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Mammary tumor in an old cat. Symptoms of the presence of a neoplasm. Breast cancer in dogs and cats

In cats, mammary gland cancer occurs quite often and is malignant in nature, which is associated with all the difficulties in treating this disease. Of course, breast cancer in dogs is still twice as common, but cats are also not immune from this pathology. As a rule, everything ends fatal. The disease itself is very closely related to the removal of the cat's ovaries (sterilization). But on early stages Breast cancer is treatable (surgical).

Which cats are most at risk?

Almost any adult cat Breast cancer and mastopathy may develop, but on average this most often occurs between the ages of 8 and 14 years. Siamese cats have a genetic predisposition to mastopathy and tumor formation, so cancer occurs twice as often in them.

Mammary cancer often occurs in uncastrated and unsterilized cats, as well as in those. Which were sterilized after 4-5 heats, regardless of whether they gave birth.

Types of Mammary Cancer in Cats

Most often, the tumor manifests itself in the form of compaction nodules, which can easily move or be fused with surrounding tissues. 25% of all tumors have ulcers. Most often, the tumor appears on the first mammary glands. In 50% of cases, more than 1, 3 and 4 glands are affected. Often the ulcerations hurt, become infected and the temperature rises.

What is the best way to treat breast tumors?

The best way in the early stages is surgical removal of the tumor along with the surrounding breast tissue. In the initial stages, such treatment is quite effective, but this is despite the fact that in 65% of cases a relapse occurs, that is, the tumor appears again. Sad statistics. That after detection of mammary gland tumors in cats, as a rule, within one year the animal dies from cancer (metastasis).

How to determine a malignant or benign tumor?

To do this, make a puncture with a syringe, collect material from the formation and send it to cytological examination. Also when removing a tumor surgically The material is sent for histology without fail. But still, most often mammary gland tumors in cats are malignant. Tissue samples are examined.

Disease prognosis

The prognosis depends on the size of the tumor:

  • Up to 2 cm – favorable
  • From 2 to 3 cm – doubtful
  • More than 3 cm – unfavorable

Every owner should know that timely treatment, performed before the age of 2 years, reduces the incidence of mammary gland tumors in cats several times.

Doctor of Science Yakunina M.N. Laboratory combination therapy tumors Federal State Budgetary Institution Russian Cancer Research Center named after N.N. Blokhin, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, clinic
Tumors of the mammary gland of domestic animals are important nosological forms and in structure oncological diseases and occupy second place in dogs and third place in cats, while mammary cancer makes up more than half of all mammary tumors and occurs in 90% of cats and 50% of dogs, often recurs and metastasizes. Involvement of regional lymph nodes is detected in 40% of dogs and 80% of cats; hematogenous metastasis in dogs is associated with damage to the lungs (80%), liver (33%), spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands (6-7%) and, rarely, bones (3 %) and in cats with damage to the pleura and the development of tumor pleurisy in 70-80% of cases. Late presentation and the ability to invade, recur and multi-organ metastasis determine the low life expectancy of animals with stage III-IV breast cancer at the level of 2-5 months even after radical surgical treatment.
IN medical practice For the treatment of breast cancer, drug antitumor chemotherapy is intensively used, which is used in operable patients to improve the results of surgical treatment in postoperative period, as well as in primary inoperable patients in the preoperative period. The main goal of chemotherapy is to prevent cancer recurrence and metastasis. Treatment regimen chemotherapy is aimed at controlling tumor growth and prolonging the patient’s life with metastatic (disseminated) cancer.
The role of chemotherapy in the treatment of mammary cancer in small animals is debated because... There is insufficient experience with this method. The use of various antitumor drugs for the purpose of drug correction of the condition, however, the approach to the selection of cytostatic agents has not been systematized. The possibilities and approaches to antitumor drug treatment of primary inoperable breast cancer - locally advanced, diffuse, infiltrative-edematous, as well as late metastatic stages of the disease - remain unexplored.
In modern medical practice to improve efficiency drug treatment In breast cancer, regimens based on antacyclines (doxorubicin) and taxanes are widely used. Considering the similarity of clinical and morphological characteristics as well as biological behavior spontaneous cancer human mammary gland with some forms of spontaneous mammary gland cancer in dogs and cats, it is important to study with systematization of approaches to selection drug therapy based on anthrocyclines and taxanes for veterinary oncology practice
The study was conducted in the laboratory of combination therapy of tumors, Research Institute of Experimental Diagnostics and Therapy of Tumors, Russian Cancer Research Center named after. N.N.Blokhin Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, on the basis of the experimental therapy clinic of the Research Institute of Clinical Oncology of the Russian Cancer Research Center named after. N.N.Blokhin RAMS and veterinary clinic"Biocontrol" (Moscow) for animals with spontaneous mammary cancer.
Postoperative treatment regimen
The goal of treatment is to prevent distant metastasis. The addition of surgical treatment of dogs (n=31) with stage III mammary cancer to systemic chemotherapy with doxorubicin led to an increase in the life expectancy of animals by 2.5 times compared to the surgical treatment group. The median life expectancy was 18.6 months, with 1 year being 62.3%.
Survival of dogs with stage III mammary cancer after complex treatment with doxorubicin

