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Painkiller for a 10 year old child. The ear hurts inside and outside. Possible causes of painful symptoms

My head hurts, my tooth hurts, my stomach hurts, I hit myself, I don’t know what hurts. Often in a completely inappropriate environment and at the wrong time. When a child is in pain, parents strive to help him, often panicking and not knowing what to do other than dial the emergency number. Grandma's old first aid kit is shaken out, painkillers are given out to the mountain, just to ease the suffering. How to relieve an attack of pain? Which painkiller is best? How to give medicine to a child and when should it not be given at all?

So, educational program. For many diseases important symptom is pain. With ARVI it may be a headache, pain will be in the ear when acute otitis media, a broken knee hurts, the child suffers, screams and cries. Of course, a sick or injured child should be examined by a doctor who will prescribe treatment. But before the doctor arrives, you can give your child pain medication.

It is optimal to have a special children's first aid kit in the house. It may contain analgesics: the most widely used drugs are paracetamol (Panadol, Calpol, etc.); you can give your child ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibufen, MIG-200); Children over 12 years of age relieve pain with nimesulide (Nimegesic, Nimulid, Nimesil); younger children should not be given them.

In the very as a last resort, if none of these medications are in the house, you can relieve pain with analgin, the dose should be appropriate for your age. It is strictly forbidden to give to children, especially small ones, acetylsalicylic acid(Aspirin, etc.), because this threatens development severe complication– Reye's syndrome (Reye's syndrome). With Reye's syndrome, cerebral edema occurs and also develops heavy defeat liver, it is even possible death. According to modern ideas, acetylsalicylic acid can only be given to adolescents over 15 years of age.

How to determine which pain reliever is best?

The most effective and safest analgesic for use in children on several scales clinical studies Ibuprofen worked. This is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, it has both analgesic and antipyretic effects. But it can only be given to children older than six months, separate children's forms - from three months, see the instructions for each specific drug for details. Paracetamol remains a backup drug for children; when using it, it is necessary to carefully monitor the total daily dose and in no case exceed the recommendations specified in the instructions.

This depends on the age of the child. All drugs for children are produced in various forms: up to 3-6 months it is more convenient to use pain medication in the form rectal suppositories(suppositories) so as not to injure the gastrointestinal tract; for older children you can use liquid forms medicines (suspensions, syrups); Teenage children can take the powder or tablet. Many painkillers are available in tablet and fruit-flavored suspension form.

The dose should always be prescribed by a doctor, because... it is individual and depends strictly on the age and weight of the child. But in emergency cases, when you have to give a painkiller without a doctor’s examination, carefully read the instructions for the medicine and, having determined the dosage in accordance with your age, do not exceed it in any case. Check if you have used ointment at the same time medicinal plaster, syrup with the same active ingredient, so as not to exceed the dosage and not get a serious side effect.

This should not be done if the child complains that his stomach hurts. Painkiller medicine will “lubricate” clinical picture appendicitis, peritonitis, peptic ulcer, and the doctor will not be able to diagnose correct diagnosis. In case of abdominal pain, examination of the child by a doctor is strictly necessary.

“Any medicines are not safe, but the reasons various pains may be different for a child, says Saratov pediatrician and pediatric endocrinologist medical center"Endocrine", Ph.D. Nadezhda Raigorodskaya, - the causes of headaches or stomach pain differ from pain due to injury. Painkillers are given only strictly when necessary, as prescribed. After all, if we anesthetize, for example, stomach pain, without knowing its cause, we can greatly harm the child, and we will miss the deterioration of his condition. If we talk about the form in which painkillers are prescribed, then I personally do not like to prescribe syrups and mixtures, since they contain a lot of additional substances, and we can not only complicate absorption into the intestines active substance, but also get side effects, for example, from additional sugar. A seriously ill body perceives viscous sweet mass Badly. And if we use pain-relieving suppositories, which necessarily include little coconut, we can get allergic reaction. So each time we have to make sure that the drug is suitable for a particular child. For children, the route of drug delivery is also important, and the exact dosage is very important. By the way, using the syrups loved by parents, we usually cannot accurately dose the intake of the active substance. The most accurate dosage is the injection form. At oral route- we cannot control the absorption of the drug, its bioavailability. Powders diluted in water perform well in this sense. I note that it is difficult to perceive combination drugs, although often there is no particular need for them, and in any case it is better to be treated with monotherapy.”

The expert noted that it is important for parents to remember that a number of drugs have been tested in clinical trials only in children of a certain age, and such drugs have age restrictions, say at least 1 year, 6 or 12 years. Adult drugs are often not allowed at all in children (except in exceptional, life-threatening cases). Drugs are allowed only from a certain age NSAID groups, not to mention Tramal or Keporone - only from 12 years old. Combinations of drugs with certain foods are still a little-studied area. But let's say cranberry juice not compatible with a number of drugs, for example, acetylsalicylic acid.

