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Why did absent-mindedness appear and my hands go numb? Fingers go numb. Treatment of hand numbness in ischemic cerebral stroke

There are several reasons for numbness in the hands, as well as their symptoms.

Hands can go numb in different ways - the arm up to the elbow or the fingers and hands can go numb. In addition, joint pain and slight tingling - these phenomena very often accompany numbness in the hands.

If numbness occurs quite often, then you should consult a doctor who will conduct a diagnostic examination of the body to identify the causes of numbness in the hands.

If the posture of the hands is uncomfortable, this may cause numbness in the hands, but still this phenomenon should not be a cause for concern.

At diagnostic examination You can find out that diseases such as disruption of the proper functioning of the spine, vascular diseases and narrowing or widening of blood channels lead precisely to numbness of the hands. By the way, if a person has had some kind of hand injuries in the past, then from time to time they will remind of themselves precisely by numbness in the hands.

Treatment for numbness in the hands is prescribed by the doctor, based on the causes of this disease. Modern rheumatology copes quite well with eliminating numbness in the hands. So, if it turns out that the disease vascular system leads to problems with the hands, then the doctor prescribes a medicinal complex for the treatment of blood vessels. Surely, after taking vasodilator medications, your hands will no longer go numb, and you will feel great.

Besides drug treatment, there are several folk recipes helping to get rid of numbness in the hands.

What to do if your hands go numb

1. You need to take a 0.5 liter container, pour chopped garlic into it so that it is one third filled with garlic. After this, fill the container completely with vodka and place it in a dark place for 14 days, shaking the container once a day. After 2 weeks, start taking the tincture - 5 drops three times a day, but first dissolve it in a teaspoon of water. We take the tincture for 4 weeks.

2. Massage your numb hand using the following mixture - 10 g. camphor alcohol, 50 gr. ammonia, stir in a liter of cold water. The mixture is ready for use.

3. In the case when a limb is not completely numb, but only its fingers, you can massage using the following mixture. For half a glass vegetable oils take 0.5 cups of sugar and mix everything. Lubricate the areas that are numb with this mixture using spiral movements. Then take a liter warm water, in which we dilute two tablespoons of salt - we hold our hands in this liquid for about 45 minutes.

Why do my hands go numb in my sleep?

Factors that cause numbness of the limbs during sleep can be divided into two types. The first group are simple ones, which can be gotten rid of quickly enough. The second group of factors are complex and require a thorough solution. Let's consider the main reasons that lead to such consequences:

    Incorrect position of the neck during sleep, which leads to muscle strain and obstruction of blood access to tissues. The solution to the problem is possible by experimentally choosing a pillow and its location.

    "Wedding night syndrome" typical for men. This happens when a girl puts her head on her partner's chest while sleeping. Under the weight of the head, the artery is blocked overnight andhands go numb at night .

    The formation of a blood clot in an artery is quite alarming news, the first symptom of which will be numbness of the limb during sleep. It’s quite easy to check: if the numbness does not disappear within an hour, consult a doctor immediately!

    Manifestation of problems with the cervical spine. Osteochondrosis is often indicated by pain below the back of the head. They will be of a pulling nature and move to the arm area.

    Carpal and tunnel syndromes. Occurs when the wrists are overstrained, particularly when working at the computer for a long time. In this case, the median nerve is compressed, therefore numbness may appear in the wrist area.

How to get rid of numbness in your hands?

If hands go numb , then to get rid of the symptoms it will be enough to use simple gymnastics. Without getting out of bed, turn on your back and, raising your hands up, clench and unclench your fingers eighty times. After this, lower your arms onto the bed, stretching them along your body, and repeat the exercise another 80 times. Now you can get out of bed and face the wall. In this position, stand on your toes and, raising your arms up, stay in this position for a minute. Then you can stand on your entire foot, clasp your hands behind your back and try to lift them higher. This way you will not only get rid of unpleasant sensations, but also significantly improve blood circulation in the extremities.

To restore sensitivity to numb hands, you can use folk remedies . Mix 50 grams of 10% ammonia with 10 grams of camphor. Pour this mixture into a liter of water, add a tablespoon of kitchen salt and mix thoroughly. Use the prepared product to rub numb areas of the body. Significantly influence general state maybe taking baths with rosemary. To do this, steep a handful of rosemary in three liters of cold water for half an hour. Afterwards, the broth can be poured into a warm bath and taken for fifteen minutes. After taking a course of 7-10 baths and rubbing mustard oil on sore spots, you will notice significant improvements in your general condition.

Remember that if massaging sore spots and using preventive measures does not bring noticeable results, this may be the first signal of the appearance of serious illnesses. The same can be said in cases where the numbness does not go away long enough after waking up. If you experience such ailment, seek help from qualified healthcare professionals.

My hand goes numb

It happens that every (or not every) night your hand goes numb, numb, the pain is such that you wake up and begin to stretch your sore hand in every possible way. If this happens to you, then this article is for you.

But first, a little about what causes numbness in your hands. There can be many reasons:

. Compression of the nerve in the bend areas of the arm - in the elbow or shoulder.

. Poor circulation in the hand.

. Osteochondrosis.

. Presence of intervertebral hernias.

. Diabetes.

. Deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body.

And many more factors that your doctor will help you identify after the examination.

