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Delirium tremens. Treatment of delirium tremens. Causes and symptoms of delirium tremens

The post-alcoholic state that occurs with severe abuse of alcoholic beverages is called “delirium tremens.” Such acute psychosis is popularly called “squirrel”, and in medicine – delirium tremens (translated as “stupefaction”).

Many people often confuse this syndrome with characteristic condition drinking man, but delirium tremens occurs due to a sharp exit from long drinking bout or with a significant reduction in the dosage of alcohol. Delirium tremens syndrome is dangerous both for the alcoholic himself and for those around him, so you need to know how to prevent and stop its attacks.

Delirium tremens– this is not a “mild” symptom that will simply go away after a while, but real threat for life in the absence of proper treatment

To whom does delirium tremens “come”

Most often, delirium tremens occurs as a result of prolonged drinking. The condition is provoked withdrawal syndrome and begins to appear approximately 2-3 days after stopping drinking alcohol, usually in the evening or at night.

Important! In some cases, delirium tremens may occur after a single dose of too much large doses alcohol.

Who gets delirium tremens:

  1. For alcoholics who have a history of alcohol abuse for more than 5-8 years, and are already in the second or third stage of alcoholism. Moreover, if these individuals have previously had “encounters with a squirrel,” then the likelihood of delirium tremens occurring is high even with a small amount of alcohol.
  2. In persons who do not regularly abuse alcohol, but may from time to time significantly exceed the dose of alcohol, especially if the alcohol is replaced with denatured alcohol. This same group includes people who periodically indulge in strong libations, and who have suffered traumatic brain injuries in the past or have disorders of the central nervous system. nervous system.

The occurrence of delirium tremens can be suspected if, after a binge, the alcoholic begins to behave strangely:

  • A person develops an aversion to alcohol—at the sight of alcohol, the patient feels disgusted and refuses to drink it.
  • Coming abrupt change mood: a person experiences attacks of anxiety and melancholy, he is tormented by severe depression, which can be replaced by complete apathy. The patient does not sit still, behaves restlessly, and constantly talks.
  • There is a tremor of the limbs, which does not stop and gradually intensifies.
  • Sleep disturbances occur - short-term sleep, accompanied by nightmares, and then insomnia sets in, increasing the feeling of restlessness, anxiety, and fear.
  • Hallucinations appear that can last for several hours or several days.

With any of the listed manifestations, one should begin to sound the alarm, otherwise subsequent stages of development may end disastrously for the patient.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor, otherwise the outcome of the current situation will be disastrous.

Symptoms and stages of delirium tremens

The first symptom of delirium tremens is an alcoholic’s sudden refusal to drink alcohol after a long binge. Then, within 2-4 days, the patient’s condition begins to change dramatically, and the following signs of delirium tremens appear in men and women:

  1. Hallucinations– a classic symptom of “squirrel”, which manifests itself in most patients.
  • Visual hallucinations. The attacks begin with the onset of darkness, more often at night. The patient sees a large number of illusory visual images. He may imagine insects crawling on him, it seems that he is being chased by scary spiders, snakes, worms, and mice. The patient may feel as if he is caught in a web or rope. In particular severe cases An alcoholic imagines monsters, murderers, and devils chasing him. At the same time, a person can scream, because It seems to him that he is being tormented and killed, and can fight off invisible monsters.
  • Auditory hallucinations. The patient hears various sounds and rustles, voices threatening him or his loved ones, the hissing of snakes. The alcoholic begins to feel fear and anxiety, it seems to him that something terrible is happening around him.
  1. Changes in facial expressions, movements, speech. Associated with the appearance of hallucinations. The patient's face may express confusion, horror, and anxiety. An alcoholic can brush off non-existent ghosts and shake off insects. Some start looking for something, others hide, and others hide in a corner. The patient’s speech loses its meaning: phrases are abrupt and short, the person talks with imaginary images. In this state, the alcoholic becomes dangerous to himself and others - he can jump out of the window or attack loved ones.
  2. Disorientation in time and space. An alcoholic ceases to understand where he is and does not recognize those around him. It is characteristic that the patient always remembers his data perfectly and can name given name and last name even in this state.
  3. Physical changes:
  • A sharp increase in temperature, sometimes up to life-threatening indicators (40 degrees);
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Strong body;
  • A sharp loss of strength - the patient cannot move, lies in bed all the time;
  • The appearance of increased sweating and chills, while the sweat has specific smell, similar to the smell of dirty socks;
  • Severe redness of the face, the rest of the skin has a pale tint;
  • Jaundiced whites of the eyes (due to liver dysfunction).

