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Causes of severe belching of air in adults. Constant belching

When eating, not only food but also air enters the human esophagus. Its volume depends on the anatomical and physiological characteristics, condition, nature of food, food culture and many other factors. Therefore, there is nothing unnatural in periodic belching: the air mass must come out naturally, it cannot be retained in the esophagus. But if odorless air is belched constantly, regardless of food intake, this indicates a digestive disorder.


Belching, by definition, is the return movement of air from the gastrointestinal tract followed by exit through the mouth. Only air that has entered the esophagus and stomach can return with it. Normally, it is odorless and enters the esophagus with every swallowing movement. Without it, the body will not be able to normalize intragastric pressure, necessary for normal digestion.

When too much air accumulates in the stomach cavity, it begins to put pressure on the gastric walls, and a partial weakening of the sphincter occurs. This allows you to “bleed off” excess air, which will go up the esophagus and out of the mouth.

If the intestines and stomach are working normally, a small amount of air absorbed with food comes out gradually and imperceptibly, it has no odor. But if a significant amount is ingested, a loud belching is observed. A lot of air can get in both with and without food. Swallowing air and constant air belching appear with aerophagia, or pneumatosis of the stomach.

Important! Aerophagy refers to both the swallowing of air and constant air belching.

Belching without food is caused by neurotic aerophagia. In this state, a person constantly swallows air and then regurgitates it. This process stops during sleep.

In a healthy person, profuse, odorless belching occurs when:

  • improper food consumption;
  • drinking carbonated drinks;
  • pregnancy;
  • physical activity immediately after eating.

Lack of food culture is:

  • constant conversations at the table;
  • too fast, hasty eating and snacking on the run;
  • swallowing large unchewed pieces of food;
  • overeating - the more you eat, the more air you swallow with food;
  • smoking while eating or drinking and immediately after.

Constant use chewing gum also leads to belching of air. If for any reason hypersalivation occurs ( increased salivation), swallowing large amounts of saliva causes aerophagia. But it should be remembered that up to six months, increased salivation is normal for a child.

The formation of excess air mass in the stomach and esophagus is caused by the consumption of carbonated drinks, low-alcohol drinks, beer and sparkling wine. After them, a belch appears. A milkshake also leads to aerophagia, during the preparation of which the liquid is aerated (saturated with air bubbles).

Important! Any liquid drunk with a straw increases belching. Drinking from tin cans has the same effect.

After drinking soda, severe belching occurs because sodium bicarbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid contained in gastric juice. This produces a large amount carbon dioxide, which exits through the esophagus from the stomach to the outside. Pregnant women burp air due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the diaphragm (this also causes hiccups). Observed in the last trimester.

In smokers, belching appears after smoking if a cigarette ends a meal or the person smokes in between dishes. Excessively hot or cold food leads to aerophagia. In the first months of life, the child’s whole body is developing, and while the digestive system is not established, a large amount of air is swallowed. The less milk in the breast, the more intensely the baby sucks, sucking in air along the way. Therefore, after feeding, you need to hold the baby in an upright position so that he can burp and get rid of the air mass.

Important! Sucking a pacifier is the reason why a child has frequent air burps.

Normal or pathological: how to distinguish

Normally, belching is odorless and, with proper nutrition, occurs unnoticed, in small portions. The person does not experience discomfort or pain. Main sign pathologies – bad smell from mouth. This phenomenon is called halitosis. Halitosis can be a symptom of many diseases, including:

  • dental;
  • otolaryngeal;
  • gastroenterological;
  • cardiological;
  • oncological;
  • neurological

Bad belching is accompanied by pain, flatulence, and general malaise. But such symptoms may be absent in neurological aerophagia, when the patient is stressed and often swallows air due to nerves. This creates a lump in the throat. Also, strong, odorless belching can occur with nasal congestion and difficulty breathing through the nose.

For what diseases

With dental diseases such as gingivitis, periodontal disease, caries and others, belching appears with foul odor. Belching that smells like acetone indicates a problem with the kidneys and liver. Yeast signals about a fungal bacterium called Candida albicans, which increases after eating sweets, baked goods and some other foods.

Important! Drinking dark, unfiltered beers can also cause belching with a yeasty odor.

  1. Aerophagia occurs with gastritis, gastric ulcers, and gastrointestinal tumors.
  2. Belching with putrid smell appears in such complex anatomical pathologies as megaesophagus and esophageal diverticulum.

With these diseases, the walls of the esophagus expand. These may be indicated by strong belching with a putrid odor (the reason is food accumulating in the esophagus and diverticulum), often with food particles. Belching with a rotten egg smell is a sign low acidity stomach and gastritis that began on this basis.

