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What are the benefits of viburnum grains? The benefits and harms of viburnum: let's look at the facts. Calorie content, composition and scope of application of viburnum: a healthy, bitter, bright berry. How to treat a cold with viburnum

Viburnum has long enjoyed a special favor among the Russian people, because this berry is truly unique. All parts of the plant have healing properties, not just the fruits. Many people do not know that berry seeds are also valuable for the human body. It turns out they do. So today we are talking about the properties of the viburnum seed - we will tell you what health benefits and harms they cause. This is the topic of our discussion today. “Popular about health” will tell you what valuable things are contained inside small heart-shaped nucleoli.

Viburnum seeds - composition

Inside the small nuclei there are substances valuable for the body. For example, organic acids. With their deficiency, our body cannot fully function, numerous processes occurring in it slow down. Tannins were found in drupes. They have astringent properties. Pectin fibers found in viburnum kernels cleanse the intestines. There are also many vitamins, including retinol and tocopherol.

Health benefits of viburnum seeds

Viburnum seeds have an unusual shape - they resemble a heart. This is probably not without reason, since they contain substances that can strengthen the heart muscle and heal blood vessels. When using drupes internally, it is noted diuretic effect, so those who suffer from swelling should pay attention to this natural gift.

Pectin contained in viburnum kernels perfectly cleanses the intestines of toxins and improves peristalsis. Pectin fibers help form normal microflora in the intestines. Viburnum seed oil has regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is used in medicine to treat skin diseases, as well as hemorrhoids and female ailments (this oil is one of the components of suppositories).

At different infectious diseases accompanied by fever will also be useful bones viburnum. They promote increased sweating. And the seeds of these berries also benefit hypertensive patients. At regular use Drupes in the form of decoctions or powders stabilize the pressure. That is why it is recommended to take these drugs orally when there is a threat of stroke and for its prevention.

It is known that viburnum seeds help break down and remove sand and small stones from the kidneys, gall and bladder. It’s amazing that such small grains, which many throw away, contain such benefits for the body!

Viburnum seeds - harm to the human body

Some people should still not eat viburnum seeds, as they can cause deterioration in their health. Let's look at the contraindications to this product:

1. Allergy.
2. Pregnancy (drupes can tone the uterine muscles).
3. Low blood pressure.
4. Ulcer and gastritis with high acidity.
5. Increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis.

Attention! Even if you have no contraindications to eating viburnum seeds, do not eat them in large quantities, as this can lead to intestinal upset.

How to take bones?

There are several ways to take berry seeds internally.

1. They are dried well and then ground in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder is consumed by diluting with water.

2. A decoction or infusion is prepared from the drupes (this remedy is often prepared together with the pulp of the berries).

Let's look at several recipes with viburnum seeds.

From high blood pressure

You will need 500 grams of berries along with drupes, and the same amount of honey. The fruits must be ground in a meat grinder and combined with honey, add 15 ml of cognac to the mass and mix. This medicine should be stored in the refrigerator. Take when high blood pressure a teaspoon three times a day.

Antipyretic for colds

Brew 20 grams of seeds with a glass of boiling water, simmer them over very low heat for 10 minutes. Remove from the stove, pour into a thermos and close the lid. After steeping for an hour, drink half a glass in the morning and evening. This decoction also has an anti-inflammatory effect, so recovery occurs faster.

Alcohol tincture fortifying

Fill the jar to the top with viburnum berries along with the seeds, after washing them with water. Pour high-quality vodka over the fruits and seal the container. You need to infuse the product in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then the medicine is filtered, and the berries are squeezed well. The result is a tincture that is recommended to be taken for furunculosis, weakened immunity, and high blood pressure. You need to drink it one teaspoon in the morning and evening.

Reference. An alcohol tincture is not suitable for people who drive a car, so in this case it is better to take a decoction or water infusion of viburnum seeds.


Take 500 g of drupes, pour a liter of boiling water, immediately cover the container with a lid and wrap it well. Let the product infuse until it cools completely. Drain the infusion through a sieve or cheesecloth into a separate bowl. Take half a glass twice a day.

What are the health benefits of viburnum seeds? They lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients, cleanse the intestines, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, relieve fever, inflammation, and promote fast healing damaged tissues. However, only those who use it in moderation and have no contraindications will benefit from this product.