When especially severe forms fever, the alcoholic's consciousness becomes completely clouded - he can imagine that he is at work and clearly do all professional actions, or, on the contrary, lie in bed, constantly muttering and stroking and feeling everything around him. This is very dangerous syndrome, which can be fatal.

Note! Delirium tremens worsens at night and if measures are not taken in time in the morning, by the evening the “squirrel” will return with renewed vigor.

Delirium tremens after binge drinking goes through several stages, which are characterized by certain symptoms:

  1. First stage (threatening). Occurs in the first days after the cessation of binge drinking. Manifested by incoherent muttering, tremors of the limbs, the appearance of hallucinations, feelings of anxiety and concern, causeless fear. This condition can persist for 1-2 days and then go away on its own.
  2. Second stage (complete delirium). Clinical manifestations are vivid - ordinary visions are supplemented by auditory and tactile hallucinations. The patient feels that he is constantly being pursued, threatened with death, attacked or strangled. It is dangerous to treat this condition on your own, and it requires immediate hospitalization of the patient. If a person has delirium tremens and there are additional pathological factors (deep alcoholic depression, severe traumatic brain injury, hereditary tendency to delirium), then the second stage very quickly passes into the next.
  3. Third stage (life-threatening). The patient's speech becomes meaningless and incoherent, blood pressure drops sharply, reaction to others disappears, and convulsions occur. This is a phase acute psychosis, which can last up to five days. In this condition, there is a high risk of developing coma, cerebral edema and death.

Timing of each stage and severity clinical manifestations depends on individual characteristics the patient, his alcohol history, health status and duration of binge drinking.

In addition to tremors of the limbs, with delirium tremens, a person may experience prolonged hallucinations and a complete aversion to any type of alcohol.

Consequences and complications of delirium tremens

Delirium tremens is fatal dangerous condition, which ends with complete recovery only in a very in rare cases. Most likely the following consequences delirium tremens:

  • Partial recovery. A complication of delirium tremens is an organic psychosyndrome, which is characterized by a decrease in the level of intelligence, weakening of control over emotions, and memory loss. After delirium tremens, the functions of many organs and systems are disrupted, resulting in the development of pathological processes in the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular, genitourinary system.
  • Death. It is recorded in ten cases out of a hundred, more often when refusing medical care hospitalization. If the patient is not hospitalized in a timely manner after delirium tremens, disorders incompatible with life may occur (fever, dehydration, high pressure). With “squirrel” the patient often commits suicide - he can throw himself from a window or under a car, cut his veins, or hang himself.

If a squirrel “came to an alcoholic” at least once, then the attack will return with one hundred percent probability even if small dose alcohol and short binges. Each attack of fever exhausts the patient - a survivor after 2-3 episodes of delirium risks getting a complication in the form of cerebral dropsy or falling into a coma with subsequent death.

Important! A patient in a state of delirium tremens is dangerous to others, because during visions and hallucinations, an alcoholic can attack the first person he meets, injure or kill him.

Delirium tremens has a poor prognosis and is characterized by a high mortality rate. Often the condition ends for a person with dementia with complete or partial loss of memory, and this process is irreversible.

It is possible to completely recover from delirium tremens in very rare cases, so a person who is faced with such an illness can expect only two outcomes - death or partial recovery

How to cure delirium tremens

Treatment of delirium tremens at home is not recommended, because This condition threatens the life of the patient and others. The best decision during an attack of "squirrel" - place the patient in specialized clinic, where all symptoms will be relieved within the first hours of admission to the hospital.

But, if for some reason the patient cannot or does not want to go to a psychiatric hospital and the disease is at the first stage, you can try treatment at home.

What to do at home:

  • Try to calm down, calm the patient down, put him to bed. If a person behaves hostilely and inappropriately, his limbs should be tied and objects that could harm himself or others should be removed from the field of view.
  • Place a damp bandage on the patient's forehead and provide plenty of fluids.
  • Make an effort to make the patient fall asleep. To do this, you can give the person sedatives, sleeping pills, tincture of motherwort or valerian.
  • Do not leave the patient alone unattended.

Treatment at home can last from two to twenty days, but it should be remembered that self-medication can cause more harm than good. Without adequate therapeutic measures, it will be difficult for the patient to overcome this condition.

How to treat delirium tremens inpatient conditions:

  • Relief of anxiety and agitation (diazepam solution).
  • Normalization water balance and metabolism (, sodium chloride solution with dextran, vitamins C, B, P).
  • Restoration of blood circulation and breathing.
  • Elimination or prevention of liver and kidney dysfunctions.
  • Prevention of cerebral edema.
  • Treatment of concomitant diseases.

