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How to teach a dog the command “Fu!” General training. How to teach a dog the command You can’t How to teach the command fu

There are many methods on how to teach a dog a command; for some of them, the trainer risks listening to “tirades” from “humanists” who underestimate the risks of disobedience. The “Fu” or “No” command, which allows you to interrupt unwanted action ward, this is a titanic dog obedience platform. Strict execution of the order really saves lives, protects against injuries and other troubles, in addition, the dog must clearly understand whether it is possible or not, the owner decides.

You will smile, remembering this article, when the fluffy ball appears in your home. Oh, how often will you exclaim in your hearts: “You can’t!”, “Ugh!”, “What are you doing!”, “Spit!”, “Get away!” At times, you will even feel ashamed: “What kind of parent am I that I forbid everything, it’s tiny.” But these are lyrical emotions that have no place in adult life dogs.

Remember, you cannot train your dog to obey a command; it means protecting and caring for you, not punishing him! The first steps in the science of obedience begin at home, long before the puppy is vaccinated and starts running outside. By 4 months, the baby should understand Fu’s command, even if not follow it 100%, but the strict, harsh tone should prompt the child to think: “Is it worth it?”

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The nuances of executing the command: No or Fu

To hit or not to hit? – Decide for yourself, there are alternatives – parfors, training choke collars, spray cans compressed air(football pipes), ultrasonic whistle, EShO (electric collar), and the most humane thing - patience, perseverance, rigor. It is worth noting that “cunning” and “sneaky” will quickly understand what they want from them and how to deceive the owner - be prepared. Conditional standards for executing the Fu command:

  • The command is mandatory for a dog of any breed, size, psychotype, age!
  • The dog stops unwanted actions on command and does not return to them as soon as the owner turns away (pseudo-compliance).
  • The ward knows that disobedience is followed by punishment, and most importantly - negative emotions owner.
  • The command can be given by all family members and people living in the same room as the animal.
  • Choleric and hyperactive dogs are trained in the “Ugh, Sit!” complex; fixing the pose helps the pet to restrain itself.

And now the most important thing! To successfully teach a puppy a command, the trainer must be a canine psychic. Watch the puppy and learn to guess thoughts, it's actually not hard. The tail wagged more slowly, the ears moved, the muzzle became puzzled - we see that the baby is clearly up to something. He took a toy - they praised him, tried to steal a slipper - “Ugh!”, so much so that the baby was puzzled.

Important! If necessary, shame your pet; he perfectly understands the tone of disappointment, although he does not understand all the words; for many dogs, an upset owner is the worst punishment.

The Fu or Cannot command is given when an attempt (!) is made to perform an undesirable action. If the child has already stolen a slipper, they silently caught up, took it away, shamed him, and were demonstratively offended. Sneaking towards the shoe rack? - We caught up, turned our face towards ourselves and looked into our eyes: “Ugh!” This is creepy in theory, but in reality it’s quite simple.

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Teaching a dog the command No or Fu

Naturally, the command “no” is inconvenient for the dog, undesirable and generally outrageous if we're talking about about chewing the shoes of a beloved owner or chasing a cat. We work based on the dog’s inclinations, but your goal is to stop the unwanted action (ideally) without touching the puppy with your hands. We saw that the baby was interested in the forbidden - we distracted:

  • Let's name the pet, did you ignore it? – Strictly “Ugh!”, they called us over and played.
  • If the baby gets tense, we quickly grab his toy or treat and twirl it in our hands - we entice him.
  • Do we know at least one team? - Great! We clap our hands, the dog is distracted from the desired object and immediately give the mastered command, for example, “Sit”. The kid is confused - the mission is completed.
  • And finally, if your pet is stubborn and still committed an undesirable action, we catch up with the “bandit”, physically stop him, and get offended.

Important! An angry puppy will not follow the “Fu” command; most likely, he will not even hear your order. Carefully stop the angry child, calm him down, distract him, but do not “lose” his authority. The same applies to fights between adult dogs; if they get into a fight, separate them and shout “No!” it's already late.

When training an adult dog, the easiest way is to use a parfors (strict collar). The hooligan reached for the trash can or to a stranger– a strict Fu and a jerk of the leash. Fast, tough and peremptory. More complex issue, precise execution of the Fu command when trying to pick up food from the ground or take a tasty treat from a stranger.

