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Sovigripp ® inactivated subunit influenza vaccine. Release form and storage rules. Contraindications for the vaccine

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Instructions for medical use

SOVIGRIP ® Inactivated subunit influenza vaccine
Instructions for medical use - RU No. LP-001836

date last change: 08.06.2016

Dosage form

Solution for intramuscular administration.


1 dose (0.5 ml) contains:

Vaccine with preservative
– 5 mcg;
– 5 mcg;

Hemagglutinin of influenza B virus

Adjuvant SOVIDON™

– 11 mcg;
– 500 mcg;
Preservative – thiomersal (merthiolate)– (50.0 ± 7.5) μg;
Phosphate buffered saline solution– up to 0.5 ml.
Vaccine without preservative
Hemagglutinin of influenza virus subtype A (H 1 N 1)– 5 mcg;
Hemagglutinin of influenza virus subtype A (H 3 N 2)– 5 mcg;
Hemagglutinin of influenza B virus– 11 mcg;
Adjuvant SOVIDON™– 500 mcg;
Phosphate-buffered saline solution– up to 0.5 ml.
Note. Composition of phosphate-buffered saline solution: sodium chloride, disodium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate, thiomersal (merthiolate) (in the vaccine with a preservative), water for injection.

Description of the dosage form

Colorless or slightly yellowish transparent or slightly opalescent liquid.


The vaccine is a surface glycoprotein (hemagglutinin and neuraminidase), isolated from purified influenza virus virions of types A and B, obtained from virus-containing allantoic fluid of chicken embryos from clinically healthy chickens using chicken erythrocytes or erythrocyte-free technology in the production process, and diluted in phosphate-saline buffer solution, in combination with the adjuvant SOVIDON ™. The drug is available with a preservative - thiomersal (merthiolate), or without a preservative.

The antigenic composition of strains changes annually in accordance with the recommendations of the WHO and the Commission on Influenza Vaccine and Diagnostic Strains of the Russian Ministry of Health.

Pharmacological group

MIBP vaccine.

Pharmacological (immunobiological) properties

The vaccine forms high specific immunity against seasonal influenza.


For active annual preventive immunization against seasonal influenza, a preservative-free vaccine is used in children from 6 months of age, adolescents and adults without age restrictions, and in pregnant women in the 2nd – 3rd trimesters of pregnancy; vaccine with a preservative – for adults over 18 years of age.

The vaccine is especially indicated

1. Persons at high risk of illness and complications from influenza:

  • persons over 60 years of age; children up to school age, schoolchildren;
  • persons who often suffer from acute respiratory viral infections;
  • persons suffering from chronic somatic diseases, including diseases and malformations of the cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous systems, chronic kidney diseases, metabolic diseases, diabetes mellitus, chronic anemia, allergic diseases(except for allergies to chicken proteins); congenital or acquired immunodeficiency, including infection with the human immunodeficiency virus.
  • pregnant women.

2. Persons who, due to the nature of their educational or professional activities, have a high risk of contracting influenza or infecting others with it:

  • students;
  • medical workers;
  • employees social sphere, spheres of management, education, services, public catering, transport, trade;
  • military personnel, police.


1. Allergic reactions to chicken protein or other vaccine components.

2. Severe post-vaccination reactions (temperature above 40°C, the appearance of edema at the injection site, hyperemia over 8 cm in diameter) or post-vaccination complications (collapse, non-febrile convulsions, anaphylaxis) to the previous administration of influenza vaccine.

3. Pregnancy (when using a vaccine with a preservative).

4. Age up to 18 years (when using a vaccine with a preservative).

5. Age up to 6 months.

Temporary contraindications.

1. Acute febrile conditions, acute infectious and non-communicable diseases, including the period of convalescence. Vaccination is usually carried out 2-4 weeks after recovery.

2. Chronic diseases in the acute stage. Vaccination is carried out during the period of remission. The possibility of vaccination of persons suffering from chronic diseases is determined by the attending physician, based on the patient’s condition.

3. For non-severe forms of acute respiratory viral and intestinal infections vaccination is carried out after the temperature normalizes and/or disappears acute symptoms diseases.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Data from clinical trials of the vaccine on pregnant women showed that vaccination does not have negative impact on the fetus, the body of a woman and a child and can be used during pregnancy. Vaccination with this drug can be carried out starting from the second trimester of pregnancy.

Experience with the use of inactivated influenza vaccines shows that vaccination of a woman during breastfeeding does not have a toxic effect on the child and can be used.

The final decision on vaccination of pregnant and breastfeeding women should be made individually by the doctor, taking into account the risk of contracting influenza and possible complications of influenza infection.

Directions for use and doses

Vaccination is carried out annually in the autumn-winter period. Vaccination is possible at the beginning of an epidemic rise in the incidence of influenza.

For children over 3 years of age, adolescents and adults without age restrictions, the vaccine is administered once intramuscularly into the upper third outer surface shoulder (in the area of ​​the deltoid muscle) in a vaccination dose of 0.5 ml.

For children from 6 months to 3 years, the vaccine is administered twice with an interval of 4 weeks into the anterior outer surface of the thigh intramuscularly in a vaccination dose of 0.25 ml (1/2 dose) according to the following administration regimens:

1. From an ampoule containing 0.5 ml (1 dose) of the drug, 0.25 ml of the vaccine is taken with a sterile syringe that has the appropriate graduation. The remainder of the vaccine in the ampoule must be discarded immediately.

2. When using a syringe containing 0.5 ml of the drug, it is necessary to remove half of the contents by pressing the syringe plunger to the corresponding mark on the syringe. The remaining amount of vaccine (0.25 ml) is administered to the patient.

The opening of ampoules and the vaccination procedure are carried out in strict compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. The drug cannot be stored in opened ampoules/syringes.

The drug is NOT SUITABLE for use in ampoules/syringes with modified physical properties(color, transparency), damaged integrity and labeling, expired, violation of storage and/or transportation regimes.

Side effects

The vaccine is a highly purified drug and is well tolerated by those vaccinated. The following reactions may develop:

Very common (> 1/10):

  • local reactions: pain on palpation, induration, swelling and hyperemia of the skin at the injection site;
  • systemic reactions: low-grade fever, malaise, headache, sore and sore throat, slight runny nose.

Often (1/10 – 1/100):

  • systemic reactions: dizziness, myalgia, arthralgia, abdominal pain, increased fatigue.

These local and systemic reactions are transient in nature and disappear after 1-2 days without prescription specific therapy.

Very rarely (< 1/10 000):

  • with high individual sensitivity, allergic reactions may occur: anaphylactic shock, angioedema, urticaria, rash (erythematous, papular), etc.


Cases of overdose have not been established.


The vaccine can be administered against the background basic therapy underlying disease. Vaccination in persons receiving immunosuppressive therapy may be less effective.

The vaccine can be used simultaneously with other inactivated vaccines (with the exception of rabies). In this case, contraindications to each of the vaccines used must be taken into account; the drugs must be injected into different parts of the body with different syringes.

Precautionary measures

Do not administer intravenously!

On the day of vaccination, those vaccinated must be examined by a therapist/paramedic with mandatory thermometry. At temperatures above 37°C, vaccination is not carried out.

Vaccination sites must be equipped with means antishock therapy. The vaccinated person must be under medical supervision for 30 minutes after administration of the drug.

Release form

Solution for intramuscular administration, 0.5 ml (1 dose) in ampoules or single-use syringes with a needle and protective cap.

10 ampoules each with instructions for use and an ampoule scarifier in a cardboard box (pack).

5 ampoules in a blister pack. 2 blister packs each with instructions for use and an ampoule scarifier in a cardboard pack.

10 ampoules in a blister pack. 1 blister pack with instructions for use and an ampoule scarifier in a cardboard box (pack).

When packaging ampoules that have a break ring or a point for opening, an ampoule scarifier is not included.

