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Dog fighting: Alabai vs Wolf - who is stronger? Alabai or Caucasian Shepherd Dog Caucasian Shepherd Dog or Alabai which is better

There are stereotypes that fighting dogs are very dangerous animals that can even tear a person to pieces. This is partly true, but you should always remember that there is also a saying “it doesn’t happen.” dangerous breeds, there are irresponsible owners,” which also has some truth. Many dog ​​fighting fans are interested in the question: who is stronger in a fight between an Alabai and a wolf? In this article we will try to answer this question along with photos and videos.


Fighting qualities of the oldest breed Central Asian Shepherd Dog

Despite the fact that many dog ​​breeders consider Alabais to be fighters, first of all, they are a guard breed. Since ancient times, Central Asian Shepherd dogs have been exploited as guards and herding dogs. They drove away criminals from their owners' yards and protected helpless sheep from wolves. And many owners of representatives of this breed, seeing their dogs at work, noted that an Alabai will not only survive against a wolf, but may well gnaw its throat. This is due not only to the impressive size of the dog, but also to its innate aggression towards predators or prey.

Back in the 30s of the last century, the Soviet government tried to use the Alabai as a guard of important objects, but due to the difficult nature of the dogs, they decided to do without these animals.

Actually, character is one of the main reasons why Alabai take part in dog fighting. As you can see in the video, such a dog is much stronger than other opponents, such as a pit bull terrier or american bulldog. But it is also larger in size, which is why Central Asian Shepherds are not as agile as their smaller opponents.

Often in dog fights, the Central Asian Shepherd is a regular guest. For example, in Turkmenistan dog fighting involving representatives of this variety are considered a national tradition. Every year thousands of people witness such competitions, which are even broadcast on some local Turkmen TV channels.

In any case, history shows that the Central Asian Shepherd, although used for protection, has always been a good fighter. In addition, to this day, hunters use such dogs to drive down wild boars. A large and fast Central Asian can easily drive a wild boar into the hunter’s sights, let alone if there are several dogs. Moreover, even one Alabai, if necessary, can attack a bear, and the outcome of such a fight will depend not only on who is stronger, but on the fighting qualities of the shepherd dog.

As you understand, this is why Alabai need training. If the dog cannot control his fighting instincts, this will not lead to anything good.

Is dog fighting barbaric, is it necessary to check the wolfhound, or is it a business?

Animal advocates unanimously argue that dog fighting is barbaric. Like, why find out who is stronger if it can lead to the death of the dog? These people are partly right, because dog fights very rarely result in casualties. And especially if such massive and dangerous wolfhounds are involved in the battles. We must not forget that some dogs were bred specifically for this purpose, right?

But if you look at it from the other side, dog owners themselves can decide for what purpose to raise their pet. Of course, fighting is an integral part of the life of any born fighter. After all, if a pet does not show its strength with other animals, then it can do this even involuntarily just on the street. But then the outcome will be sadder.

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Today, dog fighting is prohibited in many countries. Today the practice of holding such events is not as widespread as in the last century. Then such a business could bring fortunes to the organizers. Nowadays, of course, such competitions also bring income to the organizers and are filmed professional videos, there are even fans of this type of “sport”.

Alabaev fighting tests

Testing of representatives of this breed is regulated.

As a rule, tests stop immediately:

  • if the dog starts whining or squealing;
  • if the dog begins to show a grin;
  • if the animal avoids combat;
  • if the pet begins to strike with its teeth;
  • or if the owner himself so desired.

The main criterion for conducting fighting tests is the demonstration of the pet's breed behavior and the desire to win the fight. The last criterion is exclusively an innate factor. If the Alabai is not going to participate in the fight, then he will immediately take a pose of submission, as the wolves do in the video. In this case, the enemy is unlikely to attack the surrendered animal.

One way or another, the innate aggression of the Alabai only manifests itself if another dog claims leadership in the pack. A shepherd dog will tolerate weaker males in its pack and will never touch a bitch or a puppy, but a wolfhound will always show its face to a strong dog.

Video “How Alabai subdued the wolves”

In this video you can see how wolves, not wanting to fight with the Alabai, obediently take a pose of submission.

According to the complexity of the content

In the spring, Alabai shed heavily, so they need to be brushed every day, which distinguishes them from some other large breeds, such as Labradors. Just like other dogs, the Alabai should be fed regularly and proper diet. They are prone to joint diseases, so they should pay more attention to foods high in calcium.

