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The best food for large breed puppies. The best premium dry dog ​​food

Before buying dog food, you need to decide on many criteria: composition, quality, type of food (dry or wet canned), pet breed and price. To make it easier to choose and you are confident in the full development of your pet, we have compiled a small nutrition rating.

Top 24 Dog Foods of 2019

The list of the best dog foods in 2017 included more than twenty options:

  • Summit;

It is difficult to say unequivocally which dog food is the best. But many veterinarians and breeders note that Hill’s food, which includes wet canned food and dry food, belongs to the super-premium class. The price for an average package of 6.5 kg will be 2000 rubles (500 UAH). Although a lot depends on the composition, packaging option and line.

Types of feed

Depending on the appearance and method of production, dry and wet food, canned food. Most dog owners buy dry food, but they need to be careful water balance pet. Wet canned food is often purchased for puppies or to diversify their diet.

Dry food

Dry food is a nutritious diet in the form of pressed kibble of different sizes, produced taking into account the needs of the dog. IN best options feed contains more protein, minimum carbohydrates and animal fats. The basis of any croquettes is meat, it is better when it is natural. Cereals, eggs, dry vegetables and extracts are also added, mineral complexes. Food is prepared using ovens, high temperatures, sometimes freezing at low temperatures.

Super-premium croquettes are steamed to preserve vitamins and nutritional components. You can give dry food from two months of age, after weaning mother's milk. But for this it is better to choose a special ruler. The best options for dry food are Eukanuba, Acana, and Orijen.

It is important that dry food can be soaked in water or given in its natural form. The main thing is to monitor the amount of water in relation to the portion of croquettes.

Canned food

Wet food consists of 75% moisture, is more nutritious, and therefore costs more than dry food. When making such food, all components are mixed, then a special component is added to maintain moisture, after which the product is heat treated at lower temperatures than dry.

Canned dog food is less popular than dry food. Because many experts do not recommend canned food as the basis of the daily diet. This is dictated by the fact that wet canned food loses some nutritional properties due to the large amount of moisture. Canned food from Purina Pro Plan, Eukanuba, and Happy Dog are especially recommended. The main components of canned food are fresh meat, vegetables, eggs and potatoes with broth and sauce.

Share wet nutrition There are two types:

  • gourmet food acts as a delicacy; it contains a lot of fruits, vegetables, and medicinal herbs, but the nutrition is not balanced. These canned foods are given to diversify the diet, not constantly or in small portions;
  • Medicinal foods are prescribed by a veterinarian for the treatment and prevention of certain types of diseases. It is important to adhere to the dosage and give only high quality canned food.

By the way, when buying canned food in a jar or bag Monitor the tightness, expiration date, and condition of the packaging(no swelling, drips). Choose options based on your pet's age.

I had the idea of ​​writing an article about dog nutrition for a long time. The moment has come, our little Jack Russell terriers are getting ready to go to their new homes, and I must help the owners understand this complex topic.

Dog food types

Conventionally, all types of dog nutrition can be divided into three groups:
1. natural food (“natural”),
2. mixed nutrition And
3. feeding with dry food (“drying”).

In the canine world, “straight” and “drying” have their adherents and opponents. I do not speak categorically on this issue. The only thing I categorically do not accept is feeding the dog “from the table”. A dog is not a pig, so table scraps, soups, porridge and pasta, in my opinion, are absolutely not suitable for feeding dogs!

Let's turn to nature

Let's talk in order. To begin with, let's remember that the dog belongs to the canids - the family of mammals of the order predatory. What do predators eat in the wild? First of all, meat! Predators survive at the expense of other animals, consuming muscle meat, internal organs, connective tissue, bones, fat and skins of their victims. Often this is “stuffed” meat. For example, a killed deer has fermented (that is, already processed by food juice and partially digested) food in its stomach, which the predator will also eat. By eating the stomach of its herbivorous prey, the predator receives useful material and microelements for your health. What do deer eat? Grass, berries, fruits, leaves, etc. Do you understand what I mean?..

The dog's metabolism is adapted to digest and assimilate, primarily animal food. Animal proteins (meat, poultry, fish, eggs) have always been and should remain the basis of a dog’s diet. In addition to animal food, the dog needs herbal ingredients. I think you have noticed that domestic dogs periodically chew grass or eat berries from bushes. Vegetables, fruits, berries, seeds and plants (but in smaller quantities than animal protein) are also a natural diet for carnivores.

Dry or natural?

I feed my dogs dry food. Why I chose dry food, I will explain in detail justified in this article. I envy, of course, those owners who can provide their dogs with proper, balanced, healthy natural food! Check out the article Looking at these photos will make even a man's mouth water! To SO feeding a dog requires not only a lot of time, desire and opportunity, but also serious knowledge on how to feed balanced diet. Start by studying the material "30 foods prohibited for dogs." I am sure this information will be very helpful for novice dog owners. And I think it will not be superfluous for experienced people either!

