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The best eye exercises for glaucoma are gymnastics that work. Gymnastics and exercises for the eyes for glaucoma and cataracts

Glaucoma is a condition in which intraocular pressure rises to critical values ​​due to blockage of outflow intraocular fluid. Exercise for glaucoma helps prevent complications, including complete blindness.

Causes and symptoms of glaucoma

Glaucoma is dangerous because the optic nerve suffers as a result of improper circulation of intraocular fluid. There are many factors that can contribute to the occurrence of glaucoma (trauma, cancer, cataracts, metabolic disorders, congenital disorders).

When the disease is caused birth defects and genetic predisposition, it usually manifests itself in patients over 40 years of age. Concomitant disturbances in the body’s functioning can accelerate the development of the disease.

Glaucoma worsens more quickly with myopia, diabetes mellitus, hypotension, metabolic pathologies, hormonal imbalance and defects nervous system. Most often, the disease has a slow course, and in the initial stages there are often no symptoms. There are two forms of glaucoma: open-angle and open-angle.

The benefits of gymnastics for glaucoma

Glaucoma is considered a serious ophthalmological pathology, because the disease can provoke severe visual discomfort. In no case should you neglect the treatment of glaucoma, because this pathology can lead to complete blindness. Characteristic feature Glaucoma is a gradual decrease in visual fields.

The visual system is designed in such a way that it must constantly be under stress. Without work, the optic nerve atrophies, which can result in permanent loss of vision. However, excessive load is also fraught with vision dysfunction.

Computers currently place the greatest strain on the eyes. At long work In front of the monitor, a person begins to experience double vision, the eyes become red and inflamed. Gymnastics helps relieve symptoms of fatigue and prevent serious vision pathologies.

Glaucoma also places undue strain on the visual system. The first symptoms of pathology are very easy to miss. Often the disease is diagnosed already late stage when symptoms become severe. If you can’t reduce the load, experts recommend doing simple exercises, which will increase the stability of the eye.

What exercises help with glaucoma

It must be remembered that visual gymnastics should be performed daily. A standard set of exercises does not take much time and does not require a special environment. Typically, a course of gymnastics, which is recommended for glaucoma, includes only five exercises.

Before performing, you should do a breathing exercise. To normalize breathing, you need to start inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth, gradually increasing your breathing frequency.

Exercises for glaucoma:

  1. You need to move your gaze over large objects, without peering into details and noting only general signs. You can't stop looking.
  2. You need to blink slowly, then close your eyes and make circular movements with your head. While moving, you should take turns opening your eyes.
  3. WITH eyes closed you should draw geometric figures and write different words glance.
  4. For this exercise, you need to mount a calendar on the wall. You should read a few lines, move your gaze to other objects and return to reading from the place where you left off.
  5. You need to stretch out your arms and move your fingers, watching the movements with your eyes.

Also, patients with glaucoma are recommended to count objects while walking (floors, signs, trees). It will be useful to count in different ways: top to bottom, bottom to top, right to left. During the counting process, you need to look away and return to where you stopped.

Most exercises are based on viewing objects at different distances, which allows you to train different modes vision. By nature, the visual system is designed to provide distance vision, so when working with small details, the eyes get tired faster. Exercises help train your eyes and increase the time before they become overstrained.

It is important to remember that exercise does not cure glaucoma, only stop its progression and prevent complications. Ophthalmologists can recommend different exercises, since there are many proprietary techniques. Exercises developed by Troitskaya and Demirchoglian are suitable for the prevention of glaucoma and other pathologies of the visual system.

Gymnastics helps normalize the circulation of intraocular fluid, thereby reducing the load on the optic nerve. As monotherapy, gymnastics is almost ineffective, so for glaucoma it is necessary to use medical supplies and establish special diet. After treatment of glaucoma, you can continue gymnastics in previous regime. This helps to consolidate the results, reduce eye strain and improve visual acuity.

How to relax your eyes after prolonged exercise

Gymnastics for glaucoma can relieve eye strain, but it does not affect the cause of the disease. Those patients whose work requires eye strain are advised to perform relaxation exercises from time to time. First you need to stroke your temples in a circular motion, then start lightly tapping your fingers on your forehead.

Next they use their eyes: close them tightly and open them. All actions should be repeated ten times, being in a comfortable position. The complex needs to be continued frequent blinking within two minutes.

The next exercise involves alternately focusing your gaze on distant objects outside the window. Finally, take a pencil or pen and place the object at arm's length. You need to alternately focus your gaze on distant objects and on the pencil.

Massage for glaucoma

It is recommended to end visual gymnastics with a massage. It helps improve blood circulation in the eyeballs. For glaucoma, you can lightly massage your eyelids for a minute, then press on them and release. After pressing, you need to open your eyes and look to the left, holding your gaze in this position, then to the right. Repeat all steps ten times.

You can finish the massage by rotating your eyes in different directions. Not only gymnastics and massage help in the fight against glaucoma. Some experts recommend acupuncture. By influencing active points manages to achieve positive results in the treatment of various ophthalmological pathologies.

Improving blood circulation in the eyes

Exercises aimed at normalizing blood flow can relieve eye strain. As blood circulation improves, a decrease occurs.

Within 30 seconds you need to quickly open and close your eyes. You can also raise and lower your eyebrows by placing your palms on your cheeks. Another useful exercise: clasp your hands at the back of your head, lower your head and look forward. You need to breathe smoothly and press on the back of your head, gradually increasing the pressure.

Relaxation of facial muscles

You can relax the visual system not only by visual gymnastics, but also doing facial muscle exercises. Daily measured exercise will strengthen the eye muscles and the entire visual system as a whole.

Exercises to relax the facial and eye muscles:

  1. Massaging the jaw, yawning.
  2. Work with shoulders and head (performing circular movements).
  3. Focusing your gaze on the tip of your nose (do not blink), closing and relaxing your eyes.
  4. Raising your gaze and holding it in this position for as long as possible, then closing and relaxing your eyes.
  5. Keep your gaze on your shoulder without turning your head. Closing your eyes and repeating the exercise with the other shoulder.
  6. Focusing the gaze on distant and near objects for 10 seconds.
  7. Drawing large symbols on the wall with your eyes without moving your head.
  8. Focusing your gaze on a pencil that gradually approaches your nose.
  9. Rub your palms and cover your closed eyelids so that the light penetrates through your fingers. You need to imagine the color black and concentrate on it.

While performing the exercises, you need to breathe calmly and evenly, avoid severe visual discomfort and excessive pressure on the eyeballs. Each exercise must be repeated 10 times, the entire complex should take more than 3 minutes.

When performing exercises, it is important to monitor your well-being. Do not overload your eyesight or be too zealous. Excessive loads do not enhance the beneficial effect, but only aggravate glaucoma.

The doctor should select the exercises. Visual exercises for glaucoma help prevent vision deterioration and even blindness. Greatest effect brings gymnastics, which is carried out from a young age, but older patients can also influence their vision by performing simple exercises.

What sports are allowed for glaucoma?

If you have glaucoma, you should not neglect physical activity. Patients with increased intraocular pressure can engage in skiing, fitness, gymnastics, Pilates and yoga. Swimming has a beneficial effect on the eyes.

Sport allows you to keep your body in good shape and prevent many diseases that can negatively affect your health. visual system. However, it is necessary to dose the activity for glaucoma, since excessive load can lead to a worsening of the condition.

Regular and moderate exercise physical activity– a great way to control intraocular pressure and relieve eye strain. The right approach guarantees improvement of the condition and prevention of blindness due to glaucoma.

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Eye exercises for glaucoma will help prevent the development of this disease and its consequences. Glaucoma is a disease that gradually takes away a person’s vision. However, it must be remembered that in 90% of cases complications can be avoided by noticing this disease in time.

It is recommended that everyone, without exception, visit an ophthalmologist at least once a year. There is no need to be afraid of undergoing ophthalmic procedures, as the tests for glaucoma are very easy and painless. If glaucoma is detected, the doctor will prescribe a special treatment complex, which also includes eye exercises. Physical complex eye exercises will help cure this disease and restore vision to its original level.

What should eye gymnastics be like for glaucoma? The impact on visual perception is very effective technique for the restoration process of vision. A person with glaucoma does not have the ability to look at the objects around him. However, it is impossible without this, because by developing perception, you can avoid the sad outcome of this disease. To prevent and treat this disease, special eye exercises have been developed. It must be remembered that they must be performed clearly, strictly observing frequency.

What exercises are performed for glaucoma?

How is gymnastics performed for glaucoma? Before starting visual exercise, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. You need to breathe easily and evenly. After breathing exercises start visual exercises for glaucoma. In order for the procedure to be not only useful, but also exciting, you can imagine that you are on the site and step by step showing the audience how to do these healing exercises correctly.

Eyes affected by glaucoma require specialized care and support. In order to prevent intraocular pressure from increasing, it is necessary to minimize eye strain.

Carrying out next exercise at least 10 times, you can relax the facial muscles and have a beneficial effect on the eyeball:

  1. We perform a natural massage of the nasopharynx: make various noises and sounds, yawn.
  2. Periodically rotate your head, then your shoulders, in different directions.
  3. Concentrate your attention on the tip of your nose, look closely at it without blinking, then close your eyes and relax.
  4. Raise your gaze as if you want to see the center of the forehead, and hold it for as long as possible. Next, close your eyes and relax.
  5. Leaving your head in one position, keep your gaze on your right shoulder for as long as possible, and then close your eyes. Then repeat the same steps with the other shoulder.
  6. Concentrate your gaze on an object in the distance, after 10-15 seconds, adjust your gaze to a closer object.
  7. Make movements with your eyes along the wall, as if you are drawing letters on it, but you cannot move your head.
  8. Take a pen or pencil in your hand and focus on its tip, gently and slowly pull it towards your nose; This must be done until the moment when it is impossible to concentrate on the tip of the object.

Sit down in a comfortable position. Rub your palms with progressive movements until you feel warm. Without covering your nose, place your palms on your eyes without pressure so that light penetrates through them. Look into this light slit, imagining everything in black. Breathing is uniform and deep. Do this for at least 3 minutes.

Eye massage

Many people like massage, because it, like physiotherapy, has a relaxing effect on the whole body, eliminates painful sensations and fatigue. There is an eye massage for glaucoma. Knowing which points to massage, you can relieve your eyes from many visual disorders. This massage does not take much time, but the benefits are enormous. All massage movements must be repeated at least 50 times.

  1. Be sure to wash your hands with soap. It is necessary to position your fingers on your face so that your index fingers rest on your eyebrows and your thumbs on your temporal part. Let's move thumbs 3 cm to the right and massage this area with rotational movements. Then we return to the middle of the eyebrows, moving the finger to the left 3 cm. The area of ​​the face that is located under the pupil is subjected to massaging movements.
  2. Using your index finger, you need to massage the corners of your eyes near your nose with rotational movements. Later perform the same actions with the outer corners.
  3. We massage the part of the face located near the tear duct.
  4. Use your thumbs to make circular movements along the temporal fossae.

Numerous videos can provide visual assistance for the correct execution of the above-described eye exercises.

With such simple exercises you can get rid of glaucoma, and they will also be useful for eye cataracts. You only need to remember about the regularity of exercise therapy, following all the steps, you can forget about this disease.


At a conscious age, deterioration of vision and loss of picture quality are noticeable almost immediately. Cataract, which is the preceding stage before glaucoma, passes with almost no symptoms. If you have obvious signs changes in the quality of vision, then treatment is necessary, which includes eye exercises for glaucoma.

Symptoms and treatment of glaucoma

This pathology manifests itself as follows:

  • blurred vision;
  • all objects lose clarity;
  • pain and heaviness in the eyes;
  • decreased visual acuity in the evening and at night;
  • the appearance of multi-colored circles before the eyes when bright light hits the retina.

Intraocular pressure also increases, which makes itself felt by severe headaches, pain under the eye sockets, and seizures. severe nausea, heaviness in the temples, dizziness and coordination problems. Cataracts do not have these symptoms.

To treat glaucoma, patients are usually prescribed intraocular pressure medications, diuretics, and miotics. It is important for the patient to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, including those related to special gymnastics for eyes.

What a patient should not do

A patient with glaucoma should exclude from his life:

  • stressful situations;
  • playing wind musical instruments;
  • working in an inclined position;
  • heavy physical labor on a personal plot;
  • lifting weights;
  • visiting the beach during the day;
  • washing floors;
  • hand wash;
  • chopping wood;
  • lifting heavy loads.

Patients with this disease are recommended swimming, walking fresh air, which can be spent skiing in winter. They do not need to completely give up work, but only change its scope - engage in intellectual work. Light physical activity is also allowed.

Standard set of exercises

With glaucoma, it is important to reduce eye pressure and remove tension from the eyes. Massage can help with this:

  • superciliary zone - from the nose to the temples;
  • stroking the forehead from the eyebrows to the hairline;
  • Repeat pressing with your fingertips on your eyelids up to seven times (do not use excessive force);
  • three-minute massage of the temples in a clockwise direction;
  • massage your eyelids in a circular motion, avoiding pressure on them;
  • two minutes of tapping your forehead with your fingertips.

Therapeutic gymnastics includes the following exercises:

  1. Forcefully close your eyelids eight to ten times, and then open your eyes as wide as possible.
  2. Blink quickly for about three minutes.
  3. Draw a dot on the window glass. Concentrate your gaze on it, and then move it into the distance. You need to repeat this exercise ten times.
  4. Move your gaze as far to the right and left as possible. Repeat up to ten times.
  5. Rotate your eyeballs in a circle. First from left to right, and then to reverse side. Do 10 laps.
  6. You can draw with your gaze the most different figures. This exercise will strengthen eye muscles and relieve tension from the eyes.

This gymnastics is recommended by experts as a general strengthening exercise. If you have difficulty doing the exercises, watch the video. In addition to doing gymnastics, it is worth protecting yourself from stress, which provokes an exacerbation of the pathology. It’s good if you have the opportunity to go to a specialized sanatorium, where you will not only be taught how to perform gymnastics correctly, but will also undergo physiotherapeutic procedures.

Norbekov complex

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov created his own set of exercises together with the candidate medical sciences Larisa Fotina. It was thanks to this woman that the famous healing system was born.

In 2001, Norbekov published the famous book “The Experience of a Fool,” in which he talked about how to give up glasses forever. Since then, there has been constant controversy surrounding his technique. Much attention is paid to issues of self-attitude and attitude to the world around us. It is recommended to perceive it as a related environment.

The complex must be performed three times - with eyes open and closed, as well as mentally. Before using the technique, you need to believe in your healing. Only in this case will it be effective. You need to perform a fairly simple complex, keeping your head level and motionless:

  1. Raise your gaze as high as possible, trying to look into your head, and then smoothly lower it down, as if you were looking into your throat. All movements of the eyeballs are done slowly. Concentrate on them.
  2. Move your gaze to the left as if you want to see your ear. Repeat the exercise in right side.
  3. Draw diagonals with your gaze: move from the lower left corner to the upper right. Then go down again and from the lower right corner follow your gaze to the upper left. After completing the mental construction geometric figure, make all eyeball movements in the opposite direction. Blink to relieve tension.
  4. Draw a figure eight with your eyes. After you're done, blink a little.
  5. Concentrate on the bridge of your nose, and then transfer it to any objects located in front of you. Look at the bridge of your nose again, but choose a point lower than the previous one, and look at the objects in front of you. Concentrate on the central point brow ridge and again turn your gaze to the objects.
  6. Keep track of yours index fingers, bring them to the tip of your nose and move them horizontally.
  7. Draw with your eyes big circle, moving to the right, and when repeating to the left. Stop several times during the exercise.

You cannot change the sequence of exercises, as they are arranged in order of increasing difficulty. Doctors believe that the Norbekov complex will not help get rid of glaucoma, since it is not effective. This technique is aimed at strengthening faith in a cure.

Eastern doctors are known throughout the world for their unusual approach to treating diseases. The fact is that from time immemorial they combined experience gained in practice, philosophy and folk wisdom.

For example, when developing eye exercises for glaucoma Tibetan doctors were guided by the fact that vision, like the earth, depletes over the years. In order to maintain quality, optic nerves needs to be stimulated.

Although this approach seems unusual, many exercises developed centuries ago are reminiscent of modern techniques leading doctors. Tibetan eye gymnastics repeatedly intersects with the Norbekov and Beitis complexes.

Gymnastics for glaucoma

With increased eye pressure, unlike myopia or hypermetropia, the muscles should not be tensed, but rather relaxed. Chinese monks practiced the following exercises for glaucoma:

If you do this exercise daily, the pressure inside the organs of vision will significantly decrease. Dryness and redness will disappear.

Cataracts are very serious illness. It is impossible to cure it yourself at home. However, Tibetan eye gymnastics for cataracts will perfectly complement the main course of treatment and, perhaps, even speed up recovery.

At the first symptoms of the disease, you should visit an ophthalmologist. Self-execution Eye exercises for cataracts can only worsen the situation!

Eye massage

Massage is not only an effective addition to drug treatment and classical gymnastics, but also simply useful and enjoyable activity:

By the way, when doing a massage, you don’t have to limit yourself to classical techniques. Tibetan monks They believed that the body itself knows what it needs. It is worth giving free rein to your imagination - doing arbitrary pressing, massaging, stroking on the top of the head and near the eyelids. The main thing is to learn two simple rules: Do not put too much pressure on your eyeballs and do this regularly.

Additional useful exercises

As mentioned earlier, Chinese medicine is based on appeal to the elements. Watching the fire, people noticed how pleasantly their eyes relaxed. Years later, ophthalmologists confirmed that short contemplation of fire has a tonic and stimulating effect on the retina and lens. Repeating this exercise will not only reduce the risk of eye diseases, but will also help you relax after a hard day at work:

  1. Light a candle and place it in a dark room.
  2. Sit comfortably and watch the flame for 8-10 minutes.

Another element associated with health is water. Cool water, according to the ancient sages, can both refresh the body and clear the mind. The authenticity of this statement has not been scientifically proven, but if you wash your face with fresh water every 2-3 hours, it will be much easier to bear the load.

Contraindications when performing eye gymnastics

Any exercise is only good when done in moderation. When performing eye exercises, you should strictly adhere to the doctor’s instructions. The fact is that in a number of diseases, for example, cataracts or anatomical myopia, excessive mechanical impact can cause harm to the visual apparatus.

Yes and healthy person there is no need to overdo it. For prevention, a one-time daily set of exercises and eye massage is enough. Numerous repetitions will not have the desired effect.

Attention, TODAY only!

Eye exercises for glaucoma are performed daily. This is a treatment method that is prescribed along with special drugs. With the help of visual gymnastics you can long time inhibit the progression of glaucoma.

This is a disease characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the chambers of the eye, which increases intraocular pressure. Gymnastics for glaucoma allows you to relax the eye muscles, which stimulates the outflow of fluid. By improving blood flow, fluid is absorbed rather than accumulated in the chambers.

Glaucoma massage promotes relaxation muscle fibers. Alternating tension and relaxation trains the muscles and ensures the removal of intraocular fluid.

Rules of eye gymnastics

The goal of treating glaucoma with exercise is to improve blood circulation. Due to this, the outflow of intraocular fluid is stimulated and the muscles are strengthened. Charging should be carried out following the general rules:

  • before the main set of exercises, blink intensely or close your eyes tightly;
  • pay attention to all eye muscles;
  • The main exercises for glaucoma are blinking, looking away, rotation.

After this, you should completely relax. The massage is carried out before and after the procedure, with light stroking movements.

Tibetan gymnastics

In the treatment of glaucoma, oriental methods of eye gymnastics are widely used. Tibetan specialists great attention pay surrounding a person environment, psychological mood.

  1. Concentrate your gaze on the two fingers of your hand extended in front of you. Then spread your fingers, trying to keep your gaze in the same place. The exercise trains the rectus muscles.
  2. Extend your hand in front of you, focus on one finger. Slowly bring it closer to your eyes, then quickly look at the object outside the window. The exercise trains accommodation.
  3. Keep your head straight, eyes as far to the side as possible. Hold them like this for several seconds. The exercise develops the oblique muscles.
  4. To train the entire muscular system, you should draw various shapes with your eyes.

To view Tibetan eye gymnastics:

According to Neumyvakin

Professor Neumyvakin gives great importance eye exercises performed for glaucoma. He developed a whole set of exercises, including several stages.

Initially, you should relax the eye muscles as much as possible. The professor recommends dipping your face in cool water, then do light massage closed eyelids. After this, you need to take a comfortable position and relax.

Gymnastics for glaucoma consists of the following techniques:

  • hold your gaze above for five seconds, then below for the same time;
  • blink quickly;
  • look to the right for five seconds, then to the left;
  • blink again;
  • look to the left top corner, then down;
  • look at the upper right corner, then down;
  • Roll your eyes in a circle for ten seconds, after which you can relax.

The complex ends with massaging the eyelids.

In addition to watching Professor Neumyvakin’s video about simple means for glaucoma:

According to Norbekov

Norbekov - famous doctor dealing with various eye diseases. He developed a complex gymnastic exercises, improving the course of glaucoma.

  1. Keep your head straight. Look from floor to ceiling, imagining that the line goes through your head. Then draw the line back in the same way.
  2. Keep your head straight. Move your gaze from right to left, imagining that the line passes through your ears. Repeat for the other side.
  3. Draw a butterfly with your eyes - first clockwise, then counterclockwise. In this case, you need to mentally imagine the wings of a butterfly.
  4. Imagine a dial in front of you, slowly move your gaze from one number to another.

A feature of the Norbekov complex is the combination physical exercise carried out for glaucoma, with their mental visualization.

To view gymnastics according to the Norbekov system:

According to Bates

The Bates technique is similar to the Norbekov complex. Physical actions are also combined with visualization:

  • move your eyes along imaginary vertical and horizontal lines;
  • outline imaginary geometric shapes with your gaze;
  • draw a dial;
  • draw a snake.

The head should remain motionless all this time, so after the procedure it is recommended to stretch neck muscles. Make several bends forward, backward, right, left.

To watch the video of the Bates method of eye exercises:


This is the name of the procedure that allows you to relieve tension from the eyes. It is recommended to do it before starting gymnastics. You need to get comfortable and relax as much as possible. Place your elbows on the table and rub your palms.

Close your eyes, press your palms to them, but without strong pressure. The fingers should meet on the forehead. At first, flies will flash before your eyes, color spots. Gradually they disappear, absolute darkness appears. This means that palming was carried out successfully.

To watch a video about the correct technique for performing palming for the eyes:


Therapeutic massage for patients with glaucoma is carried out carefully, with light movements. Intense pressure on the eyeballs can cause severe pain. The direction of massage is from the forehead to the temples. Then gently massage the closed eyelids.

Exercises for glaucoma are an effective technique that slows the progression of the disease. It is carried out jointly with drug treatment. The key to success is regular and correct performance of gymnastic techniques.

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