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Constant empty belching of air is the cause. What pathologies cause a lump in the throat and belching? Constant belching and gastrointestinal diseases

Patients of gastroenterology departments often complain of belching of air. This problem may arise due to various reasons. For some it disappears on its own, for others it is a sign of serious pathology. In medicine, the problem is called airbrushing. The disease code according to ICD-10 is R14 (Flatulence and related conditions).


Belching air can appear as a result of changes in diet, due to anatomical features. The latter include:

  • Defect gastrointestinal tract, esophagus. Usually this is either an inflection point.
  • Violation of the contractile function of the gastrointestinal tract, the precursor is inflammation of the mucous membrane, a change in acidity.
  • Changes in liver function. If there is no normal, belching appears, and there is a bitter taste in the mouth.
  • The appearance of features in the functioning of the pancreas and duodenum.
  • Development when food debris moves from the intestine back into the stomach and esophagus.

Cases have been recorded in which belching appeared against the background of illnesses of cardio-vascular system, CNS. They can also contribute, which spread throughout the body.

Particular attention in medicine is paid to neurotic aerophagia, when a large volume of air is swallowed outside of food consumption.

Clinical manifestations

Belching air is also a symptom of some diseases. In this case, a set of different manifestations is studied.

Belching air after eating

When we eat, no a large number of air masses enter the stomach cavity. This leads to rare belching, which is not a sign of pathology. If the condition recurs frequently, the doctor may suggest:

  • inflammation of the pancreas,
  • dysfunction of the gallbladder,
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

The symptom sometimes indicates intolerance to certain ingredients. Often appears when consuming soda, chewing gum, and also when overeating.


Such belching may occur due to stress or the habit of talking during meals. As a result, the air that has been swallowed forms a large bubble, putting pressure on the walls of the stomach. In this case, belching takes measures to reduce the resulting pressure.

Constant belching may appear with diseases of the oral cavity and teeth, difficulty breathing through the nose, and excessive salivation.

Without smell

This appearance is also not always a sign of illness. It is often observed in people who are physically active after a meal and eat dry food.

May occur in women during pregnancy. This phenomenon is associated with hormonal changes body, an enlarged uterus, which presses on the stomach. If the burp has no odor, there is no need to worry.

In children, belching without odor of air is often associated with anatomical features and swallowing large volumes of air during feeding. Gastrointestinal tract in infancy is not formed, so the air quickly passes into the intestines, where bloating forms.

Belching helps cleanse the body of excess oxygen and prevent irritation of the mucous membranes.

With a lump in my throat

Belching, combined with the sensation of a lump in the throat, often occurs against the background of ordinary stress. In this case, there are no other symptoms.

The appearance of these two factors may indicate iodine deficiency, inflammation thyroid gland, osteochondrosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, .

Sometimes symptoms appear due to misalignment of the cervical vertebrae or excess weight.

With pain

The appearance of belching and pain of different localization most often indicate the presence of the disease. In this case, during diagnosis, the doctor must identify the painful location and assess the strength of the discomfort.

In the stomach

In this case, gastritis is most often detected. Stomach pain, belching, and gases appear. Sometimes burps have a smell. If the disease is not treated, heartburn and vomiting may occur.

The reason why a combination of these signs appears is and. In this case, the burp will be sour. Severe pain in the stomach area may also indicate pancreatitis. Usually the disease worsens when there is a violation in the daily diet, the pain can be girdling in nature.

In the right hypochondrium

Belching and pain in the right hypochondrium can occur in the last months of pregnancy. Most often, ordinary patients with such a complex of symptoms are found.

When the liver is damaged, other signs appear, for example, jaundice, changes in the color of urine and feces, and mental disorders. Your mouth may feel bitter and dry.

In the chest

Signs may indicate problems with the esophagus. Manifestations indicate GERD when the food bolus moves in the opposite direction. Heartburn appears, sensations behind the sternum. The voice becomes hoarse and a cough appears.

Chest pain and belching are symptoms inflammatory process when the lining of the esophagus becomes inflamed under the influence of acid.

These two clinical manifestations may also indicate. The muscular layer of the cardia in good condition It opens when food is swallowed and closes when it is digested. Disturbances in the parasympathetic nervous system lead to disturbances in this part.


If during belching the pain radiates to the area of ​​the heart muscle, then most often we're talking about O .

It can also occur in a healthy person who has violated the nutritional rules.

If the symptoms recur, you should consult a doctor, as there is a risk of developing cancer.

With a heavy stomach

Belching of air in combination with heaviness in the stomach can occur both as a result of banal overeating, and as a result food intolerance, including . IN in rare cases these symptoms indicate the initial stage of development of cancer.

With nausea

Signs of abuse junk food is nausea and belching. Sometimes they appear if there are not enough enzymes in the digestive system. Then the products begin to succumb to rotting processes, and the amount of toxins in the intestines increases.