“Much depends on whether we are dealing with a single use or a long course,” says Nadezhda Raigorodskaya, “you cannot give a child painkillers on your own for more than 3 days, the prescription must be checked by a doctor. General provisions such: medications should only be prescribed by a doctor, and the instructions for the medicine, especially the part that talks about side effects and age restrictions should be read very carefully."

Non-narcotic analgesics, in particular NSAIDs, are usually used to relieve mild or moderate pain.

Tolerance to non-narcotic analgesics does not occur even when using the maximum permissible doses. These drugs are relatively safe and do not cause physiological dependence. As a result, the pain decreases. NSAIDs include derivatives of the following acids: salicylic (acetylsalicylic acid), anthranilic (flufenamic and mefenamic acids), aniline (phenacetin, paracetamol), indoleacetic (indomethacin), propionic (ibuprofen, naprosen, voltaren). All drugs in this group cause side effects: dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, ulceration of the gastrointestinal mucosa with hemorrhages. Such complications are more common when treated with acetylsalicylic acid, indomethacin and ibuprofen. The most effective for pain relief are paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid, and ibuprofen.
The drug of choice for eliminating moderate pain and fever in children is paracetamol in a single dose of 10-15 mg/kg. Side effects: methemoglobinemia, anemia, liver damage. In case of overdose, fulminant liver failure is possible.
Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects. The drug is prescribed at a dose of 0.2 g/year of life in 4-6 doses. Used for headaches, arthralgia, myalgia.
Other NSAIDs (for example, indomethacin, ibuprofen, diclofenac) have an analgesic effect similar to acetylsalicylic acid.
Ibuprofen is prescribed orally at a dose of 10-15 mg/(kg-day) in 3-4 doses, it eliminates well headache. Ketoprofen and naproxen are similar in properties and are more often used for pain without a pronounced inflammatory process. The frequency of side effects of these drugs is lower than that of acetylsalicylic acid.
Diclofenac (Voltaren) Its effectiveness is close to that of propionic acid derivatives. It is used for moderate pain and inflammation accompanying rheumatoid diseases, at a dose of 2-3 mg/(kg-day) in 2-3 doses. Side effects compared to those of indomethacin are less pronounced.
Indomethacin- highly effective anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic drug. Used to relieve moderate to severe pain, as well as inflammation in rheumatoid diseases. Dose 2-3 mg/(kg/day) in 2-3 doses. It has a pronounced side effect on the gastric mucosa and can cause the formation of ulcers, bleeding, and perforation. Migraine-like pain (due to swelling of the brain) may occur while taking this drug. The drug may worsen pre-existing kidney disease. It is not recommended for children under 14 years of age.
Mefenamic acid used for mild or moderate muscle, dental, post-traumatic and headache pain. Prescribed orally for children aged 5 to 10 years - 0.25 g 3-4 times per day, over 10 years - 0.3 g 3-4 times per day. The main side effect is the development of hemolytic anemia.

Narcotic analgesics. Narcotic analgesics have a pronounced depressant effect on the central nervous system, but without impairment of consciousness or sensitivity. In terms of activity, narcotic analgesics can be moderate-acting drugs, used for mild to moderate pain (codeine, dehydrocodeine, dextroproxifene, pentazocine, nalbuphine), and potent, used for severe pain [morphine, diamorphine (heroin), pethidine (meperidine, a synthetic analogue of meperidine - proyedol), omnopon, methadone, buprenorphine, phenazocine, meptazinol, etc.] Morphine is the most effective. Administration of this drug intramuscularly and subcutaneously ensures a sufficient duration of its action. The high addictive potential limits the long-term use of morphine. In addition, even its 1-2-fold administration causes many adverse reactions, among which the most pronounced are respiratory depression, nausea and vomiting, and spasms of smooth muscle organs. Negative effects morphine correlates with its concentration in the blood.
Buprenorphine has high analgesic activity close to fentanyl. The maximum analgesic effect lasts for at least 6 hours. Depresses breathing.
Codeine(methylmorphine) is an opioid with low activity. Its effect is 10 times weaker than that of morphine. In large doses, codeine, unlike morphine, causes excitement. Dependence on codeine is less pronounced than on morphine. Prescribed mainly for mild to moderate pain and cough - orally and parenterally.
Korfapol effective when taken orally, has minimal side effects.
Methadone- synthetic drug, close in pharmacological properties morphine. The analgesic effect of methadone lasts up to 24 hours, so when chronic pain it is prescribed orally or administered subcutaneously every 12 hours.
Nalbuphine by analgesic activity with intramuscular injection similar to morphine, and when taken orally its effectiveness is 4-5 times lower. Duration of action is 3-6 hours.
Omnopon(pantopon) is a mixture of opium alkaloids. Used for premedication in anesthesiology.