In cats (n=36) with stage III mammary cancer who received postoperative chemotherapy with doxorubicin, the median life expectancy was 8.7 months, 41.7% of patients lived for 1 year, which also made it possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of surgical treatment and prolong the life of patients 2-2.5 times.
Replacement of doxorubicin with taxotere in the postoperative period in cats (n=11) did not improve the long-term results of treatment of patients, although it slightly increased the median life expectancy: 1 year - 43%. Median life expectancy was 11.7 months.
Survival of cats with stage III mammary cancer after complex treatment with doxorubicin or taxotere

Thus, the results of this study suggest that for postoperative treatment For stage III breast cancer in animals, doxorubicin is recommended as a first-line drug in monotherapy.
Preoperative chemotherapy regimen
The prescription of preoperative chemotherapy may be due to the primary inoperable form of growth (diffuse breast cancer, tumor invasion into underlying tissues, the presence of metastatic skin lesions, recurrent tumor growth). The goal of treatment is to transfer the tumor to a resectable state, reduce the risk of tumor recurrence, and prevent distant metastasis.
Preoperative chemotherapy in dogs with diffuse mammary cancer with doxorubicin alone (n=11) did not lead to a significant clinical effect of treatment. An objective effect was achieved in 37% of dogs, with complete tumor regression detected in 9% and partial regression in 28% of patients. The median life expectancy in the group was 5 months, with only 22.2% of dogs surviving 1 year.
The addition of preoperative treatment in dogs with diffuse mammary cancer with doxorubicin and taxotere (n=12) increased the objective effect to 67%, with complete tumor regression observed in 8.3% and partial tumor regression in 58.7% of dogs. A pronounced morphological response was obtained in 33.8% of dogs, a moderate one - in 16.6%. The median life expectancy in the group was 9.8 months, with 38.9% surviving 1 year.
Clinical and morphological assessment of the effectiveness of preoperative chemotherapy in dogs with diffuse mammary cancer

Performance indicators Taxotere+Doxorubicin Doxorubicin
n % %
Clinical assessment
objective effect 8 67 4 36
complete regression 1 8,3 1 9
partial regression 7 58,7 3 27
stabilization 4 33 5 46
progression 2 18
IV - degree 0 0 0 0
III-degree 4 33,8 0 0
II - degree 2 16,6 0 0
1 - degree 5 41,6 5 45,5
0 - degree 1 8 b 54,5

Thus, our studies allow us to recommend combination chemotherapy with Taxotere and doxorubicin for the preoperative treatment of dogs with primary inoperable mammary cancer because this scheme allows to achieve resectability and prolong the life of patients.
The use of combination chemotherapy with taxotere and doxorubicin in dogs with infiltrative-edematous form of mammary cancer (inflammatory carcinoma) (n=6) did not lead to a significant clinical effect, which provides grounds for further study of drug therapy for this form of tumor growth.
In cats with primary inoperable mammary cancer (n=11), preoperative chemotherapy with doxorubicin resulted in an objective effect in 18.2% of cats; in all cases, only partial tumor regression was achieved. Complete morphological regression of the tumor was not obtained; a moderate morphological effect was observed in 55.7% of cats. The median life expectancy was 5 months, with 38% of patients surviving 10 months.
Preoperative chemotherapy with Taxotere in cats with primary inoperable mammary cancer (n=13) led to an objective effect in 38.5% of cats, with partial tumor regression. Severe morphological regression was observed in 18% of cats, moderate regression was observed in 46 patients. The median life expectancy was 6.9 months and 37.5% of patients lived for 1 year.
Clinical and morphological assessment of the effectiveness of preoperative chemotherapy in cats with locally advanced or recurrent mammary cancer

