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How many days does menstruation last normally? Reasons for deviations. Reasons for menstruation during this difficult period. Safe days - can this method be trusted?

How many days a woman’s menstruation lasts is influenced by many factors, including the physiological characteristics of the body and lifestyle. Significant deviations from the norm, instability menstrual cycle are symptoms of organ diseases reproductive system. Only a gynecological examination will help determine the cause of the disorders. You should not put off visiting a doctor in the hope that everything will get better on its own. An advanced disease is more difficult to treat, and its consequences can be serious.


Normal and pathological menstruation in women of reproductive age

The normal duration of menstrual bleeding should be 3-7 days. The body is weakened these days due to blood loss. The woman quickly gets tired and feels weak. Arises headache. All these ailments are normal, they do not last long and disappear with the end of menstruation. Normal menstruation is characterized by the release of blood with a total volume of 50 to 80 ml.

U healthy woman The cycle length ranges from 21 days to 35 days. Moreover, menstruation occurs at approximately constant intervals with a maximum deviation of 2-4 days.

The presence of pathology in the body can be assumed in cases where menstruation lasts 2 days and less or more than 7 days, the volume of discharge is less than 40 ml or more than 80-100 ml. If spotting brown discharge appears before and after menstruation, increasing the number critical days, - this is also a violation.

A normal cycle should not be shorter than 21 days or longer than 35 days. Its beginning is considered the first day of menstruation.

Factors influencing the duration of menstruation

How long your period lasts depends on the following factors:

  1. Heredity. For some, menstruation lasts 10 days or even more in the absence of any pathologies. This duration is typical for women of this family.
  2. The presence of inflammatory and infectious diseases reproductive organs, benign neoplasms(fibroids, polyps, cysts), malignant tumors uterus and ovaries. With these diseases, the structure of the mucous membranes of organs is disrupted, damage to blood vessels and tissues occurs, as a result of which menstruation becomes more abundant and lasts longer.
  3. Ovarian dysfunction. The cause of this condition can be both diseases of the genital organs and frequent abortions, use of intrauterine device, uncontrolled use hormonal drugs. With ovarian dysfunction due to insufficient production of sex hormones, menstruation lasts 2 days or less.
  4. Deviations in the functioning of the thyroid, pancreas, pituitary gland, adrenal glands - organs responsible for the condition hormonal levels in organism.

In addition, the number of critical days is sharply reduced with intense physical activity (sports, weight lifting). Nervous overstrain, psychological trauma, depression cause heavy menstrual bleeding, lasting for 10-14 days.

Fasting and vitamin deficiency lead to hormonal shifts, a reduction in the duration of menstruation or their complete cessation. Smoking, alcohol abuse, drug use, and exposure to an unfavorable environment lead to the same result.

Video: How long does a normal period last?

How long do teenage girls menstruate?

At the age of 12-15, girls experience their first menstruation. During this period, hormonal changes begin in the body associated with the maturation of the ovaries. The first menstruation comes irregularly, with delays of several months. This happens within 1-2 years. The volume of menstruation can fluctuate significantly.

It is difficult to say how many days teenage girls should menstruate until their character is finally established. Their duration can vary significantly, but gradually it returns to normal and is usually 3-5 days. After this, the girl needs to start a special calendar to mark the start and end day of her period.

If any deviations appear (menstruation does not come, ends too quickly, or, conversely, lasts longer than last time), there is no need to panic. There can be many reasons: overwork, dieting, sports overload, teenage mental imbalance, change of environment. Such violations will disappear after their cause is eliminated.

But if the disturbances are persistent, or menstruation is too painful, then you should definitely consult a doctor. Such symptoms indicate the presence of diseases of the reproductive organs and other body systems.

Video: Menstruation in girls and adult women

Menstruation during pregnancy

Once pregnant, most women's periods disappear, but sometimes they come at their usual time, which may cause the woman to not realize that she is pregnant. If menstruation came only during the first 30 days of pregnancy, this is explained by the fact that fertilization occurred at the very end of the menstrual cycle, when the endometrium had already partially exfoliated. Bloody discharge is scanty.

