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Cancer of the ascending colon. Background information about colon cancer

Cancer colon occurs frequently, morbidity and mortality rates are constantly increasing, especially in economically developed countries. The causes of the pathology are as follows: a diet with a predominance of trans fats, sedentary lifestyle life, chronic obstipation, harmful production factors, severe concomitant diseases organs digestive system(, Crohn's disease, numerous polyps of the mucous membrane).

Has the meaning hereditary predisposition to the occurrence of cancer of this organ. Exist different types cancer. They differ in cellular composition and source of pathology. In most cases, adenocarcinoma of the colon is diagnosed, arising from the epithelial lining.

The organ consists of the following sections: ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid colon. In the first, fluid is absorbed, and feces are formed from the remaining components in the remaining parts.

The ascending colon is a continuation of the cecum, has a length of 15-20 cm, and passes into the transverse section. The latter is usually 50 cm long and continues at an angle into the descending colon.

It is characterized by the fact that the lumen of the organ in it gradually decreases. The length of this section is 20 cm, it passes into the sigmoid intestine. Its length is about half a meter, ending at the junction with the rectum.

Symptoms of Colon Cancer

The clinical picture of the cancerous process of an organ depends on the location of the pathological focus. Symptoms bother the patient when the tumor has grown or metastasized to neighboring organs. The distribution process is quite slow and takes a lot of time.

Symptoms of a colon tumor depend on which part of the colon is affected by the disease. If exists lesion of the ascending limb, the patient is concerned about discomfort in the area digestive tract, most often in the epigastric and left hypochondrium region. The contents of this section of the colon are liquid, so obstruction rarely occurs, only in the case of an advanced stage of pathology. In such situations, it is even possible to palpate the tumor during the examination.

Meet hidden bleeding. The patient is diagnosed with anemia with all the accompanying complaints associated with this pathology - weakness, lethargy, increased fatigue. The skin is pale.

Symptoms of cancer left side of the large intestine characterized by similar features. Feces are formed in these sections. The intestinal lumen is wider than in the ascending part.

Cancer of the descending colon and other parts of this area grows in such a way that it contributes to a decrease in the volume of the organ. This provokes the occurrence of intestinal obstruction.

The formation and evacuation of feces is disrupted. Fermentation and rotting occur in the intestine. Patients will complain of flatulence due to increased gas formation.

in such situations alternate with diarrhea. The stool is unpleasant putrid smell. Consistency and shape feces change. With cancer on the left side of the colon, the stool becomes thin. Blood impurities are observed. This occurs due to the disintegration of the tumor. A cancerous lesion on the left side may ulcerate and be complicated by peritonitis.

It is important for patients to consult a doctor in situations where the shape and composition of stool changes, and there is constant discomfort and pain in the digestive tract. Also in cases strong weight loss, increased fatigue, anemia.

Cancer stages and metastasis

The following degrees of cancer of the colon are distinguished:

Metastasis occurs in 3 ways: through lymphatic system, blood vessels and through germination into neighboring organs. This method is called implantation. The peritoneum is often colonized with cancer cells.

The nature of the localization of metastases depends on the location of the tumor. If it's in the top half abdominal cavity, cancer cells more often enter the organs of the corresponding part of the body.

In situations where the lesion is located anatomically closer to the rectum, the spread is diagnosed in the pelvis.

Colon cancer most often metastasizes to the liver. The lungs, brain, testicles or ovaries, and skeletal system are also affected.

If stage 2 or higher is diagnosed, there is almost always damage to the regional lymph nodes.

Treatment options

The main thing that the attending physician needs to do is to remove the tumor surgically. Selecting a view surgical intervention depends on the location of the pathological process, the degree of germination and metastasis.

During the operation, in addition to the tumor, resection of nearby lymph nodes, to which fluid drains from the segment affected by cancer, is required. The nature and extent of the intervention are determined by the attending physician.

If resection of cancer of the ascending colon is necessary, an operation called right hemicolectomy. In addition to the affected part of the organ, all lymph nodes in this area are removed, and an anastomosis is formed by connecting the small and large intestines.

Left hemicolectomy It is carried out when the left part of the colon is affected by the oncological process. In addition to the pathological zone and lymph nodes, the mesentery of this zone is resected. An anastomosis is necessarily formed.

Transverse colon cancer is removed along with nearby lymph nodes and the surrounding omentum.

If the tumor spreads to neighboring organs, surgeons perform combined interventions with removal of cancerous areas.

In cases where surgical treatment is contraindicated because it will be fatal, we're talking about on palliative interventions. Usually, bypass connections are formed for the passage of feces. This helps avoid intestinal obstruction.

The removed material is immediately sent for examination to determine the stage of the process and the nature of the cancer cells. The doctor’s opinion helps determine further tactics.

The next stage of treatment is radiation and chemotherapy, is determined depending on the nature of the cancer cells. Radiation is given after surgery, usually a couple of weeks later. Patients often have side effects, but many tolerate the procedure well.

Next stage - chemotherapy. She represents intravenous administration antitumor drugs, which inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells. It is usually easier to tolerate by patients than radiation.

The duration of treatment depends on large quantity factors: the type of tumor itself, the presence of metastases, general condition patient, age, severe accompanying pathologies.

Colon cancer is a disease that most often affects residents of developed Western countries; in the East, people suffer from this type of cancer less often.