The nature

In character, Alabais are very reminiscent of their close relatives, Tibetan mastiffs - a calm, reserved dog that combines the ability to live in a family and flawlessly guard the house. Although Alabai are known for their calmness and serenity, we should not forget that this guard breed, however, they are not as aggressive as Caucasian Shepherds.

By strength

Big and powerful Caucasian Shepherd Dog is able to lead a herd and can save it from a predator attack. This animal can follow the trail of both a wolf and a person. These abilities have made him a universal breed: she is an excellent guard dog and a devoted protector.

The fighting qualities of Caucasian Shepherds were tested mainly in mixed fights against different breeds. As a result, it was proven that the Caucasian can fight no worse, if not better than any fighting dog or wolf, often winning. Let's look at a few examples.

If we take as an example the fight between a Caucasian Shepherd Dog and an Alabai, it will not immediately be clear which of them will be stronger. To figure out who will emerge victorious from the fight, you first need to say a few words about Alabai.

Alabai is also an excellent guard dog, however, its guarding qualities are territorial. This means that a dog of this breed will not pay attention to someone who is outside the meters assigned to it, unlike a Caucasian. But as soon as the “enemy” crosses the line set by the animal, he will be in trouble.

Alabai often takes part in dog fights to preserve his unique features. Being one of the most big dogs in the world, Alabai is capable of defeating many opponents, because he has not only great weight, but also remarkable strength.

It is very difficult to say with certainty who will be stronger - the Caucasian Shepherd or the Alabai. These representatives of the wolfhound family have almost the same set of physical and mental qualities. Which of them will perform better in battle depends on several parameters: weight category, conditions of detention and training, individual characteristics.

If the Moscow Watchdog goes into battle against the Caucasian Shepherd, then, most likely, the second breed will perform better. Of course, if the Caucasian Shepherd developed correctly both psychologically and physically.

The Moscow Watchdog appeared as a result of crossing the Caucasian Shepherd, St. Bernard and Russian Pinto Hound. Therefore, many dog ​​handlers and experts consider it a “degraded” version of the Caucasian, incapable of many power tasks.

Despite the fact that the Moscow watchdog considers its main task to protect its owner, it is also capable of guarding its territory. These qualities, combined with obedience and unpretentiousness, are what the breeders tried to obtain when creating this breed. The Moscow Watchdog rarely participates in test battles. Based on all of the above, it is generally accepted that the Caucasian Shepherd is stronger.

In the case of comparing the Caucasian and German Shepherd, the first breed will most likely again be better. The German Shepherd does not have the same strength as the Caucasian, although both dogs perform the same tasks at home: to protect and protect the owner and his family.

But even here everything will depend on the development of animals. If the German Shepherd is ready to enter the ring, that is, it has everything necessary qualities and features for this, and the opponent turns out to be less capable, then the German Shepherd will win.

If you put a Caucasian Shepherd against some kind of fighting dog, for example, a pit bull, then even if it doesn’t win, it will fight no worse. Naturally, in the presence of certain fighting qualities, such as endurance, intelligence, courage.

What do you think about the role of the Caucasian Shepherd in dog fighting?



Humanity has faced various dangers throughout the history of its existence. Initially, people tried to save and preserve themselves and their property from attacks by predators. For this they domesticated wild dogs, making them guards and defenders capable of defending their territory.

Two shining examples: Caucasian Shepherd and Alabay (Central Asian Shepherd). In the old days, the Caucasian Shepherd was capable of directing a huge flock of sheep to where they needed to go, saving them from a wolf, and protecting their home from intruders. Alabai had the same functions: he could kill a wolf, saving the owner and his property, and go into battle against a bear.

Gradually, people became interested in other things besides protection and security. For example, dog fighting: determine which dog will be better in a fight to the death. They began to breed dogs whose fighting qualities were to be as close as possible to characteristic features wolf As a result, many dog ​​breeds could provide good competition to both this predator and other dogs in battles against each other.

Looking at this state of affairs, many people have clearly established the stereotype of a fighting dog. They began to believe that these are terrible, aggressive, uncontrollable animals that do not know pity, whose main goal is to destroy all of humanity.

But this statement is completely wrong. Of course, all dog fights did not take place without participation fighting dogs. They were also used to bait various predators, for example, a wolf - a spectacle, to put it mildly, not for the faint of heart. But officially open, bloody open fights have sunk into oblivion, and the definition of “fighting dog” has stuck with many dogs. This is how the stereotype became entrenched in people’s minds.

