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How to protect yourself from dog attacks. What to do if a dog attacks

Everyone knows the statement that a dog is a man's friend. But there are also situations when dogs attack people. In addition, sometimes they attack each other; both children and adults can witness such incidents. Many people think that the dog attacks suddenly, without visible reasons. However, as a rule, this is not true. If a dog attacks, what to do in this situation, how to react to the attack, will prompt you to understand the reasons for its behavior and take the necessary measures.

Reasons for the attack

There are not many reasons why an animal can attack. The causes of aggression in dogs can be the following:

  • Protection own territory. As a rule, dogs guard and defend the territory, attacking potential enemies. Female dogs rarely do this. Probably, many have noticed a situation in which an animal accompanies you to a certain place, then suddenly stops and goes back. The dog considers this territory, which the dog followed the person, to be its own possession, and therefore protects it.
  • Protecting your offspring. A dog will always protect its puppies, however, how it will do this depends on each individual, its breed, and so on. Some will simply growl, threaten with grins, while others bark deafeningly and even try to attack passers-by.
  • Inadequate, poorly brought up, untrained There are also owners who believe that their pet should snap at other people, thereby showing that it is protecting its owner.

How to Avoid a Dog Attack

Dog attacks on people are not uncommon. But it’s best to do everything to avoid this from the beginning. First, understand why the animal behaves this way, assess the situation, see if its offspring are nearby, and whether it is aggressive in itself. Maybe the dog feels threatened by its owner or jealously guards the territory it considers its own. In these situations, simply walk around the dog, but under no circumstances run away! The animal may chase you in order to intimidate you.

So, how to behave when attacked by a dog:

  • The main thing is not to panic. If a dog attacks, the first thing to do is remain calm.
  • Under no circumstances turn your side to the dog or, especially, your back, this is a direct challenge for the animal to attack. Turn your face and whole body towards him.
  • Don’t try to run away from the dog, they have a strong instinct to chase the runaway, so freeze and stand still, don’t move.
  • Don't show that you are afraid. Animals feel fear and anger, so they will try to attack.
  • If a dog is running towards you, but the distance between you is still large, you can try this: jump sharply forward, straight towards it, this may confuse it and it will stop, or even walk away altogether.
  • This action helps: bend over sharply and pretend as if you are picking up a cobblestone from the ground and throwing it. If there are pebbles or sticks lying under your feet, take them and throw them at the dog advancing on you, even a handful of small stones is better. In this way, you let the animal know who is stronger, and they do not attack such people, of course, if they are not infected with rabies.
  • If there are no stones or other things under your feet, use a bag, an umbrella, keys, whatever is at hand.
  • Another simple way is to shout loudly at the animal. The command "Fu" must be said in a loud, steady, confident voice.

  • Try to maintain balance, this is very important. After all, the dog will rush at you with a force that can knock you off your feet, you may fall, and then it will be much more difficult to fight him off, there will be a large area for biting, including the face.
  • There is a possibility that you will have to kill an animal in defense of your life. Therefore, you need to be mentally prepared for this.
  • Take a body position in which one leg is put forward - this is When a dog rushes at you, sharply put your hand forward, this will be what it will rush at first, that is, this is such a distracting maneuver. And immediately kick her in the head.
  • when attacking, he will try to bite his hands. But stray dogs attack from behind, mostly rushing to their feet, doing it on the sly.

All of the above tips apply mainly to healthy individuals not infected with the rabies virus. In the case of mad people, scream as loudly as possible, try to attract the attention of others, fight back however you like. After all, it is almost impossible to avoid being bitten by an animal infected with rabies, but you need to fight back so that the wounds are compatible with life.

What to do if you couldn't avoid a bite

The most important thing to understand is that you should not hope that the dog that bit you is not contagious. If you hope for this and do not consult a doctor in time, the consequences will be extremely serious. It is important to start administering the vaccine in a timely manner to avoid the development of rabies with subsequent possible death.

If you see direct indications that the dog is inadequate or infected with rabies, it is dripping with saliva, it furiously rushes at everything it sees nearby, at everything moving, and cannot control itself, be careful. In this situation, it is extremely important to prevent a bite. After all, it is contained in saliva. And if an animal bites you, the virus can enter your body through saliva.

How effective the administered vaccine will be depends on the timeliness of care. Therefore, immediately after a bite, go to a nearby medical center. If you have been seriously injured or are far from settlement, call immediately ambulance.