All this was just a preface. 😉 Let's move on to the main topic:

Which dry dog ​​food is best?

Firstly, suitable for the dog's age! You should not buy puppy food for adult dogs and vice versa - give adults food intended for young animals.

On the left is dry food for Savarra puppies from 1 to 12 months (the inscription on the pack is Puppy), on the right is dry food Savarra for adult dogs of all breeds from 1 year to 7 years (Adult all Breeds):

Pay attention to the inscriptions on the pack - Puppy And Adult all Breeds.

Secondly, when choosing dry food, be sure to consider the size of your dog, depending on the breed, the composition of the feed and the size of its granules vary.

Both dry foods in the photo Pro Plan for puppies (Puppy), but left for small breeds (from 1 to 10 kg), and the right one is for medium-sized breeds (from 10 to 25 kg).

Look at the indicated weight of the puppy on the food packs - 1/10 kg And 10/25 kg

Do you see how different the pellets of these foods are?

Dry food granules Pro-Plan for puppies: left for puppies 1-10 kg, on right for 10-25 kg

Another example of the variety of dry food for adult dogs from the same manufacturer is 1st Choice: Dry food 1st Choice for adult dogs (Adult) — left Hypoallergenic (for dogs older than one year), medium for dogs large and medium breeds (from 14 months to 6 years), on the right is food for decorative and small breeds(ages 10 months to 8 years).

The food differs not only depending on the age of the dogs, but also the size of the breeds!

It is difficult for decorative mini breeds to chew large granules intended for large dogs. And large breeds will swallow without chewing and choke on granules for miniature breeds. Therefore, both options for this “re-grading” are not suitable!

On the left are dry food pellets for adult dogs 1st Choice for large breeds, and on the right for small ones.

These are two main parameters that are ALWAYS taken into account!

In addition, an impressive list is produced specialized feeds: for dietary nutrition of dogs with various diseases(for example, with diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, etc.), for castrated and sterilized dogs, allergic animals, for elderly dogs. Lactating and pregnant bitches also eat specialized food, which is most often suitable for puppies. It is very comfortable! You can buy one package for everyone - both puppies and nursing mothers. 🙂

A few words about packaging dry food

There are “samples” of feed weighing up to half a kilogram, there are packs of 1 kg, 3 kg, 7 kg, 12 kg, 20 kg. I am telling you the average numbers. The weights of different packages from different manufacturers are slightly different, but that’s not the point.

When converted per kilogram, the cost of dry food in a large pack is less than in a smaller pack.

An example of different packaging of the same food Savarra - 3 kg and 1 kg.

Is it worth buying larger packages if they are cheaper? My answer is that everything needs moderation. Firstly, if you are just introducing this type of dry food, then you definitely shouldn’t get excited!

I remember the time we bought dry food trademark Brit (we liked the composition, the manufacturer, and the reviews about it), but Sobakevich categorically refused to eat it. I tried to switch to the new food smoothly, gradually mixing the new food into the old one, and he picked out the granules of the new one and laid them out of the bowl on the floor...

It happens! The dog didn’t like this food and that’s it! It’s good that I wasn’t greedy then and bought a small pack of 800 grams, and did not immediately buy a large one of 3 kg.

Another interesting point from my observations. At exhibitions, for example, advertising samples of various foods are often handed out. It would seem like an excellent opportunity to see how your dog reacts to a new food - whether he likes it or not. So, even if a dog eats a sample with visible pleasure, he may not like the same food from a large pack bought in a store at all. That's why? Maybe the quality of the food in advertising samples is higher than that of the same food in the store?..

Keep the opened pack of dry food tightly closed. Make sure that it does not remain open after you have poured a portion of food out of it for your dog.

Returning to the topic of why you shouldn’t buy too large packs of food...
Secondly, the smell of food is very important for a dog. If the food smells weak, it is of little interest to the dog. Over time, food in an open package evaporates and loses its smell. The dog eats this food without pleasure. Hence the conclusion - do not buy packs that the dog will eat for a long time. It's different if you have more than one dog. This means that a larger pack will be eaten faster and will not have time to lose its attractive smell.

When buying dry dog ​​food, don’t be lazy to check the expiration date on the package!

Classification of dry dog ​​food

Important! At the moment, there are no legal norms, GOSTs or other standards by which it would be possible to clearly and unambiguously divide industrial dry dog ​​food into certain classes.

The existing classification of feed, unfortunately, is quite arbitrary and is rather of a marketing nature, helping manufacturers position their products in the target consumer segment of interest.