This is probably due to lifestyle, nutrition or ecology, but no one can say for sure.

Classification and types of colon cancer

Exophytic and endophytic forms of cancer are some of the most common.

Colon cancer is classified according to several criteria, which we will now consider in the table along with examples.

ClassificationType of cancerHow it develops
According to the origin of the tumor and its morphological structureAdenocarcinomaAtypical cells of the inner surface of the epithelium form a tumor
Mucous adenocarcinomaDevelopment occurs from the glandular layer of the epithelium, which also secretes mucus that completely covers the tumor.
Signet ring cell carcinomaThe tumor cells resemble signet ring-cell shaped vesicles that are not connected to each other.
Squamous cell carcinomaDevelopment occurs from squamous epithelium.
Glandular-squamousCells of flat and glandular epithelium form a tumor.
Undifferentiated formThe tumor being studied does not fit into any of the above types of cancer
In the direction of tumor growthExophyticThe tumor begins to grow into the intestinal lumen.
EndophyticThe tumor grows into the intestinal wall and can spread to adjacent organs.
MixedBoth types of growth can be combined

Stages of cancer development

After the operation, the patient is prohibited from eating and drinking for 24 hours; the next day, he is allowed to take ground food in small portions, preferably at least five times a day. The further diet will be prescribed by the doctor individually, but it should be understood that most foods will have to be abandoned in favor of cereals and purees.

A month after the operation, the patient is prescribed a course of radiation therapy, and possibly chemotherapy to prevent relapse of the disease.

Video: The prognosis for patients is quite optimistic. The survival rate of such patients after surgery is almost one hundred percent when cancer is detected at the first stage. After the operation, a person lives for about another five years, or even more. And there, new drugs may be invented that will allow such patients to live even longer. Therefore, the psychological attitude for treatment is extremely important.

The patient must remember that recovery depends entirely on him; if he strictly follows the doctor’s advice, then the chances increase significantly.

If the disease is neglected, not treated, treated untimely or intermittently, forgetting to take medications, then colon cancer can cause complications that even lead to death.

These include:

  • peritonitis;
  • perforation of part of the intestine;
  • inflammatory and purulent intestinal lesions;
  • spread of the tumor to the genitals and organs of the urinary system, formation of fistulas.

Therefore, patients diagnosed with colon cancer need to treat the disease without delay, and in the future it is important to comply healthy image life, as it helps in recovery from any illness and is one of the keys to longevity.

In most cases, colon cancer is detected quite late. The disease is detected after the patient develops tumor metastases and damage to other organs and tissues. Discovered on early stages development of colon cancer increases the chances of cure.

In the Yusupov Hospital, thanks to modern equipment, highly qualified doctors using innovative techniques will be able to relieve serious condition patient and prolong the patient's life.

Colon cancer, symptoms

The colon is a segment of the large intestine. The main functions of the colon are secretion, absorption and evacuation of intestinal contents. The colon has the longest length. It consists of the ascending, descending, transverse and sigmoid colon, has a hepatic flexure, and a splenic flexure. Colon cancer is one of the most common malignant diseases in developed countries, whose population consumes excessive amounts of animal fats, a lot of meat and very little fresh vegetables and fruits.

Symptoms of the disease become more pronounced as the tumor grows and the body becomes intoxicated. Regional The lymph nodes located along the iliac, middle colon, right colon, left colon, inferior mesenteric and superior rectal arteries. Used to detect early stages of colon cancer various methods:

  • colonoscopy;
  • biopsy. Histological examination;
  • X-ray examination;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • other methods.

The clinical picture in the case of tumor growth is quite clear, it can be varied, depending on the location, shape of the tumor, and various aggravating circumstances. Left-sided colon cancer is characterized by rapid narrowing of the intestinal lumen and the development of its obstruction. Right-sided colon cancer is characterized by anemia, intense pain in a stomach. In the early stages of colon cancer, symptoms are similar to various diseases gastrointestinal tract, which often does not allow timely delivery correct diagnosis. Symptoms of colon cancer include:

  • burping;
  • irregular vomiting;
  • heaviness in the stomach after eating;
  • nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • abdominal pain;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • change in the nature of the stool, its shape;
  • feeling of discomfort incomplete emptying intestines;
  • iron deficiency anemia.

Colon cancer is often accompanied by infection and the development of an inflammatory process in the tumor. Abdominal pain may resemble the pain of acute appendicitis, the temperature often rises, and blood tests show an increase in ESR and leukocytosis. All these symptoms often lead to medical errors. Early manifestations Colon cancer is intestinal discomfort, the symptoms of which are often attributed to diseases of the gallbladder, liver, and pancreas. Constipation due to colon cancer cannot be treated, which becomes important symptom development of cancer. Left-sided colon cancer is much more often accompanied by intestinal disorders than right-sided colon cancer.

Constipation with colon cancer can be replaced by diarrhea, the stomach is swollen, belching and rumbling in the stomach are disturbing. This condition can bother you for a long time. Prescribing a diet and treating intestinal disorders does not bring results. The most severe symptoms with bloating and constipation, characteristic of cancer of the rectosigmoid intestine, appear in the early stages of cancer development.

