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Mudras - finger yoga to normalize blood pressure. Mudras for high blood pressure Mudras for reducing high blood pressure

When you start talking about unusual human capabilities, the following immediately come to mind: mudras– special body positions and gestures that influence life, health and mood.

This technique practiced by many cardiovascular diseases , including arterial hypertension.

The effectiveness of the technique is explained by the fact that thousands of tactile sensations associated with the brain are concentrated on the fingers. nerve endings, and many think tanks responsible for motor activity, tied with hands.

Mudras allow you to relax, relieve tension, put your own thoughts in order, and at the same time lower blood pressure.

What are mudras

Mudras are combinations of fingers that are folded in a certain sequence.. Some doctors and healers call them “yoga for the fingers.” This is due to the fact that all energy meridians begin with the fingers, and each of them is responsible for a certain system or organ in the human body.

Performing mudras from high pressure, a person directs a flow of energy to a specific area. Some exercises give effect after some time, while others immediately.

To understand what mudras are and how they work, it is enough to understand that certain combinations of gestures, fingers and hands are projected in the brain by certain states that affect the functioning of organs. There are projections on the palms internal organs . The thumbs control the work of the neck and head, the ring and middle fingers control the work of the legs, and the index and little fingers control the work of the hands.

The health benefits of mudras are obvious: they relieve pain, relieve stress, increase tone and improve well-being.

Video: "What are mudras and how do they work?"

Basic principles of the method and benefits

The palms are the “windows” of the body, through which it exchanges energy and information with environment. Scientists have proven that more than a third of signals enter the brain from the hands, which means that the “brain-hands” relationship affects both the functioning of the brain and the state of the whole organism.

To maintain normal blood pressure, you need to exercise regularly, incl. for prevention. The process should be approached consciously, because mudras coordinate the energy flows of the body. During classes you need to take comfortable position, listen to own body and imagine how the expanding vessels are filled with vital energy.

It is believed that mudras are capable of, if not completely healing a person, then improving his well-being. The main thing is to understand that you cannot do all the mudras in a row. It is necessary to select several combinations intended for the treatment of arterial hypertension, and carry them out correctly.

General technique

Before doing mudras, it is necessary:

  • calm your breathing;
  • take a horizontal position;
  • completely relax your body.

It is advisable to perform the exercises while exhaling, straining and “pulling” the abdominal muscles. It will not be superfluous to repeat affirmations - certain phrases that reinforce the desired result in the subconscious. For example, you can say: “My blood vessels are dilating, and my pressure is gradually decreasing.”

When performing mudras, you should focus your attention within yourself, renounce external factors, – in a word, concentrate on the process.

When performing the exercises, your shoulders should be straight, your back should be straight, and your breathing should be slow and measured. Combinations designed to reduce high blood pressure are quite simple, so there should be no problems with them.

The general technique for performing mudras can be described in several points.:

  • turn your face strictly to the East;
  • try to look at green objects;
  • inhale the scent of geranium to achieve the best results;
  • fold the fingers on both hands synchronously;
  • breathe deeply and measuredly, as if you are trying to envelop the whole the world with your breath.

Contraindications to the use of the method

Many people fear that mudras can harm their health and are interested in the list of contraindications for their implementation. However, there is no reason to worry: “hand yoga” is suitable for absolutely everyone, because... has no contraindications or side effects.

Mudras for reducing pressure and execution technique

Listed below are the most popular mudras designed to reduce blood pressure .

Mudra “Life Saving” (Mudra “Ambulance”)

It is one of the most used mudras in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases., in particular, arterial hypertension. This mudra is considered very effective: it can save the life of you and any other person. The effect of such an exercise is comparable to the action medicines like Validol or Nitroglycerin, designed to relieve severe chest pain.

The “First Aid” mudra helps normalize blood pressure, get rid of discomfort and pain in the heart area, and helps with heart attacks and myocardial infarction.

Performing mudra comes down to the following actions:

  • fold your fingers into a bun;
  • move your little finger;
  • bend your index finger and place its pad at the base thumb.

