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Cane Corso puppies (photo): loyal pets and reliable guards. Cane Corso training at home

Important stages of learning in the first year of life

In the first year of a Cane Corso puppy’s life, it is extremely important to consistently go through all stages of education, socialization and training. We will now tell you how to do it correctly.

Training a Cane Corso puppy, when to start

Cane Corso puppy training is essential start from the first days the presence of a dog in your home. There is an opinion that puppies should be trained no earlier than 6 months, but this opinion is erroneous, although quite widespread. From infancy, you need to instill in your dog the rules of behavior in your home, what is allowed and what is prohibited.

Often new puppy owners worry that training from the first days will be excessively stressful for the dog. This is only possible if outdated rigid methods are used, and with the right approach, training from the first days will be, on the contrary, very useful, since it allows you to immediately to set up a contact with the puppy and build a trusting relationship.

Raising a 2 month old Cane Corso puppy

At 2 months old, your Cane Corso puppy is still at home, in quarantine after the first vaccinations, and he is not yet allowed to go for walks. Therefore, it’s time to start raising a puppy in familiar home conditions.

The first step is to accustom the puppy to going to the toilet with a diaper on. It should be remembered that any learning is a rather complex thing and seeing the first positive results You shouldn’t think that your puppy has already understood everything, but you should continue training according to the method, so that after a while you don’t have to start all over again.

The second important point will be training the puppy to the collar and leash. Yes, yes, this should be done at home, so that by the time the puppy goes outside for the first time, wearing a collar will not be additional stress for him, but will be a commonplace, and he could start exploring the world around him, rather than trying to get rid of an incomprehensible object.

The third point, which causes the greatest difficulties for new puppy owners, will be the puppy’s determination boundaries of what is permitted:

  • Teach to play only with your toys, and not with your things;
  • Explain that you cannot bite your hands even in a game;
  • Install correct mode day, establishing the rule that in the morning you need to sleep and not wake you up;
  • Stop chewing furniture, clothes, walls and baseboards;
  • Teach to stay at home alone, knowing that your absence is not a reason to bark or howl.

IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO KNOW: that constant and excessive punishments following almost every action of the puppy have a detrimental effect on his fragile psyche and can lead to the fact that the Cane Corso puppy grows up cowardly and embittered. For normal natural development, a puppy must have the opportunity to explore the world around him, which is currently limited to your apartment or house.

You should also start now familiarization with initial commands obedience in the lungs game form, while placing emphasis on rewards for fulfillment, because the puppy’s psyche is still quite plastic and excessive severity and exactingness can lead to the puppy being intimidated and cowardly. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to try to interest the puppy by offering him a toy or treat, and sometimes just praise.

Socialization of a Cane Corso puppy at 3 months

Three months is an important stage in a Cane Corso puppy’s introduction to the outside world. Your first walks should be short and not too tiring for the puppy.

At this age it goes formation nervous system puppy, so it is necessary to show him as much as possible: noisy streets, large crowds of people, etc. This must be done very carefully, gradually, over and over again increasing the time spent in noisy places, so as not to overload the puppy and not frighten him.

It is also necessary to introduce the puppy to friendly dogs and people so that later the puppy does not develop aggression or cowardice caused by the fear of new things and the inability to communicate and make new acquaintances. And this is currently, unfortunately, not uncommon in the behavior of adult dogs, but quite common problem, with which people turn to our specialists for help.

The emergence of new places leads to new rules that need to be consolidated:

  • Now you can and should go to the toilet on the street, rather than steadfastly endure and carry everything home;
  • Not every new person or the dog wants to communicate, so there is no need to run headlong to meet everyone;
  • Not all food is healthy, so it should only be taken from the owner’s hands.

Training a puppy follows the same principles as at 2 months. It should be remembered that at this age puppies develop conditioned reflexes quite easily, but they are also quickly forgotten, so you should not scold the puppy for not following commands, especially if they have not been repeated for a long time, but you should pay more attention to learning new things and repeating already learned material .

Training a Cane Corso puppy at 4 - 5 months

By this time, the Cane Corso puppy has already become accustomed to your home and usual walking areas, and no longer needs your support and care so much. Therefore, he begins, flirting with other dogs, pretending that he does not hear you when you call him, and showing a certain persistence and disobedience when executing various commands.

So, it’s time to move on to full training. In classes at this age you can already be persistent and demanding. At the same time, the most important thing is not to overdo it, remember that classes should bring joy to both you and your dog, and only then you can achieve the desired result.

What commands are practiced by a Cane Corso puppy at 4 months:

  • Calm movement nearby with the owner with a leash and without a leash, with landing when stopping, with a change in pace and direction of movement
  • Return to you upon request
  • Excerpt in a free or certain position (sitting, lying, standing) for a long time: if necessary, wait for the owner on the street, when visiting a store or other establishment
  • Indifferent attitude towards treats scattered on the ground
  • Prohibiting command to stop unwanted actions
  • Executing a set of commands "sit", "lie down", "stand" at a distance and near the leg, when giving commands by voice and gestures
  • Stop barking upon request.

Training a Cane Corso puppy from 6 months

At this age, the puppy begins puberty and the real rebel awakens in him. He begins to re-test the boundaries of what is permitted and, sometimes, deliberately does not respond to your commands, only in order to look at your reaction. If she is not what the puppy expects to see, then he may decide that now he can no longer carry out your commands.

It should be remembered that the puppy still remains a child, and excessive harshness can forever undermine his trust in you.

At this stage of the Cane Corso puppy’s growing up in training, all the shortcomings made at the previous stages, which were smoothed out by his young age, become clearly visible. And if they appear, then it’s time to correct them.

In many training schools, there is an opinion that a puppy needs to be trained in two stages, the first at an early age, and the second at 8 - 10 months, in order to “consolidate” what has been learned. This is not an entirely correct position; this opinion appeared when newer operant training methods began to be added to the old “DOSAAF” rigid training methods, where they began to work with the puppy strictly after 6-7 months, including work by the method of pointing and following the “target”.

Their weakness was that it two various techniques , which began to be used without adapting to each other, having a huge gap between their tools for developing training skills. The difference between them is like between choreography lessons in kindergarten and army drill training. Therefore, they required training in two stages, which were in no way connected with each other.

Back in the 16th century, the literary nobleman Erasmo Devalvasone described the Cane Corso in his poem “The Hunt.”

“Swift and agile, like a greyhound, but more fearless and magnificent. Large, but not heavy. The mass is not a hindrance to him inhaling freely. Has strong bones and a strong disposition. Jokingly, he plunges into anger and is magnificent in it!”

Quick wit
Hair loss
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Friendly with children
Country of origin Italy
Lifespan 10-13 years
Price20-120 tr.
Male height64-68 cm.
Bitch height60-64 cm.
Male weight45-50 kg.
Bitch weight40-45 kg.

Origin story

The history of the Cane Corso dog is quite unusual. Despite being two thousand years old, this breed is young. Until recently it was considered extinct, but its victorious revival began at the end of the 20th century.

In its homeland, the Cane Corso dog breed was recognized in the 80s, but the FCI did not regard it as independent for another 10 years. Only in 1996 did corsas gain recognition from the International Film Festival.

The Cane Corso breed comes from Italy. Forefather modern dogs is an ancient Molossian.