IN in rare cases simultaneous maturation of eggs occurs in both ovaries. One of them is fertilized, and the second is brought out. In this case, slight bleeding occurs, which may look like scanty periods that last for 1-2 days.

If during pregnancy during the first 3-4 months menstruation is scanty and short in duration, this may be the result of an incomplete cessation of hormone production in the ovaries, which is explained by physiological characteristics body. But in any case, you shouldn’t calm down, since most often the appearance bloody discharge during pregnancy, foreshadows a miscarriage or speaks of endocrine disorders in organism.

Warning: If any bleeding occurs, a pregnant woman should immediately consult a doctor. You may need to be hospitalized for several days to maintain the pregnancy.

How long do you miss your period after childbirth?

The timing of the first menstruation after childbirth depends on the nature of its course and general health. If a woman is breastfeeding, she does not have periods during the entire period of lactation. If for some reason the child is transferred to artificial feeding, then a woman’s period begins after about 12 weeks.

In the absence of complications, most often the menstrual cycle becomes more stable. If earlier your periods were too heavy and long, then after childbirth the indicators are close to normal. Menstruation becomes painless and less intense. This is due to a change in the position of the uterus, improving the outflow of blood from it. How long your period lasts depends on the nature of the incident. hormonal changes. They usually last from 3 to 5 days.

How many days does menstruation last during menopause?

Menopause (complete cessation of menstruation) occurs in women at approximately 48-50 years of age. After 40 years, the production of sex hormones in the ovaries begins to gradually decline, and the supply of eggs is depleted. Ovulation does not occur in every cycle. All this is reflected in the nature of menstruation. They come irregularly, the duration changes with each cycle. After heavy bleeding that does not stop for 8 days, there may be a long pause (2 months or more), followed by scanty spotting brown periods that disappear after 2 days. Then they stop altogether.

Addition: If spotting was absent for 1 year and then reappeared, it is no longer menstruation. Bleeding of any duration and intensity during the postmenopausal period is a sign of hormonal imbalance, endocrine diseases or the development of tumors of the uterus or ovaries. It is necessary to urgently contact medical specialists (gynecologist, endocrinologist, oncologist) to identify the pathology.

Menstruation while using oral contraceptives

Birth control pills contain female sex hormones, estrogens and progesterone. Their action is aimed at suppressing ovulation by changing their natural ratio in the body. Within 1-3 months after starting to take the pills, the body adapts to the new hormonal levels. In this case, the nature of menstruation may change compared to usual. How many days menstruation lasts in this case and what its intensity depends on the chosen remedy. They can become abundant and long-lasting, or, on the contrary, they can be scanty and short-lived.

If after 3 months the nature of menstruation does not return to normal, you should consult a gynecologist. You may need to choose a different drug.

Video: Gynecologist about the consequences of using hormonal drugs

The process of the onset of menopause is individual for each woman and depends on the characteristics of her body; for some it goes unnoticed, while others suffer from hot flashes and mood swings. In any case, it is accompanied by a decline in reproductive function and cessation of menstruation. The transition is gradual and usually occurs over 50 years.

Changing the cycle can go both smoothly and with certain inconveniences. Let's figure out what kind of discharge a woman can expect during menopause and menopause, how menopause affects the functioning of the reproductive system, what signs indicate the presence of pathologies and require medical intervention. We will look at how menstruation occurs during menopause in this article.

Declining reproductive function

Bleeding decreases, and when menopause occurs, it completely disappears, but this does not mean that the woman’s reproductive function has completely died out. The endometrium in the uterus continues to function, causing the formation of estrogen. This process can take up to two years.

The body tries to make the rebuilding process as smooth as possible, so when menopause occurs, a woman continues to feel attractive.

Along with a decrease in the amount of hormones, the female genital organs also undergo changes: the uterus decreases in size, the vagina becomes narrower and less moisturized.

During this period, the possibility of conception and successful gestation cannot be ruled out. The growth of the endometrium in the uterine mucosa provokes the work of the ovaries, forming full-fledged eggs. This process is irregular, but indicates the possibility of conception. Let us next consider how menstruation occurs during menopause.