Viburnum is not only beautiful, but also quite useful plant. It is very often used in folk medicine, cosmetology, cooking. This plant is very often used to treat headaches, insomnia, atherosclerosis, colds, hypertension, skin rashes etc.

Very often, viburnum is used for cosmetic purposes to whiten the face. With its help, the fight against age spots, acne, dermatitis.


. With their help you can get rid of sand and small stones in the kidneys or gall bladder. To do this, patients need to take ten seeds daily. However, they must be taken one at a time throughout the day. If you eat all the seeds at one time, this can negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Viburnum seeds are a natural antioxidant, which helps remove toxins and waste from the body.

In order to improve heart function, viburnum seeds, which have a bone core, are taken. A decoction of the seeds is often taken as a diaphoretic. A decoction or infusion of viburnum seeds is very often used to treat sclerosis, seizures, tuberculosis, liver disease, kidney disease or gastrointestinal tract.

In order for the heart-shaped seeds of viburnum to be useful:

  • They need to be fried.
  • After this, the viburnum seeds are passed through a coffee grinder.
  • You can use this powder instead of coffee. Even children can drink this drink.
  • It is especially useful for those people who suffer from high blood pressure.
  • Viburnum seeds are also widely used for bleeding, colds, bronchial asthma, neuroses, etc.

to his appearance resembles a heart. And this is not surprising, because with its help you can significantly improve the functioning of the heart. The viburnum seed contains a large number of microelements, with the help of which the functioning of our body is significantly improved. The bones also have a positive effect on increasing urination, as well as reducing swelling. Viburnum seeds are often called a natural cleanser, as they are able to strengthen the intestinal microflora. With their help, you can significantly increase the rate of blood absorption, as well as strengthen the muscles of the stomach.

Viburnum seeds have a bitter taste. To soften it, the bones must be kept in boiling water for 6-7 minutes.

Collection and storage of viburnum seeds:

  • The seeds must be collected in October-November. And they need to be dried in the shade under a canopy so that they do not lose their healing properties.
  • The seeds are stored in paper bags.
  • The shelf life of these traditional medicines is one year.
  • After a year will pass You can eat viburnum seeds, but they no longer have the same healing power.

Recipes for preparing medicines from viburnum seeds for medicinal purposes

In order to get rid of pressure surges, you need to drink viburnum infusion daily. For this:

  1. The berries of this plant are taken along with the seeds and ground in a meat grinder.
  2. You need to take one kilogram of berries with seeds and mix with one kilogram of honey.
  3. 5010 milliliters of real cognac are also added here.
  4. This medicine must be taken one tablespoon three times a day.
  5. With the help of this medicine you can very quickly and effectively normalize blood pressure.

In this treatment6, the main component for the treatment of hypertension is viburnum, namely berries and seeds. Honey is used for the general health of the human body. Cognac is used to significantly extend the shelf life of the tincture.

In order to reduce fever or remove inflammation, they are used. The decoction is also highly effective in combating various colds.

To prepare the decoction you need%

  1. Take 50 grams of viburnum berries with seeds and pour 200 milliliters of boiling water.
  2. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  3. It is necessary to take the decoction after it has cooled.
  4. This medicine is taken with meals (one tablespoon three times a day).

To treat furunculosis, an infusion of viburnum berries, which are taken along with the seeds, is often used. To do this you need to pour 100 grams of viburnum berries cold water in an amount of one liter. It must be infused for two weeks. The infusion is taken three times a day, one tablespoon with meals. Also this medicinal product highly effective at oncological diseases and pain in the heart area.

Acute respiratory viral infections can be treated with dried berries with a bone.

To do this you need:

  1. Grind a small amount of dried berries together with seeds and add 250 milliliters of boiled water.
  2. The tincture must be kept for three hours, and then strained.
  3. Drink this medicine You need one tablespoon three times a day.
  4. This tincture is also used as a gargle for various throat diseases.

For intestinal disorders, you should drink tea made from dry viburnum berries with seeds. Its preparation is quite simple. To do this, place a pinch of dried berries in a cup and pour boiling water over it. The tea must be steeped for three minutes. You need to drink it hot.

If the patient suffers from hemorrhoids, painful menstruation or uterine bleeding, then he needs to consume alcohol tincture from viburnum:

  1. To do this, you need to pour 100 grams of viburnum bark or seeds with 50 percent alcohol and leave for a week in a cool place.
  2. The tincture is taken 2-3 times a day.
  3. You should consume no more than 30 grams of this folk medicine at one time.