Pentazocine(fortral) is a synthetic narcotic analgesic. When administered parenterally, it penetrates the BBB. 3-6 times weaker than morphine, causes severe depression breathing, hypertension and tachycardia, worsens coronary blood flow. The rate of onset and duration of the analgesic effect are similar to those with the administration of morphine. It is used mainly in obstetrics, as it has a beneficial effect on the contractility of the uterus.
Pethidine(meperidine, lidol) has no structural similarity to morphine, but is similar in action to it. Pethidine is effective for pain not relieved by codeine, but does not relieve intense pain treated with morphine.
Promedol- domestic synthetic analogue of meperidine. Typically, a 1% solution is used intramuscularly at a dose of 0.1 ml/year of life, which minimizes respiratory depression and practically eliminates changes in the tone of smooth muscle organs.
Tramadol(tramal) is a new synthetic analgesic with relatively high activity.
Fentanyl exhibits very good analgesic activity, but sharply depresses breathing and causes bradycardia. It is used for neuroleptanalgesia, for anesthesia, administered intravenously or intramuscularly. It penetrates well through the blood-brain barrier, which causes rapid and pronounced analgesia. Side effects characteristic of morphine are rarely observed with fentanyl.
Choice of analgesic in a specific clinical case depends primarily on the pharmacokinetic properties of the drug and the characteristics of the patient’s body (age, state of metabolic systems). In newborns, the half-life of most analgesics is longer. In children, the apparent volume of distribution of analgesics is greater due to a decrease in their fixation by plasma proteins, a lower mass of lipids and increased amount water in tissues. Elimination of narcotic analgesics is reduced due to the characteristics of metabolism in the liver and kidney function, and the characteristics of penetration individual drugs in the central nervous system, which largely determine their activity and toxicity. Morphine and pentazocine are more toxic to neonates than to adults, and the toxicity of promedol and fentanyl is the same at any age.

For minor pain, use NSAIDs (acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, ibuprofen). If they are ineffective or for pain of moderate intensity, narcotic analgesics with low activity (codeine, dehydrocodeine, dextroproxifene, pentazocine), combinations of NSAIDs with low-potency opioids are recommended. If this combination is ineffective, highly active opioids (morphine, diamorphine, methadone, phenazocine, etc.) are prescribed. constant pain(in cancer patients) it is also possible to use NSAIDs.
Pain emanating from somatic structures (skin, muscles, bones, joints) is relieved by acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol, which do not affect mental functions and do not cause pronounced dependence. For pain associated with diseases internal organs In most cases, narcotic analgesics such as morphine are effective, although NSAIDs may be used for mild pain. For postherpetic neuralgia, neuralgia trigeminal nerve analgesics have only auxiliary value. In the treatment of seriously ill patients, very large doses non-narcotic analgesics together with low-active narcotic analgesics, and sometimes highly effective narcotic analgesics.
Pain accompanying inflammatory processes, is relieved by taking NSAIDs. Only sometimes it is necessary to prescribe additional low-potency opioids. Pain for minor injuries is often eliminated with local means that cause cooling of the skin (aerosol with chlorofluoromethane), for massive ones (for example, postoperative) - usually only with narcotic analgesics. Bone pain is relieved with NSAIDs or when combined with opioids.
Treatment for headaches can be aimed at eliminating muscle spasm, vasoconstriction. For this purpose, non-narcotic drugs are used - paracetamol and acetylsalicylic acid. For migraines, acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, motilium are prescribed antiemetic. If an attack is triggered by emotional stress, it is advisable to use sedatives(benzodiazepines). At increased ICP diuretics are added.
The general principle of treating pain - influencing its cause - is feasible, for example, in case of peptic ulcer, when analgesics are not used.

