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How to stop a dry cough at home in an adult? How to stop a coughing attack: emergency methods, prevention

Every person should know how to relieve a coughing attack. The problem occurs under the influence of various factors, but in 90% of cases the main cause is various diseases - viral, infectious. You can effectively stop an attack at home; medications and remedies help relieve symptoms. traditional medicine. It is important to consider that a sudden and severe coughing attack can be not only a symptom of the disease, but also defensive reaction body, for example, onto a piece of food or a foreign object.


A severe or prolonged coughing attack may occur due to various reasons. This manifestation should not be ignored, since the list contains diseases such as:

  • bronchial asthma - in the case when this disease is the main one, then in addition to this symptom there is severe shortness of breath. As a result, there is a pronounced lack of air. You can remove manifestations using special drugs(sprays);
  • allergic reaction- attacks of dry and loud cough occur after contact with an irritant. Shortness of breath in this case rarely appears. In 90% of cases, a reaction in this form occurs after inhalation of pollen, dust, chemical component. The reason is active irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • heart failure - when a person has a pathology associated with the cardiovascular system, the characteristic sound is a reflex, not symptomatic manifestation Problems. Additionally, shortness of breath and rapid pulse occur. The therapeutic effect is aimed at treating the heart and strengthening blood vessels. Eliminating coughing attacks is a secondary task in this case.

An attack of irritating dry cough occurs against the background of the following diseases:

  1. ARVI.
  2. Colds.
  3. Flu.

Cough here is a symptom of the disease and appears at its very beginning. Attacks of a dry cough in an adult eventually turn into a wet cough. In this case, there is a discharge of sputum and mucous components accumulated in the lungs.

Also among the possible causes of attacks are a number of the following diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • tuberculosis;
  • damage to the thyroid gland;
  • problems with the esophagus;
  • pleurisy;
  • nervous overstrain;
  • laryngitis;
  • helminthiasis;
  • pulmonary emphysema.

Symptomatic manifestation can be observed if there are malignant neoplasms in the lungs.

Important! If a dry cough lasts more than 7 days, then you need to consult a doctor (ENT) for detailed advice.

You can also experience coughing attacks if sinusitis or one of the types of rhinitis develops. The patient stops breathing fully through the nose, congestion and swelling are observed. The problem occurs in the background inflammatory reaction And large cluster mucus. To eliminate the problem of attacks, you need to moisturize the throat mucosa and perform steam inhalations.

How to quickly stop a coughing attack at night in an adult

If the attack occurred at night, then in this case it is necessary to take a number of simple actions:

  • take a sitting position;
  • inhale air frequently but deeply through your mouth, holding it for a few seconds, then exhale;
  • drink a few sips of water.

Additionally, you can take a drug that helps push mucus out of the lungs. Nettle decoction helps a lot.

How to stop coughing attacks in an adult with medication

It is important to know how to stop an attack of dry cough in an adult patient using medications. It is necessary to remember that to provide qualified assistance Only a doctor can. He will describe a regimen for taking one of the following medications that help relieve attacks of daytime or nighttime cough:

  • Sinekod - this drug allows you to stop suffering from attacks, as it has a powerful antitussive and bronchodilator effect. The components included directly affect the cause of the problem, due to which changes for the better are observed within 20-30 minutes;
  • Codelac - a medicine that relieves suffocating and paroxysmal cough. It affects the receptors, so relief occurs within half an hour after administration. This cough syrup, despite its long-lasting effect (on average 4 hours), cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation, or given to babies;
  • Libexin - the drug protects the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, actively removing inflammatory process. It should not be used during attacks wet cough. Maximum effect occurs 40 minutes after administration. It is forbidden to use by pregnant and lactating women and children;
  • Omnitus - the drug is used during cough caused by bronchitis in acute form, ARVI or other infections. Has a powerful antitussive effect. It can only be drunk by adults;
  • Eufillin is a drug that helps relieve severe coughing attacks, as it acts on the receptors. Included in therapy when the underlying problem is bronchial asthma. It cannot be used without permission, since the product has many side effects. Contraindications: heart disease, pregnancy and childhood.

