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Muzzle for a German Shepherd. Muzzle for a dog: what are there, how to choose, training rules, how to sew it yourself. Is a muzzle size 33 suitable for a hound?

When walking dogs on a busy street, it is mandatory to wear a muzzle, which will protect passers-by from dangerous teeth animal. In addition, the muzzle will prevent the dog from picking up food on the street, which can help prevent serious food poisoning.

When choosing a muzzle for a dog, you need to be very careful, since the behavior of the animal on the street will depend on how correctly this accessory was chosen. To do right choice, you need to know exactly the size of the muzzle, and of course, decide for what purpose it will be used.

How to determine the size of a muzzle?

It is advisable to have your dog with you when choosing a muzzle, but this is not always possible, so before going to the store you need to carefully measure the animal’s parameters. For these purposes, you need to take a simple tailor's meter, with which you measure the distance from the tip of the nose to the line of the eyes - this will be the length of the muzzle.

Then the girth of the muzzle is measured - exactly 2.5 centimeters are removed from the animal’s eyes, after which a tailor’s meter is placed around the muzzle (this measurement must be taken at a time when the dog’s muzzle is open).

At the next stage, the occipital length is measured - for this purpose, the distance from the dog’s eyes and up to the back of the head, behind the animal’s ears, is measured. After which the girth of the neck is determined - a centimeter is placed around the neck and under the dog’s muzzle. To determine the width of the muzzle, a centimeter is placed near the eyes, across the muzzle. Next, the height of the muzzle is measured - for this, a centimeter is placed in the eye area, while the centimeter should be vertical to the animal’s muzzle (during the measurement, the dog’s mouth should be slightly open).

Knowing how to choose a muzzle, you can minimize discomfort that the dog will experience while wearing this accessory.

Before buying a muzzle, you need to check Special attention for fastening – the fastening strap should be located behind the dog’s ears. However, such a muzzle is only suitable for those dogs that do not have the habit of removing it themselves. The model that has an additional strap on the forehead will be much more reliable.

Before purchasing a muzzle, you need to choose the right model, taking into account the purposes for which it will be used, as well as the breed of the animal.

IN Russian Federation The law, which contains the rules for walking dogs and the responsibilities of their owners, is promised to be adopted in the near future. In the meantime, all animal rights activists in the country are looking forward to its adoption, let's talk about the norms that require the mandatory wearing of a muzzle for certain breeds, and also consider what types of muzzles there are, how to put them on correctly and how to make them yourself.

Which dogs should wear a muzzle?

At the time of writing the article (January 2018), a unified state law that would prescribe the rules for walking dogs was still under discussion. However, each city code on administrative offenses has its own prescribed rules, which contain this norm and equate its non-compliance with an administrative violation.

Thus, the codes of Moscow and St. Petersburg state that dog owners large breeds must put a muzzle and leash on the pet before visiting a public place or when transporting it to public transport.

Without a muzzle, you can walk in specially equipped walking areas enclosed by a fence, as well as in deserted places if the animal does not show aggression and the owner is fully confident that it will not cause harm to random passers-by. An absolute ban has been imposed on walking with big dogs on beaches, playgrounds, cemeteries and the territories of medical and educational institutions.

In 2010, the Moscow authorities adopted a list of 40 dog breeds that must be walked on a leash and muzzled. Among them: pit bull terrier, Staffordshire terrier, mastiff, Bordeaux and Great Dane, Doberman pinscher, East European, Central Asian, German and Caucasian Shepherd, Shar Pei, Fila Brasileiro and others.

The requirement to walk dogs without a muzzle does not apply to representatives ornamental breeds and puppies up to 3 months.

Important! According to Article 5.1 of the Moscow City Code on Administrative Violations, violation of the rules for keeping pets, namely the appearance in in public places with a dog without a leash and muzzle, faces an administrative fine in the amount of 1 to 2 thousand rubles. Causing injury by a dog or causing death to another animal - from 4 to 5 thousand rubles. Assault on a person through negligence with harm to his health - from 4 to 5 thousand.