Viburnum seeds are widely used in cosmetology. They have a very good effect on the skin, removing various impurities from it and giving uniform color. Viburnum seeds are widely used to treat skin diseases such as eczema, skin tuberculosis, allergies, scrofula, lichen, etc. A decoction is made from the seeds, which is taken orally and is also used to wipe the affected areas of the skin.

Viburnum seeds are widely used for excessive sweating of the feet, palms, armpits, etc.

To do this, use a decoction of the seeds. To prepare it you need:

  • Pour 1 tablespoon of berries with seeds or just seeds into one glass of cold water.
  • This mixture must be boiled for 10 minutes and cooled.
  • This infusion should be used to wipe your armpits, feet or palms several times a day.

Viburnum seeds are widely used to cleanse facial skin. To do this, the seeds must be ground in a coffee grinder and mixed with liquid soap. This scrub should be used to cleanse your face once or twice a week. Very often, viburnum seeds are used to make masks. The most common is a mask made from honey and ground seeds. It must be used at least once a week. This mixture can whiten the skin and make it healthy.

For treatment acne An infusion of viburnum seeds is used.

To prepare it, you need to take 10 grams of the berries of this plant along with the seeds and pour one glass of boiling water. You need to drink a whole glass of this infusion a day in three doses. It is also necessary to lubricate acne with this infusion 3-4 times a day.

Contraindications to treatment with viburnum

Viburnum seeds have a high effect on the human body. However, not everyone can use the fruits of this plant to treat various diseases. When consuming viburnum seeds, do not overdo it.

Excessive use this plant in medicinal purposes may cause a rash on the body.

Viburnum juice is an analogue female hormones, therefore, consuming it during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. At increased content hormones in the blood of a pregnant woman, the fetus may experience various pathologies. You can use the seeds as a traditional medicine, but only after a doctor’s permission.

People who suffer from low blood pressure should also not get carried away. Taking it may cause fainting in such patients.

People who are at risk of developing blood clots are strictly prohibited from consuming viburnum.

If the acidity of the stomach increases, also use this plant as a medicinal drug not worth it. If you have gout, you should also not consume viburnum, as it contains a large amount of organic acids.

Viburnum is prohibited for use by people who suffer from thrombophlebitis or leukemia. It is also prohibited to use this plant for people who suffer from various kidney diseases.

More information can be found in the video.

Perhaps it’s not news to anyone that there is practically no plant in Russia that is more beneficial to health than viburnum. And berries burning with red lights, and bark rich in tannins, and snow-white flower petals, and even seeds - everything benefits a person both in folk and in

On the Internet you can find a lot of varied and sometimes contradictory (possible use for hypertensive patients) information about this plant. Today we will put everything on the shelves. Let's start with the most medicinal part of the bush - the bark.

The richest uses of viburnum bark

Decoctions and infusions of bark are the most effective means fight against illnesses. It’s easier to buy it at the pharmacy, but if you have your own garden, then prepare it yourself. This should be done in early spring, when the sap is moving intensively through the tree. After careful cutting, the medicinal raw material should be dried in the shade, for example under a canopy or in a well-ventilated veranda.

And now you have a most valuable and environmentally friendly product ready.

One of the most important effects: hemostatic. Thanks to him, a decoction of viburnum bark has long been used in obstetrics and gynecological practice. At uterine bleeding after childbirth, painful and heavy menstruation, menopause.

A decoction of the bark also helps with periodontal disease, nosebleeds, and hemorrhoids.

For skin diseases, doctors often prescribe lotions and baths of healing decoction: scrofula, allergic rashes, diathesis. It is also useful to drink the decoction.

A miraculous decoction will help cope with nervous diseases, sweating, hysteria, calms convulsions.

The antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties of viburnum bark are widely used in the fight against.

It is useful to drink a decoction for work disorders Gastrointestinal tract. The bark serves antispasmodic, antiseptic, constricts blood vessels.

Long-term use of decoction and alcohol tincture of shrub bark, reduces the number bad cholesterol and provides healing effect for atherosclerosis and hypertension. You can also add here sclerosis, tuberculosis, liver, kidney diseases. Viburnum bark is also useful for diabetes.

the beauty and usefulness of viburnum are undeniable

Such healing properties viburnum bark provides it the richest composition: bitter and tannins, acetic, palmitic, linoleic, ascorbic, valeric acids, vitamin K.

