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Pigmentation of the cornea of ​​the eye. Causes of color spots in the cornea of ​​the eye, types and possible treatment. Black spots and dots in the eyes

Dots of different pigmentation that appear in the eyes are definitely alarming, and many are asking a completely logical question: what does this mean and what is the nature of their origin? Often spots on eyeball different colors appear in a person at birth, but there are situations when they occur in adults, which is associated with some changes in the body. If a spot is detected on the eyeball, you should visit a specialist and find out the cause of its origin. Trying to get rid of it yourself is prohibited, so as not to lead to dysfunction of the visual organs.

Congenital spots on the eyes

Pigmented nevi - this is the name given to spots on the eyes that appeared at birth. In other words, we can say that these are birthmarks, only the place of their localization is not skin covering, as usual, but eyeballs. The color of such formations can be completely different - from beige to rich dark color. The shape of the spots in the eyes is often round, flat, less often slightly convex. You can distinguish such nevi from other formations by:

  • shape - round or irregular;
  • in appearance - looks like a mole;
  • cystic growths, which often appear at the location of the spot on the protein;
  • color, which tends to change with age.

Common causes of such spots are excess melanin. Their formation occurs during the formation of organs and systems in the fetus in the mother’s womb. The danger of such pigmentation for humans is zero - they do not bother and will almost never become.

If white spots appear in your eyes, you should consult a specialist. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment, which will depend on the cause of the formation and its condition. If the spot on the eyeball is just a benign nevus, then it will not need treatment.

It is removed only at the request of the patient in order to get rid of a cosmetic defect.

When to sound the alarm

Normally, a spot on the eye retains its shape and size for the rest of its life, but there are situations in which it can begin to degenerate into malignant tumor posing a danger to human health and life. Nevus progression manifests itself in the form of:

  • decreased visual acuity;
  • sudden change in color saturation;
  • spread of formation further along the eye;
  • increasing size.

At the same time, doctors reassure that a change in a birthmark may not always indicate melanoma. However, at the first signs that something wrong is happening with the nevus (the formation began to grow, vision deteriorated, unpleasant symptoms appeared), you should go to the hospital.

Modern medicine has now come up with many ways to remove stains on the pupil and white that are gentle and safe for health.

For this purpose, electroexcision is used followed by tissue plasticity, laser coagulation. With timely intervention, one can hope for a complete recovery while maintaining the function of the visual organs.

Spots and their color

When a spot appears on the white of the eye, you can determine the nature of its origin by its color. Of course, all this will be very approximate, because only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. If white spots appear, we can talk about the presence of diseases associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, urine excretory organs, liver. Often White spot appears on the eye as a sign of radiculitis, neuralgia, psychosis and neurosis.

The formation of a gray tint can appear in a child between the ages of 1 month and 3 years.

The reason for this is often associated with short-term disturbances in the body. Often such spots go away on their own and do not require treatment. Parents should be alerted to a spot that suddenly begins to grow, change shape, spread throughout the organ and cause discomfort in the child.

Dark spots may appear on the eye. For the most part, such formations are classified as moles and do not pose a danger; however, to rule out melanoma, you need to consult a doctor.

Formations may appear on the iris. Since ancient times, it was believed that a sign of excellent health was the blue or brown color of the iris. If there are inclusions white, then this will indicate increased acidity in the body, which is largely due to poor nutrition. A dark dot on the iris of the eye may indicate that a person has cholecystitis, gastroenteritis and other organ disorders digestive tract.

Red formations

If a spot appears in the eye with a reddish tint, this may be due to:

  1. A sharp change in blood pressure (increase or decrease). This leads to rupture of a vessel located in the organs of vision, followed by hemorrhage and the formation of a spot. Typically, this formation does not require treatment and goes away on its own, but to prevent its occurrence in the future, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. It is important to remember that hypertension is a dangerous disease and can lead to the development of irreversible processes in the body, which will subsequently lead to disability or death.
  2. Temporary intense stress that may occur during delivery or lifting heavy objects. Typically, such spots disappear after a certain period of time without any therapy.
  3. Significant increase within eye pressure. People who are bothered by frequently appearing red spots should consult an ophthalmologist. Such a violation without timely treatment may result in loss of vision.

Sometimes people complain about a floating spot appearing inside visual organ. This disorder is often associated with retinal detachment, a pathology that requires laser correction And complex treatment often in a hospital setting.

