of activity of the process.

The presence of the disease is indicated by:

  1. Presence of leukocytosis, accelerated Blood ESR in a general blood test.
  2. In a biochemical study of a blood test, an increase in residual nitrogen and urea, an increase in creatinine and cholesterol, and a decrease in the level of albumin proteins.
  3. Disturbance of the balance of acids and alkalis in the blood.
  4. Moderate proteinuria (excretion of albumin protein in the urine) for up to two to three weeks.
  5. Microscopy of urinary sediment reveals specific casts indicating damage to the renal glomeruli.
  6. Hematuria is the appearance of blood in the urine (urine is dirty-colored “meat slop”, dark brown or black, and with microhematuria the color is unchanged).
  7. Decreased diuresis, nocturia (increased urine production at night) with the Zimnitsky test.

Sometimes a kidney biopsy is prescribed for further morphological research bioptic material.

Treatment of glomerulonephritis

Symptoms and treatment of glomerulonephritis are closely related. Therapy of acute and chronic form diseases in the acute phase, is performed only in conditions of nephrological or therapeutic department hospital. It is recommended for sick people bed rest, and for therapeutic nutrition, diet No. 7 is prescribed for kidney glomerulonephritis.

Treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis:

  • General strengthening agents.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, corticosteroids).
  • Anticoagulants (to reduce blood viscosity and prevent blood clots).
  • Regular dialysis for severe renal failure.
  • Kidney transplantation if ineffective conservative treatment chronic glomerulonephritis (does not eliminate further autoimmune destruction).

Treatment of acute glomerulonephritis:

  • Strict bed rest.
  • Antibacterial, antiviral treatment(at infectious nature illnesses).
  • Symptomatic drugs (diuretics, antihypertensives, antihistamines).
  • Immunosuppressive treatment (cytostatics).
  • Dialysis - connection to the device artificial kidney(with rapid development of renal failure).

Diet for acute glomerulonephritis

In the fight against this pathology, it is very important to adhere to a special diet. Patients are advised to reduce to a minimum the amount of fluid consumed, as well as salt and protein. A patient can eat no more than two grams of salt per day. Among food products that contain protein, you should give your preference egg white and cottage cheese. As for fats, you can eat no more than fifty grams of them per day.

The normal daily amount of fluid in this case is considered to be six hundred to a thousand milliliters. Such patients are strictly prohibited from using meat soups. In most cases, a correct and timely course of therapy makes it possible not only to heal the patient, but also to completely restore the functioning of his kidneys.

Folk remedies

Here are a few effective means that will help quickly restore kidney function:

  1. Take one tablespoon of dried black elderberry flowers, pour a glass of boiling water, leave until it cools completely. Take the medicine 1/3 cup three times a day before meals. The duration of taking elderflower infusion is 3-4 weeks, until complete cure.
  2. Healing collection for swelling. Mix flax-seed(4 parts) with dry birch leaves (3 parts) and root field steelhead(as many). Pour boiling water over it and leave to steep for a couple of hours. Then strain and consume a third of a glass three times a day. And so - for a week. After this time, you will forget what swelling is, get rid of pressure and heart pain.
  3. Mix 1 teaspoon of corn silk and the same amount of cherry tails, pour in 500 ml of boiling water and leave to steep until the medicine cools to room temperature. You need to take the infusion ¼ glass three times a day half an hour before meals. Treatment should be continued until the symptoms of glomerulonephritis disappear.

To boost immunity and help the body cope faster with pathological process, you need to take the following medicine every day, a teaspoon: a glass of honey, a tablespoon walnuts, a tablespoon of hazelnuts, the peel of one lemon. Mix everything and store in a warm place.


Proper treatment of streptococcal diseases, compliance with the calendar of preventive vaccinations and sanitization of foci of infection in the body constitute the main preventive measures. Children who have suffered post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis should be under medical supervision for 5 years after treatment.

Preventive medical examinations and laboratory tests allow you to detect the disease early and avoid complications. Self-medication and neglect of general symptoms most often leads to severe forms of the disease.