It is logical to assume that dry food " super premium class" should be more expensive and better quality than "economy" food. But is this always the case? I will teach you how not to fall for beautiful packaging and empty advertising promises!

Main classes of dry food:

1. Economy class. The target consumers of such feeds are people who strive to feed the animal at minimal cost. You will find bright packs of these foods in markets and chain supermarkets. Some large chains produce economy-class food under their own brands.

Often, packs of economy food are decorated with empty but loud phrases such as “appetizing”, “delicious” and a picture with multi-colored food granules and cheerful animals.

Advertising for such food is known to everyone, it is often shown on central channels, it is professionally executed and awakens the best feelings in us, and therefore arouses trusting viewers towards these brands...

Economy-class dry food usually has a fairly narrow range, which does not go beyond the age of the dog (puppies and adults) and the size of the breed (small, medium and large).

If you start to read the composition of economy feeds, you will easily understand that there are no specifics on the ingredients! It is very difficult to understand clearly what exactly this food is made of. General phrases like “meat and offal” do not provide information about which animal meat was used in production, in what form, what its percentage composition is in the feed, etc. Such an abstract composition allows greater freedom of “creativity” for producers, and the composition of the feed varies significantly from batch to batch. And under the term “chicken” the feed includes flour from “leftovers” - bones, beaks and skin of the bird...

Although, let's be honest, it is stupid to expect fresh meat and fish, as well as healthy additives, in economy class food. But cheap grains (such as corn, which is not healthy for dogs), dyes, preservatives and flavoring additives are definitely present in them. This is probably why dogs eat such food with appetite.

If you love your pets and wish them a long life happy life in good health, I categorically do not recommend buying economy class food!

2. Premium class. Unfortunately, most often, this inscription on food is just “dust in the eyes” for the consumer! Premium food is not far removed in composition from economy class food, and the inscription “premium quality” on the pack does not mean at all that you have a “premium quality” product in your hands.

The main difference that I see in premium class food compared to economy class food is the further expansion of the food line: according to tastes (chicken, lamb, etc.) and physiological characteristics of dogs (hypoallergenic food, for old people or, for example, losing weight dogs).

3. Super-premium and ultra-premium The food is significantly more expensive than those described above. Such food is sold exclusively in specialized pet stores and veterinary clinics. Super-premium foods are actively advertised at dog shows. They are distinguished by a VERY wide product line and the presence of special functional additives for dog health (to support the immune system, teeth, joints or better work Gastrointestinal tract - prebiotics, chodroprotectors, etc.).

4. Holistic class. A relatively new and fashionable class of food, which is based on the philosophy that diseases should be prevented, not treated, so nutrition should be perfectly balanced. The Greek word “holos” is translated as “harmonious”, “whole”.

Marketers have firmly established in the minds of consumers a stable connection between the concepts of “holistic” and “elite product.” The price of holistic food significantly exceeds even the considerable cost of super premium food.

“Holistic diets” include not only high-quality meat and fish components, vegetables and fruits, but also grains, which I personally do not approve of due to the fact that this is a non-species-specific food for a carnivore. But holisticists love to surprise with the exoticism of fruits included in a dog’s diet - pomegranate, bananas and papaya, you can’t find anything in their composition! 🙂

5. Class of “biologically appropriate” feed. This is a new class of feed for the Russian market. “Biologically appropriate” is based on the desire to imitate as closely as possible the composition of the food that the wild ancestors of dogs received in natural conditions during the production of dry food.

Externally, packaging with BS food is less flashy, the emphasis is on naturalness - images of nature are often used in the design.

Biologically appropriate feeds contain a high percentage (70% or more) of high-quality animal proteins (meat, poultry and fish). In this case, high-quality means - obtained from fresh natural raw materials.

Also, BS feed contains various vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices in small quantities. Grain components and artificial colors are not used in such feeds, and the preservatives used are exclusively of natural origin.

About prices for dry food

An interesting point that is not at all obvious to dog owners (and not only beginners, but sometimes even experienced ones)!

If you compare the prices per kilogram of premium food and BS food (or the prices of two equal packages, if that’s more convenient for you), you will see significant difference.

However, if you recalculate this amount by the number of days for which this amount of food is enough for the dog (the cost of feeding this food per day), you will understand that this difference is not so big! The fact is that BS food is more nutritious, therefore, its daily consumption rate (in grams) is less than that of premium food.

It turns out that the “daily cost” of BS feed not nearly as scary, as it might seem at first glance!

Let's learn to read the composition of food!

Conclusions about the quality of dry food should not be made based on price, attractiveness of packaging design and looking at the specified class (which, by the way, includes its own food MYSELF determined manufacturer), and above all by analyzing COMPOUND stern!