Today is about something else. In folk medicine there is a recipe for hand numbness at night, which does not cost a penny. At first glance he is a little strange, but after a few sleepless nights, you will believe in anything. Before going to bed, take a medium-sized potato, wash it thoroughly, place it in the palm of your numb hand and put a sock on top so as not to lose the potato at night. That's all. Sleep well.

Your hand will not go numb at night. But why? And everything is explained very simply. There is a dot in the center of the palm. If, for example, you press on the center of a baby’s palm, the baby squeezes his fingers. IN Chinese medicine All points on the human body are described in detail. And this point in the center of the palm is called lao gong. It is connected to the shoulder and further cervical canal. This explains therapeutic effect potatoes: at night it presses on this point and impulses are sent that improve blood supply to the arm.

You can take anything in your hand: a ball, an apple, but potatoes are best for everyone. How many nights to sleep with her, everyone decides for himself. But the fact remains: during such “treatment” the hand does not cramp, you do not have to wake up and shake or knead it.

If your hand goes numb, try this method, because it is absolutely harmless and free.

What to do if your hands go numb?

Why do my hands go numb? Numbness is a loss of sensation accompanied by unpleasant pulling sensation and tingling. If your hands go numb for a short time, the cause is not always associated with any disease. This can occur from compression of nerve bundles and blood vessels, resulting in impaired blood supply. In everyday life, numbness in the hands often occurs when carrying heavy bags, when working with arms raised up, in an incorrect sitting position with the arm thrown over the back of the sofa, or when wearing tight clothes. When the tight area (shoulder, elbow or hand) is released, the blood supply is restored and the numbness goes away.

Causes of hand numbness

The disease is the cause of numbness in the hands. If hand numbness occurs frequently over a long period of time and regardless of everyday causes, then you should think of it as a symptom of some disease and undergo a medical examination. The most common disorders in the body that lead to numbness in the hands are low blood sugar, decreased levels of thyroid hormones and sex hormones, as well as a lack of B vitamins and mineral metabolism disorders.

A decrease in blood sugar occurs when you have diabetes, pancreatitis or illness digestive system accompanied by insufficient absorption. A decrease in the level of the hormone thyroxine occurs in hypothyroidism, a disease of the thyroid gland. The level of sex hormones always decreases during menopause, sometimes it falls during gynecological diseases in women and urological diseases in men. A lack of vitamins and minerals occurs due to poor absorption, as well as after suffering serious illnesses or malnutrition.

In second place, after metabolic causes, are diseases of the musculoskeletal system associated with pinched nerves and blood vessels. With the widely known cervical osteochondrosis hernias intervertebral discs may pinch nerve fibers. With changes in the joints of the vertebrae cervical region(arthritis, periarthritis, spondylosis) the ligaments also change, all this leads to pain in the neck, shoulders, arms and numbness. Typically, pinching is unilateral, affecting one limb.

Much less common are causes associated with disorders of the blood supply to the hands, for example, Raynaud's syndrome. Most of all on the end blood vessels hands are negatively affected by cold and nervous tension. Fingers also go numb due to polyneuropathy - damage to the small nerves of the hand. If your hands go numb at night, you can assume the manifestation of diseases of the cervical spine, cervical ribs, or cardiovascular disease.

What to do if your hands go numb?

To restore blood supply, you need to shake your hands and vigorously clench and unclench your fists several times. Then stretch your fingers. If numbness occurs in bed, you need to roll over onto your back, raise your hands up and vigorously clench and unclench your fists several times. Then lower your arms along your body and repeat clenching your fists. It is useful to stretch your hands and roll balls in your palms throughout the day. If the symptom recurs frequently, you should consult a doctor and undergo treatment.

To prevent metabolic disorders in spring and autumn, it is useful to take a complex of vitamins and minerals. Physical activity is necessary for good blood circulation, joint mobility and the prevention of many diseases. Movements at work are stereotypical; they do not involve all muscle groups and, on the contrary, overstrain some of them. The spine and joints are also involved in the same way. Therefore, work cannot replace morning exercises and regular physical education.

Numbness of fingers. Treatment with folk remedies

Numb fingers are the result of diseases that affect the nerves and/or blood vessels of the hands. Very often, numbness of the fingers (carpal tunnel syndrome) is associated with working on a computer: constant typing and working with a mouse. In such cases, daily hand exercises and contrast baths help.
Often the cause of numbness in the fingers can be osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. You should definitely go to the doctor, because... Due to problems with the spine, blood circulation to the brain is disrupted, and this is a risk of stroke. In several sessions manual therapy the problem of numb fingers can be solved.
Numbness in the legs is one of the symptoms of diabetes, but it also occurs with other diseases. At a minimum, it is necessary to undergo Doppler ultrasound to check the blood flow in the vessels of the legs. Only after this will it become clear what causes numbness in the legs and how to treat it.

Treatment of numbness in fingers with folk remedies:

Pickles for numb fingers.

Cut 3 salted (not pickled) cucumbers into cubes, chop 3 medium pods of red hot pepper, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave for 7 days in a dark place, strain and rub this liquid into your hands. This may be due to problems with the peripheral nervous system, in particular with the nerves responsible for innervation of the arm. The reasons for this may be different - both related to nervous and circulatory systems. You should consult a neurologist.

Pumpkin for numb fingers.

Cook pumpkin porridge and apply it to your hand, starting from the shoulder, wrapping your entire hand in a woolen scarf. The porridge should be warm. The same porridge can be used 5-6 times, that is, as many procedures as are needed for a course of treatment. The porridge should be heated in a water bath.

