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Why does the index finger of my left hand go numb? Fingers go numb: reasons. What to do if your fingers go numb

According to statistics, many people periodically experience pins and needles and sensations (paresthesia), but do not attach much importance to it, which leads to a disastrous outcome.

Sometimes it can occur in the morning, after waking up, with an uncomfortable position of the hand or finger, and go away on its own over time. But when frequent occurrence of this ailment for no reason, you should immediately consult a doctor to get relief additional examinations, determine the cause, begin appropriate treatment.


There are many reasons why the little finger on the left hand may go numb. Most often, paresthesia is caused by circulatory disorders when blood vessels are compressed. Sometimes numbness is the result of compression of the nerve in the wrist (disturbed innervation). It is noted that numbness may be under the influence of alcohol, since ethanol causes nerve destruction. Many chemical substances provide negative impact on the nervous system, which is accompanied by the appearance of paresthesia (for example, lead or mercury).

Often, numbness in the hands bothers girls during pregnancy. This is directly related to compression nerve endings due to swelling. Let's take a closer look at the diseases and risk factors that provoke the occurrence of this disease.

Stroke and heart attack

Numbness of the little finger of the left hand can be caused by diseases of cardio-vascular system usually a stroke or heart attack. With such pathologies, a person experiences many other symptoms. These include:

Vascular pathologies are very dangerous to human health; the symptoms described above should not be neglected. The development of a stroke most often occurs gradually over a period of time. In these situations, you must immediately call ambulance. While waiting for her, the patient must be kept at rest and lie down so that his head and shoulders are slightly elevated. In order for a person not to lose consciousness, he must be given ammonia.

Tunnel syndromes


Anemia is clinical condition organism, which is characterized low level hemoglobin in the blood. It often causes numbness in the fingers of the left hand. In addition to numbness, the disease is characterized by a number of other symptoms:

  • paleness of the skin;
  • fainting conditions;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • itchy skin.

If the little finger of your left hand constantly goes numb, then this is an alarming reason to seek help from a specialist. He will conduct an examination and prescribe the most appropriate treatment.


Scleroderma – chronic illness inflammatory in nature. Young and middle-aged women are more susceptible to it. It causes compaction internal organs, vascular walls, which is accompanied by loss of elasticity. The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

Guillain-Barré syndrome

Guillain-Barré syndrome is autoimmune disease. It is rare and can be caused by traumatic brain injury, genetic predisposition, allergic reactions And viral infections. The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • tingling, numbness of the little finger on the left hand;
  • muscle weakness;
  • disorders from autonomic system;
  • pain in the upper or lower extremities.


3 reasons for numb hands


If finger paresthesia occurs frequently, you should make an appointment with a vertebrologist, neurologist or cardiologist. They specialists will conduct a visual and tactile examination, collect anamnesis and send you for further examinations. In order to put correct diagnosis, the patient may be prescribed the following diagnostic methods:

  1. X-ray examination.
  2. Electroencephalography of the brain.
  3. Ultrasonography hearts.
  4. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging.
  5. Laboratory diagnostics(blood tests for hormones and sugar).
  6. Dopplerography of blood vessels.
  7. Electroneuromyography.

Treatment methods

If the little finger of your left hand goes numb, you should not self-medicate, as this can lead to a number of complications. Based diagnostic examinations, the doctor will determine the reasons why the little finger of the left hand is numb and prescribe appropriate therapy. Most often, it consists of taking medications and performing special exercises.

Drug therapy

Medication therapy directly depends on the reason why the fingers of the left hand are numb. In order to improve tissue innervation, the patient may be prescribed vitamin B drugs (for example, Milgamma). The first time (7-10 days) it is administered intramuscularly, and after that the patient uses it in tablet form for 1 month. When compensating for microelements (in particular calcium), a vitamin-mineral complex is prescribed.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets (for example, Nise). Good effect give funds local application, such as “Fastum-gel” and “Dolgit cream”.

They significantly improve nerve conduction of tissues.