Without paying attention to these signs, you can allow the development chronic illnesses Gastrointestinal tract.

If it occurs with swelling

Bloating occurs due to the accumulation of gases in the intestines. The presence of these does not always indicate illness. But sometimes they talk about a malfunction of the enzyme system.

They may also appear as a result of previous operations. Sometimes fermentation begins during the digestion process. It occurs when there is an incorrect combination of products. Additionally, problems with stool often begin in this case.

With heartburn

Often appears as a result of the development of diseases of the liver, stomach, heart or esophagus. Symptoms can be triggered different problems, including overeating, excess exercise stress after eating.

Heartburn occurs with increased acidity. In this case, the belching will have a sour taste. This may also indicate malfunction stomach. At muscle weakness or rupture of the diaphragm we are talking about a hernia.

Chronic symptoms can also provoke symptoms of the disease. respiratory pathologies accompanied by an obsessive cough.

If it occurs on an empty stomach

The appearance of such a sign as belching can occur on an empty stomach and in healthy people. If it is of a permanent nature, they may suspect neurological problems or illness digestive system. In many situations, the latter factor is the cause.

Doctors say that belching on an empty stomach is a reason to get examined. In women, the symptom may appear during pregnancy. Sometimes this condition occurs due to disturbances in the functioning of the pylorus or insufficiency of the lower esophageal sphincter.

For pancreatitis

If the doctor talks about pancreatitis, then the accompanying symptoms will be severe pain and lack of appetite. Vomiting and stomach upset may occur. The disease can also be provoked by inflammation caused by formations that disrupt the outflow of pancreatic enzymes.

During pregnancy

We have already mentioned above that during pregnancy, belching air is a common occurrence, which accompanies the process of bearing a child. Sometimes it is accompanied by the appearance of bad breath.

Change comes first for reasons hormonal levels. Progesterone begins to be produced in large quantities, which has an effect on the digestive process.

The hormone causes it to slow down. The changes also cause a decrease in muscle tone throughout the pregnant woman’s body.

The child has

For the first time, such a symptom may occur in newborns who swallow a large amount of air during the sucking period. If regurgitation has no odor, it is considered normal when it occurs up to 10 times a day.

At an older age, the appearance of belching may indicate ailments of the gallbladder, cecum, or liver. , unhealthy diet, overeating also provoke the release of air with sound.


With aerophagia, the process of swallowing air accelerates, discomfort may appear, which decreases with belching. Note that there is always air in the stomach. During the fermentation of food, it is released through the oral cavity.

This physiological process stimulates the stomach, activates the secretory activity of various glands. In healthy people, belching occurs when air accumulates, which increases intra-abdominal pressure.


Each person has their own characteristics. The body can react differently to the same stimuli. Belching has the following symptoms:

  • Sudden release of air from oral cavity with sound accompaniment.
  • A sharp contraction of the diaphragm when releasing air.

In some situations, the release of gases is associated with the appearance of an unpleasant aroma from the mouth or the appearance of a special taste. You should seek medical help if the symptom recurs frequently, there is no appetite, heartburn appears and profuse salivation, occurs during a meal.


Before the examination, the doctor pays attention to other associated symptoms. After this, the patient is prescribed tests to clarify the diagnosis:

  1. General blood analysis. Belching may occur due to a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Sometimes it is a symptom of an inflammatory disease.
  2. Blood test for Helicobacter pylori. It may indicate peptic ulcer stomach.

Among hardware research methods, it is often carried out. It can be used to detect hernias.

If the doctor suspects that belching is due to decreased tone of the cardiac sphincter, esophagotonokymography is prescribed. To determine the level of acidity, intraesophageal pH-metry is performed.


Treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying cause that led to the problem. It is often necessary to restore the correct daily routine, eliminate stress, and also remove from the menu foods that contribute to increased gas formation. Drug treatment is prescribed if such measures do not lead to the desired result.


If air belching is associated with the production of enzymes, Festal, Biofetal, Pancreazym and other drugs are used.

At the same time as taking them, medications are prescribed to restore normal microflora Gastrointestinal tract. Bifidobacteria make it possible to remove fermentation processes caused by pathogenic microflora.

If belching is detected against the background of increased production gastric juice may be prescribed bread soda, magnesia, alkaline water without gas.

Traditional methods

Eat different ways getting rid of belching. One of them is goat milk. Every day you need to drink a glass three times a day after meals. It is best to continue treatment for 2-3 months until the digestive system is completely regulated.

The second most popular method is using flax seeds. They improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. To obtain the drink, you need to brew a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water. The infusion should stand for 30 minutes, then drink a quarter glass. The course of treatment lasts at least 3 weeks.

A mixture of freshly squeezed carrots and raw potatoes. You need to drink a glass before eating.


The main rule to prevent the occurrence of belching in the future is to normalize your diet. It is worth removing food from it that stimulates or slows down the secretion of enzymes. Such dishes include fried and spicy foods, smoked foods, and sour sauces.