From the first days the puppy is in the house, you need to set boundaries so that the baby understands what not to do. Team "Ugh!" is a basic one and is required for all dog breeds to master. Natural intelligence, pretty appearance and easy-going character do not guarantee that someday the animal will not behave incorrectly. Raising a dog is the responsibility of its owner. To prevent your pet from harming itself or others, teach it the command “Fu!” and reinforce this skill.

Using the command "Fu!" can be stopped various actions dogs that every owner encounters sooner or later.

  • Your pet may pick up leftover food from the table, including sharp small bones or foods that are contraindicated for it. In this situation, the command “Fu!” should sound immediately, because if the owner reacts late, the dog will not spit out the tasty morsel, but will try to swallow it as quickly as possible.
  • It is worth fighting the dog’s desire to chew shoes, furniture and wires from puppyhood. If you miss the moment, the behavior pattern will become entrenched, and it will be very difficult to get rid of it. Using the “Fu!” command will save your nerves and finances.
  • As a rule, all pets are very happy when their owners come home and do not hesitate to express their delight. A bored dog waits for its owner at the threshold, and when he walks in, he jumps on him, tries to lick his face and puts his paws on his clothes. If a “cordial welcome” from a Chihuahua or toy terrier does not bring big problems, then a Tibetan mastiff or Alabai, in a fit of emotion, may well knock a person down and tear things apart. The same applies to pets who on the street begin to ask to be picked up and lean on the owner with dirty paws.
  • Untrained dogs living in apartments may start barking at the slightest rustle outside the door. This is especially true for noisy breeds - schnauzers, beagles, dachshunds, Jack Russell terriers. Constant barking will drive both you and your neighbors crazy. So that silence reigns in the house, well-mannered dog It’s enough to hear “Ugh!”
  • During a walk, your pet may find something interesting on the ground - scraps, garbage or a piece of glass. Moreover, in major cities there is a risk of stumbling upon delicacies stuffed with rat poison and intended for baiting yard dogs. For an animal that does not know the command “Fu!”, the consequences can be the most tragic.
  • Dogs have developed intuition and feel people. Passers-by are different. Drunk and smoking people, as well as deafeningly squealing children can cause a negative reaction in the pet. Obeying instincts, the dog can bare its teeth and even rush at an irritating object. The command “Fu!” given in a menacing voice will help you avoid conflicts with passers-by and communication with the police. You should especially carefully monitor representatives of fighting breeds - Cane Corso, Dogo Argentino, Bull Terrier - because in the event of an attack on a person, the dog will have to be euthanized.

This is far from full list problems that can be avoided by teaching your dog the “Fu!” command. However, there is one caveat - you must appear consistent in the eyes of your pet. If the dog is ready to come to terms with the fact that you should never pick up trash, then total control over harmless actions like sniffing trees or benches, which are sometimes prohibited, sometimes allowed, will cause misunderstanding and unwillingness to obey.

How to teach a dog the “Fu!” command: step-by-step instructions

Dog handlers recommend starting to teach your dog the “Fu!” command. on the street. Plan your route in advance; it should be familiar and calm, without crowds of people or heavy traffic. At the same time, the presence of “forbidden” items in the form of pigeons, pieces of food and garbage is welcome. In the following days, the road will need to be changed, and the more often the better.

Note: during training service dogs specialists throw prohibited objects on the path along which the dog will walk. You can also lay out the sausage circles in advance, or ask a friend to go ahead and do it without the dog noticing.

The first step in mastering the command “Fu!” will be training on objects. Only after this will it be possible to hone the skill through contacts with animals and people. For walking you will need a standard leash.

Move with your dog along the chosen route. The speed should be slow enough so that the pet has time to navigate the terrain and react to the situation. At some point, a pet walking on a slack leash will notice an object of interest to it - ordinary garbage or a bait you left - and will move towards it. Sternly command him “Fu!” and yank the leash. It is important to calculate the force of the jerk based on the size of your dog. If she does not respond to the command and again reaches for the forbidden thing, repeat “Ugh!” and pull the leash harder than the first time. In case pet If he doesn’t listen on the second try, slap him on the butt or neck with a rolled-up newspaper.

Continue your walk - the dog should be distracted for a second and then continue following you. After walking a few steps, stop, give your pet one of the previously learned commands (for example, “Sit!” or “Lie down!”), praise and reward with a treat. Unexpected braking and a tug on the leash were a source of stress for the dog, but thanks to a new command and treat, he will switch his attention and relax.

Important: never reward your dog for following the “Fu!” command.