A person with complaints of aerophagia is examined by a doctor, paying attention to symptoms of dyspepsia such as abdominal pain (especially in the pit of the stomach), bloating and flatulence, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, as well as the smell of belching. The patient may complain of cardiac pain, burning and compression behind the sternum.

To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a general examination with palpation of organs. abdominal cavity, listening to heart sounds. An X-ray examination is also necessary. The image will allow you to see the high position of the diaphragm due to the stomach being full of air, and determine the presence of gastric obstruction and its cause. A blood test (general and biochemical) and urine test is required. Data laboratory research will show the presence or absence of inflammation, changes in the function of the liver, pancreas, etc. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is often performed - an endoscopic examination that evaluates the condition of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, the presence of signs of inflammation and ulceration. Neurosis is diagnosed based on behavioral characteristics, and the diagnosis is confirmed by a neurologist.

When is burping caused? pathological changes, treatment is determined according to the diagnosed disease. These can be antacids, choleretic, anti-inflammatory drugs, antifungal drugs, etc. If conservative treatment does not lead to elimination of the cause, surgical intervention is indicated (for example, operations to suturing a diverticulum), and in case of dental diseases, their treatment and filling or removal.

In cases where constant air belching is provoked by a neurological factor, the patient needs to take a sedative and follow a diet with split meals, composed of easily digestible dishes. In other cases, it will be enough to slightly change your food intake, limit the consumption of foods that provoke belching (including onions, beer, soda).

Important! Fresh fruits, if eaten at the end of lunch, cause aerophagia due to the organic acids they contain. They interact with the digested food, causing belching.

It is believed that it is beneficial to lie down after eating. But gastroenterologists advise standing or sitting for a while, or even better, walking slowly. When walking, intestinal motility and gastric motility improve, the air bubble gradually and imperceptibly leaves the stomach to the outside. But such a pleasant type of procedure as a bath should be postponed for a while: if you lie in warm water immediately after eating, the blood supply to the stomach will worsen, as blood will rush to the skin.

There are other ways to deal with aerophagia:

  • breathing exercises;
  • light stroking massage of the abdomen in a clockwise direction, starting from the iliac region (by the way, this method is very effective for flatulence and colic in infants);
  • herbal remedies.

Treatment with traditional methods

Belching can be treated with folk remedies when its cause is already known and the doctor has approved such treatment.

Cranberry and aloe

Squeeze the pulp of aloe leaves to get half a glass of juice, squeeze out the same amount of cranberry juice. To this volume add a glass of water (need boiled) and 1.5 tsp. honey. Stir and take 1 tbsp. l. after eating for a week.


Instead of baking soda, which often relieves hyperacidosis, it is better to use magnesia - the same one whose injections help reduce arterial pressure. 1 tbsp. l. dissolve in a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach in the morning. Use for a week.

Potatoes and carrots

Squeeze half a cup of fresh carrots and potato juice, take 10 days, 2 tsp. before eating.

If a person does not pay attention to aerophagia, he may miss the symptoms of a serious illness. With constant air belching, gastric motility and peristalsis are disrupted, and spasms of the esophagus develop. Aerophagia in infants leads to painful colic, decreased appetite and weight loss.

Belching air is a natural phenomenon, if it does not go beyond the norm. Involuntary release of gases is considered completely normal if it does not cause discomfort and pain, if this phenomenon does not become constant and frequent, if the release of air is in small and imperceptible portions.

What is important to know about burping?

Air belching is the sudden passage of air through the mouth from the stomach or esophagus. This phenomenon caused by swallowing a certain amount of air when absorbing food and liquid. If the stomach is functioning correctly, there is always the release of gas through the mouth. This contributes to the motor performance of the body.

Most often, belching occurs during or after eating. If everything is in order with a person’s health, then during the swallowing reflex, up to 5 milliliters of air enters the body, which gradually accumulates at the bottom of the stomach, in the so-called gas bubble. Having reached a certain size, the gas is belched. Belching is most pronounced among lovers of carbonated drinks.

Different parts of the world have different attitudes towards this fact. According to tradition, for some it is the norm of behavior in society, for others it causes censure.

If belching occurs against a background of painful sensations and is accompanied by the smell of “rotten eggs,” then we're talking about about pathology. In this case, diagnosis and appropriate treatment are required. Doctors define such aerophagia as a manifestation, considering the pathology a violation of the normal functionality of the stomach.

There are many reasons that cause air belching in people. However, there are a number of features and factors for the manifestation of gas release for adults and children. You should focus on the fact that belching can, for one age group to be the norm, and for another - a deviation, and for similar reasons.