Traditional medicine

In conjunction with drug therapy you can resort to folk methods treatment. To avoid worsening the condition, you should consult a specialist before such therapy. The following recipes are most effective:

  • product based on olive oil. To prepare it, heat 30 ml of olive oil and add ground black pepper to it. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. After the product has cooled, rub it on the numb finger. The procedure can be performed up to 4 times a day;
  • Contrast baths. This is the simplest but most effective way to get rid of numbness. First, the finger is lowered into cold water for 60 seconds and then into hot water.


Therapeutic exercises help well with numbness in the fingers of the left hand. It is recommended to do it every day for 4-6 minutes (both standing and sitting). It consists of a warm-up and basic exercises. As a warm-up, you should alternately clench and unclench your fists, rotate your fingers and wrist clockwise. Let's take a closer look at the basic exercises for numbness in the fingers of the left hand.:

  1. connect both palms to each other, starting to alternately move each finger and return to its original position.
  2. Join your hands in a lock, arching your fingers so that your wrists point upward.
  3. Place your hands with your palms facing each other at chest level. From that position, lower the hands to waist level and return to the starting position.
  4. Connect the fingers of one hand alternately with each other: thumb and index, thumb and middle, thumb and ring.

Each exercise should be repeated at least 5 times. This simple workout helps avoid numbness in the fingers of your left hand.

How often do your hands go numb, and how do they go numb? Maybe the whole hand or several fingers? In view of the modern lifestyle, where people have no time to take care of themselves and their health, many simply ignore important symptoms. What if only one finger goes numb, for example on the left hand? Moreover, this will not be given due attention. Is it worth it at all? Let's figure it out.

Causes of numbness

There are many reasons why this happens, some of them minor and some life-threatening. First, let's figure out what numbness is.

Paresthesia, or a feeling of numbness, is neurological symptom, associated with changes in sensitivity due to damage to the transmission of nerve impulses. Each finger is innervated by a separate nerve, including from the back or palmar part. Thus, the index fingers from the back of the hand are innervated to the fingertips ulnar nerve, and on the palmar side and the remaining parts - by the median nerve.

From this we can make a simple conclusion that one of the causes of numbness in the left index finger may be damage to the ulnar or median nerves on the left side. This may be due to injury to the left limb, as well as long stay in an uncomfortable position in which the left hand is pinched.

The passage of a nerve impulse may be difficult from another part of the body - the neck. Cervical segments spinal cord are also responsible for the work upper limbs. Therefore, with osteochondrosis, hernia cervical region spine, paresthesia in the left arm is possible.

Sometimes our body responds to prolonged stress with paresthesia. For example, with prolonged monotonous work with the hands, a “tunnel” syndrome occurs, in which numbness of the fingers, pain, or minor twitching may occur.

The most dangerous reasons

Paresthesia can occur not only due to pathology nervous system, but also because of cardiovascular. After all, in order to maintain heat throughout the body, the heart pushes out blood, which is distributed to all organs and systems.

Most dangerous disease causing numbness in the fingers of the left hand is myocardial infarction. If there is a blockage of the aorta or coronary vessels, then blood stops flowing from normal speed into the left upper limb. This leads to numbness in the fingers.

It is also dangerous if a blood clot has formed in large vessels. When separated from the wall of the vessel, it begins to “travel” through the cardiovascular system until it finds a bottleneck, most often these are the vessels that feed the fingers. If, in addition to numbness, your fingers begin to change their color to dark, then urgently call an ambulance, otherwise you may lose a limb.

One more dangerous cause numbness is a stroke. The brain is responsible for all innervation in every part of the body. It often happens that during a stroke, one half of the body simply “turns off”: it becomes difficult to lift the limbs, numbness appears in the right or left half of the body.

What to do?

Carefully examine the numbness: how many fingers are numb, whether it is accompanied by pain, whether the color of the finger changes, and whether there are other symptoms. These little things are important because they suggest the presence of a certain disease.

Try lightly massaging the fingers of your left hand. If the numbness goes away after a while, then most likely you were in an uncomfortable position for your hand.

If the index finger and thumb are numb, it means that the ulnar and median nerves are not sufficiently innervated. This may be due to nerve damage or osteochondrosis.

If there are discomfort in the tip of your finger, and it has become darker, then immediately call an ambulance. Because this is one of the signs of gangrene that has begun.

If the entire left limb is numb, and there is pain behind the sternum, radiating from left shoulder blade, also urgently call an ambulance, since the above signs correspond to the development of myocardial infarction.

