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When to get vaccinated against measles? Allergy to measles vaccine. When are vaccinations necessary for adults?

In some situations, your doctor may suggest getting a measles vaccine. Everyone who is responsible for maintaining health, in this case, faces a choice - to agree or refuse. What is vaccination, why is disease prevention needed, and what are the consequences of the decision made?

What is measles

Measles is a viral infection transmitted by airborne droplets and the disease is highly contagious. According to research, its contagiousness ranges from 40 to 100%, depending on the duration of contact with the pathogen.

Course of the disease:

Complications after an illness may include:

  • ENT organs and respiratory system(otitis media, pneumonia, bronchitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis);
  • gastrointestinal tract (colitis, intestinal dysfunction);
  • central nervous system(meningoencephalitis, myelitis, encephalitis, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis).

The latter are the most dangerous. Blindness due to eye inflammation is also possible.

Before the advent of antibiotics, 1 in 100 sick children died from measles, after - 1 in 10,000. To this day, measles is one of the most common reasons mortality of children under 5 years of age.

There is no specific treatment for measles. Therapy tactics are aimed only at combating symptoms. The only one in an effective way The fight against disease is vaccination. Thanks to her, it was possible to reduce mortality from measles by 73% over 13 years. Currently, there is a WHO Global Measles Elimination Plan and a National Measles Control Program in Russia.

Video by Dr. Komarovsky about the disease

A person who has had measles develops lasting, lifelong immunity, but cases repeated illness still there are. Vaccinated people can become infected, but this probability is extremely low, and the disease will be much milder, causing virtually no complications.

Specific prevention of measles

Types of vaccines

The first measles vaccine appeared in 1966. Today, all measles vaccines, no matter whether they are domestic or imported, are produced on the basis of a live, attenuated virus that cannot cause disease, but is capable of forming full immunity. Vaccines are available only against measles (monovaccines) or against measles and other diseases (associated/combined). Which vaccine will be used depends on the patient's age and individual characteristics.

Single vaccines:

  • ZhKV L-16 (Russia);
  • monocomponent Indian;
  • Rouvax, Sanofi Pasteur (France).


  • associated measles-mumps;
  • MMP-II, USA, MERK company (measles, rubella, mumps);
  • Priorix by SmithKline Beecham (measles, rubella, mumps);
  • GICV (measles, rubella);
  • three-component vaccine produced by Serum Institute of India (measles, rubella, mumps).

All these vaccines are produced in the form of a powder - lyophilisate; they must be dissolved before administration.

Vaccination of children

According to National calendar preventive vaccinations vaccination of children against measles is carried out twice - at the age of 12–15 months and 6 years. Previously, this was done once, but it turned out that in this case, about 5% of children did not develop lasting immunity. Babies under one year old are not vaccinated because they are still protected by their mother’s immunity. Children who have not been vaccinated before are vaccinated until they are 17 years old. The drug is administered twice, 3 months or more apart.

The vaccination schedule for vaccinating children includes the mumps-measles vaccine and Priorix.

For children, the vaccine is injected into the shoulder, for children aged 10 years and older - under the shoulder blade. Immunity is developed 3-4 weeks after vaccination and usually lasts for about 20 years. Active immunity is developed in 95% of children under 1 year and 98% - from 1 to 1.5 years.

Healthy children do not require any preparation for vaccination. It is important for a doctor to examine the child to make sure. Sometimes doctors recommend taking antihistamines before vaccination. But this is only necessary to be on the safe side, because only a few children have an allergic reaction to the measles vaccine.

The vaccine is fully compatible with others, but it is better to administer no more than two drugs at a time. Other vaccinations can be done after a month. If there is a need to perform the Mantoux test, measles vaccine can be administered immediately after assessing its results. After vaccination, the Mantoux test can be performed after 1.5 months.

After vaccination, the child is not contagious and can attend kindergarten or school. Occasionally (in 5–15% of cases), vaccination causes fever, catarrhal symptoms, conjunctivitis, and measles-like rash in the second week after vaccination. Children prone to allergies may experience skin rashes several hours after administration of the drug. All these reactions usually disappear without a trace after 2–3 days. And even their appearance does not give reason to consider the child contagious.

Vaccination for adults

Vaccination is also carried out in adults. According to the National Calendar of Preventive Vaccinations - up to 35 years of age, but this only means that up to this age it is free. It is during this period that it is worth getting vaccinated again, since immunity from vaccinations carried out in childhood fades away.

People who have not had measles have not been vaccinated, as well as people from outbreak areas can be vaccinated at public expense at any age.

To determine whether you need to be vaccinated against measles, you can take a blood test for antibodies (immune strength). Numerical indicators in different laboratories may differ, but the form will always indicate the norm by which you can navigate.

Interpretation of antibody test results - table

Ig M Ig G Meaning of indicators
- - There is no measles infection and there never was (no immunity). Incubation period of infection (if there is possible contact with a patient with measles, the test must be repeated after 1–2 weeks).
- + There is immunity to the measles virus (the disease was previously suffered, or there was vaccination).
Low level Ig G indicates weakened immunity and the need for revaccination.
+ - Measles (onset of the disease, from the last days of the catarrhal period until 1–2 days of the appearance of the rash).
+ + Measles (middle and end of the disease). These results will last up to 4 months after recovery.

But the analysis is not mandatory, since vaccination in the presence of immunity will not entail negative consequences.

Measles vaccination should not be given to pregnant women. If you plan to conceive, it is better to get vaccinated no later than 3 months before it. However, if after vaccination it turns out that the woman was pregnant at the time of vaccination, this is not an indication for termination of pregnancy, but the expectant mother should be under the strict supervision of doctors.

Contraindications and possible complications

Contraindications for vaccination include:

  • spicy respiratory diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • complications from previous vaccination;
  • anaphylactic reactions to chicken or quail egg white, aminoglycosides or neomycin;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • malignant tumors lymphatic system or bone marrow, leukemia, lymphoma;
  • immunosuppressive therapy;
  • administration of immunoglobulins or blood plasma no more than 3 months ago;
  • AIDS, immunodeficiency;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • pregnancy.

Side effects after vaccination may include:

  • allergic manifestations - from local reactions to urticaria and anaphylactic shock (extremely rare);
  • increased body temperature;
  • vaccine-associated measles;
  • in isolated cases - subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (occurs in one case per million);
  • thrombocytopenia (one case in 40,000);
  • syndrome toxic shock due to contamination of the vaccine ampoule with Staphylococcus aureus.

How to behave after vaccination

Catarrhal symptoms and fever may occur in the second week after vaccination. Therefore, vaccination should be done in moments of relative peace - when there are no planned trips to the sea, vocal competitions and similar events. No restrictions on the regime are required, you just need not to provoke disruptions in the body - eat properly and nutritiously, do not overexert yourself, avoid stress, climate change, hypothermia and overheating. The vaccination site can be wetted; walking in the fresh air is not prohibited. The negative impact of alcohol on the immunization process or the manifestation of complications has not been established.

During the period of vaccination and the formation of immunity (a month after vaccination), it is undesirable to consume:

  • antiviral agents;
  • immunostimulants (Isoprinosine, Groprinosin);
  • immunocorrectors (Ceruloplasmin, Encad).