Local anesthetics. Many substances have local anesthetic properties, but only a small number are suitable for clinical application. Local anesthetics dissolve in water, do not have an irritating effect, their effect should develop quickly and persist for the time required for the operation. They do not have toxic properties when absorbed into the blood and do not cause unwanted reactions at the injection site. These funds affect nerve tissue and prevent both the occurrence and spread of a pain impulse, which is due to the formation of complexes of the drug with the membrane receptor sodium channels, as a result of which the flow of sodium ions is blocked. Absorption of drugs from mucous membranes varies. Easily absorbed agents (cocaine, lidocaine, prilocaine) are used for superficial anesthesia. The effect of local anesthetics usually develops 5 minutes after application and continues for 1-2 hours. Addition to them vasoconstrictor(adrenaline) prolongs their effect by 2 times. Local anesthetics indicated for puncture and catheterization of veins and arteries, drainage pleural cavity, spinal and sternal punctures, suturing, for anesthesia of mucous membranes.
Side effects (tinnitus, metallic taste in the mouth, drowsiness, irritability, headache, convulsions, decreased blood pressure) occur when the anesthetic enters the bloodstream or its dose exceeds the permissible limit.
Alitocaine more similar to cocaine than to novocaine. It is effective both when applied to mucous membranes and when administered parenterally.
Bupivacaine- a drug long acting, used for conduction anesthesia at a dose of 2 mg/kg. Maximum effect occurs in 30 minutes.
Cocaine used mainly for superficial anesthesia, usually in the form of a 4% solution. It is used in otorhinolaryngological operations by applying it to a limited area of ​​the mucous membrane, which is practically safe. Adrenaline is never added to a cocaine solution because it potentiates the effect.
Lidocaine- an effective and relatively low-toxic agent for superficial infiltration and conduction anesthesia, administered intravenously or intramuscularly at a dose of 1 mg/kg. Ineffective when taken orally. Adverse reactions are rarely observed.
Novocaine. In terms of its ability to cause superficial anesthesia, it is less active than cocaine, but is much less toxic, does not cause drug addiction, and has a greater breadth therapeutic action. Half-life - 0.7 min.
Prilocaine used in the same way as lidocaine, but it is less toxic. IN maximum doses it contributes to the development of methemoglobinemia. Available in combination with adrenaline or felypressin.
Lidocaine is considered the most suitable and safe for superficial anesthesia. However, if it is necessary to introduce large quantity Prilocaine is the preferred anesthetic. Lidocaine with prilocaine in the form of Terem is used for pain relief during venipuncture and vein catheterization. Solutions of lidocaine and dyclonine are used for anesthesia of the oropharynx. A mixture of tetracaine, adrenaline and cocaine is moistened on the surface of the wound before suturing.

A must have in any family's medicine cabinet. Especially if there are children growing up in the house. Toddlers are spontaneous people; they don’t ask when to get sick, but simply get sick when no one expects. Otitis and toothache, fever or the baby fell and was injured, headache, throat, muscle pain due to a cold... In all these and many other situations, parents should have “emergency” medications on hand.

It is not always possible to urgently consult a doctor or call him at home, because pain can overtake a baby on a weekend, in nature, at the dacha, on a trip... The complexity of the issue is that painkillers for adults cannot be given to children. And even a good and experienced pharmacist will not be able to immediately tell you about existing children’s medications.

What are they?

Painkillers are drugs - analgesics that block pain syndrome and have no effect on other types of sensitivity (hearing, vision, smell, tactile functions, etc.).

Painkillers are divided into two groups. They are narcotic and non-narcotic.

The first group includes opiates, they work great, eliminating almost all types of pain, be it a fracture or migraine, but with long-term use cause physical dependence, drug addiction.

Non-narcotic analgesics, in addition to their direct duty - to fight pain, provide additional “services” to the human body - they lower temperature and have an anti-inflammatory effect. They don't call drug addiction, but they are not able to cope with every pain.

Narcotic painkillers can cause addiction and dependence on the drug

In general, non-narcotic painkillers are effective for inflammatory pain– dental or joint pain.

Narcotic analgesics of both plant and synthetic origin cannot be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription. Yes, children don’t need this, because such painkillers (Promedol, Morphine, Codeine, etc.) are used only in certain cases and almost always in hospital settings:

  1. To alleviate the condition of seriously ill and dying people,
  2. At serious injuries(complex fractures),
  3. For ischemic pain (myocardial infarction, angina pectoris),
  4. For renal or hepatic colic,
  5. In case of painful shock,
  6. As a premedication for anesthesia,
  7. For relief of postoperative pain.

Narcotic analgesics are extremely rarely used to treat children

Non-narcotic analgesics are available in pharmacies.

They help in the following cases:

  1. Toothache,
  2. Headache,
  3. Neuralgia,
  4. Heat,
  5. Otitis,
  6. Muscle and joint pain.

Non-narcotic painkillers include analgesics local action, antispasmodics, analgesics and antipyretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They can be given to children in certain cases. Let's take a closer look at how to cope with childhood pain.

How do they work?

  • Antispasmodics (for example, No-Shpa)– “force” the muscles to contract less, the spasm is relieved and the pain goes away.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen)– act on a more subtle level – enzymatic. They do not allow enzymes that stimulate the formation of prostaglandins and thromboxanes to act actively. Pain is thus destroyed at its very beginning.
  • Antipyretic analgesics (eg Paracetamol) They quickly relieve the child of fever, and at the same time act on the pain center in the brain. As a result, both temperature and pain disappear almost simultaneously.
  • Local analgesics do not allow the pain impulse to spread further from the source of pain. As you know, pain is defensive reaction body. And it starts in nerve endings. If the impulse is interrupted, there is no pain.

