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Remove tonsils or not for an adult. Life-threatening complications. How is the operation

561 03/08/2019 6 min.

Removal of the tonsils or tonsillectomy is a minimally invasive surgical method in which the complete or partial excision of the palatine tonsils occurs. According to statistics, inflammation of this structure is one of the most common causes referral to an otolaryngologist. Pathology can be caused by various factors, among which chronic diseases of the throat are the most common.

Removal of the tonsils is a radical method of treatment, therefore, a complex drug therapy. From the article you will learn when an operation is required and what types are used in modern clinics. It is also worth paying attention to what to do when

Indications for removal

The tonsils or palatine tonsils are an important organ in the nasopharynx that performs protective and hematopoietic functions. It is he who suffers most during a sore throat and other diseases of the throat, taking the first blow. The removal of the tonsils is considered a forced step and is carried out when conservative methods do not lead to recovery. In addition, surgery is required if the tonsils become a strong focus of infection that can spread to other organs.

There are the following indications for the procedure of complete or partial resection of the tonsils:

  • glandular hypertrophy;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • chronic tonsillitis (more than 4 cases per year);
  • Availability streptococcal infection in organism;
  • pathology of cardio-vascular system, respiratory organs, liver and kidneys;
  • active growth of lymphoid tissue, in which there is difficulty in the processes of breathing and swallowing;
  • sleep apnea syndrome;
  • complication in the form of peritonsillar abscess.

But what a cyst looks like on the tonsils and what can be done with such a problem is indicated

On the video - a description of the procedure for removing tonsils:

Only the attending physician can prescribe an operation based on the results of the diagnosis, the characteristics of the disease in each case. It is not always necessary to completely remove the tonsils, more often a partial resection is performed, due to which the tonsils retain their functions. But is it possible to warm the throat with inflammation of the tonsils and how safe it is for health, indicated in the article

It is almost impossible to identify complications caused by tonsillitis in the early stages, since intoxication and weakening of the body occurs slowly. That is why when chronic sore throat it is extremely important to regularly undergo a comprehensive diagnosis.

But what pus looks like on the tonsils and what can be done with such a problem is set out

Removal methods and prices

Today, several methods have been developed, the choice of which is determined by the structural features of the tonsils, the age of the patient and the clinical picture of the disease. Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as restrictions on its use.

Surgical excision

This classical method removal of tonsils, which has been used for several centuries. The operation takes place under general anesthesia, so it is completely painless for the patient. The recovery period is the longest, during it you feel severe discomfort in the throat area, but the risk of recurrence of the disease is minimized.

During the procedure, the doctor, using a scalpel, scissors and a loop, completely or partially removes the tonsil. Minor bleeding is stopped with a coagulator. The operation is considered a radical method, in recent years it has been replaced by more gentle methods. After complete removal, local immunity may decrease, and the likelihood of allergies also increases. average cost procedures - 10 thousand rubles.

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Using a special apparatus, the affected area is cauterized under the influence of high temperatures. Apply when small pathologies when there is no need to completely remove the tonsils. There is no risk during the procedure heavy bleeding and a short recovery period. Removal is carried out under local anesthesia. The cost of the procedure is from 15 thousand rubles.

The main disadvantage of this method is the likelihood of burns on nearby tissues at the wrong temperature of the coagulator, which can cause discomfort during healing.

Removal with an ultrasonic scalpel

It is an alternative to the classic way. For removal, an ultrasonic scalpel is used, the blade of which vibrates at high frequencies. During operation, a high temperature is created (up to 80 degrees), so the risk of bleeding is minimal. The operation takes place under local anesthesia, and after removal, a neat seam remains. With proper procedure, the risk of burns is minimal. The rehabilitation period is up to 10 days. The cost of the procedure is from 15 thousand rubles. You may also be interested in information about


Popular in recent years, the operation to remove the tonsils with liquid nitrogen. During the procedure, lymphoid tissues are frozen, which then die.

Liquid plasma method

The most high-quality and accurate way to completely or partially remove the tonsils. The principle of operation is based on the mechanism of the difference in electrical potentials. During the procedure, tissue ionization is caused, as a result of which the tonsils break up into lymph and low molecular weight components.

This is a minimally invasive and reliable method, in which there is practically no risk of bleeding, as well as pain. The recovery period takes up to 10 days. A second operation is usually not required. The cost of removing the tonsils with a coblator is 45 thousand rubles.

When choosing a clinic for the procedure, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the qualifications of the surgeon and the availability of certificates for carrying out such activities, as well as look at the reviews of other patients.

But what the tonsils look like with angina in the photo and how the operation to remove them takes place is set out


Local bleeding, infections, and tissue burns are the most common complications after surgery. As a rule, they arise due to violations of the technology of the procedure and non-compliance with the rules during preparation and rehabilitation. After the complete removal of the tonsil, the following consequences are possible:

  • local immunity decreases, cases of respiratory and infectious diseases become more frequent;
  • various violations occur. endocrine system, especially thyroid gland;
  • respiratory diseases become more prolonged and can lead to complications;
  • increased risk of developing bronchial asthma and allergies.

In all cases, the decision to remove the tonsils is usually made by a council of doctors when conservative methods do not lead to a complete recovery, and there are complications from others. internal organs.

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Should it be removed

Removing the tonsils is not a mandatory procedure. It can be avoided in most cases if you choose an effective complex therapy. As a rule, for this purpose, rinsing with pharmaceutical and home solutions, physiological procedures, as well as local processing throat antiseptic preparations. If after a full course of treatment there is no result, then the question of partial or complete resection of the organ is raised, depending on the clinical picture.

On the video - the removal of the tonsils and whether it should be done:

Features of removal in children

Removing the tonsils is the most cardinal way to treat throat diseases in children. Surgery is needed when there are serious complications, prolonged infection, and a large affected area. In most cases, partial cryodestruction or laser removal is recommended.

The procedure is carried out only under general anesthesia, and there is also an extended rehabilitation period in a hospital. As a person grows older, the tonsils re-develop, so over time, repeated treatment will be required.

Removing the tonsils or tonsils is a radical way to treat throat diseases. There are several indications when surgery is necessary. Usually these are serious, as well as infectious diseases of the nasopharynx. Today, several types of operations have been developed, each of which has its pros and cons, efficiency and breadth of application. The decision to remove this organ occurs only after a long and ineffective course of conservative therapy.

Resection is prescribed only in the most extreme cases, when surgical intervention is indispensable.