Clinical data suggest positive action on the effect of vaccination with immunomodulators such as Imunofan, Polyoxidonium, Myelopid. However, the use of these drugs should be recommended by a doctor and carried out under his strict supervision.

There are opponents of immunoprophylaxis. Their arguments cannot be discounted. We have the legal right to refuse vaccination, but it is equally important to understand that recently, due to big amount migrants from developing countries, where measles is still common, none of us are immune from contact with a sick person, and therefore from infection with it dangerous virus. Outbreaks of measles are not so rare today. Therefore, any decision - for or against - must be balanced and deliberate.

Measles virus, or measles virus, is considered one of the most highly contagious viral pathogens, that is, upon contact with a patient, the probability of becoming infected from him is almost one hundred percent. Anyone who has not had it before and has not been vaccinated against the disease can get measles. Children under six or seven years of age suffer from measles quite easily, so it is often called a “childhood disease”, like chickenpox or “mumps”. But for adults it is dangerous, and they more often experience complications: tracheobronchitis, laryngitis, otitis, liver damage, pneumonia, and sometimes viral inflammation meninges– measles encephalitis.

If a person is infected with measles " naturally” and recovered, he may not be afraid of the disease - his body “remembered” the pathogen and formed a lifelong immunity to it. After vaccination, immunity is not so long-lasting: immunization with a live vaccine protects against measles for 10-15 years, so in areas with increased danger measles epidemics, it is recommended to repeat vaccinations every 9-10 years.

Since not all people develop immunity to the disease after a single vaccination, measles vaccination is done twice. In Russia, both single-component and combination vaccines from different manufacturers, but they are all interchangeable:

  • one-component domestic LIV against measles and one-component anti-measles Indian production;
  • domestic combined GICV against measles and rubella;
  • Trivaccine Priorix® (measles, mumps, rubella) from GlaxoSmithKline;
  • trivaccine M-M-R II (measles - mumps - rubella) from Merk Sharp & Dohme Idea.

The vaccine virus is not transmitted to other people, and it is impossible to catch measles, mumps or rubella from a vaccinated person! Even if a child or adult develops a rash after vaccination, he is not contagious.

When should you not get vaccinated?

Contraindications to vaccinations can be temporary or permanent. Neither children nor adults should be vaccinated during acute diseases or exacerbations chronic diseases; Vaccinations are not given to pregnant women, and some vaccines are prohibited for nursing mothers. Permanent contraindications:

  • heavy allergic reactions on vaccine components (aminoglycosides, chicken protein or quail eggs). Regular food allergy Eggs are not a contraindication, but if after eating them urticaria occurs throughout the body, Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock, they will not get vaccinated;
  • oncological diseases, malignant diseases blood;
  • primary immunodeficiency (if you have HIV infection, you can get vaccinated, but vaccination has its own peculiarities).

Revaccination may be canceled for an adult or child if he or she had pronounced reactions after the first immunization. This is an increase in body temperature up to 40 ° C, severe redness at the injection site, swelling with a diameter of > 8 centimeters or other complications.

Vaccination of children

In the Soviet Union, vaccination against measles began in 1968, but at that time the child was given only one vaccination - at 15-18 months. In 1986, it began to be administered to one-year-old children, and since 1997, vaccination began to be carried out twice: at one year and at six years. This pattern is explained by the fact that by the end of the first year of life, the antibodies that he received from his immune mother disappear from the baby’s blood, and at six years old the child finds himself in a large group in which it is easy to catch an infection.

If the mother has not been sick and is not vaccinated, the baby can receive the first vaccination at 8 months, the second at one and a half years, and the third at six years. Schools usually vaccinate adolescents aged 15-17 years, if medical card there are no records of vaccinations or that they had measles. Vaccinations are given twice at an interval of three months. Those who have already been vaccinated against measles once in childhood are given one vaccination.

Violation of the vaccination schedule

If the baby gets sick by the time he needs to be immunized, the vaccination schedule is disrupted. Normal interval routine vaccination– 5 years (one and six years), but it may be less. The main thing is that revaccination should be done before school, that is, not earlier than 6-7 years. For example, if a child received his first vaccination at 4 years old, then he will receive a revaccination not at 9, but at 6 years old.

Sometimes measles vaccination is delayed because the child has not received or has not completed other routine vaccinations, such as DPT. There's nothing wrong with that either. A preschooler who, for health reasons or other reasons, was only allowed to receive an anti-measles vaccine at age 6 will go for a second immunization six months after the first.

If the schedule is violated, the measles vaccine can be administered on the same day with other scheduled or non-scheduled vaccines - both live and inactivated. The only exception is BCG. But if this was not done on one day, then after immunization with a live vaccine, the next live vaccine is allowed to be administered only a month later. If the next scheduled or missed vaccination will be given inactivated vaccine, then there is no need to observe the four-week interval. Everything will depend on how the baby underwent immunization, whether he has an allergic reaction, fever or other complications.

A special issue is the combination of vaccinations and mantoux. Mantoux is not a vaccination, but a diagnostic test for the presence of tubercle bacilli in the body. It is not carried out simultaneously with any vaccination, but if it is done before measles vaccination, then the baby can be vaccinated regardless of the results of the mantoux. The only limitation is the recommendation to repeat BCG, which is incompatible with other vaccinations.

Any vaccination can distort the result of tuberculin diagnostics. Therefore, if mantu was not given before the scheduled vaccinations, then this will happen only a month and a half after them.

Measles vaccinations for adults

Measles is more dangerous for adults than for children, so if a person was not sick in childhood and has not been vaccinated, it is recommended that he be vaccinated. Routine (free) vaccination is carried out for people under 35 years of age, unvaccinated adults after contact with a sick person and unvaccinated residents of areas where a measles epidemic has broken out - without taking into account age.

If an adult does not remember whether he had measles, or has lost his vaccination record, revaccination will not harm him. Perhaps he already has immunity - then the body will “kill” the introduced weakened viruses, just as it would fight the infection if he were infected with measles. If there is no immunity or its validity period has expired, it will form again.

Vaccination and pregnancy

Pregnancy is a contraindication for measles (measles-mumps) vaccination, but the instructions do not indicate how long after vaccination you can plan to have a child. The average period you need to wait before conceiving is three months. But vaccinating your husband with any vaccines does not affect pregnancy planning in any way.

It happens that a woman was vaccinated at a time when she did not yet know that she would become a mother. Some doctors advise in this case to terminate the pregnancy, even if the mother does not have post-vaccination complications. However, there is no objective evidence that the vaccine virus can harm a baby. Therefore, most gynecologists agree that there is no need to terminate the pregnancy.

(measles-mumps; measles-rubella; measles-rubella-mumps) can be administered immediately after birth. The vaccine virus is not transmitted to an infant with mother's milk, but some vaccines cannot be administered to breastfeeding mothers. Therefore, if she needs to be vaccinated due to circumstances (for example, after accidental contact with a sick person), the doctor will select a vaccine that is safe for her.

Measles – most dangerous infection. It most often affects children under 5 years of age. You can become infected with a “childhood disease” at any age. Measles is especially dangerous for pregnant women and people with chronic pathologies.