During the first walks, it is enough to command “Ugh!” 5 times. Do not overdo it, otherwise your pet will get tired. A skill can be considered fixed when your furry pet always follows the command from the first repetition. Having stopped picking up prohibited objects, the dog continues to learn the command “Fu!” in busy places. Now she must, on command, stop contact with relatives or people.

Having consolidated the skill, move on to the next step - train your pet from a distance. To do this, you need to replace the standard leash with a long one. You will no longer be able to spank your pet with a newspaper in case of disobedience, and he understands this perfectly well. To teach a dog to follow the command “Fu!” from a distance of more than 10-15 meters, you will have to be patient and spend a lot of time.

After completing the exercise with a long leash, start training without a leash. First give the command “Fu!” on a familiar deserted route, from a short distance. Then gradually make the task more difficult - similar to leash training.

The final stage is to reinforce the command “Fu!” In a situation where a command is needed, use it rather than dragging the animal away on a leash. This skill requires a consistent and systematic approach, remember to hone it regularly.

The difference between the commands “Fu!” and “You can’t!”

A common misconception among dog owners is that the commands “Ew!” and “You can’t!” - this is the same thing, accordingly, it is enough to teach your pet only one of them. However, they are not interchangeable, although they serve to suppress unwanted dog behavior.

Teaching the command “Fu!” occurs before the “No!” command. Team "Ugh!" means a categorical prohibition. The pet will never be allowed to do certain things, for example, tearing wallpaper, chewing furniture, attacking relatives, or picking up trash on the street.

Command "No!" is used for temporary prohibition and subsequently requires a cancel command. If a dog acquires this skill, it will become disciplined and will be able to overcome its natural instincts. To prevent the animal from attacking the food and snatching it out of your hands, before feeding, command “No!”, and after a while – “Yes!”, “Eat!” or “Eat!” In the case of bringing a thrown object, you can leave the pet motionless for several seconds using the word “No!”, and only then give the command “Aport!”

Both commands must be executed fully, the first time. The difference in whether the ban is temporary or permanent does not make the command “No!” less important than “Ugh!”

What not to do during training

By making a number of mistakes, you can negate all the progress in teaching your dog the “Fu!” command. But, as the Latin wisdom says: “Forewarned is forearmed,” so let’s look at the most common mistakes.

  • You cannot teach a puppy the command “Fu!” in parallel with the execution of another command. This is a difficult skill that your pet needs to fully focus on. Also, don’t stop learning the “Fu!” command without going through all the stages and do other exercises.
  • While practicing the command, watch how fast you are going. If you are distracted, you can speed up your pace too much, and it will be more difficult to control your dog’s behavior. It will also be more difficult for a four-legged friend to understand what they want from him.
  • During the training process, take breaks; it is enough to repeat the command once every 10 minutes.
  • It is important to remember that the command “Fu!” means a complete and permanent ban, and not a call to slow down. Do not use it when another command is required. For example, if your pet does not give you a shoe, command “Give!”; When the dog pulls on the leash, say “Here!”
  • Another typical mistake is the belated issuance of the command “Fu!” When an animal is completely carried away by prohibited actions, stopping it only with the help of a command will be problematic. So, having commanded “Fu!” in the midst of a dog fight, you will achieve nothing but a decrease in your own authority - the dogs need to be pulled apart.
  • Do not overuse the “Ugh!” command. It serves to prohibit unwanted behavior at a specific point in time. Beginning dog breeders often try to prohibit all actions that they consider potentially harmful or dangerous, even sniffing a bench.
  • Don't jerk the leash too hard without good reason. You should not yell at or hit your pet. This can harm the animal's psyche, and you will lose contact with it.

If you show firmness and perseverance, but do not go overboard in punishment, command in a timely manner and for good reason, and then work on consolidating the skill, you will definitely be able to teach your dog the “Fu!” command.

If you are unable to train your pet on your own, contact a specialist, but do not give up training. Classes with a dog handler will help correct the dog’s behavior. You might find some professional advice helpful.

The dog does not react to the tug of the leash - what to do?

While teaching the command “Fu!” the dog may not react to the tug of the leash and, accordingly, it does not stop it, which is why all the owner’s efforts go down the drain. This usually applies to large and giant breeds of dogs - Great Dane, Newfoundland, Bobtail. In this case, you can use a special metal collar with spikes or a harness that runs on microcurrents. A smack with a newspaper will also be effective.