Changes in the nature of menstruation

The menstrual cycle consists of several periods:

  • The period when eggs mature.
  • Ovulation period (eggs are released from the follicle).
  • The period of growth of the internal endometrium of the uterus.
  • The period of aging and death of eggs (in the absence of fertilization).
  • Dying and removal of the endometrium in the form of bleeding (menstruation).

But during menopause, how do your periods go?

During menopause, menstruation can occur as if regular cycle, and in a cycle in which there is no ovulation. This is due to a decrease in the level of estrogen, which is responsible for the maturation of eggs. However, do not forget about protection during menopause. Pregnancy and successful pregnancy are not uncommon for women experiencing menopause.

When menopause occurs, discharge can last from 1-2 days to 7-10 days, depending on the characteristics of your body. The complete cessation of menstruation indicates that the ovaries have completely stopped producing estrogen, the structure and shape of the tissues of the ovaries and uterus has changed.

Types of menstruation

For most women, menstruation does not cause much trouble and is a common monthly occurrence that requires special attention only to personal hygiene. With the onset of menopause, everything changes: cycle size, abundance, regularity.

How do menstruation go during menopause? There are several types of menstruation at the onset of menopause:

  • Gradual cessation. Menstruation comes regularly, but the duration and abundance of “red days” gradually decreases. It can last up to 2-3 years and does not cause anxiety or discomfort in most women.
  • Abrupt cessation. Menstruation stops once and for all. At the same time, the woman suffers from hot flashes, nervousness, mental disorders and other signs of menopause.
  • Discharges that do not have certain cycle. It is difficult to predict the first and last day; discharge can be either weak or heavy. The break can be up to 3-4 months. In this case, during menstruation, the woman feels a general malaise: dizziness, nausea, pressure surges.

These types accompany menopause, with the onset of menopause natural discharge stop completely.

Pathologies of menopause

Can I have periods during menopause? This question interests many.

The initial phase of menopause is characterized by irregular bleeding, but the appearance of heavy periods after long absence discharge may indicate the development of pathologies.

The menopausal period requires special attention. Often it is at this time that a woman’s body begins to develop different kinds benign and malignant tumors. A decrease in hormone levels affects the thinning of the endometrial layer of the uterine mucosa, which leads to a change in structure and provokes the development of pathologies.

Heavy bleeding after the complete cessation of the menstrual cycle is dangerous to health. They may indicate the presence of diseases endocrine system, benign and malignant tumors, diseases of the adrenal glands and pituitary gland.

Hormonal imbalances affect not only the functioning of a woman’s reproductive system. They may cause serious illnesses in all body systems, for example, osteoporosis, breast and heart diseases.

Poor nutrition and bad habits can also cause bleeding.

The appearance of bleeding during the postmenopausal period is in no way related to the processes of the menstrual cycle and requires immediate appeal to the doctor.

Causes of discharge

We discussed earlier how long periods last during menopause.

If bleeding occurs exuberant character and occur more than once a month, you should immediately consult a doctor. The reasons for this phenomenon can be either harmless, indicating a global restructuring of the woman’s body, or have a more serious nature.

The following are not dangerous:

  • taking hormonal medications;
  • erosion of the uterine body;
  • injuries and cracks on the walls of the vagina.

Causes requiring treatment:

  • Hormonal disorders. They lead to changes in the condition of the endometrium, increasing the likelihood of a tumor occurring in the uterine cavity or vagina.
  • Uterine fibroids. Frequent occurrence during menopause. Indicates a malfunction of the endocrine system. Provokes the appearance heavy bleeding and disrupts the menstrual cycle.
  • Polyps on the uterus and vagina. They influence changes in the cycle and contribute to the appearance of heavy periods.
  • Changes in the size of the uterus.
  • Polycystic disease. Formations in the ovaries that affect the frequency and abundance of discharge.
  • Poor blood clotting. Menopause affects the functioning of all body systems. In some cases, there is a decrease in platelets in the blood, which leads to large blood losses during menstruation.

It is also important to take it correctly hormonal contraceptives. If the recommendations for use are not followed, the cycle may change and heavy bleeding may occur. This happens before menopause. How menstruation goes is now clear.