The duration of treatment for an attack of fever in a hospital setting, as a rule, does not exceed eight days.

Folk remedies for the treatment of delirium tremens are not valid, because... They are mainly aimed at causing an alcoholic’s aversion to alcohol, and not at relieving the condition.

In complex forms of fever, the patient is taken to the intensive care unit.

Treating a patient with a similar diagnosis at home is a big risk, so if possible, it is best to send the patient to mental asylum, where the chances of recovery will be many times higher


How long does delirium tremens last? Depending on the complexity of the case, the attack can last from several hours to several days, and the symptoms intensify at night and weaken at night. daytime days.

Why does delirium tremens occur? This condition is the result of prolonged exposure to alcohol breakdown products on the human brain.

An attack of delirium tremens may go away on its own? If a person realizes that something wrong is happening to him and seeks help from loved ones in time, he can do without specialized medical care.

Is it possible to die from delirium tremens? If the attack is not stopped in time, the probability of death in patients with alcoholic delirium is 12% of the total number.

How to avoid delirium tremens? Only complete failure from alcohol can help prevent an attack of delirium tremens.

Alcohol delirium is a psychosis that manifests itself in chronic alcoholics after a binge. With delirium tremens ( popular name pathology) treatment is carried out in a drug treatment clinic. At home, the patient can be helped, but only to initial stages addiction and uncomplicated symptoms.

How to recognize

Delirium tremens does not manifest itself in a drunk person - psychosis occurs 2–5 days after stopping alcohol consumption. Delirium is preceded by withdrawal symptoms:

  • tremor of the limbs;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • convulsions.

Signs of exacerbation of delirium are expressed in hallucinations. The nature of fever is always individual:

  • Tactile “glitches” - it seems that someone is touching your arms and legs, non-existent insects are crawling on your skin.
  • Visual delirium - a person sees strange creatures (“he’s drunk himself to hell”, “a meeting with a squirrel has begun”).
  • Auditory hallucinations - the patient hears voices ordering him to do something or imposing ideas (for example, that a husband has a wandering wife or neighbors are spies).

Against the background of hallucinations, persecution mania, increased aggressiveness, and attacks of jealousy appear. In this state, a person becomes dangerous to himself and others.

Post-alcohol fever is always accompanied by mental and somatic abnormalities. In addition to hallucinations, delirium is characterized by: insomnia, lack of appetite, increased nervousness, sweating, rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure.

Delirium tremens is an unstable condition. Periods of hallucinosis occur suddenly and stop just as abruptly, aggression is replaced by increased friendliness, excitement is replaced by drowsiness. Periods of remission (when a person comes to their senses) last from a few minutes to a couple of hours.

Urgent Care

First aid to a patient in a state of delirium tremens consists of stopping overexcitation and eliminating metabolic disorders that cause delirium. For these purposes, doctors give Sibazon, sodium oxybutyrate, Reopoliglucin, sodium bicarbonate, Panangin. The listed drugs cannot be used at home. The following measures are allowed at home:

  • Put a person with a fever to bed. In case of aggression and severe hallucinations, tie your hands and feet.
  • Give sedatives(Novo-Passit, Dormiplant, Bromcamphora).
  • Place a towel soaked in water on your forehead cold water.
  • Give a patient with a fever plenty of fluids and absorbents ( Activated carbon, Enterosgel).

If the symptoms of delirium continue to worsen during the day, you should stop trying to bring the alcoholic out of delirium and call an ambulance. Doctors will help you avoid complications and save lives (delirium tremens is a catalyst for heart attack, stroke, encephalopathy).

Treatment methods at home

After removal acute attack delirium tremens carry out comprehensive measures that prevent relapses, helping to avoid negative consequences from alcohol (secondary heart diseases, gastrointestinal tract, excretory system). If the family prefers treatment at home to the clinic, they adhere to the following scheme:

An outdated method of dealing with fever: the addict was given alcohol to drink in a dose that did not cause severe intoxication. This reduced the severity of psychosis or stopped it completely. Every day the amount of alcohol was reduced, gradually eliminating it. Now doctors do not recommend treating delirium in this way - it helps against squirrels, but aggravates withdrawal symptoms and provokes complications of diseases caused by alcoholism.

Traditional methods

Honey is a folk remedy against fever. Due to large quantity Potassium in the composition helps relieve symptoms of somatic disorders and reduce cravings for alcohol. On the first day of delirium, the patient is given 2 tablespoons of honey every hour. Then, until the end of the week, it is enough to eat 1 spoon 3 times a day.