By Russian legislation The manufacturer is obliged to indicate the composition in descending order of ingredients in accordance with their weight at the time of receipt in the feed. However, manufacturers have the right not to disclose the specific amount of each ingredient and their percentage...

To start understanding the quality of dry dog ​​food, you FORCED learn READ And UNDERSTAND feed composition!

Start analyzing the composition, taking into account first FIVE ingredients on the list - they are the basis of this food. When choosing dry food for your dog, try to rely on the recommendations below.

What is the best dry dog ​​food?

1. In which more meat! Always remember that dogs are carnivores and animal proteins are vital for them. High-quality meat, fish and poultry (chicken, lamb, rabbit, salmon, etc.) should be the main ingredients in dry food.

For example, I really like the composition of Genesis food, in which 80% is a meat component!

2. Know that when replacing animal proteins in food vegetable proteins and carbohydrates (using rice, wheat, barley, potatoes, legumes and, especially corn), the manufacturer significantly reduces its costs for raw materials and degrades feed quality!

I would especially like to stop on corn. I would recommend buying food that contains this ingredient either absent, or at least not in the top five in the composition. Moreover, this applies to all possible corn derivatives, such as: corn starch, bran, silk, corn germ, grits, be it whole grain, ground or crushed corn.

The manufacturer uses corn in the production of feed as the cheapest and most accessible source of protein, thereby saving on meat components!

Any corn derivatives in dry food are NOT USEFUL for a dog’s body - corn protein (gluten) often causes food allergies in dogs, and excess carbohydrates can lead to obesity and diabetes.

I repeat - it is animal proteins that are the correct basis for a dog’s diet, so in a good food they occupy the first positions in the composition.

An example of the composition of Savarra dry holistic food for puppies

3. When analyzing the composition of the feed, pay attention for the presence of “splits”, through which manufacturers mislead consumers.

Let me show you an example Babin feed. The manufacturer positions its food as super-premium. Here is its composition:

Is 35% meat too much? It would seem that since the ingredient comes first, and the percentage of its content is the highest. However, not all so simple! The second ingredient is corn, but its percentage is not indicated, and here's why. In 6th place in the composition we see corn gluten. This means that the manufacturer deliberately shows the corn not as a single whole, but by splitting it into two separate ingredients. Thanks to the use of such a “split”, meat comes out on top in the composition. Most likely, if you combine the percentage of corn and corn gluten content, their total figure can outweigh the specific gravity of meat in the composition and “jump” ahead! This is such a sad arithmetic. Here's a super-premium food based on corn! By the way, I have not yet touched on the fact that more than a third of the meat component is a mystery shrouded in darkness! More on this in the next paragraph.

4. You need to pay attention not only on the quantity of meat, but also on its quality. In high-quality food, not only the percentage of meat component content must be indicated, but also an accurate and its unambiguous definition.

Abstract controversial concepts such as “meat”, “fish” or “ Domestic bird» on high-quality dry food simply unacceptable!
It is important that the source of animal protein is clearly and unambiguously indicated.

Let me give you an example of the composition of the feed. Genesis holistic class:

Agree, heaven and earth compared to Babin super-premium food? The specific gravity of EACH ingredient is written down. From meat - fresh chicken 56%, dehydrated protein from chicken meat another 12.5%, and in addition to them fresh goat meat 6% and fresh lamb meat 2%.
Hydrolyzate is chicken protein chemically purified during the production process and, along with fresh meat components, is also a valuable ingredient in feed.

It is clear that during the production of food, all its components undergo heat treatment. Ingredients that came into production without prior heat treatment, are the most valuable and useful for dogs. In the photo above we see that all meat components have a definition "fresh", which means they have never been frozen and contain no preservatives. If you see the word on a bag of food "raw", be aware that this also means that the ingredient has not been cooked, but has been frozen or treated with preservatives.

I really hope you have the strength and patience to read this long but important text! 😉

Taking care of you and the health of your pets,
author of the article Kirillova Ekaterina.

I remind you that copying of this material is permitted only with a working, clickable link to the source.

For experienced dog breeders and for those who have acquired their first four-legged friend, it is very important that their pet grows up healthy, strong, active and has an attractive appearance. appearance. This is largely due to proper nutrition. Choosing a complete diet for your pet is not easy, given the huge assortment ready-made feed in pet stores and supermarkets.

Some owners prefer to feed their four-legged friends natural food, believing that it is dry dog ​​food that is harmful to their health. Reviews from veterinarians indicate that they are partly right, but only if the prepared food is chosen incorrectly. Such formulations should not only be nutritious and well-balanced, they should also include healthy supplements(minerals, vitamins and trace elements).

