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Hong Kong flu symptoms prevention treatment. What is Hong Kong flu - its symptoms and treatment

During the winter months, residents of our country often face an epidemic of influenza and ARVI. Winter 2016/2017 will be no exception. This time, a virus with the h3n2 strain is expected to spread across Russia.

The disease caused by this pathogen is called Hong Kong flu. In 1969, a killer virus raged through Hong Kong, claiming lives. Today the disease will not become a pandemic. This is because in our time medicine has means that can prevent the rapid spread of infection.

To protect yourself from the disease, you need to know its characteristics, symptoms and follow preventive measures.

Why does the disease attack in winter?

Hong Kong flu, like most infectious diseases, spreads in winter. There is no consensus explaining this pattern, but there are several theories on this matter.

  • According to the first version, the winter epidemic is caused by people spending time indoors. By breathing the same air that spreads bacteria, people are at high risk of infection. To prevent this, you need to prevent the disease.
  • Scientists who have a different theory argue that susceptibility to disease in winter occurs due to a weakened immune system. Frosts, winds, lack of melanin and vitamin D make the immune system weak, which means the chance of contracting the flu increases.
  • There are also those who believe that cold winter air is the root cause of the spread of infection.
  • Science knows the theory that a flu epidemic in the winter months occurs due to the fact that air circulation in the upper layers of the atmosphere is disrupted.

Is vaccination necessary?

When a person who does not have special antibodies in his blood encounters a virus, the disease begins. Antibodies are present in the blood of only two categories of people: vaccinated or recovered. Remember that the vaccine will not protect against all viruses, but it will help prevent the flu.

Get vaccinated if the opportunity arises. However, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​waiting for a vaccine in a queue of sick people, since the source of the virus is only another person, and no other option is possible.

If vaccination is not possible, you can protect yourself and your children with simple preventive methods. It is enough to know what they are.


When the season of increased incidence begins, you need to protect yourself by refusing to stay in crowded places. In cases where this is not possible, for example, you have to get home by metro, you can protect yourself from the virus by wearing a medical mask. Mobile phone and other gadgets should be wiped down periodically disinfectants. After visiting crowded places, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap. It would be useful to use disinfectant gels and hand wipes.

Warm, dry air is an ideal environment for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microbes. If possible, it is better to spend your free time outside. In cool, humid air, the rate of destruction of bacteria is very high, so infection during a walk is practically impossible.

It is ideal if the temperature in the living room does not rise above 23 degrees Celsius. To do this, your apartment or office needs to be ventilated as often as possible. It is better not to turn on the heater, but if you feel cold, dress in warmer clothes. Air humidity plays an important role in preventing the spread of the virus. It’s good if its level is not lower than 40%. A special humidifier will help increase humidity. In addition, you need to wash the floor more often than usual.

During the period of spread of the virus (winter 2016-2017), you need to enrich your daily diet with products containing the maximum nutrients and microelements. The menu should include as many fruits, vegetables and herbs as possible, as well as foods containing Ca. You can also increase the body's resistance to infection with the help of pharmacy multivitamin complexes.

One of the most effective preventive measures is the hydration of the mucous membrane respiratory tract. Pharmacies sell special sprays containing sea ​​salt, for example, "Aqua Maris". This type of product is easy to prepare with your own hands. To do this, dilute 1 tsp in a liter of distilled water. table salt. Pour the solution into an empty drop bottle with a spray nozzle. Moisten the mucous membrane as often as possible by spraying the nasal cavity with the solution. This should be done especially often when you are in a crowded room, for example, in a clinic.


Some people who had the Hong Kong flu in 1968 got serious consequences. Among them are:

  • inflammatory process in the heart muscle;
  • pneumonia;
  • inflammation of the membranes of the brain;
  • states of shock;
  • inflammation of the brain caused by infectious pathogens.

In some cases, bronchitis or tracheitis may develop. Inflammatory processes occur in the ear and sinuses. Among the consequences there are malfunctions of the liver, kidneys, endocrine system and pancreas.

People suffering from any chronic disease internal organs, should be aware that the virus often provokes an exacerbation of other diseases. In the presence of lung diseases, as well as vascular and heart pathologies, the risk severe complications increases significantly.

Children with diseases of the nervous system, as well as babies born with heart defects, are at greater risk than other people.