If your arms and legs go numb

For 1 liter of water, take 1 tbsp. l. rock salt, 50 g of 10% ammonia and 10 g of camphor alcohol. Combine everything and stir well until the salt is completely dissolved. Rub the resulting mixture into sore joints at night.

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Numbness: limbs, fingers go numb; numb hand, leg

Numbness is a sensation that typically occurs in certain areas of the skin. The most common accompaniments of numbness are tingling, chilliness, burning and tightening. Such symptoms, for the most part, turn out to be signs of such diseases:



    Availability intervertebral hernia;

    poor circulation in the arm or leg area;


    are signs of deficiency of vitamins, microelements and overuse alcoholic drinks;

    transient ischemic attacks, which include one arm or one leg, one or another part of the body, or maybe all limbs;

    compression of the nerve in the narrow areas where it passes, in the areas of the wrist, elbow, groin, ankles, tunnel syndromes are formed;

    nerve damage as a result of joint deformation. This rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases;

    multiple sclerosis;

    some hereditary diseases that are associated with nerve damage.

People who experience attacks of numbness often wonder what to do: see a doctor or wait until the symptoms go away on their own. In fact, if attacks of numbness occur quite often, it is imperative to see a doctor. Moreover, if in addition to numbness there are painful sensations, awkwardness, weakness, or loss of sensitivity, as well as if a lack of coordination of movements appears with numbness. In addition, a visit to a neurologist is mandatory if you cannot distinguish cold water from warm water.

Numbness of the limbs (numbness of the limbs)

Numbness of the limbs is a very unpleasant sensation that occurs when a nerve is pressed for a short time, when a person assumes an uncomfortable position for a while. When you change position, the numbness goes away within a few minutes. But if changing posture does not help get rid of this feeling, and it occurs quite often, this should be taken as a signal that you should consult a doctor.

Numbness of the limbs may indicate the presence of a disease arterial vessels(most often in the legs). This disease can cause inflammation of the inner lining of blood vessels, the formation of obstruction in the arteries (Raynaud's disease, obliterating atherosclerosis, stroke), blood circulation disorders. This may result in partial gangrene of the limb. Numbness of the limbs can occur due to nerve injury, which is caused by diseases such as tunnel neuropathy, osteochondrosis, carpal tunnel syndrome.

Numbness of the hands is a very common disease. Its cause is compression of the nerves supplying blood to the median nerve. In case it is not fulfilled timely treatment this disease, its consequences can be very negative. First, the disease manifests itself in numbness of the fingers, then the palms, arms, over time, it can turn into pain that occurs at night, then it can appear in the morning. Later, the pain appears during the day, and especially intensifies when you raise your arms up.

Numbness of the extremities may be due to for the following reasons:

    Uncomfortable posture when lying and sitting. In such situations, after numbness, a tingling sensation occurs, which goes away when you change position;

    pinched nerve caused by spinal problems, for example, osteochondrosis;

    due to carpal tunnel syndrome. In this case, the first, second and third fingers of the hand usually go numb, as compression occurs on the middle nerve passing in the area of ​​the hand. Often the cause of this disease is prolonged use of a computer mouse. First, the fingers become numb, followed by a tingling sensation that turns into severe pain;

    lack of vitamin B12 in the body. This vitamin is included in metabolic processes nerve fibers and its low content in the body causes not only rapid fatigue and general weakness, but also leads to impaired sensitivity, heart rhythm disturbances and irritability;

    Raynaud's disease. This disease manifests itself as paroxysmal circulatory disorders of the arteries, which most often appear in the area of ​​the feet and hands. The onset of the disease can be caused by stress, hereditary factors(consists in the structural features nervous system), intoxication (nicotine and alcohol). Those most susceptible to this disease are those who have suffered from hypothermia, diseases infectious nature, overwork or prolonged sun exposure, young women. In addition, young women who work a lot with the computer, as well as pianists, are at risk. With Raynaud's disease, not only numbness is felt, but also rapid freezing, as well as the acquisition of a blue tint to the fingers in the cold and during excitement. Most often, the disease affects the second, third and fourth fingers and toes. If such symptoms are not given proper attention and are not treated, the disease can also affect other organs (chin, ears, nose). The arms are affected first, and later the legs;

    obliterating endarteritis. This disease affects arterial vessels (most often lower limbs). Due to significant vasoconstriction, blood circulation is disrupted, accompanied by a feeling of numbness, as well as cooling of the extremities. A progressive disease leads to complete blockage of blood vessels, resulting in gangrene;

    neuropathy. This disease affects the nerves. Call him metabolic disorders or intoxication. Symptoms characteristic of this disease are: itching, tingling, burning, tightening sensations in the toes and hands, and on the protruding parts of the foot. Patients often describe their sensations as “numbness.” There is a manifestation of spontaneous pain. Neuropathy is also characteristic of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, and so on;

    ischemic stroke of the vertebral and inferior cerebellar arteries. Often numbness of the limbs accompanies this disease;

    There are cases when numbness of the limbs occurs due to hyperventilation, accompanied by rapid and shallow breathing in a state of anxiety or fear.

Numbness of the limbs is a symptom caused by bending of nerve bundles or blood vessels, uncomfortable body position, impaired blood circulation, or more dangerous diseases that were described above. Numbness is a change in the sensory function of the limbs, often accompanied by painful sensations and tingling sensations.