Paracetamol and Ibuprofen act differently on the child’s body, but the effect is always almost the same - the temperature drops and the pain subsides

Products for children

Modern painkillers are available in various forms - syrups, tablets, injection solutions, capsules, ointments, sprays.

Forming home first aid kit for a child, remember that medications that meet certain criteria are suitable for children:

  • The dosage form should be easy to use for the child. Choose from ointments, drops, powders, suspensions and syrups. Older children can take the tablet form of the drug.
  • List of contraindications and side effects should be kept to a minimum. Weigh everything possible risks, consult your doctor.
  • The drugs should act quickly and for as long as possible, but not accumulate in the body.

When choosing analgesics for a child, you need to be guided by the child’s age in order to choose the most convenient form of the drug

The most popular drugs

  • Paracetamol. An analgesic on which more than one generation has grown up. It is included in the list of vital drugs. It is used on its own and is also included in many other painkillers for children. It relieves moderate pain, mild inflammation, but very effectively lowers body temperature.

The advantage of Paracetamol is that it begins to act quickly

After administration, it begins to act within 15-20 minutes. This drug can be given in syrup to babies over three months of age. Older children can take the tablets, but do not forget that Paracetamol should be washed down big amount water. The drug is contraindicated in children with stomach diseases, pancreatitis, diseases duodenum, kidneys and liver. An overdose can cause severe liver damage.

  • Ibuprofen. This is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain reliever. Available in the form of suspension, tablets, syrup and rectal suppositories. Reduces temperature, reduces muscle pain. Helps with moderate toothache. Facilitates the child's condition after vaccination.

Ibuprofen for children is presented in the form of a suspension, syrup, tablets and suppositories

It should not be given to children under three months of age and low birth weight babies whose body weight is less than 6 kilograms. Ibuprofen is contraindicated in children with medical conditions gastrointestinal tract, and some aggravated ailments of vision and hearing. Children under 11-12 years of age can be given medicine in syrup form. The dosage of the Ibuprofen suspension should be calculated by the doctor after control weighing of the baby.

  • Nurofen. This complete analogue Ibuprofen. Babies from 3 months can be given it in syrup and suspension. For older children - in tablets. Nurofen is allowed to be taken to relieve the baby's suffering during teething. It lowers temperature, eliminates mild headaches, toothaches, ear pain and muscle pain.

Nurofen, in its essence, is an analogue of the familiar Ibuprofen

It begins to act half an hour after administration and lasts for about 2 hours. It is produced not only in syrups, suppositories, tablets and capsules, but also in the form of a gel, suitable for external use. Nurofen in any dosage form should be taken with great caution to children with diseases of the stomach and intestines, with bronchial asthma, eczema, kidney or liver failure.

The following video takes a closer look at the topic of headaches in children. The author will tell you what the possible causes of headaches are and what medications can help your child.

When should you not give painkillers to children?

There are situations in which you should never “feed” your child painkillers. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the doctor to make the correct diagnosis and provide timely assistance. Among these “contraindications for use”:

  • Stomach ache. You already know that the pharmacy analgesics available to you are not capable of relieving such pain, and this is actually very good. Because my stomach doesn't just hurt. There is a more than good reason for this. Appendicitis, inflammation or injuries to internal organs are all reasons to call an ambulance rather than take analgesics.

If a child has a stomach ache, this is not yet a reason to take analgesics. First, call the doctor.

If a child has a headache and is delirious, you should not immediately take painkillers, since in this case encephalitis cannot be ruled out

  • Pain of unknown etiology. This is when the baby himself cannot clearly explain his condition. He claims that “it hurts here” and at the same time points to the whole chest or the entire abdominal area. Don’t take on the difficult task of recognizing the cause of your baby’s pain. Do not give analgesics, so as not to “drown out” the symptoms that are important for the diagnostician. Just do it right away as in the two cases described above. Call an ambulance.
  • If you have already been taking analgesics for 5 days. This is a critical time. Taking more painkillers is bad for your health.

You cannot give your child painkillers for more than 5 days.

  • All children without exception are prohibited from taking Analgin. This previously very popular drug has been recognized as extremely undesirable for children under 15 years of age since 1991. It can provoke the so-called “Ray Syndrome” - serious condition liver failure with simultaneous brain damage, often ending in death.
  • When taking painkillers, you do not need to follow the rule “One is good, two is better!” and combine several remedies or exceed the dosage. This could end sadly.
  • If your child is already taking any medications or vitamins, be sure to consult your doctor. It is almost impossible to independently take into account the degree of interaction of painkillers with the medications that the baby already drinks or takes in injections. But the effect of a “mismatch” of ingredients can be quite unexpected and unpleasant.
  • Keep track of the expiration dates of the medications in your medicine cabinet. Do not give your child expired pain medications.