From the information provided, we can conclude that you cannot ignore the symptoms of your existing disease, even something as minor as numbness in the index finger of your left hand. Try to take care of yourself and your feelings, because this will help you save your life.

Numbness in the fingers is a sensation that every person has experienced at least several times in their lives. A one-time feeling of numbness is normal, there is no need to worry. Alarming state when your fingers go numb regularly. This may indicate serious problems with health. The fingers on my left hand are going numb, what should I do?

Numbness in the fingers on the left hand

May indicate heart problems vascular system. Ignoring tingling, scratching, twitching of fingers and even fingertips is dangerous, because these are clear signals from the body about a problem. The reasons for this are different:

  1. Malfunctions spinal column. In particular, dystrophic processes in the cervical spine. May become thinner intervertebral discs. These are the consequences of injuries or prolonged statistical overload of the spine.
  2. Muscle overload. It occurs when a person holds long time uncomfortable body position. This is a typical phenomenon for pregnant women. Short-term spasms appear and affect the nerves.
  3. Ischemia of the brain and cervical spine.
  4. Stress, emotional overload.

How to understand that numbness has occurred?

It is difficult to confuse the characteristic symptoms with something else. They appear in the morning or at night, the key signs are:

  • Decreased sensitivity in some fingers or the entire left hand.
  • Transient muscle weakness.
  • Burning skin, feeling of goosebumps.
  • Tingling in fingers.

Causes of the pathological condition

Most often, the cause of obvious symptoms is compression of the nerve endings and blood vessels. As a result, there is a disruption in blood supply to the limb, and its sensitivity worsens. A person gets the impression that his fingers do not obey - they are numb. Reasons for this condition:

  1. Squeezing of blood vessels as a result of taking an uncomfortable position. For example, throwing your arm over the back of a chair and staying in a similar position for a long time.
  2. If the hand is held for a long time, above the level of the heart, this provokes an outflow of blood from it.
  3. If you wear a bag or backpack on your hand, the strap pinches the blood vessels.
  4. Being in extreme cold – stress-induced cooling provokes vasoconstriction.

Pain in the fingers of the left hand

The causes of numbness in the fingers also depend on which finger is affected. The fingers on the left hand, the little finger and the ring finger, are going numb - causes, treatment.

Little finger

This is the smallest finger that goes numb with enviable regularity during acute coronary syndrome, chronic heart failure. In this case, it is recommended to contact a cardiologist for examination. This will allow you to notice the pathology in a timely manner and begin its treatment.

Another reason is overstrain of the hand muscles, and if it is held for a long time. In this case, pinched nerves may occur, most often in lumbar region. Bulging of the disc between the vertebrae may occur without disruption of the annulus fibrosus. This is a stage of osteochondrosis that needs to be treated, because there is a risk of transformation into a vertebral hernia.


This finger goes numb when hormonal disorders, such as diabetes. The causes of temporary lack of sensitivity may be injury, inflammation of soft tissues. If rubbing is combined with impaired mobility of the finger and the entire hand, this may indicate pathology of the brachial plexus.

The index finger will go numb if cervical vertebrae are happening degenerative changes. This condition will be combined with pain in the forearm and muscle weakening. Often forefinger suffers in people if, while working, they place stress on the spine and fingers.


Almost always numbness itself thumb on the fives - this is a symptom of a failure of metabolic processes in the cartilage of the cervical and/or thoracic regions. In addition, there will be weakness in the hand and pain in the forearm. Other possible reasons:

  1. Cardiovascular pathologies.
  2. Thoracic osteochondrosis.
  3. Atherosclerosis. Plaques that are deposited on the walls of blood vessels slow down blood circulation.
  4. Vitamin deficiency - it manifests itself in the winter-spring period. In this case, a course of vitamins and minerals and filling your own menu with fruit will help.


An exceptionally moderate one will become numb in combination with the pallor of Raynaud's phenomenon. This pathology appears after injury or hypothermia over a long period. Another reason is osteochondrosis of the spine, which results in a hernia.


Goes numb ring finger when the nerve endings of the elbow of the left hand are pinched. To alleviate the condition in this case, it is necessary to determine the cause of the compression and its exact location. If the ring finger and the little finger also go numb, this is a signal to contact a cardiologist as soon as possible.