There should be more on the menu plant food, fish, fresh meat, individual species fruits and vegetables. The main rule is not to overload your stomach. There are a few more rules:

  • Avoid chewing gum.
  • Reduce your consumption of carbonated drinks and strong tea.
  • Have dinner 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Avoid exercising after meals.


To prevent belching from causing discomfort, it is necessary to prevent its occurrence in advance. For this daily norm food is consumed in several approaches. Everything needs to be chewed thoroughly.

Eat only healthy products, do not forget to arrange for yourself fasting days. Light food will help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and also lead to improved gastric motility.

Lead active image life. Biking, running and swimming lead to the coordinated functioning of all body systems. You should not self-medicate, as abuse of some drugs can be addictive.

Many people often belch after eating; the reasons that accompany this unpleasant phenomenon can arise spontaneously. Belching is a sudden and loud release of air accumulated in the stomach or esophagus through the mouth.

If the process of activity of the gastrointestinal tract proceeds normally, then belching can be observed in rare cases. If we compare the belching of a healthy person and a patient, then the first one releases only air, while the second one releases gastric contents through the mouth along with the air. During belching, the muscles of the stomach contract, and the cardiac sphincter remains open.

Belching accompanies a person throughout his life from birth, since a person always swallows air along with food, which becomes excessive in the stomach and begins to come out in this way. If a person is healthy, then he rarely encounters such a problem, since the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract does not cause belching.

1 How does this phenomenon occur in healthy people?

Belching food in a healthy person may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor, but it is random. If such a phenomenon is rare, then you should not worry or pay attention to it. If it occurs during every meal, then this situation requires clarification of the reasons why it arose. Only after this is it necessary to take all necessary measures.

May occur for the following reasons:

  1. The diet prescribed by the doctor is not followed properly.
  2. Meals are not organized correctly.
  3. The presence of aerophagia, which is neurotic in nature.
  4. Development of various pathological processes.

Healthy people may suffer from belching as a result of overeating or washing down their favorite meals with carbonated drinks.

It is also caused by heavy physical labor, which a person can do after lunch. Pregnant women can also suffer from belching later with natural compression of the diaphragm. The air escapes in this way.

Newborns and infants also often suffer from belching, because they cannot keep the process of eating under control and begin to swallow air along with milk. In such cases, the baby should be turned onto his tummy, waiting until excess air is released through the esophagus.

2 What diseases may it indicate?

Belching after eating may seem harmless only at first glance. Often it indicates various serious diseases. To get rid of this phenomenon, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the ailment, which a person may not even suspect, considering himself completely healthy.

However, constant belching after eating is the first sign that indicates the presence of benign or malignant tumors in the esophagus, preventing the passage of food. Other causes of belching are associated with pathological changes in the digestive organs, which occurs due to the presence of polyps, kinks, narrowed lumens, hiatal hernia and other possible pathologies.

Causes of constant belching may include the following:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Problems of the lower alimentary sphincter, which is caused by.
  4. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  5. Non-ulcer dyspepsia.
  6. Pathology of the pancreas and biliary tract.

Belching is common for people who have low stomach acidity or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs. As a result of an ulcer or gastritis, air bubbles accumulate in the esophagus and come out in the form of regurgitation. It is inevitable if food rotting occurs in the stomach, which is associated with dysfunction of the liver and gall bladder.

3 Consequences of the development of gastroesophageal reflux

People often note after eating, which means they have serious illnesses gastrointestinal tract, from gastritis to stomach cancer. Getting rid of this problem requires special examination, after which appropriate treatment should be prescribed. A timely visit to a gastroenterologist when regurgitating sour will help avoid the following troubles:

  • loss of appetite;
  • heartburn with excessive salivation;
  • attacks of nausea even when eating the highest quality foods;
  • heaviness after eating in the area of ​​the backing, which can develop into severe pain.

A person suffering from gastroesophageal reflux constantly feels the presence of acidic gastric juice in his mouth when eating food, since the functioning of the muscular valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach is impaired. This condition in 10% it becomes the cause of the development of Barrett's syndrome, when frequent irritation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus with gastric juice, which has a sour taste, changes the structure of this organ of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, it becomes similar to the intestinal mucosa.

Constant companions of this type of disease:

  • frequent regurgitation of sour;
  • presence of heartburn;
  • sensation of sharp or dull pain in the upper part of the stomach.

Recent studies have shown that the risk of developing esophageal cancer is increased in people who suffer from reflux due to medications that reduce symptoms. Patients do not consult with specialists to fully control their own health.

4 When is a comprehensive medical examination necessary?

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract after consuming heavy and fatty foods belching becomes inevitable. It is the most striking symptom that accompanies diseases such as pancreatitis and duodenitis in the initial stages of development, and not just gastro-digestive reflux, when food flows from the stomach into the esophagus, and not into the intestines. There are other ailments accompanied by constant belching after eating, the causes of which are associated with such types of diseases as dysbiosis, dysfunction in the large or small intestine.