What are there

Today, pet stores provide a wide selection of equipment for dogs of various sizes, types, made from different materials(metal, leather, leatherette, plastic, tarpaulin, nylon, etc.). We propose to consider the pros and cons of each of the most popular types.


Blind and mesh muzzles are made from leather and leatherette. The former allow you to reliably fix the animal’s mouth without causing significant discomfort to it. However this type not suitable for long-term wearing, especially in hot summer periods - this can cause heatstroke because there is not enough rapid breathing The dog's thermoregulation will be disrupted. But in damp and cold weather it can become good option for short and not too active walks.

Most often it is used during training. It is important to know that when choosing this type, you should select the size of ammunition as accurately as possible.

A mesh leather muzzle is a universal option - it can be used for going to the veterinarian, for walks, for participating in exhibitions, and is suitable for large and medium-sized breeds. But for training it is better to choose a different type. It can be worn in any weather and season.

This is one of the most convenient models, as it allows the four-legged to breathe freely, drink water, and does not squeeze or rub the muzzle. However, when wearing it, there is a risk of being bitten. This option is also slightly more expensive than others. One of the disadvantages is the occurrence of rust on metal fasteners.

Did you know? The title itself big dog in the world is the Great Dane Zeus. The length of his body when standing hind legs- 2.13 m, from withers to limbs - 111.8 m.


Metal basket muzzles allow you to reliably protect others from dog bites, since they perfectly fix the muzzle and at the same time are very durable. This type is chosen for large dogs and fighting breeds. It can be worn in spring and summer.

This ammunition has a number of advantages - wear resistance, providing the animal with freedom of breathing, long-term operation. The downside is that in cold weather the animal’s tongue can stick to the iron mesh.


The plastic type is an option for hunting, hounds, and medium-sized breeds that actively take part in competitions and exhibitions. It is very light, easy to put on and take off, it does not create discomfort for the animal, and it is inexpensive. The dog quickly gets used to it.

However, this option is short-lived and is not suitable for wearing in winter, as it can deteriorate under the influence of low temperatures.


Nylon options do a good job of fixing the four-legged muzzle. They are lightweight, easy to put on and take off, so the dog usually accepts them normally.

They are chosen for average animals that do not show aggression. They are not suitable for large and aggressive animals, since they provide little protection against bites.

One of the varieties of nylon muzzles is ammunition made from nylon loops. This device is not reliable. It is suitable for transporting dogs over short distances and for short visits to a crowded place.

How to choose the right muzzle for your dog

When choosing any model, you should make sure that the dog is comfortable in it. Otherwise it will be difficult for you to find mutual language with a pet.

To choose the right size, you need to measure the following parameters with a centimeter tape:
  • muzzle length - the distance from the tip of the nose to the transition to the forehead;
  • its girth is the circumference with the mouth closed at the widest point of the muzzle, approximately 2.5 cm below the eyes;
  • muzzle width - the distance from point to point at the widest part;
  • its height is the distance from point to point in the highest part with the mouth closed;
  • neck circumference - the circumference behind the ears;
  • length to the back of the head - the gap between the transition to the forehead and the back of the head.
Make a table and enter your measurements into it.

Important! If the measurements are taken correctly, then you should be able to decide on the formula: muzzle width x 2 + muzzle height x 2 = or > girth.

The measurements must be shown to a pet store employee so that he can suggest models that are suitable for your pet.

At what age should puppies wear it?

In addition to protecting against bites, the muzzle performs another function - it prevents the dog from picking up trash while walking. For puppies, it is better to choose lightweight options made of nylon or plastic.

Usually the training process begins at five to six months.

How to train

It is correct to accustom a dog to a muzzle from a young age, patiently and gradually. When training an adult animal, your relationship with it may deteriorate, or it may begin to behave inappropriately. However, the training process is the same for both adults and babies.

