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Training service dogs at home. Dog training at home. Simple rules and techniques. How to train an adult dog

If she has become your true friend, obedient and devoted, you need to teach her actions that she can easily perform. About how to properly train and teach a dog commands at home, we'll talk In this article.

At what age can you start training?

When a puppy appears in your house, he is already able to perceive simple and basic commands and training in general. But before you start training, you need to make friends with the baby so that he trusts you. Puppies are easier to train than adults, but this must be done in game form, getting him interested.

At this stage, training and raising the puppy are closely intertwined. Since the beginning teach him to walk with a collar, come up with a nickname and teach him to respond to it. And he should already know where his toilet is. After learning the basics and achieving 3 one month old You can proceed to more complex commands.

Conditions and attributes for learning commands

Conditions for training your dog have great importance, and the right place will speed up and simplify the learning process.

Study space

The place for training will do any that is convenient for you, but you need to consider several important criteria, which will affect the process itself:

  • In summer, in hot weather, it is better to conduct classes in the morning or evening;
  • It is best to train your dog while walking;
  • choose a quiet one and quiet place, where the pet will not have unnecessary reasons to be distracted;
  • the area you have chosen should be well known to the animal, and if this is your first time there, then walk with him or let him run around and sniff everything;
  • It is important to remember the rule: the dog is better oriented on the terrain - it learns better;
  • You can practice in your home or in the yard.

Necessary accessories

The set of necessary training tools is not at all expensive or difficult. If you go outside, don't forget to bring a collar and leash.

The most basic subject of training is the treat that the dog receives after a correctly performed exercise. What it will be, choose for yourself. Dry food is best because it doesn't get dirty and keeps well. But if your pet likes something else, then treat him after a good job. The main thing is that these are small and convenient pieces of food.

If you're going for a walk during the day when it's hot, don't forget to bring water for your dog and a bowl to pour it into.

Basic principles of training

Let's move on to the most important part - the training process.

How long does it take to train a dog?

The first few lessons should last no more than 20-30 minutes, because the dog will get bored and tired. Increase the time every day and bring it up to 1 hour a day. It is better if you divide this time into small intervals. For example, you train for 10 minutes - he runs and plays for 5 minutes. This way the process will be more productive.

Basic commands

« To me" is one of the first commands that needs to be taught. Use it together with your nickname. And when your pet approaches you, praise him and give him a treat.
« Place»studies from an early age along with the “come to me” command. First, you need to arrange this very place for your pet, putting a rug or pillow and his favorite toys. You need to call the dog to him and say “place”: when he comes, put him down and give him a treat, while repeating “place, well done.”

« Near" To study, you will need a collar. Place the animal near your left leg. Give the command “near” and start walking. The dog should walk next to you, without rushing ahead or falling behind. And it is important that she does not pull the leash in any direction. If this happens, then sharply tighten the leash and repeat “nearby”.

« Ugh" This command is easier to describe with an example. If your dog chews a slipper or bites the owner, you need to say “ugh” sharply and threateningly and slap him on the butt. If he does not react, then the command is repeated, and you can hit him harder.

« Sit"begins with your dog lying at your left leg. Take out a treat, bring it to your nose and lift it up. The pet will rise after the treat, and then you say “sit, good girl.” And be sure to treat them with a treat.

« Lie" - the command is simple. All you have to do is place a treat on the floor in front of your dog and he will lie down to reach it. Then the command “lie down” sounds and you give the treat.

« Stand" is a little more complicated, and learns to "sit" after. When the dog sits at your left leg, you need to say “stand” and lift him by the stomach with your left hand so that he stands on his paws. Repeat the command and praise.

« Excerpt" is an important command for any dog. It is important that in the commands “stand”, “sit” and “lie down” he holds for as long as possible: it starts from 30 seconds of exposure, and ideally reaches 30 minutes. After he has held out, be sure to praise him.

« Give" is a command when you simply call it and change the pet's toy or stick during play for a treat.

« Fas" is studied from 6-9 months, and here it is better to resort to the services of professionals, since this team teaches to be angry and aggressive - the wrong approach can direct aggression towards you.

« Aport"- the command is taught in a playful way: you throw a toy or stick to the animal, and when it grabs it, say “Fetch, well done.”

Important! When executing commands, it is necessary to change their sequence every day so that the animal does not develop a habit.