A patient with delirium tremens is helped by a decoction of oat and calendula seeds, which soothes and improves metabolism. To prepare a decoction at home, take 100 g of oats and 10 g of calendula flowers, add 2 liters of water and boil for 40 minutes. Drink the remedy for delirium 3 times a day before meals, half a glass.

Chamomile tea will help you calm down. An infusion with thyme is given at night to avoid insomnia. Alcohol tincture with St. John's wort and wormwood helps against hallucinations (no more than 3 teaspoons).


For delirium, medications are prescribed that relieve excitability, restore metabolism, and normalize blood pressure and temperature. Names of common medications:

  • Sedatives – extract of Valerian, Motherwort, Glycine, Biotredin, Novo-passit.
  • Medicines for hyperthermia and high blood pressure - Paracetamol, Panadol, Theraflu, Papazol, Capoten.
  • Medicines that restore blood circulation and prevent thrombocytosis - Magnesia solution, Vinpocetine, Telektol, Felodipine.
  • Medicines to improve metabolic processes - Reopoliglucin, Panangin, sodium bicarbonate.

Attention: in case of delirium tremens, medications from the group of benzodiazepines (Tazepam, Phenazepam) and phenobarbitals (Corvalol, Valocordin, Valoserdin) are contraindicated. Medicines can trigger new episodes of hallucinations. Sedatives Afobazole and Phenibut do not cause complications, but cannot cure delirium.

Delirium tremens develops after prolonged drinking and subsequent abrupt cessation of alcohol. If you quit binge drinking gradually, the risk of developing squirrel disease is reduced. To completely reduce the risk of delirium to zero, it is better to remove an alcoholic from binge drinking not at home, but in a clinic. Detoxification, restoration of pH, electrolyte balance allow normalization of work internal organs, metabolic processes and prevent the development of post alcoholic psychosis.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medicine with alcohol

Enter the name of the drug in the search bar and find out how compatible it is with alcohol

In our country, the problem of alcoholism is very acute. And, unfortunately, it concerns not only older people, but also young people. In addition to the fact that people drink a lot and often get stuck in so-called drinking bouts, when they come out of them, a huge number of the most various problems. One of them is delirium tremens. Symptoms, treatment at home for this disease, the causes of its occurrence - this is what I want to talk about now.


Initially, you need to understand what delirium tremens is. So, it should be noted that this is the popular name for this problem. In medicine, this condition is called delirium delirium. A problem arises in alcohol-dependent people with stage 2-3 patients. However, delirium tremens can also occur in those who do not drink alcohol too often. But in this case, you must first take low-quality alcohol, the so-called surrogate.

Causes of delirium tremens

When considering the topic “Delirium tremens: symptoms, treatment at home,” you also need to talk about the main causes of this problem. Thus, delirium tremens may appear:

  • After heavy and prolonged drinking bouts.
  • After consuming low-quality alcoholic products.
  • With pronounced
  • At organic damage brain.

It is also important to note that the pathogenesis of delirium tremens is not yet fully understood. However, scientists claim that main problem in this case, there is a violation of the exchange of neurotransmitters in the central nervous system, as well as severe intoxication of the body.

First signs

Initially, you need to tell us when the first symptoms of delirium tremens may appear in alcoholics. So, it is worth noting that very often people do not identify them as such. Often they are simply confused with the so-called budun or otkhodnyak. Tremendous tremors are indicated by trembling of the hands, excessive sweating human, fluctuations in body temperature, redness of the eyes and face. However, these problems are often mistaken for symptoms of a disease that has absolutely nothing to do with the consequences of drinking alcohol. In this case, the patient’s relatives should pay attention to his sleep. So, he will be weak and restless. And before going to bed, outbursts of anger can often occur. Deviations in human behavior, mental breakdowns and fluctuations in the functioning of the nervous system also indicate a problem.

Stages and main symptoms

What other symptoms of delirium tremens are there after binge drinking? So, the manifestations of this problem also depend on the stage of its development:

  1. Korsakov psychosis. This is the first stage when the patient experiences memory, attention, and sleep disorders. Those. neurological disorders are present.
  2. Rave. This is a more serious stage. Psychosis has not yet become severe as long as there are no hallucinations. But the condition is gradually worsening.
  3. The third stage in medicine is called severe. All sorts of things are already appearing here. neurological disorders. It is in this case that they talk about classic delirium tremens.

Symptoms that may appear in a patient:

  • Migraines, tinnitus, headache.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Increased anxiety.
  • Aggressiveness, sharp changes moods.
  • Tremor of the limbs.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Hallucinations: tactile, visual, auditory.
  • In some cases, seizures occur.