The main thing is to always follow the sequence: the command “Fu!” – a jerk of the leash – a slap with a newspaper. If a strict collar disciplines the dog while tugging on the leash, then there is no need to use the newspaper.

If the puppy shows disobedience and there is no way to influence it with a leash, lift the pet by the collar and shake it slightly, then place it on the ground, pressing on the shoulder blades. This will show your dominance.

How to teach the command “Fu!” puppy?

It is not recommended to teach the “Fu!” command. puppies under 3 months of age. In the range from 3 to 6 months, you can begin training at home, in a light game form. The main thing is to keep the baby’s psyche stable and not expose him to stress.

Start training with the command “Give!” When the puppy picks up a prohibited object from the floor, squat down, extend your hand forward, palm up, and say “Give!” (“Give it back!”). When your baby gives you the item he picked up, praise him and give him a treat.

If the dog does not respond to the command and does not want to part with the object, carefully open its mouth and pull it out. After this, reward your pet with a piece of something tasty.

Over time, begin to sometimes replace the command “Give!” to “Ugh!” Say the word in a calm voice, in the same key. This way, the puppy will get used to obedience from childhood, and it will be easier to start street training.

Is it necessary to teach the command “Fu!” an adult dog?

If you adopted a mongrel from the street, or you received an untrained dog as an adult, it is definitely worth teaching it to perform the “Fu!” command. The training process can be quite complex, since you have to deal with an animal that has developed a certain model of behavior, has already formed a character, and has no genetic predisposition to training.

Despite this, work hard with your pet, because yard and abandoned dogs are far from both following commands and basic education - they can eat from the trash heap and show aggression towards animals. If difficulties arise, do not abandon your pet - dog handlers will definitely help you.

Often similar prohibiting commands “Ugh!” and “You can’t!” confused, but they have differences. You can not do it this way!" - a temporary ban that is used when practicing endurance as part of honing a dog’s obedience.

This command is pronounced at the moment when the pet is pulled by the collar, the leash is jerked, objects are thrown towards the dog, and rewards follow for correctly performed actions. The pet is forced to obey the command “No!”, thereby overcoming discomfort or pain. So the pet will prefer to stay in place rather than experience it again discomfort- a reflex is developed.

Team "Ugh!" is a part educational process and does not imply encouragement. The command is studied from an early age in order to prevent unwanted actions in the form of chewing objects, gnawing furniture, attacking passers-by, biting fingers, picking up from the ground, grabbing a pant leg. At the moment of an undesirable action, the animal is punished by simultaneously pronouncing the command “Fu!” The method of redirecting attention is effective. After punishment and commands, attention is redirected to something else, for example, instead of shoes that the pet is chewing, an exciting toy is given.

Regardless of the learning method, to master a new skill, choose quiet and quiet place, where the dog would not be distracted by anything.

Rules for teaching a dog the command “Fu!”

The command should be used only when necessary, to prohibit specific actions, and not everything in a row. You should not give a prohibiting signal when executing other commands. Mastering the command can begin when the puppy reaches 3 months of age, but physical punishment It is not recommended for use on puppies under six months of age. Such actions can frighten the puppy and negatively affect the psyche. In addition, by this age the pet will have already mastered the command “Sit!”, “Come to me!”, a trusting relationship with the owner will be built and the dog will master the command “Fu!” it will be easier. From carrying out unwanted actions in early age(1-3) months it is advisable to redirect the pet’s attention rather than punish it. For example, distract with a game, another command (“Come to me!”), attract with a treat. But you shouldn’t give the treat right away, otherwise your pet will think that he is being rewarded for unwanted actions. Before giving a treat, it is advisable to play with your pet or reward a well-executed command that has already been learned.

It is advisable to carry out training on the street, in a sparsely populated place, but where there are objects, objects from contact with which the dog needs to be weaned (birds, edible garbage). An important condition is frequent change route. When walking slowly with your pet on a leash, you should carefully monitor its direction and respond promptly to changes in the situation.

A dog heading towards an unwanted object is commanded “Fu!” and jerk the leash sharply, but not too much. The movement is not stopped, but after a few steps the pet is stopped and given the usual command, for example, “Lie down!”, after which a treat follows. Such an action will serve as a distraction for the animal and a kind of encouragement, but not directly related to the command “Fu!” When a prohibiting signal is given, encouragement is unacceptable.

The prohibitory command is pronounced in a strict tone and exclusively at the moment of committing an undesirable action, and at the same time punishment follows in the form of a weak clap on the rump, a sharp weak tug of the leash. For adults and large dogs The use of a strict collar is allowed.