Factors causing its appearance

For adults, belching can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Dysfunctional breathing through the nose, lack of synchrony;
  • Diseases of the gums and oral cavity;
  • Eating food quickly “on the go”;
  • Overeating and frequent feasts;
  • Speech while eating;
  • Heavy exertion after eating;
  • Use of chewing gum;
  • Second half of pregnancy;
  • Excessive use in the form of drinking carbonated drinks;
  • Neurosis;
  • Gastric pneumatosis;
  • Poor chewing of food;
  • Stressful situations.

All this - natural causes, not related to the detection of pathology. However, there are a number of reasons characteristic of pathological conditioned reflex- aerogaffia.

Such factors can be diseases and dysfunctional conditions:

  • Difficulty breathing through the nose associated with disease or deformation of the nasal cavities;
  • Impaired chewing and swallowing functions due to diseases of the oral cavity and teeth;
  • Excessive salivation and frequent swallowing;
  • Chronic gastritis;
  • Impaired motor activity of the stomach and decreased tone;
  • Pyloroduodental stenosis;
  • Narrowing of the esophagus;
  • Operational disruptions of cardio-vascular system, especially in ischemic disease with attacks of angina pectoris;
  • Damage to the gallbladder;
  • Diaphragmatic hernia;
  • Food allergies;
  • Cardiospasms;
  • Worm infestation;
  • Peptic ulcer;
  • Aneurysm of the descending aorta.

Many diseases arise against the background proper nutrition, overuse carbonated drinks, especially cheap sparkling wine, beer, and lemonades. Often the cause of air belching is bad habits: smoking and alcohol.

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Impaired liver function due to pathology causes deviations in the functioning of other organs, which results in the release of gases through the mouth. With intestinal dysbiosis, the balance of absorption is disrupted, the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract malfunctions, and as a result, belching occurs.

Belching air in young children is normal, sometimes even desirable. This is due to incomplete formation digestive tract. Sometimes it is necessary to artificially induce the release of air in order to get rid of spasm and pain. When feeding, babies often involuntarily swallow it along with food in the first period of life.

All newborn babies regurgitate food and belch gases. This occurs in the first days of life due to the entry of air masses into the stomach during sucking. Usually a healthy baby, developing normally, stops rejecting air.
Swallowing air while eating regulates gastric pressure.

In addition, regurgitation helps:

  • Activate the work of the stomach;
  • Digest food;
  • Prevent stomach distension.

If regurgitation and release of air occurs more often than 5-10 times a day, then we can talk about pathological abnormalities: diseases of the liver, gall bladder, indigestion, pancreatitis, gastritis or bulbitis. It is possible that the cause of the child’s belching was poor nutrition, overeating, or poisoning.

To determine the exact cause of a child's frequent belching, a professional examination is required.

The cause of the reflex can be elementary passive smoking, since nicotine poisoning causes weakening of all types of ligaments in children, provoking chronic belching.

Babies can burp and belch air for various reasons, which adults often do not pay attention to:

  • Loud talking while eating;
  • Thick and tight clothing;
  • Tense psychological situation in the family;
  • Incorrect introduction of complementary foods or violation of food combinations.

Children, like adults, can suffer from various diseases which cause air to escape through the mouth. If burping causes inconvenience to the baby, torments, interferes, brings suffering, and is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, then medical attention is required.

Find out about one of the reasons for belching in this video.

Types of air burps

There are several types of pathological rejection of air from the body through the mouth:

  • With the smell of “rotten eggs”: occurs when hydrogen sulfide and ammonium nitrate are formed against the background of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the stomach;
  • Belching with acidic air, indicating increased content gastric juice;
  • Putrid belching, indicating stagnation of food in the stomach and lack of digestive enzymes;
  • Belching with the smell of acetone is characteristic symptom diabetes mellitus;
  • Rancid belching is evidence of elevated level bile and throwing it into the stomach.
  • Belching is often seen as a symptom of a disease.

May be combined with other symptoms:

  • Heartburn;
  • Bloating;
  • Pain;
  • Voluntary gas release from the intestines;
  • Flatulence.

Any frequent belching of air should be regarded as a deviation in the functioning of the body. Diagnostic measures are always required to accurately determine the causes and treatment.

Associated symptoms

Often belching air is accompanied by additional symptoms, which may indicate the presence of a serious abnormality in the functioning of organs or the presence of a disease.

If the belching is periodic, episodic in nature, then we are talking about physiological reasons. This dysfunction goes away if you change your nutritional tactics, daily routine, and lifestyle.

Constant belching may be accompanied by:

  • Abdominal pain;
  • Bloating, flatulence in the stomach;
  • Heartburn;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Constipation or diarrhea.

If a rare belch is not dangerous, then a constant one with pathological deviations is fraught with serious surprises and illnesses.