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Before talking about a painful procedure, you need to know what tonsils are and their functions in the human body. And so tonsils are accumulations of tissue lymphatic system located in oral cavity and nasopharynx. Their main function is protective or barrier. The tonsils protect the upper respiratory tract from a variety of infections entering the body through the respiratory system, mouth or nose. Most often, the reason for the removal of accumulations is chronic tonsillitis, as well as an increase in the volume of the tonsils.
A chronic disease, tonsillitis is an excessive and frequent inflamed condition of the accumulations, during which they are not able to fulfill their immune role in protecting the body, but act in direct proportion, that is, they themselves become the cause of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Also, the reason for the removal of the tonsils is their hypertrophy. During this condition, the tonsils increase in size, resulting in impaired breathing or difficulty swallowing food.
To date, tonsils are removed in various ways. Let's consider with you several ways how tonsils are removed.
Tonsilectomy, a tonsillectomy technique, is characterized by the isolation and removal of inflamed accumulations using a special loop. A technical breakthrough does not stand still and therefore there is a method for removing tonsils by electrocoagulation, using a laser and ultra sound. The removal procedure itself lasts from 30 minutes to 45 minutes. Are removed inflammatory tonsils under the influence of general anesthesia. The countries of the Western world use anesthesia, general anesthesia to remove and extract the tonsils. During anesthesia, a person is not able to feel pain, because at the same time he is unconscious and does not see the entire procedure in full. In countries post-Soviet space until a few years ago, the tonsils were removed under local anesthesia. At this moment, the person does not feel pain, but is conscious and can see the entire operation with his own eyes. As a result of this operation, a person experiences a state of shock, which leads to stress on the body, especially if the operation to remove the tonsils is performed in childhood.
When using any type of anesthesia, the perception of pain is stopped or blocked, and consciousness is completely turned off. Anesthesiologists use special devices to guide the patient into an anesthetic state. To achieve this state of the patient, an incubation tube is used or replaced with a laryngeal mask. Less often, doctors use sedation to lead the human body into an anesthetic state. Local anesthesia during surgery to remove the tonsils is used only if the patient is an adult and his body is resistant to stressful situations. Before the procedure, you must consult your doctor, who, knowing your body, will be able to suggest the use of the correct and required type anesthesia during the removal of the tonsils. However, if during the beginning of the procedure the anesthesiologist insists on changing anesthesia, you should trust his many years of experience.
Since most patients are children, there is an opinion that the use of local anesthesia to remove the tonsils is a real act of vandalism. During the operation, the patient must be immobile, and his muscles must be completely relaxed, and it is impossible to achieve all of the above from children. Therefore, an alternative way to remove the tonsils in children is under the influence of general anesthesia. Years of experience Western countries shows about its advantages and causing less trauma to the psyche of the child. In the western region, if a doctor suggests a different type of anesthesia, then this can be regarded as an act of mockery of a sick child.
Complex surgery to remove the tonsils is considered one of the easiest types of surgery that is quick and painless.
The procedure itself takes place in several stages.
1. An anesthesiologist before the procedure to remove the tonsils puts on a breathing mask on the patient, as a result, after a few minutes, the patient falls asleep.
2. For the patient, the operation is painless, during the procedure, the doctor removes part of the charged accumulation and the whole tonsil, depending on the degree of disease of the tonsils.
3. After anesthesia, the patient regains consciousness and medical staff helps him roll over on his side, apply a cold lotion of ice to his neck so that the blood can clot faster, and the patient does not lose it a large number of.
During use general anesthesia the consciousness of a person is completely turned off, as a result of which pain is not perceived by the patient. Also, the chosen method of anesthesia allows the doctor to work calmly.
In addition to anesthesia, the patient can choose the method of removal of the tonsils:
1. removal of tonsils with liquid nitrogen;
2. removal of tonsils using a laser beam;
3. Removal with a scalpel.
After the operation, the patient will need several hours to recover from anesthesia. The very return to reality is painless, because before the procedure, the anesthesiologist chooses the type of anesthesia that suits you. The use of general anesthesia makes it possible not to feel pain only during the operation. After the operation, the pain returns. To relieve pain, doctors prescribe painkillers to the patient. After surgery, you must complete a full course of antibiotics to prevent infection. The only complications after surgery can be bleeding, infection and adverse effects of anesthesia. According to statistics, out of 10,000 operations performed, only one can have complications, and 1 death follows in 250,000 procedures.

Tonsils or tonsils are formations consisting of lymphoid-epithelial tissues located in the human larynx. The tonsils are important body immune system human, they perform protective and immunomodulatory functions, preventing the penetration of infectious agents into the human body.

But sometimes situations arise when the removal of the tonsils is indicated. How is this operation carried out, what methods are performed, when is the excision of the tonsils really necessary, and when does it make sense to try other methods of treatment?

Indications for the operation

Several decades ago, the removal of the palatine tonsils was an ordinary operation, it was believed that this was the only effective method treatment of chronic tonsillitis. Today, the removal of the tonsils is carried out only in last resort when everything has been tried possible methods conservative treatment and they did not bring the expected result.

The operation to remove the tonsils is indicated in such cases:

In the latter case, not complete removal may be carried out, but only partial cutting of the tonsils in order to ensure the normal passage of air through the respiratory tract.

What methods are used

In fact, the operation to remove the tonsils has been practiced for more than one hundred years. Tonsils were successfully excised back in the Middle Ages, but today, of course, much more advanced methods and tools are used.

The removal of the tonsils in adults, either total or partial, is always performed under anesthesia. The patient does not feel any pain during the operation. But after her pain may occur and disturb for a few more days.

The main ways to remove tonsils that are used today:

  • classical surgical removal using a scalpel and other instruments;
  • laser;
  • infrared beam;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • ultrasound;
  • a liquid nitrogen.

Each of the methods has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, so it is worth considering each in more detail. It must be said right away: the method of removing the tonsils is determined by the doctor. The wishes of the patient and his financial capabilities are also taken into account, but the final word belongs to the attending physician, who takes full responsibility for the course of the operation, its effectiveness and safety.

Classic method

The removal of tonsils in adults by this method is performed under general anesthesia, since the operation is very painful. A scalpel, special scissors or a wire loop are used. With these instruments, one or both of the affected tonsils are cut out or torn out. The myth is very popular among the people that blood flows in a stream at the same time - this is not at all the case. Bleeding is possible if the patient has problems with blood clotting or he did not follow the doctor's recommendations in preparation for the operation. But usually the blood stops almost immediately, the doctor uses the method of electrocoagulation to cauterize the damaged vessels.

Many patients consider this method barbaric. However, it is considered one of the most effective - the focus of infection is removed immediately and completely, the patient will never get sick with tonsillitis again.

Cons of this method:

  1. Sufficiently long wound healing, the risk of infection.
  2. pain syndrome in postoperative period.
  3. The patient is no longer threatened with tonsillitis, but the airways are open to pathologies such as pharyngitis, laryngitis or bronchitis.
  4. Temporarily reduced local immunity. It will take some time and support to restore it.

Nevertheless, cutting out the tonsils with a scalpel is still widely practiced. Recently, the scalpel is increasingly being replaced by a microdebrider - a special tool that rotates at a frequency of up to 6000 rpm. Pain is much less, but more time is needed to completely remove the tonsils. And this means that you will need to inject more anesthetic, which is not suitable for all patients.

laser method

This method has a number of advantages:

With laser removal of the tonsils, burns of the mucous membrane are possible if the doctor is inexperienced. But it's far from mandatory. side effect. Various types of beams are used: infrared, holmium, carbon, fiber optic. With the help of a laser, ablation is also performed - removal of the affected areas of the tonsils or cauterization of isolated small foci of infection.