A ban is effective only when the pet has just begun to perform an undesirable action (sniffing food on the ground with the goal of swallowing it the next moment). If the pet has already grabbed the food, then it is useless to give a prohibiting signal. In response to the owner's objections, the animal will try to swallow the food as quickly as possible.

Over the entire period of walking, 3-5 repetitions of the command are enough. If the prohibiting signal is given too often, the pet will stop responding to it. In addition, if the painful effect turns out to be excessive, then the animal’s nervous system will be depressed; psychologically, the pet may not tolerate this. The interval between repetitions should exceed 15 minutes. While prohibiting any action, one must not allow it to be carried out after a command is given.

As you achieve success in mastering the skill, the conditions gradually become more difficult. They practice in busier places, in contact with other animals, on a longer leash, and then without a leash.

Mastering a command can be called successful when the dog stops the unwanted action immediately after the first utterance of the command “Fu!” The command must be repeated on a regular basis, otherwise the pet will quickly forget about the prohibiting signal.

It is forbidden:

  • punish the pet if some time has already passed after the “crime” and other events have occurred.
  • use irritants that cause severe pain;
  • use a prohibiting command inappropriately;
  • actions should not cause a loss of trust and emotional contact between the dog and the owner.

Dog not knowing basic commands, can pose a danger not only to herself, but also to others. Even the most friendly and affectionate four-legged pets sometimes need sharp and timely intervention to stop their dangerous actions.

How to teach a dog the “fu” command quickly and easily?

You need to start training the puppy when you are still a puppy, but before three months punishment can have a negative impact on nervous system animal, therefore, acquaintance with the “fu” command should begin precisely after this age. To train, you will have to punish the puppy. Remember that light punishment now will save the dog from many dangers and troubles in the future. You can punish with a light blow of the palm of your hand on the croup or with the help of a special one with spikes. There is an opinion that you should not hit a dog with your hand. Of course, such punishment cannot be carried out with someone else’s dog, but in the owner-dog relationship everything is much more complicated. This palm only sometimes punishes, much more often it strokes, caresses, feeds and helps.

How to teach a puppy the “fu” command depends on the conditions in which he lives and the habits of the animal. For some, the beginning will be a ban on picking up all kinds of objects from the floor, for others, introducing the pet to the team because of attempts to catch up with the cat. In any case, the command must be executed clearly and instantly.

Teaching the “fu” command consists of several steps:

  1. The dog has started an action that needs to be stopped. For example, she picked up something or tried to catch up with the cat.
  2. You should command in a confident tone: “Ugh!”
  3. Punishment stage. It is important to calculate the strength here. You can only hit the croup with your palm. If a collar with spikes is used, the command is followed by a tug that is noticeable to the dog.
  4. The training is repeated until the dog clearly follows the command. But the command should be given only 2-3 times per lesson with an interval of at least 15-20 minutes.
Commands "fu" and "no"

To avoid using the "fu" command too often and leave it for the most important and emergency cases, you can teach your dog to understand the word “no”. For example, if a dog tries to enter a room that is not intended for him, or greets a guest too cordially, the “no” command is appropriate. If a dog is going to eat a dead mouse found on the ground or catch a neighbor’s cat, it must be immediately stopped by the command “fu”.

Training is an integral part of a dog's life in human society. The “fu” command for dogs is necessary, since the animal cannot always correctly assess the situation in a society created according to the laws of people.

It is better to train any dog ​​when it is still a puppy, since at this age it is more receptive to commands. From the very first day, as soon as you purchased a puppy, you should immediately start raising it.

However, if you do not provide proper attention to your pet, it can acquire a lot of bad habits, and in the future such habits are practically not corrected. Consider the prohibiting command “Fu!”

Raising a puppy requires ingenuity, especially in the case of breeds with an independent and cautious disposition (for example, the popular husky). The difficulties of training are especially felt when practicing prohibitive commands - even the slightest violence or punishment, incomprehensible to the dog, instantly rolls all the work back to zero. The dog may stop approaching, fearfully carry out already practiced commands, or completely withdraw and stick to the line: “I don’t understand anything, the owner is crazy.”

