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Endless belching reasons. What are the causes of constant burping of air?

Belching is an unpleasant phenomenon of contraction of the diaphragm, which causes an involuntary exit of the alimentary tract through the mouth. The air comes out along with food and liquid. In adults, it is considered normal if air is swallowed in an amount of no more than 3 ml for each swallowing movement. This amount of gas helps the normal functioning of the stomach. With properly created pressure in the stomach, excess air comes out in small, odorless portions, unnoticed by humans and others.

If too much oxygen has penetrated into the stomach, the excess air component leaves the esophagus with a characteristic sound, from food and water. Accompanied unpleasant smell, painful sensations As a rule, after belching a person feels better. If it is unpleasant, strong and loud and constantly pursues you, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and fullness, it’s time to think about the reasons for its appearance. Continuous belching may be a symptom of a serious illness.

There are several types of belching. Each type has its own symptoms and causes.


After belching there is no smell, no food residues are expelled from the esophagus, it is completely dry - there is an air belch.

The most common type occurs after eating or drinking water.

There is a certain amount of gas in the stomach of every person, which provides normal work stomach. It may increase, causing excess air to escape into the calm state, when walking, at any active work. The reasons can be physiological or pathological.

If the periodic release of air from the esophagus or stomach occurs due to human physiology, the reasons are:

Pathological causes may include:

  1. Stress, emotional overstrain. Swallowing air occurs when neurotic reasons, then naturally the release of gases will become a constant phenomenon.
  2. Stomach diseases. Gastritis, ulcers, narrowing of the esophagus - specified pathologies cause digestive difficulties, bloating, and intestinal flatulence.
  3. Inflammation of the esophagus, a person feels a lump in the throat, making it difficult to swallow food.
  4. Liver disorders.
  5. Cardiovascular diseases, heart attack, cardiospasm. Least probable cause, but it happens that belching is caused by heart pathologies. Accompanied acute pain between the shoulder blades, in the heart area, bloating, nausea, heartburn.

Bitter and putrid

Occurs when gas leaves the stomach along with the release of bile. Accompanied by the smell of acetone and a bitter taste. A common occurrence is that it occurs in healthy people. If the phenomenon occurs constantly, you need to consult a doctor, he will make an accurate diagnosis.

A long burp often indicates illness in a person. duodenum, duodenitis, trauma abdominal cavity. Less commonly appears due to pregnancy, with pressure from the uterus on the duodenum.

The cause of belching with the taste of acetone in the mouth is diabetes and its complications. It leads to a failure of carbohydrate metabolism, causing intestinal and stomach atony. Their mucous membranes are irritated by acids, causing putrefactive belching.


Regurgitation of gastric juice is accompanied by a very sour taste - this means increased acidity in the stomach. If it is sour, nausea, a feeling of heaviness, pain in the epigastrium - the situation is dangerous, the help of a gastroenterologist is required.

If gases come out with a characteristic odor, appear after milk, bakery products– you may suspect lactose or gluten intolerance. Acts as a symptom of Crohn's disease - acute inflammation total gastrointestinal tract, then in addition to belching the person suffers from bloody diarrhea, elevated temperature, constant fatigue, nausea, flatulence.


If you are tormented by endless belching, the phenomenon bothers you all day long and does not stop, which means you can no longer put off the time to see a doctor to conduct an examination and identify the causes of the unpleasant factor.

It is pointless to treat belching exclusively; it is only a symptom of a certain disease.

After the examination, a treatment plan is usually established:

  • Taking anti-inflammatory drugs, antimicrobials, reducing the number of bacteria in the stomach and helping eliminate inflammation of internal organs.
  • Taking medications that help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • If drug treatment has no effect, required surgery. The operation is prescribed when serious illnesses, such as cancer, hernia, requiring complete removal any organ.
  • The doctor determines a special diet for belching.

Belching can be aggravated by carbonated, sweet water, products with long fermentation (beans, cabbage, peas). Therefore, it is important to stop using them during treatment. Meals are expected to be small and frequent.

When the cause of belching is increased secretion gastric juice, it is recommended to take alkaline mineral water, magnesia, baking soda and other medications that have alkalizing properties.

If you have accurately determined the cause of belching and it is not chronic, but episodic, it is permissible to use the means traditional medicine:

  • Infusion herbal collection from yarrow, dill, mint and St. John's wort.
  • Drink 0.5 liters of goat milk after meals.
  • Separation of liquid and solid food intake. Thus, you should not eat the first and second meals in one meal. It is better to separate these two dishes into two different meals.
  • Breathing exercises and certain type exercises.