A flat yellow formation or pinguecula is not a disease, but physiological changes associated with aging of the body.

The spot is located in the corners of the eye and does not require treatment.

I read it in your eyes

In most cases, the eyes are a mirror of the soul, age, degree of fatigue and how stormy you spent the night. But they may also reflect your health problems.

Yellowed squirrels. With age, the whites of the eyes acquire a brownish-yellow tint. The more fat and less vegetables and fruits in a person’s diet, the more intensely this will be expressed. If age is not your problem, then liver or gallbladder disease, some diseases of the lymphatic system and blood may be the cause.

The whites of the eyes are pale gray. Your body lacks oxygen or your metabolism is impaired.

Spots on the iris of the eye. If the iris of the eye appears light spots most likely you have some kind of inflammatory process internal organs, and the process is old. They will disappear when you cure the disease.

White ring around the iris of the eye. If a white ring surrounds the iris of your eye, you probably have a disturbed fat metabolism (you move little or eat incorrectly). Check your blood cholesterol levels.

Flashes of light in the eyes may be a sign of eye strain or general fatigue, but the same symptom is also observed with retinal detachment. People who suffer from migraines also see flashes of light before their eyes. "Flashes of light" are cause for concern if they become more frequent or intense, or if they are combined with other symptoms, such as decreased vision, headaches and dizziness.

"Mist in the Eyes" or decreased image contrast may be a symptom of cataracts, an irreversible clouding of the lens. Glaucoma is also possible - increased intraocular pressure. If timely measures are not taken, this can result in blindness.

Double vision. After a head injury or viral disease double vision is possible. In this case, it is necessary to be examined for strabismus. With skull trauma, with inflammatory infectious diseases In botulism, double vision is also observed - diplopia. Urgent hospitalization is required. The same symptom occurs with multiple sclerosis and stroke.

Blurred picture. This typical sign nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism. Visual acuity may also decrease with hypertension and diabetes. Age-related retinal dystrophy begins with the same symptom.

Pain in the eyes. It is quite difficult to determine what pain in the eyes is. Optometrists believe that eye problems can range from discomfort around or inside the eye to nagging pain in the whites of the eyes. Feeling dull ache may occur after prolonged work with a computer monitor or long reading. We need to do eye exercises. Pain can occur with incorrectly fitted glasses or outdated contact lenses. If you experience severe pain, redness of the eyes and blurred vision, then the cause of the disorder is probably uveitis, i.e. inflammation of the pigmented areas of the eye. Severe pain, which are accompanied by other symptoms (mainly nausea and a halo around the light source) may be a sign of glaucoma.

Redness and pain in the eyes. One of common reasons - chronic fatigue, initial stage diseases of asthenopia - eye fatigue syndrome. The cause of redness and pain in the eyes may be infection, allergies, foreign body that has gotten into the eye (an eyelash, a crumb of makeup, a speck). Redness of the eyes is one of the symptoms of diseases such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and uveitis. This is also a symptom of dysfunction. thyroid gland. The least harmless of the above is that you are wearing inappropriate contact lenses.

"Flying flies." Prolonged eye strain, especially in artificial light and in a poorly ventilated room, insufficient sleep, poor digestion - this is an incomplete list of reasons that can result in the appearance of “flying flies”. Flying flies are often harbingers of amaurosis or cataracts. If there are more and more “floaters” or they are colored, this may be a symptom of retinal hemorrhage or retinal detachment.

Swollen eyelids. Typically, this is a symptom of cardiac or renal failure. Swollen eyelids also indicate this. But it can also be a symptom of overwork, lack of sleep, or allergic reaction for anything. In addition, swollen eyelids can appear as a result of a malfunction of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for the functioning of many organs. Get examined by an endocrinologist.

Dark circles under the eyes. They often happen after sleepless night, because due to overwork, the muscles on the face are weakened. The reason may also be internal diseases: inflammation of the intestines, nervous breakdown, kidney disease. Perhaps the reason lies in excess fluid in the body. When there is a lot of it, it does not remove toxins and accumulates under the eyes, forming dark circles. You need to drink at least 8 glasses of liquid a day, but try not to overuse it at night.

Inflamed eyelids often accompany many diseases, in particular skin diseases (such as seborrheic eczema). But sometimes the eyelids can become inflamed due to an infection or allergy to cosmetics. Change your mascara, eye shadow, and eye makeup remover.