Favorable if all therapeutic measures are followed. In some cases there may be serious complications leading to renal failure and requiring urgent measures. To prevent them, it is worth following the prescribed treatment and monitoring the dynamics of laboratory parameters. It is also necessary to prevent hypothermia and other etiological factors that can provoke a worsening of the condition.

Only experienced nephrologists and urologists know well the symptoms and treatment of glomerulonephritis and understand the danger to humans of this renal pathology. This disease without appropriate therapy leads to complications. Greatest danger represents development. In this case, patients need constant hemodialysis (blood purification using a special device).

Development of glomerulonephritis in adults

The kidneys are a vital paired organ. They perform a very valuable function - they cleanse the blood of various metabolic products and toxic compounds.

Glomerulonephritis should not be confused with pyelonephritis.

The disease in question has the following distinctive features:

  • characterized by damage to the glomeruli and tubules;
  • has an immunoinflammatory origin;
  • progresses steadily;
  • leads to the development of secondary arterial hypertension;
  • affects predominantly young people;
  • cannot be treated with antibiotics alone;
  • occurs in acute and chronic forms.

For glomerulonephritis, the causes include infectious pathology (sore throat, sepsis, scarlet fever, mononucleosis), systemic diseases(lupus, vasculitis), poisoning. This kidney disease often develops in young children. Acute glomerulonephritis is much more common in men.

General clinical manifestations

Depending on the symptoms, several forms of this kidney pathology are known:

  • nephrotic;
  • hypertensive;
  • hematuric;
  • latent;
  • mixed.

Acute glomerulonephritis in most cases develops after an infectious pathology. Incubation period is 6–12 days. Acute glomerulonephritis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • swelling;
  • a decrease in diuresis followed by an increase;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • blood in the urine;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • chills;
  • lack of appetite;
  • fever.

The same manifestations are observed during exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease. TO clinical syndromes glomerulonephritis includes hypertensive, nephrotic and nephritic.

Often acute form The disease proceeds with erased symptoms, smoothly turning into chronic.

With this renal pathology, the general state person. Weakness, malaise and decreased ability to work may occur.

Development of nephrotic syndrome

When glomerulonephritis occurs in adults, symptoms include swelling. This is the main manifestation of nephrotic syndrome. The latter also includes reducing it in the blood. Availability of this syndrome indicates damage to the glomeruli of the kidneys. They are responsible for filtering blood plasma. With glomerulonephritis, their function is impaired. Proteins penetrate the barrier and exit in the urine.

Loss of proteins leads to changes in oncotic pressure. This causes increased permeability blood vessels and swelling. The latter may be generalized. IN severe cases anasarca develops.

Primary nephrotic syndrome most often develops against the background of focal sclerotic glomerulonephritis.

Edema in this disease has the following features:

  • initially appear on the face around the eyes;
  • spread down to the body;
  • localized on the limbs;
  • movable;
  • combined with lower back pain;
  • quickly appear and disappear;
  • warm to the touch.

Skin color often changes. She turns pale. In most cases, swelling is localized on the upper half of the body. Differential diagnosis carried out with heart diseases. With them, the swelling is motionless, cold and appears mainly on the extremities. Other symptoms of kidney inflammation with nephrotic syndrome include pallor and dry skin, weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, tachycardia, dyspepsia and dysuria.

The patient has hematuria

With glomerulonephritis, hematuria is almost always detected. This is a sign that is included in the concept nephritic syndrome. Hematuria is a condition in which blood is detected in the urine. Normally, men should not have red blood cells in their urine. In women, single red blood cells may be detected in the field of view during microscopic examination.

Renal glomerulonephritis most often manifests itself as macrohematuria. With it, blood is determined visually. Urine becomes pink or brown.

This condition indicates advanced disease and the development of renal failure.

In a healthy person, red blood cells do not pass through the kidney filter. They return to the bloodstream. Impaired kidney function causes the body to lose blood cells. This can lead to anemia.

Often urine chronic glomerulonephritis it looks like meat slop. She bright red. The hematuric form of this pathology is rare. It is diagnosed in 5% of patients. During the process of elimination, red blood cells change. During analysis they look different. Such red blood cells are called leached. This is the main difference from urolithiasis, in which hematuria also develops.