How to help a nursing mother if she starts coughing

Any antitussive drug based on herbs and medicinal plants may cause an allergic reaction, so they should only be used after consulting a doctor.

How to relieve coughing attacks: additional treatment methods

If the question arises of how to quickly relieve a coughing attack quickly or at home, then you need to remember: treatment methods depend on the main cause that causes it. If we managed to find out negative factor, then the therapy includes:

  • medications with bronchodilator effects;
  • agents that can relieve inflammation (steroidal and non-steroidal in composition);
  • antibiotics (if viruses, bacteria, fungi are affected, complications have appeared or the disease is in an advanced stage);
  • drugs affecting viruses;
  • mucolytics;
  • drugs that have an expectorant effect;
  • antihistamines (cough caused by allergies and occurring after contact with an irritant goes away within 20-30 minutes).

You may also need diuretics, immune system-boosting medications, and vitamin complexes. Sometimes compositions for external use are used - ointments and gels for rubbing and heating. The number and variety of medications depends on the form of the disease and its severity. In the case where there is no heat, then also apply different kinds inhalations (steam, using a nebulizer). The procedures may include physiotherapeutic measures - electrophoresis, UHF or iontophoresis. The complex effect allows for a short time relieve attacks of dry or wet cough.

How to relieve coughing attacks: consultation with a doctor

It is possible to effectively treat attacks of dry cough in adults only after undergoing diagnostics. Only then will the treatment be successful and correct. You will need to contact a specialist if there are additional manifestations, indicating pathological manifestations in organism.

So a dry cough occurs when bronchial asthma or the effects of infections on the body. Its sound is loud, barking. Expectoration of phlegm and mucus does not occur during an attack, which can lead to congestion or cause additional irritation of the throat. There is no relief from the cough after the cough ends; it strains the airways, provoking a new attack, which can become protracted.

Causes of dry cough in adults and methods of treatment

During diagnosis, you must tell your doctor:

  • features of dry cough attacks - duration, number of repetitions per day;
  • about sounds (barking, muffled, wheezing);
  • about the presence or absence pain during an attack or after it.

Contact for professional help follows:

  • if attacks are repeated frequently;
  • arises coughing at night or immediately after waking up;
  • when the problem does not disappear within 14 days;
  • if the cough is accompanied strong manifestations sweating;
  • in case of increased body temperature;
  • when nausea and vomiting occurs.

Important to remember! The manifestation may indicate the development of stomach disease, chronic diseases, or the influence of infection.

Also, the condition of a patient who constantly experiences attacks of dry or wet cough may worsen due to general tension in the body. In cases where the problem is accompanied by severe allergic reactions, you need to consult a doctor to relieve or reduce swelling. This is necessary in order to prevent its transition to the larynx. If pain and discomfort are present, we can talk about damage to the pleura. Taking into account the information received, the doctor will tell you how to relieve an attack of dry cough.

Attack of severe cough: how to stop with folk remedies

Elimination of a coughing attack due to bronchitis or another disease can be achieved by using traditional medicine recipes together with a traditional complex of therapeutic effects. Here you need to be careful and choose components carefully, since the substances included in the composition have different effects on the body.

The most popular folk recipes:

  • warm drinks - this can be tea with herbs or you can treat yourself with warm milk and honey, warm water with honey and lemon. Drinks should be warm, but not hot, to prevent burns;
  • lubricating the throat with melted butter (moisturizing the mucous membrane, calming the irritated surface);
  • inhalation - as a result, the cough becomes not dry, but moist, which allows mucus to be expelled. The most effective will be formulations with medications or eucalyptus leaves (irritation is relieved, the immune system is strengthened);
  • If you need an antitussive, you can use herbs to create it. Decoctions are used for drinking, rinsing, and creating compresses. Chamomile is used for this purpose - it relieves irritation in the throat;
  • For coughs, radish (grated) with the addition of honey is quite effective. Accept folk remedy Take a teaspoon 1-2 times a day. The result will be rapid hydration of the mucous membrane and relief of symptoms.