If you are not vaccinated against a strain of the virus, there is a considerable chance of getting sick. Symptoms of the Hong Kong flu are felt within a couple of days after infection occurs. Characterized by the following features:

  • general intoxication of the body. Manifests itself in the form of weakness, malaise, nausea and headache;
  • increased body temperature, which often cannot be brought down quickly;
  • a painful sensation of cold, usually occurring when a person has a fever;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa and difficulty breathing;
  • severe sore throat and dry cough.

In some people, the flu also manifests itself with digestive disorders, for example, diarrhea, vomiting, pain in the stomach and intestines.

The symptoms accompanying the disease usually subside after 3-4 days. By this time serious condition begins to give way to normal: body temperature drops, sore throat and runny nose subside. The consequences of the gastrointestinal tract disorder disappear.

If treatment does not bring the desired results, the patient still feels lethargic, and the symptoms of the disease persist, it is necessary to consult a doctor. A weakened body cannot always protect itself from the progression of the disease, so in some cases hospitalization is necessary. This measure will help avoid complications caused by the flu.


Hong Kong flu is a disease that cannot be treated only with drugs traditional medicine. Having seen the first symptoms of an incipient disease, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Treatment should be comprehensive and include:

  • Bed rest. A sick person should spend time lying in bed. You should not send your child to school or kindergarten. This will negatively affect the course of the disease, as a result of which the child’s well-being will noticeably worsen. Complications from internal organs and the brain may occur.
  • Fight against increased body temperature. The body's resistance (especially in children) to infection can lead to high fever (about 39 °C). In such cases, it is appropriate to use a medication that has an antipyretic effect. Many drugs today cope with this task, for example, Ibuprofen.
  • Diet. A sick person is unlikely to have a great appetite. During illness you can not use a large number of food, however drink plenty of fluids you can't refuse. The daily menu should include fresh juices, fruit and berry compotes and tea. You can start taking a fortified infusion of rose hips.
  • Drug treatment. Hong Kong flu - serious illness. Antibiotic therapy is usually prescribed to treat it. Antiviral medications will be useful in the fight against infection. Among effective drugs highlight "Rimantadine", "Tsitovir-3" and "Arbidol". Coughs and sore throats can be treated with sprays and tablets. Medicines with an antihistamine effect will help relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa and make breathing easier. During illness, taking vitamin C is beneficial ( ascorbic acid). It is possible to use sorbents, for example, Polysorb, which reduces intoxication of the body.

You cannot self-medicate or select medications without consulting a medical specialist. The unfavorable course of the disease can result not only in complications, but also in hospital treatment. In particular advanced cases the virus can be fatal.


Hong Kong flu has symptoms similar to many respiratory diseases. It is more dangerous than the regular flu, so do not delay contacting your doctor if you feel unwell.

Home treatment with onions, garlic and medicines against viruses will not help desired effect. If the disease affects a child, you need to seek help as soon as possible. qualified help.

Stories from our readers

The child has heat, runny nose, sore throat. Is it a cold or flu? We will try to describe the most common symptoms of the Hong Kong flu, as well as tell parents about the most necessary measures on treating a child: how to bring down the temperature, when to give cough suppressants, how to quickly cure the flu and what to do to avoid complications from it.

Source: depositphotos.com

In 2016-2017, according to virologists, the Hong Kong flu - A (H3N2) - prevails in Russia. This strain differs from last year's - pork A(H1N1) - in its more rapid spread. It is new for children. The peak incidence will be in January-February 2017.

Features: “new old flu” is more dangerous for children

Hong Kong flu is one of the most dangerous viruses influenza type A. These viruses have special proteins that are not found in type B viruses.

Initially, this strain of the virus was only dangerous for birds. In 1968, it mutated and began to infect people. Its outbreak was first identified in Hong Kong in the same year. That's why it was called the Hong Kong flu. The virus has killed half a million people around the globe.

In 2014, the strain mutated again. It swept across the southern hemisphere without ever reaching Russia. Therefore, in general, Russians do not have immunity to this strain of the influenza virus.

In 2016-2017 virologists have identified it as predominant throughout the globe. 75% of people with influenza are diagnosed with this particular strain.

The older generation has already encountered the Hong Kong flu, which does not make it any less dangerous, given the mutations. For children, the strain is new, so they are the first to be attacked by the Hong Kong flu.