Hypertensive syndrome due to glomerulonephritis

With kidney damage, hypertensive syndrome often develops. It is characterized by increased blood pressure. It is difficult to correct using medicines. The pressure in such patients exceeds 140/90 mmHg. Art. The following disorders play the most important role in the development of this syndrome:

  • activation of the renin-angiotensin system;
  • water retention;
  • increase in BCC (circulating blood volume);
  • impaired production of prostaglandins A and E;
  • sodium retention.

Of no small importance is such a factor as a decrease in blood supply to the kidneys. Hypertension is very common. It accounts for up to 20% of all cases of this pathology. The pressure is constantly elevated. The following symptoms are possible:
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • memory loss;
  • noise in the head and ears;
  • weakness;
  • sensory disturbance;
  • the appearance of floaters before the eyes.

Hypertension is moderate. Systolic pressure rarely exceeds 160 mmHg. Art. Without treatment, the prognosis is poor. High blood pressure is often combined with a decrease in heart rate.

Signs of complicated glomerulonephritis

It is necessary to know not only the causes of glomerulonephritis, but also possible consequences. The most commonly observed complications are:

  • ascites;
  • anasarca;
  • renal failure;
  • left ventricular failure;
  • hydropericardium;
  • hydrothorax;
  • cerebral edema;
  • encephalopathy;
  • uremia;
  • pleurisy.

The outcome of the chronic form of the disease is renal failure. With it, gross hematuria and an increase in the concentration of urea and creatinine in the blood are observed. Acute glomerulonephritis often leads to brain damage. Swelling develops. It is manifested by headache, decreased visual acuity, nausea, vomiting and agitation of the patient. The hypertensive form of glomerulonephritis can cause eye damage (neuroretinitis), cardiac asthma and left ventricular hypertrophy.

In the case of nephrotic syndrome, fluid accumulation in the cavities is often observed. Hydropericardium, hydrothorax and ascites develop. In the first case, transudate accumulates in the pericardial sac. In hydrothorax, fluid accumulates in the pleural cavity. It manifests itself as heaviness chest, increased breathing rate, lack of air. Often patients take a forced body position.

Therapeutic tactics for kidney damage

You need to know not only the symptoms of glomerulonephritis, but also methods of treating the disease. If you have glomerulonephritis, it is important for the patient to understand what it is in order to prevent the progression of the disease. Therapy is carried out after staging accurate diagnosis and exclusion of other pathologies (pyelonephritis, amyloidosis, hydronephrosis). Requires general clinical tests blood and urine, ultrasound, tomography, biopsy, biochemical research and immunological analysis.

Treatment of acute glomerulonephritis requires hospitalization. Therapy involves:

  • compliance with bed rest;
  • use of corticosteroids;
  • use of antihypertensive drugs;
  • use of diuretics;
  • limiting fluid and salt intake.

If acute renal failure develops, hemodialysis may be necessary. Anticoagulants are often prescribed. If infection is present, antibiotic therapy is given. If detected, treatment involves bed rest, following diet No. 7, taking anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, immunosuppressants and steroids.

Of the diuretics, preference is given to hypothiazide and furosemide. In the presence of arterial hypertension, ACE inhibitors are included in the treatment regimen. An important place in treatment is the elimination of foci chronic infection. Treatment of glomerulonephritis can be carried out over 1–2 months.

In case of development of ascites and ineffectiveness conservative therapy Paracentesis may be needed. It involves performing a puncture and suctioning out the accumulated fluid.

If a person has developed acute failure left ventricle, emergency assistance is required.

The patient's head is raised. If necessary, carried out artificial ventilation lungs. Diuretics are prescribed. Cardiac glycosides are used according to indications.

Nutrition of patients with glomerulonephritis

Treatment involves following a diet. For renal pathology, table No. 7 is prescribed. Medical nutrition indicated from the first days of disease development. Diet No. 7 has the following objectives:

  • elimination of edema;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • improving the excretion of metabolic products.

Proper nutrition allows you to cure patients with glomerulonephritis. It is important to reduce your protein and salt intake. You should limit the consumption of spices, spicy and fatty foods, meat, fish, confectionery, pickles, rich broths, cereals, coffee, sparkling water. There are diets No. 7a and 7b.