Method of electrocoagulation and cryodestruction

The advantage is that in one session the affected lymphoid tissues are removed and the vessels are cauterized. Disadvantage: you need to carefully select the power if it is insufficient, you will not be able to process the fabrics to the desired depth the first time. And if it is excessive, the patient will get burns of the mucous membrane, the healing period will be longer.

During cryodestruction, tissues are not cauterized, but, on the contrary, are frozen, then die off and are rejected. The operation itself is almost painless, local anesthesia is enough for its implementation. When exposed to extreme low temperatures Nerve receptors are blocked and the patient is not hurt at all. But after the operation, quite a strong pain syndrome is possible. Another drawback is that it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the throat during the period of rejection of dead tissues and regularly treat the mucous membrane with antiseptic preparations.

Children can hardly tolerate such a procedure, so this method is not very popular in pediatrics. In addition, not all affected tissues are always rejected, and the operation has to be repeated.

Method using liquid plasma

The operation is quite complex and requires high level qualifications and extensive experience of the doctor who conducts it. A coblator is used - an instrument that generates plasma using a directed magnetic field. The doctor determines the required voltage, the tissues are heated to a certain temperature and begin to decompose into carbon dioxide, nitrogen-containing low molecular weight substances and water. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, if the surgeon is experienced enough, the tonsils will be removed very carefully, without bleeding and pain.

Similarly, the tonsils are removed using an ultrasonic scalpel. Tissues are heated to a temperature of 80 degrees Celsius using high frequencies, effectively removed and immediately cauterized.

In what cases the tonsils are not removed

There are absolute and temporary contraindications to tonsillectomy. The absolute ones are:

  • any malignant formations;
  • pathologies of the hematopoietic system, in which blood clotting is impaired;
  • type 1 diabetes mellitus and type 2 decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system in the stage of decompensation;
  • tuberculosis in the active stage and decompensated lung pathologies.

Relative contraindications are a temporary condition of the patient, after the normalization of which an operation is possible. Temporary contraindications include various infectious or chronic diseases in acute form(sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, rhinitis, etc.), pregnancy and lactation.

Consequences and possible complications

Cutting the tonsils is a simple, but still a surgical intervention. And in no case will it do without consequences. After a tonsillectomy, you need to prepare for the following side effects:

The wound in the throat is open to the penetration of any infections, therefore, after the tonsils are cut out, you always have to drink antibiotics, otherwise complications cannot be avoided. Naturally, at least one week you need to follow a sparing diet - all dishes should be of such a consistency and temperature that the damaged mucosa does not suffer additionally.

tonsils play important role in the functioning of the immune system.

If they are gone, it will take some time for the body to adapt to new conditions. Removing the tonsils is a big stress for him. But on the other hand, if the tonsils are constantly inflamed and their tissues become necrotic, it is better to cut them out.

To avoid any complications and serious side effects, if it is recommended to cut out the tonsils, their removal should be trusted only by a qualified specialist in a good clinic. Much depends on the patient himself: you should prepare for the operation, and after it, follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Removal of the tonsils (tonsillectomy) is used in otolaryngology to eliminate chronic foci of inflammation in the oropharynx and prevent post-infectious complications. Surgery involves the excision of lymphadenoid formations together with the connective tissue (tonsil) capsule.

Timely implementation surgical treatment allows to stop catarrhal processes in the pharyngeal mucosa, which prevents the occurrence of paratonsillar abscess and systemic diseases. Tonsillectomy is resorted to only in cases where medical treatment infectious pathologies does not give the desired results. Direct indications for excision of the palatine tonsils (tonsils) are hypertrophic and chronic tonsillitis, myocarditis and pyelonephritis, meningitis and rheumatism, etc. The belated elimination of foci of inflammation provokes intoxication of the body, which creates an additional burden on the heart, kidneys and joints.

Types of tonsillectomy

How tonsils are cut out - how is the removal of tonsils in adults? Modern surgery has a considerable range of tonsillectomy methods, which have among themselves fundamental differences. Choice suitable way removal of lymphoid formations is determined by a specialist and largely depends on the extent of inflammation, the presence of complications, the age and history of the patient.

The most common ways to remove palatine tonsils include:

  1. extracapsular tonsillectomy - mechanical excision of the tonsils with a scalpel and a metal loop; used to open purulent abscesses and infiltrates;
  2. cryodestruction - cauterization of the tonsils with liquid nitrogen, which provokes necrosis of the lymphoid tissues affected by inflammation;
  3. electrocoagulation - cutting out the tonsils with high-frequency electric currents; anemia surgery often leads to the formation thermal burns and, accordingly, tissue necrosis;
  4. ultrasonic ectomy - separation of lymphoid tissues from the oropharyngeal mucosa by means of sound vibrations high frequency;
  5. radiofrequency ablation - partial removal of the tonsils with a radio wave "knife" with minimal postoperative consequences; it is used, as a rule, to reduce the size of hypertrophied tonsils;
  6. thermal welding - excision of inflammation-affected areas of the tonsils with an infrared laser under local anesthesia;
  7. vaporization - destruction of soft tissues by a carbon laser with minimal heating of adjacent tissues;
  8. removal with a microdebrider - ectomy of soft tissues with a device with a rotating blade (microdebrider);
  9. bipolar coblation - removal of the palatine tonsils with radiofrequency energy converted into ionic dissociation.

Mechanical excision of the palatine tonsils is used, as a rule, in the presence of diffuse inflammation in the oropharyngeal mucosa and the occurrence of a retropharyngeal abscess. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and is characterized by the removal of not only paired organs, but also peri-almond tissue. After the procedure, patients often complain about severe pain in the throat, swelling of tissues and a long period of rehabilitation.

With absence serious complications or partial damage to the tonsils, a tonsillotomy is performed, i.e. partial removal of the tonsils.

Surgical treatment is carried out using vaporization, radiofrequency ablation, cryodestruction or thermal welding. Before the procedure, the removed tissue area is treated with a local anesthetic, which prevents pain and severe swelling in the operated tonsil.

Preparing for the operation

Preparation for surgery takes place on an outpatient basis approximately 2-3 weeks before the decision to perform a tonsillectomy is made. How are tonsils removed? The method of excision of the tonsils is determined only after studying the results of the analysis and the patient's history data. Not all patients are equally well tolerated general anesthesia which should be taken into account.

To prevent complications, the patient must undergo the following tests before the operation:

  • coagulogram - allows you to determine the rate of blood clotting;
  • complete blood count - shows the concentration of neutrophils and red blood cells in the blood, so you can find out the prevalence infectious processes in organism;
  • general urine analysis - gives an idea of ​​the physicochemical characteristics of urine, the functioning of detoxification organs, the concentration of proteins and hemoglobin.

After examining the tests, the specialist can determine the likelihood of delayed bleeding, bruising, and other complications. If necessary, the patient is prescribed coagulants and hemostatics in advance, which contribute to thrombosis of large and small vessels in the operated tissues.

Important! An overdose of coagulants can cause anaphylactic shock.

Features of tonsillectomy

How are tonsils removed? Depending on the chosen method of excision of the tonsils, the operation is performed under local or general anesthesia.

In the absence of serious contraindications, anesthesiologists perform general anesthesia, which prevents the patient from experiencing stress during surgical procedures.