Infusion: infuse 10 grams of viburnum bark in 100 grams of boiling water for an hour and a half.
Decoction: bark and boiling water in the same proportion as for the infusion, boil in a water bath for half an hour.

The flowers of the miracle shrub are also useful

The infusion can be taken for, against helminths, help in the treatment of scrofula.

The decoction is useful for inflammation of the appendages, increases appetite when colds, promotes sweating.

The decoction also helps when restoring voice and as when coughing.

Viburnum berry: heals wounds and strengthens the heart

Viburnum berry is very rich in: organic acids, minerals, sugars, vitamins C, E, carotene, phytoncides, tannins.

Due to this, the fruits have many healing properties: from general strengthening, diaphoretic to helping with hypertension, stomach and intestinal disorders, nervousness, skin diseases, liver, kidney. are fighting useful material berries with colds and infectious diseases, useful for bronchitis and pneumonia.

Pectins and tannins from berries normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is very useful to eat viburnum berries for heart and vascular diseases.

Viburnum juice, especially with honey, is very useful for colic, for healing and relieving pain from ulcers, and is recommended by doctors and polyps as a prevention of neoplasms. It can be used to treat whooping cough and relieve allergic reactions.

Berry juice cures acne, whitens facial skin, and removes freckles.

Viburnum jam, among other things, is a good remedy for heartburn.

Viburnum fruits can be harvested in different ways.

The best way: cut off the branches with berries, wash, freeze, then tap the red and white berries into any container and store in the freezer. As soon as the need or desire arises, remove the berries and prepare a decoction, infusion, add to tea or eat a tablespoon. By the way, after the effects of frost, the bitter taste of viburnum disappears, leaving only a refined sourness. Thawed berries are useful and tasty to mix with honey.

Fresh washed fruits can be poured into a jar with sugar, wait until the berries release juice, and put in the refrigerator. You will get a healthy, delicious syrup or juice. To increase immunity and strengthen the heart, it should be consumed on an empty stomach.

Proper collection and storage of viburnum is very important!

If you prefer, then the oven temperature should not rise above 50 degrees. Only then will you retain all the healing properties.

Decoction: Boil two tablespoons of berries in a glass of water for one minute, let it brew for an hour.

Viburnum with honey: Grind 50 grams of berries, mix with a glass of honey.

Viburnum has no waste (Video “How to make jelly from viburnum”)

As Petrosyan said in a popular reprise of the 90s: “don’t choose…”

Viburnum seeds are also useful. Fry them, put them in a coffee grinder, boil them and drink a harmless tonic drink, which, by the way, helps with diabetes, thanks to the presence of fatty oil.

A decoction of viburnum seeds is used for indigestion and as a diaphoretic.

Very finely ground viburnum seeds are used to remove toxins; they are beneficial for the intestinal microflora and help with indigestion.

  • I drink one tablespoon before each meal, and I have no complaints about my health all winter.
  • We have relieved the strongest allergic rash in a child using viburnum decoction.
  • I personally got rid of unadvanced mastopathy. Mix honey + viburnum (through a meat grinder with seeds) in a 1:1 ratio and put the jar in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals (30 minutes).

Contraindications: blood problems, pregnancy

If you have increased blood clotting, a tendency to form blood clots, or gout, then viburnum is contraindicated for you. Of course, nothing will happen if you drink tea with her two or three times during the winter. But there is no way to treat other diseases medicinal raw materials You don't need common viburnum. Our nature is a storehouse medicinal plants, choose something else.

Pressure issue not completely resolved. Many hypotensive and hypertensive patients claim that it is thanks to viburnum. If you want to try, be sure to monitor your blood pressure daily so as not to cause harm. If you see a positive trend, continue; if not, stop immediately.

And in all cases, when treating serious diseases, remember that these are only assistants, immunity boosters, in the end, but in no case the main medicine. And don't forget to consult your doctor.

Be healthy and beautiful, like the beautiful viburnum itself!

Popular belief says that there is not a single disease that viburnum cannot cure. And this is true: she copes with colds and problems without much difficulty. digestive tract, liver ailments and even malignant tumors. The benefits and harms of viburnum are completely incomparable if good health and longevity are at stake.