Unfortunately, in this matter, pet owners quite often rely on television advertising and opt for highly promoted dry dog ​​food. Reviews from veterinarians about many widely advertised formulations make one wonder - do they really satisfy all the needs of animals, do they contain all the ingredients that the manufacturers claim? Should you trust advertising? In this article we will try to answer these and many other questions.

Advantages and disadvantages of dry food

From the very moment colorful packaging with dry food appeared on the shelves of supermarkets and pet stores, disputes have not subsided not only between animal owners, but also between veterinary specialists. We will not take the liberty of saying which of them is right, we will not advertise individual species these products, we will present you with facts that will help you choose a good dog food. Reviews from veterinarians, we hope, will help you with this.

But first, let's introduce you to general information about this product, which, according to experts, has its advantages and disadvantages in comparison with natural nutrition. They cannot be ignored if you decide to feed your pet with ready-made formulas.

Pros of dry food

  • Big choice. Pet owners can choose food for their pet, taking into account not only its size and breed, but also age, sterilization and chronic diseases, tendency to allergies.
  • Save time. To feed the animal, you just need to pour dry granules into its bowl.
  • Prevention of tartar. Dry ones (reviews from veterinarians confirm this) cleanse the animal’s teeth of plaque. In addition, they are an excellent preventative against tartar.
  • Vitamins and minerals. According to veterinarians, good dry dog ​​food (premium class) contains all the vitamins and microelements necessary for animals, so there is no need to purchase additional vitamins in tablets or drops.
  • Long shelf life and availability. Crispy granules can be bought in supermarkets, veterinary pharmacies all major cities. Such food practically does not spoil, and therefore it can be bought with a reserve.

Cons of dry food

  • Price. Truly high-quality food is quite expensive, and not every owner can afford to purchase it.
  • Addiction. Many animals become so accustomed to dry kibble that they often completely reject any other food.
  • Salt content. According to veterinarians, dry dog ​​food, especially economy class, contains a large amount of salt, so the owner needs to ensure that the animal has constant access to clean water.
  • Difficulty of choice. Many owners, especially novice dog breeders, have difficulty choosing required composition for your friend.

Should you believe the advertising?

It's no secret that when we watch television advertising, we admire the beautiful and well-groomed dogs who eat dry granules with great pleasure. Such advertising usually assures that this particular food will give animals strength and energy, because it contains only components that are beneficial for dogs. In fact, most manufacturers, especially those who often advertise their products on television, make dry food for dogs, and reviews from veterinarians confirm this, from ground waste from the meat industry, bones, tendons and internal organs. In addition, starch, soy, corn flour, and chicken fat are added to them.

Feed classification

In order not to make a mistake when choosing dry food for a dog, the owner needs to familiarize himself with the classification and rating of these products, which differ not only in cost, but also in quality and composition.

Economy class

These are the cheapest, but most often flashed in advertising feeds. They contain not only offal, but also cereals. The composition is poor: as a rule, two or three components and the required minimum of vitamin supplements.


A well-known company in our country produces a wide range of products for puppies, adult animals, lactating and pregnant bitches. The compositions differ depending on the dog’s lifestyle: domestic, active. The feed includes vegetable oil, grain crops, offal,

Reviews from veterinarians about dry dog ​​food "Pedigri" are ambiguous: some experts classify this food as a high-quality economy class and urge you not to expect miracles from it. It is absolutely clear that there are no harmful components in it. In Pedigri feeds, perhaps only the quality of the by-products that are used in production is doubtful and there is no confidence that these are complete formulations. Therefore, if you value the health of your pet, consult with veterinarian and try to find a suitable complete food. Many owners act differently: they alternate Pedigree food with natural food - veterinarians allow this option.


The company's products are represented quite widely on the domestic market. These feeds contain corn, vegetable fats, bone flour, meat by-products. In addition, they also contain brewer's yeast, which has a beneficial effect on digestion. Despite the rather poor composition, many owners prefer this product.

The question arises: “Can Chappy dry dog ​​food be used as a complete diet?” Reviews from veterinarians give a clear answer - no. Sometimes it can be used as a camp lunch or snack. Veterinarians sadly joke that as long as people buy food of similar quality for their pets, they will not be left without work.


The American company Purina has been producing animal feed for almost eighty years, and today its products occupy a leading position in its segment. Purina One is an inexpensive line that belongs to good economy-class food that takes into account the vital functions of small animals weighing no more than ten kilograms.

Physiology miniature dogs has its own characteristics, and their content should be special. Usually these dogs are picky and quite capricious when it comes to food. According to reviews from veterinarians, dry dog ​​food “Purina Van” combines well-selected ingredients that are aimed at the development of a small pet. However, it contains artificial additives: odor and taste enhancers, which can have an adverse effect on the body of your little friend.