Why is menstruation dangerous during menopause?

When discharge appears, do not panic. Often, menstruation during menopause is physiological in nature and does not pose a threat to health.

If menstruation lasts longer than 7 days or the discharge is heavy, you should consult a doctor to find out the reasons. Uterine bleeding may be caused by:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • taking medications;
  • low progesterone levels;
  • pathology of the reproductive system.

If you have any doubts about the reasons for the onset of your period, consult your doctor. Self-medication will not bring the desired result.

During menopause, menstruation occurs: distinctive features of bleeding

Often, women perceive bleeding that requires immediate medical attention as normal menstruation, thereby missing valuable time and aggravating the possible consequences.

There are a number of signs that distinguish bleeding from menstruation:

  • Volume of discharge. If you have to change hygiene products more than once an hour, you are most likely dealing with bleeding.
  • A large number of clots, as well as the presence of pieces of epithelium in the blood masses, is not the norm for menstruation.
  • The interval between menstruation is less than 21 days.

  • The discharge lasts longer than a week.
  • Bloody discharge after sexual intercourse.
  • Poor health during menstruation: general weakness, dizziness, pallor skin, nausea, vomiting.

The presence of one or more signs indicates a malfunction of the woman’s reproductive system. Consult your doctor immediately for a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Diagnosis of the causes of bleeding

So, after menopause comes menstruation. Timely contact with specialists will allow you to quickly deal with the problem and minimize possible consequences.

To diagnose the causes of bleeding, the doctor carries out the following measures:

  • examination on a chair;
  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • blood test to determine the amount of hormones;
  • tests aimed at identifying tumor markers;
  • endocrine system research;
  • Ultrasound of the genital organs;
  • MRI of the pelvic organs.

How many days menstruation can last during menopause is described above.


If something bothers you or you doubt the reasons for the appearance of menstruation, consult a specialist, go through ultrasound examination and do an endoscopy. Identifying the problem on initial stage will solve it with medication.

It is important to be attentive to your body, then the onset of menopause will pass easily and will not cause inconvenience. We answered the question about how menstruation occurs during menopause.

Menstruation accompanies a woman most life. But there comes a moment that some are waiting for, seeing in it a deliverance from many years of torment, while others, as something unknown, bringing rapid old age and a decrease in the activity of life. We are, of course, talking about menopause. In order not to worry or be afraid of the unknown, it is better to find out in advance all the nuances: at what age do women’s periods end, what precedes this, how the process proceeds, what changes fall within the normal range. After all, as we know, he who is forewarned is forearmed.

Like any physiological processes, the age at which menstruation ceases is always strictly individual. During intrauterine development, a certain number of eggs are laid in the ovaries, which are consumed throughout life. Some of them mature monthly and leave the follicle, others die due to physiological reasons, but their number is constantly decreasing.

Follicles are a kind of egg bank that depletes with age. During the entire reproductive life, approximately 300–500 viable oocytes mature.

It is impossible to predict exactly when menopause will begin. Most women stop having periods between the ages of 45 and 55. Much depends on genetic predisposition, therefore, by asking your mother or grandmother, you can approximately determine the date of the onset of menopause in yourself. However, the age at which menstruation stops is influenced by many reasons, ranging from lifestyle to chronic diseases acquired both during this period and throughout life, so the result will still be conditional. You can only focus on it approximately.

Stages of decline of reproductive function

  • tides;
  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • increased blood pressure.

The causes of all these symptoms are hormonal imbalances, exit from the childbearing period, and a complete restructuring of the woman’s body. Pregnancy at this time is still possible, but every month the probability of its occurrence decreases, since ovulation occurs less and less often.


This stage cannot be called full-fledged, since it is a kind of boundary between premenopause and postmenopause. Doctors determine that menopause has occurred a year after the cessation of menstruation. This period may bring with it problems with cardiovascular system, high risk of developing diabetes mellitus, obesity, osteoporosis.