The first evidence of the existence of the breed dates back to 1238. The coat of arms of the Italian aristocracy of the di corsi dynasty, discovered during excavations, depicts a dog with an appearance identical to the Cane Corso.

Family emblems of that time served as a symbol of courage, strength and fearlessness of representatives of the aristocratic family. Therefore, the Cane Corso dog embodied these qualities.

In the 50s BC. e. From the British Isles, the Phoenicians brought giant dogs to Rome. Calling them "Pugnaces" (biting). The Romans used animals in battles with the enemy, and in moments of calm to guard resting legionnaires.

The connection with Rome is also indicated by the dog kennels discovered in Montopoli, 1137. The found skeletons of breeding animals are similar in structure to corsas.

Most breeds were created with human participation by crossing several types of dogs. The Italian Cane Corso is a natural breed, formed naturally.

Theories of origin

There are several theories about the origin of the name:

  1. The name of the breed was given in honor of the Mediterranean island of Corsica. Conrad Gessner in 1551 in his notes talks about dogs called “Canum ex Corsica” - a dog from Corsica.
  2. A more common version of the origin of the name is from the Latin “cohors”, which translates as watchman.
  3. Version Greek origin sounds like “kortos” - fenced property, it turns out that cane corso is a dog guarding a fenced area.

Cane Corso dogs were indispensable assistants. They hunted wild animals and were known as excellent guards. Corsas were especially popular with tax collectors. The dogs protected them from robberies and people felt safe.

A faithful comrade-in-arms and a conscientious shepherd, he managed any task assigned to him. Herded livestock and protected animals from predators.

In the 19th century, the Cane Corso breed reaped laurels of popularity. She became a welcome inhabitant in the castles of wealthy gentlemen. Well-born townspeople amused themselves by hunting and baiting lions.

The demand for such dogs was also great among ordinary people. They did not require special beauty; for them, quality work was more important.

With the development of civilization, villages became empty, animals were destroyed as unnecessary. The Cane Corso dog breed is listed as endangered. A few individuals survived only in the interior of the country among peasants who lived by hunting and raising livestock.

The breed was revived by the Italian scientist D. Bonatti. Having organized an expedition of volunteers and enthusiasts, he traveled around the remote corners of Italy several times. He managed to discover and buy several dogs of an endangered breed from their owners. At the end of the trip, the biologist began breeding work.

In 1984, a breed standard compiled by A. Morsiani was adopted.

Interesting! The Italian Cane Corso is immortalized on canvases by F. Hackert, who served at the court of Ferdinand the Fifth.

Appearance of Cane Corso

There are no perfect dogs. Even multiple champions have their flaws, but take prizes thanks to their merits. The Cane Corso standard clearly defines all the parameters, but if the pet falls short of the ideal, it does not cease to be a loyal friend and protector.

The description of the breed conveys all the strength and impressiveness of a noble and elegant animal.

A large, powerful dog with well-developed muscles. The slightly elongated silhouette and athletic build only emphasize his elegance.

The height of Cane Corso males ranges from 64-68 cm, with a weight of 45-50 kg. Bitches are slightly smaller, with a height of 60-64 cm, their weight is 40-45 kg.

  • The head is voluminous, with clearly defined cheekbones and brow ridges. The transition from nose to forehead is pronounced. The frontal part is convex in front and flat between the ears.
  • The Cane Corso's muzzle is short and square in profile. Half as long as the skull.
  • The lips are fleshy, form slight jowls and fit tightly to the gums.
  • The teeth are straight, strong, complete. Overbite - slight underbite no more than 0.5 cm.
  • The nose is wide, not protruding beyond the chin line, the nostrils are open. The color of the lobe is predominantly black, but if there is a mask, it can be the color of the fur.
  • Eyes oval shape, not large. They are located widely apart. The iris is as dark as possible. The look is smart, attentive.
  • The ears are thick and triangle shaped. Placed on cartilages and directed forward. Cupping of the auricle is acceptable.
  • The body is stocky and prominent. The pronounced withers flow into a powerful, strong back without arching. The neck is moderately short and strong.
  • The chest is oval, voluminous, descending to the elbow joint.
  • The limbs of the Cane Corso breed are strong and widely spaced. The shoulders are well developed, the shoulder blades do not protrude. Hind legs with prominent muscles. The fingers are tightly clenched into a tight ball.
  • The tail is thick, straight, set at the level of the spine. Cupping is acceptable.
  • The coat is short and shiny. Has a sparse undercoat.
  • Color black, steel, ash, all shades of red. Let's say a tiger pattern. In dark individuals, snow-white markings on the chest and fingers are acceptable. Other colors may have a dark mask and spots on the legs and chest.

Power and grace - this is the Cane Corso; photos of the dog are so popular that they can often be seen on advertising posters and calendars.

The characteristics of the breed coincide with its impregnable appearance.

Important! A puppy of a single color may develop a brindle pattern by the age of 3-4 months.

Character of the Cane Corso

The main character trait of a dog is a clear division of its environment into friends and strangers. This applies to both people and animals. The absence of aggression and a dispassionate, balanced temperament will not allow the dog to attack without a reason. But if the owner is threatened serious danger, he will not wait for orders, and will act at his own discretion.

The Cane Corso dog breed is gentle and reverent towards its family members. You can safely leave your child with her; a well-mannered pet will not harm the baby. He has a calm attitude towards animals living nearby, especially if he came to the “pack” as a puppy.

The attitude towards relatives on a walk is ambiguous. The Cane Corso is not a bully by nature and will not be eager to fight, but can easily succumb to provocation.

An incorruptible pet and a vigilant guard will go to the end, defending its territory. Pathological devotion and love for the owner makes it almost impossible to transfer an adult dog to another owner.

The animal’s amazing intuition makes it possible to clearly distinguish between threats and real danger or games.

Cane Corso males are mostly prone to dominance, so the nature of the Corso is not suitable for every person. The owner must have a stronger will than the pet.

Cane Corso and children

Cane Corso training

When getting a dog with such a character, the owner must protect his environment from the pet, and him from possible dangers at home and on a walk. Therefore, training a Cane Corso is extremely important for both the animal and the owner. Molosser-type dogs have an “ancestral memory” of behavioral norms. For an experienced dog lover, the independence and independence of a pet will be a pleasant surprise. Beginners may face insurmountable problems.

Before you begin training, you need to gain the dog's trust. Innate wariness does not allow you to quickly adapt to a new environment. Only when the pet recognizes the person as a friend can training begin.

Home training your pet has its benefits.

  • The baby feels more confident in his familiar environment.
  • There are no extraneous distractions.
  • Self-education promotes maximum closeness between a person and an animal.

But there is also negative sides: the puppy, knowing the weaknesses of the owner, begins to manipulate him and be capricious. A novice dog breeder may feel sorry for the baby, thereby provoking a manifestation of dominance.

Some training schemes offer a "carrot and stick" approach. This speeds up the learning process, but breaks the psyche of the Cane Corso dog. Education should be based on the principle of mutual respect and encouragement. A dog that is constantly forced to follow the orders of its owner will grow up embittered or cowardly and timid. Negative behavior must be stopped immediately, but gently and without violence.