It is acceptable to use folk remedies, but when the illness does not go away, there is no need to get carried away by independent methods, you should consult a doctor immediately.


It is possible to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon by following simple recommendations:

  • Give up bad habits– drinking alcohol, smoking.
  • Make sure that your torso is higher than your legs when sleeping.
  • Avoid drinking soda.
  • Do not drink liquids with food.
  • Be attentive to the quality of the food you eat.
  • Do not use straws; they allow excess air to enter.
  • Don't start physical activity earlier 1.5-2 hours after eating. The more densely you eat, the longer the interval should be.
  • Try to eat no earlier than 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • Do not loosen the belt after eating. Causes sharp pain with belching, negative influence on bowel function.
  • Get a full examination at least 1-2 times a year.

  • If the illness is caused nervous overstrain, take valerian before meals, it’s worth doing physical exercise before eating.
  • Chew your food thoroughly and do not talk while eating.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks and chewing gum. They increase salivation and promote air swallowing.
  • Avoid foods containing air (whipped, oxygen cocktails).
  • Try to identify patterns in the occurrence of belching and the intake of certain foods and eliminate the detected foods from consumption. The release of air appears as a result of consumption of: dairy products, ice cream, eggs, nuts, oranges, citrus fruits, can be caused by onions.
  • Try to arrange small hiking after eating and under no circumstances go to bed after eating. After a hearty lunch or dinner, taking horizontal position is fraught with digestive disorders and belching.
  • Eat food in reasonable quantities. The food should be light. Excessive food consumption leads to involuntary regurgitation of food.
  • Try to go without food fermentative in the stomach.
  • Eating food in a calm, peaceful state is beneficial.
  • Feeling emotional overexcitement, nervousness, take a walk in the fresh air, try to calm down before eating.
  • Maintain water and drinking regime.

Remember that preventing the onset of a disease is always easier than treating it.

A healthy approach to nutrition and careful attention to the body will help avoid unpleasant phenomena.

Frequent belching poisons a person’s life, because he cannot communicate normally with people, as they avoid him because of this. The only way out of this situation is to find out the reasons why it occurs.


Most common cause the occurrence of frequent belching are enzymes. They are produced in small quantities, which leads to this situation. If this is the reason, then in addition to belching, the person usually also suffers from stomach problems and flatulence. To get rid of these symptoms, you need to take medications that contain the necessary enzymes. They should be given by the doctor after the examination. Belching often bothers people whose bodies produce too many enzymes. As a rule, it appears when eating sweet foods, and the cause is candida albicans. It lives in 90% of people, but does not appear in everyone. For this, a push, which can be taking antibiotics.


Frequent belching occurs when a person’s diet contains a lot of carbonated drinks. You should abandon them in favor of spring water, green tea, and freshly squeezed juices, then the problem will cease to exist. Belching may occur if a person’s diet contains foods such as beans, peas, cabbage, fresh bread. Undoubtedly, they are useful, but it is recommended to reduce the amount gas-forming products, you can replace them with something else. Also, when a person eats while eating, he swallows a lot of air with the food, which results in belching.


In some cases, frequent belching indicates diseases of the stomach and duodenum. If it is acidic, then most likely the person has gastritis with peptic ulcer stomach and high acidity. Belching of bitter contents occurs in diseases of the biliary tract. Putrid belching indicates congestion in the stomach, when the secretion of gastric juice and its motor activity are reduced. All this leads to food retention and rotting with the formation of ammonia and. The phenomenon also occurs when. To establish accurate diagnosis, you should visit a gastroenterologist, he will conduct an examination, on the basis of which a adequate treatment. It is not recommended to act independently in this case, since the disease is much easier to cure at the initial stage than at an advanced stage.

Is burping good or bad? After reading this article, you will learn in which cases belching is normal and pathological.

- This is an involuntary sudden release of gases from the stomach into the oral cavity. As a rule, this happens in small portions. Belching is normal physiological process. When food is digested in the stomach, gases are formed under the influence of acid, which escape out. The intensity and nature of belching largely depend on the type and amount of food eaten. In some cases, with certain diseases, excessive formation of gases in the stomach occurs. Some people burp too often, which is not normal. Why does this happen, and what are the main reasons for this violation?

