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Chihuahua eats cat feces. Caucasian Shepherd Help Team. Do all dogs suffer from coprophagia?

When a pet eats excrement, it is unpleasant for the owner. After all, he lives in a family, often licks all family members, sometimes even his face. Therefore, imagining that he had previously eaten poop, creates unpleasant feeling. This article will help you find out why dogs eat feces and how to stop them from doing so.


What is coprophagia?

Coprophagia, the eating of excrement, is one of the main problems faced by dog ​​owners. Eating the feces of other animals, especially herbivores, is a common phenomenon in the animal kingdom.

Exist different kinds coprophagia:

  • autocoprophagy – eating one’s own feces;
  • intraspecific coprophagy - eating the feces of relatives;
  • interspecific coprophagy - a dog eating the feces of other animals, for example, cats, deer, rabbits, etc.

This behavior is not considered abnormal, just undesirable.

Many dog ​​owners, seeing their pet grabbing excrement, begin to scream and run to him so that he stops eating, which is not worth doing. The pet, instead of stopping, on the contrary, tries to eat what it found as quickly as possible. Dogs perceive eating feces as a reward.

When the owner tries to punish the dog, it may not understand the reason for the punishment and may become afraid. Therefore, before dealing with this phenomenon, you need to find out why it does this, and then apply appropriate measures.

The dangers of eating poop for your pet

IN cat poop Organisms such as Toxoplasma may be present. In dogs, these organisms can cause various problems: hit the center nervous system And muscle tissue. If feces have been lying in the ground for a long time, fly larvae can be deposited in them, and infection is possible. pathogenic bacteria and fungi. It is better to avoid such sources of infection. If possible, feces should be removed from the yard as quickly as possible.

Diseases such as hepatitis and parvovirus infection can be transmitted through feces. Vaccinated animals have a much lower risk of disease.


Feces eating is a more common behavior in bitches and puppies. In females, these are more sanitary and hygienic measures than a manner of behavior. Thus, she keeps the habitat clean. In addition, a natural instinct is triggered: by eating feces, the female destroys the smell, which can attract predators.

A puppy, observing a female eating his feces or a human cleaning up his poop, may similarly eat his own feces to earn rewards. Also, in a puppy, the consumption of feces may be associated with the formation of the intestines. This behavior goes away as the puppy grows up, unless it becomes a habit.

Feces contain many unprocessed nutrients, minerals and vitamins. A lack of them in the diet can cause pets to eat poop. In this case, their diet should be reconsidered. Malnutrition, dietary food may make you want to fill your stomach with something to feel full. Possible reason eating feces can be very fatty food: organism four-legged friend may not be able to process such food.

By consuming feces, pets sometimes want to attract the attention of their owners in this way, without receiving it in full. Everyday life. The dog may eat the excrement of the dominant animals in the house.

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Ways to correct unwanted behavior in dogs

Besides, veterinarian will be able to correctly adjust your pet’s diet, find out what is missing, create a new diet so that it contains all the necessary nutrients and minerals. If the cause of coprophagia is a disease, then you must first cure the animal and then wean it off the problem. bad habit.

Various behavioral strategies can be used to stop your pet from eating feces, even if the reason is health-related.

The most effective ways can be identified:

  1. Eliminate the opportunity for the dog to eat feces. If there are other animals, then clean the yard from feces before walking the pet, and take it out for a walk only on a leash. A muzzle can be used for these purposes.
  2. If the owner sees that the pet is about to eat its feces, you need to switch its attention, for example, to a toy, give it a treat, or involve it in some kind of game. The same strategy should be followed if the reason for eating feces is to attract the attention of the owner. You need to try to pay more attention to your furry pet, not only on walks, but also at home.
  3. Puppy with early age you need to teach him to obey, teach him to understand prohibiting commands: “fu,” “you can’t,” “quit.” In this case, you need to take him for a walk short leash. If you see that the puppy is about to eat feces, you should sharply pull the leash and say a prohibiting command. As soon as he moves away from the group that interested him, the pet should be rewarded with a treat or praised. Such exercises should be done as often as possible so that the puppy learns the lesson. But in the future you need to pay attention and keep an eye on the dog during walks.
  4. You can treat the feces with pepper, mustard, horseradish, or any drugs that will make the feces less attractive to your pet and discourage the desire to eat it.