In our country, a tree with red berries grows almost everywhere. Pies are prepared from the fruits, jam and jelly are made, they are simply ground with sugar and eaten by the spoonful during the cold season. Which one then delicious tea from viburnum!

Viburnum is rich in micro- and macroelements, vitamins, minerals and other excipients. The red berry contains retinol (vit. A), tocopherol (E), ascorbic acid(C), phylloquinone (K), bioflavonoids and polyphenols (P). Minerals include magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, manganese, iodine and other elements.

Organic acids are very beneficial for health, essential oils, tannins, phytosterols, viburnin, resinous esters and tannins. Berry seeds contain about 20% fatty oils, and the bark is rich in acids, including butyric, linoleic, formic, cerotinic and others. Flowers and leaves are also used for medicinal purposes. Rich complex excipients allows viburnum to protect the body from various misfortunes, including cancer.

The energy value of 100 g of fruit is on average 28 kcal. Please note that this same figure for dried berries increases several times.

Positive effect on the body

Berries, bark and seeds of viburnum have many beneficial properties.

We will present the main ones:

  1. General strengthening.
  2. Drink juice from berries or eat them in any form, and you will soon notice changes for the better.
  3. Antiviral and antibacterial.
    The fruits will quickly cope with any “infection” and put you back on your feet during bronchitis, flu and sore throat. Mild cold for viburnum it’s nothing at all.
  4. Calming.
    Berries help eliminate nervous disorders and get rid of insomnia.
  5. Diuretic.
    This property makes viburnum indispensable for problems with the kidneys and gall bladder.
  6. Wound healing.
    The fruits allow wounds and ulcers to heal quickly and fight eczema, ulcers and boils.
  7. Hemostatic.
    Tinctures and decoctions from viburnum bark cope well with this task.

The seeds of the fruit are used to make a coffee surrogate, which helps relieve constipation and has a tonic effect.

But before taking viburnum, carefully study the contraindications.

Let's shake up the microbes!

Viburnum strengthens the body as a whole, positively affecting every cell. For good health use a mixture of 100 g of fruits, lemon with peel, 200 g of walnut kernels and aloe leaves.

Grind the ingredients in a blender or meat grinder, add 200 g of honey and butter. Eat 1 tbsp. spoon of this mass per day (after meals), and any infection will bypass you.

To quickly get back on your feet during a cold, stir 1 tbsp. l. bark, ½ cup viburnum juice and 1 tbsp. l. dry chamomile, thyme, mint and honey. Add a glass of boiling water to the mixture and keep the container in a water bath for 5 minutes. Drink ½ glass 30 minutes before meals, and the cold will go away very quickly.

The tree bark helps fight fever, the berries cope with bronchitis, pneumonia and promote the removal of phlegm. Combining viburnum with honey is a miraculous way to overcome these serious illnesses. If you gargle with an infusion of a mixture of berries and flowers of the plant, you will ease a sore throat. In order not to suffer from a sore throat, it is necessary to make compresses on the neck from fruits and honey.

Let's help blood vessels and heart

If you look closely, the seeds of the berries look a little like a heart. Eat fruits with seeds, and then problems with the “engine” will not even appear on the horizon. If your heart is acting up and periodically experiencing pain, make an infusion based on 3-4 tbsp. l. viburnum, poured with a glass of boiling water. Leave it for 4 hours. Drink one glass 3-4 times a day.

To dilate your blood vessels, you can try a delicious drink made from beets and viburnum. You will need 250-300 g of these ingredients. The grated beets must be boiled in 1.5 glasses of water, the berries must be quickly boiled in the same amount of liquid, only in an enamel bowl. Then combine the decoctions, add 1/3 cup of sugar, bring to a boil and leave until cool.

With increased blood pressure viburnum performs well in combination with motherwort herb, valerian root or honey. It is very easy to get rid of chronic headaches - you need to drink 1-2 glasses of berry juice with honey every day.

Cleanse the liver and gallbladder

If you regularly take viburnum seeds - 10-15 pieces per day - you will destroy stones in the kidneys, bile ducts, gallstones and bladder and remove the sand. You need to eat one bone at a time.

Berries cleanse the liver and blood well. For the first purpose, it is necessary to boil 0.5 kg of fruits in a small volume of water in an enamel tank until soft, then rub them through a sieve and add 250 g of honey.