Having understood what delirium tremens is, the symptoms, what to do if it occurs similar phenomenon- we definitely need to talk about this. And all because this condition is fraught with serious complications, which may affect not only the alcoholic himself, but also his relatives and close people. Very often, being captured by hallucinations, patients commit suicide or try to fight their fears in other ways. using the most dangerous methods, putting your life at risk. Despite the danger of the consequences of hallucinations, the state of delirium tremens is extremely negative for the entire body: organs, systems. Often, after this condition, the patient is found to have serious liver damage. Bleeding and digestive disorders of varying complexity occur. During alcoholic delirium, the immune system is also significantly weakened, which leads to the fact that a person becomes easily infected various viruses and bacteria. The most serious and irreversible complication- death.

First aid

Understanding what delirium tremens is, its symptoms, what to do first if a person is in a state of alcoholic delirium, this should also be discussed. First of all, it should be noted that this problem on average lasts from three to seven days (rarely longer). When the first symptoms appear, you need to do the following:

  1. The patient must be put to bed, despite all his attempts to resist this. If the person is violent, you can also tie him up. This point is important, because it is worth protecting a person who is in a state of alcoholic delirium.
  2. Next you need to call a doctor. After all, it is extremely difficult to cope with this problem on your own.
  3. It is important to remember that the patient needs a lot of fluid, so you often need to give him something to drink. You also need to periodically cool the human body, which is easiest to do in the shower.
  4. It is important to remember that the patient must first be reassured. Therefore, it is relevant to use sedatives. In this case, you may need the medicine "Diphenhydramine" or "Piracetam".

It is important to remember that you should not swear or shout at the patient. After all, the words in this state will turn out to be simply useless (a person simply will not accept them).

Treatment within the walls of the house

Having studied what delirium tremens is, its symptoms, treatment at home - this is what is also important to dwell on. After all, it often happens that there is simply no way to take the patient to the hospital or call a doctor. That is why it is important to know what you can do on your own in this case.

The main tasks that therapy at home should adhere to are:

  • Reducing body intoxication.
  • Maintenance on safe level vital important functions body.
  • Prevention of various problems that may arise as a result of delirium tremens.

If you have a fever, treatment at home should definitely include detoxification therapy. In this case, you need to force diuresis (give as much fluid as possible, you can use various enterosorbents, for example, Enterosgel, that work well in this direction).

It is very important to remember that you need to hold on normal level water-salt and electrolyte balance in the body. In this condition, the loss of potassium is extremely dangerous, so you need to try to make up for the loss of this trace element.

You can also use drugs that enhance metabolism. However, most often such drugs are infused into the patient’s blood through droppers into medical institutions(glucose solution or the drug "Cytoflavin"). So, delirium tremens and symptoms are considered. Treatment at home should also include symptomatic therapy. That is, we must remember that it is necessary to treat not only delirium tremens itself, but also other problems that may arise against its background.

The use of folk remedies

For a problem such as delirium tremens, treatment folk remedies also relevant. However, it is worth remembering that any old recipes There is practically no way to overcome this disease. However, you can try to prevent this problem from occurring. In this case, you can put two leaves in the patient’s glass. bay leaf and When all this has been infused with vodka for about half an hour, you need to give the alcoholic the drug to drink. This drink can cause disgust in him. And this will not allow possible occurrence another alcoholic delirium.

Delirium tremens is delirium tremens or a type of alcoholic psychosis. This disease is quite common; it occurs 3 days after the alcoholic stops drinking alcohol. But sometimes such a disease manifests itself on the 6th day. Usually, in order for delirium tremens to begin, you need to be an alcoholic for 5 years. Early studies showed that fever can appear in people around the age of 40. But now it turns out that both at 25 and at 30 years old a person can get sick by abusing alcohol with more than young.

How delirium tremens manifests itself (symptoms of the condition)

Confusion is the first sign of alcoholic delirium. Typically, visual hallucinations and attacks of fear occur, while the person remains self-aware. Common symptoms, which are inherent in delirium tremens:

1. Change of mood. The patient experiences attacks of anger, which are replaced by joy, that is, the mood is oscillatory.
2. Complete insomnia or sleep disturbance.
3. Increased sweating.
4. Hand trembling.
5. Conjunctivitis.
6. Increased blood circulation and rush of blood to the face - facial hyperemia. It is not contagious, but looking at your face at this time is not very pleasant. The face turns very red.
7. Hallucinations - the patient begins to see relatives who have already died, scary insects, worms, squirrels, cats, and even ghosts and devils.
8. There are hallucinations of a tactile and auditory nature. That is, it may seem to an alcoholic that the heroes of his visions are touching him, shouting at him or whispering something...