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A special place among diseases is occupied by:

  • Ischemia;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Angina;
  • Heart failure;
  • Peptic ulcer disease.

Lump in the throat

Belching air and feeling a lump in the throat are symptoms of one of the following diseases:

  • Neurosis due to stressful situations;
  • Oncology;
  • Esophagitis – inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus;
  • Pharyngitis - inflammation of the larynx;
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • Dilations of the esophagus - diverticulum;
  • Esophageal hernia and diaphragm.

The most common:

  • Esophagitis, accompanied by a burning sensation after eating, chest pain, muscle spasms, and food rejection. There may be a disruption in the movement of food through the esophagus. Lack of treatment aggravates the development of the process;
  • Neurosis is the body’s reaction to external influences. Spasm of the esophagus during eating causes increased air entry into the stomach, and the lump causes a reaction of the nervous system.
  • Bronchial asthma, hypertension and cervical osteochondrosis sometimes accompanied by a lump in the throat and frequent belching of air.

If attacks occur frequently, you should consult a doctor rather than wait for spontaneous healing. A mandatory examination is necessary to exclude the worst option – laryngeal cancer.

Chest pain

It happens that belching air is accompanied by pain in the chest. The cause of this condition can only be determined through an outpatient examination. Possible factor could be a disease coronary arteries, and the result in the absence necessary treatment– myocardial infarction.

The second most common disease, with similar symptoms, is gastroesophageal reflux disease - GERD. The symptoms are similar to heart disease, however, the cause is problems with the esophagus. Most often, women over 50 years of age suffer from this.

Chest pain accompanied by belching is a manifestation of some other diseases:

  • Achlasia cardia;
  • Esophageal diverticula;
  • Hernias hiatus diaphragms;
  • Peptic ulcer disease.

Frequent belching with additional symptoms require careful attention and timely diagnosis.

Belching and pregnancy

Belching of air is observed quite often in pregnant women. This may be caused poor nutrition, eating large amounts of fruits and nuts, eating while lying down.

The influence of changes in hormonal levels has a very active effect on the health of a pregnant woman. Muscle tone decreases, which affects the nervous system and the capacity of the esophagus.

Sometimes belching is the only first symptom of pregnancy. Functioning changes digestive system, and the result is a slight upset with belching.

In the third trimester, due to the enlarged uterus putting pressure on the gastrointestinal tract, belching occurs more and more often. While doing household chores, it becomes increasingly difficult for pregnant women to bend. Uncomfortable positions can cause belching.

Aggravated diseases during pregnancy can also provoke excessive accumulation of air, and then its involuntary release.

If belching becomes a cause for concern, you should complain to your gynecologist about it.

Carrying out diagnostic procedures

To make a diagnosis, both tests and examination are required, as well as anamnesis collection and comparison of patient data.

Initially, a history of the disease, all complaints and accompanying symptoms are collected. It is mandatory to clarify the time, frequency of belching, and its correspondence to meals.

Then, an anamnesis of the patient’s life activities is collected: the presence of inflammatory, chronic, infectious and hereditary diseases.

Need to know about surgical interventions and developmental anomalies.

Further diagnostic activities are laboratory tests:

  • General and biochemical tests blood and;
  • Analysis for culture and the presence of blood discharge;
  • Coprogram.

If you burp air frequently , think about its reasons. It could be natural reaction the body for excess air or indicate the presence of some kind of disease of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, or gall bladder. An examination is required.

And belching itself is a phenomenon when air involuntarily escapes from the stomach under pressure, accompanied by a characteristic sound. If you are talking to someone and there is a loud burp, the person will think that you are poorly mannered. Many people feel the moment when the air comes and try to quickly step aside and cover their mouth with their hand.

In medicine, there are 2 types of belching:

  1. Physiological.
  2. Pathological.

Any person can exhibit one or the other type. If you are healthy, but have eaten meals containing foods that contribute to excessive gas production, or have swallowed a lot of air while eating, then you will experience physiological belching. The same happens when you chew gum or smoke. With this natural release of air, you most likely will not experience any discomfort or unpleasant odor.

If you have h Frequent belching of air and some kind of bad smell is felt - this is a sign of pathology. Where exactly is the disorder in the body? The doctor will determine.


There is gas in the stomach, it stimulates the normal functioning of the organ and the secretion of gastric juice. When you swallow too much air during eating, emotional conversation, or other reasons, the stomach muscles contract and the excess air is expelled through the mouth.

Don't be alarmed, frequent belching is common to many people. Excess gas occurs due to the consumption of foods:

  • Peas;
  • Cabbage;
  • Very fresh bread;
  • Milk, others.

It can be triggered by eating a sandwich on the go or drinking soda. Some people are keen on losing weight and taking oxygen cocktails. Other foods can also cause excess gas.