The daily norm is 2 tbsp. l. in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed for 2 weeks. You can improve your blood composition by combining viburnum with rosehip decoction, tincture of celandine and sage.

Benefits for the digestive system

One of the main advantages of viburnum is its stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract. Berries and seeds help overcome gastritis, diarrhea, loose stool and constipation, stomach ulcers and duodenum.

The fruits also help prevent and cure hemorrhoids, and stop bleeding associated with this disease.

Cautions in use

Viburnum has the following contraindications:

These contraindications should be taken into account if there is any doubt. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor before starting treatment with viburnum.

There are few people who do not know about the beneficial properties that it has on human immunity in general and in the treatment of colds.

However, these are not the only advantages, besides therapeutic actions possess not only , but also other parts . The range of applications of this berry crop is wide.

You can verify this by reading our material, in which we will talk in detail about red viburnum, its beneficial properties and contraindications for use.

Vitamins and minerals in red berries

is a shrubby plant from the Adoxaceae family, which produces spherical berries of red, yellow and black color with a sweetish-bitterish-sour taste.

There are approximately 200 species in the world, but not all of them bear edible fruits. Some of them are used only for a purpose. Viburnum is also used in folk medicine, cooking, and cosmetology.

The medicinal properties of berries have been known since ancient times. This is explained simply - they contain over 10 different organic acids, resins, alcohols, tannins, sugars, pectin, essential oils, tannin, viburnin.

In addition, viburnum is simply a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

The vitamin composition of berries is as follows:

  • carotene (provitamin A);
  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • E (alpha tocopherol).
The following minerals are present in viburnum: Fe (iron), P (phosphorus), Zn (zinc), Cr (chromium), I (iodine), Se (selenium), Cu (copper), Mn (manganese).

Did you know? There is no other plant in the world, except viburnum, whose fruits would have heart-shaped seeds..

Beneficial features

Both viburnum fruits and flowers, as well as the bark of the plant, have beneficial properties.


The berries are used to make juice, decoctions and teas.

It also participates in the processes of rejuvenation of the body, promotes rapid cell regeneration, and has an anti-edematous effect.
Viburnum contains over 90% daily norm For human body vitamin C. This means that the berries contribute better absorption iron, increase the resistance of the immune system against viral and colds, eliminate vitamin deficiency, help strengthen blood capillaries in the nose, as well as strengthening the gums.

The most powerful antioxidant - vitamin E, which is part of red berries, helps cleanse the body of harmful and toxic substances, normalizes the functioning of the gonads and heart.

Did you know? If you compare the amount of vitamin C in viburnum, and, then the latter berry has the most of it. Viburnum contains 82 mg per 100 g of product, which is 91.1% of the daily requirement for humans, in - 40 mg (44.4%), and in black currant - 200 mg (222.2%).

Decoction and tea from viburnum fruits are good for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract: tonsillitis, bronchitis, sore throat. They are recommended for pneumonia.

Pectins and tannins, consumed together with berries, help improve activity digestive system, cleanse the liver.
Juice from the berries is used to prevent headaches, migraines, and hypertension.

Berry-based products are drunk as an astringent and diuretic; they relieve excess swelling and have an antipyretic effect.


Flower decoctions are recommended for various kinds inflammation and bleeding. They are used to increase appetite, reduce sweating, restore voice and heal vocal cords.

They also help stabilize the condition and relieve pain during acute gastritis in people with low acidity.

In cosmetology, products from viburnum flowers are used to strengthen the growth of hair, nails, and improve facial skin tone.


Viburnum bark contains resins, essential oils, phytoncides, tannins, glycosides, and organic acids. Products based on it help:

  • cope with various skin diseases;
  • have a hemostatic effect;
  • accelerate the healing process for ulcers and hemorrhoids;
  • help cope with nervous disorders and overwork;
  • relieve spasms.

Preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

The berries are harvested in the first and second months of autumn. However, it is believed that best time When to collect viburnum, there will be a period immediately after the first frost.

At this time, the fruits will have the highest concentration of nutrients, and they will also not be so bitter. The berries are cut in clusters, along with the stem. They can be stored in the refrigerator for some time.

To dry the berries, the bunches are laid out on paper in cool room. They will have to remain in this position for 5-10 days. Then they will need to be placed in an oven heated to a temperature of 50°C and dried.
Dry berries should be stored in bags made of natural fabrics in places where light and moisture do not penetrate.