When weaning your pet from a bad habit, you need to show patience and love; you cannot punish him, shout at him, or poke his muzzle in the feces. This will only complicate the relationship with him; the owner may lose mutual understanding with his furry friend. The next time, having found its own feces, the dog can, on the contrary, eat it as quickly as possible so that the owner does not notice and scold him.

To prevent coprophagia, you need to make sure that the dog eats properly, remove worms on time, pay as much attention to the pet as possible, and monitor its health.

Video "Why do dogs eat feces"

This video explains why dogs eat their own poop and the poop of other animals.

When a dog begins to pick up various garbage and its own poop in order to eat it, the owner is bewildered and at a loss as to what prompted a well-fed and well-groomed pet to commit such an outrage? Naturally, consuming waste products as food is not only unacceptable from an aesthetic point of view, but also definitely not safe.

Reasons for dogs to eat poop

There are many factors that can provoke a dog to eat waste products. The main ones are the following.

Costs of education
Absolutely healthy dog who receives quality nutrition in sufficient quantities requires increased attention from the outside professional trainer. It is the specialist who will help correct the pet’s behavior.

Gastrointestinal problems
The reason for eating excrement by adults may be a disturbance in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract. It is for this reason that the animal must be shown to a specialist and undergo appropriate examination.

Copying the behavior of other animals
Dogs often eat feces in an attempt to imitate the mother dog or cat who lives in the house, as they lick the butts of their babies for some time after birth. While watching their mother, they eat the poop of other representatives of the canine world. After a certain time, this habit in puppies becomes stable.

Dogs eat the feces of their relatives due to their own complexes. If you think about the situation more deeply, you can understand that a dog's trips to the toilet indicate a place that belongs to the animal that left them there.

Some dogs tend to destroy other people's piles and leave their own instead. This makes it possible to show your superiority and defend territory. This behavior is observed in dogs if they are not confident in themselves.

Another reason that encourages a dog to eat feces is its own fears. The animal begins to eat feces in order to remove its marks, which attract the attention of other animals and predators. This is the fear that someone might attack your pet and cause harm to it. physical harm. It also encourages dogs to respond to strangers we bark to protect ourselves and our own space.

Attention deficit
Many dog ​​owners, sooner or later, are faced with the fact that the pet begins to bark and whine when the person leaves the house. A negative emotions on the part of the owner, they cause the pet to bark even louder and more desperately. The reason for this is the desire to attract more attention and care.

The same situation occurs if the dog consumes its own feces. The dog is trying to draw maximum attention to himself in such a sophisticated way. It doesn’t bother him that the owner might get angry and punish his tailed friend. The important thing is that the owner is an important person for him and focuses his emotions on him. His thoughts boil down to the fact that showing him some attention indicates his own importance.

Poor nutrition
The animal eats feces under the influence of natural instincts. Wolves are considered to be the ancestors of all modern dog breeds. Many people pay attention to the fact that, having caught prey, the first thing they eat is digestive organs along with everything that is there. Actually in digestive tract there are many useful substances, which are very important for dogs.

Pets do not have such opportunities. They eat what their owner offers them. If a dog's diet doesn't have everything they need, they start looking for it in other places, such as on the street.

Factors in nutrition leading to metabolic disorders:

  1. Constant consumption of sweets and baked goods.
  2. Regular overeating.
  3. Incorrect, low-quality nutrition using cheap feed.
  4. The presence of a large amount of animal in the diet or vegetable fat, pickles, smoked meats, which are completely contraindicated for dogs of all breeds.
  5. Excess meat or bones in the diet.
  6. A large amount of grains or vegetables, while lacking fat and protein.

It is necessary to carefully evaluate how your pet eats. It is worth considering that he does not have the right to choose those products that he really needs, but can only choose from the food that is available to him. It may well be that the amount of food is simply not enough for him to be satisfied and he is simply hungry, so he eats everything he sees.