Since the production of collagen and elastin sharply decreases during menopause, wrinkles and ptosis appear, and the skin becomes dry and thin. The condition of hair and nails changes for the worse. A decrease in metabolic processes causes weight gain, and this does not change a woman’s silhouette better side. All of the above changes lead to psychological problems, which spoil an already difficult period in a woman’s life.


A year after your last period, a stage called postmenopause begins. All unpleasant symptoms symptoms associated with menopause gradually disappear and normalize metabolic processes, improving general state. Main sign postmenopausal – high level follicle-stimulating hormone in the blood and urine, which is determined by tests.

What determines the age of menopause?

The reasons why menopause occurs at one age or another are numerous. The main factor is genetics. If a girl wants to find out approximately at what age her reproductive period may end, she needs to ask this question to her closest female relatives. To approximately determine the age of menopause, the doctor will ask the patient the same question.

Some studies confirm that bad habits(smoking and frequent use alcohol) delay the onset of menopause; it can begin 2–3 years earlier than it was intended by nature. And here excess weight, on the contrary, pushes this date back by about a year.

Gynecological operations, as a rule, disrupt the normal functioning of the reproductive organs. If during surgical intervention one of the ovaries was removed, or only part of it was affected, the “bank” of eggs is reduced, so menopause occurs a little earlier. Large appendages also affect the early onset of menopause.

As already mentioned, the normal age at which menstruation can stop falls within the range of 45–55 years.

If signs appear at the age of 40, then it is customary to talk about early menopause. In rare cases, menopause can occur before age 40, and this shift reproductive age defined as premature ovarian failure. Such deviations from normal operation body, of course, have a bad effect on health in general and on psychological state women.

The early onset of menopause may be associated with autoimmune disorders, when the body produces antibodies to ovarian tissue. These problems are accompanied by problems with the adrenal glands, thyroid gland. Tests for hormone levels will help determine the reasons, others diagnostic studies. In any case, place one like this at a distance serious diagnosis impossible, a visit to the doctor is necessary.

In few women, doctors record the opposite picture - late onset menopause. In rare cases, menstruation may not stop after age 55. There were precedents when pregnancy occurred later, but this is still an exception to the rule. The reasons for such an unexpected gift from nature are not fully understood.

Any treatment should be started only after a visit to the doctor. To alleviate symptoms, your doctor may prescribe replacement therapy. If the patient started taking medications that maintain estrogen levels in time, entering menopause it will go easier. Maintaining normal levels of sex hormones affects not only the menstrual cycle, but also beauty. The condition of the skin, hair, and female silhouette depends on it.

A positive attitude is equally important. Stress, lack of self-confidence, and fear of being in an embarrassing situation during hot flashes do not add to your health. Sometimes such moments can even provoke hot flashes. Massage sessions, yoga and breathing exercises will help you stay in a stable psychological state.

Menstruation may stop for various reasons, but this in no way cancels active life. Moreover, at 45–55 years old modern woman is at the peak of his career. Most often, it is at this age, when the children have grown up, material problems are not so acute, a woman can finally take up travel, her favorite hobby, and devote more time to herself. Moderate physical exercise, daily walks at a distance of at least five thousand steps, compliance certain rules in nutrition will help not only maintain your silhouette, remain attractive and young, but also smooth out the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.


What is normal during menstruation, and why should you go to the doctor: Zozhnik has translated for you a text about facts that are important for at least half of our audience.

1. What are periods

Here's a simple explanation in your hands. The menstrual cycle is a natural mechanism that is configured to provide the body with the opportunity to become pregnant. In the middle of your menstrual cycle, an egg leaves the ovary and enters the fallopian tube, where it can hypothetically meet a brave team of sperm, one of which can fertilize the egg. If the egg is fertilized, it must travel through the fallopian tubes and attach to the surface of the uterus, where the embryo will develop.

At the same time, the body prepares for this possibility and secretes increased amount the hormone progesterone, which thickens and plumps the uterine lining in case a fertilized egg needs to attach to the uterine wall.

In the case when fertilization does not occur, the level of progesterone drops and the body gets rid of the now unnecessary layers of the uterine mucosa - menstruation occurs.