The coercion method justifies itself only when the dog tries to dominate a person, unjustified aggression and unacceptable behavior.

All Molossians mature later than other dogs, so when training it is important to take into account the age of the pet.

  • 2 months. The puppy begins to feel fear. Separation from the mother and finding a new owner only intensifies the sensations. It is unacceptable to isolate the baby while he gets used to his new place of residence. The owner's task is to calm the pet. At this age, the commands “no” and “place” are learned.
  • 4 months. The baby is ready for walks. Mastering the commands “come to me”, “next to me”, “sit”, “lie down”. The dog must be in contact with his brothers and strangers. Wariness towards strangers is always encouraged, unmotivated aggression is stopped instantly.
  • 6 months. Learning is more difficult. The baby is trying to win his place “in the pack.” It is at this age that the first attempts to dominate the owner are noticeable. Males can exhibit zoo aggression. The females begin their first heat.
  • 7-8 months. The baby is growing up, he begins to " puberty" It is possible to refuse to execute completed commands. The owner's loyal and patient attitude will help you get through this difficult period.
  • Until the age of 4 years, the process of growing up of the pet occurs. His main task will be determined by his status in the family.

Cane Corso training with a professional dog handler is carried out at any age. A specialist will help correct the animal’s behavior and teach how to properly communicate with your pet.

Training Cane Corso. Obedience and education.

How to choose a puppy

Often inexperienced dog breeders make the same mistake when purchasing a Cane Corso puppy. They believe that all dogs are the same, the only difference is their cost. This is wrong.

All purebred dogs are divided into classes.

  1. Pet (pet). An animal with low exhibition potential, which has some breed defects (color defects, curled tail, malocclusion). Dogs with such defects cannot be bred and will be disqualified from the show ring. But they make excellent companions and guards. Such a baby can be born to titled parents.
  2. Brit. Dog for exhibitions and breeding. They have a good exterior. Such a pet can make a good show career. With proper selection of a pair, you can get high-quality offspring from Brit class individuals.
  3. Show. This class includes units. Expert dog lovers know them firsthand. This is the breeder's pride and they rarely sell such a dog. The baby has not only a brilliant exterior, but also a courageous character.

When choosing a pet, it is worth considering that male dogs exhibit stronger leadership qualities, they are more independent and require stricter control. Bitches are softer and more flexible.

Cane Corso puppies are ready to go to a new owner at the age of 45 days. There is an opinion among dog owners that the sooner you take your baby, the faster and better he gets used to his new place of residence and you can raise the dog “to suit you.” It doesn't make sense, but...

In a professional nursery, all babies receive high-quality education, regardless of whether they remain with the breeder or are sold. You can safely buy a pet that is 4-6 months old, and it will not disappoint. Moreover, at this age the dog’s potential is clearly visible, which is especially important for those who want to exhibit their pet.

By purchasing a puppy from professionals, the future owner receives the following guarantees:

  • Purebred Cane Corso puppy.
  • The baby's parents underwent health tests, they are mentally stable and not aggressive.
  • From the first days of his life, he received proper care, quality feeding and veterinary care.
  • There will be no difficulties with documents for the baby.
  • 24-hour consultations on raising, feeding and treating dogs.

What should you pay attention to?

When choosing a specific baby, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Development should be age appropriate.
  • Cane Corso puppies up to 4 months look well-fed and dense.
  • The coat is smooth, without dandruff and bald patches.
  • The skin is clean, without rashes, crusts or scratches.
  • The eyes are shiny, without accumulation of pus in the corners. The eyelids are not inflamed.
  • Ears are free of discharge and odor.
  • Limbs are strong and straight. Club feet, lameness and turning outward are unacceptable.
  • The abdomen is firm, but not bloated. There should be no seals in the navel area.
  • The baby should be curious, active and mischievous.

You should not buy a pet from a nursery where animals are kept in cages or enclosures. With a high degree of probability, such children are not socialized. In such animals adolescence joint problems are often observed due to a sedentary lifestyle.

It is necessary to determine the dog's resting place. The bed should be located away from radiators and drafts. A quiet, secluded area away from the aisle is an ideal choice.

Important! The dog's bed is inaccessible to guests and children. The animal should feel safe in its place.

Feeding your pet should be complete and balanced. The amount of protein should be 50%. The remaining 50% is allocated to cereals, vegetables and fruits. The dog must receive:

  • Dairy products.
  • Eggs (no more than 2 times a week).
  • Beef motolygi (help strengthen and cleanse tooth enamel).
  • Vegetable oil 1 spoon daily in food.
  • Take 1 teaspoon of bran with food.
  • Vitamin supplements.

It is unacceptable to feed the animal human food, and even more so waste from the master's table. Proper nutrition is the key good health and long life of the pet.

Health and illness of the Cane Corso

The Cane Corso dog breed, which was revived relatively recently, has a number of genetic diseases.

They are more susceptible to joint problems (dysplasia and dislocation). This pathology mildly leads to lameness; in severe cases, the animal is completely immobilized.

Infrequently, inflammation of the third eyelid occurs. The reason may be eye injury, foreign body, strong drugs. The third eyelid becomes visible, becomes red and inflamed. Local treatment(drops, ointments) combined with antibacterial or antiviral drugs. In particular difficult cases surgical intervention is indicated.

Eversion and inversion of the eyelid. Not a dangerous disease. Corrected by simple cosmetic surgery.

Bloating and gastric volvulus. These ailments arise due to an incorrectly selected diet and increased activity after eating. Without timely assistance veterinarian, the animal may die.

Thyroid problems and epilepsy are extremely rare. The presence of health tests for parents is a guarantee that the pet will avoid inherited diseases. Healthy pet will please the owner for 10-13 years.

Photo of Cane Corso

To get to know the Cane Corso breed better, you should look at a photo of the dog.

If you have a Cane Corso dog breed in your home, you don’t have to be afraid of ill-wishers. Not a single burglar would risk visiting an apartment where such a pet lives, even if the doors are not closed at all.

Congratulations on your purchase of the most best dog in the world - Cane Corso! You can find a lot of information on the Internet, magazines and books about the amazing history of this breed, whose ancient origins are confirmed by many real facts and illustrations. There are even more, sometimes very contradictory, opinions about raising and raising puppies, about proper feeding and quality vitamins, about training dogs in obedience, guarding or modern species training, about good stores, veterinary clinics and in general about any issues that you have to face, you will hear from dog lovers and can read on the Internet. Choose sources that are trustworthy. Remember that not every dog ​​owner, even with many years of experience, or a person who considers himself a professional, is one in reality. Listen to the opinions of experts, analyze information, primarily from independent sources, and do not hesitate to ask. The puppy is growing very quickly. You can’t waste time on mistakes, because they are very difficult to correct later. You only have 5-7 months to develop the desired behavior of YOUR dog. Don't miss a single day!

Our recommendations are designed to help you focus your attention on the most important points when raising your puppy. This is a large, strong dog, you need to seriously train it so that it does not cause you trouble, so that the puppy lives up to your hopes and maintains the image of the Cane Corso breed.


When purchasing a puppy, you must be given a completed puppy card, which must be submitted to the nearest branch of the KSU (Cynological Union of Ukraine -www. uku. kiev. ua) until the dog is 1 year old. You will receive a membership card, and after about 2 months you will be given a pedigree. The issuance of the pedigree may take a long time - don’t worry, you will receive it sooner or later. While the replacement is taking place, you can participate in exhibitions using a special number (check with your department).

