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How allergies to cats manifest themselves and the main causes of the disease. Characteristic signs and symptoms of allergies to cats in adults: treatment methods and rules for living together with an animal Allergy to cats causes

They say that in the USA special very expensive breeds hypoallergenic cats and dogs. But don’t rush to apply for an American visa. We discussed the topic of allergies to cats with Evgenia Valerievna Nazarova, Ph.D., allergist-immunologist at the State Scientific Center Institute of Immunology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, who told us everything you need to know about cat allergies.

Sources of allergens

The existence of hypoallergenic cats and dogs is a myth or a publicity stunt. Allergies can be caused by all warm-blooded animals. The source of allergens are saliva, urine, gland secretions, or more precisely, the proteins they contain that are foreign to humans. Cats have more than 10 types of proteins that can cause allergy symptoms, and the ratio of these proteins varies from cat to cat. The main glycoprotein is Felisdomesticusallergen 1 (Fel d1). But not the only one! That is why when performing scarification tests skin tests with ready-made allergens the result is often negative, but when testing with native allergens, i.e. with the fur of an animal living in the patient’s home is strongly positive. Therefore, at the Institute of Immunology, we always advise patients to bring a piece of wool pet- this will allow you to be one hundred percent sure of the result obtained.

Allergies to a pet can develop gradually. I had a patient at my appointment who complained of nasal congestion and a paroxysmal cough that had been bothering him for six months. He had two cats at home for 3 years, and he was absolutely sure that he was not allergic to cats. On next appointment at my request, he brought pieces of hair from both cats, and when performing skin tests with various allergens, including the hair of his pets, expressed positive reaction was only for his cats. The patient was prescribed symptomatic treatment and advice was given to give the animals into good hands. At the next visit, 2 months later, the patient said that he gave the cats to relatives, did a general cleaning in the apartment and no longer bothered him with any allergy symptoms, and he did not take any medicines.

The peculiarity of epidermal allergens is that their size allows them to remain in the air for a long time and easily penetrate into respiratory tract, including small bronchi. Therefore, animal allergens are especially dangerous for patients with bronchial asthma. Animal allergens are found even in homes where there have never been pets. They are stored for a long time (up to 2 years!) indoors, even if the animal does not live there.

Allergy treatment

It is possible to cure a cat allergy. Now there are special therapeutic allergens based on cat allergens, which after a course of treatment can significantly reduce the allergy sufferer’s susceptibility to cat allergens. This course of treatment is called allergen-specific immunotherapy, and this is truly the only method in the world that allows you to achieve remission of an allergic disease. Allergen-specific immunotherapy is the gold standard for the treatment of allergies to house dust and pollen.

With epidermal allergens the situation is slightly different. There is no registered cat allergen for treatment in our country. In Europe and the USA, there are registered drugs for the treatment of allergies to cats, but treatment is carried out only to a certain contingent: circus workers, veterinarians, trainers, i.e. for those people who cannot limit contact with animals.. Considering the pronounced aggressiveness of epidermal allergens, for patients who have the opportunity to limit contact with animals, it is more effective and safe not to have pets.

Identification of allergens

Several methods are used to determine allergies to cats: skin prick tests, provocative tests and determination of specific IgE to the cat allergen. Skin prick tests are convenient because the result is known within 25-30 minutes and it is possible to check for allergies to your own pet. The results of skin tests depend on large quantity factors (methodology, medication, skin sensitivity etc.) and can be either false positive or false negative if carried out incorrectly. That is why skin tests with allergens should be carried out only in conditions specialized institution, a specially trained nurse and assessed by an allergist. Only if these conditions are met can we talk about the objectivity of this method.

To carry out provocative tests, a solution with a small concentration of the allergen is used, which is instilled into the nose or conjunctiva, after which the reaction is monitored (itching, redness, nasal congestion), and cytological examination a swab from the nose or conjunctiva for the presence of eosinophils - cells responsible for an allergic reaction. This method is complex and is carried out only in controversial situations.

Determination of specific Ig E to cat allergens is carried out using a blood test in laboratory conditions. The result in this case can also be false positive and false negative. If the analysis shows elevated immunoglobulin, this means the person is predisposed to allergies.

When choosing a diagnostic method and staging correct diagnosis It is necessary to consult an allergist working in a specialized allergy department.