If various illnesses and complications from a cold affect the occurrence of attacks, then compresses can be applied. It is best to leave them overnight. Compositions for compresses, how to relieve a cough attack with their help:

  • heated honey - in this case, you can apply it to cloth or gauze folded in several layers;
  • vegetable oil(warmed);
  • radish with honey (juice) - helps with a runny nose and when there is a cough (cough of any nature).

To increase efficiency, the compress is insulated. For this purpose, polyethylene and a warm woolen scarf are used.

To strengthen the body, a very effective solution is the use of vitamins. It is recommended to make a mixture of lemon, ginger and honey. As a result, you can relieve redness and relieve coughing attacks in an adult, various reasons which are associated with weakening of the body. Good remedy for dry or wet cough - drink more warm milk, tea, water with the addition of various vitamin compounds.

Before Use folk technique To treat a child, you need to find out if he is allergic to the selected component. If after taking allergy symptoms appear within half an hour, you need to use antihistamines to relieve the symptoms.

These folk remedies will help you quickly relieve a coughing attack., and will also save you from night coughs and allow a sick child or adult to get a good night’s sleep

Nettle treatment

Nettle tincture helps to quickly relieve a coughing attack in an adult. Pour a handful of dry nettles with moonshine or vodka. Leave for 10 days. You will get a green liquid. Drink 1 tbsp during an attack. l. The cough quickly stops (2007, No. 19, p. 32).

Sugar burnt

If attacks of night cough prevent you from falling asleep, overcook 1 tbsp. l. sugar in an iron mug, stirring on the stove until dark Brown, add 1/4 glass of water, drip aloe juice (you can do without it), drink and restful sleep secured. Tried several times. (2008, no. 17, art. 33).

How to relieve a coughing attack with a burning knife - recipe No. 2

Another similar recipe with burnt sugar, but with a dose limitation:
To prepare burnt sugar, pour half a glass of sugar into a dry frying pan, melt until brown, carefully pour a glass of boiling water and stir. Drink this syrup 1 tsp. During an attack, the cough stops immediately. Helps both children and adults. Also drink this remedy at night to sleep peacefully. The daily dose is no more than 5 teaspoons (HLS 2009, No. 10, p. 30).

Treatment with sage

It's hard to sleep when your lungs are bursting with coughing. The following folk remedy helps relieve a night cough: 1 tbsp. l. Boil sage herbs with a glass of milk, leave in a warm place for 40 minutes, strain. Take hot, 1 glass per day before bed. Then you will be able to fall asleep without problems, and your sleep will be sound. (HLS 2005, No. 10, p. 29, 2007, No. 10, p. 31).

Rub with radish juice

For women from nighttime coughing attacks during exacerbations chronic bronchitis This remedy helped: I rubbed black radish juice on my back and chest at night - I was able to sleep peacefully after such rubbing. (healthy lifestyle recipe 2006, No. 5, p. 30).

Treatment with valerian

The woman began having night coughing attacks at 11 pm and could not sleep all night. This remedy helped: when an attack begins, drink 20 drops of valerian per 100 g of water. After a few minutes, the cough subsides and you can sleep peacefully. (healthy lifestyle recipe 2002, No. 1, p. 18,).

Golden mustache

If you chew a leaf of the “golden mustache” plant during a severe coughing attack, you can quickly remove it. (2003, no. 8, p. 3).

Meadowsweet wine

The woman constantly had a sore throat (a side effect of anti-hypertension pills), especially at night, she could not sleep peacefully - she was tormented by a night cough. One day, by chance, before going to bed, she drank some meadowsweet wine, and slept peacefully all night. After that, every evening she drank 1 tbsp. l. This wine and her cough went away.

Make wine like this: stuff tightly with meadowsweet flowers liter jar, pour these flowers into 3.5 liters of boiling water, leave for a day in a tightly closed enamel pan, if you want a more aromatic wine, leave for 2-3 days. Then strain and squeeze.

