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Can your stomach hurt at the end of your period? When you need a doctor's help

Every girl knows firsthand what kind of pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen begins and is accompanied by menstruation. According to statistics, every second girl experiences this severe pain on the first day of menstruation, which is unable to work or study normally on that day. For many girls, it has already become common practice to stay at home or take time off from work in the first days of menstruation. Pain before menstruation seems quite common and does not particularly bother you, but pain after menstruation should attract your close attention.

Symptoms that should alert you:

  • Cramping pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back.
  • General weakness, lethargy.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Temperature rises to 37°C.
  • Nervousness, irritability, depression.
  • Insomnia.
  • Dry mouth, cravings for food (especially sweets).
  • Swelling of the arms and legs.
  • Sensitivity of the mammary glands and nipples (a brown halo appears around the nipples).
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Purulent or bloody issues from the vagina.

Pain after menstruation has a different nature than pain before menstruation: it is more intense and has an inflammatory onset. Such pain may indicate inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system, for example about endometriosis, vulvitis or adnexitis.

If the stomach hurts after menstruation a week to 12 days later, this may indicate that ovulation is occurring in the woman’s body: in this case, the lower abdomen usually feels tight and a slight tingling sensation is felt in the lower back. But there is also positive side such a condition: during ovulation, a woman’s skin condition noticeably improves, she becomes cheerful and sexy. In order to make sure that it is ovulation and not a pathology of the female genital organs, it is enough to buy an ovulation test at the pharmacy. If it is positive, then there is no need to worry and the painful sensations will soon stop.

Sometimes pain after menstruation may indicate a disease such as inflammation of the ovaries and inflammation fallopian tubes. Initially, such diseases proceed unnoticed, and only after some time, when pathogens penetrate the uterus and fallopian tubes and begin to multiply there - the disease makes itself felt by pain. Inflammation in the fallopian tubes can lead to abnormal functioning of the ovaries and further to infertility, therefore, if you experience pain after menstruation in the lower abdomen that does not go away, but on the contrary, intensifies, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Chest pain after menstruation

Pain in the breasts and nipples after menstruation is one of the unfavorable symptoms that you should definitely pay attention to. Such chest pain is called mastalgia. At a young age (11-17 years), such pain is often caused by the growth of the mammary glands and goes away over time. In this case, you should not worry too much: the formation of the menstrual cycle, the growth of the skeleton and bone structure, hormonal changes in a girl’s body - all this contributes to chest pain during this period of a girl’s life. But if chest pain after menstruation appears at a more mature age, when the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels are already stable, this may indicate inflammatory processes in the mammary glands or even the presence of neoplasms.

If after each menstruation a woman suffers from prolonged pain in the breasts and nipples, her hormonal balance is disturbed. One of the causes of postmenstrual chest pain may be pregnancy, so you need to take a pregnancy test or donate blood for hCG. If pregnancy is excluded, you should look for the following reasons:

  • Recent surgeries.
  • Injuries to the chest or chest area.
  • Problems with muscle or bone tissue.
  • Taking certain sedatives.
  • Climax.

It can be very difficult to independently determine the cause of pain (other than pregnancy, which can be easily diagnosed using a test or blood test for hCG). That is why if you experience the above problems, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pain in the uterus after menstruation

During menstruation, the uterus constantly contracts, which is why girls experience the already familiar painful sensations, pain in the lower back and ovaries. Pain in the uterus after menstruation can be caused by a disorder hormonal levels and an increase in estrogen levels in the blood (usually in girls after 30 years).

Sometimes the uterus is not positioned correctly, that is, it is located in abdominal cavity in the wrong place. Where it should. Such an incorrect position of the uterus will certainly cause nagging pain after menstruation. Use of an intrauterine contraceptive device often causes such pain, because being located inside the uterine cavity, it prevents its normal contraction during menstruation. Also, postmenstrual pain in the uterus can be caused by stress, nervous overstrain and insomnia.

