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Signs of food poisoning in children and possible causes. A child has been poisoned: what to do, how to treat

In children, this is a fairly common complaint from parents. However, in this case there is no need to panic, because this will frighten the child even more. Throw all your worries aside and act! All your actions should be aimed at providing the first medical care your child and remove toxic substances from his body.

Poisonous products can cause poisoning to a child.

Food poisoning is conventionally divided into 2 types. However, this conditional division does not reduce the danger to the child’s health. So, there are 2 types of food poisoning:

  1. Poisoning a child with poisonous products. Such poisoning can occur due to the child’s consumption of poisonous berries, mushrooms or plant seeds.
  2. Poisoning toxic substances. Such poisoning is understood as poisoning, as a result, containing pathogens and toxic substances.

I don’t even know if it can be said that poisoning with toxic substances is even worse than poisonous products, but it is a fact that such poisoning can lead to intoxication or some kind of pathology.

Do not confuse toxin poisoning with food poisoning. It differs from short poisoning incubation period. This infection not contagious, so it is safe to contact a child with toxoinfection. Most often, food poisoning occurs after consuming the following foods:

  • Eggs (especially if they have cracked shells or raw eggs)
  • Seafood
  • Sweets with cream
  • Greens and root vegetables

I think what to talk about salads and other finished products, located on supermarket shelves makes no sense at all, because... this food is a treasure for coli, salmonella and staphylococcus.

If your child feels fine after eating finished products from the supermarket, then you can consider it a miracle.

It is definitely difficult to prevent your child from eating just one serving of ice cream in the summer heat. And, strictly speaking, there is no need to do this. It is enough to simply be more careful when choosing a product.

When buying something for your child in a store, make sure that you are buying quality products and also pay attention to their expiration date. You can only rest easy knowing that your child is eating quality products that were manufactured by a reliable company in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

The most best prevention– the child with food prepared at home independently.

What symptoms indicate poisoning of a child?

An elevated temperature in a child is a sign of poisoning.

In case of poisoning, the child’s symptoms will appear unexpectedly with an increasing character, i.e. at first there may be nausea, which will be accompanied by vomiting, and will be accompanied by high fever, etc.

In case of mild poisoning, the child’s health may be satisfactory, but this does not mean that the signs of food poisoning will not progress in the future. It’s just that all the symptoms will appear gradually, depressing the baby’s body.

At the same time, with a complex form of poisoning, a child may experience infectious-toxic shock. In general, the symptoms of food poisoning in a child look like this:

  1. Profuse vomiting
  2. Stomach upset (it can be 15 or even more times in a day)
  3. Presence of blood clots, mucus, or green color in the feces
  4. Pale skin
  5. Dry mouth
  6. Increased heart rate and rapid breathing
  7. Lower blood pressure
  8. Concentrated urine, i.e. takes on a dark tint

Don't wait for symptoms to add up. After all, this can lead to dehydration of the body. The longer you delay seeing a doctor, the more harm you bring to your child's health.

How to provide first aid to a child in case of poisoning?

Every parent can provide first aid to their child at home. Help is provided in 4 stages:

Gastric lavage

Gastric lavage will help get rid of the remnants of junk food.

In addition to enterosorbents, you can also give your child Activated carbon. It is noteworthy that it can be given to children not only for food poisoning, but also for infectious disease., especially if it is found in .

For children who do not yet know how to take tablets, activated carbon can be crushed and diluted drinking water. This way you will get a suspension. The advantage of the suspension is that it is more effective compared to tablets, and is also absorbed much earlier than a tablet.

Today, there are a huge number of drugs available for children, which are available in the form of suspensions, powders and granules. All of them are perfectly soluble in water.

Regarding the dose, it is worth noting that it is calculated based on the child’s weight. Such information can be obtained by carefully studying the instructions supplied with the drug. You also need to pay attention to existing contraindications. Another one helpful information contained in the instructions are storage conditions.

In general, always read the instructions carefully and carry out medical procedure strictly follow the instructions and store medications according to the storage conditions specified in the instructions.

Since it is black in color, parents should not panic when they see black stool in their child.

Prevention of food poisoning in children

You must wash your hands before eating.

To prevent food poisoning in a child, you need to wash your hands more often, put away anything that could harm your child’s health and refuse raw water.

