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How to make your dog love you. What to do if even your dog doesn’t respect you How to protect yourself from a fighting dog

Walking your pet is a common daily ritual for dog owners. But sometimes a walk can end quite suddenly, if suddenly your the dog will be attacked neighbor's dog. It's good if a dog fight ends with a slight fright. But what if the consequences are serious? Is it possible to demand punishment for the aggressor and compensation for the harm caused?

On Saturday evening, February 6th, Galina's daughter Angelina was walking them petfrench bulldog. They didn’t go far from home, they walked on Kihnu Street in Lasnamae, and nothing foreshadowed trouble, writes MK-Estonia

Shock and misunderstanding

“Suddenly, during this walk, our dog was attacked by another, much larger – shepherd dog. The child is in a stupor, our dog is trying to break free from the leash, but it doesn’t work, and the shepherd grabbed the dog’s back and won’t let go,” Galina retells the events of that evening. – The owner stands on the sidelines and does not participate in anything. The child calls for help, but there is no one nearby, and it’s already quite dark.”

By some miracle, the bulldog still managed to escape from the collar and from the teeth of the shepherd dog. Angelina was able to catch the frightened dog and put on a collar and leash. At the same time, she noticed that the owner of the shepherd dog, an older man, finally took his dog on a leash.

“As he got closer, he could barely hold on to his dog, almost provoking another attack. Still, he asked if everything was okay. To which my frightened child replied that no, it’s not okay, because his dog almost ate ours. After which my daughter rushed home,” the woman says. “Then the situation is clear: the girl is hysterical, the dog is in shock, I don’t understand what, where and how...”

Galina called the police, from where she was redirected to MuPo. There, according to the dog’s owner, at first they spoke to her only in Estonian, although she tried to explain that she did not speak the language.

Not the first time

“They said that if the dog has an injury, we should contact veterinary clinic and took a certificate from them, and also took photographs of the wounds. If a girl needs help, then, accordingly, she also needs to go to the clinic and also collect all the certificates,” says Galina. – Although later I found out that the Municipal Police could send a patrol and that’s all

do it right on the spot. It turns out that it was at this time that they had a shift change, and they had no time for it. But these are lyrics."

Galina immediately took the dog to the veterinarian ambulance. There, the crippled animal was treated, given injections, and had an operation. The dog had two serious wounds, the rest were not so bad. At the clinic they gave me a lot of tablets for further treatment and explained how and with what to treat wounds. Ten days later they asked me to come back to have the stitches removed. For all veterinary services the bill was 123 euros 30 cents.

“The most interesting thing awaited me later. I wrote a statement about the incident the next day, attaching all the certificates, invoices and photographs. On Monday, an investigator contacted me and invited me and my daughter to the police to testify. We learned from the investigator that this Alexander, the owner of the shepherd dog, had already been charged exactly two months ago in a similar case, only there the picture was even sadder - the dog did not survive,” states Galina. - He was given a fine, and he has already paid it. To my legitimate question “what will happen now?” The investigator threw up her hands and replied that there was also a fine, but its size was much larger.”

And again a fine

Naturally, this answer outraged the woman. After all, it turns out that her dog was injured, and there is simply no leverage over the law-breaking owner. And no one will force him to muzzle his dog. And if today she rushes at other dogs, then there is no guarantee that tomorrow she will not start rushing at people.

“Here I’m already choking from all this, since, according to the law, the investigator can only suggest that he put a muzzle on the dog,” Galina is indignant. “After which I asked who could check the sanity of the dog, its care and, in general, all living conditions. After all, the dog is not bad in itself, but for some reason it became evil! To which I was told that they are not doing this, they will meet with him and talk about how the dog should not be allowed to be without a leash. They'll give him a fine. And that’s all... That is, the state will receive money for our pain, fear and visits to doctors, but I can’t even get a simple muzzle for that dog... Where is the justice?”

MuPo declined to make any comments on this case, citing the fact that the investigation is still ongoing. However, they confirmed that this is the second case with this owner and his dog.

According to our legislation, even if a dog bites a person, such an incident is considered from the point of view of the Animal Welfare Law, which prescribes under what conditions a dog must have a collar with a leash, a muzzle, etc. It is up to the police to identify the violation: the absence of a muzzle , leash, walk in in the wrong place etc. Bites, wounds and psychological trauma come as an addition.