Based on these signs, the patient may begin to get confused in space, that is, at a certain moment he may not understand where he is. But a person is not constantly in similar condition. Typically attacks occur at night and evening time, there are periods of enlightenment during the day and in the morning. There is no need to be alarmed if the patient’s temperature rises; at the same time, protein may appear in the urine, and the amount of bilirubin may exceed the norm. After taking a blood test, an inflammatory process will be detected.

Delirium tremens lasts up to 10 days, and the recovery process occurs during sleep. A person can sleep for a long time without waking up. But, however, there are different types of fever.

1. Reduced fever. Symptoms appear briefly and are very mild.
2. Mixed atypical delirium. Mild signs of fever are accompanied by the presence of delusional thoughts. A person's sense of reality is disrupted. The way out of this situation can be either abrupt or smooth over a long period of time. But with a smooth exit, the presence of delusional ideas can persist for a very long time.
3. Severe form of delirium tremens. This form is accompanied by the presence of psychosis, that is, mental disorder. Blood pressure decreases, the incidence of heart disease also decreases, and body temperature can rise to 40.
Motor activity is impaired, shaking of the arms and legs appears. This degree of delirium can end in two ways. The first way involves dehydration, muttering, and various unmotivated movements. The worst outcome is death. But the second path can also end in Korsakoff psychosis, that is, damage to the peripheral nerves.

About how delirium tremens is corrected (treatment in a medical facility)

A condition such as delirium tremens requires taking emergency measures to bring a person back to normal. Treatment usually takes place in a medical setting in a psychiatric department. Treatment is aimed at eliminating insomnia, relieving seizures, and eliminating overexcitation. Well intensive care aimed at taking antipsychotics and benzodiazepines. As soon as the effect of relieving overexcitation is achieved, they begin taking haloperidol.

Phenothiazines can also be used in combination, but they often affect the reduction active work. Drugs such as diazepam, nitrazepam will help cure insomnia. Another group of drugs - benzodiazepines - reduce the number of seizures in the patient. But these medications can only help a little, so in addition, drugs such as hydantoin are prescribed.

During treatment in medical institutions, detoxification of the body is carried out, in large quantities Vitamin B and C are prescribed. Various droppers are also often used. To prevent this from happening, Lasix is ​​injected.

How to relieve delirium tremens on your own (what to do at home)

It is worth saying right away that treating this disease at home is almost impossible, since you will still need the help of specialists. But many are trying to do it on their own.

General approach

1. Put the patient to bed. Of course, he will do his best to prevent this, but it must be done. If you need to tie, then tie. After all, without doing this, the patient may harm himself.

2. Call a doctor immediately. It is very difficult to cope on your own, unless you are an expert in this matter.

3. To establish water-salt balance body, you need to often give the patient slightly salty water. The body needs to be cooled periodically; it is best to take the patient to the shower.

4. But even there you need to be extremely careful. It will be difficult to do this alone.

5. Another important point is calming down. Drugs such as Piracetam or Diphenhydramine will help you with this.

6. You can’t shout or hit a person, and it’s not necessary. After all, everything said in this situation is not perceived.

So, what is the main thing to do in case of delirium delirium syndrome:

Maintain the water-salt balance of the body;
reduce intoxication;
carry out preventive measures to prevent the emergence of new diseases.

These 3 points must be performed with special care. But if you consult a doctor, you will protect both yourself and the patient.

To cleanse the body of alcohol, it is necessary and even recommended to give diuretics. " " is a good helper in cleansing the body of toxins. A microelement such as potassium should not be absent in the body, so it is necessary to replenish it. Most likely, the patient’s metabolism is weakened, and, of course, we need to help strengthen it. They usually put in IVs; you are unlikely to survive without them. And this fact indicates that specialized assistance required in the hospital. You can install IVs at home, but this must be done by a person with medical education.

Please contact traditional methods . There are no recipes among the people that could help cure the disease in a jiffy. But there are tips on how to prevent this problem from occurring. These are tips for turning a person away from alcohol.

1. Take two bay leaves and lovage root. Pour a glass of vodka, put the herbs in it, and let it brew for about a week in a dark place. Now let the patient drink this infusion. He should feel disgusted. Accordingly, the occurrence of fever can be prevented using this method.

2. If a binge occurs, you can use mustard plasters. You need to put them on the back of your head and pour them over your head cold water. You can also take a bath, but the water should be at room temperature. If vomiting occurs, you need to swallow ice. But the most important thing is sleep. The body recovers during sleep.

3. Another method. Take nutmeg, prune kernel and ground cloves. All these ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions. You need to mix very thoroughly. Use dry, little by little, on the edge of a knife. Wash all this down with 100 grams hot water. Take the drug 2 times a day.