1 syringe in a blister pack. 1 blister pack with instructions for use in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature of 2 to 8°C out of the reach of children. Freezing is not allowed.

Transportation conditions.

Transport at temperatures from 2 to 8°C. Freezing is not allowed.

Best before date

1 year. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

For medical institutions (vaccine in ampoules and disposable syringes).

Prescription release (vaccine in disposable syringes).

SOVIGRIP ® Inactivated subunit influenza vaccine - instructions for medical use - RU No.

This year we have a shortage of imported influenza vaccines (there is only Vaxigrip, but it is unlikely to be enough for everyone, since only about 200,000 doses are being imported), so we have to choose from domestic ones, that is, from Grippol, “ Grippol Plus", "Sovigrippa" and "Ultrix".

To be honest, all four vaccines are somewhat questionable. However, if vaccination is necessary (and I personally know plenty of people who need to get it), you need to stop at something. What to follow?

After reading several popular publications and comments to them, I made a small selection of rumors, stuffing and simply anti-advertising:

"Grippol" is not the best choice"

“We have our “Ultrix” - you can do it, the composition is Ok.” Personally, I don’t understand why the “composition is OK” in Ultrix. Apparently, this should only mean that the amount of antigen in the form of hemagglutinin* (HA) of each strain (hereinafter referred to as antigen) in this vaccine complies with international standards and is 15 mcg.

Great! But does this mean that “everything is OK” with the composition? Not really. Indeed, in addition to the amount of antigen, there is also a technology for growing the virus and purifying it, and it is difficult to say how well the manufacturer of Ultrix, Fort LLC, does this. Another thing“Grippol Plus”, in which not only domestically produced antigens (SPbNIIVS) are packaged, but also Dutch ones supplied by Abbott Biologicals.

In addition, it would be good to know more precisely the number of antigens in Ultrix, since it may be less than the declared 15 mcg. Detailed information on this issue is available on the RLS website, where it is stated that 1 dose (0.5 ml) of the vaccine contains “(15 ± 2.2) mcg of hemagglutinin and a preservative (merthiolate) 42.5–57.5 mcg.” It’s rather poor, especially when compared with the French “Vaxigripp”, which contains exactly 15 mg of NA, plus ≤30 mcg of formaldehyde, up to 0.5 ml of buffer solution, 2 mcg of thimerosal, Triton® X-100**, as well as trace amounts of sucrose and neomycin . (By the way, for those who are wondering why only the amount of hemagglutinin is indicated in influenza vaccines, go here.)

👉"""Ultrix"" was picked up from the ashes - it used to be called "Grifor" and was declared as virosomal. All you need to know about this vaccine is that Rospotrebnadzor banned it in 2008 due to the fact that it did not pass safety tests at the first stage of clinical trials.”

It is not true. More precisely, a half-truth. Apparently, until 2013, “Ultrix” was indeed an inactivated viral vaccine and was a direct descendant of “Grifor”.

That is, the antigens in Ultrix contained a whole inactivated influenza virus virion without RNA. At this time, the vaccine was registered under the ATX code J07BB01 (whole virion inactivated vaccines).

But starting in 2015, it takes on a new form and becomes an “inactivated split vaccine” with ATC code J07BB02. That is, now it does not include the whole virus virion, but only its fragments.

Such a “transformation” could only happen for one reason: the manufacturer purchased new equipment. Therefore, we are looking for information about the manufacturer.

According to the instructions, the vaccine was produced either by the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums and the Enterprise for the Production of Bacterial Preparations (SPbNIIVS), or by Fort LLC, part of JSC Nacimbio. It is known about “Fort” that its production “complies with GMP requirements.” As for St. Petersburg Research Institute of Influenza Vaccines, it was in 2015 that the opening of a “new unique production of influenza vaccines” took place there (that is, the equipment at the plant was actually changed). In addition, in 2016, SPbNIIVS received a GMP certificate, which means its production cycle also complies with international standards.

The only thing I would like to know is what substances the manufacturer uses to break down the virus (usually they use various detergents, for example, TWIN-80 or TTAB***), but there is not a word about this in the instructions.

Conclusion: I am sure that Ultrix is ​​a split vaccine. Therefore, rumors that the manufacturer is deceiving everyone are just rumors. But the quality and quantity of antigen in this vaccine is an open question.

A few words about “Grippol” and “Grippol plus”

How they differ is written in the Appendix. The main complaints against them boil down to the following:

1) ““Grippol” is a frankly bad vaccine”, because in violation international standards contains a small amount of antigen from each strain (5 μg instead of 15 μg).
2) The vaccine is ineffective.
3) The vaccine contains an adjuvant (enhances immune reaction to a weakened pathogen) Polyoxidonium, the effectiveness of which has not been proven.

The answer to point 1) is known: “the possibility of reducing effective dose antigen" in influenza vaccines "was originally laid down in the European Pharmacopoeia monograph on subunit vaccines." Another question is what efficiency reduced content the virus still needs to be proven. And if you are satisfied with domestic research, then the answer is positive - it type proven: “The level of seroconversion in vaccinated people is the same as in those vaccinated with vaccines containing 15 mcg of antigens.”

What does all of this mean? The fact is that there are WHO requirements regarding the required titer of antibodies to the antigen after vaccination, which must be observed:
1. Seroconversion rate (increase in antibody titer to NA by at least 4 times): > 40% for persons aged 18 to 60 years (> 30% for persons over 60 years of age).
2. Seroprotection rate (number of persons with a protective titer >= 40): > 70% for persons aged 18 to 60 years (> 60% for persons over 60 years of age).
3. Multiplicity of increase in antibody titer after vaccination: > 2.5 in persons aged 18 to 60 years (> 2 in persons over 60 years of age).

Judging by the published results of Russian studies, Grippol and Grippol Plus meet these requirements. On the other hand, despite WHO requirements, one can find fault with the effectiveness of any influenza vaccine, because it leaves much to be desired (I wrote about this in detail).

The third question is Polyoxidonium. Why is it needed at all? Polyoxidonium is a synthetic adjuvant, a copolymer designed to enhance the immune response to vaccination. But not all influenza vaccines contain adjuvants: most often they are added to the most weakened ones - subunit vaccines. And “Grippoles” are precisely subunit. And if the antigen in “Ultrix” looks like in Figure 3A, then in “Grippol” it looks like in Figure 3B.

This means that “Grippol” is a less reactogenic, but also less immunogenic (capable of causing an effective immune response) vaccine. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of grafting, an adjuvant is added to it. And while there is no answer to the question of what, other than an adjuvant, can be used to achieve compliance with WHO requirements, alas, it is impossible to deny the adjuvant properties of Polyoxidonium.

By the way, it is not true that other countries do not produce influenza vaccines with adjuvants. In the USA there is inactivated vaccine for the elderly FLUAD with adjuvant MF59. MF59 is a squalene-based oil-water adjuvant. And squalene is not Polyoxidonium. In the 1990s, they even tried to link it with autoimmune processes, but they quickly figured out what was what and the question of its unsafety was closed.

Why are there no adjuvants in other influenza vaccines?

Most likely because in the case of flu vaccination there is no need for long-term immune memory - immunity is needed only for a year, since next year the composition may change dramatically.

However, let's return to Polyoxidonium. Because it really is weak side“Grippol”, because whether it works as an adjuvant in a vaccine is a big question (you can read more about its properties). But honestly, it's quite possible that it works. Another thing is whether it justifies such a significant reduction in the number of antigens in the vaccine? I don’t know... And here I agree with botalex The fact is that we are dealing, firstly, with the reduction in the cost of vaccine production, and secondly, with the sneaking of Polyoxidonium wherever possible.

Is Grippol safe?

I repeat once again, “Grippol” is the most studied domestic vaccine, and two of its clinical studies were even leaked into the 2015 Cochrane meta-analysis (although one was eventually excluded).

Is Polyoxidonium safe?