In this matter, you need to be not only attentive to the child’s actions, but also to yourself. For example:

  • Give your child only washed vegetables and
  • Wash your hands before preparing food
  • Monitor the expiration date of purchased products

In fact, this list can be very long, but the most important thing is to follow the rules of hygiene and monitor proper nutrition your child.

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Poisoning is acute illness, resulting from the penetration of a certain dose of toxins of biological or chemical origin into the child’s body.


Acute poisoning in children medical practice divided into many types of intoxication. The poison enters the body not only through the intestines, but also by airborne droplets , absorbed through the mucous membrane of the nasal pharynx.

Food poisoning in a child, this is the result of toxic products entering the gastrointestinal tract. Children are too susceptible to toxic substances that enter their bodies. Germs are the root cause of food poisoning and can provoke intestinal infection.

Food poisoning in children is often caused by the following foods:

  • meat products (mainly pates);
  • dairy products;
  • raw or improperly cooked eggs;
  • fish food;
  • salads seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Parents should pay attention to the smell, color and consistency of the product before feeding their baby.

In summer, cases of children being poisoned by plants and poisonous berries worsen, which occurs due to children's curiosity and desire to eat tempting foods. bright berry. In case of poisoning poisonous plants, the poison is instantly absorbed and a complex form of poisoning occurs.

Poisoning with mushrooms (for example, toadstools), which has a very complex course and symptoms, can occur even when consuming a small portion of mushrooms. Moms need to know that Vomiting in children can be caused by edible mushrooms, accumulating salts heavy metals . Unfortunately, today cases of poisoning by vegetables and fruits are becoming more frequent, since land treated with various pesticides and pesticides.


Medicines become the culprits of child poisoning if parents store home first aid kit in an accessible place. Children are often poisoned with pills when their mothers and fathers did not study the instructions and mixed up the dose.

List of the most dangerous drugs for children:

  • blood pressure medications and glycosides;
  • antidepressants and barbiturates;
  • medicines containing minerals;
  • psychotropic drugs.

Remember that all medications that were not prescribed by a doctor can harm the child!

Inhalation (gas)

Gas poisoning occurs quickly and easily due to the absence of odor and color characteristics. Gas intoxication is considered fatal if its concentration in the air exceeds 0.4%. The main reason Carbon monoxide or household monoxide poisoning is caused by improper operation of heating appliances.

Mostly cases of poisoning of children carbon monoxide occur during a fire. Thus, the gas can block the connection of hemoglobin with oxygen, and the airways are burned by hot air. Illuminating gas poisoning occurs when it leaks due to the carelessness of adults, if they did not close the stove damper in a room heated by a stove in a timely manner.


Poisonous chemicals can enter a child’s body through skin, mouth and respiratory organs. Any packaging or bright bottle that attracts a child’s eye can become a chemical poison. Full list It is difficult to list chemical substances that can provoke intoxication.

Intoxication is most often detected under the influence of:

  • vinegar essence;
  • boric acid;
  • resorcinol solution;
  • salicylic alcohol;
  • gasoline;
  • kerosene;
  • poisons for household and agricultural purposes.

Mass poisoning

With the arrival of summer, when we send our children to Kid `s camp, mass poisoning of children in these institutions is becoming more frequent. Mass poisoning of children is a consequence of the negligence and irresponsibility of the recreation center staff.

Basically, mass poisoning of children occurs due to poor quality food and water.

Who and what caused it is always investigated by the investigation, but, as a rule, to no avail! In case of mass admissions of patients, medical institutions have developed special treatment and providing necessary assistance. The treatment provided will depend on the severity of intoxication.


Symptoms of poisoning can be specific (in case of intoxication with poison or chemical substances) and non-specific, manifested in food intoxication:

  • drowsiness;
  • confused speech;
  • change in skin color;
  • heat;
  • increased heart rate;
  • nausea, etc.

The classic three for all types of poisoning are diarrhea, fever and gag reflexes.. Many parents ask: how long does a high temperature last during intoxication? If the fever persists for more than 3 days and is accompanied by severe symptoms, there is a possibility of complications.

Symptoms of poisoning are expressed depending on the dose of harmful substances that enter the child’s body.

On initial stage of poisoning, muted symptoms appear:

  • dry mouth;
  • temperature;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit.

At a complex stage of poisoning, patients experience symptoms such as impaired heart rhythm, disorientation, and increased excitability.

For poisoning poisonous mushrooms, at the expiration of latent period(from 6-24 hours) the following inherent signs:

  • tummy pain;
  • continuous vomiting and diarrhea;
  • dehydration;
  • impaired consciousness and even hallucinations.

