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We remove metastases. Metastases: why they are dangerous and how they affect the course of cancer pathology

Metastases are secondary foci of growth of malignant tumors. Most of these tumors begin to metastasize at a certain stage of their development. The speed of this process determines the prognosis of the disease and the results of treatment.

How quickly metastases spread depends on many factors.

Reasons for the development of metastases

The main reason is the nature of malignant tumors. Even one cell detached from the neoplasm is able to give rise to a secondary focus. Cancer cells begin to divide, and as soon as enough of them are formed, a new tumor is formed, at first microscopic.

According to research, the introduction of malignant cells into organs does not necessarily lead to the appearance of metastases. With good fabric resistance and strong protective properties In the body, tumor cells may remain viable, but not grow or form a new tumor.

Metastases spread in several ways. The cells “released” from the maternal focus enter the blood and lymphatic vessels into different organs and systems. It is possible for these cells to spread inside body cavities. At the beginning, this process proceeds slowly or, in general, “dormant”. The body, with the help of the immune system, protects itself from danger, but its capabilities sooner or later end. In addition, the primary tumor inhibits the development of metastases while they consist of a small number of cells.

Some features of metastasis

The development of metastases usually differs between men and women. The most common causes of metastases in women are primary tumors:

  • Kidney,
  • mammary gland,
  • Thyroid gland.

The cause of secondary lesions in men in most cases are cancerous processes:

  • Light,
  • Prostate gland,
  • Kidney.

According to statistical data, metastases develop least often on the skin, and most often in skeletal system. Particularly susceptible to the formation of secondary tumors hip joint. Metastases in it can be a consequence malignant process any localization. Bones are affected by two types of metastases:

  • Osteoblastic, characterized by compaction of bone tissue,
  • Osteolytic, which causes thinning of bone tissue.

One of the main manifestations of the presence of secondary tumor foci in the body is painful sensations, appearing at a certain stage of their life. The pain gradually increases. This occurs due to constant stimulation nerve endings located near sites of metastasis. The composition of blood and bone tissue changes.

Rate of spread of metastases

By modern theory cancerous tumors metastases form on the most early stages primary tumor. The fact is that cancerous tumors have such a feature that the cells are easily separated from them. A very rapid appearance of new formations after the formation of the primary tumor is possible. It is possible that metastases will appear only after a few years. Latent metastases make themselves felt years after treatment.

The spread of metastases depends on the following factors:

  • Localization of the main tumor,
  • Type of tumor
  • "Age" of metastases,
  • Patient's age
  • Immunity status
  • General condition of the body,
  • Psychological mood.

It has been noted that highly differentiated tumors metastasize less frequently, later and more slowly than poorly differentiated tumors. The smaller the secondary focus, the slower it grows. When a certain size is reached, specific substances that are tumor growth factors are produced, and the process accelerates significantly.

Typically, the development of metastases occurs when the body has already exhausted its protective reserves.

However, more often young people suffer more from the formation of secondary foci, and metastases in them spread much faster than in middle-aged and older patients. Perhaps this is due to the greater activity of vital processes in a young organism, in which not only healthy tissues develop, but also malignant neoplasms.

In some people, oncological processes pass very quickly without proper reason. It happens that the primary tumor has not yet been diagnosed, but many metastases have already formed. With a negative psychological attitude, no desire to fight and live on, a favorable prognosis is rarely possible, and treatment may be unsuccessful, despite the possibilities of modern medicine.

There are three main routes of tumor metastasis:

  • lymphogenous(spreading cancer cells through lymphatic vessels);
  • hematogenous(spread through the bloodstream);
  • implantation(penetration of cancer cells through the serous membranes after tumors have grown into the walls of the affected organ).

Lymphogenic pathway penetration is most typical for tumors originating from epithelial tissue. Tend to penetrate through lymphatic vessels and tumors consisting of connective tissue(for example, sarcomas).

Often lymphogenous metastases linger in the lymph node for an indefinite time: if at this time an operation is performed and the affected nodes are removed along with the primary lesion, then the further spread of malignant processes can be stopped.

Hematogenous route the occurrence of metastases is typical for tumors of the middle and high degree malignancy. Often, distant metastases that arise hematogenously can be detected earlier than the primary malignant lesions. Such metastases tend to progress rapidly and cause severe symptoms.