Intestinal obstruction in colon cancer is an indicator of a late manifestation of cancer and is more common in left-sided forms of cancer. The right section of the intestine has a large diameter, a thin wall, the right section contains fluid - obstruction of this section occurs on late stages cancer, last but not least. The left section of the intestine has a smaller diameter, it contains soft feces; as the tumor grows, the intestinal lumen narrows and the lumen becomes blocked with feces - intestinal obstruction develops.

With the right-sided form of cancer, patients often discover the tumor themselves by palpation of the abdomen. Bloody issues in case of colon cancer, they are more often observed in exophytic types of tumors, begin with the disintegration of the tumor, and are considered late manifestations of malignant formation.

Colon cancer: survival rate

In the absence of metastases to regional lymph nodes, patient survival for more than 5 years is about 60%. In the presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes, only about 25% of patients live more than 5 years.

Cancer of the ascending colon: symptoms

Cancer of the ascending colon is characterized by severe pain. Pain in the abdomen is also very disturbing with cancer of the cecum. This symptom is one of the signs of cancer of these parts of the colon.

Cancer of the splenic flexure of the colon

Due to its anatomical location Cancer of the splenic flexure of the colon is difficult to detect by palpation. Cancer of the hepatic flexure of the colon is also poorly defined. Most often, the examination is carried out in a standing or semi-sitting position. Such a study during the initial examination of the patient allows one to obtain information about the presence, size of the tumor and its location.

Transverse colon cancer: symptoms

Transverse colon cancer develops less frequently than sigmoid or cecal cancer. With a growing tumor of the transverse colon, the right colon, middle, left colon and lower mesenteric lymph nodes are affected. Symptoms of transverse colon cancer are loss of appetite, a feeling of heaviness in the upper abdomen, belching, and vomiting. Such symptoms often characterize cancer of the right side of the transverse colon.

For timely determination clinical stage development of the disease, initiation of treatment for colon cancer, should be carried out the following actions:

  • anamnesis was collected;
  • a physical examination was performed. Many abdominal tumors are detected by palpation;
  • total colonoscopy with biopsy. Using colonoscopy, the size of the tumor and its location are determined, the risk of complications is assessed, and a biopsy is performed;
  • irrigoscopy. Performed when it is impossible to perform a colonoscopy;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs, retroperitoneal space with contrast (intravenous);
  • x-ray chest;
  • analysis for tumor markers, clinical and biochemical tests blood test biological material tumors for KRAS mutation;
  • CT scan of the abdominal cavity with intravenous contrast. Performed if liver surgery is planned due to damage to the organ by metastases;
  • osteoscintigraphy. Performed if a lesion is suspected skeletal system metastases;
  • PET-CT 2 – if metastases are suspected.

When the patient is prepared for surgical treatment, additional studies are carried out on the state of the cardiovascular system, respiratory function, blood clotting, and urine. The patient receives consultations from an endocrinologist, neurologist, cardiologist and other specialists.

The main treatment for this disease is surgical method. Resection of the affected area of ​​the colon along with the mesentery is performed, and lymph nodes are also removed. If cancer of the ascending colon is detected, treatment is carried out by right hemicolectomy. The tumor of the cecum is removed using the same method. The surgeon removes the lymphatic system, the entire right half of the colon, including one-third of the transverse colon, ascending colon, cecum, and portion of the hepatic flexure.

Chemotherapy for colon cancer

Colorectal cancer ranks third among malignant diseases. Chemotherapy is used for different purposes - to shrink a tumor before surgery, stop its growth, destroy cancer cells, and metastases. Colorectal cancer is a tumor that is quite resistant to cytostatics. Chemotherapy for colon cancer is prescribed by a doctor depending on the size of the tumor and the presence of metastases, and is carried out in courses.

Chemotherapy in the treatment of colon cancer has its own characteristics - drugs such as oxaliplatin, irinotecan, cetuximab are not used due to their ineffectiveness after surgery. A group of these drugs, together with the fluoropyramide duo, is used for treatment before surgery and good results are obtained - the life expectancy of patients increases. Chemotherapy for colon cancer with tumor metastasis is palliative.

Unresectable colon cancer is characterized by tumor growth into bone structures and great vessels. The possibility of tumor removal is being assessed; If surgical intervention impossible, used palliative care(chemotherapy), in case of intestinal obstruction, bypass ileostomies, colostomies, and anastomoses are formed.

Colon cancer most often metastasizes to regional lymph nodes not immediately, but after a long time after tumor development. The tumor often grows into neighboring tissues and organs, without metastasizing to regional lymph nodes. Colon cancer is generalized, with penetrating metastases to the lungs, the liver requires consultation thoracic surgeon, hepatologist surgeon. During liver surgery, radiofrequency ablation is additionally used (it is used to remove metastases), and radiation exposure. Chemotherapy in this case is used as experimental method, can lead to liver damage, as well as difficulty in finding some “disappeared” metastases.

Initially resectable metastatic lesions are removed surgically, followed by palliative chemotherapy. Also, as a treatment, systemic chemotherapy is carried out before surgery to remove metastases, and after surgery, chemotherapy treatment is continued.

Stage 2 and 3 colon cancer is treated with surgery. Adjuvant chemotherapy is carried out in the presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes, when the tumor has invaded the serous membrane, and in other cases.

Locally advanced and resectable colon cancer is operated on taking into account the location of the tumor and its local spread. If regional lymph nodes are affected or the tumor invades the serous membrane, adjuvant chemotherapy is performed.