It is better to perform mudra with eyes closed sitting in a chair or lying down. Breathe evenly and measuredly, exhale through your mouth and draw in your stomach as you exhale. Imagine how the blood vessels dilate and how you feel better and better. While performing the mudra, your hands should be kept relaxed at chest level. Both sides of the body should be involved in the exercise.

Five to ten minutes are allotted for this exercise. Usually this time is enough for blood pressure to return to normal. If your health does not improve, you should take a short break and repeat the mudra again.

Mudra is performed for 5-10 minutes. If during this time you do not feel any improvement, after a short pause, repeat the mudra again.

Mudra "Vajra Arrow" or "Finger"

This mudra helps to cope with high blood pressure in 15 minutes. It is performed as follows: clasp the fingers of both hands, straighten the thumbs and index fingers, then press them together. If you wish, you can experiment: do not protrude thumbs, but press them to the index fingers (sometimes this allows you to achieve a greater effect).

The technique for performing the “Finger” mudra is similar to the technique for performing the previous mudra. During the exercise, you can recite the following affirmation: “With each exhalation, the blood vessels dilate, and blood pressure decreases and reaches a normal value.”

Video: "Mudras for of cardio-vascular system"

Mudra for reducing high blood pressure

This mudra is performed as follows:

  • the fingers of the left and right hands are folded into a lock so that the little finger is outside right hand;
  • the thumb of the left hand and the index finger of the right hand are straightened;
  • the index finger of the left hand is bent and pressed to the base of the index finger of the right hand;
  • the thumb of the right hand is bent and inserted under the bent index finger of the other hand;
  • the index finger of the right hand and the thumb of the left hand are left straight without tension.

The mudra is performed in exactly the same way as the previous ones. Breathing remains measured, and exhalations are very slow.

Mudra "Earth"

This mudra is very effective if the pressure surge is caused by stress..

Folding your hands for the “Earth” mudra is simple: just connect the pads of the large and ring finger, and leave the other fingers straight. Performing this exercise helps normalize psychophysical state, improving an objective assessment of one’s own personality, eliminating the effects of stress, weakness and mental fatigue. In addition, this mudra protects the body from external negative energy influences.

While performing the mudra, keep your hands at chest level and focus on the subject yellow color(you can see it live or imagine it in your imagination). To enhance the effect of mudra, you can inhale the smell of mint.

Mudra "Knowledge"

Is the most significant exercise in the treatment of arterial hypertension. It is applied as in medicinal purposes(to eliminate excessive drowsiness and insomnia, lower blood pressure), and preventive (to concentrate attention, implement intellectual capabilities, sharpening observation and memory, activation of thinking abilities).

In addition, mudra helps relieve emotional stress, eliminate anxiety, anxiety, melancholic mood, sadness, melancholy and even depression.

To perform the mudra, the index finger is connected to the thumb, and the remaining three fingers are straightened. The exercise can involve either one or two hands. The mudra is performed facing east. Hands are held at chest level, and an object is in front of the eyes of blue color. The effect of this mudra enhances the smell of shelfweed. To achieve a lasting reduction in blood pressure, mudra is done 5 to 6 times a day for five to ten minutes.

Video: "Mudras for high blood pressure: technique of execution"

Mudra "Turtle"

In the east, the turtle is considered a sacred animal. It was she, according to legend, who helped the gods obtain the sacred elixir of immortality from the ocean. No wonder today mudra “Turtle” is used for pathologies of the cardiovascular system, fatigue and asthenia.

To perform the mudra, the fingers of the right and left hands are folded into a lock. The thumbs are connected by the side surfaces and slightly bent. The result is a figure whose outline is similar to that of a turtle. This exercise allows you to combine all the meridians that run through upper limbs, close the circle and prevent the leakage of vital energy from the body. Interestingly, the Turtle mudra can be used by people who feel the influence of an energy vampire nearby.