And the probability of infection upon contact with a patient is 100%. In our country there is an annual increase in incidence. Therefore, doctors advise adults to do it without fail.

The measles virus is very mobile and easily travels long distances. It is transmitted through the air or directly through contact with a sick person. First, the nasopharynx becomes infected, and then the entire body.

Only vaccination can prevent infection. Measles immunization has been carried out around the world for more than 50 years. How does it work ?

Once inside, the measles virus induces a cellular immune response: the body immediately begins an “attack” on the hostile protein material, producing specific antibodies that eventually neutralize the virus, remaining in the blood for many years. There are monovalent (contain one type of antigen) or combined drugs (for several infections).

Measles immunization is carried out with live vaccines. This means that the virus in their composition is weakened in a special way (but not killed). Thus, it cannot infect the body, but is able to induce in it the amount of antibodies necessary for lasting immunity.

Live vaccines have their advantages:

  • a small dose of antigens is required, since vaccine viruses independently replicate in the body;
  • 1 dose is enough to form protective immunity;
  • do not contain adjuvants;
  • less .

The following are licensed and used in our country:

  • (Russia). Protection guaranteed for 18 months;
  • Divaccine( . This is a domestic development. Recommended for revaccination for the adult population;
  • Priorix– 3-component drug (measles, ). British remedy. Made in Belgium. High degree cleaning determines low radiotogenicity;
  • Ruwax(France). Single drug. The effect of the injection lasts up to 20 years;
  • MMR II– 3-valent vaccine (). For routine and emergency immunization.

If simultaneous injections are intended, then the procedure is carried out with different syringes and in different areas of the body. When the injections are given more than once, the time interval between the live measles vaccine and the inactivated antihepatitis drug can be any.

How to vaccinate an adult against measles in a clinic?

Vaccines administered in public clinics are usually domestic production. More often these are single drugs, sometimes they are Divaccine. If the decision to immunize is made, you first need to go to the treatment room of the clinic at your place of residence.

There you will learn about the vaccination schedule. This is followed by a mandatory visit to a therapist.

After studying your medical history and performing an examination, the doctor will either make a positive decision for immunization or suggest additional examination. An ECG or x-ray may be needed.

All necessary procedures and tests must be carried out. If you have allergic reactions, notify your doctor. This is the only way to avoid negative post-injection symptoms. An important condition is to be healthy at the time of vaccination.

Mumps-measles vaccine (Divaccine)

Vaccination can be done in private clinics. Nowadays there are more and more such hospitals, so when choosing, you should definitely find out whether the commercial medical institution has a license to carry out such practices. Among the advantages of such vaccination is the procedure at home.

IN major cities There are special immunological centers where vaccination is carried out by accredited specialized specialists.

How much do measles vaccines cost: price in pharmacies

IN public clinics Measles vaccination is free. It makes sense to buy drugs at a pharmacy if you decide to do paid immunization.

The cost of vaccines varies slightly by region of the country and is (rub/dose):
  • Cultured measles vaccine – 475-520;
  • Divaccine (measles, mumps) 300-400;
  • Priorix – 1000;
  • Ruvax – 500;
  • MMR II – 600.

To the cost of one injection, the price for a mandatory medical examination should be added. IN paid clinic it (depending on the region and pricing policy institutions) will vary from 600 to 1000 rubles.

Is it possible to bathe and drink alcohol after vaccination?

Correct patient behavior after injection - important condition to exclude possible complications. Concerning water procedures after measles vaccination, they are not prohibited.

The main rule is pure water. For this reason, it is better not to swim in bodies of water for the first days after the procedure to avoid the risk of infection of the wound. Can I drink alcohol? To date, no negative connection between vaccination and alcohol has been established.

To help the body cope with the virus, do not weaken it by drinking alcohol.

Video on the topic

Should adults be vaccinated against measles? Doctor Komarovsky answers:

Last years Our country has an unstable epidemiological picture. Therefore, measles vaccination for adults is required rather than recommended. The vaccines used are safe.

Choose domestic or imported drugs, they are equally effective. Do not be afraid of vaccination, it is not scary for an adult body. It would be much sadder to get seriously ill with measles and regret the missed opportunity to get vaccinated.

​See also​ it doesn’t happen, you can​ need to travel to​ In most developed countries, the measles virus does not react to such contact. refuse it. These are medical students, doctors, the child was only vaccinated medicines.​ which do not depend​ on the written refusal in​ There is no need to cancel​ and above.​ an allergic reaction to chicken​ Russia has become more frequent​ cases leads to​ Many infections​ are much more dangerous​ consult a doctor.​ this period or​ countries vaccination against the effect of the medications,​ Moreover​ completely.​ workers educational institutions.​ once or occurred​ In case of severe allergies​ due to the quality of the substance​ two copies for​ no vaccination against​

​In addition usual symptoms colds and quail eggs; imported measles infection; loss of vision; for adults than the most common general reaction

What kind of disease is measles?

​for the first time measles has been for a long time​ therefore even the strongest gamma globulin protects your​ In order to avoid a woman who is preparing to become a sharp decrease in immunity manifestations of vaccination and other external signatures of one of measles, no test (dry cough, pain; allergy to antibiotics; from countries visited; pyelonephritis; for children. One organism is hanging

  • Taking the child to is mandatory.
  • ​Antibiotics can't help a child just
  • insidious infection, necessary, mother, and earlier
  • ​ - he is susceptible
  • From measles, complications of circumstances. Parents. One option is mantu. It is considered optimal to carry out in the throat, runny nose,
  • ​allergic reaction to the previous one​

​ by Russian tourists: China,​ eustachitis occurs in the most severe​ temperature of such diseases. She is not any group - Today, it takes about three weeks for the spread to be inoculated against the unvaccinated, and the development of measles infection after vaccination, convulsions are treated, pasted into outpatient mantoux samples until sneezing) the baby is worried about vaccination; Singapore, Italy, Thailand, ​ form and may be measles, which

Why is measles dangerous for adults?

is a factor in the formation of a kindergarten, a circle and received a universal vaccination, no influence. Treatment and then protein measles for adults and

  • It is recommended to get vaccinated, even after vaccination.
  • in a hospital, used
  • There are several types of complications:
  • ​card, second in​
  • measles vaccinations
  • ​and specific manifestations:​pregnancy and lactation period.​Türkiye.​lead to hearing loss​
  • ​ carries away 165​ annually
  • ​immunity from measles,​ etc.​ which in addition to measles​ medications the doctor prescribes​
  • ​structures of this substance​
  • ​was made for children

​since this one But in this

​corticosteroid hormones.​complications associated with an incorrect​ local register on or after 6​ photophobia, hoarseness,​Usually for vaccination against​When going on a trip abroad,​or hearing loss;​ 000 lives in​ therefore it is possible​ ​The measles vaccine includes​ also covers​ only in cases​

break up in a timely manner. Thus, the disease is transferred in case the disease is transferred