Constant regurgitation of food in certain cases may be the cause cardiovascular problems. Sometimes this is a symptom coronary disease or thromboembolism pulmonary artery. Experts strongly recommend contacting Special attention for burping those people who are prone to diseases of the nervous system. As proven by conducted scientific research if a person suffers from psychosis initial stage, gastric neurosis or vascular dystonia, then this is often the cause of belching.

In certain cases, belching is a sign of helminth damage to the body. When this phenomenon is already becoming the rule, but not the exception, it is imperative to undergo a comprehensive medical examination. This will allow you to timely determine the reasons why this happens in order to carry out appropriate treatment based on the necessary methods.

5 Most common causes

Mostly, belching of food after eating occurs in people suffering from aerophagia. This phenomenon cannot be called a disease; rather, it is a deviation associated with food intake. At the same time, air enters the digestive organs along with food.

Since aerophagia is a relative phenomenon, it can often be observed in those people who are in too much of a hurry while eating, chew food poorly and swallow food in large portions. A person who is late for somewhere easily becomes a victim of aerophagia, which is associated with the appearance of belching after eating.

For a certain group of people who are accustomed to constant rapid food intake, characteristic belching is not a sign of health problems, although some of them try to find any pathologies in their body. It is enough just to solve the problem of aerophagia. To do this you should do the following:

  • eat more slowly;
  • chew food thoroughly;
  • do not swallow food in large portions;
  • do not talk while eating.

In order to develop normal habits, getting rid of those listed above, you need to constantly control yourself when eating food. The body of a person who is over 50 years old may not produce enough enzymes responsible for the process of digesting food. Experts recommend eating less, but doing it more often, then food will enter the stomach in small portions.

6 Self-therapy

Of all the types of belching, the least harmless is belching air. This is not the cause of serious illness even when it manifests itself quite strongly. You can eliminate it by changing your eating habits:

  • do not eat foods that contain a lot of air (whipped cream, soufflé, marshmallows, aerated chocolate, etc.);
  • don't drink in large quantities carbonated drinks with a lot of air.

You should eat food carefully and carefully, do not push the time or rush. After following all these rules, the problem should go away on its own. If belching persists, it is necessary to seek treatment by consulting a doctor. The specialist will first prescribe a gastroenteroscopy procedure to identify the reasons for the release of air from the stomach. Before starting treatment, you need to make sure there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The problem may also lie in the fact that a person chooses a diet that is completely unsuitable for him, so he needs to change it. You can find out what is more suitable for the body through experience. After this, it will be known exactly which foods the body tends to tolerate best, and which ones are not very well absorbed. In this case, no treatment will be required. Belching sour in the mouth after eating can be chronic, which is explained by the presence certain diseases, for which the necessary treatment is required.

7 Nausea and bitterness

If belching food occurs completely suddenly, then this may indicate causes related to. At the same time, the person begins to feel nauseous. Treatment should begin with taking an absorbent, for example, activated carbon, whose action is dual. In one case, the absorbent prevents nausea, and in the second case, the drug can allow food to come out, that is, not prevent nausea, which turns into vomiting.

If you overeat fried foods, you should treat with a suitable enzyme medicine or wait a while. After a certain time, the nausea goes away. If not positive results from taking the drug, you should contact a specialist to help you choose other medications.

To combat the belching that accompanies, the liver and gallbladder are first examined. If there is a predisposition to the development of severe pathologies, it is necessary to visit a doctor every year. If the causes of this phenomenon, associated with inflammation of the gallbladder, are confirmed by a specialist, then bitterness can be eliminated with symptomatic medications.

The reason must be identified. At bacterial inflammation gallbladder, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and painkillers, as well as choleretic drugs. During treatment, you must follow a strict diet prescribed by your doctor.

Belching is the body’s reaction to a large volume of air entering the stomach, and excess air is eliminated through the mouth. Many people believe that belching air after eating is not a disease, so they do not seriously think about its causes and the need for treatment.

In fact, voluntary or involuntary release of gas from the esophagus or stomach may indicate a health problem. We'll tell you why air burps occur after eating and what you need to do.

Any belching has its own causes and symptoms. The release of gas from the stomach is most often accompanied by:

  • filling the abdomen with air (bloating);
  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stomach ache;
  • stool disorder.

Belching after eating can be:

  1. Quiet and loud. The second occurs with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If this feature is added putrid smell, then we can talk about a stomach ulcer.
  2. Belching food and just air.
  3. No taste at all and with some aftertaste. For example, frequent belching with sourness occurs when there is insufficient quantity of hydrochloric acid, with bitterness - when bile enters the stomach or esophagus.