Performance indicators Taxotere Doxorubicin
n % n %
Clinical assessment
objective effect 5 38,5 2 18,2
complete regression b 46,0 7 63,6
partial regression 5 38,5 2 18,2
stabilization 2 15,5 2 18,2
progression 5 38,5 2 18,2
Morphological assessment (therapeutic pathomorphosis)
IV - degree 0 0 0 0
III-degree 2 18 0 0
II - degree 5 46 5 55,7
I - degree 2 18 3 33,3
0 2 18 1 11

Thus, taxotere-based regimens alone or in combination with doxorubicin can be considered the drug of choice for the treatment of diffuse and primary inoperable breast cancer.
Drug treatment of disseminated breast cancer.
The goal of drug treatment for disseminated breast cancer is to improve the quality of life and prolong the life of patients. It is rarely possible to achieve tumor regression, but gaining control over tumor growth can significantly improve long-term treatment results.
Treatment of disseminated mammary cancer in dogs (n=10) with taxotere and doxorubicin resulted in control of tumor growth in 70% of animals. An objective effect was observed in 30% of dogs, including complete regression in 10% and partial regression in 20% of cases. Stabilization of tumor growth for at least 4 weeks was observed in 40% of dogs. Progression of the disease was observed in 30% of animals.
Survival rates of dogs with disseminated mammary cancer treated with taxotere and doxorubicin combination chemotherapy

In cats with disseminated mammary cancer with nodular lesions of the lungs treated with Taxotere alone (n=11), tumor growth control was achieved in 82.2%, partial tumor regression was observed in 36.4%. Tumor stabilization for at least 4 weeks was observed in 45.8% of cases, disease progression was observed in 18.1% of cats. The median life expectancy in the group was 6.5 months, with 27.8% of patients living for 1 year.
Survival rates for cats with disseminated mammary cancer
treated with Taxotere

Studies have shown moderate effectiveness of combination chemotherapy with taxotere and doxorubicin for disseminated mammary cancer in dogs and high efficiency Taxotere chemotherapy for disseminated mammary cancer in cats.
The effectiveness of Taxotere alone for the systemic treatment of tumor pleurisy caused by disseminated mammary cancer was determined in cats (n=13). An objective effect was observed in 84.6% of cases, with partial regression (decrease in the accumulation of pleural effusion) recorded in 30.8% of cats and complete regression (complete cessation of effusion accumulation) in 53.8%. Progression was noted in 15.4% of patients. Median time to progression was 2.9 months, with 20% of cats surviving 6 months.
Survival rates of cats with mammary cancer complicated by tumor pleurisy treated with Taxotere

Similar studies conducted in the treatment of dogs (n=4) with tumor pleurisy caused by mammary gland cancer did not lead to a significant clinical effect.
Thus, Taxotere can be recommended for systemic treatment metastatic tumor pleurisy in breast cancer in cats and is not effective for similar pathology in dogs.
Based on the studies conducted, the following recommendations can be made for drug chemotherapy of spontaneous mammary cancer in animals:
1. Treatment of stage III spontaneous mammary cancer in dogs and cats should be comprehensive and include surgical treatment and drug chemotherapy, with doxorubicin being the drug of choice for postoperative chemotherapy.
2. Treatment of primary inoperable breast cancer includes preoperative chemotherapy to achieve operability of the primary tumor and increase life expectancy.
3. The main regimen for preoperative chemotherapy is Taxotere alone in cats and the combination of Taxotere + doxorubicin in dogs; exclusion of Taxotere in the event of complications development leads to a 1.5-2-fold decrease in effectiveness.
4. Treatment of stage IV disseminated breast cancer includes Taxotere alone or in combination with doxorubicin, which allows increasing the life expectancy of animals by 3-4 times.
5. Treatment of disseminated feline mammary cancer complicated by tumor pleurisy should include systemic chemotherapy using thoracentesis and symptomatic therapy. Taxotere is the drug of choice.