Operation progress:

  1. the anesthetist does general anesthesia or anesthetizes the throat with local preparations;
  2. using a scalpel, microdebrider, laser or ultrasound apparatus, the surgeon excised the tonsils;
  3. if necessary, damaged vessels are cauterized electric shock(electrocoagulation) to prevent blood loss;
  4. the operated patient is laid on his side, putting a bag of ice on his neck.

Mucus and blood are spit out for 3-4 hours after surgery to prevent aspiration and pulmonary complications.

Failure to comply with the rules of the rehabilitation program can lead to the development severe complications, in particular septic inflammation of the operated tissues. To prevent the development of infection, the patient should take antibiotics for 1-2 weeks. a wide range actions.


Surgery is more difficult for adults than for preschool children. This is largely due to the presence chronic diseases and slowing down metabolic processes, which negatively affects the rate of regeneration processes. Direct contraindications for surgical treatment are:

  • oncological diseases;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • pulmonary pathologies;
  • blood diseases (leukemia, hemophilia);
  • diabetes;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • bone marrow pathology;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • gestation period;
  • respiratory diseases.

Removal of the tonsils leads to a decrease in the reactivity of the body, which increases the risk of developing infectious diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, pharyngitis, etc.

Partial resection of lymphoid tissues contributes to the preservation of the functions of the palatine tonsils, which are involved in the synthesis of immunoglobulin. That is why otolaryngologists recommend not to delay a visit to a specialist during development chronic inflammation, which can turn into a generalization of pathological processes.

We recognize angina when the throat hurts and there is a constant temperature.

The reason of that - inflammatory process in the tonsils. To decide on a surgical intervention, it is necessary to study the features and main consequences of the procedure.

Why tonsils are important

It is important to know!

The tonsils are connective lymphoid tissue. This tissue is entirely composed of cells and lymphocytes that protrude important part body's immune system. In the human body are:

  • pipe,
  • palatine,
  • lingual,
  • pharyngeal tonsils.

The palatine tonsils are involved in hematopoiesis. In the accumulation of lymphoid tissue, leukocytes are formed - white blood cells, which are the basis of immunity.

An important component of the immune system is the tonsils, if they become inflamed for a long time, then the person has a fever and a sore throat.

Doctors say that tonsils or adenoids are extremely important for a person. Even a collapsed and weak tonsil produces a large amount of immunoglobulin.

The tonsils have a porous structure, so all pathogenic bacteria, when they try to enter the body, fall into a dense ring of immune cells and are destroyed. Adenoids are considered a serious barrier to infections.

The body does not cope on its own with the disease for a long time, as a result of which the temperature rises significantly, the throat hurts, and it is difficult to swallow.

Why and when is surgery needed?

Previously, the operation to remove adenoids was considered ordinary and very common. In the United States, it was customary not to remove the tonsils (adenoids) of children under 6 years of age.

Nowadays, the elimination of adenoids is decided much less frequently, since this operation causes a lot of negative consequences for the body. How to remove tonsils, you can watch the video.

Doctors currently advise removing tonsils if:

  1. A person has been diagnosed with a complex form of tonsillitis (inflammation of the palatine tonsils). The disease occurs more than 4 times a year, characterized by high fever and general weakness,
  2. Due to constant tonsillitis, there is chronic tonsillitis, that is, irreversible disruption of the tonsils, as a result of which they constantly become inflamed,
  3. Against the background of angina, purulent abscesses develop. The abscesses affect the larynx area, the throat hurts, there is a temperature, and it is clear why a tonsillectomy operation may be needed.
  4. There is an unconscious closure of the airways by the tonsils: snoring in a dream, which causes short-term respiratory arrests,
  5. A significant weakening of the immune system is recorded.

When chronic tonsillitis occurs, an operation to remove the tonsils is necessary, since there is a pronounced pathological process (in the video).

In the process of this disease, the natural protective functions of the tonsils are lost, so the tonsils themselves begin to act as foci of inflammatory processes.

In adults, active chronic tonsillitis is expressed not only in the fact that the throat hurts - diseases of the joints and heart begin, the body's defense system is disrupted. In addition, it causes severe manifestations of rheumatism and malfunctions of the kidneys.

Tonsillitis in the early stages in adults is treated with the usual conservative methods: washing the tonsils, lubricating, physiotherapy.

When the treatment of chronic tonsillitis fails, the inflammatory process actively develops, fever appears, the throat hurts and the tonsils no longer have healthy lymphoid tissue.

In this case, the operation is shown. Interventions for the partial or complete elimination of the palatine adenoids are called tonsillectomy.

How tonsils are removed

Modern medicine allows you to cut tonsils with the most gentle methods using modern equipment.

Partial removal of the adenoids consists in the fact that the inflamed foci are affected by ultra-low (freezing with liquid nitrogen) or ultra-high (cauterization by a carbon or infrared laser) temperatures. When the damaged tonsil or part of it has died, then an operation is performed to remove it.

This operation is completely painless. It is possible to remove the tonsils only partially, therefore, in the period after the intervention, the person has a sore throat for some time and has a slight temperature.

In adults, the complete removal of the tonsils is the mechanical elimination of the tonsils using a wire loop and scissors. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, characterized by large bleeding.

During electrocoagulation, high-frequency electric current acts on destroyed or diseased tonsils. This operation is bloodless and painless.

Applying electric current is not always safe for healthy tissues that are near damaged tonsils. Sometimes surgery can cause some complications.

Ultrasonic excision is the cutting of tissues to remove tonsils using high-frequency sound vibrations. The operation is good because there is no damage to blood vessels and neighboring tissues.

Immediately after the intervention, the person is placed on the right side, and an ice pack is placed on the neck. The cold helps constrict the blood vessels and prevents bleeding. The temperature in this case should not appear.

In the next few days, the patient takes antibiotics to prevent the consequences - a possible infection.

On the first day after the operation, you can drink a few sips of water, in the next few days the patient eats liquid and pureed cold food. After a few days, the wound begins to heal after the procedure, the throat may hurt, and the temperature may rise.

The operation is not performed if there is:

  • Blood disorders (such as clotting problems)
  • Heart disease: tachycardia and angina pectoris,
  • Diabetes,
  • kidney disease,
  • severe hypertension,
  • Tuberculosis in active form,
  • Acute infectious diseases
  • Pregnancy after six months.

Consequences of surgery

After tonsillectomy or other sparing operations, alarming consequences can appear.

  1. The body is now less protected from pathogens, immunity is greatly weakened,
  2. The tissues of the larynx and pharynx are under severe stress, it manifests itself in the fact that the throat constantly hurts,
  3. There is a possibility of dangerous bleeding,
  4. The infection can spread to the lymph nodes of the neck - lymphadenitis. A week after the operation, this condition subsides.

Delete or not delete

An experienced and reliable doctor should answer this question. The decision to operate can only be made occasionally, when other types of therapy have not worked, as a result of which the throat still hurts and there is a temperature. In this case, the danger and harm of chronic tonsillitis is greater than the potential consequences of the operation.

Removal of adenoids is a last resort. If a person with chronic tonsillitis has problems with the functioning of internal organs, then without a doubt, an operation to remove the tonsils is necessary. Tonsillectomy is performed only when the palatine tonsils work against their own body.