Ways to protect yourself from an attacking dog

Finding themselves in such a situation, many become confused, especially from the fear of being bitten or from ignorance. If a dog attacks, what should you do first, trying to minimize the damage or avoid it altogether? Remember the following tips:

  • When an animal lunges at your hand or face, the moment it approaches the attacked point, immediately do the following: if the dog has chosen your hand as the point of attack, abruptly leave the place where you were standing, quickly bend it at the elbow, and press it to your chest. If the target of the attack is the face, in this way you will protect it from the bite by fighting the dog off with your elbow and protecting the face with your hand.
  • Abruptly leaving the place where you were just standing will help you avoid being bitten by the body; the animal can only catch your clothes and fly past.
  • When the dog lunges at your leg, again quickly move away from the standing point and hit the head with your hand. By leaving him several times, you will discourage him and he will simply get tired of attacking you.
  • On sale you may have noticed self-defense products for repelling dogs: all sorts of sprays, cans, aerosols. But you shouldn’t use them, because in almost all cases of attack they only anger the animal even more, provoking further aggression.

How to protect yourself from a fighting dog

Attack by a stray dog ​​or pet dog, simply guarding its owner is not so bad. Even an individual infected with rabies is sometimes less dangerous than an aggressive fighting breed. If a dog attacks, what to do is more or less clear from the tips given above. The wounds will heal when immediate appeal When taken to the hospital, the vaccine will prevent the virus from developing, and the person will recover.

But here comes the attack fighting dog directly threatens life, it can easily cripple, leaving part of an arm or leg missing, or even kill. How then to behave if the attacker The most important thing is to find something that can protect you from bites: it could be a jacket, a bag, an umbrella, any thing that will prevent you from getting to the body.

Also remember that main goal A fighting dog's attack is the neck, which is where it will target. And he won’t leave you alone until he takes the loot. You can hit her as hard as possible between the eyes to scare her as much as possible and make her lose her orientation. If you succeed, push any object into her teeth so that she takes it for a trophy or prey, then she will stop attacking and leave.

Fall after dog attack

The worst thing is when a dog manages to knock a person down and throw him to the ground. In such a situation, it is very difficult to give any advice, and self-defense means will no longer help, because the person begins to act instinctively, reflexively taking a position in which he will receive the least amount of damage. The resulting shock prevents you from thinking and acting constructively. Still, try to pull yourself together in such a situation. And remember, if a dog attacks, what to do after the fall:

  • swinging your arms and legs, try to hit the dog in the nose;
  • Protect your neck from fighting and hide it;
  • if the dog moves rather slowly, grab it by the ears, or even better, throw it to the ground yourself and start choking it;
  • in the most extreme cases, both the person being attacked and the police have the right to kill the animal.

The worst option is an attempt to attack a pack of dogs. But here it is important not to panic and drive away at least one of the pack, thereby showing the others that you are stronger. And the attack will be avoided.

Cyclist and dog attack

An animal can attack not only a pedestrian, but also a person on a bicycle. Moreover, this case is quite common. Surely many, while going for a bike ride, have noticed dogs that suddenly begin to run, trying to bite the legs that are turning the pedals.

The main thing is not to panic, not to show your fear. In no case should you sharply increase the speed of movement, because not only will this only irritate the animal, but the dog is quite capable of gaining speed much faster than yours. If she still grabs your leg, sharply press the brake. Thanks to the inertia of the attacker, the dog will be thrown forward. After this, get off the bike, placing it between you and the animal as a shield.

Attack of other dogs on the dog owner

In addition to the fact that an animal can simply attack a walking person, there are also situations when, while walking with your own pet, you can stumble upon aggression from other dogs, be it domestic dogs that have an owner, or street, stray dogs.

If the attack has already been committed, you should not stretch the mating dogs, this will only aggravate the situation. It’s better to throw a scarf, handkerchief, jacket, or anything else over the attacking animal’s head that will confuse it and stop it from seeing the target of the attack. At this moment, let your pet off the leash; he will either run away or fight back the attacker. If possible, pour water on the grappling attackers.

If you are in a situation where an attack is only possible, but has not yet been committed, try to avoid it: give your dog the command “sit”, and drive away the one that tried to attack. In this way, you will let your animal know that you will handle the situation on your own, thereby avoiding your pet getting into a fight with the attacker.

Imagine that you are jogging in the park or riding a bike in your neighborhood, and suddenly an unfamiliar dog jumps up to you, begins to growl and defiantly advance. What to do in this case? In such situations, you can behave rightly and wrongly. To avoid suffering from dog bites, remain calm and take some steps to make the situation less stressful.


