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Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Features of behavior and education. Raising a Caucasian Shepherd Dog How to properly train a Caucasian Shepherd puppy

Puppy of any breed, including Caucasian Shepherd, needs to be educated. Proper education is the basis for future training. In order to properly raise a newly acquired Caucasian Shepherd puppy, the owner needs to know the character of his pet.

Get objective information Testing will help determine the character of the dog and its suitability for protective guard duty.

The basic principles of testing were developed by the West German dog handler Hans based on tests by the American dog breeder Plaffenberger, long time engaged in raising guide dogs.

The tests are divided into 3 groups and determine the dog’s attitude towards unfamiliar people, sounds, and objects. The desired reaction during testing is the puppy’s display of friendliness, calm attitude towards people, and absence of signs of aggressiveness.

Testing a Puppy by a Stranger

When determining a pet's attitude towards strangers, dog owners can conduct the following tests.

When testing a puppy at the age of 8 weeks, it is placed behind a fence measuring 1 x 1 m. A stranger approaches the animal in the absence of the owner, talks to it and tries to pet it.

A Caucasian Shepherd puppy at 9 weeks of age is tested as follows. Four strangers should approach the dog 1 minute after its owner leaves. Strangers need to stop at a distance of 15 m from the animal, wait 1 minute and speak to the puppy in a friendly tone, stroking it first simultaneously, then alternately.

A stranger should quickly approach the puppy and start talking to it in a friendly tone, trying to pet it.

It is necessary to test a puppy’s attitude towards strangers in a familiar environment. Tests help check an animal's reaction to a whistle, gunshot, or car horn. The desired reaction is a calm attitude of the pet to sounds and wary of their source.

The distance between the Caucasian Shepherd puppy and the sound source during testing should not exceed 5 m. If during the test the puppy’s reaction is unclear, it can be repeated after 1 hour.

It is necessary to gradually accustom your dog to sharp sounds. Otherwise, she may get scared and this will negatively affect her nervous system.

When determining the attitude of a Caucasian Shepherd puppy to unfamiliar objects, dog breeders are recommended to use a flag, a metal collar, an umbrella, and a children's car. It should be taken into account that if the pet has previously seen these items, they cannot be used during testing.

The desired reaction is interest, devoid of fear, a calm response to unfamiliar objects. An indifferent attitude is regarded as a disadvantage.

The flag test can be carried out once the dog reaches 8 weeks of age. In this case, you should wave the flag in front of the puppy.

Metal collar testing should be performed on the puppy at 8 weeks of age. To do this, shake the object several times in front of the dog, after which it is unexpectedly dropped to the ground.

A Caucasian Shepherd puppy at the age of 9 weeks is tested using an umbrella, for which stranger calls the animal to him and suddenly opens the umbrella, pointing it towards the dog located at a distance of 2 m.

When determining the attitude of a 10-week-old shepherd dog towards unfamiliar objects, you can use a children's car on a long cord. The toy should be carried past the animal several times and suddenly stopped in front of it.

All tests must be carried out in a calm environment. Before testing, games and long walks are not allowed. The puppy must be healthy and calm.

The reaction of Caucasian Shepherd puppies to unfamiliar people, objects and sounds is assessed on a 5-point scale:

The highest score of 1 point is given to those puppies that did not show fear or desire to run away during testing, or were not timid in the presence of a stranger;

A score of 2 points is given to dogs that show short-term fear;

A score of 3 is given to animals that showed obvious fear and calmed down after some time. Such puppies subsequently avoid objects that caused fear and become timid in the presence of a person;

A score of 4 points is given to those puppies whose feelings of fear were clearly expressed during testing. Such animals need time to overcome this feeling. Subsequently, such dogs avoid the objects that caused their fear and behave ingratiatingly towards the person;

Comparing results large quantity tests, Ganz came to the conclusion that puppies that performed excellently on one test often received a failing grade on the next.

A score of 5 is given to animals whose fear goes away after a long time and partially remains.

A certain proportion of tested dogs successfully pass all tests. In addition, the canine specialist determined that the reaction of most pets in the same type of situations is similar, but littermates tested under the same conditions react to situations differently.

Training a Caucasian Shepherd Dog

When asked why a dog breeder needs to test his pets, Ganz replies that before using such tests, he achieved the desired level of raising puppies 1 out of 10 times.

When the dog handler applied the tests, the result changed: out of 10 dogs selected during the testing process, 9 were successfully trained. In addition, these animals have mastered the course of general and special training well.

Currently, there is an opinion among dog breeders that testing can serve as one of the selection methods. It follows that Caucasian Shepherd dogs that received a score of 2 points as a result of testing should be allowed for breeding use.

However, you should not blindly adhere to the test results, since when raising any dog ​​you can achieve success by putting a lot of effort into it.

There is no need to belittle the merits of the method, the value of which lies in a more objective assessment of the character of the Caucasian Shepherd puppy.

Many dog ​​experts recommend testing Caucasian Shepherd puppies at the age of 7–9 weeks, since it is during this period, called puberty, that changes in the dog’s behavior occur due to the development of analytical and synthetic functions of the brain, allowing the animal to distinguish the effects of complex external stimuli.

Some dog breeders advise testing pets at the age of 3-4 months, when animals are more wary of the world around them. This period in cynology is usually called the secondary period of fear.

At the age of 5–6 months, the dog strives to assert itself, shows increased autonomy, independence, disobedience, obstinacy and aggressiveness.

Such manifestations of the character of a Caucasian Shepherd puppy are often caused by a sudden change of owner, changes in living conditions, or expansion of the walking area.

Have an impact on negative sides character of the dog, development of somatic and activation of sexual functions.

However, with the onset of puberty, the dog’s behavior changes dramatically and becomes more predictable.

With the achievement of puberty, the physiological development of the dog’s body does not stop, but continues until 14–16 months.

At this stage of development, the Caucasian Shepherd often develops short-term fear, and cases of insubordination are possible, expressed in refusal to carry out certain commands and habitual actions.

During the period of maturity, the character of the Caucasian Shepherd is finally formed, as well as reactions to various stimuli, the type of external behavior.

To properly raise a Caucasian Shepherd puppy, its owner will need a lot of patience, diligence and free time. Only in this case can a positive result be achieved.

As a result of conducting numerous tests with Caucasian Shepherd dogs, cynologists came to the same conclusion that dogs should be tested that have not undergone preliminary training to develop special skills, which must be determined based on test results.

Currently, testing Caucasian Shepherd puppies developed by Campbell is very popular in European countries. Beginning dog breeders can use Varlakov tests. These programs allow you to determine the main character traits and mental characteristics of the temperament and behavior of dogs.

The tests used for young Caucasian Shepherd Dogs must be of a higher level in order not only to show the presence of the necessary natural inclinations, but also to identify the degree of their expression, and to determine the animal’s capabilities for performing protective guard duty.

Age characteristics of puppies

In order to properly raise and train Caucasian Shepherd puppies, it is necessary to know the characteristics of the growth and development of dogs, which depend on their age, hereditary inclinations, gender, conditions of keeping and rearing, and the number of puppies in the litter.

The goal of raising a dog should be not only to teach it commands, but also to raise a disciplined, easily controlled dog, which at the same time will become a true friend and will have all the qualities of a reliable and faithful guard.

A helpless and inept puppy, who was brought into the home at the age of 1.5–2 months, will have to undergo physical and mental development before he can master all the skills he needs trained dog. The owner must become a kind but demanding friend for his pet. He must constantly take into account all the features of the character and behavior of the Caucasian Shepherd, try to exercise regularly, play with it, and, if necessary, consult with experienced dog breeders who will help avoid serious mistakes in raising and training the dog.

From the first day, the owner must imagine how he would like to see his pet in order to be able to clearly define all further tasks that he will have to perform. Focusing on this ideal, you can systematically build your pet education and training program.