You can easily preserve the nutrients in viburnum if you place the berries in a jar and fill them to the top with sugar. Close the container with a lid. This product, stored in the refrigerator, can be used for six months.
Viburnum juice is prepared from washed and well-dried berries. They are lightly pounded, and then mixed with sugar in equal parts and ground. The juice is poured into glass containers and stored in. The longer it sits, the more bitterness will leave it.

You can also prepare juice by boiling the berries. For 1 kg of fruit, take 1 liter of water and a glass of sugar. The mixture is cooked until the berries are soft. Then the berries are squeezed out and infused for some time. The juice is poured into jars and stored in the refrigerator.

Important! Please note that viburnum juice has both beneficial properties and contraindications. Therefore, uncontrollably and in excessive doses It is not recommended to drink it.

Bark for medicinal products harvested in April, in the phase after sap flow.

Flowers are collected between May and June. They are dried and stored in glass jars or fabric bags.

Application of medicinal properties in folk medicine

People have known for a long time that red viburnum, its berries, flowers and bark have beneficial properties; since then, many have appeared that are used for treatment. wide range diseases. We present a selection of the most effective ones in this section.

To strengthen the immune system

We wrote above about how to make juice. The tea is prepared as follows: brew the fruit (a tablespoon) with boiling water (200 ml). Leave to infuse for two hours.

For the purpose of prevention, drink half a glass twice a day. For medicinal purposes, it can be consumed more often – up to three times a day.

A mixture of viburnum (100 g), lemon (one piece), leaves (200 g), and a small portion, crushed in a blender or minced through a meat grinder, is very effective as a general tonic. Oil (200 g) and (200 g) are added to it. The product is applied one tablespoon after meals.

To calm the nervous system

Since viburnum bark contains valeric acid, an infusion from it can relieve nervous tension and eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome.

Grind the bark, mix 2-3 tablespoons with (tablespoon). Simmer for 30 minutes in a water bath. Then leave under the lid for 50-60 minutes. Take a tablespoon before meals for a week.

Fatigue will be relieved if you take a couple of tablespoons of a mixture of viburnum bark and chamomile before going to bed. Flowers pharmaceutical chamomile mix with bark powder in equal parts.

Place a tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water. Then simmer in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Strain before use.

For sore throat

Frequent gargling with an infusion of flowers and berries will help relieve a sore throat with a sore throat. To prepare it, take equal parts of flowers and berries, pour boiling water over it and leave for 3-4 hours. For rinsing, use half a glass.

Viburnum-honey compresses are also sometimes used, which are placed on the throat twice a day for an hour.

For a cold

For colds, in addition to viburnum tea, decoction and juice from berries, you can brew the bark. Here are some recipes for decoctions:

For bronchitis and pneumonia

For bronchitis and pneumonia, take decoctions of berries and bark. They liquefy and remove mucus.

A tablespoon of red berries is ground and added to a glass of hot honey. The product is infused for 5-6 hours. Take a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

A tablespoon of crushed bark is mixed with the same amount of herbs:, flowers. Then add a glass of boiling water. After waiting half an hour, drink the product 30 minutes before meals, a quarter glass.

For chronic cough

A decoction of berries (100 g/400 ml of water), boiled for half an hour, with the addition of ½ cup of honey, will help cope with a cough. Take two tablespoons of it, waiting 30 minutes after eating.

For headaches

Frequent headaches can be eliminated by regularly consuming viburnum juice with the addition of honey.

Hypertension is another disease that viburnum helps with. It is good to take viburnum juice. The product is prepared from juice squeezed from half a kilo of berries, a decoction of already squeezed berries (pour 100 ml of water and boil for five minutes), a tablespoon of honey. After cooking, eat two tablespoons 30 minutes before meals.

You can also try a product based on bush shoots. They are crushed and mixed with motherwort, valerian root, brewed with boiling water and boiled for a couple of minutes.

For liver diseases

Viburnum with honey is an excellent liver cleanser. Pour half a kilogram of fruit with a small amount of water and boil. The fruits should soften. Then they are rubbed through a sieve and honey (250 ml) is added.

The course of admission is two weeks. Eat a couple of tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.

For constipation

Viburnum is an amazing berry because different means based on it, they can help with both constipation and diarrhea. You can forget about constipation by eating 40 berries mixed with honey.