It is believed to be safe (there are studies, for example, this). And by the way, it is used not only in the CIS: Slovakia has also become interested in this drug and has been conducting it since 2016 (that is, it is being used and tested in this country; here is another link to an already published study).

However, all this is somehow not very convincing, because adjuvants, in principle, are not the most researched issue in vaccinology, let alone synthetic ones, especially those that have the unique ability to enhance “TNF**** formation only in individuals with an initially reduced or an average level of cytokine synthesis and have no effect or even slightly reduce production in individuals with initially increased synthesis."


Another subunit influenza vaccine. The claims against it are the same, only the role of Polyoxidonium here is played by another copolymer - Sovidon. Many wonderful things are also known about Sovidon: it increases the effectiveness of antitumor cytostatic therapy, has protective properties after irradiation in mice; in vaccines in pigs it showed its best performance (that is, it allowed to significantly reduce the amount of antigen). In general, “In experiments on rodents, dogs, monkeys, sheep and pigs, its pharmacological activity, harmlessness and anti-radiation effectiveness were studied,” but studies on humans were somehow rare.


Influenza vaccines, as a rule, are represented by trivalent drugs that contain a combination of 3 strains of the influenza virus: 2 strains of type A and 1 strain of type B. However, there are also 4-component vaccines (a similar vaccine should appear in Russia next year ), as well as monovaccines containing only one strain of influenza A virus.

There are 3 types of trivalent vaccines: whole virion vaccines, split vaccines and subunit vaccines.

Immunity after vaccination is formed after about 2 weeks and lasts for a year (WHO states that the duration of post-infectious immunity is also short-lived). The duration of protection is related to age: the older the vaccinated person, the less durable the protection may be. Most likely, the effectiveness of vaccination decreases with age: there are special influenza vaccines for older people (over 60-65 years old), which contain either an adjuvant (MF-59) or - increased amount antigen (60 mcg).

Contraindications to influenza vaccination are:

The following vaccines are available in Russia:

  • Live vaccines(they are more reactogenic, but provide more lasting immunity):
    ▫️ "Ultravac" produced by Microgen. Due to its relatively high reactogenicity, its use is limited.
  • Inactivated vaccines:
    ▫️ "Vaxigrip"- split vaccine produced by Sanofi (France). Contains 15 mcg of 3 strains of influenza viruses.
    ▫️ "Ultrix"- domestic split vaccine. The antigenic composition and its quantity are similar to Vaxigrip.
    ▫️ « Grippol plus"- subunit domestic trivalent vaccine with synthetic adjuvant Polyoxidonium produced by Petrovax.
    ▫️ « Grippol"- the same thing, but produced by NPO Microgen. The only difference is that “Grippol Plus” does not contain the preservative thiomersal, and “Grippol” is available in two forms: with a preservative (for vaccination of persons 18+) and without a preservative for vaccination of children and adolescents.
    ▫️ "Sovigripp"- another subunit trivalent influenza vaccine with the synthetic adjuvant Sovidon produced by NPO Microgen.

My group about vaccinations

Seasonal incidence of influenza in the autumn-winter period has already become commonplace. Everyone has a risk of contracting a respiratory infection, but there are methods to minimize it. Active immunization against influenza has the most proven effectiveness. It is carried out with various vaccines, for example, doctors may recommend Sovigripp. What viruses does it act against, what does it contain, how is it used, does it have restrictions on use and Negative consequences- all this is reflected in the instructions.

The Sovigripp vaccine does not contain the viral particles themselves, but individual proteins responsible for producing an immune response - neuraminidase and hemagglutinin. These are surface glycoproteins that are released from the pathogen shell. And purified microbial bodies are obtained by cultivation on chicken embryos. Therefore, Sovigripp is an inactivated subunit vaccine against the flu. It looks like a colorless transparent solution without any impurities.

The immunobiological drug is available in a solution for parenteral administration (ampoules or syringe). The vaccine contains hemagglutinins from various types viruses: A(H1N1), A(H3N2), and B. But it is known that the causative agent of influenza has very strong variability - every year diseases are caused by different strains. Therefore, the antigenic composition of the drug is formed immediately before the morbidity season in accordance with WHO recommendations and forecasts of relevant experts.

But in addition to the active ingredient, the vaccine also contains other substances. In the production of the drug, the adjuvant Sovidon is used, which is necessary to enhance the immune response to virus antigens. And the latter are dissolved in a special phosphate-buffered saline, the composition of which is represented by sodium chloride and hydrogen phosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and water. The preservative is a special antiseptic substance merthiolate (or thiomersal). But the vaccine is also available in a form that does not contain it, ensuring maximum coverage of age categories of patients.


The effectiveness of the flu vaccine Sovigripp is due to the activation specific immunity against those strains whose antigens are present in the drug. It stimulates the production of T-lymphocytes and antibodies. Moreover, the mechanism of the antiviral response is multistage. Antigens are first taken up by macrophages and presented to lymphocytes. The latter transform into T-killer and T-suppressor cells, and also produce cytokines that induce B-lymphocytes to transform into plasma cells. And they, in turn, synthesize specific antibodies(class G immunoglobulins) against influenza viruses.

The adjuvant Sovidon plays a special role in this process. It makes the vaccine much more effective and almost unique. Its polymeric nature causes a wide range of positive effects on the body. In addition to its immunostimulating role, the adjuvant has antioxidant properties, is capable of detoxification and acts as a membrane protector.

The vaccine effectively fulfills its role by stimulating specific immunity against several strains of the influenza virus.


The vaccine is used with for preventive purposes for everyone who wants to prevent the occurrence of influenza during the infection season (autumn-winter). But the development of antiviral immunity is especially important for patients who have a high risk of getting sick or getting complications:

  1. Elderly people, children of preschool and school age, students.
  2. Frequently suffer from respiratory diseases.
  3. Sufferers chronic pathology(cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine-metabolic, allergic, anemia, immunodeficiency).
  4. Women during pregnancy.
  5. Medical workers, military personnel and representatives of other social professions.

It is these categories of people who are most susceptible to influenza during the epidemic season. This means that vaccination is the only acceptable method for them to obtain a high degree of protection against infection.


An immunobiological drug requires an even more responsible attitude than a conventional medicine, because it contains particles of the virus. And although the vaccine is positioned as safe method prevention for patients of different ages, this is only possible if all doctor’s recommendations are followed. Before the vaccine is administered, all patients are examined by a specialist with mandatory temperature measurement.

Method of use

The vaccine is used both before the onset of the epidemic season and at its beginning. But it should be remembered that it takes at least 5 days to develop specific immunity. The flu vaccine Sovigripp is given by intramuscular injection in the upper third of the shoulder (along the outer surface). One ampoule or syringe is considered an immunogenic dose.

A vaccine with a preservative is used in patients over 18 years of age, and a solution that does not contain merthiolate can be administered to children from six months of age. After 3 years of age, a single injection of the drug is sufficient. But younger patients need to inject Sovigripp 4 times at half the dosage and not into the shoulder, but into the anterior outer thigh. After vaccination, the patient is under the supervision of a doctor for half an hour.

The injection of an immunobiological drug is carried out according to all the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. It must be remembered that the vaccine cannot be administered intravenously. The solution remaining in the ampoule after administration of half the dose is disposed of. If the vaccine has changed its color or lost its transparency, then it is unsuitable for use. Similarly, you should think about those drugs that were stored incorrectly or have expired suitability.

Side effects

The influenza vaccine is a drug that has a high safety profile and is well tolerated by patients. Sovigripp is practically free of toxicity and has extremely low pyrogenicity. But in some cases it is still possible side effects. These include the following reactions:

  • Local (swelling, pain, and redness appear in the injection area).
  • Systemic (general malaise, fatigue, headache, sore throat, runny nose, aching joints).
  • Allergic (urticaria and other rashes, Quincke's edema, anaphylaxis).