Mushroom poisoning is sometimes accompanied by damage to the central nervous system, in which delirium appears and the pupils change. mushrooms and poisonous plants, as well as the first urgent Care may be different.

If the child has consumed sleeping pill, parents may observe that their baby is lethargic, lethargic and sleepy. If the patient is not given first aid, there is a possibility of coma.

Getting into the child's body antihistamines(Diphenhydramine, Suprastin), the harmful amount of which is only 2-5 tablets, is dangerous for the child’s body. In case of drug poisoning, the following symptoms are observed:

  • dry mouth;
  • the appearance of redness and dry skin;
  • motor and mental agitation;
  • increased heart rate.

If emergency assistance is not provided to the child in time, loss of consciousness may occur, convulsions may begin, and breathing may be impaired.

Unfortunately, Due to the irresponsibility of parents, many children end up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning. This also applies to medications containing alcohol. Symptoms in a child depend on how long the alcohol remains in the blood.

Commonly known symptoms alcohol poisoning are agitation, impaired self-control, salivation and vomiting with the smell of alcohol. Afterwards, signs such as mental confusion and lethargy appear.

If a child is poisoned by gasoline or kerosene, he may complain of pain and burning in the mouth and abdomen, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. A severe course is characterized by yellowness of the skin and enlarged liver. In case of poisoning through the skin, in the area where Chemical substance, the appearance of burns, abscesses and burning is observed.


For intestinal poisoning

Parents, If you find the first signs of poisoning in a child, the main thing is not to panic and take action! You are required to provide your baby with first aid. Treatment should begin at the first suspicion of intoxication.

First aid

Emergency care for poisoning through the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Call immediately Ambulance"! When you call the team, you may be connected to a poison control center, where you will be advised.
  2. Provide your baby with constant observation and a comfortable position until doctors arrive. If there is vomiting, sit or place the child on your lap, head down, and place a basin. If there is no consciousness, turn the baby onto his side. To prevent vomit from interfering with your child’s breathing, you can wrap your finger in a handkerchief and cleanse the mouth of vomit.
  3. Try to determine what the child was poisoned with. If the child is able to explain something, ask what he ate. pay attention to possible odors, spots, redness or burns on the skin.
  4. Close monitoring of the baby and a clear description of all changes in his condition are necessary. This will help doctors quickly identify the causative agent of intoxication and your child will be provided with the first emergency qualified assistance according to the type of poisoning.

Gastric lavage

Gastric lavage is the first step in removing toxins, but treatment with this method can only be done on a newborn in a hospital or under the supervision of a doctor at home. Treating the stomach with lavage is effective only within a few hours after toxins enter the body.

Remember the contraindications:

  • do not induce vomiting when the baby is unconscious;
  • do not give carbonated drinks or mineral water;
  • Do not rinse the stomach for burns of the larynx and gastrointestinal tract caused by poisoning with kerosene, gasoline, acid or alkali!

At home you can cleanse your baby's stomach boiled water, the temperature of which should be 36-37C. Required amount of liquid by age categories of children:

  • for a child over 1 year old – about 1 liter;
  • in preschool age – 3-5 years;
  • for a schoolchild – 6-7 years;
  • for a teenager you need 8 liters. water.

Normal stomach reaction to drinking plenty of fluids- vomit. This procedure should be done from 2 to 5 repetitions. If there is no vomiting, lavage should be carried out in a hospital setting using a nasogastric tube.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon is popular in use both for poisoning and for other gastrointestinal diseases. At home, activated carbon is an indispensable emergency aid for a child, since it is always available in the first aid kit.

Activated carbon is taken orally, and the tablet must be crushed for the baby and diluted with water. Activated carbon can be given to a child in proportion, depending on his weight: 0.05 g. medications/1kg body weight. Activated carbon should be taken 3 times a day. Maximum dose application of the product is 0.2 mg/1 kg of weight. Treatment of children with sorbent lasts about 3-5 days.

Activated carbon is contraindicated to give to children with stomach or intestinal ulcers.

When taking this remedy, keep in mind that after drinking activated carbon, you need to take 2-hour breaks before eating, otherwise the treatment will not be effective. Activated charcoal can also stop diarrhea in children, as it removes excess fluid from the body.

Breasts can be given activated carbon in the form of granules, paste or powder form. Became more popular modern drugs, For example , Sorbex. Smecta can also be given to your baby to relieve diarrhea and bloating.