Any flu enters the body through the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. There the virus settles, penetrates the cells, begins to multiply, then the affected cells “burst”, the multiplied virus attaches to other healthy cells, penetrating inside... The infection spreads deeper and deeper: into the lungs, bronchi.

Why do children get sick more often and suffer more severely from the flu than adults?

Unlike adults, children have morphofunctional immaturity of the respiratory tract, immaturity of its regulatory activity, imperfect microbiocenosis of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. This explains the danger of any type of virus, which can easily cause complications in the form of pneumonia - extremely dangerous disease. Secondly, in terms of qualitative and quantitative characteristics, a child’s immunity is very different from the immunity of an adult. For example, children do not produce enough of the agent local immunity immunoglobulin A – sIgA. Thirdly, children have better developed humoral immunity, but the cellular one is not (the same one that provides protection against viruses, including the Hong Kong flu). Only by the age of 7 these two types immune defense are leveled out.

Due to such features children's immunity children are more susceptible to infection with acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza viruses. What does even light forms have to do with it? viral infection may cause bacterial complications. Children get sick from 4 to 12 times a year.

Almost all strains of the virus manifest themselves in the same way: headache, temperature, fever, sweating, chills. But type A viruses are more pathogenic, that is, they can cause more serious manifestations: speed of development, duration of the disease, and the ability to cause complications.

Remember, without clinical trials It is difficult to determine the type of ARVI: influenza or something else. Therefore, doctors often simply diagnose acute respiratory infections without further specification. With the main differences between influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections. This will help establish a more accurate diagnosis.

Basic rules for treating Hong Kong flu in children

Treatment of Hong Kong flu in children is, in principle, little different from the treatment regimen for any other type of flu. Here are a few basic recommendations:

1. How to properly lower your fever during the flu.

The temperature should be brought down if it has exceeded the threshold of 38.5C and has lasted for more than 2 hours. For this, antipyretics are used, for example, paracetamol-based drugs (effective for 2-3 hours). To avoid overdose, antipyretics can be given no more than 2-3 times a day and no more than 1 time every 4 hours.

For older children, ibuprofen-based medications may be prescribed. They act for up to 6 hours, but are dangerous due to their side effects: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, abnormal bowel movements, bleeding.

It is strictly forbidden to give children analgin, which can cause damage. hematopoietic system. It is not recommended to use aspirin for treatment. Prohibited for children: amidopyrine, antipyrine and phenacetin, which affect circulatory system, cause allergic reactions and seizures.

It is important to remember that by lowering the temperature we do not affect the very cause of the disease. But it is at temperatures above 38C that agents that fight the virus itself begin to be produced. Therefore, it is not recommended to lower the temperature immediately.

The best way out is to help the body fight the virus. For this purpose it is used. CYTOVIR-3 suppresses the activity of viruses even with normal temperature bodies. And this is very important especially when You still brought down the child’s temperature.

A huge advantage of the powder form of CYTOVIR-3 is that it is easily compatible with other medicines, including antipyretics. If some medications cause allergic reactions, then CYTOVIR-3 powder is distinguished by its hypoallergenicity. It can be taken by children suffering allergic reactions.

2. What antitussive, expectorant, and sputum-thinning medications can be given to a child?

It is important to remember that if the cough is wet, then there is no need to give antitussives. Cough is defensive reaction the body, a way to get rid of microbes and the products of their activity.

To reduce a dry, debilitating cough, glaucine, libexin, butamirate, etc. are used. When the cough becomes wet, then you need to stop giving antitussives. This is done because it is very important to get rid of phlegm, because with phlegm the body gets rid of the products of the fight against the Hong Kong flu.

Expectorants can be given if the cough is chronic. The danger of expectorants is that they stimulate the vomiting and cough centers in the medulla oblongata. The child may simply choke on vomit.

Sputum thinners, for example, bromhexine, ambroxol, acetylcysteine, are used in the presence of thick, viscous, difficult to separate sputum. They can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Research shows that the use of CYTOVIR-3 helps mitigate symptomatic manifestations flu, including cough.

3. How to overcome a runny nose?

Popular vasoconstrictor drugs, for example, Nazivin, Naphthyzin, Otrivin, Galazolin, have a short-term effect. They can be given to help the child fall asleep, but no more. These medications do not destroy the cause of the disease. And if you abuse them, you can only harm the child: the runny nose will get worse and be complicated by bleeding. Therefore, these funds should not be abused.