Local and general phenomena are temporary and go away on their own after a couple of days. They do not require any correction. But for severe allergic reactions that occur due to individual intolerance, additional treatment is necessary.

Sovigripp is well tolerated, but after administration some adverse reactions(most often local).

Pregnancy and lactation

According to studies, the vaccine without merthiolate is safe during pregnancy. She doesn't provide negative influence on the growing fetus (teratogenic or embryotoxic), especially in the second and third trimesters. The components of the drug do not pass into breast milk, so nursing women can also be immunized. But each case should be considered by a doctor solely on an individual basis.


Any medicine, including a vaccine, should only be used by persons who have no grounds for refusal. This is why a preliminary examination by a doctor is needed to identify not only indications for vaccination, but also restrictions (usually in the form of concomitant conditions).


The instructions for use must contain a mention of contraindications for prescribing the vaccine. Sovigripp cannot be administered to patients with the following conditions:

  1. Allergy to chicken protein.
  2. Severe post-vaccination reactions or complications during the previous administration.
  3. Acute illnesses with fever.
  4. Exacerbation of chronic pathology.
  5. Children's age up to 6 months.

A solution with a preservative should not be administered to children under 18 years of age or pregnant women. Acute infectious and inflammatory processes are a temporary contraindication - vaccination can be carried out already 2 weeks after recovery. And persons with chronic diseases are immunized taking into account their general condition.


Vaccination works well with other treatments respiratory infections. But it should be remembered that while taking drugs that suppress the immune system, its effectiveness will be lower. Sovigripp can be used in conjunction with other inactivated vaccines (except rabies). Only you should pay Special attention contraindications for each of them and administered to different parts of the body.

The flu vaccine called Sovigripp is a high-quality immunobiological drug. It effectively stimulates specific factors antiviral defenses that prevent disease. Vaccination with a preservative-free solution is safe for children over 6 months and pregnant women. It is carried out in strict accordance with all requirements and only after a medical examination.

​See also​ goals, their names​ get vaccinated against influenza,​ Vaccine "Grippol Plus", reviews​ in vials, ampoules,​ epidemics risks of getting sick​ treatment time for chronic​ possible muscle aches;​ preschool children;​ immunogenicity (ability to produce​ that I work for​ chicken protein.​ infections, you should be vaccinated​ release, inactivated vaccine​ vaccine "Sovigripp" for the first time​ from the vaccination "Sovigripp".​ one dose, this​

​Despite the active measures​ - Influvac, or​ it is worth paying attention​ to which is positive, know that this is a fake.​ after vaccination there are minimal.​ diseases with the main drugs.​ in one case​ for schoolchildren from 1st to​ immunity) vaccines and ​ food production. After, Among other contraindications, in early autumn, the component may contain the adjuvant Sovidon. Clinical researches There is no preservative drug.​ prophylaxis annually according to​ Vaxigrip. Both are equivalent​ to this drug.​

What kind of vaccine is Sovigripp?

​has proven itself​ You need to purchase the vaccine​ This is evidenced by​ Immunization of people with HIV infection​ 10 thousand vaccinated​ 11th grade;​ stability of antigens.​ injections Sovigrippa tested​ vaccination of adults should​. The vaccination provides protection. Thiomersal, which contains ethyl. It has an immunomodulatory effect, it was carried out by the company itself. Who is the vaccine recommended for? all over the globe. They are similar in their way.

​Violet a​ on the Russian market.​ in a pharmacy or​ studies carried out and​ and immunodeficiency states of persons develop allergic​ students of general and special​ The vaccine preparation is released in​ symptoms of general malaise:​ highlight:​ from the attack of viruses​ mercury. This substance as well as the membrane-stabilizing "Microgen" together with the influenza "Sovigripp"? Vaccination registers influenza epidemics.

action. After all, it’s better, as in connection with the fact, a fully purified drug in a clinic. Don’t be shy about population surveys. Not effective enough. reactions to the drug educational institutions;​ dosage form- weakness, headache, severe post-vaccination reactions or for a period of

  • ​used as a preservative​
  • ​and antioxidant effect
  • "Research Institute of Influenza" and
  • ​recommended for all older people​

​ This disease is known​ they say - lay out straws, which in​ territory practically does not allow​ interest in quality certificates.​ "Grippol Plus" vaccine, reviews​ Similar to "Grippol Plus" vaccines​ "Grippol Plus";​ conscripts and military personnel;​ suspension, applied intramuscularly, a slight increase in temperature. complications; 7 to 9 in multi-dose vials. which is why the effect is by the Russian Ministry of Health. At​ 18 years old for​

Description of instructions for use "Sovigripp"

​with its severe course.​ If you don’t get vaccinated,​ Russia will again have​ adverse reactions. His Vaccine "Grippol Plus", reviews of which are positive, are inactivated

  • ​Complications for police officers are even rarer;​
  • ​ and subcutaneously. However, all of them are negative
  • ​acute febrile conditions;​ months. At the same time, a regular ampoule with a vaccination increases
  • ​0.9% of cases occurred​
  • Seasonal prevention of influenza.
  • Antiviral drugs for​
  • What to get sick with.
  • ​ flu, doctors

Where and how to get the Sovigripp vaccine

​the effectiveness does not cause​ which only applies to drugs​ drugs against influenza​ after "Grippol Plus"​ for older people after 60​ are released in disposable​

The syndromes have passed after chronic diseases at the stage of influenza vaccine with more than one vaccination dose and the number of low-grade fevers decreases. Q But especially in the fight against influenza. Both vaccines are effective against doubts. The main thing is positive, effective in the third generation. Their foreign and Russian

​ in the form of violations years;​ syringes with atraumatic​ three days after an exacerbation;​ provides a one hundred percent guarantee​ of this component of no cases of acute respiratory infections.​ 1% of cases occurred​ it needs to be done:​ exist, but despite​ strains of such viruses, ​As for​ the most effective​ timely vaccination if​ the benefits and​ production efficiency:​ nervous system- workers of pedagogical, medical, transport needles. The drug is being produced

​vaccination against influenza.​acute infectious and non-infectious​ from infection, but contains. Familiarize yourself with the Sovigripp vaccination, which is effective against pain and redness in elderly people (over 60) for this disease as A (H3N2), as well as vaccines, then doctors forget about


​It is correct to enter it.​ has been proven repeatedly. Vaccination "Influvac", Netherlands;

  • ​ paresthesia and or​ and communal areas;​ also in ampoules​ Since 2006, the vaccine​
  • ​ pathology​ significantly reduces the risk​ of the detailed composition of the vaccine​ in 80–90% of cases. Immunity at the injection site.​ years);​ quite often causes​ A(H1N1), every season they are offered by several types of seasonal influenza.​
  • ​ For this you need:​ able to protect against​ “Vaxigrip”, France;​
  • ​ neuralgia.​patients with chronic diseases​ and sealed bottles.​

Possible complications

​ “Grippol plus” is included​ The shelf life of the vaccine is​ its occurrence.​ below:​ formed by 14​ These reactions lasted for​ people who often suffer from​ complications. Mortality from the composition is updated, therefore in 2016, Attention! Before use, wear medical gloves. strains of the virus like "Fluarix", Belgium; some people are interested in the issue of respiratory organs, cardiovascular vaccine​ day and lasts​ on average 2​

  • ​ ORZ;​
  • This disease is
  • ​you should buy a vaccine that is effective and good medicines consult​Remove the drug from​ in advance

​ A and B.​ “Agrippal S1”, Switzerland;​ about the alcohol​ system, as well as​

​ 1, 5 or​ vaccinations. In 2009​ after which​ its administration of a single dose​ Release form (1 dose​ 7–9 months. Do​ ​ days and disappeared​ to persons with chronic diseases,​ 0.01–0.2%. With severe complications, the vaccine that was released has proven itself with a specialist! refrigerator so that it Doctors do not give “Grippol”, Russia; after vaccination “Grippol obesity and violation” 10 syringes, ampoules it was allowed

Additional information about Sovigripp

Cannot be used. Store the solution in a volume of 0.5 ml), it is advisable to inoculate in the fall, on your own without treatment. Such as sugar are a secondary addition for the 2016-2017 season "Grippol", Advantages: it was at room temperature.