One of the common diseases of furry beauties is a mammary gland tumor in a cat. Oncological pathology most often affects older animals. At the same time, the percentage of cases decreases sharply when sterilization is carried out in early dates. A malignant course of the disease is observed in 85% of 100 cases. Modern veterinary medicine has a number of methods for treating mammary tumors, but the success of therapy depends on timely treatment.

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To date, there is no consensus among specialists about the etiology of tumor disease. The causes of tumors in cats are unfavorable environmental conditions, monotonous feeding, and uncontrolled use of medications.

Pets often live indoors without access to fresh air And sunlight. At the same time, cats do not absorb vitamin D well, which has an anti-cancer effect, and are susceptible to hypoxia. Constant stay in residential premises is associated with long lasting influence carcinogenic components of building materials.

Many veterinary specialists rightly believe that a mammary tumor in a cat is formed under the influence of hormonal contraceptives. Frequent use oral medications, reducing sexual desire animals, provokes a violation hormonal status and leads to the development of pathology.

Plays a significant role in the etiology of neoplasms hereditary factor. As a rule, if there are cases of the disease in a cat’s family, then there is a high probability of developing pathology. Cat breeds such as Oriental and Siamese are more often affected by the disease. Therefore, when purchasing a kitten, the owner should inquire about cases of malignant diseases in previous litters.

Types of tumors

Neoplasms in cats, depending on the characteristics of their growth, are benign and malignant. A benign course is characterized by the localization of the process in the organ. This type of tumor grows slowly, can reach impressive sizes, and is not characterized by the formation of metastases. The malignant course leads to the rapid development of necrotic phenomena, metastasis, intoxication of the entire body and rapid death of the animal.

A benign mammary tumor in a cat is mammary hyperplasia, which manifests itself in two forms: fibroepithelial and focal. Both types are associated with high level hormone progesterone and are most often observed in unsterilized females. Often to benign tumor diseases Experts attribute adenoma and cystic lesions of the organ.

The prognosis for such pathologies is favorable. Such tumors do not pose a threat to life, but can cause some discomfort in the pet. In addition, such formations are often opened, and in this case there is a risk of wound infection. Benign neoplasms in cats account for only 15% of all tumor pathologies.

Hormone-dependent adenocarcinoma is most often diagnosed in cats. This is a malignant tumor of the cat's mammary gland, characterized by the development of metastases. With this type of pathology, an atypical proliferation of cells in the epithelial and connective tissues of the organ occurs. The specific structure of the tumor leads to necrosis of the mammary gland. Older and unsterilized cats are susceptible to this type of cancer.

The prognosis for the development of a cancerous tumor is cautious. If the tumor size is 3 cm or more, the prognosis is unfavorable. Adenocarcinoma often metastasizes to internal organs, brain. This type of tumor is characterized by a high rate of relapses.

Symptoms of the presence of a neoplasm


With such physiological processes like pregnancy and period breastfeeding, cats may experience swelling. The same phenomenon can be recorded when false pregnancy. It often develops. These phenomena have nothing to do with tumor processes, but are sometimes mistaken by owners for cancerous pathology.

Any lump in the nipple area should alert you. Most often, the tumor appears as nodular formations under the skin. As a rule, several lobes of the gland located on one side of the body are affected. Cyst-like neoplasms, bleeding, with ulcerations, are observed. The animal often licks the sore area. There is a decrease in appetite, lethargy, and drowsiness. When ulcers form, tissue becomes infected and body temperature rises. The pet is in pain and refuses food.

Adenocarcinoma, as the most common mammary tumor in cats, has the following symptoms:

  • small nodular formations under the skin;
  • inflammation of surrounding tissues;
  • formation of ulcers, their bleeding;
  • necrotic processes;
  • enlarged inguinal and axillary lymph nodes;
  • pain syndrome;
  • feverish condition;
  • apathy, refusal to feed.

If any lumps are detected in the nipple area, the owner should take the cat to a veterinarian for a diagnosis. If a mammary gland tumor is diagnosed in a cat, how long the pet will live largely depends on the timeliness of seeking veterinary help.

Tumor diagnosis

In order to establish the shape and type of neoplasm, a veterinary specialist, in addition to a general clinical examination and palpation, will prescribe the following diagnostic methods:

  • ultrasonic and X-ray examination chest (allows us to identify not only the location of the main tumor, but also the presence of metastases);
  • biopsy or fine needle aspiration of damaged tissue, and lymph nodes followed by cytological analysis.