It often happens that a patient is bothered by allergy symptoms, but he cannot understand what exactly. In this case, it is necessary to collect a very detailed medical history and conduct an allergy examination with the main aeroallergens. Such patients very often have a reaction to house dust, which, unlike cat allergies, can be successfully treated with allergen-specific immunotherapy. In the practice of the Institute of Immunology, there was a case when the symptoms allergic rhinitis the patient developed after contact with a cat, but all tests for cat allergen were negative. An allergist found out that the patient uses cat litter made from natural sawdust. During an allergy examination, it turned out that the patient was allergic to tree pollen, and after replacing the cat litter, all allergy symptoms stopped bothering him. Patients very often come to see me and bring a huge number of expensive tests for 36, 64, 87 or more allergens. They never received an answer to the question of whether they had allergies. In 90% of cases, the diagnosis of allergies can be made using a well-collected medical history and skin tests with allergens.

Therefore, if you suspect an allergy to a cat, do not rush and get tested in the laboratory. You can use a home test. It will help you find out if you are allergic to a cat. And if you really want to get an accurate answer and find out what exactly you are allergic to, then you should definitely consult a specialist doctor and undergo an allergy examination in a specialized department. The scope and necessity of such an examination should be determined by an allergist.


Treatment of irritated mucous membranes can be carried out with the help of drugs that reduce the amount of fluid - diuretics. Also, for irritation of the nasal mucosa, you can use drops or sprays with xylometazoline, and for irritation of the eyes, special ointments. If the allergy is very severe and accompanied by suffocation, call immediately ambulance, a necessary series of emergency resuscitation actions.
Taken from here [link-1]

03.10.2016 15:48:48, RuslanaTina

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Everything you need to know about cat allergies. At my next appointment, at my request, he brought pieces of fur from both cats, and during skin tests with various allergens, including Allergy Treatment.

Everything you need to know about cat allergies. At my next appointment, at my request, he brought pieces of fur from both cats, and during skin tests with various allergens, including Allergy Treatment.

Everything you need to know about cat allergies. Can a cat allergy be cured? Those. It is necessary - if not everything is done - to urgently do all the tests for intolerance and allergies.

Everything you need to know about cat allergies. At my next appointment, at my request, he brought pieces of fur from both cats, and during skin tests with various allergens, including Allergy Treatment.

Domestic cats with their appearance bring peace and tranquility. They become friends for children and silent interlocutors for adults. In psychology there is a whole branch of the science of treatment various diseases with the help of cats. And together with everyone positive aspects, an allergy to cats comes into the house with them. People can live their whole lives next to cats, and then suddenly suddenly get sick. It turns out that allergies are a very common disease that affects adults, children and even animals themselves.

Causes of allergies to cats

There are many reasons for allergies to cats, some of them are::

  • Various manifestations allergic reactions are hereditary disease. If parents have symptoms of a cat allergy, then it is almost certain that their children will also get sick;
  • Age matters a lot. Children are the least protected from various allergenic irritants. Therefore, they are at greater risk of contracting cat allergies than adults;
  • Frequent and prolonged chronic diseases, polluted environment and poor-quality food products, a weakened immune system leads to allergies;
  • Infection of the body with helminths that were not removed in time from domestic cats. The worst thing is that even a very small child can easily become infected. This happens if someone from his environment came into contact with a sick cat, and then washed his hands poorly or did not wash his hands at all.

Studies have revealed that cats, kittens and female cats are greater carriers of allergens than dogs. Moreover, many are mistaken in believing that it is animal fur that is allergenic. In fact, saliva, urine and dead skin particles from cats cause various allergic and painful reactions in the body.

Cats are big fans of walking outside. It is from their walks that they bring wool pollen, poplar fluff, road dust. After such walks, an allergy to the cat appears.

Symptoms of a cat allergy

Our body gives the most various reactions for the appearance of an allergen inside it. It could be:

  1. The most common runny nose, which is often confused with colds. And while a person is taking treatment for a cold, the allergy to the cat progresses;
  2. Nasal congestion, which many also perceive as a cold or simply hypothermia;
  3. The eyes begin to water, itching and redness appear. Such symptoms can even be confused with conjunctivitis and, again, the wrong treatment may be taken;
  4. Frequent shortness of breath, signs of suffocation and difficulty breathing are some of the symptoms of an allergy to cats. These may be manifestations of bronchitis. And if there are cats in the house, then an allergy to them cannot be ruled out;
  5. Attacks of dry cough occur, especially at night, when the allergy progresses most. Or wheezing and whistling in the lungs - this is an allergy to cat fur in adults;
  6. The throat becomes inflamed, the tonsils swell and hurt like a sore throat, it hurts to swallow, it’s difficult to speak and breathe;
  7. Destroyed nervous system, sleep is disturbed, a state of loss of strength appears.