It is worth understanding that not all of these methods are suitable for every patient. After all, the person who created these methods adapted to his body. And some people don’t want to be treated at all... So you’ll have to look for and check recipes for binge drinking. To speed up the cleansing of alcohol from your body, do not forget to seek help from specialists.

Delirium tremens(alcoholic delirium) is a disease characterized by acute alcoholic psychosis, lasting from 2 to 8 days. The disease occurs due to the fact that ethanol, entering the blood, leads to a decrease in the volume of circulating blood and a decrease in the amount of fluid in the brain, which causes headaches and hallucinations. The disease usually occurs 72 hours after drinking alcohol. The disease can occur in people who do not suffer from alcohol dependence.

Alcohol delirium(delirium tremens) is the most common form of alcoholic psychosis. Delirium, as a rule, develops suddenly, acutely, and not in a state of intoxication, but against the background of a hangover withdrawal syndrome, 1-3 days after stopping drinking. This is usually preceded by a binge (before the first psychosis - long-term).

Causes of delirium tremens:

The cause of possible delirium tremens symptoms is overuse alcoholic drinks long time(alcoholism, binge drinking).

Additional factors may include:

  • liver diseases;
  • head injuries.

Quite often, delirium develops upon admission to a hospital (surgical, trauma, etc.), because in these cases, the patient is forced to stop drinking due to circumstances beyond his control. Sometimes the onset of delirium is provoked by various additional factors(operation, heat, trauma, large blood loss).

Symptoms of delirium tremens:

Delirium tremens can occur acutely, especially if it is facilitated by any provoking hazards, however, there may also be precursors. 2-3 days before the onset of the disease, sleep is disturbed, which becomes superficial, anxious, with nightmares. The patient wakes up covered in sweat and anxiety. There may be short-term illusory deceptions of perception: a pattern on wallpaper, an image in a painting, etc. seems “alive.”

Psychosis itself usually develops in the evening. Anxiety and excitement are growing. Deceptions of perception, visual and auditory, appear. The patient begins to see objects and phenomena that do not exist in reality. Often they see clusters of small animals (mice, rats, cats), insects (flies, cockroaches, bedbugs), less often large animals “like in a zoo”, devils (that’s why they say “he’s drunk himself to hell”).

Visual illusions (hallucinations) can be single, multiple or scene-like. Auditory deceptions of perception may be added - the “voices” of people, devils. Since the patient is in a state of darkened consciousness, hallucinatory images are more relevant for him than actually occurring events. Therefore, all the patient’s behavior is determined by painful visions and “voices”, and not by the real situation.

The patient sees mice and tries to escape from them: he hits them, screams, climbs from them onto the bed, onto the closet, and runs away from the house. He does not distinguish real objects from hallucinatory ones, so he can, for example, in self-defense, attack a real policeman instead of an apparent one. Due to the fact that the patient is not a passive contemplator of his deceptive perceptions, but active participant all “events”, then he poses a danger to himself and to others.

The patient usually has impaired orientation in place (does not know where he is), time (what day, date), but orientation in his own personality is preserved (knows his name, surname, who he is, where he works, how old he is, etc.).

Excitement reaches its climax at night. During the day, the condition improves, sometimes until complete “enlightenment” and the appearance of criticism of the transferred episode. This fact should be taken into account by both patients and medical staff, because the possibility of exacerbation of the condition cannot be ruled out next night.

The name of psychosis "delirium tremens" is due to the fact that patients experience a peculiar general tremor with trembling of the hands, an uncertain unsteady gait, illegible handwriting, and slurred speech. Sometimes during psychosis there are convulsive epileptic seizures.

Characteristics of alcoholic delirium mental symptoms the following:

Along with mental disorders, somatoneurological disorders are also identified:

  • facial skin redness, hyperemia skin(yellowish skin color);
  • severe sweating, increased sweating;
  • palpitations, tachycardia;
  • lack of appetite;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • spicy toxic hepatitis or cirrhosis;
  • increased tendon reflexes;
  • tremor of the limbs or the whole body;
  • muscle weakness.

Delirium usually lasts 3-5 days, even without treatment. For severe concomitant somatic disorders - up to 10 days. Recovery from abortive (short-term) delirium occurs after prolonged sleep. In other cases, medical intervention is required.

Currently deaths rare, although possible in case of serious impairment of cardiovascular activity, liver failure, cerebral edema.

Diagnosis of delirium tremens:

A narcologist conducts general examination and makes a diagnosis based on common symptoms. In case of severe somatic disorders (diseases of internal organs), the patient is consulted by a therapist and additionally prescribed treatment aimed at eliminating certain disorders.