Please note that activated carbon can be different weights, so be sure to read the instructions.

Fighting dehydration

  • Read also:

If your child has excessive vomiting and diarrhea, To avoid dehydration, desoldering is necessary. You can treat it at home with boiled water, rice water, or give your baby Regidron solution. Children can also be given Humana Electrolyte (1 sachet per 250 ml of water).


At acute period diseases when the child has a high fever, vomiting and poor appetite, a light diet is required. A diet for poisoning is the second stage of helping your child deal with the problem.. In such a situation, a child can eat easily digestible food.

The diet involves preparing liquid or semi-liquid foods. You can eat vegetables and cereals, boiled and mashed to a soft consistency. The patient should eat meat and fish in the form of a soufflé. The diet should include the consumption of canned meat and vegetables for baby food.

The foundation on which it is built therapeutic diet– drinking plenty of fluids. If the baby elevated temperature And bad feeling, doctors recommend dividing the baby’s feedings approximately 7 times.

You can't force a child to eat!

Many parents wonder: what to feed their child after poisoning? The diet after vomiting for 1-3 weeks should include foods enriched with proteins and vitamins, and exclude fats and carbohydrates from the diet. Nutrition infant- This is mother's milk.

What products can be included in baby food? Low-fat kefir, curdled milk, natural yoghurts, buckwheat, boiled chicken and low-fat fish - a perfectly composed diet!

Parents are advised to consult with a specialist who will advise which foods are best to include in your little one’s diet. After all, nutrition should be prepared based on which department digestive tract was affected by toxins.

For gas poisoning

Poisoning with various gaseous substances (carbon monoxide, ammonia, bromine vapor, sulfur dioxide, etc.) occurs, but most cases occur due to carbon monoxide poisoning.

Urgent Care

First urgent measure adults - taking the injured child outside to give him the opportunity to breathe freely! Then make sure your baby is comfortable horizontal position and remove tight clothing.

The second urgent measure is to rub the child’s body and wrap it warmly.. Afterwards, lay the baby on his side to prevent his tongue from sticking. If necessary (if not available), begin artificial respiration. It is better to do it using the mouth-to-mouth method, which is the most effective. Arriving doctors will prescribe treatment, taking into account the severity of the poisoning.

If a chemical substance has affected areas of the baby’s skin, then the first emergency aid required from adults is as follows:

  • It is necessary to remove all dirty clothes and shoes from the child
  • Rinse the affected area with plenty of water!


The issue of hospitalization is decided upon the arrival of the ambulance team. It is allowed to treat the baby at home if there is no threat to health. At the hospital he will be given necessary treatment, aimed at instantly removing toxins from the body. For example, diarrhea or vomiting can be treated at home, as can mild food poisoning.


Prevention of poisoning in childhood should be carried out both in educational institutions and at home. Prevention from moms and dads is as follows:

  1. medicines, cosmetics and household chemicals must be stored out of the reach of children;
  2. teach your child the rules of hygiene;
  3. watch your baby so that he doesn’t eat something suspicious;
  4. do not overfill medications or medications in regular bags;
  5. Talk to your children about the dangers of alcoholic beverages.
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Food poisoning in children is not uncommon. Intoxication in children is diagnosed more often than in adults. How does poisoning occur in a baby, and what can be done to help him?

Reasons and features

Food poisoning – intoxication resulting from eating food Bad quality with the presence of pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins. Food intoxication is divided into two types.


  • Infectious. It occurs as a result of the penetration of harmful bacteria into the body and the spread of their toxic waste.
  • Non-infectious. This type of overdose occurs as a result of eating poisonous plants, berries, vegetables and fruits, and medications.

Why is development possible? unpleasant symptoms?


  1. Products with expired suitability,
  2. Prepared dishes in violation of technology,
  3. Poorly washed or processed fruits and vegetables,
  4. Improper food storage.

The most common poisoning in children occurs in summer time and in the first month of autumn. Toddlers are more susceptible various diseases than adults. Food intoxication in children has certain characteristics and can occur in a more severe form than in an adult.

Why is it more difficult:

  • The liver is underdeveloped and is not able to get rid of toxins in full,
  • Gastric secretion has low acidity, which opens access to the body of pathological microorganisms,
  • The intestinal microflora is not fully formed and is subject to frequent disturbances,
  • In childhood, the kidneys are not able to fully filter negative substances.