  • As an additional arterial hypertension therapy many people use mudras- sequential finger combinations.
  • This technique helps relieve tension and normalize blood pressure.
  • There are at least five mudras used for hypertension.
  • Before starting therapy, you should consult with a specialist who will help you choose a program.

To achieve a lasting reduction in blood pressure, The mudras listed in the previous section should be performed daily. It is worth continuing this “therapy” even after recovery. You can do mudras in any order. The main thing in this matter is regularity and adherence to the technique of performing the exercises.

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Mudras are special gestures with the body, in particular with the hands, that have the ability to change a person’s mood and state. These positions change the human psyche and can direct internal energy flows. Exercises help a person concentrate, tune in to the same wavelength as his body, and get rid of illness. With the help of mudras you can also recharge your energy. These are fairly simple exercises that anyone can master on their own.


Mudras are another name for finger yoga. They are responsible for different areas of our body. Presented on the Internet a large number of descriptions wise However, proper execution is not everything. The main thing in mudras is sensuality. Without it, there is no point in exercising. The working principle is wise - creating the illusion that everything is fine. A person begins to believe in it, sending a corresponding signal to the brain. It is recommended to do these exercises before dawn.

There are different types of mudras. Some are effective immediately, while waiting for results from others takes time and constant practice. They can change a person’s condition if performed correctly. They also relieve stress in minutes. They do not cause any harm, absolutely everyone can feel the results.

Speaking about unusual human capabilities, it is worth remembering the mudras with which we can influence our life, health and mood

Execution Rules

When playing sports, a person can see results only by performing the exercise correctly. Otherwise there will be no effect or it will be distorted. Mudras also need to be done correctly.

Basic rules of implementation:

  1. The precise combination and sensuality have therapeutic effect on the body.
  2. It is recommended to practice before dawn, when the body is full of energy.
  3. You need to take a relaxed pose. You should feel your blood vessels expanding and filling with energy.
  4. The main thing in execution is relaxation and lack of fuss. You can start practicing mudras anytime and anywhere, but it is optimal to do finger yoga in a lying position.
  5. It is necessary to monitor your breathing. Try to exhale slowly, as if you are trying to warm the entire space around you.
  6. Focus on yourself and repeat affirmations. They can be found on the Internet on specialized sites.

You don't have to put any effort into doing the exercises. Even if everything doesn’t work out, you need to practice. Some mudras take time to master. Move easily and try to repeat specific movements exactly. Not everything always works out right away, your hands may get tired, and combinations may not work out.

Mudras are combinations of fingers folded in a certain sequence.

If you repeat the exercises 3 times a day, you can learn to do everything quickly. The main thing is not to overdo it with classes. Each finger yoga session should last no more than half an hour. Practice and you will definitely achieve success.

Mudras for pressure

People with high blood pressure ask questions: how to lower blood pressure, does mudra bring results from high blood pressure? Yes, these exercises really have an effect on human blood vessels. Accordingly, mudras are effective for lowering blood pressure. Their main advantage is that they act quickly and can be performed anywhere.

Basic mudras for pressure:

  • simple from high blood pressure;
  • "Life Saving";
  • "Turtle";
  • "Shakyamuni's Hat";
  • combination for hypotension;
  • "Knowledge";
  • Earth combination.

By doing the exercises correctly, you can normalize your blood pressure. We suggest considering some of the combinations listed above. For hypertensive patients, mudras from high blood pressure can help.

By performing mudra against high blood pressure, we direct a flow of energy to a specific area

The simplest combination

You don't need long training to practice the simplest exercise. It is recommended to perform it at high pressure. Make a “basket” with your fingers, but the right little finger should remain outside. Straighten it out. Release your index fingers and thumbs. Bend your left index finger and press it towards your right. Place the thumb of your right hand under the bent index finger of your left. Straighten your left thumb and right index finger. Relax your arms and breathe slowly.

"Life Saving"

This exercise is sometimes called first aid. Full mastery of the combination allows you to save your own and others’ lives. This is why learning precise movements is so important.

The exercise will help with:

  • myocardial infarction,
  • heart attacks,
  • discomfort in the chest,
  • arrhythmias.