Remember children's body another: it quickly absorbs all medications. And vasoconstrictors affect cardiac activity, cause headaches and increase blood pressure.

The best means for restoring the nasal mucosa are rinses, which are prescribed by a doctor. In most cases in vasoconstrictor drugs no need if you use the powder form at the first signs of the disease CITOVIR-3. As studies have shown, CYTOVIR-3 in powder form allows the body to quickly and independently cope with the virus and its consequences.

4. When are antibiotics needed?

Antibiotics are controversial drugs; they cause severe consequences And side effects. Many of them are simply prohibited for children. All antibiotics affect the immune system; they destroy bacteria: both “bad” and “good”. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe antibiotics. Antibiotics are usually prescribed for bacterial infections, such as pneumonia, asthma, and otitis media. More often this happens when, when the immune system is weakened by the virus, bacteria (in addition to viruses) are also activated. The disease itself becomes aggravated and prolongs.

To prevent bacteria from becoming active during the flu, you need to prevent your immune system from relaxing. This is especially important at the stage of exhaustion. Only this will help. It not only reduces the likelihood of joining bacterial infection, but also suppresses their activity. This is due to the fact that the components of the powder form of the drug CYTOVIR-3 (bendazole, Thymogen and Vitamin C) affect not only the cellular mechanism of immunity, but also the humoral one, which protects against bacteria. Long-term practice of using Cytovir-3 shows a significant (5-6 times) reduction in the incidence of bacterial complications of influenza. That is, Tsitovir-3 eliminates the need for antibiotics.

Prevention of influenza and ARVI in children with CYTOVIR-3

Due to the fact that the powder form of CITOVIR-3 does not contain sugar, artificial additives, dyes, thickeners, or components that increase the shelf life of the drug, it is the safest of its kind. medicines. This is very important for children over 1 year old, as well as for children with allergic reactions. , which allows parents to give Cytovir-3 powder to their child not only for the treatment of influenza and ARVI, but also as a preventive measure.

This winter, doctors expect the onset of a new strain of influenza. New, but not quite: it is very similar to the one that caused the pandemic in 1968 and was called Hong Kong. However, whether it is new or old is not so important, the main thing is that no one wants to get sick. So it’s time to remember the main rules of prevention.

What is Hong Kong flu

The full name of the new strain is: A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 (H3N2). The first letter “A” means that it belongs to influenza viruses of type A. There are three of them: A, B and C, the first is the most dangerous. This type included both the swine flu of 2009-2010 and the devastating “Spanish flu” of 1918-1919, which claimed at least 20 million lives.

The reason for the danger of this type of influenza virus lies in the fact that it can infect not only humans (like influenza viruses types B and C), but also animals: birds, pigs, horses and some others. Each species suffers from its own variants of the virus, but different strains can interbreed and give rise to new ones. For example, pigs can become infected with human influenza viruses and avian influenza viruses. If they enter the animal’s body at the same time, a hybrid virus may form. Such a virus is extremely dangerous for humans, because the “human” proteins in its composition allow it to multiply in human cells, and the “avian” genes make it almost invulnerable to human antibodies. Our the immune system simply not adapted to combat animal influenza viruses.

Such crossbreeding gave rise to the 1968 Hong Kong flu: it contained six human influenza genes and two avian influenza genes. The crossing occurred in a pig, so the Hong Kong flu strain can also be called swine flu. Then the Hong Kong flu epidemic spread to five continents, and in the United States alone, about 34 thousand people became victims. The total losses amount to 500-700 thousand people.

However, almost half a century has passed since then, the sanitary and epidemiological situation has improved and the capabilities of medicine have increased (including in Asia, where epidemics often begin). This, unfortunately, does not mean that the news about the Hong Kong flu in Russia in 2016-2017. should be ignored - there is no such thing as too much caution. But with proper preventative measures, the risk of infection can be significantly reduced.

Symptoms of the 2016-2017 Hong Kong flu are typical for any flu in general: first of all, high body temperature (38-40 degrees) and chills, weakness, nasal congestion, runny nose and sore throat, cough, pain in the lower back and joints, headache. In some cases, these symptoms may be accompanied by nausea and stomach pain. If you find any of the listed signs of the flu in yourself or your loved ones, consult a doctor as soon as possible; do not carry the disease on your feet. Whatever strain – Hong Kong or “regular” – is causing your illness, it should not be ignored.