Additional rules

There are some rules that will make training easier and help in the first lessons:

  1. Before you start training, you need to stay alone so that no one distracts the dog.
  2. Let him have a good run and walk before classes: this way your pet will be more attentive and focused.
  3. The dog must perceive information without a feeling of fear. If you notice that he is scared, then you have overdone it with severity. Continue the next day and be flexible and calm.
  4. Do not repeat the command several times in a row, because in the future your pet will perform them after several repetitions.
  5. Teach your dog to obey all family members.

Dog breed and training

There are very smart dogs that are easy to train. The most trained are:

  • Rottweiler;
  • Australian Shepherd;
  • papillon;
  • Doberman;
  • Labrador;
  • Sheltie;
  • poodle;
  • German Shepherd;
  • Border Collie.

But there are also breeds that are very difficult to work with, and they practically cannot be trained in any way:
  • bulldog;
  • mastiff;
  • Russian greyhound;
  • Afghan Hound;
  • Basenji;
  • chow-chow;
  • beagle;
  • Pekingese;
  • bloodhoud.

Is it possible to teach something to an adult dog?

Many people adopt dogs from a shelter (or for other reasons have not trained them since childhood) and ask the question: “Is it possible to train adult dog, and is there any point in starting? An unequivocal statement - it is possible and necessary. To train an adult dog, you need to put in more effort and time, but the results will definitely come. Remember that they are some of the smartest animals, so adults pet can be trained to carry out the necessary commands.

Be patient and be friends with your pet. Then you will be able to teach him all the most necessary commands.

Owners of all dog breeds, from small terriers to impressive Caucasians, are faced with the difficult task of how to train their dog. Dogs are serious animals; it is required that the dogs obey their owner and unquestioningly follow orders. Competent, well-thought-out training is expected. By and large, the standard set of commands for training includes:

  1. “Come to me”, the most necessary command to help recall your pet;
  2. "Fu", a universal command, extremely useful under any circumstances;
  3. “Sit” is a frequently used necessary command in a dog owner’s daily arsenal;
  4. “Lie down” - less used than the previous one, but useful and easy for the animal;
  5. “Nearby” is simply indispensable for walking and teaching the dog discipline;
  6. “Place” - if the dog sleeps where it likes, the animal must know the place in the apartment and is there at the first order of the owner;
  7. “Give” is a relatively complex command, necessary primarily for guard breeds dogs;
  8. “Fetch” - the command allows you to train the dog in terms of physical development, in terms of attentiveness on the ground.
  9. “Face” is considered a tough, serious command; it is permissible to begin studying if the dog unconditionally obeys the owner. To teach the command, it is better to invite a dog handler who is able to assess the dog’s readiness.

Training by a master or family member

The question of who trains the dog or is obliged to do so is complex and ambiguous. The only accurate and correct answer will be the statement that the training is carried out by a single person. For the animal, presence at the training site strangers, family members are a distraction that prevents you from concentrating on remembering commands. Remember, effective training can be carried out by people with a special character, with a large reserve of patience and developed strength will.

If family members are not able to train the dog, it is permissible to give it to an instructor - a dog handler. Masters will be able to train the animal different teams so that the orders remain internalized by the dog. The dog is called upon to carry out the orders of family members, regardless of the trainer. Remember, a dog has a circle of owners. If the animal is too friendly and follows the orders of strangers, this is bad; the dog is easy to take away.

Rules on and off the training ground

Training a dog correctly means following important points:

  • Do not repeat commands. It is permissible to give an order twice, otherwise the animal will not accept the owner’s commands the first time.
  • Mix up teams in places. To ensure that the dog listens to requests effectively, exclude the possibility of simply memorizing training as an algorithm of constant actions in the established order. Try to change the order of requests for effective learning animal.
  • Don't be overzealous. Dogs, like people, get tired; excessive stress has a bad effect on training. Attention weakens, the animal reluctantly carries out orders. With systematic training in a tired state, it is easy to achieve the opposite effect.
  • Commands should not be given too often. Before a new approach, a pause is made for several moments, otherwise the dog will begin to get confused.
  • Before training, it’s a good idea to walk the dog and give it some physical exercise. A slightly tired dog is less distracted during training.
  • If the dog obeys commands hesitantly or is afraid, most likely the trainer is treating the animal too harshly. Remember, dogs love affection, and with kind treatment they try harder.
  • Encouragement is important. A treat or praise is a great incentive for your pet. It is better to go out for training with a slightly hungry dog; a well-fed animal will ignore the treat, and it will be worse to think with a full belly.

Training place

The question of where to train your dog is extremely important. Training at home can give a not very impressive result - the pet will begin to perceive commands exclusively at home, while on the street behaving as it pleases. You are supposed to pick up the animal and take it outside. For the first training, choose quieter places so that your shaggy friend is not distracted by numerous stimuli in the form of passers-by and animals.

At proper training The dog will be trained in discipline, and the reaction to distractions will disappear. It is already permissible to take her to crowded places. Training time is important. Initially, classes last 30-40 minutes so that the pet does not get too tired. Subsequently, the time increases to one and a half hours. It is better to do outdoor training two to three times a week; at home, train your pet during the day for 5-10 minutes.

Training an adult dog - reality and fiction

There is often an opinion that adult dogs cannot be trained. Of course, difficulties with education have already adult More is expected, but with due diligence the dog can be taught everything necessary. Shaggy friends love people good attitude ready to serve and teach, to carry out commands.

When training an adult dog, much more effort is required, but the result remains positive. The main thing is not to overdo it and remember to reward the animal with treats or praise. Dog handlers advise not to mix types of rewards. Either the first or the second. Training an adult dog requires more time and more training.

Dog breeds and training

When deciding to get a puppy and start training themselves, people think about dog breeds. Does breed affect training, is the most trainable dog bred? Dog handlers say that a lot depends on the owner. If a person is determined to raise an animal, he will succeed in any case. Scientists have compiled a rating of animals, which examined the degree of loyalty to training.

Based on data from dog trainers, a list of breeds has been compiled. The indicator of command memorization was used as an indicator. The most poorly trained dogs: chow chow breeds, bulldogs, Afghan hound. The top ten breeds for training include retrievers, poodles, German shepherds, papillons, shelties, Doberman Pinschers and Rottweilers. The most trained breed was the border collie. The breed was bred as an assistant to farmers; it soon turned out that its trainability was superior to other breeds. In addition to their natural intelligence, Border Collies have an extreme ability to work and are unable to sit still.

It is worth remembering that success does not depend on the breed of dog, but on personal qualities. There are bad dogs from trained breeds, but more often people are to blame for improper training. You should not get a pet if a person is not sure that he can handle raising and training.

At what age are dogs trained?

Training begins at one and a half months, entertaining the baby in a playful way and teaching the wisdom canine science. When starting to train a puppy, it is important to remember that dogs pay for love in spades. If you surround your puppy with care and affection from the first days, it is easy to achieve success. From an early age, give your puppy simple commands, gradually complicating the program. For kids, the process will become both a game and time with their beloved owner, the right approach to proper training.

It's no secret that dogs are smart animals. They are easy to train, so you can teach your dog to follow commands even at home. You just need to know the basics of training psychology.

Where to begin

In order to prepare for the first lesson, you will need to stock up on a collar, leash and treats for your dog. Treats during training are mandatory and necessary for additional motivation of the animal. After all, how else can you show your pet that he is doing the right thing?

Where are dogs trained? The location must be chosen based on whether the dog knows the area. If the place is unfamiliar, then before starting you should give the animal the opportunity to sniff it to make sure it is safe and there is no threat. This is important because it will be difficult for the dog to train in an unknown place.

During training, you need to be alone with the dog. This condition must be observed so that the animal is not distracted from following commands.


You can use dry food as a treat. It transports well and does not stain your hands. But if your dog does not want food, then you can use any other treat that your pet prefers. Now you can even buy special cookies for training.


To prepare your dog for the training process, run him a few laps around the stadium and give him a good walk. But as for time, it’s better to choose it for yourself. IN summer period V daytime It’s better not to carry out training, but if that’s when you have free time, stock up on water.

Basic principles of training

The total training time should not exceed an hour, but it is better to split it into several small approaches. For example: give her a command, after completing it, let her run, and then continue what she started. During the entire training period, the dog must follow all your commands.