When talking about raising a dog, we mean that the owner carries out certain training programs with it that correspond to the age-related characteristics of the animal’s development.

As a rule, the entire period of development and formation of a dog is divided into several main stages, during each of which the animal acquires a certain life experience. In the first weeks of life, the puppy's behavior is based mainly on the innate instincts that he inherited from his mother. Further, the formation of the dog’s character and habits will largely depend on its owner.

First stage

In puppies, the initial stage of development lasts from the 1st to the 7th week of their life. Before reaching 2 weeks of age, the baby is practically helpless and completely dependent on the mother. The puppy's main needs are food intake (mother's milk), prolonged sleep and constant warmth.

The sucking reflex is given to the puppy from birth, which allows the baby to quickly find the mother's nipple, hold it for a long time and actively suck milk. The feeding process is accompanied by characteristic movements of the puppy's paws, as if pushing away the mother's belly, which helps him suck out more milk.

By how vigorously a puppy sucks its mother's milk, dog breeders determine its potential vitality, nature and degree of activity.

Dogs with a large amount of energy are characterized by a well-developed sense of smell, and this significantly increases the puppy’s ability to track.

From the 1st to the 21st day of a puppy’s life, the stage of reflex adaptation continues, when only the sense of smell, taste, skin-temperature and vestibular reflexes work. At this stage, there is a daily increase in the puppy's body weight.

From about the 15th day of life, the puppy begins to develop visual and auditory perception of the surrounding world. A Caucasian Shepherd dog that has reached the age of 3 weeks can already walk independently and also eat liquid food as a supplement to breast milk. At this age, the baby still retains certain dependence from the mother, but does not yet have a social connection with other dogs.

At this time, the puppy is already able to perceive objects in the environment. In addition, the animal develops conditioned reflexes and forms conditioned reflex connections.

Adaptation stage

The puppy adapts to environmental conditions during the 1st month of life. At this time, the baby is gradually mastering a new world for him. Playing with other puppies, he learns the basics of relationships with his own kind and learns discipline.

The puppy is growing, but cannot live without its mother yet

This stage is very important for the development of basic conditioned reflexes, because a 4-7 week old puppy is very susceptible to all changes in the world around him and he already has a pronounced ability to acquire certain skills. The puppy gradually adapts to its mother. The reflex he acquired - to always follow her - will later manifest itself in the owner’s house: the puppy will very quickly get used to following a person.

The ability of puppies to stand, walk, run, and respond to external stimuli is developed on the 18th–21st day after the dog is born. During this period, they adapt to life in a constantly changing external environment.

Primary conditioned reflex adaptation is developed in a puppy from the 18th–21st day of his life and continues until the 30th–35th day.

During this stage, there is an intense daily increase in the animal's body weight. Defensive and conditioned reflexes to food irritants.

At this stage of development, the animal gets acquainted with the surrounding people, objects, and participates in games.

During the stage of adaptation to the environment, you need to carefully observe the baby’s behavior, noting the most striking manifestations of his character. Adapts to external environment puppy thanks to auditory, visual, tactile and olfactory contacts with the objects around him.

Territory exploration

At 4 weeks of age, the puppy is given a nickname, which is chosen at the discretion of the owner. There are several recommendations regarding this important moment:

The nickname should be short, loud and not very common;

You cannot call two puppies from the same litter the same name;

It is unethical to name dogs after people;

You can accustom your puppy to its name on walks and while playing with it. At each approach, the puppy is given a treat or petted;

The dog's name should always be pronounced in an inviting intonation; it should not be distorted or replaced with affectionate words.

As a rule, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog quickly gets used to its nickname and reacts quickly to it.

Puppy socialization stage

The puppy's socialization stage is an active acquaintance with the outside world. It occurs in the age period from 8 to 12 weeks. At this age, the puppy is very active and curious: the baby persistently explores and tests the strength of all the new furnishings in the owner’s house. The puppy is very interested in various sounds: voices coming from a TV or radio, noise arising from the operation of household appliances, telephone calls and other sounds.

At the age of 4 to 8 weeks, the puppy does not yet experience a feeling of fear of strangers, and a pet older than 8 weeks is usually afraid of strangers and hides when meeting them. Therefore, when taking a puppy into the house, the owner must first of all pay attention to his pet’s communication with other people. If this is not done, the dog may grow up either too timid or, on the contrary, too aggressive towards others.

Puppies are interested in everything around them

During this stage, the pet gets acquainted with many new phenomena and things: furniture in the apartment, flowers and trees on the street, birds outside the window, perhaps some animals that are in the house (cats, hamsters).

The puppy sniffs its new acquaintances, and the baby’s loud barking is just a common reaction to an unfamiliar object.

The socialization stage is considered the most suitable for mastering the basics of training. At this time you should start training the puppy general teams and actively teach him discipline.

The baby must learn to successfully carry out such commands from the owner as “Place!”, “Walk!” and “Come to me!”, and by the beginning of the 4th month of life, master more complex tasks. At this age, he can cope with the implementation of those orders and prohibitions of the owner, which are expressed by the commands “Lie down!”, “Sit!”, “Ugh!”, “No!”.

It would not be amiss to remind the puppy’s owner that before the baby reaches 2 months of age, it is inappropriate and even harmful to start training with him, because during training the dog’s psyche is subjected to enormous stress, which can lead to stress.

The puppy is interested in chickens

The stage of formation of the typological characteristics of the nervous system of puppies begins at 3–4 months and continues until 6–7 months. At this time, some dogs display a passive-defensive reaction in response to stimuli, and their exploratory activity decreases.

At the age of 8–12 weeks, puppies have increased excitability and unstable psyche.

During this stage, they simply need the attentive, sensitive and caring attitude of the owner.

We must remember that stress in a puppy can arise not only as a result of overwork, but also, for example, during therapeutic and prophylactic manipulations, vaccination at the veterinarian, etc. Therefore, when going to the veterinary clinic, you should take some treats with you to distract the puppy’s attention from the procedures that frighten him.

When raising a dog, you need to follow the well-known rule that any extremes are harmful. The owner's boundless love, as well as his excessive severity in communicating with his pet, will not help raise a good dog.

It is very important from the first days of communication with the puppy to let him understand that he must always obey his owner, and we should try to develop this skill in him even during play.

Here we must definitely talk about aggressiveness, which can still be present in the behavior of a small puppy and which is often not taken seriously. And this is fundamentally wrong. The puppy must be decisively shown from the very beginning that there is subordination in relations with a person.

It often happens that the owners only laugh if the puppy growls or tries to bite, for example, in response to an attempt to straighten his ears while eating. This leads to the fact that in an adult dog it is often difficult to distinguish innate aggressiveness from improper upbringing.

Dominance stage

This stage in the life of puppies occurs around the 12th–16th week of life, when the struggle for leadership begins between dogs of the same age. The main thing that should happen at this stage in the puppy’s psyche is the recognition of its owner as a dominant personality. Other family members should also be of higher rank. Otherwise, the dog will pretend to be the leader, and the owner must always remain such.

The right to leadership must be won

At the first opportunity, a growing puppy will definitely check who is in charge in the family. While playing, he can bite his owner, growl or bark at him. But, each time receiving a worthy rebuff, the puppy begins to recognize the dominant role of the person and learns to obey the owner. Practice shows that there are three possible types of relationships between the owner and the dog, which are intensively formed when the puppy reaches 3–4 months of age. In the first case, leadership belongs to the person, in the second - to the dog, and in the third, a certain equality of rights is established between them.

When raising a dog according to all the rules, the only acceptable option is the leadership of the owner. Therefore, during games and walks, the owner should always pay Special attention the dog's behavior towards him. It is necessary to restrain the pet's curiosity and emotionality, not allowing it to pull the owner in one direction or the other.