Recall that now pharmacology has strong antibiotics. At the disposal of the patient are also such means as:

  • ethnoscience,
  • homeopathy.

But before agreeing to the operation, it is important to try to cure the adenoids as best as possible. In any case, you need to temper your body and take vitamin complexes especially during the off-season.

Any operation is a major change in the functioning of the body, so it is best to avoid it. Removal of tonsils in adults is worse than in children. The body of an adult is rarely completely healthy.

Recent discussions:

Those who have had a sore throat at least once in their life are well aware of how severe and debilitating this disease can be. Chronic tonsillitis is a constant source of infection in the body, which greatly weakens the immune system and makes a person susceptible to a variety of diseases. The consequences of angina can be diseases such as severe lesions cardiovascular system, kidney disease and urinary tract, chronic infections of the throat, nose and ears, constant colds and runny noses, rheumatism and a host of other serious problems.

Tonsillitis annoys not only young children, adults are also susceptible to this disease in a chronic form. Sometimes the only way out of this situation is a tonsillectomy, or surgical removal of the tonsils.

Appointment for the removal of tonsils

Tonsil removal can only be done when medical treatment no longer helps.

IN human body everything is arranged extremely rationally, as, indeed, in all nature. There are no "extra", unnecessary organs, therefore good doctor will go out of his way to keep the tonsils. The fact is that they are a very important protective organ, a kind of guardians that protect the respiratory tract from the direct penetration of dangerous pathogenic bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. But, since the structure of the tonsils is very loose, and the "habitat" is consistently moist and warm, they themselves can become a source of great trouble for the patient's well-being and health complications.

Inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils - tonsillitis, or tonsillitis, causes a lot of trouble to patients. The disease is accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature, aching in all joints, severe discomfort, sore throat, which are aggravated by swallowing.

In addition to the underlying disease, advanced or frequently recurring angina threatens with the appearance of a variety of complications, some of which can be very dangerous to health.

Despite the protective function of the tonsils, in some cases only the removal of the tonsils in adults can protect the patient from complications. In most cases, the doctor recommends removing them in the following situations:

  • Diseases haunt the patient more than four times a year.
  • The patient is extremely difficult to tolerate angina and recovers for a long time after the illness.
  • Tonsillitis in an acute form did not respond to drug treatment and turned into a chronic form, which is very annoying to a person and reduces the quality of his life.
  • Angina is accompanied by dangerous complications.
  • The appearance of tonsillitis provokes the development of purulent abscesses in the pharynx and adjacent tissues.
  • Inflamed tonsils swell so much that they can literally block the airways.
  • After inflammation of the tonsils, the patient's immunity drops sharply and does not recover for a very long time. All this time, the patient remains at high risk of developing very dangerous diseases.

Removing the tonsils in an adult is an extreme measure, which is resorted to only if it is not possible to get rid of the disease in any other way. Many doctors believe that such an operation brings more harm than good, as it reduces the protective capabilities of the body.

Methods for removing tonsils in adults

Laser removal of tonsils - the most modern and effective method

More recently, the removal of tonsils in adults was carried out in the only way - through surgical intervention. There are many more such methods these days.

Tonsils can be removed completely or partially. In the second case, the cryofreezing technique is used for this. It can be carried out using a laser or liquid nitrogen. The advantage of this procedure is the painlessness of the intervention and the “bloodlessness” of the process, which significantly speeds up the rehabilitation process. The “mortified” tissues are simply destroyed and gradually disintegrate, leaving a living, functioning amygdala under them.

Many doctors consider this method to be optimal, since the tonsils are not completely “exterminated” and the organ retains its functionality, albeit only partially. But in such an advantage, there is already a disadvantage in advance - the remaining part of the tonsil is quite capable of becoming inflamed under extremely unfavorable conditions, which will again return the patient to the beginning of the tonsillitis epic, continuing to damage his health.

You can learn more about whether it is possible to remove tonsils from the video:

The main methods of influence include the following:

  • Complete removal of the tonsils. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, which can adversely affect health and is not applicable to all categories of patients. For the operation, special instruments are used - surgical scissors and a loop of inert metal, with which the tonsils are "husked" from the surrounding tissues. The operation can cause bleeding, mostly minor and short-lived, as well as pain after the effect of anesthesia wears off.
  • Electrocoagulation. Exposure to electric current eliminates the occurrence of bleeding and gives minimal pain, but the intervention itself can harm the surrounding tissues and organs due to negative impact current.
  • laser operation. This is the fastest, painless and bloodless method, so high-quality and fast that it is performed in an outpatient setting.

Treatment after removal

Postoperative treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, depending on the consequences of the removal of the tonsils.

Immediately after the removal of the tonsils in adults, the patient is placed on the right side (to relieve pressure on the heart area), and an ice pack is placed on the throat. This is necessary for vasoconstriction to minimize the risk of possible postoperative bleeding.

Since the tonsil area is very loose and prone to inflammation, in order to avoid infection, the doctor prescribes antibiotic therapy. Choice medicinal product, dosage and duration of treatment is selected individually according to the state of health and characteristics of each individual patient.

The recovery process takes an average of 14 days.

Immediately after the operation and the entire first day, the patient is not fed, it is allowed to drink a little clean water. In the following days, food is given great attention. The menu should not contain caustic and irritating foods, all food is allowed only in pureed or liquid form, always cold - blood vessels will expand from hot and bleeding may begin.

If after the operation the patient has swelling of the throat, which is quite common as a reaction of the body to intervention, then to facilitate breathing, vasoconstrictor drops and saline can be dripped into the nose. Since such drugs negatively affect the body, the time of their use should not exceed 7 days (or continue as long as the doctor recommends).

Possible Complications

The consequences of the removal of the tonsils can be different, as they depend on the individuality of the organism.

Possible problems that provoke the removal of tonsils in adults may appear immediately at the time of the operation or after it - immediately or after some time.

Possible consequences:

  • The most dangerous complication is pernicious influence anesthesia. In extremely rare cases, the patient may react negatively to the anesthetic, and urgent resuscitation may be required. Basically, the consequences of general anesthesia include a severe “exit” from anesthesia with strong weakness, dizziness and headaches, nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant manifestations.
  • The second most common complication is bleeding. It can occur during the operation itself or after it. The patient needs observation and careful implementation of all medical recommendations. Hemostatic drugs are used, and in a situation where bleeding is caused by incomplete removal of tonsil tissues, a second operation with a thorough exfoliation of the remnants.
  • development of infection. It happens very rarely, usually there is inflammation of the lymph nodes, which disappears in about a week. To prevent this situation, patients are prescribed antibiotics prophylactically.
  • Decreased immunity. Since tonsils are part of the immune system, their removal will certainly affect local immunity. However, in case of constant inflammation and purulent process in the tonsils, their removal gives more positive effect than saving.

Before carrying out the operation, it is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons. Only if the expected benefit exceeds possible risks, it is worth deciding on a tonsillectomy. After all, the state of a constantly sick person cannot be considered a normal situation.