If you were not given a puppy card when purchasing, then you are not the owner of your dog. Puppy cards are issued to the breeder after the puppies are registered, which is carried out no earlier than they are 45 days old.

If the breeder has given the first (or more) vaccinations to the puppies, then he must have a veterinary passport in which this is noted. Veterinary passport may be useful when participating in exhibitions and moving abroad. The passport contains information about vaccinations, which must be confirmed by the signature of the veterinarian and the seal of the veterinary clinic.

If you bought a puppy in another city and are transporting it by train, you may be required to have veterinary form No. 1 (it is valid for 3 days), which is issued in state veterinary clinics for puppies up to 3 months without problems; after 3 months, the veterinary clinic may be required to have vaccinations against rabies. After such a vaccination, you can take the puppy out no earlier than a month later. The breeder must take care of such a certificate. Also, do not forget to purchase a baggage pass at the railway ticket office for the carriage of live cargo, the cost of which depends on the weight of the animal.


Your puppy should have been dewormed at the age of 4 weeks and given the first vaccination no less than 10 days later, which should be noted in the veterinary passport.

Depending on the vaccine, revaccination is carried out 1 or 2 times 2-3 weeks after the previous vaccination. Vaccination and revaccination of a puppy are carried out with the same drug.

You can take your puppy outside 2 weeks after the second vaccination.

At 3 months of age (at least 10 days before vaccination, if the procedures are the same), it is necessary to drive away worms. Any medications can be used. For example, drontal or pratel. Follow the dosage recommendations carefully - they are usually calculated based on the dog's body weight. If worms come out with feces, the procedure must be repeated after 10-14 days. It is not recommended to chase worms too often - the drugs are not safe for the liver.

After changing teeth, at 6-7 months It is necessary to receive a final vaccination, including vaccination against rabies.

You CANNOT vaccinate an unhealthy dog ​​or a pregnant or lactating bitch.

Protect your dog from hypothermia, overwork, and stress for a week after vaccination.

During the period of above-zero temperatures (don’t relax during the winter thaw!) The dog must be regularly treated for fleas and ticks. Please ensure that the product you buy also protects against fleas and ticks. Almost all drugs promise protection against fleas for 3-6 months and against ticks for 1 month. So during the period of tick activity (classically - early spring and late autumn, but lately there has been a dominance of ticks and therefore any bush near a city house and any above-zero temperature can pose a great danger), i.e. from March to November, or even throughout the year, the dog must be treated monthly.

It is better to use sprays and drops. Collars are not as reliable. The collar can be used as an additional tool when going outdoors. When treated with drops or sprays, it is not recommended to wear it constantly.

No drug can provide a 100% guarantee of protection. Choose a drug that has the fewest complaints and can be used to treat two-month-old puppies.


Until you have completed the full course of vaccination, it is not recommended to go outside (except perhaps into the yard of your own house, into which no living creatures enter). Breathe the air on the balcony. Make sure there is no draft. Hide the shoes you wear outside and wipe them with a rag soaked in water with vinegar added. Place the same rag at the entrance and demand that everyone entering thoroughly wipe their feet. When you come from the street, wash your hands.

How can you tell if your dog is unhealthy? Watch! Refusal to eat in combination with a depressed state are a clear sign that the dog is not feeling well. Vomiting, diarrhea, sour eyes, hair coming out, skin rashes, causeless lameness - contact your veterinarian. Do not self-medicate if you are not sure of the diagnosis!

Home first aid kit. Keep in home medicine cabinet those medicines that you know. Review your first aid kit from time to time and replace medications that have expired. We provide a minimum set, the rest can be purchased as needed and on the recommendation of a doctor (we hope you don’t need this).

Mercury or electronic thermometer. The thermometer must be lubricated with Vasiline or baby cream and inserted into anus by 3-5 cm for 3-5 minutes. The normal temperature for a puppy is 38-39.3 degrees. The temperature can rise not only as a result of illness, but also during stress and physical exertion. Observe if there are any other signs of ill health.

Syringes are needed not only for injections, but also for dosing medications and introducing them into the mouth of your patient (remove the needle!).


If the majority medicines can be purchased as needed, dressing materials should always be at hand: bandage, cotton wool, sterile wipes, tourniquet, plaster, cotton buds, brilliant green solution, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate and furatsilin.

Dog shoes. There are special shoes on sale that are convenient to use when the pad is cut. The size will suit you L at the age of 3-6 months, then XL and more.

Levomekol will enhance wound healing.

Activated carbon, smecta, chloramphenicol (or another drug that you usually use for stomach upsets).

Alcohol or vodka for disinfection.

Analgin, aspirin, and paracetamol are considered unsafe for dogs.

It is important to follow the correct dosage of medications. Calculate a single dose of the drug based on the weight of your baby and the fact that the instructions indicate it on average for a weight of 70 kilograms. Focus on children's doses.

To give to the dog liquid medicine, it is convenient to use a syringe without a needle. Hold your dog facing up while he swallows the medicine. Some tablets (even those that are quite tasteless from our point of view) can be eaten by a dog voluntarily. Others can be wrapped in a treat: cut the cheese and hide the tablet inside, form a ball from pate, bread, etc., or crush it and pour it down the throat with liquid. Food mixed with medicine may cause the dog to refuse to eat or not eat everything.

Apply the ointment before going outside so that it has time to be absorbed before the puppy licks it off. Or keep an eye on him for some time.

Wrap wounds well before a walk and change the bandage when you return home. A small wound can be allowed to be licked by the dog; a deeper wound can be treated and bandaged. Any crushed antibiotic (chloramphenicol, for example) can be poured into a deep wound. At the slightest suspicion of inflammation or in difficult cases when it is difficult to cope on your own, contact your veterinarian

Ear cropping

Whether or not to crop your ears is your decision. Before docking, it is better to show the veterinarian the desired shape of the ears. Ears are cropped at 2.5-3.5 months, no less than 10 days after vaccination. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Healing occurs within a week.


Dry food.Dry food means a minimum of hassle and stable stool for your dog.

Without going into details, we would like to note that the words “premium, super-premium”, etc. written on the bag of food. do not mean a high class product at all. In the best food, the first position among the ingredients is occupied by meat products, and in the form of flour, because... If you dry raw meat, its quantity will be several times less than in its raw form. Food with good meat content cannot be cheap!

Most of the feed presented on the Ukrainian market does not meet the declared quality. Their composition leaves much to be desired. At a minimum, they contain very little meat, they are poor in vitamins, vegetables, fruits and probiotics; in the worst case, unhealthy products and chemical preservatives are used in their production.

Some manufacturers do not provide puppy food large breeds. In this case, it is recommended to give the puppy vitamins with chondroitin and glucosamine, which serve as material for growing joints.

On the Internet you can find information on food ratings and compare their composition.