Causes of belching

We'll tell you why belching occurs after eating or during the day. Causes frequent belching are varied, and the release of air from the stomach does not always indicate a disease. In healthy people, this phenomenon can be provoked by:

  • drinking carbonated drinks in unlimited quantities;
  • talking while eating;
  • use of chewing gum;
  • using a straw for drinking;
  • food harmful to the body, excess garlic in food;
  • binge eating;
  • tight belts compressing the stomach area;
  • disturbances in nasal breathing;
  • swallowing air while eating;
  • pregnancy (hormonal changes, increase in uterine size).

Belching after eating appears due to pathological changes in the body, such as:

  • hiatal hernia;
  • achalasia cardia or pathology connective tissue esophagus;
  • expansion at the junction of the pharynx and the esophagus;

  • insufficiency of the sphincter at the border with the stomach;
  • obesity;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • spasm or narrowing of the pyloric region of the stomach;
  • stomach tissue cancer;
  • gastric dyspepsia;
  • pancreatitis;
  • intestinal pathologies accompanied by bloating.
  • Goat milk. It must be fresh and of high quality. It is advisable to drink it three times a day after meals. Treatment lasts until the causes of constant belching are eliminated.
  • You can use flax seed. One tablespoon of them is poured into a glass of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes. After this, a quarter of a glass is drunk. The rest - until next time. The course of treatment for belching with bitterness after eating lasts about three weeks.
  • The exercise while lying on your back will help stop the release of air from the stomach. Lie on your back, raise your legs at an angle of 45 degrees, hold for three minutes, and then slowly lower. Do it several times.


People who are constantly under stress and overexertion suffer from frequent belching of odorless air. They should find out why this condition occurs.

As a rule, by chewing food quickly, they capture a lot of excess air, which then begins to escape through the mouth. To prevent this from happening, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Chew food thoroughly and slowly.
  • The mouth should be slightly open while eating.
  • Do not eat when nervous.
  • Try to avoid liquids and gases.
  • Pay attention to your diet. Eliminate the product that causes air to escape.

By following these rules, you will get rid of the problem of belching food or air after eating. In any case, if you experience stomach discomfort, consult a doctor immediately. Only he can prescribe the correct treatment.

Belching air can be a symptom of problems in the body, and to avoid complications, try to take your well-being seriously and do not refuse a visit to the clinic.

Regular belching, which occurs against the background of various factors, can be both evidence of minor errors in the diet and a development factor dangerous diseases. It is quite possible to suspect pathology based on it if you pay attention to the accompanying symptoms.

When belching is not a factor in the disease

Belching usually occurs due to changes gas bubble, which is stably located in the stomach. Its size depends on the volume of the organ, but rarely exceeds 1 liter. Excess air entering it provokes pathology. And this occurs due to several factors:

  • mouth breathing;
  • fast food intake, which promotes the swallowing of excess air;
  • smoking in any quantity;
  • consumption of chewing gum and carbonated drinks.

In a healthy person severe belching develops against the background severe overeating, for example, during feasts. As a result, the gas bubble is pushed out through the esophagus. The same thing happens as a result of excessive physical activity after eating.

Belching can occur even with excessively tight pants or belts in overweight or obese people.

It is in overweight people that odorless belching, not associated with any pathologies, appears most often. Often, pathology can occur during treatment with inhalers - during the period of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections or with chronic asthma.

Belching after eating

If the stomach and the entire gastrointestinal tract system are working correctly, but after eating, belching appears consistently, then this is definitely the result of eating food too quickly and poor chewing. But there is more specific group reasons:

As a result, the body itself pushes an excessive amount of air through sphincter, which regulates the entry and exit of everything into the food tract. In this case, belching always occurs without unpleasant odor.

Seizures in young children and pregnant women

During pregnancy, belching odorless air almost always worries women. There is no reason to panic:

If you experience an unpleasant odor, nausea immediately after eating, or severe heaviness in the stomach, which is accompanied by heartburn and pain, you should reconsider your diet.

But when belching develops in a child under 12 months, we can talk about the following reasons: too much oxygen during meals, the formation of the gastrointestinal tract and disruptions in the air passages, bloating.

If a child continues to burp constantly even after reaching 1 year of age, this may be a symptom of gastrointestinal diseases.

A common cause of belching is irregular shape feeding accessories that mother uses. Regurgitation without odor and food particles is associated with weak stomach muscles. After some time, this pathology goes away.

Belching and stomach pain

The reason for frequent belching, accompanied by pain, is hidden in the development of gastrointestinal diseases. But it could also be a factor poor nutrition or non-compliance simple conditions comfortable digestion:

Diseases of the stomach and other organs digestive tract- a group of causes of strong and frequent belching, in which 1 or 2 symptoms are not enough to make a diagnosis. Diseases develop and acquire many “red flags”, which allow us to think about the presence of a particular pathology correctly and take appropriate measures for diagnosis.