After all, like other types of influenza virus, the Hong Kong strain is scary not so much in itself as because of its complications. The H3N2 virus can cause pneumonia, meningitis, bronchitis, sinus inflammation, and otitis media. In people with chronic diseases internal organs, influenza can complicate the course of these diseases.

Treatment of Hong Kong flu

The methods of treating the H3N2 virus are also no fundamentally different from the methods of treating other types of influenza. The patient must comply bed rest, drink a lot of water, take antiviral drugs and manage symptoms at the same time. For a list of specific medications, you should consult your doctor and strictly follow his instructions.

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances or take aspirin or random antibiotics not prescribed by a doctor for the flu. They are generally useless against viruses and are prescribed only when complications of a bacterial nature occur.

The right way to prevent influenza is to start with vaccination. But we must remember that the immune system needs time to develop antibodies to the virus. Therefore, it is advisable to get vaccinated 14-30 days before the onset of the epidemic.

The peak incidence of influenza in Russia is expected at the end of January – beginning of February.

Influenza is transmitted by airborne droplets and contact from person to person. If possible, in the midst of an epidemic you should avoid crowded places. It is extremely important to keep your hands clean and not touch your face or eyes with dirty hands. It is advisable to regularly wipe your mobile phone with disinfectants.

The house must be kept clean: regularly wipe all surfaces that can be wiped. Well, if there is one, it will reduce the concentration of viruses in the room.

Another important point in flu prevention is a healthy microclimate. The premises must be well ventilated: in stuffy, hot, stagnant air, viruses spread quickly. It is important, however, to prevent drafts during ventilation - for example, ventilation, which heats the incoming air.

The concept of a healthy microclimate also includes sufficiently humidified air - its humidity should be 40-60%, and in many apartments during the heating season it is 4-6 times lower. To adjust the humidity, you can install a humidifier.

The H3N2 influenza virus is no different from the “regular” influenza virus in its symptoms, prevention measures and treatment methods. It is somewhat more dangerous due to the fact that our immune system is not ready for this strain. However, if you take care of yourself, be careful and - most importantly - do not brush off the symptoms of the disease, then the Hong Kong “mutant” will turn out to be no worse than the usual flu.
Be healthy!

Dangers of Hong Kong flu 2016-2017. How to treat and how to prevent infection?

Every year, winter in our country brings not only snow and new year holidays, but also epidemics of influenza and ARVI. This season, the population of Russia and Ukraine is being attacked by a new strain of the virus, called medical practice Hong Kong flu h3n2 (Asian flu). It is scary because it can cause not only an epidemic, but also an entire pandemic, covering several countries at once. This disease got its name because back in 1968, the Hong Kong flu epidemic developed into a pandemic and raged in Hong Kong, as well as in nearby countries, then it killed a large number of people.

Note! The word “pandemic,” meaning the rapid spread of a disease among the population, is translated from Greek into Russian as “the whole people.” Compared to an epidemic, a pandemic has a larger spread and covers not just any individual region, but entire states and often even neighboring countries.

This disease itself, including the Hong Kong flu, does not pose a serious danger to humans, but only when it is noticed in time and timely measures are taken to treat it. Correct therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor, self-medication in this case can cause irreparable harm, because if it’s missing adequate treatment, life-threatening complications may develop.

At-risk groups

During the 1968 pandemic, it was noted that this flu was worst suffered by people in the elderly and childhood. It was among them that the largest number deaths. The complex course of the disease in these population groups is due to the fact that their immune system is the most weakened, in the elderly due to age, and in children it is not yet fully formed. Influenza contributed to their development serious complications on cardiovascular system, lungs, organs of the endocrine and nervous systems. In addition to the elderly and young children, the Hong Kong flu 2016 represents greatest danger people with chronic cardiac, vascular, endocrine, pulmonary pathologies, since it can cause complications and aggravate the course of existing ailments. For pregnant women, the Hong Kong flu strain h3n2 is doubly dangerous: firstly, during pregnancy the woman’s immunity is weakened due to hormonal changes and changes, so the pathology will be severe; secondly, on early stage During fetal development, influenza can lead to various developmental defects.