In the latter case, the amount of protein consumed increases. Meals should be 5-6 times a day. Food needs to be baked or steamed. Drinking regime largely depends on diuresis. It is recommended to include vegetables, fruits, dairy products, lingonberries, cranberries, fruit drinks, rice porridge, low-fat soup, lean meat.

The diet may vary depending on the patient's condition, the volume of urine excreted and the results of laboratory tests. Gradually, people are being switched to a more gentle diet. Thus, the treatment of this kidney disease must be comprehensive.

Chronic glomerulonephritis is difficult to treat.

If you do not consult a doctor at the first complaint, there is a possibility of developing kidney failure and other dangerous complications.

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Glomerulonephritis in adults and children: causes of its occurrence, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and effective methods therapy
Glomerulonephritis is a two-way inflammatory pathology kidneys, accompanied by damage to small renal vessels. During development of this disease there is a violation of the main work of this organ: the formation of urine, cleansing the body of both toxic and unnecessary substances. This disease can affect a person of any age, however, in most cases this pathology observed in people under the age of forty. In representatives of the stronger sex, glomerulonephritis is observed much more often than in representatives of the weaker sex. IN childhood this disease is observed very often. In terms of its prevalence, it ranks second after infectious pathologies urinary system among all kidney diseases. Most common cause development of this pathological condition It is considered to be the body's reaction to a variety of allergens and infections.

This disease is considered one of the most serious illnesses kidney Acute glomerulonephritis can almost always be completely cured. As for the chronic form of this pathology, it tends to cause the development of chronic renal failure. Patients with chronic renal failure a kidney transplant and hemodialysis are required.

Glomerulonephritis – what is it?

Glomerulonephritis is the name given to acute or chronic inflammation of the kidney tissue, which is accompanied primarily by damage to the small vessels of the kidneys, as well as impaired kidney function to form urine. If we compare this disease with pyelonephritis, we can immediately draw attention to the fact that during its development, not one, but both kidneys are affected simultaneously.

Glomerulonephritis - what are the causes of its occurrence?

Among the most common reasons contributing to the development of this pathology are:
Infections. In most cases, the development of this pathology is a consequence of exposure of the human body to group beta hemolytic streptococcus A twelfth type. The same illness can make itself felt as a result of scarlet fever, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, as well as some other pathologies of an inflammatory and infectious nature. In the population of countries with hot climates, this disease occurs, as a rule, due to streptococcal infections skin, namely phlyctena, as well as bullous streptococcal impetigo. Most often, when this pathology develops, doctors are able to identify the source of infection.

Toxic components. The main toxic components that tend to cause the development of this disease include lead, alcoholic beverages, mercury, as well as organic solvents such as acetone, ethyl alcohol, gasoline, xylene and so on.

The signs and symptoms observed with uremia include:

  • Decreased visual acuity.
  • Convulsive states.
  • Smell of urine from oral cavity (urea is secreted through mucous membranes).
  • Drowsiness.
  • Dry mouth.

Methods for diagnosing glomerulonephritis

The main methods for diagnosing this pathology include:
  • Ocular fundus. Makes it possible to identify the degree of damage to the vessels of the retina.
  • General urine analysis . If this pathology is present in the urine of patients, it is possible to detect both leukocytes, protein, erythrocytes, and also cylinders.
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the kidneys makes it possible to detect an increase in their size in the case of acute glomerulonephritis and wrinkling if a person has a chronic form of this pathology or renal failure.
  • A kidney biopsy makes it possible to determine the form of this pathology, as well as its activity. In addition, this research method helps to exclude the presence of other kidney diseases that cause the same symptoms.
  • Serological blood test. With its help, it is possible to detect an increase in antibodies to streptococcus in the blood.

