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How long can Taufon be used? Use of Taufon for children and pregnant women. Dosage and method of use

Indications for the use of Taufon eye drops are dystrophic changes in the eye shell. The medicine stops the development of cataracts, serious illness in which the lens is affected - a biological lens eyeball. The disease is accompanied unpleasant symptoms, which makes it necessary to take drugs that eliminate them. Currently one of the best medications are Taufon eye drops, the benefits and harms of which have been well studied.

Composition of Taufon eye drops

The main active ingredient of the drug is sulfonic acid taurine, which:

  • Activates tissue healing.
  • Stops degenerative processes.

Additionally, the drops include:

  • Preservative methylhydroxybenzoate(E218). Has a disinfectant antifungal effect. The component is biologically safe. In living nature, some plants are able to synthesize it, for example blueberries.
  • Solution sodium hydroxide. The connection creates alkaline environment and purifies water from impurities.
  • Water.

The main benefits and harms of Taufon eye drops

When treated with this drug, a stable therapeutic effect is achieved.

1. The medicine is localized in the retina of the eye and protects it from negative factors external environment, reduces the harmful consequences of their influence.

2. Promotes regeneration of eye tissue.

3. Provides the correct balance of oxygen consumption by cells and tissue respiration.
Stimulates the functional ability of cells to repair chemical damage in DNA molecules.

4. Normalizes the functions of molecular structures of cells.

5. Strengthens the transport of impulses along nerve fibers.

The main benefit of Taufon eye drops is provided by the active substance taurine.


Indications for use of Taufon drops are:

  • Clouding of the lens of the eye (cataracta).
  • Pathological conditions leading to impaired corneal transparency.
  • External damage to the stratum corneum (to accelerate healing and tissue regeneration).
  • Destructive changes in the retina of the eye various reasons: impaired blood supply to tissues, senile dystrophy, etc.

How to use Taufon drops

The dosage regimen depends on the disease.According to instructions:

  • For cataracts, it is recommended to instill one or two drops two to four times a day for three months.
  • At traumatic injury cornea and degenerative diseases, the course is four weeks at the dose recommended above.
  • For retinal diseases associated with a violation of the pigment layer of the retina, as well as deep traumatic damage to the cornea, the medicine should be administered three milliliters once a day for ten days. It is recommended to repeat treatment after six to eight months.

Analog of Taufon eye drops

The most popular substitute for "Taufon" are "Taurine" drops with the main substance of the same name in the composition. The medicine is precise structural analogue, and its cost is about three times cheaper. The instructions for using the drugs are almost the same.

How much are

Taufon eye drops belong to the middle price category. Their average price is 125 rubles.

Can it be used for children?

According to the instructions, Taufon eye drops should not be used by children. Admission is limited to adults over 18 years of age. But in fact, in some cases, ophthalmologists still prescribe the drug to children. Why is that?

1. Taurine is considered a fairly safe acid. It is often included in the formulation of infant formula for artificial feeding.

2. The disease can be inherited by the baby and treatment must be started immediately to stop the development of the disease.

In any case, only a competent specialist can take on such responsibility for the child’s health, and self-prescription with drops is out of the question - it’s dangerous!

Contraindications and harm

Taufon eye drops should not be used in the following cases:

  • Taurine intolerance.
  • Children's age up to 18 years.
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding.

The drug has a short list of contraindications. Despite this, in some cases an allergy to the medicine may occur.

Best before date

  • Taufon drops can be used for four weeks after opening the package.
  • In intact (unopened) packaging, the medicine is good for three years.

Self-medication can be harmful to your health.
You should consult your doctor and read the instructions before use.

Taufon: instructions for use


active substance taurine (taufon) - 40 mg/ml; Excipients methyl parahydroxybenzoate, water for injection


clear, colorless or slightly yellowish solution.

pharmachologic effect

Taurine is a sulfur-containing amino acid formed in the body during the conversion of cysteine. Stimulates repair and regeneration processes in diseases of a dystrophic nature and diseases accompanied a sharp violation metabolism of ocular tissues. Helps normalize the functions of cell membranes, activate energy and metabolic processes, preserve the electrolyte composition of the cytoplasm due to the accumulation of potassium and calcium ions, and improve the conditions for nerve impulse conduction.