It is also possible to determine the type of tumor by histological examination affected tissues. This examination helps determine treatment options and prognosis for the animal.

We recommend reading about. From it you will learn about best age for sterilization, periods when it is not recommended to sterilize a cat, operations during pregnancy and after childbirth.
And you will learn about how to care for a cat after sterilization.

Treatment Options

After a disappointing diagnosis is made - a mammary tumor in a cat, surgery in some cases is the only chance to save the animal. If a benign form develops, surgical excision guarantees almost complete recovery. It is important to show your pet to a specialist before the onset of ulceration and inflammatory processes in tissues.

If for some reason the operation is not possible (advanced age, concomitant diseases), then conservative treatment is carried out. If diagnosed benign tumor mammary gland in a cat, treatment is aimed at stopping the growth of the tumor, preventing infection of damaged tissues and increasing the animal’s immunity.

For this purpose, antitumor and antibacterial drugs, for example, “Doxorubicin”.

Cyclophosphamide, which is successfully used in cancer therapy in animals, has a cytostatic effect. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Meroxicam, as well as painkillers and antibiotics are prescribed.

If adenocarcinoma is detected, the cat's mammary tumor is removed, and not only the altered tissue is resected, but also the entire organ in order to prevent metastasis. If a bilateral operation is necessary, removal is performed in two stages, since a complete mastectomy in one step is difficult for animals to tolerate. After surgical removal The cat is prescribed chemotherapy. Due to their high toxicity, regular biochemical and general studies blood and urine. In this case, the animal is usually in a hospital.

Owners of a sick pet often ask their veterinarian questions about the prognosis and life expectancy after surgery. How long a cat will live after removal of a mammary tumor is influenced by many factors: early diagnosis, tumor type, health status, age and others.


Considering the growing incidence of cancer pathologies among animals, experts urge owners to follow the following recommendations:

  • before the onset of the first sexual heat. There is extensive scientific evidence showing a dramatic reduction in the development of mammary cancer in females spayed before their first heat.
  • Do not use hormonal drugs on animals to reduce the symptoms of heat. Hormone-based contraceptives dramatically undermine the animal’s own status, causing uncontrolled growth of tumor cells.
  • Pay attention to the quality of feeding and living conditions of the cat. The diet should be complete not only nutrients, but also rich in vitamins and microelements.

Neoplasms in cats are most often malignant. That is why the owner should closely monitor the condition of the pet’s nipple area. Only timely detection of pathology will give a chance of survival. At the same time, the most radical method The treatment for breast cancer is surgical excision of the tumor. Subsequent chemotherapy is aimed at preventing metastases and relapses.

Useful video

How to care for a cat after surgery to remove a mammary tumor and general recommendations for relapse prevention, watch this video:

Mammary gland neoplasms are a widespread pathology among furry beauties. More often, the disease is detected in older cats after 6 - 7 years. By various reasons(late diagnosis, contraindications to surgery, choice conservative method treatment) the owner is faced with the fact that the cat has a tumor.

Why does this happen and how to act in such a situation? Veterinary experts recommend taking your pet to the hospital as soon as possible. specialized institution. However, if urgent hospitalization is not possible, the owner needs to know how to provide first aid to the animal themselves.

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Reasons why a tumor opens up

Breast tumors are malignant in 85% of cases. Medical veterinary practice shows that even benign neoplasms over time develop into malignant form. There are two types observed in cats clinical manifestation breast cancer – nodular and diffuse. Approximately a third of animals are susceptible to single nodular neoplasms. About 70% of animals suffer from the multinodular form of the disease. Diffuse cancer is less common in cats and has a poor prognosis.

Breast cancer in cats

During education cancerous tumor In the mammary gland, pathological cells grow into the tissue of the organ. Proliferating diseased cells produce toxic substances, poisoning neighboring healthy tissues. Due to the specific function it performs, the mammary gland is densely penetrated blood capillaries and lymphatic vessels. The glandular structure of the organ promotes rapid involvement in pathological process healthy cells.

Ulceration of breast tumor

During development malignant tumor toxic products destroy the membranes of healthy cells, including blood and lymphatic vessels. This leads to the fact that neoplasms appear, causing anxiety and pain to the pet.

Sick animals often lick the affected area, and when severe pain trying to gnaw out the growing tumors. This behavior is often the reason why a cat's tumor has ruptured.