Tonsil removal: advantages and disadvantages of the method

Among the indisputable advantages of removing the tonsils can be attributed to ridding the body of a constant threat and source of infection. The presence of tonsillitis, which is not amenable to medical conservative treatment, brings a person unconditional harm and a lot of unnecessary suffering.

The disadvantages of the method include the destruction of the protective barrier that prevents the penetration of microorganisms to the throat, bronchi and lungs. However, in the vast majority of cases, it is the removal of the tonsils that helps to get serious relief from the patient's condition and cope with the consequences of a long-term illness.

Of all the modern methods of removing tonsils, laser intervention can be considered the most perfect, fast, safe and relatively harmless.

In any case, the choice of the method of operation and subsequent treatment is exclusively a medical prerogative.

You should not take the removal of the tonsils lightly, but you should not hesitate with the operation if the doctor strongly recommends it for vital signs. An operation on the tonsils can quickly rid the patient of an existing disease of tonsillitis, but does not guarantee that the body will be protected from other problems. After a tonsillectomy, the patient should treat his body with extreme care, harden, eat right, healthy lifestyle life and try in every possible way to strengthen the immune system.

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Tonsillectomy is a surgical method for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis, which consists in the complete or partial removal of the palatine tonsils. It has many decades of history, during which it has been repeatedly modified and managed to acquire myths no worse than the ancient Greek Hercules or Odysseus. In this article, I will dispel some of the myths that have become so strongly embedded in the minds of most people over the years. You will also learn the indications and contraindications for tonsillectomy and the possible consequences after the operation.

Myth 1: surgery is a mandatory outcome of chronic tonsillitis

In fact, the removal of the tonsils (tonsils are vernacular name palatine tonsils) in adults is a forced step, which the doctor takes only when all the tried conservative methods are powerless against an infection that threatens not only to sit forever in gaps, but strives to break through to the heart, joints, kidneys.

Reasons for the operation:

  • frequent purulent tonsillitis (more than four in twelve months),
  • failure of conservative treatment: repeated courses antibiotics, washing the tonsils and physiotherapy do not achieve a stable remission of the disease,
  • streptococci caused an acute rheumatic fever or chronic rheumatic disease (valvular heart disease or myocarditis, or heart failure),
  • have reactive arthritis
  • kidneys are affected (pyelonephritis, poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis or chronic renal failure has formed),
  • lymphoid tissue has grown so large that it interferes with normal nasal breathing or swallowing,
  • angina was complicated by peritonsillar abscesses.

Myth 2: General anesthesia is necessary

Of course, in the classic version, when the tonsils are removed with a scalpel, scissors and a loop, the duration of the operation and pain require general anesthesia. However, today there is alternative ways tonsil removal. For example, a laser or radiofrequency version of the operation lasts about twenty minutes, and local anesthesia is sufficient for its implementation.

Myth 3: blood gushes like a fountain

The reality is that profuse bleeding- This is the result of damage to a large vessel. Small vessels, when damaged, not only collapse, but also quickly thrombose. In order to be sure of the consistency of the blood coagulation system, an analysis is first done. If the clotting parameters are not normal, the operation will be postponed. Larger vessels are subjected to electrocoagulation or they themselves are sintered under the action of a laser. That is, there are generally bloodless options for tonsillectomy: laser removal, cryodestruction, ultrasonic exposure.

Myth 4: The airways will be unprotected

In fact, in addition to radical tonsillectomy, when the tonsil tissue is completely removed, there is also ablation, that is, partial removal of the lymphoid tissue that forms the tonsils. In this case, only the top layer is cut off or the infected areas are selectively resected. This option is possible when using a laser, cryodestruction, ultrasonic and liquid plasma exposure. That is, if the lesion of the tonsils is not total, there are ways to preserve the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx, thereby providing local immune defense at the cellular and humoral level.

Thus, under each clinical case in a serious clinic with modern hardware, the doctor will be able to choose the most suitable this patient variant of removal of palatine tonsils.

Operation methods

In addition to the classical one, many modern methods carrying out the operation. So, the removal of tonsils can be carried out using laser, ultrasound, liquid nitrogen and plasma.

  1. Classic- an operation under general anesthesia using a scalpel, scissors or a loop, when the entire tonsil is completely cut out or pulled out. Bleeding is stopped by electrocoagulation. The method is radical, allowing you to get rid of the source of infection forever. Healing ideally takes place with a moderate pain syndrome, relapses of chronic tonsillitis do not occur. However, the complete removal of lymphoid formations reduces local cellular and humoral immunity, opens the way for laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis. There are also risks of developing allergic pathologies of the respiratory tract.
  2. More advanced classical way– ectomy with a microdebrider rotating at a frequency of 6000 rpm. The variation has all the advantages and disadvantages of a simple operational approach. There is somewhat less pain during the operation, but the operation is longer, that is, anesthesia must be carried out with large doses of drugs.
  3. Laser tonsillectomy. A short procedure lasting no more than half an hour under local anesthesia. The laser both removes tissues and sinters blood vessels, preventing profuse blood loss. There are risks of mucosal burns, so the healing period is somewhat delayed. Variations of the method involve the use of different types of lasers: infrared, fiber optic (when it is necessary to remove most of the tonsil), holmium (when the capsule is preserved and deep foci are eliminated), carbon (the volume of lymphoid tissue is sharply reduced). Organ-sparing laser surgery - ablation (partial removal of the tonsils), in which only the upper parts or infected areas are removed.
  4. Electrocoagulation. It does not always allow you to cauterize the tonsils to a sufficient depth for complete solution problems in one session. It is fraught with burns if the power is not chosen correctly, and, consequently, longer healing. Combines getting rid of lymphoid tissue and cauterization of blood vessels with one device.
  5. Liquid plasma method (coblator). It is performed under general intubation anesthesia. The quality of the procedure depends on the experience of the surgeon. With sufficient skill of the doctor, there is practically no bleeding, and the tonsils are removed carefully. Pain after surgery is much less than with the classic version. The essence of the method is the formation of plasma by directed magnetic field. For this, a voltage is selected that can heat the tissue up to 45-60 degrees Celsius. In this case, proteins break down into carbon dioxide, water and low molecular weight nitrogen-containing products.
  6. Cryosurgery with liquid nitrogen involves freezing of lymphoid tissue with its death. Since freezing blocks pain receptors, local anesthesia is used during manipulation. However, the postoperative period is painful. The result is not always radical, therefore, repeated procedures are sometimes required. Since frozen tissues are rejected for some time, more thorough antiseptic care of the pharyngeal mucosa after surgery is required.
  7. Ultrasonic scalpel. Frequencies above 20,000 kHz heat tissues up to eighty degrees Celsius. As a result, the ultrasonic emitter works like a scalpel. The method is effective. With its help, it is possible to carry out a radical tonsillectomy. However, there is a risk of mucosal burns.

The choice of the method of removal remains with the doctor, since he is responsible for the course and result of treatment and can fully assess both the patient's condition and the extent of the upcoming operation.


1. Absolute (it is impossible to operate categorically):

Oncological diseases.

Diseases of the blood and bone marrow associated with damage to the coagulation system.

Diabetes mellitus of the first type.

Decompensation of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Decompensation of cardiovascular pathologies.