Natural nutrition. Let’s say right away that providing a complete, balanced diet filled with all essential vitamins, an extremely labor-intensive, complex, and very expensive process. In any case, remember that a dog is a predator! The main component of the diet (but not the only one!) should be meat (any kind, but NOT PORK). Also, the dog should receive vegetables, fruits, and cottage cheese (LOW-FAT) daily. Can be given low fat dairy products. It is better to boil liver, poultry, and fish. Cartilage, tendons, trachea, esophagus, sugar bones, tripe (stomach), and other offal are welcome. The preferred cereals are brown rice, white rice, and buckwheat. You can give rye bread in the form of crackers.

DO NOT give tubular (bird legs and wings) and bones that break into sharp pieces (beef ribs), sweets, fried, spicy foods.

If you give table scraps, try to avoid unwanted products and watch the amount of non-standard food. Diarrhea is not a very pleasant thing, but there can be worse consequences, even poisoning.

Mixed nutrition. At mixed diet combine food with natural food. For example: food in the morning, cottage cheese with kefir in the afternoon, meat in the evening. Vegetables and fruits throughout the day if possible. There is an opinion that a lack of protein in the body (meat) can cause aggression.

Up to 4 months you need to feed 4 times a day, up to 7 months 3 times, from 7 months 2 times a day.

DO NOT feed before a walk. At least 2 hours should pass after feeding.


Cane Corsos, like all Molossians, grow extremely quickly. It is necessary to ensure that the puppy receives nutrients for the construction of the skeleton and joints. Consult with your veterinarian which vitamin complex to choose; you may need to take a preventive course, especially during the most active growth. You can do a detailed blood test of the puppy to understand whether its diet is sufficiently balanced and what vitamins should be added. Give immune boosters and multivitamins periodically, especially if your puppy is on a natural diet.

Rules of conduct in the house

Dogs do not tolerate loneliness. Try not to leave the puppy alone, especially at first, and preferably up to four months. Get used to your care, gradually increasing the period of time. The puppy will be sure that you will definitely return, and will not be very sad.

The most important condition for comfortable coexistence is integrity and consistency. You can’t allow your dog to climb on the sofa today and prohibit it tomorrow. The dog won't understand this. What is permitted once is perceived as permitted forever. If you don't want your dog to sleep in your bed, stop it once and for all and NEVER allow it. If you like that your dog looks into your mouth with hungry, pitiful eyes when you eat, treat it with what you eat (but remember that by doing this you spoil its stomach and create a precedent that provokes the dog to wait for treats from your hands instead of eat your food). If not, NEVER give your food, make the dog leave while you eat.


First of all, it is advisable to provide a non-slip floor surface so that your puppy’s paws do not move apart (so that a “loose” paw or markings do not form): lay carpet, carpet runners. Parquet, linoleum, ceramic tiles are slippery surfaces.

Organize a place for the puppy not on the aisle, not in a draft, and away from heating devices. There should be enough space for the dog to stretch out while lying on its side. You can buy a ready-made place at a pet store. Choose a durable fabric that can be washed easily. You can lay down a mattress or use a sofa. It is advisable that the place be soft enough, otherwise calluses will form on the elbows with age.

When placing your dog in an enclosure, remember that the Cane Corso has virtually no undercoat. The enclosure must be heated! But it is better for the dog to live in a house; constant contact with the owner is very important for the Cane Corso.

You can organize space in the cage. Do not force the puppy there or punish him there - he should feel safe and comfortable in his corner. Why are we considering the cage option? Are you ready for the fact that when no one is home, perhaps the puppy, out of boredom, will find entertainment for himself: chewing furniture, walls, books, things?

Pogroms in the house

You can lock your puppy in a crate while you are away. Let it be spacious enough. Place a bowl of water and toys there. Lay newspapers for the toilet.

If you feel sorry for keeping your puppy in a crate, the following may help you avoid pogroms: having someone at home, long walks, new toy, a large bone, given before leaving. Do not punish the puppy when you come home and see the destruction - it’s too late, most likely the puppy will not make the analogy, and will greet you with caution. But it doesn’t hurt to express your dissatisfaction; Cane Corsos are very understanding dogs and will try not to upset their beloved owner.

Dog in the family

Dogs have a great sense of who is boss in the family. Every dog ​​strives to become a leader. While the puppy is small, you can easily put him in his place at the slightest manifestation of leadership habits: growling, snarling, persistence in his intentions. If you do not want to live with a tyrant (especially since the dog is not small), adhere to the few rules that are described in the next section, “Leader of the Pack.”

The puppy usually puts himself on the same level as children. After all, everyone bosses children around, they have thin voices, they often cry. Your task is to teach your child leader behavior and explain to the puppy that even the slightest manifestation of aggression towards children is unacceptable. But it is also unacceptable to provoke the dog. The child must understand well that it is forbidden to jerk the dog if it has gone to bed, take away food, tease, beat, or force it to play children's games. Teach your child to play “dog” games: throwing a ball, pulling a rope, running with a toy tied to a rope. A tolerant attitude towards the dog on the part of adult family members will not hurt either - do not jerk the puppy unnecessarily, respect his mood and desires. But don't let the commands be ignored either.

If the puppy is acting out and accidentally hurts you, show him that you are in pain: stop and squeak pitifully. The puppy will definitely feel sorry for you. If he gets into a rage, stop the game and make sure the puppy calms down. Do not allow them to play with their hands; it is better to take some object or toy to play with.

Leader of the Pack

You should definitely be the leader.

The leader takes the best place (the master's sofa) and does not allow the youngest in the family (the dog) to go there.

The leader eats first, the youngest eats last.

The leader never gives way. The dog must be forced to move away (not just pushed away).

The leader goes for a walk where he wants, and not where the dog wants to walk.

The leader starts the game and stops it whenever he wants.

The leader in the game always remains the winner.

The leader does not allow anyone to step on him or mount him on his feet.

If during the period of formation of behavioral skills you give up some privileges, this lowers your status and gives the dog a reason to claim an increase in its status in the pack. Do you really need a showdown with your dog? Moreover, the moment you discover that your status has decreased, the puppy may no longer be in the weight category that is easy to handle.

Let your child also follow these rules. Come to his aid if not everything works out. If the child is old enough to train a dog, let him do it under your supervision.

Puppy-owner contact

How to achieve mutual understanding with a dog? This is both simple and difficult at the same time. Watch your dog. Catch her mood and do not provoke her. Become not a taskmaster who constantly forbids everything, but a cheerful friend with whom messing around is much more interesting than looking for some extraneous activity. Be interesting to your dog. Play with her, come up with new games. Since the dog is a predator, games should be based on searching and catching a victim (ball, rag, toy). To teach your dog to be attentive to your actions, often hide from him at every opportunity, but so that you can observe his actions. It’s best when there is someone on a walk who will stir up your pet’s interest with questions: where is dad/mom, and will make sure that the puppy looks for you in the right direction.

Friends and strangers

The puppy is usually curious and sociable. Already at one and a half months, babies distinguish between their own and strangers. Your puppy's relationships with other people are determined by what tasks you set for the future adult dog. If you are raising bodyguard, Do not allow ANYONE (even friends) to pet your puppy. Let him sit next to you and watch, let him come and sniff. Prohibit flirting and barking at strangers. If the dog will be a guard, encourage not aggression, but wary attention towards EVERYONE entering the house, keep him on a leash. In order to train a dog for this type of work, you need to consult with a professional training instructor and follow his recommendations, starting from a very young age. We want to warn you that when raising a guard, you must be prepared to walk your dog on a leash and muzzle, letting it go in remote deserted places. It will be problematic for not only an enemy to enter your house, but also a doctor, a mechanic, or a child’s friend. Even if the dog obeys you, you cannot guarantee the safety of people who may come to your family. Most likely, a guard dog will have one owner - you. The rest of the family will be one step lower. It is believed that the best guard is the leader of the pack. This situation in the family can be fraught unpleasant consequences. A dog can be affectionate and playful, but until someone encroaches on the leader’s significant privileges: place, food, toy.