Be careful about your eyes. They often signal us about some disease.

The organ of vision is part of the human nervous and vascular system, which means that diseases of other organs are, to one degree or another, reflected in the eyes. Changes in them begin at an early stage of an illness that is still invisible to you. Of course, a brown spot on the iris or blueness under the eyelids is not yet a diagnosis, but it’s worth thinking about what the eyes want to tell you.

Veil with "flies"

DETAILS. They are haunted by styes on the eyelids. From time to time, blurred vision (veil) bothers you, “spots” are black dots, especially when looking at the snow or the sky (you moved and stopped your gaze, and the “spots” continued to move).

Additionally: weight is higher than normal, thirst, dryness and itching of the skin or mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals, fatigue, possible pustules on the skin, boils.

ON SUSPECTION. Diabetic retinopathy (damage blood vessels retina) is one of the complications of uncontrolled diabetes. “Floaters” are the result of small hemorrhages in the vitreous body, the veil is a consequence of swelling of the central zone of the retina. Type 2 diabetes usually begins mildly, it is discovered by chance, and often a person goes to the doctor for the first time, already having similar complications.

Why are my eyes so big?

DETAILS. Usually in the morning I am bothered by dry eyes and pain in them. The eyeball enlarges, giving the face an expression of surprise and fear. There is a feeling of fullness or pain when moving the eyes, “bags”, photophobia, a feeling of “sand” in the wind.

Additionally: weight loss, increased heart rate.

ON SUSPECTION. Endocrine ophthalmopathy - inflammation in the tissues of the eye socket caused by a malfunction immune system: an attack on one’s own organs and tissues. Swelling occurs and increases intraocular pressure, hence the enlargement of the eyeballs and the feeling of fullness. And pain and dryness in the eyes are the result of incomplete closure of the eyelids, especially at night. You can also suspect Graves' disease, in which the target of an immune attack becomes thyroid. The combination of these problems occurs in 30-50% of cases.

Two organs are treated by different means. When the hormones return to normal, this will slightly improve the appearance of the eyes, but will not lead to their complete recovery. But it has been proven that stopping smoking greatly contributes to improvement.

YOUR DOCTOR is an ophthalmologist and endocrinologist.

Yellow look

DETAILS. The sclera of the eyes yellowed noticeably, but not much. This is not a surprise for you; this has happened before after an acute respiratory viral infection, physical activity, stress, or a strict diet. Skin color usually does not change. A blood test for viral hepatitis B and C is negative. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs reveals a slight enlargement of the liver. In rare cases, fatigue occurs and slight discomfort in the right hypochondrium occurs. No other complaints.

ON SUSPECTION. A syndrome in which the amount of bilirubin in the blood, a pigment that colors the skin and sclera, increases temporarily or permanently. yellow. Perhaps it hereditary syndrome Gilbert's (occurs in 2-5% of the population, especially men), when the liver is genetically lacking certain enzymes.

There is a “genetic blood test to determine mutations in the UGT1A1 gene” that costs about 3 thousand rubles. If benign enhancement bilirubin, especially the presence of Gilbert's syndrome will be confirmed, live calmly - it's safe. In order not to turn yellow, you need to lead healthy image life.

YOUR DOCTOR is a gastroenterologist.

Check the blood

DETAILS. A slight yellowness of the sclera and skin, which was previously unusual for you, has appeared.

Additionally: weakness, fatigue, dizziness, tachycardia. There may be discomfort in the left hypochondrium, in the area of ​​the spleen. Symptoms may worsen with extreme cold or after an acute respiratory viral infection. Viral hepatitis excluded by PCR.

ON SUSPECTION. Different kinds hemolytic anemia associated with accelerated destruction of blood cells.

YOUR DOCTOR is a gastroenterologist, hematologist.

Signal from the kidneys

DETAILS. In the morning there is severe swelling - “bags” under the eyes. They intensify when consuming liquid at night - tea, watermelon. Later, swelling of the arms and legs may temporarily occur.

Additionally: general weakness, pale skin, lower back pain, urine color changes or its quantity decreases. Perhaps you had a sore throat a few days or a couple of weeks ago, you suffered from an acute respiratory viral infection.

ON SUSPECTION. Diseases of the urinary system.

YOUR DOCTOR is a general practitioner, nephrologist.

Hypertension is questionable

DETAILS. Lightning or flashes in the peripheral vision, especially if the eyes are closed.

ON SUSPECTION. The vascular system of the organ of vision, the retina, suffers. Check the condition of other blood vessels in the body, the functioning of the heart, and measure blood pressure. If there excess weight, take another blood test for sugar. Hypertension and diabetes often go hand in hand.

YOUR DOCTOR is an ophthalmologist, therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist.


DETAILS. Flashes, glare, auras around objects - and all this against the background of a headache of varying strength. The condition can worsen from sounds, strong odors, light (both bright and normal daylight), stress, and fatigue. It is important that the ophthalmologist completely excludes changes in the retina that could affect vision.

ON SUSPECTION. A type of migraine.

YOUR DOCTOR is an ophthalmologist, neurologist.

Are hormones to blame?

If you are a regular user of artificial tear drops, you should not reassure yourself that the cause of dry eyes is working at a computer around the clock. The amount of tears produced can be reduced by various reasons, including when hormonal disorders. Contact an endocrinologist and gynecologist.

People call a whitish spot on the eye a “sore.” The disease has long been shrouded in various fables and mysticism, but in reality the pathology contributes to a decrease in vision, up to its complete loss.


The localization of whitish turbidity can be different: the cornea, pupils, vitreous body and others. There are few reasons for the appearance of white spots on the pupils and retina. Given the location and purpose of the eyes, many predisposing diseases relate to the nervous and vascular system, cardiac activity, brain.


Normally, the cornea has a convex shape and absolute transparency. Leukoma triggers transformation healthy tissue into the pathological connective tissue. The area with the altered tissue does not function, changes fibrously, forming a shapeless scar. Leukoma is a shapeless milky-white spot localized on the surface of the eye. The closer the formation is to the pupil, the faster the level of vision decreases. At pathological change There is a tendency for scar tissue to continually spread.

Floaters before eyes

Floaters before the eyes are the result of tissue destruction vitreous. Normally, the substance has a transparent structure and gel-like consistency. The vitreous body is located throughout the eye cavity, maintains a spherical shape, and is responsible for elasticity muscle fibers. Often the pathology is associated with existing vascular diseases, and the transparent structure of the vitreous body changes to connective tissue and becomes cloudy.

The main reasons are:

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • dystonia of vegetative-vascular nature;
  • hypertensive diseases (secondary, primary);
  • vitamin deficiency and atherosclerotic changes.

Trauma to the eye, burns, hemorrhages, traumatic brain injuries - all this can affect the appearance of spots in front of the eyes and white spots over the entire surface of the sclera.

Transformations in the lens

The appearance of white spots on the lens is often a symptom. Cloudiness of the lens varies from milky to dark gray. Cataracts can be congenital or acquired and are a consequence of degenerative processes in the body. Cataracts often affect older people and can be eliminated with conservative or surgically. In advanced stages, surgery is performed to remove the affected lens and.

Changes in corneal structures

Cloudiness of the cornea may not affect the patient's visual ability in any way. The functional transparency of the cornea is replaced by cloudy, altered tissue. The pathological process can be local or generalized. With a pronounced spread of turbidity over the surface of the eye, a sharp decrease in vision is observed over time.

Cloudiness is caused by a number of factors:

  • keratitis;
  • tuberculosis of any localization;
  • syphilis:
  • infectious diseases;
  • chronic

Any inflammatory diseases eyes can provoke the development of leukomas (white shapeless spots). Injuries, chemical burns, exposure to toxins - all of this can cause white spots on the eyes.

Retinal transformation

Spots on the retina of the eye are formed when there is insufficient blood supply to its tissues. IN clinical practice The pathology is called retinal angiopathy. The disease causes the following conditions:

  • hypertonic disease ( arterial hypertension secondary or primary);
  • trauma of any nature (mechanical, thermal, chemical);
  • vascular atherosclerosis.

Angiopathy can be secondary in nature and develop against the background diabetes mellitus, hypertension or hypotension. Bad habits(especially smoking) often contribute to the deterioration of blood supply to the retina. Along with the appearance of white spots, patients may experience pain and decreased visual acuity.

Which doctor should I contact?

When unpleasant symptoms and spots, you should consult an ophthalmologist (otherwise, an ophthalmologist). The specialist will conduct a series of clinical studies, starting with studying the patient’s complaints and clinical history.


The main measures for identifying pathologies with white spots on the eyes are:

  • determination of the refraction of the eyeball;
  • Ultrasound of the fundus;
  • determination of the condition of the fundus vessels;
  • determination of the visual field;
  • measuring the depth of corneal structures;
  • microscopic examination of the eyeball;
  • measurement of intraocular pressure.

They also diagnose hidden pathologies and determine the condition visual system generally. Carrying out diagnostic measures important for purpose adequate treatment and exclusion of other diseases of internal organs and systems.

Treatment tactics

If white spots do not cause a significant decrease in vision over time, then treatment is not prescribed. Therapeutic tactics are based on the root cause of the disease:

  • For cataracts or defective changes in the cornea, surgery may be used.
  • For inflammation, systemic anti-inflammatory drugs or are prescribed.
  • When scar tissue forms, absorbable drops such as Actovegin, Hypromellose, and Korneregel are prescribed.

Innovative approach to surgical correction performed on professional equipment in many ophthalmological centers. Operations have become available, have a minor rehabilitation period. You should not treat your eyes with different folk recipes, drops of various pharmacological groups without establishing a reason. Before prescribing treatment, you must consult a doctor.


The main prevention of the appearance of white spots is aimed at strengthening the structures of the retina. To do this, you need to take multivitamin complexes, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and visit an ophthalmologist at least once a year. If you have a complicated ophthalmological history, it is important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations regarding concomitant diseases eye.

Maintaining eye health is often in the hands of patients themselves. If the disease occurs, you should consult a doctor for timely diagnosis and treatment.

Useful video about eyesores

Date: 03/26/2016

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  • Causes of brown dots
  • Preventing brown spots
  • What diseases are hidden behind the brown dot?
  • Treatment of melanosis

What to do if a brown dot appears in the eye? Patients ask doctors this question. Every person who has some kind of eye disease experiences some kind of anxiety. If any dysfunction of the eye or its retina occurs, partial or complete loss of vision will occur. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor who will provide qualified assistance.

Causes of brown dots

Under no circumstances do doctors recommend self-medication. And all because this method of treatment can often lead to deterioration of health and serve as an impetus for a progressive process. Therefore, you should not try to diagnose yourself and prescribe treatment. The best way To solve this problem, contact an ophthalmologist.

Almost all of us have experienced red eyes at least once. In particular, this phenomenon is often encountered by people who spend a lot of time at the computer. Redness can be partial or complete. To eliminate this problem, just give your eyes a little rest and everything will go away by itself.

Brown spot on the white of the eyes. What is this? There are cases when a person is faced with the appearance of a brown dot on the white of the eye. To understand how to deal with this, you need to observe additional manifestations of the stain. The color of the stain will also be important. A brown dot in the eye indicates the following things:

  1. Your blood pressure may be too high or, conversely, too low. This means that the capillary bursts and creates a small hematoma. This unpleasant moment cannot be treated, since there is no need for it. We must not lose sight of the very cause of what happened; it is worth thinking about treating the diseases that contributed to this.
  2. Fatigue or temporary stress on the body. For example, women during childbirth experience heavy loads which lead to increased blood pressure. As a result, the capillaries burst. A person does not remain in this state for long, but the strictest treatment is required.
  3. A sharp increase in eye pressure. Only an ophthalmologist can help you solve this problem.
  4. There are also frequent cases of spots that are congenital, something like birthmarks. A brown spot of this kind will be completely harmless. It does not have any effect on vision function. If it bothers you only because of the beauty of your face, then you need to consult a doctor. He will be able to determine exactly what can be done.
  5. A more serious manifestation of a dark brown spot may be a floater on the eye. Such a spot does not appear every time, but only at the moment when a person moves his eyeball in any direction. This is a sign that the retina is detached. You simply won’t notice this spot; it is colorless and appears only when it hits the pupil area. At this moment, blurred vision occurs and a feeling of discomfort appears.

Only a doctor can specifically determine the presence of a floating spot in the eyeball. Such a spot may be a particle of the retina. Laser correction is used to remove it.

You can also try to strengthen the retina. Usually, a micro-surgery is used for this, which takes place without hospitalization of the patient. But further actions after such an operation directly depend on the degree of the disease. Only a doctor can adequately assess the condition of the disease, so you should not delay your visit.

It should be noted the dangerous manifestations that occur during the course of this disease. If a piece of the retina is partially detached, deterioration in vision and health may occur. If the retina detaches completely, this can lead to complete loss vision. In this case, it is recommended to visit a doctor, the sooner the better. After all, a person’s vision will depend on this.