Decompensated pulmonary diseases.

active tuberculosis.

2. Relative (temporary). After eliminating the cause, a tonsillectomy can be performed:

Acute infections (respiratory, sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis).

Exacerbations of chronic diseases.


In addition to the possible complications of tonsillectomy, which include: bleeding, infection, tissue burns, long-term consequences are possible in the form of:

  • decrease in local cellular immunity,
  • weakening of the humoral immune response,
  • respiratory tract infections: pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis,
  • allergic bronchospasm (bronchial asthma), including infectious-allergic nature.

Therefore, the removal of the tonsils in children and adults is carried out only according to strict indications by the decision of the attending physician in the case when the benefits of the operation outweigh the harm from the absence of a lymphatic barrier to infection.

The tonsils (tonsils) play a protective role in the body. A person with air inhales a lot of microbes, and the task of the tonsils is to detain a significant part of them. The tonsils synthesize cells involved in the circulatory system. Many people try to solve the problem with tonsillitis with surgery. Is surgery justified?

Tonsil removal - pros and cons

Before the operation to remove the tonsils in chronic tonsillitis did everything. During the study, American doctors proved that the tonsils are not useless organs that can be removed without consequences. Recesses in the tonsils are a kind of laboratory in which a number of functions take place:

  • analysis of food and air;
  • the production of protective proteins as a result of the body's reaction to pathogens.

The operation to remove the tonsils (tonsillectomia) reduces the body's defenses and reduces resistance to infection and disease. The table presents three arguments that will help you figure out why in some cases you need to abandon the operation:

Why are tonsils removed

Frequent outbreaks of tonsillitis, tonsillitis contribute to the accumulation of infections on pharyngeal tonsils that are subject to scarring. The answer to the question and the reasons why tonsils are cut out is unambiguous. So that microbes with angina do not spread to the lungs and bronchi, doctors eliminate the chronic focus of infection. The tonsils affected by the disease do not act as a protective organ, but form a place for the development of microbes, the presence of which in the body affects other internal organs.

Is it worth removing the tonsils

Even knowing all the disadvantages of surgical intervention from reviews, it is impossible to reliably determine whether tonsils need to be removed. The following doctors can discuss with you the indications for surgery:

  • allergist-immunologist;
  • pediatrician;
  • therapist;
  • urologist;
  • gynecologist.

List of cases when you may be assigned an operation:

  1. A person with a sore throat develops sepsis or thrombosis jugular vein, group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. If antibiotic treatment is not possible due to the severe course of the disease (sore throat, fever, suppuration of the tonsils) or allergies, then surgery may be the only way out.
  2. When conducting special tests to determine the reactions that occur in the mouth with the participation of the tonsils, it turned out that they do not respond to the load. With insufficient secretion of protective proteins with saliva, the operation will prevent chronic tonsillitis, rheumatism, and kidney disease.
  3. Pathological change tonsils. If the body is prone to angina attacks, then the operation is not mandatory. However, as a result of this connective tissue may become lymphoid and be a gathering place for microbes.

Removal of tonsils - consequences

If the operation to remove the tonsils could not be avoided, then after the procedure the protection in the pharynx disappears. This place becomes susceptible to the penetration of viruses. Other consequences of the removal of the tonsils: weakened immunity, pain within a week after removal, swelling of the larynx, an open wound where the tonsils were torn out, general stress for the body. Antibiotics are prescribed to protect the injured area from bacteria. In rare cases, after surgery, bleeding in people with rheumatism is not excluded.

Indications for tonsillectomy

Five years ago, tonsillectomy was considered commonplace. Today, a doctor can offer to remove the tonsils only when health problems cannot be solved in a non-surgical, “peaceful” way. Qualified specialists give their indications for the removal of tonsils in adults, when there is no other way out. This:

  • the appearance of chronic tonsillitis and its exacerbation due to persistent tonsillitis;
  • tonsillitis with complications, including diseases nervous system, rheumatism, diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys, heart, infectious nonspecific polyarthritis;
  • the formation of purulent abscesses that affect the larynx, phlegmon of the neck, paratonsillar (peritoneal abscess);
  • phlegmonous tonsillitis (intratonsillar abscess);
  • angina occurs more than 5 times a year with feeling unwell and high temperature;
  • neoplasms of the palatine tonsil;
  • obstructive sleep apnea syndrome - snoring, shortness of breath;
  • there was a sharp weakening of the immune system;
  • uncomplicated tonsillitis is not amenable to conservative treatment methods.

Contraindications for tonsillectomy

The therapist (pediatrician) together with the ENT doctor can finally determine the need for tonsillectomy based on the medical history and assessment of local changes. To find out if it is possible to perform an operation to remove, the patient is assigned a comprehensive examination:

  1. general urine analysis;
  2. biochemical and general blood test;
  3. determination of blood clotting time, coagulogram.

Contraindications to tonsillectomy are divided into temporary (relative) and absolute. The latter include:

  • diabetes mellitus (severe form);
  • hemorrhagic diathesis, acute and chronic leukemias;
  • neuropsychiatric diseases severe type may interfere with safe operation;
  • diseases of the heart, kidneys, lungs and liver in the stage of decompensation;
  • anomalies of the vessels of the pharynx (aneurysm, submucosal pulsation of the vessel);
  • active form of pulmonary tuberculosis. Find out more about what are.

Among the temporary contraindications are:

  • the period of poliomyelitis and epidemic outbreaks of influenza;
  • acute infectious diseases or prodromal signs of childhood infections;
  • tuberculous bronchoadenitis and tuberculosis intoxication;
  • pustular skin diseases;
  • dental caries;
  • severe ketonuria in patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases internal organs;
  • acute dermatitis or chronic dermatitis in the acute stage;
  • menstruation.

Tonsil Removal Methods

Modern otolaryngologists provide a wide range of tonsillectomy techniques. Methods for removing tonsils differ not only in price, but also:

  1. method of influence;
  2. the degree of tissue trauma;
  3. volume of blood loss;
  4. expressiveness pain syndrome after operation;
  5. recovery period.

The attending physician will tell you which of the following methods should be chosen in each case:

  • removal of the palatine tonsils with a laser;
  • surgery - a classic operation to cut out the tonsils;
  • coblation - removal by cold plasma method;
  • radio wave tonsillectomy;
  • microdebrider technology;
  • cauterization of the tonsils with current (electrocoagulation);
  • cryo-freezing (cryolysis).

Removal of tonsils by laser

In addition to the old method of removing tonsils by cutting out, there are modern ones, including laser tonsillectomy. Why Application laser scalpel considered effective? The device has a destructive effect on tissue through unidirectional radiation with the same wavelength. The effect caused depends on the length. The sintering effect of the laser eliminates the risk of bleeding. Among the types of laser removal are:

  1. Complete removal glands (radical tonsillectomy), in which they can no longer grow.
  2. Cutting only the upper layers (laser ablation).

Various types of lasers are used:

  • when most of the tonsil is affected, a fiber-optic laser is used;
  • upon detection of foci of inflammation inside, they act with a holmium laser;
  • infrared laser can fasten tissue;
  • the effect of tissue evaporation gives a carbon laser, which reduces the volume of the tonsil and the site of infection.