If pain in the uterus stops 2-3 days after the end of menstruation, there is no need to worry, because a woman’s body is unpredictable and does not always work like a clock. If such pain recurs after each menstruation and does not go away within a week or more, you should definitely consult a doctor to rule out possible uterine pathology.

Pain during sex after menstruation

If you feel discomfort after menstruation, this may be due to the fact that in the first couple of days after menstruation, the lubricant secreted by the Barthollin gland is released worse than in the middle of the cycle. The same thing happens a couple of days before the start of menstruation. This fact is explained very simply: in the middle of the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs - the most favorable time for conception, therefore, the lubricant is secreted more actively and more - in order to better carry the sperm secreted by a man during sex into the woman’s genital tract.

If the pain is accompanied by itching of the genitals, this may indicate a fungal infection of the woman's genitals. Vaginal candidiasis or thrush is treated quickly and goes away almost immediately, but if you do not pay attention to this and start the disease, then candidiasis will rise higher and cause more serious complications.

Also, pain during sex after menstruation may indicate inflammation of the ureters. Women's ways urination is extremely short (only 4 cm), so any infection penetrates without problems, causing itching, burning and inflammation. When having sex (especially without a condom!) this path is shortened to the point of impossibility.

In all of the above cases, you should consult a doctor: a gynecologist and a urologist. Doctors will conduct necessary diagnostics and prescribe treatment.

Treatment of pain after menstruation

First, you should try non-medicinal treatment methods, and if they do not help, only then move on to the “heavy artillery.”

  • Yoga will help. To relieve pain after menstruation, you need to take the “cobra” pose. To do this, you need to slowly lower your face down to the floor, and then just as slowly raise your head and chest, but without using your hands. Then continue to lift thoracic region spine, already resorting to the help of your hands, until you feel a tingling in your back, while moving your head back as far as possible. Breathing mode when performing the exercise: inhale when raising the body and exhale when lowering the body. You can repeat the exercise no more than 3 times. Perform slowly (so that each exercise takes 4-5 minutes).
  • Another yoga pose called “bow”. When taking this pose, you need to lie face down, raise your bent knees and squeeze your ankles with your hands. If you are flexible enough, you can allow yourself to roll back and forth while holding your breath.
  • It's no secret that orgasm is pleasantly relaxing and has a pain-relieving effect. Therefore, having gentle and slow rhythmic sex will help get rid of pain. You can also resort to masturbation, but you should not do this if the pain is too severe.

Enough a large number of women complain of abdominal pain before and after menstruation. But there are still those whose stomach hurts even after days of menstruation. So what are the reasons for this and what happens in the female body?

The fact is that each body is individual and the causes of all pain are varied. Be that as it may, you need to be attentive to your body and look for the causes of any pain that appears.

Why does the lower abdomen feel tight or painful after menstruation?

Sometimes after menstruation there is a sensation as if the lower abdomen is pulling. The reasons for this behavior of the body are varied and not necessarily gynecological in nature.

The main causes of pain in the lower abdomen after menstruation:

  1. Operational disruptions gastrointestinal tract. Abdominal bloating is very discomfort, various types of abdominal pain. In this case, pain may be felt in the uterus. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of constipation or other causes of bloating with the help of proven medications or seek help from a gastroenterologist.
  2. Pregnancy. A woman may have bleeding instead of menstruation, but she does not pay attention to it. When the bleeding stops, the nagging pain in the abdomen remains. You need to check the likelihood of pregnancy if your periods were not as usual, but more scanty. If necessary, consult a gynecologist.
  3. Inflammatory gynecological diseases:
  • Adnexitis. With this disease, the uterine appendages become inflamed, which forms adhesions in the fallopian tubes. Symptoms: fever, bad feeling, pain in the lower abdomen, ovaries or fallopian tubes is possible purulent diseases. It is necessary to contact a gynecologist.
  • Endometriosis. The uterine lining may appear in other tissues or organs. Symptoms: discharge of dark clots, pain during sexual intercourse, urination, bowel movements. The disease can be asymptomatic, therefore, if the disease is suspected, you should not postpone a visit to the gynecologist.
  • Vulvitis. The mucous membrane of the external genital organs becomes inflamed, yeast fungus or other dangerous infections. Symptoms: burning or itching on the genitals, swelling, purulent discharge. Methods of treatment: following the rules intimate hygiene, washing chamomile decoction, usage antifungal drugs prescribed by a gynecologist.
  1. Presence of ovulation. If your stomach hurts 7-10 days after your period, this may indicate. It is usually accompanied by a nagging pain in the abdomen and a slight tingling sensation. A woman does not always feel such symptoms of ovulation. It can be completely asymptomatic. The main cause of pain during ovulation is rupture of the follicle. During this process, a very small amount of blood may appear. In order not to think, not to guess, you need to buy an ovulation test. It is worth remembering that pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation is not a pathology. This condition is common to almost all women.
  2. If you have had an abortion or have had one, it is quite possible that abdominal pain will appear for some time after your period. Such sensations must be treated carefully, as inflammation may occur. Specialist consultation is required.

Many women, feeling abdominal pain after menstruation, do not pay attention to it. But this is far from correct option actions. Such pain can cause serious gynecological and other diseases. It is worth remembering that an increase in temperature after menstruation, sharp pains in the abdomen and unusual discharge is a reason to consult a specialist for advice.

Tightening in the lower abdomen after menstruation, what kind of disease is this, do you need to go to the doctor and get treatment for this symptom? Abdominal pain is one of the most common. But diagnosing the cause is not so simple in many cases. In women, the reasons why the lower abdomen feels tight after menstruation can be not only gynecological. We will list a few of the most common ones.

1. Diseases of the urinary system. Pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis disease can cause “shooting” and aching pain in the uterine area. If the lower abdomen feels tight, as during menstruation after menstruation, and the discomfort only increases, you should consult a doctor. You can see a gynecologist. He will order a urine test, the results of which will determine whether you have any of the listed diseases. And if so, then antibacterial treatment a urologist will prescribe it.

2. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, flatulence. Sometimes bloating causes very painful sensations, including in the uterine area. Constipation can also cause pain. If a woman has a fever, diarrhea, vomiting, or severe stomach pain, it is most likely an infection. Or surgical pathology. Intestinal obstruction, appendicitis - there are many diseases, and only an experienced doctor can diagnose them.

3. Pregnancy. Sometimes an already pregnant woman, who, however, has no idea about her situation, starts bleeding around the time of her menstruation. But it is not menstruation that this bleeding is mistaken for. Meanwhile ovum grows, the embryo develops, and the uterus becomes toned. There is a slight tension, sometimes a nagging pain.
Since if the lower abdomen feels tight after menstruation, pregnancy may be the cause, you should check this version. But not everyone, of course, but only those ladies who have menstrual cycle there was a possibility of pregnancy. And at the same time, menstruation came unusually scanty or short. In general, not the same as usual.

4. Gynecological diseases. The stomach may hurt due to inflammation of the ovaries, adhesive process in the pelvic area, endometriosis. And also for neoplasms (benign and malignant) of the ovaries and uterus. If there is pain, the gynecologist examines the woman and sends her for an ultrasound.

You should immediately consult a doctor in case of persistent long time(several hours) or very severe pain. Remember that taking painkillers is not a cure.

Almost every girl feels a tingling sensation in her lower back or lower abdomen before the onset of menstruation. lumbar region or the uterine area on days 10-14 of the menstrual cycle - during the period of ovulation. However, if the back hurts no less after menstruation, and the cramps in the lower abdomen do not stop, there can be no logical explanation. It is unlikely that the reason lies in incorrect posture, old injuries, physical activity or striking training. Such pain comes at any time and has no connection with the menstrual cycle.

Lower back pain after the end of your period is a wake-up call from your body. Rather, pick up the phone and listen carefully to what he tells you.