What to do in case of a dog attack

    Do not panic. Dogs and some other animals actually sense someone else's fear. If you get scared and run or scream, the dog will either attack even faster or think that you are threatening him, which is even worse.

    Freeze and don't move. When the dog approaches you, freeze in one place with your arms extended along your body like a tree and lower your eyes. Often in such situations, dogs lose interest and leave if the person does not pay attention to them.

    • Don't wave your arms or legs. The dog may perceive such actions as a threat.
    • Don't look the dog in the eyes - this may provoke an attack.
    • Stand to the side of the dog and keep him in your line of sight. This will let the dog know that you are not dangerous.
    • Do not expose your arms and legs to the blow - keep them pressed to your body. The dog may come close to you and even smell you, but will not bite.
  1. Don't try to escape. Running can bring out the inside of a dog. natural need chase prey. She may rush after you, even if she initially just wanted to play with you. Besides, you still won't be able to outrun a dog, and even if you ride a bike, many dogs will be able to catch up with you.

    Distract your dog with another object. If your dog threatens you, give him something he can bite, like a backpack or a water bottle. Any thing that will protect you from being bitten will do. The item may distract the dog and give you time to move away.

    • If you are heading to places where there may be wild dogs, bring treats or toys with you. If an aggressive dog approaches you, throw toys or treats aside. The dog may be more interested in them than in you.


    1. Stand facing the dog and say the command “back”. If the dog continues to behave aggressively, and trying to ignore or negotiate with it is futile, turn to face it and give the command for it to leave.

      • Speak in a confident and authoritative voice.
      • Don't look the dog in the eye.
      • The dog may get scared and run away.
    2. Fight off an attacking dog. If a dog tries to bite you, you will have to defend yourself. Hit the dog in the throat, nose, or back of the head. This will stun the dog and give you time to escape.

      • You can raise your voice. Call loudly for help when you fight off the dog. Perhaps someone will hear you and come to your aid. Don't squeal as this will only make your dog more angry.
      • If you have a stick or other self-defense weapon with you, use it - hit the dog. Don't hit the forehead because dogs have dense skulls and this will only anger the animal. It is better to use pepper or tear spray.
      • Fight as if your life depends on the outcome of the fight, because it does. A dog attack can result in death. Of course, you shouldn’t intentionally harm an animal, but if you are attacked, you should use force to defend yourself.
    3. Take advantage of your weight. Push down on the dog, especially with hard parts of the body like knees or elbows. Dogs may bite, but they don't know how to fight, so try to keep comfortable position and press on the bones. Sit on top of your dog and apply pressure to the throat or ribs, trying to prevent the dog from biting or scratching your face.

      • If you do not want to injure the dog and are confident that you can handle it, lean your body on the dog’s back and apply pressure back surface neck to immobilize the animal until help arrives.
    4. Protect your face, chest and throat. If you fall to the ground during a fight, it will be more difficult for you to fight the animal and your chest, head and neck will be more vulnerable. It is extremely important to protect these areas of the body as bites in these areas can cause serious injury and can result in death.

      Leave the scene slowly and carefully. When your dog loses interest in you, begin to back away slowly without making any sudden movements. It is not so easy to remain calm and still in stressful situation, however, this is the best you can do if the dog does not bite you.

    Consequences of a fight with a dog

    1. Treat wounds. If you are bitten by a dog, you should treat even the smallest wounds immediately, as animal bites can cause infection. Bites should be treated as follows:

      • To stop minor bleeding, apply a light pressure bandage made from a clean cloth or sterile gauze to the injured area. If the bleeding is severe or does not stop after applying a bandage, consult a doctor.
      • Rinse the wound thoroughly. Wash the affected area with warm water and soap.
      • Apply a bandage. Use a band-aid (for small bites) or sterile dressings(for large wounds).
      • Examine wounds for signs of infection, including redness, warmth, tenderness, and pus. If you experience some of these symptoms, consult your doctor.
    2. Call the appropriate authorities. It is important to understand whether the dog that attacked you has rabies and whether it has attacked people in the past. Call the appropriate authorities immediately after a dog attack to ensure it can't hurt anyone else and to have it tested for rabies.

      • If you are attacked by a stray dog, it may also attack other people. To ensure safety, the dog should be removed from the street.
      • If the dog has an owner, further actions depend only on your wishes. If you have been harmed physical harm, you can sue the owner. Many countries impose liability for the actions of domestic dogs.
    3. See your doctor. If you were bitten by an unknown dog, an animal that was foaming at the mouth, or a dog that was found to have rabies, you will need to At once See a doctor to be treated for rabies (this disease can cause death).