Surgery to remove tonsils

The old method of getting rid of persistent sore throats is the excision of the tonsils, which is performed under general anesthesia and permanently eliminates the source of infection and the breeding ground for bacteria. During the operation, the following medical instruments are used: a wire loop or surgical scissors, a scalpel. The disadvantages of this method are:

  • a pronounced pain symptom in the postoperative period (when the tonsils begin to heal);
  • bleeding;
  • decrease in the body's ability to protect against bacteria;
  • development of laryngitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis;
  • allergies.

Removal of tonsils by cold plasma method

Coblation is the removal of tonsils with the help of a cold plasma apparatus (coblator), which converts electrical energy into a plasma stream. All this is done by two electrodes and an electrolyte between them. The current takes a short path from minus to plus due to the potential difference that exists between the electrodes. The electrolyte (electrically conductive liquid) is saline solution on the tonsil.

Plasma formation occurs due to the ion flow formed between the anode and cathode. To break the bond in organic compounds, there is enough energy in the plasma, while the temperature does not exceed 60 degrees. Removal of tonsils by coblation means their cold destruction. Soft tissues decompose into low molecular weight nitrogenous compounds, carbon dioxide, water, so they can be dissected or removed volumetrically.

Radio wave tonsillectomy

How is the radio wave method of removing tonsils? The radio signal transmitted by the electrode “evaporates” the intracellular fluid and causes tissue dissection. High-frequency waves are absorbed by the intracellular fluid, due to which the chance of damage to adjacent tissues and organs is reduced with the radio wave method of tonsillectomy. Among the advantages of this method are the following:

  • tissue is slightly damaged during incision;
  • the process of regeneration and tissue repair is accelerated;
  • minimal risk complications after surgery;
  • scars do not form at the site of removal.

Electrocoagulation of the tonsils

Excision of tonsil tissue using a high frequency electric current is called tonsil electrocoagulation. This method is considered in an unwanted way removal due to the consequences that may occur in the postoperative period as a result of the effect of current on the surrounding tissues. The procedure is carried out using a device that is heated with electric current up to 400 degrees. When the tissue is charred, the amount of blood loss is minimal, but the burn after this method will be long and painful to heal.

Cryodestruction of tonsils

In otolaryngology, cryogenic freezing of the tonsils is increasingly used modern doctors. How does freezing tonsils with liquid nitrogen work? Under the influence of cold, destruction occurs pathogenic microorganisms, when frozen, the affected areas of the tissue die. The directed action of cold allows you to save healthy parts of the tonsils, which are necessary for the production of immune cells, providing local immunity and protection against penetration of viruses and microbes into the body.

How tonsils are removed

In medicine, the task of removing the tonsils is considered a simple operation. An anesthesia chosen by the doctor is used to relieve pain during the procedure. After the anesthesia takes effect, cutting or excision of diseased tissues begins with the chosen method. At the end of the removal, the patient is turned over on the right side, an ice lotion is placed on the neck to reduce blood loss. After surgery, to prevent infection in open wound the attending physician prescribes antibiotics.

How to remove tonsils in adults

To avoid bleeding, 14 days before surgery, the doctor prescribes drugs that increase blood clotting. For a month, it is necessary to give up drugs such as ibuprofen and aspirin. How the tonsils will be removed, the specialist decides: partially or completely. With severe hypertrophy of the lymphoid tissue, partial removal can be performed. On the day of the operation, 6 hours before the procedure, you need to stop eating, drinking juices and dairy products, and 4 hours before the procedure, stop drinking water.

The removal of the tonsils in adults is done under local anesthesia. 30 minutes before the start of the operation, the patient is given an intramuscular injection with sedative. Lidocaine (an anesthetic) is injected into the tissues around the tonsils. The patient is transferred to the operating room, put on a chair. Damaged organs are cut out through the mouth without making any incisions on the chin or neck.

Tonsillectomy in children

The timing of adenotonsillotomy in a child depends on the method. For example, the classic removal of tonsils in children takes about an hour, and the cryodestruction procedure takes several minutes. The difference between the children's procedure and the adult one lies in the anesthesia, from which the children will wake up when everything is over. How are tonsils cut out? The course of the operation is designed for several stages:

  1. The use of anesthesia: children are prescribed inhalation or mask general anesthesia. The child's mind turns off the gas coming through the mask.
  2. The tonsils are completely removed by the chosen method or leaving healthy cells.
  3. The child is taken out of anesthesia.

Tonsillectomy - postoperative period

If after the operation a yellowish or white coating has formed at the site of removal, then you should not worry: when the surgical wound heals, everything will look normal. However, it should be remembered that while plaque is present, it is forbidden to disinfect and gargle. The fastest recovery after tonsillectomy and rehabilitation will come if the patient adheres to the following recommendations within 14 days:

  • talk less;
  • do not lift weights;
  • eat soft cool food and follow a diet;
  • drink plenty of water, try to avoid coughing;
  • no smoking;
  • abandon the solarium, baths;
  • do not fly;
  • brush your teeth with care;
  • bathe under a cool shower;
  • for pain relief, take drugs with paracetamol;
  • do not drink aspirin and ibuprofen (bleeding may open).

What can you eat after the removal of the tonsils

After the operation, on the first day, the patient is strictly forbidden to eat anything, but you can drink water. Nutrition after tonsillectomy on the second day should include cool food, liquid cereals, vegetable and meat purees, soups, yogurts, ice cream. Within 4 days you need to follow a diet after tonsillectomy, exclude hot or warm food. The wound heals for about a week, but if there is no tissue recovery within the specified period, then you should consult a doctor. After complete regeneration and with the permission of the doctor, you can return to a normal diet.

Complications of tonsillectomy

On the website of Dr. Komarovsky, many reviews are written that the removal does not bring consequences. Complications after surgery act only as an opportunity for the development of ailments. Consequences are completely optional. The risks of complications can be minimized if you contact a qualified specialist who will help you choose the removal method for a particular patient, taking into account the characteristics of the medical history.

Possible Complications after tonsil removal in adults:

  1. Started bleeding does not go away due to wrong system coagulation. To avoid similar phenomenon, the patient should have their blood coagulation tests checked before surgery and, if necessary, postpone surgery.
  2. Complications infectious nature due to the spread of purulent infection through the lymphatic and blood vessels. This can happen if a person's immunity is severely reduced, so tonsillectomy is not prescribed for patients with cancer, AIDS, during acute bacterial or viral infections.
  3. The development of allergic reactions to drugs that are used as painkillers (anesthetics). Before the operation, persons predisposed to allergies take a course antihistamines.
  4. In case of inaccurate laser surgery or electrocoagulation, a burn of the mucous and soft tissues is possible.

Cost of tonsillectomy

In Moscow, the price for removal of adenoids varies depending on the prestige of the clinic and hospital, the professionalism of doctors, and the chosen method of tonsillectomy. In some institutions, they will not only perform an operation, but you can also order a ward, be under the supervision of doctors in the postoperative period, which will help reduce the risk of complications after the procedure. How much does it cost to remove tonsils in Moscow, see the table:

Video: How tonsils are removed