So, we can identify risk groups for which the 2017 flu is most dangerous:

  • children under two years of age;
  • elderly people over 60 years of age;
  • people with chronic pathologies;
  • women bearing a child.

Why is Hong Kong flu dangerous?

This type of flu is different in that its strain mutates every twenty years. The main difference between the 2016 Hong Kong flu and the swine flu is that usually when infected with the virus swine flu the disease immediately makes itself felt and proceeds intensely, and the h3n2 influenza virus, getting into human body, usually does not show symptoms immediately, symptoms develop smoothly and the disease occurs over a longer period. Because of this, many people do not take action on time, which is fraught with the development dangerous complications Hong Kong flu associated with the cardiovascular, endocrine, respiratory and nervous systems.

If a person suffers a disease on his feet and does not take measures to eliminate the pathology, or is treated incorrectly, then consequences arise that represent serious danger in the form of the following complications:

  • development of myocarditis – inflammation of the muscular lining of the heart (myocardium);
  • severe pneumonia;
  • manifestation of a strong state of shock;
  • development of encephalitis and meningitis;
  • tracheitis, bronchitis, inflammatory process ear and nasal sinuses, disturbances in the functioning of the liver, pancreas, kidneys, and organs of the endocrine system.

Important! Particular care must be taken when treating Hong Kong flu, using only prescribed doctor medicine, people with chronic forms diseases (diabetes, asthma, heart, nervous system), which can go into more severe degree due to the presence of influenza virus in the body.

Symptoms of the disease

The first signs of the Hong Kong flu are similar to the symptoms of the ordinary flu. They manifest themselves as headaches and general weakness, drowsiness, lethargy, increased fatigue that occur a few days after the virus enters the body. There may also be noticeable malaise, nausea and a sharp increase in body temperature, which is difficult to lower, associated with general intoxication of the body. Additionally, there are chills and aches in the body, especially in the extremities, a burning sensation and pain in the eyes, a dry cough, nasal and throat congestion, and there may be disorders of the digestive system.

As soon as the first symptoms of the Hong Kong flu appear, you need to call a doctor and wait for him, observing bed rest and putting everything aside. In the future, you must take medications prescribed by your doctor for 3-4 days. If after this time there is no improvement, then you need to contact your doctor again so that he can prescribe more aggressive drugs to get rid of this condition.

How to treat Hong Kong flu

In most cases, Hong Kong flu is treated at home. But if the doctor sees that the course of the disease is complex and the patient is at risk, then he may be admitted to a hospital. It is important to maintain bed rest, consume plenty of water, warm drinks in the form of herbal decoctions and teas, and eat only light meals and foods. Medications include antiviral drugs, as well as medications to relieve specific symptoms.

Application of funds antiviral action should not be used in all cases of Hong Kong flu. If the disease has no complications and the patient’s condition allows us to hope that his immune system is able to cope with the infection on its own, then additional help as antiviral drugs need not. If the disease is complicated, then it is necessary to take drugs that can suppress type A influenza viruses. Such drugs, for example, include Rimantadine, Ozeltavir, Viferon, Cycloferon, Mefenamic acid and the like.

An integrated approach to the treatment of Hong Kong influenza 2016-2017 involves symptomatic treatment. This includes:

  • Antipyretic drugs - to lower the temperature, you can use drugs containing paracetamol and ibuprofen, it should be taken into account that the fever will not subside quickly, but it is not recommended to exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions. When treating a child, medications that reduce fever are required; they can be in the form of suppositories, syrups and suspensions.

Note! During the Hong Kong flu, adults and children are strictly prohibited from using acetylsalicylic acid!

  • Medicines for sore throat - there is a long list of medications here, gargling will do various solutions, sprays, sucking tablets, syrups.
  • Cough medications – prescribed depending on the nature of the cough;
  • Sorbents are indispensable for influenza, as they help cleanse the body of intoxication products; it is best to start using them at initial stages diseases.
  • Antihistamines are prescribed to relieve swelling, while breathing becomes easier as the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are released.
  • Vitamin preparations - to support the body and immunity, it is important to take vitamins, especially vitamin C, which gives strength and helps to defeat viruses faster.