The main causes of frequent and severe belching

  • Enzyme deficiency. With insufficient production of enzymes, the digestion process worsens, which entails the release of a large amount of gases, from which a person suffers from frequent belching and flatulence.
  • Violation of the acidity of gastric juice. Habit of drinking food a large number liquid can cause strong and frequent belching. Liquid dilutes gastric juice, which leads to slower digestion.
  • Excessive enzyme production. Candida yeast causes increased fermentation. In this case, indigestion also occurs, and the person may be bothered by frequent belching. Similar phenomena (associated with fungal infections of the body) especially often occur after courses of antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics can disrupt the natural microflora of the body, contributing to the development of dysbiosis and other pathological phenomena. Therefore, when taking these drugs, it is necessary to take probiotics in parallel.

Note that frequent and severe belching can also be observed normally, when a person does not have any disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal apparatus. For example, this phenomenon may be observed if a person uses large number carbonated drinks, eats quickly or swallows air along with food.

The source of gases in digestive tract the food itself can become. Thus, it is known that foods such as beans, peas, cabbage and fresh bread increase gas formation, which leads to frequent belching and flatulence.

Reader Questions

I am contacting you with next question: Please tell me what’s wrong with me. I periodically experience bloating and distension in the abdominal area 18 October 2013, 17:25 I address you with the following question: Please tell me what’s wrong with me. I periodically experience bloating and distension in the abdominal area. Sometimes there is a sharp, cramping pain that goes away with the release of gas. But stupid and It's a dull pain sometimes almost unnoticeable almost always exists. I feel discomfort throughout the intestines, pain sometimes occurs suddenly, or after eating, then gradually goes away like colic or cramping. I was checked and had an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity: Chronic pancreatitis(although there was never any nausea or vomiting). FGS Superficial gastritis, what should I do? This condition affects my standard of living. Help....

Belching as a symptom of some diseases

Frequent belching may also indicate the presence of certain diseases. Most often these are diseases of the stomach and duodenum. For example, sour belching often occurs with gastritis with high acidity and peptic ulcers. If the belching has a bitter taste, then this could be a disease of the biliary tract (and others) and the liver. If the belching is putrid, then this may indicate congestion in the stomach when it decreases motor activity. In this case, food is retained in the stomach, which leads to its rotting with the release of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide.

However, the most common cause of pathological belching is a violation of the closure of the cardia, a muscle located on the border of the esophagus and stomach. The main function of this muscle is to prevent the reverse movement of food. In addition to belching, in this case the patient is usually bothered by heartburn. In the future, when frequent belching Reflux esophagitis may develop - inflammatory disease esophagus, which occurs when the esophagus is constantly irritated by the acidic contents of the stomach.

How to eliminate frequent belching?

First of all, you need to contact a gastroenterologist and go through everything necessary examinations. If the doctor does not find any abnormalities during diagnosis, then most likely the reason lies in the diet. It is necessary to exclude carbonated drinks and frequent use products that cause excessive gas formation, and also take espumisan or motilium to eliminate this unpleasant symptom.

If belching is a consequence of any pathological process, then it will be possible to get rid of it only after eliminating the causative disease.

Although it is a completely normal, and sometimes even desirable, phenomenon, it causes a lot of inconvenience for adults, especially if they cannot control its discharge.
What is burping? What are the reasons for its occurrence? What diseases can cause it and how can it be dealt with?
You can find out the answers to all these, as well as some other questions, by reading the information presented in this article.

What is burping?

This term refers to the voluntary or involuntary passage of gases or food from the gastrointestinal tract, namely from the esophagus or stomach. Gases or food are released through the mouth due to contraction of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a muscular aponeurotic formation that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. In most cases, the release of gases is accompanied by a characteristic smell and sound. If the contents of the stomach also penetrate into the esophagus, then we're talking about about regurgitation.

Reasons for the passage of gases from the gastrointestinal tract

  • Aerophagy ( involuntary swallowing of large amounts of air);
  • Consumption of carbonated drinks and chewing gum;
  • Hormonal changes;
  • Digestive disorders;
  • Gastric ulcer ( chronic disease, in which formation occurs ulcerative defects gastric mucosa);
  • Gastritis ( inflammatory disease of the gastric mucosa);
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease ( chronic relapsing disease caused by regularly repeated reflux of gastric and duodenal contents into the esophagus);
  • Lack of salt ( hydrochloric) acids in the body;
  • Hiatal hernia ( a condition in which part of the stomach moves through hiatus diaphragm into the chest cavity);
  • Gastric dyspepsia ( episodic or persistent symptoms, often related to the diet and nature of nutrition);
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Diseases of the liver and gall bladder;
  • Diseases cardiovascular system.