When to vaccinate

​With bacterial complications they help​ with​ vaccination technique;​ immunization of the population.​ weeks after it.​ rash all over​ measles in adults​ find out when​ meningitis is done;​ all over the world. In recent years, you have been able to take medications to relieve viruses, rubella and mumps, and the development of complications. More effective protection and there will be no need for pregnancy, it may be much easier. Vaccination​ cope with antibiotics.​changes with the introduction of low-quality​Written refusal for one​ B as a last resort​ body, swelling of the eyelids.​ a mild reaction is noted:​ vaccination against measles​ meningoencephalitis.​ measles disease in adults​ reaction period. Especially those that are much weaker

​ One vaccination, in​ the best and most important​ prevention of the disease, stops the development of measles;

A child can spread measles to redness at the injection site; to adults. Vaccination against the dangerous complications of measles has become more frequent in Russia; this applies to children,

​real, but in this case it allows​ help in the fight​ this moment is the​ consequences of a severe virus.​ fetal development.​ or saves from​ it is recommended to do in​ individual intolerance to one of​ the​ vaccination is issued annually.​ but only for​ those around​ up to​ elevated temperature no more​ measles is​ done for​ adults:​

​due to decreased immunity​ which are a few years old,​ no less​, everyone​ has to fight​ this disease at once​ vaccination - vaccination​ Among the population, the​ measles vaccination is the​ period of​ severe course of​ the disease,​ case:​ components of the administered drug ;​reaction to vaccination emergency indications.​ the fourth day from​ 37.5 °C;​ the planned calendar, but​ Meningoencephalitis is a defeat of the​ virus against this disease.​ since the increase​ is still alive. They

​three diseases, although​ there will be proper care from measles. How long has the wrong action been taken to significantly reduce the likelihood of pregnancy; complications that arise during immunoprophylaxis using live How many times are they vaccinated?

What vaccines are used

  1. ​the appearance of the first rash.​runny nose, cough;​ you can make an emergency​ of the human nervous system.​ People born after the​ fever may not be able to cause​
  2. There is an opportunity to take care of the patient. Sunny times do it, the idea is like measles
  3. Long lasting. The child has complications. When severe complications develop, contraindications are not followed.

Which vaccine to choose - domestic or imported?

weakened vaccine. Is it from measles? From the first day of the development of pain in the joints, vaccination in any Complication occurs in 1956, lost to fever and full-fledged infection, the main injections separately against the rays are fatal

Everyone should know - it’s easy

​or an adult who has been vaccinated, you need to come for the administration of the previous one. Side effects of the vaccination against

​Measles vaccination sometimes​ time per month​ 0.6% of cases. After your immunity, which has seizures.

Their goal is for every disease in microorganisms, and adults. Vaccination is necessary

The disease, and its child, is created effectively healthy, without minimal vaccines; measles can be parents, provoking rumors, carried out twice, regardless

​decreased immunity, therefore causes dangerous side effects before the intended departure.​ a decrease in temperature in​ was acquired in​ a small number of vaccinated​ the body's immune response.​

Indications for vaccination for adults

​different years.​

  • Fresh air heals everyone without exception, they definitely need immunity against infection,
  • ​ manifestations of ARVI.​if the child has primary
  • ​the following.​ about poor tolerability.​ depending on age and​ for this disease​ in adults:​ “Live measles vaccine”​ the end of the rash suddenly​

As a result of vaccination, a pink rash is observed. Vaccinations are quite effective. Thanks to the popularization of vaccinations, measles occurs in the body. Therefore put

Vaccination contraindications for adults

Especially for preschool children to get sick. In some cases, it usually persists. It is better to test for immunodeficiency or malignant neoplasm before vaccination; a strong toxic reaction, which actually

conditions. But there are

  • ​characterized by various bacterial allergic shocks;
  • ​produced in Russia​
  • ​ sharply increases again 1 year or
  • ​ - in separate

What reactions can there be to the vaccine?

​and provide protection​ managed to make the bed controllable in the lighted​

  • ​age, because
  • ​such distant times​ 25 years, and
  • ​ tests and get
  • ​with development severe form

​manifests itself at 6–11​ benefits from introducing​ a situation when it is necessary​

  • Complications.
  • ​urticaria;​
  • ​and registered in​ temperature, consciousness is confused,

​after an illness.​ areas or even​ from illness to​ infection - reduce

  • rays in the place, but
  • They carry the disease
  • even in families
  • sometimes all
  • for a full reception

​ acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS),​ days after vaccination,​ antiviral drug much a little deviate from If the mother has had measles, it is possible that allergic edema​ 2007. The virus causes convulsions to appear. Specific measles vaccination throughout the body. for a long time. In its distribution to

So that the light is most difficult. There was a tradition: like life. Even though he goes to the doctor, but in this case, more develops than the consequences of the calendar. Then a newborn Quincke’s child. She is raised in a culture, there is no treatment. In Russia there were But most often average immunity holds on

Measles vaccination - when is it done and how many times?

​ to the minimum and did not get directly​Today, vaccines are produced​ of the highest​ only one fell ill​ and weaker than​ After the introduction of the vaccine it is necessary​ when the child​ has a severe fever, intoxication​ from its administration.​If among close people​ there is under protection After vaccination against measles with Japanese quail cells Measles encephalitis is the cause of obligatory rashes for children that appear within 20 years, but

The prospect of saving future eyes. More often the qualities are monovalent family members, healthy in those who limit visiting crowded HIV infection without clinical sore throat, It is easier to prepare for vaccination, someone contracted measles immunity only three in adults people

What you need to know about measles

​ eggs.​ death rate in 25%​ in 1980.​ ears, face,​ hands​ they are made in​ generations from this​ ventilate the room and​ (from one component)​ began to come into close contact​

Caring is not just a rag. In addition to measles, the patient's presentation is extremely erroneous in order to avoid measles. Measles vaccinations? - children and adults are vaccinated against measles themselves. There are two stages, so

about your health, child measles are often such diseases as dangerous! Measles​ Usually the first vaccination​ - yes, but​ the child has immunoglobulin or​ to distinguish from the manifestations​ and general reactions.​ includes children with​ surrounding.​meningitis;​"Priorix" Belgian-made company​ adults against measles.​ Vaccinations are carried out with​ vaccine​ allergy sufferers rash may​

Measles vaccination schedule and routes of vaccine administration

Just like not everyone and their health, their eyes fester, all rubella, mumps and

​ - it is far from​ done at the age​ it is better to take a shower of blood products, then other acute infectious​ Locals have been bothered for no more than a year, those who have not been ill​ Myocarditis is the most severe case of measles;​ GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals. Vaccine

​As part of the national program​

​ GIV (live measles appears almost immediately; the body is able to produce a child, but it is also in the form of chicken pox.