The consequences of numbness of the extremities can vary significantly: from blood circulation disorders and up to gangrene of the extremities (partial). These consequences depend on what caused the numbness. However, regardless of the reasons, if numbness occurs frequently, this means that the functioning of blood circulation and blood vessels in the extremities is impaired. This implies that there is a risk of having dangerous diseases and you should consult a doctor in order to diagnose the disease in time and prevent its development.

Numbness of hands (hands go numb)

The most common reason for numbness in the hands is compression of the neurovascular bundle. connective tissue, as well as muscles. This bundle provides nutrition and innervation to the muscles. There are seven places where compression can occur. After conducting a diagnosis, the doctor can identify the affected area and eliminate compression of the vessel or nerve. In cases where numbness of the limbs is associated with disorders in the functions of the spine, the doctor will also determine the location of the lesion and take action to eliminate it.

They helped me. I came to the clinic with pain in my left shoulder. The pain has decreased. I don't regret coming here. Doctor Elena Arkadyevna is attentive, polite, and explains everything clearly. I'm not breaking up!

Salaeva Violetta Kazbekovna, 78 years old

Gratitude and congratulations for the “Health Workshop”! On these holidays, Defender of the Fatherland Day and March 8th, I ask you to congratulate everyone and especially the wonderful doctor V.L. Egorov, the wonderful D.E. Vetrov, Alekhintseva S.E., Stepanov E.A. and all the treatment room staff, Alexandra and her entire team. I wish everyone good health, always Have a good mood, fulfillment of desires, career success and great personal happiness. With gratitude, V.I. Belyaeva

Belyaeva V.I., 72 years old

suffered from chronic pain 8 months, in the clinic and hospital they brushed me off or made vague diagnoses, despite all the information I provided... Viktor Anatolyevich is a doctor who accurately diagnosed my problem in the shortest possible time. The professional skills of such a highly qualified specialist are something that I have been critically lacking for a long time. Many thanks to the doctor and all the clinic staff!

McLashin B.

I express my deep gratitude to the attending physician Elena Vladimirovna Khislavskaya! Long and painful trips to the district clinic and the consultation center of the Kalininsky district led to nothing, none of the doctors could make an accurate diagnosis, they found nothing, they just shrugged it off, and some of them were sent to a psychotherapist. I was getting worse and worse. As this clinic was my last hope, I ended up with Elena Vladimirovna. She was so attentive to my problem, correctly diagnosed (Tittze syndrome), prescribed treatment, and little by little I began to get out. I believe that only her sensitive attitude towards people and her desire to understand gave results. Since the disease was advanced, treatment lasted for 2 months and then recovery after discharge. Yes, it costs money, but taking into account the fact that visiting compulsory medical insurance and even paid specialists from other clinics did not bring results, it is definitely worth it. I was returned to normal life How can this be measured? I would like to say a special thank you to orthopedist Rustam Fanilievich, he performed the blockade very carefully and accurately. I also express my deep gratitude to the massage therapist Sergei Nikolaevich Guberniatorov, he has golden hands. And to all the clinic staff for their friendly and sensitive attitude!

Olga, St. Petersburg

I express my gratitude to the clinic team for their respectful and attentive attitude towards patients. I would like to separately thank such doctors as Soboleva Svetlana Nikolaevna, Kustova Marina Anatolyevna, Akhmadullina Tamara Nurievna, Chernov Andrey Aleksandrovich for their professionalism, kindness of heart and great skill. It is a great blessing that such competent, skillful and talented, caring people work exactly where they are needed most. I wish prosperity and well-being to your clinic and the specialists who work in it.

Kudryavtseva Natalya Pavlovna, 65 years old

She underwent a course of treatment at the Health Workshop and in particular with Stanislav Vladimirovich. I want to express my deep gratitude for the help provided to me, for your golden hands. A very attentive and sensitive doctor, taking into account my diagnosis (hernia, protrusion, etc.), used gentle techniques and after each session my health improved and my life got better, I couldn’t wait to see him so that he could ease my suffering. Stanislav Vladimirovich, thank you very much, I will definitely recommend you to those who need the same help.


Was treated by Lisina E.A. I'm very pleased. She saved me from nervous breakdown, healed me. Problems with hip joints. She prescribed plasma therapy. I am very grateful to her. All clinic staff are polite and attentive. All the medical staff are excellent workers. I am very grateful to all the employees of the Health Workshop. I also thank Alexander Sergeevich Kryukov, who immediately understood my condition and handed me over to E.A. Lisina.

Kharevich Lyudmila Vladimirovna

Doctor Kryukov Alexander Sergeevich. Thank you for the consultation and prescribed treatment. Very competent, knowledgeable and attentive doctor. Thank you!

Pleskovskaya Elena Vyacheslavovna

I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart the entire team of the “Health Workshop” at 224B Moskovsky Prospekt. Absolutely everything: both doctors and administrators are very attentive and professional. I received the treatment I wanted. I will definitely contact you again to maintain my current - very good condition - of the musculoskeletal system. I would especially like to thank neurologist E.A. Lisina, hirudotherapist G.V. Lapin, chiropractor Daskovsky S.V. and physiotherapist D.T. Gvirdzhishvili It's just a pleasure to meet and work with them. Thank you!