Glomerulonephritis during pregnancy

In most cases, during pregnancy, women experience an acute form of this disease. It occurs in pregnant women for the same reasons as in all other cases. The most common cause of the development of this pathology is considered to be infections of the ENT organs, as well as the throat, which could not be completely eliminated before the baby was conceived. It is not easy to identify the presence of this pathology in a pregnant woman, and all because this disease causes symptoms that can occur even in healthy expectant mothers. These include excessive fatigue, swelling, and painful sensations in the lumbar region, and so on. The main method for detecting this disease in a pregnant woman is still a general urine test, which reveals an excessive amount of red blood cells and protein.

Glomerulonephritis, as well as complications that arise against the background of this pathology, tend to greatly complicate the course of pregnancy. That is why there are cases when, in order to save the life of a mother suffering from this pathology, it is necessary to terminate the pregnancy. Let us note right away that this happens extremely rarely.

Therapy for this disease during pregnancy includes:

  • therapy for edema and hypertension,
  • suppression of infection through antibiotic drugs that can be used during pregnancy,
  • maintaining kidney function until they are restored.
Therapy for this pathology during pregnancy should be carried out under the strict supervision of nephrologists and gynecologists.

Therapy of glomerulonephritis in adults and children

Treatment for this disease is carried out in the nephrology department of the hospital. In most cases, patients end up in this department in very serious condition.

Treatment of acute glomerulonephritis
Therapy for this form of this disease involves the use of both diuretics and antibiotics. In addition, patients are advised to follow a special diet. The course of therapy in this case takes about ten days. Considering the fact that this pathology most often occurs due to streptococcal throat infection, the patient may also be prescribed penicillin drugs such as Amoxicillin, Benzylpenicillin procaine , and Phenoxymethylpenicillin . The exact dosage will be indicated by a specialist. Children whose body weight does not exceed thirty kilograms, this medication prescribed in the amount of two hundred and fifty milligrams every eight hours. If the child’s body weight is from thirty to fifty kilograms, then he is prescribed two hundred fifty to five hundred milligrams this drug every eight hours. For adolescents, as well as adults whose weight is less than eighty kilograms, five hundred milligrams are prescribed every eight hours. If edema develops, it is very important to use diuretics such as Ethacrynic acid , Hypothiazide, Furosemide. During development arterial hypertension You cannot do without the help of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, as well as diuretics. To the number of data pharmaceuticals can be considered as Berlipril, so Captopril, and Enalapril.

Diet for acute glomerulonephritis
In the fight against this pathology, it is very important to adhere to a special diet. Patients are advised to reduce to a minimum the amount of fluid consumed, as well as salt and protein. A patient can eat no more than two grams of salt per day. Among food products that contain protein, you should give your preference to egg whites and cottage cheese. As for fats, you can eat no more than fifty grams of them per day. The normal daily amount of fluid in this case is considered to be six hundred to a thousand milliliters. Such patients are strictly prohibited from consuming meat soups. In most cases, a correct and timely course of therapy makes it possible not only to heal the patient, but also to completely restore the functioning of his kidneys.

Therapy of subacute and chronic glomerulonephritis
If we take into account information regarding the mechanism of development of glomerulonephritis, therapy for both subacute and chronic forms of this pathology involves getting rid of the three most important links in the occurrence of this disease. In this case, attention is paid to the immune response, immune inflammation and sclerotic processes in the kidneys.

Suppression of the immune response
Most often, to suppress the immune response, doctors prescribe to their patients immunosuppressants.
These include:

  • Cyclosporine.
  • Glucocorticoids (Prednisolone). More and more often, in all highly developed countries of the world, pulse therapy with methylprednisolone is used, and in very high dosages. This method treatment helps to heal the patient in one hundred percent of cases.
  • Cytostatics type Leukerana, Azathioprine, Cyclophosphamide.
Suppression of the immune response
  • Anticoagulants ( Phenilin, Heparin ).
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Antiplatelet agents (Aspirin, Curantil).
The effectiveness of therapy for the chronic form of this pathology is determined by the moment of treatment initiation. In general, the sooner therapy is started, the greater the patient’s chances of healing completely. Even if the patient manages to completely get rid of this disease, he will in any case have to regularly visit the doctor for a very long period of time. In order to prevent the development of this pathology, it is necessary to promptly treat infectious pathologies of the nasopharynx, as well as harden the body.
Before use, you should consult a specialist.