If your back and stomach continue to ache after your period ends, you need to be prepared for unpleasant news.

“You have oophoritis,” the doctor says

Perhaps the most common disease. This is an ovarian disease caused by overwork, prolonged stress, hypothermia, and various infectious or inflammatory processes.

Today, many young girls take their health lightly and wear short skirts, nylon tights and boots with fine fur. Hence - inflammation of the ovaries, pain, spasms, discharge and, as a result, long treatment. Old or not fully treated oophoritis easily turns into chronic form and is expressed precisely by postmenstrual pain.

“Friend” of oophoritis adnexitis

Inflammation of the fallopian tubes - adnexitis - often goes “hand in hand” with oophoritis. Both diseases at the initial stage are similar to the common cold and are accompanied by fever and chills.

Few women go to the doctor (especially a gynecologist) with such trivial symptoms and make do with the simplest medicines from the medicine cabinet. However, if in addition you have lower back pain after your period, this is no longer a common cold.

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Cyst or tumor

When a cyst or tumor just begins to grow, the body does not “give out” these tumors. Only with their growth does compression occur neighboring organs and nerve endings.

Pain appears in the spine, abdomen and lower back. Ignoring these pains can lead to tissue necrosis or peritonitis. Then you will need surgical intervention and possibly removal of the ovary.

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In the process of expansion glandular tissue endometrium, the inner layer of the uterus, its cells penetrate into the abdominal cavity and are located on the organs. They gradually grow, fill with blood, which accumulates inside and has no way out. Therefore, the back and lower abdomen begin to hurt.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

Sometimes for the full functioning of the body and the establishment reproductive function The woman is given drugs to stimulate ovulation. On the second to fourth day after ingestion of the drug, this syndrome occurs. Do not take medications frequently and large quantities: This can cause the ovaries to become enlarged, cysts to appear, and each period to be very painful.

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Uterus is not fine

The uterus is not always in the position that nature assigned it. If she is close to nerve endings, A nervous system easily excitable, spasmodic pain in the lower back and abdomen may occur during and after menstruation.

A few more reasons

If after menstruation there is an unbearable pulling in the lower abdomen and lower back, you need to consider other reasons: those related to your mental state, and those caused by external stimuli.

The reason is emotions

Incredible, but true: an emotional state can cause exactly the same pain as the above reasons. Hysteria, prolonged stress or depressive state(they are also called “border emotional states") are very rare and, fortunately, easy to treat. But the most chief physician in this case – you yourself. Control your emotions, relax, find your outlet and you won’t be tormented by the “menstrual nightmare.”

A bit of everything

The simplest hypothermia (for example, during the previously mentioned walks in the cold in light clothing), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), venereal diseases(chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis and many others), application intrauterine device, as well as a large number of sexual partners - all these factors are favorable for the appearance of bacteria.

Therefore, in addition to abdominal cramps, aching pain in the lower back, body temperature rises sharply and worsens general state woman's body. However, if you do not pay attention to such changes in time, then pain after menstruation will become habitual. In this case serious consequences it is unlikely to be avoided.

  • Articles

Is this evidence developing disease and should I go to a specialist? Is it necessary to undergo treatment for this symptom and why does my stomach hurt after menstruation? These questions concern many women who are faced with such a delicate problem.

After menstruation - is this evidence of a developing disease and is it necessary to run to a specialist? Is it necessary to undergo a course of treatment for this symptom and why does the stomach hurt after menstruation? These questions concern many women who are faced with such a delicate problem.

Absolutely every girl and woman knows how painful and unpleasant menstruation can be. According to statistics, 50% of girls in our country suffer from incredible pain on the first day of menstruation. Because of this, women are not able to perform their tasks normally. professional responsibilities. For many of our compatriots, it is becoming the norm to ask for time off or take sick leave in order to stay at home on the first day of menstruation. Pain before the onset of menstruation is common and does not cause much concern. But as for pain at the end of menstruation, the cause of its occurrence deserves your close attention.

Causes of pain in the uterus

Many women experience pain in the lower abdomen after menstruation. In general, one of the most common types of pain is abdominal pain. Its causes are very different, and diagnosing unpleasant sensations is sometimes difficult. During menstruation, contraction of the uterus is observed. In the case when a woman has pain receptors with high degree sensitivity, each contraction of the uterus is accompanied by severe pain. A huge impact hormonal levels also have an effect. When the level of a special hormone - estrogen - increases, menstruation is more painful. Also, periods become heavy and prolonged. Hormonal changes, and in particular an increase in estrogen levels, are usually common in women over thirty years of age. Quite severe pain in the abdomen when menstruation has passed - this is individual symptom, because even the duration of menstruation for girls is individual (from 4 to 7 days).

Sometimes the uterus may have an abnormal location in the abdominal cavity. This may cause illness. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen certainly appears if it is not positioned correctly. In addition, a contraceptive device such as the IUD, which is placed in the uterine cavity, can cause nagging pain. The spiral is an obstacle to normal contraction of the uterus during menstruation. Among other things, stress, sleep disturbance, and overexertion can cause nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

If the pain does not last more than 2-3 days, then there is no need to worry and start treatment. Female body is not a mechanism that works without interruption. It is unpredictable and can sometimes fail. If pain begins after each menstruation, that is, regularly, and lasts more than a week, you need to make an appointment with a specialist.

Symptoms of pathologies

Menstrual pain differs in nature from postmenstrual pain. Postmenstrual pain is more intense. It is most often a sign inflammatory disease organs of the female reproductive or urinary systems.

If your stomach hurts 7-12 days after your period, you can talk about the onset of ovulation. During ovulation, pain in the lower abdomen may occur after menstruation. A woman may experience tingling in the lower back. U of this period It has its advantages: during ovulation, the skin improves, the woman becomes cheerful and sexy. To determine the onset of ovulation and refuse to confirm the pathology of the reproductive organs, it will be enough to perform an ovulation test by purchasing it at any pharmacy. If the test result is positive, then do not worry - the discomfort will soon pass.

However, there are also a number important symptoms, which should alert you. Let's list them:

  • nausea;
  • sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • malaise;
  • drowsiness, inactivity;
  • pain during urination;
  • swelling;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • purulent vaginal discharge;
  • frequent feeling of thirst;
  • vaginal discharge with blood;
  • increased level of appetite;
  • depression.

Pain after intercourse

Another type of pain in the lower abdomen is pain after sexual intercourse, which occurs at the end of menstruation. Many girls and women experience discomfort in the first days after the end of menstruation, many of them may experience a feeling as if the lower abdomen is pulling after menstruation. The discomfort is due to a decrease in the amount of lubricant produced by the Bartholin gland. The reason for this phenomenon is ovulation in the middle of the cycle. Ovulation is the most suitable period for conception, so lubricant is secreted more actively, and its quantity increases. This is done in order to increase the conductivity of sperm in reproductive organs women.

When pain is accompanied by itching, this is evidence of a fungal infection of the female reproductive organs. Thrush is one of the most common fungal diseases. Treatment of thrush (candidiasis) early stages passes quickly and without complications. If you do not pay due attention to this, the thrush will rise and spread to the upper internal female reproductive organs, thereby triggering the development of more serious complications.

Inflammation of the ureters also occurs during sexual intercourse. Women's ureters are significantly different from men's; they are very short (no more than four centimeters). For this reason, infections of the urinary system easily penetrate the genitals, causing inflammation, itching, and burning. And during sexual intercourse this path becomes even shorter.

Why does the lower abdomen pull?

Why does the lower abdomen feel tight after menstruation? The reasons may include disruptions in the functioning of other organs and systems, the presence of infection in the body, and various pathologies.

We list four main groups of violations:

  • violations urinary system;
  • disorders and pathologies of the digestive system;
  • pregnancy;
  • gynecological diseases.

Disorders of the urinary system include inflammation Bladder(cystitis), kidney stones (urolithiasis), pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidney tubules). These diseases cause “shooting” pain, with aching in the lower abdomen. When the lower abdomen pulls both during and after menstruation with the same force, and the feeling of discomfort only increases, you should make an appointment with a specialist. To answer the question of why the lower abdomen feels tight, the doctor refers patients to a urine test. The results of a urine test will show the presence or absence of disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system. If such diseases are present, the doctor will refer you to a urologist for antibacterial treatment.

The most common pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), which contributes to the development of abdominal pain after menstruation, is flatulence, popularly known as bloating. In rare situations, excessive accumulation of gases can provoke very painful sensations in the intestinal area or in the uterine area. You may feel like your stomach is pulling after your period. Painful sensations may also occur with constipation. If you not only feel pain, but also the body temperature rises, diarrhea and vomiting occur, then we can talk about the development of an infection. These signs may also indicate the presence surgical pathology. For example, such as appendicitis, intestinal obstruction etc. Only a doctor with extensive experience is able to make a correct diagnosis.

Very in rare cases A pregnant woman who is unaware of her condition begins to bleed around the time of her period. This bleeding almost always confused with menstruation. However, during bleeding, the embryo does not interrupt its development, the fertilized egg continues to grow, and the uterus gradually returns to a state of tone. This leads to nagging pain, low voltage. This version should be taken into account by those women who had the opportunity to become pregnant in the past menstrual cycle.

And finally last group the reasons causing the situation in which , is the most common. These are gynecological diseases. Spikes internal organs pelvis, proliferation of endometrial cells beyond their layer, inflammation of the ovaries can lead to the development of abdominal pain after menstruation. More for development this process neoplasms, both malignant and benign, in the ovaries or uterus can affect. If there is pain, the gynecologist examines the woman and sends her for an ultrasound. In some cases, the pain we describe may appear due to inflammation of the fallopian tubes. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes goes unnoticed at first. Only when dangerous microorganisms have already penetrated the uterus and fallopian tubes, when they are already actively multiplying in these organs, does the disease manifest itself through pain. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes over time can lead to improper, incomplete functioning of the ovaries. This can ultimately lead to infertility. For this reason, if you feel pain even though your period has passed, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

Treatment methods

First you need to try traditional methods treatment. If such methods are ineffective, you should switch to drug treatment.

You should start with yoga. Cobra pose is perfect for relieving abdominal pain. Lower yourself face down to floor level. Slowly raise your head and chest. All this is done without hands. Next, using your hands, continue to slowly raise your head and chest until you begin to feel a slight tingling in your back. This should be accompanied by abduction of the head. At the same time, breathe as follows: inhale when you raise your body, exhale when you lower your body. Perform the exercise no more than three times, each exercise should last 4-5 minutes.

The next yoga pose that can help you is called the bow. Lower your face down. Bend your knees and lift them up. Squeeze your ankles with your hands.

The pain also quickly disappears during the systematic use of oral contraceptives. The fact is that oral contraceptives often have healing effect. To choose correctly oral contraceptive from a wide range, you need to go for a consultation with a gynecologist and take the necessary tests.

Other medications, which can help are drugs that relax muscles, relieve spasms and painkillers. The painkillers that are sold without a doctor's prescription are suitable for you. Herbal tea with valerian solution can also help. He will calm you down and relax you. When you experience pain like this, you need to take a day off and stay in bed.

Various reasons lead to abdominal pain after menstruation. These may be both gynecological and non-gynecological factors. In any case, it is necessary to pay due attention to the situation, search for the right methods to eliminate pain, and undergo treatment to prevent complications. Remember that you need to seek help from a specialist when the pain does not go away for a long time or does not stop for several hours, and in some cases even intensifies. Do not forget that taking painkillers only relieves pain, but does not provide treatment. Look for the causes and eliminate them with the help of a qualified specialist.