The main commands that are included in the basic training complex include:

  • Team to me. This is the first task that a dog must perform. She studies in conjunction with a nickname. Call the dog by name and lure it with a treat; after completing it, be sure to praise the animal.
  • The team is nearby. For this task you will need a collar.
  • Command to sit. Can be learned in conjunction with the previous task.
  • The command is to lie down. Be sure to teach this to your dog only after teaching it to sit, a treat will help.
  • Aport. This is a more complex command, along with it you can teach the dog to guard a place.
  • Excerpt for a dog. This is the main thing an animal needs to learn. After all, your dog will need endurance to complete your other tasks.
  • The commands are fu and dai. The first is needed to prohibit the dog from doing anything, and the second to wean him from picking up unnecessary things from the ground.

At what age are dogs trained?

If your dog is still a puppy, then you need to train him from the first days of being in the house. But you should take into account the age of the dog. Training should begin at three months; before this time, teach him to walk with a collar, respond to a nickname, follow the command to come to me, and toilet train him.

After the dog has mastered the initial commands, move on to the next stage, but repeat what you have learned. As a new task, teach your puppy the give command. This can be useful after he picks up something from the floor or ground.

After reaching the age of three, repeat everything previously learned. At this age, the dog is easy to train in a playful way.

Training small dogs

If you have a small dog, it will be easier to train than a large one. Since small dogs love to run at any age, the very first command may be “come to me.” This will definitely come in handy if your pet runs too far.

Usually small breeds become real members of the family. And so the next command should be "place". It is this that will allow you to teach your dog not to run on beds or sleep with its owners in the future.

You can also teach your dog the following commands: fu, next and restraint. These are the main tasks that a small breed dog should face.

Should I train an adult dog?

It often happens that it is not a puppy that is taken into the house, but an adult dog. Is it possible to train an adult dog? It is possible, but it will take more time than usual. If the dog is old, this means that you will first need to eradicate its old habits, and only then accustom it to new ones.

How to train an adult dog:

  • All commands are pronounced in a clear and calm tone.
  • For completing a task correctly, praise her, pet her, or treat her with something tasty.
  • Pay attention to gestures. The dog must understand more than just voice commands.
  • During training, never use aggression towards the animal. Don't scold or hit your dog. This can lead to the development of fear.

How to train a hunting dog

Regarding training hunting dogs, then you have to work here. In such breeds, some manifestations of character should be suppressed. A hunting breed dog will not work without proper training and education.

The basics should be devoted to 6 to 9 months. During this period, dogs need to be trained to obey, taught clearly, not to follow commands and quit, and also trained to command me using a whistle or horn.

As early as 10 months, you can start learning special commands. That is, to accustom the dog to hunting. The connection between dog and hunter is important here. On the one hand, she should not be afraid of her owner, and on the other hand, she should be obedient and not get lost in different situations.

Hunting dogs have the ability to accumulate experience and compare behavior, so such an animal should not be treated as a collection of reflexes. For hunting breeds characterized by the presence of powerful intelligence.

The most trainable dogs

Everyone knows that each type of dog is characterized by certain character traits, behavior and learning ability. To the very best breeds Dogs that are easy to train include:

  • German bearish. Good-natured and calm. It is necessary to train from a very early age in order to avoid the manifestation of a difficult character in the future.
  • Italian Cane Corso. Ideal watchman, remembers a large number of teams, but may have difficulty communicating with other breeds.
  • Basset Hound. Agile, agile and resilient. They love children.
  • German Shepherd. Balanced and loyal.
  • Black Russian Terrier. Aggressive and distrustful. Easy to train, but just needs to be trained strong-willed person, able to show the dog a place.
  • Maltese. They are easy to train, but are classified as decorative breeds.

General rules for self-training

At the right approach Any breed of dog can be trained, regardless of age. To learn commands correctly, you must follow the following rules:

  • Carry out training in stages.
  • Encourage the dog.
  • Show strength of character towards the animal, but not aggression.
  • Understand your pet's personality.

If you are persistent and devote a lot of time and attention to your four-legged friend, teaching him commands and rules of behavior, then he will definitely become your best companion. life path. Remember, it's never too late to start training! In addition, you can teach your pet all the necessary skills yourself if you listen to our recommendations.

The story is about home training dogs.

Every owner wants his dog to be well-mannered and perform specific set commands For achievement positive result experts advise starting work with your four-legged friend as early as possible, preferably with puppy age. Where to start, how much time to devote and how often to conduct classes - read about all this in the article.

When to start training

If the dog is already 1-1.5 years old, then it has acquired certain habits, which, unfortunately, are not always useful. It will be more difficult for an adult dog who has never been trained with to get used to discipline and understand what is required of him. At the same time, the puppy learns through play, mastering new skills very quickly, and does not contradict the owner. All these arguments speak in favor of starting training with your dog as early as possible.