Constant belching and gastrointestinal diseases

In most cases, strong belching of air without odor or even with its presence indicates insufficiency cardia- cardiac part of the stomach. Pathology develops due to loose closure of this section. The reasons for frequent belching in this disease lie in several factors:

Among the most common diseases that cause frequent belching are also gastroesophageal reflux disease. It is characterized by symptoms in the form of heartburn, pain in one half chest, bloating and very quick saturation.

The second group of reasons for belching air without a characteristic odor is gastritis. However, they are most often characterized by an admixture of sour or putrid odor, as well as attacks of pain, heaviness, and in case of radiation or infectious gastritis - vomiting.

Rotten belching most often occurs during atrophic processes.

The third group of diseases associated with odorless belching is a stomach ulcer with gross violations mucous membrane.

Belching with an ulcer can be either odorless or mixed with an acidic taste. Additional symptoms observed include: pain 30 minutes after a meal, night pain, vomiting and nausea with bile, constipation and loss of appetite. At long absence treatment in the first stages of cancer, belching also persists, as with an ulcer.

Diseases of the esophagus

The cause of belching may not be a stomach disease, but problems associated with the esophagus. And they are no less common than the first group.

All problems associated with the esophagus are accompanied by belching at all stages. However, when advanced cases it fades into the background, and most often only noticeable painful sensations in the chest, ulcerative lesion mucous membrane.

Diaphragm diseases

The only common problem that causes belching is a hernia hiatus, which is located in the diaphragm area:

  • With age, the risk of the disease increases due to muscle weakening;
  • most often occurs with obstructive pulmonary disease (asthma or bronchitis);
  • may be congenital, diagnosed in the first years of life.

As a result of the disease, some parts of the esophagus and stomach may enter the sternum cavity, which leads to additional symptoms. Severe disorders are always accompanied by pain that can spread to the back. The heart rhythm is disturbed, bitterness in the mouth and regurgitation without nausea occurs.

Belching food in a simple way, in scientific terms, is called regurgitation, the essence of which is the regurgitation of food not burdened by nausea or vomiting.

An unexpected release of gases from the digestive tract through the mouth, accompanied by a specific sound, the second definition of belching. It appears to be one of a set of phenomena called gastric pneumatosis.

Regurgitation is the same burp. It receives the eruption of food or digestive juices from the stomach into the pharynx, but without the efforts of the diaphragm.

There is a phenomenon of food backflowing into the digestive tract from the stomach, called reflux.

This form of belching looks like a slight chewing of food, which passed without muscle tension and expelled excess air from the stomach, which may have entered there during eating.

Based on the specifics of belching, what occurs in a person, it becomes possible to establish its prerequisites and what pathological processes it is provoked by:

  • belching that has a sour taste indicates the resulting environment with a huge volume of hydrochloric acid;
  • sour belching is evidence of increased acidity;
  • bitterness in belching is evidence of the reflux of bile from upper section small intestine (duodenum) to the stomach;
  • belching of a rancid, rotten taste occurs when food decomposes for a long time in the environment low acidity. May be a sign of the onset of peptic ulcer disease or oncology;

Belching after eating, acquiring systematic manifestations, requires diagnosis and consultation with specialists to find the cause that creates such discomfort.

Description of the causes of harmful belching

The phenomenon of belching is a well-known condition. Healthy body, with the healthy functioning of the digestive system, its manifestations occur sporadically.

Belching has different etiologies. But its main occurrence is inherent in peristalsis:

  1. On the one hand, the pressure in the stomach increases, and at the same time, the tone of the sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach weakens. Trapped air tends upward during eating, sometimes involving food fragments, and, coming out, takes the form of belching food;
  2. Restraining the transport of stomach contents may be the cause of regurgitation of food and evidence that the duration of the period after ingestion is 8 hours or more;
  3. Intensive conversation during a meal can be a precursor to the onset of belching after eating. Absorbing food hastily, being in an excitable state under stress. The air presses in the stomach and the latter tries to get rid of it by belching. If overeating occurs, then regurgitation of food is also possible;
  4. Not only factors related to dietary culture influence the causes of belching, but also foods from the human diet. There is a category of products that cause increased gas formation: legumes, cabbage, milk, soda of any quality;
  5. Aerophagia is a nervous belching of air, persistently flowing chronic illness associated with habitual swallowing of air. With aerophagia, unpleasant sensations appear.

Coming out in the form of a belch, the patient’s condition is alleviated. Accompanied by sound manifestations, belching air can be stressful for patients.

During aerophagia, the following phenomena are distinguished:

  • gastrocardial Roemheld syndrome is a gastrointestinal neurosis that combines abdominal pain with cardiac symptoms - heart pain, tachycardia, hypotension, extrasystole and others. The possibility of psychogenic disorders inspires the doctor with a thorough somatic examination of patients. This is necessary to exclude organic pathologies;
  • the presence of acquired pharyngitis contributes to the swallowing of air. Increased swallowing is likely in the presence of smoking and hypersalivation;
  • presence psychological disorders especially when it is observed hyperventilation symptom, the swallowing process becomes more frequent, and the entry of air accelerates sharply.