      • Rabies injections should be started as soon as possible after bites.
      • It is believed that there is no rabies in almost all of Europe, so most likely if you are attacked by a dog in Western Europe, you won't need injections.
      • If you have not had a tetanus shot in the last five years, you will need to get one now as a preventive measure.
      • As a general rule, all large dog bite wounds should be seen by a doctor.

    Preventing an attack

    1. Pay attention to warning signs. Most dogs are not aggressive - they are curious and protective of their territory. To avoid unwanted conflicts, it is important to understand whether the dog is playing or is truly aggressive. There are special dangerous breeds, however, all medium to large sized dogs should be treated with caution. Don't ignore warning signs just because a breed seems friendly and harmless. Pay attention to common signs of aggression (and lack of aggression):

      • Howling, growling and grinning are signs of aggression, and you need to respond to them accordingly.
      • An angry dog ​​may have the whites of its eyes visible, especially if they are not normally visible.
      • Ears pressed to the head indicate aggression, and ears in calm state or raised ears indicate that the dog is friendly.
      • If the dog's body is relaxed and the belly is sagging, the dog is less likely to attack.
      • If the dog's body is tense, elongated and not moving (head, shoulders and hips not moving in relation to each other), this can be dangerous.
      • If your dog is hopping, he wants to play with you or get to know you better. If the dog runs straight and purposefully, it may be preparing to attack.
    2. Don't make the dog angry. Many animals attack because their owners do not know how to restrain them, because they are poorly trained, or because someone teases them. Unfortunately, there will always be bad owners, so it is better to be prepared for anything. Common sense will tell you that you should not tease any animal.

      • Do not touch your dog while he is eating or grooming his puppies. At such moments, dogs’ defensive reflex intensifies.
      • Don't smile at the dog. It seems to you that you are trying to be friendly, but the dog perceives a smile as a grin before a fight.
      • If your dog is kept on a leash at all times, it can be very aggressive, so do not approach it.
    3. Beware of all unknown dogs. It is best to avoid conflicts with dogs at all costs. If you see a dog that could be dangerous, stay away from it.

      • Report dangerous and stray dogs to the relevant authorities.
      • Teach children not to approach strange dogs until they are sure they won't cause harm.
      • If you handle all dogs with caution until you are sure they are harmless, you can avoid run-ins with aggressive animals.
    • If you are walking with a small child past a dog (especially a large one), it is best to hold the child in your arms. Do it slowly and don't look the dog in the eyes, especially when you sit down. Tell your child to be still and quiet and to look at you.
    • Teach your child to freeze when confronted with an aggressive dog, rather than run away from it.
    • If you are riding a bicycle, get off it and use it to separate yourself from the dog. It will become a protective barrier. If the dog attacks (rather than just barks), use the bicycle as a weapon to hit the dog. Holding the bike by the handlebars and seat, lift the bike and hit the dog with the wheel. Don't drop your bike or you will lose your protection.
    • If you suspect you may encounter aggressive dogs, carry pepper spray, tear spray or a canister of tear spray. compressed air, which will scare away animals. Aim for the face, but if you miss, it will be enough to spray the product near the dog's body, since these animals have a very keen sense of smell. Repeat this several times until the dog stops attacking.
    • Dogs sense fear, but also defensiveness unless the dog is very aggressive (due to rabies or a history of physical abuse).
    • Never turn your back to the dog. Keep her in your sight, but don't look her in the eyes. Don't try to appear scarier than the dog or make sudden movements. Move slowly and carefully. Do not approach the dog from behind until it stops acting aggressively.
    • If a dog howls at you, continue walking slowly and do not make eye contact with the animal.
    • If a dog runs towards you, no matter what you do, don't try to run away. Perhaps the dog is not angry - it just wants to play with you or get to know you. If you decide to run away, it will make her angry. Just because a dog seems crazy doesn't mean it will harm you. Dogs need attention too!
    • If a dog presses its ears to its head, it indicates fear. If the ears are flattened and turned towards you, this is most likely a sign of dominance or aggression.


    • Owners of aggressive dogs can be even worse than their pets. If you injure or kill an aggressive dog, leave the scene as soon as possible and call the police.
    • If the dog appears sick or becomes sick within 10 days of the incident, it will need to be tested for rabies. If the dog turns out to be sick, you will have to take a course of rabies injections.
    • Be careful when using pepper spray or tear spray. The chances of having time to use the spray can before getting bitten are small, and if there is a headwind, you will find yourself in the spray’s affected area. Even if you hit a dog in the face, there is a chance of further angering the animal, especially if it is a stray.
    • Remember that some dogs do not wag their tail when they see a person from afar (for example, very friendly Akita Inu dogs only begin to wag their tail when a person is about two meters away from them), so you should not assume that the dog will attack at you if she doesn't wag her tail.
    • All dogs are different and sometimes react unpredictably. The tips in this article will help you avoid danger in most cases, but you may need to adapt them to suit your specific situation, so be careful.