Prepare syrup separately: put 1 kg of sugar in 0.5 liters of water, squeeze 1-2 lemons, add 2 tsp. citric acid. Mix cold syrup with meadowsweet infusion, add 10 raisins. Keep in a warm place for 1-2 days, then seal with a water stopper. When fermentation is over, drain off the sediment. (2006, no. 23, p. 31).

Pine buds

To avoid coughing attacks, take an infusion of pine buds. The infusion is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. leave the kidneys in 1 cup of boiling water for 30 minutes, strain. As soon as you feel an attack starting, take 1-2 sips of this infusion. Usually the cough calms down immediately. (HLS 2008, No. 5, p. 30).

Alkaline drinking

An attack of night cough in children and adults can be relieved with chamomile tea, milk or alkaline water. You need to sit in bed, tap on the upper chest and back so that the mucus moves away from the bronchi, and drink the above drinks warm. Night cough will stop.

Treatment with honey

If a cough does not allow you to sleep, you should put a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon in your mouth. butter(less possible), dissolve. You can wash it down with a sip of warm milk.

How to relieve a cough attack without improvised means

If you catch a coughing attack on the street or on someone else’s territory, the following remedy will help relieve the attack: stand up straight, lift right hand up and pull it as high as you can. Continue until the cough subsides.

An important symptom of disease respiratory system is a constant, debilitating cough. In some cases it is associated with colds. Sometimes - with infectious processes, and even less often - with pathologies of other body systems.

People suffering from this symptom often ask the question: “How to stop coughing in an adult?” This article will be devoted to answering this question.

It usually occurs as a result of reflex irritation of receptors located in the mucous membrane of the upper airways. Irritating factors there may be microorganisms or mucus running down the wall of the throat.

Another cause of cough is congestion in the end parts of the lungs - the alveoli, where, during illness, sputum that is difficult to separate accumulates. The discharge of secretions is aggravated by the constant forced position of the body in bed.


  1. Prolonged, non-stop coughing can be caused by smoking. It is among the amateurs cigarette smoke are more often observed pathological changes in the lungs and upper respiratory tract (see). This is due to the fact that tobacco contains nicotine and tars, which irritate the bronchial mucosa;
  2. A common cold can cause a persistent cough, not subjected active treatment, flowing in chronic form, with periods of peak and calm. If there are unfavorable conditions in a person, the disease may progress from a common cold to bronchial asthma or pneumonia;
  3. Laryngitis, tracheitisimportant diseases, promoting the development of dry painful cough, “tearing” a person’s throat. The standard complaint for this disease is “I can’t stop coughing in the morning” (see);
  4. Pleurisy goes away with increasing temperature, chills, shortness of breath, severe cough and unpleasant painful sensations V chest(cm. );
  5. Bronchial asthma is a disease that requires immediate treatment. The cough that occurs against its background is paroxysmal, often at night.

It should be remembered that it is possible to quickly stop a cough without eliminating the underlying pathology in only rare cases.

Types of chronic cough

According to manifestations they distinguish the following types cough with various clinical manifestations:

  1. hysterical;
  2. Dry barking;

Basically, the resulting severe cough is dry in nature and appears in a person not only in the morning or evening, but throughout the day. Provoking factors for an attack may be dust, cold, or, conversely, high humidity in the room.

The appearance of a person with a long, debilitating cough is very characteristic and is shown in the photo.

Why does the cough not stop?

Depending on the causative factor nonproductive cough, the reasons for the progression of the disease may be different. This is often associated with a general decrease in immunity, deformation of the bronchial wall, and a change in the nature of the mucous secretion in the respiratory tract (often observed in smokers).

Associated pathogenic flora (bacteria or viruses) can also delay the cure of cough.

Attention! The cough also worsens in cases of serious oncological processes; for their diagnosis, you should consult a specialist.

How to stop coughing?

In cases where a cough has developed in a person with a cold, it is recommended to limit oneself to available means to eliminate pathological symptoms. If the cough is caused by diseases such as pleurisy or bronchial asthma, then adequate treatment Only a doctor can prescribe it.