You can train your puppy step by step:

  1. Place the muzzle near the dog for several days so that it can sniff it and get to know it. There is no need to allow it to be chewed or scratched.
  2. Then you will need to place a treat inside the ammunition. To remove it, the dog will need to stick its muzzle into the muzzle.
  3. When the puppy gets somewhat comfortable, try putting a strap over his head for a while.
  4. After a few seconds spent in the muzzle, give the four-legged dog a treat and praise it.
  5. Every day, increase the duration of wearing the muzzle and the duration of the interval between removing the equipment and rewarding with a treat.
  6. The strap can only be fastened when the dog is calmly holding the mouth stop for 10 seconds.
  7. Try to take the muzzled dog outside.
  8. Accompany each successful action with praise and a reward in the form of “snacks”.
  9. When the dog tries to get rid of the muzzle, distract it with play.
Video: how to train a dog to wear a muzzle If you yourself are unable to accustom your animal to the equipment, you can seek help from a specialist.

Important! During the training process, there is no need to put on equipment before any unpleasant procedure.

How to dress correctly

When purchasing ammunition, be sure to check with the seller on how to put it on correctly. Then try this at home without the dog. Remember, you will need to put it on quickly, without causing discomfort to the dog.

The muzzle is first placed on the muzzle, and then the straps are fastened, usually behind the ear.

A properly worn muzzle allows the dog to breathe freely and open its mouth slightly, without touching the nose.

How to sew it yourself

If for some reason you are unable to purchase a ready-made muzzle or want to make your pet stand out from the crowd with original equipment, you can sew it yourself.

To do this you will need the following tools and materials:

  • tape measure;
  • paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • needle;
  • threads;
  • fastex;
  • thick fabric;
  • sewing machine.
To pattern the muzzle, you need to take measurements with the mouth slightly open:
  • muzzle length;
  • circumference of the muzzle at its widest part;
  • girth of the muzzle in front of the nose;
  • location of straps;
  • the length of the straps is from the collar to the occipital protuberance.

To sew a homemade muzzle correctly and easily, we recommend using the following instructions:

  1. We are making a pattern. To do this, draw a straight line and mark on it a distance equal to the circumference of the muzzle near the bridge of the nose.
  2. We find the middle on this line and measure the distance down from this point, equal to length muzzle - from the bridge of the nose to the nose.
  3. Perpendicular to the last line, mark a distance equal to the circumference of the muzzle near the nose.
  4. We connect the ends of the horizontal lines - you should get a trapezoid.
  5. We lower the side lines by 0.5-0.7 cm from above and below.
  6. We form smooth curves by connecting the ends of the side lines with horizontal lines.
  7. We mark the locations of the straps and their width.

  8. Let's try the paper version on a dog.
  9. If necessary, we make adjustments.
  10. We cut out two parts of the muzzle on the fabric, leaving seam allowances.

  11. We insert one part into another face to face.
  12. We sew a line on the cuts without touching the bottom ones.

  13. We process the lower cuts separately.
  14. Baste the bottom edges.

  15. We do a fitting on an animal.
  16. We secure the fastex with stitches.

Video: how to make a muzzle pattern? how to sew a muzzle?

Did you know? The Guinness Book of Records contains an entry for the most agile dog, which can carry a full glass of water on its nose without spilling a single drop, climbing 10 steps.

In conclusion, we would like to emphasize that when purchasing a pet of a large, fighting breed, you must be prepared to walk it in a muzzle. This necessary measure, which will protect others from aggression in the event of its manifestation by a four-legged animal, and you from fines or other punishment prescribed by law. It is important to choose the right model and size of equipment so that the animal feels comfortable in it. Otherwise, it will show constant dissatisfaction and try to get rid of the restrictive device. You can sew the original ammunition yourself.

Dog equipment is a very important topic that the owner should pay due attention to. And this applies not only to the owners of large animals (they are required by law to wear “masks”), but also to small dogs - they need it rather to protect themselves. How to choose a dog muzzle by size - serious question, which is asked by every novice dog breeder.

Today the market offers many varieties: fabric, nylon, metal, leather or plastic; blind or mesh. How to choose the right muzzle for a dog, what to look for and what to consider? We choose ammunition depending on the breed of the animal, its size and situation.

Why does a dog need ammunition?

A muzzle is a thing that makes the owner's life much easier. Thanks to it, you can avoid many potentially dangerous situations and protect the health of not only those around you, but also your own pet.