The reasons for belching food can be varied. And although each specific phenomenon may not cause concern, an increase in the number of manifestations is a sign of significant problems.

Among them may be pathologies:

  • gastritis, the essence of which is inflammation of the mucous layers of the stomach, which contributes to disruption of its functioning;
  • gastroduodenitis – inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pyloric focus of the stomach and duodenum
  • pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas tissue;
  • lesions of the gallbladder - the anatomical part of the liver;
  • hernia - protrusion of the digestive tract organs under the skin of the peritoneum;
  • ulcer is a purulent, inflamed lesion on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

How do belching factors manifest themselves?

You can't miss the symptoms:

  • in adults in good health, with air accumulated there after eating, fragments of eaten food enter the larynx;
  • belching food occurs from the abundance and satiety of the food eaten. It intensifies if the meal is washed down with carbonated drinks.

An associated symptom of this condition is bloating, intestinal colic, diarrhea or constipation. A frequent companion to overeating is nausea, and possibly vomiting and heartburn.

This combination of factors means either the manifestation of harmless belching of food, or more significant complications of gastrointestinal pathologies. Especially if there is a return of food in the mouth within a range reminiscent of vomiting.

Factors of constant burping

Due to an unavoidable aspect of the functioning of the body, belching food may be normal or it may be a frequent abnormality.

If it occurs in up to 4 cases, this is the norm, above this figure may be evidence of an illness:

  • Significant regularity of sudden expulsion of air from the stomach along with a small amount of food may indicate weakness of the sphincter that separates the esophagus and stomach. And this is a permanent pathology, the consequences of which affect after surgical interventions in the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of a hernia in the area of ​​the diaphragm;
  • an independent model of neuropathy - damage to the nerves of the peptic system, which are involved in the processes of supplying organs and tissues, ensuring their connection with the central nervous system(CNS).

This disease constantly has a negative effect on the movement of food throughout all digestive organs, expressed in unevenness and delay in the evacuation of food. This is a strong prerequisite for the development of reflux.

Regular belching of food reflects unfavorable developments associated with the functioning of the digestive organs.

Each specific case requires its own measures aimed at the root cause of the underlying pathology.

Principles for diagnosing belching

The diagnosis of belching after eating is made to the patient by a doctor in the field of a scrupulous examination of the anamnesis - information on the medical history, previous illnesses, and the patient’s living conditions.

During medical care medical specialist symptoms are specified:

  • how long ago did belching begin after eating;
  • the frequency with which air belching occurs;
  • how long after eating food does the result appear;
  • duration of air belching;
  • the presence of pathologies of the digestive system.

Measures to treat belching with food

An approach to treatment is chosen that combines all the causes and factors that cause belching after eating.

If diagnostic measures give a detailed picture of the main pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, then treatment should begin with it from a specialist of a narrow profile.

Immediately stopping the negative development of the pathology makes it possible to somewhat reduce the manifestations of belching after eating.

Belching with air, which is not a concomitant factor of the disease, but is a constant reminder of itself, can be corrected with nutrition.

The treatment provides the patient with recommendations for developing correct mode nutrition, optimal diet, menu balance, application of dietary principles of the table.

Why do healthy people burp air? The reason immediately arises related to food culture. Nobody pays attention to this term.

But it is precisely this that includes the main range of measures for proper food consumption.

What is the basis of the term food culture? Approximately the following activities are important knowledge about our nutrition:

  • sets of provisions based on knowledge of the properties of each of their sets, so that they compensate for the balance of useful elements;
  • methods of their processing;
  • technological processes for making dishes and baked goods;
  • nationality of cuisine;
  • food restrictions and prohibitions;
  • diet;
  • forms of meal arrangement;
  • etiquette and rituals of the feast.

Treatment of not only belching is related to nutrition. Almost any slightly complicated pathology always requires adjustments to the patient’s diet.

Therefore, it is useful to gain information on food culture. She will never be superfluous.

So, to summarize, it is stated that it is mandatory to seek help medical workers in case of frequent belching within an hour. Observation takes at least 5 days.

If the duration and quantity are confirmed, the possibility must be taken into account developing disease. Treatment should begin immediately after diagnosis.

Treatment is not expected if the belching of air is insignificant, without constancy. It occurs due to dietary culture.

There is a list practical advice, useful in matters of burping air:

  • exclusion of food, the digestion time of which requires a long time;
  • forget about drinking carbonated drinks;
  • establish the principle of fractional nutrition, the absorption of small portions promotes rapid absorption and eliminates overeating;
  • the eating process should be leisurely, with chewing movements up to 15 times in the mouth;
  • postpone meals in moments of emotional outbursts and stress. Refrain from talking at the table.

