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How to treat semolina in a community aquarium. Semolina or ichthyophthyriosis in fish - treatment and causes

Suddenly the fish in the aquarium began to become covered with small white specks? And every day there are more and more of them?

Unfortunately, the fish got infected infectious disease called ichthyophthyriosis.

People call this disease “semolina” because the white bumps on the body of the fish resemble semolina. If you do not start in a timely manner and correct treatment, then the population in the aquarium doomed to death.


The very first and main symptom diseases are the appearance of small (semolina-sized or smaller) white grains on the body of the fish. The disease begins from one or two points and progresses day by day.

Ichthyophthyriosis is a disease caused by the ciliate Ichthyophthririus. When it enters the aquarium, the ciliate attaches to the fish, penetrates the skin, forming white tubercles similar to semolina or salt.

Often the color of a sick fish fades, and a barely noticeable coating appears on the body. Fish death occurs due to oxygen starvation and extensive disruption of the skin epithelium.

Semolina can affect absolutely all types aquarium fish. Viviparous fish are considered more susceptible to this disease.

Video: fish diseases


There may be several factors that provoke the disease:

  • Soil contamination. It should be remembered that the aquarium must be cleaned regularly, the soil must be thoroughly siphoned off, the filter must be washed, and plaque must be removed from the walls.
  • Buying sick fish. When purchasing, you should carefully examine the fish for the absence of mucus, tubercles, etc. on its body. Many aquarists prefer to quarantine new fish. A container of 3 liters or more, without soil, with good aeration, lighting and artificial plants, is suitable as a quarantine aquarium. Isolation of fish passes from two to four weeks. If signs of disease are detected, appropriate treatment is carried out.
  • Too much cold water . Temperature changes can cause illness.
  • Getting contaminated food or water into the aquarium, plants or other objects. It is important to treat objects placed in the aquarium to prevent infection carriers from entering the water.
  • Severe stress. This condition can occur in fish during active cleaning of the aquarium or when moving.


You can treat fish both in a general aquarium and in a separate one. If there are no fish in the aquarium, the spreaders of the disease die within 2-3 days. Therefore, when treating fish in a separate place, they can be safely returned to their permanent habitat within a week - the source of the disease will no longer be present.

Treatment for fever

Salt treatment

For 30 liters of water, take one heaped tablespoon of salt. The temperature in the aquarium rises to +30-32 C. Aeration should work around the clock at full capacity. Due to these actions, the oxygen content in the water decreases, and heat prevents ciliates from developing. The course of treatment is two weeks. Then, for a month, one third of the water is changed every week.

Treatment with furatsilin

Furacilin – antimicrobial agent, sold at any pharmacy in the form of tablets and ointments. To treat semolina, one tablet of 0.02 grams is diluted in 30-40 liters of water. The tablet should be soaked for 15 minutes in warm water for dissolution. Every other day you need to change 20% of the water volume and add half the dose again. This treatment brings positive results in 4-6 days.

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide

A pharmacy 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide can also help in the fight against this fish disease. 1 ml of the drug is poured into 10 liters of water twice a day. Peroxide saturates the water with oxygen and makes it easier for fish to breathe. But you can’t pour the medicine straight into the aquarium - you can burn your fins passing fish.

Treatment with Antipar

The composition contains the substance “malachite green” and formaldehyde.

The drug is added to the aquarium at the rate of 1 ml per 50 liters of water every other day with a mandatory 30% water change.

Treatment with iodine

Two drops of iodine are added to 10 liters of water, but this treatment is especially effective in total with other medications (furacilin, Antipar).

Video: treatment

Treatment with potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate or simply potassium permanganate gives good results for the treatment of semolina. Crystals of the drug are dissolved in a separate container at the rate of 5 g per 10 liters of water. The fish are treated every 12 hours for 15-20 minutes. A solution of potassium permanganate is an ideal remedy for aquarium disinfection, algae and soil. But we must remember that many fish are very sensitive to this drug.

Fish that have been infected with semolina become immune to this disease for up to six months.

Every aquarium fish lover can encounter the disease ichthyophthiriasis or semolina. Don’t panic, the most important thing is to start quickly effective treatment. And which method is suitable for this - everyone decides for himself. The most important thing is that the fish are alive and healthy!

Turning on anyone pet, we need to remember the main rule: we are responsible for those we have tamed. It is this well-known statement that is the reason why caring for pets is necessary. At first glance, pets such as fish are easy to care for and maintain. However, this does not mean that you can be inattentive to little things. For example, a disease such as semolina is a very unpleasant ailment, and it spreads immediately to all the inhabitants of the aquarium. Let's figure out what kind of disease this is and how to fight it.

What kind of disease is this

Important! A pet store cannot sell aquariums, algae or fish without first quarantining and removing possible sources of contamination. Moreover, even such measures are not a 100% guarantee that all parasites will be destroyed.

Causes of semolina in fish

There can only be one reason that the fish in the aquarium are covered with white dots - semolina: a violation of hygiene rules. These include the following factors:

  • the fish were placed in an unwashed aquarium;
  • did not clean algae, roots and other decor;
  • poured undistilled water or, even worse, poured the fish into the aquarium along with their own river/sea/purchased water;
  • they bought a sick individual or one that was simply inattentively examined.

Like terrestrial inhabitants, stress in fish worsens the tolerance to the disease by reducing the body's resistance.


Treatment of semolina in fish

Important! Please note: all treatment should take place with the light and filter turned off, with aeration turned on to maximum. This is a mandatory condition, which is the key to how effective the procedure will be.

If the case of semolina is advanced or such methods do not bring results, it is worth moving on to more drastic measures.


It must be said that ciliates have adapted well to various drugs, which is why they are no longer withdrawn as easily and quickly as before. However, this list medicines It makes sense to take into account:

There are also simple and available funds, which are an excellent addition to the main course of treatment:
Commercial drugs such as Delagil, SeraOmnisan, Aquarium Pharmaceuticals and others also show good results for the treatment of underwater inhabitants. Remember that it is fundamentally important to follow the instructions and maintain proportions.

Is ichthyophthyriosis dangerous for humans?

For people, ciliated ciliates do not pose a danger, since our habitat is simply not suitable for them.


As stated above, infection most often occurs by accident, due to oversight or violation of hygiene rules. Ciliates are very small (up to 1 mm), so it’s easy to miss them. Only careful inspection and thorough cleaning of everything you place in the aquarium will protect you from further problems. Good result also provides quarantine for newly arrived residents.

If you are faced with such an unpleasant disease as ichthyophthyriosis, do not panic. This disease is treatable, and if you start it on time, it will restore the health and beauty of your underwater inhabitants.

Video: How to treat semolina in fish

Surely every aquarist has encountered this in his life. unpleasant illness, as ichthyophthyriosis, or as they call it in professional jargon - ordinary semolina. It's really serious problem, since the disease spreads quickly and affects the entire aquarium with its inhabitants, so measures must be taken as soon as you notice the first signs. Those who have been keeping aquarium fish for a long time are already familiar with it and know how to treat fish from semolina. But for beginners this can become a really serious problem. Let's now look together at where to start to quickly get rid of alarming symptoms and not harm the fragile ecosystem that develops in a confined space.

What is "semolina"

Last resort when all else fails

How to treat fish from semolina with furatsilin

It is a yellow powder that dissolves easily in water. Its effectiveness has not been proven, but there is an opinion that the solution can help in the treatment of semolina. To do this, prepare a working solution at the rate of 0.2 g per 100 liters of water. Treatment continues for 14-16 days, a new dose of the drug is added every day, and the filters can work. After this, the water is completely changed to fresh. If you place the fish in a separate aquarium, then add 3 mg per liter of water.

"Antipar" is the most effective of all existing drugs

The causative agent of the disease

Life cycle of ciliates

Environmental change

Secondary infection

Table salt is the first remedy for ichthyophthirosis

"Bicillin-5" - an antibiotic to fight the disease

Classic treatment regimen

If there is no result

Ichthyophthiriasis or semolina in aquarium fish

Ichthyophthyriosis is a disease of aquarium fish that is caused by ciliates. The main symptom of this disease is the appearance of small whitish bumps, no larger than a grain of semolina.

The success of treatment will depend on two factors:

  1. The degree of neglect of the disease;
  2. A specific species of ichthyophyrius.

As with any disease, early detection of the disease increases the chances of successful treatment. Do not think that you can get rid of this disease very simply. In fact, some species are resistant to drugs and lead to fatal outcome 5 days after infection.

Life cycle of Ichthyophirius

Treatment of ichthyophthyriosis

How to treat “semolina” in fish: furatsilin, salt, “Anti-steam”?


In order to start treatment on time and not lose your pets, you need to correctly identify the disease from which they suffer. First, we determine that it is definitely ichthyophthirosis, and then we think about how to treat the fish for “semolina.” What does semolina look like? Here you can focus on the name. It was not given to the disease in vain. Because the fish looks like it's been poured semolina. The body is covered with many small white dots no more than a millimeter in diameter. Moreover, the longer you wait, the more spots appear on the body. Another sign is that sick individuals swim chaotically back and forth, and it is clear that they are itching their body against stones and the walls of the vessel. The cause of the disease is an infection spread by the ciliate ichthyophthyrus, hence the name of the disease.

Routes of infection


How to treat semolina in fish

Furacilin to help

What would we do without salt?

"Anti-steam" as a way out

Malachite green and more

Treatment of ichthyophthyriosis in fish in a community aquarium

Symptoms and causes of the disease

Ichthyophthiriasis in fish does not go away on its own. If it appears in an aquarium, this disease must be treated urgently. First characteristic feature The disease is the appearance of characteristic white tubercles on the body of the fish. Visually, they resemble very small semolina.

The nature of the spread of the disease depends on the degree of salinity sea ​​water and its pH. The higher the salt content and acidity level of the water, the less chance these pathogens survive. But it has not yet been possible to accurately establish the optimal level of salinity and acidity of water at which ichthyophthyriasis will not be dangerous for fish.

Look what a betta fish looks like when infected with ichthyophthyriasis.

Degree of danger and means of control

Incubation period and characteristics of bacterial reproduction

How can you become infected with ichthyophthyriasis?

Treatment and diseases of aquarium fish


My two-year experience in administering the aquarium forum allows me to at this stage draw certain conclusions about the process of treating aquarium fish.
In this article, I would like to discuss all the aspects and nuances of treating a sick pet. The purpose of the article is to give the basics to beginners, and many already experienced aquarists - WHAT TO DO IF THE FISH GETS SICK.

This article will not be a revelation or a panacea, I will, in principle, talk about simple and understandable things, but still, in my opinion, they are the key to the health of both the fish and the aquarium as a whole.
First, let's figure out why and why fish get sick. Fish are living creatures just like you and me. Any Living being will feel good and not get sick when it is in comfortable conditions. People go to fitness clubs, go to sanatoriums, try to live in comfort, eat the right and healthy food, breathe fresh, clean air and this is the key to their health and longevity.
The same applies to fish, they will always be healthy and you will not have to treat them if they live in comfort, i.e. in a healthy, complete, the right aquarium. With 120% confidence, I can say that in a healthy aquarium, with an adjusted biobalance, not a single aquarium fish won't get sick!!!
So, we have established the root cause of all troubles - a “bad aquarium”. What does this mean? There are quite a few factors that characterize the concept of a “bad aquarium”:
- this is both overpopulation and incorrect selection of fish;
- these are inappropriate parameters of aquarium water for a particular type of fish (t, pH, dH, kH, etc.);
- this also includes inadequate water quality, i.e. presence of poisons in it: ammonia, nitrites and nitrates;
- this can be expressed in improper decoration of the aquarium;
- in inadequate or poor-quality lighting;
- in the end, in improper care behind the aquarium: feeding, water changes, etc.;
If we summarize all these negative factors, we can simply say: there is no BIOBALANCE – BIOLOGICAL EQUILIBRIUM.
Now, based on what has been said, let's see what happens to the fish's body in such negative conditions. And the same thing happens as with you - protective mechanisms turn on. Depending on the damaging factor in fish, this can manifest itself in different ways, for example:
- when there is overpopulation or the wrong selection of fish, they begin to fight, stress or a depressed state appears;
- at elevated temperatures or lack of oxygen, fish begin to swim near the surface, puff up their gills, and greedily swallow air. Again, stress, lethargy, “fainting.”
- in the presence of poisons in the water, the fish also trigger defensive mechanisms of addiction.
How do these protective mechanisms work? The answer is also simple - due to immunity. Which, as you understand, is not rubber. And when it ends, the fish’s body ceases to resist all pathogenic organisms and/or negative factors. The illness phase begins.

It is caused by the ciliates Ichthyophthirlus multifilits - parasites that settle between the upper and lower layers of the skin, as well as on the gill filaments and fins. In no case should you neglect this disease - it develops very rapidly, and the sooner you start treating it, the greater the chance for your fish to recover.

Causes of the disease

The ciliates “fatten up” in 8-15 days, after which they leave the fish and sink to the bottom, where they create a cyst. Soon (after 8-12 hours) about 2000 new ciliates are formed in the cyst, the cyst bursts, and the ciliates that come out look for a host fish.