Tumor tissue, as opposed to healthy tissue glandular tissue mammary gland, receives little nutrition and is practically not supplied with oxygen. This leads to the emergence of necrotic processes in tumor nodes. Subcutaneous tissue becomes thinner, ulcerated, and a cancerous tumor opens.

The manifestation of the tumor is observed, as a rule, at the last, fourth stage of the oncological process. Before opening the tumor, its bleeding and severe pain are also noted. The highest stage of breast cancer is characterized not only by the appearance of ulcers, but also by metastasis processes. Pathological cells neoplasms fall into circulatory system and lymphatic bed, spread throughout the body, forming metastases.

Therefore, if the owner observes that the cat’s tumor has burst, then this phenomenon indicates that the disease has become incurable. Next steps should be aimed at improving the quality of life of the animal, pain relief, prevention of bacterial and viral infection, symptomatic treatment.

Owner's actions to treat the wound

If there is a cat with mammary cancer in the house, then the owner should know how to treat the cat's tumor. Veterinary experts recommend treating an unopened tumor without signs of infection with a chlorhexidine solution or a 0.5 - 1% furatsilin solution. Migstim spray is easy to use.

The drugs used will not have any effect therapeutic effects on a cancerous tumor, but will slow down the development of purulent-necrotic processes in the affected organ and alleviate the general condition of the pet.

Ointments are used only after thorough drainage of the pathological focus. To treat the surface of oncological ulcers, the following agents are used:

  • "Levomikol"
  • "Sulfargin"
  • "Solcoseryl"
  • "Actovegin"
  • “Oflocaine.”

The choice of one or another product must be agreed with a veterinarian.

In the event that a tumor has opened in a sick animal, the owner should immediately contact a veterinary institution for assistance. qualified assistance. If for some reason a visit to a veterinarian is not possible in the near future, the owner should know how to treat neoplasms on the chest of cats. The following antiseptic solutions are suitable for these purposes:

  • ready-made chlorhexidine solution,
  • 1% solution of furatsilin,
  • 2 - 5% solution of potassium permanganate, etc.

You can wash the ulcers and the exposed tumor with sterile saline solution.

Widely used in everyday life 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, iodine tincture, alcohol solution brilliant green, miramistin should not be used for the treatment of ulcers of oncological origin due to their high concentration. These antiseptics damage granulation tissue and exert on healthy cells toxic effect.

Blanket for a cat

If a cat has a tumor, how to remove the smell - this question is often addressed to veterinarian owners caring for sick animals late stages illness.

Opening a tumor is almost always accompanied by an unpleasant putrefactive odor. This phenomenon is due to the fact that cancer ulcers are poorly aerated, as a result of which anaerobic microflora develops, giving the cancer tumor specific smell. The decomposition of protein and sulfur-containing amino acids that make up the protein structure of tissues causes a sharp putrid stench from a sick animal.

To reduce this phenomenon, the owner should regularly monitor the cleanliness of the exposed tumor, remove necrotic tissue, drain open ones, and treat ulcerative surfaces antiseptic solutions. For the purpose of removal putrid smell apply overlay sterile dressings and replacing them as they become dirty.

After antiseptic treatment, application of ointments, the animal should be dressed to avoid contamination open wound and licking the pathological focus.

Tumor treatment

A favorable prognosis for a malignant mammary tumor in a cat is only possible if it is surgically removed in initial stage disease, in the absence of metastases. In this case, excision of the tumor, as a rule, is accompanied by the removal of the nearest lymph nodes and the capture of a significant part healthy tissue. Resection can involve either one side of the mammary glands or the entire organ of the animal. In this case, the veterinarian usually removes the tumor in several stages.

Surgical excision of even one part of the mammary gland is a rather difficult operation. But often this is the only chance to cure the animal. Veterinary medicine also involves chemotherapy in animals with cancer and radiation. Usage special drugs effective, as a rule, after surgical resection of a cancerous tumor.

The isolated use of chemotherapy drugs as anticancer therapy does not produce a significant effect and is rarely used in veterinary oncology practice.

Removing a mammary tumor from a cat

However, in most cases insidious disease in pets it is detected late, often when a cancerous tumor is opened due to the development of necrotic processes. In this case, the prognosis is usually unfavorable, and treatment is aimed at alleviating the animal’s condition.