After instillation, it is absorbed in micro quantities. In body tissues it is practically not subject to oxidation. Found in free form in the liver, muscles, cardiac, nervous, brain tissues, in the blood (in shaped elements blood - more than in plasma). Excreted by the kidneys.

Indications for use

Corneal dystrophy; cataract (senile, diabetic, traumatic, radiation); corneal injury (as a stimulator of reparative processes). Dystrophic lesions retina eyes, incl. hereditary taperetinal abiotrophies.

There is evidence of the effectiveness of Taufon as a means of reducing intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma. In the case of combined use of Taufon with timolol, a significant increase in hypotensive effect. Strengthening the effect is achieved by increasing the coefficient of ease of outflow and reducing production aqueous humor.


Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any excipient.

Carefully: pregnancy, lactation, children under 18 years of age (efficacy and safety have not been established).

Pregnancy and lactation

Because efficiency and safety eye drops Taufon has not been established; it should be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Dosage and administration

The drug is administered as an instillation 1-2 drops 2-4 times a day for 3 months. The course is repeated at monthly intervals.

With injuries and dystrophic diseases of the cornea used in the same doses for 1 month.

Recommendations for the use of vials with dropper caps: Before using the drug, remove the aluminum cap from the bottle, remove the rubber stopper and close the bottle with a dropper cap, previously removed from the packaging. Then remove the cap from the dropper cap, turn the bottle over, and add the required number of drops of the drug. After use, return the vial to vertical position and put the cap on the dropper cap.

Side effect

Possible allergic reactions.


Cases of overdose with the use of Taufon eye drops have not been described.

Interaction with other drugs

Maybe joint use taufona with timolol.
Cases of negative drug interactions Taufon with other drugs used in ophthalmology has not been described.

Precautionary measures

If it is necessary to simultaneously use other ophthalmic drugs (eye drops, etc.), the interval between the use of Taufon and other drugs should be at least 10-15 minutes.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and other potentially dangerous mechanisms. It is not recommended to drive vehicles or other potentially dangerous mechanisms while using Taufon eye drops.

Release form

In bottles of 5 or 10 ml. Each bottle, complete with a dropper cap and instructions for use, is placed in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions

In a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Store the opened bottle in a place protected from light at a temperature of 15°C to 25°C for 4 weeks.

Best before date

3 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Advantages: it has cheap analogues that can be safely used

Flaws: the cons are written in the pros column

These drops were prescribed by an ophthalmologist to my elderly grandmother ( senile cataract), by the way, these drops were not the only ones (but more on that in the following reviews). Naturally, I started looking for information about these drops and instructions for use on the Internet.

Several years ago I worked in a pharmacy, but it’s clear that you can’t remember the active ingredients of every medicine in the world. So what happened. The active substance of taufon is taurine. Taufon costs 130 rubles in the pharmacy, while taurine costs 30. Naturally, the percentage content and volume of the bottle are the same. Of course, I went to the pharmacy and bought taurine. After all, if you can't see the difference, why pay more?

Advantages: availability, not high price.

Flaws: weak (IMHO - for me)

Good day, dear readers of this writing.
I recently purchased these drops (to “muff” the side effects of the antidepressant), I’ve only been using them for 2 weeks.

It helps, my vision has become a little better, in any case, it has not worsened.
This is already a big plus for me.
When instilled, it stings my eyes, but I'm already used to it.

Their price is not expensive, they are sold everywhere, they are also prescribed to the elderly (my grandmother was dripping) for cataracts and other rubbish.
This is just what the old ones need.

Taurine is undoubtedly beneficial for the retina.
They also relieve fatigue and eye tension in the evening, but there are better drops.
Fortunately, pharmaceuticals do not stand still.
Naturally, the prices will be higher, but where can we go - no one can live without pills and drops now.

Health to everyone!

Positive reviews

My vision began to deteriorate in middle school. Now my vision in both eyes is minus 4.5, astigmatism, myopia high degree. I wear glasses all the time at home; without them I can’t see anything. I wear lenses to work. I have an office job, I sit in front of a monitor all day and stare at numbers. So your eyes get tired, mom, don’t worry.

I constantly try to take eye vitamins, and my ophthalmologist also prescribed collagen in powder to strengthen the sclera. But I wouldn’t say that vitamins provide at least some improvement, it’s just that my eyes get less tired from the monitor, that’s all.