By observing your own condition and well-being, you can develop your own strategy for relating to food, in which belching will be excluded.

Preventive actions

Belching air is reduced to “no” by following the rules and principles, following which you will never encounter this phenomenon.

The following measures serve as guidelines for action:

  • avoidance of foods that stimulate advanced education gases;
  • treatment, after timely established diagnosis, reduces the urgency of the problem. Any pathological belching is associated with ailments of the digestive system. By eliminating the root cause, the problem of belching is eliminated.
  • treatment of hernias of the diaphragmatic area; preventive factor of belching with air. The fact is that due to a hernia, the sphincter malfunctions, as a result of which food fragments enter the oral cavity;
  • Last but not least is the rather hackneyed truth - leading a healthy lifestyle. Moderate smoking, alcohol intake, increase mobility.

Belching air, being, in fact, a symptom, does not lead to either an improvement or a deterioration in a person’s well-being. It does not arise as a positive or negative shift in the course of the underlying disease.

Despite this, one must not fall into the misconception that one can neglect treatment and preventive measures in order to prevent an exacerbation of the pathology in which air belching occurs.

Medications and traditional medicine

If all the reasons why belching appears are considered, the doctor’s recommendations are taken into account, but there is no relief, then you should try to use medications in combination with home therapy.

Drug therapy helps patients individually. The slightest difference in the consequences of the activity of the digestive tract creates reasons for the absorption of drugs.

What for some reason helps one person does not result in positive changes for another. Even if the pathologies are the same, then the biochemistry of the blood may be different, which will give different result in treatment with the same drugs.

Treatment unpleasant symptoms specialists after the reason that arises in connection with the pathology is to take medications of different pharmacological groups:

  • antacids, the essence of which is to protect the gastric mucosa, catalyze the breakdown of food, normalize pressure in the peritoneal cavity: “Vicair”, “Rennie”, “Vikalin”;
  • inhibitors proton pump, reducing the production of hydrochloric acid: “Omeprazole”, “Lancet”, “Bioprazole”;
  • medications that improve digestion: “Creon”, “Festal”, “Mezim”, “Panzicam”, “Pancreatin”;
  • agents that improve the acidity of gastric juice: “Omez-D”, “Nolpaza”, “Ventrisol”, “De Nol”, “Novobismol”;
  • antibacterial drugs: “Oxamp”, “Ecoclave”, “Metronidazole”, “Amoxiclav” - these drugs are used only on the recommendation of a specialist.

Let us remind you once again that drug treatment is individual in nature and depends on clinical picture pathology.

You can practice folk experience if there is no doubt that the causes of belching have been established correctly.

The same principle applies to all decoctions. The composition mixes well. According to the recipe, the specified portion of the mixture is taken. Pour boiling water, infuse, strain.

There may be differences in dosage per dose and quantity. Herbal treatment is long lasting.

Treatment of belching is closely based on the advice of home medicine:

  1. freshly squeezed vegetable juices beets, white cabbage help reduce the acidity of gastric juice and promote wound healing in the form of ulcers and erosions;
  2. the use of decoctions of plantain and beans, on the contrary, effectively increases acidity in the stomach. At the same time, antacids and adsorbents are prescribed;
  3. chronic gastritis of high acidity is helped by decoctions and teas from leaves and twigs of lemon balm, blackberry mint;
  4. a mixture of fennel and flax seeds, linden flowers and mint leaves gently normalizes acidity;

Gastritis with increased acidity For a duration of less than ten years, the following decoctions effectively help:

  • a mixture of rowan fruits and flowers, with the addition of calamus root;
  • a mixture of trefoil leaves, yarrow inflorescences, dill seeds, mint leaves, St. John's wort;
  • composition of half a glass of cranberry juice + aloe juice + liquid honey + a glass of boiled water; The course of use is 7 days, after a month the treatment can be repeated;
  1. severe heartburn is relieved with fine calamus root powder on the tip of a knife, washed down with water;
  2. a cocktail of potato and carrot juices is good for digestion;
  3. Goat's milk has long been revered as a healing drink. It will not spoil the mass in case of belching or gastrointestinal pathologies;
  4. Nervous belching can be relieved with a little exercise that relieves tension. A decoction of valerian root should be drunk before meals;
  5. A recipe familiar to many for ulcers is made from aloe leaves and honey. You have to tinker with it in preparation, following all the recommendations, but the effect is very impressive from use;
  6. Sometimes an increase in acidity is required. In this case, a drink of rose hips + sea buckthorn, or apricot juice and fruits can be used;

There are still many recipes that have not been covered, some effective and some that are not very effective, on the Internet.

The reasons for belching after eating are covered in some detail in the article. The main thing that the reader should learn from the article is that one should not be vigilant, even if the symptom is minor and does not entail danger.

After all, as happens in life, first there is discomfort with sound, and then severe complications. Take care of your health and that of your loved ones.

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