The “brain-hands” relationship significantly affects the normal functioning of the brain, and therefore the entire body

In order for the exercise to produce results, precise execution of the movements is not enough. Breathe deeply and preferably look at green objects. If they are absent, close your eyes and imagine them. Perform the combination alternately with both hands. Gather your fingers into a bun, then straighten your little finger. You need to bend your index finger, let its nail rest against the phalanx of the thumb. Repeat with the other hand. Ten minutes is enough to complete. If there is no effect, wait and try again.


Mudras for asthenic syndromes have already proven their effectiveness. This practice is recommended for overwork, heart attacks and other pathologies. In fact, you do this exercise all the time. Seriously, think about how often you just lock your fingers. This is "Turtle". This combination helps prevent energy leakage.

Make a lock with your fingers by bending your thumbs (turtle head). They should be directed towards the heart. During practice, remember to control your breathing. Pay attention also to the abdomen, especially as you exhale.

Ancient Indian system yoga has to offer to modern man remedies for many ailments. One of the easiest to master methods of putting the body in order is mudras. At first glance, they look like useless finger exercises. But in fact, mudra for high blood pressure works thanks to a deep knowledge of the workings of the human body.

Before you understand the mechanics of finger yoga, you need to understand what the principle of its operation is based on. From the Hindu, and not only, point of view, the entire body is permeated with energy channels through which energy - prana - moves. There are 7 central nodes - chakras, each of which is responsible for the state of human health, both physiological level, and psychologically.

Normally, prana flows freely through the channels, but if this does not happen for any reason, disease develops. Accordingly, in order to cure it, it is necessary to restore the normal flow of energy in the body. There are many things for this various techniques, based on how to use various types gymnastics, and on application psychological techniques or external influences: aromatherapy, bioenergetic massage, exposure to nature.

To cure an illness, you need to restore the normal flow of energy in the body.

The use of mudras to lower blood pressure is based on the following principles:

  1. On the palms and fingertips there are points connected to various organs and energy centers. Accordingly, with their help you can influence the state of the body.
  2. Connecting fingers different ways You can close energy channels and direct prana. Thus, mudras turn into a tool for changing the state of your body.
  3. Since hypertension develops due to disruption of the cardiovascular system, the disease can be cured if the corresponding energy channels are brought back to normal with the help of mudras.

Mudras do not require much effort to master and time to apply. They can be an excellent help in the fight against illnesses.

How to use mudras?

Yoga for fingers is quite simple. But there are several rules for its use:

  1. It is necessary to take for granted the presence of energy channels and chakras. Otherwise, denying this fact will become main reason ineffectiveness of such treatment for hypertension.
  2. The use of mudras requires consistency. Like pharmacological drugs, they must be used regularly to achieve desired effect. It is best if the mudras are used 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes.
  3. There's no need to rush. In the case of energy practices, more is not better. Overexertion and working too hard will only delay the moment of mastering the technique for a longer period or even lead to disappointment in “useless gymnastics.”
  4. Patience. This is the main problem. Mudras are not a pill. They will not bring a colossal effect from the first use. Only after a few days will noticeable improvements in your health appear. But at the same time, the action of the mudra will remove the root of the problem, without side effects, allergies and other associated unpleasant surprises.

Before you begin to master pressure mudra, you need to prepare. It is best to turn off your phone and ensure peace and quiet for the next half hour. This is necessary to calm down and not be distracted. It is also necessary, if possible, to get rid of jewelry on your hands.

Lie down comfortably, relax, and only then proceed to the mudras

To increase the effectiveness of the mudra, it is best to take a certain pose. But first, just sit down, or even better, lie down comfortably, close your eyes and completely relax. Yoga for the fingers should be performed slowly, smoothly, without overexertion.

Since some mudras require certain stretching and preparation of the fingers to normalize pressure, they can be mastered by folding the phalanges one by one. And only then join hands in a single gesture.