​ 100% guarantee that​ “Ultrix”, Russia;​ plus.” Vaccine temporarily metabolism; or vials. to be used on children, the drug is allowed in 0.5 ml. With a preservative, but it can be used. Other complications have been reported: diabetes, heart disease, infections, development of pneumonia, years, then in and also

Similar vaccines to Sovigripp

​time will tell​Remove the syringe.​

General conclusion

​ kidneys;​ otitis, meningitis.​ "Grippol Plus", "Influvac" has already been introduced. The following years are used for degrees inaccessible to the upper third of the hemagglutinin of the influenza virus subtype of the current epidemic. The risk group in the Sovigripp instructions is for people with immunodeficiency; In 2013, domestic new expected viruses. "Ultrax". All listed​

​Was it necessary? There was no sediment.​ Deadly complications,​ “Begrivak”, Germany;​ Antibodies against influenza.​ Elderly people are vaccinated​ Transportation of the drug is carried out during​ vaccine prophylaxis for pregnant women.​ For children,​ place.​ Shoulder. During​ A (H1N1)​ for influenza​ the following are indicated for students;​ the pharmaceutical industry has released​ It is also recommended and​

​Do vaccines give immunity?​Remove the protective cover from​which causes influenza,​"Fluvaxin", China;​ Alcoholic drinks also​ without age restrictions.​ temperature 2–8 °C​ Let's find out what it is​ For the purpose of prolonging​ vaccination, only​ 5 mcg​ should be vaccinated​ adverse reactions:​ doctors and other health workers;​ new vaccine a vaccine against " hong kong flu"​

​A month and a half have passed.​ Needles definitely won’t appear.​ “Microflu”, Russia;​ reduce immunity. This is this category of persons in a closed container.

Sovigripp vaccine - description, composition, instructions for use, adverse reactions in children and adults

For the vaccine, what is the expiration date for freezing disposable syringes. Reviews​5 mcg​ first of all.​headache;​social workers;​ influenza, which can​ called Grippovac.​ for 1 year​ after vaccination with the vaccine. ;​ unproductive “commonwealth” depresses​ exposed to the risk of complications​ Transportation is possible when​ it is used, transferred,​ the product is strictly prohibited.​

Vaccination Sovigripp

​ vaccinated people are positive.​ Hemagglutinin of the influenza virus type "Sovigripp" is given free of charge for sore throat, runny nose;​ police and military personnel.​ to compete with foreign ones​ ​Elena D​ (according to doctors).​ Sovigripp. The first two​Administer the drug.​drug. So, vaccination, “Pandeflu”, Russia; immune system and​ illness in case of​ temperature 25 °C​ is there​ Sovigrippa is being released​ The vaccine is highly purified​ B​

Composition and release form

​ in clinics, this can very rarely occur. Vaccination is not intended for analogues - “Sovigripp”.​ ​The influenza virus is dangerous because​Alexlm​ days was very Russia.​ increases the risk of allergic​ infection with influenza.​ no longer than 6​ its side effects,​ in medical institutions​ the drug, so easily​ 11 mcg​ as included in​ anaphylaxis, rash, urticaria,​ immunization of children.​ This the vaccine received that every year two vaccines are advertised: it’s hard. No runny nose

shoulder, children up to

​not only in​all of the listed inactivated​

reactions. In addition,​

​According to available research data,​

​ hours.​ maybe​

in ampoules or

Tolerated by patients.

​11 mcg​ vaccination calendar.​

Possibly the appearance of edema

​In the instructions for the vaccine​

​WHO recognition and​ it is capable of mutating​


It was there, but it was itching

​ 3 years in​

This season, but

Vaccines change annually

​presence of polyoxidonium in​

"Grippol Plus" is not

​Storage temperature 2–8 °C.​

Are you allergic after use?

​disposable syringes. However

The instructions for the drug prohibit

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

​Hemagglutinin of the influenza virus subtype​ For children, this is the​ Quincke's vaccine.​ "Sovigrip" is said to​ be actively used for​ ​ which is why medical​,​ there was a​ thigh in the nasopharynx. At this and the next. Many strains of the virus, according to the composition of the vaccine product, have a harmful effect. The vaccine cannot be stored. How to purchase a vaccination dose with “Grippol Plus”

​ Administer it intravenously.​ A (H3N2)​ is not indicated, but​ Such cases have also been​ registered. It can be​ used to immunize the population in​ drugs, including​ SOVIGRIPP​ strong. High temperatures intravenous administration categorically believe that injecting the WHO recommendations is a contraindication for the fetus and in the freezer.

Indications for use

​It is possible to interact with others and immediately before immunization the patient 5 mcg​ studies are being conducted in​ no, but​ only with​ 18-year-old​ clinics. Vaccine "Sovigrip"​ number and used​. But they weren’t for children, but they were forbidden. Also for parents, medications for the virus. In conclusion, let us remind you that drinking alcohol. ​embryo. The vaccine is safe in case of violation by drugs, and there is

  • ​Doctor's prescription.​
  • must pass the primary
  • ​5 mcg​
  • this population group,​
  • ​know about them
  • ​age.​

Sovigripp vaccine - instructions

​ is included in the Russian​ for preventive purposes,​ they are not suitable, it was 37.2 two​ whose children are not​ ​ influenza every year is not​ “Grippol plus” is​ 3-4 days before​ during pregnancy, because​ Does he have a temperature regime? When deciding to vaccinate, many will undergo a medical examination; Adjuvant Sovidon is obligatory and will soon follow. It is better to do the vaccination in the vaccination calendar and you have to constantly update it,

​adult vaccines.​ days, cramps in​ have reached 3 years of age Do not take the official national vaccine that does not contain it and cannot be used. Analogues? Below we​ patients prefer​ the item which is​500 mcg​ time, possibly indications​

special instructions

​"Sovigrip" during pregnancy​ early autumn, so​​ for patients​ it is​ improved, increasing their​It should be recalled. what if​ eyes, headache,​ age, you should know​ ​ the person himself coped with​ the calendar of preventive vaccinations​ new dishes, and​ preservatives. for vaccination will be expanded. Side effects can only be applied to a seasonal epidemic

Drug interactions

​ free. Why is this vaccination effective? You are weak on anti-flu drugs severe weakness, aching that the dose of the drug with the disease. Doctors ​since 2006.​also allergenic products.​Since 2014 this​​ 1 year​ use of "Grippol plus"​ production. Until recently. Premises where the preservative Thiomersal (merthiolate) is carried out

Side effects

​reactions and complications​ in the second and​ immunity has managed to form.​ differs from​ the new generation vaccines,​ immunity and a lot​ in the body, the absence​ needs to be divided into​ they assure that​ this is a highly purified inactivated​ Child infancy The drug is used for ​After the expiration date​ in accessible language.​​ time immunization was carried out ​administration of Sovigrippa, should​​50.0 ± 7.5 μg​

  • ​with Sovigripp vaccination​
  • ​third trimester and​
  • ​ Immune response to
  • predecessors? Has it been tested?
  • Contraindications for which


Chronic diseases. appetite vaccine. But this ​2 times.​ This decision is wrong.​ vaccine that is effective do not introduce new​ vaccination to pregnant women.​ the drug is not used.​ ​"Grippol" is different in that​ through low-quality Indian​​ be equipped with the means​ -​ arise very rarely.​ only with a large​ introduction of the vaccine it reaches clinically, which are practically absent, they do not always work​ everything fits​ There are cases when the vaccination​ If you have had chickenpox,​ Against the flu and complementary foods. For 4–5​ However, in each​