Taufon drops were recommended to me in ophthalmology clinic Three Z, and they need to be dripped according to a special pattern.
Previously, I was injected with Taufon under the sclera, and my vision became clearer, improved by half a diopter, and then within six months it dropped again to its original -4.5. But these Taufon injections really supported my eyes. So, if you drip Taufon according to a certain scheme, the effect will be the same as from injections, that is, vision is restored by about half a diopter in ten days, and for about several months.

I need an hour of free time. We drop one drop of Taufon into both eyes. We lie with our eyes closed for 10 minutes, then drop another drop into each eye, and lie again for ten minutes. And this must be repeated every 10 minutes for an hour. Taufon is a little painful and hurts the eye when instilled. But this is bearable pain: believe me, Taufon injections are much more painful!

Good afternoon everyone.

Eyes are a sore subject of mine, and over the entire period of time I used a very large amount of vitamins. Previously, I always thought that the more expensive vitamin drops or tablets, they are more effective. But in reality this is not the case a large number of vitamins in tablet form real benefit does not bring, but turns out to be dummies.

But I have a positive opinion about Taufon drops. I started using them at the institute; I had severe strain on my eyes, constantly working at the computer, reading, and my ophthalmologist recommended them to me. I can say that I felt their effect, they moisturize my eyes, relieve fatigue and redness.

They are not expensive, our pharmacies sell a more expensive analogue of these drops, I also bought them. But they stung my eyes a lot, and I gave them up.

I felt the real effect and I can say that these drops definitely work, I have spots in my eyes and as a result of this there are often flickering sparks, with severe eye strain and when the drops are instilled, they disappear. That's why I trust these drops.

They do not improve vision, but only support the eyes. Taurine is considered a sulfur amino acid.

They are used for eye fatigue, retinal diseases, corneal injuries, cataracts, and glaucoma.
Drops should be instilled 3 times a day, two drops each.

During the day, you can close your eyes 6-7 times, rotate your eyes clockwise, sideways, up and down.

Draw a vertical and horizontal figure eight, rectangle.

Do palming several times a day, you need to rub the palms of your hands and apply them to your eyes so that light does not penetrate. good exercise to rest the eyes.
From folk recipes I recommend drinking blueberries; I pick them myself. And sometimes I buy at the pharmacy.
I recommend the drops for purchase.

Relieve eye strain good prevention, inexpensive
not detected;

I have slight vision problems, which, of course, appeared because of the computer. I have -0.5, at least a little, but in order not to squint at the board, I bought glasses. Basically, I can see everything, I just have to strain, but with glasses everything is just clearer. Well, what am I talking about) When I had my eyesight checked at school, the ophthalmologist prescribed all sorts of exercises for the eyes, watching TV no more than 40 minutes a day, and if you can still do without a TV, then you can’t do without a computer.

And that’s when I was prescribed Taufon eye drops for the first time. They are something like eye vitamins. They should be dripped 2-4 times a day, 1-2 drops.

Nowadays I have to sit at my laptop too much, and just a couple of days ago, my eyes couldn’t stand the strain. They were red and didn’t even rest after sleep. And then I decided to buy mine again faithful assistant"Taufon". Because drops Russian production, then they are inexpensive, about 30 rubles. Yesterday and today I dribbled and my eyes are back to normal!

In addition, Taufon now has a new dropper tube. No special pipette needed. Very comfortably!

Advantages: helps with red eyes

Flaws: No

I have a problem with my eyes. I began to notice that they were constantly red, veins with red veins almost stuck out from my eyes. It’s clear that it’s all because of the computer. In the century computer technology, is it possible to do without them? We quickly got used to the computer and TV that we can no longer imagine life without them. Or maybe it was 25 years ago. In those distant times, we didn’t know about computers, but we didn’t have any problems with our eyes.

I first became acquainted with a computer in 2002. And in 2005 it was already at my house. ;)

Now every second person has red eyes, even in the morning. If previously such red eyes were seen in those who did not sleep at night and worked, now, even if you sleep, you cannot get rid of red eyes... To say that 80% of the population has low vision means hitting the nail on the head.

I decided to go with red eyes. somehow it didn’t look very nice and I went to the pharmacy. There, for 140 rubles, they gave me a cute bottle with the inscription Taufon.

I started dripping them on the same day. I put two drops in each eye and... You won't believe it. but he really helped. In the morning I already woke up with a fresh, well-rested look, my eyes sparkled... It even seemed to me that I looked ten years younger... I even forgot that my look could be so fresh. The eyes looked simply incredibly beautiful. And this is the merit of Taufon.

Advantages: relieves irritation and redness of the eyes;

Flaws: not detected;

I have been wearing contact lenses for several years now and periodically there are signs of eye fatigue - redness, a gritty feeling, tearing.
The doctor advised me to take Taufon eye drops.

Compound medicine:
active substance - taurine.
Indications for the use of taufon are:

Taurine restores damage to eye tissue, improves metabolism, and normalizes intraocular pressure.

Contraindications are:

  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • taurine intolerance.

The bottle with the medicine itself is plastic, it is convenient to drop one drop at a time.
Apply taufon to eyes during use contact lenses absolutely impossible.
I usually apply the drops at night after I remove the lenses from my eyes. In the morning the eyes are clean, not watery, no traces of redness are noticeable.


  • Available facility
  • Not expensive
  • Very good for the eyes

Flaws: Didn't find


I try to visit an ophthalmologist periodically, although they have good vision, but when working with a computer, the load on them is of course very large.

As a preventive measure, the doctor prescribed instillation of the drug Taufon.
The composition contains the substance taurine, usually sold in plastic packaging, but there are also glass bottles.
It is this substance that helps stimulate all metabolic processes in the eyes, helps restore tissue, and improves tissue membranes. As the doctor explained to me, these drops act like vitamins on healthy but tired eyes, so they should be used periodically several times a year.

It is also prescribed for the treatment of corneal dystrophy, any eye injuries, cataracts, for high-quality and rapid healing.

There are practically no contraindications, except if there is individual intolerance.

Prescribe 1-2 drops, preferably at least 3 times a day. The course was prescribed to me for a month, but it can be extended to three if the problem is more significant.

Once the package is opened, the drug is best used within a month.

When using, you feel that your eyes are not so tired from a long working day, there is no dryness or burning, the main thing is to do this regularly to feel the effect.
The product is very inexpensive and effective, I think that every person should use this for prevention.

A few years ago, my grandmother was hospitalized with her eyesight. All of a sudden, my eyesight began to deteriorate sharply; my grandmother could see very poorly even with glasses.
Having contacted the Oculist, she was immediately sent to the hospital, where she was prescribed medication, including Taufon drops. The dosage is two drops twice a day, and grandma used Taufon long time. She spent almost three weeks in the hospital, and then continued treatment at home.
Taufon is used for:

  • dystrophic lesions of the retina of the eye
  • corneal dystrophy
  • senile keratitis
  • diabetic keratitis
  • traumatic and radiation keratitis
  • to reduce inside eye pressure

The price for these drops is more than affordable, I remember we bought them for about 4 hryvnia per bottle. Now the price for Taufon is about 8 hryvnia, but there are more expensive and ineffective drugs.
Since there is a decrease in the indications for Taufon intracranial pressure, then I do not recommend taking the drug on your own without a doctor’s prescription, as is the case with all medications!

Two months ago I was diagnosed with keratitis (inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye). In my case, it turned out to be a complication of previously unhealed conjunctivitis. In addition to other medications, I was prescribed Taufon in the following dosage: one drop in the right eye 4 times a day. After the first instillation, I felt a slight burning sensation in the lower eyelid area.

But about something like this side effect It's written in the instructions, so don't be upset. After using the drug for about 2 weeks, I went to see an ophthalmologist, who extended the period of its use. In the end, I used it for about a month and a half.

During this time, it was possible to reduce the level of redness of the lower eyelid and increase the level of nutrition of the cornea. The eye began to acquire a pinkish tint in the lower eyelid, and the pain characteristic of keratitis disappeared. Moreover, some are prescribed Taufon for prevention.

The average price of the drug is about 100 rubles, which is quite inexpensive, especially considering the other medications that I had to take.

P.S. Before taking any drug, consult a specialist and carefully read the instructions.

A bunch of ophthalmological diseases are a consequence of excessive load on the organs of vision, leading to their chronic fatigue and the development of dry eye syndrome.

At the first discomfort sensations (insufficient natural hydration of the eyes, tingling, redness tunica albuginea etc.) you should consult with a specialist and carry out a series of preventive measures to prevent a decline visual function. Taufon eye drops are a fortified product that is ideal both for the prevention of vision problems and for primary symptoms dryness

Indications for use

Taufon drops help stimulate regeneration and energy processes, and also have an antioxidant effect. Their uncontrolled and excessive use threatens sharp deterioration vision. But if you follow the doctor’s recommendations and the instructions for the drug, the product gives positive result in treatment:

  • injuries and burns (mechanical, chemical, etc.) of the cornea, mucous membrane;
  • retinal and corneal dystrophy;
  • secondary open-angle glaucoma;
  • cataracts of various nature;
  • direct eye lesions sunbeams etc.

In the treatment of dystrophic changes, cataracts and glaucoma, the drug is used in combination with potent drugs.

Correct treatment bacterial conjunctivitis – .

Can prevent the development of cataracts

Instructions for the use of Oftan Dexamethasone eye drops are presented.


The drug has a fairly harmless composition, well tolerated by the patient's body. The only serious limitation to its use is increased sensitivity or individual intolerance to the main active component - taurine. Possible adverse reactions manifest themselves in the form of local irritation, lacrimation, and blurred vision.

The decision to use Taufon by women during pregnancy and lactation is made strictly by a specialist and is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. For the treatment of children and adolescents this remedy does not apply.

During treatment, it is not necessary to abandon contact vision correction. However, lenses must be removed at least a quarter of an hour before the procedure, and put on at least 30 minutes later.

List of the best eye ointments with a broad spectrum antibiotic is presented.

Improves metabolic processes in the lens

Possible adverse reactions

There is practically no harm from using Taufon eye drops adverse reactions. However, in isolated cases, allergy symptoms may appear. Any undesirable symptoms should be immediately notified to a specialist to review the treatment regimen, change the dosage or duration of the course, or to completely replace the drug with the drug similar action.

Other features include the appearance of a veil before the eyes or a violation of the clarity of perception of the “picture”. This condition disappears in the first minutes after the instillation procedure, however, this fact should be taken into account by drivers and representatives of other professions that require high concentration attention.

Antibacterial therapy in infants - .

Why are Oftan Katahrom eye drops prescribed to improve vision?

Composition and release form

Taufon is available in the form of eye drops. The colorless, odorless liquid can be placed in dropper bottles made of plastic or dark glass. The standard volume is 5 ml and 10 ml. The polymer dropper tube holds 1.3 ml of the drug.

The main active component is taurine, necessary for metabolic and recovery processes. This sulfoamino acid is produced human body from the amino acid cysteine, found in bile and some tissues. The natural production of taurine is suspended or significantly reduced due to exposure to electromagnetic radiation on the organs of vision (from a monitor, modern gadgets, etc.). In data eye drops the taurine ratio corresponds to 4 mg per 1 ml.

Auxiliary components in the formula:

  • nipagin (an antioxidant that extends the shelf life of the drug);
  • purified water for injection.

Clinical studies of the effects of these drops on the body of children under the age of 18 have not been conducted, as a result of which the drug is not recommended for persons under the age of majority.

An opened bottle cannot be stored for more than 4 weeks.

Inexpensive but effective remedy -.

Instructions for use

Features of treatment with Taufon eye drops depend on ophthalmic pathology:

  1. For all types of cataracts, instillations with a 4% solution are repeated up to 4 times a day, 1-2 drops of the agent in each conjunctival sac. Treatment lasts a maximum of 90 days, after which you should take a break for up to 30 days.
  2. At traumatic lesions And dystrophic changes the treatment regimen is selected individually in each individual case, taking into account their severity and other related features. The course should not exceed 1 month.

Self-treatment with Taufon eye drops can have the exact opposite effect due to incorrectly calculated dosage and duration of instillations.

The quality of the tear film affects eye health


There is no product absolutely identical to Taufon. But the drug can be replaced by a cheap Ukrainian-made analogue - Taurine, which is similar in active substance. There are also a number of eye drops similar in therapeutic effect. The most popular of them:

  • Vita-Iodurol, intended for the prevention and treatment of cataracts. It is based on calcium chloride (2 mg), magnesium chloride (3 mg), a nicotinic acid. Can be used during pregnancy if the benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the development of the fetus.
  • Catalin. The package contains a sodium pyrenoxine tablet and a 15 ml bottle of sodium chloride solution, which acts as a solvent. To prepare the drops directly, you need to mix its contents.
  • Khrustalin. Also used for presbyopia. The formula contains nicotinamide, adenosine and other substances.
  • Ujala. This Ayurvedic tonic contains 2 active substances: boerhavia diffuse (eliminates inflammation, increased lacrimation And pain syndrome) and potassium nitrate (has an antimicrobial effect).

Ayurvedic tonic “Ujala”

Find out which eye drops for glaucoma and eye pressure really work.


How much do they cost and what do patients and doctors say about them?

The cost of Taufon eye drops in Russian pharmacies varies from 93 to 138 rubles per 10 ml bottle. Analogues can be purchased at prices ranging from 10 rubles to several hundred.

Overwork may contribute to the development of cataracts

Before the initial use of Taufon, it will be useful to read the reviews of ophthalmologists about its effectiveness:

  • Elena Vasilyeva, Moscow: “The advantages of these drops are their wide range actions, budget cost and practical complete absence adverse reactions. They are released without a prescription, but self-medication is categorically not welcome, because. dosage is selected based on clinical picture ophthalmic pathology, and an overdose can lead to impaired vision.
  • Valentina Ozerskaya, Ekaterinburg: “Taufon is effective vitamin preparation, which improves regenerative processes and prevents a decrease in visual acuity due to chronic eye strain, injuries, burns and cataracts. Compared to products of similar action, it compares favorably in price.”

Taufon eye drops are a taurine-based drug that protects the mucous membrane from drying out due to long work at computer.

Shining look


This video will tell you in detail about Taufon eye drops and its analogues.

Used as aid for the treatment of open-angle glaucoma, cataracts, eyeball injury. It has no absolute analogues, but can be replaced by some ophthalmic solutions similar action based on others. active ingredients. Worth a look too And .

The material collected in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a guide to purchasing this or that product. medicinal product. A doctor should make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Any ophthalmological pathology requires consultation with a specialist.

Pharmachologic effect:
Taurine is a sulfur-containing amino acid formed in the body during the conversion of cysteine. Contained in a number of foods.
Taurine helps improve energy processes. Plays an important role in fat metabolism and is part of paired bile acids (taurocholic, taurodeoxycholic), which promote the emulsification of fats in the intestines.
Recently, it has been established that in the brain taurine plays the role of a neurotransmitter amino acid (an amino acid responsible for transmitting excitation to nerve tissue), inhibiting synaptic transmission (transmission nervous excitement), has anticonvulsant activity, and also has a cardiotropic effect (effect on the heart). Characteristic feature taurine is the ability to stimulate reparative (restorative) processes in dystrophic (associated with tissue malnutrition) disorders of the retina, traumatic disorders of eye tissue.
For medical use taurine is available as 4% aqueous solution entitled " tauphone”.

Indications for use

Apply tauphone in adults with dystrophic (associated with tissue malnutrition) lesions of the retina of the eye, including hereditary taperetinal degeneration, corneal dystrophies, senile, diabetic, traumatic and radiation cataracts, as well as a means of stimulating recovery processes in case of injuries to the cornea (the transparent membrane of the eye) . Efficacy data available taufona as a means of reducing intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma (with increased intraocular pressure).

Mode of application

Patients with cataracts tauphone prescribed in the form of installations (instillations) 2-3 drops 2-4 times a day every day for 3 months. Courses are repeated at monthly intervals. For injuries, apply in the same doses for 1 month. For the treatment of tapetoretinal degeneration and other dystrophic diseases retina, as well as with penetrating wounds of the cornea tauphone injected under the conjunctiva ( outer shell eyes) 0.3 ml of a 4% solution once a day for 10 days. A course of treatment tauphone in 6-8 months. repeat.
With open-angle glaucoma tauphone used in the form of drops in combination with timolol - instillation 2 times a day 20-30 minutes before taking timolol. In a number of patients, a significant increase in the hypotensive (lowering intraocular pressure) effect was noted due to an increase in the coefficient of ease of outflow and a decrease in the production of aqueous humor.

Side effects

Not noted.

Not identified.

Release form

4% solution in 5 ml vials and 1 ml ampoules.

Storage conditions

In a cool place, protected from light.



Main settings

ATX code: S01XA19 -