There are so-called “dormant” metastases that may not manifest themselves in any way for many years after the main course of treatment. However, completely arbitrary circumstances can trigger the resumption of the malignant process - change of place of residence, stress, change hormonal levels, a trip to another climate zone.

Video: How metastasis occurs

Symptoms of metastases

Symptoms of metastases depend on their location. Mostly secondary lesions cause severe organic and functional lesions.

The most typical target organs for the hematogenous method of spread of metastases are: liver, lungs, Bone marrow, brain, fatty tissue, bone.

With the penetration of metastases in the liver tissue develop: jaundice, pruritus, liver failure. Lung metastases lead to respiratory functions, inflammatory processes in the lungs and bronchi. Metastases in the brain lead to the rapid development of encephalopathy. The most painful are metastases in bone tissue - they cause excruciating pain throughout the body.


It should be remembered that not all tumors contribute to the development of metastases. Benign tumors do not create secondary lesions and do not spread beyond the limits limited by their own membrane (this is their fundamental difference from malignant cancer).

In metastases, as the number of cells increases, their own blood supply system is formed - thus, secondary lesions take oxygen and nutrients intended for healthy tissues. This leads to exhaustion of the body: this is why cancer is almost always accompanied by weight loss.

Experienced doctors may suspect the spread of metastases based on their indirect impact on the body. Secondary lesions, like the main tumor, lead to significant disruption of all systems, destroying healthy tissue and releasing toxins. Fatalities as a result cancer diseases arise precisely because of the destructive effects of metastases on the body.

The presence of metastases can be diagnosed using the same methods that allow us to identify primary malignant foci:

Imaging methods make it possible to detect the location, determine the size, degree of spread or decay, and the nature of the growth of metastases.

Treatment methods

In fact, cancer therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy are for the most part measures to prevent the development of metastases after elimination of the initial tumor focus. Radiation and chemotherapy primarily affect actively dividing cells in the body—those cells are cancer cells. Unfortunately, these methods have a negative effect on healthy cells and body tissues, in particular - they kill the immune system.

Therefore, any aggressive treatment of metastases and the underlying cancer has extensive side effects. On the one hand, malignant cells are destroyed, but on the other hand, the body becomes vulnerable even to harmless infections.

Other treatments for metastases:

  • targeted therapy;
  • immunological therapy;
  • surgical removal of single metastases;
  • embolization of arteries feeding metastases;
  • radiosurgery;
  • symptomatic (palliative) therapy.

Targeted therapy (target) – impact special drugs on target cells (mainly these are receptors responsible for the growth and reproduction of a malignant tumor). At the same time, the effect on healthy cells is minimal.

Immunotherapy in oncology is a fairly promising treatment method. This method used in specialized modern medical institutions as an experimental, but very effective additional method therapeutic effects. Immunotherapy involves influencing the patient’s own immunity with monoclonal antibodies, vaccines and growth factors.

Surgical removal It is advisable in the presence of single metastases, when it is necessary to alleviate the patient’s condition or attempt to prolong his life. Classic surgery and more modern technique removal of tumors - radiosurgery - is often used as palliative (symptomatic) treatment. The likelihood of achieving remission after palliative therapy is minimal.

Arterial embolization , feeding metastases - also relatively new method treatment. If it is impossible to eliminate malignant foci, then you can at least limit access to oxygen and nutrients to them by embolization (blocking) large blood vessels.


In most Russian clinics, patients at the stage of spreading metastases are still treated as hopeless and doomed patients. This is why therapy is late stages cancer is best carried out in specialized institutions or abroad. In Russia, qualified institutions exist, unfortunately, only in a few large cities.

From hospitals involved adequate therapy For patients with metastases, we can recommend the European Clinic in Moscow, the N.N. Oncology Center. Blokhin" in Moscow. Israeli clinics have proven themselves well - “Top Ichilov”, “Assuta”, “Herzliya”. The prognosis and success of treatment largely depend on the level of therapy and the level of the medical institution itself.

However, other accompanying circumstances also have a direct impact on life expectancy in the presence of metastases:

  • patient's age;
  • the state of his immune system;
  • target organs of metastases;
  • stage and type of cancer.