– this may indicate development systemic disease. Redness or whitening of the skin may appear. Not all the fingertips on the hand may also become numb, but only some of the tufts.

Numb fingers at night

If the fingers of your left hand become numb at night, it is often due to an incorrect sleeping position. This problem can occur at any age. But this is not the only reason for night discomfort, among others:

  1. Prolonged work at the computer provokes constant pressure muscles and soft tissues, thereby nerve endings are compressed.
  2. Endocrine disruptions, vitamin deficiency.
  3. Osteochondrosis.
  4. Numbness combined with a cold hand is a sign of poor blood supply.

Treatment of left hand fingers

Of course, only a doctor prescribes a course of treatment and only after everything has been done necessary tests and hardware diagnostics as needed. The first step is to see a therapist or family doctor, after the examination he will refer you to specialized specialists. Therapy can be prescribed from the list below:

  • Painkillers.
  • A course of vitamins and microelements.
  • Physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage.
  • NSAIDs.
  • Salt-free diet, increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet.
  • Local remedies - creams and ointments to improve trophism.
  • Refusal bad habits And full image life.

During the therapeutic treatment you need to minimize the load on the spine and arms.

Traditional treatment

In addition to the main one, it is allowed to use recipes traditional medicine, among the effective ones are:

  1. Rub your fingers with a mixture of peppers and olive oil.
  2. Applying a compress from boiled potatoes to the cervical spine.
  3. Contrasting finger baths. Alternately in cold and warm water you need to hold your fingers for 60 seconds.


Preventive measures are aimed at eliminating the need for treatment, for this you need:

  1. News healthy image life.
  2. Exercise – give the body moderate physical activity.
  3. When working at the computer for a long time, rest every hour and stretch your hands and fingers.

Conclusion. The causes of pain in the fingers of the left hand and numbness can be different. Neglect characteristic symptoms dangerous - it’s better to play it safe and visit a doctor.

Numbness in the fingers of the left hand– a condition in which the sensitivity of the left hand, fingers or arm is partially or completely lost. In this case, pain may be felt when moving, bending and tingling in the limb. This condition does not occur spontaneously, in which there must be sufficient serious reasons, leading to similar numbness of the fingers.

The reasons for this numbness may be:

- osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine. With this disease, numbness in the fingers of the left hand occurs as a result of narrowing of the intervertebral spaces and decreased blood circulation in the extremities;

- diseases of the spine such as a tumor on the spine or spinal cord, spinal tuberculosis, etc. In these cases, compression of nerve fibers and blood vessels occurs;

- injuries to the left shoulder or forearm. There is a clamping or bending of blood vessels and nerve fibers, which leads to numbness;

- stroke - numbness in the fingers of the left hand can be evidence of a stroke, while the person experiences more additional symptoms– impairment of vision, speech, and thought processes. Possible short-term loss of consciousness and coordination;

heart attack, heart attack and diseases of the heart and circulatory system are affected by numbness in the fingers of the left hand, pain in the chest in the middle and in the left forearm. Breathing is impaired, vomiting may occur;

- Carpal tunnel syndrome is a fairly common cause of numbness in the fingers of the left hand today. Occurs as a result of pinching median nerve at wrist level. Today it is one of the common diseases modern people who often work at a computer. With carpal tunnel syndrome, in addition to numbness of the first 3 fingers of the hand, pain is felt in the pinched area, which can radiate to the forearm and shoulder;

- Raynaud's syndrome. As a rule, it affects women and people whose activities involve heavy metals, constant hypothermia, chemicals, and vibration. With this disease, in addition to numbness, darkening of the skin of the fingers is observed;

- at intervertebral hernia nerves are pinched and the fingers of the left hand go numb;

- other reasons caused by intoxication, stress, incorrect sleep position, vitamin deficiency, etc. (“natural” reasons).

Treatment for numbness in the fingers of the left hand

For numbness in the fingers of the left hand In addition to “natural” reasons, it is necessary to consult a doctor. In most cases, this disease is easily treated. Treatment is associated with the restoration of blood circulation and the functioning of nerve fibers. For this purpose it is assigned physiotherapy, massage on the neck and chest area (for osteochondrosis), physiotherapy. With shoulder injuries, numbness goes away with normalization of shoulder activity. This is achieved by fixing the injured limb to proper recovery fabrics.