Inexpensive dry food for dogs of economy class from domestic manufacturers. According to them, the basis of the line is a specially developed formula, which is aimed at strengthening the defenses of animals, supporting the health of the coat and skin, as well as preventing cardiovascular and intestinal diseases.

We have already said that in the production of economy-class feed, rather low quality raw materials are used. Reviews from veterinarians about Trapeza dry food for dogs emphasize this fact. In addition, most formulations include cheap fillers: soy, wheat, corn. A huge disadvantage of this company's food is that it contains too few minerals and vitamins.


Economy class products from Russian manufacturers. The feed contains less than ten percent meat, offal and cereal flour. The packaging does not indicate from which meat the protein is obtained, or from which grains the carbohydrates are obtained. It should be noted that there are aromatic additives that are unlikely to be beneficial to the dog.

Reviews from veterinarians about the dry food “Rogue” are rather restrained, and, as a rule, boil down to the fact that economy-class formulations are not able to provide the animal with the necessary nutrients.

Premium class

Such feed is a compromise solution in terms of price and quality. Such compositions contain a small amount of meat, but at the same time, by-products are mainly used. In this case, whole grains are used, not production waste, and many more minerals and vitamins are added.

Royal Canin

The food is produced in several countries - Poland, Russia and France. According to experts, this food is of rather low quality, although it is positioned as premium. They can be used as food supplement, but veterinarians do not recommend constant use for feeding animals.

"Happy Dog"

Feed from German producers. They claim that they contain several sources of animal protein: meat, sea ​​fish, dry whole egg. Meat ingredients include poultry, rabbit, and veal. However, veterinarians note that some types of these foods are comparable to premium class, and some belong to economy class. The manufacturer does not specify on the packaging what meat products used in the production of one or another composition, and this indicates that the composition contains questionable by-products. Corn, which is part of these feeds, is a cheap filler, although it does not harm the health of the animal.


This is a good dry dog ​​food, according to veterinarians. The manufacturer uses natural ingredients: lamb, chicken, turkey and fish. The good news is that these foods contain amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and natural herbal preservatives necessary for dogs.


The food is produced by the Purina company. It belongs to the premium class. The line includes about twenty formulation options designed for adult animals and puppies, pregnant and nursing bitches, and hypoallergenic food is also available. According to veterinarians, Proplan dry dog ​​food has a number of disadvantages that may negative impact on decorative dogs and puppies. These include:

  • the presence of flavor enhancers and flavorings;
  • In all lines of food, the compositions are similar;
  • a small proportion of natural meat.

Super premium food


The food of this well-known brand in Russia is manufactured in Canada. The manufacturer adds only high-quality and fresh, non-frozen components to their composition: selected meat supplied by farmers. In addition, they contain fruits and berries that are grown in the same area where the feed production plant is located. Therefore, long transportation and freezing of products is not required.

The company’s specialists always take into account the reviews of veterinarians about Akana dry dog ​​food, who believe that the brand’s products are almost flawless. The minerals and vitamins included in the feed completely eliminate the need for additional forms (tablets, drops). For animals you can choose without any problems special composition in accordance with age, weight, presence of chronic diseases. Reviews from experts about these feeds are mostly simply enthusiastic.


These compositions belong to the super-premium class and are made from the freshest raw materials. The brand's assortment includes food with unusual types of meat: wild boar and goat meat. Dry food comes in three types:

  • Life Protection.
  • High Premium.

In order for a dog to be cheerful and healthy, it needs good balanced diet, containing all the necessary components for normal life - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements and vitamins. Exists different kinds food – natural, which you have prepared yourself and have already ready-made feed, they are divided into dry (pellets) and wet (canned).

Depending on the quality and content of finished feed, they can be divided into certain classes. Of course, the use of ready-made food is still ambiguous, and besides, there are rules for the use of dry food, but note that if you use ready-made food, it is better if it is of high quality.

Feed classes

Depending on the quality, dog food can be divided into 4 classes:

  • Economy class. In the production of these feeds, raw materials of low quality are mainly used and are often made from waste and residues from food production, contains soy and by-products. In addition to them, it is necessary to add multivitamins to the diet; when using feed, indigestion, an allergic reaction, diseases of the internal organs, as well as upset and indigestion are possible.
  • Premium class. Better than the previous one, but it contains preservatives, taste and smell enhancers and low-quality ingredients, and the content of animal proteins is also increased. But mainly the composition includes by-products that are not of high quality, and not meat. The composition of the feed may not be on the packaging.
  • Super premium class. These foods already contain high-quality ingredients: eggs, cereals, lamb or poultry and biological additives. One of the advantages of this class of food is that you can choose nutrition for your pets depending on their physical condition, lifestyle and age. But still, the composition contains indigestible components in a small percentage.
  • Holistic. It is natural and of the highest quality of all, and naturally it is more expensive than the others. It has a well-chosen and balanced composition that contains high-quality components suitable even for human food. Also, the composition most often contains probiotics, which improve digestion and the general condition of the pet. In addition, the composition is indicated in detail: type of meat, amount of grains and oil. Nutritionists also note the high quality of these products, as well as their benefits for your four-legged friends.