The average life expectancy of patients with liver metastases is 6 months, with metastases in bone tissue with full treatment - several years, with kidney metastases - from a year to 3 years, with metastases in the brain - several weeks.

Thus, it is impossible to correctly answer questions about life expectancy and survival rates of patients without taking into account many additional factors.

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New technologies are coming to Russia.

We invite patients to take part in oncological diseases, as well as in clinical trials LAK therapy and TIL therapy.

Minister of Health of the Russian Federation V.I. Skvortsova

Commentary on cell technologies chief oncologist of Russia, academician Davydov M.I.

These methods are already successfully used in large oncology clinics in the USA and Japan.

Cancer metastases (secondary tumors) are cells of the mother tumor that have moved with lymph and blood currents to the tissue of nearby and distant lymph nodes and organs. Effective treatment depends on the choice of therapy method.

Mechanism of Education

The very presence of cancer metastases indicates their distribution within tissues, as well as the degree of malignancy of the tumor. Under the influence of immune cells and mechanical factors, cancer cells die in the flow of lymph and blood, so a tumor growing into lymphatic and blood vessels must have high “survivability.”

In terms of microscopic structure, all types of secondary formations are almost the same: vague contours of whitish foci of poorly differentiated cells with necrosis and hemorrhages in the center. Therefore, in most cases it is impossible to determine the initial focus of screening based on histology (microscopic structure).

Depending on the location, cancer metastases can be:

Local - within the organ and nearby lymph nodes;
. distant - the degree of remoteness is determined individually for each tumor.

According to the mechanism of formation, they are distinguished: hematogenous, lymphogenous, contact or implantation.

The spread of hematogenous metastatic lesions occurs through venous, sometimes through arterial collaterals (bypass vessels). Cancer cells easily settle in the parenchymal tissues of the lungs and liver. Treatment of metastases in this case is complicated by the risk of bleeding and dysfunction; on the other hand, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of these organs.

Lymphogenic secondary formations are formed due to the migration of tumor cells through the lymph nodes and lymph collectors. They are assessed as a sign of limited growth and temporary localization of the tumor and the possibility of removal simultaneously with regional lymph nodes. Chorionepithelioma, sarcoma, melanoma on initial stage development is given by lymphogenous screenings of the tumor.

In contact or implantation neoplasms, spread occurs along the surfaces of organs and serous membranes.

IN separate group secrete “dormant” metastatic formations that “wake up” after removal of the maternal tumor. The approach to the treatment of metastases and therapy of a patient with cancer pathology is generally determined by the cumulative classification.

Symptoms of multiple formations

Symptoms are determined by the type of cancer, the degree of organ damage and the extent of the process. Symptoms may include: cough, hemoptysis, constant headaches and pain in the bones, and impaired motor function. New foci of pathology can be identified monthly, so regular diagnostic examination. In 4-10 cases out of a hundred (more often in men), a metastatic type of tumor is found in the bones, lungs, and liver. Two thirds of them are adenocarcinoma (by histotype). Metastasizes more often highly malignant formations, characterized by active invasive growth. A diagnostic search is mandatory, but if the maternal tumor cannot be found, therapy for secondary tumors is prescribed based on histological examination.

What are the dangers of surgery?

Cancer recurrence often occurs from a secondary site, even after successful treatment of metastases or removal of the primary tumor. Growth is suppressed by the primary tumor, and after its removal they “bloom in full bloom.”

The danger of secondary tumors is:
. a more malignant variant of tumor relapse, since undifferentiated and most “tenacious” cells survive;
. complications from organs in the tissues of which metastases are embedded - compression, bone fractures, dysfunction;
. cancer intoxication and cachexia (exhaustion).

Tumors with a high probability of metastasis

The likelihood of secondary tumors is determined by several factors. A more aggressive course of cancer is observed in patients young. What matters is the success of chemotherapy therapy, the radicality of the operation, etc. But the “tone” is set by the maternal tumor:

Stage - IV always with metastatic foci, cancer on initial stage rarely spreads;
. histotype and localization of the primary neoplasm;
. degree of differentiation - undifferentiated cancer spreads more often;
. form of growth - superficial or invasive (internal).
Sarcoma, melanoma, tumors of hematopoietic germs, as well as brain, prostate, thyroid and breast tumors often metastasize.


Used to detect tumors instrumental study:
. Ultrasound;
. PET - positron emission tomography;
. MRI;
. CT with variations;
. angiography;
. scintigraphy.
To determine the degree of malignancy and invasion, the histologist uses immunohistochemistry methods - hormone receptors and tumor genotype.

New techniques for treating cancer metastases

Modern medicine offers a whole range of tools that can stop or completely eliminate growths:
. radiofrequency ablation method - for damage to the pancreas;
. radiofrequency embolization of liver metastases;
. — administration of medications into lymph collectors;
. radionuclide treatment - for damage to bone tissue.

We invite patients to take part in new methods of treating cancer, as well as in clinical trials of new drugs.

During the consultation the following will be discussed: - methods of innovative therapy;
- opportunities to participate in experimental therapy;
- how to get a quota for free treatment to the oncology center;
- organizational matters.
After consultation, the patient is assigned a day and time of arrival for treatment, a therapy department, and, if possible, an attending doctor is assigned.

Resumption of cancer as a result of relapse or transfer of cancer cells to other organs is possible even after a long period after radical surgery, not to mention the cases where neither the doctor nor the patient knew about neoplasia, the disease was asymptomatic, and no treatment was carried out. Sometimes the first diagnosis of a person who comes to the oncology clinic is metastases in the liver, lungs or other target organs.

This diagnosis really sounds like a death sentence, because even the ignorant understands: the “evil” cell has spread throughout the body, multiplied and formed new malignant foci, which are difficult to count and remove. The oncological process can be eliminated before the cancer cell leaves its place of birth, and metastasis casts doubt on the successful outcome of treatment.

Pathways for cancer cells to spread

Cancer, unlike benign tumor, is not limited to any one area. It grows into neighboring tissues and spreads to other organs. The spread of cells that have lost intercellular connections, broken off and set off on a journey throughout the body is metastasis.

This process can be implemented in three ways:

  • Lymphogenic. First, the cancer cell penetrates the regional lymph nodes, which are located next to the organ affected by the malignant process. As the tumor progresses, more and more cells are concentrated in the lymph and reach distant lymph nodes localized around the blood vessels of the liver, intestines, spleen, adrenal glands, etc.
  • Hematogenous, which ensures transport in the blood. Cancer cells move through blood vessels and end up in other places, sometimes very distant from the primary tumor. The most vulnerable in this regard are organs that have a wide network of capillaries, so metastases in the liver and lungs are most common.
  • Implantation the pathway realizes the dissemination of cancer cells through the serous membranes (mesothelium). This occurs when the tumor is close to the mesothelium or in the case of large sizes tumor node, which, increasing, reaches the peritoneum, pleura, pericardium. By seeding the surface of the serous cover, malignant cells form a process called carcinomatosis. Often similar phenomenon accompanied by accumulation of fluid in the cavities (ascites, hydrothorax). As a rule, carcinomatosis corresponds to stage 3 or even 4 of the disease and occurs more often in older people, which significantly complicates not only the lives of patients, but also treatment.

spread of metastases throughout the body

Some neoplasias are so aggressive that they are already early stages can penetrate lymph nodes or other organs (nearby and distant), forming microscopic foci of tumor growth. A lesion is not always able to develop into a full-fledged metastatic tumor. A completely viable cancer cell brought in through the blood or lymph flow can lie low and remain for a long time without growing. This occurs in cases of sufficiently high total or local immunity, which prevents the proliferation of tumor substances.

Thus, untimely or inadequate treatment, or even its absence if neoplasia was not recognized at the beginning of its development, threatens further spread tumor process- transfer of malignant cells, that is, metastasis.

Most often, cancer cells carried away from the primary tumor site settle in target organs (liver, lungs, bones). They often grow much faster than the primary tumor.

Video: principles of metastasis

Lymphogenic route of metastasis

Among all oncological diseases, the bulk of neoplasias are cancers, that is, epithelial tumors (cancer of the uterus, lungs, stomach, etc.). The predominant route of cancer metastasis is the lymphogenous route. Typically, the first blow is delivered to the regional lymph nodes located near the primary tumor site. Thus, the very first metastases in stomach cancer are found in the lymph nodes, which are located along the lesser and greater curvature, around antrum, in the bottom area.

At further progression During the process, cancer cells are transported with the lymph flow and involve other lymph nodes, which can be located at a considerable distance from the primary tumor. IN similar cases Metastases from stomach cancer can be found in the lymph nodes of the hilum of the spleen, in the mesenteric, para-aortic and even, it would seem, in completely unexpected places. IN advanced stages gastric cancer can be detected Virchow's metastasis in the left supraclavicular lymph node, which reflects retrograde way of moving malignant cells against lymph flow.

Other examples distant metastases for stomach cancer are Schnitzler and Krukenberg metastases, which occur during the retrograde introduction of malignant cells with lymph into the perirectal tissue (around the rectum) and one or both ovaries (the so-called Krukenberg cancer).

It is worth noting that often asymptomatic stomach cancer is first diagnosed when such distant metastases are detected, for example, a woman goes to the doctor with gynecological problems, and receives an unexpected and bad diagnosis (stomach cancer).

One of the most common types of epithelial neoplasms is lung cancer, which is also prone to metastasize to the lymph nodes. The first “newly created” lesions appear in the peribronchial and bifurcation lymph nodes; later, cancer cells are able to reach the mediastinum, cervical, sub- and supraclavicular areas.

Breast cancer, which is very common these days, also becomes involved in a malignant process after some time. The lymph nodes, while tumor emboli are found in the parasternal (near the sternum), axillary, and subclavian lymph nodes.

Hematogenous pathway of cancer cell transfer

The hematogenous route of metastasis, realized through blood vessels, most characteristic of connective tissue tumors (sarcomas), however, epithelial (cancers) in advanced cases also do not stand aside and often use this route. Some types of tumors may cause metastases to the brain. This is also distant metastasis, which has an extremely unfavorable prognosis, since it not only characterizes the advanced stage of the primary tumor, but is also accompanied by damage to the vital structures of the central nervous system(increase intracranial pressure, cerebral edema and death of the patient in a short period of time).

The liver is a target organ for cancer metastases of all localizations.

Metastases in the liver are formed from cancer cells delivered there by blood or lymph. They occupy the second place (the first is cirrhosis) among the causes of death in diseases of the liver itself.

Most often, metastases to the liver are given by oncological pathology, which originated in the gastrointestinal tract, mammary gland, and lungs. Less commonly, metastases appear in this target organ in skin, thyroid, and pancreatic cancers. Thus, liver metastases can be expected from tumors:

  1. Lungs, including mesothelioma (a tumor often associated with exposure to asbestos, the source of which is the serous membrane - the pleura);
  2. cervix;
  3. Mammary gland
  4. Stomach;
  5. Colon and rectum;
  6. Kidneys;
  7. Testicles;
  8. , including melanoma - a tumor of melanin-forming tissue;
  9. Bones.

Symptoms of liver metastases

Metastatic tumor in the liver in most cases, in its clinical manifestations, resembles primary hepatocellular carcinoma, characteristic features which (hepatomegaly with pain in the upper abdomen, high activity alkaline phosphatase) are similar to specific symptoms liver metastases:

  • Signs of general intoxication (weakness, weight loss, loss of appetite, sweating, fever);
  • Enlarged liver (hepatomegaly);
  • Abdominal pain, ascites;
  • Increased activity of liver enzymes, especially alkaline phosphatase (ALP);
  • An increase in the content of tumor markers (an increase in the concentration of CEA may indicate the origin of metastases from the gastrointestinal tract, breast or lung).

The presence of metastatic foci in the liver in case of asymptomatic primary tumor involves an extensive diagnostic search: ultrasound, scanning, computed tomography, targeted biopsy. Unfortunately, when any tumors metastasize to the liver, the prognosis is pessimistic and the efforts of doctors are in vain, patients with metastases do not live long: someone dies after 2 months, and someone after six months.

Target organ: lungs

The second place in terms of frequency of lesions among target organs in many malignant processes belongs to the lungs. Tumor cells form a new focus in the lungs, where they come mainly by the hematogenous route, less often by the lymphogenous route. Sometimes single metastases in the lungs may remain for a long time the only clinical sign oncological pathology. There is even an opinion that such tumors themselves are capable of metastasis. In this case, they will most likely penetrate into nearby lymph nodes.

Metastases to the lungs are characteristic of the following types neoplasia:

  1. Stomach cancer;
  2. Cancer of the uterus;
  3. Mammary cancer;
  4. Colon and rectal cancer;
  5. Pancreas cancer;
  6. Melanoma;
  7. bone sarcomas;
  8. Soft tissue sarcomas (almost always metastasize to the lungs).

Symptoms of metastases in the lungs

Symptoms of metastases in the lungs may long time do not manifest themselves (until the pleura is involved in the process), they are similar to those with a primary tumor (cancer in this organ):

Often metastases in the lungs give clinical manifestations before the primary tumor.

Treatment methods for lung metastases

Treatment depends on many factors: the nature of metastasis, the type and stage of the source of metastases, general condition patient. Treatment methods for metastatic processes in the lungs do not differ particularly from those for other oncological pathologies:

  1. Chemotherapy (of course, a strictly individual approach);
  2. Hormone therapy (used if the primary tumor, for example in the breast or prostate, is sensitive to the hormones used for treatment);
  3. Radiation therapy (can be used as independent method or in combination with others).

Single lesions, if they are accessible to surgical intervention, can be deleted surgically, however, the condition of the primary tumor (type, location) should be taken into account and radical treatment, based on existing circumstances.

The prognosis for metastases to the lungs is generally unfavorable, since the defeat of this organ reflects advanced, advanced forms of malignant neoplasms, which are one of the most common reasons mortality from cancer.

Metastases in bones

Secondary tumor nodes in the bones probably occupy third place after metastatic processes in the liver and lungs. Mainly affected various departments spinal column. Moreover, the clinical manifestations are so pronounced that they significantly affect the patient’s quality of life.

Metastases in the bones give rise to neoplasia different types And various localizations, for which the spine is a “tidbit” for a new “settlement”:

  • Breast, prostate, thyroid glands and ovaries;
  • Tumors, liver, rectum;
  • Lung and kidney cancer.

Most often, new foci of the malignant process form in the lumbosacral and thoracic regions spine. Often the sites for metastasis are the ribs and femurs, while in the humerus, skull bones and in cervical spine spine they occur relatively rarely. Metastases in the spine and other places, as a rule, give typical symptoms:

  1. Muscle weakness accompanied by soreness;
  2. Depressive states up to mental disorders;
  3. Digestive disorders (nausea, vomiting, constipation, loss of appetite, weight loss);
  4. Violations by of cardio-vascular system(a fall blood pressure, arrhythmias);
  5. Pathological fractures;
  6. In the blood - an increase in calcium levels (hypercalcemia), which, if increased, can lead to kidney damage, coma and death of the patient.

When treating metastases, if the stage of the primary tumor allows and there is at least some hope for a cure (for stage 4 cancer with metastases, hope disappears before our eyes), oncologists adhere to generally accepted treatment algorithms, using:

  • Antineoplastic drugs (chemotherapy), if possible. It is hardly advisable to use such a “hard” method of treatment for aggressive stage 4 cancer with metastases, since chemotherapy itself gives a lot of side effects which the patient needs to endure;
  • Radiation therapy is used to directly affect the tumor (treatment) and as a method of pain relief for running forms. It should be noted that it is often possible to bring the primary tumor (depending on its type and location!) to regression and elimination, and subsequently to ensure a long period of remission even in the presence of single foci of metastasis, which in other cases makes it possible to extend life expectancy by several years;
  • Treatment of metastatic foci medicines various pharmaceutical groups, mainly bisphosphonates;
  • Surgically removing the diseased bone and replacing it with a prosthesis or bone graft (if possible).

In general, prognosis and life expectancy depend on the type of primary tumor, its location, and the nature of bone metastasis.

Treatment and prognosis

Issues of treatment and prognosis have already been touched upon above, but perhaps, in summing up, it should be repeated somewhat.

There is no specific treatment for metastases. Apply traditional methods: chemotherapy and radiation, which lead to slower growth or partial regression of the tumor, which can alleviate the patient’s suffering and prolong life. Surgical intervention is rarely used when it is possible to remove the tumor along with single metastases.