So, according to the law, the animal must be muzzled when walking. This way you will protect not only those around you, but also yourself. It is necessary when traveling on public transport - after all, its passengers may not want to travel even with a peace-loving dog. Mandatory when visiting a veterinarian - because even if the animal is inflicted with minor pain, it can react aggressively. A muzzle is required during training. And it will also prevent the animal from picking up any nasty things on the street.

Varieties and their purpose

Today, any dog ​​breeder who is wondering how to choose a muzzle is faced with a wide range of these products. Modern manufacturers offer ammunition for every taste and of various sizes, which is suitable for both large adult animals and the smallest four-legged animals. Let's look at the main varieties.

Modificationally, muzzles for dogs are divided into deaf and mesh.


Made from leather or eco-leather, ideal for training. An animal wearing such equipment will not be able to bite the trainer or assistant. But they also have disadvantages: they cannot be worn in hot weather and cannot be worn for a long time - since the animal will not be able to breathe fully, this poses a risk heatstroke.


Made from strips of leather fastened together. Despite the aesthetic appearance, these muzzles are not very effective or durable. An animal can easily either tear it or bite through it. This type is suitable for small breeds.

There is also a metal version - practical and reliable. It will protect against bites, and in addition, it will be comfortable for the animal to breathe and even drink. The main thing is to choose the right size. This type of ammunition is ideal for large animals.

The plastic subtype has all the advantages of a metal muzzle, but is less durable. It is inexpensive and can be worn at any time of the year. An animal wearing such ammunition will not be able to bite anyone or eat anything from the ground. The only negative is its fragility. In addition, it is unlikely to suit large dogs.

Choosing ammunition

How to choose a muzzle for a dog? What to look for? These are the questions dog breeders ask. Here are some useful tips.

  1. Consider your pet's personality. Fighting breeds A high-quality, strong muzzle is required. While small, kind dogs will make do with cloth ones.
  2. Number of fastenings. Choose the ammunition with fewer fastenings. Otherwise, you may get confused while dressing.
  3. The muzzle must be correctly selected in size - fit snugly. And the animal should feel comfortable in it.

So, how to choose a muzzle for a dog by size - this main question, which every dog ​​breeder should be puzzled by.

Taking measurements

How to choose the right muzzle for a dog? The first step is to take measurements of the animal in order to purchase ammunition that is suitable in size. So, you need to measure:

  • muzzle length (from tip of nose to forehead)
  • coverage (the largest place is selected and the circumference is measured, the mouth must be closed)
  • distance from the back of the head to the eye line
  • neck circumference
  • width of the widest part of the muzzle
  • muzzle height (with mouth closed)

Correctly taken measurements should correspond to this formula:

  • Two muzzle widths + two heights = or > muzzle girth
  • For small dogs

How to choose a muzzle for a dog small breed? Yes, the “kids” also need ammunition. But for them it is better to choose models made of nylon or plastic. It will prevent the dog from eating anything from the ground. Also, for breeds such as Chihuahua or Toy Terrier, purchase cat muzzles. But it should be borne in mind that in such ammunition it will be difficult, if not impossible, for the pet to drink or even lick its lips.

How to equip your pet with ammunition

When trying it on for the first time, check whether the muzzle fits correctly. Properly selected ammunition should not cause discomfort in the animal. The dog should breathe calmly, including with its tongue hanging out, and open its mouth slightly.

After a walk, check if the animal has any traces of straps on its face. If there is, then next time you should tighten them less tightly or choose a different size.

How to train an animal to walk in a muzzle

How to choose a muzzle is not all the questions that should concern the owner. It is also important to accustom your pet to walks in equipment.

The first training should be carried out at home, in a calm environment. You need to show your pet the muzzle or even put a treat near it or in it. After a few days, you can move on to the second step - putting the strap on your pet's head. In this case, the treat should be ready. Behind good behavior you need to praise your pet.

When the animal gets used to the equipment at home, you can go outside with it. If the owner is concerned with the question of how to choose the right muzzle for a dog and buys one that is suitable in size, the animal will not experience difficulties or discomfort when wearing it and will calmly allow it to be put on itself.