By eating feces, the dog tries to replenish in its body necessary substances or the required amount of food. It may well be that the animal suffers from dysbiosis, and it requires enzymes to digest food, which are precisely present in feces Oh. In this case, the pet needs to introduce cattle stomachs into its diet.

What to do?

First, you need to understand the reasons, because then it will be much easier to fix the problem. It is advisable to show the animal to a veterinarian, this will make it possible to clearly determine what causes such a problem and solve it as effectively as possible.

Will help you cope with your dog eating feces of other animals following tips and recommendations:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to limit the pet’s ability to eat other people’s piles. You need to promptly remove this kind of waste from your home and yard. Make sure that the walking area is free of feces.
  2. If the dog is on long time remains alone, she needs to be provided with toys and goodies so that she has something to do in the absence of her owners.
  3. No need to apply physical strength and shout loudly at the animal if it behaves inappropriately. Such parenting methods can only make the situation worse.
  4. You should not raise your voice at your pet or poke its face into a pile or puddle. The dog does not understand what the person wants to achieve from it in this way. This action is in no way an educational measure, but it carries quite clear signs of physical and psychological violence.
  5. When an animal eats excrement, if this happens in the presence of the owner, the following must be done. Clap your hands strongly and loudly and express your indignation and disapproval with the appropriate command, throw some object next to the dog, for example, keys. As a result, the animal will be distracted from its activity. He should be called to you and encouraged.
  6. It is necessary to occupy the animal as much as possible useful activities, walks on fresh air, full physical activity and socialization. The pet needs to be occupied so that it does not have time for various unworthy activities like eating excrement.
  7. It is necessary to develop the dog's communication skills in relation to the owner by learning additional commands and consolidating existing knowledge. It is necessary to clearly differentiate for the animal those objects that can be touched and those that cannot be touched.
  8. Encourage your pet in every possible way for following the rules established by its owner. For obedience, it is important to please your tailed friend with a treat or verbal praise.
  9. On a walk the best option will resort to using a muzzle. He certainly will not give the pet the opportunity to pick up various nasty things from the ground.

After the causes have been eliminated and the animal stops picking up various nasty things on the street that are not natural for food, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures aimed at getting rid of the consequences of eating other people's poop. First of all, the dog needs to be dewormed, and then special vitamin and mineral complexes must be introduced into the diet.

Video: Why does a dog eat feces?

Is your puppy interested in piles?
Find out how to wean him off

Puppies Eat Poop More Often Than You Think

The phrase “eating heartily” doesn’t always apply to food when it comes to a dog. This phrase begins to play with new colors, smells and consequences if the puppy has tasted excrement. Let's define the terminology accepted in the scientific community.

Coprophagia is a dog eating rabbit, sheep, horse, bird, cat, and sometimes its own manure.

Many puppy owners are faced with the problem of their pet’s annoying desire for coprophagia. If you think that this situation could only happen to your dog, you are mistaken. Millions of four-legged animals all over the planet happily eat excrement. Especially if they contain partially digested food.

"Coprophagia is not a disease, but simply an extremely unpleasant phenomenon that can be combated

Coprophagia is not a disease, but simply an extremely unpleasant phenomenon that you can fight: determine the cause, outline an action plan, follow it and achieve desired result. First, let's find out why your puppy eats his own or other people's excrement?

Why does a puppy eat his own or other people's excrement?

There are several reasons for this behavior in puppies. Let's analyze them together.

Intestinal formation

In puppies, fecal eating is often associated with development gastrointestinal tract. The excrement contains a large number of beneficial bacteria and enzymes that help digest food and improve intestinal motility. This need arises in babies up to three months of age. Gradually, the puppy’s digestion improves and the need for coprophagia disappears by itself. However, sometimes it develops into a bad habit, which is much more difficult to get rid of.

Imitating an adult dog or owner

Coprophagia is normal behavior for a nursing bitch. In this way she tries to keep her lair clean. A puppy, watching its mother, sometimes adopts her habit. It is necessary to stop such behavior in time, otherwise it will be imitation adult dog becomes the reason why the puppy continues to eat its own feces when it grows up.