If there is a potential for tumor foci to develop from metastases, the most active chemotherapy is used. After several cycles of chemotherapy, the status of metastases and removal of foci are assessed. After surgery, adjuvant chemotherapy is used.

Colon cancer with concomitant severe pathology is operated on only after a consultation of doctors who calculate all the risks associated with the operation. Most often, patients undergo palliative treatment drug treatment And symptomatic treatment. The patient can have an unloading intestinal stroma formed and the tumor placed under a stent.

Plays a major role in the treatment of colon cancer radiation therapy, which is used together with drug therapy, chemotherapy. All complex cases are considered at a consultation of doctors, where a treatment strategy is developed. Chemotherapy for stage 2 colon cancer, in case of microsatellite instability, is not recommended. In this case, treatment with fluoropyrimidines is ineffective.

Surgical treatment in planned and emergency no difference. If the tumor is localized in the ascending colon, cecum, proximal third of the transverse colon, hepatic flexure, a primary anastomosis is formed. If the tumor is located in the left parts of the colon, Hartmann and Mikulich operations are performed. After decompression of the colon, a primary anastomosis is formed.

Where to go if you have colon cancer?

At the Yusupov Hospital, colon cancer is treated with the help of modern equipment and highly qualified oncologists. Innovative techniques help alleviate the patient’s serious condition and prolong the patient’s life. To undergo diagnosis and treatment of the disease, you should make an appointment or call. The center's coordinator will answer all your questions.


  • ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases)
  • Yusupov Hospital
  • Cherenkov V. G. Clinical oncology. - 3rd ed. - M.: Medical book, 2010. - 434 p. - ISBN 978-5-91894-002-0.
  • Shirokorad V.I., Makhson A.N., Yadykov O.A. The state of oncourological care in Moscow // Oncourology. - 2013. - No. 4. - P. 10-13.
  • Volosyanko M.I. Traditional and natural methods of preventing and treating cancer, Aquarium, 1994
  • John Niederhuber, James Armitage, James Doroshow, Michael Kastan, Joel Tepper Abeloff's Clinical Oncology - 5th Edition, eMEDICAL BOOKS, 2013

Prices for treatment for colon cancer

Name of service Price
Consultation with a chemotherapy doctor Price: 5,150 rubles
Carrying out intrathecal chemotherapy Price: 15,450 rubles
MRI of the brain
Price from 8,900 rubles
Chemotherapy Price from 50,000 rubles
Comprehensive Cancer Care and Hospice Program Price from 9,690 rubles per day
Gastrointestinal tract oncology program Price from 30,900 rubles
Lung oncology program Price from 10,250 rubles
Urinary system oncology program
Price from 15,500 rubles
Oncology diagnostic program " women Health"
Price from 15,100 rubles
Oncology diagnostic program " man's health" Price from 10,150 rubles

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, defined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. List of services provided paid services indicated in the price list of the Yusupov Hospital.

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, defined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

Bowel cancer belongs to oncological diseases, formed in the thick and small intestine. It occurs in both men and women. Signs of intestinal cancer are quite minor at the initial stage.

A malignant tumor forms on the mucous surfaces of the intestine, and most often the tumor appears in the large intestine; there are cases when it is found in the sigmoid, rectum, colon or cecum. The survival prognosis of patients with any cancer depends on the stage at which it was detected. The sooner a tumor can be detected, the greater the patient’s chances for complete healing.

Why intestinal cancer develops, what are the first signs of the disease and what methods of prevention exist - we will look further in the article.

About bowel cancer

Colon cancer is a malignant transformation of the epithelium that can affect any segment of the intestine.

People most susceptible to this disease are age group after 45 years, men and women are equally affected; every 10 years, the incidence rate increases by 10%. Bowel cancer varies according to histological structure, in 96% of cases it develops from glandular cells mucous membrane (adenocarcinoma).

Depending on the location of the tumor, there are:

  • Cancer small intestine. It occurs quite rarely, in approximately 1-1.5% of cases of all cancers of the digestive tract. The disease mainly affects the elderly and old age, the disease affects men more often than women. Of all parts of the small intestine, tumors prefer to be localized in duodenum, less often in the jejunum and ileum.
  • Colon cancer. The predominant number of tumors in this area are located in the sigmoid and rectum. Among people who prefer meat, pathology is observed more often than among vegetarians.

It takes about 5-10 years for colon cancer to develop from a polyp, such as in the colon. An intestinal tumor grows from a small polyp, the symptoms of which in the first stages are characterized by sluggish symptoms.

It can manifest itself, for example, as a gastrointestinal disorder, which distracts from the primary cancer, since many do not pay attention to the discomfort in the intestines during the disorder, not knowing what kind of pain can arise from intestinal cancer, which is why they treat diarrhea.


Causes of colon cancer:

  1. Elderly age. Here important role plays how old a person is. According to statistics, intestinal diseases affects people aged 50 years and older.
  2. Intestinal diseases. People who suffer from this disease are most susceptible to inflammatory pathologies intestines.
  3. Wrong lifestyle. If you visit a medical forum, these factors include: poor nutrition, including a large percentage of consumption of fats and animal products, smoking, and drinking strong drinks.
  4. Hereditary factor. A person is at increased risk when his relatives have had different shapes intestinal diseases.