Basic rules for raising a puppy

Before talking about where to start training a puppy, you should learn the following rules:

  • You can start training only if the dog is healthy, cheerful and cheerful. You should not try to teach commands to a sick or tired four-legged friend.
  • After the puppy gets into the house, you need to give him time to adapt to the new environment, get used to the new food, and fall in love with his owner. Experts say that five days is enough for a puppy to adapt.
  • Before you start training your puppy, he needs to be accustomed to a collar and leash.
  • The lesson should be carried out in a playful way, as with a child, its duration at a time should not exceed 40-60 minutes, otherwise the baby will get tired and stop listening, become lethargic or capricious.
  • The main motive for a puppy is praise and treats, so it is advisable not to feed him too heavily before training.
  • Choose only one command for a particular action and do not change it. If the puppy has learned the command “Come to me!”, he will not understand your call “Come here!”.

Another important point is that the result of training depends on the breed of the dog. For example, training a shepherd dog, St. Bernard, Rottweiler, boxer, dachshund, or poodle puppy will be successful. Education small breeds It's always more difficult because nervous system Small dogs are weaker, they are more susceptible to stress, and get tired faster.

Where to start training a puppy

The beginning is the same for everyone - the puppy should be accustomed to a nickname and a collar with a leash.

The dog gets used to the nickname very quickly. No need for this special exercises. It’s enough just to clearly pronounce his name each time you address your pet, and repeat it while playing, feeding, and petting. It is important that the puppy develops positive associations with its name, so early age When scolding a dog, avoid saying its name.

As a rule, the puppy gets used to the collar and leash easily and painlessly. 5-6 days after the baby comes into your home, simply put a collar on the puppy. Depending on his character and temperament, he may not notice it at all, or he may try to remove it or chew it off. Distract your baby with a bright object, treat or game. Remove the collar only before bed. After this, we can consider that the first day of training has ended successfully. On the second day, put on the collar again, you can attach a leash and even take him for a walk.

The main thing is that the collar is soft and does not rub the baby’s neck, and the leash should be long enough for the puppy to walk with pleasure and be able to freely explore the world around him.

Basic commands

You already know where to start training a puppy - accustoming it to a name and a collar with a leash. What to teach next? Since the dog is still in childhood, complex commands she won’t learn it, and long-term training will be tiring and leave a negative impression. Therefore, you can count on the following commands:

  • first block - place, come to me, ugh;
  • the second block - sit, next to, lie, stand;
  • third block - aport, front.

Each block lasts approximately 3-4 months, depending on the dog’s intelligence and psyche. That is, a young dog completes the program by about one and a half years. If training at home allowed the puppy to master this a basic level of, then we can say that the owner did an excellent job.


Owners often ask the question: “Is it possible for a dog to sleep in the same bed with its owner?” No! Even small dogs need to know their place. It is not just a matter of hygiene or safety, but also that the dog must understand order and discipline.

It is not difficult to train a dog to a place. To do this, on the first day, when you bring the puppy into the house and he gets acquainted with the territory, take the baby to his bed and calmly say “place” several times. Whenever you see that the puppy is already resting, take him in your arms and carry him to his bed, saying “place” in a calm tone.

You cannot accustom a puppy to a place by placing a treat on his bed, because he will take this as a signal to action and will carry food from the bowl there.

The lesson is considered learned when the child, with the command “Place!” runs where it should.

"To me!"

This command is most often used in Everyday life. Whenever your puppy runs towards you of his own accord, or when you call him to eat or play, clearly say “Come!” When four-legged friend will run up, be sure to praise him, pat him affectionately on the withers, and say “Well done!”, “Good dog!” with a major intonation.

What if the puppy started playing or became capricious and didn’t run up? Don't scold him! Just walk up to the dog, hold it by the rump and, pulling it towards you, repeat the command. Then praise and reward with a treat.

The lesson has been learned if the puppy comes running at the owner’s first call.


Everything seems logical: the baby picked something up on the street or is chewing on your slippers, you go up to him and firmly say “Ugh!” and take away what is forbidden, you can even lightly flick the offender on the back of the neck. This tactic is correct. But many do typical mistake: the puppy picked up some nasty stuff and joyfully brought it to the owner, who shouted “Ugh!” he took the loot and even scolded him. You can't do that! You should never punish your child when he runs up to you. The puppy will develop a negative reflex: it approaches the owner, and he is scolded. The dog will not understand what is to blame, but will think that its beloved owner does not want to see it.

The same mistake can be seen when a puppy makes a puddle during the day, and in the evening they poke his nose into it and scold him. Absolutely ignorant behavior! A dog does not know how to build cause-and-effect relationships like a person. The result of such behavior will only be that the puppy will become afraid of the owner coming home.


After the first commands have been learned and are carried out immediately and in any order, you can continue the training course and move on to the second, more complex block.

It is easier to teach this command to a puppy than to an adult dog. The most common technique: call your four-legged friend, show him a treat and, holding it in front of the dog’s muzzle, slowly lift it up. As the puppy lifts its head, it will sit down, and you can gently press your palm on the dog’s rear, as if helping it sit down. At the same time that the baby sits on hind legs, say "Sit!" and treat you to something delicious.

The command is learned when the dog sits on command and maintains this position for as long as its owner considers necessary. With a puppy with endurance, it is better not to overdo it, otherwise he will get tired and be mischievous.


Training of the team "Nearby!" - one of the most difficult lessons both for the puppy and for the owner. You will need to teach your dog to walk on the left side side by side, without running ahead or falling behind. You need to start the lesson at the very end of an active walk. When your four-legged friend gets frisky, take him left hand leash, and to the right at the level of the muzzle - a treat. Walk forward so that the puppy runs for the treat, repeat “Near!” all the time. After a few meters, stop, give the baby something tasty, and praise him. Do several reps. Training for this team can take a week or more.


The practice process is similar to learning the “Sit!” command. You should take something tasty in your right hand and hold the treat at the level of the dog's muzzle. Then slowly lower it down to the ground, while simultaneously gently pressing on the puppy’s shoulder blades. When he lies down, hold him for a few seconds, repeating “Lie down!”, and then reward him with a treat.


In order for your pet to learn to carry out this command, you need right hand bring a treat or favorite toy to his face, and with your left hand hold his stomach in such a way as to prevent the dog from sitting or lying down. At the same time, keep saying “Stop!” It will be useful to use a treat to force the puppy to get up from a lying or sitting position using this command.

Having taught the dog fundamental skills, you can be sure that in the future it will be easy to give not only the commands of the third block, but also special service ones. A training school will help a novice dog breeder teach this to his dog.

Have you just acquired a pet, does it seem small and defenseless to you, causing tenderness and pity?

Do not give in to emotions under any circumstances, but get down to raising a dog, no matter what kind of dog it is.

TO initial training It’s better to start from the first days the dog is in the house.

This is necessary so that the pet does not make the wrong conclusions about what is possible and what is not.

How to get a dog's attention?

Full training can already be done at the age of 4-5 months.

You can exercise with dogs the most different breeds, from and , to , and .

Training pets, including pets, at home requires the “carrot and stick” method.

The whip is not literally beating the animal, but shouting and noise effects to wean the four-legged animal from wrong actions.

Gingerbread is just an affectionate word, encouragement in the form of a delicacy.

How to choose treats

First of all it should be:

  • Easily transportable. For example, raisins are not the most suitable treat: crushed berries, sticky hands, just like raw meat: smell, traces of blood.
  • Delicious. The animal should strive to do everything as you need, just to get the desired treat. Otherwise, training will not succeed.
  • Useful. Or at least not harm your health.
  • Easy to chew. So that chewing does not take a lot of time.
  • Small and equal in size. So that the dog receives the same portion each time.

Most often, for training, dog breeders advise taking: biscuits, boiled sausage, sausages (cut into 0.5 cm cubes), cheese (choose low-fat - Adyghe).

Some people use a simple one, but training with it is only possible when the dog is very hungry, otherwise it will be an ordinary, unattractive meal for him.

Do not use smoked or sweet foods for training. They can harm the health of the animal.

Important! Dog training at home should take place before meals. After eating, the animal may lose motivation to exercise. And even if there is a desire, active exercises and sudden movements can lead to stomach pain in your pet.

Let's start learning: necessary commands

At first life together with an animal, you need to teach her the basics. So that you can safely walk your dog on the street and not suffer from the animal’s disobedience at home.