Try to adhere to a certain diet. Let 4 or 5 hours pass between meals. Do not wash down your food with soda and do not drink it after finishing your meal. Products that contribute to gas formation may not be completely removed from the diet, but their consumption may be limited. Doctors after breakfast. It is not recommended to sit or lie quietly during lunch or dinner. Need 15 minutes. walk around, do household chores.

It is bad if during belching you feel liquid food in your mouth. It may taste sour, putrid or bitter. If this is not from overeating, then most likely you have problems with the stomach or duodenum.

If there is increased acidity in the stomach, then it will remain in the mouth. sour taste. This may indicate a stomach ulcer. A lot of juice is released and fermentation occurs, but there is not enough hydrochloric acid to digest food.

If the taste in the mouth is bitter, this means that bile has entered the stomach from the duodenum. If you feel rotten in your mouth, you most likely have eaten too much. heavy food and as it decomposed, it became a little rotten.

If you smell something rotten, like spoiled eggs, this could be a sign of decomposition. This process produces ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. Gases come out through the mouth and a similar smell is felt. This may indicate an exacerbation of peptic ulcer or gastritis (hyposecretory), occurring in chronic form. Later you will feel heaviness, that your stomach is full. You will be bothered by nausea and involuntary regurgitation, and you will feel aching pain in the pit of your stomach.

In some cases, belching with the smell of rotten eggs indicates stomach cancer. In any case, frequent regurgitation of food is a serious symptom that cannot be ignored. See your doctor immediately. After the examination, he will make an accurate diagnosis. Start treatment immediately. Dietary nutrition is usually prescribed. If it turns out that you have high acidity, your doctor will prescribe medications (antacids).

Causes in children

Like adults, children may have natural or pathological causes of regurgitation. If a child is nervous and prone to hysteria, his disease may often worsen.

Causes the disorder:

  • When during lunch the child walks a lot or talks to someone;
  • Overate;
  • Belt or clothing too tight;
  • There was a tense atmosphere when the child was eating;
  • Ate junk food(fatty, fried spicy, etc.) or snack on meat with fruit;
  • He ate and immediately started running and playing with his friends.
  • If one of the parents or relatives smokes, the child will become a passive smoker. The body will regularly receive a dose of nicotine, a poison for the child, and the sphincter will become weakened; under gastric pressure, gas will often pass into the mouth. All this can lead to intestinal obstruction.

Belching in a preschooler or schoolchild indicates that he has a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, bile ducts or liver. Food lingers in the stomach, rots and produces unpleasant regurgitation. This is also bad for the esophagus, the mucous membrane of which is irritated by acid.

Infants are not strong enough nervous system and the esophagus is designed in such a way that food often goes back during natural regurgitation. This is fine. The baby will grow up and when he burps, this will not happen.

In pregnant women

During pregnancy, hormonal levels change. More progesterone is released. This hormone indirectly affects digestion. The growing fetus puts pressure on the internal organs. Excess gas accumulates in the stomach and the pregnant woman feels belching. Don't worry, many pregnant women experience this. Everything is fine with you.

Poor nutrition

If you eat legumes (beans, peas, beans, lentils), mushrooms, brown rice, any cabbage or garlic and onions, chocolate, etc., then you may experience excessive gas. Do not drink carbonated drinks while eating mineral water. You shouldn’t drink it with your meals either.

If you are prone to excessive gas, try to eat less meat and more vegetables and fruits. Refrain from eating fatty foods and dishes, do not cook fried foods, do not buy smoked, salted or spicy foods. During an exacerbation, do not eat dairy. Some people have problems when eating nuts, eggs or citrus fruits.


If you were quarreling with someone, you could have a loud emotional conversation and swallow a lot of air. It has been noticed that when there is a strong shock, a person, like a fish, gasps for air and belches with odorless air.

There is also such a phenomenon as aerophagia, when infant When breastfeeding or an adult under stress (eating quickly) swallows too much air. This is what happens when you burp. If a baby has such symptoms, the pediatrician will explain to the young mother how to feed the baby correctly and everything will go away.

Belching in healthy people

IN empty stomach There is air before eating. How many? It depends on its volume. On average from 0.5 to 1 liter.

How can excess air get into the stomach in a healthy person? When he snacks while walking or talks to someone while eating. If he is nervous, he often begins to swallow saliva or smokes a lot, drinks soda or drinks with gas, chews gum. If someone overeats, they are likely to experience heaviness in the stomach and belching.

Belching often occurs in healthy overweight people. Those who drank strong tea or coffee, ate fried or fatty foods, a lot of onions and garlic. If you are completely healthy, but after a heavy lunch you are in a hurry to run errands somewhere, speeding up your pace, you may experience belching. If you bend over sharply or run. When a belt or corset for ladies is too tight.

For example, you have a cold and use an inhaler. Since you have to breathe with your mouth open, it goes without saying that excess air will enter the stomach. If you are pregnant, the fetus is growing and is already pushing many organs and the diaphragm, and you often burp.

What diseases cause belching?

U healthy people belching occurs rarely. If you notice it more and more often, this indicates that you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or disturbances in the functioning of the liver or gall bladder. The sphincter is located between the stomach and esophagus. If it does not close tightly, air rises under pressure through the esophagus to the mouth and a belch results.

This condition, when the sphincter does not close tightly, may be after surgery on the stomach or you have a hernia (diaphragmatic). If you have problems in the duodenum, then there is a very high probability of similar symptoms.

When you smell rotten eggs, this indicates gastritis (atrophic). Similar problems arise due to disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, experts advise immediately to be examined, establish a diagnosis, and prescribe treatment.

Diseases that cause belching:

  • Pancreatitis;
  • Gastritis;
  • Gastroparesis;
  • Hernia at the food passage of the diaphragm;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • Gastrointestinal disorder;
  • Worms;
  • Slouch;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Dysbacteriosis.

These diseases also cause other symptoms:

  • Nausea;
  • Bloating;
  • Digestion is upset;
  • Pain is felt.

If you feel so bad, don’t sit idly by, go see a doctor right away. Very bad? Call an ambulance. It is urgent to establish a diagnosis and begin treatment. Try to stick to proper nutrition. Eliminate from your diet for a while: fatty, fried, spicy, salty, carbonated drinks, do not chew gum. If you follow the recommendations of specialists, you will soon feel much better.

Air belching in children without odor

If a child excitedly says something while eating, then there is a high probability that excess air will get into the mouth, esophagus, and then the stomach and belching will occur. Not only do they have a conversation, children can eat a sandwich on the go and have fun running around the room.

If you notice that your baby is belching odorless air, do not rush to get scared. Have you given him an inhalation recently? If your baby has a stuffy nose, he will breathe through his mouth and swallow excess air. It happens that a child recently watched a cartoon, became emotionally overexcited, shared his impressions, and then burped with clean air. This is a natural physiological reaction. Excess air comes out of the stomach.

ENT problems include:

  • Adenoids;
  • Constant runny nose. Possibly allergic;
  • Inflammation in the sinuses;
  • Chronic tonsillitis.

If your baby has one of the problems, he may swallow excess air while eating. It happens that a baby, in anticipation of lunch or when remembering something tasty, produces a lot of saliva. He swallows it often. In this case, excess air enters the esophagus and then the stomach.

It’s not so simple: you need to show your baby to the doctor so that he can determine exactly why he often produces a lot of saliva? After all, this may be a sign of dental disease, ENT problems or disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. An examination and establishment of an accurate diagnosis is required.


If you experience belching, consult a doctor immediately. He will examine you and make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Most likely, you will have to eat in moderation, stick to a diet, and take medications.

The main thing is to establish in which organ the pathological disorders occurred, prescribe medications and treat. To feel the effect quickly, follow a diet. Eat small amounts and at short intervals. Avoid carbonated drinks completely from your diet.

In a situation where you secrete too much gastric juice, your doctor will prescribe antacids (Gastal or Almagel, other medications). They soften the gastric mucosa. If there are problems with the functioning of the gallbladder or liver, then your doctor will prescribe you prokinetics.

The therapist will definitely make the correct diagnosis and, in case of increased acidity, will prescribe you a drug that reduces the high acidity of the juice secreted in the stomach. If you take medications and feel discomfort in your stomach and other unpleasant symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. Perhaps, in order to avoid the manifestations of dysbacteriosis, you will be prescribed drugs that normalize the gastric microflora. The main thing is not to harm the body even more.

During the treatment course, if you smoke, try to reduce your cigarette consumption to a minimum, or better yet, abstain altogether. Chewing gum is also not allowed. When chewing, saliva is inevitably released. When you swallow it, excess air will enter the stomach with it and you will belch, and during treatment it needs rest.

In addition to the traditional drug treatment, nature, rich in gifts, will share its miraculous gifts. Add to diet herbal teas from:

  • Melissa;
  • Blackberries;
  • Mint.

Do you have high acidity? A mixture taken in equal quantities will help improve the condition: linden flowers, fennel, mint with flax seeds. Make a decoction and drink ½ glass 2 times a day. Treat for a long time, at least one year, then there will be a sustainable healing effect.

Has proven itself to be excellent remedy, a tincture made from honey and aloe. Cut 1 or 2 aloe leaves at the root. Rinse under running water and refrigerate for 7 days. Now grind into a meat grinder and mix with honey 1:1.