In men, according to statistics, this is the second most common cancer after lung cancer, and in women it is the third. The risk of developing cancer increases with age. In medicine there is such a definition of intestinal cancer - colorectal cancer.

First signs

With this diagnosis, cancer cells form and grow in the body, their presence causes the appearance of a malignant tumor. It is almost impossible to determine their presence at an early stage, since the first symptoms of intestinal cancer are similar to classic indigestion and digestive problems.

In order not to miss the onset of the disease, you should pay more attention to the following signs:

  • a feeling of heaviness in the stomach not associated with eating;
  • poor appetite, sudden weight loss;
  • aversion to fried fatty foods;
  • signs of dyspepsia;
  • diarrhea followed by prolonged constipation;
  • signs;
  • blood during bowel movements and in stool.

The main problem cancerous tumors is absence specific symptoms on early stages, therefore, patients consult a doctor at stages 3-4, when treatment options are already limited.

Stages of development

There are five distinct stages in the development of colon cancer. Complete absence or weak severity of manifestations is observed until the second (in in rare cases even up to the third) stage. In the third and fourth stages, the patient develops severe pain forcing him to seek medical help.

Stages of development of bowel cancer:

  • Stage 0 is characterized by the presence of a small accumulation of atypical cells, characterized by the ability to rapidly divide and capable of degenerating into cancer. Pathological process limited to the mucous membranes.
  • Stage 1 – starts pretty fast growth cancerous tumor, it does not extend beyond the intestinal walls until metastases can form. Symptoms may include disorders of the digestive tract, to which the patient does not pay due attention. At this stage, when examining the patient using colonoscopy, the appearance of neoplasia can already be detected.
  • At stage 2, the tumor grows to 2-5 cm and begins to penetrate the intestinal walls.
  • Stage 3 is characterized by increased activity of cancer cells. The tumor quickly increases in size and penetrates the intestinal wall. Cancer cells invade the lymph nodes. Neighboring organs and tissues are also affected: regional lesions appear in them.
  • At stage 4 the tumor reaches maximum dimensions , gives metastases to distant organs. Toxic damage to the body occurs due to waste products of the malignant neoplasm. As a result, the operation of all systems is disrupted.

Life expectancy is determined by the size of the tumor and its ability to localize. Tumor cells that have spread to the surface layer of the epithelium allow 85% of patients to survive. When the muscle layer is affected, the situation worsens - the survival rate does not exceed 67%.

In accordance with International classification, highlight:

  • Adenocarcinoma;
  • Colloid cancer;
  • Signet ring cell;
  • Squamous;
  • Undifferentiated and unclassifiable forms.

Most often (about 80% of cases) adenocarcinoma is diagnosed - glandular cancer, originating from the epithelium of the intestinal mucosa. Such tumors are highly, moderately and poorly differentiated, which determines the prognosis. Signet ring cell carcinoma often affects young people, while squamous cell carcinoma is more often localized in the rectum.

Symptoms of bowel cancer: manifestation in adults

Signs of bowel cancer appear on later diseases. Symptoms of intestinal cancer in the early stages are sluggish, almost unnoticeable. But you should also pay attention to them in order to eliminate irreversible consequences.

Symptoms of intestinal cancer depending on the type:

  1. With stenotic oncology, constipation and colic appear due to the narrowed lumen. At the same time, in the first stage of cancer, a person suffers from flatulence with relief after defecation.
  2. Signs of enterocolitis type bowel cancer are constantly changing stools from diarrhea to constipation and vice versa.
  3. The dyspeptic appearance is different constant belching with heartburn and bitterness in the mouth.
  4. Pseudo-inflammatory oncology causes nausea with vomiting, chills, fever and unbearable pain.
  5. Symptoms of cystitis type intestinal cancer are the appearance of blood when urinating with pain.

Other symptoms:

  • Quite often, when a malignant tumor develops in the intestines, patients experience fullness, even after a successful trip to the toilet;
  • some experience sudden, unexplained weight loss, despite maintaining their usual routine and diet;
  • the presence of blood impurities in the stool may also indicate the development of an oncological process in the intestines;
  • the first signs of intestinal oncology are usually mild, so they can be mistaken for general malaise (drowsiness, general weakness, fatigue) or digestive disorders. However, as the process worsens, they become more pronounced and complemented.

Signs of intestinal cancer are determined by the location of the tumor and the stage of its development. If the tumor has affected the right part of the organ, the following symptoms occur:

  • diarrhea;
  • the presence of blood in the stool;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • anemia.

Development of a tumor in the left part of the intestine:

  • The patient complains about constant constipation, difficulties during excretion of feces, bloating.
  • There is a frequent alternation of loose stools with constipation, through narrowing and relaxation of the lumen of the colon.
  • Excretion of feces occurs with great difficulty, often with blood and mucus, and is accompanied by painful sensations.
Symptoms and manifestation
thick Signs of colon cancer:
  • Constipation, diarrhea;
  • Digestive problems - bloating, rumbling;
  • The presence of blood in the stool;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Loss of body weight;
  • False urges or tenesmus;

For complications such as:

  • fistulas,
  • inflammation,
  • abscesses

a number of other symptoms are added.

thin Specific symptoms of small intestine cancer:
  • recurrent abdominal pain accompanied by a “copper taste”;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • weight loss;
  • anemia;
  • liver dysfunction.
sigmoid colon Predominant characteristic symptoms may be as follows:
  • the appearance of impurities of blood, pus, mucus in the stool;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • flatulence;
  • acute pain during bowel movements.

Symptoms of bowel cancer in women and men

Signs of intestinal cancer in men and women with this course are practically no different. Later, if the tumor progresses and spreads to neighboring organs, the prostate is the first to be affected in men, and the vagina is the first to be affected in women; the rectal space and anal canal are also affected.

At the same time, the patient begins to worry severe pain in the anus, coccyx, sacrum, lumbar region, men feel difficulty during urination.

If it is oncology, the clinical outcome is not always favorable. Malignant neoplasm appears in women after 35 years of age; in the primary form, it does not spread metastases to the uterus. First the patient experiences general weakness throughout the body and classic signs dyspepsia, then specific signs of an intestinal tumor appear. This:

  • recurrent pain during bowel movements;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • blood in stool;
  • impaired urination;
  • sudden weight loss, lack of appetite;
  • blood impurities in the daily urine sample;
  • aversion to fried, fatty foods.

Late stages of bowel cancer are characterized by the addition common symptoms to the locals. Signs of intestinal cancer appear:

  • The skin becomes dry and pale.
  • Frequent dizziness and headaches.
  • Weakness and fatigue of the patient.
  • Unreasonable weight loss and exhaustion.
  • Damage to other systems and organs of the body.
  • Low presence of blood in the body, low level squirrel in it.

The appearance of metastases

Colon cancer most often metastasizes to the liver; there are frequent cases of damage to the lymph nodes of the retroperitoneal space, the peritoneum itself, abdominal organs, ovaries, lungs, adrenal glands, pancreas, pelvic organs and bladder.

The following circumstances become unfavorable factors for the prognosis:

  • tumor growing into fatty tissue;
  • cancer cells with a low degree of differentiation;
  • large intestine with perforation;
  • the transition of primary cancer to organs and tissues “in the neighborhood” and to large veins, closing their lumen;
  • carcinoembryonic antigen high concentration in plasma before surgery. He is associated with increased risk recurrence regardless of the stage of cancer.

Patients with metastases are divided into two groups:

  • patients with single metastases;
  • patients with multiple metastases (more than 3).


The diagnostic search begins with a detailed clarification of the nature of the complaints and clarification of the presence of patients with colonorectal cancer among close relatives. Special attention given to patients with previous inflammatory bowel processes and polyps.

In the early stages, the presence of intestinal cancer can be indicated by any even mild sensation of discomfort in the abdominal area, which is complemented by changes in the blood test and the patient’s age over 50 years.

Features of the blood test:

  • decreased hemoglobin levels and red blood cell counts;
  • level up ;
  • high ESR;
  • presence of blood (occult blood) in the stool;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • tumor markers.

The diagnosis is made after the following studies:

  • X-ray diagnostics of the intestines (irrigoscopy). It is an x-ray examination of the intestinal walls after administration through an x-ray enema. contrast agent, for which barium suspension is used.
  • Retromanoscopy. Examination of the intestinal area from the anus to a depth of 30 cm is carried out special device allowing the doctor to see the intestinal wall.
  • Colonoscopy. Examination of the intestinal area from the anus to a depth of 100 cm.
  • Laboratory examination of feces for occult blood.
  • CT and MRI can determine the location of the tumor, as well as the presence or absence of metastases.

How are people with bowel cancer treated?

To get rid of cancer, use different methods: surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Treatment of rectal cancer, like any other malignant tumor, is a very difficult and lengthy process. top scores gives surgery, during which the tumor and surrounding tissue are removed.

If the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner, surgical intervention is performed with a retromanoscope, which is inserted into the rectum through the anus. On last stage For the course of the disease, extensive surgical intervention is used. Sometimes patients with intestinal oncology have this organ partially cut off.

After surgery, the two parts of the intestine are sewn together. If it is impossible to connect them, one of the parts of the intestine is removed to the peritoneum.

Treatment also includes:

  • Radiation therapy uses x-rays to stop tumor growth and cause cancer cells to die.
  • Radiotherapy is a preparatory stage for surgical treatment. It is also indicated in the postoperative period.
  • Chemotherapy involves the administration of cytostatic drugs that have a detrimental effect on tumors. Unfortunately, these drugs also have a negative effect on healthy cells body, so chemotherapy has a lot of unpleasant side effects: hair loss, uncontrollable nausea and vomiting.

Chemotherapy is used systemically, before or after surgery. In some cases, local administration into the blood vessels feeding metastases is indicated. The main drug used for chemotherapy is 5-fluorouracil. In addition to it, other cytostatics are used - capecitabine, oxaliplastin, irinotecan and others. To enhance their action, immunocorrectors (interferogens, stimulators of humoral and cellular immunity) are prescribed.


The prognosis for colon cancer depends on the stage at which the disease was detected. Thus, with the initial forms of the tumor, patients live long, and the five-year survival rate reaches 90%, while in the presence of metastases it remains no more than 50%. The most unfavorable prognosis is in advanced cases, as well as with significant damage to the rectum, especially in the distal section.

How long do people live at different stages of bowel cancer?