First of all, attention is paid to neoplasm. In consultation with a veterinarian, owners will find out how to treat a revealed tumor in a cat. Much attention should be given to proper feeding of the sick animal, vitaminization.

Immunostimulating drugs, painkillers and antibacterial medicines used as prescribed by a veterinarian.

How to diagnose and treat a breast tumor in pet, watch in this video:

Is an opened tumor dangerous for people?

Owners of pets with cancer often ask veterinarians about the dangers of household contact with such an animal. Numerous scientific research convincingly prove that cancer pathologies not contagious. Therefore, the owner’s fears regarding the risk of contracting cancer from a cat are unfounded.

However, precautions should be taken when treating an exposed tumor. In the presence of cuts, wounds and injuries on the skin, necrotic tissue may enter and the development of inflammatory processes. In this regard, if a tumor has opened on a cat’s stomach, it is recommended to carry out manipulations involving the treatment of an open wound using gloves, and then thoroughly wash your hands using disinfectants.

Owners of a cat with mammary cancer in the final stages of the disease should pay attention to careful treatment of the exposed tumor. Treatment of the tumor is aimed at improving the quality of life of the sick animal.

In cats, this is, unfortunately, a common phenomenon. This disease takes the lives of four-legged pets who are unable to resist the disease. There are different techniques treatments, but none of them gives a 100% result.


Diseases associated with neoplasms are a real disaster modern world. Thousands of people and animals die from them every year. Medicine in this area does not stand still, and recently the treatment of cancer has become increasingly successful.

However, a medicine has not yet been obtained that would help absolutely everyone. In veterinary medicine, the situation is no better, especially when it comes to treating cats. The main means of stopping tumor growth is chemotherapy, but there is no guarantee that this goal will be achieved. A tumor of the mammary glands in cats will cause a lot of trouble for both the animal and the owner.

Mammary glands

The mammary glands in animals are designed to feed newborn kittens. They are located in pairs on the chest and stomach of the cat, their total number is normally eight. Their work begins before childbirth (swelling) and during false pregnancy (hormonal processes).

Diseases of the mammary glands are reported in adult cats, regardless of whether they have given birth or not. The most common ailments are: mastitis, cancer and mastopathy. In some cases, veterinarians remove the affected glands.

It is difficult for a non-professional to distinguish between them, especially in the early stages. With mastitis, inflammation of the mammary gland occurs. Occurs in cats with excess milk (early weaning of kittens) or false pregnancy. The gland increases in size, redness and increased temperature are observed. There may be discharge from the nipple different colors and composition.

Mastopathy is swelling of the mammary glands, which can be normal or pathological. In the latter case, gray liquid accumulates inside and the skin turns blue.

In order not to confuse these diseases, look at what a mammary gland tumor looks like in a cat (there is a photo in the article).

Types of neoplasms

Over 85 cases of neoplasms out of 100 are malignant. The latter have a noticeable tendency towards growth and the appearance of metastases in as soon as possible. And it all starts, as a rule, with a small lump, just like in humans.

What types of mammary tumors are there in cats? It can be malignant and benign. In the latter case, there is no cause for concern, because such neoplasms are characterized slow growth, clear localization and lack of tendency towards necrotic processes.

Cancerous tumors often arise in several places at the same time. Interestingly, in a kitten up to 6 months of age, it reduces the likelihood of tumors appearing almost to zero and completely eliminates the malignant type. But the owners of animals kept for breeding will not be satisfied with this path. In addition, in the future the cat will need hormonal drugs, to avoid metabolic problems.

Stages of development of breast tumors

Each one goes through several stages of its growth:

  1. The tumor is less than 10 mm in size, metastases are not detected.
  2. The tumor reaches 30 mm, but there are no metastases.
  3. The tumor is over 50 mm in diameter, ulcers may appear, and metastases are diagnosed in the lymph nodes.
  4. Metastases are found in the lungs, liver and other organs and tissues.

Causes of neoplasms

What causes mammary tumors to appear in cats? Veterinarians and other specialists do not have a consensus on this matter. However, there is large number versions.

So, for example, life in big cities with high levels of pollution environment adversely affects the health of the animal. The same factors include monotony of diet, low quality food, and sometimes completely spoiled food. Predisposition to pathology at the genetic level cannot be ignored. By the way, this is why new owners are advised to take a closer look at the pet’s pedigree before purchasing it.