Store this mixture for 2 weeks in a dark place. Take the medicine according to the following regimen:

  1. 1st week. Before meals, drink 1 tsp 3 times a day.
  2. 2nd week. Similarly, drink 2 tsp 3 times a day before meals. facilities.
  3. 3rd week. It is required to consume 3 tsp 3 times a day. means before meals. If it weakens greatly, then take a dose of 1 tsp. Before preparing your own mixture, make sure that you are not allergic to one of the components.

Diet therapy

Follow the diet recommended by your doctor. During treatment, exclude fried and fatty foods from your diet. You are not allowed marinades, various smoked and salted foods, or hot seasonings. Eat often. This is important for those suffering gallstone disease. Food will be digested well, less gas will form in the stomach, and the gallbladder will empty frequently. Which will not provoke the injection of excess bile into the stomach.

Which doctor should I see?

To determine the cause of belching, you need to go to the clinic and see a therapist. He will examine you, question you, and get tested. The doctor will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Patients often complain of belching air after meals or throughout the day. The reasons for this condition are many and varied. Below are the main ones and methods for eliminating the unpleasant syndrome.

The presence of frequent belching can be reduced by analyzing its causes.


Belching is the return of the contents of the esophagus into the mouth. This action is preceded by a feeling of fullness and heaviness due to excess pressure inside the stomach. To alleviate the condition, the body itself provokes the release of gases back into the esophagus with belching.

The appearance of rare belches without odor or taste is considered normal, with medical point vision. This happens when you involuntarily swallow air, which accumulates in a volume of 2 ml. To normalize the pressure in the gastrointestinal tract, the air itself comes out in small portions in the form of an imperceptible belch. If an involuntary release of air occurs outside of eating or drinking, it emits a pungent odor and unpleasant taste, then there is a risk of developing a functional indigestion (pneumatosis), accompanied by airbrushing and nervous belching. Consultation required.


  1. physiological, when belching air appears after a meal;
  2. pathological when the belching contains gases formed in the gastrointestinal tract.


The air itself comes out in small quantities without a pungent odor. This phenomenon does not cause discomfort. Provoking factors:

1. eating in a hurry, as a result, air is swallowed and accumulates in the gastrointestinal tract, which then comes out;
2. conversations while eating;
3. overeating, due to which the stomach cannot cope with the volume of incoming food, it stagnates, ferments with the release of gases.
4. excessive consumption of soda;
5. physical activity after a meal, due to which food is not properly digested and poorly absorbed, stagnation appears, excessive gas formation;
6. frequent chewing of gum;
7. pregnancy in the 2nd trimester. At this stage, the uterus enlarges and begins to compress the diaphragm;
8. the first two months of a baby’s life, when air accumulates during sucking.


During the process, a person experiences a sharp taste and smell. At the same time, the patient experiences other specific symptoms of gastrointestinal pathologies. In this case, the belching is permanent. Occurs against the background of the following conditions:

  1. destruction of the gastrointestinal tract, such as stenosis of the esophagus, narrowing of the stomach, kinks, tumors growing into the lumen of organs;
  2. gastrointestinal dysfunction caused by gastritis, ulcers, inflammation of various etiologies;
  3. pathologies of the liver and gall bladder;
  4. gastroesophageal reflux, accompanied by the release of food from the stomach into the digestive tract;
  5. cancerous tumors in the gastrointestinal tract;
  6. nerve dysfunction;
  7. problems with the heart and vascular system.


  1. sour belching with flatulence against the background of high acidity with gastritis, mucosal ulcers;
  2. rotten belching due to rotting processes, stagnation of products in the stomach with pyloric stenosis, cancer, gastritis;
  3. belching large volumes of air due to high gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract. Occurs after eating certain foods dry, having conversations, due to nasal congestion;
  4. bitter belching due to the backflow of bile into the contents of the stomach with cholecystitis, cholelithiasis.

After meal

With normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, air belching after a meal appears rarely and infrequently. Causal factors are associated with swallowing excess air:

  • with an incorrect diet;
  • during times of stress;
  • with a passion for sodas.

Excess air presses on the walls of the stomach, causing bloating. Pressure balancing is carried out by releasing gases through the opened cardia between the stomach and esophagus. Light belching occurs.

Regular belching

The causes are identified during an examination aimed at identifying hidden pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. To do this, a medical history of the patient is compiled, laboratory and instrumental studies of the body are carried out.