Alekseeva Yana Vladimirovna

I would like to thank Stanislav Vladimirovich for his professionalism, humanity and sensitive attention to patients. A huge thank you to this doctor! Stanislav Vladimirovich is simply a super doctor, I wish there were more such knowledgeable doctors.

Larisa Ivleva

Here is my lifeline - “Health Workshop”: my legs can’t walk, my back hurts, my head is ringing. I accidentally heard about this clinic on the radio and this is the second time I have visited it. I enter and find myself in the kingdom of silence, peace and hope, if not cured, then at least improve my condition. Nice, charming girls-consultants greet you with kind greetings. They patiently listen to your questions and fill out Required documents and escorted to the attending physician. During the waiting period, you are offered to watch help videos on TV and drink a cup of coffee or tea. And all fears are behind us! Thank you darlings. Without your well-coordinated work, attentive, friendly attitude towards the patient, there would be no such effect from the visit. And here is the first meeting with the doctor. I was lucky, and I think others were too. I met with a real magician, who with just one word gave me confidence that I needed treatment. This is Egorov Vladimir Leonidovich. Who in our district clinics would talk with a patient for an hour? Nobody! And Vladimir Leonidovich listened to me carefully, explained the essence of the disease - osteoporosis of the spine, and then spent the same amount of time selecting the necessary treatment. I am grateful to you, dear doctor, congratulations on the upcoming New Year and wish you health and creative success. I communicated with the same wonderful doctors, professionals in their field, very kind and attentive, while undergoing procedures. This is Alekhintseva Svetlana Evgenievna, Stepanova Elena Anatolyevna, Akhmadullina Tamara Nurievna, exercise therapy doctor and, of course, chiropractor Rakhmatov Tolmas Turaevich. This is a doctor from God. His warm hands do wonders. Thank you all for your conscientious work and respect for ordinary people. I would like to say a special thank you to the entire treatment room team. The work of nurses cannot be compared with anything in terms of difficulty and responsibility. And how sensitive, attentive and kind they all are... Forgive me for those I didn’t mention in my message. The whole team works just fine. Happy New Year to the entire clinic team! I wish you health, personal happiness, creative success, grateful patients.

Kalinova A.V.

Many thanks to Stanislav Daskovsky!!! A professional in his field with a capital P!!! My entire spine has numerous hernias and protrusions; for many years it simply hurt to walk. I went through six sessions of manual therapy and felt like a completely different person: the sharp pains went away, my back really straightened (I didn’t even think that I could bring my shoulder blades together again like in my youth), it was as if my lumbar region had a second wind. Take care of your hands Stanislav, they are not “simple” for you. Best regards, Alexey Seregin.


I would like to say a big thank you to all the employees of the Health Workshop clinic for their attentive attitude towards patients. I especially want to mention my attending physician E.V. Khislavskaya. and chiropractor A.A. Kabaylov I came to the clinic with acute pain in the groin and lower back. After complex treatment I feel much better. Thank you!

Grigorieva Elena Leonidovna, 62 years old

Thank you all medical staff for your attention, friendliness and competence. Very grateful to everyone.

Khaigonina Lyubov Fedorovna

Lately, more and more patients have been appearing in my office who are worried about one single symptom: at night they have to wake up several times due to numbness in their hands. Unpleasant sensations The symptoms that accompany these phenomena are all described in a fairly similar way: a sharp awakening from pain in the hand, tingling, burning, “crawling” in combination with stiff fingers.

Usually people blame everything on the pillow (and change it more than once), the peculiarities of the posture during sleep (and they come up with various “limiters” so as not to turn on their side or on their stomach), “weak heart” (and they buy unnecessary medications in order to “ heal")...

In the end, exhausted, they come to a neurologist so that the doctor can find in their body what is bothering them. good rest, and eliminated the inconvenience. And the doctor again walks in a vicious circle: pillow-pose-heart. And makes me do gymnastics. And he prescribes a bunch of studies that will take a lot of time. Couldn't it be faster? No you can not!

Where does such a misfortune come from?

If previously similar complaints were made more often by people whose professional activity was associated with sedentary work and hand strain (computer operators, drivers, assembly line workers), now schoolchildren, students, and retirees come. After all, computers have entered the lives of almost everyone. And almost everyone, starting from school, is faced with “computer mouse syndrome” (carpal tunnel syndrome), when mechanical compression of the nerves and blood vessels on the wrist regularly occurs, causing numbness in the fingers. Usually, wearing an orthosis and well-planned position of the keyboard and mouse quickly eliminate the problem, but with numbness at night, not everything is so simple.

Of course, most often the cause of numbness is quite banal - in 90% of cases it is compression of the neurovascular bundle along its entire length: from spinal cord and the aorta to the very tips of the fingers. But there are another 10% of cases when disruption of blood circulation and innervation occurs at a more subtle level - when the smallest vessels and nerve endings are damaged.

This ten percent includes diseases such as polyneuropathy and vasculitis. In order to exclude these pathologies, the doctor gives the night sufferer long list analyzes and examinations. These can be banal blood tests (general and biochemical), tests for hormonal background, electroneuromyography, duplex scanning vessels, rheovasography, electrocardiogram, neuroimaging (x-ray of the neck, shoulder joints, CT and MRI). The doctor decides what to do and to what extent on an individual basis.

- Doctor, is it still possible somehow easier and faster?

Well, I’ll tell you what your “faster” usually looks like.