As mentioned above, now officially open dog fighting is prohibited - this is regarded as cruel treatment with animals. However, in Russia there are test fights for wolfhounds and other dog breeds capable of going into battle. This helps maintain their certain performance qualities. Such as the ability to overcome a wolf, protect the owner from attack by intruders, and others.

You need to feel the difference - this is a test controlled by experienced Russian dog handlers, and not a mortal battle. For example, in the West, trainers specifically train a pit bull, making it a vicious murder weapon.

Diseases of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog

Who is the breed suitable for? Who won't suit it?
  • Active person.
  • Athlete.
  • Experienced dog breeder.
  • A man of strong character.

Will not work:

  • Sedentary person.
  • Weak people.
  • Women.
  • Children.
  • Amateur in dog breeding.
How do you treat other pets and dogs while walking?

Due to the fact that for several thousand years the Alabai has defended its territory from wolves, it is extremely hostile to dogs. During a walk, a Central Asian Shepherd can easily tear apart a dog walking nearby. He has few equals in battle, so you should take the dog’s upbringing very seriously and teach him unquestioning obedience from a very young age.

On the other hand, the breed is quite loyal to puppies and pets (even cats). Moreover, the Alabai will protect pets on its territory.

How often and for how long should you walk?
It is necessary to walk away from people and animals. The duration of walking per day is at least 2 – 3 hours. Preferably in an area where the dog can run freely without a leash. Lack of walking leads to obesity, arthrosis and arthritis.
Is it possible to keep it on a chain in the yard?

A proud dog with an independent disposition will not tolerate such humiliating content. On a chain, the shepherd will be in a constant state of stress, tension and at the same time boredom. At the same time, such content has the most negative effect on the dog’s health: the muscles weaken, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system develop.

The best option would be a spacious enclosure for your pet. In any case, the Alabai needs walking and constant communication with the owner.

Who is stronger - the Alabai or the Caucasian Shepherd?
The characteristics of the Alabai and Caucasian Shepherd breeds are very similar, so even an experienced dog handler will not give a definite answer to this question. The breeds differ in temperament: the Alabai is more flexible, the Caucasian Shepherd has an explosive character; For a Caucasian, all strangers are enemies; for an Alabai, only those who represent real threat. But physiologically the breeds are extremely similar, which is why the outcome of the proposed fight cannot be predicted.
How to care for wool? Does it shed a lot?
The Central Asian Shepherd sheds heavily once a year - in the spring. This is another reason why the dog should not be kept in an apartment. During the rest of the year, the coat sheds moderately. For grooming, it is enough to comb your pet about 1 – 2 times a week.
How often should I bathe?

Since the coat of this breed has self-cleaning properties, you should not bathe the animal unless necessary. After a walk, just wash your belly and paws with warm running water without detergents. If the dog is dirty, then you can bathe it using a special veterinary shampoo without dyes and fragrances, preferably based on herbs.

Alabais love to swim in natural bodies of water. This is very useful for them, so try to take your pet out into nature more often during the warm season.

Attitude towards children
The Central Asian Shepherd has a great attitude towards children: she understands that they are safe and tries to take care of and protect the kids, loves to play with them. This applies both to members of one’s own “pack” and to other people’s children.
Purpose of the breed. What services is it suitable for?
The main purpose is protection and security:
  • Protection of livestock or entrusted territory, including industrial zones.
  • Traction force.
  • Protection of the owner, his “pack” and home.
  • Hunting for wild animals.
Is he sometimes aggressive?
A properly raised dog, healthy and without mental disorders will go on the attack only if there is a real threat to the owner or its territory. In neutral, the alabai is essentially indifferent to the people around him.
Who is better to choose - a male or a female?

Basically, bitches are more mobile, more dynamic, more impulsive. They are more sensitive than males. The latter in most cases are prone to a phlegmatic temperament. Males are usually more suitable for guarding, they are fearless and, without hesitation, will rush to attack when there are provoking factors. Bitches are more careful: they prefer to bark at the enemy from afar or block the path to their territory without engaging. Although, in a fight, the male will immediately let go of the enemy as soon as he realizes that he has won. A bitch, on the contrary, more often fights until the enemy dies.

Bitches will constantly fight with the owner for leadership. A male dog, on the contrary, having once learned his place, does not try to disrupt the hierarchy.

For inexperienced dog breeders, it is definitely better to choose a female dog: the dimensions and weight of the dog are smaller, and in case of any omissions in training, it will be easier to correct them.

The advantages of keeping the breed include:

  • High intelligence and innate security and protective qualities.
  • The highest devotion to the owner and his family, especially children.
  • Undemanding to living conditions and cleanliness.
  • The dog's coat has the ability to self-clean, so it always looks neat.
  • Despite its large size, Alabai has a moderate appetite and is unpretentious in food.
  • Not afraid of heat, cold, temperature changes.
  • Outside his territory he is quite loyal and calm.
  • Will not bark in vain.
  • Loves children.

The largest Alabai in the world lives in Stavropol and weighs 125 kg. A nickname to match the giant is Bulldozer. When he gets on hind legs, his height exceeds 2 meters. According to the ranking of the largest breeds in the world, the Central Asian Shepherd is in 8th place.

Disadvantages and difficulties of content:

  • Not suitable for keeping in an apartment; due to its large size, it requires a large area for keeping.
  • Requires long-term walking and serious physical activity.
  • Not for those who are afraid of difficulties and are not ready to constantly control and educate.
  • Tendency to occupy a high hierarchical rank in the family, which leads to insubordination.
  • Professional training is required, otherwise it may become uncontrollable.
  • Aggressive towards other people's dogs.
  • Heavy annual spring molt.
  • He loves to dig holes, you can't stop him from doing it.
  • Does not tolerate high humidity well.
  • Tendency to gather and wander (educational measures should be taken immediately).
  • Such a feature of the breed is low socialization.
  • The inability of most representatives of the breed to “work” on foreign territory.

The Alabai breed is very hardy and not susceptible to many diseases. In view of physical features The most common diseases in dogs are:

  • Obesity is characteristic of 33% of dogs kept in apartments. An unbalanced diet, lack of physical activity, sitting on a chain, and short walks also contribute to weight gain. The consequence of obesity is usually a heart attack, which often leads to the death of the animal.
  • Cardiovascular diseases - occur due to in a sedentary manner life of the dog (arrhythmia, myocardial infarction).
  • Diseases of the joints of the limbs - associated with the large weight of the breed, which gives heavy load on the paws (ulnar and hip joints, rickets, arthritis, tendinitis, arthrosis, myositis, etc.).
  • Skin diseases - mainly ticks and fleas, less often fungus, ringworm, demodicosis.
  • Genetic diseases - cryptorchidism in males (not descending of the testicle into the scrotum), infertility in females, albinism, diabetes, fusion of eyelids).
  • Parvovirus enteritis – severe viral disease, is very contagious, characterized by dehydration and leukopenia, in 6–10% of cases it leads to the death of the animal.

Basic Rules

To understand who is better, stronger, more agile, smarter among large breed dogs, we had to pit them against each other. Specialists who have long been involved in the selection of dogs through dog test fights came up with certain rules. In the overall picture of the fight, it is thanks to the rules that it becomes clear what qualities a particular dog has.

Here are the main points of the summary of rules so that you can understand what exactly they pay attention to during an organized dog fight:

  • fights are carried out with the aim of forming a breed;
  • fights are conducted in strict accordance with sports rules and Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (cruelty to animals);
  • all fights are voluntary - owners should not force their dogs to fight;
  • the fight can be stopped if the animal is injured, and the injured dog is considered the loser;
  • if the opponent whines, he is considered a loser due to hypersensitivity to pain;
  • if one of the opponents leaves the ring during an active fight, he is considered a loser due to cowardice;
  • if the dog does not want to meet the opponent halfway, then they change places; if the same thing happens again, the dog is disqualified.

Thanks to the rules, you can identify the shortcomings and advantages of any dog. However, the assessment is not mechanical; each case is considered individually.

Metis of Alabai

Crossbreed with Caucasian

When crossing an Alabai with a Caucasian Shepherd, large, furry puppies are obtained. It is impossible to guess who the puppies will be more like, since with the same frequency both dogs that look more like Alabais and Caucasians appear. However, you shouldn’t expect any special surprises from this mating, since these breeds are very similar in appearance, and as intended.

With a German Shepherd

In this case, you should be careful, since dogs are very different both in appearance and in character. Of course, most often these puppies take the best from their parents:

  • from Alabai - courage, bravery, ability to protect oneself, territory and owners;
  • from a German shepherd- intelligence, activity, obedience and people-oriented.

Appearance also varies greatly, but puppies are often very large and darker in color.

With husky

The puppies turn out very cute and fluffy. In body type they are more similar to the Alabai, but the color is often taken from the Husky. Due to the nature of the husky, the animals turn out to be kinder, more playful, and less aggressive towards strangers, however, do not forget that everything is individual, and the puppy may, on the contrary, turn out to be unpredictable.

With Labrador

Alabai and Labrador mixes turn out to be very large, but still smaller than Alabai. They have a wider rib cage, behavior is more “Labrador”. That is, very playful active dogs who easily get used to new people. The color is often fawn.

With a husky

It is almost impossible to predict what will happen from a mixture of these two completely different breeds. It is safe to say that these will be very large and hardy animals. Outwardly, such mestizos are still more similar to mongrels than to purebred dogs. By character they can grow up to be both brave and strong guards and affectionate and kind family members, in this case it all depends on the puppy’s upbringing.

Father - Cane Corso, mother - Alabai

Both breeds are working, strong, balanced. With this crossbreeding the results are often very large puppies With smooth coat. The color of the dog is unpredictable, but most often dark. The muzzle is massive, square, the bridge of the nose is straight. Both breeds do a good job of guarding, so puppies often turn out balanced and easy to train.

With a mongrel

This mix can be very unpredictable. If the character of the Alabai is at least a little predictable, then with the mongrel it’s the opposite, the dogs are completely different. We can say with confidence that such mestizos will still look more like mongrels than stocky purebred dogs. Unforeseen character.

Still, mestizos are a matter of taste. Such dogs are definitely not suitable for breeding and exhibitions. Of course, they often get best qualities from their parents, but do not forget that any mestizo is an unpredictable pet, and it is unknown what qualities it may display. Also, when different breeds are mixed, their unique qualities are lost. If you want to be confident in your choice, then you should still pay more attention to purebred dogs.

Aviary and booth

Keeping a Central Asian Shepherd is quite labor-intensive work. The best option is a spacious enclosure with a comfortable booth. The enclosure should be 10–15 meters away from human habitation. It is advisable to compact the place for it and clear it of foreign objects, as well as create a slight slope for drainage. The enclosure should be located in a dry and sunny area.

The size of the booth is at least 100 × 90 × 80 cm, the size of the opening is 40 × 50 cm. It is better to make the booth from wood, with a flat sloping roof (sloping backwards), insulated and installed in a place protected from wind and direct sun rays place. To prevent water from entering the dog’s home, the booth is installed on small blocks. Opposite the booth, you need a wooden shield measuring 100x170 cm and a dug-in post with a ring to which you can temporarily tie the dog if necessary.

Walking starts at 3 months. It is important to train your dog to walk on a leash and muzzle. You need to take walks away from people and other animals. One walk lasts about an hour, at least there should be 2 per day. Puppies are walked more often - 3 - 4 times a day. For harmonious development Representatives of the breed need to walk several kilometers a day.

You can let your pet off the leash only in specially designated areas - areas surrounded by a high fence or metal mesh.

Hygiene procedures

It is important to keep the area where the dog is kept clean: regularly remove garbage, shake out, vacuum, wash and periodically completely change the bedding, wash the kennel inside and out once a month. Twice a year, the territory is completely disinfected using special means.

It is also necessary to clean the dog itself regularly - usually hygiene procedures carry out once a day, before morning walk. To begin with, you should inspect oral cavity, ears, nose, eyes, paws and animal fur. If everything is in order, then all that remains is to comb the dog with a fine-toothed comb.

The ears are wiped with a damp cloth every 10-15 days. If the ears are very dirty, you can use a cotton swab soaked in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. If ticks are found on the ears, they should be carefully removed immediately. If you have dark brown, black, or foul-smelling discharge from your ears Contact your veterinarian immediately.

If wounds or scratches are found on the paw pads, they are also treated with peroxide. If the paws are dirty with fuel oil, paint or other similar substances, they must be washed with a swab dipped in solvent and then wiped vegetable oil. It is important to ensure that no foreign body gets into the pads.

The claws can be trimmed with a special nail clipper if they are too long, but try not to damage the vessel passing through the claw. After the procedure, it is better to grind off the sharp edges of the claw with a file. Allowing your dog to walk around with long nails can cause deformed paws.

Contaminated nasal skin is wiped with a soft cloth soaked in warm water. Nose healthy dog should be free of discharge, moist and cold ( warm nose maybe after sleep).

Discharge that may appear in the corners of the eyes of a healthy dog ​​should be removed using a gauze cloth soaked in a decoction. pharmaceutical chamomile. It is not recommended to use the solution for this purpose. boric acid or strong tea.

The shepherd dog needs to brush its teeth twice a month. The usual one is suitable for the procedure. Toothbrush or a cotton swab. Instead of toothpaste, you can use baking soda or school chalk, diluted with a small amount citric acid. If any small objects (bone fragments, wooden sticks) get stuck between the shepherd’s teeth, they must be removed immediately and carefully.

Or the Central Asian Shepherd Dog is a breed of dog that originated in Central Asia. It is closely related to the Tibetan Mastiff. The main purpose of the breed is guarding and protection.

Enough large breed with a weight of 40–50 kg and a height at the withers of 65–70 cm. Alabaev mestizos are of particular interest. Mixed breeds are puppies born from parents of different breeds.

According to the complexity of the content

Important! Alabai should not be kept in an apartment; he needs a fairly spacious outdoor enclosure. Also, people who are not confident in their abilities or have never owned a dog should not get such a pet, since the dog needs a strong owner in whom he will feel like a leader.

In spring, Alabai shed heavily, so they need to be combed every day, which sets them apart from some other large breeds, such as Labradors. Just like other dogs, Alabai should be fed regularly and follow the correct diet. They are prone to joint diseases, so they should pay more attention to foods high in calcium.

The nature

By nature, Alabai are very reminiscent of their close relatives, Tibetan mastiffs, - a calm, reserved dog that combines the ability to live in a family and perfectly guard the house. Although Alabai are known for their calmness and serenity, we should not forget that this is a guard breed, but they are not as aggressive as Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. Like many breeds, such as the German Shepherd or Akita Inu, get along well with other pets. Just like boxers, they are wary of strangers and most often greet them with loud barking.

By strength

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Enough strong dog with a powerful physique. Strong thighs allow you to knock your enemy down. It is distinguished by a strong grip when the force is applied to a quick bite followed by a sharp jerk. For the Alabai, the so-called death grip is more typical, in which the dog constantly moves behind the opponent’s back, as if twisting him.

German Shepherd

The bite force of a German Shepherd is from 180 to 315 kg/cm2. For comparison: the bite force of a person is about 40 kg. This dog is good physical strength and endurance in extreme situations.


One of the most resilient dogs. Thanks to their genetic code, which was formed over many centuries, they have incredible speed and endurance, which allows them to cover a distance of about 250 km. Although Alabais are distinguished by their endurance, they are inferior in this to dogs such as huskies.


Important! The wolfhound is not a separate breed.

This subspecies includes large four-legged animals such as:

  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog;
  • Irish Wolfhound;
  • Central asian shepherd dog;
  • Russian greyhound;
  • Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound.

It is difficult to compare these breeds, since they were combined into the group “wolfhounds”, precisely because of his strength, large and powerful physique and dangerous grip. For example, the Irish wolfhound, which was also bred to guard livestock, has, like the Alabai, a death grip and very strong jaws.


It is considered the most aggressive and dangerous breed. The compression force of its jaws is about 125 kg/cm2. Pit bulls have the strongest grip, and their bite very often leads to death. Incredible strong dogs with a very aggressive disposition they differ from the calm Alabais. However, like pit bulls, Alabais are often used in traditional dog fighting.


Gampr, or Armenian wolfhound, is very similar to Central Asian Shepherd, but it is distinguished from the latter by its larger dimensions (weight about 70 kg and height at the withers more than 70 cm). The word “gampr” itself means large, big, strong. One of the few dog breeds that can fearlessly attack a wolf and emerge victorious. These four-legged animals gained their strength due to the fact that they appeared precisely due to crossing with wolves.


Another breed that has incredible strength, and its endurance makes this dog even more dangerous. According to some dog handlers, the bite force of a Rottweiler is about 145 kg/cm2. When biting, the main force goes towards squeezing, not tearing.

Cane Corso

A strong and strong breed. The jaws are very massive and curved, driven by strong muscles with the strongest and correct teeth. Its bite could very well be fatal.


These are not the dogs that are particularly aggressive, nevertheless, they have a fairly strong physique, strong jaws with scissor-shaped teeth, that is upper teeth They fit tightly to the lower ones, are located symmetrically on the jaw, just like in Alabais.

Tibetan mastiff

Considered one of the largest dog breeds in modern world. However, despite its impressive size, it is not particularly aggressive. But thanks to its size it has impressive strength. Is distant relative Central Asian Shepherd Dog.

Other dogs

  • German : the teeth are strong, the bite shape is undershot. The body rests on powerful legs. Has very muscular legs.
  • Bull Terrier: scissor bite. Very muscular, long neck. This dog is strongly built, muscular and well balanced.
  • East European Shepherd: The bite is scissor-shaped, the teeth are large, which makes its bite quite strong. Strongly built, has muscular limbs. It has a lightning-fast reaction; at any hint of a threat, the dog is on alert.

There are several dog breeds that are similar in appearance and in their basic qualities to the Alabai. All of them act as assistants to the shepherds, helping to protect the flock from predatory animals.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

A breed of dog that originated many centuries ago in the Caucasus to protect livestock from attacks by predators. Because of their purpose for fighting wolves and other animals, dogs with early childhood they deprived the cartilaginous part of the ears so that this part would not be injured during a fight. Caucasians have an innate distrust and even aggressiveness towards strangers; they are real guards, but at the same time they are very affectionate with their owners. Externally, this is a very large breed with a long, less often middle length, wool. Short-haired Shepherds are quite rare. Such a friend should be combed at least twice a week. Not suitable for keeping in an apartment; a spacious outdoor enclosure is more suitable for her. Also, inexperienced owners should not get such a dog, as it needs an owner with a strong character.


As mentioned earlier, the wolfhound is not a separate breed of dog. There is only one breed that officially has the word “wolfhound” in its name, namely the Irish Wolfhound. The Irish Wolfhound is one of the tallest breeds. Height: from 71 cm (females) and 79 cm (males); Desirable height at the withers for males is 81–86 cm; weight: depending on height, but not heavy. Irish Wolfhounds They are quite easy to train, but you should not often resort to rudeness towards them - these dogs take anger, indifference and rudeness from their owner very hard. Despite their kindness and affection, they turn into dangerous opponents if they are attacked, and their huge size makes them even more terrifying.

Breeds smaller than Alabai

  • Shar Pei- a medium-sized breed with an original appearance. His distinctive feature is a large number of skin folds, as well as a blue-black tongue. Despite its cute appearance, it is considered guard dog with a peculiar disposition, and in ancient times it was used as a fighting dog.
  • American Staffordshire Terrier- strong, well built, calm dog, very strong physically and resilient. He has a dominant temperament, so you should not get him if you already have a pet in the house, such as a cat or other four-legged friend.
  • Basset Hound- a very unusual animal with a large body on very short legs. Another feature of these dogs is long ears hanging down to the floor. Initially, the breed was bred as a hunting dog, so it has an excellent sense of smell and endurance.

Metis of Alabai

Crossbreed with Caucasian

When crossing an Alabai with a Caucasian Shepherd, large, furry puppies are obtained. It is impossible to guess who the puppies will be more like, since with the same frequency both dogs that look more like Alabais and Caucasians appear. However, you should not expect any special surprises from this mating, since these breeds are very similar both in appearance and in purpose.

With a German Shepherd

In this case, you should be careful, since dogs are very different both in appearance and in character. Of course, most often these puppies take the best from their parents:

  • from Alabai- courage, bravery, ability to protect oneself, territory and owners;
  • from a German shepherd- intelligence, activity, obedience and people-oriented.

Important! But at the same time, puppies can turn out to be very unpredictable, difficult to train and very aggressive or, on the contrary, very cowardly. Such features often appear when very bright psychotypes of both breeds are mixed, and then problems may arise when raising such a dog.

Appearance also varies greatly, but puppies often turn out to be very large and darker in color.

With husky

The puppies turn out very cute and fluffy. The build is more similar to the Alabai, but the color is often taken from. Due to the nature of the husky, the animals turn out to be kinder, more playful, and less aggressive towards strangers, but do not forget that everything is individual, and the puppy can, on the contrary, turn out to be unpredictable.

With Labrador

Alabai mestizos turn out to be very large, but still smaller than Alabai. U They have a wider chest and a more Labrador-like behavior. That is, playful, very active dogs that easily get used to new people. The color is often fawn.