You cannot ignore all these symptoms, otherwise, if you do not take treatment in time, you may experience allergic asthma. IN in rare cases allergies to cats lead to angioedema.

Many people often overlook the signs of a cat allergy because they consider allergies to be a spring disease. This is all a wrong, erroneous opinion. This disease haunts a person all year round.

At the first suspicion of an allergic reaction in the body, you should immediately seek help from an allergist. You will need to be examined to find out the causes of the body's allergic reaction. After all, this is not just protection from allergenic irritants. This is a bell, a warning about a very serious illness.

It’s sad, but once you get an allergy, you won’t be able to get rid of it forever. But significantly alleviate the condition of the body during periods of exacerbation and strengthen immune system It's always possible. After all, an allergy to cats, like all other diseases, definitely needs prevention and treatment.

Symptoms of allergies to kittens

Small fluffy balls also cause allergic reactions in the body, just like their adult parents. Since they are the most playful, and after spending time with kittens, scratches often remain on their hands. First of all, you need to wash your hands well and treat the scratched area with hydrogen peroxide or any alcohol tincture. And then observe the body’s reaction.

If itching, redness around the wound or various kinds of rashes appear in the affected area, and blisters may also appear, then most likely it is an allergy to the kitten.

Small kittens can become infected with helminths from their mother, and transmit their eggs on particles of fur to their owner. Which will definitely lead to allergic reactions.

Allergic reactions to kittens do not necessarily occur immediately; they may occur over time..

Rules of conduct for allergy sufferers with cats

If someone in your family is allergic to cat fur. And a beloved pet already lives in the house, and besides, it is a hypoallergenic breed. Anyway, don't let your guard down and follow following rules To avoid exacerbation of cat allergies:

  • At any time of the year, in any weather, it is necessary to ventilate the room. They do this in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. It will be enough to open the window for just five minutes;
  • As little as possible, collect things in your home that attract dust and cat hair (soft toys, furniture ottomans, carpets, curtains, down and feather pillows and blankets). If such interior items are present in the home, they need to be cleaned as often as possible;
  • It is advisable to purchase furniture for your home with a leather covering, which can be easily wiped with a damp cloth;
  • All personal belongings and clothing, bed sheets put away in closets so that cat hair does not cling to them;
  • Contact the cat as little as possible, and after each cuddle with your pet, wash your hands and wash your face. It would be ideal to change clothes so that the fur particles do not irritate the human body for the next day;
  • Every day, be sure to carry out a light wet cleaning of your home with the addition of special means. Also vacuum, clean, and humidify the air. After all, nothing repels allergens like fresh air and a clean, damp room.

Try to accustom the cat to its own separate, equipped sleeping place. So that they do not enter the bedroom at all, and certainly not comb themselves on the bed of their owners.

The same applies to the space reserved for cats to defecate. If the animal is not walked, in order to avoid the spread of allergens throughout the apartment, they are also present in the animal’s urine. You need to place the litter tray in a specially designated room, preferably one that is well ventilated, and clean it as often as possible.

If signs of allergy still appear, you need to carry out preventive measures and with tailed household members:

As you know, females are also the least allergenic. Cats with light fur are least likely to cause allergic reactions.

Treatments for cat allergies

After contacting the clinic, appropriate examinations will be carried out. It is necessary to do tests for allergenic irritants. Maybe the cat has nothing to do with it.

Allergies are treated with medical supplies. The doctor will prescribe tablets and sorbents, or recommend antihistamine creams and gels. You can buy them at any pharmacy, free access, without a doctor's prescription. For more severe signs of cat allergy, or intolerance to pills, a course of immunotherapy may be prescribed.

Many people successfully cope with the symptoms of cat allergies by resorting to folk medicine by drinking various herbal teas and decoctions:

  • Nettle leaf decoction– helps cleanse the blood, stops the spread of allergens in the body, removes unpleasant symptoms. Ready decoction drink before meals, half a tablespoon, four times a day. To prepare it, you need a tablespoon of dried nettle leaves, pour into a saucepan. Then pour a liter of boiling water and simmer over very low heat for no more than five minutes. Afterwards, leave for an hour. Store the prepared broth in the refrigerator.
  • Flower decoction field chamomile – used as lotions and for washing when various types rash and soothing itching. IN liter jar pour 50 grams of dried herb and fill it with boiling water to the top. Cover with a lid or towel and leave to steep for about an hour. Use the prepared decoction three times a day.