To diagnose the cause of a disease in a person, an anamnesis is collected, and necessary tests which usually include:

  1. General blood test, urine test, biochemistry;
  2. Bacteriological culture of flora;
  3. Serological research methods;
  4. X-ray diagnostics (if necessary).

Based on the research results, we can talk about the presence or absence of certain diseases in a person. Drug therapy is prescribed in accordance with the identified pathological syndrome, which contributes to the formation of a strong, incessant cough.

Traditional methods

How to quickly stop a cough without using drug therapy? Is it possible? Yes of course.

For relax prolonged cough in adults you can use:

  1. Milk, butter and honey.

Since ancient times, a famous drink that helps defeat colds thanks to a large complex of vitamins and beneficial microelements;

  1. Warm, plenty of drink.

Stop cough with milk or decoctions medicinal fees(licorice, chamomile) even for a child. They provide restorative effect on the body, stimulate the formation and separation of liquid sputum, which facilitates coughing;

  1. Inhalations with herbal decoctions (linden, coltsfoot) have a calming effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

In the video in this article is detailed instructions on preparation effective means for treatment chronic cough. If treatment is ineffective, you should move on to medicinal methods, which, although they have a higher price, have proven effectiveness.

Drug therapy

When visiting a doctor, a test should be done to identify the pathogen that caused the disease and unbearable cough.

Depending on its nature: viral, bacterial or fungal, direct treatment of the disease is applied:

  • If pathogenic microorganism turned out to be a bacterial cell - antibiotics are actively used wide range(summamed), and, if possible, narrowly focused;
  • At viral cause development of cough are popular antiviral drugs(acicrovir, arbidol) and immunomodulators (viferon, interferon), which allow not only to reduce the activity of the pathogen, but also to increase the body’s natural defenses;
  • And, accordingly, the fungal flora is cured antifungal drugs(nystatin);
  • It is mandatory to prescribe mucolytic drugs (bromhexine), expectorants (ACC), affecting muscle fibers bronchi and the structure of existing sputum. Thereby specific treatment a “softening” of the cough occurs;

And if the cough is of an allergic nature, how to stop it in this case?

  • It is necessary to prescribe antiallergic drugs (loratadine, suprastin) that relieve hypersecretion and spasm of the respiratory muscles.
  • Antitussives are effective - libexin, sinekod, which weaken bronchial hyperexcitability.


A dry cough that occurs in many people may not only be a symptom of a cold. And, therefore, its treatment will differ significantly from that for ARVI.

Prescribe therapy to relieve a cough attack in bronchial asthma and pleurisy (and other serious illnesses) only a doctor can. However, in other cases, every modern person should know how to stop coughing in an adult.

There are many different types of cough, and they need to be treated differently. But it is worth remembering that in case of illness, you must first consult a doctor to avoid undesirable consequences. If this is not possible, you can fight the cough at home.

Cold cough. There is a recipe for how to relieve a coughing attack during a cold. To do this, you need to stock up on milk, butter, soda and mineral water. After boiling the milk, add 1 tablespoon of butter and a quarter teaspoon of soda or water. Drink the mixture hot, the results will not take long to arrive.

A folk recipe for stopping coughing attacks. There are cases sudden appearance cough. And the more you cough, the harder it is to stop. I can’t clear my throat or stop the cough. In such a situation, try to do this: Raise your right arm as high as possible and stretch well. The cough will subside. This procedure helps not only against prolonged coughing attacks, it is a means of treating and preventing cough if done regularly. But you shouldn't give up on others folk remedies cough treatment. It is better to use everything together.

Coughing attacks. If you suffer from coughing attacks at night, first of all, you need to change your position from horizontal to vertical, sit down or stand up, leaning forward a little. This will make the coughing attack go away sooner. Another exercise that will help get rid of cough not only at night, but also during the day. To do this, you need to raise your right hand and stretch strongly upward. The cough will soon subside. Also helps with coughing attacks regular tea from chamomile flowers, purchased at a pharmacy.