Important! It is worth noting that each dog’s body is individual and what suits one may not suit another, but the use of high-quality food will be better for the dogs’ health than economy class food. And you can then spend more on your pet’s health.

Important! Remember that when using this or that food, you need to monitor the condition of the dog, how it perceives it and the condition of its excrement; if its stool is disturbed, then such food will clearly not be suitable for your animal.

Rating of dog food divided by class

Let's start with the simplest ones, but we hope you will not use them or in very rare cases, because... they can cause serious harm to the animal.

Economy class dog food list:

ARO, (Ukraine)
Chappi (USA, Russia)
Darling (made in France, Hungary)
Pedigree (USA, Hungary)

Such feed is sold in shopping centers, designed for cheap products and large sales volumes, as a result. But back side medals the price of the product - its quality and, as a result, the dog’s lack of health and a reduction in its life expectancy.

Premium dog food list:

Advance (Spain)
Bozita (Sweden)
Brit Premium (Czech Republic)
Purina Pro Plan (France)
Purina Dog Chow (France)
Nutra Nuggets (USA)

Premium dog food list of brands with higher class products:

Brit Care (Czech Republic)
Diamond (USA)
Eukanuba (Canada)
Happy dog ​​(Germany)
Hills (USA, Netherlands)
Josera (Germany)
Nutra Gold (USA)
Pronature Original (Canada)
(France, Poland, Russia)

Super premium dog food list:

1st Choice (Canada)
Almo Nature(Italy)
Arden Grange (England)
Artemis (USA)
Bosch (Germany)
Belcando (Germany)
Eagle Pack (USA)
Nutra Gold (USA)

Holistic class dog food list

Acana (Canada)
Canidae (USA)
Chicken Soup (USA)
GO! (Canada)
Innova (USA)
Orijen (Canada)
Pronature Holistic (Canada)
Taste of the Wild (USA)
Wellness (USA)

Popularity of food among dog breeders

On the Internet you can find many opinions regarding which food occupies this or that position in the ranking, and this is not easy to do. Some have one position higher, some have a lower position, the main thing is to use high-quality food during feeding, not lower than the premium class, but preferably premium with a higher class and higher. When choosing food for your pet, you can use the table of popularity among dog breeders, which was compiled as a result of a survey of 5,515 people. Of course, the choice will ultimately be determined by your financial capabilities: value for money.

Premium food rating according to dogfoodanalysis

Based on the expert opinion of specialists from the independent portal dogfoodanalysis.com, a rating of premium segment food was compiled; during the selection process, about 1,500 products were involved, each of them was rated on a 6-point scale. As a result, the 10 best, in their opinion, were selected. Again, this is all very relative and individual for each dog.

10th place goes to Acana Prairie Harvest (Canada)

Awarded 5 stars according to the portal. The basis of the feed is meat products in the form of flour. The advantages include the fact that the composition does not contain grain crops that are not natural nutrition for the dog.

9th place goes to Canidae Grain Free Salmon Formula (USA)

Manufactured by Canidae Corporation and also rated 5 stars. It is based on salmon meat, does not contain grains and is hypoallergenic.

8th place goes to Canidae All Life Stages (USA)

Produced in America, it contains turkey, chicken and lamb meat, grain components and ocean fish meal.

7th place goes to Acana Grasslands (Canada)

The brand is already known to us, but this one has a different composition of ingredients, it is made on the basis of lamb meat, fruits, vegetables, probiotics and fresh eggs are added. Such food is found either in large hypermarkets, specialty stores or through online ordering.

6th place goes to Orijen Adult (Canada)

Produced by Champion Pet Foods and awarded a 6-star rating by experts. Containing approximately 70% meat ingredients, there is no grain, and potatoes serve as a source of carbohydrates.

5th place goes to Orijen Puppy (Canada)

This food Suitable for puppies of medium and small dog breeds. If you have a large breed puppy, then another Orijen Puppy product is for you, with the addition of the abbreviation – Large Breed. The product is recommended by AAFCO (American Feed Control Association). Contents nutrients in accordance with the necessary standards.

4th place goes to Orijen Senior (Canada)

Also awarded “6 stars”, used for dogs of advanced age. Compared to food for adult dogs of the Adult series (for young and mature pets), taking into account the characteristics of age, it is lower in calories.

3rd place goes to Innova EVO Red Meat (USA)

Manufactured by Natura Pet Products. Its main composition includes meat components - lamb, beef, venison and buffalo meat. Two release options - with small and large pieces of meat.

2nd place goes to Innova EVO Reduced Fat (USA)

It has a reduced content of animal fats, is made from chicken and turkey, and does not contain grains.

1st place goes to Innova EVO (USA)

It is a universal food for adult dogs, made from turkey and chicken meat, with the addition of herring, whole eggs, vegetables and fruits. The shape of the pieces is large and small.

A balanced diet is important not only for humans, but also for dogs. Insufficient amounts of animal proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and microelements in the body can cause the development of many diseases. A properly selected diet contributes to the vital activity and longevity of your pet. There is a huge range of dry food from various manufacturers on the market.

Rating of dog food by class

All dry food is divided into four main types (classes):

  • economy;
  • premium;
  • super premium;
  • holistic.


Below are foods that are almost identical in composition, so the rating was primarily created on the basis of popularity, country of origin and customer trust. Rating of 10 super premium feeds:

Each product on the list is very good in composition. The amount of meat in the finished diet is 27% or higher, the food is also enriched with vitamins and minerals. This food does not contain artificial additives, colors or flavor enhancers.

Premium class

The composition of premium diets is often not always complete. Most often, it is not meat that is added to such food, but by-products of meat production, and the presence of preservatives is not indicated on the packaging. But because affordable price Many owners choose dry premium food for their pets. Top premium dry dog ​​food:

This rating was created based on the relationship between price, nutritional composition and availability (availability in pet stores). It is worth noting that foods such as Hills, Royal Canin and ProPlan are much more expensive than their premium counterparts. Maybe, main reason This lies in the huge costs of advertising, which can be found at almost every turn.


First of all, you need to know that holistic dog food actually belongs to the super premium class. But still they are considered better nutrition for animal and are not inferior in their characteristics to “naturalness” natural diet. Top best dog foods:

Holistic food is the most expensive, but the prices in the presented list vary. You should not choose a diet based on its cost. For example, Go Natural is cheaper than Acana food, but the latter contains percentages all the ingredients, but the first one does not. This is the reason why Acana is at the top of the rating.

Economy class food

Top economy dog ​​food:

  • Pedigree (USA, Hungary);
  • Darling (France, Hungary);
  • Chappi (USA, Russia);
  • ARO (Ukraine).

The Pedigree brand has occupied a leading position in the economy food category since 1954.

All dry economy food made from low quality raw materials. In such diets contains by-products, soy, food waste. Please note that the manufacturer does not include vitamins and minerals. This means that the dog will need to be given additional vitamin complex and minerals.

Dry food in this category is not fully absorbed by the animal’s body, therefore, when consuming the product, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract are possible, allergic reactions, diseases of internal organs.

Food for dogs of different ages

Almost every manufacturer produces a special line of diets that take into account the body characteristics, age and health of the dog.

Diet for puppies

For a puppy’s growing body, it is important to choose the right balanced diet with a powerful vitamin complex and high levels of protein. At the same time, the food should be hypoallergenic, since the baby’s immunity is still very weak. The ideal food option for puppies is super premium or holistic food, which is selected taking into account the breed and size of the pet.

The best hypoallergenic foods

Recently, there have been many allergic animals whose bodies react to various ingredients. Most often, food is the cause of allergies. In such cases, it is quite difficult to choose a diet for the dog. But feed manufacturers have found a way out here too. Diet for dogs prone to allergies:

  1. Eukanuba Dermatosis F.P. Response. Suitable for pets who have food allergies to certain food components: for example, beef, chicken, grains. Veterinarians also recommend it for dermatitis, excessive hair loss, and gastrointestinal problems. But at the same time, such nutrition is contraindicated if you are sensitive to potatoes or fish. The composition contains potatoes, fish (catfish), sugar beet pulp, and useful substances. The disadvantage of this medicinal food can be considered the very high price and the smell of fish.
  2. Proseries Holistic. Therapeutic hypoallergenic food for animals with meat allergies. The only and main source of protein is fish (anchovies and herring). The composition contains barley, oats, rice, minerals and vitamins, and also contains chondroprotectors. Overall the product is very good, its only drawback is that it is not available in many stores.
  3. Grandorf Duck & Potato Adult All Breeds. The basis of this hypoallergenic diet is turkey and duck meat, and the main source of carbohydrates is sweet potato. The composition contains additional ingredients such as fruit flour carob, Antarctic krill, complex of antioxidants and vitamins, glucosamine and chondroitin.

Food for older dogs

Older dogs, like puppies, require a special diet. They require an increased content of chondoprotectors to maintain joint function, as well as beneficial substances that normalize the functioning of internal organs. Today, there are foods on the market that take into account all the needs of older animals. Among all, the following should be noted.