  1. Let's say your four-legged friend he was dissatisfied with something and barked very loudly in the apartment. At first, while your pet is small, this may look like a cute prank, but with age, his voice will get stronger and the neighbors are unlikely to like this, and the dog can bark for hours. Therefore, as soon as the puppy barks, you need to give the command “Fu!”, perhaps with a slap with a newspaper.
  2. Or imagine that you come to your home, and your pet greets you from the doorway and immediately jumps on you with all four paws at the same time, and the dog is already aged and in addition large breed. Agree, this is not very pleasant. Thus, the pet should be weaned from such cases puppyhood, using the command “Ugh!”

Principles of teaching a puppy the Fu command

While walking with your puppy, try to watch him more, because at this age dogs really like to pick up everything that doesn’t lie well from the ground. For example: sharp bones or other food waste that can cause the animal to die fatal outcome. Therefore, as soon as you notice that he has picked up something, immediately forbid him and do not forget to use the command “Ugh!”

However, if you first used such a command and then forgot, then your pet may not understand what to do in the future. Many dogs' teeth begin to change at 3 months, and this is where serious monitoring is necessary. Since the puppy will chew everything, from clothes to furniture. Therefore, as soon as your four-legged friend starts gnawing on something, you should immediately say the command “Ugh!” using a slap.

Try to provide the puppy with food that he can chew with complete impunity. As your dog ages, he will acquire the habit of chewing only what you give him. If strangers or acquaintances approach the puppy on the street, then the pet should treat them without anger or fear, showing only calmness.

Prohibit your dog from running up to strangers or chasing children by using a prohibiting command using a twig. Remember that you should train your puppy to commands extremely carefully, without using strong physical influences, because if you scare him or hurt him physical pain, then the dog may develop fear and lose interest in training.

How to teach the “fu” command - so important and necessary, especially within the city - to a dog with a complex character?

There is a method that takes time, but will work with any dog. It may look a little strange, but for some breeds it is almost the only possible variant. When training a puppy, you need to act in stages. You will have two hands involved, so it’s better to rehearse at first to improve your coordination - it usually doesn’t work out quite smoothly for beginners.

1. The owner takes a small piece of treat in his hand (it is convenient to use liver cut into thin strips; it is easy for the puppy to bite off it little by little). Standing in front of the puppy, bring your hand with a treat to your chin (or neck).

2. In a rough, low voice, but not loudly, say “FU!” and lower your hand with the treat (stop it somewhere 5-10 cm from the dog’s nose). The dog tries to take the treat - push it away with your free hand, repeating a rude “Ugh.” Push away not forcefully, but confidently, don’t hit, don’t push away, but just persistently push the muzzle away. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times from the beginning (chin, ugh, offered a treat, pushed away).

3. In a high, thin voice, squeal to the dog “Eat!” (all complexes go away, you just need to squeak) and offer, stopping him 5-10 cm, as before. The dog will most likely hesitate - you have pushed him before. Repeat “Eat!”, but don’t give the dog a treat—let him take it.

By repeating these steps over several days, you will clearly teach your dog to take the “eat” command and wait for the “fu” command. Gradually remove the squeak and leave only “ew” - and the dog will stop taking what the command refers to.

How to teach a puppy the “Fu!” command: 2 options

In parallel with this study, when training a puppy, you need to do the same thing, but in two more options:

  1. placing treats on the edge of the table (preferably in those places where the dog steals from, if it has such a habit);
  2. dropping the treat on the floor with the command “fu!” and then calling the dog (so that during the approach the dog has to pass by the dropped treat).

The next stage of raising a puppy is to move all the action outside. For these purposes, a crust of bread moistened with butter or something else tasty and aromatic is a good treat. While walking with the dog, quietly “drop” the hump and then “find” it (that is, call the dog and show it, they say, look what you found, but at the same time say your low “ugh!”).

And now - a commentary explanation for the method. Why do you need to speak in a deep voice and squeak? The dog does not hear or understand your words; it only pays attention to the pitch of your voice. They say short is not allowed, tall is allowed. What are the features of this technique? There's a "wow" in it. - it’s not impossible, it’s “wait.” The dog is made to understand that the treat is yours, you will get it, but a little later, you just have to wait. This is why there should be no competition when learning the “fu” command.

If there are other dogs in the house, remove them from the room. Do not remove your hand with the treat, do not pull it away (this will awaken the prey instinct), but rather push the dog away. This method is one of the most effective. It allows you to teach your dog the fu command without using violence.

In addition, there are dogs (and there is a large percentage of these among huskies) that easily eat lemons, chili peppers and even chew off packages of “anti-gaspers.” Therefore, teach them the command “fu” traditional methods difficult.

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