The risk of encountering an aggressive or sick dog is always and everywhere: on the way home, while walking in the park, or away from the city. Therefore, knowing what to do if a dog attacks is important for everyone, including children.

Situation: You are calmly walking along a street, road or park. Suddenly an unfamiliar dog runs up to you, begins to growl, bares its teeth and is clearly preparing to attack. In such a situation, you need to behave as follows.

Don't be afraid and don't panic. Dogs intuitively sense fear and this encourages them to attack.

Do not move. Stay calm and remain in place with your arms at your side. Stand to the side of the advancing animal, without letting it out of your sight. In this case, you cannot:

  • look the dog closely in the eyes (perceived as a challenge);
  • swing your limbs, make sudden movements (the dog will think that you are threatening it and may attack).
  • trying to run away from an animal will awaken the hunting instinct in the dog, and it will most likely rush after you, even if it initially had no intention of attacking.

Divert the dog's attention away from you. This can be done, for example, with the help of food, toys, or generally any object that the dog can bite - a ball, a backpack, etc. While the animal is interested in playing or eating treats, you can carefully leave the scene.

Restrain the animal with your voice. If the dog advances, stand facing him and firmly say the command “Back!” or “Ugh!” You can also pretend that you are picking up a stone or stick from the ground - in this case, a healthy dog ​​will stop and think about whether it is worth messing with you.

If the dog is not provoked, it may simply lose interest in the person and leave.

Methods of self-defense

If the dog does attack, you need to respond quickly and calmly:

Protect vital important organs : throat, face and chest. The main thing is to prevent the dog from grabbing the neck (this is especially true for fighting breeds). To do this, you can pull your head into your shoulders, press your chin to your chest, or protect your throat with your palm. It’s good if you have some voluminous object in your hands: a bag, a hat, a backpack - you can use it to shield yourself from the dog by placing the thing forward.

Give the animal a fight. Throw a cobblestone or any other stone at the attacking dog heavy object. You can also throw a handful of sand in his eyes. While the dog is trying to grab onto the legs, arms, neck or face, hit it on the most sensitive areas of the body: the nose and throat, try to deliver a strong stun blow to the back of the head.

To deal with an aggressive animal, you can use a strong stick, pepper spray, or ultrasonic repeller(if there is).

  • Lean onto the dog, using your elbows and knees and suppressing him with your weight. Although a dog can seriously bite you, it cannot fight. Try throwing the animal to the ground and strangling it or pressing on the rib with great force.
  • Try to stay on your feet - falling will make you vulnerable. If this does happen, group up, hide your neck and don’t stop swatting away the dog, aiming for the sensitive nose. Try also to grab the animal by the ears and knock it down, and then start strangling it.

Scream. You can call for help, scare the dog away with your voice, threaten it, give commands - the louder the better. Maybe someone else will hear you. The presence of a new person can confuse your dog. The main thing is not to squeal - such sounds will only enrage the animal even more.

  • Stand facing the dog, put one leg forward, taking a fighting stance. When the dog attacks you, throw your hand forward - the dog will rush at it first, and at this time you can hit him on the nose or the back of the head with your foot.
  • Be prepared for the fact that the dog will have to be killed during the struggle;
  • Please note: a rabid dog often attacks from the back, aiming for the legs. The domestic dog tends to bite the victim's hands.
  • Try with all your might to stay on your feet. lying down It will be much more difficult to fight off the dog.

In case of mad dog try to attract someone to help you as soon as possible and do not allow the dog to grab your neck or face.

What to do if attacked by a pack of dogs

A pack of dogs - much more dangerous situation than meeting one aggressive dog. As a rule, a pack of dogs surrounds its prey, approaching from behind. Therefore, first of all, you need to get out of this environment. Break the ring and try to move away. To scare away attacking dogs, shout and throw stones, bottles and other heavy objects.

Important! Don't run from a pack of dogs. This can only be done if there is a shelter nearby - a building or a tree - and you are sure that you will have time to run and hide in a safe place.

If you have pepper spray with you, spray it, but make sure that the contents do not reach you.

In a pack, all dogs follow the leader, so if a fight is inevitable, it is worth fighting with him first. Let the dogs understand that you can fight back and it’s better not to mess with you. If you force the leader to retreat, the others will also follow him.

What to do after an attack

Treat bites. Even the smallest wounds received while fighting a dog should be treated as soon as possible as follows:

  • Stop the bleeding with a gauze or cloth bandage;
  • Rinse the affected part of the body warm water and soap;
  • Lubricate the edges of the wounds with brilliant green or iodine;
  • Bandage the wounds, and cover minor scratches and bites with a plaster;
  • Examine the bites for signs of infection or suppuration.

Visit the emergency room. This must be done as soon as possible, preferably immediately after the bite, in order to prevent rabies. There, the bites received will be recorded, a course of rabies injections will be prescribed and the necessary certificates will be issued.

Contact the police. A local police officer should answer your call. Write a statement asking the dog owner to be held accountable and hand it over to the police officer. When the local police officer draws up a protocol of what happened, he should leave one copy for you.

Next you need to try to find the owner of the dog. If you know him, then arrange for him to bring the dog to the veterinarian for a check - the course of injections prescribed by the doctor will depend on its results. If the dog is stray, or the owner does not make contact, you will have to do a full course of vaccination, consisting of 6 injections - this is free. You can sue the owner of the dog, if there is one, or try to negotiate peacefully.

A dog attack is always a very unpleasant and traumatic situation. To avoid it, you must avoid contact with strange dogs, and in no case tease or provoke them, if possible, carry them with you special means self-defense.

Publication date: 10/02/2012

Dogs are friendly animals. However, there are times when they attack people. Many people become victims precisely because they do not know the basic rules of interaction with this animal. In this article you will find all the necessary information.

A dog is man's friend

Dogs never attack people just like that. Everything happens for a reason. Moreover, you need to be able to distinguish between aggressive behavior in a dog’s behavior. If a dog barks at you, it does not mean that it is going to attack you. There are several scenarios for a dog attacking or not attacking.

1) The dog just runs up to you on the street. It is important to immediately determine the dog’s “intentions”. Usually dogs run up to people if they smell something tasty. Moreover, some street dogs run up to people out of friendly intentions (this can be seen by waving their tail).

If you don’t want to get involved with a running dog, then just walk past it without paying attention. Common mistake Many people have a fear of dogs. There are people who are scared just by the sight of a dog. Dogs sense the fears and intentions of other animals and people. Therefore, under no circumstances start waving your arms or shouting. Even if the dog ran up to you simply out of curiosity, it will suddenly change its behavior to aggressive if it considers you dangerous.

2) A dog runs up to you on the street and starts barking at you. If a dog barks at you, it does not mean that it is going to attack you. Usually, a dog barks if it wants to see a person's reaction. A dog's bark is a warning. The easiest way to avoid barking dog- is to pass by without paying attention. Those. as in the first case, you need to calmly and without paying attention, walk past the dog.

In general, dog barking is a way of communication. If a dog barks at you, then this may also be due to the fact that you have entered its territory. A dog may bark at you for other reasons: it is trying to get something from you (food), it wants to play with you. There are also some dogs that just love to bark at passers-by (for reasons known only to the dog itself).

3) The dog runs at you: growls and ears are pressed to the head. This is exactly the case when the dog is about to attack you. Those. It’s not the dog’s barking that you should be afraid of, but its “silent growl.”

A street dog will attack a person only if it is sick, if it is very hungry (although it is unlikely, it is easier to catch a pigeon than to knock down a person), if it is protecting its offspring, if it has been “set on you.” Let's look at each case separately...

Dog attack

This is the moment when you intuitively feel that the dog is going to attack you. The first thing you need to do is decide on the purpose of the dog's attack.

If the dog is sick, then you will see it by her painful appearance. Such a dog most likely will not be able to be calmed. The main rule in any attack is to arm yourself. You can use available means: a heavy bag, keys, etc. Take a stick, bottle or stone from the ground. Typically, this behavior frightens the dog. The dog sees that you are reaching for a “weapon” and, as a rule, retreats. However, this trick will not work with a sick dog. If you don't have a bag and there are no stones or sticks on the ground, then scoop up a handful of sand or dust from the ground.

Under no circumstances attack first. Begin to calmly and slowly back away from the dog. Don't turn your back to the dog. If the dog does attack you, throw dust into its eyes, or hit it in the nose or eyes. In fact, a dog is a very fast and strong animal. You may simply not have time to hit the dog, much less run away from it.

If you still decide to run away from the dog, then follow simple rules. First, cover your neck with your hands. The dog will try to bite you either on the leg, arm, or neck. However, only a bite to the neck can lead to fatal outcome, as the dog may hit an artery. Secondly, try to climb the nearest tree or other structure. Dogs can jump high, but they can't climb well.

If the dog is hungry, and you are carrying a package of aromatic sausage in your hands, then the dog may attack. Everything is simple here. Decide what is more valuable to you: the food in your bag or your own life.

If dog protects offspring, then you just need to move away from the dog. A dog may bite your leg or arm, but it will be a “warning” bite. In this case, the dog wants nothing from you except for you to move away from him and his puppies.

If the dog was set on you, then get ready for battle. As already described above, take a stick, stone or something else. As a rule, in such an attack, the fact that the dog is a domestic dog can play into your hands. This means that she is trained in basic commands. And therefore, in similar cases, the commands “fu”, “walk”, “fetch”, “cat” often help. Some dogs react particularly strongly to the word "cat".

If you decide to fight back the dog

The first thing you need to do is to soberly assess your strength. If a small dog is about to attack you, then in most cases a loud scream or growl will be enough. If you are afraid, then there is no need to scream. Because then your cry will be like the cry of a dying person. Your goal is to show the dog by screaming that you are dangerous. Scream as loudly and furiously as possible. However, if you try to shout at a large dog or a pack of dogs, this may be considered the start of a fight.

If you consider yourself a martial artist and the size of the dog doesn't scare you, you can try fighting a dog. Use your advantage in limb length and size. If you grab a dog by the hind legs, then she won’t be able to do anything to you. In this case, you need to thoroughly “slam” the dog against the asphalt or wall. Pain points for dogs: nose, groin, stomach.

Keep in mind that even the smallest dog can cause more damage to you than you can to it. All it takes is for the dog to grab your throat - the battle will be over (and not in your favor). Therefore, by all means, avoid fighting with the dog. Only engage in combat if you have no choice.


A pack of dogs is a different matter. In a pack, different principles apply. Direct confrontation can end badly. The only way to survive an attack by a pack of dogs is to either run away or let the leader know that you are dangerous.

Running from a pack of dogs can be difficult. As a rule, the flock surrounds you in advance. In this case, you need to remain calm and remember some general tips.

If several dogs run up close to you and start barking angrily at you, then try, first of all, just not pay attention to them. Most likely, the dogs will bark at you a little and leave you behind. If one of the dogs does bite you, then let them know that you are a dangerous opponent. Those. Do not squeal in fear under any circumstances, but loudly and confidently shout “Let's go to the f*ck!”

If the dogs still do not retreat, then hit the leader with all your might. How to find out who is the leader in a pack? Follow your intuition. As a rule, the leader is the most large dog With " important look" If the leader retreats or runs away, the whole flock will follow him. If this does not happen, then you did not hit the leader (or the rest of the dogs in the pack are too headstrong).


A dog is a cute, fluffy animal. Dogs never attack without reason. Moreover, the majority street dogs very cowardly (note their sad “faces”). However, no one is safe from a dog attack. And if you follow simple rules, you will remain safe and sound.

The main thing is not to be afraid of dogs. As one smart person said: “A dog is small man with teeth; the legs are weak, they can’t take a blow...”

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Dogs are considered loyal, devoted and capable of protecting their owner, as well as his home, animals. Often these pets become almost members of the family. However, despite domestication, a dog is still a predatory animal with innate natural instincts.

Recently, according to statistics, dog attacks on people have increased. An animal can suddenly attack not only a random passerby, but also its owner and members of his family. Frequent victims of this aggressive behavior young children become animals.

What can provoke a dog attack, whether it can be avoided, what methods of protection there are from an aggressive animal, we will consider in more detail.

Reasons for the attack

For many years, a dog has been perceived by humans as a domestic and safe animal. People have forgotten that she, along with wolves, coyotes and jackals, is part of the same canine family. She is characterized by gregarious and protective instincts, which sometimes take over, especially when it comes to guard or fighting breeds. Let's consider what can prompt a good-natured domestic dog to attack and behave aggressively.