You can also grind the seeds in a coffee grinder, separate a teaspoon of powder and place it in 200 ml of boiling water. After 10 minutes, you can drink the product twice daily, mixing it with sugar or honey for taste.

For diarrhea

A remedy made from viburnum fruits and honey will help strengthen the stool. The fruits (a couple of tablespoons) are placed in ½ cup of honey. Then the mixture is heated over low heat for 10 minutes, while it needs to be stirred.

After the mixture has cooled, eat it one tablespoon at a time throughout the day, at regular intervals.

For gastritis

Two tablespoons of fruit, brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 3-4 hours, will help alleviate the condition of gastritis. This remedy is taken two tablespoons five times a day 30 minutes before meals.

For stomach ulcers

Gastric and duodenal ulcers are quite serious diseases that require complex treatment. Viburnum-based products can only be used as additional therapy.
Berries (a tablespoon) are crushed and placed in ½ cup of chilled boiled water. Insist for 112 hours. Then drink a tablespoon before meals.

Important! If you have serious illness any internal organ, then before using it for medicinal purposes, you should consult with your doctor, since even such a seemingly innocent remedy as viburnum with honey can have both beneficial properties and contraindications.

For skin diseases

Boils, ulcers, eczema - it also helps to get rid of these troubles. In this case, it is applied externally. Moisten gauze with viburnum juice and apply to problem areas for 1-2 hours.

You will need several such compresses throughout the day. The initial course of treatment is 14-18 days. Then you should take a break of seven days. There must be at least three courses.

To speed up the healing of skin diseases, lotions are made from viburnum decoction: a tablespoon of berries is placed in ½ cup of boiled chilled water and allowed to stand for 6-8 hours.
Before use, add a tablespoon of honey. The lotions are applied for an hour in the mornings and evenings.

For sweaty feet

Viburnum bark is an excellent remedy, allowing to eliminate increased sweating. Place a tablespoon of fine bark in 200 ml of water and cook over low heat after boiling for 10 minutes.

When the infusion has cooled to room temperature, it is used to wipe the soles of the feet.

In addition to the diseases described, it must be said that viburnum is considered female berry. After all, it helps with some female diseases.
Kalina renders medicinal properties, however, as it has contraindications, for women with heavy and painful menstruation, uterine bleeding. You can take an alcohol tincture from the bark.

It is prepared from four tablespoons of bark, diluted in a glass of alcohol (70%), which are infused for 10 days in a place without light. You should drink it twice a day, a tablespoon.

The use of viburnum in home cosmetology

Viburnum is very beneficial for facial skin. Products based on it and viburnum juice tone it, rejuvenate it, make it more elastic and clean. If you have any problems such as rashes, you can simply wipe your face with viburnum juice every day.

Such rubbing also helps to make freckles and age spots less noticeable.

The juice can be mixed with honey, vegetable oils, fermented milk products, lemon juice, egg.

There are several recipes for face masks that use juice, berries and flowers. From wrinkles. Mix the fruits (three tablespoons), olive oil(dessert spoon), honey (teaspoon), egg yolk. It is better to use a blender for mixing. Apply the mask for 15 minutes. Then wash off with water or herbal decoction.

From rashes. Combine viburnum juice with sour cream in equal proportions. Wash after 20 minutes.

Moisturizing. Combine viburnum juice (two tablespoons), glycerin (one tablespoon), honey (teaspoon), olive oil (teaspoon), flour. Apply the mixture to your face for 10-20 minutes.

Toning lotion. Place the flowers (two tablespoons) in boiling water (200 ml) and leave for two hours. Strain and use to wipe the skin.

Important! All masks can be applied to the face only after allergy tests on the skin in the area of ​​the elbow. The product should be applied in a small amount to this delicate area. If no adverse reactions occur within half an hour, the mask can be used on the face.


Viburnum-based products can be both beneficial and harmful. They should not be taken:

  • hypotensive patients, since it tends to lower blood pressure;
  • those who have increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • people with gout and arthritis - viburnum can worsen the condition of the joints;
  • prone to thrombosis;
  • pregnant women in case long-term use, there is a risk of provoking premature birth;
  • people with a history of kidney disease.
Excessive consumption of vitamin C with viburnum can also provoke local allergic reaction in the form of a rash.

Viburnum, in the absence of contraindications, must be consumed during periods of mass epidemics of viral diseases.