If you experience symptoms of a stroke or heart attack with numbness in the fingers of your left hand, you should immediately contact an ambulance. If there is insufficient attention to this condition, irreversible changes in the body can occur. In case of overwork and Raynaud's syndrome, treatment of numbness consists of changing the work schedule, place of work and possibly place of residence. If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, it is necessary to take short breaks while working and knead your hands to restore blood circulation.

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Loss of sensation in the thumb can be temporary, when a person is in an uncomfortable position for a long time, or appear regularly for no particular reason. How to determine whether there is cause for concern and when a visit to the doctor is necessary?

There are a number of diseases that are characterized by paresthesia, or numbness of the fingers. This may be a pathology of the spine, injuries to the upper extremities, neuralgia of the carpal nerve, or malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

One of the possible answers to the question why the thumb goes numb is right hand, is compression of the median nerve in the musculoskeletal canal of the wrist. This pathology is called tunnel, carpal, carpal tunnel syndrome and is manifested by paresthesia of several fingers and the palmar surface of the hand.

A characteristic sign of tunnel neuropathy is awkwardness when grasping objects, since the thumb takes an active part in this movement. In addition to numbness, patients note tingling and shooting in the area of ​​the hand and fingers, as well as pain syndrome.

In most cases it is affected right limb, since it is dominant in right-handed people. Accordingly, left-handers complain of numbness in the left thumb. Bilateral lesions may also occur, but this is much less common.

As a result of nerve compression, it is mainly the fingers that suffer, as there are significant difficulties in holding objects, driving a car, or doing basic everyday activities.

Hand coordination disorder is most accurately described by the phrases “everything falls out of your hands” or “both hands are left.” Nerve damage is often accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the hand and pallor. skin, as well as a feeling of cold or heat.

The causes of tunnel neuropathy with damage to the median nerve are as follows:

  • congenital narrowness and anatomical features carpal tunnel;
  • bruise, fracture or dislocation of the wrist joint;
  • increased production of growth hormone (acromegaly);
  • inflammation of the joints (synovitis, tenosynovitis, arthritis and arthrosis, gout, etc.);
  • neoplasms of bone or muscle structures;
  • pregnancy;
  • renal failure;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • treatment with hormonal drugs.

provoke pathological changes The carpal tunnel may experience permanent trauma caused by repeated flexion and extension of the hand. This is typical for representatives of professions such as musician, packer, joiner or carpenter.

Treatment is possible conservative methods, running forms may require surgical intervention.


If the thumb goes numb, then the cause may well be radicular syndrome, which occurs with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Most often, the spinal nerves are subject to compression in the most mobile areas - at the level of the 5th and 6th cervical vertebrae.

Compression of the nerve roots can be caused by:

  • deformed processes of the vertebrae;
  • hypertrophied ligaments;
  • hernial protrusions.

Thumbs on hands become numb due to pinching nerve root C 6, which is responsible for the sensitivity of the upper limbs. Depending on location pathological process Either the left or right hand is affected.

The pain syndrome, which arose due to compression of the nerve in the area of ​​the 6th vertebra, spreads from the neck and covers the scapulohumeral region, descending along the outer surface hands to thumb. Numbness of the little fingers may mean pinching of the 8th cervical root.

Diagnostics radicular syndrome based on studies such as magnetic resonance or CT scan. To clarify the location and nature of nerve damage, electromyography may be prescribed. In some cases, a cerebrospinal fluid analysis is recommended.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Arthritis of rheumatoid origin can affect various groups joints, and the interphalangeal joints of the fingers are no exception. The first symptoms are associated with the inflammatory process, however the real reason lies in the features immune system person.

By using protective function a barrier is created that prevents various bacteria, viruses and other foreign agents from entering the body. And with arthritis, this function fails, and lymphocytes begin to attack their own cells and tissues, including bursae joints.