Small tricks

When choosing ammunition, take into account the size of the animal - for small dogs, an option with a small number of fastenings is suitable. But for larger ones, you need to choose something more reliable.

The “mask” should not prevent the animal from breathing with its mouth open.

How to choose a muzzle is a question that should concern any owner. large breed. After all, firstly, there are fines for walking pets over 5 kg without special equipment; and secondly, a muzzle is the animal’s protection; with it, he will certainly not pick up something inedible from the ground. But this is the most important thing!

Greetings to all dog owners! I think most readers will agree with me that the behavior of a four-legged pet largely depends on its upbringing. A calm, friendly dog ​​always behaves appropriately and does not cause disturbance to others. But still, there are situations in life when you need to muzzle your friend. The whole question is how to choose a dog muzzle based on size, style and quality.

There are several recommendations that can be taken into account when choosing and using this item. We will not dwell in great detail on the reasons that encourage the use of this canine attribute. Let us briefly note that a muzzle is necessary:

  • outdoors for animals prone to;
  • to prevent the dog from picking up food while walking;
  • during veterinary procedures;
  • when transporting a pet in public transport;
  • during training for guard duty.

A husky, a German shepherd, a bulldog, and many other representatives of the canine world may need a protective cover on their face. The breed does not play a leading role in this matter. It is only important to have this accessory in stock and not to forget about it in certain situations.

How to choose the right muzzle model

Before moving on to measurements, you need to decide which model is needed. If the dog is different large sizes or anger manifests itself in her character, then a muzzle must be taken that is stronger and more reliable. It can be made of leather, but it is desirable that it be deaf. A metal version is also suitable.

If the dog has a peaceful character and rarely shows aggression, then you can buy a looser specimen in the form of a basket for it. It does not strain the animal and at the same time allows the owner and surrounding people to remain calm.

For small animals, as well as for puppies, muzzles in the form of a nylon mesh are suitable. This lightweight variety can withstand weak jaws. This attribute is needed during a walk so that the small pet does not pick up leftover food.

How to choose the right muzzle for a dog

This is the second important question, which should be treated very responsibly. An incorrectly chosen size will create discomfort for the dog itself or will not fit firmly on the muzzle.

You should not buy a muzzle for a growing dog to grow into. Don't skimp on such things.

To choose the right size, you need to take several measurements:

  1. Lm- muzzle length. This is the distance from the tip of the dog's nose to the forehead line.
  2. ABOUTm-circumference of the muzzle. It is measured at the widest part of the muzzle (approximately 1.5-2 cm below the eyes). This measurement is done, of course, with the mouth closed. Add 2 cm to the resulting number.
  3. Lg- length of the head (from the line of the eyes to the back of the head) (3).
  4. Oh- neck circumference.
  5. Hmm- the width of the muzzle at its widest part.
  6. Vm— The height of the muzzle at the highest part of the muzzle.

The first two parameters are considered basic and are required. The rest are optional. To check the correctness of the measurements taken, substitute them into the following formula:

Hmmx 2 +Vmx 2 ≥ Om

If the girth of the muzzle is greater than or equal to the obtained value, then everything is in order. With this data in hand, you can go to the pet store. But it’s still better to take it with you four-legged friend and try on all suitable models on the spot. In this case, you will not have to exchange the product if it does not fit. When we bought a muzzle for our Bagheera, we didn’t take it with us, so we had to return - the thing didn’t want to stay on the naughty face of our red dog. But during our second visit to the store we bought one very useful thing - mitten for removing hair. A little later I saw the same one in an online store, it turns out you could buy it without leaving your home. For our dog, shedding is an extremely protracted process, so the mitten is a real lifesaver.

But let's return to the choice of muzzle. When trying on the selected specimen, pay attention to whether the pet can open its mouth slightly in it. This is very important, since during a walk the dog must be able to open its jaws within the allotted space (this is exactly the 2 cm that adds to the circumference of the muzzle). Choosing a dog muzzle based on model and size is only half the battle. You still need to decide on the quality of the item.