Children's cough. There are also methods that can stop dry cough attacks in a child. To do this, you need to prepare an egg mixture. First you need to boil a glass of milk, add a tablespoon of butter and the same amount of honey. Add to this mixture egg yolk, pre-whipped, and also a quarter. Drink the mixture warm. Soon the child will forget about the cough.

As for children's syrups, the most effective for dry cough is Erespal. However, regarding the dose and duration of taking this cough syrup, and any other syrups and medicines It is imperative to consult a doctor. Also children's cough Tincture of pine buds is an excellent treatment. To do this, you need to boil half a liter of milk, add pine buds, no more than a tablespoon, leave the mixture for an hour, and then drink in small doses during the day.

Dry cough. An excellent recipe for stopping a coughing attack in an adult. To do this you will need 250 grams of white grape wine and 60 grams of ground pepper roots. This mixture is brought to a boil, then filtered and drunk hot three times a day. If it is necessary to stop a child's dry cough, this mixture can be rubbed into the chest.

Advanced cough. You can also stop severe attacks cough with compresses. This type of treatment is ideal for running forms cough. To create a solution for compresses, you need to mix a tablespoon of dry mustard, honey, a little flour, sunflower oil and one and a half tablespoons of vodka. Heat all this in a water bath, put it in gauze and apply it to the throat. The compress is wrapped in cellophane and a scarf on top to create a sauna effect. By doing this procedure for a couple of days in a row, you can get rid of your cough.

When infectious agents, dust or allergens enter the bronchi and lungs, respiratory tract receptors are irritated and a cough occurs. The latter helps cleanse the tracheobronchial tree from irritants such as sputum, mucus, pus, and various foreign bodies. Coughing attacks in adults and children can occur as a result of viral respiratory pathologies, including ARVI, bronchitis and others, however, how to figure out why they occur in the absence of a characteristic colds symptoms?

What are coughing fits

This phenomenon serves as the body's response to the influence of any irritant, manifested by a sudden cough. The latter can be convulsive during attacks, when due to coughing impulses following each other, a person cannot take a breath. Sometimes a paroxysmal symptom ends with vomiting, impaired heart rate, fainting condition. This phenomenon is not independent disease, but only a symptom indicating the presence of a certain disorder in the body.


Coughing attacks can occur with a number of various diseases respiratory tract, which differ only additional symptoms. The doctor prescribes treatment for cough syndrome only after determining the root cause of the pathology. So, a paroxysmal cough may be a sign of:

  • acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections;
  • acute or chronic bronchitis;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • allergic reaction;
  • whooping cough;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • availability malignant tumors;
  • deviation in work of cardio-vascular system.


This symptom may indicate some internal pathologies And infectious diseases. Dry paroxysmal cough, in addition, can cause some psychotropic and antihypertensive drugs, diuretics. In this case, the attacks have a mild intensity (observed mild frequent coughing). When assessing bronchospasm, one should take into account the strength cough impulse, frequency of manifestation and time of occurrence (morning, afternoon, night, during meals, etc.). The causes of intense dry spastic exhalation are:

Chronic dry cough appears for other reasons, and the symptom is characterized by the duration of its course. Factors causing its development include:


Sudden dryness or moist cough is a symptom indicating a bacterial or viral infection. Sudden spasmodic exhalations are typical for smokers, but non-smokers should be wary of such attacks, which are repeated over several days. Emergence this symptom may be explained by the presence viral infections or non-infectious diseases and pathological conditions of the respiratory, nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, immune systems. TO possible reasons sudden attacks include:

  • irregular structure vocal cords or larynx;
  • infectious and/or colds such as bronchitis, inflammation of the larynx, lungs, ARVI, influenza, etc.;
  • long-term smoking;
  • presence of a foreign object in the respiratory tract;
  • bronchial asthma of an allergic nature;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease ( gastric juice gets back into the esophagus, as a result of which an attack of spastic exhalations develops after eating);
  • the presence of certain diseases of the cardiovascular system (for example, cardiac ischemia);
  • allergic postnasal edema;
  • nervous tension before important events;
  • at infants This occurs during teething due to excess salivation.