These factors lead to the fact that poisoning in children develops more often and is more severe, with adverse consequences occurring.

Manifestations of poisoning and stages

How does food poisoning manifest in children? What is it recommended for parents to pay attention to in order to provide their child with the required help in time?

Symptoms of poisoning develop quite quickly, often the first signs appear half an hour after poisoning. The child has nausea, vomiting, poor health, painful sensations in the stomach and head.

There are several stages in the development of food poisoning. Each of them is characterized by the presence of certain symptoms.


  1. No symptoms. This stage lasts from half an hour to a day after taking a low-quality product. The baby may have apathy, weakness, lack of appetite, and increased sweating.
  2. The toxic substance gradually penetrates into the blood, and the first symptoms of food poisoning in the child are noted.

What happens:

  • Nausea, urge to vomit,
  • Headache,
  • Dizziness,
  • Pallor of the epidermis,
  • Increased body temperature
  • Lack of appetite,
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen,
  • Dry skin,
  • Strong desire to drink
  • Low pressure,
  • intestinal disorder,
  • Availability in stool blood, mucus,
  • Darkening of urine
  • Respiratory disorder
  • The appearance of seizures
  • Coma.

Depending on the cause of poisoning, symptoms appear different signs. Duration this stage sometimes reaches six days.

Recovery phase. This stage is characterized by normalization of the body's functionality. Unpleasant sensations persist for several days.

The occurrence of signs of food poisoning in a child requires careful attention and a mandatory visit to a medical facility.

First aid for food poisoning in a child

If unpleasant symptoms are detected in a child, you need to call medical worker. Before his birth, the baby is given first aid at home.

If the child is under one year old, then self-medication and assistance in case of poisoning at home cannot be carried out. For children under three years of age, therapy is carried out in a medical setting.

What to do:

  1. The baby is provided with rest, placed on his side, making sure that he does not choke on vomit,
  2. If there is vomiting, do not stop it so that the body gets rid of the toxic substance on its own,
  3. Perform gastric lavage using warm water with a dissolved spoon of soda (the product is not used in children under five years old),
  4. The gag reflex is provoked by pressing on the root of the tongue,
  5. After cleansing the stomach, the little patient is given Smecta, Enterosgel.

After first aid in case of poisoning, the patient is taken to medical institution for further treatment.

Further treatment at home

If poisoning occurs in mild degree and occurs in a child over three years of age, then treatment can be carried out at home. It includes a set of actions that help quickly normalize the functionality of all systems.


  • For normalization water-salt balance in the body it is recommended to give the victim a remedy. It is recommended to use the product one or two spoons every ten minutes. If the drug is not available, you can use folk recipe– Stir sugar, salt and soda in a liter of water in a ratio of 2/1/1. Ready-made drinks are offered to the child in small portions, but often.
  • In cases of poisoning, the use of sorbents to quickly remove toxins from the body is a necessity. Such substances help reduce the absorption of poison and promote its elimination. In childhood it is allowed to use,.
  • After the gag reflex stops, you can take medications with probiotics. Medicines will help restore intestinal microflora, normalize digestion, and help speed up recovery. Children are allowed to give Linex, Acipol.

There are some limitations when treating at home.


  1. Do not use antibiotics on your own
  2. Before taking sorbents, it is recommended to consult a medical professional,
  3. Conduct self-treatment in children under three years of age,
  4. Use for treatment antiemetics and medications to relieve diarrhea.

Proper treatment at home leads to a quick recovery.

Drinking and nutrition during intoxication

Food poisoning is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, which leads to dehydration. Replenishing the required amount of fluid is a necessity for such intoxications. It is recommended to give the child more liquids in small portions.

What you can do:

  • Rose hip decoction,
  • Rice water,
  • weak tea,
  • Still water,
  • Medicines aimed at restoring water and salt balance.

The amount of liquid is calculated based on the weight of a small patient - up to 200 ml is required per kilogram of weight. Water mode Follow until vomiting and diarrhea stop.

In case of poisoning, adhere to special diet. All foods that can cause stomach irritation are removed from the diet. You should not eat for the first few hours after first aid procedures. They gradually switch to a gentle diet - foods should be pureed, not fatty, not fried or smoked. The baby should eat up to seven times a day in small portions. Bread products and milk are prohibited.

Many parents wonder what to feed their child during recovery period? What can you eat?