2. If you take hormonal birth control, your periods are fake.

If you are taking birth control hormonal agents, they give a signal to your body to stop producing progesterone. Without this additional progesterone, your body does not create such abundant thickening of the uterine mucosa, accordingly, your periods are easier and not so abundant and ovulation in most cases does not occur at all - the doctor shares information Mary Jane Minkin, professor of gynecology and reproductive sciences at Yale University - Moreover, in this case there may not be periods at all - and this is normal.

Moreover, for girls with very painful periods or PMS, this method of contraception may be a solution.

3. Toxic shock syndrome is VERY rare, so doctors generally allow you to sleep with a tampon inside

However, experts still highly recommend not doing this. Syndrome toxic shock very rare, but nevertheless very dangerous. It is associated with potential bacterial infection and its occurrence is associated with the use of super-absorbent tampons of previous generations.

At the time of the maximum prevalence of this syndrome in the 1980s, there were 6-12 cases per 100,000 women of reproductive age. By 1986, this rate had dropped to 1 per 100,000 women. In addition, tampons have improved markedly over the past 30 years.

However, the syndrome can hypothetically occur, so if you have heat, nausea and peeling skin - see your doctor - Dr. Minkin advises, however, she adds - leaving a tampon in overnight is safe, just try to use less absorbent tampons.

4. Dark or brown blood during your period doesn't mean you're dying.

You shouldn't be scared. Rather, you should be afraid of the light scarlet color of the blood, which may indicate bleeding, while dark or brown blood indicates that she could simply linger a little in the vagina, the doctor comments Lauren Streicher, professor of gynecology at Northwestern University Medical School, USA.

5. If your period suddenly doesn't come at all, it doesn't always mean you're pregnant.

Although most often, this is of course a sign of pregnancy, nevertheless, periods can disappear for several reasons: for example, a sudden change in weight, too low a percentage of body fat, extreme diets (we remind you, women:) or a number of various diseases, so if you are worried, go to the doctor.

6. If you want to ease period pain, take painkillers BEFORE your period pain comes.

“Period pain is caused by prostaglandin substances that are released during menstruation, but taking medications such as ibuprofen can block the release of most prostaglandins. The mistake people make is that they think that they should accept as much as possible. less medications and endure pain, there is no need to be a hero. If the pain is severe, start taking the pills the day before your period is expected,” Dr. Lauren Streicher.

7. PMS is not a joke, it's serious.

If you are not in the mood during your period, you have acne, migraines, diarrhea, chronic fatigue, anxiety, can all be causes of hormonal changes during your period, says Dr. Minkin. Of course, if this happens at other times in the cycle, you can go to the doctor.

8. Menstruation doesn't mean you've ovulated.

In other words, having a period does not guarantee that a girl is fertile or that she ovulated that month. Therefore, if you have difficulties getting pregnant, it is better to consult a doctor and check whether ovulation is occurring.

9. What does regular and irregular cycle mean?

It is believed that average duration The menstrual cycle is 28 days, while from 23 to 30 days is also the norm, if the duration of the cycle does not change. But if the length of the cycle varies from month to month - sometimes 25, sometimes 30 days - such a cycle is considered irregular, despite the fact that each individually fits into the norm. It could also be a sign that ovulation isn't happening, says Dr. Lauren Streicher.

If your periods are irregular all the time, this can lead to problems with conception in the future and a reason to go to the doctor.

10. Bleeding between periods is not a problem.

Some women experience light bleeding mid-cycle, during ovulation, and this can also happen, for example, when starting or changing hormones. contraception. If this happens rarely, there is no reason to worry, but if there are always blood stains, go to the doctor.

11. Menopause can occur early, for example, in the late thirties

Average age-related changes with menstruation and the onset of menopause comes at age 51, but “pre-menopausal” changes in menstruation can happen much earlier: you can notice them even before the start of your thirties.

12. You may have bloody discharge even if you are pregnant.

“This is not menstruation, but blood discharge, which is noted by a third of women in the first months of pregnancy,” Dr. Minkin shares information. In some cases, the discharge is particularly heavy and can cause confusion for people.

But be careful: in this case, it is easy to “overlook” the threat of pregnancy, which often manifests itself precisely in the fact that it suddenly begins to “bleed” in the early stages - this is very serious and can lead to irreparable consequences. The best solution is to consult a doctor immediately.