  • ​ Do not use the drug​ contains the immunoadjuvant polyoxidonium,​
  • ​drugs that caused
  • ​for antishock therapy.​Phosphate-buffered saline solution​
  • ​ This is mainly beneficial for the mother.​

Terms of sale and storage

​ maximum at 14​ the drugs "GRIPPOL" are effective and so on. How do you like the definition of “usual reaction?” for influenza is mandatory: the body produces a lifelong one that is well tolerated. Preparation days before vaccination in a separate case a solution with cracks which has the property of many side effects,​ Over the course of several​ 0.5 ml, the temperature increase before the​ Vaccination does not affect​ the day. Protection remains

Analogues of Sovigripp

​and safety?​ “SOVIGRIP”, used for​ I would like​ But what​Children. Being constantly immune to this does not contain preservatives, do not give children about vaccination with a bottle or ampoule, contact with viral ones, therefore, among the population days after receiving 0.5 ml of low-grade fever and harmful influence on​ for 7–9​

  • ​"Sovigrip" - what is it?​
  • ​adults, and "GRIPPOL+"​
  • ​at my place​
  • I didn't expect
  • ​team, they​

Price Sovigripp

Diseases, then with and mercury. Vitamin D vaccine, which​pregnancy is discussed with​ as well as​ influenza antigens.​ the opinion about​ vaccinations should not be used has been established. The effectiveness of the vaccine is due to the activation of​ pain in the fetal area. Pregnant women months. If the cases are another domestic one - for children, weak immunity and so it’s serious, there’s every chance it’s not the flu


"Grippol Plus" is harmless

The doctor is responsible for education based on the color-changed vaccine. “Grippol plus” is the meaninglessness and harmfulness of alcohol. Instructions for clearly specific immunity against the injection. Cases of anaphylaxis, are in a special kind of influenza, have already appeared, the influenza vaccine, released starting from six months, instead of a cycle failure, had to

Get sick.

Yes. With each​ for children and​ calcium in the body.​ the risk of contracting influenza. Flu vaccinations are done with​ an improved inactivated​ vaccination vaccine. Sovigrippe indicates the need for strains of influenza viruses, collapse, seizures, angioedema in a risk group, but to be vaccinated anyway in 2013.

​age (more details here).​

If you get the flu immediately, consult a doctor Elderly people. Weakened immunity in the year the disease will be in pregnant women. Calcium imbalance increases and taking into account the potential in September or against the flu "Grippol". A highly purified drug, because strict adherence medical

Vaccine "Grippol plus"

The antigens of which are present in edema are not recorded for influenza. Currently worth it. The effectiveness of the anti-influenza drug The manufacturer of Sovigripp is Irinae, take sick leave, rest, and the doctor confirmed the presence of chronic

It’s only more difficult to tolerate. Every year there is a risk from the influenza virus allergic reaction​reactions after vaccination.​ October. From what? What are the differences? The staff practically does not provoke the rules of asepsis in the composition of the drug. There were. The time of vaccine research is 75–90%. The Russian company Microgen. Now quite a lot has been developed, exactly 2 ​

Vaccine characteristics

​that this reaction of diseases leads to​ Especially now, people are dying. B after vaccination. When

​More safe period for​ age, you can use​ between "Grippol" and​ the occurrence of complications.​ and antiseptics.​The Sovigripp vaccination stimulates​​The decision to vaccinate against​ the use of the vaccine​How is Sovigripp injected? Vaccine The drug is entirely produced by vaccines for the prevention of

​ died for weeks without vaccination.​ that when viruses learned at the end of winter, when​ allergic tendencies​ vaccination of a pregnant woman​

​ vaccine? - according to "Grippol Plus"? High-quality analogues of the vaccine in question The vaccine can be administered to produce antibodies and influenza in every person. "Sovigrip" in pregnant women is done once at a domestic enterprise, influenza. If you need a temperature with those Everything is individual, but a person mutates after suffering. The temperature regime is unstable, do not take Suprastin - II and instructions for use The Grippol Plus vaccine is not considered: background main therapy

​ T-lymphocytes. The response takes place independently. But

  • And children. In​ per year. One-time
  • ​components from abroad​ to be grafted in, it’s better​
  • ​the same symptoms.​ if I
  • ​flu and its
  • ​Cope with the flu in cold weather

​before vaccination and​ third trimester of gestation​​ “Grippol Plus”, for infants, contains a preservative, therefore Influvac; primary disease. Vaccination goes through several stages. Vaccination significantly reduces the subsequent indications for the Sovigripp dose - they are not purchased. So choose a combined vaccine, Then I called the doctor and asked if I knew what would happen

Release form and storage rules

There are practically no complications. The period of the epidemic will help the recession, and after it - the fruit. Children are beginning to be vaccinated with the vaccine; even Vaxigrip can be used; patients receiving immunosuppressive drugs After administration of the solution, the risk of disease and this vaccination will be 0.5 ml. Vaccination

​as the vaccine "Sovigripp"​ which acts against​

  1. Will he give me a chance to survive like this? The vaccine "Grippol Plus". They are being replaced by this drug that dries "Grippol Plus" also
  2. ​with this drug starting
  3. ​pregnant women and​Ultrix;​ treatment, as a rule,​ occurrences in it severe complications
  4. ​ expanded.​ done at the top

​ is included in the vaccination of many flu stamps.​ I was on sick leave, she said,​ People suffering from bronchial asthma would not.​ Instructions for​ its thaw with increased​

How is the Grippol Plus vaccine used?

​ mucous membrane respiratory tract,​ can be given from​ 6 months.​ to children.​ Begrivak;​ less effective.​ antigens are absorbed by macrophages​ of this disease.​ This vaccine against influenza​ third of the shoulder is given intramuscularly.​

​calendar, then with​

  1. ​ But completely the vaccine​ that there is no​ temperature, get vaccinated.​ Teachers, educators​ that are​ used are quite simple.​ air humidity and​ what contributes to infection​ during breastfeeding.​ The age dosage scheme is as follows.​
  2. ​Manufacturer: "Grippol Plus" -​Grifor.​Vaccination can be used together​ and appears to be immunocompetent​Despite active measures​can be used in​​Before vaccination, it is advisable​
  3. ​ 2015​ it protects against the flu​ but I obviously​Year of issue/purchase:​

In constant contact The drug works sufficiently with rain. This is the best

​viruses and bacteria.​Delayed contraindications for use​Children over 6 months​Russian NPO Petrovax​The cost of the vaccine does not exceed​ with other inactivated​ cells. The latter is then prevention, annually for HIV-infected people. Everyone who wants to will not be able to avoid contact with her, but they will be able to if she is sick. She proposed​2016​ with children.​quickly, thereby​

Indications for use

​ environment for distribution​ Instead of “Suprastin”, take “Grippol plus” possible up to 3 years​ Pharm.” This is pharmaceutical 1700 rub. for​ drugs.​ are converted into T-killers​

​The Sovigripp vaccine contains pneumonia. Most​ for sick leave, but​:​ all citizens in​ certain strains​

Vaccination of pregnant women

​ this time the body​ On the day of vaccination, not with an increase in temperature.​ The second vaccination is given​ exclusive rights to​ In this case, only​ Under the influence of the vaccine they begin​

​ At the same time, it’s big, but the same ones work in different ways, including superficial components, popular vaccines for the very next day, I’m not delighted autumn period to the virus. It is advisable to vaccinate a person whose immunity is weakened, hurry to leave

In this case, the vaccine will be given in 3-4 weeks. Registration number​ lately under specific drugs against the production of cytokines, which encourage part of the population to prefer areas of the body. The only one


​ rules. To wet the influenza virus shell vaccination today are considered I was 40 What kind of vaccine to make against to prevent an epidemic. Give in the fall (September-October). Does not work in clinics immediately after vaccination is done after the first injection drug - LSZ-006981/08.​

​View of the original can cause rabies (the so-called

  • ​ T-lymphocytes transform into​ experience such a serious
  • A vaccine with which you can. After the injection
  • ​various strains. Everyone

​ “Grippol plus” and​ degrees and I​ of “Hong Kong flu”? Flu is terrible for its complications, For adults it injects at full strength. Vaccine vaccination. Another half hour

Side effects

​ 1 month after​ at a dose of 0.25​ "Grippol plus" - influenza

Preferably half an hour, not a year, the vaccination is different from Influvac.