Try to negotiate

In this regard, the owner only faces a fine: up to 800 euros for individual and up to 2200 euros for a legal entity. It happens that dog attacks are also considered in accordance with the Criminal Code. But in this case, it must be a deliberate setting of the dog on the victim. Then this can be regarded as causing bodily harm or death due to negligence. In addition to the Animal Protection Act, each local government has regulations on the care and maintenance of animals. According to these regulations, a case of violation can be conducted by both regular police and municipal police.

“To receive compensation, the owner of the bitten dog must submit a claim for damages. It's better to do this in writing, advises attorney-at-law Evgeniy Tverdokhlebov from Advokaadibüroo Vindex. – If extrajudicial measures do not bring results, then you can file a claim in court for damages. Before this, the prospects of the case should be assessed: will it be possible to prove who owns the bitten dog; will it be possible to prove that it was she who was bitten, and the expenses arose precisely because of this; will it be possible to prove the amount of expenses.”

Tverdokhlebov says that it is best to try to resolve the issue through a friendly conversation, so that the owner of the bitten dog has a desire to help the person who has incurred the costs.

A dog is, of course, a man's friend if it is kind and well-mannered... But there are dogs whose meeting does not bode well. When they see you, they don’t wag their tail, they just bare their teeth and stare so hard that you want to turn around and run wherever your eyes are looking.

Most often these are stray dogs. They have no owners, and many do not like people, because they once offended them. These dogs often gather in packs and can be very dangerous. They can even attack and bite a person, although he does not touch them.

Usually these dogs live in a place that they consider “theirs.” Most often this is a vacant lot, garages, parking lots, construction sites. It is better not to go to these places without adults.

But there is also a completely different situation. You are calmly walking down the street or even in your own yard, when suddenly a pack of dogs decides that this is their place too. They jump up, start barking, and run up to you as if they want to bite you.

What should you do in this case:

Gather your strength, don’t get scared and don’t run away.

If you run, then one hundred percent an unfamiliar dog will rush after you. Here her hunting instinct begins to manifest itself. Of course, it is very unpleasant when dogs begin to bark in unison as they approach you. But if a dog barks, it means he wants to negotiate with you so that you leave. That's why it doesn't bite, but only warns.

You must stop immediately.

Then you need to calmly and confidently talk to the dogs. Say whatever you want, even the lesson assigned for today, only firmly and confidently. If you start sucking up to dogs and speaking in a plaintive tone, then this will be your big mistake. If you yell at them, the dogs will not be scared at all, but will get even angrier.

Without turning your back on the dogs, return to where you came from. Just slowly and calmly. Wherein:

Never look dogs in the eye. Don't make sudden movements. Don't wave your arms.

When the dogs stop following you and stop, you can turn your back to them and slowly walk away. No matter how much you want to, don’t run in this case either.

Dogs also really don’t like cyclists. If you are followed by a pack of dogs barking and trying to catch up with you, then you better stop and get off the bike. We must wait until they calm down and slowly leave. If you decide that you need to increase the speed, they will get even more angry and may bite. If they attack the bike, it is better to leave it and slowly walk away.

But besides stray dogs Those who have loving owners are also very dangerous. These are dogs designed by nature to attack: bull terriers, Rottweilers, bullmastiffs. But if they were poorly raised, they can be very dangerous to people.

If this dog blocks your path, contact its owner with a request to take the dog aside. And never communicate with other people’s dogs, do not try to pet them. Never be rude to the owner of this dog, because he will decide that you are attacking him and will rush at him protect.

Don't forget that even a familiar dog can suddenly become angry if it has puppies. A dog that considers you its friend wags its tail. If she flattens her ears, raises upper lip- is set against you.

In general, there is no need to be afraid of all dogs at all. Most owners raise their four-legged friends well and they are true friends.

Everyone knows the statement that a dog is a man's friend. But there are also situations when dogs attack people. In addition, sometimes they attack each other; both children and adults can witness such incidents. Many people think that the dog attacks suddenly, without visible reasons. However, as a rule, this is not true. If a dog attacks, what to do in this situation, how to react to the attack, will prompt you to understand the reasons for its behavior and take the necessary measures.

Reasons for the attack

There are not many reasons why an animal can attack. The causes of aggression in dogs can be the following:

  • Protection own territory. As a rule, dogs guard and defend the territory, attacking potential enemies. Female dogs rarely do this. Probably, many have noticed a situation in which an animal accompanies you to a certain place, then suddenly stops and goes back. The dog considers this territory, which the dog followed the person, to be its own possession, and therefore protects it.
  • Protecting your offspring. A dog will always protect its puppies, however, how it will do this depends on each individual, its breed, and so on. Some will simply growl, threaten with grins, while others bark deafeningly and even try to attack passers-by.
  • Inadequate, poorly brought up, untrained There are also owners who believe that their pet should snap at other people, thereby showing that it is protecting its owner.

How to Avoid a Dog Attack

Dog attacks on people are not uncommon. But it’s best to do everything to avoid this from the beginning. First, understand why the animal behaves this way, assess the situation, see if its offspring are nearby, and whether it is aggressive in itself. Maybe the dog feels threatened by its owner or jealously guards the territory it considers its own. In these situations, simply walk around the dog, but under no circumstances run away! The animal may chase you in order to intimidate you.

So, how to behave if a dog attacks:

  • The main thing is not to panic. If a dog attacks, the first thing to do is remain calm.
  • Under no circumstances turn your side to the dog or, especially, your back, this is a direct challenge for the animal to attack. Turn your face and whole body towards him.
  • Don’t try to run away from the dog, they have a strong instinct to chase the runaway, so freeze and stand still, don’t move.
  • Don't show that you are afraid. Animals feel fear and anger, so they will try to attack.
  • If a dog is running towards you, but the distance between you is still large, you can try this: jump sharply forward, straight towards it, this may confuse it and it will stop, or even walk away altogether.
  • This action helps: bend over sharply and pretend as if you are picking up a cobblestone from the ground and throwing it. If there are pebbles or sticks lying under your feet, take them and throw them at the dog advancing on you, even a handful of small stones is better. In this way, you let the animal know who is stronger, and they do not attack such people, of course, if they are not infected with rabies.
  • If there are no stones or other things under your feet, use a bag, an umbrella, keys, whatever is at hand.
  • Another simple way is to shout loudly at the animal. The command "Fu" must be said in a loud, steady, confident voice.

  • Try to maintain balance, this is very important. After all, the dog will rush at you with a force that can knock you off your feet, you may fall, and then it will be much more difficult to fight him off, there will be a large area for biting, including the face.
  • There is a possibility that you will have to kill an animal in defense of your life. Therefore, you need to be mentally prepared for this.
  • Take a body position in which one leg is put forward - this is When a dog rushes at you, sharply put your hand forward, this will be what it will rush at first, that is, this is such a distracting maneuver. And immediately kick her in the head.
  • when attacking, he will try to bite his hands. But stray dogs attack from behind, mostly rushing to their feet, doing it on the sly.

All of the above tips apply mainly to healthy individuals not infected with the rabies virus. In the case of mad people, scream as loudly as possible, try to attract the attention of others, fight back however you like. After all, it is almost impossible to avoid being bitten by an animal infected with rabies, but you need to fight back so that the wounds are compatible with life.

What to do if you couldn't avoid a bite

The most important thing to understand is that you should not hope that the dog that bit you is not contagious. If you hope for this and do not consult a doctor in time, the consequences will be extremely serious. It is important to start administering the vaccine in a timely manner to avoid the development of rabies with subsequent possible death.

If you see direct indications that the dog is inadequate or infected with rabies, it is dripping with saliva, it violently rushes at everything it sees nearby, at everything moving, and cannot control itself, be careful. In this situation, it is extremely important to prevent a bite. After all, it is contained in saliva. And if an animal bites you, the virus can enter your body through saliva.

How effective the administered vaccine will be depends on the timeliness of care. Therefore, immediately after a bite, go to a nearby medical center. If you have been seriously injured or are far from settlement, call an ambulance immediately.

Ways to protect yourself from an attacking dog

Finding themselves in such a situation, many become confused, especially from the fear of being bitten or from ignorance. If a dog attacks, what should you do first, trying to minimize the damage or avoid it altogether? Remember the following tips:

  • When an animal lunges at your hand or face, the moment it approaches the attacked point, immediately do the following: if the dog has chosen your hand as the point of attack, abruptly leave the place where you were standing, quickly bend it at the elbow, and press it to your chest. If the target of the attack is the face, in this way you will protect it from the bite by fighting the dog off with your elbow and protecting the face with your hand.
  • Abruptly leaving the place where you were just standing will help you avoid being bitten by the body; the animal can only catch your clothes and fly past.
  • When the dog lunges at your leg, again quickly move away from the standing point and hit the head with your hand. By leaving him several times, you will discourage him and he will simply get tired of attacking you.
  • On sale you may have noticed self-defense products for repelling dogs: all sorts of sprays, cans, aerosols. But you shouldn’t use them, because in almost all cases of attack they only anger the animal even more, provoking further aggression.

How to protect yourself from a fighting dog

Attack by a stray dog ​​or pet dog, simply guarding its owner is not so bad. Even an individual infected with rabies is sometimes less dangerous than an aggressive fighting breed. If a dog attacks, what to do is more or less clear from the tips given above. The wounds will heal when immediate appeal When taken to the hospital, the vaccine will prevent the virus from developing, and the person will recover.

But here comes the attack fighting dog directly threatens life, it can easily cripple, leaving part of an arm or leg missing, or even kill. How then to behave if the attacker The most important thing is to find something that can protect you from bites: it could be a jacket, a bag, an umbrella, any thing that will prevent you from getting to the body.

Also remember that main goal A fighting dog's attack is the neck, which is where it will target. And he won’t leave you alone until he takes the loot. You can hit her as hard as possible between the eyes to scare her as much as possible and make her lose her orientation. If you succeed, push any object into her teeth so that she takes it for a trophy or prey, then she will stop attacking and leave.

Fall after dog attack

The worst thing is when a dog manages to knock a person down and throw him to the ground. In such a situation, it is very difficult to give any advice, and self-defense means will no longer help, because the person begins to act instinctively, reflexively taking a position in which he will receive the least amount of damage. The resulting shock prevents you from thinking and acting constructively. Still, try to pull yourself together in such a situation. And remember, if a dog attacks, what to do after the fall:

  • swinging your arms and legs, try to hit the dog in the nose;
  • Protect your neck from fighting and hide it;
  • if the dog moves rather slowly, grab it by the ears, or even better, throw it to the ground yourself and start choking it;
  • in the most extreme cases, both the person being attacked and the police have the right to kill the animal.

The worst option is an attempt to attack a pack of dogs. But here it is important not to panic and drive away at least one of the pack, thereby showing the others that you are stronger. And the attack will be avoided.

Cyclist and dog attack

An animal can attack not only a pedestrian, but also a person on a bicycle. Moreover, this case is quite common. Surely many, while going for a bike ride, have noticed dogs that suddenly begin to run, trying to bite the legs that are turning the pedals.

The main thing is not to panic, not to show your fear. In no case should you sharply increase the speed of movement, because not only will this only irritate the animal, but the dog is quite capable of gaining speed much faster than yours. If she still grabs your leg, sharply press the brake. Thanks to the inertia of the attacker, the dog will be thrown forward. After this, get off the bike, placing it between you and the animal as a shield.

Attack of other dogs on the dog owner

In addition to the fact that an animal can simply attack a walking person, there are also situations when, while walking with your own pet, you can stumble upon aggression from other dogs, be it domestic dogs that have an owner, or street, stray dogs.

If the attack has already been committed, you should not stretch the mating dogs, this will only aggravate the situation. It’s better to throw a scarf, handkerchief, jacket, or anything else over the head of the attacking animal that will confuse it and stop it from seeing the target of the attack. At this moment, let your pet off the leash; he will either run away or fight back the attacker. If possible, pour water on the grappling attackers.

If you are in a situation where an attack is only possible, but has not yet been committed, try to avoid it: give your dog the command to “sit”, and drive away the one that tried to attack. In this way, you will let your animal know that you will deal with the situation on your own, thereby avoiding your pet getting into a fight with the attacker.

Behind last years an absolutely enormous number of articles about dog bites appeared in the press own masters, but the last straw for me personally was an article about a pit bull that chewed up its owner’s 10-year-old daughter. It’s difficult for me to blame the dog itself for something, but the father should be brought to criminal responsibility, since the death of the girl lies on his conscience.
I was surprised that the killer was a pit bull, and not a Rottweiler, Caucasian, Central Asian, or at worst a bull terrier, sharpei or mastiff. People often get started serious dogs, like a toy, a car or a child, without knowing how or how to raise it, but both Staffies and Pitbulls were bred from the dogs most friendly to people. After all, these are fighting breeds, their representatives were passed from hand to hand, and during the fight people often climbed over the fence to cheer up their pets - such dogs had to be extremely aggressive towards their relatives, but could not even think of biting a person . Of the good hundred staffs and pits I knew, only 6-8, when they were finally caught, grinned at their owners, 3-4 bit, and only one adored both people and dogs equally.
You may be surprised by the authority that sounds in these lines, especially if I say that I recently turned 19 years old, but the experience of my life itself is already very far from the average. And therefore - here
My history
The first dog appeared in our house about 45-50 years ago, and since then we have never lived more than six months without a dog. There is a practical reason for this, besides simple love for this four-legged tribe: unfortunately, in our time, in a house with a garden you cannot do without a guard. From the stories of my grandfather and mother, I know that, in addition to one collie, a fox terrier and a German shepherd, before me we had all boxers. These wonderful companion dogs extremely rarely show aggression towards members of their pack, so the East European Jim, who appeared with us already in my memory, instantly took the leading position. His anger and cowardice led to the fact that not only family members were bitten, including me, then still a child, but also almost all the guests and acquaintances. And it’s not surprising that he grew up like this, because in my family it has long been believed that the dog should be fed first, the bone should not be taken away, there should be no need to drive him out of the way, and in his place the dog is generally free to do what he wants, even if a moment ago he she snatched a stick of expensive sausage from your hands and, voluptuously slurping, bares her white teeth. At the age of 10, Jim died of a fatty heart... ...and after crying and grieving, we bought a puppy German Shepherd. They named him Philip, groomed and cherished him, adored him and didn’t even kiss him on the butt. But the pleasure of training him, walking him and raising him almost entirely fell on my conscience - the conscience of a 13-year-old teenage girl. At the age of three he bit me for the first time, and although he received full blows, the white spots of the scars are still visible on my hands. And this was just the beginning... Before I was 6 years old, Phil bit me six times, and the sixth time almost immediately after castration and completed (excellently!) educational training and owner protection courses. It was here that I could not stand it and once and for all (I hope!) stopped his attempts to take the place of leader, which, as I firmly decided, from now on in our tandem would belong to me. After all these executions, Filchik finally respected me and truly loved me - after all, dogs respect strength - and I understood the value of his love and now I myself can’t imagine life without my black-faced, fluffy “sun”.
The method by which I brought him to a “common denominator” may seem too harsh to some, but for me it is much more cruel to simply beat the dog until it begins to press into the ground from any of your harsh words or movements. But you still can’t escape punishment, because if your dog snapped at you or your loved ones at least once, they will only open up to you
Three ways
Path number 1 is to shoot, euthanize, give away or throw the dog into the street; No. 2 - sacrifice health, and possibly life - your own or your loved ones; No. 3 - once and for all to put the aggressor on his rightful lowest level and secure his status as a leader.
When I, repeating the words of V.K. Grishin, say that a dog’s position in the pack should be “lower than a turtle,” many laugh, but in vain, because logically, if a dog is taller than a turtle, then it can be taller than a cat, and if you are taller than a cat, then you are taller than an old, frail grandmother, and if you are taller than a grandmother... One day she will get to you. Therefore, it is better to immediately explain to her that the path up the caste ladder is closed to her.
I personally know dozens of people who, until the last moment, did not believe that their beloved dog could bite its own breadwinner, until this happened. Therefore, do not wave your hands and do not say that this is not your case, but listen to my words.
In no case should we forget that a dog, like any pack animal, is deeply hierarchical. In no animal community there are two individuals with equal rights; even in a chicken yard, every chicken knows who she can peck and who she must give way to.
I am not saying that any dog ​​will try to take a leading position in the family, but in almost any litter there are 1-2 leader puppies, 2-3 are the “golden mean”, and at least one outcast puppy. So you can forget about equality with your four-legged “friend”: either you are higher or lower, and if you are lower, expect aggression. And don’t say that you have a breed that doesn’t bite: any dog ​​is a descendant of a wolf, at the genetic level it has much more wolf leashes and behavior than we can guess, which is why among companion dogs (Labradors, retrievers, St. Bernards, Newfoundlands, Dalmatians, Ridgebacks, etc.), and among indoor dog breeds there are individuals with very strong character. By the way, almost all miniature schnauzers, Jagd terriers, lap dogs and French bulldogs bite and simply terrorize their owners. But in any pack animal, at the genetic level, a clear division of the whole world into “friends” and “strangers” is fixed: the leader and members of the pack are inviolable, the attitude towards strangers is a completely separate matter. For example, my Filipchik fears, loves and respects me, but at the same time he is always ready to protect me from any danger.
People are usually embarrassed to admit that they have been bitten own dog, I stick my scarred hands under the nose of everyone who talks about equal rights with animals. I voluntarily play with them in their own games, whose name is life. I accepted their rules. How did I know about them, you ask? Yes, this is my job, I’ll answer you. Remember how Farley Mowat said:
Don't cry wolves!
I invite everyone to my work - to the Lenzoopark. Except on Sunday and Monday, you can easily see a girl in work clothes, frozen near the cages with wolves, almost pressed against the bars - that’s me. Come, I will tell you their names, tell you about the characters, habits, habits and history of each, tell you about their relationships and language. You have no idea how much a person can see if he opens his eyes wider! It seems to you that you know enough about wolves. Don’t be deceived, we know practically nothing about these wonderful, intelligent animals. After all, a wolf is a wolf. Tens of thousands of years of natural selection have produced not a perfect killing machine, but a semi-intelligent creature with a developed language, a communication system and close family relationships full of spontaneity and tenderness.
Dogs, after such long and close communication with people, have humanized the language and gestures of their ancestors - after all, a person is not burdened with excessive insight, and the poor dog has to ridiculously exaggerate emotions and feelings in order to be understood. With a wolf, everything is much more aristocratic and subtle: the nuances of their “speech” are sometimes so great that even after long-term observation and communication with them, I cannot always understand what they want to “tell” me and each other with this or that sound , gesture or body movement.
And how many myths about wolves we firmly accept on faith! I will try to dispel at least some of them.
Myth 1. The wolf is a very angry, vindictive and aggressive animal.
Complete nonsense! Compared to tens and hundreds of thousands of annual deaths from livestock, several dozen wolf attacks on people are without deaths! – in my opinion, it’s not worth such a loud debate. We cut down forests, kill game, shoot the wolves themselves - and they silently retreat along with the forests further and further. In general, only a rabid wolf or a pack that has starved during the winter can attack a person. A she-wolf does not protect her cubs - just like any animal that gives birth to 3-6 cubs every year. The she-bear, fiercely protecting her cubs, gives birth to 1-2 cubs every 2-3 years, and a collision with her is mortally dangerous. A person is not food for a wolf, he is an enemy, a hindrance. The wolf will prefer to avoid meeting him by any means necessary.
Myth 2. Wolves howl at the moon.
It's like saying that people only talk during the day. Wolves prefer to howl at night so as not to attract the attention of people. Howling is one of the sound methods of communication common between wolves: it carries many meanings depending on intonation, pitch, timbre, etc.
Myth 3. Wolves and dogs are very similar, it is easy to confuse them in the forest.
Sorry, but if you come face to face with something that looks like a wolf, in 99.9% of cases you can be sure that it is a dog. It is no less difficult to meet this animal in our forests than, for example, a wild elephant in the jungles of Africa. They avoid people whenever possible.
Myth 4. No matter how much you feed a wolf... or Wolves cannot be tamed.
I wonder what the famous animal psychologist Bernhard Grzimek, who raised more than four wolves in his house, would say to this statement? Of course, a wolf is not a dog. To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf. But mixed breeds of wolves and shepherds are considered perhaps the smartest representatives of the dog tribe. Wolves are excellent at training and getting used to their owner: after all, the owner is his pack, his beloved leader, why would he run away from his own leader?
Myth 5. Dogs and wolves are blood enemies.
Of course, if you set a dog against a wolf, that’s one thing. Or if a wolf was hunted with dogs... But the normal relationship between a dog who knows about wolves and a wolf who knows about dogs is reminiscent of a conversation between a commoner and an aristocrat. The dog usually feels very flattered in this case and tries to behave accordingly. Although the wolf usually communicates with dogs, for the she-wolf this is a humiliation of her dignity.
Wolf Science
A wolf pack is formed around a mating pair, usually for life. Most growing puppies remain in the pack and often interbreed with each other, so closely related relationships are very developed in the pack. The main male and female keep the male and female parts of the pack under control, respectively, and any disobedience is harshly suppressed. The two main types of punishment that I want to offer to owners of growling and biting dogs are:
1) The leader grabs the offender by the neck and, strangling, presses him to the ground, but if the resistance does not stop, he jerks him into the air with a sharp movement, continuing to strangle him until he goes limp, admitting his defeat.
Based on this, I advise you to put thin harnesses, a muzzle, a leash on your dogs and simply provoke a situation where the dog snaps at you. Personally, I put my Philip on his back and lightly lifted him by his paws so that he would rush at me - well, he didn’t like such liberties. And when you hear a roar, lift the dog on the noose and shake it. If you are physically weak person or you have a very large one aggressive dog, you can throw the leash over the door. As soon as the dog goes limp, it means he has given up. If you have to choke her until she faints, don't be alarmed, think about your loved ones and how much you love your dog - and you love him, I have no doubt. And don’t be afraid to strangle him to death, a dog’s neck is structured somewhat differently than a human’s; in order to strangle a dog, after it loses consciousness, you need to hold it suspended for 3 to 5 minutes. You simply don't have the strength! I assure you that although this method is cruel, it is naturally expedient, and beating will lead to the dog being afraid of swinging for the rest of its life. I strangled my Philip three times until he fainted, while they offered to give him away or put him to sleep. As a result, I am safe and he is safe, and we love each other even more.
2) When the main resistance is suppressed, it is enough for the leader to sensitively bite the one on the muzzle or ear so that he understands everything.
If you are not squeamish, you can also lightly bite the offending dog on the nose or ear, after squeezing its muzzle in your palms. But this can only be done if you are firmly convinced that the dog will not bite you back. But the result will appear many times faster than from beating.
All this is very important for you if you chose the wrong breed, puppy, or simply did not develop self-respect in time. But this can be predicted, it’s enough to do it right choice. The simplest will help you with this
Tests for choosing a puppy
Firstly, the puppy should be adopted no earlier than 1.5 months. and preferably no later than 3 months. From a month to one and a half months, puppies begin to play with their mother and with each other, during this time they learn dog language, relationships - a puppy adopted before one and a half months will not play with dogs, it will be difficult for him to establish a “personal life”. And from!.5 to 3.5 months. a small dog creates for itself a picture of the world around it, at this time it needs to be shown everything - family members, adult dogs, transport, streets, cats... Otherwise, then it will be afraid of everything and it will be difficult to accustom it to walks. Moreover, at one and a half months, a puppy is a model of a future personality, and you can easily choose a friend with a suitable character and temperament for you.
1 test. Attitude towards a stranger. In a room unfamiliar to the puppy stranger squats down in front of one puppy and claps his hands. Normal reaction puppy - run up to the person.
2 test. The instinct to follow a person. Under the same conditions, you simply walk in front of the puppy - he should run after your legs. The lack of instinct to follow a person is a genetic defect that leads to constant losses of the dog.
3 test. Fear of heights. Place the puppy on the table. The normal reaction is curiosity. If the puppy trembles or pees, do not take him! Such mental defects are not corrected and do not go away with age, but are passed on to offspring.
4 test. Testing willpower and protective qualities. Place the puppy on its back and hold it in this position for a while. If the puppy actively resists, bites and scratches, this is a strong personality with protective qualities. If he calmly relaxes in your arms, he is unlikely to ever show aggression towards you.
5 test. Leadership test. Place the puppy on his stomach in the sphinx position and hold him there. By the degree of resistance you can judge his future desire for leadership over you.
6 test. Testing for pain defect. Gently squeeze the leathery membrane between your puppy's toes. If he squeals, in the future any wound or bruise will cause him a painful shock.
7 test. Fear loud sounds. With all the droppings, you drop the pan on the floor. If one of the puppies runs away squealing, pees itself, or simply gets scared, don’t take them! This is a hereditary defect. During thunderstorms and fireworks, your dog will become hysterical.
I hope these simple tests will help you in choosing a friend, and the essay itself will help solve the problems that have already arisen.