Dr. Komarovsky, whose advice modern mothers listen to so much, argues that it is irresponsible to anesthetize and reduce the temperature every time a child has pain or fever. After all, temperature is the work of the immune system, and pain is a protective reaction. Supplying children's body With the “heavy artillery” of painkillers, we adults, to some extent, prevent his immune system from fighting the disease.

But sometimes these drugs are still necessary. For example, in children, to avoid seizures. So, best advice When children have pain, it sounds like this – call a doctor! Only he will be able to determine why the pain occurred, what caused it and how best to treat it. After all, pain is only external manifestation internal problem. And analgesics do not cure, but “knock down” external symptoms.

Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend giving your child antipyretic and painkillers at the first symptoms

In order for a child to live long and be healthy and happy, the “problem” needs to be treated. And this cannot be done without the help of a doctor.

In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you how to provide first aid to a child. emergency assistance for pain of different nature.

Traditional methods of pain relief

There are many folk ways cope with childhood pain:

  • Win toothache A paste of onion and garlic applied to the sore spot will help.
  • Poultices from plantains and pine resin help relieve pain and get rid of gumboil.
  • To reduce high temperature To relieve muscle pain, you can rub your child with vodka.
  • Horseradish leaves tied to a sore leg or arm can help relieve joint pain.
  • Compresses with grated radish and honey effectively relieve pain after bruises and injuries.
  • Otitis externa in a baby can be overcome with the help of a paste of aloe and Kalanchoe leaves. The turunda lubricated with this composition is inserted into the sore ear.
  • Warm sitz baths and parsley decoction, which you can give your child to drink, will help relieve pain from cystitis.
  • Salt compresses, fresh onion and lemon peels.

In conclusion, I would like to say that many leading pediatricians in the world believe that it is fundamentally unsafe for children to take painkillers. This is like a life preserver - it’s good to have it at hand, but hoping to swim on it to your destination is naive and unreasonable.

When a child has something in pain, adults are ready to do everything for him - to give any painkiller, just to make their child feel better. But when specific disease you need to know exactly how to numb it and in what cases it is better to immediately call an ambulance. In this article we will tell you in what cases painkillers are applicable and which drugs are safest for babies.

When to give painkillers

It is worth knowing that painkillers cannot be given on a regular basis. Only once, when it is not possible to immediately visit a doctor. Taking such medications will not replace a visit to a specialist.
You can relieve your baby's pain in the following cases:

  • For toothache. If the illness overcomes you on the weekend or the night before your dentist appointment.
  • During . When the child is really having a hard time, at night for better sleep.
  • At .
  • For headaches in schoolchildren caused by overexertion due to studying.
  • For severe pain in. Provided that there is no discharge from the ear.

Popular drugs

Below we will discuss the most popular painkillers that give.

"Ibuprofen raspberry flavor" refers to children's painkillers. Used to relieve symptoms of teething pain and other dental pain, headaches, sore throat and ear pain.

Nimesulide begins to act 15-20 minutes after administration. Used to reduce acute pain(dental, head, muscle, ears). This pain reliever is not prescribed for children under 12 years of age. However, dispersible (water-soluble) tablets can be given to children and older. Dosage for children: 3-5 mg per 1 kg of body weight. This amount should be evenly divided into 2-3 doses per day. For children weighing more than forty kilograms, the dosage is prescribed as for adults.

“Nimesulide” in the form of a suspension (syrup) is allowed to be given to children from 2 years of age. Daily dose- 1.5-3 mg per 1 kg of child’s weight. This amount is divided into 2-3 doses over 24 hours.

Children with gastrointestinal, kidney and liver problems should not take Nimesulide. The course of admission is no more than 15 days.

"Analgin" is one of the most popular painkillers. These tablets are used for mild pain. Helps with headaches, dental pain, post-operative pain.

  • from 2 to 3 years - 0.05-0.1 g;
  • from 4 to 5 years - 0.1-0.2 g;
  • from 6 to 7 years - 0.2 g;
  • from 8 to 14 years - 0.25-0.3 g.
No more than three times within 24 hours.

Children under five years old should not be given Analgin without a doctor's recommendation.

Very often, when deciding which painkiller to give their child, parents opt for Aspirin. However, recently this medicine has been prohibited from being given to children under 14 years of age in many countries around the world. The reason is the possibility of manifestation in a child. This is a condition that affects the kidneys and causes swelling of the brain. Without medical intervention, Reye's syndrome can be fatal.