Treatment of delirium tremens:

Treatment for alcoholic delirium includes:

  • psychotropic drugs;
  • drugs that restore water and electrolyte balance;
  • antipsychotic drugs;
  • sedatives.

In severe cases of delirium tremens, treatment is carried out in a hospital.

At the first stage, detoxification therapy is carried out, usually in cases where upon admission to the hospital there is severe hangover syndrome or it is necessary to stop the binge. Used for detoxification various means, predominantly using the parenteral route of administration (intravenous or intramuscular). They use unithiol, magnesium sulfate, vitamins B1, B6, C, nootropics (nootropil, piracetam, pyrroxan).

For severe mental disorders, tranquilizers are prescribed (seduxen, relanium, phenazepam, tazepam). For sleep disorders, radedorm is used, and in cases of insomnia with nightmares, fear, anxiety - barbiturates (barbamyl, luminal).

Upon reaching good condition, mental and somatic, carry out anti-alcohol treatment. The choice is made together with the patient and his relatives, the essence and consequences of the proposed methods are explained.

Treatment methods for alcoholism:

One of the treatment methods is conditioned reflex therapy. The essence of the method is to develop a conditioned reflex reaction in the form of vomiting to the taste or smell of alcohol. This is achieved by the combined use of emetics (ram decoction, apomorphine injections) and small amounts of alcohol. Treatment is carried out daily or every other day. The course of treatment includes 2025 sessions. Conditioned reflex therapy is most effective in patients in stage 1 and especially in women, who usually do not tolerate vomiting well and react with disgust to the treatment procedure itself.

Sensitizing therapy method (Esperal) . Its purpose is to suppress the desire for alcohol and create conditions for forced abstinence from drinking alcohol. The patient is given the drug Antabuse (Teturam) daily, which in itself is harmless. However, when alcohol (even a small amount of beer or wine) enters the body, an interaction reaction occurs, the consequences of which can be very severe and unpredictable. One of the options for this type of therapy is to create a drug depot in the body, for which the drug is implanted subcutaneously or intramuscularly (usually in the gluteal region) esperal.

Esperal consists of 10 tablets, coated with a special coating, sealed in a sterile bottle. A reaction to the drug in the body occurs only when drinking alcohol. Possible fatalities. ABOUT possible consequences violation of the sobriety regime, the patient is warned, about which he gives a receipt, which, in turn, is for the doctor legal document justifying his actions.

Psychotherapy It is used from the patient’s first visit to the doctor and accompanies the entire treatment process. Explanatory psychotherapy is aimed at explaining the essence of the disease, its harm and harmful consequences, developing an attitude towards treatment and a long-term sober lifestyle. The patient must understand that he is no longer able to drink “like everyone else” and that he cannot do without the help of a doctor. In addition to explanatory psychotherapy, other techniques are also used. Throughout the entire treatment process, psychotherapy should be used to help develop the patient’s attitude towards treatment and a sober lifestyle. Treatment will be effective only when the patient trusts the doctor, when the necessary contact, mutual understanding and trust have been established.

Hypnotherapy (hypnosis) - suggestion in a state of hypnotic sleep. Indicated for patients who are easily suggestible and believe in the effectiveness of this method. Applies as in individually, and in specially selected groups (group hypnosis). A special type of psychotherapy is coding . The methods are copyrighted, to which doctors have exclusive rights.

Group rational psychotherapy . For this type of treatment, a small group of patients (about 10 people) is selected, united by a common psychological and social problems, which contributes to the establishment between them emotional connections, feelings of mutual trust, belonging to a special group. Patients discuss with the doctor and among themselves a variety of life problems, primarily related to alcoholism. Joint discussion of various issues allows patients to look at themselves differently and evaluate their behavior. A special environment of mutual respect and trust allows you to develop a certain lifestyle, with other (sober) attitudes and aspirations, to believe in yourself and your capabilities.

  • frequent infectious and viral diseases against the background of decreased immunity.
  • In 10% of cases with delirium tremens, death.

    At risk are:

    • people suffering from alcohol addiction;
    • people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury;
    • people who have suffered diseases of the central nervous system.

    Prevention of delirium tremens:

    In order not to face the problem of how to get rid of delirium tremens in the future, patients are recommended to:

    After discharge from the hospital, the most difficult for the patient are the first 1-2 months, when they have to adapt to the new role of a teetotaler. During this period, it is necessary to rehabilitate yourself at work, improve relationships in the family, and compose a “legend” for your drinking buddies as an excuse for a sober lifestyle. Moral support in the family, from friends, co-workers -- necessary condition to establish high-quality remission.