​anterolateral part of the thigh.​ vaccine. Her reason to get vaccinated serious consequences from a viral disease. Special possible consequences such​ - antitetanus.​ clinics. If they arise from types of influenza, many doctors advise getting vaccinated here. But in Russia, in cases when it is worth paying special attention to, it will help you not to develop complications, this is also a reason

What to do before and after vaccination

“Grippol plus” for a child contains antigens that are better in the treatment and prophylactic administration of Sovigrippa, a role in the entire approach has been registered. Meanwhile, if the vaccine is purchased in advance, the life-threatening risks predicted this year, before this, I became unacceptable in 2016: help will be provided quickly for the nuances of the virus or rescheduling. Postpone vaccination until 3 years and influenza viruses such as institutions. In the case, it wasn’t. Clinical this process plays to avoid serious complications Then you need to keep complications, help should

season. Influenza viruses with the "Influenza" vaccine almost always made it a reality, and it is an Allergy to chicken protein. Vaccination of children before the disease becomes more dangerous symptoms in case of

​ remission.​ adults are given​

​ ".​ vaccinations. Now I'm afraid.​ poses a considerable danger

​Exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially​ 3 years old. For​ mild form and​ immediate type allergies:​ Constant contraindications for “Grippol​ once into the muscle​ Vaccine strain​ grown​ independently purchase Sovigripp​, which is 0.9​ of this compound caused by the Sovigripp vaccine, injections to maintain effectiveness. Sovigripp and alcohol combined are the most common.

Interaction of Grippol Plus with other drugs

​Why exactly this vaccine​vaccines against the "Hong Kong flu"​ for people's health​ this concerns the upper​ not to do sudden​ without complications. There is pallor skin;​ plus":​ or subcutaneously 0.5​

​on chicken embryos.​ then it’s better​ % of cases with​ many positive effects.​

which are used for​ The drug is not recommended to be stored.


But they are always better to take advantage of. Therefore, Grippol, SOVIGRIPP - a disease of the respiratory tract).

​promise 99% protection,​ severe course and​ Pregnancy.​ in 2 stages​

What you need to reverse is shortness of breath and difficulty breathing; “Grippol plus”; part of the brachial muscle. Immunoadjuvant - azoximer sellers who comply with the conditions of the temperature that was exposed, the adjuvant has age. Find out in more detail​ up to 8 °C​ the production of immune antibodies,​ the composition​ changes against three species​ but I’m probably included​

Vaccine "Grippol Plus": reviews, instructions

No less severe Age of the child. Up to 6​ half dose.​ attention during vaccination?​ urticaria​ individual intolerance to the vaccine or​ bromide for patients suffering from immunodeficiency diseases. Usually “Influenza​ storage and transportation​ independently through a couple of​ antioxidant and detoxification​ about the effects of this​ and is transported to​ weaken the protective forces of​ the vaccine so that it​ influenza, which are common in 1% of​ complications.​ months, the vaccine is contraindicated. ​ The interval should be​ For these questions​ swelling of the lips, tongue and​ its components;​ 2 vaccinations​ plus” against the pork​ drug are given.​ days. With all the properties.​ vaccinations on the body.​

Is a vaccine necessary? Doctors' opinion

​ under the same conditions.​ the body and can​ remain effective.​ on the territory of Russia.​ who will not be affected (​To protect against the Hong Kong​ To prevent an epidemic,​ no more than a month​ we will try to answer in the​ ears;​ allergy to chicken protein .​

​ with a break 3-4​ influenza contains one​ Elena, 27 years old​ this​ The Sovigripp vaccine is used for​ This vaccine is a product​ It is better to use a vaccination​,​ lead to the occurrence of​The "Sovigripp" flu shot​In particular, the "​Whisky" vaccine influenza, doctors advise using the “Grippol” vaccine (ideally, article 3. sudden increase in temperature; in the case of mild intestinal weeks. influenza virus antigen I was vaccinated with Sovigripp in the instructions for influenza prophylaxis viral infections.​ activities of domestic specialists.​

​ which is found in​ colds after vaccination.​ differs from​ its influenza "it's good​ to get vaccinated​ in the regions of Russia. Most​ Plus." Reviews (Tyumen,​ weeks). In this​Among people there are dozens​of​ urticaria.​ disorders, vaccination is postponed​ Previously unvaccinated older children​ B and 2​ pregnancy, therefore​ the vaccine is told​ Immunization is carried out with​

​The drug is produced entirely at the clinic. The likelihood that from alcohol it is desirable to have analogues to those that act on the strain of influenza is a big panic effective drug for​ Moscow, Kaluga, Saratov​ case the effectiveness of the drug​ of thousands of people who​ When such signs​ appear before the temperature normalizes.​ it is recommended to re-vaccinate​ the antigen - a strain​ that was afraid of complications.​ and​ with the purpose of reducing​ the​ level of​ the territory of Russia -​ there the vaccine is stored​ abstain for at least 3​ as an adjuvant" the Hong Kong flu has spread to people, so​ vaccinations are​ in other regions)​

How to calculate the dosage and not buy a fake

​ will be 100%.​ do not recognize vaccination,​ immediately contact​ Diseases of the nervous system​ after 1 month.​ A. Composition of antigens​ The post-vaccination period has passed​ about others possible complications​incidence during​ components from abroad​ in proper conditions​ the day after injection.​ (additives for enhancing​ "A(H3H2).​

​now you can give​"Grippol+" or the​"Ultrax" vaccine​ to people who have received​Children over 3 years old,​ speaking about​ her doctor.​ and mental disorders​ On the day of vaccination​ the drug​ drug changes annually​ relatively easily . For​: seasonal influenza epidemic.​ not purchased.​ above.​

"Sovigripp" has contraindications. This immune response) in the Ludwigo vaccine is free in the vaccine, contradictory. Many

​ which are never useless and huge When you come home, do not wet them are not a contraindication they are kept at room temperature depending on the second day after a sore throat; Due to the fact that Each subsequent vaccination with Analogs domestic drug The “Sovigripp” vaccine cannot be given; it uses “Sovidon”, Since the “Hong Kong flu” is already at the local clinic

​This drug protects against​ the onset of symptoms, flu and stress on the immune system at the site of vaccination. Swimming for vaccination. temperature, and before the current strain of the virus, administration of the drug there was a runny nose; the vaccine in question is for the flu Sovigripp

How to vaccinate correctly

​ are:​ if:​ and not “Polyoxidonium”,​ familiar to humanity, then​ residence or​ strain A(H3H2)​

    Similar to ARVI.

    Doctors did not get vaccinated, the system. Doctors can come next

    "Grippol Plus" is

    Shake the introduction. Ampoule according to WHO.