We are much more impressed by the other option - pet, city ​​dog, the youngest member of the family. Let him communicate with all your friends and acquaintances. Stop any aggression. You will calmly ride in the elevator, walk around the bazaar, and invite guests into your house. When the puppy grows up, his protective instincts will still manifest themselves. Cane Corsos have a sixth sense for detecting danger.

Accustoming a puppy to the street

The puppy will be able to endure from morning to evening no earlier than he is 7 months old. Don't demand the impossible from your puppy! Withdraw more often! Especially after sleep and after eating (after eating only for the toilet - a full walk is not advisable). Praise on the street and shame at home for puddles and heaps. Cane Corsos understand intonation very well.

At a tender age, the Cane Corso has a pronounced instinct of self-preservation. Don't worry - it will pass. Give your child the opportunity to get used to the huge humming and honking monster machines, the sharp sounds of firecrackers and slamming doors, the screams of children, the screams of young people, water pouring on their heads, and unpleasant moisture underfoot. React calmly to what frightens the puppy, let him look around or sniff an unfamiliar object. Point to by example that there is no danger: come and touch the box/box/jar/rag. If it doesn’t help, don’t focus on his fear, calmly call him, distract him, and move away from the frightening object. Walk nearby regularly, gradually approaching the scary object. Do not force the puppy to him. When he is ready, he will come on his own. This could happen in five minutes, or it could happen in a week. In any case, don’t rush things.

Don't take your eyes off the puppy, and don't let him pick up anything from the ground now.

Walking with a puppy

You need to walk your dog at least 2 hours a day, and preferably more. The more and more active you walk, the stronger and healthier your pet will be and the greater the chance that he will sleep peacefully at home instead of damaging your property.

A LEASTER IS YOUR DOG'S SAFETY SYSTEM. Do not let the puppy go near the house so that it does not chase cats and birds and does not scare the neighbors. Don't let go near the road. Move away so that she is out of sight.

If you see an adult dog from afar, do not hesitate to ask the owner if your puppy can approach her. You don't want a dog with an unbalanced psyche to scare your puppy (at best). If there is no danger, release the puppy to play. Let him communicate with his relatives as much as possible.

If you are going out together and one of you is about to leave, be careful! Your dog may run wild looking for a departed family member. She may find herself in an unpleasant or even dangerous (running out onto the roadway) situation. Try to avoid such grooming or gradually accustom your puppy to it.

Exercises for a puppy

Active walks temper the dog and strengthen its muscles. For a Cane Corso puppy, free range is best suited - i.e. a combination of various movements: running, stopping, walking. Running after a bicycle and a car is too much huge pressure for growing joints. Any monotonous movement (even walking) is an increased load compared to free walking. It is useful to run on slopes and rough terrain. This strengthens muscles well and develops attention and dexterity.

The puppy should not go down the stairs (depending on your capabilities - for as long as possible), but going up is very useful. It is not recommended to allow a puppy to jump on its hind legs until it is 10 months old.

Puppy socialization

Socialization is very important for life in the city. For a dog to behave adequately in an urban environment, it must be familiar with the most different situations. Therefore, let your puppy communicate more with other dogs, walk with him through underground passages and crowded places such as public transport stops and bazaars. By the way, this will be very useful to you if you decide to participate in exhibitions. Accustom your puppy to unusual situations gradually. It is believed that the more varied a dog’s life is, the more new things it learns, the better its intelligence develops.


Try not to walk your puppy with disobedient dogs and with dogs that pick up everything from the ground. This is a very bad example, and, as we know, bad things are learned quickly. It is extremely difficult to get rid of the habit of picking up from the ground! And the health of your dog depends on it.

As soon as the puppy arrives in your home, you can begin training it. Do not hurry. Teach one command, do not move on to another until you achieve stable execution of the first.

Let us give a description of those several commands that must be executed always and unquestioningly. And before you even start walking on training area. The remaining commands are for your convenience, interest, pleasure and intellectual development of your dog. Even if you don't teach your dog anything, you will find that Cane Corsos pick out the same words in similar situations and respond to them without obvious repetition of the situation.

"To me"

Take a small piece of cheese, lower your hands to the level of the puppy’s muzzle, show him the cheese and joyfully and gently give the command “come to me.” When he runs up, give the treat and admire the puppy’s luck. Don't rush things. Give a command only if you see that the puppy is ready to carry it out. Finish the practice with successful execution. Don’t tire your puppy out with endless “come to me.” Do not give the command again. If the puppy is in thought, pat his legs, start backing away, take a pose for play, and he will definitely run up.

Take cheese cut into small cubes for a walk. Practice the “come to me” command only when you see that the puppy will hear you and run up. Do not take him away from an interesting activity (sniffing bushes, playing with other dogs) until the command is well practiced. Call him when he remembers you and pays attention to you. Give him a treat, kiss him on the nose and let him go for a walk. The command “come to me” should not be associated with the end of the walk. When you need to leave, it is better to silently approach and take the puppy on a leash. If at home the puppy already fulfills the command well, but on the street does not react to it at all, let him go for a walk on a long leash, call him over with a treat, pull him towards you by the leash, praise him and let him go. Repeat the command intermittently 5 times during the walk. Meet every, even the most insignificant, progress in the execution of the command with enthusiastic praise.

When practicing the “come to me” command, IT IS STRICTLY NOT RECOMMENDED TO PUNISH THE PUPPY FOR FAILURE TO FULFILL IT! If the puppy does not respond to the call, it means that at some stage you were too hasty, start all over again.

This First stage teaching the “come to me” command. From 4 months you can go to an obedience course. If you intend to seriously engage in one of the types of modern training, immediately find a site with the appropriate specialization. Different kinds training has some differences. It is better to immediately teach the correct execution of a command that meets the requirements certain type training.


Stop unwanted actions with a menacing shout. Accompany the cotton of a newspaper or shaking with this command. If the puppy is on a leash, give the leash a good tug (quite noticeable, but don't tear the head off!). Remember that the command “no” or “fu” must be given at the moment an undesirable action is performed. Subsequently, this command will successfully precede it. If you are late with the command, restrain yourself and do not give it at all: the puppy has a short memory, he quickly forgets what he just did, and will not draw an analogy between his action and the belated punishment. Do not confuse his submissive-frightened appearance in front of an angry leader (“I don’t understand why you’re angry, but you’re big and strong, so I submit to you and accept your Bad mood") with the guilty look of a child who has realized his guilt ("You are scolding me for causing trouble yesterday; now I understand that I was wrong").

Be clear in your requirements: decide right away what is allowed for your dog and what is not. The prohibitory command should always be sounded in the same type of situations.

You can come up with your own commands, the main thing is that they are not similar to commonly used words in everyday life, so as not to confuse the dog. This can be useful when training a dog not to listen to strangers.


Cane Corsos are good at distinguishing between encouraging and disapproving intonations.

DON'T HIT THE PUPPY!He may become cowardly and aggressive towards weaker ones. There are better ways to let your baby know who's boss. This could be a loud shout, a clap with a newspaper (and it doesn’t have to hit a soft spot). Shaking works well: take the puppy by the scruff of the neck and the skin on the rump, lift and shake the puppy. This method cannot be applied to an older dog due to its significant weight. Do your education on time! An older dog can be strangled with a collar, pressed to the floor by the neck and, if it is difficult to handle, lean on it with your whole body. Such educational measures in relation to an older dog indicate that you missed something in childhood. Remember that the dog's behavior is solely the result of YOUR upbringing. Pull yourself together and consult with a specialist on how to correct your pet’s current behavior. Proceed from the fact that correcting is always more difficult than teaching. Notice your dog’s unwanted behavior in time and ask experienced dog handlers what you’re doing wrong.

You can severely punish a dog only if it shows aggression towards you, your family members, children, or the elderly.

Growing up bitch

Approximately once every six months (some are lucky and this happens once a year), your girl experiences such trouble as estrus. This means that a week after the start of heat, women will have to avoid meeting other dogs. IN " critical days"(when the bitch is ready for mating) keep a strong vigil so that no smart gentleman comes too close. Arm yourself with a whip for this period. Don't let your bitch off the leash! Your oversight will become your problem.

To prevent your girl from getting dirty at home, you need to either go after her with a rag, or buy special panties or regular thongs, change the sanitary pads in them and make sure that the girl does not take off her panties and does not destroy the pads.

Male growing up

Around 10 months of age, your kind, playful baby will likely turn into a teenager looking for a fight. Now you will have to avoid all your male friends and keep a vigilant eye on whether a potential object appears on the horizon for your baby to test his heroic strength. It is advisable to find out from afar what gender an unfamiliar dog is and approach, even if it turns out that it is a female, with extreme caution. Don't worry, you'll get used to it soon. This is where the obedience skills that your dog has thoroughly mastered over long hours of training will come in very handy. You weren't too lazy to visit the training ground all this time, were you? If you have good contact with the dog and it is well trained, then you will not experience any particular inconvenience.

And one moment. When your male dog understands what the current bitch is, he will strive to follow her, or, taking the trail and forgetting about everything in the world, he will follow the trail until he realizes that the bitch is somewhere far outside the door, and he doesn’t know. where is. You must notice your dog's intentions in time and stop them, so as not to later comb the area with tears in your eyes in search of an unreasonable friend. By the way, if the dog is lost, it will also become upset and agitated and will most likely move along familiar points. Look there. If you did not take walks to the same place, but diversified the routes around the surrounding area, then, when lost, the dog will quickly find out in which direction its beloved owner is.

We wish you good luck in raising and raising your pet!

– these are beautiful and strong dogs, which exude power and natural strength.

We can say that this is a distinctive breed of dog, since their skills and appearance have been preserved for many centuries.

The ancestors of the Cane Corso are the Molossian Danes, but, of course, these giants were subjected to selection, which changed the character of the dogs.

Currently these menacing dogs not only bodyguards and security guards, but also true friends.

This big dog, which has excellent waste paper development. The body is slightly elongated, males at the withers are 65-68 cm, females - 60-65 cm.

Dog weight 45-50 and 40-45 kg, respectively.

Read more about the weight of the Cane Corso.

The head of the Corso is massive, the skull is wide. The jaws are wide and have a slight bite.

It was adopted relatively recently, therefore, the formation of the breed continues.


During the growth period, bone tissue is not yet strong, so strong physical activity can lead to deformation. Free walking is recommended up to 7 months.

In order not to spoil the bite, you should not forcefully pull sticks and rags from the dog’s mouth.

Physical activity can be gradually introduced from 7 months - walking with an alternating rhythm, swimming, but jumping over obstacles is not yet advisable.

The coat should be brushed regularly, and the dog should be washed with shampoo as needed.. After washing your dog, you cannot walk for 3 hours, so it is better to bathe your puppy at night.

Cleaning the ears, paws and examining the teeth is mandatory, and it is necessary to achieve obedience from the dog not by force, but in a playful way.

How to feed

You can switch a puppy to a new diet only two weeks after he has settled in a new place. It is better to stick to the schedule that was observed in the breeder's house.

Cane Corso needs large quantities protein foods, so the menu should include meat, fish, eggs, and offal.

Until the dog is 2.5 months old, the meat is cut into pieces; the minced meat is not absorbed by the body. In addition, the baby’s diet should include milk and fermented milk products. From six months, tripe can be introduced into the diet.

If the owner plans to feed the dog natural food, dietary supplements should be added to the food.. When feeding with industrial food, this is not necessary.

Read more about how to feed your Cane Corso.

How to choose a pet?

As a rule, puppies are sold 45 days after birth.

You should not adopt a puppy earlier, thinking that this way he will get used to his new home easier.

First you need to choose a nursery. If the conditions for keeping dogs there are poor, it is better not to take a puppy from there.

You should not focus only on the price of the dog, since Cane Corso puppies can be different types(show, breed, pet), their price varies from 300 to 1500 dollars.

But believing that pets are rejected puppies is a mistake. They will cost less, but must have a pedigree.

All babies must be well-fed and strong; when choosing a puppy, you need to observe the behavior of the babies. Healthy puppy must stand well on his feet, be cheerful, friendly and courageous.

If possible, it is advisable to look at the puppy’s parents, then it is possible to evaluate the breed standards. It is better if the mother's age is 2-8 years, younger bitches give birth to weak puppies.

Puppies born in the spring have more opportunity to normal height Those born in the fall use up internal fat faster, so when buying a puppy in the fall, it is advisable to have an additional examination by a veterinarian.

If the temperament of the future owner does not match the temperament of the puppy, problems may arise in the future, so it is very important to choose a dog “to your liking.”


The puppy must be carefully examined - there should be no discharge from the nose, the skin and mucous membranes must be healthy and clean.

The puppy's eyes should be clear, without dried crusts, and his tongue should be pink. It is also necessary to check the consistency of age and development parameters.

We must understand that any pedigree dog must have documents. The puppy must have a birth certificate and an international passport.

You need to carefully study the papers and make sure that everything has been done for the puppy necessary vaccinations, and helminth prevention was also carried out.

The dog must have a mark on its belly that corresponds to that indicated in the metric.

Conclusion and conclusions

At 6 weeks of age, the puppy is still a blank slate with only a few acquired habits.

In contact with

Cane Corso are specific dogs. They are smart, but very difficult to subdue. Throughout its life, such a pet will sort things out with its owner. This manifests itself in constant checking leadership qualities. Who will win in a confrontation: the dog or the owner?

Let's try to figure out what is special about raising and training a Cane Corso.

A puppy appeared at home

The breed of the future pet was determined long ago. This is a Cane Corso. The happy owner, in preparation, read a lot of literature about the breed. Now he knows exactly how to feed the dog, how to care for it and what diseases it can get. But in a rush to study the necessary books, sections of training simply fell out of memory.