Stupid self-medication

And so we decided to save time and money on tests, because “we definitely feel that there is nothing serious,” and we enthusiastically take on treatment. On the Internet there are a lot of “folk” recommendations on the topic “how to cope with numbness of the hands”, and at the same time “”. This includes sleeping with a potato in your hand, and massaging your arm joints and neck. different ways, and also make baths, compresses and rub in strong-smelling (probably to deter the disease) tinctures.

Does all this help? Yes and no. If one of the folk remedies used in free form, accidentally affects the cause of the disease - then everything is great. But usually, for some reason, it is after somersaults with Internet advice that patients get worse. Maybe there are those who were cured once and for all by anointing parts of their bodies with turpentine, and no longer go to doctors? Alas, I doubt it...

Your own diagnostician

To figure out for yourself whether there is reason for concern or whether you are simply “tracking” your hands in your sleep (and then just change your position), here are a few simple tests.

Try raising your arms above your head and holding them for 30 seconds. Do you feel tingling? Going numb? Dress for the weather - and go to the neurologist. Do your joints hurt? Make an appointment with a rheumatologist. Place the blood pressure cuff on your arm below the elbow. Increase the pressure in the cuff to 130–140 mmHg. If no unpleasant sensations appear within a minute, then there is no reason to worry. What if they appeared? And it's also numb left hand when nervous? Go ahead - to the cardiologist! Do both hands go numb at once when you're nervous? You may need to consult an endocrinologist. Well, what if there are none of the above symptoms? Then search again. Joke..

First, pay attention to sleep hygiene.

Do not smoke or drink alcohol before bedtime. Nicotine and ethanol promote short-term vasodilation. Their narrowing will be just in time for the sweetest dream and will provide you with an unforgettable night. Also, don't overeat. The body, which is busy digesting food, simply will not notice the catastrophe on the periphery, in the limbs. No need to fall into bed immediately after a heavy physical work or strength training. Any athlete and loader will tell you how, in this case, overworked muscles ache, spasm to the point of cramps, swell and hurt. And how gratefully they respond to relaxing water treatments and a light massage! AND less water before bedtime. Patients with diabetes and pregnant women are especially sensitive to this. Swelling of tissues disrupts metabolism in them and causes irritation of nerve endings. And then numbness and convulsions may occur...

Secondly, you should not sleep in one position all night. Toss and turn! But at the same time, do not put your hands under your head, do not put them under the pillow. Try not to throw your arms and legs over your bedmate at night. If the fair half has the habit of falling asleep on the chest of a loved one, it is worth learning another habit - to crawl away no later than half an hour of being pressed down, no matter how brave the person being pressed is. For those who like to hug someone in their sleep, there are special C-shaped pillows. Try it - very convenient!

Thirdly, the pillow should be comfortable so that your neck does not bend when lying on your side and does not arch when you lie on your back or stomach. By the way, not everyone likes orthopedic pillows. Many people prefer a “forming” pillow, which you want to roll out “into a pancake”, but if you want, it’s knocked into a ball. Plus a light blanket and comfortable, non-squeezing and non-restrictive clothing to help you sleep sweetly! But it’s better to remove jewelry - it’s better for both safety and health.

The population's excessive enthusiasm for mattresses that are too hard (“for back health”) is not at all useful and unnecessary. To experiment, let your pet choose soft or hard bedding - and animals know a lot about good sleep! - and you will immediately understand what I mean.

Well, fourthly, move! During the day, try to change your working position, twirl your arms, neck, bend and straighten. Do not hold the telephone receiver between your neck and shoulder, either at work or in the car (talking on the phone is also prohibited by traffic rules), or before going to bed, or in bed at night. Move - it revitalizes! If you carry heavy bags on your shoulders, buy those with the widest handles. If your breasts are larger than B, the bra should have straps +1–2 cm wide for each size. If your neck aches in the evenings, you can put on a Shants collar and walk around in it for 1 to 1.5 hours a day for 2 weeks. Massage also helps a lot.

Well, if all these tricks still do not lead to the desired relief, make an appointment with a doctor. Helps. Verified.

Valentina Saratovskaya

Photo thinkstockphotos.com

Unpleasant numbness in the hands and subsequent goosebumps is a feeling almost all of us have experienced. Some felt it after a long sleep, others - after being in one position for many hours. This should not be a cause for concern if it only happens occasionally and feeling in the hands returns quickly. If numbness in your hands bothers you too often or you can’t get rid of it, you need to consult a specialist, it can be dangerous.

Numbness of hands - causes

Numbness of the hands can occur spontaneously or develop gradually, increasing and growing each time additional symptoms. Among the most common causes of this phenomenon are the following:

1. Osteochondrosis

Compression of blood vessels and nerve roots in this disease impairs blood circulation. Loss of sensation in the hands is caused by cervical type disease, numbness is observed already at its first stage. Bone growths that appear on the second only aggravate the problem. At the beginning of the disease, only the fingers become numb; the hand itself becomes powerless and loses the ability to compress normally. To get rid of numbness in the hands, it is necessary to restore normal blood circulation.

2. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)

The carpal (carpal) tunnel runs from the forearm to the hand and contains the median nerve and flexor tendons. The first sign of the disease is numbness of the fingers - thumb, index, middle and half ring finger“submit” to the median nerve. Various reasons that cause a decrease in the lumen of the canal and compression of the nerve provoke the appearance of SCS. As the disease progresses, numbness spreads to the entire hand, and along the way median nerve pain occurs. Numbness of the hands deprives the patient good sleep- He rubs his hands all night to get rid of the unpleasant sensation. As the disease progresses, the muscle gradually atrophies thumb, making it impossible to grasp or hold anything with the affected hand. Computer gamers, active needlewomen-knitters, musicians and drivers, draftsmen and artists are susceptible to the disease.