  1. Dogs are often taken to guard an apartment, home, garden, including the owner’s personal space. The animal may also perceive the yard or walking area as an assigned area. If you accidentally invade this territory, the dog will perceive this as an attack and begin to defend itself.
  2. Aggressive behavior is often instilled in a dog by the owner himself. Incorrect training frequent change owner (especially at a young age), beating the animal can cause it nervous system irreparable harm. There are certain breeds of dogs that need professional and proper care to avoid aggressive attacks without reason.
  3. Stray dogs may attack in order to get food. If you carry food in a bag, you may well attract an animal.
  4. Cases of dog attacks due to the rabies virus often occur. On initial stage Identifying a sick animal can be very difficult. A characteristic feature is that before an attack, a sick dog will not bark. As a rule, they attack silently. Due to possible paralysis of the larynx, sounds similar to howling or whining may be heard.
  5. The reason why cyclists are attacked is most likely because dogs perceive him as a moving target to be reached. Once you stop moving, the animal will lose all interest.
  6. Some experts believe that one of the reasons for too frequent dog attacks is their inbreeding. In this case, various vices are transmitted and intensified, including aggression.
  7. Another reason for a dog attack is bad smell alcohol coming from a person and his not quite adequate, in connection with this, behavior.

Behavior rules

When passing dogs, even if they look good-natured, you should not look them in the eyes, smile, run or wave your arms. Often, to stop the animal, commands are triggered - “Ugh!”, “Back!”, “Place!”, pronounced in a confident and clear voice. The dog should not see you as a victim.

Even if you know each other well, you should not approach the dog or its owner from behind, especially when it is dark outside. As a greeting, do not use movements that the dog may perceive as a sign of hostility towards its owner.

Don't pet someone else's dog without permission. It is strictly not recommended to touch the animal while sleeping or eating.

How to neutralize animal aggression

  • Ignoring and complete calm. Try to control not only your behavior, but also your breathing, heartbeat, and gaze. Because of fear and anxiety, the body begins to produce adrenaline, which dogs sense very sensitively. Once they smell it, they will perceive you as a victim, and the risk of attack will increase many times over.
  • Direct gaze is dangerous. Observe the dog with peripheral vision. You can slowly leave this place; it is quite possible that when you leave this territory, the animal will no longer consider you an “invader”.
  • Don't turn your back to the dog. According to statistics, dog attacks occur from behind. Even if the first attempts to attack are made from the front, the animal will still try to move behind your back. Keep an eye on this.
  • Don't try to escape and don't let the dog drop you to the ground.
  • There is no need to perceive any barking of an animal as a manifestation of hostility. Perhaps she is simply warning you that this is her territory.
  • Usually, before an attack, the dog looks at where it plans to bite. In this case, try to outwit her and confuse her. Try to get out of the path of the dog's attack several times. Untrained dogs are not as confident. This strange behavior the person will confuse them and it is quite possible that they will lose interest in him.

Methods of protection

There are special devices that help scare away the animal and thereby prevent an attack. The most convenient and safest is a deizer. By pressing a button, the device emits an ultrasonic signal that will prevent the dog from approaching you.

A stun gun can also be used, but its main disadvantage is that you need to approach the dog at arm's length. Moreover, when strong aggression it can only make the dog even more angry.

A gas pistol is most effective when loaded with pepper or flare cartridges. A pocket flare gun like those used by hunters will help scare off a pack of stray dogs.

If no special devices If you don’t have one, then pay attention to the items you have at hand. For example, a cigarette pack. Dogs really don't like the smell of tobacco. If you tear up a couple of cigarettes and throw them at the animal's face, you will buy yourself time. Use sand and small stones using the same principle.

You can divert the dog's attention by whistling loudly or throwing an object to the side. In the event of an attack by a fighting dog, the main thing is to protect the neck area. When shielding your face from the dog, use your elbow, not your hand. Clench your fingers into a fist.

When defending yourself, strike only in certain places - the nose, groin and spine. The blows must be strong, otherwise there is a risk of angering the animal even more. The best option is to hit the tip of the nose hard.

You can carry a repellent mixture you prepare yourself in a small bottle. You will need equal doses of tobacco and black pepper. If you spray such a composition in the face, the animal will not care for you for a very long time.

What to do if bitten by someone else's dog

After a bite, even a small one, you must treat the wound and contact medical institution or call an ambulance to the place if it is not possible to get to the hospital on your own after the incident. You will need to be tested for the rabies virus. The first symptoms appear only after 9 days, and then the treatment will be ineffective. Usually death occurs 2 weeks after infection.

In addition, the victim should contact the police with a statement about the dog attack, a sample of which is available at the department. If a dog has an owner, then he is responsible for his animal and its actions. Therefore, a smart owner always muzzles his pet, regardless of its size. In cases where serious harm is caused to the victim as a result of a dog attack, the owner may face punishment in the form of a fine or imprisonment. Fines and other issues are determined by current legislation. This will already be established during the court hearing and the presence of a statement of claim from you.

In addition, upon receiving a statement, law enforcement officers must not only hold the owner accountable, but also oblige him to show his pet to a veterinarian.