There are several types of belching. According to the first classification, it can be physiological and pathological. In the first case, the release of gases from the gastrointestinal tract is one-time. Pathological discharge of gases is most often repeated. Moreover, it greatly bothers the patient. Pathological form is the result of decreased sphincter tone ( valve device that regulates the passage of contents from one organ of the body to another), causing gases from the stomach to enter the esophagus and oral cavity.

In addition, belching can be sour, bitter, rotten, loud or quiet. Loud can be heard from a distance. In most cases, it occurs against the background of various disorders of the normal functioning of the stomach. Putrid smell is felt in case of peptic ulcer, putrefactive decomposition of the stomach contents, as well as in the presence malignant tumors in this area. Sour smell disappears when there is excessive production of gastric juice, as well as in the absence of gastric juice hydrochloric acid. A bitter taste is noted when bile is sucked into the stomach. There are also cases when the gases released from the gastrointestinal tract have the smell of rancid oil. This odor indicates delayed gastric emptying. For some people, the gases that leave the gastrointestinal tract do not smell like anything at all.

Symptoms that may occur along with belching

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Pain in the abdomen;
  • If these signs bother you constantly, then get advice from a specialist as soon as possible.

Is it normal or a sign of illness during pregnancy?

The release of gases from the gastrointestinal tract worries many expectant mothers, most often starting from the second half of pregnancy. In most cases, this phenomenon develops as a result of hormonal changes that cause a decrease in general tone muscles of both the stomach and intestines. In addition, hormonal changes provoke the development of various performance disorders. autonomic system. It is impossible not to note the fact that the abdominal cavity is constantly under pressure from the growing uterus. In addition, the stomach slightly changes its location. If, in addition to the passage of gases, the woman is not bothered by other unpleasant symptoms, that means everything is in perfect order. If there is a whole complex of unpleasant signs on the face that greatly worsen general health, then it would not be superfluous to visit a doctor in order to rule out the presence of some serious disease.

In children

In newborns, this phenomenon most often occurs after feeding, since when sucking on the breast or nipple on a bottle, a large amount of air enters their stomach along with food. To avoid this, every mother should monitor the shape of the nipple, as well as the position of the baby during feeding. The smell of belched gas indicates that the baby has developed some kind of pathology. If it is rotten, sour or bitter, then be sure to show your child to the doctor.


Treatment of belching involves, first of all, treatment of the underlying pathology that caused the occurrence of this phenomenon. Most often, patients are also prescribed a special diet. This diet is based on complete refusal from carbonated drinks and foods that linger in the stomach for a long time. Food should be consumed frequently and in small portions. If the passage of gases from the gastrointestinal tract is the result of increased secretion of gastric juice, then the patient is prescribed special alkalizing medications in the form of bread soda, alkaline mineral water, magnesia, etc.

Traditional medicine

Recipe No. 1: carefully mix 2 g of watch leaves, 15 g of dill seeds, the same amount of yarrow inflorescences and peppermint leaves, as well as 30 g of St. John's wort herb. 2 tbsp. l. Steam the resulting mixture for 240 minutes in 2 cups of boiled water. Strain the infusion and take 1 - 2 tbsp. l. throughout the day. You need to drink all two glasses of infusion per day. This remedy is especially effective for the removal of gases from the gastrointestinal tract due to increased acidity gastric juice.

Recipe No. 2: take 4-6 drops clove oil 1 - 2 times a day.

Recipe No. 3: drink 500 ml of goat milk 3 times a day after meals.

Recipe No. 4: mix 100 g of aloe juice with 100 g of cranberry juice, 200 ml of boiling water and 1 tbsp. honey We take the resulting product three times a day, 1 tbsp. l. The course of therapy is 7 days. It is recommended to repeat the treatment after a month.

Recipe No. 5: mix equal amounts of carrot and potato juice and take the resulting product 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals.

Recipe No. 6: brew 5 g of dried budra herb in 1 tbsp. boiled water. Strain the broth and use it instead of tea.

Recipe No. 7: steam 20–30 g of elecampane root in 1 liter of boiled water. We take the infusion instead of tea.