Important! Reye's syndrome appears a few days after the child recovers.

In Russia, taking Aspirin is not officially prohibited and it can be prescribed by a therapist. The dosage for children is as follows:

  • from 2 to 3 years - one tablet per day;
  • from 4 to 7 years - two tablets per day;
  • from 8 to 9 years - three tablets per day.
Do not give to babies under 12 months. Contraindications are gastric and duodenal ulcers, poor clotting blood and
Take the tablets after meals with water or milk.

Did you know? The prototype of the current “Aspirin” was known to the ancient Greeks in the form of a decoction of willow tree bark. This decoction relieved fever and soothed pain.

For children, used to remove pain medium strength. This suspension can only be given to children over three months old and weighing over 5 kg.

  • 3-6 months - 2.5 ml 1-3 times in 24 hours;
  • 6-12 months - 2.5 ml 1-4 times in 24 hours;
  • 1-3 years - 5 ml 1-3 times in 24 hours;
  • 4-6 years - 7.5 ml 1-3 times in 24 hours;
  • 7-9 years - 10 ml 1-3 times in 24 hours;
  • 10-12 - 15 ml 1-3 times in 24 hours.
You should not take Nurofen for more than three days in a row. If during this time the baby’s condition has not improved, you should consult a doctor. For children under six months of age, the period of improvement in well-being is 24 hours. Otherwise, you should also consult a doctor immediately.
Nurofen should not be given to children with ibuprofen intolerance, stomach ulcers, kidney or liver problems.

Important! The dosage indicated in the instructions for the drugs must absolutely not be exceeded.

Do you always need painkillers?

Giving painkillers to children is strictly prohibited. In this case, the baby should be immediately taken to see a doctor.

In situations where the baby has a very severe sore throat, to the point that he cannot open his mouth or has difficulty, it is necessary to call ambulance. Giving painkillers is not recommended.
You should not give your child painkillers if they have a headache caused by. Especially if it is accompanied by nausea or loss of consciousness. A doctor's consultation is required. If your cheek is swollen due to toothache, it is better to call an ambulance if it is not possible to immediately visit a dentist.

Now you know that not all drugs familiar to adults are suitable for children. In the desire to help the baby cope with pain, the main thing is not to harm. It should be remembered: only the attending physician can accurately indicate which tablets or syrups can be given to a child.

Toothache that occurs unexpectedly in children is unpleasant factor making parents worry. After all, the child cannot really describe his state of health or go to the dentist.

The main reason why most often a child has high sensitivity of the enamel. Sensitivity of enamel can manifest itself with exposed dentin of the dental neck, endocrine and neurological diseases, disorders of mineral metabolism.

Tooth sensitivity can be determined by:

If pain appears in early age, then the reason is (in this case, the child’s gums hurt). is salivation, redness and swelling of the gums, attempts to scratch the gums with your fingers.

Also, after a child has lost or, the reason for which may be the presence of a dry socket, alveolitis, or an allergy to painkillers. Another cause of inflammation may be its appearance with aching pain.

Find out the reason for the appearance pathological process not difficult, since upon examination of the oral cavity there is swelling, redness and increased salivation.

Fundamental Principles

Before you do, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of pain treatment:

  • elimination of the cause and pathogenetic factor;
  • carrying out early pharmacotherapy;
  • choosing an anesthetic based on the intensity of the syndrome;
  • assessment of the effectiveness of pain relief based on the child’s condition.

The bulk of pain in tissue damage occurs during the production of prostaglandins and cytokines that activate inflammatory reactions.

The main direction in the action of toothache remedies is to reduce the secretion pain mediators and prescription sensitivity.

Features of choosing painkillers for children

Intended for the treatment of children must act quickly, and the remedy itself must be safe for a growing organism that is not prepared to consume harmful, potent pills.

The child's pain should be relieved with folk remedies, because the child begins to be capricious with prolonged and unpleasant sensations.

In pharmacies you can select anti-inflammatory drugs individually for children in any form (suspensions, syrups, tablets, rectal suppositories etc.). After the pain has been eliminated, the child should be taken to the dentist to timely treatment teeth.

When choosing a remedy, you should consult with your pediatrician, choose painkillers based on your age category and based on intolerance to certain ingredients. You also need to follow the dosage and not give large volumes.

If a child has a toothache, you can relieve the pain in the following ways:

  • using gels, ointments, drops;
  • use of homeopathic medicines;
  • consumption of medications to reduce body temperature;
  • use of antihistamines;
  • traditional methods;
  • massage.

Local anesthetic gels

Such products can be applied to teeth and gums if pain occurs as a result of the growth of molars. With their help, the sensations are alleviated, but not eliminated. Part local funds contains anesthetic components (lidocaine), which block pain receptors in the gums.