An attack of dry cough at night in an adult

The factors causing this symptom, which is accompanied by fever, are obvious - respiratory tract infections, pneumonia or acute bronchitis. In some cases, unproductive attempts to cough in adults and children occur at night without apparent reason. Having intense attacks of dry cough at night, the patient may feel great throughout the day and not cough at all, or only do so occasionally. Symptoms that appear only during sleep may indicate:

  • asthma;
  • gastric reflux;
  • sinusitis;
  • heart failure;
  • cold;
  • iron deficiency;
  • allergies (if symptoms appear exclusively at night, then the allergen should be looked for near the place of sleep).

How to stop

To eliminate or stop a symptom that appears suddenly, you should find out what causes it. If the cause of coughing attacks is not due to any pathology, but is of physiological origin, spastic exhalations quickly pass without complications and there is no need for treatment. Often this symptom is observed in a child in the morning and is a consequence of the body’s attempt to free the bronchi from mucus accumulated overnight.

The doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics for influenza or pneumonia, and bronchodilators for bronchial asthma. If the reason pathological condition is an allergy, the allergen must first be eliminated; in addition, the doctor prescribes an appointment antihistamine. For symptomatic treatment of cough, mucolytic and expectorant drugs are used. If there is no need to liquefy and remove sputum, antitussive medications such as Codeine are sometimes indicated.

At sudden attack spastic continuous exhalations caused by stress and anxiety, you can take motherwort, valerian. Cough caused by GERD is treated with antacids. If the cause of spastic exhalations is a foreign object that makes breathing difficult, it is removed from the nose, but this is done very carefully so as not to damage the mucous membrane. If a child has a cough, do not try to remove the object yourself, since it can move inside and enter the bronchi/lungs, which will increase the signs of suffocation.

First aid

To relieve an attack, it is necessary to lay the patient down so that the head is slightly elevated. To stimulate the removal of mucus, you should take an antitussive drug. If a person is in in serious condition, it's better to call an ambulance. If foreign objects enter the larynx, the patient is hospitalized surgical hospital. Adults and children with inflammatory disease lungs are sent to therapeutic department, with gangrene of the organ - to surgery.

To stop a child’s cough at night, you should sit the baby in bed, calm him down and provide him with a warm drink (milk with honey, heated mineral water with soda, decoction medicinal herbs). Such drinks can soften the mucous membrane, eliminate discomfort and sore throat that occurs during spastic exhalations. In addition, to alleviate the child’s condition, it is important to humidify the air in the room.

To suppress a cough attack in babies 6 months and older, you can use inhalations. For this purpose, eucalyptus and cedar oils are used. In addition, potato decoction is suitable for the procedure - a remedy that eliminates sore throat, shortness of breath, and moisturizes the respiratory tract. Inhalation is carried out as follows:

  • poured into a bowl hot water;
  • add a couple of drops of essential oil to it;
  • The baby is picked up and covered with a towel over his head and left to inhale the steam until the attack stops.


Symptom therapy should be aimed at eliminating the causes of the pathological condition, however, symptomatic treatment also plays important role. A debilitating cough should be relieved as soon as it occurs to prevent damage to the laryngeal mucosa. Only a doctor will choose the right medicine, taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular patient, the root cause of the symptom and the appropriateness of treatment.


Medicines of this group are used when the secretion is not separated, it is produced in minimal quantities, or the secretion has a thick and viscous texture. Remedies for dry cough are:

  1. Sinekod. The medicine contains butamirate and is available in the form of drops and syrup. Sinekod is intended for the treatment of dry cough of any origin. The drug begins to act within 15-20 minutes after administration and can be given even to small children (from 2 months) - these are the big advantages of the drug. The disadvantage of Sinekod is the unpleasant, sharp taste.
  2. Codeine. This drug belongs to narcotic drugs, which can cause addiction when the dosage is increased, so the drug is used only as prescribed by a doctor and with exact adherence to dosages. The advantages of the drug are its high efficiency and analgesic effect.
  3. Bromhexine. This mucolytic drug is often prescribed to treat dry, spasmodic exhalations. The medicine does not relieve the cough protective reflex, so you should not expect an immediate effect. Bromhexine gradually thins and removes mucus, so that a dry cough turns into a productive wet cough. The big advantage of the medicine is its ability to stimulate the production of surfactant in the bronchi, which helps clear them of mucus faster.