13. Your genitals may be especially sensitive during your period.

Scientific research shows that pain receptors change slightly during your period, so it's normal to feel more sensitive there. If this happens to you, doctors do not recommend signing up for epilation of the bikini area before your period.

14. Clots in menstrual flow are normal.

“It just means that you have heavy discharge during menstruation, but this is not a sign of any problems,” reassures Dr. Lauren Streicher.

15. But if you have to change your tampon and pad more than once every 2 hours, this could be a problem.

However, if the bleeding is super heavy, this is a cause for concern. The reasons for it may be hormonal disbalance, infection or polyps, says Dr. Minkin. Therefore, if you constantly and very profusely leak, go to your gynecologist.

First of all, I want women to confirm to themselves that menstruation during pregnancy, In the literal sense of the word, not possible by definition. Yes, there are situations when bleeding during pregnancy occurs around the time when a woman should have started her period, however, firstly, most often their nature is very different from normal menstruation, which suggests something is wrong, and secondly, in any case, this is a deviation from the norm, which means it requires consultation with a doctor.

The situation is complicated by the fact that menstruation during pregnancy is early stages misinform a woman, which is why she may not even suspect she is pregnant. Especially if you have periods during pregnancy and negative test are combined with each other. That is why from time to time situations arise when women do not know about their interesting position. But it is not uncommon for situations when early diagnosis pregnancy is a decisive factor in its preservation.

To understand why menstruation in the usual interpretation and pregnancy are not compatible, it is enough to recall the basic knowledge of anatomy that we were all given at school, but most women have already forgotten it, as it seems to them, as unnecessary.

The uterus consists of three layers: an outer mucous layer, a middle layer consisting of smooth muscle, and an inner mucous layer. Each of these layers performs its own function. For example, the myometrium, a muscle layer, protects the fetus from external influence, and also actively participates in the birth process, pushing the baby out with its contractions.

The most mobile and changeable layer of the uterus is called the endometrium. It increases during the first half of the cycle. The purpose of thickening the endometrium is to maintain pregnancy until the formation of the placenta, if one occurs. Implantation occurs in the mucous membrane ovum.

Menstruation is the complete rejection of the endometrium if pregnancy does not occur. Mucus along with blood from damaged blood vessels leaves the body, and the process repeats from the very beginning. The simplest logical calculations will lead us to the natural conclusion that complete rejection of the endometrium during pregnancy will lead to miscarriage, since it will also capture the newly implanted fertilized egg.

So it turns out that the questions “Do you have periods during pregnancy?” and “How are periods during pregnancy?” They simply have no meaning, since menstruation is impossible during pregnancy. It is much more logical to talk about bleeding during pregnancy, and this is in most cases an alarming signal.

Are periods always dangerous during pregnancy?

In most cases, but fortunately not always. Yes, periods during early pregnancy are always a deviation from the norm, but they do not always threaten the health of the mother and child; in some cases, the situation is absolutely safe. The simplest and safest reason for bleeding for a period of several weeks is the period implantation of fertilized egg. This process may be accompanied by damage to blood vessels, and hence spotting from the vagina. However, implantation can take place without any symptoms such as bleeding.

Scanty periods during pregnancy can also occur in a number of other cases that do not harm the body. For example, if a fertilized egg didn't have time to implant into the mucous layer before the onset of menstruation. This process takes 7 to 15 days, so delays are possible, although extremely rare. Hormonal changes at this stage there is no, and therefore there is no cancellation of menstrual bleeding. And the delay occurs only for the next cycle. A month later than it should be. In rare cases, two eggs mature in different ovaries at the same time or almost simultaneously. If one of them is fertilized, and the second is rejected, then menstruation occurs during pregnancy.

Another reason why menstruation is possible during pregnancy: various hormonal imbalances. For example, lack of progesterone or excess androgens, male hormones. Both of them, up to a certain point, do not threaten pregnancy if they do not cross specific boundaries. In more difficult cases and the consequences may be more serious. Fortunately, both are easily corrected by taking hormonal medications, but require timely consultation with a doctor. It is dangerous to “prescribe” these drugs to yourself.