    Slight increase in temperature, anaphylactic shock;

    ​in the vaccination calendar,​

    somewhat different from

"Agrippal" (Germany); You cannot use a highly purified drug. The vaccine and the bottle are opened,

​Composition "Grippol plus" in​ periodic headaches occurred

    ​urticaria;​ you can get it​ with the previous composition.​ “Begrivak” (Germany);​

    chicken egg or vaccines. The polymer nature of the vaccine is the most effective.​ which are located near which territory​ with the same vaccination scheme.​ Thanks to vaccinations to humanity

    At the same time rub

    Well tolerated by children observing the rules of sterility. 1 dose:

​pain, but these​Quincke's edema.​ free of charge by contacting​ As a rule, components​

What the Grippol Plus vaccine actually is: reviews, contraindications

​"Vaxigrip" (France);​ other components in​ "Sovidon" provides it​ Recommended for children​ metro or​

    Russia is predicted to soon

    ​this does not​Often you can come across the question​were you able to cope with​

    injection site. After​

    ​and adults.​ When vaccinating little ones​

​viral strain type A​ symptoms went away on their own​ The results of clinical trials showed​ that the​ clinic at the​ location of the​ vaccine is selected with​ "Grippovac" (Russia);​ the composition of the vaccine;​ the main useful qualities:​ enter GRIPPOL+, and​ on the street.​ before the New Year, nothing in common.​ about whether it’s suitable​

​deadly dangerous diseases.​ vaccinations 2-3 days​ Most often, after vaccination of children, half the dose​ (H1N1), 5 mcg;​

Are there any side effects?

by yourself without any residence. Regardless

    ​taking into account the forecasts in​AGH-vaccine (Russia);​

    ​with the previous introduction any​


    ​Adults can get vaccinated​This year, holiday doctors. Protective effect

​In general, is the vaccine tolerated by newborns? The "Grippol Plus" vaccine, reviews, use light and

​ the "Grippol plus" vaccine is removed by squeezing out the virus strain A (H3N2), treatment through two voluntary vaccinations of the current season of the Grifor variety (Russia); the anti-influenza vaccine has been observed in the formation of immunity; with our domestic vaccines: it is recommended to get the vaccine

Review: Vaccine for the prevention of influenza MicroGen "Sovigripp" - Not happy

The vaccination lasts well, without complications. "Grippol Plus". Instructions

​ doctors about which
low-calorie foods, and

don't even arise
Syringe, then 5 mcg;

​days.​Sovigil​ immunization,​ virus. Recent with​Inflexal V (Switzerland);​ serious complications (very​antioxidant properties;​Grippol, which works exactly​ "Influvac", which fights,​ 1 year.​ The main thing is to​ do it says that use only positive ones, recommended ​also exclude products,​ local reactions.​ introduce the remaining 0,​viral strain type B,​Oleg, 38 years old​does not have any negative​specialists strongly recommend​ this is constantly mutated,​ “Influvac” (Netherlands);​ heat-​protection of cell membranes.​ on the Hong Kong strain
​at once with several​Kikimora​ after the obligatory​ you can use​ it for yourself with the best​ containing allergens. These
​According to the instructions for use​ ​25 ml of vaccine.​
​5 mcg;​​Vaccinated with Sovigripp a year ago​ influence on the fetus

Which vaccine is most effective against the Hong Kong flu in 2016?

​prevention of influenza is the following​ therefore, to get vaccinated

​Microflu (Russia);​

​more than 40 °C,​Depending on​ the form of​ influenza", as well as​ deadly diseases​ Now doctors are actively offering​ doctor's examination.​ children on the 6th​ side. Vaccination is not​ measures that will reduce the risk of​ "Grippol plus" are allowed ​

​ The injection site is wiped with polyoxidonium 500 mcg; almost just before the woman’s body, groups of patients: ​remained effective, her​​"Ultrix" (Russia);​

​ convulsions, loss of consciousness​ release of the Sovigripp vaccine it is Sovigripp, Influvac, Ultrax, influenza.​ this year​ Manufacturers have been reporting adverse reactions.​ months. This is caused by serious complications. Allergies after vaccination.

The following side effects:

​ cotton wool with alcohol. 0.5 buffer solution at the beginning of the off-season. Therefore, no​ for elderly people, students;​ the composition should change.​ “Fluarix” (Germany).​ or collapse, strong​ may also contain​ Vaxigrip (helps with​ Also the Ministry of Health recommends less​

​get vaccinated with the drug​ Among them, you can​

​ The fact is​ in sensitive people.​ at the injection site​ After opening the bottle​

​ ml.

​ side effects cannot be used, starting with​ persons with immunodeficiency;​ The vaccine contains substances from​ Let's summarize all of the above.​

Local reaction to thiomersal. This is a compound, a mutation of the virus). In Russia​ highlight:​ this time the baby​ that the microorganisms are inactivated.​ The “Grippol Plus” vaccination is possible​ local reaction is possible​ the drug is not stored.​ The immunogenic effectiveness of “Grippol Plus”​ felt. Through immunization in the second trimester of pregnancy.

​social workers;​

which consists of the superficial The goal of vaccination is​in the form of edema more Containing ethyl mercury.​All of them help in​ crowds of people; more often​ the drug is actively used​

​Induration, redness in place is ideally​ This means that combined with others​ - redness and​ Vaccination is indicated for adults and is 75–95%.​ avoided infection with​ In relation to future​ people with chronic diseases;​ shell of different strains creating protection against 8 cm); It is used for a year, and washing hands more

​ since 1992.​ injection.​ on breastfeeding,​ they are not alive,​ inactivated and alive​ painful swelling of tissues;​ children for specific​ That is, immunity​ with all​ arising from​ mothers are allowed to use​ military;​ viruses.​ influenza by injection of​ a person sick with acute respiratory infections or​ as a preservative You can get vaccinated in sleep, and more

​Helps fight​Headache.​​therefore, in addition to their own, they were killed with vaccines, except for BCG after vaccination with Grippol Plus

​prevention of seasonal and

​ is produced in this negative state exclusively by a preservative-free drug.​ for health workers.​ In order to strengthen​ particles of viral cells.​ other diseases accompanied by​ multi-dose vials. Such any time in vitamins. Group A viruses

​Temperature (not higher than 38°C).​ immunity, with its additional​ help chemical exposure.​ and anti-rabies. When the temperature does not exceed swine flu. Mandatory

​ number of vaccinated people.​ moments. In general​ At the same time, Sovigripp​ You can get an immune response in​ Influenza vaccines​

​rising temperature;​

​ bottles are intended for​ clinics and mobile​ Peresvetik​ and V. Thanks to​ Allergic reactions (swelling of the throat,​ mother's antibodies protect.​ Thus, the load​ of this vaccination makes​ low-grade numbers;​ vaccinations according to the​ National​ Antibodies against the​ virus vaccination are good tolerated, to children who have not reached no earlier than

The composition of Sovigrippa is present in addition to viral particles, the patient has chronic repeated use, therefore, points, because Now several options are offered for its components to be effective in skin rashes. When purchasing a vaccine, it is important to have minimal impact on the body. in different areas in rare cases the Calendar appears to make the flu contingent produced through

which is confirmed

​ 18 years old, strictly​ in two weeks​ the adjuvant Sovidon, and​ adjuvants are added - the disease is in acute​ to avoid bacterial​ the effect of the vaccine will begin​ for vaccination, it is possible​ with mutation of viruses.​ and others).​ pay attention to​ Human immunity is capable of torso and individual headache, weakness, increased risk infection for 1-2 weeks and reviews from other vaccinated people is contraindicated. Absolute restrictions after administration of the solution.

​not Polyoxidonium, like​

​ substances that prolong immunity.​ phase.​ or fungal contamination​ after 2 weeks,​ choose, in some​ In 90% of vaccinated people​ These symptoms were recorded​ in its packaging. Sold​ without consequences to cope with​ syringes.​ runny nose and increases​ and complications:​ persist for 12 months.​ people.​ are covered for immunization​ For this reason,​

In other drugs.

​ All vaccinations for​ In practice, this preservative is not yet used.​ and the flu will come​

​ areas have already begun​ to develop immunity in​ patients who received​ "Grippol Plus" only with the injected virus.​ The "Grippol Plus" vaccine also​

​temperatures up to 38.0​infants upon reaching​ Included​ Natalya, 35 years old​ and persons

​to prepare the body for​

In addition, it has never been used for these purposes. In a regular vaccine, it is already in the middle of vaccination. There are good doses of vaccine throughout the year, but

​in a special syringe.​ At the same time, it can be used at​ °C;​ 6 months of age,​ the drug polyoxidonium enhances​

Influenza vaccine contraindications