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Preventing brown spots

An important point is the direct strengthening of the retina.

In this way, retinal detachment can be prevented. To do this, you should take vitamins, the choice of which is very large in our time.

They are rich in a variety of components that help improve quality.

Doctors consider vitamin A to be the number one vitamin in combination with blueberries.

This component helps stop age-related degradation of the retina, which can lead to detachment of the retina from the protein.

A pleasant aspect of taking vitamins will be improved vision and loss of discomfort. They are recommended for use by people who are exposed to heavy daily stress or exhibit increased mental activity.

Another prevention option is gymnastics. To prevent your eyes from getting so tired, you need to close your eyes with your palms for 10-15 seconds several times a day. Such exercises will help relieve tension so as not to get more serious consequences.

Iris spots are perhaps the most diverse iridological signs of pathology. As a rule, they appear during the development of diseases or intoxication. R. Burdiol proposed to distinguish three groups of stains: toxic, pigmented and residual.

Toxic stains

Toxic spots are usually large in size and can occupy entire sectors on the iris from the pupillary edge to the halo, taking the shape of a folded fan. They have clearly defined linear edges and a uniform structure. They always look darker against the background of the surrounding stroma. The color of toxic spots is especially bright in the pupillary zone. Based on the degree of intensity, nascent and mature toxic sectors are distinguished.

They usually indicate previous intoxication. It can be caused by excess toxins in the body or dysfunction of the excretory organs. A number of iridologists regard them as a sign of cancer latency.

In some cases, toxic spots (sectors) are visible already at the age of 6-12 months. They can form in the liver area (equally on both sides) after prolonged conjugation jaundice. As the child grows up, the color intensity of the toxic sector becomes more intense due to the maturation of the pigment cells of the iris. As a rule, they remain for life, indicating a dysfunction of the organ when the load threshold is exceeded.

In all cases of detection of toxic spots in children in the first six months of life, it was possible to trace a parallel between their appearance and the intrauterine intoxication suffered. In most cases, these were bronchitis, pneumonia, or moderate forms of respiratory viral infection suffered by the mother during pregnancy, against which antibiotic therapy, severe toxicosis, or medication was administered.

There is some disagreement in the interpretation of the topographical value of these signs. Some iridologists argue that these signs have no topographic significance, others believe that toxic spots indicate toxic damage to the autonomic innervation in the corresponding organs and the accumulation of medicinal or toxic substances in the tissues of the organ. Monitoring the dynamics of the development of the toxic sector and the patient's health status made it possible to identify varying degrees of functional failure of organs topographically related to the location of the toxic sector.

We have repeatedly observed children with toxic sectors appearing by the age of one year. If, for example, they were on the right eye from 7.00 to 8.15, located in the projection zone of the liver, head of the pancreas and pyloric stomach, then the child quite often had biliary dyskinesia with an inflection of the neck of the gallbladder. If on the left eye there is from 6.00 to 7.00 in the projection zone of the kidney and the final sections of the large intestine, then the children had persistent constipation or urinary tract infection.

They should not be confused with an iris nevus, which can also look like a dark brown sector, but is present from birth, its surface bulges somewhat, and has a rich velvety brown color. Usually a child is already born with a nevus.

Dark spots

Pigment spots are important topical diagnostic iridological signs. Unlike toxic spots, they have rounded edges and with biomicroscopy you can always see the small pigment grains that make up the pigment spot.

According to them appearance it is impossible to judge the etiology of the pathological process that caused them, since a number of inflammatory, degenerative, traumatic or toxic processes cause the appearance of age spots. But with sufficient reliability they can be used to judge the degree of damage to the organ: insignificant - with light, superficial spots, and pronounced - with large and dark spots. Frequency of stain formation if present pain syndrome increases significantly.

In the absence of pain, pathological processes in the iris can occur asymptomatically (polyposis, cysts, diverticula). The vast majority do not leave marks on the iris and surgical interventions with a smooth postoperative period.

It must be taken into account that on light-colored irises, which are poor in pigment, pigment spots appear much less frequently and more slowly, and on dark-colored ones - much more often and faster. In this regard, less intense dark spots on light-colored irises may indicate a more pronounced dysfunction of organs than intense pigment spots on dark irises. Moreover, the lower the degree of iris density (V-VI), the slower local pigmentation occurs.

Therefore, on light-colored irises more attention should be paid to structural and reflex signs. For most pigment spots, I. Dec's statement will be true that their size is the opposite of their significance. The interpretation of some pigment spots is far from unambiguous, so special diagnostic value a pigment spot acquires when located in close proximity to other iridological signs of pathology.

The most widely used classification of pigment spots is R. Burdiol, who identified five main groups of pigments: light, dark, brown-red, red and “present tobacco” type. Some provisions of this classification, especially regarding the etiological significance of some pigments, are highly controversial.

Light pigment spots are divided into:

Yellow-golden pigment spots occur on hollow irises. On dark irises, they may have an admixture of greenish or rusty pigments. Depending on the location they mean:

  • the yellow-golden frame of the autonomous ring indicates weakness of the ligamentous apparatus of the spine and a tendency to radiculitis and neuralgia;
  • yellow-golden coloring of the autonomous ring in any small area indicates weakness of the organ located in this projection zone;
  • generalized yellow-golden pigmentation of the ciliary belt with a predominant localization along the periphery accompanies neuroses and psychoses.

Dirty yellow the pigmentation has a coarser structure; on dark irises it may have a greenish tint. E. S. Velkhover compares it with crushed gravel. Localized in the lower parts of the iris near the autonomous ring. Characteristic of toxic kidney damage.

Light yellow pigment spots have a fine-grained structure, which at high magnification looks like streaks or curls. Accompanies pyogenic infection. The distribution of such pigment diffusely throughout the iris is a sign of septicemia.

Yellow-green (purulent) pigmentation is formed by pigment grains of various sizes and colors. It is most often located near an autonomous ring. Indicates gonorrheal or syphilitic infection, chronic alcohol intoxication.

Yellow-green (sticky) the pigmentation has the appearance of a dirty yellow translucent jelly. May indicate tuberculous damage to the organ. When located in the projection zone of the bronchi, it may indicate chronic tracheobronchitis.

Dark pigment spots have rounded, distinct edges and a somewhat swollen, homogeneous surface, reminiscent cauliflower. They are distinguished by their structure, consisting of randomly arranged threads. Many iridologists regard dark pigments as a sign of cancer, especially if they are surrounded by a light stripe. There are two types of dark pigments.

Bear skin- looks like a red-brown ball with uneven, as if plucked edges, from which individual hairs stick out. Indicates tumor processes in pelvic organs- uterus (cancer, fibroids), prostate (cancer, adenoma), ovaries (cancer, polycystic).

Felt pigment (felt-like)- found mainly in the pupillary girdle, has the appearance of chaotically intertwined thin threads dark brown. Indicates tumor processes in gastrointestinal tract.

Red-brown pigment spots are usually genetically predetermined and indicate a hereditary predisposition to various infections. There are three types of such pigments.

Hedgehogs- have the appearance of small balls with thread-like contours, sometimes they are blurry. They are usually found in the nasal and temporal regions and speak of hereditary predisposition to diabetes mellitus. According to O.V. Petenko and N.I. Grechishnikova, this type of age spots indicates endocrine disorders associated not only with the pathology of the pancreas, but also the ovaries. For example, their detection in the projection zone of the mammary glands indicates mastopathy due to endocrine disorders.

Chestnut (dark blond) pigment spots are often visible even to the naked eye and occupy a fairly large surface. The chestnut tone is obtained by mixing differently colored pigment grains. Localized most often in the lower segments and indicate hereditary diseases urinary system and predisposition to chronic inflammatory processes of the genitourinary organs.

Mesh pigment spots - according to R. Burdiol, resemble a piece torn from a fillet. They are always located in the ciliary zone near the autonomous ring, sometimes capturing part of the pupillary zone. Reticulate pigment spots indicate a predisposition to tuberculosis. According to O.V. Petenko and N.I. Grechishnikova, such pigmentation means secondary damage to internal organs in gastroenterocolitis (mainly ulcerative, with a tendency to malignancy). That is, it indicates a history of reactive pancreatitis, cholecystitis, reactive aseptic inflammation of the peritoneum at the site of a local erosive-ulcerative process in the gastrointestinal tract, or tumor growth into the abdominal organs.

Reds pigment spots always indicate a hemorrhagic condition due to disorders of liver enzyme systems, which can manifest as hemorrhagic syndromes.

Pigments such as “presentation tobacco” described most fully by R. Schneible. They are clumps of fine-grained pigment that resemble scattered ground pepper or cinnamon, depending on the color of the pigment. P. Schmidt believes that its location in the area of ​​the autonomous ring indicates damage to the pancreas, and when located in the pupillary zone, it indicates chronic colitis and intestinal paresis, constipation.

There are two types of such pigment. Tiny groups of pigment, visible only under biomicroscopy, resembling black pepper. Like any dark pigmentation, it can signal malignancy, for example with prostate, uterine or mammary gland cancer. By clinical significance pigments of the “presentation tobacco” type correspond to the pigment of the “bearskin” type. Larger grains of pigment are red-brown in color and are visible with a magnifying glass. In appearance they resemble ground cinnamon. Always located in the ciliary belt. They have diagnostic value, although they do not in all cases indicate the topic of the lesion. R. Schneible identifies five forms of arrangement of such pigments.

Triangular shape- a triangle with its base on an autonomous ring and its apex directed to the periphery. Points to infectious lesion organ projecting in this zone. A triangle, with its base in the limbus and its apex directed towards the pupil, accompanies disorders of the autonomic innervation of the corresponding organ. In the superior temporal sector it is noted with glaucoma, in the lateral parts of the iris - with bundle branch block.

Strip form. A thin radial strip several trabeculae thick has no topographic value and is accompanied by weakness of the ligamentous apparatus with symptoms of arthralgia. A wide radial stripe has no topographic value and indicates brain disorders, syringomyelia, multiple sclerosis. Two narrow parallel stripes starting at the points of retraction of the autonomous ring indicate an increase parasympathetic tone digestive tract. Occurs with heartburn, diarrhea, flatulence. Two narrow parallel stripes starting from the protrusions of the autonomous ring indicate cerebral vascular disorders(migraines, fainting, dizziness).

Fishtail pigmentation. The V-shape indicates autonomic and neurotic disorders. The shape of the swallow's tail indicates microbial damage to an organ topographically associated with this zone. The arch shape accompanies vascular pathology in the organs of the corresponding projection. The pincer-shaped form indicates damage to the vertebrae.

Circular shape. A wide circular stripe in the anterior parts of the ciliary girdle indicates organic damage to the organs located in this projection zone. A narrow circular stripe in the middle parts of the ciliary girdle is characteristic of functional disorders organs in this projection zone. A circular stripe along the autonomic ring indicates visceral parasympathicotonia. A circular stripe along the limbus indicates the presence venous stagnation and lymphostasis.

Heap-shaped. Localization of pigment piles on the protrusions of the autonomous ring may indicate diabetes, pancreatitis, and accompany obesity. It is noted with parasympathicotonia of organs located in the corresponding projection zones. Localization of pigment piles in places of retractions of the autonomous ring is characteristic of endocrine disorders. May indicate a state of sympathicotonia of organs located in the corresponding projection zones. A circular arrangement of pigment piles in the middle part of the ciliary girdle is observed in spondyloarthrosis. The arrangement of piles of pigment along the limbus accompanies psychosis. The chaotic arrangement of piles of pigment accompanies endocrine disorders(mainly ovaries), in particular menopausal necrosis and psychosis.

O. V. Petenko and N. I. Grechishnikova believe that the lumpy form of the pigment has both systemic significance, which lies in the fact that it indicates a violation of the endocrine function of the glands (pancreas, ovaries, adrenal glands) and localization, consisting in the fact that that the localization of this form of pigment indicates the projection zone of the gland that is affected. If it is detected in the projection zone of the mammary glands and ovaries, one can assume the development of mastopathy against the background of ovarian dysfunction. Localization of cluster-like pigment in the projection of the pancreas indicates its dysfunction. When it is detected in all projection zones of the pancreas, the likelihood of diabetes mellitus increases significantly (up to 97%).

Residual stains

Residual spots are small in size, not intensely colored, and have rounded edges with relatively clear boundaries. The pigment diffusely permeates the stroma of the iris. Residual spots get their name because they indicate completion pathological process and his topic. According to the classification of R. Burdiol, their staining has etiological significance:

  • yellow-green - with purulent processes,
  • brown-red - with hemorrhagic processes caused by trauma,
  • yellow-red indicates completion of local inflammation,
  • yellow with brown dots - the end of the infectious process.

Many iridologists deny the possibility of judging the etiology of the process by the color of the spots.