It is permissible to include vegetable broths, liquid porridges, pureed boiled meat, and mashed potatoes without milk in the diet. Will be useful dairy products, they have a beneficial effect on the condition of the stomach and intestines. This is what a baby can eat after poisoning.

Proper nutrition is observed for a couple of weeks. It is not allowed to eat sweets, smoked foods, fried foods, marinades, raw vegetables and fruits.

Methods for preventing intoxication

Food poisoning in a child brings a lot of negative feelings. To avoid similar cases, it is recommended to adhere to certain preventive actions.


  1. Children need to be taught hygiene, washing their hands more often,
  2. Prepare food in clean rooms, in clean dishes and clean equipment,
  3. It is good to process fruits and vegetables, meat,
  4. Do not give children food with blood (steaks),
  5. Monitor expiration dates on products
  6. Monitor your child and prevent them from eating suspicious foods and dishes.

Food poisoning in children is diagnosed quite often. Parents should not panic; they must provide first aid to the injured child and visit a medical facility. It is possible to avoid food intoxication by following preventive measures.

Video from Dr. Komarovsky about food poisoning in a baby

Food poisoning in a child is not such a rare occurrence, this is due to the fact that children often put things into their mouths that they should not, and in addition, their body is weaker than that of an adult and is more susceptible to damage by harmful bacteria. It is important to comply. In order to avoid any complications, every parent should know how to provide first aid when a child is diagnosed with a toxic infection, and how to proceed further.

Features of toxic infection in children

Food poisoning is the ingestion of harmful bacteria contained in spoiled foods of plant, animal and chemical origin.

The process of development of poisoning can be divided into three stages:

Latency is the period that passes from the moment harmful bacteria enter the body until they begin to penetrate the walls of the stomach and intestines, thereby causing the first symptoms of food poisoning. This stage is the most favorable to provide first aid and try to prevent the development of the disease.

Toxigenic - the stage when the symptoms of poisoning begin to manifest themselves in full. When they are first detected, it is immediately necessary to provide the necessary treatment, in the form of gastric lavage, cleansing enemas, medication, and a special diet. If the stage of poisoning has gone too far, then in this case it is necessary to contact a medical institution for help.

Recovery - after ridding the body of harmful substances, it needs time to recover from the shock it has experienced.

Causes of childhood food poisoning

In order to avoid the appearance of symptoms and treatment of poisoning in a child, you must first know in what ways you can get sick:

  • Eating products who have expired or are subject to improper storage. In them, especially in dairy ones, they begin to develop pests, which and cause poisoning.
  • Eating foods that have not undergone the necessary processing, for example, meat or fish.
  • Eating mushrooms, plants or berries that are unsuitable for food.
  • Accidental ingestion of any chemical substances into the body with food.

Signs of food poisoning

Symptoms of poisoning in a child appear within a few hours after consuming the forbidden product:

  • First of all, the unrest begins in digestive system, which after poisoning provokes frequent diarrhea or vomiting, there are cases of them simultaneous appearance. The stool may be mixed with mucus.
  • Feel in the stomach painful sensations, especially in the stomach area.
  • Getting worse general state feeling of well-being, weakness, drowsiness, loss of appetite appears.
  • If vomiting and diarrhea occur frequently, dehydration may occur, which is expressed by sharper facial features and dry skin. In addition, convulsions may occur. You can read about what to do if a child is vomiting in the article:.

Depending on the type and degree of poisoning, the duration of symptoms depends, which may pass in a couple of days, or may develop serious complications health, even death.

First aid

What to do if a child is poisoned at home, immediately after it is detected:

  • First, you need to provide constant drinking in order to avoid dehydration in case of poisoning. This should be clean, boiled water at room temperature. Children over 5 years old can be given decoctions of chamomile, rose hips or tea.
  • Next you need to give sorbents, this can be activated carbon, which absorbs harmful substances and calmly removes them from the body. However, taking sorbents is prohibited if there is stomach bleeding or intestinal obstruction.
  • It is also necessary to carefully monitor your diet during this period. On the first day, it is better to refrain from eating. The next day you can start giving crackers, porridge with water, light broths, teas, medicinal decoctions or plain water. It is better to stick to this diet for several days, carefully returning to the previous one, excluding, accordingly, foods that can cause poisoning.

It should be remembered that during the treatment of poisoning, it is better not to resort to those medications and products that can harden the stool. It is better if all harmful substances leave the body naturally, because this is why it turns on protective function in the form of diarrhea or nausea.

Medicines to treat food poisoning in children

To speed up the treatment process for food poisoning in children, you can take special medications.


Currently, many medications have been created aimed at getting rid of the symptoms of poisoning, as well as restoring the body, which are also suitable for children, for example:

  • Regidron - suitable for getting rid of diarrhea and vomiting, is available in the form of a powder, which must be diluted in warm, clean water and the child given this solution to drink throughout the day.
  • Smecta is also available in powder form, which must be drunk several times a day for 3–7 days, depending on the severity of the poisoning.
  • Lactofiltrum - available in tablets, restores intestinal health.

The main thing to remember is that any medicine has its contraindications for use and age restrictions, therefore, before use, you must carefully read the instructions, which also indicate the method of use and dosage.


Sorbents are medications that are taken during treatment operational assistance, before the arrival of doctors or before the provision of basic treatment. They are able to absorb everything harmful bacteria and remove them from the body.

In addition to coal, there are a number of other sorbents, for example, Enterosgel - paste for oral administration, Sorbex, Atoxil. The main thing when purchasing medications is to also pay attention to the expiration date of the drug.


Probiotics are called medications, containing one or more beneficial bacteria, which, after entering the body, remain in it and begin to conduct useful life activities, fighting harmful organisms.

Probiotics include drugs such as acylact, lactobacterin, biobacton, probifor.


Taking antibiotics when treating food poisoning in a child at home is excluded. Similar medicines can only be prescribed by the attending physician if the disease has reached a serious stage of complications, and after weighing the pros and cons, it was decided that the harm caused children's body, will be lower than developing complications.

Drugs are prescribed based on individual characteristics patient, it could be: ersefuril, phthalazole, cefix.

The use of enemas for food poisoning

Sometimes, it becomes necessary to rinse not only the stomach, but also the intestines in order to get rid of the toxins located there. To do this, you can resort to an enema.

The essence of an enema is that a special solution is injected into the intestines using a special device. This solution lingers in the body for a short time, and then, leaving it, washes away all the decay products inside. In order to give an enema to children, you need to seek the help of a person experienced in these matters, as damage can be caused.

To properly administer an enema, you need to follow a certain algorithm:

  • A rubber bulb of suitable size (check with the pharmacy) must be boiled in clean water for half an hour for disinfection.
  • Hands should be washed thoroughly; you can wear medical gloves.
  • The child fits into correct position, if it is a newborn, then on his back, having first placed a diaper or diaper under him. If we are talking about an adult child, then he should lie on his side, pulling his legs to his chest.
  • You need to put warm water in the pear clean water or prepared solution.
  • The enema tip must be lubricated with special Vaseline.
  • Having pulled the baby's legs towards the stomach, you need to carefully insert the tip into the anus 3-4 cm. First, you need to release the air from the bulb by pressing on it. As for adult children, the procedure is carried out in the same way, only they bent their legs on their own.
  • The contents of the enema should be administered while the child inhales, slowly pressing it.

It is necessary for the child to be patient and then go to the toilet or potty. If we are talking about a baby, then you need to squeeze the buttocks so that the liquid does not come out immediately, since he does not yet know how to endure it on his own.

If the emptying went well, the procedure is repeated. After this, the child is washed and dressed in clean linen.

Traditional methods of treating food poisoning in children

When treating food poisoning in a child, you can use proven folk recipes:

  • You can get rid of nausea in case of poisoning with ginger tea. To do this, you just need to pour boiling water over ginger, and then brew tea in this water.
  • In addition, you can give your child decoctions of chamomile, dill, rose hips or wormwood.
  • Honey is good antibacterial agent, it can be given in pure form, or can be diluted in water or tea.
  • You can give children a decoction of oat flakes. To do this, they need to be boiled in large quantities water, then strain the resulting mixture. The same principle is used to prepare.
  • Ginger helps a lot. A teaspoon of a young plant is poured with boiling water and infused for up to 5 minutes. The resulting infusion should be drunk every hour, 1 teaspoon.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Self-medication is not always a good idea; in some cases it is still better to seek help from a specialist:

  • if poisoning occurs in a newborn, then you must call a doctor, since at this time he should always be under the supervision of an experienced medical professional. personnel;
  • poisoning occurred due to the consumption of mushrooms, or poisonous berries, as well as chemicals;
  • vomiting in case of poisoning continues for several hours;
  • a certain amount of blood was found in the vomit or stool;
  • well-being after poisoning does not improve the next day or every other day;
  • Symptoms of poisoning such as nausea and diarrhea also do not go away for more than three days.