Gels often contain anti-inflammatory and herbal substances that help relieve gum inflammation. The effect of ointments and gels is almost similar, but it lasts about 30 minutes.

Effective gels suitable for pain relief in children’s teeth:

  1. . The medicine has an analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. The gel has a special structure that allows it long time remain on the gum mucosa. The product contains cetalkonium chloride and choline salicylate.
  2. Kalgel. The product contains the antiseptic cytilperidine and lidocaine. Does not contain sugar and acts instantly. The main components of the gel are lidocaine hydrochloride, cytylpyridinium chloride, sorbitol solution, hyaetellose, ethanol, sodium saccharinate, lauromacrogol 600, sodium citrate, levomenthol, flavorings, water, etc.
  3. . The product contains chamomile and lidocaine, quickly penetrates the structures, relieving pain and swelling. In addition, the gel contains formic acid, sodium salt saccharin, carbomer, benzalkonium chloride, laurel oil, ethyl alcohol.
  4. . The drug provides an effect on teeth due to the presence of lidocaine and chamomile. Other components of the gel are Lauromacrogol-600.

Every day, such products are subject to re-certification; some of them are not allowed for secondary sale through pharmacy chains due to identified adverse reactions.

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies contain natural substances that have a systemic effect, simplifying general state baby and teething.

You can relieve toothache in a child using the following means:

  1. Ointment Traumeel-S. This homeopathic remedy with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, plant components eliminate inflammation, swelling and pain. The ointment should be applied to the gums several times a day. Contains extracts of calendula, montane arnica, turnip grass, daisy, belladonna, comfrey, yarrow, St. John's wort, echinacea, witch hazel, etc.
  2. Dentinorm Baby drops effectively eliminate inflammation in the nasopharynx and oral cavity. The drops contain medicinal rhubarb, Indian ivy and chamomile.
  3. Viburkol suppositories. The product helps with teething, and also has a sedative, antispasmodic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The suppositories contain chamomile, dulcamara, belladonna, pulsatilla, hemanium calcium carbonicum and major plantago.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Such funds are used at high temperatures. They act systemically, so the effect lasts up to 12 hours. In this case, in particular, the use of Ibuprofen and Paracetamol is suitable.

They effectively eliminate unpleasant symptoms(redness, itching, pain and general weakness).

The following medications can be used to relieve toothache:

  1. Actasulide. A product based on Nimesulide helps in general weakness and toothache, is not allowed for consumption by children under 12 years of age.
  2. Nonsteroidal selective drugs ( Nimesulide, Nimulid and Nise) – prescribed for children under 12 years of age. Their action is based on the selective blockade of prostaglandin synthesis in the brain. The use of drugs for liver pathologies and kidney failure is not allowed.
  3. Aspirin. Included in the basis of Asphen, Citramon, Acelizin and Askofen. Not recommended for use in children under one year of age.
  4. - the first remedy for dental and other types of pain that occurs in children. Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Children over 12 years of age are prescribed a tablet several times a day to eliminate severe pain you need to take up to 6 tablets.


Antihistamines can be used to relieve swelling and itching:

  1. Fenistil drops– eliminate swelling and make breathing easier. It is recommended to use three times a day. The product contains dimentindene maleate, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, citric acid monohydrate, disodium edetate, benzoic acid, propylene glycol, sodium saccharinate and water.
  2. Parlisin drops– contains magnesium stearate, cetirizine hydrochloride, silicon dioxide, lactose monohydrate and other additional components. The product effectively relieves swelling and makes breathing easier. Because of strong effect Use once a day is allowed.

Use of traditional medicine

You need to know what exactly you can give your child for toothache - not everything is suitable for children. Majority medicinal herbs may cause an allergic reaction.

Also should not be consumed by children alcohol infusions from herbs. Instead, weak plant decoctions are suitable.

You can relieve toothache using the following remedies:

  • Rinsing the mouth with a decoction of lemon balm, chamomile and sage has a good effect;
  • the child can be given a piece of ice wrapped in a towel or scarf;
  • is different antiseptic effect and relieves swelling;
  • propolis has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  • To eliminate pain, you can use oak bark decoctions.

Toothache can be relieved with standard household recipes:

  • You can put a piece of lard or cotton wool soaked in eucalyptus oil on the sore tooth;
  • You can apply a cold vegetable or fruit to the tooth and gum;
  • You can apply a magnet to your cheek and hold it for up to 30 minutes;
  • You can rub your wrist in the pulse area with garlic.

With absence suitable medications, you can rinse your mouth with a simple saline solution, dissolved in a glass warm water a spoonful of salt. During a toothache, the baby should avoid solid, salty, spicy and sweet foods.

Other ways to relieve pain

Alternative remedies for pain relief: