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Drugs for asthenia. Asthenia - causes. Directions for treatment of patients with asthenic syndrome

Modern definition and classification of asthenia. The main etiological factors contributing to its development, and the variety of symptoms for each of them. Treatment methods for this nosology.

The content of the article:

Asthenia (from the Greek “powerlessness”, “loss of strength”) is a pathological mental disorder that occurs as a result of any disease or condition that depletes the body to one degree or another. It also reflects his reaction to the depletion of energy resources over a long period of time and signals possible availability serious pathology of the nervous system.

Main etiological factors of asthenia

This pathology occurs during the development of decompensation of the body’s adaptive reactions in response to the excessive influence of various stimuli. As a result, the structures responsible for energy production cannot provide enough of it. In combination with chronic stress, deficiency of macro- and microelements, poor nutrition and metabolic disorders, the basis for the occurrence of the disorder is formed.

Diseases that most often cause asthenia:

  • Violations mental activity . Development of schizophrenia, depression, various cognitive disorders. They act directly on brain structures and contribute to excessive amplification or suppression of afferent impulses. Most often this is a prolonged stay in a state of stress. In childhood - an unfavorable environment at school, at home, problems communicating with friends, excessive demands from parents and teachers.
  • Pathology of the endocrine glands. Diabetes mellitus type I or II, as well as hyper- or hypothyroidism. They realize their effect through the regulation of metabolism and energy processes, which in the future can lead to their disruption.
  • Nervous system diseases. Includes organic and vascular lesions. The most common are NDC, inflammatory diseases(encephalitis), as well as Alzheimer's disease. When examining a patient increased tone muscles and tension of all skeletal muscles. This condition is accompanied by chronic fatigue and pain when physical activity and in its absence.
  • Injuries. The area of ​​the head and spine is the most dangerous. Both acute and chronic trauma (osteochondrosis) can lead to disorders of this type.
  • Infectious-inflammatory conditions. The most common cohort of factors: influenza, acute respiratory infections, tuberculosis, viral liver damage, toxic food infection, brucellosis and many others. The action is exerted by both the pathogens themselves and the products of vital activity. As a result, there is a complex general and local lesion. With these and others infectious pathologies the disease proceeds according to the hypersthenic type. The main manifestations will be nervousness, constant internal discomfort, and aggressiveness. But if the cause is a severe infectious process, then the patient’s activity, on the contrary, decreases due to intoxication. Drowsiness, memory deterioration, inability to perceive new information and damage to the vestibular apparatus are added.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract. Severe dyspeptic disorders, acute and chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, enteritis, colitis.
  • Cardiovascular pathology. atherosclerotic lesion, hypertonic disease, rhythm disturbances, ischemic lesion heart (myocardial infarction).
  • Respiratory system disorders. Frequent pneumonia bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and many other pathologies lead to hyper-reactivity of the body and make it vulnerable.
  • Immunological changes. Low resistance to the effects of exogenous irritants is manifested by a deficiency of white blood cells, anemia and even suppression of red bone marrow function.

Note! Long work monotonous nature, artificial lighting conditions, the perception of complex information in a short period of time, and sometimes simply moving can also have a significant impact.

Classification of asthenia

There are several types of this disease. Their separation makes it possible to correctly determine the initial cause of the pathology and, depending on it, prescribe the correct etiological treatment.

In modern practice, the following types of asthenia are distinguished:

  1. Functional. It is characterized by a short-term course and the possibility of reverse development. Occurs against the background of mental and emotional stress, infectious processes or as a reaction to increased physical activity. Also found in the literature under the name “reactive”.
  2. Organic. It is the result of prolonged exposure to a chronic disease on the body. As a result of this, the structure of the tissue is disrupted with the subsequent formation of irreversible changes in it.
Depending on the factor, the following types of syndrome are distinguished:
  • Somatogenic. Associated with pathological states of systems internal organs. As a rule, this is not a one-time, but a long-term effect. With such a defeat, the energy production itself remains unaffected, but the need for it gradually increases. Over time, this leads to the depletion of the compensatory forces of the body.
  • Postpartum. It is the body's response to changes in the perinatal period. The unique processes occurring during this period force the body to work harder under constant stimulation of stress hormones. If not provided for the woman during this time correct mode and nutrition, the development of asthenic syndrome will be inevitable.
  • Post-traumatic. Structural and functional disorders arising from the influence of environmental factors on tissues. This type of violation occurs quite often under normal circumstances. But it is also easy to prevent by quickly stopping the action of the etiological factor.
According to the duration of asthenic syndrome, there are two types of disease:
  1. Acute. It should immediately after the action of any of the factors. Most often this happens within the first day due to infectious or traumatic injuries. The first symptoms will be described by the patient himself in the form of general complaints.
  2. Chronic. It is based on a long-term pathology. Clinical manifestations will not be specific and, as a rule, do not cause concern in the patient. Only during the height of the underlying disease can the presence of psycho-emotional disorders be diagnosed.
Based on the clinical picture of asthenia, the disease is divided into three successive stages:
  • Hypersthenic. It is characterized by an increased reaction to all types of stimuli (light, sound, tactile), uncontrolled emotionality and impatience.
  • Intermediate. Combines symptoms of excessive excitability and constant fatigue. Frequent changes mood and physical activity are noticed by both patients and relatives.
  • Hyposthenic. It is the last and most severe form. In this case, performance is reduced to a minimum. The patient is plagued by drowsiness, weakness, lack of motivation for any action or emotionality. Lost interest in the environment.

Attention! A separate group includes asthenia, which occurs due to functional decompensation of the structures of higher nervous activity, and is called neurasthenia.

Symptoms of asthenia in humans

The basis for making a diagnosis is a thorough collection of the patient’s history and complaints. Such patients are characterized by their large number and diversity. Therefore, all symptoms of asthenia are divided into several groups:
  1. Are common. Most often the first problem will be fatigue, constant weakness, reluctance to perform previously familiar work. Patients will also note impaired memory and intelligence. If earlier they literally “grabbed everything on the fly,” now it is difficult for them to concentrate on one thing.
  2. Autonomic nervous system. Sudden increases in blood pressure, increased or slow heart rate, excessive sweating, and palms that feel wet and cold when touched.
  3. Digestive system. There may be a decrease in appetite as a result of body weight. Pain is also noted throughout the abdominal area without clear localization. Migrating pain may be bothersome.
  4. Reproductive system. There is a disturbance in the menstrual cycle in girls - algodismenorrhea (painful periods), decreased libido.
  5. The immune system. Most often this is a rise in temperature to subfebrile, an increase in certain groups of peripheral lymph nodes (cervical, occipital, axillary).
  6. Respiratory system. Frequent acute respiratory diseases, sore throat and sore throat without pronounced changes in the mucous membranes.
  7. Musculoskeletal system. The clinic is represented by joint and muscle pain that is not associated with physical activity and time.
  8. Chronic cerebral circulatory failure. Characterized by hypotension - decreased muscle tone, lethargy. Such patients do not want or even refuse to move. Moreover, they experience “emotional incontinence” - crying for no reason or feeling depressed. Thinking processes and responses to stimuli may slow down.

Note! These symptoms do not develop overnight. They gradually increase simultaneously with a deterioration in the quality of human life.

Features of the treatment of asthenia

There are many approaches to treating asthenia, but each of them is based on eliminating the cause of its occurrence. And only after this can we hope for positive dynamics. Therapy consists of the integrated use of the following methods, taking into account an individual approach.

For therapy to be effective, it is necessary first of all to establish correct contact with the patient. During such communication, the doctor learns about all possible harmful factors and explains how to eliminate them yourself.

Sticking to a few simple tips will help not only cure asthenia, but also have a general strengthening effect on the body:

  • Lifestyle Correction. The optimal time for rest and work is selected individually for each patient. It is mandatory to get a full 7-8 hours of sleep and transfer from night work. It is recommended to create a favorable and calm environment and minimize stressful situations. The introduction of physical activity into the patient’s daily routine is also indicated.
  • Balanced diet. Food should contain a sufficient amount of proteins (lean meat, cottage cheese), vitamins B (eggs, fish, nuts) and C (kiwi, citrus fruits, cauliflower), amino acids (processed cheese, cashews, turkey) and other useful substances.
  • Rejection of bad habits. It is recommended to completely stop drinking alcohol and other irritating substances. You should also stop smoking any products or drugs.

Drugs for asthenia

Drug treatment has the most reliable effect when assessing effectiveness. Its use depends on the predominance separate groups symptoms. You can prescribe from one to several drugs to achieve a therapeutic effect, starting with minimal dosages.

Drugs against asthenia:

  1. Nootropics. Medicines that can increase the brain’s resistance to harmful influences and excessive stress. They also stimulate mental abilities and improve memory. Among the most commonly used are ginkgo, Piracetam, Pyritinol.
  2. Antidepressants. Used to improve mood, appetite and mental activity. Normalize sleep by increasing duration deep phase sleep. Relieves irritability and anxiety. These include Imipramine, Fluoxetine, Amitriptyline.
  3. Tranquilizers. Their advantage lies in their ability to eliminate anxiety. Thus, a person becomes calmer and more balanced. They use Atarax, Phenibut, Clonazepam.
  4. Atypical antipsychotics. A relatively new generation of drugs, but already gaining popularity among prescriptions. Thanks to their ability to improve metabolic processes in cortical cells, they increase the latter’s resistance to harmful effects. Today, Aripiprazole, Risperidone, and Clozapine are used.
  5. Sedatives. The action of this group is based on the regulation of the processes of excitation and inhibition of brain structures. They mainly provide enhanced effects when prescribed with other drugs. The most famous of them are Novo-passit and valerian.
  6. Means that improve adaptation. Tincture of Aralia, Zamanikha, Leuzea and Sterculi. These are substances of plant origin that increase the tone and adaptive reactions of the body in response to any impact. They have virtually no side effects and are well tolerated by all groups of patients.

Psychotherapy for the correction of asthenia

Many people know how to treat asthenia with the help of psychological sessions. Since the disease is quite common, and drug treatment not everyone trusts it, it is this solution that becomes a lifeline for patients. It is also necessary to understand that in most cases it is not monotherapy that is used, but various combinations of its types.

Today there is such a variety of psychotherapeutic treatment:

  • Etiotropic. Effect on the immediate cause. The goal is to achieve a patient's criticism of his illness. Themes of childhood and conflicts that could provoke disturbances in the present tense are raised. Family and psychodynamic therapy, gestalt therapy are used.
  • Pathogenetic. Aimed at interrupting the chain of the mechanism of development of this disease. Neurolinguistic techniques, influence on cognitive-behavioral acts and correction of conditioned reflexes are useful.
  • Symptomatic. The basis is the elimination of separately occurring general and specific violations at the moment. These are individual or group auto-trainings, hypnosis and suggestions. This type of exercise can help patients regain their motivation to take action and speed up recovery.

Physiotherapy for the treatment of asthenia

The use of this method in the treatment of asthenia is an extremely important point. Firstly, it is aimed at correcting the resulting organic disorders, and secondly, it improves the patient’s psycho-emotional state. The variety of techniques allows you to prescribe them in individually depending on other somatic pathologies.

Areas of physiotherapy against asthenia:

  1. Massage. Aimed at improving blood circulation mainly in the cervical-collar area. Has a general beneficial effect on the central nervous system. Adjusting the strength during the session allows you to achieve complete relaxation and sedation.
  2. Water treatments. Most often used cold and hot shower or Charcot with alternating changes in temperature and jet strength. This technique trains human adaptive systems to various factors. Also Special attention are given to swimming.
  3. Acupuncture. Irritation of peripheral nerves in order to stimulate the necessary structures of the central nervous system. It has its own specific indications for each pathology, is characterized by the speed of onset of the effect and the purposefulness of their stimulation.
  4. Physiotherapy. Corrects existing disorders, restores attention and purposefulness of movements. Characterized by ease and flexibility in implementation. It is possible to select exercises and independent execution at home.
How to treat asthenia - watch the video:

Asthenic syndrome is a common pathology among the population that should not be taken lightly. Lack of treatment can lead to many serious mental and physical complications. It is easy to combat the disease in modern conditions, but you should not resort to self-treatment, because this may not only not improve the condition, but also lead to unpleasant consequences.

Organic asthenic disorder is a persistent psychopathological formation caused by a combination of cerebrasthenic and neurosis-like syndromes, which is a kind of “calling card” of vascular pathology of the brain. Occurring at the very beginning of the disease, manifestations of cerebral asthenia persist until its final stage - vascular dementia.

Asthenia– a psychopathological condition characterized by weakness, fatigue, emotional lability, hyperesthesia, and sleep disturbances.

Asthenic syndrome is one of the most common in the practice of a doctor of any specialty. Asthenia is the least specific manifestation of disorders, which in many cases are the initial (trigger) links in the etiopathogenesis of mental disorders of the neurotic structure and determine the basis for the development of phenomenologically more complex psychopathological processes.

The nonspecificity of asthenic disorders determines their wide prevalence. They are observed in various diseases in general somatic, neurological and psychiatric practice. At the same time, due to the increase in psychogenic stress in the life of a modern person, an increase in the frequency of asthenic disorders is noted.

Asthenic syndrome within the framework of neurasthenia (irritable weakness) began to be identified in the 19th century (G. Beard). The ICD-10 classification, in contrast to the previous one, having “get rid of” all other neuroses as “vague and indefinite concepts”, retained neurasthenia as an independent nosological unit, thereby emphasizing, on the one hand, the clinical reality of this condition, and on the other – independence of therapeutic approaches.

Fatigue– the most common complaint with which patients turn to doctors, especially general practitioners, and which is the main symptom of asthenic disorders. Along with increased fatigue and exhaustion, they include such manifestations as irritable weakness, hyperesthesia, autonomic disorders, sleep disorders (difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep). The clinical typology of asthenic disorders is determined by its two variants: hypersthenic asthenia, characterized by hyperexcitability of sensory perception with increased susceptibility to normally neutral external stimuli (intolerance to sounds, light, etc.), excitability, increased irritability, sleep disturbances, etc. and hyposthenic asthenia, the main elements of which are a decrease in the threshold of excitability and susceptibility to external stimuli with lethargy, increased weakness, and daytime sleepiness.

Although patients describe asthenia as increased fatigue, the scientific definition of an asthenic condition requires distinguishing it from simple fatigue. Unlike fatigue (sometimes referred to as pre-nosological asthenia - a physiological condition that follows intense and prolonged mobilization of the body, usually occurs quickly and disappears after rest, does not require medical attention), the asthenic condition is a pathology, appears gradually and is not associated with the need to mobilize the body, lasts months and years, does not recover after rest and requires medical intervention. Pre-nosological asthenia often occurs after excessive physical, mental or mental stress, with improper alternation of work and rest, systematic lack of sleep, adaptation to new climatic conditions, etc. and is referred to in the literature as information neurosis, manager syndrome, white collar syndrome, executive syndrome personnel, asthenia in foreigners, asthenia when changing time zones, asthenia in athletes, iatrogenic asthenia. In contrast, the appearance of asthenic disorders is due to more diverse and often related to other existing pathologies.

The symptom complex of the asthenic state itself as a pathological exhaustion after normal activity, a decrease in energy when solving problems that require effort and attention, or a generalized decrease in the ability to act, consists of three components:
- manifestations of asthenia itself;
- disorders caused by the underlying pathological condition of asthenia;
- disorders caused by the individual’s reaction to illness.

The second component of asthenic disorder, namely the underlying pathological conditions, is the main feature, taking into account which it is proposed modern classification asthenic conditions. Organic asthenia, the share of which in all asthenic conditions is estimated at 45%, develops against the background of chronic, often progressive organic (neurological), mental and somatic diseases. These include infectious, endocrine, hematological, neoplastic, hepatological, neurological, mental (primarily schizophrenia, substance abuse) and other diseases. In contrast to organic, functional (reactive) asthenia, which makes up 55% of the general structure of asthenia, is characterized primarily by fundamental reversibility, since it occurs after or as a component of time-limited or curable pathological conditions. These include acute asthenia, which occurs as a reaction to acute stress or significant overload at work; chronic asthenia, appearing after childbirth (postpartum asthenia), previous infections (post-infectious asthenia) or as part of withdrawal syndrome, cachexia, etc.

Separately, due to the extreme significance of the problem, psychiatric asthenia is highlighted, in which an asthenic symptom complex is identified in the structure of functional borderline mental disorders (anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc.).

What provokes / Causes of Asthenic disorder (asthenia):

Many works by domestic and foreign researchers note that many factors contribute to the growth in the number of patients with asthenia. social factors. Negative life circumstances, difficulties associated with a social career, frequent stress, current and chronic diseases, lead to the fact that asthenic disorders acquire a “social connotation”.

Somatogenies also play an important role in the etiopathogenesis of asthenic disorders. It is emphasized that asthenia is a trigger etiotropic factor for various diseases. Infectious, cardiovascular, endocrine and other diseases begin and end with asthenic syndrome. Expressed manifestations asthenia is observed with organic brain damage: traumatic brain injury, at the initial stages of vascular processes, after disorders cerebral circulation, with infectious-organic, demyelinating diseases and degenerative processes in the brain. IN clinical manifestations asthenia, along with the emotional component, reveals pronounced somatovegetative disorders, cognitive and conative (behavioral) changes.

Symptoms of Asthenic disorder (asthenia):

Increased fatigue with asthenia is always combined with a decrease in productivity at work, especially noticeable during intellectual stress. Patients complain of poor intelligence, forgetfulness, and unstable attention. They find it difficult to focus on just one person. They try by force of will to force themselves to think about a certain subject, but soon they notice that in their head, involuntarily, completely different thoughts appear that have nothing to do with what they are doing. The number of presentations is reduced. Their verbal expression becomes difficult: it is impossible to find the right words. The ideas themselves lose their clarity. The formulated thought seems to the patient to be inaccurate, poorly reflecting the meaning of what he wanted to express with it. Patients are annoyed at their inadequacy.

Some take breaks from work, but a short rest does not improve their well-being. Others strive through an effort of will to overcome the difficulties that arise, they try to analyze the issue not as a whole, but in parts, but the result is either even greater fatigue or scatteredness in their studies. The work begins to seem overwhelming and insurmountable. A feeling of tension, anxiety, and conviction of one’s intellectual inadequacy appears.

Along with increased fatigue and unproductive intellectual activity, mental balance is always lost during asthenia. Easily lost self-control is accompanied by irritability, short temper, grumpiness, pickiness, and quarrelsomeness. Mood fluctuates easily.

A minor reason is enough for depression, anxious fears, and pessimistic assessments to appear, which can also easily, although not for long, give way to unfounded optimism. Both unpleasant and joyful events often lead to tears. There is always one degree or another of hyperesthesia, primarily to loud sounds and bright lights. Fatigue and mental imbalance, manifested constantly by irritability, are combined with asthenia in various proportions.

Asthenia is almost always accompanied by autonomic disorders. Often they can occupy a predominant position in the clinical picture. The most common disorders of the cardiovascular system are: fluctuations in blood pressure, tachycardia and pulse lability, various unpleasant or simply painful sensations in the heart area, slight redness or blanching of the skin, a feeling of heat at normal body temperature or, on the contrary, increased chilliness. , increased sweating - sometimes local (palms, feet, armpits), sometimes relatively generalized. Dyspeptic disorders are common - loss of appetite, pain along the intestines, spastic constipation. Men often experience a decrease in potency. In many patients, headaches of varying manifestations and localization can be identified. They often complain of a feeling of heaviness in the head.

Sleep disorders in the initial period of asthenia are manifested by difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep with an abundance of disturbing dreams, awakenings in the middle of the night, difficulty falling asleep later, and early awakening. After sleep they do not feel rested. There may be a lack of feeling of sleep at night, although in fact patients sleep at night. With increasing asthenia, and especially during physical or mental stress, a feeling of drowsiness occurs during the daytime, without, however, simultaneously improving night sleep.

As a rule, the symptoms of asthenia are less pronounced or even (in mild cases) completely absent in the morning and, on the contrary, intensify or appear in the second half of the day, especially in the evening. One of reliable signs asthenia is a condition in which relatively satisfactory health is observed in the morning, deterioration occurs at work and reaches a maximum in the evening.

In this regard, before performing any homework, the patient must first rest.

The symptomatology of asthenia is very diverse, which is due to a number of reasons. Manifestations of asthenia depend on which of the main disorders included in its structure is predominant. If the picture of asthenia is dominated by hot temper, explosiveness, impatience, a feeling of internal tension, inability to restrain, i.e. symptoms of irritation - speak of asthenia with hypersthenia. This is the mildest form of asthenia.

If the clinical picture is equally determined by the symptoms of irritation and fatigue, they speak of asthenia with irritable weakness syndrome. In cases where the picture is dominated by fatigue and a feeling of powerlessness, asthenia is defined as hyposthenic, the most severe asthenia. An increase in the depth of asthenic disorders leads to a sequential change from milder hypersthenic asthenia to more severe stages. With the improvement of the mental state, hyposthenic asthenia is replaced by more light forms asthenia.

The clinical picture of asthenia is determined not only by the depth of existing disorders, but also by these two important factors, as the constitutional characteristics of the patient and the etiological factor. Very often both of these factors are closely intertwined. One can also see the opposite effect: developed asthenia constantly enhances many of the patient’s characterological traits. This is especially characteristic of those patients in whose character, in an obvious or hidden form, there is a tendency to an asthenic reaction - an “asthenic sting” (E. Kretschmer, 1920).

Diagnosis of Asthenic disorder (asthenia):

A doctor of any specialty must be able to recognize the described disorders. To assess their level, it is necessary to objectively assess the patient’s condition, analyze his complaints (conformity/inconsistency of subjective and objective signs of the disease), identify the characteristics of his night sleep, adherence to prescribed therapy, his behavior during the examination, features of the anamnesis to understand the type of personal response of the patient to various life situations, including in cases of somatic illness.

Treatment of Asthenic disorder (asthenia):

Today, a variety of approaches are used in the treatment of asthenic conditions. Schematically, the recommendations of experts are as follows. Since asthenia is associated with the consumption of mental or vitality, which means biogenic amines, a person is recommended to rest, switch to another form of activity, change the environment in order to allow the brain to develop new reserves of these substances. For obvious reasons, these recommendations are not always feasible.

This is followed by drug therapy, which includes the prescription of certain groups of drugs. Those that have been used for a long time and traditionally include various nootropic or so-called neurometabolic drugs. Such therapeutic approach has its own characteristics. On the one hand, this therapy is accessible and safe in terms of side effects, on the other hand, its clinical effectiveness remains essentially unproven due to the lack of large placebo-controlled studies that would show the effectiveness of nootropic therapy for asthenic conditions. Therefore, this class of drugs is used with varying intensity in all countries of the world. For example, nootropics are rarely used in the United States, in Western Europe, more widely – in Eastern Europe, in the CIS countries, including Ukraine.

To treat the asthenic symptom complex in the structure of depression, antidepressants are used - serotonin reuptake inhibitors. For vital-asthenic conditions of endogenous-processual origin - stimulating neuroleptics, for example modern atypical antipsychotics. Psychostimulants are also used in psychiatric practice. In the United States, psychostimulants from the group of amphetamines, which, according to the regulatory framework, are regarded as drugs in Ukraine, have become widespread. Antidepressants - dopamine reuptake inhibitors, which, along with thymoanaleptic, have a distinct psychostimulating effect, also have a certain practical importance. In the presence of cognitive impairment, due to cerebral atherosclerosis and other pathological processes leading to impairment of human cognitive functions, drugs belonging to the group of NMDA receptor blockers are being tested.

The listed drugs require special knowledge in the field for their use. clinical psychiatry. Their use in general medical practice is limited.

Which doctors should you contact if you have Asthenic disorder (asthenia):

Is something bothering you? Do you want to know more detailed information about Asthenic disorder (asthenia), its causes, symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention, the course of the disease and diet after it? Or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a doctor– clinic Eurolab always at your service! The best doctors they will examine you and study you external signs and will help you identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide needed help and make a diagnosis. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolab open for you around the clock.

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Phone number of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multi-channel). The secretary of the clinic will select a convenient day and hour for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are indicated. Look in more detail about all the clinic’s services on it.

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You? It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. People don't pay enough attention disease symptoms and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to do it several times a year. be examined by a doctor not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain healthy mind in the body and the organism as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need in the section. Also register on medical portal Eurolab to keep abreast of the latest news and information updates on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by email.

Other diseases from the group Mental disorders and behavioral disorders:

Agoraphobia (fear of empty spaces)
Anancastic (obsessive-compulsive) personality disorder
Anorexia nervosa
Affective disorder
Affective mood disorders
Insomnia of inorganic nature
bipolar affective disorder
bipolar affective disorder
Alzheimer's disease
Delusional disorder
Delusional disorder
Bulimia nervosa
Vaginismus of inorganic nature
Generalized anxiety disorder
Hyperkinetic disorders
Hypersomnia of inorganic nature
Motor and volitional disorders
Delirium not caused by alcohol or other psychoactive substances
Dementia due to Alzheimer's disease
Dementia in Huntington's disease
Dementia in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Dementia in Parkinson's disease
Dementia in Pick's disease
Dementia due to diseases caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Recurrent depressive disorder
Depressive episode
Depressive episode
Childhood autism
Disocial personality disorder
Dyspareunia of inorganic nature
Dissociative amnesia
Dissociative amnesia
Dissociative anesthesia
Dissociative fugue
Dissociative fugue
Dissociative disorder
Dissociative (conversion) disorders
Dissociative (conversion) disorders
Dissociative movement disorders
Dissociative motor disorders
Dissociative seizures
Dissociative seizures
Dissociative stupor
Dissociative stupor
Dysthymia (depressed mood)
Dysthymia (low mood)
Other organic personality disorders
Dependent personality disorder
Induced delusional disorder
Hypochondriacal disorder
Histrionic personality disorder
Catatonic syndrome
Catatonic disorder of organic nature
mild depressive episode
Mild cognitive impairment
Manic episode
Mania without psychotic symptoms
Mania with psychotic symptoms
Violation of activity and attention
Developmental disorder
Undifferentiated somatoform disorder
Inorganic encopresis
Inorganic enuresis
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Orgasmic dysfunction
Organic (affective) mood disorders
organic amnestic syndrome
Organic hallucinosis
Organic delusional (schizophrenia-like) disorder
organic dissociative disorder
Organic personality disorder
Organic emotionally labile (asthenic) disorder
Acute reaction to stress
Acute reaction to stress
Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder
Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder with symptoms of schizophrenia
Acute schizophrenia-like psychotic disorder
Acute and transient psychotic disorders
No genital response
Lack or loss of sex drive
Panic disorder
Panic disorder
Paranoid personality disorder
Pathological addiction to gambling (people addiction)
Pathological burning (pyromania)
Pathological theft (kleptomania)
Increased libido
Eating inedible things (pika) in infancy and childhood
Postconcussion syndrome
Post-traumatic disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Postencephalitic syndrome
Premature ejaculation
Acquired aphasia with epilepsy (Landau-Kleffner syndrome)
Mental and behavioral disorders due to alcohol use
Mental and behavioral disorders due to the use of hallucinogens
Mental and behavioral disorders due to cannabinoid use
Mental and behavioral disorders due to cocaine use
Mental and behavioral disorders due to caffeine use
Mental and behavioral disorders due to the use of volatile solvents
Mental and behavioral disorders due to opioid use
Mental and behavioral disorders due to substance use
Mental and behavioral disorders due to the use of sedatives and hypnotics
Mental and behavioral disorders due to tobacco use
Mental and behavioral disorders associated with the postpartum period
Intellectual disorders
Behavioral disorders
Gender identity disorders in children
Disorders of habits and desires
Sexual preference disorders
Sleep disorders of inorganic nature
Disorders of emotions and affect
Disorder of perception and imagination
Personality disorder

Asthenic syndrome can occur after illnesses or against their background, as a result of prolonged stress.

A thorough questioning of the patient helps to make a correct diagnosis; after a course of treatment, in most cases, asthenia goes away.


Asthenia is a psychopathological condition; many doctors believe that asthenic disorders should be classified as initial stage development of serious mental and neurological diseases.

Asthenia must be able to be separated from ordinary fatigue or weakness after illness.

Are common characteristic causes asthenia:

  • overstrain of higher nervous activity;
  • lack of supply of essential microelements and nutrients;
  • pathological disorder of metabolic processes.

All these factors in different age periods in most cases arise in the life of every person, but they do not always lead to the development of asthenic disorders.

Somatic diseases, injuries and disorders of the nervous system can provoke the development of asthenia. Moreover, symptoms of asthenia can be observed both before the disease itself, and at the very height of the disease and during the recovery period.

The most dangerous disease, hepatic encephalopathy, provokes a whole range of problems in the body, which is not so easy to cope with. What do you need to know to defeat the disease?

Among the diseases leading to asthenia, there are several groups:

  1. Infections - ARVI, food poisoning, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis.
  2. Gastrointestinal diseases - ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, enterocolitis, severe dyspeptic disorders.
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system - heart attack, arrhythmias, hypertension.
  4. Renal pathologies – glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis.
  5. Diseases bronchopulmonary system– pneumonia, chronic bronchitis.
  6. Trauma, postoperative period.
  7. Neurological disorders.

Asthenic disorders often develop in people who cannot imagine their life without work and therefore do not get enough sleep and deny themselves rest. Signs of asthenia also appear when changing place of residence, work, after troubles or serious experiences.

Classification of asthenia

Asthenia is usually classified in medical practice according to many criteria; this is necessary for choosing treatment tactics.

Based on the reasons of origin, it is customary to divide asthenia into:

  1. Organic, developing after infectious and somatic diseases, after injuries, degenerative changes in the brain. Organic asthenia is determined in almost 45% of cases.
  2. Functional asthenia is a reversible condition that develops as defensive reaction for stress, depression, excessive mental and physical stress.

According to the duration of the disease, asthenia is usually divided into:

As a rule, acute asthenia is most often functional. The chronic course of the disease is caused by organic disorders.

According to clinical signs, asthenia is divided into:

  • hypersthenic form, characterized by increased irritability and excitability of a person;
  • hyposthenic form, manifested by a reduced response to any external stimuli.

According to the causes of occurrence, asthenic syndrome is divided into:

Correct classification of the disease helps the doctor correctly determine treatment tactics.

Clinical picture

Asthenia has characteristic symptoms, which are divided into three main groups:

  • own manifestations of asthenia;
  • disorders that determine the basis of the disease;
  • the patient’s psychological reaction to asthenia itself.
  1. Fatigue. With asthenia, fatigue does not go away even after a long rest; it does not allow a person to concentrate on work, leads to absent-mindedness and a complete lack of desire for any activity. Even one’s own control and efforts do not help a person return to the desired mode of life.
  2. Autonomic disorders. The development of asthenia almost always leads to surges in blood pressure, increased heart rate, interruptions in heart function, decreased appetite, headaches and dizziness, and a feeling of heat or, conversely, chills throughout the body. Sexual dysfunction is observed.
  3. Sleep disturbance. With asthenia, a person cannot fall asleep for a long time, wakes up in the middle of the night or wakes up early. Sleep is restless and does not bring the necessary rest.

Outbursts of rudeness and aggression occur, sudden changes mood, self-control is often lost. Long-term asthenia leads to the development of depression and neurasthenia.

A characteristic sign of asthenia is considered to be a condition in which the patient feels well in the morning, and around lunchtime, all the symptoms and signs of the disease begin to increase.

By evening, asthenic disorder usually reaches its maximum. With asthenia, there is also increased sensitivity to bright light sources and sharp sounds.

People of all ages are susceptible to asthenic disorders; signs of the disease are often detected in children and adolescents. In modern boys and girls, asthenia is often associated with taking psychogenic and narcotic drugs.

Asthenia must be taken very seriously; it is not just a manifestation of ordinary fatigue, but a serious illness that can lead to serious consequences if left untreated.

Diagnostic income

Asthenic disorders can be suspected in a patient by a doctor of any specialty.

To clarify the diagnosis of the patient, it is necessary to ask in detail about disturbing symptoms, find out about behavior, quality of sleep, attitude to work and to the surrounding life.

An assessment of the neurological and psychoemotional state is carried out by a neurologist.

In order to find out the underlying cause of the development of asthenia, it is necessary to determine the presence of pathological disorders in the body.

The patient requires consultation with a cardiologist, general practitioner, nephrologist, gastroenterologist, and pulmonologist.

Blood tests are prescribed, according to indications: ultrasound of internal organs, MRI of the brain, gastroscopy, and chest x-ray.

Only on the basis of all received during comprehensive examination data make a decision on the choice of treatment regimen. Most often, functional asthenia is eliminated within a few weeks if you visit a medical facility in a timely manner.

Treatment of the syndrome

Treatment of asthenia depends on the prevailing symptoms and the identified provoking disease.

First, it is necessary to engage in therapy for the identified disorders in order to prevent their further Negative influence to the psycho-emotional realm.

A certain scheme has been developed, which most doctors try to apply in practice when treating asthenia. The stages of treatment of asthenic disorder are:

  • Maintaining a daily routine. The patient needs to adjust his life schedule so that there is room for proper rest, walks in the fresh air, and exercise. Useful for asthenia swimming, contrast shower. Improves the state of rejection of bad habits. Some patients are helped by a change in the field of activity.
  • You need to rethink your diet. Breakfast must include cereals or foods that provide energy for a long time. Avoid coffee and strong tea. For asthenia, foods containing tryptophan protein are useful - cheese, eggs, bananas, turkey, wholemeal bread. Useful for regular use fresh berries and fruits.
  • Drug treatment of asthenic disorders in most cases comes down to taking adaptogens - ginseng, lemongrass, eleutherococcus. Vitamin complexes with basic microelements - zinc, magnesium, potassium - are often prescribed. In some cases, nootropics are used, but their use is justified if disorders of the brain are detected.
  • Antidepressants are prescribed by a psychiatrist, based on an examination of the patient and the severity of his asthenia.
  • Of the traditional methods of treatment, soothing herbs are often recommended.
  • Some patients are helped by sanatorium - spa treatment, long-term outdoor recreation.

A full course of treatment of the underlying disease and asthenic disorder leads to the normalization of a person’s general well-being.

Conducting preventive treatment By avoiding the influence of stress and following a daily routine, it will be possible to minimize the risk of re-development of asthenia.

Forecast and consequences

Asthenia, if left untreated, can lead to the development of neurasthenia, depression, and hysteria.

Chronic asthenic disorders lead to impaired concentration and absent-mindedness, and therefore many people cannot work with complex equipment. In this case, the EEC commission determines the degree of disability and recommends another job.

The success of the treatment of asthenia also depends on the mood of the patient. The more optimistic the view on the possibility of recovery, the more realistic it is that asthenic disorders will go away completely.

Asthenia can occur in each of us; you should not be afraid of it. The main thing to remember is that a timely visit to the doctor will help you return to your normal life in the shortest possible time.

Symptoms of the disease and treatment with drugs for asthenic syndrome

Asthenic syndrome is a symptom complex that indicates that the body’s reserves are so depleted that it is working with all its strength. By the way, the name is translated from Greek as powerlessness. This pathology is considered quite common - the incidence of this syndrome among people reaches 45%.

Mechanism of development of asthenia

Asthenic syndrome is a psychopathological disorder that develops against the background of other diseases that lead to depletion of the human body. Some doctors and scientists consider asthenic syndrome to be a precursor to various serious diseases of the nervous system.

By the way, many people understand asthenia to be ordinary fatigue, but this is a mistaken opinion. Normal fatigue is physiological state, which develops in a person as a result of the influence of physical and psychological stress on the body, usually very intense. Fatigue is short-term, so it will go away with normal rest. But asthenia is its pathological form. When this disease appears, the body does not have any intense excessive stress, but the fatigue itself is chronic.

This condition cannot appear in just one day. The diagnosis is made if the signs of an asthenic condition do not go away for a long time. Gradually, the clinical picture becomes more pronounced, and the patient’s quality of life worsens. As a result, only one rest (even a long, full one) is not enough to restore the strength of the human body. Complex therapy is required, which is prescribed by a neurologist.

Asthenia is understood as the human body’s reaction to a condition that threatens complete depletion of all energy resources. With this pathology, the activity of reticular-type formations primarily changes. These are structures that are located in the brain stem. They are responsible for the perception of the world, attention, motivation, wakefulness and sleep, regulation of autonomic systems, functioning of the muscular system and all activity of the human body as a whole. The adrenoline pituitary-hypothalamic system, which plays important role in the occurrence of stress.

Immunological mechanisms are also of great importance in the appearance of asthenia. According to studies, various dysfunctions were found in people who suffered from this pathology immune system. However, there are currently no viruses known that could directly influence the appearance of asthenic syndrome.

Causes of pathology

The causes of asthenia are very different. This condition develops under the influence of a number of factors that deplete the mechanism for the formation and use of energy in the human body. The basis for the development of asthenic syndrome is severe overstrain, depletion of various mechanisms and structures that are responsible for nervous activity. At the same time, vitamin deficiency and lack of microelements and nutrients affect it. As a result, the metabolic process is disrupted.

Typically, this condition develops against the background of the following diseases:

  1. Infectious. For example, this could be hepatitis, tuberculosis, ARVI, influenza, brucellosis, toxic infections in the digestive organs, etc.).
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, most often chronic fatigue appears against the background of pancreatitis, colitis, enteritis, gastritis (in acute and chronic form), peptic ulcer, dyspepsia.
  3. Diseases blood vessels and hearts. This takes into account arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemia, and myocardial infarction.
  4. Respiratory diseases: pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma.
  5. Kidney diseases. For example, glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis in chronic form.
  6. Pathologies of the endocrine system. For example, this is hyper- and hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus.
  7. Blood diseases, especially anemia.
  8. Diseases of the nervous system (multiple sclerosis, encephalitis, neurocirculatory dystonia, etc.).
  9. Neoplastic processes. This includes various tumors, especially those that are malignant.
  10. Mental illnesses: schizophrenia and depression.
  11. Injuries. This is especially true for cranial problems.
  12. Postpartum recovery period.
  13. Pregnancy (especially if there are several fetuses) and lactation period.
  14. Postoperative recovery period.
  15. Psycho-emotional stress.
  16. Use of certain medications. This usually applies to psychotropic drugs.
  17. Drug use.
  18. For children, individual factors may include an unfavorable family environment, difficulties with the team at school or kindergarten, and excessive demands from parents and teachers.

In addition, monotonous tasks play a big role, especially if you have to work in poor lighting and in a confined space. Working at night has a negative impact. In addition, it will be difficult for people who are required to process a very large amount of data in short time. Sometimes even moving to a new place of work can also lead to pathological fatigue.

Classification of asthenic syndrome

Depending on the causes, asthenia can be organic or functional. Both forms occur equally often - approximately 45 and 55% of cases.

The functional form of the disease is a temporary phenomenon, so it is considered reversible. Usually appears due to mental, emotional or post-traumatic stress, various severe infectious diseases or excessive physical exertion. This is the body's reaction to such phenomena. In another way, the functional form of asthenia is also called reactive. Organic asthenic disorder is associated with various human diseases that are chronic.

There is another classification, according to which, according to the etiological factor, post-traumatic, postpartum, post-infectious or somatogenic asthenia is distinguished.

Depending on how long the patient develops asthenic syndrome, acute or chronic form diseases. Acute occurs after the patient has suffered acute infectious diseases or severe stress. Basically, the acute form is functional asthenia. Chronic develops after long-term pathologies organic in nature, which become chronic. Neurasthenia stands out separately - this is asthenia, which occurs against the background of depletion of the structures that are responsible for the nervous activity of the entire body.

Depending on the clinical picture, there are 3 main forms of asthenia. They are also the successive stages of the development of this disease:

  1. Hypersthenic. Considered the initial phase. The patient behaves nervously, he becomes impatient, irritable, and emotional. Increased response to sound, light and touch.
  2. A form of irritability and weakness. The patient's excitability increases, but at the same time he feels weak and exhausted. The mood changes dramatically. By the way, physical activity is quickly replaced by fatigue and reluctance to work.
  3. Hyposthenic. This stage is considered the last and most difficult. It is characterized by the fact that performance is reduced to a minimum. Fatigue, drowsiness, and weakness appear. There is no desire to act. Emotions are not shown. There is also no interest in the outside world.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of asthenia are very different. All patients have different complaints. But first of all, it is weakness, since a person constantly feels weak and tired, and also does not have time to fully recover. No motivation to do any work. Memory, attention, and intelligence deteriorate. It is difficult for a person to concentrate on anything. As a result, he suffers from absent-mindedness, as he is constantly distracted by something else. By the way, patients may even cry often. Patients cannot remember the necessary words, first and last names, or dates for a long time. They read mechanically, but can no longer perceive the essence of the material.

In adult patients, signs appear that indicate disorders of the autonomic system. For example, the intensity of sweat production increases, and hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet develops. As a result, these parts of the body are constantly wet and cold. There is shortness of breath and lack of air. The pulse is labile. Jumps in blood pressure appear. Some patients complain of pain. They are usually felt in the abdomen, heart, back, and muscles.

As for the emotional sphere, a feeling of anxiety and sometimes panic appears. Feels like internal tension. Fear interferes. The mood changes quickly.

Many patients complain that their appetite is worsening, and it may even be absent. The person begins to lose weight. Libido and sexual desire disappear. In women, the menstrual cycle is disrupted. Appear brightly pronounced signs premenstrual syndrome. Increases sensitivity to sounds, touches, and light.

Asthenia causes sleep disturbance.

It is difficult for a person to fall asleep, he often wakes up at night, and has nightmares. After sleep, he does not feel rested, but on the contrary, even more tired. Because of this, health deteriorates and performance decreases.

The patient becomes more irritable, impatient, excitable, and emotionally unstable. Even the smallest failures make you lose the desire to continue to act. All the goals set seem impossible. It is difficult for the patient to interact with other people, since communication with them quickly tires him.

The asthenic state in some people is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, but the value of the indicator is subfebrile. Sore throat appears. Peripheral lymph nodes are enlarged. This is especially true for those located on the back of the head, neck and armpits. When palpated in the area of ​​the lymph nodes, pain is felt. In addition, discomfort and pain are felt in the joints and muscles. All this indicates a lack of functioning of the immune system and the development of infectious processes.

Other features of the disease

Typically, all of the above symptoms become more pronounced in the evening and at night. In addition, the primary disease manifests itself more strongly against the background of asthenia. Depending on the causes of asthenia, its course also has some features:

  1. If a patient simultaneously develops neurosis and asthenic syndrome, the muscles of the striated type become tense. Their tone increases. Fatigue is felt both during movement and when a person is at rest.
  2. The patient's motor activity noticeably decreases due to insufficient blood circulation in the brain area, especially if this problem becomes chronic. Muscle tone also decreases. The person becomes lethargic. He may cry for no reason because he cannot contain his emotions. In addition, thinking slows down and it becomes increasingly difficult for the patient to think.
  3. If a patient develops a tumor in the brain area, the patient not only experiences weakness, but also a reluctance to work or even just move. He doesn't even want to do the things he loves most. By the way, such impotence and weakness also develop due to general intoxication of the body against the background of asthenia. In addition, mental disorders, irritability, and timidity appear. The mood becomes more and more hypochondriacal. There are problems with sleep. Sometimes a symptom complex develops that resembles myasthenia gravis. All these disorders are usually stable.
  4. If asthenia develops after injuries, then it can be either functional (in this case, cerebrasthenia of a traumatic type develops) or organic (usually encephalopathy of a traumatic nature). Encephalopathy has pronounced symptoms: constant weakness, memory problems. The range of interests is gradually decreasing. Emotions become labile. New skills are difficult to develop. Signs appear that indicate a lack of functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Signs of cerebrovascular disease are not as pronounced, but they can last for months. If the patient adheres to the principles of a healthy lifestyle, then the symptoms will be unnoticeable, but against the background of overexertion or infectious diseases, the condition will worsen.

Diagnostic methods

To defeat asthenia, you must first correctly diagnose and confirm this condition. Usually, patients believe that the symptoms that torment them are not serious, so everything will work itself out after time, the main thing is to get enough sleep. But even after prolonged sleep and rest, the situation does not improve, and over time the person’s condition only worsens. Moreover, exacerbation can be provoked by various mental and neurological diseases. To prevent this from happening, do not underestimate your own condition. As soon as signs appear that indicate pathological fatigue, you must immediately go to the hospital.

Diagnosis of asthenia is usually based on patient complaints and medical history. The doctor must clarify all the symptoms that appear in a person after intense mental or physical work. It is necessary to find out whether the deterioration of a person’s condition is associated with stress of a psycho-emotional nature. It is necessary to clarify whether there have been overloads recently. You should pay attention to whether there are any chronic pathologies.

After this, the doctor conducts an objective examination to detect any changes in organs and tissues. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor conducts instrumental and laboratory tests. For example, a general analysis of urine and blood. Additionally, the PCR technique is used, electrocardiography, echocardiography, coprogram, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, ultrasound of the pelvic and abdominal organs are prescribed. Sometimes x-rays of organs in the area are taken chest. You may also need computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound of the blood vessels of the brain.

Additionally, a consultation is scheduled with other specialists: nephrologist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist, psychiatrist, etc.

Treatment methods

First of all, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease that provoked the development of asthenic syndrome. In addition, you should follow a number of doctor’s recommendations.

We need to change our lifestyle. You need to choose the optimal mode of work and rest. You are supposed to sleep at least 7 hours. It is necessary to avoid activity at night. There should be a calm environment at work and at home. It is necessary to minimize the amount of stress. Every day you need to have physical activity. For example, even a regular half-hour charge will do. It is recommended to walk in the fresh air. You can do jogging, brisk walking, swimming, yoga and other sports. It is very useful to change the situation in the house, go traveling or just relax in a sanatorium.

It is imperative to change your routine and diet. You need to eat 3-5 times a day, but do not overeat. It is imperative to include foods that are rich in protein in your diet. For example, these are eggs, legumes, meat (but it should be lean), dairy and fermented milk products. Products that contain B vitamins are very useful. For example, green vegetables and eggs. Vitamin C is useful. You need to eat citrus fruits and sorrel. In addition, the amino acid tryptophan is extremely beneficial. It is found in bananas, hard cheese, and wholemeal bread. It is necessary to completely give up alcohol.

III. Drug therapy.

For asthenia, the following medications may be prescribed:

  1. Adaptogens. For example, extract of ginseng, eleutherococcus, rhodiola, lemongrass.
  2. Nootropic drugs. These are Ginkgo Biloba, Cavinton, Pantogam, Nootropil, Aminalon.
  3. Sedative medications: Sedasen, Novo-passit, etc.
  4. Antidepressants: Azafen, Clomipramine, Imipramine, Fluoxetine.
  5. Drugs with a procholinergic effect (Enerin).
  6. Neuroleptics. For example, Teralen or Eglonil is suitable.
  7. Traconvilizers: Clonazepam, Phenibut, Atarax, etc.
  8. Vitamin and mineral complexes. For example, Duovit, Multitabs, Berocca. B vitamins are very useful. They are contained in such preparations as Magne-B6, Milgamma and Neurobion.

It is not necessary that the doctor will prescribe all the drugs on this list. It depends on the clinical picture.

IV. Non-drug methods

Along with pharmacotherapy, other treatment methods are also used:

  1. Psychotherapy. Has three directions of action: on general state the patient and individual syndromes of the neurotic type, on the mechanism of development of asthenia, on the factors provoking the development of the disease.
  2. Physiotherapy procedures. For example, massage, phototherapy, and acupuncture are very useful. Water therapy is definitely required - for example, a contrast shower, Charcot's shower, swimming, etc. are suitable. Therapeutic gymnastics is definitely needed.

Homeopathy and traditional medicine recipes

Asthenia can be treated with prescriptions traditional medicine. Medicinal plants have tonic and calming properties. And this is exactly what is needed for asthenia. The following recipes are very effective:

  1. 1. Herbal infusion. You will need inflorescences of chamomile, motherwort and valerian roots. In order to achieve maximum effect, you also need to add hawthorn. Take all components in equal volumes. Then mix them thoroughly and take 4 spoons herbal collection. Pour a liter of boiling water over everything. The product is infused in a thermos for at least 6 hours. Then the resulting infusion should be filtered and taken three times a day. The liquid should be warm. The dose is 0.5 cups. You need to drink the medicine before eating.
  2. 2. Herbal collection for decoction. It is recommended to mix lemon balm, oregano, yarrow and chamomile inflorescences. All components need to be crushed. Then 3 spoons of this mixture need to be poured into 1 liter of boiling water. The medicine must be boiled over low heat. After this, strain. Every time before meals you need to drink half a glass.
  3. 3. Tincture based on medicinal herbs. For preparation you will need valerian roots, hop cones, lemon balm and chamomile inflorescences. Take all components in equal proportions, chop and mix thoroughly. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into a spoonful of the mixture. Then the product will be infused for 20 minutes. After this, the entire volume should be drunk in small sips throughout the day.

In addition, homeopathy is used for many nervous disorders. Such drugs not only reduce feelings of anxiety and panic, but also eliminate anxiety. For example, you can use a medicine such as Tenoten. He has unique composition. This is one of the latest developments. Helps cope with uncontrollable emotionality, especially in women during periods of hormonal disruption. You can also use Klimadinon, Klimaktoplan or Klimaksan during menopause.

He irritability saves Valerian-Hel and Edas-306. By the way, this remedy is even suitable for treating children. Even with mental trauma, homeopathic medicines help. For example, Ignacia is used. This remedy helps restore the psyche. To stabilize the functioning of the nervous system, Antistress is prescribed. Nervo-Hel saves you from depression. Vernison will help reduce general excitability. Uspokoy and Feminalgin are also used if a woman develops depression due to gynecological diseases. But homeopathic medicines cannot be chosen independently - they are prescribed only by a doctor.


The presence of asthenic syndrome in a patient indicates that his body is already working with all its might. This pathology is considered common. There are many factors that can provoke its appearance. The most important symptom is constant fatigue. The patient cannot fully recover even after proper rest. As a result, problems with sleep appear, appetite, attention, and memory worsen. He begins to lose weight. Various mental disorders appear. Asthenia will not go away on its own. After a thorough diagnosis, the doctor selects appropriate therapy. Usually the first step is to change your lifestyle.

Drug therapy and non-drug methods are also used. As for the latter, these are usually physiotherapeutic procedures and effects on the patient’s psyche. In addition, you can use traditional medicine recipes. All methods and medications are prescribed exclusively by the doctor. You cannot treat yourself, as this can only worsen the patient’s condition.

Phezam - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of medications for the treatment of cerebrovascular insufficiency.

Cogitum - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of a medicinal product for the treatment of asthenia and increased fatigue.

Cytoflavin - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of the drug for the treatment of asthenic syndrome and encephalopathy.

News edited by: admin15, 11:36

Reason: the use of the drug in children has been clarified

Limontar - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of the drug for the treatment of hangover, withdrawal syndrome, alcohol addiction and fetal hypoxia.

Gerimax - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of a medicinal product for restoring sexual function and eliminating vitamin deficiencies.

Noben - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of the drug for the treatment of neurasthenia and brain disorders.

Anvifen - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of a medicinal product for the treatment of stuttering, tics, enuresis and neuroses.

Dobrokam - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of the drug for the treatment of neurasthenia, irritability, heart pain, insomnia.

Kedrovit - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of the drug for the treatment of loss of strength, drowsiness, fatigue, memory impairment.

Asthenia: causes, symptoms and treatment of this disease

Asthenia or asthenic syndrome is a condition that occurs both in neuropsychic and somatic diseases, and as a result of separate disease. The main signs of asthenia: increased fatigue, decreased mental and physical activity and mood lability. Today, asthenia is considered the most common psychopathology that occurs in children, adolescents, men, women and older people.

Causes of the disease

Asthenia or exhaustion of the body can be caused by somatic, mental and physical factors.

Symptoms of asthenic syndrome

Asthenia is a fairly serious pathology and its symptoms should not be confused with banal overwork or fatigue. With asthenia in children and adults, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Weakness and increased fatigue are the very first clinical signs of asthenia. With the disease, fatigue and decreased performance are constantly observed; neither rest nor sleep helps restore strength. Asthenia is not easily eliminated.
  2. Impaired concentration, memorization, and other thought processes. With asthenia, the patient has difficulty concentrating on the work at hand, his memory decreases, his thinking processes deteriorate, and it becomes difficult to perform his usual duties or learn something new.
  3. Mood lability is another characteristic sign of asthenia. Mood changes very quickly, and may not depend on the environment. Typically, patients are distinguished by increased irritability, tearfulness, decreased mood, rapid transitions from joy to sadness. Asthenics often seem too touchy, unbalanced and take everything with hostility. This behavior is not associated with character problems, but with a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system, which is why patients overreact to everything that happens.
  4. Sleep problems. With asthenia, patients cannot fully rest even in their sleep. They have difficulty falling asleep, wake up easily, asthenics have superficial sleep, and often have nightmares.
  5. Decreased appetite. Poor appetite also often observed with asthenia.
  6. Increased sensitivity to irritants - due to the depletion of the nervous system, any irritants have a several times stronger effect on asthenics. They are greatly irritated by any loud sounds, lights, smells, crowds of people and much more, which a healthy person simply does not pay attention to.
  7. Violation of autonomic functions. With asthenia, changes or decreases in blood pressure are often observed, increased sweating, decreased body temperature, dry skin and mucous membranes.


Asthenia remains one of the most common diseases, also because it is very difficult to diagnose and even more difficult to cure. This is due to the fact that treatment of asthenia requires time and effort on the part of patients, for which they often have neither the strength nor the desire.

When treating asthenia, it is important to understand that this is a disease that requires full treatment and lifestyle changes. When asthenia is diagnosed, lack of treatment can lead to the development of various somatic diseases, depression or nervous exhaustion and breakdown.

Treatment of asthenia is divided into several main groups:

  1. Lifestyle changes - if the body is exhausted, you need to give up any additional stress, reduce working hours as much as possible, rest at least 2-3 hours a day, sleep 7-8 hours a day and be in the fresh air every day. To improve falling asleep, long walks before bed are especially effective, but you should walk slowly, stopping often to rest, so as not to overwork your body.
  2. Giving up bad habits, not only smoking and drinking alcohol, but also strong coffee, tea, large quantity sweets, computer games and watching television programs or videos on the Internet. All this negatively affects the nervous system, causing it to become overexcited and then exhausted, that is, the appearance of asthenia.
  3. Proper nutrition. The diet of a patient with asthenia must include cereals, meat and dairy products, vegetables and fruits. The eating regimen also needs to be changed; with asthenia, digestion and absorption of food worsens, so it is necessary to completely give up snacking and eat fully, but in small portions, 4-5 times a day.

Etiological treatment

Asthenia is a disease that most often develops against the background of other pathologies or general neuropsychic exhaustion. If asthenia occurs, how secondary disease, symptomatic treatment can bring only a temporary improvement in the condition, and after a while the symptoms of the disease reappear.

If asthenia is suspected, it is very important to conduct a complete diagnosis of the whole organism:

  • visit a therapist - after a survey and examination, the doctor will be able to suspect or identify endocrine pathologies: hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus; diseases of the cardiovascular system, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and other diseases, most often the cause of asthenia;
  • take blood and urine tests - this will help identify anemia, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the hematopoietic organs, inflammatory processes in the body;
  • to diagnose internal organs - ECG, ultrasound and other diagnostic methods with almost 100% accuracy help to identify diseases of internal organs.

After treating the underlying disease, you can get rid of asthenia by taking vitamins, changing your lifestyle, or using folk remedies.

Drug treatment of asthenia

If it was not possible to identify the cause of asthenia or the disease developed as a result of neuropsychic overwork, stress and general exhaustion of the body, medications will help to cope with the disease.

  1. Adaptogens - stimulate the work of internal organs, improve sleep and appetite, help the body to endure stress more easily and are recommended for all types of asthenia. As adaptogens, substances of plant origin are usually used: tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus, magnolia vine, aralia, pantocrine, mummy, bee products are less commonly used. They take adaptogens only after consulting a doctor, since each drug has its own contraindications and side effects. General rule: adaptogens should not be taken if malignant neoplasms, acute inflammatory processes, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. Sedatives - for asthenia, sedatives based on plant materials are also recommended for use: tincture of valerian, motherwort, peony. They have mild sedative and hypnotic effects and are practically harmless to the body.
  3. Antidepressants - more severe cases, with pronounced symptoms of depression, antidepressants are prescribed: Amitriptyline, Fluoxetine, Azafen, Fevarin and others. Taking any antidepressants should be long-term - a pronounced clinical effect appears only as the drug accumulates in the body, 2-3 weeks from the start of use.
  4. Vitamins. Also, for asthenia, multivitamin preparations can be prescribed.

Traditional methods of treatment

To treat asthenia using traditional methods, it is recommended to use:

  1. Green tea. Properly selected green tea can improve health and cause a surge of energy; all you need to do is drink 1 cup of freshly brewed tea before breakfast every day.
  2. Lemon, honey, nuts - a mixture consisting of 1 finely chopped lemon (with peel), 100 grams of peeled walnuts and 100 grams of honey helps against asthenia. All ingredients must be mixed and left in the refrigerator for several days. Take 1 tbsp mixture. l. 1-2 times a day on an empty stomach. To enhance the effect, you can add other nuts, prunes, and raisins to the mixture.
  3. St. John's wort infusion – 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs pour 2 tbsp of red wine, bring to a boil in a water bath and leave for several hours. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day.
  4. Ginger infusion - finely ground root, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave to infuse and take 1/4 -1/2 tbsp per day. If desired, add sugar or honey to the drink.
  5. Beetroot juice. Drinking 100 ml beet juice Once every 2-3 days, you can improve the condition of the body without any medications. Any other freshly squeezed vegetable juice will also be useful.

Asthenia – serious illness which requires timely diagnosis and treatment, do not delay visiting a doctor or following his recommendations. Exhaustion of the body during asthenia can lead to irreversible consequences and cause the development of somatic or neuropsychic diseases.

Asthenic syndrome treatment with medications

Each of us has experienced asthenic syndrome at least once in our lives after the flu or sore throat. In this case, asthenia does not last long, usually a week or two. But there are cases when asthenic syndrome lasts for quite a long time, exhausting not only the person himself, but also everyone around him.

Asthenic syndrome is manifested in increased fatigue, a feeling of weakness and inability for prolonged mental and physical labor. The cause of asthenic syndrome can be prolonged emotional and mental overstrain, mental disorders. Often, asthenia occurs after infections, intoxication of the body, as well as craniocerebral injuries, on early stages brain diseases and mental illness(for schizophrenia), atherosclerosis, encephalitis, for hypertension. More often, asthenic syndrome affects people with a weak or hot-tempered type of higher nervous activity, but it is not excluded in those with a strong, excitable or phlegmatic type of higher nervous activity. Asthenic syndrome is also associated with nervous exhaustion associated with excessive overexpenditure of the body's internal resources, poor nutrition, and disorders of intracellular metabolism.

Adapting to new conditions, the body includes some adaptive reaction, which can occur with a slowdown in metabolic processes and a decrease in the intensity of activity of various organs and systems, without losing the ability to restore disorders, which is actually an asthenic syndrome. In order to quickly restore the body and prevent prolonged asthenia, it is important to know the symptoms of asthenic syndrome.

Symptoms of asthenic syndrome

Asthenic syndrome is characterized by short temper, irritable weakness, rapid excitability and mood swings, which increase in the afternoon or evening. Decreased mood, moodiness, increased tearfulness, and expression of dissatisfaction are noted. People with asthenic syndrome cannot tolerate bright light, loud noise and a pungent odor. As a rule, asthenic syndrome is expressed by headaches, sleep disturbances (increased drowsiness or insomnia), signs of disruption of the autonomic nervous system. People with asthenic syndrome are meteorologically dependent, so a decrease in atmospheric pressure provokes increased fatigue and irritable weakness. If organic diseases of the brain are the result of asthenic syndrome, then memory suffers significantly (especially the ability to remember current events is lost). Asthenia does not develop immediately and unexpectedly, it is characterized by a gradual increase in characteristic symptoms. In some cases, the first manifestations may be increased fatigue and irritability, often combined with a desire for constant activity, even during rest, characterized as "fatigue that does not seek rest."

Symptoms of asthenia depend on the causes that caused it. Asthenic syndrome against the background of acute diseases is characterized by emotional weakness and hypersensitivity, combined with intolerance to emotional stress. With a traumatic brain injury, asthenia manifests itself in irritable weakness, accumulation of many thoughts, severe headaches and significant autonomic disorders (blood pressure surges, heart palpitations, heart pain, feeling hot, excessive sweating, etc.), which indicates astheno-vegetative syndrome. With the development of hypertension at the initial stage, asthenia is characterized as "fatigue that does not seek rest." Asthenic syndrome in atherosclerosis is manifested by increased fatigue, mood deterioration, tearfulness, irritable weakness. In mental illness (with schizophrenia), there is mental exhaustion, not commensurate with the degree of mental stress, reduced activity.

Treatment of asthenic syndrome

Treatment of asthenic syndrome, first of all, depends on the cause that caused it. Symptomatic treatment is also carried out, the purpose of which is to relieve the main symptoms of asthenia. The complex of therapeutic measures includes, first of all, the appointment of a special regimen, which provides for a rational alternation of sleep and rest, exemption from work, and a change in the environment. It is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air and exercise physical culture. Sports, travel and tourism are also useful. General restoratives and vitamin complexes are used as drug therapy. To reduce irritability, tranquilizers are used, and restoring a healthy night's sleep is also important. They also resort to physical therapy, which includes electrosleep, electrophoresis, etc.

Meditation, massage, therapeutic exercises, and herbal medicine, which do not cause addiction and dependence, unlike synthetic tranquilizers and sleeping pills, also bring tangible benefits in the treatment of asthenic syndrome. To restore sleep and psycho-emotional background, tranquilizing medicinal herbs with a sedative effect are used: valerian officinalis, motherwort, lemon balm, blue cyanosis and others. Valerian P and Motherwort P, produced on the basis of valerian officinalis and motherwort, also containing vitamin C, have a number of advantages when used in the treatment of asthenic syndrome. It's all about the unique technology used in their manufacture! The technology of cryogenic grinding at ultra-low temperatures, unlike other technologies used in the modern pharmaceutical industry, makes it possible to preserve the entire medicinal value of medicinal herbs, which is lost almost twice during high-temperature processing (production of extracts, infusions, decoctions). In addition, taking medications based on valerian and motherwort will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the autonomic and central nervous systems, the failure of which is one of the symptoms of asthenic syndrome, normalize blood pressure and heart rate, improve blood circulation, and reduce meteosensitivity.

Long-term practice shows that a greater therapeutic effect is observed when taking sedative and sedative herbal mixtures. The biologically active complex Nervo-Vit, based on blue cyanosis, the effect of which is 10 times greater than that of valerian, lemon balm, valerian and motherwort, allows you to obtain a faster and longer-lasting sedative effect, relieve irritation and increased tearfulness characteristic of asthenic syndrome. Vitamin C, also included in Nervo-Vit, has antioxidant properties and mobilizes the body’s defenses to protect tissue cells from premature aging, will reduce the level of the stress hormone cortisol, thereby increasing stress resistance.

With the manifestation of asthenia with increased drowsiness, it is recommended to take preparations on medicinal herbs-adaptogens in the first half of the day (leuzea safflower-like, eleutherococcus). The preparations Levzeya P and Eleutherococcus P, which also contain vitamin C, or the biologically active complexes Leveton P (based on Leuzea) and Elton P (based on Eleutherococcus) will reduce drowsiness during the day and fatigue from excessive mental and physical stress, are recommended also, people leading an active lifestyle will be able to avoid nervous exhaustion, one of the reasons asthenic neurosis or asthenic depression.

Elton P and Leveton P include pollen(bee pollen), which is a source of 20 amino acids and 28 microelements, vitamins of groups B, D, P, PP, K, enzymes, phytoncides, flavonoids, and vitamin C and vitamin E, which have a powerful antioxidant effect that slows down oxidative processes in the body, thus thereby protecting it from premature aging.

For the treatment of asthenic syndrome, it is also important to take general strengthening vitamin complexes. Vitamin complex Apitonus P, which contains bee pollen (pollen), royal jelly(including about 120 substances beneficial to the body) and the antioxidant complex - dihydroquercetin (the standard natural antioxidant), vitamin C and vitamin E, will stabilize mood, changes in which are characteristic of asthenia, relieve mental and physical stress, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalize metabolism and blood circulation.

And also affecting metabolic processes and improving blood supply. The use of drugs from the group of adaptogens is widespread. These herbal remedies are typically made from ginseng, aralia manchuria, golden root, Chinese lemongrass, Eleutherococcus and other plants.

There is a method for treating this disease by taking ultra-high amounts of B vitamins. This method of treating asthenia is very popular in the United States of America. In this case, vitamin B1 is most often used.

Treatment of asthenia is also possible using traditional methods.

An alcoholic tincture from the roots of medicinal aralia has a stimulating effect on the body and stimulates the functioning of the heart muscle. To prepare the tincture, take 200 grams of 70% alcohol and 40 grams of aralia roots. Mix these ingredients. Infuse the resulting liquid for 14 days in a warm place, then strain. Take the infusion 30-40 drops at least 3 times a day for one month.

Green tea will help. Take 100 grams of dry green tea and fill it with 2 liters of hot water. Leave the resulting mixture for 30 minutes, then let it cook for one hour. After this, strain the liquid. Pour the rest of the tea back into 1 liter of water and cook for 40 minutes. Then strain the resulting broth. Pour both filtrates into one container and sterilize in a water bath. Then you can put the finished drink in the refrigerator for up to six months. Take the prepared decoction 2 tablespoons at least 3-4 times a day.

Coffee will relieve you from asthenia. It stimulates the activity of the central nervous system. In doses corresponding to 1 or 2 cups, coffee will help relieve feelings, increase efficiency, and improve work. However, excessive coffee consumption is dangerous for.

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Asthenia is characterized by a set of symptoms that can usually cause a lot of concern. healthy person: weakness, loss of strength, drowsiness and the like. However, they can be dealt with quite successfully.

Symptoms and causes of asthenia

The nature of the symptoms that appear during asthenia depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Thus, a choleric person with a high temperament may show impatience and irritability, exhibit mood swings and often lose control of himself. A melancholic person, usually calm and self-confident, may experience sleep disturbances, a general loss of energy, increased fatigue and loss of the ability to concentrate on the tasks at hand.

However, for each of them, the symptoms that appear make it clear that some negative processes are occurring in the body. In fact, asthenia is not an independent disease, but a complex of consequences of any other disturbances in the normal functioning of the human body. At the same time, a variety of types can cause asthenia. Broadly speaking, they can be divided into two main categories.

The first of them is somatic reasons, that is, the presence of a fairly serious disease or other disorder in the body that entails such consequences. For example, it can be caused by diseases such as tuberculosis, peptic ulcer or hypertension, influenza and other similar conditions.

However, it is possible that the appearance of asthenia is caused by other reasons that are not directly related to the presence of any disease in a person. For example, it may well appear as a result of irrational organization of work and rest regimes, constant stress, prolonged overwork and other overloads, which quite often occur in those who strive to maintain the modern rhythm of life.

Treatment of asthenia

The key direction in the treatment of asthenia should be the elimination of the cause that served as a catalyst for its occurrence. So, for example, if it was caused by the presence of a disease, its successful treatment is quite capable of relieving the patient of asthenia. If it was caused by nervous overstrain and constant stress, then the best cure for asthenia would be a fairly long rest, for example, a vacation.

In addition, to eliminate the symptoms of asthenia, you can use restorative and supportive agents. For example, experts recommend in such a situation to take vitamins, eat right, sleep more, regularly walk in the fresh air and give yourself acceptable physical activity.


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