The human body is daily attacked by pathogenic microbes, but rheumatoid arthritis the target of the immune system is not they, but the cellular lymphocytes of the connective tissue

As a result, the joint tissues accumulate excessive amounts of fluid, and the person feels unwell. First, numbness appears in the pads of the fingers, and a little later the loss of sensitivity covers the entire fingers. As the disease progresses, the patient feels pain in one or more fingers, especially when pressing.

Why does the thumb go numb in this case? The reason for this is inflammatory process in several joints at once, which provokes paresthesia and pain. It should be taken into account that with rheumatoid arthritis, the joints of the limbs are affected symmetrically - even if at first only the finger on the right hand is numb, then soon such a symptom will appear in the finger of the left hand.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a rapidly progressive disease; if left untreated, finger joints become deformed and symptoms worsen. Crucial correct diagnosis, during which it is very important to determine the factors that provoked inflammation.

To detect arthritis, it is necessary to take an x-ray and donate blood for rheumatic factor. The result of a blood test will show an excess of such indicators as C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, seromucoid.

Complex therapy of the disease includes the use of the following drugs:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics;
  • anti-rheumatoid drugs - Cyclosparin, Minocycline, Azathiaprine, Leflunomide, etc.;
  • corticosteroid drugs (limited course);
  • biomodifiers for recovery cartilage tissue– Rituxan, Abatacept, Anakiru, Enbrel.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, selected by a doctor medications will help get rid of pain syndrome and slow down the further development of rheumatoid arthritis.

Rituxan is a highly effective drug that is used to treat patients with an insufficient response to or intolerance to other antirheumatoid drugs.

Circulatory disorders

The thumb can also become numb due to circulatory diseases - thrombosis of the upper extremities, cerebral thromboembolism and ischemic stroke intervertebral artery.

Thromboembolism is the most frequent sight vascular embolism and is characterized by acute blockage blood vessel a blood clot (embolus) that has broken away from the site of its formation. As a result blood clot begins to move freely circulatory system and can block blood flow. This is how it arises oxygen starvation tissue, or ischemia, which often ends in ischemic infarction.

A harbinger of a stroke may be numbness in one of the upper extremities - as a rule, the fingers of the left hand react. When the thumb on the left hand goes numb, heart failure or angina cannot be ruled out.

At acute obstruction arteries of the upper extremities, the pulse may disappear and the temperature of the skin of the hand may decrease. Thrombosis is another reason why fingers become numb and hand sensitivity is impaired.

Patients with suspected stroke or thrombosis should be urgently hospitalized. Timely and correct measures emergency care– this is exactly what the prognosis for the future, and even the patient’s life, depends on.

Vitamin deficiency

With insufficient intake of B vitamins into the body, many pathologies can develop. Nervous tissue are the first to be affected. Clinical symptoms Hypo- and vitamin deficiency are very diverse - one of them is synchronous numbness and numbness of the fingers or toes.

The reason for the lack of B vitamins may not only be what a person eats. In some cases, existing diseases can provoke vitamin deficiency:

Other factors leading to vitamin deficiency are:

  • prolonged psycho-emotional stress - in this case, the body’s need for vitamin B1 increases tenfold, and B2, B5 and B6 are processed 5 times faster;
  • pregnancy;
  • long-term treatment with sulfonamides, antidepressants, tetracycline-based antibiotics;
  • reception birth control contraceptives increases the body's need for vitamin B2;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • unbalanced and not good nutrition.

Subnormal vitamin supply is the most common form of vitamin deficiency, which is manifested by a violation of physiological reactions involving a specific vitamin, as well as individual symptoms

If there is a lack of vitamins, they are prescribed medicines And vitamin complexes, but the main source should still be food. To make up for the deficiency, you need to eat a varied diet and include meat and dairy products, eggs and vegetable oil in your diet.

To avoid such a symptom as numbness of the thumb, you need to take care in advance to prevent conditions that can cause it. If you have to constantly sit at work or perform monotonous movements with your hands, you need to take breaks every 30-40 minutes.

The use of orthopedic accessories can also provide invaluable assistance in the fight for health. The right pillow, well organized workplace and even a computer mouse of a special design - all these are means to maintain normal functioning spine and joints.

Many limb problems can be avoided by spending just 30 minutes a day on physical exercise. A good diet will help prevent deficiency of vitamins and microelements. Be healthy!