Pathologies that cause menstruation during pregnancy

Depending on what kind of menstruation occurs during pregnancy, a variety of diagnoses can be made, and they are not always insignificant. In the early stages, bleeding most often indicates detachment of the fertilized egg, and, as a consequence, threatened miscarriage.

If the detachment is small, then the body will most likely cope with the situation on its own by increasing the production of progesterone to maintain pregnancy. In this case, the discharge will be scanty, most likely spotting. There may be no other symptoms. In more complex and dangerous cases Painful, heavy periods may occur during pregnancy. Such symptoms should be a reason for immediate visiting a doctor, as well as compliance bed rest and complete peace. Compliance or non-compliance with the last rule can be decisive in the matter of saving the pregnancy, so it should not be neglected.

Unfortunately, many women treat this recommendation condescendingly, considering light fussing around the house an analogue of bed rest: and really, how can you lie in bed if your husband comes home from work hungry in the evening? In fact, even a light jog with a broom can become a critical load in the event of a threatened miscarriage. That is why they try to hospitalize patients with this diagnosis, which ensures that women comply with bed rest.

Detachment of the ovum can be caused by the most different reasons. For example, neoplasms on the myometrium, the muscular layer of the uterus, or a focus of endometriosis, if attachment occurs precisely in the affected area. This causes a lack of oxygen in the fetus and death.

Genetic disorders or significant pathological changes fetus as a result of in utero past diseases, most often infectious, can also cause miscarriage. In this case, it will most likely not be possible to save the pregnancy; all that remains is to examine the rejected fetus and try to avoid similar situations in the future.

Another very deplorable diagnosis, due to which some women have periods during pregnancy, is ectopic pregnancy. In this case, implantation of the fertilized egg occurs not in the uterus, but in fallopian tube. As the embryo grows, it begins to run out of space, and as a result, a pipe rupture is possible, which threatens the woman’s life, as it occurs internal bleeding. Even if death can be avoided, which is very likely, reproductive functions women will be truncated as torn fallopian tube it will no longer be possible to restore.

If a woman and her gynecologist suspect an ectopic pregnancy, the patient is immediately sent to ultrasonography, to clarify the diagnosis, and if it is confirmed, then urgent surgery. Previously, we were talking about abdominal surgery, but now ectopic pregnancy is removed by laparoscopy. This procedure involves three small punctures, through one of which in abdominal cavity a video camera is inserted, through the rest - manipulators, with their help the fertilized egg is removed.

Laparoscopy is a much more gentle procedure than abdominal surgery. Rehabilitation period after this procedure it is approximately 2 times less. Already on the second day, the woman will be able to stand up independently. The time of forced abstinence from food is also reduced. And purely aesthetically, three small, almost imperceptible scars from laparoscopy are much better than an incision across the entire abdomen.

What are the dangers of menstruation during pregnancy?

It’s not difficult to guess that menstruation itself during pregnancy (with positive test) do not pose a danger, except in cases where we're talking about oh really heavy bleeding threatening serious blood loss. In most cases, the causes of menstruation during pregnancy are dangerous.

As in most other cases, a woman will not be able to make a diagnosis on her own, without consulting a gynecologist. Although he tries very often: he consults with friends, looks through thematic forums, and wastes time. Unfortunately, in some cases this ends disastrously for the woman’s pregnancy and health.

That is why both pregnant women and women who have not yet encountered pregnancy need to be attentive to their body. Any changes in the menstrual cycle, the nature of menstruation, consistency, abundance, and so on, may be a cause for concern. It makes sense to urgently seek consultation to clarify the diagnosis.

I would like to repeat once again: it doesn’t matter why you have periods during pregnancy, in any case it is necessary to get examined by a doctor as early as possible. The sooner a diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the greater the chance of maintaining the pregnancy.

And, even if the doctor does not find any cause for concern, he will at least reassure the pregnant woman. She will know for sure that nothing bad is happening to her, and all changes are absolutely safe. But unnecessary worries and stress to the expectant mother not needed at all.

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