  • Let's get used to the nickname
    Say the dog’s name as often as possible, and most importantly with positive emotions. Call the animal by name and, when a reaction appears, give some kind of treat.
  • "To me"
    Since we are talking about raising a dog in the first stages of life together with you, we can lay the foundation for this command. Say it when calling your pet to eat or play. Thus, the animal will associate “to me” with positive emotions. Afterwards, when training on the street, adjustments will need to be made. The dog will have to not just come up to you, but sit at your leg, walk around, or in front of you. But first, the main thing is to strengthen the pet’s desire to respond to the “come to me” command. Periodically, during walks, call the puppy to you, for no reason, just to give a treat. In a situation where you call him to prevent him from eating fish waste, for example, he will come to you because he will expect an equally pleasant treat.

Also, the dog must understand the commands “come to me” and “near”

  • Let's focus our attention
    The puppy must be dependent on you and your presence. You left, which means it’s time for him to follow you. From the first months you need to build endurance in the dog. To do this, repeat a fairly simple exercise for physical activity when walking. Release the puppy (of course, you need to take care of choosing a place for training), give him time to play. Move away yourself, first about 10 meters, and stand half a turn away from your pet. He will not immediately notice your absence, but then he will start looking and run to you, looking for eye contact. Wait a couple of seconds, don’t say anything, and then praise: “Well done,” “Good,” “Yes,” and give a treat. Let him go for a walk. After a few minutes, repeat the exercise. And each time let more time pass between the time the dog approaches and your praise. You can make the exercise more difficult: turn away from him when the puppy runs up. The puppy will still sit opposite you and wait eye contact, seek approval in your eyes. Afterwards, praise. This exercise kills two birds with one stone: the dog masters the command “come to me” (trainers often use a nickname instead of the words “come to me”), and the puppy develops concentration on the owner. The puppy is not distracted by strangers, but waits for the person’s reaction.
  • Getting used to the place
    It is almost impossible to train an adult dog to a place, and if you succeed, you will have to spend a lot of time on it. It is better to start at a young age and not allow the puppy, whether a cub or a puppy, to be in the apartment wherever he pleases. You are required to prepare the place. It could be a blanket, a pillow, a purchased soft house - anything. Introduce the puppy to him. When he falls asleep, move him to his corner. Do not do anything in this place that could leave negative memories in the animal’s memory: do not clean the ears, or comb them if he does not like it. Take all the dog's toys to his house. The pet must understand that a more comfortable place cannot be found in the apartment.
  • Ban unwanted actions
    The word “No” should become a command. The dog needs to understand that you don't like everything he does. Say the word “No” firmly, but do not shout. It is better if you stand in front of the dog and place your hands on your hips. This is how you seem to hang over your pet and show your superiority. Although you always feel sorry for the puppy, don’t give in any slack. If you can't sleep in a bed, then you can't under any circumstances. Also with begging for food when the family eats. Training dogs at home requires strength of character from the owner, and in some cases even toughness. Show that the dog is not the owner, it is under your control. This may seem rude to you, but otherwise, over time, the dog will begin to command you.

Secrets of successful training

The training process should not be chaotic, you need to develop some kind of system. And never:

  • Do not start praising your pet in advance - before executing the command. The animal may incorrectly remember the essence of the command. For example, he will not sit down, but will only squat and immediately jump up.
  • Don't skimp on treats. The dog will lose interest if you give it some crumbs for a correctly executed command.
  • Don't get hung up on monotony. Some animals can get used to treats, so it is worth changing one for another after a while. Also, encourage more than one hand. To prevent your limbs from becoming prey.

Important! The dog must understand that it is doing everything right not only thanks to treats, but also to your positive emotions. Praise the animal, give a piece of goodies with joyful exclamations.

Over time, the dog should learn to follow the command without a treat, but only with verbal encouragement.

When the command is worked out well enough, you can give the treat every other time, then less and less.

It takes literally a few days to train a dog to use the common “give paw” command.

The dog can master the command quite quickly - a couple of days is enough.

It is important that you regularly study with her and remind her of what has been accomplished.

To do this, half an hour of at least one walk a day should be devoted to learning new and repeating old commands.

At the same time, you should take your dog in crowded places, but let him go in parks and nature so that he can feel free.

Raising a puppy requires a lot of patience from the owner - good luck!

Dog training at home: secrets of success

Dog training at home. You also need to prepare for training: treats, mood and at least half an hour of free time.