The practice should not be abruptly interrupted when starting active actions so as not to harm the body. If you gradually calm the heart, dilating the blood vessels, using mudra to lower blood pressure, and then suddenly start physical exercise or enter a state of stress, this will only create additional stress on the circulatory system. Therefore, after the next yoga session, it is better to rest peacefully.

What mudras will help normalize blood pressure?

Among the classical mudras, there are several options that help with hypertension. They activate various energy centers and help with various reasons pathology. Some are effective for emergency assistance, others contribute to the health of the body as a whole, simultaneously restoring the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

It will take quite a lot of time to master the full set of mudras for hypertension. Therefore, you should start mastering them based on your state of health. One clear indicator can help here. If the mudra is quite difficult: tension and pain appear in the hands, then this is a sign of a serious problem. Therefore, it is worth stopping at this gesture and mastering it completely to normalize the pressure.

If a mudra is difficult, you should stop and master it completely

Basic mudras used for recovery normal operation circulatory system, the following:

  1. To reduce elevated blood pressure As a symptom, you can use the following gesture: the middle fingers, ring and little fingers of both hands are crossed. In this case, the right little finger should be the outermost one. The index finger of the right hand should remain straight, and the left index finger should bend and touch the pad of its base with the nail. With thumbs it’s the opposite. The left one remains straight, and the right one hides under the bent index finger.
  2. If emergency assistance is needed, for example during a heart attack, the “Life Saving” mudra is used. When properly mastered, it is as effective as the Validol tablet. But still, it would not be amiss to first call an ambulance and use mudra, reducing the risk to health, while waiting for doctors. In order to fold it, you need to pinch the thumb, middle and ring fingers on both hands. The little fingers remain straight. The index fingers are placed on the base of the thumbs.
  3. Another effective mudra using healing powers body to reduce blood pressure – “Indra’s Arrow”. It is very simple to implement. All you need to do is fold your fingers like a pistol. The little fingers, ring and middle fingers are intertwined, the index fingers are connected by the pads, and the thumbs by the sides.
  4. If the increase in pressure is provoked by psychological stress, then the “Knowledge” mudra will be very effective. In addition to normalizing the functioning of blood vessels, it helps fight depression and insomnia. To perform this gesture, it is enough to connect the thumb and index fingers on both hands, and leave the rest straightened.
  5. To reduce pressure in the brain and eyes, it is better to use the wise “Life”. It has a general effect, restoring normal energy flows throughout the body. It is also useful to use for the prevention of hypertension and other diseases. To perform this gesture, the index and middle fingers are straightened and joined, and the rest are connected at the tips. The action is performed with both hands.
  6. When your blood pressure rises and you feel a loss of strength, you should use the “Turtle” wisdom. It closes all the channels of the body, preventing external influence and outflow of energy, and also accumulates healing powers to combat illnesses. It is also believed to protect against energy vampires. To make this gesture, you need to lock your fingers and that’s it.

Mudra "Turtle"

The effect of mudras against high pressure can be enhanced if you learn to breathe calmly and evenly, and when using gestures, concentrate your thoughts on desired result. It would also be a good idea to take advantage of aromatherapy.

Why don't mudras work?

The main advantage of yoga for fingers is that there is no harm. But due to more mild action, the desired effect does not occur instantly, unlike the results of application pharmacological drugs. Therefore, very often, without waiting for results, people give up this activity, returning to pills or looking for other ways to cope with the problem.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to understand several nuances that may affect the effectiveness of using mudras:

  1. Before choosing one mudra or another, it is important to understand the cause of hypertension. It is necessary to fight it, and not with the accompanying symptoms.
  2. Mudras are not a panacea. This is great aid. But for complete healing It is also important to change your lifestyle, which led to the development of the disease, and solve psychological problems.
  3. Mudras can and should be supplemented with meditative and breathing techniques, physical therapy and the use of aroma and herbal medicine. So the effect on the body will be complex.

There is no mysticism in using yoga. Similar results can be obtained with the help of massage and acupuncture, the advances of pharmacists and other scientifically proven methods. If there is no desire to study mudras or they do not bring the desired effect, you can always turn to other methods of treatment. But in any case, you should initially seek help from a qualified doctor for advice.

Several decades ago, the issue of the close relationship between the psychological state and various diseases was considered unscientific and was not considered at all by the scientific community. Behind last decades this topic has been reviewed many times. Now even traditional medicine recognizes that there is a direct relationship between unstable psychological state, nervousness, stress and hypertension. To stabilize the emotional component, even doctors recommend their patients to use the principles of mudra for high blood pressure.

This is a whole direction oriental medicine, which allows you to restore internal balance, tune in to the positive, restore metabolic processes in organism. This science is used to treat the entire body and has proven effective in restoring blood pressure.

Gestures for hypertension

Feature of the flow hypertension always characterized by increased blood pressure. In some cases, these indicators may also demonstrate critical maximums. And the body can react in this way to different stimuli and factors. Patients are not recommended to eat salty, fried, fatty foods. A sedentary lifestyle does not make the situation any easier, and the lack of sports activities, genetic predisposition and bad habits only lead to aggravation of the situation.

You can normalize blood pressure with medical supplies, which are prescribed only by the attending physician.

Gymnastics and mudra for high blood pressure are increasingly recommended as an effective supplement. This is a special technique that involves the use of a certain set of gestures, interlacing of fingers, as well as gentle pressure on important points. They are responsible for the functioning of specific organs and systems in the body.

By performing certain mudras at high pressure, each person will be able to launch internal energy flows. The peculiarity of the method is that it is subject to every patient. There is no need to attend courses or get practical training in the East. Enough to remember specific set gestures and perform it at specified intervals to customize everything internal systems to synchronized and correct work

without crashing.

How does mudra work for hypertension and other diseases?

It is based on the same principles, which imply that the entire body is permeated with energy, which has received a specific name - prana. 7 nodes of this energy are responsible for the state of health - these are chakras.

If energy flows are not disturbed, energy flows freely through all channels, but with the slightest disturbance, illness can occur. The task of the person himself is self-healing, which is achieved through certain practices.

In this case, mudra for headaches and pressure is a kind of “tool” that allows everyone to restore and maintain the correct flow of energy. The use of mudras to restore normal blood pressure levels is based on the following principles:

  • By connecting your fingers and pressing on certain points, you can close energy flows, make them integral, direct prana into the desired “channel”, channel;
  • On the tips of the fingers and palms there are certain points that are responsible for some system in the body, organs, and therefore, with a slight impact on these points, you can have a beneficial effect on the body, including restoring normal level pressure;
  • Since hypertension is a disorder of the cardiovascular system, restoring its functioning will lead to normalization of the person’s condition.

The mudras proposed by the masters do not require mastering complex techniques. All a person needs is a little effort and a few minutes of time.

Rules and implementation features

Mudra is actively used to reduce high blood pressure. Certain combinations of fingers have a beneficial effect on the body. These are gestures that allow you to direct the flow of energy in the right direction and restore harmony throughout the body. Each session requires complete concentration and relaxation from the person. You need to make gestures in a calming atmosphere, when the person will not be distracted by anything extraneous. To relax, you need to take a comfortable position and breathe slowly, as if warming the air around you.

In the process of composing mudras, it is important not only to cross your fingers in a certain position and press on points in the body, but also to say to yourself that the vessels are healthy and the pressure is gradually decreasing, to imagine the normalization of the condition. The secret of such actions is that a person completely relaxes the muscles, which will not compress the blood vessels and destabilize the overall well-being.

For the process to be as effective as possible, it is enough to adhere to certain rules execution mudras:

  • The exercises must be performed at a strictly controlled frequency. It is recommended to do this 3-4 times a day. This is quite enough.
  • You need to devote as much time to each mudra as recommended by experts. Each session of so-called finger yoga should not last more than half an hour.
  • Don’t give up when some exercises and mudra combinations don’t work out due to pressure or your hands get tired quickly. This is not due to the fact that the technique is very complex, but to the immobility certain parts bodies and with certain problems. You should continue to perform the mudra to restore energy flows and health.