What material is best for a muzzle?

The range of modern pet stores offers not only different sizes, but also of high quality different variants muzzles. They can be made of leather, canvas, metal, nylon and even plastic. Each variety has its own pros and cons:

  • Canvas and nylon models are lightweight, but they often rub the animal’s nose.
  • Medical muzzles are made from fabric; they fit the animal's muzzle tightly and prevent the animal from opening its mouth. Such varieties come with a fixed size and with Velcro, which allows you to make the girth wider and narrower.
  • Plastic muzzles do not tighten the dog's muzzle, but they are not durable as they can quickly break.
  • Metal models are the strongest and can withstand even the strongest jaws. But when putting them on your dog in winter, you should remember that in the cold they become covered with frost when breathing.
  • Leather items are most in demand. They are comfortable, strong and relatively durable. But it is worth keeping in mind that a leather case can get wet and stretch over time. Because of this, many dogs manage to stick their muzzle into the stretched hole. But despite this, many dog ​​breeders often choose this material.

Choosing the right muzzle for your beloved pet is not difficult. The main thing to remember is that this thing must fully perform its functions and be comfortable for the animal.

I wish you success in choosing and accustoming your pet to a new accessory! Nadezhda Goryunova

Many dog ​​owners consider it unnecessary to put a muzzle on their pet; many feel sorry for the animals. However, we live in a society, therefore, when in public crowded places, a dog needs a muzzle. Even a peaceful Labrador can cause a scandal on the bus. Muzzle – essential accessory for the dog. Our article tells you how to choose the right one.

Types of muzzles

It is customary to distinguish two types of muzzles for dogs: mesh and blind. The first is, so to speak, a light version. They are light, do not cause any discomfort to the pet and serve not to frighten passers-by. But the latter actually represent protection. They are made of leather or leatherette and are used when training a dog.

Important! In a deaf muzzle, your pet cannot breathe fully, opening its mouth completely. This means that the dog’s body, in turn, is not fully cooled. Staying in such a muzzle for a long time can cause heat stroke. Conclusion: Silent muzzles should only be worn when necessary.

Both types of muzzles are presented in the most different models. The simplest and cheapest are a thin mesh. Of course, there is a risk that such a muzzle will break. But if your pet has a good-natured and easy-going character, you can use this muzzle option.

Determining the size of the muzzle

It is best to try the muzzle directly on your pet. But it is not always possible to go to the store with a dog, especially if the pet store is not within walking distance.

In this case, you will need to take measurements of your pet. Dimensions to look for:

  • The length of the dog from the tip of the nose to the transition point of the muzzle to the forehead
  • The circumference of the dog's muzzle at its widest point (below 1 - 2 cm from the eyes). The measurement must be taken when the dog's mouth is completely closed.
  • Width of a dog's head at its widest point
  • Neck circumference behind ears
  • Length from the back of the head to the eye line of the animal
  • The height of the dog's muzzle at its highest point. Measured with the mouth closed.

When buying a Chinese muzzle with a fine mesh, you do not need to take measurements. Muzzles have sizes from 1 to 5, you only need to measure the volume of the mouth. This can be done with an ordinary tailor's centimeter.

When buying a muzzle for a puppy, do not forget that the pet is growing, and after a while you will need a new accessory.

Getting your dog used to a muzzle

But buying a muzzle is only half the battle; it is important that your pet wears it. Of course, the easiest way is to accustom your dog to a muzzle as a child. An adult pet is unlikely to like drastic changes.

First you need to put on the muzzle for 5-7 minutes. After this, treat your pet with a treat so that he understands that he is doing a great and important job, for which he will subsequently be generously rewarded.

The procedure must be repeated, increasing the time the muzzle is worn. The dog will get used to the fact that it is not “locked up” forever, and in addition, then it is treated to something tasty.

Important! Be sure to muzzle your pet while on public transport. During walks, this accessory is not so necessary; the main thing is that the dog is trained in such a way that, even without restrictions, it does not frighten passersby and does not eat too much.

You can choose a suitable muzzle for your pet at any retail store.