Prevention measures

To minimize the risk of developing such an unpleasant phenomenon as belching, you should follow some fairly simple rules:

1. Getting rid of chewing gum: chewing gum leads to the accumulation of a large amount of saliva, which is subsequently swallowed along with air;

2. We forget about the existence of carbonated drinks: The consumption of such drinks contributes to increased formation of gases that seek escape. It is best to opt for drinks that do not contain carbon dioxide;

3. We drink water from a glass or cup: drinking water through a straw or from a fountain results in a very large amount of air being mixed with it;

4. We try to swallow less air: You need to eat very slowly, chewing each piece thoroughly. Eating food slowly helps reduce the formation of gases in the stomach and also improves the digestion process. Try not to talk while eating;

5. We limit the consumption of puffed products to a minimum: Souffles and various milkshakes contain a large amount of air, so it is best to avoid using them;

6. Calming your nerves: very often in nervous state Lyuli swallow large amounts of air. Try to find another way out nervous tension. You can, for example, go for a run around the house.

7. We exclude some foods from the diet: Often the release of gases from the gastrointestinal tract is the result of food

Belching is the release of gases from the gastrointestinal tract through the oral cavity, often associated with a characteristic sound and aroma. It is not considered a separate disease.

U healthy person it can manifest itself after overeating, consuming highly carbonated water and certain types of products (legumes, dairy products, coffee).

However, regular (occurring over a long period of time) belching is considered a likely symptom of the disease and needs further investigation.

Treatment of belching must be agreed with your doctor.

Causes and treatment

When a person suffers from belching air, it is necessary to establish the reasons for its formation. This phenomenon is considered the uncontrolled release of excess gas from the gastrointestinal tract through the mouth.

Often this process is associated with an unpleasant sound. This can happen due to spontaneous movement of the gastric muscles when the sphincter, which separates the stomach from the esophagus, is open.

A person is faced with this method of eliminating excess gas in the gastrointestinal tract all the time from birth.

Children, having not yet learned to control themselves, during the feeding process swallow too much air, which is also removed through belching. As they grow older, many people get rid of this.

When the digestive system is working properly, no excess gas will form in the gastrointestinal tract.

That insignificant amount of air swallowed in the process of eating food is imperceptibly released in small doses, imperceptible to humans.

In healthy people, air belching occurs quite infrequently and in many cases without an unpleasant odor.


These types of belching are known.


Belching air. Its departure is not associated with loud sounds. The phenomenon itself appears immediately after eating. Factor provoking this process, suggests that during the process of eating food, air penetrates into the stomach.

This type of belching can be treated extremely quickly; you need to follow certain instructions. You can't overeat.

The stomach is not able to cope with a significant amount of food mass, so fermentation may begin in it.

As a result, gases are formed that are expelled from the air to the surface. It is not recommended to rush. Otherwise, gas will be released after eating

Conversations while eating lead to similar consequences. Eating chewing gum, highly carbonated water, and physical stress after eating contribute to belching.

When she appeared during pregnancy, some special measures will not be required.


A similar belching can also appear after eating, but it implies much more dangerous reasons. It is a symptom of some disease. In this situation, treatment of belching must be associated with eliminating the cause.

This process is rarely associated with the release of only air. Often occurs bad taste and aroma in the mouth. IN such a case It is not recommended to make hasty conclusions.

To treat the pathology, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis.

The reasons may also be hidden in oncological diseases Gastrointestinal tract, ulcerative inflammatory processes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, pathologies of the liver and gall bladder, malfunctions of the nervous system.

When burping air appears not only after eating, it can be pathological in nature.

Belching symptoms

In a healthy person, belching is often associated with diet and does not cause any discomfort.

When various diseases appear:

  • Belching rotten. Formed as a result of rotting food masses inside the stomach, which is associated with stagnation of the contents, cancer ( malignancy) stomach, gastritis (inflammatory process of the stomach) with reduced secretion (release) of gastric juice.
  • Belching sour. It is observed with high acidity of gastric juice.
  • Belching air. It is observed with intense formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract (consumption of highly carbonated water), as well as during excessive swallowing of air when eating (dry food, dialogues during meals, during nasal congestion).
  • Belching bitter. Appears during the reflux of bile into the stomach with cholecystitis, cholelithiasis (formation of stones in gallbladder) etc.


When burping occurs, the reasons for its occurrence can be varied. Like the causes, the treatment will also vary.

Most cases of this phenomenon are caused by physiological reasons, in people with a completely healthy gastrointestinal tract.