With each exercise performed, the body's sensitivity returns, it becomes more pliable and restores lost balance.

Don't expect instant results.

If you do the exercises at the frequency you set for yourself, after some time you will be able to achieve positive dynamics and improve your condition. However, there are certain points that cannot be ignored. If, during the first attempts to use a certain mudra to reduce blood pressure, a person feels discomfort, feels cold and an unpleasant tingling sensation, it is not recommended to use such an exercise. This means that there is an exacerbation phase, which will inhibit any positive dynamics.

Mudra for reducing blood pressure

Simple mudra

This is the simplest mudra for reducing blood pressure, which is ideal for beginners. This is exactly what will do. The technique is quite simple; to perform it you only need:

  • Collect a kind of bundle of fingers, leaving only the little finger of your right hand on the outside;
  • Bend your index fingers and press them together;
  • Bend your left thumb and slide your bent right thumb under it.

In this mudra, only two fingers remain straight - the right thumb, the left index. Only after creating the proposed figure can you relax your fingers.

It is this mudra for blood pressure and cardiovascular systems that is the most effective. She provides quite quickly positive influence, both beginners and experienced professionals can also perform it. It is recommended to use the technique to stabilize blood pressure and heart function. in its properties and qualities, mudra is often compared to action.

It should be performed several times a day to get the expected effect:

  • Place your fingers in a kind of basket;
  • Gently bend your little fingers to the side;
  • Bend the index finger of each hand, place it behind the thumb, and then press it firmly to the base.

This technique allows you to quickly stabilize a person’s condition and prevent heart attack, provide prompt assistance to myself. To get the full effect, just sit or lie down. A person should imagine a properly functioning heart, healthy blood vessels, as well as its normal condition. While performing the mudra, you should inhale/exhale only through your mouth, do it slowly and mentally imagine that the condition is stabilizing. The duration of one session must be at least 5 minutes.

It is recommended to use this technique even when hypertensive crisis. This mudra is quite effective because it quickly allows you to normalize and stabilize blood pressure. It is used not only for hypertension, but also for headaches, as well as during depression. To complete the exercise, you should:

Five minutes is enough to stabilize the condition. If you still feel bad after the exercise, you should repeat the exercise.


The technique also has another name - “Vajra Arrow”. This effective exercise, which is used by hypertensive patients to restore normal condition blood vessels and normalization of blood pressure. To do this, you should:

  • Raise your hands;
  • Interlace your fingers;
  • Extend your thumbs and index fingers and then press them tightly together;
  • Stick out your thumbs.

There is another option when last stage The thumbs should be pressed to the base of the index fingers. This exercise will take a little time to complete - at least 10-15 minutes. During this time, you need to try to relax and calm down as much as possible, inhale and exhale through your mouth and very slowly.

According to ancient Indian legend, it was the turtle that became the animal that pulled out the elixir of immortality for the gods from the bottom of the ocean. The mudra that received this name also becomes a kind of panacea for all patients with hypertension. The exercise is recommended for all people who want to live long. To perform the mudra, you should:

  • Extend your arms, bend them at the elbows;
  • Interlace your fingers into a lock;
  • Extend your thumbs and then connect them sideways.

After a very slow and take a deep breath, as well as exhalation, you should imagine any green object. The same technique, but only with the fingers intertwined slightly higher, is used to restore energy balance and protect against energy loss.

Eastern practice, which is close to yoga in effectiveness, allows you to correctly distribute vital energy, close its circle and exclude loss or “theft”. Quite simple gymnastics allows you to get rid of hypertension and other ailments. To obtain maximum result, just follow simple recommendations:

  • The contact of the fingers should be without pressure, and the hands should be left relaxed when performing exercises. It is for complete relaxation that the art of mudra is designed.
  • Particular attention is paid to the mudra that causes difficulties in execution. Each point on the hand and fingers is responsible for a specific organ or an entire system. If it is difficult to put your fingers in a certain order, you should practice again to eliminate the problem.
  • Since mudra has become a medicine for many, it is used as such - with strict frequency three times a day.
  • You should not devote more than the specified time to practice. As with medicine, it is important not to overdo it.
  • Beginners can do gymnastics to master the exercises, which should take 15–30 minutes.
  • You shouldn’t expect instant healing from a disease that has been developing for years. Gradually, when doing the exercises, sensitivity in the hands will return, balance will be restored, the person will feel a surge of energy and vigor, and will forget about hypertension.
  • Combinations must first be learned and practiced. You can perform mudra first on one hand and then on the other hand, and then combine them.

For compatriots, mudras have become an unusual tool that helps them forget about illness and restore their health.

The technique has no contraindications; it can also be used while taking medications.

Very easy to do. Immediately you need to cross the little fingers of both hands, ring fingers and middle fingers. It should be noted that the little finger of the right hand should be on the outside. To begin with, the thumbs and index fingers are straightened.

Then the index finger of the left hand must be bent, pressing it to the base of the index finger of the right hand. At the same time, place the bent thumb of the right hand under the bent index finger of the left hand.

In this mudra, the index finger of the right hand and the thumb of the left hand are straightened, but not tense. As I have already noted, you can practice any mudra in any environment and that a positive result will come only when knowledge about the subtle body of the body, energy centers, and visualization appears. But still, if your blood pressure is very high and does not decrease, you need to lie down and relax your entire body as much as possible, starting with the tips of your toes. Breathing should be free and not difficult. And only then, when the body has relaxed, you can perform several breathing movements, tightening the stomach during an extended exhalation. At the same time, mentally say:

“Blood pressure goes down, down, down.” At this time, the hands should perform the necessary mudra. The exhalation should be “warm” and very slow (as if you are warming the surrounding air).

Mudra "saving life"

Experts consider this mudra to be extremely important, since indeed, by owning it, you can save the life not only of yourself, but also of another person.. Sometimes it is compared with the effect of nitroglycerin or validol used to relieve severe chest pain.

Indeed, learning to perform this finger combination is not difficult, but someday it will be answered a hundredfold. As I noticed, the mudra is very simple to perform. Place the index finger at the base of the thumb, and connect the pads of the thumb, index and middle fingers together. Only one little finger remains straightened. If pain occurs, perform mudra with both hands. It is better to lie down or sit in a comfortable chair. Close your eyes.

Figuratively imagine a heart with expanding vessels. Relax your entire body as much as possible. Make several breathing movements, pulling the abdomen as you exhale. It makes sense to say as you exhale: “The vessels of the heart are dilating, the condition is improving, improving.” Exhale through the mouth, very slowly, “warming the air.” That is, the exhalation should be warm. Both hands with completed mudras are on the floor or on the armrests of the chair.

Mudra "turtle"

According to Indian philosophy, the turtle helped the gods retrieve the sacred drink of immortality from the ocean and therefore earned itself the status of sacredness. This mudra is also used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, pain syndrome, as well as in asthenic conditions. It’s generally simple to do: a “lock,” which we often do mechanically, without attaching any importance to it.

By performing this “lock” we prevent the leakage of biological energy. Also, when performing it, you should not tense up, but try to relax as much as possible.. Breathing should also be slow, “warm”, with the stomach tightening as you exhale.

Arrow mudra "Vajra"

Mudra is indicated for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and, in particular, arterial hypertension . It is also not complicated in its execution and therefore should not cause any difficulties. It is important that during its execution the body relaxes as much as possible and that subsequent breathing is slow and “warm”.

It’s a good idea to simultaneously practice “mental imagery” to lower high blood pressure. That is, as you exhale, slowly say: “The vessels are dilating, dilating, blood pressure is decreasing, decreasing, decreasing.” Try to “see” the dilated vessels.

Translated, “Vajra” means the weapon of the thunder god Indra. In this mudra, the little, ring and index fingers of both hands are crossed, and the thumb and index fingers touch the fingers of the opposite hand.