And here is a small and very cute puppy at home. He is funny, clumsy and completely unlike a training object. You want to squeeze and stroke this one, but not train it in any way.

But you have to. The dog is growing, in 4 months it will turn out to be a fully grown Cane Corso. And if she is not well-mannered, it will be a big disadvantage for the owner.

Where does puppy training begin?

  • With the rules established by the owner. If it's possible, then it's possible. But if you can’t do this, then you can’t do it at all. No concessions.
  • Training, in its first stages, is carried out in a playful way. For very small puppies, up to 4 months, it is necessary gradual increase training time.
  • Be sure to reward your pet for correctly executed commands. When training a Cane Corso puppy at home, praise is your best friend.

Training a puppy up to 4 months

Usually babies are given to new owners at the age of 2.5-3 months. If future owner If he is confident in his abilities and has time for a pet, he can negotiate with the breeder and pick up the puppy at the age of 40 days.

So, the baby is home. The first thing to do is show him the place. Designate a nook with bedding for your puppy. Or, ideally, a dog crate. The puppy is placed there with bedding.

Give your pet two or three days to get used to it and you can slowly begin raising it. Cane Corso training is not carried out until 2 months of age. The puppy is being raised.

It all starts with getting used to the daily routine. These babies are fed 6 times a day, every three hours. We woke up, went outside (if the pet has had all its vaccinations), returned home and ate. Then it's time to play. If during the game the puppy begins to forget and grabs the owner’s arms and legs, the owner strictly tells him “no.” The game ends. Golden Rule:

  • The owner plays with the dog when he wants to. And not on demand.

Puppies are good manipulators. A small Cane Corso will look into your eyes, wag your short tail and express with all its appearance a desire to play. The owner should not indulge the pet in this.

Starting from the age of two months, in order to train and raise a Cane Corso puppy, they begin training. They are built in a playful way. Does the baby want to get a ball or something tasty? Let him first carry out the command, then he will receive the reward. The first week, classes are held for 3 minutes, up to 10 times a day. In the second week, 4 minutes each, the number of approaches is reduced. Gradually, the duration of training increases, the frequency of approaches decreases.

From four and above

The main training of a Cane Corso puppy, when it absorbs all the material, occurs up to 4 months. A baby at this age is obedient and has a flexible psyche. In general, the basics of obedience to the owner are laid, and the pet learns commands.

At 4 months, the baby smoothly enters adolescence. This is where the struggle for leadership begins. The dog is trying in every possible way to prove to the owner that the leading role in their couple is the puppy. The owner will need patience and restraint to stop this without violence to the dog.

At this age, it is better to continue training with a competent dog handler. The owner must be able to see his dog and have contact with it. If this is not the case, full training will not work.

Adult dog

What are the features of training a Cane Corso that is no longer a puppy? It's hard to get this dog to obey. If in puppyhood If it was not possible to establish contact with the pet, then correcting the behavior of an adult dog is not an easy task. Not everyone can implement it. The owner must not only be firm, but also know the psychology of the dog.

Cane Corsos do not tolerate people raising their voices at them. And if any other breed simply shrinks and stops trusting its owner, then the Cane Corso is quite capable of putting a person in his place. He will do this quickly and without warning. Another thing is that the owner will rush to get rid of such a pet at the first opportunity.

If you had to deal with adult dog, then she must be rewarded for correctly executed commands. Ideally, this should be a treat that the dog loves. Your pet should be trained only in a positive manner, without shouting or mechanical influence on it. Pulling the leash, hitting the croup and paws - all this is prohibited. Unless, of course, the trainer wants to lose an arm, a leg, or both parts of the body.

Basic rules of training

Cane Corso dogs can be trained by a competent dog handler. These dogs are complex, but with the right approach, they open up and are ready to serve. What should an owner do if it is not possible to contact a dog handler? Remember the basic rules of training.

  • We move from simple to complex. First, a primary conditioned reflex is developed. And already on its basis - secondary, tertiary and beyond.
  • A simple conditioned reflex is learned and reinforced quite quickly.
  • The best way to influence a pet is through taste and reward.
  • In many Soviet books on training you can find words that nothing better than a mechanical method has been invented. This is wrong. Mechanics are not suitable for Cane Corso.
  • The basis is the contact between the dog and the owner. The pet must want to communicate with the owner. You can't turn such a serious breed into a toy.
  • Raising and training a Cane Corso is not an easy task. The main thing here is to see the line. The dog must want to exercise. If the dog looks aloof, doesn’t like the activity at all, and doesn’t even want to look at the owner, you will have to postpone the training. And start making contact.
  • When you hear the words that a dog is simply obliged to love its owner, I want to say: it doesn’t owe anyone anything. These dogs don't love their owners, to be honest. But gaining respect from a dog is the direct task of its owner.

Basic equipment for classes

Training a Cane Corso does not require any special equipment or equipment. The trainer will need:

  • short leash;
  • the leash is long;
  • soft leather collar;
  • harness with a long leash for the ZKS;
  • delicacy;
  • toy;
  • bag for treats.

As we see, nothing supernatural is included in the training kit. All this can be purchased at any pet store.

It is advisable to buy a leather or canvas leash. The collar should be soft, no parfors.

A ball is most often used as a toy. On a string to make it easier to handle the dog.

The delicacy is boiled and finely chopped meat, offal, and wheat bread crackers. Basic food is not suitable as a treat for a dog.

A little about the behavioral psychology of the breed

To make training a Cane Corso a joy for the owner and the dog, you need to know something about these animals.

  • Most representatives of the breed are phlegmatic. They are slightly inhibited: they have to be pushed into action.
  • As mentioned above, these dogs do not tolerate moral and physical violence.
  • Control over your pet must be established from childhood.
  • Contact with the dog is a prerequisite for full cooperation.
  • Dogs have their own minds, despite their phlegmatic nature.
  • If he has to defend his owner, he may decide not to attack without a command. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other, it can serve a bad role.
  • Loyal to children. They are distrustful of strangers, but do not feel malice.
  • They get along quite calmly with other animals.

Let's summarize

In the article we examined the features of Cane Corso training. Let's highlight the main aspects.

  • It is necessary to raise a puppy from the moment it appears at the owner's home.
  • Education begins with establishing the limits of permissibility and prohibitions.
  • If the owner has authorized something, it is forever. Prohibitions are also established once and for all. Today the puppy made a puddle on the carpet and they laughed at it? Tomorrow he will not understand why he is being scolded when he performs this action again.
  • A puppy is trained for up to 4 months according to the principle: little, but often.
  • They feed according to the same principle.
  • Be sure to reward your pet for correctly executed commands.
  • A treat or toy is used as a reward.
  • Cane Corsos do not tolerate violence against themselves. They can give serious resistance.
  • The pet needs a firm hand, but at the same time guiding the dog without screaming or hitting.
  • An adult dog is more difficult to subdue than a puppy. It is almost impossible to correct a dog's behavior.
  • Contact between dog and owner is a prerequisite for training.


We examined the main issues related to the issue of training a Cane Corso at home. Speaking about the breed, I would like to note that this dog is not for everyone. It is specific and will not suit an inexperienced owner.

Keeping such a dog in an apartment is not a problem. If he is brought up. Otherwise, the owner and the people around him will be unlucky.