Basically, this is an empty belch of air, in some situations associated with the aroma of consumed food. Known following reasons occurrence of this phenomenon:

  • Swallowing air while eating: dry food, dialogues during eating, consumption of highly carbonated water and products that long time lingers inside the stomach and provokes intense formation of gases (legumes), ENT diseases during a cold.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux. It is the reflux of acidic contents from the stomach into the esophagus and, as a result, irritation and damage to its walls occurs.
  • Food intolerance, allergic reaction(hypersensitivity of the immune system to a foreign substance, in a similar situation to food products).
  • Diaphragm hernia. Appears when abdominal part(located in the abdominal cavity) the esophagus moves through the esophageal opening of the diaphragm into the chest cavity.
  • Gastritis ( inflammatory processes inside the stomach).
  • Stomach dyspepsia is a symptom that is associated with pain, discomfort, burning sensation that appears when nervous disorders depressed state, hysterics, psycho-emotional stress, etc.
  • Gastric or duodenal ulcer (formation of ulcers and defects of varying depths in the gastric walls and duodenum).
  • Cholecystitis, cholelithiasis(formation of stones inside the gallbladder).
  • Duodenogastric reflux disease. Rejection of the contents of the duodenum into the stomach and, as a result, irritation and damage to its walls.
  • Viral hepatitis A. Is an acute viral liver disease, which is manifested by disruptions in the digestive processes (nausea, gag reflex, belching, diarrhea) and yellowness of the skin.
  • Intestinal obstruction. Partial or complete difficulty in passing contents along the intestines.
  • Gastrointestinal tumors (neoplastic tumors in the stomach, pancreas, esophagus).
  • Pancreatic diseases. Pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus.
  • Stenosis of the pylorus of the stomach, cancer (malignant neoplasm) of the stomach, low acidity gastric juice.

To find out the cause, you need to consult a gastroenterologist and conduct a thorough examination.

How to deal with belching

When burping air causes significant discomfort, you need to balance your diet, adhere to certain recommendations and behavior at the table.

First of all, the following instructions should be observed:

  • There is no need to talk while eating, as dialogue can cause air to enter the stomach. It will then be released by burping after eating.
  • It is forbidden to start eating during psycho-emotional arousal, in this period All food must be chewed thoroughly.
  • Do not use chewing gum.
  • By swallowing smoke while smoking, a person guarantees himself a persistent belching.
  • The causes of belching can also include certain food products: beer, onions, dairy products. After a meal, you should not do any physical exercise, as exertion can cause belching of air.


When such an unpleasant phenomenon appears occasionally, you should not worry about it.

Mostly, removing excess gas from the gastrointestinal tract does not require special therapy; you only need to slightly revise your own diet. It probably makes sense to resort to a non-strict diet.

If gases from digestive organs worry quite regularly, you need to consult a specialist and inform him about all sorts of manifestations that have occurred.

When there is cause for concern, the gastroenterologist will recommend additional diagnostics.

How to treat belching depends entirely on its type. The pathological variety requires the establishment of provoking factors before starting therapy.

Treatment of belching with air

This belching occurs immediately after a meal. It is a sudden expulsion of air through the mouth, not accompanied by a foul odor.

The air that enters the esophagus or stomach during meals comes out through sharp and somewhat unpleasant sounds.

Typically, this type of belching bothers a person in a situation where he eats quickly and chews food improperly.

Such absorption of food, without proper processing, haste and fast pace, lead to the fact that a significant amount of air penetrates into the gastrointestinal tract, which as a result causes belching.

Therefore, the treatment for air belching is to start eating in a calm environment. There should be no dialogue, excessive emotions or other provoking factors that may disturb you during the meal period.

Overeating can cause similar adverse symptoms after eating, such as belching air. Therefore, there is no need to eat excessive amounts of food.

Doctors advise taking a short break (about 30 minutes) after eating. If after the meal you immediately start doing something physical activity, this can lead to the formation of belching.

The stomach needs calm during certain period time so that the food can be processed and moved forward for further processing.

Treatment of rotten burps

Symptoms of rotten burps include the appearance of an unpleasant rotten odor from the oral cavity.

This type of belching may indicate that food stagnates inside the stomach, does not undergo processing and does not descend into the intestines for subsequent absorption and excretion from the human body.

In such a situation, food contents accumulate inside the stomach, and processes of rotting and gas formation occur.

Gases with a foul aroma begin to be released back into the oral cavity. Probably during this they appear painful sensations, which indicate the presence of stomach problems.