Allergic cough may not appear immediately, but this symptom is difficult to confuse with others, since it is characterized by swelling of the nasal mucosa, frequent sneezing and runny nose. Cough attacks are always unproductive (without sputum production). Antihistamines are used to treat this symptom, including:

  1. Tavegil. A synthetic medicine of powerful action, available in the form of tablets, ointments, suppositories, sprays, solutions. Take the drug in a weekly course. The advantage of the drug is the absence of sedation. The disadvantage of Tavegil is that the drug should not be taken by children under one year of age or by women during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Suprastin. One of the most popular antiallergic drugs. Available in the form of tablets and infections, which have an effect as quickly as possible in acute allergic reactions. Suprastin for coughs in adults is prescribed for almost all types of allergies. The advantage of the drug is that it can be taken even by newborns, since the drug is absolutely harmless and has no side effects.
  3. Cetrin. The medicine belongs to the group of selective drugs and is valued for its lack of effect on nervous system. The advantage of Cetrin is that it does not have a sedative or depressant effect. The disadvantage of the drug is its average antihistamine effect.

How to stop a child's cough

A common cause of coughing attacks in children is laryngitis - swelling of the mucous membrane, which occurs due to the structural features of the larynx in the area of ​​the vocal cords. The cause of the pathological condition in children may be an allergic reaction of the body or a common sore throat. You can stop your baby's cough in the following ways:

  • give a warm drink that will soften the mucous membrane of the throat and eliminate soreness;
  • offer the baby a spoonful of honey or a piece of butter to moisturize and lubricate the throat;
  • do inhalation with essential oils ( this remedy helps even with intense barking symptoms);
  • give it to the child baby syrup based on essential oils, which quickly relieves a cough attack.

In addition to the listed methods, treatment of spastic exhalations is carried out systemically. Medicines central action fight the symptom at the brain level, influencing directly the cough center. Drugs of this type quickly and effectively eliminate painful attack, but require strict adherence to the doctor’s instructions. Centrally acting antitussives given to children include:

  1. Sinekod. A medicine based on butamirate is a substance with a bronchodilator and antitussive effect. Sinecode can be taken from 2 months of age. The disadvantage of the funds is side effects which may occur in children.
  2. Bronholitin. The drug contains glaucine, ephedrine and essential oil basil, which helps eliminate a cough attack, relieves bronchospasm. Bronzolitin can be given to children 3 years of age and older. The disadvantage of the medication is the likelihood of developing side effects, including nausea, tachycardia, drowsiness.
  3. Stoptussin. The composition of the medicine includes guaifenesin and butamirate, thanks to which coughing attacks are suppressed and sputum begins to separate. Babies from 6 months are given the drug in the form of potassium; for children over 3 years old, syrup is suitable. The disadvantage of Stoptussin is the side effects, including the formation of kidney stones.

Folk recipes

Use funds alternative medicine should be used with caution as some recipes differ high efficiency and require compliance correct dosage. In addition, before using folk remedies, it is important to consult a doctor, since some medications can cause allergies and swelling. Effective antitussive recipes are the following:

  1. Warm drink. To soothe an irritated throat and relieve an attack, you should drink warmed whole milk with honey and a piece of butter at night. These components moisturize the pharyngeal mucosa, eliminate shortness of breath and relieve inflammation.
  2. Compresses. For this purpose, you can use radish with honey, vegetable oil, heated honey, which covers the skin of the throat. The compress is covered with polyethylene and a warm scarf. The procedure is done at night.
  3. Herbal infusions. Such drugs are taken orally or used as a gargle. Chamomile, which is brewed, has proven itself to be excellent hot water(1 tbsp per 1 tbsp boiling water). The plant relieves inflammation, soothes mucous membranes, and helps remove phlegm.