Here it is appropriate to use the commands “No!” and “Ew!”, lightly slapping the dog on the thigh; Over time, she will learn that it is unacceptable to behave as she pleases with her owner. A properly trained dog will never bark at its owner, much less bare its teeth and growl at him during play.

Thus, at the dominance stage, a closer psychological contact is established between the dog and its owner. Three month old puppy with proper upbringing, it fully recognizes the rights of its owner.

By the age of 16 weeks, a dog (especially a male) has already completed the formation of an emotional perception of the surrounding world, and therefore certain skills and attitudes received by this time from the owner will remain with the pet for the rest of its life.

During the dominance stage, the Caucasian Shepherd already needs systematic training, during which the owner practices with it the commands “Come to me!”, “Stand!”, “Sit!”, “Lie down!”. Physical and mental stress increases from this age.

Executing the command “Lie down!”

For a 13-week-old Caucasian Shepherd, you should already purchase a collar and walk her on a leash. There are several generally accepted rules that dog breeders use to accustom a baby to a collar and leash.

Stage of manifestation of independence

This stage of a dog’s psychophysiological development lasts from 4 months to 8 months of age. This is exactly the time when the pet, generally recognizing the leadership of the owner, can allow itself some liberties, trying to demonstrate its independence to the person, thereby showing individuality and realizing the desire to assert itself (this is characteristic not only of people, but also of dogs).

For example, the owner will probably have to watch in disappointment how his beloved dog, which just yesterday perfectly carried out this or that command, this time seems to not hear him at all and, in defiance, does not at all what is required of it.

Failure to respond to a command may mean the dog is sick

By demonstrating such behavior, the dog is trying to win for itself the right to do as it wishes, which, of course, is completely unacceptable for the owner. In such a situation, you cannot relax and give your pet a chance to become the master of the situation, even for a while.

If a dog is willful, ignoring commands received from the owner, you should not follow its lead. Otherwise, the ward will develop an incorrigible habit of doing as he pleases.

At the same time, the owner should not bring down his anger on the pet and, using brute force, repeat the command in a threatening tone, wanting to achieve its correct execution at all costs.

If the owner does not pay due attention to manifestations of independence, the dog will begin to demonstrate willfulness in any situation, and in the future the owner will periodically be deprived of the opportunity to manage it and control its behavior.

An owner who indulges the whims and caprices of his pet risks in the future getting an uncontrollable and aggressive animal, loudly barking at every passing car or random passers-by.

By showing firmness and perseverance in dealing with his charge, he will be able to help the animal successfully overcome the stage of independence and develop the constant habit of strictly following all commands.

Stage of overcoming fear

This stage can last for 1–2 months. It starts depending on individual characteristics development of a dog, aged 6 to 14 months.

This stage is characterized by the fact that the pet suddenly, without any particular reason, experiences fear of various objects that are already familiar to him and have not previously caused any negative emotions. At the same time, there is also a fear of new, unfamiliar objects.

It is important to teach your pet to overcome fear as early as possible.

The owner must help the dog overcome this kind of fear. He should give the dog the command “Stop!”, then approach the object that causes unreasonable fear in his four-legged friend, and touch the thing that frightens him with his hand. After this, he commanded: “Come to me!” – the dog owner must wait until his pet approaches an object that is not at all scary for the owner (he has already clearly demonstrated this), and is convinced for himself that this thing does not pose any danger.

Adolescence stage

This stage begins when the Caucasian Shepherd reaches one year of age and continues for 3 years. At this time, the dog, as during the independence stage, may make attempts to impose its will on the owner and take a dominant position, as well as among its relatives.

A dog can behave inappropriately even with those whom it previously treated very friendly and calmly. For example, she is capable, completely unexpectedly for her owner, of attacking another dog living next door and fighting with her, despite the fact that the animals had previously played together.

Friends who come to the owner can also be greeted with a menacing growl or barking right on the threshold, although previously the pet treated the same visitors quite friendly.

The owner should be prepared for such antics from his pet. Gaining leadership is not an easy task, and it is likely that the dog will repeatedly try to change its position on the hierarchical ladder, trying to rise one step above the person. The main thing that is required from the owner at this stage is not to lose self-control, perseverance and firmness, but at the same time maintain a good relationship with the stubborn four-legged dog.

Classes must remain regular.

If friends come to visit the owner, whose visits the dog has long been accustomed to, but lately he has been unfriendly, in such a situation you should not isolate the dog from the people who came by locking it in another room.

The Caucasian Shepherd should calmly greet guests

At the same time, you should warn your friends so that they themselves do not seek to communicate with the dog: let it show its interest in those who come first. In this way, the owner demonstrates to the pet that he fully agrees with his guests, that he is on their side, and they demand respect no less than the dog’s owner.

The transitional age for a dog is also the stage when it reaches puberty.

However, this does not mean that the process of physical and mental development of the pet has already been completed. There are a number of congenital and acquired character qualities that are finally formed only by the age of 3 (as a rule, these are instincts associated with the dog’s ability to protect its owner and his property).

Systematic education will definitely give results

Primary education

Raising a Caucasian Shepherd must begin from the moment the dog appears in the house. In many ways, the future character of the puppy will depend on its upbringing.

It should be remembered that little puppy, torn away from his mother and finding himself in someone else's house, at first he will be a little scared. He is surrounded by unfamiliar people, objects and smells. It is necessary to help the puppy adapt to the new place. However, in this situation you should not indulge the puppy in everything.

The first days he constantly whines, trying to pity his new owners. After this, some try to pet the puppy more often, take him in their arms, and into bed. This is not recommended.

Having become accustomed to constant attention, the dog will continue to behave this way in the future; it will be impossible to leave it alone for a long time, it will be capricious. But you also shouldn’t completely ignore the puppy. It is necessary to find a middle ground.

To help your puppy sleep peacefully, you can place a warm heating pad under him. There is no need to cover the puppy with a blanket. This can cause your puppy to whine at night if the blanket slips off.

When raising a puppy, it is important that he does not develop feelings of fear or anger.

Requirements for a dog owner

Not every person can competently raise a Caucasian Shepherd. Every dog ​​owner must first of all have common sense. Without this, he is unlikely to be able to properly train and educate him.

Another important point of successful training is the owner’s absolute love for his dog. If a person loves a dog, he will not regret spending time on it, he will be patient and calm with it. You cannot start raising a Caucasian Shepherd without having enough free time. In general, if you don’t have time for a dog, it’s better not to get one.

The more time the owner devotes to his dog, the more interesting walks become for him. Hiking in the forest or park, active games on fresh air– all this gives the Caucasian Shepherd great pleasure.

The puppy should feel care, attention and love

The more the owner cares and protects the dog, the greater the chance that in the future, if necessary, the four-legged friend will come to the rescue.

A person purchasing a Caucasian Shepherd should immediately assume that raising and training a dog is a rather lengthy process. During the training process, the impact is directed both at the Caucasian Shepherd Dog and at its owner and other family members. They all have to adapt to each other.

Intonation when pronouncing commands

If you take a serious approach to the development of hearing in a Caucasian Shepherd, it will distinguish 1/8 tones. Taking this into account, when training a dog, special attention should be paid to intonation. Different commands should be pronounced with different intonation.

The intonations with which commands are pronounced can be:




In a low, threatening tone, the command “Fu!” should be given.

The command “Good!”, which encourages the actions of the Caucasian Shepherd, is pronounced in a high and gentle voice.

All other commands must be given in a medium and energetic tone, pronouncing the words clearly.

It is not recommended to give commands in a sharp voice, and you should not shout. This can affect the dog's psyche and is also not conducive to learning the exercises. You need to give a loud command only if the dog is at some distance from the trainer.

When starting to train a puppy, he should be accustomed to his name, and then to a collar and leash.

Accustoming to a nickname

Each Caucasian Shepherd must have its own nickname. When purchasing an adult dog, there is no need to teach it a name, since it usually already has one. It is not recommended to retrain an adult animal by changing its name.

When teaching a dog a name, the trainer should say it several times in a friendly tone, being 3-4 steps away from the animal. Then you can come closer and give the Caucasian Shepherd dog food, continuing to call its name. Subsequently, the puppy will associate its nickname with the subsequent receipt of treats and come to the owner’s call.

In addition, when the dog begins to respond to the name, it should be encouraged by stroking it and exclaiming “Good!”

A Caucasian Shepherd puppy should be taught to respond to its name as early as possible. It is best to teach a puppy its name at a time when there are no other animals nearby.

Training to use a collar, leash, harness and muzzle

Every Caucasian Shepherd must be trained to use a leash and collar. It is best to accustom your puppy to this at the age of 3-4 months.

When accustoming a dog to a collar, the trainer should say the dog’s name, approach it, let the shepherd sniff the collar, and then put it on. After 5 minutes, the collar must be removed, reward the dog with stroking or a treat, and put the collar back on. If the Caucasian Shepherd Dog shows anxiety, you can distract it with a walk, jog, or play, and then repeat the technique.

You can also play with the dog a little first and put on a collar while playing.

The dog gets used to the leash very quickly

The collar should not be tightened too tightly; the dog should not feel discomfort. If you tighten the collar too loosely, your puppy may pull it off.

During the day, it is necessary to remove and put the collar on the puppy several times. The dog should stay in it for about 5–10 minutes. After some time, the puppy will no longer notice the collar being worn.

Once the puppy is 6-8 months old, he should be fitted with a collar. After this, the puppy can be trained to use a leash.

You can sometimes let your puppy run around without removing the leash.

Only older puppies should be muzzle trained. When teaching a muzzle, you should let the shepherd sniff it, and then put it on and fasten it. After 3-4 minutes, the muzzle must be removed, reward the dog and repeat the technique. If the animal shows anxiety, it can be distracted by playing or jogging.

There are no special techniques To accustom a dog to a muzzle, it all depends on time. The Caucasian Shepherd is trained to wear a harness in a similar way.

Teaching a puppy to discipline

A Caucasian Shepherd puppy taken from a kennel must be taught discipline as quickly as possible. First of all, he must be taught to relieve his natural needs on the street, while walking.

For this purpose, a puppy that has reached 2 months of age must be taken outside immediately after feeding. The puppy must clearly understand that after finishing the meal, he will go for a walk, where he can recover, and then play and frolic to his heart's content. After a walk, the puppy needs good rest- sleep on a bedding already familiar to him.

Puppies under 2 months of age should not be taken outside immediately after feeding. This is motivated by the fact that in children the backbone and spinal muscles are not yet well developed, and the bones and ligaments of the limbs are still very weak. Walking with a full stomach is too much stress for such a puppy, as a result of which sagging of the back muscles can develop, which will subsequently become an irreparable defect.

If the puppy couldn’t wait for the walk and hurried to recover right in the room, he should under no circumstances be scolded or punished. A one-month or 1.5-month-old puppy cannot yet control its body or ask to go outside. After some time, he will develop the habit of asking and waiting until he goes outside.

It is better to carry a small puppy in your arms

The main thing is to teach your pet to recover on the street before he reaches the age of 5–6 months. In more late age this will be much more difficult to do, and in some cases simply impossible.

In the absence of proper upbringing, even adult dogs can present unpleasant surprises to their owners by setting up their toilet somewhere in the room. Therefore, it is better to spend some effort on getting up early in the morning and regularly walking a young dog than to subsequently unsuccessfully engage in re-educating your careless pet.

If the owner of a Caucasian Shepherd dog’s apartment is located in a multi-story building, going down or up the stairs, he should take the puppy in his arms or use the elevator until the dog reaches 5–6 months. Before this age, the puppy’s back muscles and bones have not yet become stronger; independent movement on stairs is contraindicated for him.

Any physical activity, especially for young dogs, must be strictly dosed. The Caucasian Shepherd will be ready for independent ascents and descents of stairs, hurdles, jumping and other exercises as soon as certain muscle groups (mainly the back and hind limbs) are sufficiently well developed and trained.

Therefore, all questions regarding individual physical exercise for a pet, it is necessary to discuss in detail with a canine specialist or an experienced breeder.

Regular active walks are necessary for a dog at any age.

By moving and playing in the fresh air during a walk, the puppy receives excellent conditioning (training muscles and ligaments that need strengthening), and upon returning home he sleeps much more soundly and calmly than those puppies who are at home all the time. Keeping your Caucasian Shepherd puppy outdoors will further strengthen his immune system.

You should not let the puppy go for a walk alone, unaccompanied by the owner or one of the family members, or leave it unattended. A dog can get lost, even in an area that is familiar to it. In addition, the puppy may be stolen.

Teaching the command “Come to me!”

An important command that should be taught to a Caucasian Shepherd puppy is the command “Come to me!” The puppy should be called with this command as often as possible, and, in cases when he approaches, give the puppy a treat or caress.

During walks, the puppy may run after strangers. In this case, the owner must command him: “Come to me!” If the puppy does not approach (for example, he is playing too much), the owner should move a little to the side and turn away from the dog. The puppy will immediately run after the owner when he notices that he is left alone.

Performance commands “Come to me!”

You can also squat down, the pet will immediately run up. When the dog approaches, it definitely needs to be rewarded with something.

Sometimes a puppy, knowing the command “Come to me!”, for some reason is in no hurry to approach the owner. In order for him to come over, you need to repeat the command and use a leash to pull the puppy towards you.

Practicing the command “Come to me!” It is carried out several times during a walk, but you should not immediately return home with it after the dog has completed the task correctly. You need to give the Caucasian Shepherd the opportunity to play outside for a while, on or without a leash, and only then complete the walk.

Under no circumstances should you call your puppy with the command “Come to me!” if you need to punish him. The team should not be associated with anything negative.

Teaching the command “Place!”

The puppy must be taught the command “Place!” It is best to do this in the evening, when the puppy goes to bed. When he settles down to rest in the wrong place, the owner must command “Place!” and take the puppy to his bed.

On the command “Place!” the dog must be in a position that is convenient for it, but in a strictly defined place.

During the day, the dog can sometimes disturb the owner, for example, if he is cleaning the apartment. The puppy may also chew furniture or books. In this case, the owner must command: “Place!” - and take the puppy. The command must be given in a stern voice. If the puppy disobeys and leaves his place, the command must be said in an even more stern voice with a threatening intonation.

Executing the command “Place!”

It should be remembered that for some time after the command “Place!” has been given, the puppy cannot be called by name or with the command “Come!” If at this moment it is necessary to call the puppy, the owner must approach him himself, otherwise the puppy will have the command “Place!” and “Come to me!” will be connected to each other and he will run up to the owner after he sends him to his place.

Teaching the commands “Fu!” and “You can’t!”

The commands “Fu!” are very important and necessary. and “You can’t!” This is a ban on certain actions of the dog that are unacceptable from the owner’s point of view.

This command will be especially useful during a walk, since a puppy on the street can pick up all sorts of garbage: bones, pieces of paper, leftover food. As a result, the puppy may even become poisoned. At home he sometimes chews shoes or furniture.

If the puppy is gnawing on something, the owner must command in a stern voice, “Ugh!” and take the item away from the puppy. If the dog begins to chew this thing again, the command should be repeated in an even more stern voice with a threatening intonation. In this case, you can even lightly hit the puppy in the face with this thing.

In order for the Caucasian Shepherd to immediately obey the command “Fu!”, you should not pronounce it too often.

Teaching the command “Okay!”

The opposite command “Fu!” is the command “Okay!” It serves to encourage desirable actions, as well as to emphasize the trainer's attitude towards the Caucasian Shepherd while he stops unwanted actions.

Unlike the command “Fu!”, pronounced in a stern voice and accompanied by punishment, the command “Good!” pronounced affectionately, calmly. At this time, the dog can be rewarded with a treat or a pat on the head.

You should not say the command “Okay!” too often. The trainer must clearly define the cases in which this command is pronounced.

If the Caucasian Shepherd is already familiar with the “Fu!” command, he will quickly understand the difference between it and the “Okay!” command. Team "Ugh!" will be associated in the dog with unpleasant sensations, and the command “Okay!” with pleasant ones.

It is very important to say the command “Okay!” only in cases where the Caucasian Shepherd really deserves it.

This command is recommended to be used during training, teaching the dog to various teams and exercises. For example, when teaching a dog the command “Come to me!”, the trainer must say: “Okay!” – as soon as the shepherd starts moving at his call. Having heard the encouraging command “Good!”, the Caucasian Shepherd will be much more willing to follow the trainer’s commands.

The reward for a correctly performed action will be a treat and the command “Good!” Subsequently, as soon as the dog has sufficiently mastered certain commands and actions, it will be possible to limit himself to one command, “Okay!”

Cultivating distrust of strangers

It is necessary to limit the puppy (especially at first) from excessive communication with strangers. This can interfere with parenting. Strangers should not feed or pet the puppy; only the owner can do this. They should not be allowed to tease the puppy; this can lead to the dog growing up aggressive and angry. Only its owner should punish a puppy.

After the puppy turns 3 months old, you need to begin to develop his distrust of strangers.

To do this, a person unfamiliar to the puppy must offer him a treat. After the puppy approaches and takes it, the owner should lightly hit the puppy in the face.

You can't hit the dog too hard. Punishment should cause distrust of strangers, not anger.

If a puppy is distrustful of strangers, this will protect him from possible poisoning(picked up from spoiled food on the street or intentionally), infection with worms, etc.

This exercise can be done once a week. After some time, the puppy will stop taking various objects from strangers.

It is also necessary to ensure that the puppy does not pick up anything from the ground during walks.

Teaching the command “Show your teeth!”

A puppy aged 3–4 months must be taught the command “Show your teeth!” This command allows you to monitor the formation of your dog’s bite, changing teeth, etc.

It is not difficult to train your pet to perform this command. To do this, the owner must place his hands on the puppy’s jaws - the right one on the lower one, and the left one on the upper one and command: “Show your teeth!” Thumbs It is necessary to spread your lips, while clenching your jaws tightly. This activity should be performed daily, so the dog will get used to this procedure and subsequently allow strangers to examine its teeth.

Show your teeth!

Execution of the command “Show your teeth!” will help when visiting the veterinarian.

Puppy Punishment

To properly raise a Caucasian Shepherd puppy, you need to be able to punish it correctly.

In certain cases, a puppy must be punished; you should not feel sorry for it. Punishment is a natural process. However, you should not punish your puppy for the slightest offense, as this can lead to the puppy developing a state of constant stress. In this case, the process of raising a dog can take a long time.

The main task of punishment is to develop in the puppy correct behavior in one situation or another. It is best to alternate punishment with encouragement; this will have a beneficial effect on the formation of the puppy’s future character.

A simple example of alternating reward with punishment: a puppy chewed furniture, as a result of which he was punished. After a while, the owner gives him a toy and pets him. In this case, the puppy will understand that he can only chew his toys.

Encouragement should be clearly visible, especially if it is words of approval. It will not be enough to simply say “Okay!” It is necessary to emphasize the word with a certain intonation. The puppy must hear that the owner is happy.

There are several methods of punishment:

Using a prohibiting command with physical force. This is very effective way. After committing an inappropriate action, you need to take the puppy by the skin at the withers and shake it vigorously several times. In this case, you should pronounce the prohibiting command “No!” in a threatening tone. The puppy can be slightly raised or pressed to the floor. The shaking should continue until the puppy begins to whine pitifully. You cannot stop shaking the puppy while he is simply actively resisting, this will lead to the opposite effect;

Applying a prohibit command without physical impact. This method can be used after the puppy has been punished using the first method for some time. The dog must clearly understand that after the command “No!” there will be a shake-up. Only after this can punishment be limited only to a prohibiting command without physical impact;

Punishment with a leash. When using this method of punishment, it is not recommended to hurt the puppy; the jerk should not be strong. This is more of a prohibiting command than physical force.

This punishment should be taught in the same way as the 2nd method of punishment. The puppy must know that a tug on the leash will be followed by an unpleasant physical effect.

Punishment is necessary so that the puppy knows what can and cannot be done.

The puppy should not be punished in the following ways:

Hit with your hand or foot. The puppy must be sure that parts of the owner’s body, like the owner himself, will not harm him;

Hit with a folded newspaper. You can often read about a similar method of punishing a dog in some books. There is no need to follow this advice, it may lead to the dog subsequently avoiding the process. protective training from the swing;

Beat with a collar, leash, etc. The Caucasian Shepherd should associate these objects not with punishment, but only with work or a walk.

The owner can hit the puppy only in certain cases:

Sometimes as a punishment;

To correct behavior;

In order to suppress the dominant behavior of the dog.

Usually a dog commits illegal acts in 2 cases:

In the absence of the owner;

When the owner cannot control the dog (on a walk).

It follows from this that the owner punishes the dog after some time - minutes, and sometimes hours after the act has been committed. In this case, the punishment, whatever it may be (screaming, prohibiting command, beating, shaking, etc.), will not work.

The Caucasian Shepherd must be punished while committing an inappropriate act or immediately after it. Otherwise, the dog will not understand why it is being punished and will be afraid of its owner. During punishment, the dog is exposed to quite strong stimuli. If she is punished after some time, she does not develop a connection between actions and subsequent punishment.

From all this it follows that punishing a pet for actions committed a few minutes or hours ago is pointless, and in some situations, cruel. Such unmotivated (in the dog’s opinion) behavior can affect the psyche of the Caucasian Shepherd.

Behavior correction

To correct the behavior of a Caucasian Shepherd, it should be punished at the moment of committing an undesirable action. To do this, it is necessary to fully control the situation and realize the appropriateness of this method of punishment.

You should not hit your puppy if he walks incorrectly on the leash during a walk. It will be enough to slightly tug the leash or give the command “Near!” If during training a Caucasian Shepherd ignores the owner’s commands and does not let go of the assistant, the best punishment will be a short, but swipe whip on the thigh. Punishing a pet in such a situation will not affect the state of its nervous system.

Nevertheless, the force of the blow during punishment should be calculated based on the initial state of the dog’s psyche.

When punishing a dog, you need to know in which places it should not be hit under any circumstances:


When punishing a dog, you can hit it along the body (on the hips). It is important to remember that you should not hit the Caucasian Shepherd with a leash or hand. For punishment, it is best to have a special whip or whip. During walks, instead of a whip, you can use a flexible branch without thorns.

Hitting her will not affect the health of the Caucasian Shepherd in any way, but at the same time it will be very effective.

Punishing a Caucasian Shepherd to suppress the dog's dominant behavior is usually necessary if the owner did not raise the dog correctly in the first place.

There are times when some mistakes were made in raising a dog. For example, at an early age, a puppy only needed a word spoken in a stern voice, a shake or a tug on the leash. But such opportunities were missed.

Avoiding proper punishment at an early age, when a dog grows up, it can even attack its owner during punishment. In this case, of course, she must be punished.

Educational activities are best done before, not after, meals.

Also, similar behavior of the Caucasian Shepherd is possible at the dominance stage.

Growing up, the Caucasian Shepherd will not miss the opportunity to check who occupies a leading position in the family. While playing and frolicking, she can bite her owner (the teeth, although milk teeth, are quite sharp, and sometimes noticeable bite marks remain on the skin), growl or bark at him. Having been put in its place and having received a worthy rebuff, the puppy recognizes the dominant role of the person and thus learns to obey the owner.

Even when Caucasian dogs play with each other, require the owner's attention

If the owner wants to raise a Caucasian Shepherd puppy according to all the rules of dog breeding, only his personal leadership should be an acceptable option.

During a walk or play, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the dog’s behavior towards the owner. It is necessary to ensure that the Caucasian Shepherd does not periodically drag you along with him towards some object he likes, for example a bright flower bed, a cat running out onto the road, etc.

The dog must be the follower, and not its owner, and therefore it is necessary to restrain the pet, not allowing it to growl, break free, or pull the person in one direction or the other. You can use the “No!” commands. and “Ugh!”, lightly slapping the dog on the thigh. After some time, she will learn that it is unacceptable to behave as she pleases with her owner.

If a dog is self-willed, persistently ignoring tasks received from the owner, you should not follow its lead, you must stubbornly demand obedience and complete submission from the dog. In this case, she can be punished.

A properly trained, disciplined dog will not bark at its owner, growl or bare its teeth when the owner wants to pick up a ball or stick from the ground, which it is trying to hold with its paws while playing.

Considering all these important points At the initial stage of education and training, the owner will not need to punish his dog very often.

In some cases, Caucasian Shepherd dog owners, frustrated by their pet's stubbornness and disobedience, punish the puppy much more severely or more often than it deserves. If the nerves could not stand it and the owner rashly offended the dog, this may cause some discord in the relationship with it. It is likely that the puppy will become afraid of the owner in the future, expecting a menacing shout or punishment for the slightest offense.

It must be remembered that the Caucasian Shepherd must obey the owner, obey him, but in no case be afraid. Therefore, if you make a mistake in choosing a punishment, you need to try to correct the mistake and make amends to your four-legged friend.

You should let the dog know that the owner is not angry with him, that he still loves him and trusts him. You can pet your puppy to calm and reassure him.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog must be properly raised and trained from an early age, and also punished based on the specific situation.

The first words spoken to a puppy Caucasian Shepherd, words of tenderness: “Oh, what a bear cub! How charming!” Caucasians are really cute fluffies, but with a very strong character. Since the Caucasian Shepherd is characterized by independence and lack of servility, therefore, during training, they need to be treated with a slightly different approach compared to dogs of other breeds. When purchasing a 1.5 month old puppy, a thick-footed, fluffy hulk, you must not forget that you have purchased a Caucasian Shepherd dog - a large and serious breed, the raising and education of which will require a lot of physical strength, perseverance, poise, as well as material costs.

The period from 1 to 2 months after the birth of a puppy is extremely important for the development of zoosocial relationships in a group of littermates and for the healthy development of the puppy’s psyche. Once with the new owner, the baby lies on his own bedding and, deprived of natural irritants, sleeps. His brain, not excited by impressions, slows down the pace of its development. They usually go for walks with a small puppy for a few minutes 3-4 times a day, and during this time the lonely puppy finds himself in a noisy world alien to him. Thanks to the instinct of following, he rushes after any person passing by. Following the internal need for new impressions in exploring the world, the puppy climbs everywhere, tries to sniff everything, try it with its paw and teeth. Somewhat later, at 3-4 months, indicative reactions and elements of fear begin to predominate in the puppy’s behavior. The puppies are peaceful, love to run and play. May approach to a stranger, but they rarely allow themselves to be stroked.

They really don't like it when anyone touches them with their hands, with the exception of their owners. But even with them, the Caucasian Shepherd behaves much more restrained than dogs of other breeds. This becomes especially noticeable as the dog gets older.

Many amazing discoveries await you if a “Caucasian” is your first dog. The incredibly serious, dignified and equanimous appearance of the “Caucasian woman,” which is so unusual for the entire “puppy brethren,” is striking. Behavior is usually quiet and restrained. On the first walks, the funny earless “bear cub” looks more like: a stubborn “goat on a string” - you have to walk slowly and pull the baby along with you.

Thoughtfully and slowly, he explores his surroundings. interesting world. When meeting their brothers, Caucasian Shepherd puppies behave confidently, trustingly and proudly go to get acquainted with everyone, even the largest dogs, but in games (don’t be offended by the puppy!) they allow their comrades to roll around and drag themselves by their furry skin. This is fun game! If an argument is brewing, then the dog turns into a stubborn “rock” that cannot be moved from its place, much less knocked to the ground. But what is especially impressive is the independence and unparalleled self-confidence of such a small creature, which you will encounter on your very first walk. You let the puppy off the leash, he is carefully studying something and does not seem to hear you. What do you usually do to get attention? They call, curtsey, pretend to leave, hide. Useless. You will be very bored in your ambush, spying on the actions of your pet, who will calmly continue his walk alone, without even trying to find you. Apparently, this kid is convinced that you will show up yourself. Perhaps the most difficult thing in establishing mutual understanding with a Caucasian Shepherd is to find something that will definitely attract this “personality” to you. For a shepherd dog, this is the desire to follow the owner, Rottweilers willingly come running for a treat, but the “Caucasian”, as you will soon see for yourself, is unlikely to run after you, any, even the most appetizing delicacy, interests him only as long as nothing happens around. That's why it's so important to find motivation that is so important to your dog that it will listen to you. For example, for our male dogs, the cry “Son, come to me!”, which we pronounce with optimism in our voice, makes huge, powerful dogs drop all “their business” and joyfully rush to us. And there is no other way - their name is Beloved Masters. With females it is a little more difficult, because... they are cunning by nature, and “Caucasian women” are generally very smart and quick-witted, especially to their advantage. So it’s not easy and very individual. Watch your pet, notice what he loves most. With Caucasian Shepherds, where you usually expect activity and a desire to listen, you are faced with appreciative thoughtfulness.

Childhood for dogs of this breed lasts up to two years, and everything that you miss “in infancy” will be revealed “in adolescence.”

When starting to work with a puppy, remember three rules for handling these dogs: you cannot shout at them hysterically, you cannot hit them or rush them. The Caucasian Shepherd has a very balanced psyche and a high intellectual level. This is a very thinking dog. She does not perceive screaming, becomes angry if she is hit, and can completely switch off if she is rushed.

The Caucasian Shepherd is not a German dog, which carries out orders immediately after being received. Our breed thinks first and only then executes. If you start rushing her, repeating the same thing several times, the order loses its relevance for her and turns into just a bunch of words. If, while practicing a command, you hit an animal, assume that the dog will not carry out this command for at least a month. She reasons like this: “I started to do something, and they hit me for it.” After you have taught the dog one technique, praise it and let it run. Let her know that as soon as she follows the command correctly, she will be praised and let go for a walk. The fleeting time erases the image of a slow, fluffy, strong man. The one-year-old Caucasian teenager is more impetuous and often becomes unpredictable for his owners. He is even more confident in his abilities and tries to assert himself with strangers, with owners, and with dogs. This is the most “turbulent” period, when the rebellious spirit of the Caucasian Shepherd is especially clearly manifested in open disobedience. We must not give up and continue training, even if we have to practice commands on a leash, forcefully imposing our will.

You can only punish a Caucasian Shepherd in two cases: when it picks something up from the ground and when it growls at you for no reason. But even when punishing, remember - this is your friend, who needs to be educated for a very long time.

Punishment must be INSTANTLY and Strongly, and not long and weakly. But during training, no punishments can be used.

Attachment to a person in different breeds is expressed in varying degrees. We all know examples of a dog’s deepest devotion to its owner. As a rule, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are very loyal to their owner. Changing owners is very difficult for them; they have difficulty getting used to new people. Everyone who takes it into their home should remember this. But these dogs are independent, freedom-loving and stingy in expressing emotions. They will not look at their beloved owner with devoted eyes, as poodles and spaniels do. Their devotion is reserved and even severe. But these dogs pay the person who takes first place in the hierarchy, the human leader, with the highest manifestation of devotion - the readiness to protect him and his family to the end.

The Caucasian Shepherd is one of the strongest protectors among canines. The Caucasian dog is recklessly brave, and if the owner or family members are in danger, then without hesitation he will rush even at the bear. Be sure that the dog will pour out all the fury of its anger on the intruders who have decided to covet your property or loved ones, and this anger is limitless. The Caucasian Shepherd is a powerful dog, and in order to control this serious weapon, the owner must be very seriously involved in education and training. Also, you need to spend time walking and playing. The breed is not particularly active, but it simply needs about an hour of walking a day to develop physical strength and simply to remove excess energy outward, which would otherwise be directed toward disobedience and aggression.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is an undemanding breed in terms of living conditions, and will feel great in any family. A single person, a married couple or even a large family with small children - a Caucasian will get along wherever he is given necessary conditions and the opportunity to be alone.

Breed standard (briefly).

Male height: min 68 cm.

Bitch height: min 64 cm.

Male weight: min 50 kg.

Bitch weight: min 45 kg.

How much does a Caucasian Shepherd puppy cost?

"By hand": up to $200 - $250.

PET class: up to $350.

BRID class: from $400 to $750.

SHOW class: about $900.

Difficulty of care: above average.

How many times to bathe: about 2 times a year.

Preferred living conditions: in the courtyard.

Lifespan: 10-11 years old.

Country: Asia.

Date of birth of the breed: around 1765

FCI Group: Group 2.

FCI Section: Section 2.

FCI Standard No: 328.

Education and training:

Difficulty of education: above average.

Difficulty of training: average.

You can train your child with: from 15 years old.

Purpose of the breed.

Initial purpose: security, protection, grazing of livestock herds.

Where is it currently used: The Caucasian Shepherd Dog practically no longer grazes herds, but it is unsurpassed in guarding and protecting its flock.

Attitude towards living beings.

Strangers: hostile.

Children living in the family: friendly, very patient.

Animals: normal, but requires socialization.

Activity level and walking:

Need for activity: average.

Playfulness: low.

Duration of walking: about 1 hour/day.

Walking intensity: active games, running, cycling - Caucasians need sports to develop the ability to protect the owner.

Description and character of the Caucasian Shepherd dog breed. Who is the breed suitable for?

The character of the Caucasian Shepherd is not simple, and only a confident, persistent person can control this powerful beast. Strong, unshakable and fearless, Caucasians are ready to give their lives for their master and his family members if they are in danger. The dog’s desire to protect is enormous, its reserves of power are also great, and if this energy is not brought out through walking and various types of activity, then the breed will direct its energies to disobedience to commands, various pranks and, worst of all, aggression. The owner of the dog is obliged to take care of proper walking even if he lives in the courtyard of a private house, and even more so if he lives in an apartment. To ensure that the Caucasian does not become a threat to others, and is obedient and flexible in all situations, the owner will have to seriously train the dog.

The Caucasian Shepherd dog breed will fit into any family that is not indifferent to large dogs and is ready to give the animal everything it needs. A Caucasian dog can get along with a single person, or in a family with very small children, whom the dog treats with incredible patience and royal condescension. It will withstand even the harshest mockery from children, but parents themselves must monitor the communication between the animal and the child.

Maintenance and care of the Caucasian Shepherd.

It is not difficult to care for the coat of a Caucasian Shepherd; it is enough to comb the animal with a special brush from time to time or after walking. long hair. It is better to do this outside, as the wool will fly throughout the house. A Caucasian should be bathed no more than twice a year, although if the coat is very dirty after walking or in general, then be sure to provide water treatments. The main responsibilities of the owner in caring for the dog come down to the need to walk it. Compared to other breeds, this will not take much time, because Caucasian Shepherds are accustomed to saving energy and not wasting it. About 1-1.5 hours of walking a day with the opportunity to run after an abandoned stick or run next to the owner is enough. Be sure to engage in active walking in order to develop the dog’s physical strength and make it stronger, capable of better protecting its owner and family.

Every dog ​​needs attention and proper upbringing, but if we're talking about Oh, this question is becoming even more relevant. In many countries such big dogs, like the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, are considered potentially dangerous, which is explained not only by their impressive size, but also by their character traits. A cute and fluffy puppy that once appears in your home will quickly turn into a respectable animal, and what kind of relationship you can build with it before that time depends only on you. Let's figure out what you need to know when keeping a Caucasian and caring for puppies of this particular breed.

Baby's first days

Like any other large breed dog, it must recognize its owner as an undisputed leader, otherwise keeping such an animal can turn out to be a dangerous undertaking. Of course, a small puppy does not inspire fear, so it is difficult for an inexperienced owner to predict what he may encounter in the future, but raising a baby should begin from the very first days of his stay in a new home. We are not talking about training yet, but the foundation for future classes can be laid now.

Perhaps in the first few days after weaning from its mother and moving, the puppy will experience a little stress, but, unlike other breeds, Caucasian Shepherds adapt quite quickly. If your new pet initially refuses to eat and just lies in the place allotted to him, you should not press him with your attention: just provide unhindered access to the bowl with clean water and keep the litter clean. Little by little, apathy and stress will subside, and the baby will begin to explore the territory entrusted to him with curiosity.

Important! Even very small puppies should not be allowed to do anything that you are not going to allow. adult dog. From the first days, try to explain to the little Caucasian what is required of him and accustom him to a daily routine.

Basic rules of care and site preparation

Such large and fluffy dogs undoubtedly need proper care, but while you are just getting ready to bring a new family member into your home, it is advisable to properly prepare his habitat in advance. If you are going to keep a Caucasian Shepherd in a house or apartment, lay a straw or cotton mattress, 8-10 cm thick and 70 by 100 cm in size, in the chosen place. In addition, you need to sew several replacement pillowcases for it, changing them several times a day. month. When placing a pet in the courtyard of a private house, it is better to place it at a distance of about 10-15 m from the home, choosing a dry, clean and sunny area. An insulated one, about one meter long and about 90 cm wide, must be installed in the enclosure. The entrance hole to the dog house, in this case, should have a size of 40 by 50 cm.

It is better to leave very small puppies (up to two months) in the house during adaptation, gradually accustoming them to the territory and the attention of all family members. If such a baby is immediately transferred to an enclosure and visited only a few times a day, it is unlikely that it will be possible to quickly establish a trusting relationship.

Air temperature and humidity

Caucasian Shepherds are biologically endowed with good resistance to low temperatures and relatively low air humidity, but for small puppies it is necessary to create more comfortable conditions.

So, when placing a baby in a house or apartment, it is necessary to lay a bedding for him away from heating appliances, the kitchen, the bathroom, doors or places in a draft. In the cold season, the air should not be dried out by heating devices, so try to create a level of humidity in the room that will be comfortable for you (about 40-60%): if necessary, you can place wet towels on the radiators.

However, try not to overdo it in this matter, as too high humidity can lead to the development various diseases, especially illnesses respiratory tract. As for temperature conditions, values ​​in the range of 20-25°C will be quite acceptable for a small Caucasian, although outdoors and in an insulated kennel a dog aged 4 months (or more) will easily tolerate even a slight minus.

Pet cleanliness and hygiene

Regardless of where exactly you keep your puppy, cleanliness and personal hygiene should be mandatory conditions for his residence on your territory. Of course, little Caucasians' fur is not that long yet, but starting from 3-4 months it also requires regular care. There is nothing complicated about this; all you need to do is brush your pet with a soft brush several times a week, paying special attention to places where tangles collect (for example, under the paws or on the stomach).

Important! The breed traits and character of the Caucasian Shepherd sometimes make it very cautious and distrustful, so an already grown puppy may show dissatisfaction when brushing its belly and chest. To avoid problems in the future, accustom him to such gentle movements almost from the very moment he appears to you (you can perform the procedure at least every other day).