In order to avoid food poisoning in children, parents just need to follow simple rules:

  • Handle food correctly, do not leave meat or fish undercooked or undercooked.
  • Always check the expiration dates of products given to your child, and also follow the rules for storing them.
  • Teach from childhood which berries you can eat and which you can’t. It will be better if he first brings them for inspection. If there are doubts about the quality and type of mushrooms, then children should not be given them at all.
  • Accustom your child to personal hygiene.

The health of children directly depends on the attitude of their parents and how responsibly they approach what they eat. And also, if the rules of cleanliness are instilled in children from an early age and their horizons about plants are broadened, then they themselves will also be able to avoid an unpleasant situation.

– acute infectious-toxic damage that occurs as a result of eating poor-quality foods containing pathogens and their toxins, plant or other poisons. Food poisoning in a child is manifested by diarrhea, vomiting, fever, intoxication, and dehydration. Diagnosis of food poisoning in children involves clarifying the epidemiological history; identification of pathogen or toxin in blood, feces, vomit, food samples. Treatment of food poisoning in children requires immediate gastric lavage or a cleansing enema, taking enterosorbents, and rehydration.

In case of food poisoning from poisonous plants, a child’s central nervous system is often affected, which can manifest itself as lethargy, euphoria, hallucinations, visual impairment, speech disorders, convulsions, and coma. In case of toxic effects on cardiovascular system tachycardia or bradycardia, arrhythmia, and arterial hypotension occur. Most plants primarily affect the gastrointestinal tract, which makes food poisoning in a child less dangerous.

Food poisoning of a child by mushrooms always occurs due to the fault of adults who allow the consumption of unknown or dubious “gifts of the forest.” Poisoning with toadstool is accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting, intestinal colic, cholera-like diarrhea mixed with blood, convulsions, respiratory distress. The action of the poison leads to the development of toxic hepatitis, and in 90% of cases - to fatal outcome due to acute liver failure.

When poisoned by fly agaric mushrooms, increased salivation, vomiting, shortness of breath, bronchospasm, hallucinations, convulsive syndrome. The mortality rate for fly agaric poisoning is 1%. The clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of botulism can be found here.

Diagnosis of food poisoning in a child

Food poisoning in a child can usually be diagnosed by a pediatrician or pediatric infectious disease specialist. Diagnosis of food poisoning in a child is facilitated by clarifying the epidemiological history, a typical clinical picture, an indication of group cases of poisoning of persons who ate the same food.

Specific diagnostic tests include isolating the pathogen from bacteriological culture feces, vomit, gastric lavage, remnants of contaminated product. If a generalized form of infection is suspected, a blood culture is performed. In case of mass outbreaks of foodborne toxic infections in children's groups, kitchen workers are subject to examination, from whom swabs are taken from the hands, nasopharynx, and rectum. Express methods for identifying the pathogen (RIF, ELISA, PCR) are of auxiliary value.

In some cases, a child with food poisoning may need to consult a pediatric neurologist,

It is advisable to abstain from eating for 12–24 hours. After the vomiting stops, the child is recommended to have a gentle diet (liquid cereals, slimy soups, crackers, compotes, kefir).

In case of poisoning with toadstool, a child requires emergency extracorporeal hemocorrection (hemosorption).

Prognosis and prevention of food poisoning in children

Food poisoning in a child, occurring in the lungs or medium degree severity usually ends with complete recovery. The consequences of food poisoning in a child can be various dysfunctions of organs and systems. Yes, the outcome food poisoning often serves as dysbiosis, and mushroom poisoning - kidney and liver failure. In case of severe food poisoning, a child may develop severe multiple organ failure, requiring intensive care. With toxic infections, the mortality rate is low (about 1%), which cannot be said about mushroom poisoning.

Prevention of food poisoning in children dictates the need proper storage and conducting adequate heat treatment food products, drinking only boiled water, thoroughly washing hands and food under running water. Regular hygienic examination of persons working in children's kitchens and catering is necessary; preventing workers with pustular skin diseases (pyoderma) and infections from entering the catering department respiratory tract, intestinal infections.

It is necessary to introduce children to poisonous plants and mushrooms, and strictly prohibit them from eating unknown berries, fruits, seeds, etc.