Thus, the process goes in circles, and if measures are not taken, then there will be a lot of ciliates in the water. Infected fish may eventually develop a solid white coating on their skin, causing split fins and impairing gas exchange. The fish breathe spasmodically and eventually die from suffocation.

Previously, one of the most common ways to combat ichthyophthyriasis was salt treatment. At the same time, they added to the water table salt, - 1 tablespoon per 10 liters, - and the temperature of the water in the tank was gradually raised to 32 ° C.

However, such treatment only helps in case of infection with “domestic” ciliates originating from temperate latitudes. It must be said that tropical semolina is now more common, which, on the contrary, feels very comfortable in warm water.

Nowadays, treatment for ichthyophthyriasis in fish requires more radical treatment, and many drugs have been developed for this.

Malachite greens to combat semolina

Classic remedy for semolina - malachite green. Most fish and plants tolerate it well if the concentration is 0.09 mg/l. If you breed fish without scales, bots, or there are young ones in the aquarium, then it is not recommended to exceed the concentration of 0.06 mg/l, however in this case healing effect decreases slightly. This product should be added to the aquarium until the white spots on the fish completely disappear, and for another 2 days after that. Each time before adding malachite green, a quarter of the water in the aquarium must be replaced.

If the water contains a large number of organic matter (which gives high oxidation of water) and at a level active reaction(pH) above 7.5, the effectiveness of the product is noticeably reduced. To adjust the pH level, special reagents are used. Let's say you have already administered the drug 6 times, but you still need to continue treatment. In this case, you need to change at least half of the water in the aquarium.

Additives to malachite green

In addition, treatment of ichthyophthyriosis is highly recommended furatsilin. In this case, the calculation should be as follows - 1.5 tablets per 20 liters of water plus malachite green according to the instructions. For tropical ichthyophthyriosis, treatment may include one and a half dosages of furatsilin. In this case, 1.5 tablets are administered immediately and another half a tablet is administered gradually. Another option is to treat ichthyophthyriosis with furazolidone, which involves adding 6-8 tablets per 100 liters of water. Before adding to the aquarium, the tablets should be soaked in warm water for 15 minutes, then mixed well until a homogeneous suspension is obtained.

Please note that all nitrofurans have a detrimental effect on biofiltration, and therefore these mixtures are best used in a sedimentation tank. If for some reason you do not have this opportunity, and you are treating ichthyophthyriosis in a common aquarium, then you need to do everything to ensure biological balance. First of all, the water needs to be changed regularly - this is necessary for the timely removal of nitrogen compounds from the aquarium. During the treatment period, the fish need to be fed less frequently - for example, once every 2 days, this will also reduce the concentration of nitrogen compounds. The most best scheme– this is a daily change of 20-25% of water.

Effective for ichthyophthyriosis is anti-steam treatment, which is a mixture of formaldehyde, malachite green and malachite blue. This drug is also better to use in a fish tank, since in this case, biofiltration problems are possible.

Branded medicines for semolina

A lot has been said about how to treat ichthyophthyriasis in fish, but some previously unknown drugs appear all the time.

Currently, you can find many new medicines for semolina with combined composition. When using them, you need to follow the manufacturer's instructions, but still be vigilant, since some types of fish may be sensitive to certain components, especially formaldehyde. If you are using a drug for the first time, start with a lower dose (for example, 2/3 of the indicated dose). When you are sure that the fish tolerate the product well, you can add the missing amount - usually this is done after 12 hours.

The most effective medications today they are:

  1. Sera Omnisan - suitable for the treatment of mild forms of semolina, that is, for classical treatment.
  2. The use of Omnisan together with Mycopur is effective in combating tropical ichthyophthyriasis, and if you add ectopur here, then therapeutic effect will increase even more.
  3. Aquarium Pharmaceuticals (API) capsules cope perfectly with any form of ichthyophthyrriosis. It can also be liquid dosage form of this remedy, which includes a wound-healing substance - it is used for advanced cases ichtism, when a significant part of the fish is damaged skin. In the first two days, capsules are added to the water, and then, if necessary, they switch to liquid form drug.
  4. JBL Punktol ULTRA - includes malachite green, crystal violet and methylene blue. They are used for treatment severe forms diseases, while combining with JBL Ektol crystal.

Treatment of the aquarium after illness

In principle, disinfection of the aquarium after ichthyophthyriasis is not required. The tank just needs to be left empty for 2 weeks, and there will be no infection left in it. In this case, you need to put carbon in the filter to purify the water from drugs.

Keep the water temperature at 28-29 degrees at this time. In this case, the cycle of ciliates will pass quickly, and, having emerged from the cyst, they will not find a host fish and will die. You can leave the snails in the aquarium - ciliates are only interested in fish.

In the article I will consider the type of disease in domestic fish, Ichthyophthyriasis, in a community aquarium. I will list the symptoms and signs of the disease, from the background and pathogens. I will consider several ways to treat this disease. I’ll tell you how to prevent the spread and infection of ichthyophthirosis.

Ichthyophthirosis is colloquially known as semolina.

This is one of the most common diseases of domestic aquarium fish. This disease does not disappear on its own, and the consequences for the inhabitants can be fatal.

Externally, ichthyophthyriasis looks like small white grains over the entire surface of the fish’s body. The disease is contagious and can affect all inhabitants of the aquarium in a short time.

Viral ciliates can be carried by both fish and plants themselves, as well as food.

Which fish are susceptible to the disease?

This disease primarily affects weak and young fish. They can become infected with it, regardless of species and family.

If the fish has had ichthyophthyrosis, then reinfection excluded.

Causes of the disease

Fish, like any other pet, are prone to illness. Ichthyophthyrosis occurs when a viral ciliate is introduced into the aquarium. It can be found on new fish, plants, or in animal food.

The first places where grains appear are the eyes of fish, gill slits and fins.

White tubercles appear on the body of the fish. Ciliates live directly in them. Within two days, the size of the tubercles reaches 1 mm and becomes visible to the naked eye.

The disease can also be detected by the habits of the fish. They begin to actively itch and rub against the ground, plants and decorations.

The ciliate reproduces unevenly, gradually leaves the host fish and swims in the water. The infected fish begins to choke, loses appetite, loses weight and dies.

Therefore, treatment is necessary not only quickly, but also comprehensively.

Treatment of ichthyophthyriosis in a community aquarium

If the disease is diagnosed on initial stage, then treatment will not be difficult. But if the diagnosis is made late, then within five to seven days the death of large and adult fish is possible.

The classic treatment process is divided into several stages.

Preparatory stage

Before you begin treatment you will need:

  • Thorough rinsing filtration sponges, soil disinfection.
  • Replacing a quarter of the water volume in the aquarium for a new one.
  • Activated carbon must be removed from the filter.
  • Add aeration to the aquarium.
  • Remove decorative items, stones and driftwood.
  • Place all the fish into a temporary container.

Treatment at home

  • Heat water in an insulating container up to 32 degrees.
  • In aquarium there should be no soil.
  • The lighting is weak and diffuse.
  • Add a tablet to the water at the rate of 1 tablet per 50 liters.
  • After three days, change the water in the aquarium by a third. Remove sediment from the bottom.
  • Add Biometsin again.
  • During treatment, fish must be fed twice a day.
  • Add water gradually reduce to 25 degrees.
  • Recovered individuals can be moved to the main aquarium.

Within two weeks, the ciliates die.

Recovered individuals can be moved to the main aquarium. It is better to replace decorations and stones.


Ichthyophthirosis can be prevented if preventive work is carried out:

  • Before introducing new fish, or installing decorations and plants, you should carry out a thorough inspection. If signs of ciliates are detected, treat and wash.
  • Maintain sanitary and hygienic conditions fish keeping Timely water changes, cleaning the aquarium and proven food will prevent the introduction of viral bacteria.

Traditional methods of treatment in a common aquarium

  1. Salt. The principle and sequence of actions in this method are identical classical method. The only difference is the replacement of Biomycin with salt. It must be added in the proportion of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water.
  2. Malachite green. This substance must be added directly to the aquarium at a rate of 0.09 mg per liter. The medicine is introduced into the water daily, and it is necessary to change 25% of the water each time. The procedure should be continued until the signs of the disease completely disappear.
  3. Iodine. The principle is identical to malachite green. Iodine 5% is added in a proportion of 10 drops per 100 liters of water.

Malachite greens and iodine work well in tandem and enhance each other's healing effect.

Proper care of fish preventive measures and careful selection of food will help avoid infection with ichthyophthirosis. Timely treatment will help save the lives of pets. By following these simple measures, aquarium inhabitants will give joy and peace to their owners for a long time.