Speaking about the cleanliness and hygiene of a small Caucasian, one cannot help but pay attention to the issue of cleaning the ears and eyes.

In the first case, the main tool for achieving the desired will be cotton buds, on one end of which more cotton can be wound. The main thing when using them is not to press too hard and not damage them. eardrum, as this may result in partial hearing loss.

The puppy's eyes can be wiped with a swab dipped in a pre-prepared chamomile decoction.

Some owners even, but for very small puppies similar procedure usually not required, and if he himself does not scratch them off on the asphalt or any other hard surface, then they will have to be trimmed with special nippers, especially if the baby’s gait is noticeably distorted.

We take care of our health

A healthy dog, even if it is small, is always distinguished by a good appetite, activity and cheerfulness. Since childhood, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs react very well to external stimuli, while continuing to play and fool around. At feeling good pet, even the appearance of its fur will speak about this: it will remain soft, silky and shiny.
However, you should pay attention to other important health indicators:

  • the animal’s normal body temperature is in the range of 37.5-39.2°C;
  • pulse rate corresponds to 150-160 beats per minute;
  • respiratory rate - 13-25 per minute (with physical activity this indicator increases, although, in comparison with adults, babies already breathe more often).
A sign of the development of a particular disease can be considered an increase in body temperature, which in some cases will be reported by dry and warm nose pet. At the slightest suspicion of this possibility, it is necessary to immediately carry out appropriate measurements using a medical thermometer inserted into the anus to a depth of 3-4 cm. To take the necessary measurements, 3-5 minutes will be enough.

The pulse in puppies can be felt on the inside of the thigh, where the femoral artery passes. As for the heart rate, you can determine it by simply placing your palm on the left side of the chest or on the inside of the shoulder, in the area of ​​the elbow joint.

The simplest way to determine feeling unwell Caucasian Shepherd puppy is regularly examined, checking for the presence and absence of wounds and cuts after each walk, as well as determining the condition of the hearing organs (ears in any case should be clean, without serous crusts and a sharp unpleasant odor).

Of course, the appearance of unusual discharge from the nose and eyes will also be an alarming sign, especially if it gives off an unpleasant odor.

And finally, all dog owners know that a sick pet (of any age) will refuse food, lose weight and avoid activity. Depending on the nature of the disease, in addition to this, diarrhea, sneezing, muscle cramps, etc. may appear. If you can promptly detect deviations in the normal health of your pet, then it is likely that the development of the disease can be prevented.

Did you know? The ancestor of the Caucasian Shepherd is considered to be the Tibetan Great Dane (not), which was presented to the Chinese emperor around 1100 BC. e. It was from China that the animal’s further wandering around the world began. On the territory of the modern Caucasus similar dogs appeared around the 1st century BC. e.

Paying attention to the dog

A puppy (no matter a Caucasian Shepherd or any other breed) is a child who needs not only the satisfaction of physical needs (food and walking), but also an emotional connection with the owner. The success of training in the future largely depends on how quickly this connection is established between them.

If a small Caucasian is kept indoors, then daily walks should be at least three hours (walking approximately 3-4 times a day), and if living in an enclosure, with a spacious walk, several daily walks of 1.5-2 hours will be enough.

While the future one is still small, try to spend as much time as possible with him, playing (always using) and gradually explaining important aspects of the relationship: you are the leader in the pack, and he must obey the leader. Of course, physical education methods are not suitable, because the aggression used will sooner or later turn against the owner himself.

Rules for feeding and preparing a diet

Considering the size of the Caucasian Shepherd, it is easy to guess that puppies grow very quickly, but for normal development, babies need a balanced and good nutrition. Here, as always, you can go two ways: feed your pet ready-made feed or develop a diet from natural products. Of course, the second option is much more difficult, but choosing affordable and high-quality ready-made food for such a large animal can be quite difficult. Let's look at both feeding options.

Natural nutrition

As you already understand, “natural food” should include a variety of products, because this is the only way to ensure a sufficient amount various vitamins and microelements in the dog’s body. The diet is based on meat and dairy products, as well as raw vegetables.

Among the varieties of meat, it is advisable to choose low-fat options: veal, horse meat, rabbit and lamb, but this does not mean at all that you need to feed the puppy only premium products, the main thing is that it is fresh.

Sometimes you can introduce poultry into your baby’s diet, but then on such days you will have to carefully monitor the reaction of his body: in some cases, indigestion is observed and the appearance of the animal worsens.

Important! Meat pieces are cut into small portions, but you still shouldn’t grind the meat into minced meat.

Many breeders give their puppies sea ​​fish, once a week replacing the usual meat with it. In this case, be sure to choose only types with few bones and boil it before putting it in your pet's bowl.

The above-mentioned fermented milk products will be quite useful for the growing body, but when purchasing any of them, first of all, you should pay attention to the indicated fat content (it should not be higher than 9%). For active growth and the development of puppies, not only cottage cheese, but also kefir or yogurt is good.

When choosing vegetables, there should be no problems at all, because almost any of them are suitable for feeding a Caucasian Shepherd puppy: beets, pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots. Before feeding, all prepared vegetables should be grated and, if necessary, mixed with meat. The only thing to remember: you cannot mix greens with vegetables and dairy products.

Dry food

If you decide not to bother yourself with selecting a special diet and purchasing all the necessary natural products, then the only correct solution would be to feed your little Caucasian with ready-made food for puppies.

Of course, in this case, we are talking about products designed specifically for large breeds, since such nutrition contains additional additives minerals, aimed at prevention during the dog's growth process.

Until four months of age, some breeders recommend adding water or low-fat milk to dry food. Mix feed different manufacturers or adding them to regular food for a better feeling of “fullness” is strictly prohibited, as this may cause irreparable harm your pet (allergic reactions and digestive system disorders are the most harmless things that threaten a puppy).

Did you know?The debut of the Caucasian wolfhound in Europe took placeat the beginning of the twentieth century in Nuremberg, during one of the exhibitions. It was there that this Russian mountain dog made a huge impression on everyone present, causing many first approving reviews.

We begin training and education

Until the age of three months, a Caucasian Shepherd puppy is taught only the basic nuances of obedience and behavior in the house, but the age from three to nine months is already excellent for the formation and development of a dog through targeted training.

Now your pet’s psyche is most susceptible to external stimuli, because the breed lacks genetically inherent adaptive abilities to live in big cities or just in noisy places. However, at the same time, with a competent approach to learning, new information will be perceived much easier than at an older age.
It should be noted right away that raising a Caucasian wolfhound is not a task for weak-willed people, because if the dog feels the slightest uncertainty or weakness of its owner, then nothing good will come of it. Also, if possible, it is very advisable to enlist the support of an experienced dog who will advise and guide you at the right time, helping you to avoid a serious mistake in raising a puppy of such a formidable breed.

With the help of a specialist, your pet will quickly complete the general training course, with the main commands that you should pay special attention to: “fu”, “near”, “place”, “lie down” and “sit”.

In addition, it is equally important to train your pet to give back a taken object when ordered, and experts recommend introducing fetching into a puppy’s training program from a very early age. How exactly to raise a Caucasian Shepherd puppy is up to each owner to decide on their own, but do not forget that in an unforeseen situation the animal may behave rashly or even aggressively, the responsibility for which will fall entirely on your shoulders.

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by considerable intelligence, so with the right approach and long-term training, you can raise a real devoted protector from a cute fluffy ball. The more time you spend with your pet, the better you will learn about his character, temperament and intelligence, which will only help in further building your relationship.

Important!Training both at home and on the playground should be carried out by the same person.

To summarize, it should be recognized: the Caucasian Shepherd is perfect dog only for strong-willed people who are truly interested in her adequate upbringing. If you are not confident in your abilities or simply don’t have time to take care of a pet, then this option is not for you, and don’t let the puppy’s cute appearance confuse you.