3. Raynaud's disease

The disease is characterized by a pathological disruption of the activity of arterioles (small arteries). Located in the fingers of the limbs, they spasm, causing a feeling of coldness and numbness. The spasm, which lasts several minutes or even hours, causes a change in skin color - from pale to bluish. Pain occurs rarely, but numbness, tingling and burning are almost always observed. Particularly prolonged spasms, often repeated, can lead to irreversible skin changes and the appearance of ulcers. Representatives of the fair half of humanity are most susceptible to the disease - chilly, white fingers can be the result of constant washing of dishes cold water or neglecting to wear gloves in winter.

4. Uncomfortable sleeping position

Numbness of the hands associated with an uncomfortable position during sleep is quite common. As a rule, the unpleasant sensation goes away soon after waking up. To do this, just move your hand, restoring normal blood circulation. If positive effect not achieved, you should consult a doctor.

Interesting fact! Many specialists are very familiar with the “wedding night symptom.” The head of a loved one on the shoulder of her chosen one can disrupt his blood flow and lead to numbness in his hand. The situation is aggravated by drinking alcohol, which reduces the threshold of sensitivity, and the married couple sleeps in this position for a long time. In some cases, it is no longer possible to restore the functioning of the nerves.

Numbness of the left hand

Sometimes numbness of the hands appears only on one side, which is an important evidence for the doctor in diagnosis. If your left hand is constantly numb, this may be a symptom of the following diseases:

Ischemic disease heart - numbness of the left hand is caused by one of the forms of its manifestation - angina pectoris. Sensitivity, along with unpleasant sensations in the chest, is lost in the shoulder, forearm and hand. Do a small test - if numbness appears after any physical activity and disappears without a trace at rest, most likely this is a sign of angina.

- Myocardial infarction - sometimes numbness of the left hand is the very first sign of a terrible condition. During a heart attack, numbness is accompanied by pain, does not disappear at rest and is not relieved by nitroglycerin, unlike angina pectoris.

- Stroke - numbness of the left hand in this case signals damage to the right hemisphere of the brain. Associated symptoms- a combination of impaired function of the left leg and left arm, problems with speech and vision. With micro-strokes, the signs are not so pronounced and may disappear after taking medications. However, the danger remains, so if the above manifestations occur, you must inform your doctor about them.

- Atherosclerosis - narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the left arm, leads to impotence and numbness of the left arm. A confirming factor for the presence of the disease is an increase in symptoms when the arm is raised.

In addition, numbness in the left hand, as well as numbness right hand, can cause:

— osteochondrosis;

- wearing a heavy backpack or bag on one shoulder;

- tight clothes;

- prolonged action requiring the hand to be raised;

- inflammation of the brachial nerve;

- work at the computer;

- vitamin B12 deficiency.

Treatment of numbness in the left hand should only be carried out in a hospital. Do not neglect the doctor's prescriptions, the consequences can be very dire.

Numbness of the right hand

Besides common reasons, numbness in the right hand may be caused by the development multiple sclerosis, pre-stroke condition, shoulder injury. Unpleasant sensations in a dream can signal incorrect functioning of internal organs, congestion and adhesions, the consequences of pneumonia and the presence of uterine fibroids. An urgent consultation with a doctor will help to reliably identify the cause and take action. necessary measures.

Numbness of hands - diagnosis

Even if the unpleasant signs of poor circulation and numbness in the hands have disappeared, it is simply necessary to consult a doctor. Modern methods studies can effectively diagnose the disease that causes numbness in the hands. First of all, the doctor confirms or denies the presence of osteochondrosis, as the most common cause. X-ray and nuclear magnetic resonance scanning will accurately determine the presence of bone growths, reduction of the intervertebral cervical disc, and sometimes prolapse of the disc nucleus or the presence intervertebral hernia.

The neurologist prescribes an examination of brain activity, the functioning of the nervous system, and the condition of blood vessels. Usually, for this they undergo an ultrasound examination, rheoencephalography and tomography, and a blood test for cholesterol. Together with examination and history taking, the examination results allow us to diagnose correct diagnosis. There is no single method for getting rid of numbness in the hands; first of all, therapy should be aimed at eliminating the causes that caused it.

Numbness of hands - treatment

Depending on the established diagnosis The doctor prescribes complex treatment. Most often, along with medications, apply:

— physical therapy — electrophoresis, laser, microcurrent, ultrasound. The procedures help to activate peripheral blood circulation, improve tissue nutrition in the area of ​​numbness of the hands, and affect pathology medicines, give a biostimulating effect;

— therapeutic exercises — special exercises help develop joints and muscles and strengthen them. As a result physical activity tissue trophism significantly improves;

— manual influence — helps to remove inflammation syndromes, improves blood flow, relieves spasms;

- reflexology (acupuncture) - restores the activity of the nervous system and helps improve the innervation of the limbs.