Allergy is a serious disease that deprives a person of the joy of communicating with cats. Tears, uncontrollable sneezing, rashes and itching are the most harmless manifestations of the disease. Can an allergy sufferer enjoy the presence of a cat in the house without harming their health?

Allergy is a disease that is often inherited. A person suffering from allergies at some point experienced a “defense system failure”: the immune system mistakes a harmless substance for an enemy. Scientists do not fully understand the mechanism of excess immune reaction, although research in this area does not stop around the world.

Why do cats cause allergies?

Saliva, urine and other fluids produced by a cat contain proteins that cause allergies. By licking, the pet spreads the allergen throughout its fur coat, so some people have the misconception that it is the fur that causes allergy symptoms. In fact, the provocateur is a foreign protein that has entered the body, and not the wool itself. Often the reaction occurs to industrial feed or litter for the toilet, so before you look for a pet new home, you should take blood tests to determine the allergen.

How does an allergy manifest itself?

Depending on the severity of the disease, individual characteristics and the amount of allergen entering the body, the following reactions are possible:

  • inflammation of the mucous membranes, sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose;
  • photosensitivity, lacrimation, conjunctivitis, red eyes;
  • skin rash, often itchy, appearing in the area of ​​contact with the allergen or throughout the body in a mirror pattern;
  • difficulty breathing, wheezing, wheezing.

Signs of an allergy to pets are nonspecific. Similar symptoms appear with allergies to rodents, pollen, food, dyes and much more. There are cases where the disease subsides after several years of living next to a cat, but communication with other people's cats causes unpleasant symptoms. Apparently, the immune system “gets used” to the allergen of a particular cat and stops fighting it. However, if the patient has difficulty breathing, such experiments can only be performed under the constant supervision of a doctor.

Allergy is not a disease, but a condition of the body. This reaction is abnormal, since allergens are substances that are harmless to the normal body. Both children and adults are susceptible to it, and can be caused by a variety of irritants. One of these is wool. pet. How does an allergy to cats manifest itself and how is it treated?

Causes of an allergic response

Allergies to cats occur in people of any age. Those who react to dust, mold and pollen are especially susceptible to it. Experts assign a significant role to the factor of heredity. If one of the parents is exposed to an allergen, then in almost 100% of cases it will be passed on to the children. There are 2 main groups of reasons:

  1. Substances brought in by a cat from the street. Particles of dust, fluff, and plant seeds can stick to the wool.
  2. Elements (proteins) contained in saliva, skin particles, urine, and pet’s claws. They act when the body's defenses are weakened, causing a response to the allergen.

To release antibodies in response to an irritant, it is enough to be in the place where the cat was. Allergenic particles will be on carpets, furniture, and bedding.


The first symptoms of a cat allergy usually appear within a few minutes of contact with the animal. However, due to the stability of cat proteins, the first signs may appear several days after the pet is removed from the apartment.

Symptoms are often determined by the location of contact with the potential allergen:

  • when applied to the mucous membrane of the eyes, inflammation develops (). It manifests itself severe itching, swelling of the eyelids and cornea, hyperemia, intense lacrimation, short-term visual impairment;
  • if particles get through nasal cavity, then inflammation of its mucous membrane occurs (). Characteristic signs– congestion, difficulty breathing, constant sneezing, profuse watery discharge, sometimes with blood streaks;
  • When it enters the respiratory tract, inflammation of the bronchi occurs (bronchitis). Symptoms are cough, redness, tickling sensation in the throat, soreness. If it is not treated urgently, the process will become more extensive (bronchial asthma). Added to the listed symptoms are shortness of breath, heaviness in chest, hoarse breathing, panic attacks;
  • If you pet a cat, a skin reaction will develop. Signs: rashes in the form of pimples, itching, peeling and hyperemia of the skin. In addition to the point of contact, symptoms may appear on the neck, chest, face, and abdomen.

General manifestations are a slight rise in temperature, an increase in lymph nodes, lethargy, apathy, fatigue. They arise on an individual basis.

How do allergies manifest in children?

An allergic reaction occurs in newborns serious symptoms posing a danger to life. Severe swelling often develops, which can lead to difficulty breathing, even stopping it.