During irregular manifestations of rotten belching, special therapy is not needed. You just need to adjust your diet.

If you experience regular symptoms of this phenomenon, you need to consult a gastroenterologist and conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, since in such a situation, treatment for rotten belching involves eliminating the underlying disease that provoked its occurrence.

Treatment of belching after meals

Belching appears mainly immediately after a meal. To avoid this phenomenon, after eating, careful monitoring of the food products consumed by humans should be carried out.

However, most effective way Treatment for belching after eating is its unhurried and measured consumption. You should not rush, put aside worries for later and concentrate on the meal.

Food should be chewed slowly, long and thoroughly. In this case, the symptoms of belching will disturb the person very infrequently, and, most likely, will be completely absent.

You also need to follow the basic requirement during meals - eat small portions.

Each spoon of the dish or each sip should be a small amount, and the portions should be slightly smaller than the standard ones.

This can lead to a significant amount of air entering the stomach, which in many situations provokes this phenomenon.

Treatment of sour belching

Belching with a sour taste is considered a pathological symptom, which indicates certain diseases of the digestive system.

A similar type of this phenomenon can manifest itself as a sour aftertaste after a meal. Sour belching can be associated with heartburn (burning sensation inside the gastrointestinal tract) or appear without accompanying symptoms.

To make a probable diagnosis, as well as to choose the appropriate treatment, observation should be made when sour belching occurs.

When symptoms disturbing a person appear immediately after eating, this may indicate disturbances in the functioning of the sphincter, which is located between the esophagus and stomach.

This sphincter is not fully closed, and therefore food contents can leak out, causing an unpleasant sour aftertaste in the mouth and heartburn.

The formation of sour belching 30–40 minutes after eating means that a person has an enzymatic deficiency. This may manifest itself as the inability of enzymes in the stomach to process all food contents.

Therefore, fermentation occurs in it, provoking gas formation with further removal of gases through the oral cavity. This phenomenon should only be treated in consultation with a gastroenterologist.

Another provoking factor for the appearance of sour belching is pancreatitis. With this disease, there is insufficient production of enzymes that are necessary for digestive processes- a common phenomenon.

And in order to determine whether sour belching is caused by this pathological process, you should carry out a diagnosis prescribed by a specialist.

During pancreatitis, along with gases, excess food contents and a certain amount of gastric juice, characterized by a sour taste, are released into the esophagus.

Treatment of sour belching is prescribed by a gastroenterologist, since he has eliminated this phenomenon on his own through medications, can worsen the patient's condition.

However, there are certain prescriptions that can be useful even before diagnosis.

Drug therapy

To find out how to treat this phenomenon, you should initially conduct the necessary examinations with a specialist.

Typically, a specialist can prescribe a set of procedures, including specialized tests. Once the diagnosis is made, the gastroenterologist is able to select effective medications.

Almagel suspension is prescribed for the treatment of belching during concomitant symptoms such as heartburn and bloating. The drug is considered effective and is used not only in courses, but also when single exacerbations occur.

To prepare the product, use Smecta powder. It is prescribed for the treatment of belching, heartburn and flatulence. Intestinal obstruction is considered a contraindication to taking Smecta.

Omez tablets are considered an effective drug during therapy of this disease caused by high levels of gastric juice.

The capsule drug can also be prescribed to neutralize the adverse effects on the stomach of other medications.

Motilium suspension and tablets are prescribed to improve digestive processes and eliminate stagnation in the gastrointestinal tract. By removing these causes, Motilium also eliminates belching.

Pancreatin is considered the most common drug for improving digestive processes.

It removes the feeling of heaviness inside the stomach and helps cope with difficult-to-process foods. This tool It is prohibited to use for those suffering from pancreatitis.

Experts also use other means to eliminate this phenomenon. But any disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

Directly because of this, you should adhere to all regulations regarding nutrition and behavior at the table.

Traditional therapy

Before using traditional medicine, it is initially necessary to accurately determine the cause of belching.