Belching pain

The causative factor lies in the development of a disease that causes digestive disorders. Discomfort is felt due to improper nutrition and bad habits. Provoking factors:

  1. Smoking after the meal.
  2. Improper consumption of fruits. They should be eaten before or 1.5 hours after a meal. Otherwise, the organic matter in the fruit begins to interact with the consumed, but still undigested food, with the formation of gases.
  3. Tea after the meal. The leaves of the drink contain enzymes. They make the process of protein digestion more difficult, which interferes with normal digestion.
  4. Bath procedures. Warm water increases blood flow in the extremities, but reduces it in the stomach. Therefore, food is not completely digested, stagnation and fermentation occur. These processes cause belching with abdominal pain.
  5. Loose elastic band or belt. This action after eating sharply relaxes the abdominal muscles, the stomach begins to work worse, and belching occurs with pain.
  6. Addiction to cold drinks. Drinking after a meal is undesirable due to the risk of disrupting normal fermentation and absorption of lipids.
  7. Sleep after a meal. With general relaxation of the body, digestion is disrupted, which provokes not only discomfort, but also the development of gastroenterocolitis.

Healthy burping

Air venting is rare. There is no smell or taste after it. A gas bubble forms in the stomach due to swallowing air during a snack. Belching will occur due to excessive activity after a meal. Healthy belching often worries:

  • obese people;
  • those who abuse coffee, strong tea, garlic, onions, and fatty foods;
  • people using inhalers;
  • pregnant women.

For digestive dysfunction

Diseases of the digestive system often cause air belching.


The pathology is characterized by inflammation of the walls and mucosa in the esophagus. Accompanied by:

  • sensation of a lump, scratching in the throat;
  • heartburn;
  • aching, paroxysmal pain behind the sternum, in the jaw and shoulder, between the shoulder blades.

Simultaneously with inflammation, the functioning of the esophageal muscles is disrupted and peristalsis is reduced, which is often accompanied by regurgitation - the reflux of the contents of the digestive tract into the mouth.

Lump in throat with belching due to reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux is accompanied by esophagitis and weakening of the sphincter muscle. Due to inflammation of the stomach walls, digestive secretion increases. These phenomena cause heartburn, lump sensation and belching. At the same time, the patient experiences:

  • pain behind the sternum, radiating to the left;
  • nausea with occasional vomiting;
  • mild cough;
  • lack of air at night and in the morning;
  • weakness;
  • nervous disorders;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • sour taste in the mouth.


The body reacts sharply to stressful situations, such as a change in the usual environment, loss loved one, dismissal from work. Nervous strain affect the digestive system. Due to constant worries and nervous breakdowns the person cannot eat properly and swallows air. As a result, belching appears, and due to muscle spasm, a feeling of a lump appears.

Stomach diseases

The cause of constant air ulceration is dysfunction of the cardia and other pathologies.


In acute and chronic course accompanied by belching dull ache, heaviness, distension, vomiting. With the onset of tissue atrophy, the belching becomes rotten, and the patient loses appetite. Vitamin B12 and iron deficiency develops. Pallor, weakness, and brittle nails and hair appear. If gastritis is caused by Helicobacter, belching comes with heartburn and morning hunger pains.


Accompanied by sour belching due to destruction of the mucous membrane, as well as:

  • sharp or dull pain after meals, at night, in the morning;
  • decreased appetite;
  • constipation;
  • nausea with relieving vomiting, while the vomit contains residues of food and bile.

This group of pathologies is also often accompanied by belching.

Achalasia cardia

The lower esophageal sphincter spasms, creating zones of narrowing under the sphincter and expansion above the orbicularis muscle. Belching appears due to dysfunction of esophageal peristalsis and impaired swallowing function. Additionally, there is a feeling of a lump in the throat. Reflux disease develops with the backflow of food from the stomach into the esophagus. The burp contains food and the air that comes out is rotten. Heartburn appears.

Zenker's diverticulum

The pathology is characterized by the presence of a sac-like protrusion at the junction of the pharynx and the esophagus. As it develops, it appears:

  • soreness and scratching of the throat;
  • discomfort when swallowing;
  • air burp with sour smell and food;
  • occasional vomiting.

Advanced forms are fraught with aspiration pneumonia and mediastenitis.


The pathology is accompanied by intensive proliferation of inert tissues with damage to arterioles. Dysfunction of swallowing, belching with heartburn appear along with disturbances in blood flow in the periphery, pain in the joints, and swelling of the extremities.

Pathologies of the diaphragm

Constant and frequent belching of air characterizes a hernia of the diaphragm. Hernias grow in different parts of the stomach, which increases blood pressure. arise chest pain with recoil between the shoulder blades. Food is thrown into the esophagus and bitter belching appears with food residues. There is heartburn. Vomiting occurs without nausea when eating in a hurry or changing body position.

Other pathologies

Belching can be caused by other gastrointestinal disorders.