With a husky

It is almost impossible to predict what will happen from a mixture of these two completely different breeds. It is safe to say that these will be very large and hardy animals. Outwardly, such mestizos are still more similar to mongrels than to purebred dogs. By character they can grow up to be both brave and strong guards and affectionate and kind family members, in this case, it all depends on the puppy’s upbringing.

Father - Cane Corso, mother - Alabai

Both breeds are working, strong, balanced. This crossbreed often produces very large puppies with smooth hair. The color of the dog is unpredictable, but most often dark. The muzzle is massive, square, the bridge of the nose is straight. Both breeds cope well with the guarding function, therefore, puppies often turn out to be balanced and easy to train.

With a mongrel

This mix can be very unpredictable. If the character of the Alabai is at least a little predictable, then with the mongrel it’s the opposite, the dogs are completely different. We can say with confidence that such mestizos will still look more like mongrels than stocky purebred dogs. Unforeseen character.

Still, mestizos are a matter of taste. Such dogs are definitely not suitable for breeding and exhibitions. Of course, they often get the best qualities from their parents, but do not forget that any mixed breed is an unpredictable pet, and it is unknown what qualities it may display. Also, when different breeds are mixed, their unique qualities are lost. If you want to be confident in your choice, then you should still pay more attention to purebred dogs.

Who is better: Alabai or German Shepherd? Both breeds perform excellent guard functions, quickly responding to threats, but each of these breeds has different external and behavioral characteristics. First, let's briefly look at the main features of the breeds, and then draw a conclusion.


Alabai is one of largest dogs in the world. The height at the withers can exceed 70 centimeters, and the weight can reach 80 kilograms.

Features of Alabaev:

  • excellent herding and guarding qualities;
  • the ability to smell a predator from afar;
  • loyalty and devotion to the owner in case proper education With early age;
  • stable psyche;
  • excellent health;
  • high level of intelligence;
  • good learning ability;
  • stubbornness and slowness in executing the owner’s commands;
  • strength and endurance;
  • a clear division of people into “us” and “strangers” with a corresponding positive attitude towards the former and an extremely negative attitude towards the latter.

Alabai are not very suitable for apartment keeping due to the excessive thickness of the coat, which requires appropriate regular care and the need for a large territory for motor activity and waste of energy.

Important! If movement is limited in a small area or in a small room, she will inevitably develop psycho-emotional and physiological problems.

Alabai are able to think and accept independent decisions V different situations. They need a master who will overcome their excessive stubbornness and become an unquestioned authority.

Alabais are larger and heavier than German Shepherds

German Shepherd

Initially, the “Germans” were used as assistant shepherds of sheep. Later they began to be trained to work in special services, search and rescue teams and many other industries.

The height of shepherd dogs at the withers is up to 65 cm, weight up to 40 kg.

Features of the German Shepherd:

  • high level of intelligence. Among the top ten smart breeds in the world in terms of speed of learning and memorization of new commands;
  • excellent physical data and high activity;
  • flexibility and quick adaptation to new things;
  • balance and calmness;
  • contact and ability to restrain aggression;
  • excellent security qualities;
  • ability to get along in the same territory with other pets.

Important! German Shepherds need regular exercise and daily walks. It is necessary to train and educate the dog from an early age in order to avoid problems with its behavior.

Comparison of breeds

German Shepherds are more active and remember commands faster than Alabais.

Who's smarter?

German Shepherd, if by intelligence we mean agreeableness and ability to learn. In Alabais, stubbornness and independence of character are manifested to a greater extent, which reduces the speed of learning and can create difficulties in training.

Who is stronger?

Alabai. They are larger and taller.

Who's friendlier?

German Shepherds. Alabais are more prone to display aggression towards people and other animals.

Interesting to know! Some dog breeders cross them with each other, producing beautiful large and strong mestizos. But when genes are mixed in the character of puppies, both positive (intelligence, courage, activity, obedience and learning ability) and negative traits(increased aggressiveness, cowardice, unpredictability of behavior).

Whom to choose?

For apartment living, it is better to choose a German Shepherd. To protect a house with a large territory, you can choose any of the breeds. It is worth considering that Germans are easier to maintain and are a universal option. If you want to have a more formidable and dangerous dog– choose an Alabai, but be prepared to deal with the stubborn nature of the animal and additional difficulties in raising it. But this does not mean at all that with German Shepherd It will be easy and simple - any dog ​​requires a lot of attention.