Most often, manifestations in infants occur on the skin or in digestive tract, less often, the inflammatory process begins in the nasal cavity or the mucous membrane of the eyes. Typical symptoms in young children:

1. Frequent watery stools, refusal of milk, constant regurgitation, crying during feeding;
2. Rashes and redness throughout the body that occur in direct contact with the pet.

Allergies to cats in older children develop more intensely and more often than in their parents. The symptoms are the same, but with a more severe course:

3. Severe swelling eyelid, the child has difficulty opening his eyes;
4. Inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes;
5. Fever, dizziness, migraines;
6. Constant sneezing, sometimes without a break;
7. Difficulty in inhaling and exhaling;
8. When untimely treatment cyanosis develops (blue discoloration of the skin), signaling a lack of oxygen (suffocation);
9. Quincke's edema - swelling of the face, arms, legs, and genital area.

You can prevent the fight against allergens from pets early onset“communication” between a child and a pet. This minimizes the likelihood of developing allergies. It happens that children grow up and get rid of an inadequate reaction due to the body’s adaptation to external factors.

How is it diagnosed?

You can find out if you are allergic to cat fur by contacting an allergist. After the examination, he will prescribe a blood test for the presence of antibodies to the irritant and a Prick test (injection test).

Replace full examination maybe express method. It involves reading the reaction between a drop of blood and a test strip. The result cannot be considered 100% reliable, since the test only shows the presence of susceptibility to similar allergens (cat protein, pollen, dust). The express method cannot determine which irritant you are allergic to.

How can you treat allergies?

If an allergic reaction to cats is detected, the doctor will recommend eliminating contact with the animal. Without this there is no point in further treatment, since symptoms will appear periodically.

Drug treatment consists of the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antihistamines (Diphenhydramine, Diazolin, Suprastin, Tavegil, Fenkarol, Claridol, Clarotadine, Lomilan, Claritin, Zyrtec, Trexil, Telfast and others). They are designed to combat symptoms, since active substances block chemical reactions.
  2. Anti-edema drugs - diuretics (Lasix, Mannitol). Reduces fluid and mucus accumulation.
  3. Membrane stabilizers (Ketotifen, Cromohexal, Cromoglin). Their action is to strengthen cell membranes, which prevents the release of histamine, a substance responsible for neutralizing allergens.
  4. Hormonal agents in the form of ointments and sprays (Advantan, Akriderm, Nazonex, Nosephrine).
  5. Glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Dexamethosone). They are rarely prescribed, as they have a number of dangerous side effects.

If contact between an allergic person and a pet is not excluded, the treatment will be ineffective. In this case, the development of Quincke's edema, asthma and death is possible.

Now you know what to do if you have an allergy to cats and how to identify it, especially if it appears in a child. Remember these tips. It’s better to save it, because then you can quickly refresh your knowledge and compare the symptoms.

Pets make people kinder, lift their spirits, calm them down, and charge them with positivity. Everyone knows about the benefits of living in a home with furry (and not so furry) creatures. Unfortunately, along with the joy of communicating with an animal, sometimes there is also negativity.

Allergies to cats are common. Allergic reactions to animal fur cancel out all the advantages and cause a lot of trouble for the owners. Is it really necessary to give the cat to good hands? Is it possible to protect loved ones from allergies? Let's figure it out.


Increased sensitivity in most cases causes hereditary predisposition. If you are allergic to the fur of cats and other pets, it is highly likely that children of allergic parents will also suffer from unpleasant symptoms.

Provoking factors:

  • weakened immunity, severe chronic diseases;
  • age: signs of allergies are more common in young children than in older children.

Misconceptions and Myths

Most people believe that the cause of allergic reactions of this type is pet fur. Once you get a “bald” cat, you can forget about allergies forever. It's time to dispel this myth!

In fact, everything is a little different:

  • Pathology is provoked not by fur, but by skin protein, sebaceous and anal glands, animal saliva;
  • cats are very clean, they wash themselves and lick their fur several times a day. During each “procedure” saliva and tiny particles of skin cover everything around;
  • Now you know that the cause of sneezing, coughing, and watery eyes when in contact with an animal is not fur, but glycoprotein. Complete absence wool does not solve the problem.

Interesting fact! After long and persistent breeding efforts in England, cat breeds were developed that were not causing allergies. Of course, the animal is not 100% hypoallergenic, and the price is steep. For example, Devon Rex and Anisha kittens can be purchased for 1,000 euros. An expensive pleasure, unfortunately, is beyond the means of most citizens. We have to look for another way out.