  1. The initial stage (difficult to diagnose) is a guarantee that positive result will reach 90-95% survival rate, if, of course, the surgical intervention was successful.
  2. At the second stage progression of the tumor and its spread to neighboring organs leaves a chance of survival for 75% of patients. That is, those patients who have successfully undergone surgery and radiation therapy.
  3. At the third stage, the size of the tumor is critical, and it grows into regional lymph nodes. 50% of patients manage to survive.
  4. The fourth stage practically does not guarantee a successful outcome. Only 5% manage to survive a malignant neoplasm that has grown into individual organs and bone tissues, forming extensive metastases.


Oncological diseases are insidious and unpredictable. People who have a hereditary predisposition to cancer or have been diagnosed with diseases that can transform into cancer, as well as all people over the age of 40, should think about prevention.

  • Increased physical activity;
  • Enriching the diet with foods containing fiber;
  • Refusal bad habits(smoking, drinking alcohol).

Bowel cancer is dangerous disease, which can be prevented by observing preventive measures and conducting a full diagnosis of the body 1-2 times a year. If you or your loved ones have the symptoms described in this article, be sure to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist and get diagnosed.

Among all cancer diseases, this type of tumor occurs in every fifth out of a hundred cases of cancer, and if we consider tumors affecting gastrointestinal system here, colon cancer confidently holds second place. The symptoms of this disease are mainly characteristic of the elderly, regardless of gender.

What causes this disease?

Reasons causing malignant neoplasms have not yet been clearly defined, however, there are a number of factors that significantly increase the risk of the disease:

  • Genetic predisposition. This factor is relevant for people whose close relatives suffered from this disease before the age of 50;
  • Unhealthy diet with a predominance of proteins, animal origin, especially fatty ones;
  • Lack of sufficient physical activity- sedentary lifestyle;
  • Disturbances in the digestive system, namely chronic constipation. In this state of affairs, solid fecal matter, passing the corners of the intestinal bends, constantly injures it;
  • Work related to hazardous production;
  • Old age - above 50 years.

In addition, colon cancer can be a consequence of chronic pathological processes:

  • Gardner's syndrome;
  • Adenomatous polyposis;
  • Ulcerative nonspecific colitis;
  • Diverticulosis;
  • Crohn's and Turk's diseases;
  • Amoebiasis;
  • Polyps.

This is just a small list of factors that can cause colon cancer.

Stages of the disease

Today, there are eight stages of disease development with corresponding symptoms:

  • Stage - 0 "TIS- N0 M0". At this stage, tumor growth into nearby lymph nodes is not observed and distant metastases are not detected. The focus of the disease is preinvasive carcinoma of the epithelium or intestine, or more precisely, its mucosa;
  • Stage - 1 “T1-2 N0 M0”. Metastases, both regional and distant, are not detected. At this stage, the neoplasm affects the submucosal tissue, and sometimes grows into muscle tissue;
  • Stage - 2A “T3 N0 M0». There are still no metastases, but the tumor penetrates into neighboring tissues or their base;
  • Stage 2B “T4 N0 M0». At this stage, the tumor grows into the cells of the visceral pleura, adjacent structures, and organs. No noticeable metastases have yet been detected;
  • Stage 3A “T1-2 N1 M0». Lymph nodes affected by metastases appear adjacent to the tumor site, there are no distant metastases, and the cancerous tumor affects the muscle tissue;
  • Stage 3B “T3-4 N1 M0». The tumor actively infiltrates into the tissues surrounding the intestine and subserosa, often affects neighboring organs, and sometimes even grows into the visceral pleura. Up to three metastases appear in nearby lymph nodes in the absence of distant ones;
  • Stage 3C “T1-4 N2 M0». At this stage, obvious growth of the tumor into all structures of the intestine and partial damage to the tissues of neighboring organs are observed, and the number of regional metastases increases to four. No distant metastases are observed;
  • Stage 4 “T1-4 N-3 M0-1». At this stage, tumor damage to intestinal tissue and third-party organs is greatest. Metastases are detected, both regional and distant. The forecasts in this case are disappointing.

Types of Colon Tumors

Most often, this type of cancer begins with damage to epithelial cells by carcinoma. This state of affairs is due to the fact that the main part of the cells of the mucous membrane of the colon consists of epithelium, therefore colorectal cancer is almost always represented by epithelial carcinoma of the ascending and descending sections. The probability of such a course of events is approximately 95%.

Sometimes other types of tumors also occur:

  • Squamous. With this type of tumor, squamous epithelial cells degenerate;
  • Glandular-squamous. In this case, degeneration of both squamous and glandular epithelial cells occurs;
  • Signet ring cell carcinoma;
  • Mucosal adenocarcinoma.

In addition to these (main) types of tumors, sometimes (rather rarely) there are carcinomas with unclassified symptoms.

Symptoms of the disease

Colon cancer does not always present itself in the same way. Its symptoms may vary, depending on the location of the lesion and the form of macroscopic tumor growth. The left and right sides of the colon differ in their physiological functions, and therefore react differently to the tumor.

Right-sided intestinal damage disrupts the physiology of nutrient absorption, which is accompanied by deterioration of digestion, and a tumor localized on the left side leads to a significant decrease in patency, which is expressed by more frequent constipation, turning into chronic.