Timely removal of regional lymph nodes and tumors can sometimes significantly increase life expectancy (10 years or more), but in other cases the prognosis is very serious, for example, the diagnosis of “grade 4 cancer with metastases” is always established if there are distant foci of metastasis even with relatively small size of the primary tumor. In short, the presence of distant metastases clearly makes the prognosis of the malignant process unfavorable.

Video: metastasis is not always a death sentence! Radioembolization for local process in the liver

Oncological disease is an irreversible process. Sooner or later the patient dies of cancer. The only question is: sooner or later? Modern diagnostics and the knowledge accumulated in the field of oncology often makes it possible to find the primary focus and take emergency measures towards its elimination, but mortality from malignant neoplasms is still at high level. Often due to metastasis, late diagnosis and untimely treatment. The main task of the oncology service is not only to find new methods for detecting tumors in the early stages, but also to make them available to anyone, no matter how remote they live. Educational activities also play a significant role medical workers, which aims to explain the problems, the importance of patient understanding and participation for early treatment and the inadmissibility of self-medication.

Video: stages of oncological processes and metastasis

In the absence of timely and adequate treatment Cancer can spread to other organs of the human body. The presence of metastasis helps determine the stage of the cancer.

How and with what do modern oncologists propose to treat metastases?

Today, doctors can confidently say that metastases begin to form almost immediately after the formation of malignant tumors. Metastases are a secondary focus of cancer. Typically, the disease spreads in lymphatic system, bone tissue, liver and lungs. Cancer cells easily penetrate the lymph and blood, spreading with them to other organs.


Metastasis usually appears in late stages of development cancerous tumor. This is explained by the fact that for a long time the immune system human inhibits the growth of secondary cancer foci. As cancer cells spread through the blood and lymph, they may remain inactive. Another distinctive feature of them is slow growth. So tumors with metastases can develop over several years. The speed of this process depends on the type of tumor and the level of tissue differentiation. How to treat metastases to slow down the formation of secondary foci of cancer? As a rule, special therapy allows the process of metastasis to be contained for a sufficiently long time. The frequency of metastases may depend on a number of the following factors:

  • Detected stage of cancer;
  • Location of the primary malignant tumor;
  • Shape and histological features cancer formation;
  • Patient's age.

Analysis of the factors listed above allows doctors to make a preliminary prognosis and select drugs that will be more effective in treating metastases in a particular case.


The clinical manifestations of metastasis depend on the location of the secondary foci of the cancer. For example, damage to the bones leads to frequent fractures and pain in the body. When metastasizing to the brain, symptoms such as frequent headaches, seizures, abrupt change character and consciousness of the patient. To determine the presence of metastases and the area of ​​​​their localization allow such modern methods diagnostics such as MRI, ultrasound, computed tomography and radiography, as well as radioisotope research.

Localization of metastases

The spread of cancer cells can occur both in organs nearby and far from the primary tumor. The most common metastases occur in the liver, lymph nodes and lungs. Let's consider typical places localization of metastases in relation to the area of ​​location of the primary pathology:

  • Tumors in the large intestine, uterus and ovaries, pancreas (liver, lungs or abdominal cavity);
  • Lung cancer (liver and adrenal glands, second lung);
  • Skin cancer (liver and lungs, muscles);
  • Tumor of the breast or prostate gland (lungs, bone tissue, liver);
  • Tumor of the rectum (lungs, liver or adrenal glands).

The process of metastasis of malignant tumors signals that the body is no longer able to fight the disease on its own. Necessity prompt solution the question of how to treat metastases is due to the fact that the formation of secondary tumors affects the vital important organs and systems, disrupting their functioning. In addition, metastases are usually accompanied by excruciating pain which worsens the patient's condition.

Drug treatment

Despite the fact that medicine has made huge strides forward in the treatment of cancer, for oncologists the question of how to treat metastases still remains one of the most difficult. In case of multiple metastases, preference is given drug therapy, which includes:

  • Chemotherapy;
  • Immunotherapy;
  • Taking hormonal drugs;
  • Targeted therapy.

In cases where metastases threaten the patient's life, doctors prescribe surgical treatment. Sometimes surgery replaces less invasive method– radiosurgery. Single metastases have a favorable prognosis and, as a rule, their growth is effectively controlled by a combination of drug and radiation therapy.

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