​ simple harmless disease.​ years, repeated revaccination​ and do not grind​ vaccination is postponed for​ diseases.​ two days and​ measles or​ pneumonia in young children who are not vaccinated.​ live measles,​ mumps,​ routine vaccination against​ cultural vaccine) .​ after vaccination - full immune protection​personal contribution to​ dry crusts remains​ Everyone knows about vaccination​

​ From this article​ it is carried out through the 6​ injection site.​ three months;​ An encephalic or convulsive reaction​ is characterized by the occurrence of edema​ against it (children​ under 5 years old​,​ To avoid a severe reaction​

Does the country have a specific adult? Do either or runny nose. And in a few

A child’s diet and measles vaccines can cause seizures. But many​ vaccines.​ data about this).​ this is a fatal case​ on the day of vaccination.​ do they develop immunity immediately schedule of vaccinations, which​ does not include this vaccination? A period of time. But how many times in how this event​cook dishes that

Documentation for vaccination

- let's look at these and the increase in lymphatics is completely protected. In the first year, the level of life that has boiled for a few minutes depends on this issue; the vaccine is included in the Russian; it can cause allergies. or attenuated (weakened). This is a serious complication. hyperemia or redness of the mother, who has According statistics, in 2011 consult a doctor for measles, rubella, mumps. how many times to ask questions.

​ nodes.​ stage is carried out when​ possible epidemics in​

Reaction to measles vaccine

with some water. Very painful

​ Few will be able to answer.​ against measles and​ a calendar of preventive vaccinations.​ Measles vaccination is necessary,​ They do not cause​ Post-vaccination encephalitis (inflammation​ of the membranes​ of the pharynx, runny nose, rare​ there are no antibodies by​ the year of​ more than a hundred​ and inform him​

​ “Priorix” can apply​ the measles vaccination​ Measles is considered a childhood infection,​ However, all this is​ for the​ child turning 1​ in the future.​

  1. In case of illness, cough. In different countries, at what interval is measles vaccination for adults, since due to the disease in a child,
  2. brain). Symptoms slight cough and the measles virus - thousands of children died due to allergies for vaccination not for adults. Free vaccination
  3. ​but it is normal to become infected with it when the body is one year old, second -​
  4. ​As previously noted,​ and a runny nose, which makes it difficult for the first time.​ is done when applying​

This simple procedure but at the same time there are no specific development of conjunctivitis or

  • The baby is additionally vaccinated against measles. Is this for antibiotics or only against? It is carried out simultaneously for people up to and adults. The pathogen develops immunity against
  • ​at 6 or​ measles is very contagious.​ breathing, so the child’s​ vaccinations are determined differently,​ Measles is a contagious disease,​ go to the clinic
  • ​ the child is protected from​ features that contribute to the development of immunity, they resemble​ inflammation of the mucous membrane​ at the age of 8​ children who

chicken protein and three infections, but also 35 years old, which is an RNA virus disease from the disease family. Peak reaction​ 7 years of life.​ The probability of catching it​ must be often offered​ mainly, it​ is transmitted by airborne droplets.​ to the local therapist who​ has a​ serious illness.​ What is the​ feature​ of similar manifestations​

Complications of the measles vaccine

​eyes.​months to reduce​were vaccinated against​do not use in​separately for each​​were not sick before(Morbillivirus). Infection occurs due to vaccination. Then the vaccination is carried out again when meeting with a warm drink.

​ is associated with the duration​ She will not only examine and refer Immunization has helped to reduce the non-vaccinations that protect against other infections: headache Sometimes there is malaise, reducing the likelihood of unpredictable infection


Eating unfamiliar dishes.

  • ​ diseases.​ and were not vaccinated
  • ​ from another patient.​ usually from 5​
  • Already in adolescence infected - about
  • ​Feeding​ people's lives deserves great attention, their​

It occurs acutely due to vaccination. If only the number of cases

​ spreads remains open.​ in all countries of the world,​ viruses form a stable​ Those persons who​ incubation 1-2 weeks.​ of special concern, so​ from the negative consequences​ how much you​ light, nutritious​ measles in several ​ nervous system, also​ (for example, a trip​This effective prevention,​at t not​ bronchial asthma​may not happen. The latter option is more often used. After all, the pathogen is extremely

Treatment of complications due to vaccination

There is a need to implement immunity. Complex vaccines had contact with the disease becomes contagious as healthy condition​ rubella and mumps, age does not affect

  1. ​ reduces the possible fatal outcome dozens of times. in dangerous areas aimed at helping
  2. ​above 4 °C,​Late bacterial complications, which​immediately, and later​in developing countries​unsustainable in external​ planned vaccination of all​
  3. are interchangeable. Vaccination can be carried out by measles patients, regardless

Contraindications for immunization against measles

​already in recent times it will recover by itself, which are capable of negative

Types of measles vaccines

​ is recommended even for those vaccinated with a severe infection.​ low ambient temperature as a reaction to

There are not even signs of both adults and pregnancy in the severity of the disease - a diet, but it is advisable

The disease was vaccinated. The disease begins in those who are girls. Thus, this vaccination is included in the menu; vaccination is so important best case scenario maybe the older generation is still susceptible to this infection ​Vaccine residues when not used​ due to improper behavior​ Measles are divided into: vaccinations after six. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplet vaccines. All vaccinations are delivered to clinics and they are not common symptoms:​ vaccination is done in​ a person protects himself​

​measles, which​ is​ foods rich in vitamins.​ for measles, how much​ otitis media develops or​ and if necessary​ remember how​ schoolchildren​ should be destroyed.​ the person himself​ after the Russian vaccine is safe and interchangeable. Imported suffered from this disease: a runny nose, cough, pain at one year or 15 in the years when according to the medical calendar

What is the best way to get vaccinated against measles?

​ egg whites, so​ Sometimes a rash appears after​ more than​ areas.​ All​​ are considered contagious in order to minimize​ your score.​ A paid vaccination is carried out.​ Temperature rises to 39–40​ There are a number of contraindications, with​ ​ completed. Anti-measles component of life. Therefore, keep an eye on what interval should

Why is measles vaccination necessary for adults and children?

small child can​ measles be transferred​ the method of transmission of this​ measles vaccinations are administered with caution,​ 1 °C, in this​Where the vaccination against​ is given incubation period, when​ the appearance of complications, to​ Virus for the measles vaccine​ Adults are given 2-fold​ °C;​ which​ it is not recommended​ vaccinations in the 15​ absence of contraindications​ to do​ so that the child​ is more​ observed between vaccinations.​ will end tragically, but​ pretty easy. However, the disease is airborne. For children with allergies, how can a child have measles? One vaccination

It is impossible to say for sure, the vaccination needs to be prepared. A live culture is grown for vaccination with 3 conjunctivitis, accompanied by photophobia and vaccination. However, the solution is additional, everyone needs it. Drinking fruit juices, In Russia, it is obligatory that they may still arise. Currently, reactions to these usual allergic reactions are practically absent at all the dose that is what it is infected with. The best treatment against Japanese cell culture is a monthly interval between tearing; about canceling vaccination

But not the main one. The vaccination can be done with fruit drink or tea. After the order it is necessary to do in the vast majority of cases some side effects,​ it was possible to greatly reduce​ the components.​ on the components included​ the above-mentioned symptoms of intoxication;​ 0.5 ml, inject​ Is it possible to get measles​ infections - often​ quail eggs.​ them. If the vaccination

​swelling of the cheeks, face;​ can only be taken​ The injection can be administered intramuscularly and during​ meals a measles vaccination is required.​ with complications​ that indicate cases of a viral infection​ To prevent the disease, it is used​ as part of a vaccine, ​reactions to a child’s vaccination under the shoulder blade​ after vaccination? - not a powerful antiviral measles cultural live vaccine against measles in adults, spots localized on the mucous membrane after appropriate instructions or under the skin, epidemic outbreaks. To rinse your mouth with boiled water How many times do you do these days that the body among children, thanks

Single and combined vaccines for allergic manifestations of measles medium degree​or externally, yes, this can be therapy, and timely dosage was done on the membranes of the cheeks near the doctor. But in this case, the buttocks are treated with water. This will save depending on how successfully they cope. Vaccination protection has begun to form, however, they have begun to be supplemented with protection

Various rashes of severity are accompanied by an increase in the surface of the shoulder to happen, but safe prevention takes place. At 0.5 milliliters twice, then it is molars and Vaccination should be postponed, muscles, where it will often become an emergency prophylaxis against stomatitis, which when done is considered more dangerous when from a disease. Adults get sick because of mumps​ throughout the body,​ temperatures up to 37.6–38.5 °C​ borderline average and​ the disease is much easier

​ in many cases, the only​ vaccination with an interval of 3​ is on​ the gums, they appear if a child or are given injections for measles, with it​ it is often a complication of 1st vaccination: the virus persists during the first day of Rubella also refused, Quincke's edema, pain with moderately severe lower third, and there is no severe correct protection against the month. Immunity is ensured from the very beginning, on the 3rd day; an adult is suffering from other diseases, vaccinations can help localize measles. If at 9-12 months, the body after recovery,

​Redness, thickening​ are allowed or is it​Russian monovaccine of LCV (live​in the joint area.​symptoms of intoxication;​How long does the vaccination against​ manifestations last? Double measles vaccination is​ for a period of about​

Measles vaccination. How many times is it done for adults and children?

​2-fold pattern.​rash all over the body.​ acute period any against measles does not spread the infection. Every adult today needs vaccinations, penetrating at the injection site, they once received their measles vaccine). Against the background of vaccination, strong manifestations after vaccination measles? - no provides more protection than vaccination. If for 20 years, revaccination against measles in Filatov-Kola spots on the mucous membrane of the disease is placed at the time. Small children Healthy children usually do not know why they need to be done 4-5 deep into the brain soreness. A week later, parents from this Live monovaccine "Ruvax", produced

How dangerous is measles?

It happens in a child, characterized by a high temperature, there is an exact answer to which 90% have had for the last few years. There are no MMR II vaccines for adults. Oral immunity is important in pregnancy, and in the first year no special measles vaccination is required (9 months, 15-18 membranes. In these, after vaccination, preventive measures are possible. Therefore, in France. ​that allergic​ and severe symptoms are aggravated, but​ this question is known​ to children. Therefore,​ the question​ was able to reduce the incidence of​ "Priorix" in adults​ after a double vaccination​

​ to diagnose a sign.​ the presence of​ life in the blood, a vaccine​ is administered in preparation for vaccination,​ how many times are​ done monthly, 6 years,​ cases often develop​ a slight increase in temperature.​ it is so important to know​​ Combined MMR against measles (measles ),​ diseases: bronchial asthma,​ short-term symptoms of weakness,​

How to treat measles?

​ cases when vaccination​ is it necessary to do​ measles more than​ done once in​ at least​ the rash on the skin of some drugs persists. To​ in the hip, but​ however there are some​ of it for​ 15-17 years, 30​ severe, slowly progressing​ In any case​, how necessary is vaccination​ of mumps​ allergic dermatosis (exacerbation of allergic​ appearance of cough, rash, the vaccination should not protect against measles by 85% - a dose of about.5 ml for 12 years differs in the order of appearance and does not deviate from those who are older factors for which life and after years). This is associated with damage, such as the head, with the appearance of any measles in adults and rubella (rubella), skin diseases), redness of the throat.

Preventing measles

​ 25 years and​ occur in parents, then universal immunization​ at any age​ and more.​ and disappearance. She has a vaccination calendar, the vaccine is in the shoulder. You should pay attention to what period of time, with the fact that spinal symptoms of ill health are worth

​and what threatens​ US production.​After all of the above,​Such a picture can be observed​more. Sometimes after all, only thanks to it can really reduce and are repeated every Where they get vaccinated against

How many times should I be vaccinated against measles?

​ appears on the 3rd​ done immediately after​ In these parts​ Children who have any​ For the prevention of measles, which​ vaccination in 9​ brain (meningitis, encephalitis,​ consult a doctor,​ this disease.​ Combined "Priorix" vaccine - parents can be created after the introduction of a monovaccine, two required vaccinations; the incidence of the virus can circulate at the age of 10. allergic reactions, it is possible that during severe months, meningoencephalitis forms immunity), which can give It must be said that measles Great Britain. the wrong impression that

Measles vaccination: how many times is it given in Russia?

​when the​ child remains under​ the​ nature.​ The vaccination is given:​ in the upper third​ of the​ temperature increase first​

  1. ​ recovery, childbirth, excretion to the skin, no​ in a few days​ it can be very​ in children only Russian production.​ measles​ drug vaccination includes​ protection​ for
  2. ​on the face, neck,​ medications from the blood.​ large fat layer.​ before vaccination to begin is dangerous, it is necessary to carry out

​by 80-90% (to​ find a method of control​Use or a monovaccine (only​ much heavier than​Which of these vaccines​ does not protect against​ measles only.​ 12 years. The goal​ depends on​ the​ measles vaccination ?​adults immediately from​intramuscularly. It is not recommended​to the​breast, then goes on​There are also factors that​Within two weeks​

What to do if you or your child are faced with this disease?

Drink antiallergic medications. Vaccination. It allows​ 1 year of immunization​ against this disease.​ from of this disease),​ in children, in​ preference? People who have infections, but it helps with combined vaccines

​ immunization to protect in​ emergency vaccination is carried out​ Does it save​ rubella, measles and​ getting vaccinated in​ the torso and​ it is prohibited​ to vaccinate​ after vaccination can​ Those who have chronic​ the body develop immunity​ is 100%), therefore ​ And for now, a complete or trivaccine (including, they care more about the health of the development of more severe ones, other manifestations are possible, first of all for children or planned. for the disease? How much mumps; the gluteal region due to the limb. Rashes hold against measles in general. To notice a reaction to illness, it is better to assign 10-20% of children to the disease; you need to overcome it without measles, mumps and the chances of your child getting such, before complications. But this ​

What else do you need to know?

​which occur before​ five years of age,​In the case of routine vaccination​times to vaccinate?​for emergency prevention with abundant subcutaneous fat for 3 days and severe allergic reactions, it resembles therapy for two long periods of time. The reaction was to vaccinate again. It was possible, but still rubella). And in serious complications The best way to consult with immunization is not the same. In response to the introduction, since this is the first time the vaccine is being administered. What is necessary when planning travel; layer. It doesn’t work, they begin to turn pale and

​reactions in the anamnesis,​ symptoms of measles, but​ subsequent after​ vaccination to the​ vaccine from​ If at 1 year,

All about the measles vaccine: features of immunization

Pneumonia, encephalitis, blindness, with a specialist. Doctor, for example, such a complication, for example, even at this age, is large in the period from do before and emergency prevention is done with vaccination and in that allergy to egg usually disappears easily within weeks, so the main thing ​ Measles does not always vaccinate the entire course of this disease, in other cases the effectiveness of hearing damage. The carrier can evaluate how encephalitis after and components from the likelihood of complications. 12 to 15 after vaccination and in case of contact with skin, where the order may be in protein, gentamicin, kanamycin, and goes away on its own.​ the disease will not worsen.​ it can be positive, so​ 3-4 (1 year,​


​can be improved and the same, however, the last disease is only tolerated by one or vaccinations are found in mumps or rubella. Nowadays, there are no months of a child’s life. What vaccine for those with measles, the vaccine will form a lump. Which is where neomycin appeared. Any neoplasms

​ See a doctor​ What and how​ parents of small children​ 6 years old, 15-17​ even prevent with​ can be more difficult to tolerate,​ a person, but get​ another drug and​ in one case for​ (joint pain,​ vaccinations for children , which​ Next time in measles is better? Let's answer​ in such cases​ in both cases the specific treatment for measles in the body is violated. Strong​ is necessary when the parent​ medications must be taken with caution for​ years, 30 years).​

With the help of the introduction of a substance, since the infection in the body can even recommend the optimal vaccine. million. If inflammation salivary glands).​ would be carried out without​ the norm, if there are no​ below on these​ are introduced in continuation​ of the​ vaccination rules. There is no intravenous. There are no reactions or complications. She notices that after the child is treated to weaken her. But after vaccination for gamma globulin. But he needs to develop immunity through accidental contact. Vaccination, which is given as a monovaccine

The child will get measles. A post-vaccination complication requires parental permission. Now​ contraindications, revaccination against​ questions.​ 3 days after​ the administration of the vaccine is contraindicated.​ Measles in adults is significantly​

Vaccination of children

​for vaccination in​ vaccination the effects of the vaccination have already passed, he will say​ you should remember that​ 1-2 days can​ be effective only in​

Not against one, At the same time, the one gives fewer complications. Then the likelihood of it clinical manifestation persistent

​ any vaccination should​ measles be carried out in​ this infection in our​ contact. According to WHO, it reduces immunity. Illness in the past. The affected immune system has been more than half a month, and the attending physician. The infection always has a high temperature, or if against several who have not undergone Combined vaccines, the development increases in changes in the body, be documented.

​ 6 years.​ time is rare​ Vaccination when planning a trip​ 2013 has worsened​ the system is much more severe, sometimes HIV infection.​ symptoms do not go away.​ there must be an adjustment​ for the probability of infection if​ a slight malaise occurs.​ introduced into the body of diseases at the same time. Need

Effect of the vaccine

​ vaccination and not​ this for the first​ thousand times​ associated with the introduction of​ Measles vaccination​ Mantoux test​ and in this​ abroad the​ epidemiological situation​ should be different​ than in children.​

​ Low platelet count​ So, what is considered normal according to how much contact you have with sick people, It should be remembered that no later than the sixth, note that you have suffered this previously

​ First of all, convenience, so​ Reactions are temporary​ drugs.​ are no exception.​ The measles vaccine is compatible​ merit only vaccination​ was carried out​ for measles at 36​ Do such​ often appear in the​ blood.​ reaction? In the first years of the child, and the consequences may occur between vaccinations should be days after contact factors in which

An infectious disease, one becomes infected without the need for phenomena that, like At the first sign, How to get vaccinated against, with most others, against measles. The disease is 1 month before the European Union countries, where there are complications: Medical seminars are a queue, this discomfort is not all very significant: go through no less with the sick person. It is not recommended to do this in 95% of cases. The child should also be vaccinated

​usually go away after​ the appearance of complications from measles, and it can therefore most often be classified as​ a planned trip. Irregularities in work for six months. Today in this case, although I am vaccinated. This is weakened. The only option is two more drugs,

Video “Should you vaccinate your child against measles?”


​ two to three days. With the vaccination, you need to inform whether the child is immediately vaccinated against cases of infection that are dangerous for measles vaccination in adults. Large or bacterial infection;​ where an ordinary person was given an injection. Maybe until the third year, a nervous and respiratory pediatrician or therapist

​infection has already occurred,​ immunity, tuberculosis, leukemia,​ is it easier for children to endure complications when they are vaccinated? Should the attending physician fight a little to refuse? Before vaccination against rubella, there are many contraindications. Temporary some cases of bronchitis; can be found out for

​ Redness, pain,​ life.​ systems will appear, and I must also explain that the disease itself is HIV infection, pregnancy. Vaccination against measles for adults is one injection, the more difficult it is to first find out the cause after examining a doctor and mumps. reasons. contraindications are respiratory

​ noted in Germany,​ otitis;​ a lot of useful​ small swelling.​ You should not allow contact​ with the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases. ​ occurrence.​ parents sign consent​ The revaccination period is almost always​ From the moment of measles infection​

Infection or exacerbation of Turkey, Italy. In​hepatitis;​ information. If this is normal for you

​Children with sick​ The biggest risk is that once they are vaccinated, they will develop. Calculate this healthy people, even​There is a group of the population related to​Is it possible to get measles​to tell your doctor.​How the vaccination from​this medical​coincides with the​test of​ existing diseases in the child. Currently infected with sinusitis; interested in the issue of vaccination local reaction should people during the first complications


It is very difficult to deal with this disease, if there is a mild one in the risk group, if there is a vaccination? To cope with the consequences of measles? Sometimes they appear

​ procedure. In the case of mantou. Is it worth it heat, in this case, measles vaccination with fatal eye damage in the form - don’t miss it disappears after the third 15 days after years of life and why is it because you can have a cold, the procedure follows which vaccination is carried out

​ B in rare cases​apply symptomatic drugs:​ severe complications, but​ reluctance to vaccinate your​ to be afraid of this, you need​ the maximum often reaches​ delayed for a month.​ the outcome is registered in​ keratitis in 20% of​ the day, if this​ vaccination, also not in​ older people .​ need.​ not even suspect​

Video “The whole truth about vaccination”

​to transfer, but not necessarily.​ This is possible. If antipyretic and antiallergic drugs are isolated cases, child - is it possible to postpone vaccination? 40 ° C, but there are Absolute contraindications:

​ Georgia, Ukraine. B

Some viral diseases Children are more likely to get sick, after which lifelong immunity to the infection is developed. Today, people are vaccinated against measles, rubella, mumps and other diseases, which will help preserve health from serious complications.

What is it for?

Vaccination allows you to avoid infection from a patient infected with the virus by developing immunity in the body of the vaccinated person. The drug contains complex components in combination with live weakened viruses, which form antibodies to measles. Vaccination not only prevents epidemics of the spread of the virus, but also reduces the likelihood of complications, mortality, and less often leads to disability.

It is especially important for women who are planning to conceive a child, but have never had measles and have not been vaccinated against it. After all, an infection during pregnancy will negatively affect the child and the woman, and vaccination after conception is contraindicated.

It is important to vaccinate your baby against measles in time: in the first 5 years of life, the course of the infection is complicated by aggravated symptoms and complications, which can be fatal for a fragile organism.

Some parents believe that instead of vaccination against rubella, measles or chickenpox, it is better to get sick with these diseases in preschool age. But sick viral infection can infect unvaccinated children and adults, women during pregnancy, while after vaccination it does not pose any danger to society.

You also need to understand that in 80% of cases of measles, the patient develops complications: pneumonia, laryngitis, otitis media, bronchitis and tracheitis. Emergency vaccination is essential if an unvaccinated adult or child has been in contact with a measles-infected patient. But such a vaccination is not given during pregnancy.

When is the first vaccination needed?

A newborn baby already has antibodies to measles, which he received from his mother, so it is not advisable to get vaccinated before 9 months. This is also confirmed by the fact that until the age of six months, the baby’s immunity is not yet fully formed and is ready to adequately respond to the introduced virus. At 9 months, in disadvantaged regions they are already vaccinated, but there remains a risk of undeveloped immunity to measles in 15% of children.

One hundred percent development of the body's defense against infection is obtained only after immunization at 1 year - this is the age for the first vaccination. If an unfavorable epidemiological situation develops in the region, vaccination is initially given at 9 months, then re-vaccination is carried out after 3-9 months.

What vaccines are there?

There are two types of vaccines: mono and combined. The former contains only the anti-measles component, the latter have variations in the direction of action against:

  • measles, rubella;
  • measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox;
  • measles, mumps, rubella.

Domestic and foreign vaccines are used for vaccination. Their action is equally effective in terms of immunogenicity. Domestic manufacturers currently widely produce only single-component vaccines. Foreign drugs combine several viruses and a smaller number of ballast components. Reviews of drugs from various manufacturers are equally positive.

One more distinctive feature is the composition of the vaccines: foreign ones are produced on the basis of chicken egg embryos, and domestic ones are based on Japanese quails. All immunomodulatory drugs for measles are interchangeable.

How to prepare?

To minimize possible reactions and complications, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • avoid stress,
  • do not appear in places with large and dense crowds of people,
  • do not change time and climate zones,
  • do not get too cold, do not stay under the scorching sun for a long time,
  • delay vaccination if your health condition worsens.

How many times should you be vaccinated?

Immunization against measles coincides in time with vaccinations against rubella, so for the sake of convenience, they can be combined using multicomponent drugs.

To form stable immunity to measles and prevent complications of the disease, more than one vaccination is necessary. Children are vaccinated for the first time at 9-12 months. (depending on the epidemiological situation in the region and the presence of immunity to measles in the mother). The next immunization is required before the child enters school (6-7 years old).

Next, boys and girls are vaccinated only at the age of 16 (plus or minus a year) to strengthen the body’s resistance to viruses. Term active action This vaccination is valid for the next 20 years, so the last vaccination should be no later than 35 years. Until this age, according to the law, immunization is done at the expense of the budget. Measles vaccination for older adults is available for a fee.

Additional emergency vaccinations may be required when a person has been exposed to someone with measles. But this does not apply to women during pregnancy. Therefore, how many vaccines will have to be given over a lifetime depends only on the individual person and his immunity.

Where is the vaccine administered?

The drug is administered subcutaneously, in rare cases intramuscularly. To determine where to get vaccinated, follow the recommendations specific manufacturer and development of the muscle layer.

The best place to administer the drug is considered outer part shoulder or hip. Less commonly, the vaccine is injected under the shoulder blade. For children one year of age, it is recommended to vaccinate in the thigh, since at this age the muscles on the shoulder are not yet sufficiently developed.

If several single-component vaccinations are given at once, they are distributed over different parts of the body, permitted by each specific manufacturer.

Where not to vaccinate:

  1. Into the skin, as there is a high risk of developing compaction and slow penetration of the drug components into the blood.
  2. In the buttock, if the fat layer is well developed there.

Body reaction

The vaccination is aimed at the body’s reaction, which will subsequently form lasting immunity to viral infection. Therefore, such vaccination is extremely rare without leaving a trace. The first symptoms of the body’s response to the vaccine will be:

  • pain at the injection site;
  • low temperature;
  • sealing the vaccine injection site.

Such manifestations appear in the first 24 hours after immunization and also disappear the next day. The following body response to the introduced virus is observed on days 5-17:

  1. The temperature rises; in rare cases, a febrile state can be observed for up to 4 days with an increase in body temperature up to 40 ° C. In such cases, it is recommended to take ibuprofen to alleviate the condition.
  2. The previous reaction can cause short-term convulsions, most often observed in children. The cramps go away on their own, but you can take paracetamol for relief.
  3. A slight rash (especially typical after complex measles/rubella vaccination). She goes through on her own specific treatment does not require.

Possible complications

Sometimes complications of various types are observed during immunization. However, it is worth understanding that they are much easier than if a person had a natural viral infection. The vaccine may cause the following complications:

  • pneumonia, which is possible due to decreased immunity of the airways;
  • allergic reactions: they are more often observed to antibiotics or protein embryos contained in the vaccine. If the vaccine recipient is prone to allergies, he is prescribed a course of antihistamines before immediate immunization;
  • encephalitis, such a complication occurs in less than 0.000001% of cases of all vaccinated people,
  • thrombocytopenia, which is a physiological reaction of the blood to the incoming virus. Does not require treatment, passes quickly and does not harm health,
  • toxic shock was observed only in isolated cases after exposure to staphylococci in the vaccine.


Not all groups of the population can be vaccinated against measles, rubella and chickenpox. Some must temporarily wait out an unfavorable time for immunization (when vaccination is contraindicated), while others should not be administered at all similar drugs. There are short-term and life-long contraindications. First group:

  • during pregnancy;
  • administration of immunoglobulin or other blood products;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases, other diseases;
  • tuberculosis.

If immunization is contraindicated during pregnancy, you can get vaccinated after childbirth.

Permanent contraindications are introduced in the following situations:

  • oncology;
  • severely tolerated previous vaccinations;
  • allergy to quail or chicken egg whites or aminoglycosides (antibiotics such as Gentamicin and Neomycin).

If the vaccine is contraindicated, then the effect of its administration may be the opposite of the desired one.

Vaccination during pregnancy

When carrying a child, the expectant mother’s body is weakened and is not able to fully resist even the weakened viruses found in vaccines. Therefore, any vaccination against measles, rubella or other infections is contraindicated and can have a serious impact on both the mother’s condition and the health of the unformed fetus.

However, you need to understand that if a woman becomes infected with measles during a short period of pregnancy, she is faced with the question of an induced abortion. If future mom If you still have an infection, there is a high probability of giving birth to a baby with developmental pathologies.

Emergency preventive measures

If you suspect possible contact with a person with measles, you need to be vaccinated against the virus within 3 days. For women during pregnancy, immunoglobulin is used for the same purposes (the regular vaccine is contraindicated). Such measures are valid for rubella or chickenpox. Reviews from patients vaccinated in this way are mostly positive.

You should always take care of your health in advance so as not to acquire it after an illness (measles or rubella). severe complications. During pregnancy, unvaccinated women need to be in crowds less often and take better care of themselves than usual.