Symptoms and manifestations of the disease

The number and strength of unpleasant signs depends on the condition immune defense. Symptoms were noted both immediately after contact with a pet and several hours later.

The main signs and symptoms of a cat allergy are:

  • nasal congestion;
  • swelling on the face;
  • cough;
  • eye irritation, swelling of the eyelids, excessive lacrimation;
  • wheezing, shortness of breath;
  • irritation, redness in areas of scratches or bites;
  • runny nose (allergic rhinitis).

General health worsens:

  • sleep is disturbed;
  • irritability appears;
  • you feel a loss of strength;
  • immunity decreases.

Quite rare:

  • or giant;
  • anaphylactic shock.

These symptoms require treatment antihistamine, calling an ambulance, immediate hospitalization. Delay or improper first aid can cause death.

Folk remedies and recipes

Consult an allergist. Perhaps the doctor will recommend decoctions medicinal herbs for lotions, compresses, tinctures or other home remedies. If you find recipes on your own, be sure to check whether herbal remedies are suitable.

How to cure cat allergies at home? Proven recipes:

  • chamomile decoction. The product is indispensable for itching, rashes, irritation skin for washing, lotions, dousing. Pour 2 tbsp into a jar. l. dry raw materials, add 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew. Strain the finished broth after 40–45 minutes. Use it folk remedy 3–4 times a day;
  • nettle decoction. Excellent product, which cleanses the blood, will help to quickly relieve painful symptoms. Pour a tablespoon of nettle into 1 liter of water, boil, keep on fire for 5 minutes, set aside. After an hour, the decoction is ready for use. Drink a teaspoon 4 times a day (before meals).

Allergy to cats in children

The main reasons for increased sensitivity of the body in children:

  • weak immune system;
  • hereditary predisposition.

The danger of allergies is that bronchial asthma and increased sensitivity to dust (house) mites often develop simultaneously with it. Get rid of complex problem difficult.

Important! How smaller child, the higher the risk of allergic reactions, including to wool. If a child has not had any negative reactions due to the presence of a pet in the house before the age of 14–15, the likelihood of them appearing in the future is extremely low.

The main signs of intolerance to cat secretions, saliva, and urine are similar to the manifestations of allergies in adults. Children, especially small ones, become irritable and capricious. Watery eyes and runny nose interfere with normal life.

Parents should be alert to:

  • sudden redness of the eyes;
  • clear nasal discharge;
  • swelling of the nasal passages, face, eyelids;
  • sneezing, coughing.

Most often, symptoms occur after visiting people who have pets. If the cat lives with you permanently, it means that negative reactions were provoked by a sharp decrease in immunity. Surely the child has recently suffered a serious illness.

Often a decrease in immunity causes:

  • deterioration in food quality;
  • limiting exposure to fresh air;
  • avitaminosis;
  • violation of the daily routine;
  • lack of sleep, high stress at school;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • environmental problems.

What to do if children are allergic to cats:

  • recommended similar drugs, as for adults, but adjusted for age;
  • Antihistamines and decongestants are required.

They help:

  • nasal sprays for children;
  • eye drops;
  • enterosorbents.

Pay attention! Chamomile decoction will help relieve itching and irritation on the skin. Be sure to give your child purified water to remove toxins.

If allergy attacks recur, you will have to give up your pet, otherwise bronchial asthma may develop. In children, this disease often occurs with complications.

Don't risk your child's health. Many children have a hard time being separated from an animal, but this sacrifice will have to be made. Compensate for the absence of your pet with interesting activities, offer a new hobby to distract from sad thoughts. Explain to older children why you had to part with your pet.

Preventive measures

Remember a few rules:

  • strengthen your immune system. Strong body less susceptible to various allergens;
  • Do wet cleaning in the apartment regularly;
  • replace carpet with linoleum or laminate to prevent the accumulation of dust and other irritants;
  • if you have a cat, bathe it with special shampoos. Frequency water procedures check with your veterinarian;
  • Regularly remove hair from shelves, tables, bedside tables, bedspreads, and all places where cats like to rest;
  • use air purifiers and ionizers. This way you minimize exposure to cat saliva, secretions, and fur;
  • Monitor the condition of your loved ones and children carefully. If you suspect an allergy, visit your doctor and follow his recommendations.

Please take into account all rules and advice. Before buying a cat, go to your friends and talk to your pet. Observe how your body reacts to contact with your pet. Get a cat only if there are no allergic reactions, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of an allergy to fur.

Next video. An allergist will tell you even more details about allergies to pets: