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The dog has correct teeth. When do dogs change their teeth, in how many months, change pattern. How does the change or eruption of teeth manifest?

The first milk teeth grow by 20-30 days of life. A complete set - 32 milk teeth - appears only by two to three months.

First, 4 fangs grow. Then 12 incisors - 6 each on the upper and lower jaws, and the last - 16 premolars. Puppies do not have molars, or molars.

At the age of 3-7 months, the puppy begins the period of changing teeth. Dairy ones are replaced with regular ones. The process is underway in this order: first, at about 3 months of age, the primary incisors fall out. Then, at 4-5 months, premolars appear, and by 6-7 months, the canines change and molars grow - molars. By 8-9 months, the puppy should have a full set of 42 permanent teeth.

During the period of teeth change, daily inspection of the puppy’s mouth is very important.

The change of teeth is due to the fact that quite long root baby tooth gradually resolves, weakens and is pushed out by the growing permanent tooth. During the period of teeth change, daily inspection of the puppy’s mouth is very important.

Sometimes, this is especially common in small and short-faced breeds of dogs, a permanent tooth grows next to the milk tooth. This is due to the weak development of the chewing muscles, a decrease in the size of the gums, and the puppy’s nutrition. soft food.

If a baby tooth is loose, the owner can carefully loosen and pull it out by grasping it with a gauze napkin. But in cases where permanent teeth have already grown, but the milk teeth have not fallen out, when the change of teeth is very delayed or any other deviations from the norm are noticeable, it would be best to show the puppy to a veterinary dentist.

Any irregularity in the change of teeth can affect the formation of the dog's jaws and bite. It is better to remove all milk teeth that have not fallen out in time.

Firstly, this frees up space for permanent teeth, and secondly, the correct bite is formed.

Massaging the gums is also helpful, as it relieves discomfort in the puppy's mouth. It is also necessary to properly feed the puppy, which helps the teeth change faster.

When a puppy's teeth change, he gnaws and chews things, furniture, shoes. So he's trying to get rid of discomfort

The teething process takes several months and can be quite sensitive for the puppy. During this period, his immunity weakens, so it is better to refrain from vaccinations. The puppy should not be overcooled or overdo it with walks and training.

When a puppy's teeth change, he gnaws and chews things, furniture, shoes. This is how he tries to get rid of unpleasant sensations. Sometimes a general feeling of malaise is noticeable, poor appetite, lethargy, gastrointestinal upset, fever.

To reduce the risk of puppy disease, all vaccinations should be completed before teething begins. Provide your puppy with a variety of toys to help massage his gums. Spend more time with the puppy, distracting him from damaging things. If you don't do this, your dog's habit of gnawing and chewing your furniture and things will remain for life, and it will be very difficult to get rid of it.

U large dogs The process of changing teeth goes faster. But previous illness, surgery, injury, tail docking or ear docking can slow down this process.

Dogs, like humans, have two sets of teeth. Growing up in puppyhood The milky ones fall out, and permanent ones grow in their place; the dog will live with them all his life. If this process proceeds normally, without pathologies, then her health will be good for many years.

How does the change happen?

Under the root of the puppy’s “baby” tooth there is the germ of a permanent one. It begins to develop, and at the same time the milk root is absorbed. It becomes mobile, poorly fixed, and eventually falls out, and a permanent one erupts in its place. This should happen in certain period time, considered the norm.

The very first teeth (28 in total) grow at the end infancy, at 6 – 8 weeks. At 14 weeks of age, the two middle incisors are the first to fall out, followed by all the others. In their place, 42 permanent ones grow. The increase in number is due to the fact that molars have no analogues. By this time the puppy should be no more than 6–7 months old.

What conditions to create

Puppies usually do well during the baby teething period. Some people may develop a fever, become inactive and lose their appetite, and sometimes have an upset stomach. This is not a cause for serious concern. The puppy will feel better if you increase the amount of protein food and protect him from stressful situations, such as hypothermia, overheating, long trips, change of home or owner. There is no need to reduce your walks; let them remain sufficient to get the necessary physical activity. But you still shouldn’t overwork the animal.

The food must contain calcium and other minerals, such as phosphorus, fluorine in the form of special mineral and vitamin supplements, cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, vegetables. You can give fish fat, sea ​​buckthorn oil, Brewer's yeast. All this will contribute not only to the growth of strong jaws, but also correct formation skeleton.

Owners will find that puppies have a natural desire to chew on everything. No amount of punishment can stop them. To prevent furniture, shoes and wires in the house from being damaged, buy rubber toys for your pet.

Let's gnaw on bones made from animal veins, woven from rawhide, cartilage, crackers from rye bread. As a result, baby teeth will loosen faster, and new ones will grow better.

It is prohibited to give bones and sticks, as their hard surface can damage the enamel that begins to grow. permanent teeth. In the future, this threatens the appearance of caries and other problems.

Many puppies enjoy gnawing on carrots. It must be washed thoroughly and given whole. During this period, you cannot play tugging with the puppy; this can lead to undercut or overbite. upper jaw. All preventive vaccinations It's better to do it before or after your shift.

Difficulties and pathologies

Disturbances in the replacement of teeth occur due to a genetic predisposition to them, improper location of the roots, active or slow growth of the jaw. Ear cropping, diseases, poor nutrition also contribute to delay.

Full delay is typical dwarf breeds and is characterized by the fact that all “baby” teeth remain in their places, while the permanent ones have already begun to actively grow. This violation is rare.

Much more common is an incomplete delay, when some of the incisors, canines or molars do not fall out, and their second-generation counterparts begin to grow nearby. This is especially true for toy terriers and Yorkies.

A missing baby tooth is the cause malocclusion, the appearance of fistulas, tumors. Even if he doesn't call painful sensations or discomfort in the dog, it is best to remove it before the age of 9 months. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, sometimes general anesthesia is used.

Such intervention is rarely required; usually the process inherent in nature occurs quickly and easily. It is enough to follow simple recommendations and regular inspection puppy so that he grows strong, healthy fangs, and he himself turns into an inquisitive and cheerful teenager.

Owners of large or large puppies small breeds inevitably encounter difficulties and various problems during the natural change of teeth in a pet. This is due to the desire of the dog to fall into the mouth, and to the weakening of the immune system during this short period, as well as to disturbances in the eruption of permanent teeth. A responsible owner should definitely know everything about this important point life of a puppy, since incomplete teeth or a broken bite can forever ruin a pet’s exhibition career and lead to stomach diseases.

The order of changing teeth in a puppy

The very first teeth in puppies appear at the age of eleven to fourteen days. These are fangs, behind which incisors and premolars erupt in an even row. By one month, each baby already has twenty eight excellent teeth, fourteen in each jaw.

At the age of three months, the gradual replacement of baby teeth begins. The duration of the shift can vary from two and a half to six months, until the last premolar grows. In small puppies, the change of teeth can be delayed until the age of eight or nine months; dogs of large breeds already sport a snow-white grin at six months.

  • First of all, the puppy's incisors fall out, the owner does not even notice this, since small puppies very often simply swallow their milk teeth. The roots of the incisors dissolve and serve as building material for permanent teeth.
  • A little later, the primary premolars become loose and fall out. Simultaneously with them begins fast growth molars and premolar 1, the absence of which is a disqualifying defect in most breeds.
  • The last ones to fall out are often the fangs.

After changing teeth, the dog should have forty two teeth. Twenty of them are located in the upper, twenty-two - in lower jaw. An adult animal must have:

  • 12 incisors;
  • All 4 fangs;
  • Exactly 16 premolars;
  • And 10 molars.

If it is not possible to find out what the approximate age of the puppy is, then you can determine it by its teeth.

  • Yes, y one month old puppy All milk teeth are present, they are small, sharp, and arranged in a row.
  • A two-month-old puppy has more widely spaced front incisors, as the jaw is growing rapidly at this time.
  • At three months, the incisors already look very low, some of them are lost. Four month old baby already has two to four new incisors.
  • At six months, the puppy already has a full row of permanent incisors, there are first premolars, and there may be no primary canines, replaced by growing permanent ones.
  • Six-month-old dog large breed has all permanent teeth.

Teeth can take up to a year to grow, and this is due to difficulty in the eruption of individual teeth. The owner can feel the emerging tooth under the skin of the gum, which cannot break through. In this case, a small resection of the gum is usually done and the tooth comes out.

How to care for your puppy's teeth

Small puppies are constantly gnawing on something, but the teeth of babies aged three, four or more months are especially itchy. At this time, it is useful for them to give large raw beef bones, various rubber balls, etc. It's okay if blood appears on these items, it's common symptom that another tooth has fallen out.


Very often a young dog's teeth grow in two rows. It is better not to wait until the permanent tooth displaces the milk tooth, as the delay can cause dentition problems. In the best way To get rid of a baby tooth is to loosen it. The tooth is loosened for a few minutes a day, after which it falls out painlessly and unnoticed during play.

Temporary baby teeth do not require special care, but permanent teeth need to be periodically brushed with non-foaming toothpaste. This will relieve the dog from the accumulation of plaque and the formation of tartar, and unpleasant odor from the mouth. As a preventive measure, you can give a carrot or an apple to chew on. Bones should not be given after a shift, as they wear down the teeth.

Video. Changing teeth in puppies

Puppies are born with bare gums, but already at the age of 1 year they become the owners of arcades of 42 teeth. If everything goes smoothly, then the owners do not have to interfere with eruption and growth. Do dogs' teeth change and when does this happen - the topic of our article today.

Dental system dogs - the main device for primary machining food, its importance is difficult to overestimate. It is adapted for cutting meat like scissors. All breeds, without exception, have sharp and large fangs that are saber-shaped to tear food or prey into pieces.

Cheek molars are necessary for quickly cutting food and gnawing bones. They have a triangular shape and a jagged end that resembles a blade. Premolars are used for tearing and grinding. The incisors are used for biting. Dogs use their front incisors to perform various auxiliary actions, such as catching fleas.

Video “Changing teeth in puppies”

In this video, the veterinarian will tell you when dogs' teeth begin to change.

Baby teeth

Puppies are born with their eyes closed and toothless gums. They feed on mother's milk for 1.5-2 months. The first set that babies develop are baby teeth.

When they appear

The very first sharp front teeth begin to cut after 3 weeks. How many cloves will fit into dairy row, depends on the characteristics of the breed:

  • 28 pcs. in dwarf breeds.
  • 32 pcs. at large ones.

Their eruption is completed by the end of 1.5-2 months. Fluctuations in timing can occur up or down by 7-10 days, even among fidgets from the same litter. For tiny and small dogs They are characterized by a physiological delay - their first teeth appear 1.5 months after birth.

It is also of interest whether dogs lose teeth and how the process occurs. When the root of the milky base falls out, it gradually dissolves and is pushed out by the growing permanent one.

Normally, in large animals, replacement is completed by 9 months. Small dogs are characterized by a delay: the replacement process drags on for up to 10-12 months. But at the age of 1 year, all pets should already have strong and durable teeth.

Pekingese and bulldogs have a deformed jaw, so when teething, teeth grow in a crowd, often the process is complicated by severe periodontitis.

Now let's talk about how dogs' teeth change. The replacement process occurs in stages:

  1. At 3 months, the incisor toes fall out, and the first molars grow in their place.
  2. From 4 to 7 months the fangs change.
  3. At 4-6 months, premolars grow.
  4. Molars appear in this order: M1 - at 4-5 months, M2 - at 5-6 months, M3 - at 7 months.

Possible complications

Various disturbances may occur during replacement and eruption. Breed predisposition is one such condition. It is typical, first of all, for small indoor breeds weighing less than 6-8 kg.

Medium-faced and long-muzzled pets are distinguished by underdeveloped muscles of the chewing group, and this leads to a decrease in the size of the gums, while the teeth remain the same size and do not decrease. These are the following breeds:

  • lap dogs;
  • toy terriers;
  • Italian Greyhounds;
  • poodles;
  • Sheltie

How to help your pet during the shift period

As teeth change and erupt, you need to regularly monitor the changes by checking your jaw. If you're fidgety, buy sticks, crunchies, and rubber rodents. Veterinarians recommend giving fresh, peeled carrots - this is both an aid for loosening and a vitamin-rich treat.

In order for your dog’s molars to form correctly, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. It is allowed to help with your fingers and loosen the swinging teeth.
  2. During this period, the puppy should not be exposed to heavy loads.
  3. It is important to avoid hypothermia and contact with other animals.
  4. It is not recommended to forcefully pull out baby teeth.
  5. Vaccinations should be avoided for now.
  6. It is forbidden to pull anything from clenched jaws.
  7. It is not advisable to allow games of tug-of-war.

When it changes eating behavior It is important to get tested for phosphorus and calcium, and if there are any changes, correct them with a complex of minerals as prescribed by the veterinarian.

When changing their teeth, puppies need special attention and care, so spend more time with them, and in case of any suspicious manifestations, immediately contact a specialist.

All dogs have temporary, or so-called baby teeth. Puppies are born without teeth. Dairy milk appears at the age of one month. There are 32 of them in total: four canines, 12 incisors and 16 molars.

Features of changing baby teeth in dogs

From the third month of a puppy’s life, baby teeth begin to fall out, gradually being replaced by permanent teeth. The incisors begin to change first. Under the root of the baby tooth, the rudiment of the molar begins to grow. The root of a baby tooth dissolves and the tooth falls out.

After the incisors, the molars fall out and the last ones - the canines. The deciduous fangs are usually highly developed and very sharp. They have a saber shape and are fragile. The change of teeth should end by six to seven months. In especially small dogs ornamental breeds such as toy terrier and chihuahua,

Large dogs' teeth change faster. At the same time, illness of the puppy or even ear cropping can delay the change and growth of teeth. Permanent teeth grow along the path of least resistance, that is, along the canal that appears after the loss of a baby tooth. The change of baby teeth is slightly behind the average norm.

Therefore, if a baby tooth does not fall out for some reason, a permanent tooth may grow into

in the wrong place or not grow at all. And this is a serious obstacle both to participation in exhibitions and to the dog’s participation in breeding. Milk teeth that do not fall out need to be removed in time to make room for permanent ones.

Disturbance in the replacement of primary teeth in dogs

The replacement of milk teeth in dogs with permanent ones largely depends on the breed, as well as the characteristics of maintenance and feeding. Enough a common occurrence There is already a breed predisposition to disruption of the replacement of baby teeth. Especially among dwarf and small breeds, weighing up to eight kg.

Such violations are especially common in long- and medium-snouted dogs. This is due to the weak development of the chewing muscles, which leads to a strong reduction in the size of the gums while the size and shape of the teeth remain unchanged. The reason is feeding the dog loose and soft food, as well as a significant reduction in the time it takes to eat food.

So, if previously the pet ate for 20-30 minutes, then it eats in 5 minutes, as a result of which the load on the entire dental apparatus of the animal is greatly reduced. Under such circumstances, a change of teeth cannot occur without outside help. And now this trend is already observed in such breeds as

  • poodles,
  • toy terriers,
  • Italian Greyhounds,
  • miniature pinschers,
  • scotch terriers,
  • chihuahua,
  • lap dogs, etc.

also in last years cases of irregular teeth change have become more frequent in Dobermanns, German and East European Shepherds, Boxers, Rottweilers, Labradors. Most frequent violations are: - partial or incomplete retention of milk teeth, in which almost all milk teeth are preserved, and permanent teeth erupt nearby; - a temporary delay in the change of teeth, in which baby teeth completely fall out only by the age of one year.