Numbness of hands - treatment with folk remedies

In the event that hand numbness is not associated with serious illnesses, simple tips and secrets will help you get rid of it. traditional medicine:

- moderate physical exercise in the form of morning exercises, long walks improve blood circulation. A simple exercise can help with numbness in your hands: while lying on the sofa, raise your hands up and actively shake them. After a short rest, clench your fists; you can do this at any time. convenient time;

- contrast baths help a lot; your hands should be in each of the vessels five times;

- plunging your hands into a basin of hot water, press as hard as possible with each finger on its bottom;

- a glass of ordinary warm water, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, perfectly strengthens blood vessels;

— they say that a woolen thread tied around the wrist helps get rid of frequent numbness in the hands.

- take one kilogram of celery and parsley, add two lemons and 250 g of honey. Using a blender or meat grinder, make a homogeneous mixture and eat 2-3 tablespoons of time-tested medicine on an empty stomach in the morning;

- warm compresses pumpkin porridge eliminate hand numbness and improve blood circulation;

- crushed powder helps older people get rid of numbness in their hands eggshell. A teaspoon of powder is added to food or simply washed down with a glass of warm water;

- numbness with severe pain remove compresses and baths from the following mixture: 2 liters of milk, 1 liter of water, 600 grams of salt and 50 grams of honey. Heat to 60 degrees. It is necessary to do 15 procedures;

— Pour 1/3 cup of flax seed into a liter of water and bring to a boil. Simmer the mixture on the lowest heat for two hours. Leave and strain. The resulting “jelly” is enough for 5 days, drink a third of a glass before meals in the morning and evening, the course is two weeks. After three months, repeat the course of treatment.

Numbness of hands - prevention

To ensure that numbness in your hands never bothers you with its not-so-comfortable manifestations, you should take care of your health and avoid risk factors:

- dress according to the weather, do not ignore gloves in slushy and frosty weather;

- give up smoking and alcohol - apart from problems, they will not give you anything. You should also refrain from eating too spicy and salty foods; diversify your menu with vegetables and fruits;

- if you are an amateur computer games or the profession involves prolonged sitting and uncomfortable body position - take regular breaks, use them to perform simple exercises;

- walk more, relax, engage in accessible sports.

Do not ignore numbness in your hands, and if there are additional ominous symptoms Call an ambulance immediately.

Numbness of the hands is a symptom that manifests itself in the form of impaired mobility of the upper extremities of a short-term or long-term nature. May be a symptom of a serious pathological process. Frequent hand numbness requires consultation with a doctor and subsequent comprehensive treatment. This symptom cannot be ignored, as this can provoke the development of serious complications.


If your hand feels numb after sleeping or long stay in an uncomfortable position and for a short period of time, then such a symptom is not life-threatening. If numbness of the hands or fingers is observed frequently and for a long time, this may be a manifestation of a certain pathological process.

The following etiological factors of this symptom are distinguished:

It should be noted that etiological factors may vary depending on the location of the symptom. So, numbness of the left hand may be due to the following reasons:

  • inflammation of the brachial nerve;

In addition, numbness of the limb can occur due to an acute lack of vitamin B12. Numbness of the hands during pregnancy in the early stages and of a short duration is due to physiological changes in organism.

Numbness of the right hand may be due to the following etiology:

In some cases, numbness of the right or left hand may be a manifestation of a pathological process in internal organs, including as regards oncological diseases. Therefore, you should consult a doctor promptly for treatment. You should not independently compare causes and treatment and take medical supplies at your own discretion.


The general clinical picture will be supplemented characteristic features, depending on the etiology of this disease.

Numbness of the arms and legs is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • weakness in a limb, inability to move or pick up an object;
  • tingling in fingers;
  • education " goose bumps»;
  • feeling of coldness in the hand.

If this condition does not go away within 2–3 minutes, then we can talk about the symptom as a manifestation of a certain pathological process. If the cause of numbness in the right or left hand is diabetes mellitus, then the overall clinical picture is supplemented by the following signs:

  • partial numbness of other parts of the body (not to be confused with paralysis);
  • sensation, thirst;

In case of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, the clinical picture is supplemented by the following signs:

  • numbness of the hands at night, even with a comfortable body position;
  • periodic attacks of pain;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • deterioration of muscle tone;
  • tingling in the lateral part of the palms;
  • feeling of numbness in fingers.

It should be understood that such symptoms may be a manifestation of both tunnel syndrome, and sclerosis, and pathologies with a similar etiology. Therefore, if such a clinical picture is present, you need to urgently seek medical help.


Initially, the doctor conducts a detailed physical examination of the patient and obtains a general history. During a superficial examination, the doctor should find out whether the patient suffered from any of the above ailments, whether he took any medications before the onset of the symptom, and if so, which ones. For staging accurate diagnosis The following laboratory and instrumental research methods can be used:

  • biochemical blood test;
  • general analysis urine;
  • blood test for glucose;
  • allergen test;
  • radiography of internal organs.

Taking into account the clinical picture, the general diagnostic program will be supplemented with appropriate methods. The doctor can prescribe a therapy program only after the final diagnosis and identification of the etiology. Unauthorized acceptance of any medications can lead to serious complications. If the patient took any medications to eliminate this sign, you should definitely mention this before the examination begins.


Only a doctor can tell you how to treat numbness in the left or right hand, after an accurate final diagnosis. Basic therapy will depend on the etiology of the pathological process, the clinical picture of which includes this symptom. Drug therapy is also assigned purely individually.

The course of treatment may include the following activities:

As for physiotherapeutic procedures, the doctor may prescribe the following.