  • When unpleasant belching of air occurs as a result of heartburn, the simplest treatment is the consumption of Essentuki No4 mineral water. Basically, after 2 days of constant consumption of this mineral water, a decrease in the symptoms of this phenomenon is observed.
  • During gastritis, which occurs in chronic form, with the existing high secretion of gastric juice, tea made from blackberry mint and lemon balm leaves can eliminate the symptoms. The leaves are brewed with boiling water or added to the kettle, and the blackberry branches are boiled for 10 minutes.
  • If you constantly burp air, you can use a quarter of 1 tsp. baking soda or magnesium, which are diluted in water.
  • You need to mix half a glass of cranberry juice and aloe juice. Then add 1 tbsp. l. honey, mix and dilute boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. When everything is ready, the composition must be used three times a day, 1 tbsp. l. Treatment with this remedy continues for a week. IN for preventive purposes it is necessary to repeat therapy after a month. This mixture used to reduce symptoms.
  • In case of belching and heartburn after eating, in some cases, eating raw carrots or green apples helps. While regurgitating food, you can suck on a piece of ice from a decoction of chamomile or mint.
  • When belching occurs on nervous soil, you can use such a traditional medicine as a decoction of cinquefoil, sweet clover, hops, and heather.
  • Effective folk remedy in the treatment of regurgitation, the use of apple cider vinegar. You need to use 2 tsp. vinegar per 1 liter of water. This infusion should be used for 7 days or optimally 10 days while eating small portions of food.
  • In the process of exacerbation, the use of “nut milk”, which is made from hazel and walnuts. 10 g of nuts are crushed, 100 g of boiled water is added, filtered and 1-2 tsp is added. honey Use 1 tbsp. l. several times a day half an hour before meals.
  • During stomach or duodenal ulcers, fresh juice is used white cabbage. It includes vitamin U. Juice should be consumed a quarter glass half an hour before meals, gradually increasing the amount of juice to a full glass. The course of therapy is 2 months.
  • Ginger. Take 2 capsules with powder or 30 drops of infusion before meals. Brewed healthy tea from ginger. Rub 1 tsp. fresh root, pour boiled water and infuse for 5 minutes. Then it is filtered and sipped little by little, when it has cooled down enough, it should not be consumed hot.
  • The use of a mixture of flax and fennel seeds, linden flowers and mint leaves, which are taken in 2 tbsp., helps to normalize acidity. l. All components are mixed well, then take 1 tbsp. l. ready-made product and pour in 0.2 liters of boiling water. The mass is tightly closed, wrapped and infused until it cools down. Then it is filtered through gauze, which is folded in several layers. It is necessary to consume a quarter glass 2 times a day until it returns to normal. general condition. The therapeutic course is quite long.
  • A decoction of cardamom helps improve digestive processes, as a result of which the amount of gas released will decrease. You need to boil 1 tsp. cardamom for 10 minutes in 1 glass of water. The product should be taken hot during a meal.
  • During gastritis with high acidity, which lasts less than 10 years, a tincture of a mixture of 3 tbsp. l. rowan fruits and flowers and 1 tbsp. l. calamus root 1 tbsp. l. 0.2 l of the finished product is poured cold water and infuses for 60 minutes. Afterwards, the mass must be put on the fire, held until it boils, then it is cooled and filtered. Take 100 g warm 2-3 times a day before meals.
  • Mix 4 tbsp. l. trefoil watch leaves with 3 tbsp. l. yarrow inflorescences and with the same amount of dill seeds and mint leaves.

Add 6 tsp. St. John's wort. 2 tbsp. l. ready herbal mixture brew with 2 cups of boiling water and infuse. After 2 hours, the mixture must be filtered and consumed 2 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals.

After consulting with a specialist, it is optimal to use certain remedies to eliminate inflammation of the gastric walls and esophagus, in order to avoid the occurrence of erosion.


To eliminate similar phenomenon treatment must be combined with appropriate preventive measures. It is extremely important not to forget about certain recommendations.

  • It is much easier to eliminate belching of physiological etiology through the oral cavity.
  • You should not rush while eating. Food must be chewed thoroughly.
  • Before eating, you need to stabilize your own psycho-emotional state and only then start eating.
  • Avoid overwork.
  • Limit highly carbonated drinks in your diet as much as possible.
  • If possible, products that cause this phenomenon should be excluded. Try to identify it and avoid it in the future.
  • Organizing the process of eating should not be left to chance; you should try to establish quality nutrition.
  • Moderation in food.
  • You should avoid overly hot coffee or tea.
  • Stop the habit of using a straw when drinking.
  • Replace chewing gum with other means for fresh breath.
  • Quit smoking completely.

After eating, it will be useful to walk outside in order to properly process the food. If you follow these instructions, you can protect yourself from such a phenomenon as belching.

Treatment for belching is necessary measure, since restoration of proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract affects the preservation of health and wellness for a long time.