The puppy can eat its own feces, imitating the owner who cleans it up. The baby instinctively tries to get rid of punishment if the owner has previously poked his nose at them or screamed loudly.

Lack of vitamins and minerals

A similar problem often appears if your pet’s diet lacks vitamins and microelements. The puppy, by eating excrement, tries to compensate for the deficiency of these substances.

Insufficient calorie intake

A lack of calories in a small pet's diet is another cause of coprophagia. Imbalance in nutrition, lack of protein and carbohydrates encourages the puppy to replenish its menu with the heaps it finds.

How dangerous are helminths for dogs and humans?

Apart from coprophagia, what should a puppy owner be wary of? Signs of helminthiasis

In addition to coprophagia, a puppy with helminthiasis will experience the following symptoms:

  • Change in appetite;
  • Lethargy, apathy, exhaustion;
  • Bloating;
  • Alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • The presence of mucus, blood, worms in the stool;
  • Vomit;
  • Itching in the anal area.

Coprophagia – dangerous habit which can cause your pet to become infected various diseases. Some of these diseases can be transmitted to humans. To protect your pet, yourself and your family, you need to stop your puppy from eating excrement. Next we will talk about the most effective ways correction of unwanted animal behavior.

How to stop a puppy from eating feces? 5 effective ways

Method 1. Use special dietary supplements

Most often, coprophagia is a consequence of errors in the preparation of a pet’s diet. If you are sure that your puppy receives all the necessary micro- and macroelements, vitamins and minerals with food, introduce a special dietary supplement into his diet.

Manufacturers veterinary drugs We did not ignore the problem of puppies eating excrement. Pet stores offer dietary supplements designed to help the owner correct the pet’s behavior and speed up the process of weaning it from a bad habit.

Method 2. Provide your puppy with proper nutrition

Coprophagia can be caused by a lack of microelements in the puppy's food. We have already written that the feces of dogs and other animals contain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

Analyze your pet’s diet; it must include proteins, fats and carbohydrates in required proportions. Best Products For natural feeding puppy - fermented milk, meat, as well as fiber (vegetables).

If the dog eats industrial feed, choose premium and super premium food. The food must be suitable for the puppy’s species (for dogs), age and health status.

Method 3. Use a muzzle while walking

This simple accessory will help you protect your pet from eating feces and other inedible objects. To prevent your pet from picking up anything from the ground, all you need to do is use a light nylon muzzle. During short walks, the puppy will not experience discomfort in it, but will be reliably protected from eating its own or other people’s excrement. Use a leash in conjunction with a muzzle.

Method 4. Teach the “fu” command

Training perfectly corrects your pet's behavior in combination with the methods listed above. Teaching a puppy the “fu” command is easy. For some puppies, the command “fu!” with a threatening intonation at the moment of committing unwanted actions is already able to stop them. And after they are carried out, such a command turns into a punishment.

If your pet has a stable psyche, more stringent measures will be required: a tug on the leash, a spank. A completely natural way for dogs is to grab him by the scruff of the neck and shake him. A sharp action must be accompanied by a command.

After your pet successfully completes the command, reward him with a treat.

At the beginning of the article, we already told you that a puppy can eat its own or other people’s excrement due to infection with helminths. What to do in this case?

An effective way to rid your pet of unwanted behavior is to treat the puppy for worms using a special anthelmintic drug.

To prevent the problem of perverted appetite in your puppy from returning, give him anthelmintic drug once every 3 months.

Many breeders, kennel owners and dog owners choose the broad-spectrum drug Prazitel to effectively solve the problem of helminth infection in puppies. Why do they choose Prazitel?

Prazitel is trusted by millions of dog owners

The drug is effective against all types of helminths

Prazitel has wide range actions against round (roundworms, toxacara, hookworm, uncinarium) and tapeworms (cucumber tapeworm, mesocestoids, echinococci, broad tapeworms) helminths at all stages of their development (eggs, larvae, adults).

The high effectiveness of the drug against helminths increases your chances in the fight to wean your puppy from eating its own excrement.