Symptoms of cancer

As a rule, the symptoms of a mammary tumor in cats are quite simple. These include:

  • the appearance of small seals in the nipple area;
  • inflammatory processes developing in this place over time;
  • necrosis of tissue around the nipples.

Pets actively lick the affected area with their rough tongue, which only worsens the situation because it provokes the appearance of ulcers. At the same time, the mammary glands emit a nasty smell of rotting tissue. As a result, the animal feels worse every day: strength and weight are lost, and the existing chronic diseases enter the acute phase.

Diagnosis of the disease

You can find out whether a cat has a malignant or mammary gland using a biopsy. This should be done very carefully to avoid mechanical damage. In addition, during education serious breaks Metastases may appear - harbingers of the imminent death of the animal.

Timely diagnosis allows you to determine the onset of the disease and immediately begin chemotherapy to save your pet. As a rule, a biopsy of lymph nodes located close to the site of the lesion is performed, because it is in them that metastases of neoplasms settle. Ultrasound and X-ray examination can determine their presence in the lungs and other abdominal organs.

A tumor of the mammary glands in cats requires blood tests: general and biochemical. They are necessary to determine the severity of the disease and the most suitable type chemotherapy for a specific pet.


If a mammary tumor is detected in a cat, treatment should begin immediately. In most cases, surgery can save the pet, but its feasibility is questionable. An old animal that has lost a lot of strength may simply not survive this. In this case, you should limit yourself conservative treatment. Drugs appear regularly that cope better with neoplasms. This gives hope for a favorable outcome in the fight against the disease.

However, if possible, you should give preference surgical intervention, because it allows you to remove the entire affected area with metastases (the latter is not always the case). This method is indispensable when the peripheral ones are affected. If they are not cut out, the cancer will soon spread throughout the body.

Removal of a mammary gland tumor in a cat is carried out together with the entire organ, since only occasionally it is possible to localize its location (if the tumor is benign).

The situation becomes more complicated when a bilateral mastectomy is necessary, since it is extremely difficult for cats to tolerate. Chemotherapy sessions are not canceled in order to completely stop the development of the tumor. It is required to show your pet to a veterinarian every day to monitor the general condition of the body and prevent its rapid deterioration.

If treatment was decided to be carried out conservatively, then daily visits to the doctor become mandatory. The cat will be tested regularly (almost every day) to monitor the effects of toxic and dangerous substances used in chemotherapy on the four-legged pet's body.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Applying heat (such as heated salt) only makes the situation worse. As a result, the neoplasm begins to develop more intensively, and the malignant one will metastasize. The presence of inflammatory processes and necrosis is also a contraindication for the use of heat compresses.

In the most difficult situations, the animal is left in a veterinary clinic under the supervision of specialists. The cat is given anesthetics and other important substances.

Post-operative care

One of important factors, which has a direct impact on the result of the treatment, is the organization of conditions for the sick animal. If an operation is detected, it will help get rid of it. But after surgical intervention The pet needs complete rest and feeding only what the veterinarian allows.

Ask him what drug to treat postoperative suture. Strictly follow your doctor's recommendations regarding the timing and dosage of taking medications. A special blanket is put on the cat, which will tighten and protect the seam. If a wound is opened, contact your veterinarian immediately.

The specialist will conduct examinations and take tests every week to monitor the condition of the animal’s body. This way he will be able to timely diagnose a relapse (if it happens). Even if a cat’s mammary tumor is removed, no one can say how long the animal will live.


As already mentioned, before she reaches 6 months of age, it greatly reduces the likelihood of getting cancer. After cutting out the tumor, you cannot refuse to remove the ovaries. This will prevent relapse and prolong the life of your pet.

Always pay attention to any swelling that may be noticed when caring for your animal. Ignoring them can lead to very severe consequences. A festering and burst tumor should not be touched or picked at, as these actions contribute to the appearance of metastases. You cannot simply observe the tumor, hoping that “everything will heal on its own,” because during this time it will grow so much that surgical intervention will no longer be advisable. All that remains is to watch as the pet rots alive.

The sooner the disease is found, and the sooner the veterinarian performs the operation, the higher the chance of a complete cure.

For non-breeding pet owners, it is recommended that cats be spayed. But you need to decide on this as early as possible, then the risk of cancer will decrease almost to zero.