Vaccination against Hong Kong flu

One of effective means vaccine used to protect against Hong Kong flu. In order to avoid infection and protect your loved ones, you need to get vaccinated against the Hong Kong flu, which is available at any clinic. For the adult population, the Grippol and Sovigripin vaccines are used, for children - Ultrix and Grippol. The vaccine should be given at least two weeks before the expected start of the epidemic, since this is exactly the time it takes to develop immunity. Special attention required by young patients who have not yet had a flu shot. They require two doses of the vaccine a month apart. Parents definitely need to take this into account in order to catch it before mass infection begins.

Regardless of age, all patients must be examined and examined by a doctor before vaccination. Only after this can the therapist give permission for vaccination. If the vaccine is contraindicated for any reason, the doctor will be able to recommend for how long it is better to postpone the vaccination or cancel it altogether.

IN Russian Federation Immunization against influenza is provided free of charge only to the following categories of citizens:

  • children over six months old;
  • pupils and employees of preschool institutions;
  • students and employees of educational institutions;
  • students;
  • medical personnel;
  • working in transport, housing and communal services companies, as well as in the field of services;
  • elderly people over 60 years old.

For other citizens, this vaccination is given on a commercial basis in public or private clinics.

Preventive measures

In order to avoid infection, it is necessary to follow preventive measures:

  • avoid places where there are many people and minimize contacts;
  • try not to rub your eyes and nose with your hands, or touch your face, as this can transfer viruses from your hands to the mucous membranes and enter the body;
  • Wash your hands well as often as possible, especially after visiting public places and streets;
  • before leaving and when returning home, rinse your nose with a solution of water and salt, this procedure cleanses the nasal passages of accumulated viruses and bacteria, in addition, moisturizing the nasal mucosa helps activate local immunity;
  • do room ventilation and wet cleaning both at home and at work;
  • treat phones and other gadgets with special disinfectants;
  • support immunity by eating foods containing vitamins, vitamin preparations, doing sports, avoiding overwork and nervous excitement.

An epidemic of Hong Kong flu is expected in Russia this year, said Anna Popova, head of Rospotrebnadzor. What kind of virus is this and how to defeat it, we tell you in our regular “Question and Answer” column.

What is Hong Kong flu and what are its symptoms?

This type of influenza first appeared in the 19th century. It became a continuation of the “Asian flu”, which mutated in 1968–1969. The new kind influenza caused the Hong Kong flu epidemic. In the United States, the death toll from this pandemic is 33,800.

Most often, children and the elderly suffer from Hong Kong flu. Its danger lies in complications that pathologically affect the cardiovascular system.

Symptoms of Hong Kong flu are:

Body temperature above 39 degrees;
- vomit;
- diarrhea;
- severe headaches;
- drowsiness;
- cough.

“Every year influenza viruses of various combinations of strain composition enter Russia. And every year the viruses change. An updated vaccine is produced for the updated strain composition of the virus. This year H3N2 (Hong Kong 2014) will come to Russia. Last year it already caused morbidity in southern hemisphere. It was studied and the vaccine was updated,” explained the chief infectious disease specialist Altai Territory Valery Shevchenko.

There is no shortage of vaccine in the Altai Territory. An additional batch will arrive in the region in the coming week. On this moment More than 65% of the total planned amount of drugs received from the federal budget arrived in the region.

Who is eligible for a free flu shot?

In the Altai Territory, all categories of citizens who are included in the national calendar preventive vaccinations. This:
- children from 6 months;
- pupils;
- students of technical schools and colleges;
- university students;
- employees of educational, medical, transport and communal institutions;
- pregnant women;
- pensioners;
- conscript soldiers;
- persons with chronic diseases.

They are vaccinated in clinics at their place of residence.

All other categories of citizens can get vaccinated at their own expense. There are also sufficient quantities of vaccines there. For example, at ASKO-med the cost of the Belgian-made Influvac vaccine is 580 rubles. Domestic "Grippol Plus" will cost 530 rubles.

Until when should you get a flu shot?

The estimated completion date for mass immunization is November 1. But even after this date you can still get vaccinated. It is advisable to do this before December.

“According to epidemiologists, the expected increase in influenza incidence will occur in January-February 2017. There is no need to delay immunization for more than late dates, since the body must have time to develop stable immunity. This takes an average of 2-3 weeks,” said Valery Shevchenko.