Safe for the puppy's body

Prazitel suspension has high degree cleaning. The higher the degree of purification of the drug, the safer its effect for the puppy’s young body. Prazitel is completely eliminated from the body 24 hours after using the drug.

A dog is a member of the family. She plays with the children, often licking everyone's hands, sometimes even their faces. It becomes unpleasant when an owner notices that their beloved pet is eating its own excrement. This behavior often occurs in small dogs. We need to figure out why dogs eat excrement and how to deal with it.

Coprophagia, what kind of disease is it and how is it dangerous?

Sometimes dog owners face big problem when their pet starts eating poop. This disease is called coprophagia. In the animal kingdom, feces eating is a common phenomenon. Looking at statistics, 80% of dogs periodically eat feces and only 16% do it constantly. This behavior is most observed in neutered males and females. Such behavior in animals is not considered a deviation - it is harmful and undesirable. There are several forms of coprophagia:

  • Eating the feces of other dogs is intraspecific coprophagia.
  • Eating your own feces is autocoprophagy.
  • When a pet eats human, cat, rabbit feces, chicken droppings, etc., this is interspecific coprophagy.

Miniature Poodles- the only dog ​​breed in the world that almost never does this.

Flies lay their larvae on excrement that sits for a long time. You can get infected by eating them various bacteria.

The puppy eats his own excrement, what is he missing?

Trying to figure it out and establish the cause, why do dogs eat feces, dog experts have come to the conclusion that several factors influence this.

If home the pet has been examined V veterinary clinic, and no deviations were found, you can begin the process of weaning yourself from the bad habit of eating feces. What advice do dog owners give on the forum:


Positive emotions, love and care from the owner will help the dog cope with the habit of eating animal excrement . Important for your dog- feel the owner's attention. In return for this you will receive obedience.

Sometimes it happens that during a walk you realize that the dog’s behavior is not entirely normal, as if something is bothering or bothering it. She may also eat something outside such as feces.

Why does a dog eat poop? What are the reasons for this phenomenon?

There is no limit to the surprise and indignation of owners when their beloved pet, with whom the whole family, including children, cuddles, kisses and hugs, eats excrement in front of their eyes. Of course, the first desire will be to drag the dog away from the “meal” and give it a good sleep. But let's figure out why a dog eats excrement. There are a number of reasons that prompt a dog to commit such a disgusting act in human eyes:

Cat “gifts”: why are dogs interested in them and why?

There is a dog cat excrement can start if both pets live in the same territory, and the puppy is still growing and lacks any elements for full development. To prevent this behavior, you can give a mineral-vitamin complex or fresh. Why does a dog try to eat cat excrement?

The second reason for this is the struggle for space. The cat marks the territory with feces, showing that he is the master of the house, the dog destroys these marks, thereby saying that this is not so. The only preventative measure may be to separate pets into different places.

Another reason for a bad deed

Why do dogs eat human excrement? This behavior may be due to concern for protecting the flock from external enemies living in the same territory. This situation is somewhat similar to caring for puppies.

What actions should be taken and why?

The dog starts eating its own excrement various reasons. We have already found this out. Now we need to decide this problem. How to do this? First of all, you need to understand: physical or psychological reasons became the beginning for such actions? Think carefully about how much time you spend with your dog and how often you play with it. Try taking a stick, ball or frisbee on your next walk and get her interested in playing. Remember what your first reaction was as soon as you saw that the dog was eating feces. You should not shout at her or poke her nose in the feces, since her first reaction, in order to avoid aggression on your part, will be to cover her tracks, that is, eat feces with special care and at a faster pace so that you do not notice. Train your dog. There are various special schools for this. If you decide to train a friend yourself, then replace the punishment with encouragement of some kind, then the training will bring joy and the result will be more successful. If you don’t like something in your dog’s behavior, try not to scream, but to distract him with some more exciting activity.

You can help the young mother with cleaning the den and pack the litter box for the puppies in a timely manner, then she will not have to clean up after them by eating excrement.

Analyze your pet’s diet and feed it a more varied diet; if it eats only dry food, introduce additional jelly complementary foods and vitamins, and give “natural” foods, for example, meat.