Most typical symptoms tumor growth in the colon, noticeable without medical examination:

  • Disruption of the normal digestive process. The symptoms are: loss of usual appetite, pulling sensations inside the abdomen, belching, nausea and vomiting, rumbling sounds, diarrhea, constipation, and in severe cases obstruction;
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen, pain;
  • Changes in the composition of feces - they are excreted with an admixture of mucus and bloody clots.

The following symptoms are typical for right-sided colon tumors:

  • A sharp decrease in general tone;
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Malaise;
  • Frequent fevers;
  • Development of anemia.

This behavior of the body is a consequence of liver poisoning by waste products or decay (in later stages) of tumor cells.

Disease diagnosis procedure

At the forefront of diagnosing cancer tumors, modern medicine puts 4 main types of research. Let's describe them in order.

Physical examination

At this stage, a visual assessment of the condition is carried out skin, degree of abdominal bloating and palpation is performed. The latter allows a preliminary assessment of the presence of a tumor, its size, density and mobility, as well as the degree of pain experienced by the patient during the examination. Next, the problem area is tapped to identify fluid in the peritoneum.


X-rays are performed using a contrast agent - the irigiscopy method. This method allows you to identify defects of the intestine, such as its expansion around the tumor, narrowing, shortening and the degree of removal of the contrast agent.

Colonoscopy (endoscopic examination)

The essence of the study is to cut off a thin layer of tumor tissue for visual examination under a microscope to determine the type. The procedure is carried out surgically under general or local anesthesia.

Ultrasound and CTM

Examination using ultrasound and tomography allows, with a high degree of accuracy, to determine the size of the tumor, its affected area and identify metastases, even remote from the location of the main focus, for example, in the liver.

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Treatment methods for colon cancer

Complex treatment consists of three types of therapy.


The essence of the method is to remove the tumor surgically. At the same time, it is extremely important to carry out the procedure so that the edges of the cut-off tumor do not contain altered (tumor) cells. During surgery, along with the main tumor, the lymph nodes located near the lesion, in the hepatic region, and all other identified metastases are simultaneously removed.

The degree of such intervention can be local or volumetric:

  • Right-sided location of the tumor. This arrangement requires hemicolonectomy of the affected organ. Also, 10 cm of the terminal portion of the ileum and the third part of the transverse colon, along with the segment adjacent to the greater omentum, must be removed. In addition, the cecum and ascending colon are cut off. Removal of regional lymph nodes is mandatory. At the end of the removal procedure, the small and large intestines are sutured to form a small-colon anastomosis.
  • Left-sided location of the tumor. The distal section of the transverse colon is removed - its third of the descending section, the sigmoid colon is partially removed, and the descending colon is completely removed. The splenic flexure, mesentery and regional lymphs are completely removed, and at the end the large intestine is fused with the small intestine. In case of extensive lesions of the spleen, it is completely removed.
  • Small tumor. If it is located in the middle of the affected intestine or the ascending section, they resort to its removal, simultaneously with the removal of the greater omentum and nearby lymph nodes.
  • The tumor is inferior and in the sigmoid colon. This arrangement allows for bowel resection. Part of the sigmoid colon, adjacent lymph nodes and mesentery are removed. In patients with intestinal obstruction, an obstructive resection of the colon is performed, after which its continuity is restored. When the tumor affects large areas of tissue and even individual organs, combined operations are used. Most often, the formation of liver metastases is observed, and in women, metastases affect the ovaries. Such metastases are removed.

If the process of tumor development has gone far and the metastases are extensive, a palliative method is used - the anastomosis is formed using a colostomy.

Method of radiation (beam) therapy

This method is used both before and after surgery. Preoperative radiation therapy is designed to weaken cancer cells and facilitate surgery, and postoperative adjuvant therapy serves to consolidate the results of surgery and reduce the risk of relapse.

Adjuvant therapy consists of targeted irradiation of the affected tissue to suppress cancer cells.

This treatment has a number of side effects with symptoms such as nausea and vomiting with loss of appetite, diarrhea and blood in the stool.


Its essence is the use of cancer cell inhibitors chemicals. On this moment, there are quite a lot of drugs of this kind, however, the most in demand are irinotecan, capecitabine and oxyplatin.

Like radiation, chemotherapy has side effects. The most common symptoms are nausea and vomiting, leukopenia varying degrees(decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood) and allergic reactions, mainly skin rashes, redness and itching.


Predictions of survival for colon cancer can be made only after a clear determination of the type of tumor and the stage of its development, and only after the therapy has been performed, based on its results.

The initial stages give an almost 100% chance that after treatment the patient will live at least 5 years. At the second stage and at the beginning of the third, this percentage drops to 60 - 70%, and the third stage leaves a chance for no more than half of the patients. Regarding the last, fourth stage, treatment is not always offered for it, because even with all measures taken, the prognosis is extremely negative - such a patient lives on average from six months to a year.

Prevention of colon cancer

It is impossible to independently determine the disease in the early stages, since the symptoms accompanying it are not entirely obvious, and therefore the following is recommended for the risk group:

  • Annual stool examination for occult blood;
  • Perform sigmoidoscopy once every 5 years;
  • Have a colonoscopy procedure at least once every 10 years.

In addition, it is worth understanding that best treatment- this is prevention, so be sure to balance your diet towards reducing the consumption of animal fats, proteins and compensating for them plant products. In addition, you should respond in a timely manner inflammatory processes in the large intestine - treat them in a timely manner, and if polyps are detected, they must be removed.

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